CELEBRATED 5 M BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tonic, orr Ti-nud alternative of wonderlul efficacy in di-etfof the STOMACH. LIVER AND BO .V ELS. "Cures Dyspepsia,1 Liver coin- piamt, Headache, General Debility, fier-vou-ujss, Depression of Spirits, Constipa vtiou, Colic, Intermittent 'Fevers, Cramps aud Spasms, ami a 11 -xomplaiuts of either 'Sex, arising from '-Bodily 'Weakness whtier inherent in the system or prodnc by special causes. Nothjn that ia not wholesome, genial -.a-.d restorative ia its nature enters into th- composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. Tbis popular-preparation contain no mineral of any It nut, no deadly .botanical element; no 6ery excitant ; but mi i a combination ef.the extracts of rare b.uanic berbs ami plants with the purest -and uulJest of alt diffusive-sibn-ulaiils. li is well to be forearmed againM disease an.L o far as the human system can be -o:ected by human means against mala- engendered by an unwholesome at--n"phre,' impure water and other exierr.kl c toe-, Hesieitvr's Bitters may he relied ou a a safeguard L; districts inferred viuh 'Fever and yigue, it has oeen found -infallible as a preventive tuod irresistible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apriehension of an ..attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who tolled to avarl themselves of its pro dec'i" qualities in advance, pro cured by a. very urief course oflhw marvelous me'di cine. Fever and Ague patients, after be tin rJ with quinire for months in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous .aitr-'oiit, wre net unftequetilly restored to -bejt.ti wi'hiri a few days by tbe use of SHo-tettrr's Bitters. . Tue weak stomach is rapidlyinvigoreted and inn appetite restored by this agreeable Tv'i' hence it works wonders in ca bb uf Dypepia a-nd in less confirmed forms ot 4digesiin. Acting as a gentle and painless apperient, as well as upon t e livr, it also invariably relieves the -Cori.tipaiioit superinduced by itiegular jM-ftoti ol the digestives and secretive or .gait. Perot of feeble habit, liable oNervmtt .Afitntt Loitneu of Spirits and Ftti of Lan "pi4 ir, Hud prompt and permaennt relief fr-rn the timers. The Testimony on this ( i.it i most conclusive, and from both Hie a sony of Bilious Colic Is immedi Iv ' b iased by a single dose of the wmxUmi and by occasionally reporting to ii, the return of the complaint may be pre- -VtttUed. A a General Tonic, Hostelter's Bitters - pr-ilo" effects which must experienced . . r .1 i rll vf. w,uiesed oeiore mey can oe iuiiy ap prr ia;ed. In cases of Constitutional Weak--ue. i:d Premature Decay and Debility and De-repitude aring kom Old Age, it ret the electric influence. In the e.iiv4reni stages of all diseases it oper wiri a delightful invigorant. When the -)tiwrr ol oatore are relaxed, it operates to -tt Mi!or-e and re-establish tbem. ftr bnt not Jeasl, it is the The Only S-t'? "vimnlent, being manufactured from oihh1 and innocuous materials, and en tirtt tr- trutn the acid elements present morn or t-s in all the ordinary tonics and No Umtiy medicine hasbeen so univer- .ty. .d, it may be truly added, deserv p..j.iVar with the iatelUsent portion oi lii t-tiiiimuiiiiy, as Hosteller' B'mer. , 'replied by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pit;."biir4t P. ' Sot.t bv'all Drojgists, Grocers aud Store fc?fpef everywhere. l. 9, 1863.ly. RRAmXT, Pill Bom U' INTER AKKiL!SK3IEXT. EXT Trunk line from the North and .N"rtn-wst for Philadelphia, New Torit, R-a ing, Pottsville,Lebanoa, Allen 4a-h. Kuin, &c.4 &e. fruin have Harrisbsrg for Philadelphia Jsw V'.tk, lieadiag, Pottaville, and all in v ,no.iiMe Stations, at 8 a. m. and 2 r. M. NVjt York Express leaves Harrisbnrg at i 00 m. airiving at New York at 13. 15; the soffit miirxuig. Far.-. Nom Harrisbnrg; to New York 5 15; to Philadelphia $3,35 id S2.80. lit ia'."' cticked through. - lie nrniii leave New YoTk at 8 A. M. 12 IS Milt, ll d 7 P. 11. (Pituburgh Express, arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. SI.) Leave Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M. Sif-tjjnii ei,t in the New York Exprera TruiK, litrough to and from Pittsburgh wtinoni rtinge. Pusenf rs by the Cattawtssa Rail Road leave Tamaqaa at 8. 50 A. M- and 2. 15 P. M. lor Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trainsleare PoUsviiie a; 9. 15 A. M. and 2. 30 P. M. for' Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Riding at 6. SO A. M. and returns Irom PinUdetphia at 4. Z0 P. M. fF All the the above tiains run daily, Sii'da) execp'ed. A Sunday train leaves Potisville at 7.30 A at.d Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Corn in mat ion, Mileaga, Season, and Ex- trom all points. G. A. NICoLLS, - General Superinieudant. November 16, 1863. WIO.MISG nSUBAKlE C03IPANI, itjfiet over the Wyoming Bank, CAPITAL AXD SURPLUS, 125,000. r Will insure against iosa or damage by Fire oo property in town or country, at reasonable terms."