The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 01, 1864, Image 1
r rr v . Vf D. JACOBY, rdbllster. TrotU and Bight God and oar Country. Two Dollts per Annua VOLUME 15. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1864. NUMBER 32. jA PORTUNE FOR ALL! . j DITHER HEX OS WOllEX 1 NO HUMBUG, bot an ENTIRELY NEW 'thing. Only three months in this coontry. No clap trap operation to gull the public, bot genuine money making thing ! Read ifce Circular of instruction once only, and yoo will understand ft perfectly. A Lady ha. jnet written to me that she in making a, high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME PAYS! giving instructions in this art Thousands of Soldiers are making money . rapidly at it. It it a thing that takes bene lhaji ; any thins ever oiiered. You can 'make money with it home or abroad on . steam boats or railroad cars, and in the coontry or city. Yoo will bo pleased in pursuing it, not only because it trill yield a handsome income, bat also in fconee baence of the general admiration which it vlicite. It is pretty mnch all profit. A 'mere trifle it necessary to start with. There ia scarcely one person oit of ythoeaands who eves pays any attention to advertisement of this kind, thinking they are barn Dogs. Consequently those who do end for instructions will hare e broad tteld to make money ;n. There is a class -of persons inrlhia world who would think hi because, they hare been humbugged -out of a dollar or so, that everything that i advertised ia a humbug. Consequently he trj no more. The person who sue reeds is the, one that keeps on trying nail, Le hits something that paya him. '. This art cost me cue thousand dollars and I expect to make money out of it and ell who purchase the art of me will do the same. One, Dollar sent to rs will insure he prompt return of a card of instruction iinhe art. TUt money xeill It relumed to tkast not $4tis6eA. Addrew WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. tel. 21, 1863 3m. ; "IMPORTANT TO LAfJlES Pr. Har. VYy'e Female Pillshave fir yet failed ia Amoving tli Hie ul'iea arising from obstruc tion, or stoppage of nature, or in restoring Vre system ta perfect health when su?i ng from spinel affections, prolapsus, Uteri, Vim whites,; or other weakness of the uter ine crgsns.- The pills are perfectly, harm- foss'on the conti:otion, and may be taken by the most delicate female without cans-1 distress he same time they act like a ' rharro by alrengihSnsn, invigorating and ! .. restoring the system to a healthy condition endy bringing on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what cana ls the obstruction ma ansa. They should however, NOT be taken during the first IhrV or four mouths ol pregnancy, Ihoo, h sfe at- any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. ' Each box contain 60 pills. Price Si. Dr Harvey's Treuliie on diseases of Fe ratles, pregnancy, miscarriage, Barrenness Sterility, Reproduction, and abuses of Na ture, and emphatically the ladies' Private iledicarAdviser, a pamphlet of 64 pages', sent f:ee to anv address. Sit cents re- f quired to pay postage. ,The Tills and book will be sent by mail hfn deired; secorelj sealed, and prepaid by J., FRY AN, M,' D. General Ag't. ' ' No. ? Cedar street',' New York. tSold by a!l ihe principal druggists. Nov. 25, 1863 ly. ' ' ' "' ar i an ' -ti i -1 r x r. BELISSPECi FIC PILLS Warrated In ell rase. Can be relied on! Never fai 10 core ! Do not nauseate 1 Are speedy i action 1 No change of diet rr quired Do not, intcferd ,'ffith business pursuits ! Ceo be osed without detection ! Upward nf.iCO cures tbo past morith-i-one of them cry severe cases. Over one hundred phy sician have used them in their practice, eod all speak weli of iheirefficacy, and ap prove their composition, which is entirely vegetable, and harmless on the system Handred of certificates can be shows. r Eeli' Specific Piilr are the original an ool .genuine,; Specific Pill. They are adapted for raala and female, old cr yonng, 'arid the only, reliable remedy for effecting a permameiit and sedy core in all cases spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with tl its train of e'ila, such as Urethral and Vtgieal Discharges, the whites, nightly" or Involuntary Emissions, Incontinence, Geni tat ' Debility j anJ Irritability Impotence Weakis or loss of Power, nervous De rility, &c, all of wbicb tfise principally from. Sexuel Excesses or. self-abuse, or soma constitutional derangement, and - tn k