J i1 I - - .. . : . . i... ! . STAR: OP THE NORTH . TEISGa ADOPT TOWN & COUNTRY PJLOQJlSriUKG, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 20 1864. A CoMvxmba of Rail foid officera lately I mat in New York antfTaised'the freights 20 percent. . ... . A Bosh MctnKO is being. held this week In Gulp's Grove', near1 joWer Lime Ridge? It Is eooducted by the Rev. Ma!'Rtisc. W tx.ih that fourteen young men from the Borough of 'Berwick and vicinity res ponded to tbe Governor's call for one hun dred da a men. Tney received a bounty of 110 each. A Commit of Eighty'rnen was railed in tanville, for the one handed tfiye service, la response to the call of Governor Curtin, ' for tcsops to defend Old Abe. The Boro. Council appropriated 5100 bounty to each '"volunteer. Stomk Coal is selling in Danville at 86 50 ' per ton ; and retailing in this' place at from 14 to 15 25. These 'prices are almost be yond the reab of the poorer class of people , They cannot stand these high-rales much longer. Pit Bin Recdy and Thomas O Brian have t teen arrested and lodged in Jail at Wilkea HWre, charged with the murder of George Hepler, which was committed in Pittston 'on the evening of the 4th. Several others ' who were wiih the accuse J are tiH 1 large1. Tmk Boatm who were o a strike for 'higher wages,' short time ago at Wilkes Rrre, have attain resumed operations. The roattr was arranged, we. understand, by a 'siigbf advance in'w'iges. The boatmen are mating no'monejj.so tar, ibis season. Tut Editor of 'the Bervoxk 'Gazette seems '.quite jnbilant over the arrival of reinforce 'ments," brought to his ' support'' by his "tetter-half," in the shape of a "regular ten pounder." " New recruits" are still ' coming tV'tnV rescue ! We may soon look lor arf enlargement of the Gazettt. Da. John C. 'FfcoiT has been appointed 'Surgeon of the 184. h Penna, Regiment. Dr. Fruit has been in the service nearly two ; years as Assistant Surgeon, and for his mer 'ltorious conduct and excellent services, has leeo promoted to Surgeon, with the rank and pay of Major. He wa once taken pris oner by the enemy and escorted to Rich mood where he was held several months. He is a son ol John Fruit, Esq., of Jersey town, Columbia co. and'b'rc.her to Robert C. -Fnsit, Commissioners' Clerk; thus you . s he dose not belong to that class of stay 'l-bonie abolition brawling patriots Oaa of the young loyalists ol this p!sce, aapariating over tl'ie late raid by the Rebels 'ir. to Maryland abd Pennsylvania, was heard 'to say: ' Grant w ill certaioly take Richmond 'and if (As ptople don't turTTout to the call of the President the Rebels ought to take'our Capitol.' This young Leaguer has nothing lo binder him from responding to the call of the President. He is stout, bale and bear ty, and nobody but himself to look after. Why does he not retpond ? We are sure bis place coald easily part with him. But then, 'if. thtpeop'e don't turn-out the Capitpl 'ought to be taken !'' - This is patriotism for yea ! He is not one of "tht-people," he's'a TJatoN Lkauokr! WB.tai'pleased to announce the return four young friends James. H Ramet ami 'Chester S Fcbmah, from the front, their term of service having expired Tbe lor .'mer ia the oldest son of the late Dr. Ramsey, of this place,, and the latter 'k eon of the present Sheriff of this county. They were 'members of the "Iron Guards," upon He lacheddot, on( the Sig al Corps. They both look wellafieV a three years bard 'campaign. Tteir friends and all extend to " Viera'a welcome home ! The (all of Petersburg has not yet hap ' Opened, although the telegraph brts had it down two or three times. Grant has lot - twice the number of mea McClellan did, and baa made no more important advances upon Richmond. ,Whea Grant star.ed for '- ,tbe Rebel Capitol the Abolitionists told us : ; ''We have Genera! at . the head of the army who will fight ; he is not like Mo- Clellan. The traitors are alt ocl ol tbe army ' now, and the rebellion will soon be put . down." How swimmingly we are getting r along, and Old Abe is pretty near ready to acknowledge the Southern Confederacy. Ak trroRT was made on Thursday night ' last, in the Academy, to revive tbe "Union League" organization at this place. How . well it,sqcceeded we have not yet learned. Tbe rebe raid is over, and they once more venture out to sun themselves ! We are aorry to be deprived the privilege of pub lishing the roll of that Company, composed of those brave young leaguers whose names " now stand registered on "the roll of honor," but didn't got They made considerable bluster and blow about going to ioar, in re- spouse to the Governor's call, at the same . i 1 ' 1 V -i 1 time not any 01 inera were wiumg to iuuui tier the musket and sling the knapsack Ve think a Company cf Colonels, Majors, aptains, aad Lieutenants, could easily be :sed in this place, To" the maximum nam S, ta a ehort'lime. What patriotism ! Learners all declare the war a iusl and von war and thank, God that it was irated, but when called n'pon to put tce what th'ef have been preaching hree years they very onanimousiy "wbfte feather!" We have no ' " war or. the party that is carry- tid are opposed ro givnig any , i money; and had the demo f i k that position and held it, - 'Q I 'fC tn war l would bave vf r Ve coantry. There would Var,.bot few shoddy con ' tiational SeVlt 1 . (" ' -vt - ' . Cipt. Awx. G.THoaaTO!,f Light Street, (one of the original members of the "Hurley Uuards," baa lately recetvea an nuiiu.uio discharge, from the service of the United States, oa acoount of his health, which has become so greatly impaired through disease contracted" while ia. the service, as to ren der it necessary for him to send in his res ignation, that he may endeavor to, through iudicious and skillful treatment, regain bis Jprm'er -good health and spirits. It is nearly thre,ayeara aince Capu Thornton entered the service, and. that, too, at a rime when no bounties were ieing paid. He enlisted not as a hireling but as a patriot, feeliog that his country, needed bis services, to re store the Union and preserve th Constitu tion. But how is it to.day ? How many are enlisting under such convections now ? Not one mac ! The ':Hurley Guard." be long to the gallant, old 84:h, which Reg't has seen as much," if not more, hard service than any other Pennsylvania Regiment Capt. Thorntoh participating in all its bat tles Wve the late campaign in front of Rich mond and Petersburg. He has'repeatedly been wounded, though never cerioosly. As an officer, the service had no belter, and as" a soldier none braver. The men of his commandos well" as the entire Regiment, hold bim in high eniruation. He is ocne of you bleating Abolitionists, but a sound Democrat, and will sappbrt the whole Dem ocratic ticket this Fall as ha ever has idooe before. Wi'are pained to leatti of 4he death of Charles' P. Scott, son of Hon. Geo. Scott of Cattawisfca ; who entered the U. S. Navy, about eighteen months' as Third As sistant Enn'iueer. He died of fever on board the U.S. Steamer Tioga, about one day out fro'rb Key West, bound North. He was jntt over twenty one 3 ears of axe, a young man of great promise, showing high apitude for tbe profecsion be had choen. His loss is a great calamity, not only to his family and friends, but to that branch of the service to which he belonged, and of which 'he was an ornament. Columbia Democrat . - - . Tuc Carbon Democrat, and other Carbon and Luzerne co. papers, record tbe death of Edward B 'Yarintonot Tamaqua, formerly of Wilkesbarre, by a most deplorable ca tastrophe. While travelling in a buggy from Summit Hill to Tamaqna, it is sup posed that his horse took Ir'ujht, and threw him out' in'such'a manner as to get his clothing entangled, and he was dragged on the ground, bis Tim Si broken and most horribly mangled, leaving the tracks of blood along the road tor near six miles. A sad acciDekt happened on Wetlnesday morning last, by which a little son of Paul Dunn's was badly burned. . On the Fourth the cannon which had been in the keeping of Mr. Dunn, wa taken oat by a party to 5re a'salute. On returning it, a flour bar rel was 'set in the garden containing some sixteen cartridges which had not been used. The little boys of the neighborhood were playing around on Wednesday morning, and roong Dunn had his hand in the barrel, when some one threw a match in it, igni ting the powder and blowing the whole up. The boy fortunately turned his bead aside, and as thu explosion was upwards without bursting the barrel, he escaped with severe burns on one side of his face and some bruises, but his eyes are safe, anJ he is not dangerously burnt. Wiikebirre Record. Hon. C. R Bucsalew has our lhaok for an early copy of his Congressional Address, to the people of ihe United States, and par ticularly 10 the. people of ths States which adhere to tlie Federal Government. It is 'an 'able document. Every man should read it. RLY1EW UF THE MARKET. . . . . . . CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, 2 20 RYK, 1 50 CORN, new, 1 50 OATS 75 BUCKWHEAT, 75 FLOUR pr. bbl 7 50 CLOVERS EE D 5 50 BUTTER, EGGS,. , TAIXOW, LARD, per lb POTATOES, 25 20 12 18 75 DR'D APPLES 2 50 HAMS, 25 Hi a unit; d. In Bloomsburg. on the 7ih inM.. by Rev. J. R. Dimtn. Mr. josish Fjess, of Huntington