The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 08, 1864, Image 4

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'-y' ....
- -Vvi'liW
'A pare and' powerful Tcoic,
2.and alternative of wondertol efficacy ,n
deaseof the STOMACH. LIVER AN
BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liter com-,
.plaint, Headache, General Debility, Ner-'
vijoiiness, Depression of Spirits, Constipa
Uoa', Colic, intermittent Fever, Cramps
-i-ad Spasms, and all complaints of either
hex,--afsjTg'-. from Bodily Weakoess
whejher inherent in the system or prodnc
-eJ by special causes, v
" Nothing thai is not wholesome, genial
-and restorative in its nature ntes into
the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM
ACH BITTERS. Tnis popular preparation
(contains no mineral. of any kind, no deadly
-botanical element-; no fiery excitant ; but
it is a combination of the extracts of rare
balsamic herbs and plants with the purest .
aind mildest o all diffusive stimulants, r .
It is well to be forearmed against disease
-anil, so far as'tbe human , system can be
co'.ec.euwy dqidiq rrroans against maia
es engeaJered by an" im wholesome .at
mosphere, Impure Water and other external
causes, Hosteiter'a Bitters' may 'be relied
on as a safeguard. .
tIg, districts infejted with Fever an d Ague,
it has' been found infallible as a preventive
and irresisuoie as a remeay ana inousanus
who resort 6 It under appiehension of an
attack, escape the scourge; and thousands
wbo neglect to avail themselves of its protective-qualities
in advance, are ccred by
a yery brief -course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Ague patients, after be
ing pfed with quinice for months in vain,
until fairly saturated with that dangerous
-alkaloid, are not onfrequeritly restored to
heautt within a few days by the U6e of
iJosteUei's Bitters.
- The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated
and the appetite restored by this agreeable
"Tonic, and bence it works wonders in ca
es of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed
forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle
and painless apperient, as well as upon
Che liver, it also invariably relieves the
Cofcetipaiion superinduced by irregular
action of the digestif as end secretive or
gans. , 1- T '...
i, f ersons oi lee&ie naun, iuuie io iertm!
iAiiafks. Lavrstts of Spirits and Fits ' of Lan-
gttor, find prompt and permaeunt reliet
.rm iha Riitra - The Testimony on this
t, uw - w - - j
point is most conclusive, and from both
exes. - ';
The agony of Bilious Colic is immedi
ately assuaged by a single dose of the
fiiraulant and by occasionally resorting to
at, the return of the complaint maybe pre
vented. ' ' ' - .
5 As, 4 General Tonic, Hostelter'e Bitters
produce eSects which must be experienced
crjwitBesSed before they can be fully- ap
preciated. In easesof Constitutional Weak
Ties, and Prematura Decay and . Debility
and Decrepitoda aril ing from Old Age, it
exercises the electric influence. In the
convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ates' as a dtlightfol invigorani. s When the
powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to
re enforce and re-establish them. ,
- Last, bui not Jeast, it is the The Only
Safe Stimulent, being manufactured from
"sound and innocuous materials, and en
tirely free from the acid elements present
more or lesa in all the ordinary tonics and
etomaehfcs of the tJay. . v
No family medicine has been so univer
aHy, and, it may be trnly added, deserv
edly popular witb the intelligent portion of
Ti fnmffluoitT.w Hostetter' Bitters.
Preonred by HGSTElTER & SMITH,
Pittsborgh;- Pt. --'"."-,
: Sold by all Dmsgista, Grocers and Store
- keepers- everywhere. -
DtfC.91861-ly. .:; ":
Ofice over the nycming Uank,
CT Will insure against lose or damage
by Fira on property in town or country, at
. reasonable terms. - ,
DIRECTORS, G. M- Hollenback, John
Raicbard, Samcel VVadhams, D L Shoe
maker, Daniel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smith;
R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham
-Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M"
J lard it!?. : " ' : - ' ,
I). L. SHOEMAKER, V. Pret.
R. C. SMITH, Secretary,
; ?1G. STERLING, Treasurer.
- . : L. H. CONOVER, Agent,
' - - ; . : Beach Haven, Pa.
December 2d, 18C3. Iy. ;
Do not trifle vilb your, health, constitu
tion aad character. If yoo are soflering
with any -diseases fer which, Helmbold's
pxtra'Bachu ;a recommended,' Try it!
Try it ! Try ;it ! ( It: will Cure you, Save
Lens SnQeriBg, allaying Pain and Infiama-tion7and-will
renloia yon to Heaiib and
Parity, at little expense, and no axposure.
Cut oaf the Advertisement; in . another
columa, and call or send lor it. '
: JJeioart of Counterfeits ! . '
Ask for ' Helmbold's. Take no other
Cures Guaranteed. - - .
