The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 17, 1864, Image 2

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WM. iU. J AO f) BY, EDITOR. ,
r ;S. M. Pctteigill'&'Co., S7 Park Row,
Kew York, ate duly authorized to solicit and
receive sabscri prions aod advertising forlhe
'Star of the forth, published al Bloomsborg
Columbia county 'Penn'a.
Mather & Co., J35 Broadway, New York,
;are authorized o receive subscriptions and
;advettising for the "Star of the North.
TORTBBSIDtVT -in 1864,
rSubect to the Decision of the Democratic
National Convention.
TVOTICE is hereby given that the Demo
cratic Electors, in and for the several
Boroughs and Election Districts, will meet
at their respective places of holding the
General Elections, on
Saturday, the 27th day of August next,
between the hours of 8 and 1 o'clock p. m.,
of said day. for rte purpose of choosing two
Delegates from each District, to meat in
Coo nty Convention, at rhe COURT HOUSE
in Bloomsbnrg, on
Monday, tht 29 A day of August,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of mak
ing the osual annual nominations of the
Democratic party of Colombia "County.
H W McRkTKOLDS, i Jomw A. Fonktom,
"War. Kriokbacm, 1 HllUtf B0Wk.R,
Jacob Vsacra, John Meoargell.
Democratic Standing Commit let.
Bloomsbarg, Joly 20, 1864.
To our Patrons ant! tbe Public.
The present high price of paper, labor,
printing materia'! ao4 every article enter
ng into our btts-ieess, has compelled as to
look to a corresponding advance in nor
charges. Hence the undersigned, publish
ers in Bloorasborg, will on and after the
. 1st of September, 1864, mate an dvauce
of Fifty per cent, upon old rates,
One sqoare of eight lines I lime 1O0
' . " " " 3 times, 1.50
" " " 1 month, 2 00
u M 3 months, 4 00
" 6 ' 6 00
" " , " 1 year, 10 00
Executor's & Administrator's Notices, 3 00
Auditor's Notices, 2 50
(land Bills one-eighth sheet, 3$ o less S2.00
" one-fourth " k" 3 50
" M tie-half :" 6 00
, foil sheet, 10.00
All notices of public meetings (except
of political or religion; most be paid for
at advertising'rates.
Editorials or local advertising will be
charged 20 cents per line. Obituaries ac
companying notices 10 cents per line.
All transient advertising most be paid for
-tlhe time of jnP?riinn.
P. JOHN, Yuviumer ftepuMttan.
LEVI L. TATE, Pob. Demociat.
VV. H.JACOBY, Publisher Star.
Bloomsbnrg, Aog. 10, 1864.
United Slates Soldiers la Colombia Conntv.
Abontsiz o'clock, p m., on Sain rd ay last,
a transportation train of thirteen ears arrived
at this place, from Harrisburg, loaded with
soldiers, numbering in the neighborhood of
one hundred, cavalry and artillery. There
are two pieces of artillery, ten pounders
tcom all appearances, and the balance are
cavalry. They reported to Provost Marshal
Silver and were marched to the Fair Ground
below to wd and encamped. The soldiers
look well, conduct themselves gentlemanly,
so far as we have noticed, and are one
hundred day's men. What is proposed for
them to do in this county we, of course, are
not informed. Their object may be to in
timidate Democrats, arrest drafted meo, or
to make the Abolitionists ol this county. feel
- more secure in their livea and properly.
For the Abolitionists in this county are
looking and feeling so guilty, knowing this
war to be baptized into a negro war, that
ibey may have brought these soldiers here
for their own protection. The Abolitionists
here know that they have repeatedly abus-
"ed and slandered prominent Democrats for
opiniou'a sake, and that they cannot con
tinue oa in that kind of way much longer,
hence they may have felt it necessary to
bring some soldiers about them. But this
is all useless. Tbe Democrats in this coun
ty are a civil, law abiding set of people, and
do not mean, nor trill not, harm acy man so
long as their rights and privileges are not
interfered with in any unlawful manner.
If it is the business of these soldiers to hunt
up drafted men and bring them to service,
" wo think the" experiment will not par ex
penses. There are too many chances for
those drafted meo to make their escape.
Those who have not reported do uet mean
.to go or be taken by a Provost guard man
acted and dragged into tbe service against
their will is something they do not intend
to allow, if we do not mistake the sentiment
of the non-reportanls. in this county. This
county is not alone, in being backward
about reporting. Look at Luzerne, Carbou,
Schuylkill, and others, if yon please, and
you will find ihey are all back more or less.
We do not wish our Abolition friends to
infer from what is here said that, we are
counseling men to resist tbe draft, bat
simply giving tbe facts as we know them,
let :tbe treason or what it may. There is
a lot ol cowardly, sneaking Abolitionists in
this place, who are endeavoring to make' it
appear to these soldier, that the people
in the upper end of our coanty are in open
- resistance to all law and order, thai they
have thrown ap entrenchments, and formed
, companies, for the purpose of defeating any
force that might be sent to make their arrest.