township, Lnzerne county, to Misa Harriet L. Keller, cl Bloomburg, Pa. On Thursday the 7th inst , at he residence of ihe bride's lather, by Rev. D J.jWaller Mr. Charles S-, Harder, of Bloorrjsborg, and Miss Saliie A. Guild, of Hemlock, Col. co. On Saturday the 5th inst, by R- J. P Tsstin. Mr. Henry Fenstermacher. to Mis Anna M. Boyer. bo:h of Berwcik.ra. At Lime Ridge, on the 3d inst., by Rev. D. S. Truckpnmiller, Mr. John Ypcom, and Miss Mary A. Lemons, both pi Epy.rPa. . At the residence of Michael F E) er y, ih Bloomsburg oc the 9th tnst., by R?v. J. R. Dimm, Mr AMeD.eily,land Miss EKzabeth Eyerly, aIJ'of)Bloo,msburg. Pa. , r In Blopmsbut; on the 4th-inst.', by Rev Thomas H.Culle'i, Mr. William Webb, and Miss Hannah R. Wbiteaight, all of Blooms burg, Pa. At Wedgetown, Hemlock township, on the 4th inst , by ihe same. lr. William F. Jane, and Mis Eliza A. Hook, both of Co um,bia county. I On the 30th of June last,, in Orancevill, at Sam pel. Everett's Hotel, by Rev. William Goodrich, Mr. RenJ F. Kdgar, and Miss Su s-nnah Hartman, both of Fisringcreek, Pa. DIED; At Watsontown, on the 4 h inst., Mra. Enoch Everett, daughter ofThomas Yance of Orangeville, aaed about 38 years. On board tbe United States Steamer, Tio ga, Key Wetr, on the 20th olt , Charles P. Scott, Third Assistant Engineer, U.S. Navy, aed 21 years, J jnqs. and 8 days. TO THE YOUNG OR OLD, m. - JMdt or Female. If ypn have been suffering from a habit in dnlged in by .the .. .... YOjJTH OF BOTH SEXES, , . WltiCH CAUSES SO MANY ALARMING . , ..SYMPTOMS. It enfits them for Marriage, .and is the Greatest Evil which can befall MAN or WOMAN , i See symptoms enumerated in Advertise ment, and if .you sufferer. Cut out the Advertisement, and send for it atonca, ...... ....... . Delays are dangerous.. . . Ask. for Helmbold's, take no other. , . Cures guaranteed. . . , Beware of. Counterfeits and imitations. " July IS; 1884. IrA-.-; . ; , KniTOR OI? THE 'STAR 'Dear Sir: With, your permission I wish to say lo.the readers of your paper rjthat 1 will eendy by return mail, to alLwhu'wtsh it (free) a Re cipe, with full dfrect ions Xor making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually rempve, in ten. days, pimples, blotches, Tan,. Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, 'leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and ' beautiful. I will, also mail tree to those having Bald Heads, or bare Faces, simpje directions and information that will enable them to start a fulj growth luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Rwspectfu fly yours, -THOS P. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 831 Broadway, New York. Jnlv 20. 1864 -3m, FREMU BREAKFAST AND DINNER OWING tolhi very high price ol Coffee, and the sreatdifficjilivin procuring a good, uniform and reliable) article our.custqrqers bave often expressed ; a wiih that jthey could be supplied from first hands. It was the intention of The Great American Tea Company, to do a strictly Tea business, but as we have had ome customers living at a dis tance that have relied upon us to supply them exclusively with Tea and Cotiee, it being inconvenient from them to come to New York. The Great Tea Coffee Empo rium of this country and as otur T.ea Tas ter wa possessed of information relating to a Coffee, thai 'could be to'rnisLeJ at a moderate, price, and. give oniveral saiis faction, and .at the same time afford the retailer a Handsome profit we have bfpn compelled to supplv those paries. THIS COFFEE HAS BECOME SO .PpfULAR with our cuMQmera and their sales have increased to such fcn extent that we have been compelled o make large additions 10 our macniner , .which will enable dh in supply :a few 'more cuxt imers with, it, We will therefore end it to those who may or der. , .Iii-faM bUPERSEDING ALL OTHER COFFEES. This coffee ha been ol lor more than a century in Paris, and since its introduction into this country, it has been in nse by some of the leading French Restaurants here. The Partialis are said to be the best judges of coffee; and the great favor in which it ia held by them i the bet recommendation that, can b pro duced for its fine flavor aiid healthy effects upon the human sytem. We put up but one grade of this coffee, and that is of a quality that our customers have lound from experience will sive per fect satitlacitun and meet all the demands ot their trade. It is the lowest price that we can commend. We do all our buinefs on the most ex tensive fcale, buy by the carso and sell at only two cents per pound profit. We put up this coffee in barrels only, of 125 pounds each. This method of putting it op saves from 2 to 5 cents per pound to the customer, and by it beins in a large quantity it retains its fine flavor much longer in this 'orin than in any other. We send with each barrel Show-Cards, Circu lar and Kp.iers, to assist the dealer to in troduce it to his customers. We hope our customers will take paiii.