I H JL : ST A OF '2EE NORTH 7 - . . ... yy ' TIIIXGS AOBCT TOWN & CCWTRY. ntaozi ssuiiG, pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1864. , Tux Hal of defers, in Columbia Coanty, will be esea ia this wee;s Stah. - Ses Real . Estate of late Alcm Mabr, dece'd, advertised for sale in another col Ana. ;. : Col. Ekt vp wounded ia the hand," in "4 on of the late battles before Richmond. ; Hvi on bis way borne withlris Regln?nt, i a consequence of the expiration bf their term of enlistment. . . ' . Tas MxaiBEkS belonging U the klsthb Jlst Episcopal Cbnrch, of Catawisa,'inlerjd ' baring a Festival oa the 4ih of Jttljla that place, for the-parpoJa of raising money 'to meet a debt upon the paxsoag'e. . - Tut tikUzs of alt tbe Drafted men In this .- county, men who were drafted at Troy lat Friday, are published, in this paper. Tbe draft took placs rather suddta and caex peeied for taany. ' Ox Monday cftsrnqon'l&st a fir.a t bower passed over this vicinify. It continued to raia bard forVbouf otie hour, changing our streets into creeks for a time. . , . i ,. . Wc'leam it at Capt. Waters, of Uie'lron Goardswas lately wo on tied la the ' lfg,' al though not seriously. ' Thk Gruss Chop. The !aie"soaking rains have bad a wonder'.-! efTdcl cpon tbe grow ifig grassland should nohing happen to the cropobr farmer w?H f nrs an immense yield of superior bay : The grain fields also look favorable. 1 ' T Comraiss'ior.er of tbe Draft baa fixed the report day on die 231 inst , at this place, jYsiead of at Trot. We understand that the - Crafted, men of Montour count) are -summoned to report at this place ahso. Tbi Is ranch better than "iragiog Vho men 'tep into'Bradford county. . 4 ScfrcHiNO FKO.M'llnittjM si ism. --We reiret to stJte i bat Hon. M. E. JacksonVi lying ill, 'a! bis residence in cor Borough. 'He Las " taeb sttverfiy htilicied wiib rheoma'titro for several wefls'past. with very Utile improve tirii"iri ' bis condition. Berulci Gdzeltc. 'THrLca Uglt of the Republican has rne to the'Babimore Convention, to heTp 'poi3inate'0i.D .Ass. Pue Shoddy ites. will 'U be thfr in fail force and vigor." Old 'yAbe ar.d ;Fretriont for it ; both trying to 'claiza lis toppctt of the u'dicala. m Tji B'tpublkan g-oa.ts ofvrtfce idea that hefSouldier's rote tb,is Fall is fgoog to be 'quite an acqaisiucn io the Abolition major ity. TLo Soldiers who return home this Fall, io consequence of their time being op, viU not rota as .many expect they rnightif ' they yet fe'rasined in ihe service. They will not be sekctsi and furioughed home for 1hejporpoe ofasting-s an Abolition vote, as they were Fall, when SrinTOii boast ed that be bad sent Cur in 30 CC3 rotes!. . .Tiie AYiiTHia. Tbe . fickleness of.bur spring weather as never mere remarka bly exemplified than in the suddenness with 'which snnsbine and ohowers bs succeeded 'each other of late. Storm chases storm across the sky, with delicious intervals of sunshine. The sweet relreshing 6b'3wer, which no grnally.beneSi v eRelat'ohV jjome and depart 'if:i a suddenness that is extra Saidinary even in oar changeful climate. ; Hcst'of oor readers 'who have friend in the afmy should not forget to write .let lers and send newspapers to, our esHant fio Inters. They are always longing to bear j ew from bom?, and a let;er, pr newspa-.j-er tbeir borne newspaper, especially i ever most welcome victor. Jost now , - - "ibete are hundreds of onr braVe boys f'ros- tr ijetl cn beds ot pain, ia the hospitals at Washington, Afexandrfa, .Pb'iladelpbia and elfiwb-re. io whom, ibe time passes weari-lyifetjo- would Jind great solars ia their horse newspaper.' . .. . ' r-'-ri ? r " ' ' ' ELCca Bcbh rTpne of onr exchange news. apers says insects never touch the elder o'b.. Tbe leaves of the elder, scattered Vver cocarabers,.catbages, Muashest and ,b;her pUrrs satject to tha ravages, of in secu, tTec:oa!!y ehjelJ lhems Tbe pjomb ai other froi.ls may be saved by placing 'CD tbe branches and through them, benches of e!dr leaves. It is said that aunts will not .corriB about where elder leaves are icai:srcxl. This ia easily tried, and if sac csssfj!, df great importance. . Case ot Drowsing.. An Interesting little girl aged about four years ; daughter of exthct. .Tbis is i. sad, sQictioa ti tbs Sarent it being til dnly LChids-iDniille The growing crops oj wbeat and rye are - said to be ' more promising thronshoat the country 