STA R OF THE NORTH "'" ' 1 TCISGS ABOUT TOVFN & CCUSTRY. PLooinsmjKG, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 13 1864. i. " ', 1 ' John H. IIktlxr, Esq., of Mifflin, ad ertises letter testamentary, on h estate of William Fry, lae of Mifflin township, in this week's paper. Wi notice lhat ihe firm of A. Howell & Co., Liquor Dealers ia Williarasport, baa lately been dissolved by . mutual consent, and the business will be continued by Mr. Howell. Parbord. The President has pardoned CapC Henry B. Todd, late Provost Marshal of Washington, who was convicted by conn martial of robbing ladies of their jewelry and silver spoons. The Senate ha pas-ed a resolution call ing npor. the President to set apart aday of humiliation, fast'ng and prayer. . The President so pplies us with three bondred and sixty -tire days cf humiliation every year. The la e reins have been of great valoe to the oats crop. It is now set so far ahead thai it if oat ol all danger of a drouth. The corn is doing well, although not quite so forward aa we have seen il t this time oth er years.-. - - . , The LrGiLTt74E of this State, will reas semble on the 2jJ of August, for the pur pose of connting the vote on the proponed amendments to the Constitution and pass ing such laws a may be necessary to carry them iuto effect . ' . " Gov. Cdrtik has pardoned 'the negro II L . 1 I t oiuir wno was recently couvicieti ci who was "shooting a whire ci izen at camp William Pnn. Hurrah friend V1 for the black "soldier's H. L- Hold.n, ot Witliamp'irt, advertise in this paper, non-explosive pure Crystal Carbon Oil, and refined Benzine and Lubri- eating Oil ; which be will sell chesp for cah All orders sent him will receive prompt attention. Give his article a trial. . - THCciiizer.s of Espy are raising f hon dred day men" in response to the call of the Governor, lo protect Old Abe, and after ward defend the State. We understand a dozen or more have been recroited. The Chaimmk of the Democratic Stand ing Committee ol Columbia Chanty, will -publish notice for the holding of the Dele gate ' Klections, throughoni the different townships of this couti'y, and the meeting ol the Cnnty Convention, in the Democratc papers of thia county, nnt week. . The Great Am KHIC4W Tea Compint, of New York Citr, advenise a soperior article cf Coffee for sa'e to dealers, ia to-day's Mam. Give it a trial, and our word for it, you'll find it lo be what it is represented. Pcblic Sir. Mr. George Lazarus will expose lo public sale, on his premises, in Fishingrreek township, Coiambia county, rn the 30th inst.. his personal property. - He will dispose of one horse, 4 colts, and .7 head of sheep together with bis entire, 'lot of farming utensils. ' He will also sell bay by the ton. : ' -.Tut Danville Inle'ltgenter says the Pndlers connected with the Penna. Iron Works, at thai place, have struck for higher wages. They have been receiving $6.80 per ton in the past, and now demand S7-50 in the fnture. . This is truly said to be Ibe na ural result of a bloated paper currency. The worn has not yet come, bot its in sight. The Yocg Lxtus of this place held Festival last week: the proceeds of which to be applied for the benefit of the sick and Wounded soldiers. The affair seemed to be .pretty well attended. We learn tha: on 'Friday evening the money-till was robbed . Molhegveat surprise of the ladies, of some ten or twelve doihrs. This was an outrage oca act swindling the soldier! '" ; . , , ' Frake Leslie's Gazette or Fashio has visited our sanctum for the month of July, ., with its more than uual amount of inter lio con-tents. Tbe plate are splendid, . tietorpaeed by awy other Magazine, and ibe reading if from the pen of oor most tal ented authors. This Magazine i cheap :,Z3 00 not .beyond the teach- f any one . wishing to make gnod investment.' Pub lished, 19 City Hall, New York. ' HaTMAiNa.The 'bested term" has commenced in earnest, and oor friends are now busily engaged in haymaking. The hay crop through the county is tolerably good. Agricultural people will be compel led to labor onnsoally hard dating hay and raia narvesr mis season, owing 10 me carcity of laborers. However, they are better sopplied with labor-saving machines than ever before, and will be able with early and la:e work to seenre their crops ia good time. Work s work I will be the farmer's watchword for the next four V- ::-r 7 ' , Serioos Accident. Oar young friend and ''nsrrian, Mr. Ssmoel H. Rnch, met with V'nfnl and serious accident; in the loss Sumb, whi'e engaged in., firing a na alate, in this place, on the morning vh of Joly.' He and a'yoongcora vad charge of the 'lnlant thunder N after . firing ome eight or ten Apiece prematnrelr discharged, Striking yoang Roch, on the ' i the right hand thamb. shat x.a inanner that atnrtatio i--tf.Derwk& GixtUt. . , A mas was in town the other day hose was laboring under the weight of a "large brick; lo his bat," being aiked if he was a Soa of Tem perance, replied, "Hie no relation".'' ' ' CIT. Clare, of this place, is falsing a Company, to go down after the rebels. Volunteering is rather an op-bill business