XR OF THE NORTH j . - rCIXGS ABCCT TOWN & COtJNTBT. n loo is m u is c, pa . WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT.28, 1864 t Td our Patron? and the Public HIf-..i.J . fti r - .j.'-.- j CtTh preien'-hiab price of paper,. labor, JfiatiiiB material and ? every article eytter inginto oar business, ha compelled a la look to iK- cor respond ing:: advance in nnr charges! Hence ihe undersigned, oublish era in Bloomsbcrg, will on and after -the lt of. September. 1864. make an advance tof; Fifty per cent, oport old. rates, . - : I""" Kftl W Uf A I'V tl loliJ. One sqriare ol eight lines I lime - ' u.i,ii:v: i . 3 times.. ' " 1 " - 1 month, , m -',;:;-.: ' 1: 3 mouths, hm . 1 '-.' :' .-. 6'. : v-J .!- :7 roar. ;. 1.00 1.50 2 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 Execnror'e &'Adminjntratori Notices, 3.00 Auditor's Noiiee - -i - 2 00 JOB PRINTING. - - fnd BdlgrtDe-figrit heet,30or less S2.00 .7! Wl".5!.one-.iYurtb .ff " . , 3 50 one-tl.- .1 " " - - 6 00 M u full nheet, 10.00 ' "At! iiite f .pobtic meetins; (except f "political or telijjipu) most be paid, for t advertising rates. .- Editorials or local advertisins will be irbarged 'JO' cents'per line. Obimaries ac '(irornpanj iiist notices 10 cents per line. " -. -..All traiient advertiiu mut be paid for ' tbetimeof insertion. TP" JOHN: PhMiher RtjvUknn. v.- j?.., LEVI L.TATE, Pub.. Liemocmt. b', , V HJACOBY, Pnelisher Sia. Btoombur-,Ang. 10. 1864 C. S- 7-30 LOAM. '''!The Seerftary of the Tre?ory eives no Vch that obcr'rpfion will be receivetf !or Coupon .'Treasury -Notes, , pa able three jr' from Anz- loih. 1864, . wi h fCmi tfrnlil. inures at the- rate of seven and 'tre-tenth per cent.-per annum, princi- 4'V'i'tl "irieret both ' e Ps,d in lawful utoney.;. ,' -. c-trweiie rimes will.be convertible at the iit'Hi rr the holder at maturity, into six . per rehi. erl l.;bearing bond?, payab'e 110: ,!es thh. I5ve bor more than twenty years from ibeit date, aa-the Govmmer t may , v eject.' Tbey will be issneil . in i-enom ina ctions1 of8?0. ?100, 5300, SI 000 and S5 000, .jind ajl subMBPiilioha' most be for filfy dol ,U's.6r om mul i)le ot fifty dollars. The nntef will- be " transmitted to ti e Owners ' fre of transportation charges as eocn af?r.tl'e receipt of the original Cer--,t lifiats oi Deposit as they can be prepared. As ihe-.to'ee draw ime'esi from Aosom t A 5th, persons making deposit snbseqoetit to that da'e mn.t pay the interest accrued from da'e oi note to date dt deposit. " .' Parties depositing twenty . fie dol'a's ! -end upwkrds ' for !hee uotes at any one time will b allowed a eornmission of one i jij'Jartef of v one- per cent , whirh wi!l be fid by ihe Treasnry Department upon ' Ihe receipt of a bill 'or the amonnt. certi ' ifd lo by the otTi er w'uh wbom the de " made. No deductions for com- fnfions must' be' made from the deposits. Sprcvil JJdvnplagrs of this Loan. U ie a National living Rank, ofiV-ring a higher tate of interest than any oHier, and the best security. Any savins bank which V fay" its depositors in U. S. Not, considers 'h"' 1 ts pa) in in tbe best circulating me- din m of the coonlry, and it' can not pay in njthing better, for it own aaaPts are eilh- tn 'foernment securities or in roles ' or bond payable in government - rber. ft is eqnaltv convenient as a' leraporary j 'of permanent investment. The notes can -always be sold for within fc fraction of their -v face and arc um Dialed interest, and are the --tet secnrity with banks as collaterals for "iSconms: 0 ' --- ' ' --- ' ' ' Convertible into a Sir per cent. 5-20 Vx -r. Gold Bond. Xti i 'dition to Ihe vary liberal interest on Ihe notes for ihree years, ihis privilege of eoriversion U now worth abcnt three per ;eenti pet annum, for the cnrrent rate for t - Bonds in not less than nine per cent. 1 ' premium,' snd before the war the premium , oasi'p-r cent. United States Stocks was over tweR'y per cent. It will be seen that I 3 'ibe aciual profit on this loan, si the present "" TDBrket rae," is not less than ten per cent. t 1 r : . . per annum. ; 4 , 1 Jli Exemption from State or Municipal - 'v, -. " : Taxation. 'Dot aside from til the advantages we fcave enomerateda special act of Congress ' exempt all Bonds and Treasnry No'es from locarlaxalion. Un the average, thu ex am prion fa- wprth about two per cent, per nnara,"according to the rate of taxation in varioos parts of lbe country. It ts believsd thai no secarities ofTer so gteal inducements to. lenders as those j'b!o--d by the government. To all other forms " 'of indebfedness, the faiti or ability of pri- r Tafe patties, or stock companies, or sepa- --t .fate communities, only, 'is pledgel for ' : piyment, while 'the whole properly ol the y'tboontry ja held to secure the discharge of , .-all the obligations of the Untied States. 