CBT'BTT'HBJS . CELEB HATED - 1 I (( l.'l.W k i . IX fl '4 1 t A pore and powerful Tonic, corrive JM-and alternative of wondertai efficacy in disease of the STOMACH.. LIVER AND -4 BOWELS. -Cures Dyspepsia, Liver com--plaint, HeaJache, General Debility, Ner- oasness, Dscfresion of Spirits, Constipa ,'tioa, Colic, . intermittent Fevers, Cramps ana Spasms, and all complaiuts oi either ,Sr, arising -from Bodily Weakness l whether inherent in the system or prodoc- -9i by special causes. . ' Nothing that is not - wholesome, genial and restorative . in its naturA erne's into ce composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. This popular preparation '.contain no mineral of any kiad,uo deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but Mt is a combination of the extracts of rare 'balsania herbs and plants with the purest ,nd mildest of at diffusive timularrts. , It is well to be forearmed against disease and, so far as the human system can be ro.3ct9a by human means against mala dies engendered by aa anwholesome at biosphere, impure water and other external causes, Hosteler's Bitters may be relied en as a safeguard. - . Id districts infeited with Fever and Ague, it hr.s been found infallible as a preventive and irresistible &a a remedy and thousands .who resort to it under apprehension of an attack, escape the scourge ; and thousands - who neglect to avail themselves of its pro it active qualities ic advance, are cured by -a very brief coarse of this marveloas tnedi ine. Fever and Ague patients, after be iag plied with, quinioe for mouths in vain, Bntiltaidy saturated with tfiat dangerous !alk'oid, are sot unfrequeritly restored to beano within a faw daya by the use cl Hosteller's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapiHy ioTigorrted and the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and benceit works wonder inca ses of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forma of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and pair.l?sii apperient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relievos the Consiipatua superinduced by irregular aclvoaofl'je digasiives aad lecreute or gans. - - Persons of feeble habit, liable to Kervrm Jttacks. Lovnest of Spirits and Fit of Lan guor, find prompt and permaennt relief from the Bitters. The Testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both taxes. The B2ooy of Bilioaa Colic is immedi ately assuaged by a single dose of th silimuianl aaa oy occasionally resorting to it, the reittro of the complaint may bo pre vented. . , ': ..At a General.TonTc, Hosietter'a Bitters produce' eSects "wbich mBt be experienced or witnessed before they caa be folly ap preciated. Tn cases of Constitutional Weak oess, arid Precaatrjre Decay and Debility and Decrepitude arifing from Old Age, it exercises the electric influence. In the convalescent stages cf alt diseases it oper ates aa a delightful invig orant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to ce enforce and Te-eitablish them. "Last, bat not least, it is the The Only Safe Suouleati being Manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and en tirely free from the acid elements present xaore or less in all the ordinary loaics and ttomachics of the day. ' No family medicine has been so oniver ially, and, it may be tnly aided, deserv edly popular with le Intelligent portion of the community, as Ho-te'.ter's Bitters. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pitubarub, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocera and Store keepsrs everywhere. Dec. 9, 1861. ly. BEADING RAIL ROAD. ' WIXTER-AIiUASGCJlEST. GREAT Trusk line from the North and Nortb-wet for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, PotlsviUe.Lebanorj, Allen towtt, Easton, &c-, &c. ' Trains leave Harrisbnrg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Pottaville, and all in termediate Staiions, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. m. New York Express leaves Harrisbnrg at i. CO a. m. airiving at New York at 10. 15; the same morniog,' Fares Irom HarrisbiJ:?: to New York f3 to Philadelphia S3.35 and 52,80. Baffgage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M." 12 Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Expres. arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P.M. Sleeping ews id the New York Expreis Train, ihrccgh to and from Pittsburgh without change. "' . Passengers by tfca Catlawissa Rail .Road leave Tamaqna at 8. 50 A. M. and 2. 15 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and ail -'Way Points. - ' ""' - - Traiu&lefaveTottsville at 9. 15 A. M. and e 20 P.-M". for Pniladelpbia, Harrisbnrg god New York. 