May 18, tS64. Ira -'' .
ttaa 30 days, tha worst cases of -Nervousness,
Imp -"cy. Premature Decay, Semi
nal Waaknees, Insanity, and all Urinary
S?xc.i,and Nervous Affections, no matter
f'-n bat cause produced.- Price, One
I , : ir per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail,
ca receipt ofaa orier. Address,-'
." r-ation D, Bible House, New York
'f larch 16, 1S64 3m. ; .,V. , . .' : . ' ": :
w in PILLS are the oa!y Reliable Re me
dy for atl
Diseases ofthe Seminal,'. Urina
it and iierroDS dtihh. i wud
and te csr-j:;, O.N E .DOLLAR ABOX.
r m -j 'rtt.:L a cure, of money re-
V'tby xaali tin receipt of price.
Xi t." j!-$4iau5e, Ns? Yen,
T EFPECTFULLY Invites ihe attention of
"-the Public to his extensive assortment
of CabineA Fcrniture and CH'A'I'RS,
which. he witl warrant maJ8 .of goodwj
materials and in a workmanlike man-
ner. At bis asia,bli?hment ran always be
found a good assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style and fin
ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities
aftd at as low prices. He has on band .
of different, style . and
- 'Sir; i-
prices, from $25 to S60. . Divane Lounges,
Walnut and Mahogany. - Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card. ' JJ
centre and pier ta'blee, detashus, . H,
chefTenieT8,whatnos and comcKles.CT'-w3
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of bureaus, enclosed and common
waen&tandsjdresB-lables, corner copboards,
sofas, - .
bedsteads,cane seat and common chairs is
the largest in this section oi the county.
He will also keep a good assortment ol
looking glasses with fancy gilt and com
mon frames. He will also furnish spring
maltrasees fitted to any sized bedstead,
which are superior for durability and com
fort to any bed in use. . !
Bloomsbnrg,, Nov. 4, 1863. . .
, And Our Pcapl? at (lose
Are now offered an opportunity' by which
they can obtain a
Our Watches are
YEAH, and the buyer ss allowed the. Priv
ilege of Examination before Payment is
required. : ......
A firrt class Hunting Time-Fiece of Sil
ver material, over which is electro fine
plated 18 k. golJ, -most durably wrought,
making th imitation so (auJt)ees that it
cannot b detected from the eolid n.a'erial
most experienced jndges acids whJI not London made movement. Im
proved Duplex in Full Ruby Action, has
sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled
in general appearance. . This is decidedly
ene of the best arirclei ever offered fot tra
ders and speculators. Ecgineets, emigrants
and persons tiveliing, will find them supe
rior to any otner ; aiteratien ol climate will
not affect their accuracy.- Price, packed !
in good shape and good running order only
S3 5, or case of for $200. - I
Best Quality Silver Cases.' over which
electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar to
our Improved Doplexy and superior adjust
ed movements with "Stop." to be ued in
timing horsesj etc., ha9 Four Indexes for
Washington - and Greewich time 6weep
second, a.nd all the improvements. All in
all, taking its BeaGtifol and Faultless ap
pearance and its Superior - Movement into
consideration, we regard it. as decidedly
the cheapest article of the kind in the mar
ket. Price, in tood running order S34,
or case of 6 for 200.
EiTWe ask no pay in advance, bnt will
forward. either of them to responsible par
ties, to any part of the loval : Slates, wiih
bill payable to exyresaman when the goods
are delivered, giving rhe buyer the privil
ege of examination, and,- if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at our expense.
The express ooropanies refuse making
collections on- soldier and other parties in
the disloyal States, consequently all such
orders must be accompanied by the cash
to insure attention. We make a deduction
of two dollar? on either watch when the
payment is forwarded in advace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
expense. ' . ' " ' s
93 and 95 Broad St., opposite City Batik,
Providence, R. I.
Oct. 21.T863. v "
V he Great
Siace its organization, ' has created a new
era in the bistor of .' . s
. M'holcsalirjf Teas lo this Country.
They have introduced their selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CE5TS (.02 Cents) per pound
' - ' " above Cost, ' s :
Nerer deviating from the ONE PRICE
Another peculiarity of the Company is
that their Tea Taster not' only devotes
his lime to the selection of their TEAS a
to quality, Talue, and particular styles for
particular, localities of countrr, but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their
enormous stock such TEAS at are best
adapted to his particular wants, and not on
ly this, but points out to him the best bar
gains. '-
It id easy to see the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer has in this establishment
over all others; .
If be .is a Judge of Tea, or the Market,
u his time is valuable, be has all the bene
fits of a well organized systsm of doing
business, cf an immense capital, of the
judgement of a Professional Tea Taster,
and theanowIedge of superior salesmen.