capeeitatfis the sufferer from, fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual dis cuses, Gonorrhea, Gleet and Strictures, and "jo Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they set as a charm !. Relief is experi enced by taking a single box. - Sold by eU the principal druggtsls. Price SI. : They will be sent by re ail, securely aeal ed. nd coaSdeatiaUrv on -receipt of the money, by , . J. BRYAN, M. D. i No. 79 Cedar street, New York, Conssltin Fhysic'ans for t!i Uestmeal of Samins!, Urinary, Cesaaf; nd Nervous t)ie5j?es who will ssnd, free to all, the lsl'arrins vgisatla wor, is sealed en- Tllt ' FIFTIETH TIIOUSAND-DR. HELL-? TI1SATI.SE on eelt-atyuse, Frema- fare detsy, impoterice and loss of power, excr.l !ieeses, seminal weakness, cighl'y erniijio!??, psnita! debihsyf &3-, &Jt a f.a.rhlfti of 64 pases, containing impor Wt Vlvica to Us" aCicted, fend which VLouU be rrad by ever-, sufferer,' s the meina cf ccra tn the .Merest e'.agsa is flilzlf Ecf forih. Two; stamps required to AB IF -HI HOOT H. rVBLISHXD aVlRYVlTDHlSMT BT WBI. H. JACOBY, Offfaft lalnSt.. Srd Spare brow Harket TERMS Two Dollars pranftum If paid within six months from the time of subscri bing: two dollars knd fifty cents if not paid within th year. No subscription taken for a less perfod than six months ; no discon tinuance 'permitted until all arrearages are paid, Unless at the option of the editor. Tkt'lerms tf advertising irill bt of follows: Orre square, twelve lines three times, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, ..... 25 One square, three months, 3 00 One year, - .... 8 00 t)oice tJocirrj. 1 oturs mm. Father ! ia the battle .'ray, Shelter hia dear head, I pray ! Nerve bis yeung arm with the might 01 Justice. Liberty and Right. Where the red bail deadliest falls, Where stern duty loudly calls, Where the strile is fierce andwild. Father i guard, Oh 1 guard my cbild ! Where the foe rush swill and strong, Madly striviog for the wrong, Where the clashing arms men. wield, Ring above the battle-field ; Where the s'ifling air is hot With bursting shell and whistling shot Father ! to my boy's brave breast. ' Let 00 treacherous blade be pressed I Father I if my woman's bestt Frail and Weak i every part Wanders from Thy mercy seat After those dear roring feet, Let Thy tenderjpitying grace Every aelfrsh I height erase ; If this mother's love be wrong- Pardon, bless and make me strong. For when silent shades of nigh; Shut the bright world from my sight- When around the cheerful fire Gather brothers, sisters, sire- There I miss my boy's bright face From bis old familiar place. And my sad hear: wariders back Ta tented fieU and bivouac. Of'en in my troubled sleep Waking wearily to weep Often dreaming he ia near Calming every anxious fear Often atartled by the flash Of hostile swords that meat and clash, Till the cannon's smoke and roar Hide him from my eyes once morel Thus 1 dream and hope and pray All the weary hours away ; Bat I know his caue is just, And I centre all my trust In Thy promise : "As thy day So shall thy strength be" always I Yet i need Thy guidance still 1 -Father let me do Thy will. If new sorrow should befall If my noble boy should fall If the bright head I have blessed Oa the told earth find its rest Still with all the mother-heart, Torn and quivering with the smart, 1 yield him, 'neath Thy chastening rod. To his country and his Godt sBBeaaawaaaai Freedom of OpiBlon. . If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, mankind would be no mere justi fied in silencing thai one psrson.lhan be, if he had the power, would be. justified in silencing mankind. Were ac opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner ; if to be obstructed in the enjoy ment of it were simply a private injury, it rvoulJ make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silenc ing tfe expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation ; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who bold it If the opinioc is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of ex changing error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is dlmtfsf as great a benefit, the clear, er peceptioo and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. We can never be sure .that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle Is a false opinion ; and it we were sure, stifling it would be an etil stijl. . Stuart AM. The following concerning tea-brsnds and their meaning will interest house-keep