-. 'J? r :0SSB2THR'S CELEBRATED BITTERS. A pore and powerful Tonie, on m and alternative of won-dertnl efficacy in ea.oeof the STOMACH. LIVER AND SOVVELS. Cure Dyepers-ia. Li?et com plaint, Ha lache, General Debility, Ner vanness, Djfirein of Spirits, Conetipa tion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps -and Spasms, and all complaint of either fez, arising from Bodily Weakness whether iaherent in the system or prodnc- 1 by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial a 'id. restorative in it nat-JT ente into tile compositieti of HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. Tuis popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but it is a combination of the extract of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest nd mildest of a'l diffusive etiranlaTts. It is well to be forearmed again disease a'lJ, so iar as the human system can be ro'ected by htlman means ass'iott mala xes engendered by an unwholesome at biosphere, impure water and other external causes, Ho.te:ter's Bitters may be relied on as a safsgnard, I. districts inflated with Fever and Ague, it. ha been found infallible as a preventive and irresistible a a remedy and thousands who resort to it undsr apr-iehension of an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its pro tective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief coure of this marvelous medi cine. - Fever and Ague patients, after be tog: pled with qjinire for months in vain,' until fairly saturated with that dangerous alfr-loid, are not unfrequetitly restored to tieana wi'hin a few daya by the ose of Hcstetter'e Bitters. i The weak stomach is rapidly invigoretetf and &e appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and bence it works wonders in ca stes of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forma of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and oaiftless. apperient, as well as upon tn-e liver,, it also invariably relieves the - Constipation, superinduced by irregular action of the digestives and secretive or gans. ; - Persons of feeble hsbit, liable to Nervrms . Attacks.. Lovness cf Spirit and Fitt cf Lon gww, fin! prompt and permaennt relief lrom the Bitters. The Testimony on this point i most conclusive, and from botb sexes. ..The agony of Bilious Colic is immedi ately assuaged by .a single dose of the stimulant and by occasionally resorting to if, the return of the complaint may be pre tented. As a General Tonic, Ho$!ettere Bitters produce effects which must beexpeyeneed or witnessed before they can be fully ap - predated, fn cases of Constitutional Weak ness, and Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepitude arifing from Old Age, it exercises the electric influence.' In the coova'ecent stages of all diseases it oper ates as adtlighlful invigorant. When the powers oi nature are relaxed, it operates to re enforce and re-e-lablish them. Last, but not Jeast, it is the The Only Safe Sumulect, bein manufactured from fotind and innocuous materials, and en tirety free from the acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics nd stomachics of the day. No family medicine has been so oniver eally, aud, it may be truly added, deserv edly popular with the intelligent portion of th community, as Hosteler' Bitters. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, P. . ' ; Sold by ail DrcjgUts," Grocers and Store keeper everywhere. Deo. 9, 1863. ly. ITYOIinG IXSURAM E COMPACT, OJfice over the Wyoming liank, CAPXTAI. iSD SURPLUS, 125,000. CP Will insure agatnl loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable terms. DIRECTOR, -G. M. Hollenback, John Reicbard, Samuel Wadhams, D L Shoe maker, Daniel G. Drieebaeh, R. C. SmithJ II. D. Lacoe, U. r. Meele, W. V. Ketcham Charles Dorrance, W. S.Ross, George M Harding. G. M. IIOLT.ENBACH, Pres't. . ' D. L. SHOEMAKER, V. Prct'l. R.C, SMITH, Secretary, V. G. STERLING, Treasurer. L II. CONOVER, Agent, Beach Hateta, Pa. December 2d, 186X ly. . " BE WISH BY TIMES. . ' Do Dot trifle with your health, constitu tion and character. If you are suffering with any diseases for which Helmbold extra Bnrbu is recommended, Try it ! Trv it ! Try it ! It will Cure von. Save Lon? Scflaricg, al-ayirig Pain and Inflama tioD. aod . will restore you to Health-and Parity, at little expense, and no -exposure Cut out the Advertisement in another column, and call or Fend lor it. Jseicare of Counterfeits I ; Ask for HelmookTs. Take no other Cures Gnarantaed. " May IS, 1S64. Im BO YOU WISH TO BE CURED DR. BUCIIAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in les than 30'days, tha worst cases of Nervons- is?8?. ImpcJency, Premature Decay, Semi nal Weakness, Insanity, anu all Urinary Sesha', t.zi Nervous Affections, no matter from 'Bust cause produced. Price, One P tlUr per box. Seat, postpaid, by mail, ( xreosir t of tn. crJer. Address, l JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, New York March 15, 1864 3m. : TTSC NO OTHER BUCIIAN'S SPECIF "iC PUXS are lha only Riiiable Reme dy let all Diseases cf the Seminal,4 Uriiia rj a.iu Nervcijs Sv&tsrna. Iry one box, sci b cured. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. Ose boa tf'.li fcrfuct a vut, or money re fatiJJ. Sent by nail on receipt of pries. JAMES S. BUTLER, S'rf'ci D,'. ntl3,IIot:eJ New York, " 1 ' ,:;-J- General Aettt. CABINET WARE ROOM. S1M0I C. SI2IYE, -3 ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of --the Public to his extensive assortment ofCabineX Fcrniloja and C H A IRS,f? which he will warrant made of goodwra materials and in a workmanlike man' ner. At his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which re enal in style fcnd fin ish to that ol Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as fow prices. He has on hand ot diflerect style and Prices, from $25 to 260.- Divans Lounges, Walnut ard Mahogany. Parlor haire, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety ef upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureau, sofa, card, centre and Dier tables, detaahns. cheffenifT. whatnots and comodes. and all kinds of fashionable work. His stork of bot-aus, enclosed and common wasnstandsjdress-tables, corner cupboards sofas. ' DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedteads,cane teat and common chairs is the largest in this section of the county.--He will tlso keep a good assortment ol loofcinss glasses with fancy . gilt and com mon frames He will also furnish spring mattrasses fUted to any sized bedstead, trhich are superior for durability aud com for", to any bed in use. Gloomsborg. Nov. 4, 1863. SOLDIEHS IIV THE Ali HY And Our Pc aple at Uone Are now offered an opportunity by which they can obtain a A GOOD ARD DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. Our Wukke$ are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and the buyer ss allowed the Priv ilege of Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX TN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. . A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil ver material, over which is electro fine plated IS k. gold, most durably wrought, making the im rat ion so faultless that ii cannot be detected from the solid rr.a'erial most experienced judges; acids will not affect it. London made movement. Im proved Duplex in Full Ruby Action, has sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best artrcles ever offered for lra ders and speculators. Ecgineers, emigrants and persons tavelling, will find them supe rior to any otner ; alteratien ot climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and good running order only 35, vr case of 6 for S20O. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LKVERS. Best Quality Silver Cases, over which electro-fioe plated 18 k. gold, similar to cur Improved Duplex, and superior adjust ed movements with "Stop," to be tted in timing hordes, etc., Las Four Indexes for Wariington and Greewicb time, swep I 1 . II . L . . . - second, anu an ine improvements. Ait IC. all, taking its Beautiful and Faultless ap. pearar.ce and its Superior Movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the mar ket. Prire, in ood running order, $34, or cae of 6 for 1 200. ITWe ask no pay in adrance, but will forward either of them to responsible" par ties, to any part of the Ioval States., with bill payable to exyresentan when tbe'good are delivered, giving rhe boyer the privil ege ef examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch.can be returned at our expense. The express oompanies refuse making collections on soldier and other parties in the disloyal States, consequently all tuch orders roust be accompanied by the cash to insure attention. We make a deduction of two dollars on either watch, wliea the payment is forwarded in ad race. Money may be sent by express at on expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., 93 tod 95 Broad St., opposite City Bank, Providence, R. I. Oct. 21 1863. Ac Great TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK; Since i's organization, bas created a new era in the biMor of Wholesaling Tent in tola Country. Tbey have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at not over -TWO CC2VTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cost, Never deviating from the ONE PRICE asked. A n other peculiarity of the Company is that their Tea Taster not only devotes bis lime to the selection of their TEAS as to quality, ralne, and particular sljleg for particular localitiea of coontry, but he helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their enormous stock such TEAS as are best adapted to bis particular wanU. sod not on ly this, but points out to birr the best bar gains, r It h easy to see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Boyer bas in tb'e establishment over all others. II he is a Jodge of Tea, or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has all the bene fits of a well organized system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgement of a