This enables all Tea buyer no matter
if they are thousands of miles from this
market to purchase on as good tirms here
as the New York Merchants. 1
Parties can order Teas will be served by
os as well as though (hey came themselves
being sure to eel original packages, trne
weights and tares; and the TEAS are mar
runtted as represented.
We issue a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent to all who order
it ; comprising
Hyson, ITonng nyon, Inipc
rial, G importer, Twankay
' and Skin. . ' .
JAPAN TEA of every description col
ored and uncotored. ' - '
This list has ehh kind of Tea divided into
FOUR Clares, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINEST, that every one. may on
dersaind frcrn description and the prices
annexed that the Company are determined
io undersell the whole Tea trade'. v
We guarntaa to sell ALL cur Tca$ at not
over TWO CENTSC.02 Cents) per pound
above com, believing this io be ..attractive
to the r-nn wo. havo- nwetolora been
paying Ekom6cs Profits. " . " , " ' ; .
No. 51 Ycaey Street, Uew Ycck.
Sept. 9, 1SS3. Szaos.
Jompound Fluid Extract Bucha, a posi
tive and SpecifioRemedy for,, disa s "
of the'Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop
sical Swellings. . - l : x , - - y - '
This Medicine Mn'creases the power of
Digestion, and, excite the Abaorbents into
healthy action, by . which rthe Watery or
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are rednced, as well as Pain
arid Iflammation.-1 ' . " .!!.''; ' '.!
" For -Weaknespes arising from excesses,
Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion
of abusetatleoded with the following symp
toms i y: " " " '-.'-'
Indisposition to'ExertionLoss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difiictilty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis
ease, .Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in the Back, 'Universal Latsitude of the
Muscular System, Hot-Hands, Flushing ot
the Body, Dryness ofthe Skin, Eruptions
on the Face, Pallid Countenance.
These symptoms. If. allowed to- go on,
which this medicine invariably removes,
soon tollows. Iftirui . UITY,
EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the
Patient may expire.
Who can Bay that they are not frequently
followed 'by those "Direful Diseases."
Many are aware of the canst, of their suf
fering, but win contees the Record
of the lnsame Asylums.
And melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion bear ample vvirness le the Truth of the
"afpertion. The Constitution once effected
with. Organic Weakness requires the aid of
Medicine to Strengthen and In vigorate the
BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con
vince tjie most-keptical. -
In many Affections peculiar to Females
the Extract buchu is. unecualed by any
other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention,
Irregularity, raintulness, or Nupp-ession
- - . TTI -
ot customary r.vacuat'ons, ulcerated or
Scirrhous state ofthe Uterus, Leuchorrhcoa
or Whites, S erility, and for all complaints the iex, whether arising from
indiscretion Habits or Dipsipaticn, or in
the Decline or Change ot l.ile.
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un
pleasant Medicines lor unpleasant and
danserous disease.
HELM FOLD'S Ex?rct Borhu and Im
proved Rose Wa.h cures SECRET DIS
EASES, In all their Stages, At little Ex
pense, Little or no change in Diet, No
inconvenience, And no exposure.
Jt causes a trequent desire and gives
strength to. Urinate, thereby removing ob
structions, preventing and coring strictures
of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam
mation, so frequent in the c!as of diseases,
and expelling all poisonous, diseased and
worn out master, v ..-.- : , -
Thousands upon Thousands who have
been the victims of Quacks, and who nave
paid heavy fees to be cured in a short
time, have lound they were deceived, and
that the "poison" has, by the nse of "pow
erful astringents," been dried up in the
syttem, to breaV out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after Marriage.
Use Helmtold's Extract Buchn for all
aflections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male of Female,
from whatever cause originating and no
matter of how long standing.
Diseases of these1 Organs requires the aid
of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Bachu is
the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have
the desired effect in all diseases for which
it in recommended. Evidence of the most
reliable and responsible character will ac
company the medicine.
rrice SI. 00 o Boltlt or Six for $5.00.
Delivered to. any address; securely packed
from observation. Describe symptoms in
II communications. Cures guaiauteed!
Advice gratis.' Address letter for informa
tion to '
II. B. IlELMBOLP, Chemist.
. 104 South 10th st., bel. Chestnut, Phila.
HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELM BOLD'S Drug&Cbem'l Warehouse,
549 lirsadtcay, Iew lork.
ty Beware of counterfeits and unprinci
pled dealers,. who endeavor to dispose "of
their own"-and "other" articles oa the
reputation attained by - '
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,
do do Extract Bncho,
Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla.
"do do . Improved Rose Wash
BTSold by all Druggists everywhere.
Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut
oat the Advertisement and send for it, and
avoid imposition and exposure.
December 9, 1863.-ly.
Magic Tine CbscrTers.