er.' Hyson means before the rains, or flour ishing ia spring, that is early ia the spring, hence it is often called Ycung Hysoo. Hyson skin ia composed of the refuse of other kind the native term for which is tea skins. Refase df still coarser descrip-. tions, containing many stems, is called tea bones. Bobea is the came of the bills where it is collected. Pekoe or Pecco, means white hairs, ihU down of tender leaves. Fowcbong, ' folded plant. Sou chong, small plant. . Twankay is the name 6f a small river in the region it is bought. Cengs is from leara signifying labor, freai the care reuire-d ia iu prep Srxt io a. Scitn Vfx American. One day, at a farra bouae, a wag saw an old gobler trying to lt the striogs of some nightcaps that lay on the ground to bleach. "That," said be, "is whu I call inlrodacicg cottoa into Terkey. i . - A ptriaa who ha teen tratsflnj "Den Eat," stye tbat be saw plenty of pia sna df bst e piae ep j'te. - ,, ; .. , " t.'-- ' Thfl Heroism of the Sooth. A corfespoDdWl tf the Tribune, from foe battle-field, declares 'ihat the South has made good in the late battles all the boasts they have ever made . of their bravery " This is indeed a concession, and that, too, coming from a paper that has habitually ridiculed southern men, and predicted they would not even dare lo go to war for fear of a revolt among their negroes. We know of no journal which has been compelled to unlearn eo much as the Tiibune. For yeara the great staple of its articles against "sla very," was that it was a cause of wea1:n'as to the South, but the war bad not continued a year before it declared that it was the great cause of her strength, and that Lin coln must issue an Eerkocipatioo Proclama tion to knock the prop away. That was to end "the rebellion" in sit months, bot it stil! exists as formidable as ever. That lire army coder General Leer sir passed even itself ia the late battles, there is no doubt. The men fought, with a sub lime and moral courage never before known ia all the annals of history. It most be re collected ihat we have only the most tnea fcr accounts ef the tate battles, and they come to cs through correspondents whose every word is virtually written under the dictation of Grant or Meade. We believe there are reasons, ai d from those generally sue gested.iwhy the Sooth will fight with increased bravery. General Grant baa negroes in his army, and this fjill nerve every Southerner 10 superhuman en ergy, and make one man equal to about two. And while it will harden and cbrys talize the masses of Lee's army, it will ex ercise exactly the opposite effect upon our own army. The private may not break oat in mutiny, or murmurs even, at being placed upon an equality with negroes, bjt there is suVely not one of them who does not feel mortified at the spectacle they see about them : not one, perhaps, who is so degraded that, if left to bis own choice, would Consent to place himself under obli gatiens to a negro for bis social or political rights. No one but a deluded and debauch ed Abolitionist is low enough for that. The e fleet, therefore, of negro troops upon our soldiers must be to demoralize them, and the great amount of straggling, the num bers, according to the Washington papers, who have arrived there, and who are scat tered even across the Poiomac in the lower counVrea ef Maryland, prove that the army has been depleted from this cause more than at any previous battle. It is now announced that it will require a six weeks' campaign to take Richmond. Gen. Grant started on the 4th of May with sixteen days' supplies ; but those have been exhausted, and he has been competed to replenish before he has get twelve miles of the sixty. It is reported that he has de clared be would be in "the rebel capites'1 by the 4ih of July, to celebrate the anniver sary of the capture of Yicksburg. Let os wait patiently and see. Extracts for Tseng Hco. Give a young man a taste for readinf , and in that single disposition yon have fur nished "him with a great safeguard. He has found at home that which others have to ssek abrrjsd, namely, pleasurable etci'.e meot. He has learned to think even when bis book is no longer in his band, and it i for want of thinking that youth go to ruin. Some of those who have been most emi nent io learning and science made their first attainments in snathes of time stolen from manual employment. Hans Sachs, ihe po et of the Reformation, the; Burns of Oar many, began life, as did Bares, a poor boy ; he