STAB OF THE NORTH '4. ;'-esi SC THINGS ABOUT TOWS & COUNTRY DLOO.TISBUKG, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE I, 184. ( Hon. C. R. BootLtw will please accept our thanks for public doontneats. ' IIon. Hckbt W. Tbact hit oar thanks Tor a prit lad Iiit'ol 'wounded Pennsylvania Idier. . Jets! C. Ttx has assumed control of the Local Department ol the Columbia Denio trat. , On Tnes4ay of last week the School Di rector railed the salary of the Coanty So perioteadeat to 81200 00. Wtikesbarre tleo ord. Tut HARROW guacb on "fne L. &. B. R. R wae completed through to Scrautou last .week, and. "narrow gnage cars were run ' through on Tharaday for the first tinre. . PsTMAtTRRa are busy tbrougheat the " State, paying off the Militia who responded to the call of Got. CcaTiK.'in 1862. vEach private receives $6.60. The railroad connection between Belvi ' dere and Delaware Station tin the Del. Lack. & W. R. R. waa completed last week, and the staging which has proved tuch 13 4 iaconvenience is now avoided. Got Cortin urge an immediate organi f katlon ol the Militia ef Pennsylvania under 'tbe new Military Law, to be ready for any emergency. The Proclamation of the Gov. has been published. Tac tai'oo matches by the new bill, is r ' w40w ' " ' 'establishments in Boiton, in which are con uraed twenty cords of wood and 500 lbs ot brimstone' per day. He employs 200 girls ' and a number of men, payiag the Geveru 'meat J 1,400 taxes per day. Wbt ia it that certain ro called Republi- cans flare' up whenever Abolitionists are deferred to ? 1 it because the strictures 'fit them personally 1 If bo they are invited "lo pot the shoe on and wear it. May it 1 blister their feet. Probably Pee John can answer this question. I i i i - w SB S ,..In a late letter John M.ilottssays: "From 'the portico of my house, I "and my family have seen nine battles fought' on my own fields, and jaat fcefore my own door, beiweea hostile troops, who but yesterday, as Lt were, feasted of common history, a 'common nationality, and a common de tiny." . " Peterson's Magazine fcr Jane has been deceived. This is the cheapet and beat two dollar monthly published. The engrav- 4 tags Aud fashion plates are exceedingly handsome, arid the reading matter of the 'most cboioo character. Send and get it. It 'should be in every family, rich and poor. It is well worth the subscription price. A soldier ofths lt Pa. Cavalrv. in the Potomac Army, says an . exchange, - was a abort lime since found asleep uoar Warren ton, Va., having slept 24 hours. He step ped op to his captain and said, "Captain; 1 'die to-morrow at 4 o'clock, and the war will end in Jarxe. You have no more for as tq do." As- the c lock struck 4 on the following day he died without a groan. Pea John thinks it "would be a n'ce thing 'to raise a Regiment in this county." Yes, il "would be a Dice thing" to lake one 'thousand men 'out of Columbia county, "when our farmers are not able to hire men lo assist in doing their work, and in coose 'qaence all agricultural pursuits are Buffer ing. , To raise a Regiment of snch men 'as Pee John no particular branch of indoa Iry would be damaged, but. then they are not the meo who go to. war! ' Promoted. -We learn frora a 'reliable source that our townsmaa Capl. A. H. Rush, 'of the 16th Penna. Cavalry has been pro- .'moted to Major of tha Regiment. This, of coarse, advances the officers of company E. 'Second Lieut. Swank, ranks as 1st and Sergeant Isadore Cbamberlin, from this place, ranks as 2d Lieutenant. We "tip our beaver" to Major Rash and Lie.utenams fcwank and Chamberlain. May they wear their honors meekly. Berwick Gazette. . i - . . . . - . Pis Johs of the Republican would like to know whether the Grand Jary have coatrol of the Court House.' This question is easily answered, and in the . affirmative. The Grand Jury is the Giand Inquest of the Coon ty pf Columbia, by whom tbe public build ings are looked after and control!.' At our fast Term they acted in accordance with the instruction of the Court, doing their duty and nothing mora. The Union League will be obliged to hunt up another room, or abandon the order, that's all. , Ma. M. C Woodward, Collector of Stale and County taxes lor the townsbipoLBIoom, paid to the County Treasurer, on Saturday last, tbe balance due on his Duplicates for the years 188 1, 1862 and 1863, amounting ia the neighborhood of six hundred .dollars .Thare are few better collectors. in the coua .ty than Mr. Woodward. . This township is heavier, and contains more el a floating population, than any other district in tbe county ; thus making -the duties of a col lector core arduous und 'vexations ia this thaA ia any of the other township! in the