Professional Tea Taster, and the knowledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea buyer no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market to purchase on as good terms here as the New York Merchants. Parties can order Teas will be served by cs as well as though they came themselves being sure to get original packages, trne weights and tares; and the TEAS are war ranted as represented. We i-isue a Price List of the Company's. Teas, which will be sent to all who order it ; comprising Hyson, Yonng Hyson, Impe rial) Cuupodcr, Tvranliay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & HY SON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every description, col ored and uncolored. - This iipt has each kind of Tea divided into FOUR Clause?, namely: CARGO, 'high CARGO FINEST, that every one may un dersatnd frcm description and the prices annexed that the Company are determined to undersell ibe whote Tea trade. -. We enarnfee-hj sj!I ALLmr Teas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound u'jove coi, believing thU to be attractive to the many who' bavo - heretofore been paying E$orm6p3 Profits. r ; UiiEAT AMiiUiUAN -i JA UUilfA-M, IMPORTERS A8D JOBBERS, Ho, 5! Vessy Street, New York. I Eepu 9t 12C3. Scsaa. 1 AofdifTerent style ndf'f , GENUINE PREPARATIONS. romponnS Fwid Extract Bucho, a posL tive rod Specific Remedy for dipa s of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings.'1 This Medicine increases ihe power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Water cr Calcareous de'positions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Iflammatirn. iiclmuol'8 fxtract nucrnr. For Weaknesses arising from excesres, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion of abute, attended with the foHowing'syrnp toms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis ease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, liol Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of ihe Skin, Ernpiions on the Face, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go en, which Wiis medicine invariably removes soon follows. I M POTENCY, FATUITY.' EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expire Who can ay that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." 'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the caust of their euf fering, but none will confess the Records of Ihe lname Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consump tion bear ample witness tn the Truth of the aertion. The Constitution once effected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, which HELMBOLD'S fXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FEMALES.-FEMALES.-FEMALES. .In many Affections peculiar to Females the Extract Bochn is oneqnwled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irresularity, Tainfalness, or Supp-ession of Customary Evacnatons, Ulcerated or Scirrhous a'ate of the Uterus, I.euchorrhcei or Whites, Serility, and for all complaints" inc'deut to the pex, wnetner arjMing Irom indiscretion Habits or Dipbipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or on plearant Medicines for capleasaut and danceronii diseases. HELMBOLD'S Ex'racl Bnchn fiJ Im proved Rose Wah cures SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Stages, Ai iMtle Ex pense, Little or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby re.novina ob structions, preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflim mation,so frequent in the clajpf diseatea, and expelling all poisocous, diseased aod worn out matter. Thousands upon Thonands who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short lime, have lonnd they were deceived, and that the "poison" has, by the use of '-powerful astringents," been dried up in the syttem, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Belmbold's Extract Bucho for ell afleciious and diseases of tne Urinary Or gans, whether exitting in Male of Female, from whatever cause originating anJ no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Bachu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain :o have the desired effect in all diseases for which it in recommended. Evidence of the most reliaole and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Prici $1.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely, packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed! Advice gratis. Address letter for informa tion to II. D. IIELMIIOLP, ChrmM. 104 Sooth 10th si., bel Ches.nut, PLila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMBOLD S Drug&Chem'l Warehouse, 549 iiroauicay, Veto lork. CP Beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, do do Extract Buchn, Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla. do do Improved Rose Wash. fp" Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helm bold'. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. iiin.ixA rmtsEivrs x Magic Time Observers. Being a-Hunting or Open Face or La dy a or Gentleman's IFatch Combin id, with Patent Self. Winding Im provement, a most Pleating Novelty. One of the prettiest, most convenient and decidedly the J)est and cheapest lime piece for general and reliable nte ever offe red. It baa within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment rendering a key entirely nnnecessa.y. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 1 6 carat gold. I; has the improved ruby action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate time-piece. Price, superbly engraved, per case ol half rJozen, S2U4. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, 535. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu racy of movemerf, beauty of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approba tion. An imitation so faultless that it can hardly be detected by the most experien ced judges. The material being ol two metals, the onter one first quality Sterling Silver, while the innei one is German Sil ver, it caunot be recognized by cutting ol heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, bnt in dorabiliiy, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist ence. The sale of these Watches in the army is a source ol enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at 25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact. E7-AT WHOLESALE ONLY! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good running order, by the half dozen, $66. Sold only by by the case of six ! Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of (he loyal States, col lecting balance cf bill on delivery. This ensures buyers against frvn'J, giving them their watches betore payment is required. Send orders to the sole importer. GAIUS WHEATON, No. 12 Jeweler's Ettchange, Cor. Cortland St. and -Broadway New Yotk. Dec. 9, 1863 3m. EDVRAD B, SNIDER, AND Ccnc'iConi'aien merchant. Eloomsbnnr, Colombia conaty Pa. Particular attention given to P&teaf, rights. Sept. 2, 1863. 3mot.. -. . . . - N. Y. WEEKLY NEWS. The cheapest and best New York News paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight pages forty -cohirrrns. A complete record of events, Benjamin Wood; editor and pro prietor. Published at No'. 19 City Hall Squate, Daily News Building, No York City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivaled in ha ability and enterprise as a public oornal. and -in EVERY DE PAR TNE NT is most efficiently conducted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, commercial-, financial and literary, throghout the. .World. In addition to this it contains all the Domestic Intelligence of each week and full reports cf every matter of public interest. As a pcKtical Journal The Weekly News will be lobud on the side of tha Constitu tion of the onrtry it was framed and established hy the Fathers of the Republic, and will scan w'rth care and fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of the letter and spirit of that instrument of our liberties ii prefers the POLICY OF PEACE to a mitious and ijihaustitg system of War. InHtin upon the truth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, that the in st powers of the Govern ment are derived fr:im the consent of the governed, it wges the preservatron of the fundamental principles of libery, Inviolate a of moic sacred importance than national grandeor or consolidated power under des potic rule without the pale of established law. On all questions of national impor tance it is the inflexible champ;on ot the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they hav edecided to be governed. It therefore holdiy avows its purpose ta sustain the Freedo-n of Speech and of the Prtis, with the view to protect the people from the encroaching dogmas ol theorists who confetupelate a modification of the democratic principles which to this time have been sustained against rvry ef fort to overthrow them. In alt matters ppr taining to Government the purpose of this newspaper is to protect the people from in considerate ar.d rash legislation, and to hold our public servants to a strict account ability for their conduct while carrying on the machinery of power. To this end the most careful attention will be given to all Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm and impartial examinatation of every new yolitieal proposition may be expected a the only means of protecting the people from an abrMgernerii o! their rights. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are given in the most succinct yet complete manner. They claim particular notice for their fidelity and truth, and all thoe who deire to comprehend the exact finan cial condition ot tne couetry should not fail to examine the views which wilt h foonn in this department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especinlty interosrins and in. stroctiAe and being derived from some of the ablest minds in Europe mo-t be read wun toe utmost avidity by those who desire to camprehend that diblomacy of the Gov ernments of the Old World. mJIvo11 m'L'" ref,Pec,s THE WEEkLY NEWS will be found to meet the public de mand. It is the especial object ol the Pro prietor to render it a valuable and enter- taming. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, ennobling in its character, and ?et'factory to that large class in the community who desire to see the Public Pres treat all public que-Uon with arguments arpressedin courte-y and candor, thonght, at-the same time, with the spirit due to the themes discussed. By reference to the terms of Tne New York Weekly News it will be noticed that it is by far the cheapest newspaper in the world, and the Proprietor feels that he may invite those who approve of in principles aod coidjcttonse their influence in adding to its yresent large circulation. NEW YORK WEELY NEWS, Eight Pages Forty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, E?r0neYear One Dollar Eleven Copies to one AddrPf-s for One Year " TP' nor r ps ingle copies Three Cenfs THE NEW YORK DULY NEWS, A first class Metropolitan Journal devoted to reace ami onsiitnuorial Liberty, and containing all the news of the day, Politi cal, Jeleraphical, Commercial and Local i the cheapest daily paper in the inetropo lis. . TER2ISI One Copy, One Year One Copy Six Months " Single Copies Six Dollnr. Three Dollars, Jow Cents. Aildress KbNJAMIK WOOD. EJito and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square, new iwin. IVrt h cntral Xt;iiltv;iy. TIM E T A LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and nest Branch of Ve Susoneh na, Elmira, and s!l of Northern New York. On and after Mondav, Anril 20ih, 1863 tne raenger i rains of the North Centra Railway will arrive and depart from Sun oury, MarrisDiirg snd Haltimore.as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a.m. Leaves Hat risburg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baliimore, 5.35 Express Ttain leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1107 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg.except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves HarrisbVg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at 9.15 a.m. Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 p.m Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p.m. express 1 rains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at Harrif-burg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 Arrives at Sunbury, '6.3S For further particulars apply at the office. I. N. DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863. THE OliD GUARD. A Monthly Journal, devoledlothe Prin ciples of 1776, Designed to onmastc the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of Ibis ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And to defend the doctrines of State Rights, ar.d of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolntiooary Fathers. Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., sau street, New York. PRICE Single numbers 15 cenfs. For warded by mail or express to all part of the United Stales at $1 a ysar, in advance. Any person sending ten. subscribers will receive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 1863. ents Balmoral Lace Boptv, will tbe .sold very low. Also, Boys bhoes. at : . ' L. T. SHARFLTSS.' TiiE SIXGER SEWIXG MACOIXES. 01YR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is last caiiitng a world-wide reputation. 'It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most bearjttfnl of all Family Sewing Ma chines yer offered to the public. No other Family Sewins Machine bas so many nse fnl appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Braiding Embroidering, Cordirrg, and so lorth. No other Family 'Sewing Machine has s i much (Capacity lor a gTeat variety of work, ft will sew all tcrnds of elo'li, -and whh all kinds of thread. Great and recer.t iiiipro,eir.eiit& diake our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in act-ion at till rates of speed. It make? the interlocked Much, which is the best stitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity ,can see, ntaelance how to cse the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family -Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exqnibite njle. The Folding Ce of the Family Ma chine is a piece of conning workm.iii.iiip of the most usefnl kind. It protects the ma chine when not in cse, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some cf the Ca, made out of Ihe choiceL woods, are fini-hed in the sim plest H'io chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelifhed in the most costly and snperb manner. It is absolntely necessary ro see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It i fat becoming as popular for family sewing a our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very bet quality. Send for a Pamphter. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 4r8 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.810 Chestnut St N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. A.J. Evans, Ageut, in Bloom. burg. Nov. 11, 1863. AND I SECOND n.lSD A FES, AT NEW YORK SAFE DEPOT 71 tfVliam Street, Nno York. Size and Prices of Lillie's Fire-Proof Safes. O UTfJID E: IWizkl. Width. Depth. No 1 24 20 20 No 2 26 22 24 No 3 30 24 24 No 4 32 2S 24 No 9 34 31 24 No 6 40 31 24 INSIDE: fafti. Width. Depth. No 1 17 It 12 No 2 IS 13$ 12 No 3 21 15 12 No 4 22 18 13 No 5 24 21 14 No A 31 21 15 PRicr,- PRICE. Number 1 S50 re I Nnrober 4 S5 00 do 2 60 00 da 5 100 00 do 3 70 0. I do 6 115 00 November ! !, 1S3 For Fruit, Flower and Ki'chen Gar- d;n. 1861. Tiic 18G4. GAunErvEH's.rooNTiiiYir. W. G. P BRINCKLOE, PfrLrsriFa. Office : 23 Nor:h f-;x:h St., Phil'a. TKRMS $1 50 A YEAR. Edited Jv THOMAS ?! E E I! A Ti THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARK: in Flower Gin'en and p!eanre- Gronnd : Fmit Garden : Vegetable Gar Jen: Window G.irHen. Communications. Embracing the itws of the best wntpr on HorticnitQ Agri rul'ure, nnd R'iral Affair. Editorial tJivmg th I. Ii for views on the important Agricultural improvements Scraps and Queries Vew Fruits N'pw Plant. Domestic and Foreign Intelligence Foreign Correspondence llorlicui lural No'ices. Wtth each Department handsomely il Intraed. ri"tHFE general features will be cter- tnined ar-d the publisher pledges him splf that no labor or expen shall be spar ed to render the succeeding isne of tbe Ma2z"'" every way worthy of the favor with which his previous eflort have been amply rewarded. rena lor a F-brnary 24, 1R64. Lpccimcn. TERR1CLE D1SCLCSURES! Secrets Eor llie ITIiHosi ! A most valuable and wonderful publi cation. A work ol 400 p2en. and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM,an original and p'.pnla treatiee on Man and Wcman, teir Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their u? edy core. Tha practice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still i, I unbounded, out at tne earnest solicitation numtetous persons, he has been induced to extend his nrcedir?! usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." It is n volume that should be in the hand ol every family in the ljnd, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of the most awful and destruc tive scourges ever visited mankind. O.e copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ol poMage to any part of the Uni ted States for 50 cents in P. O. stamp, 3 copies for SI. Address, poet paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York Sept 9. 1863. Old Things Become icir, ,' The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "the rest of man kind," that he bas lately returned from the service of his country, and again re opened his OLD ESTABLISH EDTAILO RING SA LOON with a view of malting up entire new gar ments, as well as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body el.e, who may favor him with their work in hi line. He is prepared to do work NEAT, Fash I0NABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doing, aod trict attention to business to merit and receive a dne share of patron age. But remember, all, that the?e times require money, or something lo live upon, be therefore hopes and trusts, that when he has done his part, his customers wilt do theirs, by furnishing the "rea.fy John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is wortbv of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsborg, Sept. 10 1862. - Attorney at Iait . BLOOMSBURG, PA.1 Office on Main Street, First door below A. J. SIcaa'e Store. U9C f J50 An Elegant, Murul, and Re fated Mis cellaneous Family Jowach A PAPER FOR THE MILLION, Ar,d a welcome visitor to the home cir cle. It contains the foreign and domestic news of the day, and presents the greatest ij amount of intelligence. . THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY Is pritned on fine white paper, with T?w ard oeautrful type, and is a large weekly paper of fixteen octavo page?. An unriv.il!d corps of ccrnlribotors are under regular engagement, and every de partment is placed on the mou finished and perfect system that expeneoce can de vise. Each number will be beautifully il lustrated. TERMS. ?2 00 per annum. Invariably in advance. Fcr rale c! all Periodical Depots in the United States. Published every Saturday, corner of Tre mont and Bromfield streets, Botont Mas-tacr-ufetts, by F- GLEASON. Nov. H, 18C3. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JERSEVTOWN, PA) THE subscriber would respectfully ap prie his friend and Ihe public gener ally, that he.has edablitdied the MADISON m HOUSE, in Jerseytown, Columbia connty, Pa. The .above house has lately been tehlted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fnlly prepared to entertain Ihe travelling custom as well as the local with general satisfaction, Hi TABLE and BAR, are well supplied and will be careful ly superintended. And hts STABLE is am ply and well stocked, in charpe of careful grooms, will always be properly a'tended. J3T He invites a share of Ihe pnbliceus torn, and pledges his best efforts, to help bis guests feel at borne. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown, Jan. B, 1862. W3I.B K00XS Troprfflop ' III.OOlIMlMiG p.i THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in ir.e centtal portion of the town, and op posite the Conrt House, haF been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable marrer. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and h;s Bar with the choicest liquors Attentive oMlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the rooM extensive in this section ol country. Onrnibuse wil always be in readiness to convey pasa?n gers to and from the Railroad Depot. WM. B. KOONS. Bloomsborg, July 4. 1860. LIQX3fOAO i IiIQiycau i AVliooalr and Kelail. THEmbFcrioer would announce to the citizens ol Bloomsbnrg and vicinity, that be is selling LIQUOKS in largp and small quantities, and at different prices', at hi Tie w More, on Main street, north side, two doors fonth of Iron street, Bloomsburg. His stock cf Forei ji and Dome.eiin 4iA ... sua ASffonnssa- consists of Cognac nnd Rochelle. Blackber ry. G'mser, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large apartment of Old Rye. gray with age, fine Oid Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quantity oi co;iiiiiO;i. He aNo his PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbrn, Claret, Sherry and Cam pa,tne Wines; and laM but not least, a quart?'? "1 n"od double extra HROWN STOUT ; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are rei-pecl-fuliy boiicrted to cive hi" iiqnor a trial. I). W. ROBB1NS, Ag't. Bloamsbur, May 1, 1861. S V VI G E O IV I)F(lTIST, ! FSPECFULLY offer- hi I Sw.-r .. . - I - proiebMonai services 10 trie latues a gentiemenot uionnis- burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided i-i'h the latent improved i'ORCULA.N TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to lock as well rs naloral. I Mineral plate and block teeth mannfac . tnred and all operations on teeih cuelully attended !o. A superior article of Tooth P.iwi1r, r! ways on hand. Alloperatinns on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloomsborg, Aug. 19 1S58. O u 1 1 a S'eclia TCnekins:. (iriTHOUT BRUSHING.) T70R Boot, Shoes, Harnp?s, Carriages, and Mtii nry Leather Work. This new snd excellent article excels eveay thing ever Leiore i: use, for beauti fying and eofseriing Ihe Leather. It make u polish like patent leather ; will net rub off with water, nor stain the finest while silk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice, a month applied on boot and shoes, and once a month for harnes is Miflicient. If Ihe leather becomes dirt v wash H oT uith clean water and the polish will re-apnear. Warranted as represented. Directions for nso. Apply a few drop on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the pplih is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PER BOTTLE I CF For sale by L. T. SHARl'LESS. j& Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. KoIIcck's Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the bpst Java Coffee, i rwmcmlcJ bv phveicians as a snpertor NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and ail bilious disorders. Thoneaa'ls who have been compelled to abandon the ose of cof fee will ue this without injurions efforts. One can contains ih strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEYAIX The pure-t and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Jllanufacturtd by II. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. th!byall Druggists and Grocers. j& February 26, 1862. ly. , E. H. LITTLE. BliOOMSUrilG.Pa. OfScein Court Alky ; formerly occupied try- Charles R. Buckalew. . December 28, 1859. tf. WLI7L KCX KBST RILE A5JE3ICA. Tfll CHEAPEST PAPER I'C3LISnED. I7ORTY-EIGHT rein nnof reading mut- ter per week lor I 20 per year. Tbe only New York Paper made op exclnsi ly for country circulation; and, tf-e news of the week, with the cattle, produce, and other markets, carefully reported. . The New York Day-Book. for 18fM White Men's Lihertie; -State Rigbls Fed eral Union. , . The New York Day-Book is an indepen dent, Democratic Journal, holding with the Jaie Senator Douglas, that "this govern , ment is made on tire white basi, by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever." Ii is large dou ble sheet, with forty eight columns of read ing matter, and in all rexpects whether lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural information is not inferior to any as a po litical or family newspaper. In its politi cal department, it grapples boldy with th S) real question before the American people, and presents the only philosophy of it which csn re.ist the sweeping march of Abolit ionim. tf is Democratic in the true sense of the term the defender of the peo ple.'n rights, but it imhe upholder of no par ty chicanery or trickery. It i. riot only for peace, but 11 shows howj and how only, permanent peace can be obtained, and this glo'ious white man's government of Wash ington lefl-rpf-, viz : by the utier ronte, overthrow, and extermination of Abolition ism from American