--... v DIRECTORS,- G. M. Hollenback, John Reichard, Samusl W&dbams, D L Shoe maker, Daniel G. Dnesbach, R. C: Sm'nh K. D. Ucoe,G. P. Steela, VV. W. Kelcbam Charles Dorraaco, VV. S. Ross, George M" Harding. ' G. f,1. 1IOLLENBACH. FresU. D. L. SUOEMAKCa, V. Pres't. n CSIiTSI, Secretary,-- WG.STE2LI2iGi Treasurer. . .. Jj. IL CONOVER, Agaut, .: , Bsach IIa?eti, P. Deeaa!terSilt 1S3. ly. CABINET WABE ROOM. . iiaoi c. SIIIVJE, J ESPECTFULLY invites the aUentftn of -''the Public to bis extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and CH A iRS,fi which he will war rail t made of good fcca materials and in a workmanlike man-' 1 ' mer. Al his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is eqnal in style ki.d fin ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand of different style anti prices, from S25 to 860. Divans Lounees, Walcrat and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered wok, with Dress ing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashu, cheffeniers, whatnots and comndpi and all kinds of fashionahla mntb His stock of boieausj enclosed and common wasnbtanas,aresB-tabtes, corner cupboards sofas, D4NING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads.cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section of the county. He will also keep a good assortment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and com. mon frames. "He will also furnish" spring maitrawes fitted to any sired bedstead", hich are superior for durability end com fort to any bed in n-e. PloomsbtiFg. Not. 4, 1863. SOLDIEKS IIV TnK AKJ1X And Our People at Rome Are now offered an opportunity by which they car: obtain a A GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIQURE. Our Wutches are f WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and the buyer as allowed the Priv ilege of 'Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN l-TJLL RHBT ACTIONS. A fmt class Hunting Time-Piece of "Sil ver material, -over which ia electro fine plated '18. gold, most durably wrought, making the imitation so faoldesn that ii cannot be detected from the otid material motl experienced jridges; acids will not affect 'it. London made movement. 'Im proved iDuplex ic 'Full '.Ruby Action, ha sweep-eeonds, ndisnot to 1)e -excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one jf-ihe best artrcles ever offered for tra ders aud-ppeculators. Ecgineeis, emigrants and persons tavelling, will 'find them supe rior to any other ; alteration of climate will not affect their 'accuracy. Price, packed in good -shape and good runniug order only $35, or case of 6 for $200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS. Best Quality "Silver Cases, over which electro-hoe plated 38 -k. gold, similar to our Improved "Duplex, and superior adjust ed -movements with "Stop." to be ued in timiug horses, e'.c, has Four Indexes for AVashington and Greewich lime, sweep second, and sdi the improvement. All in all, taking ite Beautiful and Faultiest ap pearance and its Superior Movement into -consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the mar ket. Price, in t.ooU unuing order, $34, f or case ot o tor szuu. BWe ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loval Slates, with bill payable to exyreFsman when the goods are delivered, giving rhe buyer the privil ege of examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch can be returned at our expense. The express companies refuse makreg collections on soldier and other parties in the disloyal States, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the ca--i to insure attention. We make a deduction of two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarded ia adrace. Money may be tent by express at ou expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., 93 and "95 Broad St., opposite City Bank, , Providence, R. I. Oct. 21.1863. Ac Great TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREEr, NEW YORK; Since its organization, has created a new era in the ti4ior of Wholesaling Teas lo this Country. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at not over TITO CGXTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cost, Never deviating from the ONE PRICE asked. A Aether pecoliarity of the Company is that their Tea Taster not only devotes his lime to the selection of their TEAS a to quality, value, and particular styles for particular Jocafuies of country, but he helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their en ot me os stock such TEAS as are ben adapted lo his particular wants, and not on ly Ibis, but points out to him the best bur- gains. It i easy to see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Buyer has in ta:s establishment over all others. It he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market, it bis time is valuable, he has all ihe bene fits of a well organised system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgement ol a Professional Tea Taster, and the knowledge of superior salesmen.. This enables