The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 11, 1864, Image 2

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Z? J -Ui -V V '.
-. ".'l . " "-.-1 ... . -
v:,i. . J ACQS 1 editor.
mr., WEDMSrAT. EAT I fill. 1SS4:
S. M.' FfTPLNcLt'& Co., 37 Park Row,
New York, i.r duly author ized to solid and
rreire subscriptim i'mI ad.-ertisinss ferine
F'- .'.? o A, N poblihv1 at RLufDsburg,
C. 'i.rrtKa.cotj.ity, IVnn'a."
Mt:?.k & Co., 33i B.oidway, New York;
," !'s coiho; zrd to receive subscriptions and
-!rerM-H"j frr t::e'":o c r AWA. '
P6.nk.T IN WAl
ct"j-?cc lo 'he Decision of the Democratic
Naiiotal Colter tion. .
Cscit iretcrdissi.
Corrtmet en Mouday,-Maf.fJ. l$A.
Jcrcc Etwru., and Assccia'ei, and
.i!cP."TKoiDi, coiIm bench. - Tae -uol
pwJimirary baiifi got av'ong with,
when the Co at proceeded to take up such
eajrrs, i c.h civil cci criini ial, aa were -is
reii:i-ai ".,'--.Coroir.onweahh
r. John Proser Sari'y
f. l!;e 1'eac?. Senirr.c of the Cour if,
that Le pay the coj-ta ai.d statvl -:orrj milled
;-ti;I tins i complied win. wealth r. Geergtt baif "Sori y
cf ibe feace The Cocrt aenter.ced Pri
MO pay "lb cost and give biil i.i o;i ban
Iru Jo!ur fc snrirj- cf i.e tcace (iurina
ol: je.r,-aiKl -tritJa cou-miueJ until he
iccmptii with the tenience. .
Ctf-mjJameatih w. Sia D. Ki!r lo
flctn..i. - A?'u;taiJ uttery. Tiie Jry
founv' t!ie I.yfnJaui goiity in rntiuier
luri le. iocti .ititlicfe.l- Sntr-ca eMtie
' 'Cdar: that K !ar,pay iiae of tn dol
lars anJ eot of proecution.
r cj K-nte.i Treaher In
Jitm::tj horwi ncaim;, tree biil. Delri
;fWaJJ sui'.iy in manser and form at he
toci indicted. Semene, ihe Dafeadam
pay a fine of One hun J re J dollar !o the
CcnifTiUwfia'ih and co-t of froiecnioi.
and undergo aft imprisonment ki the K
rn Stale ,Pect.emiaryt labor (or a teno 1
two )63r.'
- CoKirasnwea'ih . Jeph II ami Indict
irent, Larceny. Trne Bill. A!sr hearin
'the eTtJance ii caae -the defedani a
. cocinsel vriihdrft the plea of "not ru"l:y '
'The e:eoce cf t'.f co.n ra that the De
fiU'.?t,t pay a Hue of tea doilara and co.
.and c.i(!ei20 ait iaprioniteiit of oue )er
fa the Per itnviAiy.
LouiH G;w-o vs. Elizabeth DaHa Pj-ct
snsent: Verdict for plaintiff, ix ceuiadam
aje ai,J cctfff.
C'nn:ciiwehh rt. Wrr.. Sietter I'ulict
tn'ut, A'ash and B,Mery. ..Tree Bi!. Vr
d-it i.ot gciliy. Proeecctor, Ja:n -fiarrr,
to par th cot.
'L' n.'.Bi3rt.tJwhn Hoa'rt.r. Wi'JUm
Dei.rtrn, etaL- An appeal Verdict tor Ue-
Tire Sct'ec! DiMriel vs. A.J. Manrjir.g et.
al Sua:mo!J A Juror wilhJ:awu. Jatig
.lueut for PiaiclLT, S5 6S.
tTi .'V I!at.crelt-iLt Judges cf the Qiatltt
fest'.ct'. cf t,i Ptuct i und for tki Cow y
The Grndlnqseetcfihe ComiBOnifreilih
tof Pci-ryUafiia, ir.nirir2 tor the body ol
'the County of Calumbia, resictfjily ra
That they have examined" the Tobl'.c
2l tii. g of the coO.ty cl Columbia, ai d
tave iJjnd them in gtod repair, except the
"Cou't Rtioin. TJie Jail, Prion R'oin, and
: E- aie keptxiiin and in good order. We
recommend two lamps or lanterns to be pro
cured anil fixed at the head ol the tep. io
.frtnt oi the Court House.