1 r, ..'xWbile jhe government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that "'' the very strongest appeal will be the loyalty svnd patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for ! r all; deposits. : The party deposi:ng most ' endorse - nnon- tbe - original certificate the dsoomination of notes reqnired, and wheth L. er they ara lo be issued in blank or psya- , bla lo , order. . When so endorsed if must ' te left with the ofHcer receiving the depo , to be forwarded to the Treasury depart .raent. " . . . " . , .Subscriptions will be received by ihe Treasurer of tb; United States, at Wa9hing- Z ton, the several Assistant Treasurers and r tJjsinaied Depositaries, and by the k :I?irst Rational Dank ; orniocmsburgv Ia. " And all Nationat Banks whicW are deposi . "tps cl public money, and all tespactable ' L i-.ks and Banters throaghent the country H ill iva further information 'and afford evrry facility ro saDscnoers. . L.z i lC, Sm. " ' GENERAL ELECTION PR0CLA3IA- ' " J WHEREAS, in Tan d by an, Act "of 'fie,n. l.eral Assembly of the' Commotiwea'th of rennsyi8nia..niiiieu-. An '--i iu.n-y uimw the General Electron within this Common wealth" i is -enjoined- noon -me to give fioblic no'ice of eajd election nd to eon merate in said.notice w.hat officer ate to be erected, I, JOSIAH H. F UR2AN. Seri 0" j of tfie county of Columbia. do hereby'make known ana. give this public no1 ice to the General Election wilf be held in said conn- ty, ori ihe ' - SECOND TUESDAY (1 1th) of OCTOBER. 1864, at the'several election ditrir-t, viz: Bloom fownhi at the Court House, in Bloomsbc rg. ; ; ' ' ' Benton' inwpship. a' t e Piib'io lloi.se ( John J. Stiles, in'tlie Town of Benton." Beaver township, at the Public House of Frarklin L. Shoman. - Briarcreek township, at the PuMic School House, iiear Ewnnsville. Borough of Berwick, atthe Town House, in the Borough. Catawissa township, at the Public Hou?e of Samuel Kostenbander. Centre township, at the House of Jere miah Hess, deceased. ' . Conyngham- township, at the Public House of Renbeji Wascar. - Fishingcreek -township. ' at the Public House ol Benjamin McHenry. Franklin township, at Clayton's School Honse. ' Greenwo?.d township, at the House ol Joseph R. Pattou: Hemlock township, at the "Bnck Horn." Ja-kson lown'ship, at the House of Eie kiel Cole. '' t 1 Locust fownshtn , & the Public House of John L' Hcrst, i t SUMovvn. " Miffl in township,' at the Pub'ic Hoose of John Kvl'er. Madison fownsVip, at the Public Houe of Smuel Rirnby. ' ' " Alt. Pleasant township, at the Polbiu House ol Thomat Jones. Mnniorjr township, at the Hous of Wnr. Hollinjisriead. M.ii towiihir. at the TuMio House ol Joint A. Shnmuti j RiMrin;creek t'ownshtp,a: ff.e Hone for j merly oi upiet by Georg. V. Drei-r-a -n . I Oranae iwiship, at itie Pnhlif Hon-eot Alexander Hnfie. in ()rnievii!e. I Pine towiifh p, at the II.iihk of --Albert-Hnnrer. - - . . Sngarloaf township, at the House of A. i Co j fcoif iownhin , 'at the Public Houe of ' J. D. Mau-nbank " - '. t . At which'time and phres the .qualified electors will elect bv ballot ihe lollowni Diirirt and Countv officer. iz : ' One person 10 represent the 13 h Con- 'If flf'V ('"f4-"'! ';a!l prevent or a't-mp-gresgiooal Disirici in the fhm-e ol Re,, re- : ' p"ve:n aiy tfl er nt uu e ectmn iin.ler sentalies of the Congress oi ihe Uni e.l 'rf,',1 "ol l isr mh Ii flection, or n- Statesi. I ir tri'ea'e.'i any vi.dence 10 en) sitc'i rdfi Oce person to represent the Counties of ' err a shall interrupt or improperly r -Coll mbia r l Montour in the Hou-e ot ' trfere w it, l.un in il.e exectiliot! of his Rereinatives in tfe Genera.1 A-semoly , 'u'v. -haU Hock up or attempt to block of Pennsylvania... j ai 'he window or avenue to jny window One peron for the office of SherifT of the here the sa-iie may be holden, or shall County of ColMT.bia. J riormly disturb ihe race of such elec- O.ie" peron for Commissioner of the j ,io"- f,r -f,ul! ue or pratic intimidation, Conn'y of Colombia. . thre:, forrn or violence, with the design One person lor AnJitor for the County cf : ' influence tm lnlv or overawe, any elec Columbo. : ' i ,,r- r preven' him from voimij. or to re- It is fonKer directed that the elerilui of ' strain the Irredom of rhoice, such persons the several di.-tricts snail npoit-Ml te. on conviction shail be fined in any snm tweeri the honr.ot 8 and 10 oVlek to the '-O: exceeding five hur.dreil dollar-, to be. lorenoon, and shall continue open without imprisoned for any .time no: le than one interioption and a-'jonmrneni imi.iI7 o'ciot k nor rr ore than, f.v'eite moi.tlf and if i' shell in ihe evening, when tde poll sha'l te ; be -r.on to the Court where t!ie tri-.l of closed. sncd'offe; ce sl.aii be had la.i le person Ir i further directed t!ia' tie roeiog of 0 otlej.dum a not res-liettoi the cm. the re'urn J; dge at liter Co.frt H-e. ia ward or ili-trict. where the xi-t Ifeore was Blooir.sbiir', to make out the Gei.nvl El- 1 com.nni:e I. a-i i uo ei.ti:!ed to v -. i,ere lion, which will be the I4th iay of OVlo- i in, ' tt 011 in t'on, he I be -e-.ter.fed t.. ber next. "' ". '.