was a tailors son, and served an sppren ticesbip, first to. a shoemaker and after wards to a weaver, and continued to work aUhe loom as long as be lived. The grtet dramatist, Ben. Johnson, was a working bricklayer and afterwards a soldier. Lin naeus the father of modern botany, was once on tbe shoemaker's bench. Our im mortal Franklin, it need scarcely be said, wr:s a printer. Herschel, whose name is inscribed on the heavens, waa the son of a poor musician, aud at the age of fourteen years was placed in a band attached to the Hanoverian Guafds. After going to England be undertook to teach music, and then be came an organist. Bet while be was sup porting himself in this wsy, ho wi.s learn ing Italian, Latin and even Greek. From music be was naturally led to mathematics, aod thence to optics nd astronomy. Jchn Dollond, the inventor of the achromatic tel escope, spent his early days at the silk Ioom.and continued io hia original business even for , some years after his eldest soa came to the age to join hint in it. Few cases are faore celebrated than tbit of Gil ford, the foupder.and editor el the Quarterly Review. He was an orphan and barely es caped the poor bonse. He became a ship boy of tbe most menial sort on board of a coasting vessel. He was afterwards for six years apprenticed to a shoemaker. In this last employment be stole time Iron the last for arithmetic and algebra, and for lack of cihef cesveaiences, aisd to work oat his problems en leather with a bloated awl. Few names are more note J in modern lit aratsts. . " Tflt New York Evening Post beseeches hs party to lay atjde tfce case ci Repub lican aod adopt thit ol Democrat. It will nerd, Ut. Post. SeUfl . would ; be Satan still, erea if be pat ca thJ wins of an- gih Opinion Abroad. We quoted tbe other day from tbe Lon don Spectator a radical paper its views en tbe subject of cur troubles, guarding our selves against the suspicion of 'ass's nt to its opinions. In the same spirit, and with the same caution, wo re-produce the following from a paper which may be described as the other extreae of party opinion ia Great Britain the Standard which oar readers know is the conservative organ : This question is one of the most meaen .tous importsncs to statesmen in Europe. For if we take it for granted that tbe Aeaer icans are still to be left to themselves, we mast confess that we have no hope what ever that even a dozen more such defeats will serve to bring tbe North to terms. AM the plagues of Egypt will not peraeade them to let the people of the Booth g. Tbe only circumstance occurring in Ameri ca that can force them to in (beir ef forts at subjugation is that financial collapse which sooner or later seems inevitable, but which may, nevertheless, be almost indefi nitely postponed The other day there was a panic at New York, and for a few hours gold was 189. It may rise to 1,000 for what Mr. Lincoln cares. The immense mass of ! public men seem determined to carry on the war. The people . of the Northern States are fanatical abbot it. So long as pa per will pay for it they do not care an ieta j bow much paner is issued, or how much may be leu tor posterity 10 pay. If we had any statesman in E;!and who was able and willing' to take a bold and statesmanlike part in a quesiioa which coo corns England almost as much as America, we might yet hope to see the end of c!l ibis bloodshed, and peace and happiness might yet resume their reign over the broad fields wbfch allow so much space to every man that it is difficult to discover an excuse for civil strife. Had we now in power such a man as Pitt, or Canning, or Peel, can any one suppose that he would have allowed this deplorable war to go on to the fourth year without at leas: an attempt at media trtm I Is it conceivable that be would have witnessed, without a single pang or a soli tary expression of sympathy, the brave ef forts at independence of a people sorely outnumbered and cruelly harassed by a gang of pitiless conscripts ! Tbe aged Pon tiff at Rome gave vent the other day to bis feeling of pity for his brother religionists in Poland. With one foot already in tho grave, and with very little influence in hu man affairs, tbe old man felt Ihat there was a responsibility upon him which ihe could not resist. Had be rt'ot spoken, be said, be feared lest some day tbe Sovereign Judge might ask him, "Why didst tbon remain si lent ?" The reason is a solemn one, and was doubtless urged in good faith. It wo'd be only becoming