Being a Hunting or Open Fact or Im
dy s or Gentleman's I Patch Combin
ed,, with., Patent Self-Winding Im
prG'vimentl a most Pleasing Novelty.
One of the prettiest, most, convenient,
and decidedly the best and cheapest time
piece for general and reliable use ever offe
red. It has within it and connected with its
machinery, its own binding attachment
rendering a key entirely unnecessary. .The
cases of this Watch are composed of two
metals, the outer one bei.ig fine 16, carat
gold. It has the improved ruby action le
ver movement, and warranted an accurate
time-piece. Price, snperbly engraved, per
case ot half dozen, t'204. Sample Watches,
in neat morocco boxfls; $35.
"First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu
racy of movemert, beauty of material,
and. above alLcheaoness in price, these
watches must insure universal approba
An imitation so faultless that il can
hardly be detected by the most experien
ced indues. The material being ot two
metals, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while the innet one is German Sil
ver.' it cannot be recognized by cutting oi
heavy engraving, making it, not only in
appearance, but in durability, the best re
serablance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist"
ence. -
The sale of these Watches in the army
is a source ol enormous profit, retailing, as
they very readily do, at Z25 and upwards.
Many hundred dollars can be 1 made in
single pay day ' by any one of ordinary
briskness tact.
hunting casap, beautifully engraved, white
enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good
running order, by the half dozen, 566.' Sold
only by by the case of six !
Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee
of good faith, we will send watches by ex
press -to any part C. ther loyal Slates, col
lecting balance of , bill op delivery. -This
ensure buyers against fraud, giving them
their Watches brlore payment i required.
Send orders ta the sole importer.
GAIUS WHEATON;No. 12 Jeweler's
Exchange, Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway
'New York..". .
Dec. 9, .1563- 3m. - . ;
Bloomsburg, Columbia couaty Pa.
rsrtico'ur attention giveatarast rights.'
2, 1863. 3moa.
The cheapest ah'd'ljest Ne w York News
paper, , Only one dollar per annum. Eight
pages, forty columns. A complete record
ol event?,'. "Benjamin Wood, editor and pro-'
prietor', "Published at No. 19 .City 'Hall
Squaie, Daily News Building, Na.v Ydrk:
uity. .- - -.v. -.. ,
unrivaled in its ability and enterprisa as a
public oornal, add in
is mot efficienily conducted, so as to form I
a weeaiy recoru oi events poiutcai, com-
mercial, financial and literary, throghour
the World. In addition to this il contains
all the Domestic Intelligence of each week
and full reports of every matter of public !
interest.' '
As a political Journal The Weekly News
will be lound on the side of tha Constitu
tion of the country a9 it was framed and
established hy the Fathers ol the Republic,
and will scan with care and 'fidelity every
public act that may tend to the violation of
the letter and spirit, of that instrument of
our liberties. It prefers the "
to a ruinous and exhausting system of War.
Insisting upon the truth of the principle
embodied in (he . Declaration of Indepen
dence, that the just powers of the Govern
ment are derived from the consent ofthe
governed, it urges the preservation of th
lundamental principles of libeny, inviolate,
a9 of mure sacred importance than national
grandeur or consolidated power under des
potic rule without the pale of established
law. On all questions of national impor
tance it is the. inflexible champion of the
rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the
instruments by which they hav edecided to
be governed. It' therefore boidiy avows its
purpose ta sustain the Freedom of Speech
and of the Press, with the view to protect
the people from the encroaching dogmas ol
theorists who confempelate a modification
of the democratic principles which to this
time have been sustained against every ef
fort to overthrow them. In all matters per
taining to Government the purpose of this
newspaper is to protect the people from in
considerate and rash legit-lalion, and to
hold our public eervaMs to a strict account
ability for their conduct while. car;ying ou
the machinery of power. To this end the
most careful attention will be given to all
Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm
and impartial examinatation of every new
yolitical proposition may be expected a
the only means of protecting the people
from an abrfdgement ot their rights.
are given in the most succinct yet complete
manner. They claim particular notice
for their fdeliiy and truth, and ail ihoe
who deeire to comprehend the exact finan
cial coudilion of the couetrv should, not
tail to examine the views which will
iounn in this depar'ment of the journal.
will be found especially intereotinz and in-
structiAe and being derived from omn of
the ablest minds in Europe must be read
wun ineoimosj avioity Dy those who desire
to eamprehend that diblornacy of the Gov
ernments of the Old World.
In all other respects THE
NEWS will be found to meet the public de-
mana. u is tne et-pecial object ol the Pro
prietor to render it a valuable and euter-
taining. -
pure in its moral 'influence, ennobling in
its character, and satisfactory to that large
class in the community who desire to see
the Public Press treat all public questions
with arguments expressed in courtesy and
candor, thought, at the same time, with the
spirit due lo the themes discussed.