county. Mr. Woodward has been re ap poiatad Collector for he jear 1864. Tie Daplicata has already passed into his hanas. Ths Abolititn faction in and about this place will please understand that we do not uive to publish a paper to suit their tasies. VVe would be sorry il we did. -Tbdy have a C2i cal to saj, boot car paper. jiozgh net oas ol thcci subscribe and - pay 4ar it nor do we soUcii ihsli sap post; much Uii try to pleasa Gii -psrtythat hai teea ihs ruinaUpa cf th.e bst. GoreiasBat erer tstrnd by cim " U. S. 10-40 BONDS. These Bonds are issued under the Act of congress of March 8th, 1864, which provides that all Bonds issued under this Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any state or municipal author ity.' Subscriptions lo these Bonds are re ceived in Unit ed ' States notes, or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE RE DEEMED IN COIN, at'lhe pleasure of the Government, at any period not less than ten nor more than forty years from (heir date, and uuiil their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds ot not over one hun dred dollars annually and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest i pay able on tbe first days of March and Sep tember in each year. , Subscribers will receive either. Reais tered or CoupoD Bonds, as they may pre fer. Registered Bonds are recorded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only oa the owner's order Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more 'convenient for commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of having their BonJs ilruw inter est from March 1st, by paying the accrued in tere.6t in coin (or in (Jotted Slates notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fif ty per cent, for premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the date ci subscrip tion and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt J from Municipal or Stale Taxation, their valuers increased from one to throe per cent- per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in -various parts of the couu- ,ry , "At the present rate of premium on gold they pay . .. OVER EIGHT PER CENT INTEREST in' currency, and are of equal convenience as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as the various descriptions of U.S. Bonds. Ia ail other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or stock companies or separate communities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United Spates the whole property of the country is holden to secure tbe payment of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed foi in sums from 50 up to any magnitude, on the earns terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted Into money jit any moment, and the holder will have tbe benefit of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connec tion that the total Funded Debt of the United Slates on which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1864, was 8768,965,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiocal year will be ?4 5,937, 126, while the customs revenue in sold for the current fiscal year.' ending June 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rate of over 3100,000,000 per annum. It will be 6een that even the present gold revenues of the Government are large ly in excess of the wants of the treasury for the payment of gold interot, wtile the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on tbe same amount of importations,, lo SloO, 0(!o,'000 per annum. - Instructions to the National Banks act ing as loan agents were not issued from the United State Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged mora than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and all . . " RESPECTA BLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National Depositary Banks,) wil furnish further information on application and ' ' AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUB SCRIBERS. May 4, 1864 2m. JYJEW GOOJDS! RE VOL UTION JN HIGH PRICES! KEW ARRIVAL OF SPUIIVG & feUJOIEU GOODS AT PETER ENTS STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. fflAS just received from the eastern cities and is new opening at the old ttaHi a splendid assortment of which will bf sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, . MUSLINS, : , ... GINGHAMS, . V . - FLANNELS; . . ; ; HOSIERY SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. Keady-Madc Clothing, ' - Satinets, . ClSSBiERES, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. QUEENSWARE, . CEDARW ARE, UARDWARE, '.:'. MEDICINES, - . .