- t pV a fine r.o' l-s H an one huii.'.r. d or The Congressional r;:irii i vVx .f the ' more than one tboos'ii l loilnrs, ;:rid be 13 h District, comp'e I of th (.otiif ie.s of itnpri-.ite I vo less trci-i i ffonths nor Bradford, Columti.i, M.mtour St. I. van a id . ore th-.i'i two ears. Wmmini ahull mei at the Tour: Hiii. G'V'll 11!:d-r m V hari'l. at mv OlTlce in in Toi khannock, in tTie Citi'ity ot Vom inor, on TuemUy, the IStli day of O-to'er' next, to make out telurns f. r Member ol ' Co'iirress. - ; i The return Jndge of the Represenr'i v? j District, composed ol ihe counties ot Co- I lumbia, and lOntour, shall me t at lUe - , t , on 1'iie- , day, the Iffih day of October pexi. to mate j out retnriis; lor Member td ArmMv. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN", That every person excepting Ju-tice of the Peace who stiatl hold m fficer or ap j pointmentof profit, or tniH an-ler .h- Liu ted State orol this ar., or any tr y r ; corpora-ed d isinct.whether a cr mm.ton. e-i omceroroinerwi.e, tarn - e ItI- . a. nn...... .-... J .Mill r.A .(fii.lni . fl I . . , ... , . i "ent who is or shall be employ , d : te I e hi si a' ti rw, execowve or J"'';'-j ar.ment of (his S'ate, or ol any city rci III oun under the ary dep or of any incorporated disuict. and a'o . i i - i f . .... i r .... ma, every memuer o '"-; , 'Bl Leaisiaiure. ar.d ot lh elert or corr!' I mon council of any citv, or com m.i-sion- er of anj incorpotated diiriM, i- by la w incapable of holding or exercising at the lime, the office or appointment of Jude, Inspector, or Clerk of anv election of ;his Commonwealth, and that no Jrupeclnr, Ju le or other officer ot puch eiectio.i thIl..be eliijible Ja b ttien voted lor. ' And ihe aid act t f aseiribiy enti:l-d "an act relaring to elections of this Com mon wealth," pa-sed July 2, 1819, luriher provides a follows, viz : - "That the Inspector and Judges shall meet at the re-j eclive places p iirped nr holding the electron in Ihe di.s'rici at which ihey respectively belong, beto S rTcl'ick in the morning of trie SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER, .and. ecii sf.d ln,.e.-tor stiali apjioint one clerk, who hail be a qualified voier of such district. Tn case the person who shall, have re ceived the bi2hest number bt vo.'es lor Jo sperlor shall not afen J on the day of any election, then the person w'lo a1' all hive received the second hrjhest itumbeii ol voles for Judge at I'le nexi precevling elec ion shall act as Inspector in his pliice.- And in case irie person who has received the second higbe-t nnmber of votes fur In speclor shall not attend, the per-on elected Judge sL all appoint an Iaapecior in bis place ; anil if ary vacancy stdl cominiie in the board tor th'e space of one hour an-r the time fixed by. law for ihe opening of Ike election the qualified vo-ers of 'he townhip, ward or di.-lrict for w.'nc i fUch officer shall luve been elected, present a. the election, shall elect one of their num ber lo fill, such vacancy. 'It shall be ihe duty of the several, As sessor respectively fo a ten J at ihe pUie (f holding every gener;il,npft-i4l or town ship election during tha whole time such election is kept.open, for the purpose ! siving information to the Inspectors ami Judge, when called on, in relation to tbe right of arry person assessed by them to vote a such election, and on such other matters in relation to the assessment ot voters, as the pauUO'pector or. either ol them fcall from time to time reqiire. "" . '-No persoa shall be permifed to vote a any election as aioresai I, th.n a white cr izen of the age of twenty-one or mo.e. who shall have resided in thi S:ate at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vrte, ten days immedi ately preceding such election, and. within two v ears paid a State or Coumy tax ;inctr shall have been awesr-ed m least ien- days before the election. But a citizen of the United Slates who has previously been i qnalified 'yotf riUhk-S'are Bnd Removed therefrom and TetPrneJ,ahd who shall have J faxes, aforesaid, snail bo emitted to vote oder raiding In this State ''Hi -mourn Piovided, Thai the White freemen, citizens of ihe United" S'ate,- between the atie of twenty one nn'l twenty-two ye-tr who have, resided in the-election district ten days as aforesaid . shall be eniHed to vote, j although they shatt not have paid tax ' 'No ' perseo shall re per nutted to vote wltoe na me tKt contained in the, 1it o! laxaUe ifhabita-iH-. fnMii.hd by ihe Cum rfis;oner, ' nt-les'i : First, he .ro'tne a receipt nt pjiyment, within two years of S'.ve of Cootity lax aeisd aarseabiv i he ' Conxt-rintiOf, and tve sati-f ct ry ei dem e on his nn nnih or sifiir-n .it.ou of af-rther that b ria paiil sm;h' a lax. or in tiii;tire to pr..iifi-e 11 rreipi .shall muke naili 10 the puyn-.eiit thereof ; or- e--o id. if li claim a r.ptt to voie" by b inn an e.leet.or heLw en -tt' aje of twecty-one and twit-ly-two years ha!l depose on oatfi or affirm ation, that Se has resided in the Stai t Icait or.e year before hi" opplicatio!!, aiid n.ake -uch proof of residence in the di? Irii t as is required by thi- act, and that he t'oes verily belTeve Irom the account ien him that he is ol the age aforesaid, and t ciren such O'her evidence as is required 1 I .. . 