By reference to the terms of Tne New
York Weekly News it will be noticed that
it is by far the cheapest newspaper in the
world, and the Proprietor feels that he may
uiyite iiiocb wxio approve oi its principles
ana coiaucuo use ineir influence in addin
to its yresent large circulation. ,
t.ignt rages Forty Columns
For One Year One Dollar
Eleven Copies to one Address for One
ingle copies Three Cents
A first class Metropolitan Journal devoted
to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, and
containing all the new of the day, Politi
cal, Telegraphical, Commercial and Local
is the cheapest dany paper in the metropo
One Copy, One Year gjx Dollars.
One Copy Six Months Three Dollars,
Single Copies - Tow Cents.
, Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor
and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square,
New York.
IV rtli cntral U;itltvay.
' TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
Nbrth and West Branch of the Susqr.ehan
na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York.
.On aud after. Monday, April 0ih, ifc63,
the Passenger Trains. of the North Central
Railway will arrive and depart from Sun-
bury, rurrisburg snd Baltimore, as follows:
Mail Train leave9Sunbury daily
except Sun Jays, at - 10.10 am.
Leaves Hat risburg, " ;' ',' ' 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at J3aItimore, 5.35 14
Express Ttain leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at , 1107 p.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg,excepl Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrives at Baltimore daily except
Monday, at " ' " ' 6.15 a.m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6.30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily .
except Sundays at " 9.15 a.m.
Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, $ 4.05 p.m.
Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " '
, ArrLves'at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m.
leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00
? Arrives at Sunburr. 5.38
For further particulars apply at ibe office.
. - , , I. N. DUBARRY, Supt.
Harrisbnrg, Aug. 8, 1863.
A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin
cipJes of 1776, Designed to unmask
the Usurpation, -Desptism and crimes of
this ' ;'
And to defend the doctrines of State Rights,
and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by
out Revolnlionary Fathers.
Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co., sao street, New York. ' -
PRICE--Siagl numbers 15 cents. For
warded by mail or express to all parts of
the United States at SI a yaar, in advance.
Any person sending' ten sobscribejs will
receive an additional copy for one year.
Aug. 28, 1863. ' ;
Gents -Balmoral Lace Boots, will b sold
very low.' : Also, Boys Shoes, at .!
OUR Letter A Famiiy Sewing Machine is
fast gaining a world-wide reputation. Il
,is beyond doubt Ihe best and cheapest and
most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma ,
chines yet offered to the public. No-other
Family Sewing Machine has st many use
ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Felli
ing, Torking, Gathering, Guagiup, Braiding
Embroidering, Cording, and so 1orth. No
other Family Sewing Machine has so much
capacity lor a great variety of work. It will
sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of
thread. Great and recer.t improvement
make our Family Sewing Machine most
reliable, and most durable, and. most cer
tain" in action at all rates of speed. It
makes the intarlocked stitch, which in the
best stitch known. Any one, even of 'the
most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance
how to. use the letter A Family Sewing
Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines
are finished in chaste and exquisite style.
The Folding Cae of the Family Ma
chine is a piece of conning work:nanship
ofthe most useful kind. It protects the ma
chine when not in use, and wheu about to
be operated may be opened as a spacious
and substantial table to sustain the work.
While some of the Cases, made out of the
choicest woods, are finished in ihe -simplest
aud chastest manner possible, others
are adorned and embeliehed in the most
costly -and superb manner.
It is absolutely necessary to see ihe Fam
ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of
its great capacity and beauty.
It is fast becoming as popular for family
sewing as our Manufacturing machines are
tor manufacturing purpos.
The Btanch Offices are well snpplied with
silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the
very best quality.
Send for a Pamphlet.
458 Broadway. N. V.
N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa.
A. J. Evan, Agent, in Bloomsburg.
Nov. 11, 1863.
A T,1 O
71 fniiiam Street, Ntio York.
Size and Prices of LilUt's FircProcf
' lleizht. Width. Depfh.
No 1 24 " ' 20 20
No 2 26 22 24
No 3 30 24 24
No 4 32 - 23 24
No 5 34 31 24
No 6 40 31 24
- Height. ' Width. Depth.
No 1 17 21 12
No, 2 193 13 12
No 3 21 15 12
No 4 22 IS 13
No 5 24 21 14
No 6 31 21 15
Nnraber 1 50 00 I Nnmber 4 S5 00
do 2 60 00 I do 5 100 00
do 3 70 00 J do 6 115 00
Novemher 1 1, 1 6?3
For th Fruit, Flowtr and K.'fAc?i Gar
dfn. The 1804.
W. G. P. BR1NCKLOE, PczLrstira.
Office : 23 North Sixth St., Phil'a.