This ts not the case. It is all nonsense
the dreams aud ideas of foo's! The Abo-
: litionists of this place, where all tbe mis
chief originates, know nothing cf the true
state of feeling throughout the county, from
the very fact that they go too little among
- the people. Why is this, are they guilty of
Carrying oa a war ajainst the Dtimocratic
party, or is it a cm-ade against tbe instito
lioa of slavery) There must be something
wrong in (because or they would not have
such fears of the people neither would they
send for a mil it it ry force. The war; was
commenced, the Abolitionists said, for the
restoration of the' Union tbe bringing tack
of the seceded States and prosecuted upon
that plea until the Democratic party was
sufficiently deceived, as to get a large por
tion cf it into the army, after which the war
was immediatelymade'known through Mr.
Lincoln's proclamations to be for tbe free
dom of the negro. ; It is no longer a war for
the Union It is i war for the neVo; Mr.
Lincoln has declared it so in his letter to
the Confederate peace men, who met at
Niagara, not long -since, and in such terms
thaujo one can misunderstand birr. Is that
the kind'of Union our boys enlisted to es
tablish- black Union ? ' How long will
thearmy-continue to fight in such a cause"?
It looks to us now, that our armies are des
ponding, 'heartless, and indifferent as to the
result. They Vo not fight as ihey once did.
under their favorite General, George B. Mc
Clellan. Enumerate tbe defeats our armies
have met with since the spring campaign
opened, and then cipher up the cause, and
see if i! does not always come out Negro !
If the negro -gueslion had been kept out of
tbe present difficulty with the South, the
rebellion would have been put down two
years ago. Then, again, had rhe Abolition
ists left the institution of slavery alone, and
attended to their own business, there would
have been no war. They elected Lincoln
upon a platform objectionable to the Sooth
for the very purpose of inaugurating a war.
They have been preaching and praying for
a little "blood leuing" for th-s last thirty
years and now they have it J
Seward Three Tears ago,
"The first object of every human society
is safety or security for which, if need be,
they will, and they must, sacrifice every
other. This security is ol two kinds : one,
exemption from foreign aggression and in
fluence ; tbe other, exemption from domes
tic tyranny and sedition "
These aTe the words' of Senator 'Seward
as spoken in the United Stares Senate, Jan.
12th, 186 1. W held Ibis sentiment op to
the people at this day and ask them wheth
er Seward, and the Cabinet of which he is
a member, have -net proved themselves tin
faithful to the trust in their charge.. The
Constitution of the United States guaran
tees to every citizen safety and security.
Seward and his accessories have overthrown
the Constitution and made us to suffer on
der "domestic tyranny and sedition.' We
request every man who is not willing to
bear tbe yoke of despotism to resolve to
make any "sacrifice" that may be neces
sary in burling lrom existence this "domes
tic tyranny" instituted and enforced as a
war necessity by the apostates, Lincoln,
Seward & Co.
. Again, Mr. Seward ta the same speech,
said :
"Experience in public affairs has con
firmed rdy opinion, that domestic slavery,
existing in any Stale, is wisely left by tbe
Constitution ol the United States excto-ive-Iv
to the care, management,aad disposition
ol that State ; and if it were in my power
I would cot alter the Constitution in that re
spect. It misapprehension of my position
needs so strong a remedy, I am willing to
vote for aa amendment to the Constitution,
declaring that it shall not, by any future
amendment, be so altered as to confer on
Congras a power to abolish or interfere
with Slavery in any State." .
With such a record upon the pages of
history we are compelled to believe that
Seward is knowingly placing himself be
lore the world as a perjured man Has he
not taken a solemn oath to support the Con
stitution of the United States 1 Can he, after
declaring that experience in public affairs
has confirmed his opinion "that domestic
slavery, exiating in any State, is wisely left
by tbe Constitution of the United States ex
clusively to the care, management and dis
position of that State," permit himself to
act as the principal officer in the cabinet
of Abraham Lincoln who not only contro
verts this wise provision of the Constitution,
but continues a war against the Southern
people and establishes "domestic tyranny"
over tbe Northern people with the avowed
purpose of abolithing domestic slavery?
We warn Mr. Seward and bis band of
desperadoes that tbe people are cognizant
of tbe usurpations of this' administration
and being prepared, will, "if need be,'
sacrifice every other 'object of human soci
ety for "safely or security" and remove
"domestic tyranny and sedition."
Prorost Siariaal Sifrer.
Provost Marshal Silver, of this place,
was out-flanked, on Saturday evening last,
when on bis cavalry raid alter Mr. Robert
C. Fruit and on fee If, while on our business
trip to Light Street. He'a me after us in
hot haste, with bis sqtiadroa of soraetiatf
dozeo or more cavalry, meeting,, not over
taking us, near tbe town we bad visited
Not halting or arresting us, as wa his er
rand, made up by his Abolition friends and
partisan advisers, we returned borne nnmo
lested. without the sicht ol Fort Lafayette
looming up before our eyes. Those iron
hand-cuffs, which have been placed on tbe
arms ol many an innocent and pore patriot,
were not presented for our adornrneot Tbe
Marshal sat, we auppose, gracefully upon
his horse, viewed us o'er and o'er, and
then proceeded oa bis way, leaving bis
flanks so exposed, as to afford us ample op
portunity to make our, escape. What a
Hero! a second Ben Butler! Capt Silver
is fast gaining notoriety in this county ; tbe
people are appreciating Lis maneuvers ir
tbe right manner. Tbe Abolitionists in this
place were snre the Marshal had a couple
of young Democrats in the right place, up
on whom they might have occasion to show
their nastiness by inflicting a" punishment
unknown to law or reason. The Marshal
has bad advisers; and - we recommend, be
fore be start out to make any more' arrests,
be take. the advice of some- Democrats.