1 - - . L. n i t. 11) nnr" .ifi,- wilPrPU(UII iiiw name iuc person n almilted to Vo'.estiall be inserted in the Hlpliabeiical list by the Inspector, and a note made opposite lher'o by writ ing ihe word 'tax,,? if he shall be admitted to vote by reason-of havina paid nx, and the word 'age" if he hall be admitted to vote by reason of age, and in either case the reason of such a vr.'e shall be calied out to the clerks, who frha'.l make a like not in the list of voiers kept by them. ' In all ca-es where ito name of the per son claiming to vote is not f-'und on lh lis- furnished bv the Cnmmi-sionerj, or his riht to vite whether f utd thereon ir not, is objerteit to by any qsv-d fi-'d citiz-n, ;t sha'l btMhwdnty of t Inspernrs to ex amine Mjffi person on oa'h as lo his qnnli fictitions, and il ne t-lainis to have reid"d vi:fiiii tlie State for one j esr-or more, t'is o ; T r 1 eViilfe s fTi ivi t prof tle.ft. tr I-e r-t rr:ak.! :)f-ifjf ty u fine paiei.t vvi:ne.t, who e!evnr. t fi :r i e i- r-si-.! II J.e t 1 ' itlflM.I tricl r more i.n.fi :ei M prei'-.till-j . .u? eec-ji'i j. iii.ifed rt'fti P.I ti.l!i -jl-O -wear il-at bis bona I) Je re : - le r.f"e . i jii.r- st.o-e nl i ta -vtnl c ,l!i.i i w'tfnn . ti e rlis'ricl, him! -'h' I e lul lot lemove wilbiit 111" ditici f''f the purj-o-e of vo'mj. ' " Everv per-on qualifier) as t!ore-rtil,;Mid who ffisjll make due pioof il req-itre), if lii re-idence and pai m--ov of taxe- a'or? Pi?id. shall tie adnmled lo vo e i'l theio vn sb'ip wnrd or d:-t:ici in ultic1! de shall re. t-ide. - Pii.-nir!ir-j. J ' .s 19 t i-f S-p'enit-er, In Se'e;ir ot our Lnrd, Oie ttKMisand eij I bombed and six y f ur, und in tde " ei J!;tv n rrb ot the I tiiler.,ni-iice ot Itie " Uiii'e'l S-fTn. : JOS1AH H FUR MAN, Sheriff S' . ntf 's Ofh-e, Blollr, Sej t 19, 64. I jYalioiuil Foundry. ,yh , lh.r,b,r, nrot,r.s".r of ihe ,boe I lliimei, es!M;.MC e..-blih.i,f nt. i, now ,u jf. ,.r rs fl,r hU kiri)U ,n.1(.tlj,trv f.)f COI.f.EU I F.S Bf.AST FUR ' ' iiinriMii'i , i ii i-wi,i,r.iii ri " iiij.T.-i ii.i . Af ES SY-AT0NAKY ENGINES, HILLS Tt, Ufc:SH i.;G M AC H I N ES, &c, Lc. prepared to make S oves, al. ltd pattern-, Plow -irons, and everi- lill2 0nay ma:1e ir, first-class Foundries .. . . -. . , ...... His ex;an.is facilities nd practical vorkriiil, wairant Mm in receiving the largest contracts op tl.e most terms. CT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchar:re for caiini;. JTiT" This e-tablt-hmti' s locaie l near 'lie Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PE1 ER BILLMEYEIt. Bioom-hnri, Ser'. 9 163. C0LU3ICM fOrXTF, : In the Court ol Coinmon Plea of Colnnbia Cone iv interulm ii is ttnis conta'tied : In the mnHer the ) And now lo wit : Cemeteiy n Sco'i ip. J Oi ihe 8:h day o: S--p-iH.rnner, SR4, tii'oii it'e presentation ol l e peiiti-m nl Eli Crevelnij arol r. her-, pr.iy ma thai 1h "Crei e'tiiir Cemetery" t-e m Corporaied wi h such pwer, and under -i:Cvi restriction a a 'e set tnr i in Mi in suu'k nt in writHig '!:' d tiled, f tinj tort'i ohjeci,, .jrl'cle-, co:.dtt'or; mne .i!"1 ?'. On.'er vvh Ch they luxe assfxia'nl It vv.'S ord-e th.it notice thr-of be oiien P pti'.-liCitn i: ajreialdy lo the r ol As sembly lo .-ticli chc made and provide-!.. By ortler of thu Conn. Cert fiif Tr "n the R-con.'s. Sept. 8, 1861. . . JES-E COLEMAN, Piotiiy. September 14, iStil.-pd . ' A I to rue v at IatT 3LOOMBURG. PA Ofii Ct ori Mam Steel, F'irM door belo A J Mcan'j Store. Dec ; . 1861 IIOHAIIDS ASS0CM!ia.. , PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary nd Sexual Systems- r;ew and re liatde trea'tneni in Reports of ihe HOW ARD ASSOCIAITONSent by mail in eale-l letter enveldTes, Iree of charge. Addre-s, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'reet Ph'Iadelpti'M, Pa. Dec. 16. 1863 ly . CHARLES G. BARKLEY, Attorney at linxr, CLOOISClilG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. UHLL pr ractice in Hie several tfiurw oi Colombia county. AUIeaal buine-s intro-ted to hi carj shall receive pron.pt attention .