4ban was anticipate d. The grass crop, soon ready to cut, is unusually. heavy and iLe promise of i:s -abundance has. aJ tfidy Urougtit down the price of bay con--hiderably. The yceng corn and oats look . and promise well also. Tbe fruit crop was noisr ecre .promising at this season.' In fact tbe labors st tbe hnsbandmart seem to fs tncssally blessed this . year, and tbo country never looked mere beautiful. GcNKSAt Dun of the Republican tries to edi.r7 his reaJers in bis lat.on Geaeralship, aa J talk3 a good dud about a ''base." As much as be bai said about a 'base,'J the cne 6;Iacted by McClellaa seems to suit Gsn. Gract verr well- In fact Grant has . crrSde :ca'ia f,irrtx Mac's judgsmecj. r that Gr?rf worried tiaaej, J WO. - all know gren; deal to ret tbrocb lb Wilderness soon ss tHjsattt ta JlcCJellsa "tase'f epa?a lie'M. f?3 w.Ri t'crcod ta this ; ha cocld act "'ilc'd darbi t.ne, irit toot su.,sam- r. Jzii. ciaags hti .;;s," tid. rir.T c:3, ens cl.sa: i tj cae cf tba John Bryant of this place fell into (ha canal yesterday, about ii oxlc'c, and before tbe body ccold be rescued, life jiaa become CoUJ.Q.Fntxe band, and for sate, a'-1 Conr.Injtioa of tbd Uuiiei States," aad of J tbe "Stats . of Pejinsylrania ta various styles, at prices'to suit ; also, sundry other cemocratic to'oks. documents, and speech esj together with legal, note and cap v pa- - per, pens, it k and enrelopes of all sizes ( and styles , us well as theological," poetical, Historical and miscellaneous books, cheap. . Mmc Dcusrest'l Illustrated' News pf Sal orday last, contains quite ao! array of mili tary talent. Ort tbefirt page is the likeness of Bixjamiw F. BofiBRj whom- the Aboli tionists admire above their God, and else where, in the paper, will be seen , the pic- turei oi Genefala'GaANT, MtADB. and others. This number is highly illustrated. ' ; Price 54 OO'per j oar.-; t, ' ' . y - Stantos telegraphed all ore? the country, two weeks ago, that General ; Duller held tbe key to Ricbmood. Cut.owing to Bai ler's obliquity of Tision, 'we snppose he seems to have been so nnsuccessfuT in bomipg for the key Ace,hat be has turned entirely toand,' and made tracks in an op posUe directions from tbe "rebel" city. It appears that Henry Ward Beecber and other.jlepnt'lican Iriends of the nice young man, Joseph Howatd.are orging xtpon Gen. Dix tbe propriety of releaeing Howard," on the grontid thai be was led into the forgery of tbe proclamation by others. AN,Y widow or parent, or -orphan, ' or brotheror sister, of any soldier, sailor, or Marine, killed, or who has died in the ser vice of tbe (J. States, m bo desires ninety-six dollars (J96).8,,, year Pension, Irora ono hundred to elersa hundred and ninety-five ($11953 cash bounty, and all the arrears of pa due him, should call at once or write to JOSEPH E. DEVITT & COMPAiW, No. 427 WALNUT ST., THE MILITARY & N A V A L AG E N C Y, PHILADELPHIA. (.,Ais6, State, Pay, County, City, Ward or other Bounty, &c, if there is any due. Apply either in person oi by letter. U. Si0?40 B0.DS. Tbfe fepnds are issued ' under the Act of uouress of March 8th, 1864, which provides that all Bonds issued oeder this 'Act shall be EXEMPT. FROM TAXATION by or, unOfir any state or municipal author ity. Subscriptions to these Bonds .are re ceived in 'United States notes or notes of National B-nks. They. . are tTO . BE RE DEEMED IN. COIN, at the pleasure of tbe Govcrnrtent, at any period not less than ten nor more than forty "years from their da:e, and uo'il their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN CdlN, on Bonds of not over one bun ,dred dollars annually nnd, on all. other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is pay able on the first days of March and Sep tember in each year. . Subscribers will receive either Regis tered or "Coupon Bonds, as they may pre fer. Registered Bonds are recorded on he books of the U. S- Treasurer, and can be transferred only 'ba the owner's, order Coupon .Bonds are payable to bearer, acd are more convenient for commercial uses. Subscribers to lhisloah will . hate tbe option of having their Bonds draw inter est ftpui March 1st, by paying the accrnei in tersstin coin for in United .States notes, cr the notes of National Baik?, adding fif ty per cent, fur premium, or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscrip tion and deposit.