all Tea buyer no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market to Durcbase on as good terms here as the New York Merchants. Parties cau order Teas will. be served by as as well as though Ihey came themselves being sere to get original packages, trne weignta ana tares; and ine liAd are war runtted it represented. We issue a Price List of the Company's leas, which will be seat to all who order it ; comprising Hy son, -Young IHysoii, Impe rial, Gunpoder, Tirankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & HY SON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every description, col ored and uncolored. ' This list has EicH kind of Tea divided into FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, high CARGO FINEST, that every one may on dersatniffrcm description aud the prices anoexed that the Company are determined to undersell the whole Tea trade. We euarntee to sell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pouod jbove cost, believing this to be attractive to the many who havo heretofore been paying EsoaMots PaoriTU. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 51 Vesey Street, New Yotk. Sept. 91833. 3aos , M ft GENUINE PREPARATIONS; Jorn pound Fluid Extract Buchn, a posi tive and Specific Remedy for disa se of ihe:Bladder,'Kidney s,'GraveI, and Drop sical Swellings. This -Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbents iato healthy action, by -which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inanimation. iIb-LIUBOLi'i FXTKACT BUCIJU. 'For -Weaknesses arising from excesses, Habits of -Dissipation, 'Early Indiscretion, -of abuse, attended with the following tytnp torn : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Ho rror of'Dis ease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the 'Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot 'Hand., Flushing of the 'Body, -Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on ihe Face, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes soon follows. IMPOTENCY, FATUITY,' EPILEPTIC FITS, iu one of which the 'Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the caunt of their suf fering, but none will -confess the Records of the Insame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by 'Consump tion bear ample witness to the Truth of the a"ertion. The Constitution once effected with Oiganic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, which HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT HUCHU invariably does. Atrial will con vince the most skeptical. FEM A LES.-FEM ALES.-FEM A LES. In many Affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiufulness, or Supp-exsion of Customary Evacuations, -Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, -Leuchorrhcea or Whites, $ erility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from itidibcrei ion Habits or Dissipation, -or in the Decline or Change ot Lite. Take oo more Balsam, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and danaerotis dieae. 'HELM HOLD'S Ex-ract Buchu and Im proved Rose 'Wash cores SECRET DIS EASES, 4n all their "Stages, At luile Ex pense, Little or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It cauie. a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing and curing stricture of the -Urethra, allay ing Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent in the cla-s of dteaes, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and worn out mailer. Ihousands upon Thousands who "have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy feee to be cured in -a short time, have found they were deceived, aud that the "poison" has, by the use of "pow erful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break oct in an aggravated lorm, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmbold's.- Extract Buchu for alt affections and diseases of the Urinary-'Organs, ruethtfr existing in Hale of Female, from whatever cause -originating an J -no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs reqoires the aid of a Diuretic, Helmbold's Extract Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain :o have :he desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Eiidanoe -of the most reiiaDle and responsible chatacter will ac company the medicine. Price $1.00 a Jioltte, or Six for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe sy mptoms in alt communications. Cures guaiameed ! Advice gratis. Address letter for informa tion to II. II. I1FL31IJOLI), tfiemUt. 104 South 10th st., be I. Chestnut, Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, flELMBOLDS Drug 4i Chem'l Warehouse, 549 Broadway New York. EFBeware of counterfeit and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose ''ol their own" and 'other" articled oa the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, do do Extract Buchu, Helmbold's Genuine Extract SarsaparHla. do do Improved Kese Wah. J3F Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and 'exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. Magic Time Obseners. Being a Hunting or Open Face or La dy's or Gentleman' $ Watch Conibin ed, with Patent Self -Winding Im provement, a most Pleasing Novelty. One of the prettiest, moi. convenient, and decidedly ihe best and cheapest lime piece for general and reliable ase ever offe red. It bs within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment rendering a key entirely uunecessa.y. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine .16 carat gold. I; has the improved ruby action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate time piece. Price, superbly engraved, per case ol half dozen, $204. Sample Watches, in near morocco boxes. S35. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu racy of movemert, beauty of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approba tion. Au imitation so faultless that it can hardly be delected by the most experien ced jndges. The material being ot (wo metals, ihe outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while ihe inner one is German Sil ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting or heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, but in durabiliiy, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist ence. The sale of these Watches in the army is a source ot enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at $25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary bnsine?" tact. . lAT WHOLESALE ONLY! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good running order, by the half dozen, $66. Sold only by by the case of six ! Upoo receipt of two dollars, as guarantee ol good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loya! Slates, col lecting balance of bill on delivery. This ensure buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Send orders to the sole importer. GAIUS WHEATON, No. 12 Jeweler's Exchange. Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway New York Dec. 9, 1863' 3m. EDWRAD D, SNIDER, . ELaTXT SXSre rsynpi AMD CJcne'lCom'sion Merchant. Bloomsburg, Colombia county Pa. Particular attention given to Palpal rights. SepU 2, 1863. 3230f. N. Y. WEEKXYtNEWS. I The cheapest and best New York News paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight pages forty columns. A complete record of events, Benjamin Wood, editor and pro prietor, Published at No. 19 City Hali Squaie, Daily News Building, Ne Yotk City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is .unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a j puunc ournai, ana in EVERY DEPARTMENT is most efficiently conducted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial and literary, tbrogtioul, the World. In addition to this it contains all the Domestic Intelligeuee of each week and full reports of every rtatter of public interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News will he found ou the side of tha Constitu tion of thetcounlry as it was framed and established hy the Fathers ol the Republic, and will scan with care and fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of the letter and spirit of that instrument of our liberties. It prefers the POLICY OF PEACE to a ruinous and exhausting system ofWar. Insisting- upon the iruth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, that the just powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of the governed, it urges the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate as of more sacred mportance than national grandeur or consolidatid power uader des potic rule without the pale of established law. On all questions of national impor tance it the inflexible champion of the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they hav edecided to be "overned. It therefore boldiy avows its purpose ta sustain the Free'dom of Speech and of the Press, wiih the view to protect the people from the encroaching dojjrriHH-ol theorists who conlempelate a modification of the democratic principle which to this time have been sustained against every ef fort to overthrow them. 'In all matters .per Uining to Government the purpose of this newspaper is to protect the people from in considerate ar.d rash legislation, and to hold our public servants to a strict account--ability for their conduct while) carrying ou the machinery of power. To this end the most careful attention will be given to all Federal and Legislative laws., and a firm and impartial examinatation of-every new yolitical proposition may be expected a the only means of. protecting the people from an abrMgament of their riant. COMMERCIAL fit MARKET REPORTS are given in the most succinct y et complete manner. They claim punicular noiice Tor their fidelity and truth, and all iho-e who denre to comprehend the exact financial-condition of the -couetry siioud not tail to eainine rhe views which will be founn-in thi-j.department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting and in struct i as and being derived from .nm f the tbleiu minds iu Europe must be read wan the utmost avidity by those who desire to camprehend that diblomacy of the Gov ernments ol the OIJ World. 