in men whohave a migh ty power for good and for evil to weigh these words well, and take example even from a Pope. We believe firmly, and we have long believed, that the recognition of the Sou;h, and a strong expression of the opinion of Ihe English Government, would bave such weight with the people of Amer ica, and would so strengthen tbe arms of the minority of men in the North who ire in favor of peaces that the further prosecu tion of the warVould be rendered impossi ble. Lord Russell will not move a finger, will not say a word. He bas told us, apply ing tbe quotation to himself and bis policy, that ' "There' a divinity that shapes cur ends, Rough hew them bow. we may." We admit that there is much consolation in the thought. Lord Russell's ends are, bow ever, so tough bewn that, perhaps, it would be better if the divinity that shapes them vvould be so good as to break them in pie ces and recast the models. iNTiBECTiKd Incident. A correspondent with the army of the Potomac gives the following iocideut that actually occurred: Amidst all the horrors of war many inci dents occur amusing in themselves, and which sometimes, under the most trying circumstances, are provocative cf mirth, and form subjects for camp stories months after. I bare seen soldiers Chase hares and pick black-berriea when a shower of lead ed messengers of death was falling thick and fast around them and many other fool ish things. But the following, which ac tually took place at Mine Run, surpasses anything I remember to bave seen or heard: On one of those biting cold mornings, while the armies of Meade and Lee were staring at each other across tbe little revutet known as Mine Run, when moment! appeared to be hours and hours days, ao near at hand seemed the deadly strife, a solitary sheep leisurely walked along tbe ran on the rebel side. A rsbel vidette fired and killed tbe sheep, and, dropping bis gun advanced to remove tbe prize. In an iustant he was covered by a gun in the hands of a Union vidette, who said : "Divide is the word, or you are a dead Johny " This proposition was assented to, aod there, between the two skirmish lines, Mr. Rebel skinned the sheep, took feus' half and moved back with it to bis post, whtfn bis challenger In turn dropping bis gun crossed tbe run, got the other hall of the sheep, and again f esurasd tbe duties of his pest amid tbe cheers of bis comrades, who expected to help hia to eat it- Of tbe hundreds of hostile men ar ray sd tgsiast each other, on either bank of that run, not one; dared 10 viotaW the truce agreed upon by these two soldiers. K Cincinnati editor says that be baa many at time seen a man oa skates jump twenty foprfeau Lucky he dida 1 ay yards, fof thsa we' weald not have ilievrd him TBE HOUSE TBIT T01 BUILT. bt nous L Where la the House that Too beilt 1 Where is the Gold that lay in ike Hease that Tom built 1 Chmc ia tbe Rat that cribbel tbe Gild tbtt lay in the House that Too built. Ass ts the Cat that winked at tbe Rat (hat cribed the Gold that lay in tbe Hesse that Tom built. Loaa ia the Boy that worries tbe Cat that winked at the Rat that cribbed tbo XSold tkatjsy in the House that Tom built. Old Colvjx, with Vrtrripted hern, tried to toss this naughty Lou a that worries Abe the winking Cat, that slyly whis pered to the Rat to rrib the Gold that lay in the House that Tom built. Ahbi's tbe Maiden all forlorn, who urges Kol. with the crumpled born to (ass this laugh ty Los'O, that worries Abe, the winking Cat, that slyly whispered 19 the Rat to crib the Gold that lay in the House that Tom built. Poos Hoaici GstxLCT, all tattered end tern, would kiss the Maiden all forlorn, who urges Kal. with the cram fled born to toss this oaoghty, eanrbty Loss, who worries Abe, tSe winking Cat, that slyly whispered to tbe Rat, to crib the Gold that lay io tbe House that Tom built. Bxactif a's the Parson, all shaven and shorn, who will some "contraband," all totter ed and torn, miseegenate wi'h tbe Maid en ail forlorn, who urges Kol. with the crumpled horn to toss this naughty, naughty Loko, who worries Abe, the winking Cat, ttat alyty whispered to the Rat to crib the Gold that lay ia the House that Tom built. DsMocaacTva tbe Cock that WY'A crow la the morn awakes the Parson all shaven aad shorn who'll banish all "contra bands" tattered and torn, aad puuiih all miscegens with Maiden's forlorn be'il sileuce Colfax wih the crumpled ! horn, and extol the bold, outspoken j Lotto, wne worms Ate, the winking Cat, who would