- As ibese Bonds are .? Lxeirpt from Municipal or State v t. TaiatioD, their value :s Increased from one to three per cent- per annum, according to Ihe rate ot tax levies in various parts of tha coon- .- . t . . . ., ,. .. At the present rate of premium on gold ibey pay - .. j vr. OVER EIGHT PER CENT INTEREST in currency, and are ot equal convenience a a permacent or terrporary investment. It & believedthat no securities ofler so great inducements to lenders as the various deiKMiptions of U S. Bonds. In ail other "forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or elocL companies or separate communities only. is pledged for payment, while for tbe. debts cf.the United Spates the vrbo'.o property, of tbe country is boiden to secure the payment of botb principal and interest in coin. . . L, These 3cnds.jnav be subscrileJ foi in sumsujm S30 np to. any magnitude, on tbe same ierms,and are thus made equally available to the smajlt.fl lender and lEe largest capitalist. , They can be converted into money at any moment, and the bolder will have I be. benefit of the interest. k . .It may be nseful.to Etate ia tbis connec tion that ibe total Fande4 Debt of the United Slates on. which interest is payible in gold, on tbe 3d day of March., 1834, was S761,965,CC0. Tbe interest oq this debt for the comics; fiscal year will be $45,937-' 126, while the cDetoma rvence in old fpl the ccrrent fiscal year, epdirg June 30th, 1864; has been so far at tbe rate of over 8100,000.000 per annum. ., : , , It will be seen that even tbe present gold re jenues of the Gorernment are large ly in excess of tbe wants ot thejreaiary for the payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of tbe tariff will doubtless raise the annq al receipts from customs on the same ampant of importations, to S150, OCO.,009 per anaam. : j - Instructions to jhe National Banks act ing as Joan agents were, not issued from the United State Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more tbid TEN MILLIONS A WEEK?. ; Sabscriptions will be rece.ived'.by' all National Banks which are depositaries of publid money, RESPECTA BLE BANKS AND BANKERS tbroughont tbe coonirr, (acting, as sgsats. cf fee National, Deposiury ; Bank,) Ocfi furnish' fc'rtber information otx application afford; iYESY facilitt id str scrisehs. v-;-' - - .Imrtnt 1 i , beerta constantly on. ban a.- The campaign of Northern" Virginia ter minated with ihfj.passaga of'the Pamunkey, which transferred thrf'Federal army to the Peninsula. .'Thaj army, is; in ItsVpresent po sition aot from the successful execution . of tbe original design,' bat from r Ibe adoption of a new plan, which was adapted tto the events aad emergencies developed by the campaign. : The former failed cot alone in the discomfitur? of ' Geneals Butler and Sigel, but even' the. maia . army has been forced to diverge Irora the'.me on which its commander', 'proposed to fight it out, if ii look all, Summer.",, General Lea's army was so strongly posted between the North and the South 'Anna thrt an assault, it was though, would' prove disastrous. So, the Federal General, with belter judgment jlhan he. used at Spoitsylvania, prudently with drew from General Lee's front and cnadt tbe only' othe'movenient possible for' him to make., 'This carried him across, ile Pa marikey , and the Peninsula, therefore, Is now tbe grand field of operations. .. It is the opinion of able rniiiury men in thp north, that the Confederate Capital can be successfully assailed on this Hue, but a different opinion is eiiteUined by the Con federates, who claim that it can be success fully defended from any or all directions. This confidence, however, may be based on hope a welfas pa Jhe elabotato and atrag fortifida'.iops wbtcb eaviroa that city. 3ut th3 faa of Richmond wiii probably be de eded by the ueld operations of armies io its front, and not by siege., . ( 'General Grant's army at present menaces il from the northeast, but bis .maneuvers to effect a junction with the main army of Gen. Butler is likely to' piace his army precisely on the line which was held by Geueral Mc Clellaa two years ago. The opposing ar mies relatively, in numbers, are now 'as they were in the first Peninsula campaign. General Lee bad then less thaii'sixtv tho'us eneral McClellan pearly one. hun dred thousand men. General Grant, it ia said, command. upward . of Two hondred thousand, while General Lee