STAR OF THE NORTH TgiXGB TB0tITTOWN"& COtXTRY. bloom smmG, fa. WEDNESDAY MOUNTNO, JUNE 89, 1864. CcnSNro B P. Fortner. ha lately re signed hta office an Commissioner of. Iler Cat Revenue, for this district. Tbe reception for the "Iron Guards" at Lime Ridge,-on Saturday last, ia said to have been a fine afiaij. All passed off pleasantly Robert L. F. Cou-ht, of Benton town bip. lost his barn Dy file on the 18th inst il is thought lo have been the work of an incendiary. An Exptesa train on the N.- P Central Barlroad, met wi'h a terrible accident near Syracuse. The engine . exploded, killing three persons, and Injuring thirty others. THtRawi'Ibe preaching in the Baptist Church of this place on Sabbath pen, by the Re. Gro. W. Scott, of Danville, at 10 o'clock, A II. , Worntao Sot.DickS We have " at oor office a lit' of the sick and wou'tderf Penn sylvania eoldiers in the field and in the hos pitals at Wahington, Alexandria aud Cumberland.- , It can be sen any time. Am Arn Fact. Th Loiisvil'e Journal irolv remarks : 'lt is the mot awiul tact in this war that the President of the United t Ftates censiders his on re lection the chief purpose to be accomplished by it." Thc Rkal SLAVtar Partt. Slavery f speech slavery ol press, slavery of mind, slavery of election ; but absolu e freedom 10 break the ConMito'ion suppress opposition newspapers, and insult the people. Since the nomination, ol Fremont the Lincoln papers have fallen npon onr foreign popola'ion, epecia'Iy the Germa e. with nt mercv. Fremont they now ifeclare is an adventorer but forwarded by infidel Gr mans and foreign rfisorzanizers Is that the way you talk of your once darling Fre mont ! Gzntniv McClclian delivered on the 1ff!h inst.. the oration a the dedication of the site for the Banle Monument to be erevted opon 'Trophy Poin'," at West Point, to the memory of the officers and otdlers whs have fallen in ihis war. M aiw Stt has at Iat been redeemed from the almost insnfferable dust which hat held undisputed sway, for the lai week or two. by the action of the citizens who have made arrangements for having them rsgnlarly sprinkled. Aurora's Magazine is ont for July. It is n interesting number, and growing in in lareat as it becomes older. The reading is most capinl, at well as are the patterns and fashion pla'es intf resting It ranks among the foremost of Mazazines. Price fi 00 in advance. . Pablithed by T. S. Arthor, Philadelphia. If President Lircolo bad withdrawn Gen Burnside a corps from Gen. Grant just pre vious to the commencement of the late battles aA he did Gen McDowell's from Gen McCIellan's army dorins the Uiter's esmpaign against Richirftnd, rm-hich side ol Ihe Rapidan would the Lieutenant Gen eral have been lo day ? Pdbi.'C Salk In anu ner column of the Star will be seen advertised lor sale val uable personal property and real, estate, belonging to Samo-l Kline, in Benton iwp. Columbia county. This is desirable prop erty, especally the Real EU;e. ' It i beaatifully situated and in a good state of cultivation, with tolerably good buildings. Part ol the tract is excellent timber land, desirable lor its good quality of timber. Capitalists will take notice. . Tax drafted men in this county are re porting in this place The examinations commenced for this connty on Thursday last, and will continue until the 5th of July. Quite a number are beinj exempted on the j grounds of. physical disability, and some .are paying commutation ; but in many townships there are a large number not re ponin(rSo far iut three or four have been procured for (he service, Ibey being substi tutes. The people have become sick and tired of war, and will no! enter the service W txcctvED the first nam her of a new Democratic paper published in Ashland Scbcylkill county, entitled The Constitution' at Advocate and edited by Neowhal&Mc Ginlkt. It i a spirited sheet, large and we'i printed, rnd its appearance indicates for It a hearty support at the hands of the Schuylkill county Democracy. - We wish it both pecuniar acd political success. . It is decidedly funny to see ths Abolition organs throughout the country calling Fre moot and party 'Copperlfeade "when they re-well known to belong to the same wooly-headed tribe. The Fremont journals re throwing Greek Fire into tba Abolition ranks at a furious rate. It is destined to be come too hot for the Lincolnites, and they re in a terrible bad way in consequence The oli! adage nay be verified (bat. ,-when rogues fall out honest me get their does." Lrr Us'Rcasosj Togbthcb. Has not the laboring man ' abnr.dant employment, at better wages than he received two or three years ago 1 Abolition paper. . 