Hoar. David B. Mohtgomert, of the State
Senate, has our thanks for public documents
He is an attentive and able member, al
ways on tbe aide of the right and never
with the wrong.. .
almost Arrested.
On Saturday evening last, after the arrival
ol about one hundred soldiers, Robert C.
Fruit and the Editor of this paper bad oc
casion to go to Light Street, and the Abo
liiionisln on noticing our leaving town, sus
picioned us immediately upon going up
Fishingcreek, to give information to those
drafted men. No ooner was tbe iact known
that we bad left, than tbe Provost Marshal
was irumediateiy summoned by these crazy
sap-beads and sent with a squad -of 'caval
ry in onr pursuit, with orders to make an
arrest, bring ns back, and. make an exam
ple by having us both bung. The Captain,
-with his guard, met us near Light Street, on
our return. His squad slightly halted and
allowed Ob to pass, without even raying
goodevening. Whether the Captain could
recognize us at tbat boor of the evening,
or whether the matter was a little too deli
cate for him to approach, is a question for
grave consideration. We were entirely ig
norant of being so oar Fort Lafayette until
we reached borne, when we learned the
true state of affairs. The Captain mnst-cer-lainly'leel
a little foolish ; and those who
instructed him oa this raid after us, had
better keep scarce, as we know how to ap
preciate such demonstrations. Those who
made themselves the most -conspicuous in
attempting to have oa arrested and brought
to tbe rope, we are informed, are descen
dants ot the real lories Tbe tory blood
courses thick in their veins, and their very
hearts are as black as the blackest negro in
th most extreme Southern States. They
do nothing but set about on boxes and curb
stones, alandering and abusing their Demo
cratic neighbors lor opinion's sake. They
are making war upon the Democratic party
constantly, in their deceitful, sne.king and
cowardly manner. They are ready aiid
willing to iocite mob law at any moment,
and nothing keeps them from it boi their
cowardly hearts. We dare ihem lo under
take it ; and say .veTy Democrat go well
armed to defend yoarself. your rights, and
your property. Be law-abiding, jnst and
honorable, in all your. transactions and do
ings through life, but be prepared to resist
any attempt to disfranchise yon of any of
your rights and privileges. Tbe soldiers
tbat are here are only the instruments in the
band of the authorities. We have sol
diered long enough to learn the duties and
feel tbe responsibilities resting upon a true
soldier, and know that they carry oat in
structions and execute plans as laid down
by their leaders. They are the subordinate
bodies, acting out the will and design ot
those presuming lo be higher in authority.
Hence, sheeld any property be destroyed,
offices sacked, or depredations of any char
acter committed, whilst these soldiers re
main in our county, tbe people have only
to hold these leading ana most influential
Abolitionhts responsible for these tosses
and retaliate, as the only sure mode of
reaching and bringing these scoundrels to
their sensibilities. The inaugara'ion of
mob law by these fanatics and fools will be
accepted by the Democratic party if they
ebooaa lo tablUh i.
The Democratic Part).
The evil of uncontrolled party domina
tion in government will be greater or less
according to the character and objects of
the party in power. The Democratic party,
which ordinarily has administered the Gov
ernment of the United Slates, even it the
utmost plentitade of its power, did not fall
into gross abuse or threaten the liberties of
the country. Although it required to be
checked upon occasion, and that its policy
and conduct should be subjected to rigid
scrutiny by an active opposition, there was
great security against its abuse of its pow
ers in the principles and doctrines to which
it held ; for its creed was established for it
by men of tbe most sterling virtue and pro
found wisdom, who justly comprehended
the nature of free governments and ibe dan
gers to which they are exposed. Strict con
struction of the Constitution, a sparing use
of the powers of Government, moderate
expenditures and equal laws, became the
articles of a political creed which preserved
the Government from abuse and degenera
cy. kept the States in. harmony, and secured
the growth aud development ot a material
prosperity unexampled in the history ol
nations. Its great merit was that it was a
constitutional party, (in the true sense of
that term.) subjecting itself cheerfully,
thoroughly and constantly, to all the rules
and limitations of the fundamental law.
lis principles themselves, checked it and
kept it within bounds. As its contests for
power were upon the very ground that there
should be no over-action of government but
only a due exertion of its authorized pow
ers, there was the less necessity to confront
it with a powerful opposition. Yei such
opposition always existed, and was mi
doubt necessary to the safe and successful
action of the Government under its man
But wi:h the party now in power the case
is widely different. Its main strength lies
in Slates which voted aainst Mr. Jefferson
in 1800, against Mr. Madiioa in 1812,
against Andrew Jackson in 1828, and against
Mr. Polk in 1844 ; and it embraces. that
school ol opinion in this country which
has always held to extreme action by the
General Government, favoritism to particu
lar interests, osarpation of Slate powers,
large public expenditures, and, generally,
to constructions of the Constitution which
favor Federal authority and extend its pre
tensions. Besides, it is essentially sectional
and aggressive the very embodiment of
that disunion partyisai foreseen and de
nounced by Wahin(ton and Jackson in
those Farewell Addresses which they left
on record lor-the instruction of their, coun
trymen, and by Henry Clay in a memora
ble ad dress to tbe Legislature of Keotucky.