hias from one huudred.lo one hundred and twenty thous and. The advantage in position of the Con federates, of course neutralize tbe prepon derance of the Federal force to a very con' siderable extent. Admonished by the non fulfillment of the prophecies of .the astute Mr. Seward, and the somewhat premature announcement of General Grant ' at Spotj- .sylrania, thai bo believed, that the rebels bad found the last ditch,, we .will not .pre dict results, bpi will record them when ihey are accomplished, How his Uxioa is to bc Rkstored The New Orleans corre-poiulent 'of the New York Tribune thus sties an unpalatable truth'; , ,4v t "If our friends at tha north cbobss to amuse. themselves with the idea that Louis iana is reclaimed and again loyal, we ought not to complain of so cheap an entertain ment. In truth, under the mild sway of Governor Hahn, who was elected by sev eral thousand 'majorilt, there is so much of Louisiana in ibe Union as is. covered by our pickets.. Outside of Aew Orleans, no Union officer or citizen can rids alone in safety two miles by the Mississippi, except were our organized soldiery move." : That is the way War will restore the Uuion. Fice a 'Humbug ! . .. MATfilMONIAL. Il you wish to marry address the undersigned, who will send yon "without money and,. without price," valu able information that ivill enable, yo'j ta marry happy jnd speedily, no matter .npw old bow ugly or bow, poor. This Is a relia ble affair The information will cost oa nothing; arid if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return-, mail, and no qoeption asked. Address, SARAH B.. LAMBEfl.r, Grjenpoint, Kings co. N. Y. June 1, 1864. 4w. CANDIDATE'S COLUrVlN. CANDIDATE FOfi SJJCH1FF. jTJHARLES H, HESS, of Mifflin township, are authorized io announce, will be a candidate for the office of SHFUUrF of Columbia County, at the approaching ien etal election, subject to the decision of the Colombia couniv demort'ic convention. Mirtlj, June 1, 1864. $2 pd. . . ; IGISjLATIYE. , 7b the Democratic Electors of Columbia eour.tii FiutNOs asp Fellow Citizens : The indersrued, acknowledging with gratitude pat evidences ,of yonr generous confi deiic'e,.wcuid repec:lully announce 'r that at the snlicitation of many valued. Demo crat, he-will be a Candicfaie for tbe LEG ISLATURE in the. District composed of the coontieStpf Columbia and Montour, at the ensuing General . Ejection, in accordance with tho usages ofthe District Electors, and being governed alone by the decision of thi?, Columbia County Demn.Tr.itii Con vention. . LEVI L. TATE. iiloomsborg, Mav IS, 1864. 2. pd. Candidate for Assesuy. At the solicitation of many friends," 1 would announce to. the voters of Coinmtia Coonty. thai I will be a candidate for ASSEMBLY, at the approaching general election, sobject to the decision of Ihe Co lumbia county Democratic Convention ' ' Wm. H. JACOBY. Bloo-nsburg, May II, 1864. Candidate foT.Shcriti: MARTIN AAMMERMAN, of Fishing creek township, we, are authorized to annotfncewill be a candidate-lor the office of SHERIFF, at tbe approaching General Election, subject to ihe decision of ihe Co lumbia county Democratic convention. May 4, 1864. 52.. pd. - Candidate for SlicrifC J AMUEL SNYDER, bf Mifiiin township, 53 we are antherized to i anbopiice, will be a candidate for SHERIFF.jit the approach ing General .Election subject to tba decis ion of the Coluaibiaf county Demociatic Convention. May 4, 1864. 82-tPd. CANDIDATE FQH COJUMrsSiONEir. We ate authorized to annocrnce thai Alle Mam, of Beaver twp., Colba-bia county, thtouh tbe solicitation of bis Democratic friend, has heeft-induced ;: biTer himself as afa'sdidate for' Cputt Co.ifMtsaiosiB, at tba spproacbisg generaj-.elsction, sdIk ject to kbe decisioo of the Democratic . Count v Convention. ' reTtr,::y 5, 18S4. 2.d; . MARRIED. . - . . f : In Bloomshurgrfdn the S.U-olU by.' Rev. J. U. Dirum, Mr, Abnkr W, kQmbica and J1 Mis Mai;i Frt", all of thi piaci. On the 28th of April, 1864, by rtev. i. vv. Cornelius. Beldin SneMce. f jLuMme coon- ly, Penna., Captain IstdPennevlvania ArtiU lery, ann varouae . vyincian, ui auii, Motitonr county. . V'- ' ' - DIED. In Greenwocd-townshiP. Columbia coun ty, on Wednesday las'- Mr. Jas. Daaorr, of consnmpiion, aged about' 33 years. In Holtenbackoatbe.;h.,of April, .of diptberia, Eliza Ann, daughter of Jacob and Sally Ann Hess, eged 8 years, 5 months and 14 days. v, r- . ' In Berwick, on Monday May 2Slh Ash el DicxtHfCS1, ajjed aboat 46 year. 