4 Soppose he has, does it not cost htm tear times as mach to live ? Can he buy coffee t 12 cents, as he eoald two or three years Ago 1 Can he boy moslin at 8 cents, as he could two or three years ago? Can he Lay anything at reasonable prices. Is be not taxed four times as much, and - iahe notdirfted and made to pay of his t a 'l s9-SnA A rfmA fsrm K ! f m SB ainBil EUeAlJB 4aUU,UI UIODU isvua a-- - iir t ib i!ashtre4 lor tkt asr ! j A democratic exchange very pertioemlv I inquires" what ha became of the tepub lean party citch word ;bat ' in time. or var there can be but two parties, patriots and traitor 1" We now find within their ow'n harmonious household at least two pari tea one lor Lincoln and one for Fre mont. - - Acctdcmt Two freight train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad came in collision on Tuesday nikht last below the '-Half way Hoo e," making almost a complete wreck ol one of the engines and some forty coal cars The damage to the road anil obstructions from broken-car pie vented the regular passenger train due here Wednesday morning tram getting through until the evening pi .that day. The loss to the company i slated at 812,000 All the rssnlt, we have been told, of carelessness on the part of an engineer on one ol the trains. Fortunately no peron wa injured by the collision Danville Inle'ligencer. Imliy & BiCKKCLL Imlay & Bicknell's Bank. Nine Repor er f.r June has been re ceived. It ccntains quite a list of spurious money now in circulation, among which are 20 S50 and $100 Government Green backs, and S0 Treasury notes. This .De tector can be relied op n. No business man should be without a copy. Fiar. The miserable apologf for a Depot at this place was destroyed by fire O'i Sabbath last It is supposed to have caught fire Irom cinders thrown opon it ' by air engine, thai had paed bu a short lime previous io the aUrm being eivn It hae long been cnniitered a nui-ance. and no regrets were leit by ay one. at it com plete destruction Fonunatelv, everything .1 iih but verv hille Ol PflVU, Willi VJ Mll'C damage. It 1 to ne nope i tna- a nanu-ome a. a. a a. a a lltil Sllliai'le OIJIMIIIIJC win rici.r.i, ei her noon the old ikile or in some other I .11. . . 1 I n . . t ' equally eligible location. are afloat thai the company annopate erecting the new boil lings a mile or two below town. Let our citizens unammonsly remoticirate against it. The accomodating Station Agent, B Rush Dav.s, has h-s headquarter in the ... . . . . ,i Kenning hoom o; me "national .noie., . where he will be pleased to wait upon ttte traveling public beneick Gize'te. U. S. 10-10 BONDS. These Bonds are isued under the Act of Congress pi March 8tht 1864, which provides lhal all Bonds isued under thi Act sh?!l be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or coder any Mat or municipal au;hrr ity Subs4-ri(i ons in ' e-e Bind are re ceived in United Slates note or notes of National Banks The, are TO RE RE DEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure ol ihe Government, ai any per'od oi less ihar; len nor more, than forty ears fre'ji their dare, and un'il their re-lerniinoii FIVE I'ER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds ot not over one hun dred dollars annually and on all-other Bonds sf rrii-aiitiu&lly . The interest i pay ahle on tne first days ol March and Sep tember in each year. Subscribers will receive either Regis tered or Coupon B inis. as th-y m-ty re--ler. Registered BoniJs are recorded on the book so I the U. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more convenient lor commercial nses. SubsiTit'ers to this lan w II have ihe option ol having their Bon. is draw imprest from Mar. h 1st, by paying the accrued in tifrett in com (or it. Un led Sia'es notes, or I lie notes of National B ik. adding fi' ty par cent, for premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the date ol subscrip tion'and depo-it. A- he- Binds are Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, their value is increased Irocn one to three per rent, per annum, according to ihe rate ol lax levies in various parts oi the co in try. ' A' the present rate of premium op gold ihev pay . ,.,T- . i -' rr.i. v.f.A Micnui j in currency, and are ot equal convenience as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as trie various desciiptions of U S- Botids In ail other lorms ol indebtedness, the laith or ability ot private parties or stock companies or sepra'e communities only is pledged for payment, while lor ibe debts of ihe United feiatrs i tie whole p'oterty ot the coun'ry is hotden m secure ihe pay mem ol both oriwipal and interest in coin These Bonds rna be . suhscrit.ed for in sum Irom S50 op to any magnitude, on Ihe iaii e erms,aint are thus made equally available to tht- smalltsi lender, and ihe largest capit alist. They can be ronvened into 'iiioney a sny monrjeni, and the holder v ill t a ve t h benefit ol the iiiieresf . Ii may De aselnl io-ate in this ennner noit thai the loiat Funded Debt ol the United Slates on which interest is pay able ir. gold, on the 3d day or Mach Ih64, wa t768,965,bt0. Tie merest on iru deb: lor the coming fiscal year ill be $4 5 93T. 126, while he cusioms revenue in sold lot the current fiscal year emlivg June 3uiti, 1864. ttas been so far at tne rate of over 100,000 000 per annum It will be nr thai even the present gold revenues ol the Government are large ly in excess of the want ol the treasury lor ihe payment ol gold interest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the anuaal receipts Irom customs on fe same amoint ol importations, to 3150, 000 000 per annum. Iristrnelioria lo the National Bank1 act insr as loan agents were noi iB9iied nn. Ihe United Siaie Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks oi April ihe subscriptions ave'-d more thaa TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. " Snh.iTiiiiini. will be received bv all National Ranks which are depo-nane- ot.pubhc money, and all RESPECTA BLE BANKS AND. BANKERS throughout the couutrv, (acting as agents of the National Depositary' Bank,) wi'l (Ornish further information on " application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUB SCRIBERS. , - Subscriptions ttHI be ceiTed by the Fiist National Bank Of aJai.TiIIe3 Ia. May 4, 1114. 2m. , I ROSPEPTUS OF THE GUI AT NAT- PolitTal nd Militar) o ihe SOU HERN REBELLION, Cmrehe i.dnt;, ul-O all important S ate Paper (Co .lede rate ami Ft-i-tfat ) all onimance ot Scesion, Proceeding of Cni gr-s. (Rebel an t Fe-i eral, Remrkab'e. speeches &c . together with official Report ol Commanders, Armt and Navy Sni-ttcs. Man, BY CRVILLE J. VICTOR, to be completed in 3 Volumf Super Ry hI Ociavo Beaon Inhy Illustrated wiih Mffl Engraving, Map-- &c, Prf rated expre-sly lor thi work,b John Roger and other fir-i-rlas- VOLUMES I AND II NOW READY. lhitm: Na'i..naMork cf aracierize.t bv a leu iri Jonmal a the vParaoii ol Hi-mrie " has now taken its place in lit eratore a- the History par excellence, oi i he Greal Rebellion. It has received (as will be men bv rcterence to the letters ami l O'iccs Mibjoined) the endorsement f the leading irten and he leading journals ol the coiinm . It i commemld b those no-t qualified to judge, uncn a Record of ihe Ri-e, Prt.grefH am1 Re-ul s ol the War I t the Union a- every Intellifjem citizen should pnsesD. A tide indu-aie , il- covers the ground ol trie. ReOellion a well in it Political and Social as in h Military aspet-tf. It d-als in chronologic order, wuh the opn awi the errei moveirienit- lor Secession in rh reverl Siaieti : it comiretieii.! the' lro.e,i''l, of trie prncee ol ihe Mont imery Convention and of me Conleerate State Congre-s : all proceed ma in the Feit-ral Coi.greu- relating jo ihe- quesiioi.s t Sm et(n. and RebflliO'i. oivuig lull re por ol ihe greai Fetaie-, Re-oliitionn, R--.'