STAR OF THE NORTH 1 1 ' THINGS ABCCT.TOWN & CCOTRT. BEoOiTiSHUKQ, pa.: -WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT.'? 1 , 1864. T our Patron? antl the Public. , The preent'ftigU price of paper, labor, firintine material and every article enter ng iato oar busine, has compelled us lo Jook to a corresponding advance in our charges. Hence the underlined, onblih . Art iii Bloomsburg, will on and after ihe 1st of September, 1864. make an advance f Fifty ft cent, rjpon old rates. ''; , RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square ot eight lines I lime t - . " . " 3 times, . . " I month, " . S month, '., M It . g 1 - .' . . " 1 year. . 1.00 1.50 2 00 4 50 6 0 10 UO Executor's & Administrator' Notices, 3.00 " Auukor's Notices, . 2 00 , .' . JOB PRINTING. ' tJand Bills one-eight! 6beet,30 or less 52.00 ' one-fourth 41 " 3 50 " ".one-half " 6 00 .... . " full sheet, 10.00 All notices of public meetings (except of political or religious) must be paid for ; at advertising rates. : Editorial or local advertising will be ' charged 20 cents per line. Obituaries ac companying notices 10 cents per line. ( All transient advertising must be paid lor lit the time of in-ertio:i. . P JOHN. Pullh RepuMitin. " " LEVI L TATE, Pub. Vemociht. t. . VV. H.J A CO BY, PutilisherSra. ' Blootri-rurg, An. 10, 1S64 - Tub Sullivin County .Democrat' 'come to '. HI ibis week much improved in appearance s and in tone. Mr. O. B. Goodenough, form erly of the Elmira I'ress, has .lately become connected with tb paper, and hereafter the reader of the Demount may expect a lively beer. Success "w all whom it may con .' caru." - r Past of the " ArnJy of the Fishingcreek" baa teen withdrawn and sent to Philadel phia. Cpt McCann's Company of ninety or a bsbdrgd men shipped at '.his plac? on Saturday eVeVtirg last The balance of the "Army," we learn, is encamped this side of Benton, near Samoel .Coleman's mill. Pituci LisDtri, of Briarcreek township, , ecVm to deranged a few days since, that his people could da nothing with him, when licy went telore a Justice, had him commit ted acd( taken to the Couniy Jail, at this . place. Should he continue getting worse, as he has been for the last few days, it will - be necessary to coutj him o the Ajlcm, 'ai Harrisbur'. ' LxT " Observer" in last week' Republican " come oat from under his anonymous and if we deem him worthy ot notice in our col . orani we shall talk to him ; and, a to Tkos. ' Dunn, whenever he is ready "to show cs Op, we are. perfectly willing thai he should f piich ir " ili pjt course proetLat ue ft a "a lutfe" tar almost "any Iking " -oa Johm C. Fllis has favored ns with " a-everal copies of the "Important General Law, piieti at the Session of IH61; to peiher with the Supplements thereto, pass ed at the Extra ieion. embracing the Military Bill, with Supplements fivenae ' till, 'with Supplements ; Bnun'y Bill, with Sappleryenis, an 1 Act R!a!iri4 to S y.Ut r' Toting," (or which he wilt pleasa accept 'e'or thanks. , . A iuact of ifce biH "tcfvtin? the manner in which the i'olcfrVrSjl' 'o' '-will be k.ond on oar first ,g. tfi' ttvi. i w i. .- -. . : 1 t.i. -' When lets than ten persons are separated " from I her. f proper company they are au thorized to place their ballot in a sealed en- V elope, tefora tbe day of election, with a tatement igned by tbe-ro'.ei and bis com manding officer, setting forth his right to ' rV'e with ail the facts in connection wiib tiie matter, and end it by mail to the prop er person, with tbe endorsement on the sealed part thereof, "Soldier's ballot" Iut " .. township, (ward or Borough,) in the county of , fitc." The act is a good " deal complicated and requires careful ex amining to folly ouders and alt its pans. O 5trDAT morning last, about 3 o'clock, ' tbs larder of Mr. John Sterner, of this place, was being pilfered of its contents, consisting " of meat, lard, bread, pies and cakes, by a woman ic a bltck skin, with woolly head. w mm VU aa i uiaa nip itsv iiiutll llirtro some of the family were aroused and the - tbie frightened off, dropping and leaving bar plondiir as she rue, making her escape ' through ihe tot, over the fence into a back - alley. The thief od being closely pcrsued by ona of tbe members of the family, leaped vers fence into Mr. John Hower'a lot, -.tvtiere she secreted herself, rat like, from the search of her porsoer. This is soma of . lh beauties of abolitionism! Free ' lis neroei all North ! " Oar "Coiistilational expounders" have a crumb of comfortthey found one : soldier anon;; the number senr here who cried d a Misthar Lincoln" and who was 'lii-ed of fi jtHiog for the nager." He was " (rjnite a lion among them and - got all tbe whiskey btr could drink "free gratis and lor nothing." Of coorse he hurras for "Gineraf licCJeiiaa.17 Columbia Couniy Rtpublka. , ., -Tb above splendid morsel appeared in - Thma$ Dunn's paper of' last week, (le knows very little about the - political semi cebt of ibi soldiers if he thinks there are bm onf berei who dare proclaim his choice for (h8 cexl President to be Littlc Mac vul oi iiiiu ui iuiuv noil uuiceu vr muict thai, were tcgetLer a few days since on one cf c or pnblic streets, there was but ons S..m -1 ..... J t J u . atneitj the rn who declared his intention tc itrsn u.'d Abe. And so tney run, aoont zzs czl ot every dozen for the Dailspiitter. "ioddr will , find on the first Tuesday of "ovifniber that other soldiers besides Irish :;a sapporl General McClklLas. The ;J3 who arr sopporting him are those whoj :3r hm, who toaght anaec him, and not rvJj, slijitu and filsifrt .arho, like Dur.n, are always in a safe distance :';:3 cf tzixli, Sdin fault wlli zd rais ::cztis iar best General. The largest political gathering ever as sembled in Philadelphia came together in lhat city on Saturday evening last,' in Inde pendence Square.; The display of banners, flag and transparencies, far exceeded any thing o' the kind ever witnessed in J hut city. The Square was densely crowded with men, and children. Some half dozen stands were occupied by speakers. ye! ttious'd' were unable I c;at near the stands and were compelled to turn away, i ot hearing the speech The hma is att rihi. Gen. is going to be elected Air Lincoln is the choxen victim- I i lolly to think of electitit! four J ears more ar ! If the people want a cuminnanct of thin "war, just let ihetn re-elect Mr. Lincoln. All who are in favr of Peace, (and on honorable one at that.) unJ trie restoration ot the Uuion a the basis and only condition ol pece should vote against Mr Lincoln, and ail those wh.o think themselves no te ter than . a black man, and would rejoice in their liberation, should ai-o support Mr. Lin coin, and there by sustain, the Pretii'ent in. carrying out his ot ject of the war. Mr. Lincoln has placed an inferior black ' race on an equally with the white soldier ? The black tnldier now receives the tame' paj, bounty and privi leges that oar white -ouldiers do. Wk sec by an order of President Lincoln an officer has been lin.:sed the service for distributing "Democratic tickeis;'amona his men. "Tliis officer wa Lieutenant A.G. Eilserly of the 4th New Himplnre Voimi teers. It is plain, to be teen that Shoddy does not in ent to allow a free ballot in the army if any way to avoid iL RilI.eas&d. The man Howard of the New York Times, who wh some iirre since imprisoned in Fort L.tiyette 'or ap pointing a fal and a draft d$ .'in advance of ihe Uailplit;er, has been released by order o the Secretary of War Th.i ii orie ol the berif fit of. not bei ig a "copper hea.f." His rimntiOPini M illi.on, is yet in durance, altbouuii but the instrument of Ho ward's scheme. What, a good thing it is to have friend.- at court. - A.Noruta A hhilst -On Monday last the Military arreted Edward MpHcxRT, a drafted man ol Benton township, who had come to this place, as he alleged, to enlist , the Colonel in command' of the "Fish ingcraek Army" having, throogh an order promulgated, given them the drafted men of that section, this privilege. At least so it is reported. Mr McHeury was arrested in the after part nf the day and lodged in. the county prison for .safe keeping. This is the second or third drafted man only that has been arresed by theite forces. The Ar my. makes a sweeping business of the mat ter Ahen it goes at peaceable and quiet titizeus. It takss them cfT by th town ship. The army is not in the least to blame in this miter, it is simply carryi iut its orders, executing the duties of a ifailhfol sj!Jier. Upon those who afa ins'riimenta! in brinaing 'abo'cl arrests without jnsi caue the responsibility fall. They should first consider well what they are doing, be iore they nrge and prompt the authorities to act out their will and design. 'tittR. is noi much war news in the pa pers. The army in front of Petersburg ia inactive. It commander has jont been on a visit to Washington city. The army ol the Potomac is being tilled op, it is various ly estimated, at from one to two thousand per day. A great many raw recruits have been sent to Grant's army within a month. We know of 'no branch of the great army that needs them worse than his and of uo place where thsy can be butchered up so soon. 1 he reriinsuia campaign has cost 0(Jr a of ' - Thursday nigh: la.