just now. AH patriotism ia Ibis war bas oozed out. L:ncoln bas fooled with the animal till it has become next thing to being master. ' Important I urORMAiiow. Col. J G Frtexe, keeps constantly on band and for sale, at the Recorder's office in Blooimburg, "The Constitution of the United States," and of the ''State of Pennsylvania," in various styles, at pricea to soil ; aWo, sundry other democratic books, documents, and speech es ; together with legal, note ard cap pa per, pens, ink and envelopes of all sizes and styles, as well as theological, poetical, Historical and miscellaneous books, cheap. We cannot positively lay whether Fred. Douglas will stump the States for Abraham Lincoln or John. C. Fremont, this Fall, or not; bot we are -inclined to, the belief, that Fed. is becoming tired of the Lincoln par ty; finding that they are a shade too black lor his color and political opinions, he may be induced to become one of Fremont's orators. The nigger, organ at this place ia considerably exercised over the probability of losing Douglas' valuable support to their Shoddy candidate. Aa Fred, goes so goes the black man's vote which they so dearly cherish, and by which they hope to re-elect Old Abe. The blacks in the army, in Ohio, and in New York, are governed in a great measure by the course of Fred. Douglas. There is where the shoe pinches Thomas Dunn of the Rtptihlkun. I. S. 10-10 BOXDS. These Bonds are issued nnder the Act of Congress of March 8th, 1864, which provides thai all Bonds issued under this Act hall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or coder any state or municipal author ity. Subscript ions to-ttee Bonds are re ceived in United States notet or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE RE. DEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of tt;e Government, at any period i.ot Ies than ten nor more than forty years from their dare, and uu'il their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds ol noi over one hun dred dollars annually ami on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest it pay able on the brst days of March and hep lember in each year. ' Subscribers will receive either. Regis tered or Coupon Bonds, as they may pre fer. Resiftered Bonds are recorded on the books ol the U. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only o.t the owner's order Coupon BoimIs are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for commercial nses. Subscribers lo this loan w II have the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March 1st, Dy faying the accrued in teres! m coin (or ir. Ua ted Slates notes, or the notes of National Bilks, adding fit ly peir cent, for premium, or receive them drawing tnterect from the dale o( subscrip tion and deposit. As thee Bonds are Exempt fron Manfcipal or State Taxatiou, their value is increased from one to three per cent, per annnm, according to the rate ol tax levies in various part of the coon try. A' the present rate of premium on golJ Ihey pay OVER EIGHT PER CENT INTEREST in currency, and are ot equal convenience as a pernai.em or temporary investment. It i believed thai no seauriiies offer so great inducement to lenders as the various Uet-ciiptions of U S. Bonds. In ail other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability ot private parties or siocL companies or separate communities only i pledgdd for payment, while for the debts of the United Sates the whole property of the - country ia holden to secure the payment of both principal and interest in coin.. These Bonds may be subscribed fot in sums from $50 np to any magnitude, on the same terms,and are thos made equally available to ihe smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into money at any moment, and ihe bolder will have the benefit of the interest. Ii maybe useful to state in this connec tion that ihe total. Funded Debt of the United Slates on which interedt is payable in enld, on Ihe 3d day of March, 1864, Was $768,965,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year w ill be 84 5,937, 126, while ihe customa revenue in gold for' the corrent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rale of over $100,000 000 per annnm. Il will be teen that even the present gold, revennes of the Government are large ly in excess of the wants of the treasury for ihe payment of .gold .interest' while the recent increase of in tariff will doubtless raiie the annual. receipts from customs on the same amonni of importations, to 2150, 000.000 per annnm. - I Instructions lo the National Banks act ing a loan agents were' net issued from the United State Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averasred .'more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK."5. ' Subscriptions will be received by all Rational Banks which are deposruries of public money, and all :. i---.r ' RESPECT A BLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout ihe coontrv; (acting as agents of the National Deposiurv Banks.) wil furnish forther information on" application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUB SCRIBERS. , .... . ,. Subscriptions will be Re ceived by the First Rational Hank of ilainrille, Ia May 4, 1864 2ra. ' 8250. SEVEN OCTAVE 250. ROSEWOOD . PIAXO-FORTES GROVESTEEN & CO. 