: :i. HOSTBTTSH'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. ATURE and powerful Tonic, corrective and alternative of wonderl! efficacy in disease' of he STOMACH LIVER AND BOWELS. Cure Dyspepsia. Liver com plaint, Headache, General Debility, Ner vousness. Depression of Spirits, Consiipa tion. Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaint of either S'X, ariMt'g from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the system or prodnc cd by special causes. Nothing that is not whobsome, genial and res'orative in 'us natnr ente" into the composition of HOSTKTTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contain no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ; bnt it is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest o? at! diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed agiinM disease and, so far as the human system can be projected by hnmsn means against mala d es engendered by an unwholesome at mosphere, impure water and other external canse,'Ho6tetter's Bitters may be relied on as a safeguard. Ir. districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been fou nd infallible as a preventive and irresistible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its pro tective qualities ir: advance, are ccred by a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever and-Ague patients, after be ing pl:ed with quinire for months in vain, until fairly saturated with , that dangerous alk-'oid, are not unfrequently restored to heaun wi'hin a few days by the use cf HostetKi'a Bitters. . .. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this ireeable Tonic, and hence it works wonde-s in ca '' ses of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a. gentle and "painless apperient, as well a upon tne liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipation ' superinduced by irregular action of the digestives and secretive or gan. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervmii Attacks. Lovness of Spirits and Fits of Lan . -guor, find prompt and permaennt relief from the Bitters. The Testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both -" sexes. The agony of Bilious Colic is immedi ately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant and by occasionally resorting to it, the ret lira of the complaint may be pre vented. As a General Tonic, Hosteller's Bitters produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fullv ap preciated. In casesof Constitutional Weak ness and Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepitude art irtz from Old Age, it exercises the electric influence. In the convalescent stages of all diases it oper ates as a delightful invigorant. When tne powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re enforce and re-establ sh them. Last, but not least, it is the The Only Safe Stimulpnt, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and en tirely free from the acid elements present more or less in all the orJinary ionics and stomachics of the day. No family medicine has been so univer sally, and, it may be tmly added, deserv edly popular with the intelligent portion .of the community, as Ho-tetter's Biners. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, . Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. Dec. 9, 1861. ly. SOLDIEKS II TIIK AISJ1TT And Our Pcaple at Hone .Are now offered an opportunity by which thev can obtain a A GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. - ' Our Watches are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and the buyers allowed the Priv ilege of Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTION?. A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil Ter maierial, over which is electro fine plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought, making the imitation so faultless that it rannot be detected from the solid ma'erial most expenencea jnages ; acias win not affect it. London made movement Im proved Duplex in Full Ruby Action, has sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best artrclej ever offered for tra ders and speculators. Ergineers, emigrants and persons tavellmg, will find them supe rior to any other ; alteration of climate will not affect their 'accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and good running order only S35, or case of 6 for $200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS. Best Quality Silver Cases, over which electro-'fiue plated 18 k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior adjust ed movements with "Slop." to be ned in timing horses, etc., has Focr Indexes for Washington and Greewich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. AH in all. taking its Beautiful and Faultless ap pearance and its Superior Movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the mar ket.