- O F F I C E, On Main Stree, Exchange i Rnildinvs.. over Miller's Stc e. ; April 43KIB64. ; ; 4 " O1 y mi GROV VtAXO l V 11 z THE attention of the public a d tbe trade i invited to rr.r New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano For es, which lor volnne and pnit ol tcne Pre iu.pv; ' b m ) bi lerto offered in this mark et. They coi-uin i-H h- n r m .mpiov n ei is. I-ret ch, l.iutO Aciion, Har. PedaJ. Ir n Frrre Over-Si on-. Tas- & .. a- 1 em-b .1 fn-mei.t fei u net e under the perso-.al mm ertisii ii tl .Mr J. ll f.l OVJ MRUS', ubo I hd pia'ttcat ex i erience of .ver 30 year- in il -eir n a' nlwc'i n . i- fnl wrrer d -r cv. rj : rifcnar The Grovexteen I'iatio-Fcrte Reenter ff' rU(irt rf Merit t vir all olurs at the Ciltbrcteit Wotl'i's Fair. Where were exhiHled inn t r t, n . t.ts l orn It e b. m n.bkei of 1 ordon, Pans Germany, IV.Iarelpbia, Baltimore, P-oslcn or d N-w Y rk; ..i-d aU-'W .he Arr.encr. lnsii-me for five succes-ive years the - fold 8- d silver ndaN frrni rr it. ol vr I . h cn be seen at our ware-roon. Bv ibe imrod tii t.m cf in .o. n en we n ke st.il more perfect 1 tano Forte, and by mai.nfar turir r Jar:ely, with a stti i'y ah sjstem, aieet-abled to oiler ihe-e ir.S'riimetiis at prices wl ii h will p-etli.de !i:l Cfn-pf iinon. o PRICES 'No. 1. Seven Oc'ave. rninl coiners. Rr sew. cd plain cae 5275. r o. S-ven O.-tave. mnrd comrrs, r0. wood I eavy mo I dma 3(;0. No. 3 Seien Oc ave, round corner-. Kosevood IWi- XIV Mvle 53?S e I. c .r,.ie I (be above cot te.wi--.-M3t v i&n, i' c5?iu:e:it t uns. Cl- DEcCI.II'a 1VE CIKtULAKS SEM FRElCj Joly 13, 161 ly. rrxxiM n.oTi rs v w,vm. IT IS 1 HE uNLY RELIABLE .V L F-Jl PJ US T1S G I I'll LG ER. No f'oor Work to siO'll or ,p!iliXo Thumb-.telexes to git out of order Warranted 'with vr without cng-wheeh iT look th- fir-t premium at ti'U -seven S:-a:e and C -untj Fairs in I 3. and i without any ex e; Hon, the best Wrinser ever ma-ie. Patented in i he United States E'Hilan.l, Car.ad ., and Au-iraiif A2n's vvanird in every town, .! in al. par s o( the vorll. EoerL-eiie Ae.its cm make from tliree to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sen! Express paid on receipt of price. No. 2, S6 50. No. 1, S7 50 No. F. ?S 50 No. A. S9.50. Mannf.cicred and suit, whole-ale ami retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO, NO. 13 Plait S reel, N V. ii C CVHh.hI, (). A II FRANCIM'LS. Ae,,., Pt lia.telphia. P.. If hot Fvfrihod;: Knows, vizi That ir -it e".l . i.iv;.;.iy.'d wili not rust. Tha- a -in-fie ma-Mlie I- pe-ter tii:.n :t compl'fii'eit iittf. T"l :i Wringer -ttonKl le sell :.dj'-ina, di ra'.ie. a..', etlictent. Tnai I't.nmt -ere a - and Fa-let: itis canne it-la am! irontde m Te'i.b.te and keep in ord-r. T:;at woml soked in hoi vtr will sweil, shrink and split. 1 had wood bearii ss (or the st all to r.in in will wear nut. ioM the P.niiain Wri'iger, w 'nh or w itiir.ni coj w heels. w il! no: lear the clothes. Trial c'ii wheel rejt.'.a'ors i.re not essen tial. T'.ai -h- Pninani W rinijer ha ail t tie Bilvaolaies, hiu! not one nt the Oisjiivan taneii above namud Tltat all who have tested it, prot.oi'iice it the b si Wmojer ever made T f ai H will wriiiii a THREAD or a BED QUILT without aiier.itim . We miL'l.t fid 1h pap-r with tes:irnoni als. but in-ert only a lew to convii ce itie skeptical, if sncti there I e; iind We say to alt, test Piiinam'si Wiii2T Te.t it itior otiiifdy wiib anv atut all o lier", and ii n ( e.iev sall-f cl'-r relnrn J. Putnam Manvjarlnring Co. Gen'leo.ei 1 lioo-.v rotn prict:il e periei ce tl'a' -ri Ir We, I i a I v i i.-'.l W'.-'l in- li i-oi oxi-'ie r m-t " pn c'e. I he Poo. an. W'rii t'er is - i -Mr . i;e- . -p'-rs-it le. il I c.'i :'.eer!uliv I"C oei.d II to be li e t e-t in ti-. Kesli-ct'ullv Oi.rT JOHN W. v HEKLKR. , Cleve!unt, O i o Maoy ears ex.-eri-m e in l ie lvni. mu bu-ires-. enst le me to er.ioi.-e the above statement in h!I p irti-ti!'Hr JNO C. LEFKERTS. N 100 BeeKrnan St. New York, January, 1864. We have lesied Pu iiam s Clhes Wring er by pnctK Hl working, and know that ii wdi do. It is cheap, it is simple, it require no room whether at work or at rest; a child can opera e if It does it amy thoroughly. It save.-iitoe and il save- wear and lear We earoe ly advi-e all who have much washinj? lodo, wnti all intelligent perons who may "have ao, to boy th. Wringer, ll will pay tor i'e.f m a ver a oi -t. HORACE GIIEi-.LKY. July 6, fU.lv. NON 1-Xl I O.-IVE 1 I RE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, AND I,US5UICATI osjl.. IN TIGHT PACKAGES. ivn,i.iei: 'KlfB PIUHU'T ATTEXTIOX H L. IIOLDEN, Proprietor. Widiamspor-. July 6, IS64 tl. National 4 luim Agcn-y, . COND"CTD BV- HARVY 8o COLLINS, WAXIIISGTUS D C. IN order to faciii ale Hie pruti.pl a Ij i-t-meni of Bounty, atrears oi pyy. Vn-i -n and other claim-, d i- sold ers and -'!.er persons Irom the G-jvernuie-i i i t the U. , ihe under-im-ed t:i maile arraitgemept. with the aoove tVin w hore experietu e an t cto-e (roxiT.'i.y to, ami -t.ii'y i'iterco.ir-e wiib, itie Ucpjrimeifi, a well as the e.ri knowledie scip.ite.i by ific rn d the Vcis i.n. trequeiiiiy t ring m.ide, ena'de iti-m to pro-e u e claim n ore r lleciually than Aitorneyi. a a di-ta: c csn p.ostb y do -AH ersoi:8 entitled u claim oJ iha above description can have, them pfoperly atrend ed to by calling on me and entrusting them lo my care. " W. WIRT, Agent for Harvy & Col!in. Bloomsbury, Anost 10, 1864, t s - . r. . - t - v..-. j ..