- Lc x tl lle Sl'aaJ Proclama-lion- &c. ol ihe Prei-i If ni ; rrm jrovirig a Ci nii- e e ciiit eniiiuni ol l'e uoiiucal of ihe a'fenjjjed revnl-ition. As a recoil! of Hie Mnneinlrui Military and Naval Feature- of . Ihe Rebellion, it will be all lha con I.I be de-ired lull, an ihentic ami graphic leaving n thmi2 on- aid wt.ich i- necessrv to remter it the be,.i an fi.o-i ii-licior Hwi ry ol ine , ar "' - n',,n ,,,r ' wu' l' l"-""" ! 1 p lor ihe pa roiMge ol trie American reopm MoM n, ,wo .,(,nm, w e ...voted io the I V7lerillOll '"r l "J " . 1 ... ... ... ' . uid Navy. As : each volunie conram- rrmre leiir pre-s " o vtilum-s. of other profee.l j ! ( (;,ealrVVrk pn ' , h , ...i., aft com uiein-Ss will i (i.allfii.e all r nparison I The Emue flMory wiil be comprised i" j t'-r-e Mi,-er Rnyal oc:avoolti...e-. otaHout ' 6000 pages each beautifully printed, in .iimii- ,,., ...liv ,,,-ared , type be ol mailer in erii voi- unie i equivalent io 'tie contents of six i d.olai book. Thus in Itiree vol m- ihe author will hav- am pi space io rriiVler every event lolly and satisfac torily, -hould me ar itrag lis slo length alo; thronn tne year. The jvoik can only be had of :he can ( vasser Ii i not -old by 'he tiade " All wl'O wi'h lo become po-e-sed of II should uva. I themselves ol the Fri proposUion of the auent Each volume i- guaranteed to be equal, in all respects m "he specimen copy ex- j hibned by the agent ! JAS P TORREY. Published 13 Scruce St N. Y A'dress correspondence . EDWARD HOVEY, J General Agen., 13 Spruce N. Y-, Fir-' Cl.-s Canvas-ers Wanted JAMES V. KEELER. Agent for Colum bia Co. j June IS lf61 3w ! iHVV GOODS! AiioUirr Arrival oi floods. A I rr ) Hat, Cap and Grocery wjB C -J-i I-23 Now i Your Time, (o Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER 1 ""HE understjried having jnst returned irom the Ea-iern cities with a large Kl. IUII il'l-UIMIiril I- fJliOC tRlfS I f .. 1 1 nl fPl in aooi'inn io a -uperi osf -1 or STOCK Of SPRING AND SUMMER Ji HATS AND CAPS, . comprising eeff soil and quality, is now prepared lo sell a little cheaper than-can b purchased Isewhere. H- S'ock ol GROt'E IES are not sur passed in ua ke , which he offers cheap for rah, of in exchange for GRAIN OH PRODUCB ALSO.-A fine lot ol KIDS. M0R0CCOES. ar.d LININGS to which he invite ne at len..o., ol Shoemakers and the public. Giv&him a call At Str-up' Old Sta"nd, on Main Stree:. JOHN K.'GIRTON. BloorKsbnre. April 27 IM64. JUU NEW' GROCCRT STOUeI MONK Just receiredat Erasmus' Xtw Store. M'da e-. Suirar. Tes. Coflee, Roe S,icea, Fish Sail, . Tobaco, Se.ars, " Candies, RsZens, FEED AND fROVIMONS. Together wi'h a ureal variety of notions Sic Ion outneroiiH ro mei.tion . Cs"Bilei. Km Meat atid produce gen erally taken in exchange tor woods. A. K ERASMUS. Bloomsbnre Feb. 29 1?64 Adminisf ratorw' ofice. Ett-ite i'f Smnutt tdam. decinsrd. V K I T Y RS ot ' Aitmn'istrat.i n on the es- ta'e ol Sar.uei Alm. lae of Loco- ow tiship, Ci'lun bia com ty. decea-ed. h ive 1 een rai.ied by the Register- ot sa . o ur-i. io l-eo aid Adams ami Mayberr Hnpl'e-, b"iti renlitig in the townshi. and coiMily a'oresaid. All persons havi; . claims Hainf the e-late of itie decede. are requested to prespm ihm lor senl n-nl n If-e adn.iriisiraiors. and those i. 'ebte.i td ihe esiaie will make ,aymer:l v H en. with'-i'' dela. LEONARD ADAMS MABEkRY HUGHE Locu-t tp . A,ril 20, 164. w. 92. ' A.Iiuini-tr:it'ir'!