-t 10 have them well poted np and distributed, as it will De to their advantage to do o.f Thie coffee we warrant to 'give perfect sa(iTacfon, and if it does not please, ihe purchafer has ihe 'privilege of returning the "whole or any part of it within 60 day, and having his money refunded togetner with all the expenses of transportation both wavs. , We t?u a Price Circular pf our Teas and Coffees, which we art glad to Fend trew 10 all wf o wih it. Coix-uroer of cot fee should enquire for the French Breakla-t and Dinner Coffee anJ be sure thai ii was purchased ol the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Importers and Jobbers, "35 $ '.ir Vesey St.. New York. July 13, I86'4. 3m. JV utiohal Foundry. mbo'miiiir?, Columbia Co., rine, snb-ribj, proprietor of .the abo named exi enfjve, establishment, is nc ve now prepared to receive orders for all kind of machinery, for COLLEJRIES. BLAST .FUR NACES STATIONARY ENtJlNES, MfLLS THRESH IMG MACHINES. &c, &c. .. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all size; and patterhs, Plow-irons, and e,very ihing usually made in rirsl-clafs Foundries His exlansie. fatilitiea .and practical workman,, watrant him ,in receiving ihe largest contracts op the most reasonable terms., ,.,.... CF Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This eiablif hmeni is located near ihe Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloombnrg, Sept. 9. 1863." ICE- CR El JIM. STOHNER would respectfully annou " nee to the 'citTzens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, tha' he hasjusl opei ed an Ice-Ci eain Saloon, over his Confectionary Store, 1 door above ihe Port Office, in Bloomsburg, where he will verve up Ice-Cream, pi the most choice flavors, every evening, during the Summer months, at, lhe mo.t reasonable rates. HT Parties and Families can be accom modated with the article upon short notice. m Give him a call. , B STOHNER, . Bloomsburg, Apr. 27, '64. Prop'r. WILLIAIflSPORT NQN EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, IBIBIfHSJISIB) EIEjSIIIS AND LuhniCATliG OIJL. tiqh packages. CE m 325 ZSi m WILLRECEIFC PROMPT ATTEIVTIOIV. H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. William sport. Jnly 6. 1864. tf. . AJUlftlSTRATOR'SrfOTICE. Etta'.e of Jame$ B. Gibson, of Greenwood tiep., N' OTICE. is hereby given that letters pf Administration on the estate of James B. Gibson, of Greenwood township, Colum bia county, dee'ed, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Abraham Young, Esq., residing in Benton township, and. county aforesaid. All persons having claims against J be. estate of the decedent are. requested, to, present them for, settle men'., and those indebted to tbe. estate will make immediate payment. ' : ABRAHAM YOUNG, Admr. Benton twp., April 13, 1864. 82. - , 5 . , . QROVESTEEN 80 CO., PI AI O-JFO RT C THP. oiiantmn f ihe nnhlic and the trade wood Piano Fortes, which- for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled bv any bnber!o offered in this market. They contain all ihe modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Strung BaM.&c.aod each instrument beins made under the personal supervision ot Mr J. H. GROVESTEEN, who has had a prac ttcal ex perience of over 30 ye.arlrt ihe;r manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. The OroveUttn Pianq-Furle Received the Highest award of Merit over all others "at the Celebrated World's Fair. ,. . v-, i ? nere were exmnicu iiiiruiiicin iiun. Philapelphia, HiItimore, Boston ana nevr i-ora; ana aio i '"'' five successive years.-ihe gold and silver medah from both of which can be seen at our ware-roon. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing' largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer thee instruments, akpnees which will preclude all competition. PRICES : No. I, Seven Ortave, round corners, Rooewoorf pi ain rae $250. No. 2, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding $275. No 3, Seven Ocave, round corners. Rsewool Loui XIV st le S3CO a tac simile of the ahoe cut. T E Kill IV ET C4SII, I IV CUISKEIVT FUiVDS. ;BT DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SEAT FREE. 3 July 13, 1864. ly. THECA1Y1PAIGN AGE. THE PUBLISHERS OF THE PHILADEL PHIA AGE .... . . '.Will issue a. Campaign heet for the De mocratic and Conservative masses. It will be printed, ori a