'In all other resneet TUP". IVFmv NEWS will be found to meet the public de mand. Itjs Ihe especial object of the Pro prietor to render ii a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, eunotlin in its character, aud satisfactory to that Luge class in the community who desire to see the Public Prest treat all public quations with arguments axpressed io courtesy and candor, thought, at the same time, with the spirit doe to tire themes discussed. By reference to the terms of Tne New York Weekly News it will be noiiMl ih-i I it is by far the -cheapest newspaper in the ."u"u. ""u ,,,e ropnetor leels that he may mviie those who app-ove of its principles aud conduct to use their influence in addin to its yresent large circulation. NEW Y0Rk"wELY NEWS, L.git Pgea Forty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year One Dollar Eleven Copies to one AdJress for One Year TF.V nnTJ.A T7 i ngle copies Three Cents TI1E NEW YORK DAILY SEWS. A first clas Metropolitan Journal devoted to Peace -ud Constitutional Liberty, and containing all ihe news of the day, Politi cal, Telegraphical, Commercial and Local is the cheapest daily paper in the rneiropo- TER3IS: One Copy, One Year One Copy Six Months Single Copies Six Dollars. Three Dollars, low Cents. Address tftiVJ AMI4 WOOD, Editor and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square! New York. 1 ' North ciitral It ail way. Tl M E T A LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the Susquehan na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. On and. after Monday, April 20ih, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Son bury, Hrrisbnr and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a.m. Leaves Hairinburg, I.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1107 p.m. Leaves HarriBb'rg,except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives al Baltimore daily except Mouday, at 6.15 a.m. Acco'mmodatiot) leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at 9.15 am. Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p ra. Expiess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 For further particulars apply at ihe office. I. N. DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisburpr, Aug. 8, 1863. THE OjLU GUARD. A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin- ciples of 1776, Designed to unmask: the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of this ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And ta defend the doctrines of Sute Rights, and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolnlionary Fathers. Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., sau street, New Fork. PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For warded by mail or express to all parts of the United Stales at 91 a year, in advance. Any person sending ten subscriber will receive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 1863. sOeota Balmoral Lace Boots, will tba very low. Also. Boys Shoes, at old L.T.SUARPLISS.' TUE S,XGCR SEWIXG eicihses. OUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine s last saining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautifol of all Family Sawing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No o;her Family Sewinu Machine has so many use ful appliances fcr'IIemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guagmg', Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so forth . No other Family-Sd wing Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloih, and with all kinds of thread. Great-and recet.t improvements make our 'Family "Sewing -Machine 'most reliable, and mosf durable, and most cer tain in action at all ra'es of speed. -It makes the intsrlocked Mitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one. even of 'the most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance how to 'Use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a. piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to be operated may bs opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made cut of the choicest woods, are -fin i-hed in the sim plest aud chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most cosily and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to 'judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch'Olrices are well -snpplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very bet quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Brc-adway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8I0 Chestnut St. N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Epy, Pa. A. J. Era::-, Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. AND SECOND HAND A F I'EW YORK SAFE SJDPOT "71 William Street Nt to Vork. S. A. C-nZGCr, Size and Prices of Allies Fire-Proof Safes. O UTS1D E: Heinkt. Width.. Depth. No 1 24 20 20 No 2 26 22 24 No 3 -80 24 24 No 4 32 28 24 No 5 34 "31 24 No 6 40 31 24 