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Offer their new, enlarged Scale Piano Fortes, with all " latest improvements. Thirty year's experience with greatly in creased facilities for manufacturing, enable i hero to sell for CASH at unusually low prices. These fhstramentST received the highest award at ihe world's Fair,and for five successive seara at the American" In- atitnte. arramed.&va years. . .1 ebms met csH. Call or send for descriptive circo.r. one 15, 1864. 3m. A m,rtaf lha tBAtrrKt f ' I M FRENCn BREAKFAST AXD DINNER rrTnTy-ERirgrTn-- OWING to the very, high price of Coffee, and the great difSeoliy in procuring a good, onitorm and reliable article our customers have often expressed a wish thai - they could be supplied from firt hands. It was the intention of Ibe Great American Tea Conpmy, to do a strictly Tea business, but as we have had some customers living at adis tance that have relied upon us to supply them exclusively with Tea and Cotiee, it being inconvenient from ihem locome to New York. The Great Tea Coffee Eropo rium of ibis country and as onr Tea Tas ter was possessed of information relating to a Coffee that could be furnished at a moderate price, and give universal satis faction, and at the same lime afford the retailer a handsome profit we have been compelled to supplv those paries. THIS COFFEE HAS BECOME SO POPULAR with our customers and their salea have increased lo such an extent that we have been compelled io make large additions to our macbiner), which will enable as to supply a few more cunt mers with il. We will therefore send it to those who may or der. It is fast SUPERSEDING ALL OTHER COFFEES. This coffee has been osed.for more than a centory in Paris, and since its introduction into tins country, it has been in nse by some of the leading French Restaurants here. The Parisians are said to be the beat . judges of coffee; and ihe sreat favor in which it is held by them is ihe bed recommendation that ean be pro duced for its fine flavor and healthy effects upon the human system. We put up bot one grade of this coffee;, and that i of a quality that oor customers have lound from experience will give per fect salislaction and meet all the demands ol their trade. It is the lowest price that we can commend. . We do all our business on Ihe most ex tensive scale, buy by the cr20 and sell at only two cents per pound profit. We put np this coffee in barrels rnly, of 125 pounds each. This method of putting il np saves Irom 2 in 5 cents per pound lo the customer, and by its being in a large quantity it retains its fine flavor much longer in this 'orm than in any o'her. - We send with each barrel Show Cards, Circu lars and Posters, to assist the dealer to in troduce il to hin customers. We hope our customers will take pains to have them well posted np and distributed, as it will be to their advantage to do to. This coffee we warrant lo give perfect satisfactfon, and if it does not pleae, the purchaser has the privileje of returning Ihe whole or any part of ii within 60 days, and having hi money relunded louetner with all liie expenses of transportation both wavs. We issne a Price Circular of oor T-as and Coffees, which we art. siad to rend ' , . I fre io all wto wih it. fee should enquire for tie Fienrh Breakfast and Dinner Coffee an. be sore thai i purchased ol lh- GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Importers and Jobbers, . 35 4- 37 Vesey St. New York. July 13, 1864. 3(ii. TV ational Foundry. HloonibtirrT, Colnnibia Co., rhe snbribjr, proprietor of the above named extensive e-lablishment, is now prepared to receive orders for nil kinds of machinery, for COLLER1ES, BLAST FI R NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES &c , &c. He is also prepared to make S ovee, all sizes and patterns. Plow-irons, and every thing usually made io tirsl-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, wairanl nim in receiving the largest contracts op the most reasonable lerms. PF Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange lor castings. This establishment is located near 'lie Lackawanna Railroad Depoi. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsborg, Sept. 9 1863. . A cBiCRof years have elapsed since ihe inirodortion of HOSTEITER'S CElE BRTaTED Bl ITERS io the public. The prejudice existing in the minds of many persons against what are denominated pat ent medicines at first greatly retarded its sale; but, as its virtues and merits be came known, this barrier of prejudice was overthrown, and the demand - increased so rapidly that in a few years scarcely a vil lage existed in the United State in which the afflicted had not experienced the bene fits arising from the ose of the "Bitters " and at the present day there are to be found IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD vouch ers lor the great merits of the article No greater cure for Dyspepsia can be fonnd. See Advertisement. For sale by Druggists and dealers gen erally everywhere. 