soil. The Day Book is now the only weekly political paper in New York city mai'e rp exclusively for country ctrculaiion. All the, others are rhahed frcm the columns of sone daily paper, Which renders it almost impossible to give so complete and general a summary of the news as in the other cat-e Persons about r,becr'bing should take this into consideration. "Democrats, al-o, must see to it that tonnd piper are cwctila'ed among ,ne people, cr abolition i am will never re put down. (7 All who' desire toiefote the argumeiisof Abolition ists, f-hontd readT.e Day Book. TERMS: One copy, oi.e year. ?2 CO; Three copies on ear, 55 00; Five copies on year, 7 50; Teii vo,ttt one year, and one to the e 'er Dp r ' tt;e club, 214 CO; 1 wertiy l uj.if-- pi- yer, aio fte tn tde eet ernnof tl.r Clitb, f21 00. Additional copies, each 51 20. The psme of tNe posi-offce. conntr, nd S'a'e, fl oul 1 in alt raei, fce pUiiiiy giv?n in every le ter. Paymenrs always in advance, acd all parers will be stopped wV?en the time of subscription paid '.or expires. A.Id'eep. VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO., 1C2 Nafuu si New York. Special Orders. We desire this year to place t'etore a mdlir.n ol northern read ers il.e gteat doctrines '-The 'Dy Book" teache on the qnetirm ot the Rces. We coMi'ently believe if this Journal were placed in the hacds of one half cf tbe vo ter of the rtorlhern Stes between this lime and November, !f64, the Democra's c-.nfd not fail to 'carry -the et presiilentil elec tion. Wo tberetora make th. following oflers, rot in the liaht of prize, r.d not even becaji'e i' will be profitable, for we can scarcely afford it-hr,i miely to i-ecnra a wide diseminat'on cf the views which we profoundly t-eiieve wil! save our coun duos of uenfy. For a club of 20, besiJe ihe exir will eenrf a cojiy ol Dr Vr Evrie's great work on "negroe sui! nero f-bverr," the .L I t a'i third e.liiion of which i j:oi reatlj. Price On Dollar Clubs rf fy '. For a club of Fifty subhcribers, at SI0, we will sr;d one extra, paper, and a complete set of ocr Anti Abo lition Publications," the price of which,' taken together, amonnt tr 6? 75. Cluls of Onz Hundred. In relation to Clubs of one bnmlred1, we will ay lhi Whoever will send u o-e hundred sut cri'oer6 at one timp. the club to be sent to oneaddres. and begin and end at the same lime, will receive ttid papers at S100, v. E., h. & ca November 1, 18S3. THE MAGAZINE FOIt 1UE TIMES! )ETERSO,N S MAGAZINE, the bet and - cheapest in the World for ladies. This popular monthly Maarire wit! be greatly improved for 1864. It will contain one Thousand Pages of -Reading! Fourteen j Jspleniliil Steel Platssl Twelve Colored Berlin Work - Pl;erns 1 Nine Hundred Wood Cut ! Twenty Four Page of Mn fie I All this will l9 iv-n lor only Two Dollar a year, or a dollar Ic than Maga zines of the- class of "I'tve'oti." ftsThnU ling Tales and NoveI'ies aw the bel pub lished anywhere. A'l the mc.i pcpular writer's are employed to write or-gina!! for "Peterson ' In 1864, in a ! Iimoo to its u?ual quantity of hcrt ptori-s.. rem Oni Copyright Novelets, will be given, by Ann S Stephens, E'da Rodn.an, Frank Le Benedict, and the Author ol "the Second Life." It also publishes Fashions Jihea l cf All Others. Each nnniher, in &.!-ition ;o the colored plates, givei Bu..'iets, Cloaks and Dresses, eiiraved on woou. Also, a palem, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dress, cn h& ct out, witliOut the sid of a rriantn maker. AIO, several age. of Household and other Rc'ipts. is the best Lady's Magazine in the JYorld Try it for one Year Terms, Alwayi in Advance. One Copy, one ear, 5 2 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Five copie, for nr.-year, 7 CO Eight copies, one year, 10 CO Premiur.s for Getting itp ( Iitbst Three, Five or eisttt coj ies make a club To every person get'ing up a ciub. at the above rat, a copy of the Magazice for" 1864 will be given gratin. Address, p." paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Phila. November 1. 163. LEATriR ! LATHER fj'HK undersigned would announce, he has on hand, at his Hat a -id that Cup emporium on Main street, Bloomsborg, an assonmetit of ciilereiii kuid ol leather. uch as fine calf.kir, morcc'-o, red ar.d tfarkj anil tiitiiiss, ad of which he wil! sell cheap er than can be had elee where in this mar ket. C.ll and examine them tor yourselves. JOHN K. GIKTOX. Bloomsbnrg, May 21. IPS2. DR. J. R. LVAsWS Physician acd Surgeon, HAVING located permanently on'Mair Street, BLOOMSBHRG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pTed 10 attend to all business faithfolly and punctually that may be intrnsied to hi'care, on terms commensurate with ihe limp. CF He pays urict attention to Surgery as well as Medicine. November 25, 1863 -lv. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Skr-I.isht Anibrofypisty DOOMS in the Third ?tory ot the Ex chanc-e Block, (entrance above tha' Book Store,) Bloomsborg, Colombia eon" Hj. P sromHurg, iot..i, leav IT. 4 . i.!;. . . . : -'