That it could not safely be 'intrusted with
the powers of the Federal Government is a
conclusion which inevitably results from
This statement of its composition and char
acter. Bat the question is no louger one of
mere opinion or conjecture. Having been
tried by the actual possession of Govern
meet powers and base permitted to exhibit
fully tu true nature, it has completely justi
fied the theory wbicb condemns ir; as
will plainly appear from considering the
particular measures of policy pursued fby
'-Congressional A'Jdreu.
Lime Riege, Colombia Co., Pa.')
Augfst 17, 1864.
Mr. Editor, Allow v's through the col
omsol your pafiEutfthow the public, the
inconsistency and dishonesty practiced by
a certain merchant and a woold-tm-ichool
reacber upot) their snb-axents, who are en
gaged in the-sale of Biess& Drake's Smooth
ing Irons. Thin firm started out under fair
auspices, bearing the fate of honesty, but
in the space of a few months, we have been
wonderfully deceived and enormously swin
dled. It " oold be no more than'jnot, lo
stale tbat, 'particular censure should attach
to the junior member of the firm, as he
made the chief misrepresentations lo us, a
to the cost of the Irons, &c
In the firs't place this party represented to
us that, they had procured the Agency of
Columbia. -and, afterwards, Luzerne coun
ties, for the .sale of these Irons. This is
falsehood No. 1., as they are, nor were not,
no-more agents lor Bless & Drake, in these
counties, than we are
In the second place they declared to their
sub-agents that these Irons cost them at
Bless & Drake's establishment, in Newark,
New Jersey, Twenty two dollars and fifty cts.
per dozen; and after some little suspicion
on the p'srt of their sub-agents, aa to the
first cost of these irens, llrey, or one of the
Arm, positively drN&ed that the Irons cost
them, at the establishment were made,
Twenty dollars. This is falsehood No. 2,
and ol a Tnore enlarged characer than the
first; as upon inquiry having been made of
Bless & Drake , it has beo ascertained that
lhe Irons cost them but ten dollars per.
dozen and at tbe highest, quite recently,
not more than Eleven Dollars ! And lor
every dozen ihey procjret 'hey exaried
Twenty Four Dtiiar. of their sub tnn pr
dozen, thus m jre than dotibirng the;r mon-y
whilsi their sub-aent pefi-rm d the har.l
work, and the deinedly and wilfully
wronged us oat -ef a ia-rr portion ol ibis
In the last place, to fill the measure of
their rascality, they were unwilling to bear
f art of tbe damage on cracked and spoiled
ror.s. but exacted of us full price, or the
eoormous sum of twenty dollars per dozen;
tho doubly robbing us, by receiving lull
pay for Irons that we were compelled to
dispose of at a sacrifice. At last they have
been discovered in their dishonest and de
ceitful operations; and we take this method
of holdrng thuw; f fc 4a-puo4-c eaze in
rtreir mure nakedness, and in all their de
lormity We would warn the public gen
erally to be arch I ul ol these young men,
as they seem to practice to deceive, and
need to be guarded against. Their opera
tions in this matter, we shall, take occasion
to herald through the newspapers, from
time to time, if we do not see some speedy
mark of reformation. To leave them pass
tye unexposed would be doing an injustice
to the great mass of the community who
are advocates of equal and exact justice to
all nieu," irrezarJ ot race or condninn.
More anon,
The situation ai Atlanta continues with
on I change. Ii is- announced cow that Gen.
Sherman does not intend making any more
assaults upon the Confederate works, but
is manoeuvring to surround them, and com
pel a capiptatioo. As Hood's army is as
large as Sherman's, we do not see bow this
surrounding is lo be accomplished. Gen.
Sloe urn has taken command of Gen. Hook
er's Corps. Gen. Stanley has taken com
mand of Gen. Howard's Corps. On Aog
4'h, Sherman made his last attack upon the
Confederate lines. He attempted to push
forward his western flank so as to cover the
Montgomery Railroad. The advance was
repulsed, and the rai road is still two miles
distant. Sherman's army is gradually con
centrating to the northwest of Atlanta, and
the eastern flank is slowly moving west
ward. The Federal army may at any mo
ment attempt a grand movement around the
western side ol Atlanta. Il will meet with
strong opposition. It is reported that the
Couiederate force sent from Rich.-vunil w
aid Hood numbered twenty thousand, aud
that Beauregard whs in command.