Edited l)V
T II O 31 A S irl E E II A lit
Hin" Flower Garden and P!e3nre
Gronnd ; Fruit Garden ; Vegetable Garden;
Window Garden.
Communications. Embraclns the views
of the best writers on Horlicuhu Agri
cul'nre, and Rural AfTair.
Edi'orial Giving the Editor's views on
the important Agricultural improvements
Scraps and Queries New Fruits New
Plants Domestic and Foreign Intellisence
Foreign Correspondence Horticul tural
With each Department handsomely il
lustrated. '..
flHFE general fatnre" will be enter
- tained ad the publisher pledges him
self that no labor or expense shall be spar
ed to renier the sucrepding issues of the
Magazine every way worihyoflhe favor
with which his previous efforts have been
amply rewarded. Send lor a Specimen.
February 24, 18G4.
Secrets For Ihe Jlilloa I
A most valuable and wonderfuT publi
E. cation. A work ol 400 pases, and
30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S
VADEMECUM, an original and popula
trea'ie on Man and Wcman, their Phys
iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of
every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies
for their speedy cure. Ihe practice of
Dr. HUNTER ha long been, and still is,
unbounded, but at the earnest olieitaiicn
numberous persons, he has been induced
to extend his medical usefulness through
the medium of hii "VADEMECUM." It
is a volume that should fe-e in the hands ol
every family in the land, as a preventive of
secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia
tion of one of liie most awlul and destruc
tive scourge? ever visited mankind. One
copy, peourely enveloped, will be forwar
ded free ot postage to any part of the Uni
ted fiales for 50 c.nts in P. O. stamps, 3
copies for SI. -icdres.-i, post paid, DR.
HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New
York. : ,
Sept 9. 1S63.
Old Tilings 'Become ' 1'cw,
The nndersi?ned would beg leave lo in
form his eld friends, and "the rest cf man
kind," that he ha lately returned from the
ser';ce of his coanlry, and anain re
opened hU O L D ESTABLISH-
with a view of making up entire new gar
ments, as well as mending old ones, for all
mankind, and any body ele, who may
favor bira with their work in his line.
Ha is prepared to do work NEAT, Fasli
by so doing, and strict attention to business
to merit and receive a due share of patron
age. But remember, 11, that these times
require money, or something to livd upon,
be therefore hopes and trusts, that when
he ha -done his part, his customers will
do'tbeirs, by furnishing the "ready John,"
or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is
worthv of his hire."
' Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 1862. ' '
Attbrney at Iair -
-: xloomsburg, pa.
OfTics on Main BUtielirutVAuoti below
A. J. Slcan'a Stote. Dec VV, 1864
.Olcason s Mlernry.
coMPiajwojr. '
An Elegant Moral, and Refined Mis-
, ce'Ioneotts Family Jovrnul.
And a welcome visitor io ih home cir-.
cle. It contains the foreign and domestic
news of the day, and presents thf greatest
amount of Intellisync.
Is pritned on fine white paper, with 'new:
and Deautifol type, trtid is a large weekly
paper of sixteen octavo pages.
An unrivalled corps of contributors re
under regular engagements, anjl every cle-.
partment is placed on the most firiihed
and perfect system that experience can de
vise. Each number will be beautifully il-'
TERMS. 82 00 per annum. Invariably
in advance. .
For sale at ail Periodical Depots in ihe
United Slates. - " "
Published every Saturday, corner of Tre
mont and Bromfield stieets. Bo-ton, Mas
sachusetts, by F. GLEASON.
, Nov. 11, 1863. '
rjnHE tuber rite r w cold respertfnlly ap
price his friends and the public gener
ally, that he has et-lablifched ihe
in Jerseytown, Columbia county. Pa, The
above house has laiely been refitted and
undergone a thorough repa'uiig by the pro
prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain
the travelling cuiom as wHI a th local
with geneial fratiMartion, Hi TABLE and
BAU,aro well supplied and will he careful
ly superintended. And fits STABLE is am
ply and well Morked, in charge of careful
grooms, will always be pro;rly alien led.
ZJT He iuvi'.cs a share of t!v! pnb!iccu
torn, and ptedses his best efforts, -to help
his guests feel at hom.
Jerfeytown, Jan 8, 1862.
WM.D K00NS Troprfe-te- .
rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situaio in the
-L central portion of the town, and op
posite the Court Honee, ha? len thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor
ia now prepared lo accommodate travelers,
teamster.', drovers and boarders in the most
p!eaantand agreeable manner. His tab'e
will be supplied with the best ihe market
afTords,and his Bar with the choicest liquors
Attentive oMlrs will always be on hand,
and hi." stabling in the rooM extensive in
thif section ol country. Omnibuses wil
alway be in readiness to cr.nvey paesen
gerstoaad from the Railroad Depots.