-.,-. : . DRUGS; BOOTS AM) SHOES, , HATS and CAPS, In fhort everythiug usually kept in a country store. . . , The patronage of his old friends, and the public generally, is respectfulty so licited. , . . . . The highest market' price paid for conn try produce. ' . . PETER ENT. Light Street, May. 4, 1864. ELIMiSt ! CLANKS I CLAXKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, ! - " EXECUllONS,StrBP02NAb-,: ' - of proper & desirablefonas,fo gale. mt& ofti9"Staf dftlidNoftiiV IMPROVE" G MA THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worm seeing. , Please send for circular with sample of fewing. , . . . f. These Improved AJachines save one hundred per cent, of thread and silk, and make the lock -stitch alike on both sides. They require no i nsiruotioni to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from one kind of goods tp another. . .. . And no taking apart to clpao or oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and tools Auirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machine, which for beauty and perfection of finish are not surpassed by an manufac ture in the world. N. B. -Should any Machine prove nnal isfactory, it can be returned and monpy refunded. Agents wanted in counties no; canvassed by our own Asentfi FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, New York. April 20, 1864.--ly. ' JYcic Stock of Clothing. Spring and Summer Goods. ais'swissfisisi. t NVl'l ES at.ention to his stock of cheap and lashionable Clothing at his Store, on MJiJN STREET, Ii L OOMS BURG, two doors above the simfrican House, where he ha just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Rlcn and Roy's Clothing;, including the nipl fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, conwisting of Box Sackx Frock t Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, ize8, and colors. He also has replenished his already lare stock of Fall and Winter Shawl; utriped, figured artd plain Vests, shirts, cravat, stoi-k, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy aricles. , N B He has constantly on hand a large and well eleeted assortment of Cloths and Vestinfts, which he i prepared to make up to order, into any kind ol clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. , All his clothing h made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ol every Description, Fine attd Cheap His Case of Jewelry is not curpassed in thin place. Call and examine his general as sortment ol Clothing. Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. L AV ID f.OWENBEUG. Bloomsburff, April 20. 164. NEW GOODS Auothcr Arrival ol Good. AT Hat, Gap and Grocery ,' Now is Your Time to Buy. ' HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the EaMern cities with a large and full assortments of fj-.p? in addition to a superi Gcss-silt . or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, comprising every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can b? purchased elsewhere. , H Slock ol GROCERIES are not.Vur paseed in this maike', which he offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. . ALSO,-A fine lot ol KIDS, MOROCCOES, acd LININGS to which he iuvnes the at tention ot Shoemakers and the pnblic. Give him a call At Stroup's Old Stand, ob Mam Street. JOHN K.'GIRTON. Bloonssburjr, April 27, 1864. J WALLOW two or. three boasheads of i'Bucbu," "Tonic Bitters," 4iSarsapar- illa," "Nervous Antidotes," &c, &tf., and afie'you are satisfied with the resid?. then try one box of OLD DR. BUC HAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and be re stored to health and vigor in lessttian thir ty da p. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shat tered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by - J AS. S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. P. S. A box etit to any address on receipt of price which is Que Dollar pott fiee. March 16, 1864 3m. A GENTLEMAN, cured cf Nervous De btlity. Incompetency, Premature , . Decay and Youthful Error, actuated ty a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it. (free of charge), the recipt and directions for making. the simple rem edy used in his case. Those ; 'wishing, to profit by his experience, and possess a Yaluabe Remedy, will receive; the ?eame, by return mail, (carefully sealed), by, ad dressioi ... . ..... JOHN B. OGl;EN, . , No. 60 Nassau St., New York. May 13, 1864 3m, , ... ! E, J. THORNTON, PA PER DEALER; HAS RECEIVED A LOT OF. NEW WALL PAPER, of various styles, -at bis eiablih rrent on Main Street, below Market, Bloooisburg, which be will sell at reason able prices. ... A. J- THORNTON. Bloomsbnrj, May 4, 864. .-, . , REIOT OF THE ilARKET, . CARJCrUI.LT CORRECTED WICUT WIIEATj . S 75 RYE, t 25 CORN, new, 1 25 OATS, . 