'Art accomodation Passenger traia leaves Heading at 6. S3 A. M. and returns from Philadelphia at 4. HO P.M. . ; G? All the the above tiaina run daily, SauJays excepted. , A SanJay train leaves PonsvilJe at 7.30 L. M. aod t'hitadflpbiaat 3.i5 P. M. Commntation, Mileega, Season, and Ex aarsioa Tickets, at reduced rates to and ' from ail points. . '' ' rr ' G. A. NICOLLS, General Soperintendant. - November 16, 1863. J - wioniKG nsmsiE comuNi, Cffict over the Wyoming JJank, CAPITAL AND MRPLCS, 12C0O. rr Will insure again! loss or damage by Fire on property ia town or country, at reasonable im. - , - " ' ' DiRECTORS, G.'M- Hollenback, John 'Heichard, Samuel WaJhara., D L. Shoe, maker, Daaiel G. Driesbie i, R. C. Sraitb R. D, Lacoe,Gv P. S?ee23, VV. W. Ketcham Charles Dprrance,. W. S.llos3, George M Gl M. IIOLI.ENBACH. Pres'i. D. L. SHOEMAKER, V, Pr'f. r C.f'ilTII, Secretary, . G. STERLING, Treasurer. CABINET WARE ROOM. fcj ESPECTFULLY invitee the attention of wta Public to ni extensive assortment of Cabinet Fftmltoi and C H A I R S,f7 : which he will warrant' made of-good KS materials and in a w or man Hk -roan-' Ml, ner. At h'ia establishment can always ha fonnd a good aortmeni of fashionable tarnitore, which ia equal in style and fin tab lo thai ef Philadelphia or N. York cities and at aa low prices. He has on hand llM ot different style andf' f prices, from 825 lo $60. 'Divans Lounge, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Hocking and easy chair. 'Piano stools, and a rariety of upholstered work, with Dress mg and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, wmio cuu jjici imuich, ueiaanui, cheffenia-rii.whainots and corrodes, and all kinds of fashionable work. 'His stock of baieaas, enclosed and common wasniand,dres-table, corner copboarJs, sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TA Bt.ES, bedsteade,cane seat and common chairs is the largest io this -section of ibe county . . He w?ll tso'keep a good assortment ot looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also fornix spring mattrasees fitted to any sized bedstead, which' are snperror 1or durability and "Com fort to ony bed in use. -UloomsbnrgvNov. 4, 1S63. And Our People at Ilone Are now -offered an opportunity by which they cac obtain a A GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE, Out- Wbtches are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YLAK, and the buyer ss allowed the Priv ilege of Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil ver material, over which is electro fine plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought, making the imitation faultless that ii cannot be detected from the solid material mot experienced judges; acids will not affect it. - London made movement. Im proved Duplex in Fell Ruby Action, has sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best artrclei ever offered for tra ders and speculators. Ergineets emigrants and persons labelling, will find luera supe rior to any other ; aheratien of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, peeked in good shape and good running order only 835, or case of 6 for 5520O. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS. Best Quality Silver Cases, over which electro-fin plated 18 k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior adjust ed movements with "Stop." to be ned in timing horses, etc., has Four Indexes for ti? j I. ... .. waFuiugtuii sea ureewicn time, swppd Kecond, and ail the improvements.. All in a.i, isKins n oeauuiui anu faultless ap pearance end its Superior Movement into coosideratlcn we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the mar ket. Price, ij toed running order,, 34, or case of t for 5200. tWe ask no pay io advance, but will forward either of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loval States, with bill payable io exyresmah when the goods are delivered, giving rbe buyer the privil ege ef examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch can be relumed at our expense. The express oompanies refuse making; collections on soldier and other parties in ihe distoyal States consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the casii to insure attention. We make a dednclion of two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarde I in' advace. Money may be sent by express at ou expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., 93 and 95 Broad St., opposite City Bank, ProviJence, R. I. Oct. 21.1863. he Great TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK; Since its organization, has created a new era in the bistor of Wholesaling Teas is this Country. Tbey have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at not over TITO CG!TS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cost, Nerer deviating from the ONE PRICE axked. A nother peculiarity of the Company i? that their Tea Taer not only devotes his lime to the selection of their TEAS as to quality, value, and particular stles for particular localities of country, but he helps the TEA boyer to choose out of their enormous stock uch TEAS as are best adapted to hi particular want, and not on ly this, but points out to him the best bar gains. It is easy to see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Buyer La? in this establishment over all others. II he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has all the bene fits of a well organized system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgement of a Professional Tea Taster, and the knowledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea buyer no matter if tbey are thousands of miles from thi market to purchase on as good terms hero as the New York Merchants. Parties can order Teas will be served by os as well as though they came themselves being sure to get original packages, trne weisnt3 anu tares: ana tae ifc.AS are war- rantled as represented. Wo issue a Price List of the Company's leas, which will bo seut to all wbo order it ; comprising IZyson, Young: Hyson, Impe rial, Gunpodcr, T wank ay . and SLiii. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & HY - SON PEKOE." JAPAN TEA of every - description, coN Tored and oncolored. This list has each kind oITca divided into FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, high CARGO FINEST, that ever one may un deraatod frcm description and the prices annexed that the Company are -determined to nnderfcell the whole Tsa trade. We eoarntee to sett ALL our Tcas at not over TWO CESTS(,02 Cents) per pound above cost, believing this to be attractive to the many who havo heretofore been paying Enorhoits Psorrrs. ' GHEAT AMERICAN ISA UUilfANI, , IMPORTERS ASD JOBBERS, -1 j io-.o i-r y easy CAiceif ew u. ' GENUINE PREPARATIONS. C OmOOond Floitt KTlrar'l Rnphn a nncL live and Frtpo.ifin Rmaii4 r. dimaia of the Bladder, SidneySj'Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. . This 'Medicine Inereasea the ppwer of Digestion, and excite the Absorbents into; healthy action, by which the Water? or Calcareous depositions, and alt Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and IrlarnmartOQ. flEL2tindLI'9 FXTttACT HVCtltl. For Weaknesses Brining from excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early fndiscreiion of abuse, attended with the following tyro p. toms : Indisposition to -Exertion, Loss ofPowei-, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of!Di. eae, Wakefulness, Dimnensof Vision,Pain in the Back. Universal Lasitud nf ft.- Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of ttte eoay, uryness oi tne akin, Eruptions on the 'Face, Pallid-Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes soon follows. IM POTENCY, FATUITY,' EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patienrmay expire. , Vhn can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." . "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION'." Many'are aware -of the -cause, of their suf fering, but none will confess the Records of the Ineame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by 'Consump tion bear ample witness to the Truth of the aeftion. The Constitution once e'fTecred with -Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FEM AES.-FElU ALES.TEM ALES. In many Affection's peculiar to Females the Extract Buehti is tiripnii alpi! hv onr nther r-npdv. aa in ChlrM-nAia nr Riniinn Irrpsularit v. Painfnlneaa. or fiinr-pinn j i i i oi vustomary evacuations, ulcerated ot Scirrhous Blare of the Uterus, Leuchorrhcsa or Whites, S erility, and for ail complaints incident to the sex. whether arising fmm indiscretion Habile or Dissipatreo, or in the Uecline or vnange ct t.ire. Take no more Balsa rr, Mercury, "ct on- p4easaot Medicines for tin pleasant and dBHtreirrms difeapes. HELM POLO'S Extract Burba and Im proved Rose Wash cures SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Staijes, At I'Mtle Ex pense, Little or no rh&nge n Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire .and gives strength ro Urinate, thereby removina ob structions, preventing and coring stricture of the Urethra, ailaying Pain and fr;fl ani mation, so frequent in the clas of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and worn out matter. IhcssHudfc upon Thousands who have been Ihe victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees lo be cured in a si.ori time, have found they wero deceived, and that the "poison" has, by ihe use of "pow erful astringents," been dried Bp in the sjbterr, to break on! in sn aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use HelmboM's Extract Bucbu for all affections ar.d diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male of Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. Heimbold's Extract Bachu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the deired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Price 81.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis. Address letter for informa tion to II. D. IIEL31DOLP, f hemlxt. 104 Sooth 10th t., bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMBOLD'S Drus&Chem'l Warehouse, 549 Broadway, New York. B1" Beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealer, who endeavor to dispose "ol their own" and "other" articled oa the reputation attained by Helintoid's Genuine Preparations, do do Extract Bachu, Heimbold's Genuine Extract Saraparilla. do do Improved Rose Wash. "So!d by all Druggists everywhere. Aek for Helrabol.i's. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. no 1, 1I A V PItfivSlWrs ! Magic Time Cbseners. Being a Hunting or Open Face or La dy s or Gentleman's Watch Combin ed, with Patent Self. Winding Im provement, a most Pleating Novelty. One of the prettiest, most con renieM, and decidedly the best and cheapest time piece for general and reliable use evoroiTe r.ed. I: has within it and connected with its machinery, its own Minding attachment rendering a key entirely unneceesa.y. The uaes of this Vatch are composed of two metals, the outer one being line .16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby .action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate time-piece. Price, superbly engraved, per case ot half dozen, 204. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes. S35. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu racy of movemerl, beaoiy of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approba tion. An imitation so faultless that it can hardly be detected by the most -experienced judges. The material being ol two metal, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the innei one is German Sil ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting oi heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, but in durabiliiy, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist ence. The sale of these Watches-in the army is a source ol enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary bniness tacl. CSAT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, aod fancy cut hands,' in good running order, by the half dozen, $66. Sold ooly by by the case of six I . Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee oi good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal States, col lecting balance of bill no delivery. This ensures buyers against fraud, giring them their watches bclore payment is required. Send orders lo the sole importer. GAIUS WHEATON, No. 12 Jeweler's Exchange; Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway New York. - . Dec. 9, 4863 3rn. EDWRAD B, SNIDER, AMD , Ccnc'l Coxn'sion Merchant. . Bloomsburg,' Colombia cooaty Pa. 1 . Particular attention given to Pates l rights. Sept. 2 1863. 3mo. '.'' N; . WEEKLY NEWS. 1 The cheapest and beet New York News paper. Only one dollar per anuuia. E'ht pagesforty Cfclurrms." A complete record of events, Benjamin Wood, editor and pro prietor. Published, at No. 19 Coy Hall Squat, Daily News Building, Ne.v York City. - THB NEW YORK WETEKLY NEWS is I unrivaieu ui its ability and enterprise as a public our'nal, and in EVERY DEPARTMENT ie mot efficiently conducted, so as lo form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial and literary, thrognout the World. In addition to this it contains all (be Domestic Intelligence of each week and full repota of every natter of public interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News w)Ibe iound on the side of tha Constitu tion of the country a it was framed and etrfb!ifhed hy the Fathers ol ihe Republic and will scan with care and fiHiw ...! public act that may tend to the violation 0f tbo letter and spirit of that instrument of our 'lioenies. ii preJers the - POLICY OF PEACE to a ruinous ami exhausting system of War Insisting upon the truth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of indep,'. dence, that the just powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of the governed, it urges the preservation of the iundamental prirrciles of libertyinviolate as of mote sacred imparlance than nctiona! grandeur or -consolidated power under des potic rule without Ihe pale of established law. On all questioBH of national imprrr tance it is the inflexible champion ol the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they hav edecided to be gorerned. It therefore boldiy avovrs is purpose ta sustain the Freedom of Speech and of the Press, with the view to protect ihe people from 'rbe encroaching drormas ol theorists whocomempelate a modification of the democratic principles wbich to this time have been sustained ayainsi .r. fort to overthrow them. all matters per taining to Government ihe purpose of ihrs newspaper 4s to protect the psople from in considerate ard rash legislation, and to hold our publia servants to a otrict acconni abiliry for their conduct whiid car:ying ou the machinery of power. To this end" the most careful attention will be gien to all Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm and impartial examination of every new yolitieproposiiiou may be expected a the only means ol protecting the people from an abridgement ol their right!. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are givn in the most succinct yet complete manner. They claim parircMlar noifce Tor iheir fidelity and truth, and all iho.e who denre to comprehend the exact finan cial condition of the couetry should not lail to examine the views which -will be tbunn in this department of the journal THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE wii! fee found especially interesting and in structiAe and being derived from om cf the ablest minds in Europe muot be read with the utmost avidity by those who desire to camprehend thai diblomacy of the Gov errments of the Old World. In all other respects THE WEEkLY NEWS will be found to meet the public de mand. It is the e peuial object ol the Pro prietor lo render ii a vaiuatie and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, ennobling in its character, and satisfactory to that lare class in the community who desire to see the Public Press treat all public questions with arguments expressed in roorie-y and candor, thought, at the same time, with the spirit due to the themes dieenssed. By reference to the term of Tne New York Weekly News it will be noticed thm it is by far the cheapest newspaper in the world, and ihe Proprietor fee I A thai htf moo invne those who approve of it principles and coiduct to use their influence in adding to its yreseol large circulation. NEW YORK WEELY NEWS, Eight P?es i.-orty columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year On? Dollar Eleven Copies ta one AdJr for One . ,Vc2r TEN DOLLARS, ingle copies Three Cents THE KEW YORK DAILY SEWS. A ficslcla Metropolitan Journal devoled to Peace and ConMimtional Liberty, atid containing all the nein of the day, Politi cal, Telegraph ical, Commercial and Local is the cheapest daily paper in the tnetropo- TCRMSi One Copy, One Year Six Dollars. One Copy Six Months Three Dollars, Single Copies Tow C-nts. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square. New York. 1 ' North Central Railway. Ti M E TALB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the Susquehan na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. Ou and after Mondav, Aoril 20W, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Son bury, Hrrieburc and Baltimore, as lollows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a.m. Leaves Haimbu rg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1107 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg,except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at . , 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHJFARD. Mail Trail leaves Bakimore daily except Sundays at Leaves Harrisburg, Arrives at Sunbury, Express Trains Baltimore daily, Arrives at Harrifcburz. 9.15 a m 1.15 p.m 4.05 p.m 9.15 " 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 Arriveo at Snnbnrv. .5.38 ii Forurther particulars sppty at ihe office. I. IN. JJUbAKlt I , upl Harrisbnrg, Aug. 8, 1863. TUE OLD GUARD. A Monthly Journal, devoted to tho Prin cipies oi it io, uesignea to nnmasx the Usurpation Desplism and crimes of this ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And to defend the doctrines of State Rights, and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolutionary Fathers. - Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., sao street, New York. PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For warded by mail or express to all parts of the United States at SI a year, in advance. Any person sending ten subscriber -will receive an additional copy for one year. : Aug. 20, 1863. Gents Balmoial Ltce Boots, trilt-.ba ,aold varv law. A lao. Bovs Shoes, at , . , L.T.SHARPtff3 THE S!ger sewixg machines: sVUR;Letter A Family Sewin? Machine is '-r last saining a vroIJ-vviJe repniatJon. It is beycud'douoi Ihe best ajnd . cheapest and moM beautiful t f all 'Fwiniiy Sew ing Ma chinee yet ofTerd to the public. No otbur Famity Sewinz MaRhioe trai ho mnny ust frl appliances for Hern nii.ng, Binding, Fell ing'Tukh)2!, Gathering, Guaiinf, Braiding Embroidering Cerdinv, and so lorth. No other Family 'Sewing'MacMirte'has so inu-h capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kind of dtoh, and with all kinds of thread. 'Great and recer.1 imp'rovements make our Family "Sewing "Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at nil rates of speed. It makes the intsrlocked stitch, which 'is ihe best stitch ki.own. Any ono. even of 'the most ordinary capacity-jCan see, at a gUnce how to use the letter A Family "Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exqurgiie-style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a piece of tunning workmanship oflho rnoft usefulkind. 'It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to w operaiea may o opened as a spacious I I i . hiiu tuu-ianiiai iaoie to sustain Iho wo-k While some of the 'Cases, mede'oul of the i. T .... a J f t tuuiccM wooos, are niti-nea in the sim plest aud chastest manner possible, others are adorned and ernbelit'hed in ihe mrt ;otly and superb manuar. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of its great rapacity. and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for 'family sewing a our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are we'll supplied wrth silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc , of the vry best qoality. Send for a Pamtihlef. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8I0 Chestnut St. N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. A. J. Evan, Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. M-SECOND HAND eS A F Lj a. S AOS (DHJAFo XEXV YoniC SAFE DEPOT 71 William Street, New York S. A. GKSG03 Size tend Prices of Lillie's Fire-Proof Safes. O U T S I D E: Ileikt. IVullh. Depth. No ! 24 20 20 No J 28 22 24 No 3 SO 24 24 No 4 32 28 24 No 5 34 31 24 No 6 40 31 24 -INSIDEt- No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No Number do do November I 1, 1863. Miller's Store. OF FA IX AND U IXTEU GOODS. r!HE subscriber ha just returned from the Ciiifj with another large and select assort m-iit of FAkM, c IV IX T IS I S GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia ind New York, at the lowest fuu'e, and whk.!i he is determined iopcH on as modera'e terms as can be procured elsewhere in B!oomburg His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, Ol the choicest styles and latet fashions. DRY GOODS, ctV it.ce aa S3& HARD W A It li. QUK E N S W A II E. CEDAR '.VVjRE, HOM.OW-WARE. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything onally kept in country s;o.-e?j to which he invites the public gener ate. The highest prirft will be paid forcoun trv produce, in exrhans? for goods. STEPHEN II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Jan. 6, 1864. TERRIBLE DlSCLOSUIlES! Sccrcls For the Hillou ! Amos, valuable and wonderful publi cation. A work ol 400 paes. and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTERS VADEMECUM,an original and popula treatise on Man and Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorder of etery klt i, with Neer-Faiiing ff medien for iheir speedy cure. The practice ol Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still i?, unbounded, but at the carrest solicitation numberous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM.". It is a volume that should be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for ihe allevia tion of one of the mot atvful and destruc tive scourges ever visited mankind. 0;;e copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ol poMage to any pari of ihe Uni ted Stales for 50 cents in P. O. stamp, !3 copies for SI. Address, poit paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Sept 9. 1863. Old Things Become IVciV, The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "the rest of man kind," that he has lately returned from the service of his country, and again re- j:e opened his OLD ESTABLISH- yi EDTAILO RING SA L O O N.-1LE. with a view of making up entire new gar ments, as well as mending old ones, for all mankind,' and any body else, who may favor him with their work in hU line. He is prepared lo do work NEAT, Fash ION A BLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hope by so doing, aod strict ailentton to business to merit aud receive a doe share of patron age. But remember, all, that these times require money, or something to live upon, he therefore hopes and trurt?, thai when he has done his part, his customers will do theirs, by furnishing the "ready John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of his hire." " BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 18G2. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. : ' O&ee on Main Street, First door below A. JSIcan' Store. Pec Sflf, 1M4 , ' Ileif-hl. Wiillh. Depth. 17 H 12 19 13 12 21 15 12 22 18 13 24 21 14 31 21 15 pricc. mice. S50 00 Nnmbef 4 Sf5 00 fiO 00 I do 5" 100 00 70 00 I do 6 115 00 Gic;iou s IJJcrnry. COMP'JiJYIGJy. 'A n Iczzr.:. -"Moral and Refined Mis cellaneous 'Family 'Journal. " A PAPKR FCU i'AE. MILLION, , Ar.d a Avlponr.e viy't're! ;fi tiorrie c't--cle. It r-ontaiiis the loreigti end iiomelic news of the duy, and prefects th greatest amount of intelligence. . . THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY v Is pritned on fine white -paper, with dhw and oeauiiful tvpe, ami is a large weekly paper of sixteen octavo paes. An unrivalled corps of contributors are under regular engagements, and every 'de partment ia placed on the most fiuinhed and perfect system that experience can de vise. Each number will be beautifully il lustrated. TERMS. $2 00 per annum. Invariably in advance. For sale at all Periodical Depots in the United States. , 'Published every Saturday, 'comer of Tre mont and Bromfield tieet, Boston, Mas sactiuseits, by . F. GLEASON. Nov. ll, 1863. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA ) T HE subscriber would respsctlully ap piUe his friends, and the public gener ally, that he has'ei!;ab!ihhed the MADISON M HOUSE; in Jerseytown, Colunsbia county, Pa. The above houxe tian lately oeen tefilted and untlergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared to entertain the Cravetfiitg cratom as well a 'the I.iohI with general satilactio'n, 'ill TABLE and !AR,are well supplied and will be careful ly buperin'ended. And Ins STABLE is am ply and well Morked, in charge of 'careful grooms, will always be propsrly attended. fcj" He invites a share of the publici-us-lorn, and pledges his best efforts, to help his guebts feel at home. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown, Jan ft, 1862. 3ZOEA1TO-B 'HOLES, WM L K00NS Proprfetcir Itl.OlNUlTRa pa tiro - r . .a ' ,ma nzninceni noiei, Mtuate it. IheAteon.es. each $1 20 -- central portion o. trie iaw, and op. poite the Court House, has been thoroughly repaired and ref urnished, and the Proprrerer ia now prepared lo accommodan? travelers teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. Hisiab-fa will be supplied with the best the market a (lords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors Altentigj ostler? will always b on hand and his stabling i the most extensive ir thie section ol coflnTry. Omnibuses wii always be in readineap to oonvey pa-re'n gers to and Irom the Railroad Depots. WM. B. KOONS. Bloomsburg. Jcly 4. 1S60. Whocnle mid ilelail. rpHE subscrili?r would announce io the JL citizen of Bloomi-bur and vicinity that he issellina LIQUORS in large and small quantities, a ti l at titTrer.t prices at iin icw cinfi-v (mi .turn Fireei, nnnh &iit t UL' r .t.iAra eauiIi rf Iron street, B.,ccl7..,b-rir. Hjs fl'Sj censis's o! Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber- ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a I arse assortment of s$r m a S3 lis. zr Old Rye. gray w ith age, fine f).'d Bourbon, Old Foik3 Whiskey, and ariy quantity of common. Ke alo has PURE HOLLAND GIN. Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam-i pagne Wines; and lal but not lea!, a' quantity ol pood double extra BROWN I SI OUT; all of which he will sell si the ! lowest cash price?. Ihe public are rcpecl fully solicited to nive hi liquor a tris.1. D. W. BOBBINS, A5 t. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1561. D31TTIS EE,?. SimEOx DE,TIST, ES PEC FULLY o.fers his -"-'professional service. lo the 11 r tartlet l ii.nllarnunrl !!..... I burs and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all the various operation in Den;iiry, snd is provided w nh the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. I M: 1 .1 t.ll . ,t 1 mint-mi yi.-z atiu uiuck leein manoiac tured and alt operations on teeth carefully , aiteaiieu to. A superior article of Tooth Powder, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. ResiJence and Omre, a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1858. Outtn Prrcha Hacking. (IFITIIOUT BRUSHING.) TOR Boct, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Leather Work. This new and excellent article excels eveaything ever before in use, for beauti fying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, anJ makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on trots ai;J shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If ihe leather becomes dirt y wash it off with rlen writer and the polish will re-appear. Warranted as represented. Directions tor oso. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the pnllh h complete. PRICE 31 CEFTS PER BOTTLE I CP For sale by L. T. SHARPLESS. ji Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. Kollock's Dandelion Coffee THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians a a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof Ie3 will use :his without injarions effects. One can contains ihe strength ol two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and besl BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and .. Price 15 cents. Manufacturtd by M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, GTAni told by all Druggists and Grocert.Jti Febioary 26, 1862. ly. E. H. little; bloom tuna, Office in Corrt Alley; formerly occupied fcy Chatles R. Buckalew. Deefiiber2S 185?. '' If WHITE MliOllST riLMJIEEIC r::n cheapest i'At ut.rcLkstixB, SHORTY-EIGHT roin ""is of reading miH i-r per week lor $1 2o per ejr.-.-Th only New York' Paper m de up eAtlnr-fve-ly Icr vt-. ::;y r'ue .j'riiioti; m, Jr t e ,evr ol the week, wjtti ihe cat.le, pro,tne and C'.I.er IliHrLet.'r.itrel'iiiiy f;!'.)iif j. The Aetr York Joy foOA, 1864. While Meirs LiLeii!eb--iitate RiJh;s-iFi-eral Union. . . . ? Tha New Yi,rk'Day.Book is an indepen dent. Democtatic Journal, holding with-tb laie Senator 'Dru?Ua, ilii thia govern merit is made ou'the. white basis,; by whir men, for the benefit of white, men n4 their posterity forever." Juij lt4 doe ble sheet, with forty eight columns ol ready ing matter, and in all respect u helper tor -Markets,' new, Literary or Agricnttaral information is hot inferior to atry as a po litical or family newspaper. 'In its poluK ral department, it grapiles bolt'ly with tha real question before the American people, and preeiU the 'only philosophy of It which can resist the sweeping march of Abolitionism.