1CE-CKEJ1M. f. STOHNER would respectfully annon- nee to the citizens of Bloumsbnrg and vicinity, thai he has just oper.ed an ' Ice-Cream Saloon, over his Confectionary Store, 1 door abov the Poft Office, in Bloomsburg, where he will serve op Ice-Cream, of the most choice flavors, every evening, during the Summer months, al the most reasonable rates. LiT Parties and Families can be accom modated with ihe ar:icle upon short nonce. Give him a call. B STOHNER, Bloomsborg, Apr. 27, '64. Prop'r. WILLIAiaSPORT NON EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, ' lEEIFIISJIlE) SSSJSHS AND LUBRICATING OIL. IN TIGHT PACKAGES. WILL. RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Williamsport. July 6, 1864. tf. ADMlMSTHAToK'SaA'OTICEt Estate of James B. Gibson, of Greenwood twp., Columbia Courtly, dee'd. IYJOTICE is hereby given mat letters of Administration on the estate of James B. Gibson, of Greenwood township, Colom bia county, dee'ed, have been grafted by the Register of said county, to Abraham Yoonz, Eeq., residing in Benton township, and county aforesaid. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settle men!, and those indebted lo the estate will make immediate payment. , ABRAHAM YOUNG, Admr. , Benton twp.f April 13, J864. $2. GROVESTEEN 8o CO., PIAlVO-rOKTK WIAIrFACTURERS, THE attention of the public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Smms Ba.&f... and each insnument beine made onderthe personal supervision of Mr J. H GROVESTEEN, who has had a practical ex perience of over 30 years in their manufacture, is fully warrenied in every particular. The Grovtbtetn Piano-Furte Received the Highest award of Merit over all others - . at the Celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from ihe best makers of London, Paris, Germany, Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York;nd also at the American Institute for five successive years the gold and silver medaU from both of which can be seen at our ware-roon. B the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a strictly caih system, are enabled to offer lhee instruments at prices which will preclude all competition. " . : PRICES: No. 1, Seven .-Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain cae S250. No. 2, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding $275. No 3, Seven Ocave, round corners, Rosewood Loifi- XIV sile S3C0 a lac simile of the above cut. TERJU.-IVET CASH, liT CURRENT FUNWS. " & DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SE.NT FREE. July 13, 1864 ly. THE CAMPAIGN AGE. THE PUBLISHERS OF THE PHILADEL PHIA AGE . Will issue a Campaign Sheet for the De mocra'ic and Conservative masses. It will be printed on a lare sheet of fine white paper? at such rales as will bring it w ithin tne rearb of all. it will support the nominees ol the Democratic National Con vention, the full proceedings of which will be published ir. its columns. It will boldly advocate the lights of the white man, and fearlessly sustain all the constitutional rights of the citizen, no matter from, what quarter they may be assailed. The first number will be issned abont the 5th of August The whole number will be thirteen lollowing each O'her weekly, ontil Jhe Presidential- election, the revolt of which will h contained in the final num ber DemTrvic and Conservative Clubs, Count Committees. Agents and all in-erest- ed in ihe cause are invi'ed to co operate ia the circulation of THE CAMPAIGN AGE. TERMS The Campaign Age, of Thir ten Numbers. Single Copies for the series, 50 cents. In Clubs of not less than 20 to one address. 45 cts each. In Clubs of not less than 50 to one address, ' 40 cts each. Cash must accompany each order, and no variation will be made in any case from the above terms. should be sent ii immediately, or at latest by the first day of AuguM. to GLOSSBRENNER & WELSH, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, Pa PUTNAM CLOTHES WRINGER. IT IS THE ONLY RELIARLE SVLF-ADJUSTING WRINGER. No 1 food- Work t o swell or split No Thvmb-sciews to gel out of order ff'arrantedwith or without cog-wheels IT took the first premium at fifty-seven Stats; and County Fairs in 1863, and is without any exception, the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States," England, Canada, and Australia. Asents wanted in every town, and in all pans of the world. Energetic Agents can make from three lo ten Dollar per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price. No. 2, 6 50. No 1, 87.50. No. F, S 50. No. A, S9.50. Manufactured and sold, whole-ale and retail, by THE. PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No. 13 Platl Street, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. S. C. NORTHROP; Aaent. JFhnt Everybody Knows, vizi That iron well galvanized will not rust. That a simple machine i better than a complicated one. That a Wrinser should be sell-adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause d!ay and trouble to regulate and keep in order. Thai wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out. Thai the Putnam Wringer, with or without C02 wheels, wil! not learihe clothes. That cog wheel regulators are not essen tial. That the Putnam Wrinser has all ihe advantages, and not one of Ihe disadvan tages above named. That all who have tested it , pronounce it ihe b-st Wringer ever made. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill tha paper with testimoni als, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if soch tfeere be; and we say io all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor oughly with any and -all others, and if not entirely sati-factory, retnrn it. Putnam Manvfacluring Co. Gentlemen 1 know 'from practical experience that iron well calvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rnst one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in nse. Respectfully yours, JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many years experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable .me to endorse ihe above statement in all particulars. JNO. C; LEFFERTS, No.100 BeeKman St. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring er by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap, it is simple, it requires no room whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it It does iUdnty tboronghly. It saves lime and it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have ranch washing to do, wiih all intelligent persons who may have any, to boy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year a most. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. A GENTLEMAN, cured cf Nervous De bility. Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need il, (free of charge), the recipt and directions for making ibe simple rem edy osed in his case. . Those wishing to profit by bis experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will receive the same. by retard mail, (carefally sealed), by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau St. , New York. May 18, 1864. 3m PROSPECTUS OF THE GREAT NAT IONAL WORK. HISTORY, (Civil, Political arid Military) of the SOUTHERN REBELLION, Comprehending, also, all important State Papers (Co ilederate and Federal ) ' all ordinances of Secession, Proceedings of Congress (Rebel and Fed eral,) Remarkable speeches &c, , together with official Reports of Commanders, Armv and Navy Statistics, Maps, &., BY CRVILLE J. VICTOR, lo be completed in 3 Volumes, Super Royal OtMavo Beauti fully Illustrated with Steel Engraving, Maps. &c, Prepared expresly for this work, by John Rogers, and other firel-class artists. VOLUMES I AND II NOW READY. 1 his truly National Work characterized by a leading Journal a the "Paragon of Histories. " has now taken its place in lit erature a the History par excellence, ol the Great Rebellion. It has received (as will be seen by reference to the letters and notices subjoined) the endorsement of ihe leading men and He leading journals of the country. It is commended by those mot qualified to judge, as such a Record of the Rie, Progress and Resul s of the War for ihe Union as every Intelligent citizen shonld posess. As title indicates, its covers the gronnd of the, Rettellion, as well in its Political and Social as In il Military aspects. It deals in chronologic order, with Ihe open and the secret movements for Secession in the reveral States ; it comprehends the proceedings of the procee.Js of Ihe Mont gomery Convention and of the Confederate State's Congress : all proceedings in the Federal Congress relating io Ihe questions ot Secession and Rebellion, giving lull re port of the great Reports &c , all the Debates, Resolutions, Messages, Proclama- lions, &c. of the Presi len ; hus proving a Complete compendium of the political phases of the attempted revolution. As a recoid of the etnpendious Military and Naval Feature" of ihe Rebellion, it will be all that could be deired full, au thentic and graphic leaving nothing un said which -is necessary to render it the beet and most satisfactory History of the War for the Union which will be presen:ed for Ihe patronage of the American People. Most of two volumes will be devoted to the Operations of the army and Navy. As each volume contains more letter press " lhan sny iwo volumes of other professed 'Histories" now offered io the pnblic. -Il will be precbived thai th'S Great Work on the score of fulness and complethdss will challenge all comparison The Entire History will be comprised in three Super Royal oclavo volomes. olaout 6000 pages each beautilnlly printed, in double columns, from specially prepared type. The amount of matter in each vol ume is equivalent to 'he contents of six ordinary dollar book'. Thus in ihre vol omes the auihorwill have ample space to consider every event fully and satisfac torily, should the war drag its slow length along througn the year. The woik can only be had of the can vasser. Il is not sold by "the trade." All who wih lo become possessed of it should avail themselves of the First proportion of the agent. Each volume is gnaranleed lobe equal, in all respects to the specimen copy ex hibited by the agent. JAS. D TORREY. Published 13 Spruce St. N." Y. Address