- Price, in ood "running order &3i, or case of 6 for $200. ETWe ask do pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible pyr ites, to any part of the .loval States, with bill payable to exyressraan when the goods .are delivered, giving rbe buyer the privil ege of examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch can be returned -at oar . expense. The express oompanies " refuse, making collection. on soldier and other parties in the disloyal States, consequently ail such order must be accompanied by the cas'o to insure attention. . We make a deduction of two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advace. - Money may be sent by express at ou expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., S3 and 95 Broad St., opposite City Bank, . " Providence R. I. Oet-21.1SS3. CABINET WARE'ROOAI. SIMOIV C. 8 HIVE, O ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of Mbe Public to his extensive assortment ot Cabinet Furniture and CH A IRS,fk which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike man. M ier. At his establishment can always be (ound a good assortment .of fashionable Turni'ure, which is equal in style hud flit ch to that ol Philadelphia or N York cities ind at as low prices. He has on hand FliffH Of dlffroi.l- olvlrt nri. I - ff i'rices, from S25 to $60. Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahoganv. Parlor chairs. flocking and easy chair, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card..''''"? centre and pier tables, detashiu, T p cheffeniers, whatnots and com odes, Qr.i3 nd all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common wasnstands,dress-tables, corner cupboards, ofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs ij the largest in this section of the county. He will also keep a good assortment of looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also furnish spring mattrasses fitted to any 6ized bedstead, which are superior for durability sod com fort to any bed in use, Bloomsbur, Nov. 4, 1863. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. fampound Fluid Extract Buchn, a posi tive aod Specific Remedy for disa s of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Waterv or Calcareous deposition, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well a Pdin and Iflammation. II ELitl HOLD'S FXTR4CT BLTIlir. For Weaknesses arising JroTi extreme. Habits of Dissipation, Early fodiscreuon of abuse, attended with the following mp toms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power. Lo?s of Memory, Difficulty of Breathi-ig, Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Di!--eace, Wakefulne-s, Dimnrss of Vision, Pan in the Back, Universal Latitude of ih Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of.the Skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes soon follows. IM POTENCY, FATUITY EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can eay that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the caust of their suf fering, but none will confess the Records of the Insame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consump tion bear ample witness to the Truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen arid Invigorate tle System, which HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FE.MAI..ES,-FMALES,-FEM ALES. Iii many Affections peculiar to Females the Kxtraot Buchu if nuequaled byanv ' other reanedy. as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfnlness. or Sppp-esion of Customary EvacnatJons, Ulcerated or Scirrhous siate of trie Uterus, Leuchorrhcea or Whites, S erility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change ol Lite Take no more BaUarr, Mercury, or unpleasant-Medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HELM FOLD'S Ex'ract Bncho and Im proved Rose Was-h cures SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Stages, At iMtle Ex- pense, Little or.no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing and coring strictures of the Urethra, alia ir g Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent in the clas of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have fonnd they were deceived, and that the "poison" has, by the use of "pow erful astringents, " been dried up in the systerD, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmbold's Extract Bucha lor all affections and d iseases of the fJrinary Or gans, whether existing in Male of Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract B.ichu is the Great Diuretic; and is certain :o have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and. responsible character will ac- i company the medicine. Price $1.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe sympioms in all communications. Cures guaianteed ! Advice gratis. Addpess letter for informa tion to II. II. HELIttROLD, Chemist. 10-1 South 10th st., bel. Ches'.nut," Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, ' HELMBOLD S Drug&Chem'l Wapqse, o4u if roadway, A ew lork. EBeware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who c:.javor to dispose ' of their own" and 'i"otljer" articles oa the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, do do Extract Bachu, Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarapari!!a. do jlo Improved Rose Wash. I fSold by all Druggists evervwhe Ask for Helmbold's. "Take no othr .Cot oat the Advertisement and setiS'for it.'and avoiil imposition and exposure. . s . Doc. mbef 9, l863.