'Death removed fror;the familv circle, cn the.a6ihof May, lb fit,: ia MiflTnivil'e, Culumtia county, Ta , litile.;P,TTi'. C,. daughter o PrD. H. and A,; B-iMoNtooM-sit, aged 7 years 2. months add 20 days. . . - OBITUARY . Petueithoo was'i.miM aad lovely, . Gentle as ihe summer breeze, rieasant a the air of evening Whert it floats ampiig the trees. Death has claimed our little P;iie, ,: Set bis seal upo. her brow ; v And her eye that shone o briabtly, Shije.jLn heaTtt w.Uh Jesus now. . Dearest Pettie thou, hast left as, i Here Ihy lues we deeply feel, But His God that bath bereft us, lie can all pur sorrow heal. ' Peu:e, our dear and loved one,- Thou art ever free from' pain ;. Tie angals called theeJcets welcomed, - Farewell,- ws shll meet aaain. TVOTICE is givea- th.t the members of tbe M.'E. Qnurch of Callawiaa, de sign hcldmg FESTIVAL, ai their Church, on the 4tb of July next ; (he proceed i to s,o towards paying oil a debt ablest th Par. ,fco:tage. DiNNtaj, SuprcR", Ick Ckeam, &c, .will be served up on the occai&on. Also, aa address will be delivered. June 8, 1864. riI15LIC SSAtLE. ! ! ' ; or j : VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Or phans' Court of Columbia Count, on Saturday, the second day of July next, at 10 o'clock it) tha forenoon j 'Peter Ent ad mifiistrator of Alem Marr, late of Scott lpwushin,in said county deceased, will expose. to ale by Public Vendue, oa the premises.-a certain . - ? TRACT OF LAND, : Sitnate in Scott township, in said Cf? cannty, beginning at tha north corner aoi of Celeb Barton's farm, being on the ,TA -T nonti line of Purpart No. ) an(? Jying East of Caleb Barton and Elias Krurc, and aJ joining John Robinson or the soinh,. and Harmon Kline and Jacob Keller on ihe east, and containing ..-.; FIFTr-SEVEX ACRES, and ,twcn: perches, strict mafeiire. Late the E.-tate of said deceased, 6itca'e in the township of Scoll. and county aforesaid. r, Jesse CoLniiN, Clerk. , TERM?. One fourth of the purchase money, io be. paid on confirmation of sale, and balance in ope year from confirmation with interest from confirmation, bv Court. , , r . PETE RENT, AJat'r Elooinsbcrg, June 8, 1564.; JYcto Sidch bj Clothing. Spring and Summer floods. 1 NV1I ES at entirn to hia stoctt oT,, cheap and lashjonable Clothiae at his Store, on ALMS' STREET. 'JSL003ISB URG, two door's above the JlmtricaiX House, where he ha jrt rcrcived from New Vers and Philadelphia, a full assortment of ITScn and ISoy's Clothing', including the mai fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODScotisistiiig of Box, A'ccJt, Frock, Gum end Oil Cloth Coaii, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished ru's alceaHy Ht-t .?:?ck pf Fall and Winter Shawl; striped, figured and p'airi Veis,.uirts, ctarats, slocki-, collarf, hni Jkarchiels, gloves, snspcders and fancy article., i- , -' ,.-.. ... .. H.U He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assorfment.of C'o'b" and Veaiings, which he is prepared to make np ;q order, into. any k,iod of clothing on very shqri notice and in the best of manner. . A" bis clothing is made to wear and most of ii i of.home manufacture. . A N J) OI every. Description Fine and Cheap. His Caee of Jewelry is not surpassed in ife4S place. Call .aad examine his general as-, soriment of Ulothirrg, Watches, Jevc!:y, ice. kc. . DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsborg, April 20, 1864.. :JVE W GOODS! RE VOL UtlON iy 111 Gil PRICES NEW ARRIVAL OF, , SPRING AT PETER ENTS STORE IN". LIGHT STREETi COL. CO. i ; ' ' - ' . .-, i- HAS just received from the eastern cities and is now opening at the old staBd a splendid assortmerit of. .,. which will be sold cheap f"or t , , : , CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I His slock consists of Ladies Dress doods, choicest styles and latest fashions CALICOES, MUSLINS,. ginguams; ? flannels; , - i,. '. ; , HOSIERY SlLttS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. Kcady-Made Clothing, , SATIN UTS, ; .. .. CASSIMERES. v COTTONADES,' KENTUCKY JEANS, THltEAD, &C. ? j f QUEENS WARE,' cedarware;. h uardw,are. - . MEDIOINES, i , ; 1' ' DRUGS, COOTS AND SHOES, DATS and CAPS, in abort everything usually kept ia a country store. The patronage of his old .fwenl, and ihe public generally, is respectfully so