All is quiet before Petersburg. The Con
federates stae thai Gen Grant is gradually
moving a larze portion of his force away
from bis lines, embarking them at Cny
Point, and sendiog them down the James
River. Beytsj-Mjiket firing there has been
no engagement. There is a growing belief
that urant can accomplish nothing more
than he has done, and that before long bis
army will give op the siege. The sickness
in camp is fearful, and the Federal force is
so depleted tbat now it can scarcely muster
sixty thousand men. Gen. Lee has with
drawn many regiments from his lines- and
sent them to tbe She andoah Valley and
Atlanta. The inquiry in the Federal camp
as to who was to blame for the failure on
Saturday week continues. Meade has suc
ceeded in throwinz the blame on Bumside
Burnside in his testimony made bet a poor
defense, aud appearance indicate that be
wiil be punished lor the disaster.
Federal advices of ihe beginning of the
attack on Mobile have been received. Ad
miral Buchanan is captured and wounded.
The ir'n-clad !cumeh was sunk by a
Confederate orpedo. The Co ie lrate ram w caumrtrd. The CVjileder:
lo- i.i the iack wa ihirtv kil:d aMt
won ded on ther iron c! d, .. id six iiuh-drt-it
' ro( p- cap ured in Ftl U-wne A
Federal reinforcement ot six thousand mn
has been . eut from New Orleans. Tnis
makes H e land force engaged m the aiuck
about twenty thousand. No attempts have
yet been made to reach the city. The troops
and flees-Mill remain at the mouth ot the
bay. Fort Morgan is uninjured aud its gar
rison holds out- Farragut's siege of it is
not very animated. During the naval com
bat a Federal iron-clad made a dash at a
Confederate vessel to run her down. Tbe
Confederate got out of the way and the iron
clad struck the Hartford, a Federal gunboat
She is so severelyjnjured that she will have
lo come north, for repairs. Bat ten men
were saved from the crew of the Monitor
Tecamseb, when she sunk. Farragut's
loss it tbe naval contest was two hundred
and forty-nine killed and wounded.
The Confederates pre gradually retiring
southward in the Shenandoah Valley.
Wright's and Sheridan's troops follow them
There are numerous skirmishes with the
rearguard, but no impression is made, and
all the spoils ot Pennsylvania are being
safely removed. Winchester i :ow in
Federal poeici ar d the Confederates
are a srior-C!;ii-e ou;h oi the town. AI
thonsh the Federal troops about Harper's
ferry nunihor sixty thousand we presume
tnat the Confederates will get off without
injury, as they have always done before
On Friday a small force of Confederates
attacked Mariinsburg and drove the Federal
garrison out of the town. They still hold
it, and have captured one of Sheridan 'a
wagon trains. They will not however make
any stand against a large Federal force.
The quarrel between Banks and Canby
at New Orleans has very nearly come to an
open rapture. It is most probable that
Banks is beaten. He has sent bit family
north and appears to be making prepara
tions to give up bis command. Such are
the exigencies of the service and the weak
ness of the Federal force at New Orleans
that a forcible conscription of all men
white and black between tbe ages of 18
arid 45 has been made. The conscription
is quite as sweepingand unpopular as many
of the Confederate conscriptions we read
A force of one thousand Confederates
with two cannon are at Morganfield, Ky.,
on the Ohio river. Fifteen 'housand others
are near by. A raid into Indiana is antici
pated. The 'Ohio river is very low and
easily forded.
A gigantic Indian war is threatening.
All (he tribes from Texas to Ihe .British line,
are reported lo be combined for a general
anack upon lhe'United States forces in the
Wtf-;ern Territory.
Ge:i A. J. Smith, with sixteen thousand
Federal troops, is at Holly Springs, 'in Mis
sissippi, near Corinth.
, Lime Ridge, Aog. 11, 1864.
We. (he -undersigned, having used the
Bless & Drake Self-beaiing Smoothing Iron,
in ocr families, lor some time, can testify
that they are one of the greatest humbugs
In use. -In the 'first place they -cannot be
kept hot enough without tbe windows and
doors' open to give them plemy of air, &c.
In the second place they are injurious to
the health of the person using them, or be
ing in the room where they are used; as
the sulphur causes bickness, and we take
this method ol cautioning the public against
their use, that thej may not be humbugged
out of their money. The actual cost of
these Irons is. Eleven Dollars per dozen in
Newark, New Jersey.
E H. Hf.SS,
To the Peftpleof Columbia County;. Under
ataudiiig' that, in certain portions of the
county, the report is in circulation, that the
'Actio protect 'Sheep and tax Dogs, in
Lycoming and Columbia counties," was
passed by the undersigned when in tbe
Legislature a few years ago: and that some
political opposition is sought to be made
gainst him, based upon the report. He
desires to say that the act referred to, was
passed previous to his being a Member,
and approved by Gov. Curtin, on the 29ih
of March, 1861. The undersigned was a
Member of the Legislature during the Ses
sion of 1862 a year after its passage and
of course, is in nowise responsible for the
act in question.-
Vide Pamphlet Laws, 1861. naze 233.
Bloomsbarg, August 15, 1864.
M A R R I E iT.
In Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday evening,
Augn-t 3d, 1864, by the Rev Geo. D. Miles,
Mr. Isaac R Appleman, of Ml. Pleasant tp ,
Colombia county, to Miss F'ances Stevens,
of New Columbus, Luzerne county.
At tbe Exchange Hotel, in Bloom&burg,
on ihe 7ih itist., by Rev J. R. Dimm, Mr.