-! a party of Con.'ederates attackett the corrl cn the couth side cf the James River below City Point, where a'l of Grant's teef cattle are keot. The en tire herd, some two and a h slf thousands, wee driven off. The enemy not off t-afelv wi h their plui der. Be.-"ule." th cattle they captured, mules and wagons .were taken The amount ol our loss has teen pot 'down at a half million of dollars. There is noth ing new from Gen Sherman All is quiet in the Shenandoah Valley. The 'army of the j Fishyigcreek" still falling back ; no enemy to be found. This army will ere long look up its "winte'r quar'ers." We have been informed that quite a number of our Democratic neighbors and ourself have been put oppn ihe "plate" by ojr Abolition friends, as candidates for some Fort. It is reported to us that the names have been seen, as handed in by our most intensely toyil Abolitionists. These Democratic citizens are to be arrest , ed purely ot of opinion's saka if arrested I at a'l. Because they think and talk not as the Abolitionists do 1 It seems that a Dem ocral has no right to talk in Columbia County only to suit them ! Why do not the au thorities make arrests in some of our o.her counties ? Simply became the opposition there are not a set of fools and fanatics, and always consider well everything be fore they act. . Why is not Mr. Ethcbidge, who spoke to thousands in Philadelphia the other eve ning arrested. He made use of the strong est language we ever beard or seen printed ag&inst Lincoln and his administration, all of which the entire audience seemed to as cent to as being true. Hands are kept off such men a Ethehidgi. Hands are kept off of such newspapers as the Age, Journal ff Commerce, The WorlJ Kew Yoik Daily Iteics, Prentice's Journal, and scores ot oth ers, but the lesser organs of the country are to be stopped ! These small she-! are the ones, it is just discovered, that do the great est damage to the cause J of Lincoln's- re election, and in consequence, their editors are to be arrested and the papers suppress ed. The cowardly, sneaking Abolitionists of our town do not read our paper -only when they can borrow or steal it. There are two or three persons- belonging to the opposition in this place who take oar pa per, and they are the most sensible in the whole lot. The more they read u the less treason they will &ae ia it. The poor sim ple souls do cot know what is treasoa 1 They talk about "treason" and "loyalty" when they know very little or nothing about the meaning of the words. These are im portant and momentous times. Arrests are made daily at the dictation of any scamp w!o sets himself op as "loyal." "A great deal of power is ve-ietl in come people ! Victory For Gkm. . hkhioan The pa pers ol thi morning, Wednesday, uive u a-i oflicia" account ol Sheridan having de feated the Rabel General Earfy,' near Win ches'er. The rebel wounded lay in our hands at Winchester to the number of 3, 000 The rebels captured are from 2.VC0 to 3. 000, It was a complete victory f. roor arms ' Fiv pieces of artillery besides a lot of mail arms were captured. ' l7s. 7-30 LOAS. , The Secretary of ihe Treasury jjives no tice that cubMTipiions will be rereived for Coupon Trea-nry Nes, paable three years from Aus. 15'Tf, 1864, wi'li semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenth per cent. p-r annum, princi pal and interest both to "be paid in lawful money. Thee notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into six per cent, gold bearing bonds, payab'e not l-s than five nor more ihati twenty years from their date, as the Government may elert. They will be issued in cVno'iiina lions of S50, StOO, S500, 31,000 and 5 000, and nil iibfcriion musl be for filfy dol lar. or itime 'multiple ol fifty dollars. The rifrte8 will be transmitted to the owneis free of transportation charges as soon after tfie receipt of the original Cer tificates of Dei osit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15lh. persons making clepo-i oubseqnenl to that date mtir-t i av tht interesi an iued from dale of note to dat of dppoMt. Par'ies depositing twenty five dolla's ami upwards for ihet-e notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one qnaiter of one, per cent, which .will be paid by the Treasury 'Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certi fied to by the offirer with whom the de posit ,was made. No dejections for com-mi-sinris must be made frfrn the deposits. Speciul Advantages of this Loan. It is a National Saving Bank, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best fecorily-Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U.S. Notes, con-iders that it is pay inn in the be?t circulating