V' fortbet report, iha.t the Coon Room is
-jti Lad oidtsr, in conseque.'jce of itg elr2
o?fd .'on Couseri KscQ and Theatrical
. Hall, t.4 we recomrreod that hereafwir said
Couii Roo.-n be od for r.oihing but tbs 1
C'uiirve business of the Coons. anJ po!iu-,-cal
nominating Crenty convention", ami
lUs meeting of the School Directors lor the
ie'.cv.'ja of a Coiwity SoferintericTcwl,' and
; . for no purpose whleer. .
.We farther recommend the catntlng and
cleaning of the Conn Rocm; aud. some
rf'iht ' r;a:ri at the DtvelSirtj.'-'
'All o;- which is respectfully snhrnitteM.
; U. A. V. ATSON, Parent
' Tis ttht;o ol.cjipitali-:H and other
wishing. to make in veat.-oent in the C. K-15-5
lit r.ds, U railed to the adiertisetrent
rt. anoiher o!ciu io.Jar by Ihe, agency of
!. Ha.k which are depoMturiti
ol I atlic, b tnry. and othr' JJit.k and
Ii-iiker actir.g as agenta cf the ftiatwonal
fpoitary Uink, vvr.u.will lurnihh tarttjer
information and sfljrd every fci;ity to sub
fcnttr, cit application u them These
Bnds ar issued nnder the Act of Congrere
of Match Sib, 1 64, wLiih make-them ex
rrpt frr.rn ttXiuo.'' by f t wider any state or
municipal authority.. . Read the a-tvertiee-tsen
and bj caiiing at thi- office fulhir in
Itrcc.ions ia circ'jlar .fnrna ao be aeen.-
IsrfoaTiST IroaMnoi Cut I f. Fn tzt
teepa coRs'tsntfy on fiaf?d anJ for sale, at
4he IcorJer'a cfiice in Dioofitoorg, '.'Th
Co'tut'tutioa of the Uutted S:;:'-," nd of
Ihe 'S.atd of PeiiyTani i;!-vrions
nyei, at prices to suit j aUo, anudry. other
democratic turk; iocair.en's. and speech
es ; together wiih tegal,'bota and cap pa
fef pens, 'Ink and envelope of ail sizes
C"J ) 's.-. , a well a theological, poetieal.
Il.jf!ris.i.l knl biK-ceiiifieoijn books, cheap.
j?unx Lv.uc' LMir9 MaGfZts forJIay
i t'U oc-r Taiilti. - It i most-capital nua
i.r aiSrpf nig ad odi?rs that we hava sas.T
frr a i ..g ttrrtc. Tee lahionf jdatas Cio'i
t boat -Taey ara seidij. '.. ra reading
i i v- t -.- cu
a id -u.reres-UBg. Subcrioi t.
: 'r -t . 3 v 12. AiJ:i, if tats it
t.-i.- ir-.r i'.jjo. '
" ""' v BtpcdlaUca.
.tvTJrn'-w8Vit of ;repndittns tfca pledged
fiHhi51 the-Mate o.r iVnrnjtyaiuu, ;ha at
-length' been eonsiu'mri:erI, by ih party in
pojer VV'he.i ilia Saie 9 in need of
moi.ey catty on Ure work of jnte.rnat in-
k prrtemer.i, lon. t raonejfwrre ft.;kd, and.
ibe 'faKh of if.e'Se w pledged to the
ipayrre.-a of the"mferet in said and- Japon
tin pledge th peopf cama lurward to her
aid and Hupplied ihe much needed money,
reiv'tna upon ihe fatth of .the Con.mon
weal h beinj maintained, nnd which-wonld
bare been don, t ni for the miionon of
trie preieiii Ato'tiioo party cettin into
power." The holdervof Siaia ecuriiie in
iid of receivia lie iperest oron their
ir.etrr.cnt in trin'T a wan promised ihem,
and which i Uvy wrr'h iia fce valM,
will no In paid-in greenback, hich
have-diiniuiAld from their fce value lo
561 2 cents. Thix the aiock ho tier iitea 1
of gettin; 6 per rent, for his niutier. will
rect-ire bot little oer 3 per cei.t. Tlie l.e
Ula'.nri of r"5w York a'.umiped to perpe
ta: ;he ame act upon tho loan holder o!
that State, bot a Democratic'Govertjor saved
Ihe Siae th8 disgrace of repudiation,
Wiih c-i snu le elt)r u, how toon
may we lonk for tLe rrndini:on of tha . Kdd
paying in. ervt jmncy of the United Slare.-.