INSIDE: Jleitki. Wulih. Depth. No 1 17 ;i 12 No 2 19 13i 12 No 3 21 15 12 No 4 22 18 13 No 5 24 21 14 No 6 31 21 15 PRICE. TRICK. Number 1 $50 00 I Nnmber 4 S85 00 do 2 60 00 do 5 100 00 do 3 70 00 do 6 115 CO Ncrvemhwr 1 I, 1863 F0r 'e Fruit, Flower and Ki'chen Gar dfn. 18C The 18G4. GAU1F,NER'K i130IVTir.!Lr. W. G. P. BRINCKLOR, Pcn.rsHtR. Office : 23 North Sixth S., Phil'a. TERMS SI 50 A YEAR. Indited hx T 11 O II A S 11 it B II A A'. THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE: fj;nis Flower Garden and Pleasure Groond ; Fruit Garden 9 Vegetable Garden; Window Garden. Communication. Embrarin? the views Ol FIB UCB W I 1 1 I u 1 ' I' HM ftlt" cn''nre, and Rural Affair. Editorial Giving ihe Editor's views on tb impoilani Agricultural improvement? Srrapt and Queries New Fruits New pfanis Domtic and Foreign Intellisence Foreign Correspondence Horticultural Notices. With each Department handsomely il lustra'ed. fIHFE 2enral featnre will be enter- - tained ar-d the publisher pledges him self that no labor or expense hall be spar ed to renier the succeedin? issues of 1 Magazine every way worthy of the favor with which his previous effort" have been ampTy rewarded. Seud lor a Specimen. February 24, 1864. . TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES ! Secrets For the million ! A, most valuable and wonderful publi cation. A work ol 400 Pities, and 30 colored enc;rav:::g DR. HUNTERS VADEMKCUM, an original ar.J popula treaiise on Man and Wcman, t'teir Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorder" of every kind, with Never-Faiiiug Remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numberous persons, he ha been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of hi "VADEMF.CUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of Ihe most awful and destruc tive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ot postage to any part of the Uni ted States ior 50 cents i:i P. O. stamp, '3 copies for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Sept. 9. 1863. Old Things Become I'enr, The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "the rest of man kind," thai he has lately returned from the service ol his country, and again re opened his O L D E S T A B L I S H ED T A I L O RING S A L O O N.-UC with a view 01 making up entire new gar ments, as well as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body ele, who may favor him with their work in his line. He is prepared to do work NEAT, Fash IONABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doing, and strict attention to business to merit and receive a due share of patron age. But remember, all, lhat these times require money, or somethiug to live upon, be therefore hopes and trurts, thai when he has done hi part, his customers will do Iheirs, by furnisbinj the "ready John," or ready trade. . For truly the ''Laborer is wortbv of bis hire." BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 18G2. Ufa W2&Sa Attorney at Lair BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office on Main Street, First door below A. J. SIcan'a Store. Dec i!V, 1864 (ilea son s,aics-arv OOJiPJljVlOJY. An Elegant, Moral, and Refined Mis cellaneous Family Journal. A PAPER FOR THE MILLION, Ar.d a welcoiiie visitor to the home cir cle. It contains the furMgi aiid doniei-tic news of the day, and presents tiit gTc.eal amount of intelligence. THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY Is prilned on fine white paper, with new and Deautiful tvpe, and is a large weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages. " An unrivalled corpu-of contributors are under regular engagements, and every de partment is placed on the most finished and perfect system that experience can de vise. Each number will be beautifully il lustiated. TERMS. S2 00 per annum. Invariably in advance. For sale al all Periodical Depots 'in ths United S'ates. Published every Saturday, corner of Tre monl and Bromfield stieeis, Boston, Mas eacttusetis, by F. GLEASON. Nov. Il, 1863. MADISON MOUSE (OF J E RSEYTO W N , P A ) THE subsrril er would respectfully ap prise his friends and the public gener ally, lhat he has eHablitdied the MADISON m HOUSE, in Jersey-town, Columbia county. Pa. The above house has lately been refitted and undergone a thorough requiring by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain the travelling custom as well as the local with geneial satislai-tion, liis TABLE and BAH, are well supplied and will he careful ly superintended. And ht STABLE is am ply and well stocked, iu charge of -careful grooms, will always be properly fitianlled. CV He invites a share of ihe publiccuo tom, and pledges his best efforts, to help his guests feel al hc-me. SAMUEL RIMBY. Jerseytown, Jan. 8, 1862. W3I.B K00XS Proprietor HLOOMMUUt; ia. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in ine central portion of the town, and op. poite the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and re'furnihed, and rhe Proprietor ia now prepared to acoommoilate rr&veler, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the bpst the market affords, and his 'Bar wiih the choicest liquors Altent'rse ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is The most exiei.&ive in this section ol country. Ominbut.es wil always be in readiness 10 convey passeu gets to aud (rora the Railroad Depots. WM. H. KOONS. Bloomsburz, July 4, I860. LIQTJOKS i LIQ-JC3.S I W'hooalc and Kctail. ryHE subscriber would announce 10 the L citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he i-selling LIQUO!!S in lare and srna!! quantities, and at duferenl prices, at his lew More, on iviain street, north side, two doors south of Iron svreet. Bloomsburs. His stock of Foreign and Domestic -fr-- '71 S v? VT tS 9 consists of Cognac arivLRochelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry anJ Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with age, tine OIJ Ifourhon, Old Forks common. V hiskey, and arjy Tie aUo has quantity ol PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeira, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry ami C til- pagtie U ines ; and la.( but not ler..l..a quantity of good double extr? BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at ihe lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give hi liquor a trii. D. VV. ROBBINS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, May I, 181. D SITS ZS 2 P,?.- JII IlOvt'UIt, SDROEO IV E X T I $ T . ESPECFULLY riders his JLj.r. ff ladies & gentlemen of iilouu.s- hnra and vicinitv. liri is nrenarcd to altond ...Illh. rlnnnnMli..n. r. 11..:.,,,. ''"" "jil and is provided utth the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which wtli be in triiv-u 1 . 1 ui 1 in j uviu pioic j 1 j k iw d well as natural Mineral plaffi and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hacd. Alloperatious on the teeth i warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above xe Court House, same sidtN Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1858 G 11 t t a Ze c:1in ( tiiout brushing.) TOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriag and Military Leather Work. es, This new and excellent article pxoHs eveaything ever before in use, for teauli fying and sof.ening the Leather. It makes u polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with Water, nor slain the finest white silk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a mouth applied en boots and shoe, and once a mouth for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dir. y wah it off with clean water and thu polish will re-appear. Warranted as repiesented. Direct ions for use. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub i; slowly over the leather, and the polih is complete. rRWE 37 CEFTS PFR BOTTLE I For sale by L. T. SHARPLES3. Bloomsburg, May 14, 1662. Kolleck's Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended bv physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled lo abandon ihe use ocof fee will use this without injurious ettecu. One can contains the strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCR'S LEVAIN, Th3 purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. fijan'ufacturtd by M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, tSTAnd sold by all Druggists and Grocers, February 26, 1862. ly. E. H. LITTLE. BfiOO.lISBllBG, Pa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Bock. lew. December 28, 1859. if. WHITE MEX 21C ST RILE AMERICA. THE CHEAPEST PAPER rCELISltilD. I70P.TY-EIGHT rol u'nns of readi:g,Tnat - ter per week fr.r j so peryejr. The only New York Paper nmde iro exclusive ly for cnrniry circulation; and, i news of il-c week, wtili t..Ae, produce, aU Other market, carefully reported. ' The New York iay.Jfooff,forllBai., 'White Men's Lileriiee-aute Ri 'bis Fed-' eral Union. The New York Day-Book in an indepen dent, Democratic Journal, holding with iHta laie Senator Douglas, that govern ment is made on the white ba-is, bv white men, 'for Ihe benefit of white men and their posterity fotever." It ia a !are dorf- ble sheet, with forty eight columns of read ing raauer, anu 111 ail respeeU whether lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural information is not inferior to any as a pd htical or famiiy newspaper. In its politi cal department, it grapples bolcfly with th a ret:! (juebtion before tne 'American people, and preset. Is the orily philosophy of it which can reiist the sweeping inarch of Abolitionit-m. It U Democratic in the true seiice ot the term the 'efeniterof the peo pits' rrghlYbui it i"il,e upholder ot no par- par- ly cnicariery or trickery, peace, tni it show how, It is not ordv fdr "d how onlv. permanent peace can be obtained, and thr gloiou3 white in airs gdvemment of Wash ington restored, viz : by the titter route, overthrdw, and extermination of Abolitions, ism from American soil. The Day Bo,k is now the only weekly political paper in New York city mat'e uj exclusively for couutry'circulaiion. All the others se reha-hed from the Columns ol some daily paper, whiru renders it almost impossible to give'so complete and general a summary ol the news as in the oine'r cae Persons aboui "subscribing should take this into coneiiTeraiion. Democrats al-o, raus; bee to it that sound papers are circulated amori2 ihe p'so!; or abolition-. ii.rn v.