B!oomsbur2, July 4, 1860.
VSioealc :inl ISclail.
riHE ubrcrit'er would announce to the
-L cuizn of BlonrrihL.urs and vicinity,
that he ifcllin2 LIQUOUS in large and
small quantities, an i at duferent price!?, at
hisNew Store, on ilam street,
Vi l i . I a lini I r.rrn c n n t K r (
Iron f-'.teel, Bloomsbiirz. H;s"
stock ol Foreign ami Damesiic
3213 . Sff 2 12 S s
consists of Cognac and Rochelle, Blaekbpr
ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He
has a large assortment of
Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon,
Old Folks Whiskey, and any quaMity of
common. He n!o has
Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam
pagne Wines; and laM but not la-t, a
quantity cl good double extr?. BIIOWN
SI'OUT; a!l of which he will sell at the
lowest cash prices. The public are respect
fully solicited to sive hi liquor a trial.
D. W. BOBBINS, As't.
Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. t
12 iioWun,
S V Tl G E O IV 15 E 4 T I ST,
RESPECr ULLV ofler his I
r : i : - I
ijiuies-iuum bciv u.i-! in ine
burz and vicinity. He i; prepared to attend
to all the various operation" in Di?n:i-try,
and is provided with the latest improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in
serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as
well as natural.
J Mineral plate and block teeth manufsc
! tnred and all operations on teeth carefully
dlieuucu iu.
A superior article of Tooth Powders, al
ways on hand. All operations on the teeth
Residence and Office, a few doers above
the Court House, same side.
Bloomsbarg, Aug. 19 1853.
G u 1 1 a Tech a ItncUin?.
IOR Bnotf, Shoes, Harness, Carriages,
and Military Leather Work.
This new and excellent article excels
eveay thing ever Lefore in nse, for beauti
fying and softening the Leather. It rnskes
a polish tike patent leather ; will notlrub
ctf with water, nor stain :he finest white
silk, and makes leather perfectly water
proof. Twice a month applied on boots
and shoe, and once a month for harness
is sufheient. If the leather becomes dirt y
wash it off with clean water and the polih
will re-apnear. Warranted as represented.
Directions for ne. Apply a few drops
on a sponge, rub it slov.Iy over Ihe leather,
and the polish is complete.
CF For sale by L. T. SHARPLESS. jn
D'oomsburg, May 14, 1862.
Kollock's Dandelion Ccffte.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by phvsicians
far General Debility, Dyspasia, and ail
bilious disorders. Thousands who have
been compelled lo abandon the usd of cof
fee will use this without injurion effects.
One can contains the sireug'h ol two
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents.
The purest and best BAKING TOWDER
known, for making lighr, sweet and nutri
tious Bread and c.ifce. Price 15 cents.
- flhiniifrjtti'rfl by
M. H. KOLLOCK, Ch-mit.
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
Philadelphia, ' ; s
VsT And sotdbv alt Druggists and Groters.jJ
February 26, 1862-ly. -. :
e ii. little; tourt Alley; formerly. occupied by
Charles R. Puckalew.
December 284 1859, tf.
pOKTY-EIGHT tolumns of reading mat--
ter per week for Si 20 per year. The
only New York Paper in aid up exclusive
ly lor country circulation; and, the news
ofthe week, with ihe cattle, produce, aad
other markets, carefully reported. V
The New York Day-IJoolc. for'Wi:
White Men's Liber'iesState Rights Fed-"
eral Union.
The New York Day-Book is an'indepn
dent, Democratic Journal, holding wiih the.
laie Senator Douglas, that 'this govern
ment is maJa oq the white bais, by whi'js
men, for the beheSt of while men and'
their posterity forever." Il is a large dou
ble sheet, with forly eight columns of read
ing matter, and in all respects whether
lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
information is not inferior to any as a po
litical or family 'newppaperl In' its politi
cal department, it srapples boldly with th
real question before the American people,
and preseals the only philosophy of It
which can resist the sweeping march rjf
Abolitionism. It is Democratic in Ihe tmb
sene ofthe term ho defender of the peo.-
pie's right, but it ithe upholderof no par
. .. . . i..
ijr .iiitoncjy ui uukciy. 11 is not only tor
peace, but it snows how, and how only,
permanent peace can be obtained, and tbi
glorious white rsan's government of Wash
ington restored, viz : by the utler route,
overthrow, ar.d extermination of Abolition
ism from American soil.