me dium of the country, and it cannot pay in atij thing better, for its own as-ets are eith er in - government ecuri;ie& or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient a a temporary or permanent inve'ment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their fice and accumulated interest, and are Ihe best security witn banks as collaterals for dlSCO it nts. Cunvertm into a Six jur cent. 5-20 Ilout. fn ihe iiotV? lry liberatMrfereM n k .1 .:..:! . r i t Di g. nil? i'iiviicc 'i coIJverion is Miw worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current, rate for 5-20 Bonds it not less than nine per cent, premium, and belore ihe war the pre'iiium on six percent. United S:aes blocks was over tweh'y per cent, h will be seen that the actual profit on this lean, at the pre-enl market rate, in not less than ten percent, per annum. Its Exemption from State or Municipal 'J'axation. . . Bat aide from ail the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempt all Bjods and Treasury Notes from local Taxation. On the average, this ex emption is worth about two per cent, per annum, according to. the rate of taxation in various parts ot the country. Ir is believed that no securities offer ro great inducements to lenders as thoe is?a ed by the government. , In all other forms of indebtedness, th fait! or ability tf pri vve pHr'rps, or stock compintes, or sepa rate rommunities, only, is pledgel for pav rr,eot, while the whole propeny of th coui.try is held to eeenre the discharge of all the obligations of the Uinfed Sta'.e - While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loan, it believes that the very stronger appeal will be the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party deposing must endorse upon the oriiinaP. certificate the denomination of notes required, "and wheth er they are to be issued irt.blauk or paya ble to order. When so endorsed it mu-t be left witri the officer receiving ihe depo sit to be forwarded to the Treasury depart ment. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the United State, at Washing ton, ihe suveral Assistant Treasurers and designaied Depositaries, and by the rirst inlioiiaI Itank oiUIoomsJuji , la. And all National Banks which are deposi taries ot public money, and all respectable Banks and Bankers throughout the country will give further information and afford every facility lo subscribers. Auaust 10, 1864 3m. . AD.IIIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate cf James li. Gihon. of Greenwood tvep., - Cotumbi County, dee'd. jTOTICE is hereby given mat letters'of Administration on the estate of James B. Gibson, of Greenwood township," Colum bia roomy, dee'ed, have been granted by tfie Regi-ter of said county, to Abraham Young, E-q., cei-idmg in Benton town-hip, and county aforesaid. All person having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted to Ihb estate will make imaiadia'e payment. -.ABRAHAM YOUNG, Adrar. Benton iwp., April 13, 1X64 $2. ' Dt) Y0C U ISU TO RliCCRllDl DR. BUCHAN'S Enojii, SpeciH: PilN, cure in les than 30 days the wr.l case ol NERVOUSNESS, Isnpolency, Prerua.ore Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and nervous affections, no n alter from what cause produced. Price,' ONE DOLLAR per box, .enl nosr paj d by mail, on receipt of an order.. One box will perfect the cur in moH raes. Address, JAS. S. BUTLER, General Agent, 427 Broadway, N. Y. . Saly 20, 1864. 3za. r'l'.'j.;'".. ! ' - -li.&iA.i r,-: r "a f ; x, i'.. jc.j;"?.. h- r. .-'-''3 t C "'-;f v-" . '-, - il ' v l;"'';.' .-si- " i. -rf--;-;--' - ' . - - '-.',-, .iz-. - -ii T? i-f i '. T ij rtZVv.i"; ;? WMwt Ks-. . G ROVESTE EN fi& CO. I'lACI-S OKTBi ifMMIFACTI RER, THE attention of the public and the trade in invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano For'es, which for volume and purity of lone are nnrivwlled bv any hi'her'.o, offered in litis iTntrkfl. They contain all th modem improvemems', French, Grand Adion, llttri'Pd-il. Irf,n Frime, Over-S'run j Ca-. &c.. and each insirumenl beirn; made otider the" personal supervision ot Mr J- H GROVESTEEN, who has had u prac tical ex rpriice of over 30 years in their n.anufactnre, is fnllv warrined in every piriicnlar. The Grovettten Piano-Frtc Received th Highest award of Merit over all others t at Ihe Celebrated World 1 Fair. - " Where were exhil iled iuMrurnems from the bei makers of London, Paris, Germany, Ptiilapelphia, Baltimore, l?o-ton andNew York; and also ai the American Int-mute lor five succes-ive years the an I mm I niiver medals from both ol which can be seen at our ware roon. By the i'iir..lii,iinn of improvement