How Hihi, t! the preeem party remain '
'power, "may we boar of the abolttifn ef the
provikiim t:iaiin payuift.t d ii.ieret in
gold on the loRn Itey are now arkin for ?
'What -cocCdcnce-can thor bs in party,
who wi.'l thu t.t n!y in one in?'ar,ce. but
in repealed ra, t reak the f.i:h p'thied
5o the loan holder ? Policy . at thi time, if
not kintt'y. iiOuli Lave dictated a v Ler
coure. . .
t-inre t!ie fnrecoins a written we hare
iececd thij Mf-ae f. Governor Sey
moor, on the u ject of t'ii urns rpec rs
of repudiation in New Ycik, ai.d we t-ub
join a te'T extract to ho-.7 the lih: in
which he rHrd the maiier. la rpeakin
of kepin, the Siae taith, a:id p-tyic j the
in'eret in coin, he ay :
'L'ti!? ihi- btf d;ne the honor of New
York it. Som. Irft the tranj;er w ho tro d
ta our honor be paid to the laot penny ot
our bargain.
' When we eoir'it the rr.aiket cf the
world with our tevuritie, we pledged our
lte to mieitw them in the currency ot
the acrid. The partial reflect of plighted
Uttit laM year i ujvv to b foliowed by an
open tetj)l o pa any of our promise ac-x-ordiiig
to their 4iain rne. The disgrace
ot i&t year wa inniied ; it a kept with
in oiirtluo-; tiotf oiit tharr.e and diliritc,r
are to be borntf in the lace ot the world.
"Principl j uui policy united to ure the
action I recommend to yoj. Ii i ttid.onty
way in which ihe S ate can, in truth, fu'.ti1
it. coMtrac!.' It i the ouly way in which
the State can keep itcell in a position to :o
into the market hereatier dece.itiy a a bor
rower." . Some daj since Gen. I'i. committed lo
F.-rt Lafayette a certain Hawley D. Ciapp.
a one of a Kang of bounty swindler who
are eaid to have stolen fi'tr huJtel thmiithd
ihliiri Iforn recruits at a tingle olfice in
NeW Yrk. Forthwith the 'loyal" pre
pr !ioaiced him a '"Copperhead ilariir."
Ibe UlsehooJ, like the thousand of o hers
rai-e.J by the same pre, vtai soon expo.--ud.
Hi own'crtlGeel has wrtiteu a fol
lows to tie New York tfemld;
' Sitiee the tomnietjcement'of the nnfor
iDiitis war Mr. Clapp La5 been a strong
Union m'i and a warm supporter of all Jhs
measures f the) 'Government, evert tliat
which e'er rived the citizen ol '.he it.esiima
b'.e riithtol h t!.e ;is cirp-u
Clapp wa a Republican candidal for
Senator in New York las', tad, and .e. eired
8 175 wites a2ai:il Sjxton Smi h. Domocr.n
Greely, a residerl of the district, wa rne ol
hi warmest supporter, and uted his elec
tion wi hout vehemence.
The A bany AlUt and
-Clafp 'hrehtened those w ho refused to
support li:n iib imp rionrrierit in Fort
Lafayette, and was a" boi-terous, bullying,
blatant politician of the Loyal League
school. ,;
Tux Confederate are reporte l tt have
now no Ie than thiriy iri i-cli h re.i ly for
serviee. Tffere are miiU at Il c'irnn 1,
Chrletort and Atlanta, it i aid, where
the iron for these vessel i prepred.