large .heet of fine white paper, at such rates as will bring it within the reach ol all.. If. will support the nominees ol the Democratic National Con vention, the full proceedings of which will be published ir. it columns. . It.will boldly advocate the rights of ihe white mao, and learleisly sustain all the constitutional rights o! the e'eizen, no matter from what "quarter they may be assailed. .... ;. .. The first number will be issued a boot the 5th of August. The whole number will be thirteen following each o.her weekly, until the Presidential election, the result of which will b contained in the final num htr. Demiiratic and Conservative Clubs, ! County Committees, Agents and all interest ed in tbe cause are mviieJ 10 co operate in the circulation of 1E CAiUPAIGiV ACE. TERMS The Campaign Age, of Thir ten Numbers. ! Single Copies for the series, 50 cents. In Clubs or not less than 20 to one addrecs. 45 eta each. In Clubs of not les than 50 tu one address, 40.ctseach. Cah must accompany each order, and no variation will be made in any case from the above terms. , Ordeis should be sent in immediately, or at latest bv the first day of neuM to -GLOSSBRENNER & WELSH, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa PUTNAM CLOTHES WRINGER. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE , 1SF.LF.4VJU STING if RINGER. No Wood- Work to swell or fplitNo Thumb-screws to get out of order -'iFarr anted with or without cog-wheels IT look thi first premium at . fifly-even State and Countj Tairs in 1863, and i without any exception, ibe. best .VYringer ever made. Patented in, ihe. Upited States, ' England, Canada, and Australia. , Agents wanted in every town,, and iu all pans of the world. Energetic Agents can make from three, lo teji Dollars per day. . Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price No. 2, S6.50. No 1, S7 50, . No. F, 50. No. A, $9.50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Plait Street, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. S. C. NORTHROP, Agent. tVhat Everybody Knows, viz: That iron well galvanized will not rust. Thai a simple machine i?. better than a complicated one., That a Wringer should be sell-adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause delay and trouble to regulate, and keep in order. That wood soaked io hot water will swell, shrink and split. That wood bearings for .tbe shaft to run in will wear out. That' ihe Putnam , Wringer,. with or without cog wheelsjWil! not tear the clothes. That cog wheel regulators are. not e?sen- Jlial.. That the Putnam W ringer has all the advantages, and not one ol the disadvan tages above, named,. That all who have tested it, pronounce it ihe bst Wringer ever made. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill the paper with testimoni als, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say t,o all, test Putnam's Wiingsr. Test it thor oughly with .any and all others, and if not entirely sati-factory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen 1 know from practical experience that iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidize. or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as pcssible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the beet in use. Respectfully yours, JOHN W. WHEELER,, Cleveland, Ohio. . Many years experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the above statement in all particulars. JNO. (X LEFFERTV , No. IpO Beeaman St. New York, January, 1864.-. , , We have tested Putnam's Clot Hps Wring er by practical working, and kqow.tfrat it will dp. It is cheap, it is. simple, it requires no room whether at work or at res; a child can operate it4 It, does its duty thoroughly. It saves time and it av,es wear and. tear. We earnestly advise, all who have much washing to do, with, all intelligent persons who may have any, to.buyhis Wringer. It will pay for itself in a yqar a. most. ... x HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. G ents Balmoral Lace. Boots,. will be sold very low Also. Boys Shoes., at " L.T.SHARPLgSSJ MAN WA CTCRE RS, is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose . . . . - - -- j PROSPECTUS OF THE GREAT NAT IONAL WORK. HISTORY. fCtvil, Pojipcal and Military) of the SOUTHERN. REBELLION, Comprehending, also, all important State Paper ( Co.ilederaie and Federal ) all. ordinance of. Secession, Proceedings of Coiigres (Rebel and Fed ,eral,) Remarkable speeches &c, together , with qfficial Reports of Cnrnmaudersi Army and Navy Statistic", Mp, &c, BY CRVILLE J. VICTOR, to be completed in 3 Volume, Super Royal Octavo Beauti fully Illustrated with Steel Engraving, Maps. &e., Prepaied exprefly lor this work, by John Rogers, and other firt-cla6s artists. j , a i i VOLUMES I AND II NOW READY. 