-ly. " 4 2.. jHAITG- holsl, Vril. R K00NS-.Proprietor . . P'L00.11ULtRG PA. HPHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the i-euirai potiion oi me iown, and . cp- posite tne ,ourt Housej dip been thoroughly repaired ."and refurnished, and the Proprietor in now prepared to accommodate travelers teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords and his Bar with the choicest liauors . ? - . ' Atientise ostlers will always be on hard anu nis siaoung is tne most extensive in Ibis section of country. Omnibuses vnl always be in readiness to Tngvey passsn gerslo and from the Railroad Depots. ; - WM. 5. KOON3. Bloomsburg, Jo!y:4, 1560 . ' - - AVhoesale and Uctuil. THE subscriber would announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he( i selling LIQUORS in large ard small quantities, and at different piires, it his New Store, on Main street, r- north side, two doors south of jVj Iron street, Bloomsburg. His -lock of Foreign and Domestic v-'-- consists of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginner, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aiiy quaLtity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras," Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, a quantity of good double extrv BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fullv solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROB BINS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. 'WYOMING IMURAN! E COMPANY, . OJfice over the Wyoming Bank, CAPITAL AXD SURPLUS, I25,C0O. . I v Will insure against loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable verms. DIRECTORS, G. M Hollenback, John Reiehard, Samuel VVadhams, D L Shoe maker, Daniel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smith R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham' Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. G. M. IIOLT.ENBACII, Pres't. D. L. SHOEMAKER, V. Pres't. R C. SMITH, Secretary,, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer L II. CONOVER. Agent, BrfHCti Haven, Pa. December 2d, 1863 ly. I? GOODS! RE VOL UTIOX IN HIGH PRICES! NEW ARRIVAL OF srS2JiC& U.lOIEi: sOD AT PETER EXT'S STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. JT-TAS j'jst received from the eatern cilies anil is now opening at the n'.i oan a splendid assortment of which will be told cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock consiMS of Ladies Dress Good, choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. HOSIERY SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. &U. Ueadv-Jla'K Clothing, S. riNKTS, CSSI.1ERES, COTTON A I) ES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. QUEENSWARE, CEDARWRE. UARD WARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, COOTS AXD SU0ES, H ATS and CAPS, In short everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of his old friends, and the public generally, is lespectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER EXT. Light Street, May 1. 1864. JYcid Stock of Clothing. Spring and Niu:i:in r Goods. iNYll ES at ention to his .stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, or MjIIN street, bloomsburg, two doors above the American House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelpnia, a full assortment of ItScn ant! Boy's Moth ins, includiug the most fahionab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Pox, Sack, Frock f Gum end Oil Clcth Coats, and Pants, of all sfrts, siiss, and color3. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cTavats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. - N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vesling3, which he is prepared to make up to order, into aiy kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. A N D Ot every Description, Fine andCheap His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in ibis place. Call and examine his general as sortment ol Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. CAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1864.- Jtlillcr's Stiwc. . OF SPPJSG AD SOI3IEU GOODS. 'SHE subscriber has just returned from the Citie with another large and select assort mentjof $riiig c Summer floods, purchased a't Philadelphia and New York, at th lowest figure, and which he is determined to sell on as modera'e terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsbarg. n is siock comprises dLadies Dress Goods, of the choiresi styles and lite- fashions. DRY GOODS, lf 2) C O 2 H QZ S3a H ARD W ARK. QUEENSWaRB. CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c , &c. In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. . The highest price will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for goods. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsborg, May ll, 1864. - N Y WEEKLY NEWS. rj,. . . ' ' 77 .T v . .T- The cheapest and best New York News- paper; Only one dollar per anuum. Eight of events Benjamin Wood, editor and p'o- ,iy . iu.u prieior. Published at No. 19 City Hall Squaie, Daily News Building, Na w York City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a public ournal. and in EVERY DEPARTNENT is most efficie:vJCicted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial and literary, tbroghout the World. In addition to this it contains all the Domestic Intelligence of each week and full reports of every matter of public interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News will be found on the side of tha Constitu tion of the courtry as it was framed and established hy the Fathers of the Republic, and will scan with care and fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of