cot Chase away the Rat that cribbed Ihe Gold that lay in the House that Tom built. A gifted and patriotic lady of Vermont, !o a tetter en the delusion of the people in per. mating this war, asks, "do yoo believe it possible that the people will permit this horrid madness to last much linger V We can no more answer that question than we can tell how long the spasm of a maniao may last. Themadnesaof war grows on what it feeds on. A people who were mad enough to allow themselves to begin such a war, may allow it to go on until a merci ful exhaustion at last terminates their lives aDd the war together. The people Cf al most every nation bave many times allow- I ed themselves to be utterly ruined by wars wnicn were wagec to gratiiy tne amDiuon or malice of a few unprincipled chieftains. In the last year of the sixteenth tentury the people ol Fiance carried on wara until they literally reduced themteivea to skeletons. Cbantanbriand, io bia Eludes Jlisloriqie, draws this picture ol the horrid miseries which they endured to still carry on war : ''Alter feeding on all sorts of aairrltts, cats, dogs, aad such like, aod the skins of these animals, after devouring children, they ground the bones of the dead, and osed the dost in place of floor. This bread preserved its virtue,tbose who eat it died. Many died in this way. Tbe streets were strewed with dead bodies, the dying crawled anoogst them." Good God ! one one would think that Ibis experienco would bave lasted France for ever j but it did not. For in the middle of the next century we see the mass of the people made the aame unhappy wretches again by allowing themselves td be used as the implements of despotic am bition In wars. What dread ful wars I Says Yeillc!, In recording these events: "Durfug fifty years neither harvest nor vintage. Men are met so weak thai they creep along like liKzarda on a duug-h'jap. Tboy bury them selves in it at night like vermin, and exhib it themselves in sunlight almost eaten up by the worms. We see them lying in dis gusting proximity to the dead, without haviog strength to creep away. And we see what we would not dare to mention bad we not, ourselves seen it, they eat their own arms and hands, and die in their dire des pair." Iqio seen lunatics and devil does war convert a people. A nation drunk with blood i enough to make tbe god weep. Tbe people of Sweden allowd their mad king, Chas. the Twelfth, to carry on wars until all tba young men io the kingdom were slain. But there is no end to these ex amples. Now that we bave laenrbed upon this bloody tide, God only can tell when or Where we shall stop. Suoh a horrible tear delation as this breaking out in a nation, is like deadly infectious disease, that some times ravages a continent. When its work of dsath shall be atayed ne one knowath. Is it the wrath of heaven that bas fallen npon Us 1 What is it that has so suddenly deprived this people erf their senses, of their humanity J Old Guard. "T here 3s time for all things," Vid a c'ruaty fallow to bis. wife. "I'll belieVe that,' answered hie wile, la a sharp violgai voice, "whaa jon pay for yor newspapers." Hit i Deterred Betake. A little Incident 'occer're'3 in a grocery store op town tbe other evenint;, that not only seemed to Make the etareb" ott of s nice young man, bot also to bring forcibly :e our mind what Is said about "fsitb with out good works." When we entered the store, the yoeng man in question, seeae--what noted for his loud-moatbed LViua Leaguism, was sitting nearthe counter read ing or pretending to read the Standard. He bit upon a tirade of abuse against tbe "Cap perheads," and at ooce be had a good thing on band. Near the counter purchasing groceries, were two ladies, one of tben dressed ia deep mourning. Heating ene casaal remark dropped about tbe shin plaster currency, the young man threw down the newspaper end in a loud voice commenced anathematising ell Democrats who did not sympathise with tbe Adminis tration stigmatising theni as brutes, rew. ards, copperheads, traitors, &e , &o. Fcr a time no one noticed tbe gallant Union Lea guer's remarks, and be grew more vit oper ative end vehemeat io bis denuociatisn of "eopporhtaK" At last one of the laJie turned balf rouai upon biro, and remarked that that was pretty Isnguage for a "gtotte. soau" to use in a public store ! The gallatt youiig man sneeriegly answered that bis language "was fcocd enough for Copper heads and all who sympathised wrbjbem." This was to much to be endored, end