- i. 1 i r'!r-?j rii -r -i ESTEEM Be, CO. s - : j? 2 A It II P t IT t R e s: , r RO'PF.CTITS OF THE GK FAT NAT- IOnAL WOI?K. HISIOUY (Civil, Pn'iTi".-il an ' Mili ary) ol the SOUTHERN REBELLION, Omcrehendir;'.', al-o, all important S ate pipers fCo .tedera?e and Federal ) a'l ordttiances of Secession, Proceed o:i ol Congre.J (Rebel and P'ed er .I.) Rn.arkab'e speeche- &c, together w itfi otli.s I Reports of Corri'riamlers, Armv and N.tvv Sanstics. Maps, &C, BV CRVILLEJ. VICTOR,'lo be completed in 3 Volume Super Royal Octavo Beaini luby Illustrated with Steel Engravings, Maps. &c , Prepared expre-sly lor this work, by John Rogers and other firM-clas anits. -VOLUMES I AND II NOW READY. i his truly National Work characterized by a leai'iosi Jotitnal a tb.e ''Paraxon of Hi-tories.r' ha now tnken its plrn-e in lit eratnre as r,e flu ory par excellence, ol ihe Great Rebelli ni. It ha received (as will tie seen b reference io ibe !e i-rs and rouces snt j-iii ed) tfie er.i'o'seriiem of ihe leading n.en and oe ledma j iirnals ol the conii'r . I1 is com ntendnj by t,':oe oio-t q..abSd io jnd-jo, - such a Record O1' 'l.f R'-e, l'rn're-s and Re-ul s ol rhe War t . r th- Ut-ioti as every Intelligent C-ti --ii shoiiM p-.sess. A- U le iii.'ica'es, it- Covers the ground d tne. Repellioo, a wed in its Political and Social an in ii Mili ary aspects. Ii dalg in rdironolojie order, witri ihe open m if.e secret movements lor Secession in ;r:e ever.il States ; it comprehends the prn-.'eet'i"!! of the procee :s ol the Mont iortipry Convention and cf the Confederate Stale's Coires : all proceedings in ihe Federal Congre.s relati'ig to the qnes'iot s (it Secession and Rebellion, givir.ij lull re ports of Itie great Debu'.es, Resolutions, Rpoi' &c . all the Meia1, Proclarria tmn, &c. of Ihe Presi tent ; 'hus provin a Comjile'e compendium of the. political phase of the aitempted revobition. As a recoid of ihe siiipeinlion Military and Naval Features of the Rebellion, it w ill be ;i! that could be deired full, au tl entic and graphic -leaving n-othing nn said w litcri i necessary to render it the be-t auj mo-t sati-l.ietory Hitr ry of the War tor the Union w hich will be presen e l lor it e ia'ronaje of the American People, Mol of two volume w ill be de vote ! to the O.w.oio.,- of tie armv and Navy. As each volume contain more letter pre ii.an env 'wo volumes of other prnfe-e I Hl-o-i- s'? now ofl-r-'d to "lie pi b'lC It w lit t-e preei-iveif that tlrs (Jien' W'.rk on I p .ei r- ot 't llli-- arid lom;.r!hes will i.e all arisen Tne Er.'i-e Ii -lory will be comprised in 1!.r-e S'li-i-r ll' J ti '' a vo v o1 n me -. ol a. '"-on I -(i;0 paj-s. cui il I'eatitrnliy printed, In t'oi.t'ie coliiir.tis. bom spei-ial'y prepared type. T;.e tr:ot:nl r-f maiter in efceh voi n ni e i eqn ale;t to 'he COPtC'dS f six ordinary tioilai bo-'k. Tim i:i itir--e vol erne- tie so hor will have ample space lo consider every event fully and satisfac torily, honld the war drag its slow length aloi g thrown t' e year. The jvotk can only be had of the can va-er. Il i not sold by "the trade. ?' A'l who wi-h to become pr.sp-ed of it shoull ava l themselves ol lht I'Vsl proposition of the ajent Each volume i snaranteed to be equal, in a'l repect to the specimen copy ex hibited by the ajent. JAS. D TOR REV. Published 13 Spruce o St. N. Y. Address correspondence EDWARD HOVEY, General Aaett., 13 Spruce N. Y., Firs' Cla-s Canvr Wanted JAME V. KELLER, A-eni for Co'.um li t Co. Ju ie IS 1 61 3x Another Arrival of food. AT ilal, Cap and Grocer 3 CO 0?J o Now i Your Time to liny. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER TIMIE undersigned having just returned JL Irom tlte. Eastern fines withalare and full a-sortments of fGtitTSfrTr&W'm in addition lo a -nperi id3 tJJiiJ-' cr STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, comprising every soil ami qi.nity, is now prepared lo sell a lible cheaper than t:an b' p-irchasnd !ew ei-. H-Sook cd GROCERIES are not sur-pac-sed in il.is n.aike1, which he ofTer--he;ip for ca-h, or in exchange fur GRAIN OK PRODUCE. ALS0,-A fine .t of KIDS, MOROCCOES. a t LININGS to which he invite t ie at-ti-ri'io:i ot S io.;u..iker and ihe public. Give him a c.!I At Str.up'n Oid Stand, on Mam S;ree:. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bl on. s burg, April 27, 1861. E. J . THOK.mTON, PAPER DiisALIflR, HAS RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW WALL PAPER, of various styles, at his establish irerit on Main Street, below Market, Bloomtborg, which he will sell at reason able prices. A. J. THORNTON. Blooms bo rg, May t, 1864. GROVER & BAKER'S CFLfiBNATFD ELASTIC STITrfl SEWIl'fi ITS IlIIVI Were awarded the hishest Premiums over all Compeiitors, al ihe following Stale and County Fair of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR ' First Premium for family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Ft-1 Premium for Machine Work , INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium lor Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. t Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Firt Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. Firi Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. Firs! Premium for Family Machine Firsi Premium !or M anuractuiine Machine Firt Premium for Mac'ine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pbrfose First Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. F-rt Premium for Machine for all purpose Frist Premium for Machine Work, - M ICAIGAN STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. F:rM Premium for Family Machine Fir! Premium for Machine Work PF.NN'A STATE FAIR Fii-t Premium for Manuiactcring Machine Fri-t Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE FAIR. Fust Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGK'L SOC. Kirst Premium for Family Machine Firsi Premium f"r Manufacturing Macl ine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAM PLAIN-VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. Firt Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine Firl Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mas AG'L. SOC. Diploma lor Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P.emium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine Fir-l Premium for Manufacturing Machine Fr-i Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. Fir-t Premium lor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First PrerrTium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa , FAIR. Fi st Premium lor Ma' hme for all pnrposes First Premium lor Machice Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fii-I Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work O-The above comprises all the Fairs at which the Grover & Baker Machines were exhibited ihi vear. Sale rooms, 49'5 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut S:., Philadelphia. March 23, 1S64 ly. ffc testis. & THE Greatest Improvement yel in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worm pceiog. Pl-;ae send for circular with sample of re wi . These Improved Machine save one hundred per cent of thread and silk, and make the lock stitch alike on both sides. They require no instructions to operate prfec'ly, except the ''printed directions " No change in sewing from or.e kind of goo-Is to another. And r.o taktt:2 apart to clean or oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all it m irhinery and tools entirely new, a ni is already rapidly turning out Machines, which for beauty and perfection o fi li-h are not surpassed by any manufac ture in the worl I. N. B. Should any Machine ptove unsat isfactory, it can be returned ami money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Aunt. FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. S38 Broadway, New York. April 20, 1864. ly. JYcw Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rMlE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, ihat he tia just received Irom the Eastern due, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. A L S O- s- HATS & CAPS - ROOTS AM) SHOES. Together with a variety of no ti"ns and things too troublesome lo numer ate, to which he iuvites the attention of pur chaser. EST" lie is also prepared to make up clothing lo order, on reasonable terms, and vp to the latest fashions. ECall and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsbnrg. April 27. 1864. Ayex's Cherry Pectoral --. I J m l'- 1 I V - - " I Ilk PITRMC SALE OF1 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN pnrsnance of an order of the Orphans " Coun of Columbia county, on ' " THURSDJ3 V. OCTOBER 6TII 18f34, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, William Goodman & John Levan, administrators of the eiate ol Daniel Levan, late of Roar ingcreek twp , iii said county, dee'd, will expose to sale by public vendue, on thq premises, the following described piece and parcel of land, that is to say, that that pan of the said land and tenement, adjoining Inn Is ol Samuel Hampton, Mich Htl Mowier; Thomas Boat, Richard Hoaz Iand. Mary Uoagland, Benjamin Levan and John Levan, containing ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-TWO AND ONE II A LF ACRKS. Nn 2 A ilio in in (r lamia ol Thnmi. Rnat ' Michael FederbfT, Elijah " Horn, and tbe tract before mentioned. Containing twenty tour acres and one hundred and twenty perche. , No 3. Adjoining land of Elijah Horn, Joseph Levan, Philip Cool, containing nine and fourteen perches. No. 4; Bejrlnhinfr at a stone heap, corner of land of Joseph Buck, thence along the -same South 88 degree east 57 and seven tenths perches to a post, thence by other land of intestate norifi 18 degrees ;eet 65 percheS lo a post, thence by land of Wm. Yocum south 88 decrees west to a small cnei. nut, thence by the nme south 18 de gree wet 9 perches io the place of be ginning, containing TWENTY ACRES. . Nn. 5. Beginning at A post, corner of the piece last