the letter and spirit of that instrument of our liberties. It prefers the POLICY OF PEACE to a ruiiious and exhausticg system of War. Insisting- upon the truth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, that the just powers of ihe Govern ment are derived from the consent of the governed, it urges the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate, a 'of more sacred importance than national grandeur or consolidated power under des potic rule without the pale of established law. On allqueiins of national impor tance it is the inflexible champion ot the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they havedecided to be governed. It therefore boldiy avows its purpose ta sustain the Freedom of -Speech and of the Press, wiio tha view to protect the people from the encroaching dogmas ol theorists who cnutempelate a modification of the democratic principles which to t'lis time have be-) .nsiained against every ef lori to overthrow them. In all matters per taining to Government the purpose of this new-paper is to roiectlhe people from in considerate ar.d rnsh legislation, and to hold our public servants to a strict account ability for their conduct while car:ying ou the machinery of power. To this end the most careful attention will be given to all Federal and Legisla'.ive laws, and a firm and impartial examinatation of every new yoliiical proposition may be expected a the only means of protecting the people from an abridgement ot their rights. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are giv-n in the most suerinei vpi nm..lui manner r.. . "':" 7-..r I parncmar notice fidelity v.ui tiTFh. and all iU.a tor meir who desire to comprehend ihe exact finan cial condition of the- couetry should not fail to examine ihe views which will be founn in this department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting and in structive and being derived from 'some of the ablest minds in Europe must be read with the utmost avidity by those who desire to comprehend that diblomacy of the Gov errmen'n of the Old Wo-ld. In sll other respects THE WEEkLY NKU'S will be found to meet the public de mand. It is Ihe especial object of the Pro prietor to render it a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, ennobling in us character, and satisfactory to that Urge class in the community who desire to see the Public Prestueat atl public qna-tions with arguments axpressed in courte-y and candor, thought, at the same time, with the spirii doe o the Jhpmes-discussed'. By reference to the terms of Tne New York Weekly News ii.wiJ be noticed that it is bj- far the cheapest newspiper -in the world, and the Proprietor feels that he may invite those who approve of it principles and coiducl to use their influence in adding to its yresent large circulation.; NEW YORK WEELY NEWS, Eight-Pages Forty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year One Dollar Eleven Copies to one AdJrefor One Year TEN DOLLARS, insl copies Three Cents THE XETF YORK DULY NEWS. A first cla- Metropolitan Journal devoted to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, and containing alt the news of the day, Politi cal, Telegraphical, Commercial and Local ithe cheapest daily paper in Ihe metropo- TERMS: One Copy, One Year Six Dollars One Copy Six Moiyia Three Dollars Single Copies ' . - Tow Cents' Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Elito and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square! New York. ' IVortli Central Railuay. TIM E TALB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North ar.d West Branch of the Susquehan na, Eimira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Son bury, Harrisbure nd Baltimore, as follows: C TTn I irr? inn Mail Train leaves Sur.burj daily eweui Sundays, at 10.10 a m. Leaves Hairi-burg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Balinnor-, 5.35 41 Express Tfa;n leaves Sunbiiry daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg.except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at . 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NOR Til TFJ3RD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except onnaays at 9.15 a m Leaves Harrisbnrg-, 1.15 p m Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 pm Expiess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at Ha'risburg, 1.35 a.m Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00 ' Arrives at Sunbnrv. 5.38 ' For further particulars apply at the office. I. N DUBAKRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug 8, 1863. U C IIOITCR, SIKGKO I DEATIST, I ESP EC FULLY offers his professional services to the ladies & gentlemenol Blooms burg and vicinity He is prepared 10 attend 10 all the various operation in Dentisiry, nd is provided wnS tbe Ulest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will Ue in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teetb manofac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior ;: ::Me of Tooth Powders, al ways on fcand. . Ibperations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Oifice, a few doors above the Court I? sa, same side. Bloomsbu.j, Ang. 19 1858. J THE SINGER SEWIG MACHINES. fUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is VfaB, ainin, world-wide renuiaiion; li is beyond