licited. ' - ' ; ' : '. The highest market price palf for coon try produce. FETER EKTv Light Street, May 1,1864. ThcnirbK PurGhajiCi' Always Select Cash Houses ! WHILE THE fir my 'of the JPoiomac, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF liedtgeN'U;sgmnt, ' IS'MAlilNG' PREPARATIONS roa the CArTURE OF RICHMOND, VA., AND END THE REBELLION, ' : i . ' Lloyil T. Sharpless IS SIIOV.'INaTliE SUPERIORITY OF THE CA S M AND kea Pay SYSTEM, BY AT CONSIDERABLY Slower Figures THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IE Hj S IS W 311 IS ffi'iS'j he is GETTING GOODS CONSTANTLY i '" ... ; ! ' FROM THE EASTERN CITIES, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, 1XD I S TJlSPdSING OF THEM RAPIDLY at extremely low CALICOES! Jit 20cri. 23cj. 25c. ZQcts. and 27cts. . Brotcnanrl Bleached, at 20, 22, 24. 28, 32, 34, 38, 42, and SOcfa. Alonaccas Lm!re9, DeLalies, Cha!list Jians, Cusiimeres, Groceries : Sugnrt, Syrups, Coffee, Kent s, East India ChJF-C at 25cls, a svperi cr article highly recom mended. . By the i and III. at 12, 14 and 16 Dollars. - -i The "Largest Lot of Queens ware Ever brought to BOTH OF COMMON .V GRANITE WARE, which tvillb'e sold at LOW PRlCEs! ! NOTIONS, HOSIERY, Uoop Skirts. BRADLEY'S KEIF HOOP SKIRT. The Duplex, Eliptic Spring Steel Skeleton so well known among live Fir Sex Jur beauty and durability. Moots $ Shoes ! ' : ' ' , In endless variety for men and vromen, and children.--Gaiters of all kinds. Balmoral, Side, Lace and Congress double and single soled. . The Celebrated. Gutta Per'ch'a Soled Skoeafor Women and Children. ': -, Gents French $ American Calf Boots and Balmorals- Gents Ltce boots from t CO to $4.00. i CASH Paid for Hotter and JLard. tSrain and other Produce taken iu Exchange lor -k . - t . - ' Buying find Selling for Cash le ispre pared to sell Goods on Lower Profits than tehen doing a Credit Business CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS,' Elotmsburg, April Z0, 18642m. &S-l'Tr i-r, ioct. lf.j GROVER 8c BAKER'S - "ffLrBRATrD EI.A8TIO STITCH SKWIWCJ Hl.lCIIIIVK? ' Were awarded the highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the following State nnd County Fair? of 1863. . NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Preiniiim for family Machine. FirM Premium for Manufaeiuring Machine Fir't Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. Firt Premium for Machine for all purposes Firet Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.t Premium for. Family Machine. ' " FirM Premium for Manufacturing Ma chins Firi Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE i FAIR. A ?. First Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIK. First Premium for -Family Machine First Pre mi am for.Mannractutin eMachine Firt Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE EAIR. f ' First Premium for Machine for all purposes Firrt Prem ium fof Alichine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR Frsf Premium for Marhine for all purposes Frisl Premium Lor Mar-hint Work, M1CA1GAN STATE FAIR, f - First Prmm' forMaiiufacluring Machine F:rH Premium for Family Machine First Premium' for Mn'chtrn Work PF.NN'A STATE FAlti Fiil Premium. forMnufactortng Machine Frist Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE,-FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firet Premioro for: Machine Work . CHirrENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. rim Premium for Family Machine'. First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine Firm Premium- for Machine Woik. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premiom for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vi. AG'L SOC. Firsi Premium for'Family Machine i First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine FirM Premium for'Machine Work HAMPDEN COMaM AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. -First P.emmni for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR ; First Premium for Family Machine ' Firol Prenuum for Manufacturing Macbias Firot Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. - ? , Firm Premium for Family Machina MECHANICSMNSTirUTE Pa. FAIR."' Firl Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premhjm for Family1 Machine First Premium lor Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. ; Firsi Premiom for FMrrvly Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa , FAIR. '-' Fi.st Premium for Machine fbr a!l purposss Firt Premii:m lor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal TAIR. ' '' First Premiom for Family Machine Fiffct Psernium for 5lachine Wrrt. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. ' First Premium for Family Machine Firet Premium for Machine Work-.- ' " "?"The above comprises all ihe Fairs at which ihe Crover & Baker Machines were exhibited this year. v Salcs-roomi', 433 oroadwny, New lork. 730 Chesttut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. ,. ' Administrators' Aoticc.. Estate cf Samuel Adams, deceased. 1 ETTERS cf Administration on the es ta'e of Sannel Adams, late of Locnot township, Columbia county, deceased, hrve been granted by the Register of said ronrity, to1 Leonard Adams a4i Mayberry Hughes, both; reiding in. the,. township and lonnty aforesaid. All persons bavins, claims ainit 'the estate df tbs decedent are requested' to' presenrihern" for set lis merit to the administrators, and those in debted to ihe esrate will make payment to them without delay. ,:''- . . LEONARD ADAMS, 1 MA BERRY HUGHES -i a a va ass Locus! twp., April 20, 1864. 6w. ?2. Administrator's IVoticc. . Estate of Daniel ,S. McUcnry, dee'd. LETTERS testamenury on the Estate of Dani!,S. .Mrll.eniv. late ot Jackson o'wnhlp, Columbia County, deceafeJ, have been granted by the Register of said cauniy, to Rohr Mcllenry. residing in the township of: Benton, Columbia coonlj'. All persons having claims againt-t the es tate ot.ttt-e . decedent are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated io ihe admin istrator for. settlement at.d those indebted to tbe estate are required to make payment to him forthwith. ; ROHR Mc HENRY, Adrrr. Denton twp., April 20, ZZl. 6w. 82. JYcio Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rjpHE undersigned respectfully, informs -- his friends and the public generally, that be has just received from (be Eastern Cities, a large, assortment of , clothing;, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of eH sort?, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. ALSO, nATS&CAPS W BOOTS AXD SUOES.g iLr-. Together with a variety ot no lions am! thins too troublesome to numer ate, to which be invites the attention of pcr chaer. . , . . .- t. EST"; Ht is also prepared tn inaJte up Clothing to vrder, on reasonable terms and vp to the latest fashions. , ' QCail and examine our stork of eods. . .. ANDREVy J. EVANS. Bloomsborg, April 27, I8"d4. - HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. :;,! ' DISEASES of irre NervooH, Seralual, Urioary and Siual Systems nw ard Re liable ireament in Reports of the. HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent Cy mail i sealed leiler' envelope free bf charae. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTOf, Howard Association, No. 2 Saolh Ninth Street Pb:iadeUphia4, Pa. Dei. to, i8S ry. 'REABIiYG RAIL ROAD. SCM3iEli ARRANGJSaiENT. IREAT Trunk line from tha Nnr:h end, North-west for Philadelphia,, -New--York, Reading. Pcticille, Lebanon, Allea town, Katon, &c. &c. - 'Trains leave Hrribnrg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, P 'tsy.illrt, nnd all in termediaie Sta;ion's,'al 8 A.M. 'and 2 p. M. "Nhw York Expren lee Hrrihdrs at 6. id a. k. auiving t New York at 1 45; the same ilay. ' . . Asperial accorrn fation "P issenge . tain . leaves Rearitng at 7 15 A. M .and marna from Harribuig ut P M.. Fares irom HarrisUurx : to New. York" C5 15 ; to Philadelphia i3 35 and 2,80.-r-Bai?2-S' ciiecked throosh. -. Reiurnihi! leave New York at 6 A. M. l2 Noon, and V P. M. (riit-hnrah .Express, arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A M.) Lea Philade'phia ai 8. 15 A. M ami 3. 30 P M. Sleeping rur in the New : York Express Trains, through to and liurd P'ttsburgb without chanse. , !' Passengers by the; "Catttwia Hail Road leai-e Tiimq ia at:8 50 A M and 2. 10 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all War. I'oii.to. Trains leave Fottsvilie at 9. 15 A. M. and 2.. 30 P.M. for Philadelphia, Harrihburg and New York. An accomodation Pisen7er train leaves Reading at 6. 00 A. M. and returns from Philadelphia at 5. 