we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing l ri!elv, wi h a 'strictly cash system, are enabled to offer Ihe-e iis'rn mrntu at prices which will preclude all cornpiitioti. PRICES : No. 1, Seven Ortave, ronnd corners, Rosewood plain rae S275. No. 2, Seven Octave, round comer, Rrwwnnd hesivy niouldinrr S300. No 3, Srfven Ocave, round corner. R-isewoo.l XIVT stl S32-T a t simile of i'ip al'" cut TE2MI". MIT flSH, IX CUKKI'T FMS. CF DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FUEE.rj July 13, 1864. ly. rrr.TM3i clot ! rs nvcrR. Tr'lS THfc ONLY RELIABLE S FLF A DJ US TIX G It'll INGER. iVo U'ond Work to swtll or split Ao Thumb screws to get out of order Warranted with or without cog-wheets IT took the first premium at fifty-seven State and County Fairs in 1863. and i without any exception, ihe best Wringer ever made. Patented in the. United Suies, F.ny Un.t. Cana l . and Auira!ia Auenls i . ... . i wanted in every irtwn, and in all pan ol ! the world. E'lerjetic Ae;jn c.m make ; from ttiree to ien I).!lar p-r dy. j Sample Wringers Sfiit Ehpre paid on j rereii 'f price. I No. 2, 56 f0. No. 1, 7 50. No. F, 5s? 5:. i N. A. 3.50. Manufactured and snKl, i vtio'e-ale ar'd rtml. hv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 riattS.'-ei, N. Y. & C.evem, O. A H. FRANClSt:US. Ajen'. fv Puil.iitelphia, Pd. t-Vhut Everybody Knows, viz : Thariron weil tal vi.tiiz.eJ wiil not rust. That a simp'e ma Sine be'ter tlian a complicated one. That a Wrmaer shonld be sell adjo-ting, durable, ojhI etficient. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause d!ay and trouble lo re-juttn ai i? keep in i order. . That wood soaked it hot water j will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood j bearit g for Hie stialt to r:n in will wear j nut. I'tial Ihe Putnam Writer, w ith or 1 without KOi wheels. ill not tear ihe c loil e-". That cog. wheel rej uta'or .re not e-fii tial. Tnai ih puinain Wringer Da ad t'te advaHlaaes, anil tint or.e oft'ie UiSidvan laes above iiamed Ttiat all who ftvive tested it, pronounce; it th b st W.-inaer ever made- Tt at it will wrifn! a THREAD or a . BED QUILT without alteration. VY nil-tit fill Inn paper wiili testimoni als, bat insert only a few to Itie skeptical, if there be: and we n all, test .Putnam's Wiiniier. Test ii itior onshly wiih any atd ;t!i o hr-1, a i l if n t eUtelv sati-f-ictrry, re'urn it. Piitnam Manufacturing Co. . ' tienilenten -I knv frcn pruciir! eiperieice tiiat iron well .yalvai.izfd with zhm?.w dl not oxi'lize 'T ru-t o jarl-cie. Putitaiii Wrn'ner t t -ar 'p-.-iiect a pes-ible, stud J c-"i cheenull, recJiiiiiieiid yfihbe H e be-t in nsi. Re-p-il'iilly vonra. JOHN W. WHEELER, 0 CI" Velatid. 0;i IO. ' Mariy ars rxreri-n-e in fin udlvaniz ifTa busir'ess. enable me to endorse ihe above statement in nil p-irtieiiUr JNO C. I.EFPERTS, , No. 10( IJeciman S. " New York, January, 1864. "We have te-led Putnam s Clothe Wrina er by pnctical working, and know that it rfll do. It i cheap, it is simple, it require no room whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it It does itstu'y thoroughly ll saves time anil it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise, all who. have much washing to do, wiih all iitieliigetti perrons who may have any, to buy t.-i Wringer. It will pay for itself in a vr a mn-t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. WISalslAItlSsPOnT - NON-EXPLOSIVE TTLE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, AND laUCItlCATlG OIL.. v IN TIGHTPACKAGS. 1TILLRECTII C PKtMlPT . ATTENTION. H. L. H0LDEN, Prftprietor. William spor?, July 6, lf64. It. Ia1ioii:il ( la iiu Agency, COMDL'CTIlD bt HARVY &. COLLINS, n'ASHISGWS D C. , f X order to faciii ale ihe, prompt adju-t- mem of Boun'y, smear I pay, Pension unJ other cla'rns d jh f kf et i:iif if"er persons from the Governii.w'it of the U. S , ihe undersigned has made arrangement with the above firm whose experience and c!oe proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, a6 well as ihe early knowledge acquired by tbeni of the decis ions frequently being made, enable them 1 to prosecute claims more etiecioaliy than Attorneys at a distance can posMftiy do. All persons entitled lo claims ol ihs above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrusting them to my care. ' ' W. WIRT, Agent for Harty & Collins. ' Bloomsbcrg, Accost 10,18S4. I CO:5 PECTUS OF THE GMKAT NAT- IOnAL WORK. HISTORY (Civ. I. Political . id ol th SOUTHERN RKRELLION. Cmirehetid n;i , nl-o. all import ml S'aie Papers fCo.lederate a-nl F 'r ral ) all ordinances if Secession. Pro-.'eedinas ..of Cnngres ( R-bel an I red erul,) Remwrkablrt