1 his truly National Work characterized ,by a leading Journal a the "Paraxon of , Histories." has now 'taken its placn in lit erature as the History pr excellence, ot the Great Rebellion. Ii has received (as will be seen by reference to the le tern and notices subjoined) the endorsement of the leading men and the leading journals ol the country. It is cum mended by those mol qualified to judge, as such a Record of the .Rie, Progress and Results ol. .the War for the Union, as - every 'Intelligent citizen should posess. As title indicates, iu rovers the ground of the, Rebellion, as wed in its Political ,and Social as in it Military aspects. It deals in chronologic order, with the open and the secret movements for Secession in the rereral Slates ; it comprehend the proceedings of the procee is ot ihe Mont gomery Convention and of Ihe Confederate State's Congrecs : all proceedings in the Federal Congress relating to the questions ol Secesnion and Rebellion, giving lull re tporte of the great Debate?, Resolutions, Reports &c , all the Menages, Proclama tions, &c. of the President ; hus proving a Complete compendium of the political phaoes of the attempted revolution. As a recoid of the slupendinue Military and Naval Feature of the Rebellion, it will be all that could be desired full, au thentic and graphic leaving nothing on said which is necessary to render it the ben and mot satUlactory History of the War. for .the Union which will be prsen:ed for the patronage of the American People. Most of two volumes will be devoted to the Operations of the army and Navy. As each volume contains more letter pre lhan eny two volumes of other profet-se I "Histories" now offered to ihe public. It will be'precfeived that th's Great Work on ihe score of fulness and complethess will challenge all comparison, The Entire History will be comprised in .three Super Royal ociavo volume?, otaout 6000 pages each beautilully printed, in double columns, Irom.. specially prepared type,. The atnotnl of matter in each vol ume "is equivalent jo 'he contents of six ordinary dolUr book-. Thu in thre vol umes the author, will have, araple" space to consider every , event fully and satisfac torily, should, the war drag iis slow length along througn the year,. , . .. 1 t ,The work can only be had of the can vaster. It is not sold by "the trade." AH who wih to become poes(;ed of it should avad themselves of the First proposition of the agent. , . Each, volume is guaranteed to be eqnal, in all reopects 10 the specimen copy ex hibited by the agent. i -. J AS. D TORREY. Published 13 Spruce St. N. Y. Address correspondence l EDWARD HOVEY, General Agent, 13 Spruce N. Y., Firt-Cls"S Canvassers W'anted JAMES V. KEELER, Agent for Col urn- bia Co. June 15, 1864 3w NEW GOODS' Another Arrival of floods. AT HatiJDap dnd Grocery -. S3 o? co 1x2. o Noio is Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having net returned Irom the Eastern cities with a large and full assortments of in addition to a snperi or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER J& HATS AND CAPS, comprising every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a littje cheaper lhan can be purchased elsewhere. Stock oi GROCEMES are not sur passed in this jnatke', which, he offer cheap for cash., or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ., ... ALSO.-A finejet of KIDS, MOROCCOES, and LININGS, to which .he invites Uie at tention of Bh.oamakers arid, the public. ,. Give him a call At Slroup's Old Stand, 00 Main Street. ; . , JOHN K.GIRTON. Blnorksbnre, April 27, 1864. - E.J.THORNTON, PAPER, DEALER, HAS RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW WALL PAPER, of various styles, al his eMblih went on Main Street, below Market, Bloomsburg, which he will sell, at reason able prices. A. J.. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 4, 1864. QROVER 80 BAKER'S XFI.KBR ATCD CLASTIC STITCH SEWIIVG HIA CHICKS Were awarded the highest Premiums over ail Competitors, at the following State and County Fair of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine. Firot Premium for Manufacmring Machine Kir-t Preminm for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. Firt Premium lor Machine for all purposes First Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. ',; Fir. I Premium for Family Machine. Fird Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. Firet Preminm for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Preminm for Machine Woik IOWA STATE FAIR. ' First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Firt Preminm for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE EAIR. ,. ,'..r." Firt Premium lor Machine for hi! pu'rposcp Firet Premium for Mitchine Work KENTUCKY SPATE FAIR F;r.t Premium for Machine for all purposes Frjt Premium for Machine Work, MlCAlGAN STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. F:rM Premium for Family Machine t First. Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR , .. Firxl Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frit Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE FAIR. First, Premium for Family Machine Firt Premiprn for Machine Work CHITTEN DEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. p'irct Premium lor Family Machine -First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine Firt Premium for Marhirm Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. . , , First Premium for Family Machine. FtM Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. Firet Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine Firm Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO,. Ma AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for jMactiine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR,? FirM P.emium for Family Maeliir.e QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine FirM Premium . for Manufacturing Machine Firt Premium .for Machine Work SARATOGA CO NT, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa,, FAIR., Firol Premium for Machine for all purp os First Premium for Machine Worrc GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fimt Premium for Machjue Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firt Preminm lor Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi.st Premium lor Machine for all purposes FirM Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine FirM Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Fft Premium for Family Machine Ful'iremium for Machine Work - tSSThe above comprises all ihe Fairs at which the Grover & Baker Machines were exhibited this vear. Salesrooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 1$. ar THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worth seeing. Please send for circular with sample of sewing. Thee Improved Machines save one hundred per cent, of thread and silk, and make the lock-stitch alike on both sides. They require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from one kind of gooils to another. And no taking apart to clean O' oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machine, wl ich foe. beauty and perfection o! finUh are not surpassed by an manufac - tore in the world. . N. B. Should any.Macbire provcunal it?factory, it can be returned and money refnrided. Agents wanted ia counties not canvassed by our own Aaent. . n - FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 53S Broadway, New York. April 20, 1864. ly. JYcic Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. riH E . undersigned respectfully informs " his friends and the public generally, that he has juai received Irom the Eastern Cities, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Freh from the. seat, of Fashion, of sorts, size and quantities, which will sold cheap lor cash or country produce. , A L S O,- all be WATS Ac CAPS f BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome lo, numer ate, to which be invites the attention of pur chaser. . j-, . C27" He is also prepared to make up clothing to order,. .en reasonable terms, and vp to the tatest fashions. Br Call and examine our 6tock of goods. , , ANDREW J. EVANS. Bbomsburg, April 27, 1864. ' Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Lack'a and Bloonsfcurg RaIIroa4. aif -ra ;rrr. .v - ON .AND AFTER JAN. SENGER T RAINS WILL 18, 1364, PAS RUN AS FOL- LPWS MOTINO SOOTH Freight f Pat$eger. Patitnger. . 4.20 P M ; 5 55 8.25 ' '8 35 15 9 55 Leave Scrauton, Kingston. ' Bloomeburg " Rupert, 41 Danville! Arrive at North'd MOVIKQ UOSTH. Leave North'd " (fDarfville, 8 00 A.M 1 8M0 Roperi;,t rBloomtburg, Kingstnni.. ft 22 .9 25 v "'1212 P M 1,30 it Arrive at Scranmn, Freight & Paaeenser leaves bloowsburg, in u 1 ( .. . ' . - . . ' Pasi-er gers taking the Mail Train South connect with the Express train from Nor tbumbftrlaiiH," arriving at Harrisburg at 2.30 A. M ,i Baltimore, 700 A. M. and at Phi I 'a. at:?,00 A.M. The Mail Train from NoVtb'dj leavps Immediately after the Ex press frarf Irom Harricbnrg at and Balli-rTXre- allowing Paensers leaving ' Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M. to reach points on this, road during'the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pany ihe night trains' ech way between Northumberlandund Baltimore, and Nor ihuinberland and Philadelphia. ' - ' ' H. A. FUNDA, Sopl. J. C. Wells, Gen t Ticket Atnl Kingstoneb. 