- Notice. Estate of Daniel A. Mcitnry, dec d. LE ITERS testamentary on ihe Kaie i Daniel S McHenry. la'e o Jacks. -i ownhip, Columbia County jlece.ed have been granted l-y the Roister of -ai coun.v, io Rohr M Henr. residinu i'. t' township o! Benton, Columb'a crnni. All person havins clain s mjauist the e taie ot ihe decedent are requested io pre sent them duly authenticated io the admin isiraior for ee'tleniei I aid If oie indebled -l0 Dim ronhwnh. - L . ROHR McHENRY. Admr. I Banton lwp? April 20, f2. . . . or ...... - .. , .: VAI UABI. f. r fa l est at e. IN PUIUANCE'of an "rrter of the Or I hi.nxr Court t Colombia Connlj, on bntoroay. ire ' eecom da of July next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Peter Ent, nd n ininraior of Ale in Marr. late ol Scott lol.ioip Mid comly deceased, will expose io sale b Public Vendue, on the prt-miP8 a eertain TRACT OF LAND, Simaie in S-on township, in hhi.i county, beginning at the north corne-p -f Celeb Barmti'e tarm, being on ihe norih line o' Purpart N. ly ing' E is ol Caleb Barioii and Elia- Kruu., ami ail joinina John Robinson on the fou'h. and Harmon Kline and J.icob Keller on the east, a Hit colli si. in a FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES ami tweni; perches, "ftrict measure Late the E-tale"ol -aid decen.ed, sitna'e in the townvhip of Scoti ami comity aforesaid. 'JesSK CoLtMAN, Clerk. .TERMS. One four-h- of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of cale. and balance in one year horn confirmation with interest from confirmation, bv Court. PETER ENT, Adm'r " Bloormborg, June 8, 1864. JVeto Sioclz of Clothing. Surinj; and Summer Goods- in)jLVitiiv -tvW-5--fcS. 1NV1 1 ES afeniion lohis stock of cheap an.l Clothing ai his Store, or MJilN STREET. IILOOMSBURG. two doors above the Jitnfrica Iuuse, where he has jurt received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortmeni-ol lUrii and Boy's Clothing, including ihe oOsi tatitmib!e, durable and hao.lMome. DRESS GOODS, coiisis-ing ol Hox, Hack, Frock, dvm and Oil Cloth CoufM, and 'an(n, of all sort,, and colors. He also has replenished hi already large tock ol Fal and Wintef. ShawU; Uriped, fig:ed and plain Vests, whirls, cravats, stock-, collars, hanillirchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy aricle N B He has constantly on hand a large and well -electe- assortment ol Cloths and Vestmgs," which . is prepared to make up to order, into a iy kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner All bis clothing i- made to wear and most of it i ot home mannlactnre. srv A i D Ol every Description, Fine and Cheat His Case of Jewelry is not surpaed in ihm place Call and examine Ins general as sortment ol Clothing, Watches, lewelry, Sir &c. IAVID I.OWENBEKi;. Bhiomsbiira;. April 20, 1S64. JYi&W GOO Dti! REVOLUTION IN HIGH 'RICES! NKW AKItlVAl- OF ' AT lETKR KNTS STORE I N LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. n AS jnst received Irom the eatern cilie and i now opening at the old stand a splendid assortment of which will be -oi l cheap for CASH OR CJOUN PKY PRO DUCK ! His slock consi-t8 ol Ladies Dress Goods, cl.oire-i stales and latest fashions. CAMCTOCS. MUSMNS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. HOSIKRY SILKS, SHAWLS, CAUPKTS. &C. Itcady-.llale Clothing, SriNKTS, CSSIMKRh:s. COTTON AUKS, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, kC. QUEEV4KE, CEDAR W . KE. HARDWARE. MEDIC'INKS. . DRUGS, o sasfa is-iiaafsSi, BOOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short everything usually kept in country store. The. patronage of his old friend, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited The hishest market price paid for conn try produce. ' PETER EKT. Liaht Street. May I. 1864. JUillcr's Store. OF SPRING AXD MMJ1LR GOODS. IHE -ubscriber ha- jnst returned from the Caie- with another lar:e and select Hori miit of Spring & Minimer CSood, purchased mi Philadelphia fctid New Yik, ai ihe lwes figure, and which he is determined rosell on as moderate, terms a can be procured elsewhere in BfoomsLarg Hi Slock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, o thechoicesi styles and late- fashions. DRY GOODS, sj or cd q as it Q c& S3 9 HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. hDAR '.VARE, HOLLOW-WARE, lion's and Shoes, Hai- and Caps &c . &c. n short;every thins usually kepi in country ores; to which he invites ihe public uener .lly The hishest price will be paid for coon iy prodice, in exchange for eond. STEPHEN H MILLER. tl.tomsbn , Ma ll. f64. ICE-CiitiJiM. SlOHNER would res ecttully annou- nee in the citizens ol Blonmsbary and icnutv 'ba- e ha- jnsi ope- ed sn lYc-Ct'caui saloon, ver Ins Coiilecnonary Store. 