speeclie &c, together v ith ofTicial Rsports of Crimmanders, Arrnv and Navy Smt iti-. Map, &c, 1Y CRVILLE J. VICTOR,lo be completed in 3 Volumes, Super Royal Octavo Reauii fuhy Illustrated with Steel Engraving, Map. &c, Pref-aied expressly (or thi wor-k, by John Rogeis. and other first-class artist. VOLUMES I AND II NOW READY. '1 his truly National Work characterized by a'leai'ina Journal as the "Paraxon of Hi-lorie." ha. now taken its plairn ir lit erature a the History par excellence, ot the' Great Rebellion. It has rereived (as will be seen by reference to the letter and ro'ices subjoined) the endorsement of the loading men and tre leading j iurnal of the countrv. It i commended by ihnse rno-t qualified to judge, a suc h a Record of the lii-e, Progress and Re-ul s of the War f-r the -'Union as every Intelligent citizen should pess. As li'lti indicates, il$ covers the ground of ttie. Retiellion, as well in h Political and Social as in ii Military aspect.. Ii d-als in chronoiogic order, witn iris open atid the secret movements for Secession in the several States ; it comprehend the pro?eedii'2 of the procee ' ot lite Mont gnrnerv Conventirui and cf ilie Confederate State's Coi:gre-s : xll proceedings in the Federal Cot gre relating to ti e ru'io ol Secession and Rebellion, g iving luil re ports of Ihe great Deba'es, Re-olu tmns. Report &c . U 'tie M---;i c, Pwlania lion, S:c. of it-e Pre-i leri! ; 'tni proving a Conrpleie Cf;i: endiit'ii of l'ie political j.f.M.p- ,if ihe n-ieo.-p't-d r- vul-jiion. A a recoid of l'ie stnpeti,li'i) Military atid Naval Feature rf the Rebeili.-in, it will he i.!l thai coild te dened full, an ihentic ind grapfiic leaving nothing rtn said wMuh ta necesarv to render it the be-t an rno-t sHii-lnctory Hi-tf.ry if tti War ?r the Union which will be pre-en e l for !f:e prf-.ron ge of the Ainen.-" IVopi Most of two vo'iifnen will bedvn'ed lo (he Oper i'io.i- of the army and Navy. As each v li.n;e con aut- more Lfi'pr press !;' utiy iwo volumes rf o'her pro fasted "Hi-'ories'' now offered to the public It will te pr-'-ived that tlrs Great Wrk on tf e ,oie of nine ami com nletljess will rl'allen-.e all coinpariion . The Entire History will be comprised in thr-i Smer Royal cctavo volume, ol aout 60U0 pages each beautifully printed, in double column, from specially prepared ty pi:. Tl;e amount cf matter in etcti vol ume is equivalent to 'he contents of six ordinary do' book. Thn in three vol umes ihe aoihor will have ample space lo consider every event fully and satisiac tonly, should ihe war drag its felo length along thrnosn Ue year. The jvotk can otiiy be had of the can vasser. ll is tiol sold by "the trade." AH who wi-h lo become poeed of it should avail themselves of lht F'r&t proposition of Ihe agent. Each volume is guaranteed lo be equal, in all respects to the specimen copy ex hibited by the agent. .- JAS. D TORREY. Pnblis-hed 13 Spruce Si. N. Y. Address correapondence to EDWARD HOVEY, General Agerii, 13 Spruce N. Y., Firs' Class C'Mtiva-er Wanted JAMES V. KEKLER, A-ent for Colum bia Co. June 15, 1S64. 3 ' KUW GOODS! Anollier Arrival ol Goods. A I crfvrtt nr. spp & Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 r- CE OZ Z3i o Row is I'otir Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER rjpHE endersigned having just returned JL from the Eastern cities with a larg and full assortments of fGHQfTrP in addition to a snperi (1? &j ' a or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER it HATS AND CAPSj compri-ing every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can O" purchased elsewhere. Hi Stock ol GROCEUIES are nol sur poird in this niarke', which he offer cheap for ca?h, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invite ine at tention ol Shoemakers and Ihe public. Give him a call At Slroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. ' - JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloorssburg, April 27, 1864. , E. J . THORNTON, PAPER DEALER, HAS RECEIVED A LOT OF-NEW WALL PAPER, of various styles, at his etbih rrent on, Alain Street, . below Market, B!oomborg, which he will sell ai reason able prices. . - A. J. THORNTON. . Blooaiba, Hay 4, G ROVE R Co BAKER'S CFr.tI;H ATtD CLASTIC STITf H S IV3i"V G ITI I S3 1 IV I : S Were awarded tfie hichesl Premiums over all Competitors, at the following Stale Hi.d County F.itr- of 1833. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. ' . Firl Premium for family Ivlachinfl. First Premium for Mar.r.facmring Machine Fir-t Piem inm for Mac' we Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. Fir-t Premium for Machine for nil purposes Fifsi Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. I Premium for Family Mac-hire. Fir-l Premium for Manufannring Mucliine. First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. Fir-t Premium for M; chine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. Firt Premiuni for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Woik. ILLINOIS STATE .KAIR. First Premium tor Machine for sJI purposes Firl Premium lor Machines Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR ' F rt Premium for Machine for all purpose" FrVt Premium lor Machine Work, M I C A I G A N STATE FAIR Fir-t Premium for Manuf-icinring Machine. F:rt Premium lor Family Macriine First Premium for Machine Work PF.NN'A STATE FAIR ''. Fi-l Pr-miurn for M-irmlac'nring Machine Fr'-t Pre-ninrn for Machine Work OREGON STATE. FA I R. Fust Premium fr Family Machine, First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. A GUT. GOC. Kir-t Premium lor Family Midline ' First Premium for Manufacturing Mac' in? Fir-l Premium torMnchit'e Work. FRAN K LI N CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for 'Family Machine. Fir-i Premium for Manufacturing Machine CI1AM1LA1N VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Dudomi for Machine Woik. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P.eminm for Family Mdchina QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium lor Fariiily Machine Fir-t Premium for Mn ufactnring Machine Fr-t Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium lor Machine Work GREEN' FIELD O, UNION FAIR Firsi Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Pi'-' Prem'um fr Miwl-!. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fist Premium lor Machine for all purposes Firi Preit ttim for M;'.chi e Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cl FAIR. F"si Premium for Fatuity 'Ma'-hine Fii-t Ptemiuni for Maehip Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First !';eiriiim for Family Machine Fir-t Preniium f"r Mai!un' Work The ub'ive co'npri's all the Fairs at which the Grover ci Raker Machines weie exhibited this Sal roofir, 435 Broo'dway, New York. 730 Cn-st.iut St., Philadblphia. March 23, 1SS1 ly. I'M 4V THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worm seeing. Please tend for circular with sample of sewing. These Improved Machines t-ave one hundred per cent- of thread and silk, and make the lock-stitch alike on both side. They require no instructions to opera'" perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from one kind of goo Is to another. And no taking apart lo clean c oil. Our-Xew Manufactory i now complete, wiih all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is al.eady rapidly turning out Machine, which for beauty and perfection o; finish nre not surpassed by am manufac ture in the; world. N. B. Should any Machine piave unsat isfactory, it can be returned and money refunded ' Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Agent.' " ! FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 53$ Broadway, Now Y'ork. April 20, 1S64. ly. . JYcio Clothing Store LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. 'IHE nndersigned .respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he ha just received from the Eastern Cities, a laroe assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the teat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be told cheap for cash or country, produce. A L S O, HATS & CAPS W BOOTS AXD SU0ES.t5 Together with a variety ot no lions and things loo iroublecome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chaser. - C7". He is also' prepared tn make rip clothing to order, on reasonable terms, and vp to the latest fashions. tyCall and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. Oyer's Cherry Pectoral Lack'a and Bloomsburg Railroad u AM) A F Ell JAN SKNtiEU IUAIN WILL 1R, 1964, PAS RUN AS FOL- LlSVS- " ' ' 1 IIOVIKG fcOCTH Freight! Pt.utngtr. Paitenger. 4.20 P M 5 55 8,25 8 33 9 15 9 55 Leave Scrann,' Bloomsbarg -- Rupert, 4 'Dan villa, Arrive al Nofth'd rroviNo NORTH. Leave NorthM ' Danville 8 00 A ' 8 40 9 22 0 35 12 12 P M Rupert, CI Bioomshurg, Kingston, M Arrive at Scrartton, 1,30 Fieighi & Passe; ger ieaves Bloooisbnrg, 10 15 A M Pas-t gers taking ihe Mail Train Sonth connect with the Evpres train from Nor Ihumhprland. nrrivini at Harrisburg- at 2.3(1 AM . Rihimore. 