3, .864. . p u blFc sale OF ! PERSONAL PROPERTY AND Valuable Real Estate. THE undersigned will expose to public sale on ibe premises in Benton township, Columbia count'!: on 'j; '" - s.t turclhy, the 30lh of July, 1864, the following personal property and valuaMe real estate, viz 2 HORSES, 1 COLT, 1 COW, one heiler, 3 hsad of bogV, one two hor wagon, one two horse spring wagm, one sled, one fanning mill, plows, harrows, cultivators forks, rakes, -shovels, hoes, harness, one COOKING STOVE and pipe, together . with a lot of other articles too tedious to mention. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Benton township, Columbia coM adjoining lands of Charles Ah, William Ash, John Davis, William Appleman, and John Rapt; ootrtin-ibg 70 Acrcs'siiiiril 83 Perches, and allowance of land ;whereon are erect ed a two Mory frame dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, nearly r.ew- There is an excellent Orchard and Summer Fiuiis, &c, on the premises. Terms of Real Estate Ten per 'cent, down; one half ot the balance in six mos., and the remainder in one year, with inter est from sale. Possession given upon m curing purchase. : " t ' SVMUEL KLINE. Bentar, June 29, 1864., ,,f , ., Frlt CIhoh lurm-r i iUugaziue lot Vt 1861, The Pennsylvania 1864. rAipittlt Sc GARDENER, DEVOTED TO AGKICUfrURE. HORTICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS. Edited and Published by WILLIAM S. YOUNG 52 North Sixth Stree', Philadelphia. , Ttrm i- One Dollar a year. Tfie Sixth Volume commences with Jan uary number. ' '- " " '' HAVING. obtained the services of' emi nent and practical Agricul:urils, Horri mlturUts; Stock Breeders and Bee keeper, we confidently offer the current Volume at one of the best ever issued for originality, practical thonshi and reliable information, Feb. 24, 1864- " OMNIBUS LINE. rpHE undersigned would respectfully in- "-' nounce to ihe citizen of Bloomsburg, and the jioMic gerfralJy, thai he is running i.ikirvinfTo r htm' - .. " dUW.Ult)UJ iilti between thie-place ana the different Rail Road Depot, daily, (Sundays excepied to con nect with the several Trains going South and West on the Catawiosa & Williamsport Kail Road, and with-those going North and Sooth on the Lack. Si Bloomsburg Jload. His OMNIBUSES are in good condition, commodious and romfotrable. and charge reasonab'e. BrS""-Peron.n wishing' to meet or see iheir friends )epart'.can be accom modated, upon, reasonable charges, by laav. ing tiniel'v notice; at. anV of the Hotels. JACOB- L. GFRTON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. - ' Adiuiuivtiator's. Notice. 1 ETTERS of administration on the ev J tat e of Suan Harp, late Scsan Peter- matt, ?ugarioal ownstitp, lolnmbia conn iv, deceased, have been granted by. the Register of said county, to Abraham Young, who resides in Benton township. Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands againd the estate of the decedent are requested to prerenl them to- (he un dersigned for settlement and those indebt ed to the estate are required to make im mediate payment, to t - 1 Benton, May 18, 1864. 6t "T7 ; , - ABRAHAM YOLNG. HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. .PHILADELPHIA, PA. . DISEASKS'of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable ifesttrnerrt in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LL1N HOUGHTON, Howard Association,: No. 2 South Ninth S'reel P.h;laoVlfhia, Pa. Dec. 16 1863 ly . ' A GENTLEMAN, cured tf Nervou De bility. Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire lo benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (Tree of charge), the lecipt and direction for making the simple rem edy, used in hi rase. Those wir-hing to profit by his experience, and posse Valuable Remedy,, will receive tbe same, by return mail, (carefully sealed), by ad dressing ;, JOHN-B. OGiEN, . No- 60 Nassau St., New York. May 18, 1864. 3m " S250. ; .SEVEN OCTAVE 3230." ROSEnoOD.l'IA.XO-FORTES GROVESTEEN & CO. 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. . , Offer their new, enlarged Scale Piano Fortes, with all latent improvements. Thirty year's expvr.enee, with greatly in creased facilities for manufacturing, enable ihem to sell lor CASH at oun-ualiy low prices.' These instruments received th highest award at the world's Fair, and for five successive ear all he American ta atitme. VVarraniet fi years. TM tT cash. Call or ssnd for dcrtpirv em-uUr. Jaue 15, 1864. Sm.