John C. Ricbart, and Miss Mary E. Mus.
grave, both ol Greenwood iwp., Colombia
At Town Hill, on the tih int.!., by Rev. E
Wadsworth, Mr Hiram A. Boston, of Fair
mount, and Miss Diantha Carey, of New
Columbus, both of Luzerne county.
On the 7lh inst., by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer,
Mr. JohnA H. Wagner, aud Lydia Miller,
both of Locust tovnship. Columbia CO.
On tbe 6th inst, by the Rev. M W. Har
ris, at the Parsonage, in Evansville, Mr.
Oliver E. Clawell. and Miss Elizabeth Jaue
Gorcjner, both ot Briarcreek twp., Colombia
On the 9th inst., in Hloomsburg, at lha
residence of Samuel Series, by Rev. Wm.
Goodrich, Mr John Leibhart, of ihe U. S.
Army, Co. B, 16th Ree., P. V. C, and Miss
Maty E. Thomas,, of Bloomsbnrg
In this place, on the 10ih inst., Dr. Elea
zer Brothwell, aged 75 years.
In Light Street, on the 8th inst., A Jack--son
Eyer. aged 38 y'rs, 6 mos. and 10 days.
Near Rohr-burg, on the 26th ult , of dip
theria, Guli Elma Maria,, aged 5 years, 9
months and 13 days; and on tbe 27th, Benj.
Porier. aged I year, 8 months and 27 days,
children of Christiana and Joseph Reece.
On the 1st of August, tola Loretta, dangh
tej of William and Matilda Ritter, aged II
months 3 weeks and 2 days.
CORN, new,
2 40
LARD, per lb.
FLOUR pc bbl.l! 00
HAMS, 25
Grand Jurors for Sept Term, IS6I.
Bloom Andrew Mai!ison, Eliah Shu t,
Benton Thoma- B Cole. Christian Ah,
Bor. Berwick Jcob W. Dietterick,
Casta wif?a Jacob Drurabeller, Elias
Cpntre E. J. Aikman,
Co vnaham Robert Gotrel!, Alexan-
r-r Moraan.
Fi-huigrreek Jackson MHenrjj
Greenwood Samuel McHenry
Hemlock John KisMer, John Betz
Jackson SiUs VV. McHenry.
Locust Peter K. Herbine, Peter Swank,
George Hartzel.
Main Jose.ih Geiaer. Isaac Yetter.
Madison Keiffer A. Smith, Henry C.
Mifflin Abraham Buckalew,
Roarin2erek Daniel Lavan.
Traverse Jurors, Sept. Term. 1SG1.
Benton Eli Mendenhall, Samuel Rhone,
John Ikeler,
Beaver Gideon Bredbender.
Briarcreek Joseph Stackboate, Henry
Lamon, Abalom Bomboy.
Conyngha n Iaac Haus,
Centre Joseph Ginger, Samuel Bjwer,
William Ideley, Nathaniel L. Campbell.
Catlawis-a John Keirfcr,
Fihinacreek Thos. Laadetbach, Jacob
Siucker, Philip A;i)leman(
Greenwood David Demott, William
Lawlon. David C. Albcrtson,
Hemlock Jackn - Emmitt, William
Jackson Jacob Lunger, Frederirh Wiles.
Locust Silas Johnston, John Walter.
Morttoer -David Clark, Jacob ArQwine.
Madison David Bobb.
Main Joseph Masteller, George Miller.
Mooni Pleasant David R. Appleman,
Malchia Ruckle
. Sugarloaf John Lewis,
Scott Moore Creveling, William Long
Samuei Betz
of proper &desirableforms,fo'sa!e
nfice of the "Star ofthe North."
T. S. 7-30 LOAN.
The'Secretary of the Treasury gives no
lice that subscriptions will be received for
Coupon Treasury Notesj payable three
years 'frdm Aug. 15th, 1864, with semi-1
annuaj interest at ibe rate ofVeven and
three-lehths per cent, per annum, princi
pal and interest both 'to be .paid in lawful
These notes will be convertible at Ihe
option of the holder at maturity, into six
per cent, sold bearing bonds, payab'e not
less than 'five nor more than twenty years
from their date, us the 'Government may
elect. They will be Issued in denomina
tions of S50, 8100, $300, Sl;000 and 85,000,
and all subscriptions must be for'fiffy dol
lars or some multiple oi fifty dollars.
The notes will be transmitted to the
owners free of transportation charges as
soon after the receipt of ihe original Cer
tificates of Deposit as they can beprepared.
As the notes draw interest from August
15th, persons making deposits subsequent
to that date must pay the interest accrued
from date of note to date of deposit.
Parties depositing twenty five dollars
and upwards for these notes at any-one
lime will be allowed a commission of one
quarter of one per cent., which will be
paid by fhe Treasury Department upon
the 'receipt 'of 'a bill for the amount, certi
fied toby fhe officer with whom tbe de
posit was made. No deductions for com
missions must be made from the deposits.
Special Advantages of this Loan.