douD, ,he begt aDd cheapest and m0P, beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines vet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many use'' fol appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gaihering, Guaging, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity tor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread,, Great and recent improvement nake our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and wheti about to be operated may be opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest aud chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, ueedles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 810 Chestnut St N. S. Tingley. Agent, in Espy, Pa. A. J. Evans, Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. IVCWYOP.K NAFF DEPOT 71 imiiam Street, Nno York, . A. GRSGOfr Size and Prices of IAMe's Fire-Proof Safes. O UTSID E: Hei'ht. Width. Depth. No 1- 24 20 20 No 2 26 22 24 No 3 30 24 24 No 4 32 28 24 No 5 34 31 24 No 6 40 31 24 INSIDE: Ileittht. Width. No 1 ,17 11 No 2 19i 13 No 3 21 15 No 4 22 18 No 5 24 21 No 6 31 21 PRICE. Number 1 S50 CO Number 4 do 2 60 00 I do 5 do 3 70 00 I do 6 November 1 1, 18f3 Depth. 12 12 12 13 14 15 PRICE S85 00 H0 00 115 00 1 rll Clrts Farm-rs Magazine lor I'm 1861, The Pennsvfvania 1SG4. FAIUlEftt & GAKDEER, DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE. HORTICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS, Edited and Published by WILLIAM S. 10 UN G & CO., 52 North Sixth Stree;, Philadelphia. Terms : .One Dollar a year. The Sixth Volume commences with Jan uary number. 5 I A V1NG obtained the services of emi--nent and practical Agriculturists, Horti !uluiri1s. Siock Breeders and Bee keepers, we confidently offer the current Volume at one of the besi ever issued for originality, practical thought and reliable inlormation, Feb. "24, 1864- Old Tilings liccomc icw, The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "ihe rest of man kind," that he has lately returned Irom the service ol his country, and again re- 0i opened his O L D EST A BLIS H- frA EDTAILORINGSALOO N,-Lt with a view of making up entire new gar ment, as well as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body ele, who may favor him with their work in bis line. He i prepared to do work NEAT, Fash IONABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doing, and strict attention to business to merit and receive a due share of patron age. But remember, all, that these times 1 require money, or something to live upon, he therefore hopes and trusts, that when he has done hi part, his customers will do theirs, by furnishing the "reafiy John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 1862. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. SWALLOW two or three Hogsheads of Buchu, Tonic Bitters. Sarsaparilla, Nervous Antidotes, &c, &c., &c, and after you are satisfied with the result, then trv one box ot OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLb, and be restored to health and vigor in less than 30 days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and sha'tered consti tution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the U. S. only by JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York, tlT Agent for the United Slates. P. S. A box of the pills, securely pack ed, will be mailed to anv address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post paid, money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given . July 20. 1864. 3m. ICE-CREAM. I STOHNER would respectfully annou- nee 10 the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just opered an Irc-Crcnm Saloon, over his Coniectionary Store, 1 door above the Post Office, in Bloomsburg, where he will serve up Ice-Cream, of the most choice flavors, every evening, during the Summer months, at the most reasonable rates. ZW Parlies and Families can be accom modated with the ar;icle upon short nonce Give him a call. B STOHNER, Bloomsburg, Apr. 27, '64. Prop'r. . HENRY ROSENSTOCK. Sky-Light Amtirolypist, rOOMS in ihe Third Story ol the Ex-chanc-e Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Colombia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859- ly. fetSi l fe-fc SECOND HAND INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL HOME ENTERPRISE, 585 BROADWAY NEW YORK. THE MIRROR OP THE RZ BELLI. IT. The Most Complete and Magnificent War Exhibition Extant. Devoted to ralsi g Funds for a Na tional Home. 100,000 TICKETS, AT $1 EACH. A DONATION of m.720 m Valuable Prop, erty to the Ticket Holders. JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent for the Pro prietors, has the honor to announce a plan for creating a fund for ihe founding of a National Institution, to be a home for lu valid, disabled, discharged soldiers. The original sumber of Tickets issued for this object was 100,000, one third of which have been aheady disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was first projected. Each of the One Dollar Tickets is good for Four Admissions to the Mammoth MIRROR OF THE REBELLION, at 585 Broadway, New York City, or wherever else exhibited. One half of the profits of the entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to the above named patriotic object. According to the original advertised plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Fanenil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4th, and an adjourned meeting at the same place on Dec'., 16ih. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elecied as a Board of Trustees, to receive the funds which may accrue "lrom the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to this object in accordance with the plans of the originator ; Gen John S. Tyler, Boston; his Excellency Governor James Y. Smith, of Rhode Inland; Hon. Geo Briggs of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin of Pennsylvania; Major Gen N. P. Banks, cf Mass., Major Gen. O. O. Howard of Maine: his Excellency Gov. Richard Vales', of Illinois. To speedily accomplish this great ob ject, every wise means will be used by the projector to effrid the immediate sale of the tickets; and he calls upon the loyal and humane to assist earnestly in carrying (his noble undertaking forward to a trium phant success. Neither its importance, nor its feasi bility, can be called in question. Let the people but respond in a spirit worthy 0 the project, and no obstacles shall delay its consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and ready to devote his whole energies to Ihe great work, the projector firmly be lieves the tide of popular iavcr will flow in the desired direction, and accomplish the founding and insure the creation of a permanent National Institution, which shall be an alnm for the retired soldier, whose loss of health or limb is his diplo ma for heroic services performed in his country's cause, and which shall go down to the future generations a blessing 10 man kind and an enduring monument to the liberality ol the loyal people. Bv containing this enterprise with a public place ol amusement ci such well established high character and merit, the subsciiber to the fund, while giving his motey for the promoiion of a great char ita'ole design, may receive a full equiva lent for the outlay in witnessing this splendid seri of Paintings. ATTARACTIVE BOUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effec' the speediest possible sale of these tickets, so that unnecessary expense may be saved, and tha National Home Fund proportionately increased, a further inducement is offered as a ooonty to pur-cha-er. As soon as the tickeis shall have been sold, in addition to one half the profits, as aforesaid the . following described prop erty will be donated to the ticket holders, and placed in the hands of their Trustees, a distinct board having been cbosen for that purpose, at the mass meetings held a above stated, and hich consists of the followir g genilemen who, on receipt of the property, will dispose q( ihe same, by lot, or otherwise, as the ticket holders in mass meeting may direct there to be no violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C. O- Rogers. Hon. C. W, Slack. Gen. Boht Cowdin, Col. A.J Wright, John C. Hay nes, Esq., of Boston, Johua Webster Esq., of Maplevillt, Mass , Isaac S. Mor.-e Esq., of Camhridge, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To uhiih the Vicket-holders uill be entitled. One genteel residence in the City ol Ro bury. Mas, vahed at S10 000 Three Piano forts, val. at ?500 each 1.500 Five piano-fortes, val. atS30Geach 1,500 Five fJold Watches, at SI00 each, 500 Fifty Gold Watches, ai S50 each, 2,500 Two shares in ihe Boston aud Wor cester Railroad, a1 SI30 each, 260 Two shares in ihe Boston and Maine R R. valued at 130 each, 260 Two shares in the Merchants' Bank, Boston, at S100 each, 200 Six thousand Gold Unh.n Medals valued at S3 each, 18,000 Two Sewing Machines, at $50 each, 100 Total S34 720 Due notice will be given of the next mass meeting of the ticket holders which will take place in New York City A National Home Ticket, costing ona dollar, consists of five coupons, 'four of which are admissions to the Mirror, good at any time, and the other a certificate of an interest in the" Enterprise, which the purchaser reians. The admision coupon may be used sep arately, cr all at once, as suits the conve nience of.the purchaser. All communications on the subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or express, should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 585 Broadway, New York City. TO C LUBS. Persons taking an active interest in this charitable nuderuking, by getting up clubs, will receive eleven tickets for every ten dollars sent. Jan. 20, 1864 THE NEW GROCERY STORE. MORE Just received at Erasmus New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Spices, Fish, Salt, Tobaco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerous 10 mention. "Butter, Eggs, Meal and produce gen erally taken in exchange for oods. A. B. ERASMUS. Bloomsburg, Feb. 29, 1864. WHITE MEN MUST RULE AM EE THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBMSnED; J70RTY-EIGHT columns of reading; mtl ter per week for Si 20 per year. Tbifc. only New York Paper made up exclusive ly ior conniry circulation; anu, me news of the week, with the cattle, produce, and other markets, carefully reported. ; The New York Hay-Book, for 1 864. White Men's Liberties-State Rijihis Fed eral Union. The New York Day-Book is an indepen dent, Democratic Journal, holding with the late Senator Douglas, that "this govern ment is made on the