75 BUCKWHEAT, 75 FLOUR pr.bbl. 7 50 CLOVERS EE D 5 60 BUTTER, . . EGGS, TALIDVV, LARD, per lb. : POTA'IOES, DR'D APPLES2 HAMS, 25 17 12 18 70 50 20 DAVID LOtVEXBEUC, CLOT III JV G; STO R E. On Main strtset.t wo doors above the. Amer kkn Hotel.' " When Ton Purchase' Always Select Cash Houses ! WHILE THE Jinny of the 'Potomac, ' UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF LIEUT. GEN. U. S. GRANT, IS MAKING PREPARATION FOR TIJE CAPTURE OF niciIMOND, VA-, AND ftND THE REBELLION, Lloyd T. Sliarpless IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY OF THE CASH J1ND EEADI PAY SYSTEM, BY AT CONSIDERABLY ILower Figures THAN CAN BE BOUGHT HE IS GETTING GOODS CONSTANTLY 'FROM THE EASTERN CITIES, SEW YORK AXD PHILADELPHIA, AND rs DISPOSING OF THEM RAPIDLY at extremely low CABLiECOES ! . At 20cf. 23ca. 25cts.'26cts. and 27cts. Brown and Bleached, at 20. Ii, 21. 28, 32, 34,' S8, 42, and bQcts. Alapaccas, Lustres, DeLaites, Challis, Jtans, Cassinieres- 4c. Groceries : Supir, Syrups, .CoJfee Cents East India Cffre at 25rts, a svperi' or article highly recom mended- 3IACKKREL, By the i arl oM2, 14, and 1G Dollars. . ... . ; ' 'i'he Largest lat of Queens ware KTcr brought to BOTH OF ' COMMON vV GRANITE WARE, which willbe sold at LOW PRICES. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, , Hoop Skirts. BRADLEY1 S NEIV HOOP SKIRT. The Duplex. Eliptic Spring St-el Skeleton t,o well knowu aroon? the Fair Sex ' ' l"or beauty arid durability. . oots fy Shoes ! In endle!$ ariety for men and women, and children. Gaiters. of H kinds. ;, Balmoral, Side, Lace and Congress double anil feingle soled. . The Calibrated Gutta Percha Soled Skoeafor Women and Children. , Gents French $' American Calf Boots and .Balmorals. Gents Lace boots from $1 60 to $4.00. CANI2 Paid for Butler ami Lard. Sraiu and other Produce taken in JExclianse for GOODS. Buying and Selling for Cash he is pre pared to sell Goods on Lower '' - Profits than when doing a Credit Business. CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS,' Bloomsiburgt April 20, 1864. 2m. I'rtRST PREMIUM Wi.5iTtFMer NEW YORK. II LINiV.9. Mich:am. 1 v-" - G ROVE R 8c BAKER'S CFLEBRATID ELASTIC RTITCH ' 'ISEWIKG MciCIlIiMJS Were awarded th hiahest Pierr.iums orer al Competi'ors, at the folio wing State and County Fairs. .of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. FirM Premium for family Machine. Firt Premium for Manufacturing Machine Firt Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpose First Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.t Premium for Family. Machine. Firl Premium for Manufactorins Machine First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. Firnt Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Marhin First Premium lor Manufactnrin u Machine Firl Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE. EAIIi. : First Premium for Machine for fill purposes Firl Premium for Mar:hinn Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR Frst Premium for Machine for all purposes Frist Premium for Machine Work, M1CAIGAN STATE FAIR. Fir.-t Premium for Manufacturing Machine F:rM Premium for Family Machine Firt Premium far Machine Work PENIS' A STATE FAIR Firt Premium for Manulacturmcr Machiiiie Frist Premium for Machine Work OREGON STxVTE FAIR. First Premium for'Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'f. SOC. I'irst Premium lor Family M.chinn First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine First Premium for Mnchin Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine. First Premium for Marnifc!urma Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Mchin First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine Firct Preniiuin for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Ma- AG L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. , WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P:ernium for Family Machine QUEF.NS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine Firt-l Premium lor Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine . MECHANICS'. INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium (or Machine for all purposes First Premium lor Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. Firel Premium for Family Machine First Preiikium for Machirie Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi.&t Premium lor Machine for all purposes Fir-l Premium tor Machine Woik. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fiirsl Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Firt.1 Premium lor Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work TS?The el'ive computes all tr-o Fairs at which th Grover & li.ker Muctunes were exhibited this vear. .-a!t..