the ether lady the one dressed in mourning turned upon ber heel, swept up with a sort of indignant movement towards ber in sui ter, and looking the young man full iu the eye, said, sarcastically : ' Sir 1 my husband is a Democrat a Copperhead," as yon term them and he is on tbe battle-field with a musket io bia baud. My only brother was a Democrat, end be laid down bis life at Amietam, fighting un der General MeCIellan for bis f country while you, poor pitiful wretch sad disgrac ed coward, are here siting by the stove curs ing at men whose shoe latches you are on wort by to tie up.' Why doa't yoa yoaeg able bodied aad vigorous as you ire. take up a musket aud go and fight for the cause yen pretend to baveso much at heart, instead of si;:ing here and brave men throogb their wives. l,sir,lost a brother at Antietam, aod I regret it the more now that be is not here tochastiseyour insolence upon the spot." Tbe young man wilted be did not sse things qnito in that light and fcfier stammering "hemming" and "hawing and scratching his head in vain for a reply be tuned alightly pae, picked up bis hat and left. We vouch for tbe truth of Ihe above and it is only one incident out of many. Syra cuse Courier. t Llnesla'i Eo!d irwal tf thd Doctrine or absolutism. The Louisville Jsurnal in publishing Mr. Lincoln's late letter to Mr. Hodges, ot tbe Frankfort Commonwealth, makes the fol lowing commentary thereon. It is more just and pointed than anything we could say ; and in Ihe closing words of Prentice, we would call on every free man in tbe Union to take op the gauntlet of despotism which Lincoln baa thrown down, and meet him and bia courtiers and sycophants at tbe November election, wi;h a determination to hurl from power tbe unblushing advo cates of au absolute rule that would shame the "Autocrat ol ail the Russians "Mr. Lincoln's letter contains a more di rect and explicit enunciation of the dobtrine of absolutism than he baa ever before made. He says therein : "I foil that measures, oth erwise csconstilutional,might become law ful, by becoming indipei$ab! to the preser vation of the Constitution through the pre servation of the ratido. Right or wrong, I assumed this ground, and now avow it." That ia to say, whatever be deems Indis pensable to Ihe preservation o the nation is lawful ; which ia to say his discretion is !he supreme law of the land, anything in the laws of tbe U&ited Siatea or of any State to the contrary notwithstanding! This is a fait statement of ihe doctrine in its nat ural and naked proportions. The doctrine is simple absolutism. Mr. Lincoln mere or less openly bas been acting upon tbia doc trine for the last eighteen months; bat be bas sever beloie .so openly and broadly avowed it. y "We venture to say (hat the anr.als of Constitutional government may be searched in vain (or a parallel to this avowal. It is the most enworthy deda'ration that ever emanated from ihe chief magistrate of a free country. II it dees net awaken the people to a due aenae cf tbe peril which tbe government must encounter from the rs-elsction of B1r. Lincoln, or the election of any oiher republican, words' cannot awaken tb-m, unless followed by correal ponding deeds even more flagrant than tbe ed ct of emancipation, and thu proclama tion of reconstruction, thotigh the consum mation of these deeds threatens to involve' the destruction 6f tbe Republic. Patriotic freeraea of (he Union 1 Mr. Lincoln ha boldly (brown tbe gauntlet of despotism at your feet. Take it cp, and meet him at tbe ballot-box in November, meet in gibe cham pions in the meantime whenever aud wher ever they tome forth." Trfe Sluyvesant pear tree, planted sot sood loosing, an i oer nuaeana ae wu l&Ut, at the corner of East lik itreef ana as a Tartarian night Wit 4ht pWfW 8d Avenue- New York, having withstood j "eqaliiy" "wMeh Sir. Uewlft f & tfca sterol f jS 17 wiaters, isegaiialao. ! eunlin is folly reUstA d&rVl neddlios witb Polities. Tie Louisville True Presbyterian contains tie fotlewisg caustic remarks oa the above eebject : If the cbercb continues this intermed dling with the things of tbe Slate, haw long will it be till the State will meddle with tbe Chorcb f A sample ot this, was recently eeeu iu Glasgow, Kentucky, where tbe mil itary aattiorilies sent the national fla into the Methediat Conference, with the demand that each raintiter should salute it. But this treating ecclesiastical body as tho' it were a politics! body would never have been thought of bad it