abovo iecribed, thence by landa of Josepn Buck somh 88 degrees east 14 perches to a pine, i hence by ine same' south 63 and one foorth degrees east 2 S perche five tenths to a post, Ihence1 tiy other lands of the deceased north 18 degrees east 82 perches to a post, thence by lain! of Cnaries S Coxe or of the heir of Tench Coxe, dee'ed, outh 88 degrees west 44 and one half perche to corner of the tract las described, thence by ihe earns, south 18 degree west 65 perches to the place ot beginning, containing TWENTY ACRES. . ! Ni. 6- Beginning at a post, corner of lot marked "No. 2. in Ihe return ot inquest," ihence by laud of John Rang south 64 and one fourth degrees eai 37 and three tenthe perches to a pine, thence noith 18 degre-es east 88 perches lo a post, Ihence north 62 and a half decrees west 14 and a half per ohes to a stone, thence scutb 88 degrees west 21 and a hall perches to a post, thence by lot No 2 south J8 decree we-i 82 per- . che io the place ol beginning, containing TWENTY ACRES. ; v No 7. Bet inning at & pine, corner of lot No. 3, (hence south 63 and one fourth de greet east 37 perches to a post, thence north by other lands of ihe deceased 18 degrees eat 88 perches to a post, ihence north 62 & a half dearees west 37 perches . to a post, corner of tract No. 3, ihence by the same south 18 decrees west 88 perches to the place of beginning, contamiog twen ty acres, cumbered in diagram No. 4. . No. 8 Begiining at a post, corner of lot No. 4, thence south 63 and one foorth de grees east 37 perches to a post, ibenca by other lauds of ihe deceased north, eighteen degree east 88 perches io a po't. thence' north 62 and a half degrees west 37 perches to corner of loi number 4, thence south IS degree, west 88 perche lo the place of beginning, containing TV ENTY . ACBES. No. 9 AH the remaining part of the said premises beginning at a post, corner of iracl number 0, thence south 63 and one fourth decrees east 16 perche lo a stoodi heap, ihence south 65 and three lourtn decrees eat 49 and a hall perches to a chestnut oak stump, therrce north 8l and or.e fourth decrees east six and. one ha'f perches to a stone, thence by land Ot the heirs of Tench Coxe, dee'd, north 27deg.'8 east 82 perche to a maple, ihence north 62 and one ball degrees wesi 67 perches lo a postP thence by tract number 5 south 18 decrees wes f8 perches to the place of heainnins. containing FORTY ACRES and TWENTY FOUR PERCHES. Late the estaie of said deceased, situate in the townhip of Koaiingcreek and couc tv kf iresaid. . JESSE COLEMAN. Clerk. Conditions of snle On third of Ihe pur chase money to remain in Ihe . premises during the I.Te nme of the widow, the orih er two thirds to be paid as follows, ten pr cent, on the striking down of the properly, cne third, of which ihe ten p"r cent, i a pari, on Ihe first day of April next, and the remaining one third on the 1st day of April A. D., 1866, with interest from ihe firsi day ol April next. All conveyances, writings, and tamps, at the expense of the purchas er. WM GOODMAN,) , . JOHN LEVAN, Aamra-S- p'ember 14, 1864. PUBLIC SALE or ' Valuable Personal Property Will be exposed to public sale at in resider.ee 6f the subscriber, in Pine twp.. uoiumDia county, on THURSDAY, THE 13th OF OCTOBER, 1864, the following described personal property, viz THRf E HORSES, 1 YEARLING COLT, two Spring Colts, four Milch Cows, three head Young Cattle, and 31 head of Sheep. Als, one Spring Wagon, one Truck Wagon, one Sled, one set of Heavy Har ness, one Set of Plow Harness, one Sei ot injie Harness, one Double Set of Light Harness, one Stump Machine and chains, in good repair. Alo WHEAT. OLD CORN, OATS, and Buckwheat by the bushel ; HAY by the ten, and POTATOES by ihe bushel , besides many other articles loo numerous io mention. Sale io commence at 10 A. M , of said day when condition will be made known and attendance given. BENJAMIN WINTERSTEEN. Pine twp., Sept 28, 1864. 2t AGENTS WANTED ! ITIcrlellan ! IMcClellan ! VERY fine, larae. steel plate engrav ing of the PEOPLE'S CHOICE FOR PL ESI DENT OF THE UNITED STATES. This Engraving represents him on his" black horse on the battlefield of Autietam. Size, 24 bv SO. The only acknowledged correct likeness yet published. Frorrrani original painting by SCHUSSELE from life. Sent by mad on a siift paper roller. Price THREE DOLLARS. Liberal inducements to Agents. Published by WM. SMITH, 702 S. Third Street, Pbila Septembei 28, 18i4. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED ? DR. BUCHAN'S English Specific P.1N, core in less than 30 day, ihe worst cks' of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Precia nrs Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and nervt u Mlecjious, no n alter from what cause produced. Price, ONE DOLLAR p ' hox, n! post pai d bv mail, on receipt of an order. One1 be x will perfect the cure in mo cases. Ac-dress, JAS. S. bUTLER. General Agent, 427 Ecoadwsy, N. J4 Joly 20, 1864. 3m.