Seven of tbee iron cUd ara it: forth Cr
rdinal waters. It is a'Vo rfpor'ed hal twen
ty Huropean-built iron-clad vea! wid t-e
sent so oi:ttin ports dating ihe suti
A xtv Majiion roa thk Govcaot The-renintil-ee
of tf.e L-gi-Jaiore to fflio n ihe
sni jci wa re!errd live pn'chtel the
e'-jantVn.nsi JO of the la:et Welt Coer!y.'
in Harricn'j, a re-i lence for tne (J iver
r.or ot the Stale, a.i l the (.'o.tnctl ol the
city ot Harri-t'OT tt.iv amhorlz .i ihe pay
men' of the ura of twentj lhua:itt dollars
io ard paying for
Moss devehipmeat afe prorn'ns 1 abo jt
I be' New York Co-:om Hou-e. O-ie of C.t.-
Iectr Rarney.corUntial agents i charg
ed with gellU'g an innocent ills' put into
Fovt f,i?ae:h?lhre month ao. so that he
eojldo't appear &s a wi i:e again-t said
aient. The innocent .man i MtH i cm
tody, a:.d the odwr lt.--Spnag(uU R pih
tiCan. ' " - '' ;
Tlix Pstviaa for April ha reached oor
xnclnm,' coita:tiiiie usual, 4 large
axo'itit of valoabl information for the
"craft." , Every - Pr'n ter should subscribe
lor it: Price on 'y SI 00 a year. Jon x
Gtch!0Si Co.'. Publi.her,4 172 Wm. St.
Ner York!' ' ' ' ' ,
Tiie Penusj Jrani.t Seiaie,'-)on SatorJay
of week before last, paseJ an act to th.
orU th State tanks, to become National
backs; also-a bdl to py exfnsrar-of the
inaugoratiott. S50 .000 br the extenso t of
the i:tg of thdcapitol wa passe J.' J;
llsrt. Uxxrt D MooKi!,tha newly elected
Stale Treasurer took charge of that otlice on
Monftay Jast, and. eppoimtd U.-i- Jag?an
'nrh(imhr Jdl' (illS COCUt?. WOW
Cletk. Sai.Ur r frizxrat.
4 Sensible ?p-c ch-.
In the Uniteil Su'tfeun', April 7, Mr.
Uendprsor. of iMijni)ri,-ma!e ati ehberate
speech in fa-vac i t-he pVoptied, ntnend
ntenl to the Cotiiii:i(ion sbtli shiti: slavery.
lie is one uj ifj abTest adtccte ofVthe ab
l,'"on r f,'.B?.ry throughooijhe. nation, and
, one of the devoted adherents to the Nation-
al A JminUtra ion, in Congre.; yet he ued
language which, it appears to in, expreed
entimejit ao rimiUr to those protionnced
by Mr. Lonsr, that it would puzzle a Phila
delphia lawyer to lei' the difTirc'nce. IVe
c,r o:e from 'Mr. Hendernn eech :
''I? it become ee-
n!f r.t II. at the friend of elavery ar ttron;
enough in this conr.rrv to ieit all reat-on-able
eflnrt to subdue them, I -hall act upon
i. I am not j rpared to ruin the country
in a ain fl.-rt to do liat can not be dune,
Shall this war-go on forever 1 .1 thi ctun
mon ?ry of "the laft man atul the lact dol
lar," .pontry, patriotic or bracandocia
Should 'he war go on until the public debt
et.!! the entire wealth ol the country ?
Should the holecapital of the popie be
forced itto Federal hecprities, and thee se
curi'ie maJe the basis of an irredaama'!o
p:ip-r cia'iation 1 go rn nn'.il
misery brood over, the whole lan;l ; nt.t.l
the civil ai.thoriile shall become impr:etit.
and M tiht 1 peon ami property Mam!
at the mercy of Mditarr power ? jfjionld
ii ;o on n.til the n ember of the "Sena'e
a:jd. Ilo to tf He t-reteittativc ashai! owe
iltHr p'.tces here lo the bajo'iel ill.eaJ uf
die b-;ht bo-x , until titey become as con
;:ief.'piible na ;ln Uomp P.rtr!itii:it that si
i trln. onrf ml l'i f.'i.l tin., milif ..i .1 1 m .
. IV.II ..l'w.. ! IMtJillll I. I flltl.J .1 II f
p.tton to the overibrow ot the Entfilsh Con. !
stiiiiticm, to be tinally expe'led Ironi place
by 'he p wer they had so ba.-e!y. rervrd .
t Should it yo on til! corrnpiloi; atidfra-id. iha
iii-ce.ii.ary cornitan's d civil war shall f;ave
crept into hih !a-e and pot hi tt cirh
j ol pauto i-ir. ; nti'tl otliet"' become o mi .