correspondence l EDWARD HOVEY, General Agetw, 13 Spruce N. Y., Firi-Class Canvassers Wanted JAMES V. KEELER, Agent for Colum bia Co. June 15, 1864 3w NEW GOODS! Another Arrival of Goods. Al Hat, Cap and Grocery Now is Your Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the Eastern cities with a large and full assortments of GR0cFB"?' in addition to a super! kz-SslilaJ? or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER & HATS AND CAPS, comprising every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can b? pnrchased elsewhere. H Stock ol -GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which .he offers cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS, M0R0CCOES, and LININGS to which he invites the at tention ot Shoemakers and ihe pnblic. Give him a call At Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloonesburg, April 27. 1864. E. J. THORNTON, PAPER DEALER, HAS RECEIVED A LOT OP NEW WALL PAPER, of varioos styles, at his establish rrent on Main Street, below Market, Bloomsburg, wbicb he will sell at reason able prices. A. J. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 4, 1R64. -TvTtfST PRELUM A i 1ifl I 'CH:6" .'ill. GROVER &, BAKER'S CFI.IBR ATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWIIVG ITIAC HIiM:S Were awarded the highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the following State and County Fir of .1863. NEW YORK .STATE FAIR First Premium for family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Firt Preminm for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Preminm for Machine for all purposes First Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.i Premium for Family Machine. FirM Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Preminm for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR.' rl First Premium for Machine Worfc. IOWA STATE FAIR. . , First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Preminm for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE E AIR., . First Premium for Machine for purpose First Preminm for Machine Work r KENTUCKY STATE FAIR . F;rst Premium for Machine for all purposes Frist Premium for Machine Work, MICAIGAN bTATK FAIR. : First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. F:rst Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fiist Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frist Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. Kirt Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine FirM Premium for Machine Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAM PLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine Fire! Premium for Manufacturing Machine FirM Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. Firs; Premium for Machine for all purposes rirst rreminm tor Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. Firsi Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. -MONTGOMERY CO Pa. FAIR. Fi st Premium lor Machine for all purposes rir-i Premium lor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Caf FAIR Premium for Family Machine Fitsl Pieminm for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Firtt Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work ESThe above comprises all the Fairs at which the Grover & B aker . Machines were exhibited this year. Sales-rooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worth seeing. Please send for circular with sample of sewp'g. These Improved Machines save one hundred per cent, of Ihread and silk, and make the lock stitch alike on both sides. They require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions." No change in sewing from one kind of goods to another. . And no taking apart lo clean o oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machine, wl ich for beauty and perfection o' finish are not surpassed by any manufac ture m the world. N. B. Shoulil any Machine prove unsat isfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Agents- . FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, New York. April 20, 1864. ly. JYcic Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fflHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the pnblic generally, that he has just received Irom ihe Eastern Cities, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. ALSO, II ATS & CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety ol no lions and things too troublesome tomumer ate, to wbicb be invites the attention of pur chasers. lie is also prepared to make up clothing to order, on reasonable terms, and up to the latest fashions. C7Call and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. Ayeis Cherry Pectoral 1 vr READING RAIL ROAD. V SrMDIER AKKANGBMENT. REAT Trunk line from the N"r:h tad North-west for Philadelphia,. ; New- York, Raltng. Pottsville.Lebanon, Alieo lown. Easton, iic, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reartihg, Pottsvtlle, and all In termediate Sta. ions, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. at. New York Express leaves Harribnrg at 6 io. M. airivinti i New York at 1 45 ; the same day. . - . A special accomodation P.isaene trail leavlff Re'aoing at 7 15 A. M and retanis from Harri-burg at ft P M. " Fares Irom Harrisburg : to Nw ; York S5 15 ; lo Philadelphia $3 35 afld 82,80.