-i 1 1 never oe p'ut down.' CS u,0 Y desire lo iefuie the ersumeuis of Abolition ists. ihnnld readTf.e Day Look. TERMS: One copy, .'one year. 92 (io Three cop-cs on fear, 5 C3; Five copies,' one Jar, S7 50; Terrcopies, one yer, and cne 10 the getier 'tp of the club, 814 d0; Twenty copies, one year, and r.ne to the uet er up of il.e Club, 421 00. Additional tti pies, each ?l 20. Tne iiim of the post-office, co'nntv, anil S u'f, si onll in al! cases, be plainly given in every le.ier. Payments always in edvance, ard ah pa; eis will be stopped when the lime of subcri;tion paid lor expires. Aikliess, VAN EVRfE, HOKTON & CO.. 162 Nassau st., New Yoik. fpecitd Orders. We desire this year to place b)lore a million of northern rend ers the great docfrmcd '-The Day Book" teache on the qi:etto.i ol the Races. We couridentiy believe if this Journal were placed 111 ihe hards of oua huff cf the vo ters ol ihe northern S.'ates between this lima and November, 1664, the Democrats couli not fail 10 carry the next presidei.lis.i elec tion. We therefore trake the following offers, not in the liht cf prizes, and not even because it wil! Le prcfiinble, Ijr te can srarcclj aflord itf i.t solely to seccra a wide difctiir.iriatiort of :t,e viw which we proiouirtily tjelieve -urll tave our couu !ry. Clubs rf Ttcenty. For a club of 2ft, besiiles the extra ;-.:;:er i.ow oifered, va will 'send a copy ol Dr. V.a Krie's teat work on "negroes and nesro slavery," the third e.ini'ju tl whivh is just ready. Pri C One Dollar Civb of Ffhj.Fcr a club of Fifty sutt-criets, t 5 1 0, we will tend cue extra pa . er, p.tnl a cotr:ple:e set of oar Ami Abo iniori Publi.'ialion," ihe prices ot which, tjken ti.cther. aiiirur.t to S2 75. . Clubs of One JIumhed. hi relution to Clubs id one hundred, we wilt say thiK Whoever will send us one ti :.dred sub scribers at one time, ihe club lo be e.n to one addies. and begin and end t the same lime, wilt receive thj pipe's al S'.f:0. V. E., II. & CO. November 19, 18C3. THE 3I AGZI.E FOR Till: TIMES I UETERSON'S MAGAZINE, the best and - cheaweM in ihe World Iot ladies. This pi pular monthly Magai.i.e will be greatly I "r,TO ed tor 1?64. li will contain oua i 1 nous:iii:: .'. Puces of Readuig! Fourteen .''V... S:. en.li.i Stoel ! ;its ! 1'u.lva Pn'nra.l ! .f'lU K . Pa'.ierci! Nine Hundrel I v, II ! IMeillV lObf la ! 1 wenty l our P.-'es ot Mu- ; V. ' ' 7 .7" ""'. c .1 v ii ....! k.. ..: i -j-. ! ' .u"4'? e ' f lC" JLl"s V I it tt Tules and Novele-Hfs re the bust pub4 lUhed anywhere. All the most popular '.vri:er me employed to wtite originally for "Pe ersotj." In "1861, it: add:uoi 10 its u.-nal quantity of short stories Fcur Oiii nal Cc,jrighl Novelets, will be given, by ; Ann a cipr.cns, n.iia uouman, rra:ik la ! Benedict, and the Auttior ol "the Secotiil Liid.'' It a!o publishes Fashions Ahead of All Others. Eacii number, in adjitioti 10 the colored plates, gives Kminets, Cloaks and Drewe, enaraved on woou. Also, a pat'ern, from which a DrS!, Mantilla, or Child's Dresj c;tii be cot u:, without the aid of a mantiis. maker. ALSO, several j ages of Household and other Rfcip!t. is the best Lady's Afagaiinr in tflt World Try it for one Yeai Terms, Always iu Advance. One Copy, one year, S 2 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Five copies, lor one year, t 00 Eight copies, one year, 0 to Premiums fr Celling tp Club si Three, Five or eihl copies make a clubi To every person getting up a club, at the above rates, a copy ol the Magazine lot 1864 will be given gratis. Address, po-i paij, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Phila. Number 18. 1853. LEATTTRl LATHEff! fliH E undersigned would announce, that - he has on hand, at his Hat and Cap emporium on Main street, Blooniebkrg. aft assort men l of different kind of leather, seen as fine calfskins, morocio, red and black and iiniugs, all of which he w ill sell cheap er than can be had elesewhere in this mar ket. Call and examine them for yourselves JOHN K. GIRTOX. Bloomsburg. May 21. I86j. i DR. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Surge ou, UAtiiMi mcaicu permanently-on itiain Stieet, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally , that he is pre pared to attend lo all business lailhfu !ly"and punctually that may be intrusted lohis tare, on terms commensurate with ihe limes. tir He pays strict atieiuiou to Sorjety as well as Mtidicioe. - November 25, 1863 -ly. ". . ' HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky risht Ambrotvpittita O OOMS in the Third Story ol the Ei A chan Block, (entrance abovti the Book Store,) B.uornsburg, Columbia coun ly, Pat Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 23, 1859 fy.