J n-er-ii t!::it o'licial patioitHje may (jtwinei
or-t-hatf of tho penp'e upon the oihti half
and give- them ihe rnen of j er, ctnalii g
their o Aii power"? Should it continue nniil,
eX.hans-ed, the natioi would welcome the
coining of a Cromwell or a Dmiapare ; tin
til provoM inarpJiaU writ .military police
te stationed in every viiLi-, iu the I
Northern S ai, di?p!acihg tfte civil atthor-
ity, iei;iny order lor 4verning pop'e
i hereiohire suprio-ed lo be able lo govern
themselv, teacliii.g how G .! srta l te wnf
shippeii, pra c ritdog riew and strange ot
loces, anJ ponhig ihern by court-martial
? Should it cont' until fi lancial ru
in brinif misey, and rrney rushes ioto
anarcHy, when uo hope kill .c'e'potieui i
left !
Mr. Pre.len a few yetr more ol civil
war, rrd the oittlme of thi pictore will be
seen. St con not be oiherwi-e. Ii i le ne
cessary reKtilt of a lo:g civil strile Peace
"part es will spring cp : the war party will
dei.oonce :hent a traitor ; thi. publication
of ue papers will be supp'e,! frje
dom of speech ile-.d ; mob wtti re;a!e;
: itie Mor:lra a weij a toe l orrup'.ions
the war party will tend to sir-r.gtheti the
j convickUms f ihe p-'ace p-ny ; the perio.j
! Lei ne one of violence, each yunv a:ieals
to violence, the cc to hold the other to ob
tain power; the .ballot-bcx becomes a
mockery, a cheat ; it:'ead ol proclaiming
the voice of a free f eopie it - peak ihe -sub
doed lananage of ba -e subserviency or the
bold tctte of mi'itary despotism."-.
Pioio ThcuWAT Uoc2Enr-0.i Fruiiy are-r.
noon 22 J a- it-, about -I o'clock, a Abraham
ShetT er, a German, and leain-"er in the em
ploy ol Mr. Ch F. K-pitcn, soap iiiioi-
j laciurer of 'ht Borvngh, wa returning wiih
J ;.c rri T ("ro,u Alilaod. he wa aMafkeJ
at ttve fool of iho Rroad M J.iiai., rmar th
, otil loit gave. Fou.itain Sprir.g, by i-nr lr;:i
j men One of them seized the head of the;
hore and hld them ; ano liT wim
I hal-a kiii'e in his had spratg ct the
J mnetis of the wagon', and after beiog tr.ick
once or twice by the driver, -obtaruei pos
sioll of the w hip and cut it i t Svo : the two - jumped into the wagon, and
while one held ShelTier, by the throat, al
most chocking him. the other robbed him of
63 in notes : a patent fever waich wcrtti
rts a.ul a rlmn '.;ie.i at S . The r bber
ore hictoth,nir. the struggle, hut inflict-
1 no serious inj-jry on hi person. - With-
in ten minute the AshUnd
the spot. t"it the rebber bad decamped
with their booty. It teem that thee men
ftad solici'e ) Miefl'-r in " A-h'and, to la!
them to'pottsvdle, bot he re:M-eJ. They
then staried before htm, hi.J to wnt for Iti7.
aod roobed h-im a stated
A b-?ld piecd ol
t-t:s i.e
onera'cr ol
V-hlnd linrm;i'iii;
ini'i? n'
t . . : : . ... . i .'.t .
; tet. tr i e , to pay r.- oo o, v, .
I ....
t u: he prei-ente t t. : r.oi ;rioi -mni iiirffunc r,
and iie K-oJtiirel .er ifd eii e.l in t'.rir
pirpo-e. Tt e-e fJts show me nv.viiy of
yniii' ar.-neJ iu that Ic.cah:y. Jour
Mt;. ARitasriD roa a t'rv. A week or two
since one ot our townsmen, a good He
ptijltcati , by the way p.iJ a vi-it to .the
Army of the Potom ic. Desiring lo return he availed hiinell of h ' pas"' loan-
( e l 4irn by a friend. Bei.ig clad in a uit
I of gray, ihe Mar-hal regarded him rather,
suspicion?'? wa tjue.ioned aiout
, the Ta." Gtcoux-e onr friend feeling
that heviti ccngbt. .made a clean breat
o! i1,'.' when to hi aetottili.nent and a'arm
he was "ordered uixler arret. on opicin
of, being a "spy."- i 1 ct. wa subeqoentiy
rejeadd upon lh Tep.erntaHon fol Ins
friend who foaiied the .'pas"'.lhat, be
a a "good and .loyal .citizen,", otherwise
fee misjht Jiae 1 ad free lodging iu Fori
'Lafayette tfMr;iA Gazette.