1 door above . Post Office in Bloomsbura, where he vilfserve op Ice-Cream, ol the mosfbhoice daors, every evening, durmp the Summer "nth, at the mot reasonable rates. Parties and Families can be accom modated with the ancle upon short ooice . Give him a Call B SlOHNER, Blo.-m-borg. Apr- 27, '64. Prop'r. .BLINKS! BLAXKsTljLTXKsTf DEEDS, SUMMONS, . EX ECU! lONSSUBPOZN Ab, of proper & desirablefonasjfo sale rftct'oi h "tar oftheNorth" ! Wlicn Yon liireliac A'vray Sc lt ct Cash nbise ! WHILE THE Jlrmy of the Patomoc, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF LIEUT. CEN. U.S. GRANT, IS MAKING PREPARATIONS " FOR THE CAPTURE OF KICHMOND, VA , AND END THE REBELLION, Lloyd T. Sharpless IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY OF THE CASH- AND READY FAY SYSTEM, BY AT CONSIDERABLY Lower Figures THAN" CAN BE BOUGHT HE IS GETTING GOODS CONSTANTLY FROM THE EASTERN (THES NEW YOuK AND PIIILIDKLPIIIA, J1ND IS DISPOSING OF THEM RAPIDLY at extremely low CALICOES Jit SOcfJ. 23cfa. 25cts. 26c. and 2?c. Brown awl Bleached, at 20, 22, 24. 28, 32. 34, 38, 42, arnf 6(W. JUapaccnn. I.ustrfB, DeLaines Challis Jtans Cas-imeres $c. w roc cries SuCtr- Syrvpi ( offee Kent T'.axt India C'JFre at 25rfs a peri or a tide hishly recotn mmd'd. 71 Ai KI.KF.L By the and 1 bbl. at 12. 14 and 10 L Dollars The Iai'senl Lot of Qucrii irare .ETrr hrouulil to BOTH OF COMMON 4- GRANITE WARE, which will be sold at LOW PRICKS. NOTIONS, IIUSIF.RY Hoop Skirts. ' BRADLEY s NEW HOOP SKIRT. The Duplex. Elintie S.iring St-e Skeh-toti o well known among ihe Fair Sex for beauty and durability. Boots $ Shoes ! In endless variety lor men and women, and. chiMreti. Gaiters ol all kinds Balmoral, Si'te. lace and Congress double and single soled. The Ctltbrated Gvlta Percha Soled S.',oes for Women and f hilen. Gent French Sr America" Calf B.iofs and Balmorals. Gents Lace bout from 1 60 to $4.00. CAMS F;ml Tor Itutlcr ami liarl.-4- ain mid other Produce t:ik n in lxcliiiiic for GOODS. Buying and Selling for Cash he is pre paiedto sell Goods on Lower Profits than when doing a Credit Business, CALL AXD EXAMINE TRE GOODS, Bloemtburg; April 20, 1S64. Zm. ViTf lTttris Vf.H?in l-l)v-rStV ih.. wlfejfh 7 y j-R lFJ I V 'V . I tivaav. VX'f'i i'l'i v . GROVE R 80 BAKER S CFI.tPH ATFD ELASTIC STITCH sinvii(-; n 1 hi n es Were awarded the hisheisl Pre mil) ins over all Coriipeiitors m the following Stnte and Connty F-or" of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR First Premium lor family Machine. FirM Premium for Manufacturing Machine j K;rt Pteminm lor Macbtue Work j INDIANA STA IE FAIR. First Premium lor JMacrnne tor mi purpoes Fir-t Premium lor Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir 1 Premium for Family Machine. Fir-' Premium lor Manufacturing Machine Firi Premium tor Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. ' Firt Premium for Machine 'York IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firt Premium lor MnnTac! uiin sM achine Firl Premium for Mar'.ii.e Woik. j ILLINOIS STATE EAIR. JY'r' Premium lor Machine for all purposes l-ir'i Premium lor Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR F rt Pr-minni for Marhine for all purposes Fri1 Pren.inm l"r M-huie Work, M ICAKJ AN TATE FAIR Flrt Premium l-ir Mannlarinring Machine F:rt P'emiu.Ti lor Family Machine 1 Fir Prerniiiiri t-tc Vlachm Work I PENV A SI A'E FAIR Jii-t Premium for Man.ilactnrma Machine ; Fri-i I'teminm fur Mactiine Work OREGON STA IE FAIR. Firs" Premium f ir Family Machine Fir-l Prefrniini l r Machine Work ( HI I TEN DEN CO. Vt AGR'L SOC. fir-t 'Premium lor Family Machine Eii Premium f r MatiulR-iurti'i Mcl ine FirM. Pien.inn. 1'rM-fhme Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y. FAIR. Fust Premium lor Family Machine. Ft- Premium for Ma' ufcnrme Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vi. AG L SOC. Firi Premium lor Family Mdcrnne Firl Premium lr Mai.ulacturin Machine Firi Piemnim lor Vlacnine Work HAMPDEN CO. Ma-s AG L. SOC. Diploma lor Familv Machine. 1 1 1 loma lor Machine Wmk. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. Ftr-t P emnini lur Family Machine QUEEN CO N Y. FAIR Fir' Premium lr FHO.ily Machine fir-i Pr-rt'.uiii lor M an 11 1 tnrma Machine Fir-t Prptninm for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. Fi' Premoim tor Fmil . Machine MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE Pa FAIR. Fir-: Premium lor Machine for all purpoe First Premium lor Maehine Wirk (RKK V FIELD O. UNION FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine FirM Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O. FAIR. Firi Premiun for Family Machine Fir-t Premium lor Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Ft tt Premium tor Marhmefor all purposes Fir-t l'ren mm tor Machiie Work SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR Fit"' Prt-m um lor Family Machine FirM Pteminm for Machine Work. SAN JOSE IMM'RIcr Cat FAIR. Fir-t I renMiim lor Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work EgSThe at e i"'"!! pii"-" all "he Fairs at which the Grover & Baker Machines Were ehibited thi ertr Sale room", 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Ches'tut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 Is THE Greatest Sewn.jj Machine Improvement yet Art. A curiosity in the worth seeing Pie -send for circular with sample of The.e- Improved Machines save one hnn 'red per cent o thread and -ilk, and j make the look titch alike on both sides., j They require no 1 rifiructioMs to operate,except Ihe ' printed directions " ! Nucha. .ye inVfvving kind of j goo 's t another. I A"il i0 apart 10 clean or oil. I Oar New Manufactory i" now complete, with nil n m -hiii-ry. and lools entirely new, hmIi aireauv ra.nriy inrtiing oni Machine-, wl ii-h lor teaiit and perfection o fi. i-h are not -.wpaed by an manufac- icre in the orl l. , B Shoul l any Machire p'ove nnsat ifaciorv, it can be returned and money refuiideit Aden's wanted in counties not canvassed by our own A-j-nt- FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No ."3 Kroadwa, New York. April 2(1 1H64. 1 y Y( W Clothing Store, LA I EST ST LES CHEAP GOODS. '"HE undersigned respectfully informs his friend- and the public generally, that he fa just received trom die Eastern Ct te-, a large asoorimeni ol C OTHING, Fre.h irom 1 tie seat of Fa-hion, of all be sort. size- and quantities, which will sold cheap lor cash or country produce. A L S O, n iivrsiVCAPs M BOOTS AND tsUOES CJ-, VSte Together witlTa variety ol no tions and thing" too iroublesome to numer ate, to whicn he invites the attention ol pur chaser. E&'IIe ts alio prepared tn make up clothing lo order, on reasonable terms, and up to the latest fashions. ITCaII and examine nor stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. Ayer's Cherry PectoraL HEADING RAIL ROAD. gOIMKR ARRANCK3IENT. RE AT Trunk line from the Nor:h n3 Nttrih.west for Philadelphia, Nevr York, R-a-ting. Potisvilleebanoa, Alieu town. Easton,& &.. - Train leave Harribur2 for Philadelphia New York, Resdina, Po'tsv.lle, and all in s teimediaie Sia.ions. at 8 A. M. and X P. 8f. Nw York Express leave Harrisbiirj- at 6 bO a M. atriviiiii ai New York at I 45 ;thf same day. ' A special accomodation Passns?es tairi' lea-.e- Reaoina at 7 15 A. M and returns from Harri-burg at 5 P M. . Fares liom Harr'mltir : to New Joik S5 15; to Philadelphia S3 35 a-nd Z2 80. Bniat.o checked ihiough. Returnina leave New York at P A M. ll Noon, an.l 7 P. M. (Pitt-bnrah Express, arrivins i Harripbnrg et 2 A M.) leave Philadelphia ai 8. 15 A. M an.l 3. 30 P M. Sleeping c; r m ihe New York Express Trams, ihrouh to and " from P'tisburgh witt.oui change. Pan-enters by the Ca'iawisa Riil Road leave Tamaqna at 8 50 A. M and 2. 10 P. M. lor Philadelphia. New York, and til Way Point- . Train-leave Pnttville at 9. 15 A. M. and 2. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Hamtburg and New York An acco'io'dation Pa-senger train leaves Readtn at . 00 A. M and returns from Philadelphia at 5. 00 P.M. ty All thefe above Mains run daily, Siiodays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A . M. and phi.adeliihia at 3.i5" P. M. .Commutation, Mile.aa-?, Sea-on. and Ex cursior. Tickets, at teduced rates to and Irom all points. 