The Day Book ) now the only weekly
political paper in New York city made up
exclusively for country circulation. All tha
others are rehashed from the columns ol
some daily paper, which renders it almost
impossible to give so complete and general
a summary of the news as in the other
caee. Perrons about subscribing should
take this into consideration. Democrats,
al-o, must see to it that round pspers are
circulated among ihe people, or abolition
if rr will never De put down. All tcM
desire lo refute the arguments of Abolition
ifcl?, shrrld read The Day Book.
TERMS: One copy, one year, ?2 P0;
Three copies On Tear, S-5 00; Five copies,
one year, S7 50; Ten copie, one year, and
one to the getter np of the club, $14 OOj
Twenty copies, one year, and one to the
getierupof the Club, 21 00. Additional
copies, eacn ?l zt).
The name ofthe post-office, countv, and
Siai, should in all caeK, be plainly given
in every Ie:ter.
Payments alwayp in advance, and all
papers will be stopped when the lime of
6ub.-crifiion paid for expires.
162 Nassau St., New York.
Special Orders. We desire this yeaf
to place hefrra a million of northern read
ers the great doctrines '-The Day Book"
'teaches on the question ofthe Races. We
confidently believe if this Journal were
placed in the hand of one half of the vo'e
ters of the northern S'ates between this time
and November, 1864, the Democrats could
not fail to carry the next presidential elec
tion. We therefore make the following
offers, not in the light of prizes, and not
er?n because it will be profitable, for we
can f-earcely afford it -bnt solely to secure
a wide dissemination of the viawf which,
we profoundly believe will save our coun
try. . .
Clubs of Twenty. For a club o20,
besides ihe extra paper now offered, we
will send a copy of Dr. Van Evrie's great
work on "negroes and nero navery , ' the
third edition of which is just ready. Pried
One Dollar. . '
Clubs if Fifty. For a club of Fifty
f-ubscribers, at 610, we will send one extra
paper, and a rompleie -ei of our Ami Abo
liiion Publications," the prices of which,
taken together, amonnt to S2 75.
Clubs of One Hundred. In relaliorl
to Clubs of one hundred, we witl say this:
Whoever wi!I send us oie hundred sub
scribers at one time, the club to be sent to
one addre, and bein and end ai the tamd
lime, will receive tne papers at SiOO.
v. e., h. & ca
November is, 1863.
pETERSON S MAGAZINE, the best and
cheapest in the World for ladies. This
popular monthly Magazice wil! be greatly
improved for 1861. It will contain ond
Thousand Pajes of Reading! Fourteeri
Splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored
Berlin Work Patterns! Nine Hundred
Wood Cuts! Twenty Four Pages of Mu
sic ! All this will te given for only Two
Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Maga
zines of the clasof "Peterson." ItsThriU
ling Tales and Noveleses are the best pub
iished anywhere. AH the most popular
wri'.ers ate employed to write originally
for "Peterson." - In 1861, ir. addition to ii ,
usual quantity of short stories. Four Origi
nal Copyright Novelet?, will be given, by
Ann S Stephen?, Ella Rodman, Frank Lea
Benedict, and the Aiitoor of "the Second
Life.'-' It also publishes
Fashions Ahead of All Others.
Each number, in adJiiion to the colored
plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses,
engraved on wood. Also, a pat'ern, from
which a Drew, Mantilla, or Child's Dressy
can be cut cct, without the aid of a mantua
maker. A LO, several ages of Household
and other Receipts.
It is the best Lady's Magazine in tht
JYorul Try it for one Year Terms,
Always in Advance. ,
One Copy, one ear, 8 2 00
Three copies, for cr.e year, 5 Ofj
Five copies, for one year, 7 00
Eight copies, one year, 10 CO
Premiums for Getting rp Clubst
Three, Five oreiaht copies make a club:
To every person getting up a club, atjhei
above rates, a copy of the Magazine fof
1S64 will be given gratis.
Address, post paid,
306 Chestnut St., Phila.
November 18. 1663. -
undersianed woulJ annouuee, that
he has on hand, at his Hat and Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg, an
assortment of different kind of leather, soch
as fine calfskins, morocco, red and black
and linings, all of which he willsell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in this mar
ket. Call and examine them lor yosrelves
Bloomsburg. May 21. Is62.
PR. J. R. EVANS, :
riiysician aud Surgeon,
ETAVING loca'ed permanently on Irfaia
Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he is pre
pared to attend to all business faithfully and
punctually that may be intrusted to his care,
on terms commer.snraie with ihe times.1'
C" lie ps strict attention to Sargefy
as well as 'Medicine. "' " ?
, .November 25. 1863 -ly.' " - -
- . ' ' HENRY ROS ENSTOCK; - r
: -Sky-Iiisht Ambrolvpist '
OOMSf! ihe Third Story ot the Ei-
chabjge. Bfock. (mitince above 'the
Rook Store,')' Btoomsourg Colombia oci
ty, Pa.
Nov. 23, 1859 If.