white basis, by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever." It is a large dou ble sheet, with forty eight columns of read ing matter, and in all respects whether for Markets, news. Literary or Agricultural information is not inferior to any as a po litical or family newspaper. In its politi cal department, it grapples boldly with th e real question before the American people, and presents the only philosophy of it which can resist the sweeping march of Abolitionism. It is Democratic in the true sense of the term the defender of the peo- v pie' rights, but it is the uph'older of no par-; ty chicanery or trickery. It is not only for peace, but it shows how, and how only, permanent peace can be obtained, and thu glo-ious while man's government of Wash ington retnredj viz: by the otter rone,' overthrow, and extermination of Abolition ism from American soil. The Day Book is now the only weekly political paper in New York city made up exclusively for country circulation. Allthe others are rha-hed from the columns of some daily paper, which renders it almost impossible to give so complete and general a summary of the news as in the other caae Persons about subscribing should take this into consideration. Democrats, ai-o, must see to it that sound papers are circulated among the people, or abolition-, ism will never oe put down. CP All who desire to refute the arguments of Abolition ists, should read The Day Book. TERMS: One copy, one year, J2 CO; Three copies on yea.', S5 00; Five copies, one year, $7 50; Ten copies, one year, and one to the getter np of the club, $14 00; Twenty copies, one )ejr, and one to the get er up of the Club, 24 00. Additional copies, each Si 20: The name of the post-office, countv", and State, should in all caes, be plainly given in every letter. v Pajments always in advance, acd alt papers will be stopped when the lime of subscription paid lor expires. Address, VAN EVRIE, HOftTON & CO., ... fc 162 Nassau 6t., New York. Special Orders. We desire this yeaf to place before a million of northern read--ers the great doctrines "' The Day Book" teaches on the question of the Races. . We confidently believe if this Journal were placed in the hands ol o:ie half of the vo ters of the northern States between this time and November, 1864, the Democrats could : not fail to carry the next presidential elec- r lion. We therefore make the following offers, not in the light of prizes, ar.d not even because it will be profitable, for we can scarcely afford it bnt solely to secure a wide dissemination of the view which we profoundly believe will save our coun try . Clubs of Twenty. For a club of 20, besides ihe extra paper now offered, we ' will send a copy of Dr. Vu Evrie'a great work on "negroes and negro lavery," the third edition of which isjust ready. Price One Dollar. Clubs cf Fifty. For a club or Fifty subscribers, at 10, we will send one extra paper, and a complete set of our Ami Abo lition Publications," the prices oi which, taken together, amount to S2 75. Clubs of One Hundred. In relation to Clubs of one hundred, we will say this: Whoever will send us oe hundred sub scribers at one time, the club to be sent to one address, and begin and end at the tame time, will receive the papers at $100. V. E., H. fc CO. November 18, 1863. READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER AUKANGEMENT. REAT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia", New York, Reading, Pottsville,LebanoQ, Allen- -town, Easton, &c, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in termediate Stations, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. M. New York Expres leaves Harrisburg at 6. oO. m. atriviug at New York at 1 45 ; the same day. A special accomodation Pussenges train leaves Reading al 7 15 A. M. and returns fronVHarrisburg at 5 P M. Fares Irom Harrisburg: to New York S5 15; to Philadelphia S3.35 and S2.80. Baggage checked through. Reiurning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noou, and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express, arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P M. Sleeping ci,rs in the New York Express Trams, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road leave Tamaqua at 8 50 A. M and 2. 10 P M. lor Philadelphia. New York, and al Way Points. Trainsleave Pottsville at 9. 15 A. M. and 2. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6. 00 A. M. and returns irom' Philadelphia at 5. 00 P. M. CP Ait the the above tiains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A.M. and Philadelphia at 3.l5 P. M. . Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rales to and from-all points. 80 Pounds Bag;age allowed each Pas tenger. G. A. N1CULLS, General Superintendant. May 2, 1864. DR. J. R. EVANS, rhysiclan and Surgeon, TTAVING located permanently on Main 1 4 Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually thai may be intrusted to his care, on terms commensurate with the times. GT He pays strict attention toSargery as well as Medicine. November 25, 1863 -ly. E. II. LITTLE. '!Si55,IE2: ill? BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Chatles R. Buckalew. December 28, 1859. if. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office on Main Street, First door below A . J. Slcaii'e Store.- Dec iy, 1864