- It is Democratic in the irt sense erf the term the te'enderof the do- pie's rrglits. but it itr.e upholderol no par ty chicariery orlnckeiy. It i not only for peace, but it shows how, and how only, prrmaneni p'eace can be obtained, and (hit glo'ior.s wlitle nian's ffovernment of Wash ington r'a-nred viz : by the utter raij?e, over.hrow, aiid fX'ermir.aii&n of Atojitioe ism from American soil. , . . The D:iy Book i uw rt; only weekly poli'ics.1 pspr 1:1 Nw York city made Op excloMveiy for connrry nrculation. All the others arc 'rtha-hed from the eulomns of some daify paper, vlich readers it almost impossible to give so complete a;;d general a summary of ihe news as in the other ca-e Person" about sr.bocilbir.g should take this-in'0-coni?ra:ion. Dmo-rais, al-o, rccst Sf'e lo it ihat so-nr"f p?pers are cifci la'etl uu.or,2 ile j.f Of le, or aboliiioB ism will never te put down. C' Wf)0 desire lotefuie fhe 'Sroomejit's of Abolitionist-', should readTfc.e Day Book. TERMS: Or:e copy. c.e year. J2 frj; TSiVs'a'copiePcn jea'r, $5 CO; Five copies, one year, 7 .0; Ten copies, one year, and one to the peuer up of the club, J14 00; Twenty i-opies, one year, afld one to the nerer op of t' e Club. 421 00. Addinoni The n-me of the rWofW ronr.tr. ..4 Sta'e, si on 1 hi all rUsesj be ptainry givet in everj le ter. Pajmeiits always in adrsrice, ard all pat ers w ill be stopped wken the tihie if subscription paid lor expires. 1,(t'"-., . VAN EVRIE, HORTON &CO, 162 Nassau si., New York. fzptcial Orders. We dexire this year id p!are blorri a miiiiuu ol ncrfiern reao ers the jiteal decrtne '-The Dy Book" teir;;? on the question of the Rn-es. We conndentiy hei.eve if Journal were placeil ii) the har.ds of o-.ie haif of the voi . .. . . -.. j lersof ihe iioithern S'ales between this time j and November, 1864, the Democrats coalt not fad to cwtrv tae next prest le Uml eleo ' tion. We theretcre make the ol'ow'sng J oflers, not in th li-ht of prize, ar.d not ! ercn bpcr:e it will be prrfvM. for we ! can srarceiy afford ii bin solely to secure i a wide disfeminat'on of :S;e vnjrs which we profoundly D-lieve w ill sae oar coua i yy. j ' Clubs ff 7vcKty.--For a cluf, of 20; ibn fXTA tuner imw i.'Atui'. sm will send a co,v ol Cr Vo Fr !' ureal work on "neyrcits ami neaio slavery," th j third cdii'on ol which i-jusl reaJy. Pi ice One Dcnlar. Clubs of rf!,. For a club of Fiflg subscribers, t jplO, we will r.c eatra paper, anil a comeie set of our Ani Abo 1 mon Publications, " the once ot whichi taken loeiher. amour.t f ?2 75. Clubs of One Hundred. In relation to Club of o!e hundred, we will ay thisc Whoever wi!l send us ore hutidred sub scribers at one tin.c, the club to be enl io one adtftei. and begin an J end at the amsj time, will receive thj papers at StOO. V. E., H. ti CO, November IS, 1863. TtlE" 31AGAZIXE F0K THE TIJiESl OETERSON S MAGAZINE, the best and cheapest in ihe World for ladies. Tt.ii popular monthly Magazire wii! be "really T ' ; i improved for i64. Ii will contain one ' "v . r a onsid l'2? of' Reading ! fnnrteea id-nli(( Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Beiitn Work Paitem"! Nine Hundred VtoodCuts! Twenty Fouf Page of Mu sic ! All thi will be iveu lor only Two Dollars a yer, or a dollar tees than Maga zines of the clasof "Petefson." f is Thrill i lina Tele and Novel--' s are I tie best out. I l,.k.l All il.A ......I.. liruri n:i J &t 111-7 rrum 'l'TU14I writers ate employed to write originally fcr "Pe erson.'' In 1861. in addition 10 ite usual quriiility of thoit stories. Four Origi nal Copyright Novelet, will be given, br i Ann S Spheii!, Ella Rodman. Fraik Le Benedict, and the Author of "the Second LtiV.' Ii also publishes Fashions Jihead of All Others. -Each number, in addition lo the colored plates, iives Bonnets, Clonks and Dresses, ensraved vn w oovi. Also, a pat'rp, from which a Dress, Mr.iiUa, or Child's Dres can be cut rut, without the aid of a mantes maker. AfO, several j ages of Household a'nd ether Receipts. it is the best I.cdys Maazinr in thi IForld Try it for one YearTtrmst Always in Advance. One Copy, one jear, S 2 CO Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Five ccpie?for one year, 7 00 Eight copies, one year, 10 CO -t Premium for Getting up Club it Three, Five or eight copies make a clobi To every person getting up a club, at'btf above rales, a copy ol the Magazine ferf 1864 will be given gratis. Address, pot paiJ, s CHARLES J. PETERSON, . 306 Chestnut St., Pcila Novembef 1. 1FP3. LEATHR I LATHER I fCHE utidef signed woclJ announce, that ho has on hand, at his. Hat aod Cap emporium on Main street; Dloomsbnrg, aa assortment of different kind of leaiLer,sochr as fine calf skins, morocco, red and black j and linings, ail of which be will sll cheap er than can be had elesewhero in this aizt ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves JOHN K. GIRT03J. -Bloomfbnrsr, May 21. lt?62. DR. J.U. EVANS, . PbYsklan and Snrgeoss HAVING located permanently on Maia Street, BLOtlMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, mat he is pre pared io attend to all business fiith folly and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, on terms commensurate with 'he times. fyHe pays strict attention to Surgery as well as Medicine. November 25, 1 863.-1 y. . HENRY ROSENSTOCK, SUy-lVilit AinbrotypUl -. rOOAlS in the Third Storv ol ih Erj change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia eomc"