-rcioms, -495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestiut St., Philadwlphi. March 23, lts6J Jy. Atlni'iniHlraiorV Aotsce. Estate of Samuel Adams, deceased. LETTERS of Administraticn on the es tate ol Samuel Adam, lae of Locust township, Cclun tia county, deceased, have been granted bj the Register ol sa.d com. ty, lo Leot ard Adams and Mayberry Hughes, both residing in the township i and count) aforeeiid. All persons havinr claims against. the estate of the decedent i are reques'ey to present inem tor serid ment to the administrators, and ihosn in debted to the esiai will make payuieut to them without delay LEONARD ADAMS, ). MABEHRY HUGHES, ( Adm'rs. Looust twp., April 0, 1S64. 6w. Zi. X i!::: InxsX pa t o p Notice. Estate of Daniel S. Mc Henry, dtc"d. LETTERS testameiitary cn the E'ate ol Daniel S. Mc Henry," late of Jackson township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said couri.y, to Rohr Mcllenry. residing in the township of Benton, Columbia count).- All persons having claims against the es tate ol tie decedent are requested to pre sent the m duly authenticated to the admin istrator for settlement and those indebted to the estate ara required to make payment to him forthwith. . - ROHR Mc HENRY, Admr. Benton twp., April 20, 1854. 6v. 2. JYcw Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fJlHE undersigned respectfully informs -- his friend and the public generally, that he has just received Irom the Eastern Cities, a large- assortment of CLOTHING, Vresh from the seat ol Fashion, of all be sorts, sizes and quantities, wnicn win sold cheap lor cash or country produce. A LSO,- UATS&CAPS BOOTS AND SUOLS.j Together with a'variety of no lione and things too troublesome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention ot pur chasers. - Ct" He is also prepared to makeup clothing to order, on reasonable terms, and up to the latest fashions. GCa!l aad examine our block ol goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the. Nerpos, Seminal, Urioary and Sexual Systems new and re liable trea'ment in Jlports of tbe HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Sret Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. 16, 186? ly. -- ' .. I .m mm HEADING HAIL ROAD. SllIMEli AURAXGL1E.T. GREATTrunk line from tlie Nor:h and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. PotisvillejLebanou, Allen town, Easton, &c, &e. : ; Trains leave Hmitur for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Poitsville, and all in termediate Sla.ions, at 8 A. fif. and 2 p. m New, York Expiess leaves Harrisbnrg at 6 S0a. m. aiririug at New Yorkal 1 45 ; the Bam cUy- A special aorommlatr. Passcnaes train Reaiiina at 7 15 A. M aud ieturna from Hurrisburt at r P M. . Fares Irom Harrisburg.' to New' York $5 15; to Philadelphia 3,35 ted J2,80. Ba2a2e checked through, - Returuins leave New York at 6 A. M. l2 Noon, and 7 P. M. '" (Pittsburgh Express, arriving at Hstrrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave Philadelphia ai 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P.M. Sleeping rbrs iu the Nw York Express Trains, throush to and from Pittsburgh witLom chat)"''.. . v Pasienern by the Cattawisna Rail Road leave Tamaqua at 50 A. M. and 2. 10 P. M. lor Philadelphia, New York, and ail Way Poinls. Trainsleave Poitsville at 9. 15 A. M. and 2,. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An accomodation Passeuaer train leaves Keadini; at 6. 00 A. M. and returns Irorn Philadelphia at 5. 00 P. M. fTsT All the the above Mains run daily, Su'idays excepted. A Sunday train leaves f otiNVilIe at 7.30 AM. ami Philadelphia at 3.i5 P.M. Cummutation, Mileage, Sea-on. and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and Irom all poinls. fcO rounds Hdgga-e allowed each Pas bttier. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superinlendant. May 2, 1864 Lack'a aud Uloocisburg Railroad. w -r"J rrm g (N AND AFTER JAN. SENGER TRAINS WILL LOWS- liOVINU SOUTH Freight tf Pasisnger. Pastenger. . 4.20 P M 5 55 8,25 8 35 9,15 " 9 55 . . Leave Scranton, " Kiri2ston4 ; Rloomsburg " Rupert, Danville, Arrive at Noritrd MOVI.NQ fiORTH. Lenve North'd f ) A tt v i I 8 00 A. . 