80 Pounds Baggage alloweJ each Pis bender. 6 G. A. NICoLLS, General Superinieudant. Mav 2 186 4 Lack'a and liloomsburg Railroad. OS AND-AFTER JAN SENGER TRAIN S WILL 18, 1864, PAS RUN AS FOL- LPVS MOVING SOOTH Freight f PaMtogtr. Paitengtr. 4.20 P M 5 55 8.25 8 35 9 15 9 55 Leave Scranton. ' Kingston. Bloomsburg Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at North'd MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd 8 00 A. M ' Danville, " Rupert, " . Bloomborg, " Kmaston, Arrive al Scranlon. 8 40 9 22 9 35 12 12 P M 1,30 Freiahi & Passenger leaves fcJIooirsburf , 10 15 AM Pa er gers talcing the Train South connect with the Express train from Nor thumherlatut, arriving at Harr'sburg at 2.30 A M . Rihimore, 7.00 A. M. and al'a. at 7,00 A.'M 1 he M-il Train from NorthM, leave- immediately after the Ex press tram Irom Uarripburg at and Balti more, allowing Pas-enaers leaving Phila delphia, at 10 40 P. M. to reach point on this roail donna the next lorenoon. ' New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pany ihe night trains ewch way betweeu Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. H. A. FUN DA, Snpl. J. C. Wells, Gen I Ticket Atenl Kingston, Feb. 3, 864. I'rl-l la Karm-i s UHgziue lor l' 1864. The Pennsylvania 1864. I'AKItlEK & GARDEXER, DEVOTED TO AGRICUII'URK. HORTICULTURE AND -RURAL-AFFAIRS, Fdited and Ptjbi ished bt WILLIAM S. Y0CNG &C0., 52 North Sixth Stree . Philadelphia. Term : One Dollar a year. The Sixth Volume commencefs with Jan uary number. rjAVING obtained tre service' of emt 1 neni a id tactical Aiim-uNiM!, Horti-ultnrUl- S'oirT Hrelfsand Beekeepers, we coitfidentU oflr tlie current Volunie at one of the reat ever --sued lor er'2'nalny, practicil ihi.ujhi an 1 ie!iaCle inlortnatiou, Feb. 24 OfiM BUS Ll E. j 1 H E oiider-'aiieo vonlil re-pecifnlly an ' i. ounce to in e emzen- ol B!oorn"burg, Mini the piiMie uei.eralU 'hat he is runninj AiuOINIRUSLINK a Leiweell thl- place arul jfOjy the d.fleietil Kail Koad Sil Depo's, daily , (Sunday- exrep e O to coil nect wi b ihe several Trains arting South ai.,1 V --i on ttie Ctais-a& Williams;ort Kail Koad, and with ihoe eoi'ig Nor'h and S'Mitt. ou t'.e Lack. & Bioomshnrg Road. His OMNIBUSES are in good-condition, commodious and comfortable, and charges reanonab'e. VtT Perons wishing lo meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated. upon rea-onabfe charges, by tf ii g timely no'ice at anv of the Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON. Proprietor. Bloom-burg, April 27, 1864. WALLOW two or three hogsheads of Buchu," "Tonic Biner," -Sarapar-illa," -'Nervous Amidoies," &c, &c., and alter too rv one are satheil with ttie resiil. then box 01 OLD DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and be re stored to health and vigor in lees than thir iy das. They are purely vegetable, idea-am to lake, prompt and salutary in iheir effects on the broken dowli and shat tered cnnitituiion Old and yonng can take Hie'm with a.lvantage. Imported and old in the United Stages only bv IAS. S BUTLER, Station D, BibU House, New York, General Agent. P. S- A any address on receipt ol price which is One Dollar -poti f,te March 16. 164 3m. Administrator's IVotice. LETTERS of a 'niinistration on tnee late of Su-an Hrp, late Susan Peter man, Sugarloaf lownship. Coin m bia conn- V, vlecease 1, hae been granted by the Regi-ter ol said county, to Abraham Young, who ret-ide in Benton lownship. Columbia county. Ail person having claims or deV mands against the esia'e ot the decedent are requested to (re-ent 'hem to- Ihe nn dergig ed lor settlement and thoe indebt ed 10 the eel ae are required to make ira mediate payment, to ABRAHAM YOUNG. Benton, May 18, I8h4. 61 HOWARDS ASSOflATIOX. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of ihe Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable irea'meni in Reoorts.of 1 fie HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter enveloi-e, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howarl As&ociatiou, No. 2 Souib Niolh 5reet Ph'iadeJ.ihia, Ta. -Dee. IS, l?63-lf.