Thk Ot p Gk Jot May t. pot as Demo
cra ic -m there i any r.!ed of., .Thij
is, deserving of a wide circulation it
.eres cloi-ely to the Cou-tituiion,. an J de
fend "Democratic princ'iDies in a , manner.
' other publication in existence.
Termf.S43 a year. Address, Van Evrip,
Horlon & Co"," 162 Nassau Stteit,Ntwfyork.
"A Cieat. Ui.j:ta!L:',
:! V.'e anI'p !Tt tr,iilfl wittily tieaded Mh
l.or. - and Short tf'It-,'' i:i the; Port J?l
V'iion,n- which the editor seeks-to jv'stlfy
Speaker"i:i thlt outrage "u pon com
mon leceiicy and parbanientary nSae,
which ad respectable Uepublican joornal
have had the good senco to cmdernn, the
following sentence : ,
The ereat . undertaker, Abraham Lin
coln, stand ready to do the last rite and
to-enter it ki that gra,re yarJ the .United
Stae.n, ' I ; i .
The "jrreat adertaler," Abraham I.ia
cnlii !"'" .The 'President has had many all'is
e.$. He ha beau cat te I "Mrinest O d Ate,"
the TUil-pliiter." ' Father Abraham,"
&-? . but it reserved lor the Cro
!' cap tf,e. climax of pel r.ume "the nrei
tin!er;ker" Could any thin be more ap.
propriaie '? ' "Klected tc the hihe-t pni-
'1011 in the u'i'l of the American. people, he (
left 5prinitlehl lor the White House, and
muieitook ti make speeches on the way.
They made him to a iaoiihins-siock of the
natio.i. He then undertook lo .pacily the
public apprehensioni of national Jiyrupiion,
by a-orir therrt that "nothing "van going
wrong, and, "nobody was hurl." Hi pre
diction have wofnlly rr.i-carried. Next
hs umlolocSc to shppres tho . tclti'ton, by
prrc!.imatioiis, but hi cilicta have proved
to te abent aveil'c ive us were the flaming
Inimination of William ihe Testy, the old
Kr.icker!vcher !overiiur o! N-jw Ycrk;
ati let the Yankees In lact hi whole
re"j;;i l as been u sfie of umletl. l: tips ol
t!. rnot ' tifirasonablo, not to ay it tner
00, character. He hns umlert'iken to per-
Meriy of speech, t y imprtsotif:
me,, f ,r t!.eexpre-s',on ol theiropu.iotM
he lu. u,u'c.llt to uphold the Ireedom ol I
the pre, by tf.e nppresnioii
of news- '
r,i-r opno-; I to this nrdi of coti.l-jctiri j
the war; and he ha vu.tert i&cn to,.
' -
t'.iC t irtcic; cy of ti e frrry, t -y removing
from cuiNrmi.d t?ia only genera! wiio have
i een entirrly st.rc-e.-'lnl in 11:0 held, aaJ
ho po.-esol w'.ihoiit excej.iio;:, the cm
ti.let'i o of ihi r s'ub.r'lira:e. He hfi
i;;V r.-Afi to jc-j'rt wit in troop. iy ne'f.jer oir. IIknu v u umimar oi iiem
opera'io.n ( f a mo releniless concrip:io't ; ! '-'" k iwp., and 'tli Mi.t;m.T CiiutL oi
and to increa-e the real d tho oeopio f..r i
:le? p-r,,etuatioii of iLe? republic,' by in-ro-
ducing into hi administration, rutra.-e
which would tiot le toiera'cd in a mouar
rhy. .