opt teen for the com mon maneuvering of preacbera. If a ee clesiestics ibey invade political ground they csrtuioly tnav expect te be invaded ia tern. The Chore thus sets an example dan geteu to herself as well as tp ijhe couatry Her nature, be? policy, and ber intention ere art snore easi'y learned by the publie from what she does tbae from ber creed. And who, that bas been studying ber these last few years in tbe light of what she bas been doiaf , would for a moment dream that she was not ef this world tbst she was in her cature'eud appointment a purely spir itual and ecclesiastio body a great institu tion of peace set up la the world to that end f As they bave listened to ber ia ber pe pit, eod os they looked in upon assem blies arid cau;bt 'tY9 tone and tbe object of a lars portion of ber debates, and read her leog sod labored political acts as Ibey saw ber world'y temper more eager, more ar dent aud more warlike than military men who ef them, all thus learning the nature ot the Church from her acts could believe tkat tbe great Head aod Teacher of the Church wa tbe Prince of Peace? Such a ccaciosien (root '.ouch promises would be impossible. But this i not all. Going into tbearmlea of tbia great war, they find companies, reg iments, ba'talions and divisions. beaded by Rev. Captaioa, CoWels and Generals. -Christ said, ."my kicgdom is not ol thii I world ;" but what tan be more of this world thsa beading armies and fighting battles. They bave left tbe pulpit to take tbe sword ocd thus give their highest testimony to the supremacy of tbe world over the kingdom of Christ. Paul said, "Gad forbid that I should g'ory, save in the cress cf Christ,' but these men seem to say, "Gcd forbid tkat we should glory, save in tbe art and" practice of war." Tba same A pestle said, "Woe is me if I preach rot the g?pel ; but ibese men ssy troe to us if we are not found 00 the battle field and iu tbe laugh ter cf our e&erd is. Tbe lore of the brethren Is one of the evidences of Christianity, bot. whea Fat. military men meet iu battle end strike each ether down in death, bave tbey not aban deaed and fa!iied ell ttirfr ministerial en gagenscn's and professions 1 What a strange idea cf Christian religion would a heathen get by witnessing all these thins 1 The re pert which be would carry home would certainly be a terrible ca meats re of Chris lianit), and a powerful obstacle to its recep tion where such a report was knows and" believed. Diracni!so hit Mm We bave alwaya predicted tSs.t the next step of the Abolition party woold be to deprive poor white men tf voting. The other day, la tbe Senate ei the United States, tbe propo sition waa actually made. Senator Mor reill, of Vermont, proposed that the right ot soflfs5 in the District cf Columbia sho'd be given to all whites and blacks who pos sessed a freehold cf 3250, aud denied to all otr.tttl MaBy of tho Abolition Senators were afraid to meet the issue, la tbis form, just at the present time. Mr. Cowan,, ef Pennsylvania, protested that new and dis tracting questions should cot be brought forward now. The evident intention ia to postpone this matter bntil Lincoln is elec ted, il be cao be, when look out for the disfranchiaement of white men. In no oth er way can they hope to permanently bind upon the ahoolders of labor the burden ol their gigantic public dbt. Ia uo ether way cao white men be reduced io that condition, cf ssrfdcos that already exist in seme of the military departments oow presided over by Lincoln's aatrapa. Hduiritt or Ga-tsL Jsctaosi. 'During1' the Greek war, after oae of the battles, an I :dian child was found sucking the brst cf bis dsad mother I Tbe sten waa truly effecting, and dictated the course that be, who has been charged by the tongue ef calumny, as posssssirg a soul ef iron, aai a test's disposition, should pursue. At first, he endeavored to procure a squaw ti relieve the wretched infant, but all to whom be applied r(usH. with thiaexeuse, (hat as ail hia relations were killed, it -would be better to knock him ia tbe bead ! Further application being in vaia, he took t'.id little efptzia under hia immediate pro lection, and aher the campaign, brought bin bofce, introduced him bis family; ar.4 educai-d bim." Miscaotes-nba. The New Tork Da Booh says there is eovr in that efy a white girl who ia married to a negro; wiih whom be is living. The wires of Republican are ia tb bib it of visiting ber on tar me of tnendly intisc. loe girl is rathe vj . . . 1. 1 0 err: t C