8 40 9 22 9 33 12 12 P 1,30 M Kupert, - I Hioomsburs, Kingston, M Dlooinsburg, Arrive at Scranton, Freight & Pdsuenger leaves 10 15 A M Paergers taking the Mail Train Sooth J connect with the Express tram trom Nor thumberland, arriving at Hamsburg at 2.30 A. M , Baltimore, 7,00 A. M. and a't Ptul'a. at 7,00 A.M. The Mail. Train from North'd, leaves immediately after the Ex press tram from Harrisbnrg at and Balti more, allowing Passenger leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M. to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping crs accom pany the night trains ech way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia,. H. A. FUN DA, Sept. J. C. Wells, Cent Tuket AgerA Kingston, Fob. 3, .864. A l'rll i I rnrm-r' .llasnziue lir ! IS0I, The Pennsylvania 18GI. faumek c ;ai:i)Lli:, PEVOTED TO AGHlCUL ITIRi:. HORTICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS, F.DITED AND PUBLISHED EY Y I L L I A .11 S. Y 0 LT N G & C 0 ., 52 North Sixth Mreet, Philadelphia. Term : Gne Dollar a year. The Sixth Volume commencets with Jan uary iinmlr. . ' nAV IN( obtained the service of emi nnt and practical Asftcul:uriet, Horii tul'.urist", Stock Breeders and Be keepers, we confidently ofler the current Volume at on of tire best ever issued for originality, practical thought and reliable intormatiou, Feb. 21, lt- OlYlNlBUS LINE. . , 7 II K undersigned would respectfully en r.oance lo ite citizens of Bloomsburg, and t h pn It generally, that he is running AIliLUAlIiUa L.liti 1T7 between this place and ihe ditleienl Rail Road rr Depots, daily, (Sunday excepted lo con nect wait the several Trains goin; South and West on the Citawissa fc WilMamsport Hail Road, an I with those going North and Suth oi ttie Lack. & Bloomsburg Road. ' Hi OMNIBUSES pre in good condition, commodious and;;abl, and charge reasonab'e. CI? Persons wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accoro moda;eJ, upon reasonable charges, by leav ing timely no'ice at any of the Hotels. , JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1S64. AD3IXismVT0RSJlX0TICL,. Estate cf James Ii. Gim, Guenwool tap., CulumLia County, dee d. 1VJOTICE is hereby giveu mat letters of ' Administration c;i the estate of James R. Gibson, of Greenwood township, Colum bia county, dee'ed, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Abraham Yonuz, Esq., residing in Benton towin-hip, atid county aforesaid. All persens having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted to tho estate will make immediate payment. ABRAHAM YOUNG, Admr. Benton twp., April 13, 1864. 2. Administrator's IVoticc. LETTERS of administration on the es tate of Susan llp, lat Susan Peter man, Sugarloaf township, Colu mbta conn- iy, deceased, have been granted ry tne Register of said county.lo Abraham Young, who resides in Benton township. Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the; rtecedeui are requested to present them to Ihe un dersigned lor settlement and tho- indebt ed to the estate are required to make im mediate payment, to -' ABRAHAM YOUNG. Benton, May 18, 1864. 6t XOTICE TO THE TAX COLLECTORS. jVOTlCE is hereby given to all Collectors 1'trf State, County, acd Dog Tax. and Militia Ftues, holding unpaid Duplicates lor 1863 and previous jears, that they are strictly required to 6ettle and pay to lb County Treasurer, on Saturday the 28tn ol May inst , or writs for their immediate collection wittbe placed in the hands of the Sherilf. C. H.HESS. ) ROHR McHENRY, T. J. VANDERSLICE, ) . , t. Commusicncrs. Commissioneis' Office, i Bloomiburg, May 18, 1S64. 18, 1S64, PAS RUN AS FOL- J . PERSIAN'S' : I5YALIB S0LUIKS K.1T1(NAL H02IE - ; ENTERPRISE 5 8 5 B RO A D W A Y N E W YORK. . -BBIiIiIOIT. The JMoit Complete end Magnificent War Exftilntion'P'xtant. Devoted la ralsf' p Funds for a Na tional Come, 100,000 TICKETS, AT.fl EACH. - A DONA XIGN of 534.720 tV FuuoW Prop el ty to thf: Ticket Holders, JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent for the Pro prietors., has the honor lo announce a plan for rrea'in s. fund for' the founding of a National Institution, to be a home for In valid, disabled, discharged soldiers. J Thd original number 'of Tickets issued for this object' was iJOO.OOO . one third of which havebeen already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where' the enterprise was first proiucted. ' " ' ' - ' ' " '. Each of the One Dollar Tickets Is good for Four Admissions totjie Mammoth 'MIRROR OF- THE REBELLION, ' at 585 Broadway, New York City, or wherever else exhibited.' : , ; One half of tne profits cf the. entire saie will be exclusively devoted and donated to the above named patriotic object. According to (he original advertised plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket tioM' ers was held iu Faneuil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4ih,and an adjourned meeting at ihe same place on Dc, IGth. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elected a 4 a Board of Trnstees, to rtceive the funds which may accrue Irorn the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to thl object in accordance wiih ihe plans of the originator ; Gen John S. Tyler," Boston; bis Excellency Governor James Y. Smith, of Rhode Inland; Hon'. Geo. "Brigcs of Ne w York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtio of Pennsylvania; Major Gen N. P. Banks, of Mass , Major Gf. O. O: Howtru nf Maine; his Excellency Gov. Richard Yates, of Illinois. To speedily accompli this gfeat ob ject, every wise means will be ued by the projector to effect the immediate salW of the tickets; and he calls upon the loyal and humane to assist earnestly in carrying this noble undertaking forward to a trium phant success. " .' Neither it importance, rtor it's feasi bility, can be called in qnesiiou. Lei iht people--but respond 'in a spirit worthy o the project, and no obstacles shall delay it consummation. ' :' '' ' ' Making the proposition in good faitri, and ready to devote his whole energies id the great work, the . projector firmly be lieves the tide of popular lavor will flow in the desired direction, "arid accomolish the founding and insure the creation of ln permanent National Institution, which shall be art asylum lor the retired sol Her, whose loss of health or limb ia his ttptfi ma for heroic services performed in tin country's cause, and which shall go dovn to the future generations a blessing to man kind and an enduring monument to the liberality ol the loyal puople. Bv combining this enterprise with a public place of amusement of smtti well established high character and merit, the subsciibcr to the fund, while- giving h; money for the promotion of a great char italile design, may receive a full eqniva lent for the outlay in switnessing this splendid series of Paintings. ATTARACTIVE EOUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effect the speediest possible sale of these Tickets, so that unnecessary epentj may be saved, and the National llnme Fund proportionately increased, a fim'-er inducement is oHdred as a oounty to pur chaser. . A soon as the tickets shall hav leii sold, in addition to one half the prffiss no aforesaid the following describe. 1 prop erty will be donated to the ticket hjii:ei, and placed in the hands ot theii Trust ei--, a distinct board having been chosen fur il.a' parpose, at the ma meeting held as above stated, and which consists of tt lollowir? gentlemen who, on recemt ot Ihe property, will dispose of the n e, by lot, or Otherwise, as me ticket hol lers it mass meeting may direct there f be i-o violation cf law in such disposal : Hon. C. O- Rogers, Hon. C. W, Slack. Gr. B.-m. Cowdin, Col. A.J Wright, John C Hai nes, Esq , ot Boston, Joshua' Webster F.-q., of Maplevill, Mass , leaac S. Mor-e E-q , of Cambridge, Mass. - 1 ''' SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY 7'? tchUh the 1 icktt-holders uiil b entitled One centeel residence in the City ' ol Kobury. Mass. valued at ' 81ft 000 Three Piano-fotis, val. at tiiOO each 1 rio-J Five piano-fortes, ral. at S300 each 1 5',(1 Five Gold Watches, at 3100 each, 5d) ,50) 26.1 i 2 rill 2l-: Fifty G-dd Witches, at S50"each,- Two shares in Ihe Cosion and Wor- cesier Railroad, a' ?l30each. Two shares ir. the Boston and Maine U R. valued at 5130 eaqh," Two shares in the Merchants' B.u k, Boston, at S1C0 each, .' Six thousand Gold Union Medals ' valued at S3 each, - lH. 0 Two Sewing Machines, at 50 ejt.f., n r Total, ?:u.72i) Due notice will be gWn of hr- nei mass meeting ol Ihe ticket hoKie's vuio will take place in New York City A National Home Ticket, i Octii.g Cii dollar, consist of fia coupon, fmit vhich are admissions to the Mirror, gooil at any time, and the -other-a certificate of an interest in the Enterprise, wuica the purchaser rotaus. j - The admision conpon may be n-e.d sep arately, or all at once, as suns the conve nience of the purchaser. All communications on the eubject, a?ni all orders for tickets by mad, or evore--, should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 585 Croa-lway, New York Citv. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interet in tiii charitable ' titt'Jertsking, by : getting up clubs, will receive eleven tickets lor every ten dollars sent. Jan. 20, 1864 National Foundry. . . - ISIoomtbur?, GoIuiuLin C., T f.e siib-ribjr, proprie'or of the b nanmd extensive et-:blithmeat, tvnow prepared to receive rrders fcr !l ki n.achinery, for COLLERIKS. BLAST N VCES STATIONARY ENGINES, X k.-U ,f MI.T.S THRESH IMG MACHINES, La., tie. He is alo prep;rd to make S'nr -l ?izes and patierns. Plow-irons, nnd fu-tv thing usunily made u rirsclas Fuofulri.-- His extansivs facilities and irT-.iiM-al-wtrkmi;, wairant him in rc-ceii: ih larger coritic:s on tbe iuut ieouable terms. . TF". Gram of ull kmda will b taken, in exclianye Irr cati ;gs. . i C" TfiM....4iHsDment ia located neat the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. BJoomburg, Sepu 1863.- -...--;