It is a National Saving Bank, offering a
higher rale of interest than any other, and
the best security. Any "savings tfank wbicb
pays its depositors in U.S. N6ten, considers
that it is paying in the best circulating me
dium of ibe country, and it cannot pay in
anything better, for it s own assets are either-
in government securities or in
notes or bonds payable in government
It is equally convenient a a temporary
or permanent investment. The notes can
always be sold for within a fraction of their
face and accumulated interest, and are the
best security with banks as collaterals for
Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20
Gold Bond.
tn addition ro the vary liberal interest on
the notes for three years," this privilege of
conversion is now worth about three per
cent, per annum, for the current rate for
5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent,
premium, and belore the war the premium
on six p?r cent. United States Stocks was
over twenty per cent. It will be seen that
the actual profit on this loan, at the preenl
market rate, is not less than ten per cent,
per annum.
Its Exemption from Stale or Municipal
But aside from all the advantages we
have enumerated, a special act of Congress
exempt all Bonds and Treasury No'es fiom
local Taxation. On the average, this ex
emption is worth about two per cent: per
annum, according lo ihe rate of taxation in
various parts ot the country.
It is believed that no securities offer so
gteat inducements lo lenders as those issu
ed by the government. In all other forms
of indebtedness, tbe fait!) Or ability of pri
vate par'.ies, or stock companies, or sepa
rate communities, only, is pledge! for
payment, while the whole property of the
country is held to secure the discharge of
all the obligations of the United States.
While the government offers the most
liberal terms for its loans, il believes that
the very strongest appeal will be the loyalty
and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for
all deposits. The party depositing must
endorse upon the original certificate the
denomination of notes required, and wheth
er they are to be issued in blank or paya
ble to 'order. When so endorsed il must
be lefl with the officer receiving the depo
sit, to be forwarded to the Treasury depart
ment. Subscriptions will be received by the
Treasurer of ihe United States, at Washing
ton, the several Assistant Treasurers and
designated Depositaries, and by the
First National Hank
of jBIooiiisbtirg', Ia.
And all National Banks which are deposi
taries ot public money, and all lespsctable
Banks and Bankers throughcut the country
will give further information and afford
every faqilily to subscribers.
Auausi 10, 1864. 3m.
Estate of James li. Gibson, of Greenwood twp.t
Columbia County, deed.
VTOTlCE is hereby given lhat letters of
Administration on the estate of James
B. Gibson, of Greenwood township, Colum
bia counly, dee'ed, have been granted by
the Register of said county, to Abraham
Young, Ef-q., residing in Benton townhi,
and county aforesaid. All person having
claims against the estate of the decedent
are requested to present them for settle
ment, and those indebted to the estate will
make immediate payment.
Benton Iwp., April 13, 1864. 82
DR. BUCHAN'S English Specific Pill,
cure in less than 30 day, the worst case
of NERVOUSNESS, lmpotency, Prenia.ure
Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and
all Urinary, Sexual and nervous affections,
no matter from .what Cause produced.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per box, 6ent post
paid by mail, on receipt of an order. One
box will perfect the cure in most cases.
Address, JAS. S. BUTLER,
General Asent, 427 Broadway, N. Y.
July 20 1864 3m.
With your permission I wish lo say to the
reader of your paper that 1 will send; by
return mail, to all who wish il (free) a Re
cipe, with full directions (or making and
using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will
effectually remove, in ten days, pimples,
blotches, Tan, Freckles, aud all impurities
ofthe skin, leaving fhe -same soft, clear,
smooth and beautiful. I will aIbo mail
tree to those having Bald Heads, or bare
Faces, simple directions and information
thai will enable ihem to stat a foil growth
luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a moustache,
in less than 30 days.
All applications answted by return mail
without charge. Respectfully yours, .
831 Broadway, New York.
July 20, 1864 3m,
Sheriff Salt s
0 virtue of several writs of
exponas and Lavari Facias, i4 4
ofthe Court of Common Pleas of CrA- "
courty, lo me directed, will be txpv
public sale "a Ihe Conrl hoo- in b
bure.on SATU!DA Y, THE 3D DaYv
SEPTEMBER, f864, at 1 o'clock p. rn
said day, tbw following described proper
lo wit : .
All that certain tract of land s mate.
RoarihsCreek township, Colombia rountv,
containing one hundred and twenty four
acres more or less, Diunued and described
as lollows to wit: on ibe west by lands of'
Daniel Rarig.'on the north bv lands of C
S. Coxe, on the east by land of Philip
Culp, and on the'by lands of C. S.
Coxe, all ol which is unimproved land.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as theiprbpert ol Iaac Lin villa.
The One undivided sixlh part of a certain
tract of land situate in Ml. Pleasant twp.,
Columbia county, adjoining lands of God
frey Melick on ihe west, Andrew Melick
on the ndrth, lands of the heirs of Jmaihan
Strdup bn tlfs east, and Andrew Crevslin
and othii on ihe south, rontaiuio! on
hundred & fifty acres more or less, whereon
is erected a Log Barn, about 'severity acres
ol which are cleared land, and Ti Apple
Orchard, with the appurtenances. '
Seized taken in execution and to be aotd
a ihe property of Adam Siroun, jr-.