00 P.M. All.ihethe above, uains run daily, Sundays excep'ed. A Sunday train leaves poitsville at 7.30 A. M. and Philadelphia al 3. i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileaiz, Seaon and Ex cursion Tickets, al reduced rales to,, and from all points. '. ' 80 Pounds Bag-ae allowed each Pas senger. . . G. A. NICuLLS, General Superiaieudanl,.. May 2, 1864 Lack a aud Lloomsburg Railroad. - ON AND AFTEIi JAN is. liet, PXS RUN AS FOL- SENGER TRAINS WILL LOWS- ' ttOTIMS SCCT1I. Freicht-f Fasten gtr. "pasfSne'r. f4.20 P M 5' 53 8.25 ' 8 35 '9 15 9 55 ' ' . . Leave"Scranionj " Kinj"o,'..: B.oomnburg Rvpert, 41 "Danville,' Arrive at NorthM' MOV1NO NORTH. Leave' North 'd' Panv.lle, ' Rnpert, "' ' " Bloomt-bnrg, t Kingston, 8 00 A. ' 8 40 & 22 3 35 : 12 12 P M Arrive at S ranton, 12 33 Freight k Piisi.enger ieaves, C'oowsbarg, 10 15 AM , Pa.i-erger taking the Mail Train Sooth cori'Ct with the Express train from Nor thumberLnd, arriving' sit . llarrlsburg at ?. 30 A. M . Bhi.TiPre, 7,CC A. M. and at Phil'a. at7,C5 A.M. Thei'Mair Train frotti North'dj leaves ir.rne(Jiare1y after the Ex press train Irom Harrisburg at and Balti more, allowing Pa'sencers leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M." reach" points on this road ilnring the nesl I'nrenoou. " New and eleaunt 'Sleeping "cars accorrf pany ihe night trains 'esch way betweea Nor'humberland and Baltimore, and Nor- ibumberland and rhilade!r-K'!l- ' ; H:- A. FUNDA, SopU J. C. Wells, Cen t Ticket Agtnt Kingston, Feb. 3, ,864... . t. ; Frlt Cln- l-'urm'-r's. MM;.tziue 1861, The Pennsylvania:. . 18GI. I'ARMEtt &. WAKDENEK, DEVCTCD TO -" AGRICULTURE, HOR TICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS, F.DITED AND PUBLISHED BY ' WILLI AM S. I0CNG.&C0.S 52 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.. Ternii-. - One Dollar a year. The Sitth Yolume commencen with Jan uarv rtomber.' 5 '''.' HAVING obtained the services of emi nent and piaeiical Atiri!'ul:iiri!t, Horti. lolturists. S'ock Breeders and Met keepers, we conQdenily ofler trs current Volume at one of tb be ever isrutd for ongintiiiy, 'prarttcal thoucht and lelidDie lulormation, Feb. 24. 164- , OMNIBUS LINE. " rjtHE undTijjnd would respectfully aft tiounce to it-.e citizens of Bloorobcrg, and the putdlr generally, that he is running AnOMNIlIUSLlXE . ....... t . t . . .bkv J DCleeii tins anil TTyiZVJSM the different R-.;! Road dsSfeJSoC Depot?, daily, (Sundays excepted to con nect witn ihe seypr! ; Trains coing Sontli and West on the Caiv?1ssa & Wiliiamsport Rail Road, an; I. w!:W-th c.e going North and Son. tA the Lack." uc Bloomshnrsf Road. His OMNIBUSES rre;in uornl condition, conrrr?di'3aa and c'cirfcnable. and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to nwt or see I heir f.ienrt depart, can be accom- ! moiiatsa, uporr re?o:iat.:e rhar3e, by ieav ins timely noi'we at anv of the Hotels. ' ;'JAC0H L GIRTON. Prcprietor. Bloorn.borg, April 27, 1864. ' ' AmiXISTRATOU'StXOTICl Ezli'e cf Juaiei it. UJ-m, tj Gteeuieoodtwp.,. ' . Columbia County, dee'd. TVOTICE is hereby given tnat letters of Admin iytration on the estate of Jarni B. Gibson, of Gfenwiwl township, Colom bia cj:;tyf riee'ed, hv been graded by the Register of ftiu! coi-ir.y, to Abraham Yonn, Eq., resi,f.i4 in Ben on tewnsbij', and county a?ve0.tiJ. All persons having claims. aaamM Ihe estata c.t it decedea sire r3qne.Med ia prrent them for seule men!, and (hose indebted to ibo eMaie tll make irnmadia'e nn naeni.' - .' AtiliMlAil YOUNG. Admr. ' Perton iwp.. April 13, 1864 2. i Administrator's I'otice. LETTERS of ad tnisistration on the e tele i'i Su-n Harp, late Susan Peier--nian, Suuarloaf towuhip. Cdu .Trbia caaii iv, decease.1, hav been graced by 103 Reifter of said coon'y.to Abrhm Youn-jj wtio resides in Beiito la-A'.Eb' ("oI:inibi eounty. AU ps rsoo bavins. cbir" or de mands, against te wn:e of tif t'ecedm are roq;ieaed io jre.-e:!t hcrc '0 the on deriined for SMtlement stnd "aosr4hdefci ed io the eMate ars.. required :j pake iui meJia;5 l-cy ment, is I k , Aai:nAM yo-ns.; Beninn. V.jv 1 inr.t. fit i K . K XOrTcp TO THE TAX COLLECTORS: TVOTICE is erev ui"- lo'iff Olleelors Aof Staie,' Cfui.v,-' d: Pi: Tax. aftd Mil.tia jpiaef, 1 M npmtl Dulicatee -tut 1863 and pr.-rloas eais.' ihai Uiey are st'ictly required to srt!.e atH par tf lb Coaoty Trte.cUlt"!,:!! 'iaturdaV lhT 2?tt of Iilay ir.st , or; for Ifieir irawi'liats? cntiertioti will be plt--f in ibe bands of iheSbena. U , C.-II.BCS, ' liOaHMeHENEY, T. t VANDERSUCE, ;....' CoirmilsiofurAV i Comrnissiorferi'Ofilcw,- KodaisBurj, My 18, IMl , I