7.00 A. M. and at Ptnl'a. at 7,00 A.M Ihe Mail Train from NoriiiM, leave in mediately after the Ex press tram from Harrisburg at and Balti more, allowing Pa-eiii!ers leaving Phila delphia, at 10 40 P. M. to reach points on this road during ihe next forenoon. . New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pan'v the night trains etch way between Ncr'humberland arid Baltimore, and Not ihumberland and Philadelphia. ; H. A. FUNDA, Supt. J. C. Wells, Gen I Ticket Agent Kingston, Feb. 3, ,861, :' W I. ST AIl'S XIAL.SAM . One of the oldest una mol reliable rem edies in the worll for Coughs, C'dd, Whonpinw Cough, Biotichiiis,Dif fit'iilty ol Brea'hing, AMhma, Hoarsenes, Sore Throat, Cronp.and every A fl-oi i-.m of the THROAT LUNGS and CHEST, including eveu WJSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it i unnecessary to recbnnt its vtnu. Its wotks speak for it, and uiterarco in the abundant and voluntary tes'irnony of tfie many who from long suffering and set tled di-ea-e liave by its ti-e been" restored lo pn-tine vigor and health. We can pro Bent a mas of evidence in proof tl oar assertion, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. ' Testimony of Mr. JAMES GRIMES, ' a gentleman hihly e-tgemed in Columbia Co. Pa, and one whose statement can .be relied cpon.' Ml. Pleasa-t, Col. ro., Pa , May 21.1860. Messrs Stslh W Fo -Jer&: Co., Boston Gentlemen About three years ago oui daughter, 'now twelve years of age, wa severely afflicted " with croup. A general irritation of the lung 'followed, producing a hectic cough, which became almost con siatil ; swelling of the temples ar.d other indications of Consumption wer also ap parent, and her lile u as, cespaired of by her physic ian. At this critical mo-oerit wa" were induced to give Dr. Wt-Ur's BiUam of Wild Cherry n trialand after she had taken one bottld we found her so much re lieved that it wan thought unnece-sary to continue tt use. Jsiiice that time we bar used ihe Balsam ir. oar family in cases of Coughs and Cold, fftd beiieve it to be superior remedy foi all diseases of the Lung. Your with re-pect JAMES GRIMES. FROM JKSE SMITH, E-q., President of the Morris County Batik, Mor ristowrt, N. J. ! "Having used D'. WiMar's BaUam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen years, and having real zed ils beneficial reults Li n:y family, it affords me great pleasure, in re commending it to the public as a valua ble remevly in cases of weak Jung, col.n, coughs, i , and a remedy which I consid er lo be entirely innocent, a'ui may be ta ken w uh perfect safety by .ihe Diost deli cate in hetlih.'; FROM HON. JOHN E. SMITH, A distinguished Liyer in Westminster, Md. 1 have on several occasions used Dr. Wis'ar's la!-am o1 Wild Cherry for everi i olds, and nlvys wii'i decided be:t-fil. I kt:ow ot no pip(.hrrfiinn that is more effi- cacion ir more deserving of netiernl use. The Bi-arn has aKn tien nie wiih ex-e-l:er.rerTeci by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, H-IIV Cro:-s R"t, M W iS TAR'S BALSAM CF WILD CHERRY None genuine utiles gignedl bUfTS," on the tvrajjper. FOR SALE RY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, NT. S. W. FOWLE & Co.. Pronr:etors. Boston. And by ail DruggisV. UF.DDIXG'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores: -Redding's Russia Salve Cures Dante, Scalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Wounds, Brnies, Sprains. ReJdmg's Russia Salve Cures Boils, Ul- cer Lancer. Redfing's Rn?sia Salve L r t tmalia Cures SU Rheum, P,le Redding's fusii Sjlve Cares Rlna worm, Corn, bee. San. No family nhonH be without it. ONLY.45 CENTS A BOX. For sale by I. P. DINSMORE, No 491 Broadway,N.Y. S. W. EOWLE &i Co. No. 18 Tremont Sr.; Boston, and by all Druggi-ts and Country Siorekeepers Aug. 10, l86J.--ly. Teachers' examinations. : Examinations of Teachers for Colombia county, will te held at the following litnei and place : Midi tu at M i tu in vi lie, Sept. 12. Mains and Beaver at Mairiville, Sept. 13. Locust and Roarittgcrepk at Numedia, 5ept. 14. Catawisa and Franklin at Catawia, Ss; t. 15.- Conyttgham at Centralia, Sept 16 Briarcreek and Berwick at Berwick. Sept. 19. Centre at Fowlersviile, Sepi'br. 20 Orange. at OrangeviMe, Sept. 21. Finhtng creek at Pealer's School Honse, Sepi. 22. Benton and Sugarloal at Benton, Sept. 23. Scott at Light S'reel, Sept 26. Ml. Pleas- aril at Jones Montnur at Scnool House, Sepi'ber 27. Diet.erick's School House, Sept. 30. Bloom al Blnomsburg, Oct. 1st. Hemlock at Buckhorn, Oct. 3d Madison at Jerseytown, Oct. 4th Pine al Wamers ville, Oct. 6;h. Greenwood and Jackvon, atRohrsburg, Oc. 14ih. The exercise at all the above places to commence at 9 o'clock A. M. Teachers are requested o appear for ex amination before the Directors io whooi' they make application for emplovmeui. C. G. PAuKLEY, County Scp't. Bfoomsborg, Aog. 31, 1964. - - DAVID LGUXNEEUG, C LO THING S T 0 J? . On Main street, wudooraboTetL-Ac:t js.