All that certain Plantation and Iracl of
land situate in Locust to wnhip, Columbia
county, bounded and described as follows,
lhat is to say, beginning at a hickoryhence
by William Beech north one half decree
west seventy foot perches to a stone, in
the fine el Daniel Rohrbach's 'Iand,thenc
south seventy and one half decrees ean,
sixteen perches and eight tenths lo a ma
pie, north ten and one holf degrees east,
one hundred and ten perches to a post
thence by lands of James Fox and JoeprI
Paxton, south seventy and one fourth de
grees ea-t, eighty two perche to a port,
thence by land of Joseph Paxton south
eleveo and one fourth degrees went ol
hundred and sixty, thence by lands of
Michael Stine, north eigh;y three degrees
west eevent; nine perches and eiht tenths
to a hickory the plate ol basinning, con
taining eighty eight acres and twenty eight
perches, neat measure.
The premises above described t be so I
subject lo the dower of . Rachel Hoaslandf
Ihe widow of John Hoaslsnd, dee'd and
being thj anneal sum of Fifty one dollars
and fourteen cents; and also subj-ci lo tfle
payment ofthe sum of Eight hundred and
fifty two dollars and thirty five cents lo ha
paid to the heirs of the said Jno. Howjlarui
dee'd, or lo those legally entitled to ihe'
same, at and immediately alter the death
of Rachel Hoagland, ihe widow of ihe said
John Hoaglaod, dee'd.
Seized laken in execution and lobe soli
as the property ol William Osncait.
At the same time and place by virtue of
4 writ of Firi Facia, a certain lot of ground
situate in Bloomsnurg, Columbia county,
66 feet in front and 214 feet in depth, boun
ded and. described as follows to wit : Oi
ihe north by mane or 2d street, on the eat
by an alley, oi the sooth by ah allev. and
on the west by late of .William Rabb,
whereon are erected a large Frame Dwell
ing Hou-e, out Ki'cben, Coal House and
5 stern with a good well of waer at iS
door, a large Frame Barn, anil a five as
sortment of young fruit trees, with .he ap
purtenances. ALSO,
One other lot of ground Mtnate in Blorrt
township, Columbia county containing on
acre, bounded as fallow : On the west
by lot of John and Elias Hicks, on the
north by the Nor h Branch Canal, ori tha
east by grounds of William McKelvy and
on the south by the road Ifeadmg from Port
Noble to McKelvy's Furnace, with the ap-.
Seized taken ir- execution and to be sold
as the property of Andrew C. Mench.
Sheriff's Office. 1 Sheriff.
Bloomsbnrg, A02. 10, '64. J
Rational Claim Agency,
N order lo facili ate ibe prompt adjn-U
ment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pension
and other claims du soldiers and other
persons lrom the Government of the U. S.,
ihe undersigned has made arrangements
with the above firm whose experience and
cloe proximity to, and daily inte'reoorse
with, the Department, as well a- the early
knowledge acquired by them of the decis
ions frequently being made, enable therrt
to prosecute claims more effectually than
Attorneys at a di-tance can poib!y do
All persons entitled to claims o! lha above
description can have ihem properly at land
ed to by calling on ma and entrusting them,
to my care. W. WIRT,
Agent for Harvr & Collin.
Bloomsbnrg, Auu-t 10. 1864.
List of Causes for Sept. Term, 1864
1 Philip Winterfteen vs Val. Wintersieen.
2 Henry WelU vs George Kinly.
3 Elijah MeMurtrie v Christian Wolf.
4 Jacob Harris vs Peter JacoDy.
5 George Hushes, et al vs J V. Criswell.
6 RusmjI P Stocker cs Wm. Ikeler
7 W. Lon2enberser et a! .vs C. Wolf et aL
8 Daniel F. Seyberuys. IKuher! Nirely.
9 B. F. Reighart & Bfo. visSilas D. Edgar.
10 Joseph Hartman vs Reuben Lins.
11 Samuel Buck and Charles Buck vs Jes
se Buck.
12 Pavid Acbenbacb vs John Wi-din. .
13 Wm. Long vs B. F. Reiahard.
14 John G:.2ger vs Richard B. Menagh.
15 G Longenberner et at vs Joshua Robbin
on and William Boyles.
lfi Henry Gilmer vs Moore Creveling.
17 The Com. of Penna vs Jacob Fi-her.
18 John Alter ar aod Sarah A. Allegar vs.
John Y Allegar.
19 Enos L. Adams vs D. F. SeyberJ and
Henry Doak.
20 Samuel Williams vs Charles II. Diet
terick and Geo. A. Herring A
21 B. F. Reighard us Elizabeth Var6ickle".
22 L,oke Roan and Anna Roan vs Charles
H. Dietterich.
23 James L. Dunn vs Michael Brobsl.
24 Philip Dietterick vs. Wm.
25 VVilson Aer vs Joseph F. Long.
26 Hugh McReynolds et al vs Peter OI?-
Mule or female,
If yon have been suffering from a habit in
dulgedin by the ,
It unfits them lor Marriage, and is the
Greatest Evil which can befall MAN or
See symptoms enumerated in Advertise'
ment, and if yoa are a sufferer,
Cut out tbeAdvertrsement, aud send for it
Delays are dangerous.
Ask lot Helmbold's, lake no other.
Cures guaranteed.
Beware of Counterf9its"and imitations
Jaly-13, 1864 lm
r . 1