- Baggsge checked thtoogh. Returning leave New York at 6 A M. it Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express, arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A M.) Leave) Philadelphia at 8. 15 Ai M. and 3. 30 P M: Sleeping ci-rs in the New York' Express Trains, through 10 and from Pittsburgh without change. .'" w Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Kqsd" leave Tamaqua at 8 60 A. M and 2. 10 P: M. for Philadelphia, New York, and . all Way Points. Tainsleave Polfsvflie' Iff & 15 A. M. and 2. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harmburg and New York. An accomodation Pase'rie7 frain ' leaves Rending at 6. 00 A. M. and returns Jrord Philadelphia at 5. 00 P.M. CF" All ihethe above llaios run daily,' Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves "Poitsville at 7.3(7 A . M. and Philadelphia at 3.15 P.M. . Commutation, Milerfg, Season and "Ex cursion Ticket, al tedoced rate, to nd from all points. 80 Pounds Bag-age alloweJ each Pu- G. A. NICuLLSv General Superinteudant. May 2, 164 Lack a and Bloomsburg Railroad. ON AND AFTER JAN. 18. 1S64, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS- vi oviso scrrjTtf. FreigAf f Passenger. Paitenget. 4.20 P M 5 55 8,25 8 35 ' 55 Leave Scranton. Kingston, Bloomsbufg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive al North'd MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd " Danville " Rupert, " Bloomsbhrg " Kingston, 8 00 A. 8 40 9 22 9 35 12 12 P M Arrive at Scranton, 1,30 Freight & Passenger leaves Bloomsburg, 10 15 AM Passergers taking (he Mail Train Sooth" connect wiih the Express train from Nbr thumberland, arriving at Harrisburg at 2,30 A. M , Baltimore, 7,00 A. M. and at Phil'a. at 7,00 A.M. The Mail Train from North'd, leaves immediately after Ihe Ex press train from Harrisburg at and Balti more, allowing Passengers leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M. lo reach points on this road during Ihe nexl lofenoon. New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pany the night trains etch way between Nor'humberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. H. A. FUNDA, Sopt. J. C. Wells', Gen I Ticket Agent Kingston, Feb. 3, i864. a Frlsi cIm-m Furm-rs J&agazine tot Pa' 1864, The' Pennsylvania I'AKHttR & GARDENER, DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE. HORTICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS, . Ddited and Published by WILLIAM S. TO UK G 4. CO., 52 North Sixth Street,- Philadefphia. Term : One Dollar a year. The Sitth Volume commencets with Jan uary number. TTAVING obtained the services of emi--nent arid practical Agricul:nrin, Horti iul:uri(s. Stock Breeders and Beekeepers, we confidently offer the current Volume af one of the best ever issued for originality, practical thought and reliable" inlormatioo, Feb. 24, 1964- i - , OMNIBUS LINE. riHE undersigned would respectfully an V noonce to ilie citizens of Bloomsborg and the public generally, that bete running AnuaiMliUS LINE between lhn place and Ihe difiereiil Rail Road Depots, daily, (Sunday excpted to con nect witn ttie several Trains going South" and West on the Catawiea& Williamsport Kail Road, ami with those going North and Sooth on the Lack. & Bloomsburg Road. His OMNIBUSES are in good condition, commodiousG? nd oable, and charger reasonab' oaofpe j wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charges, bv leav ing timely notice at anv of ihe Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. w WALLOW two or three hotheads of Buchu," "Tonic Bitters,' "Sarsapar illa," "'Nervous Antidotes," &c, &c, and after you are salaried with the resnlr, then try one box of OLD DR. EUCHAN 3 ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and be re stored to health and vigor in lets than thir ty davs. They are pnrely v-ge table, pleaam lo take, prompt and salutary in their fleets on the broken down and shat tered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. I m potted and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, Station D, Bibla House, New York, General Agent. P. S. A box Kent to any addreos on receipt of price which in One fiofurtjo - i iee. March 16, 1864 3m. Adiiiiiiitrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration on Ihe e" tateol Snean Harp, late Susan Peter man, Sugarloaf township, Columbia conn t?, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Abraham Young, who resides in Benton township, Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands against the esta'e of the decedent are requested to present hem to Ihe un dersigned for settlement and those indebt ed lo the estate are required to make irrH mediate pay ment, lo ABRAHAM YOTNG. Benton, May 18, 1864. 6t . H0WAKD9 ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexoal Systems new and re liable irea'ment in Reports of the HOWw ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 ootb Ninth S'reet Pb;ladelpbia, Pa. Dec. 16, 1863 ly.