. l.!! otir roterpprirti'y. applies the epi'ha
in otfier se:i-a. He refer to i'.,e PrdMdcift
a a Jut era! manager, .t.o trn y. in t:i ;
r-gard he tr;ay welt te called ' reat.' No I
dtu-ei.t. for l e made the rrn l d the I urial
1 .-ervire at Geiiybr.r to advance hi po-
Hiical interest ; not siiirtciently imires-d j
with the solemnity ol h' ca'l'ng. lor he its
minde.l a mo ir.eloJy when riding
among the dead an! uing, tl Aoiieiarri ;
but 'great,' 1 1 everdelers, ft-f through his;
iiisirniiieniality huiolred of thutisando of
mau'y furtn ere keeping their J.nt: sleep,
awd millions "of widowed and orphaned
hert- are. wrung wi:h ang;;i!i. "The great
r.ndi r'aker, Abraham Lincoln' ill noi the
epi ht -well -con In red n 9 i a President
who ha its .?! short spa --e of ihree year
buried thoe' r-?at characterinc of a'ry thi free torn o peech ani of ihe
preI-s.hus couoigued to ttie toTt the i.i-
iliiivl.ialny ot ihe states, ha set up a stone
over the grae cf th conafrutia'i a-d ha
contrituned to the silent population of "that
grave yard, the I! (tiled State-,"" a millioT; of
11 1.... Kt.... t
It UO lll IT .
" . .
iaijci, rim raj 1,1. r-.v-n. .i.iv. .
i thank thee, Jew, for teaching uie thai
w ord.' xihinC pytr.
t A Ii ..;T I . m tfim.. I .l.riil :
Wuicti 1 Ikt. It i aimot to Ia:e4n taa
day 10 rccotnmenJ the c-eariog tiutii.aj a
a uairLf aiuclo in a family. No wt II reg i
lated itou-elioid i wi.hcul wis. Thi p.e. e;;led, the nest thing to do i-. io r-ticci
the ot c beet stitcd to y our m;urerr.eiti.
f'.oih ih- edhoi of the Jhme J-uiwil have.
louj had the Gioier Si Ji.tker machine in
their households, and can -speak !rom expe
rience. Tl ay. therefore have no hesiia ion
in saying that they like thi machine, ami
for the following reasons : 1st. It is more
simple, durable, and les liable to derange
ment than others. 2d. It s.ews from ordi
nary spools, and no rewinding of thtead ir
neces-ary. 3 1. it sewa vrith equal facility
( i, mot debca and the hear-
"-, -' ad kind of thread,
i ,0,1 OT 'i '! ;h- It seam i ao strong
id elastic that it i.eter bleaks. 5.1i. k
j via t mat ii i.wi v i.
laMens both ends of the seam by i s own
! ii ' i i
t.peration. 6t!. Its scan, .thorgh cut cl
Uery bixth sti ch, remain- firm, atd neitli-
er rnn w.r ravel in wear. Rut be-H.s tho
&boe qua!::? to reco;nme rl i!ie
i: Pker." ti ha n faculty which no other
. t 1 1 j c i ! . nil
e.. : it rnke em-
. i
lrni.iery v. rho.t uny cnang)
.1 m i e J ,11 1 ti ll
Tfcs rr.rnisc r.rtJ (!,; rtrfsraasec.
W;jT 1i.V TitOllISfD.
Remember lhat it Cnnin i re-eh'c;ed litis
wit, -d. piobab.'i'.y, tstll be troughl to!
an honorstle an I c!oo in a fe j
moiithe. Sumefitt iiaald .y If A :"j )it!,,r G !
IS63.- . . . . . :
O.'toaer I7tlr 186J Draft ordrj 1 for
300 (()! Men ! I
Febroary lt IKCl Draft Ordered for J
- . 200,000 Men ! t
Marcb lith- I8d4 Draft Ordered for
200.CCO Men ! ! ! , '
April, ISH 1 Calf mde on the-GjvcrnPr of
ihe Rorier States tor lita.tKJO militia to de
h"d the North against anticipated rebel invasion.-
. V '
The Record of " the Timet mnke every
man a trai;or that can't leiisvf that hwat Ite
aJmiuttirttlion is doirg is for ihe salvation
of the CoHi.try. The word treason n- d
trai-or have become the . choice, in hi
, . r. , . .
vecabukry. Fortuna.ety w.ssr and better
men hare define! what treason is, er we
miitbt see Copperhead, as the Keerd is
p!eae f to cait Democrat, dng'ing . from
every tree. That wouhJ be the grand miN
leninrn rrjauf of jihe radical. Scra
i&n RsgUuirS "'' 7 ' ' ; ; . -
Tiieps ezem tJ be but 'little news, jrorn
the Army ol (he Potomac st.tiiped oflicia!.
From all we cad. father "a bstc fouhi bait
ha.s taken place somewhere near the Kapi
dan, resulting in a Io.i of- from siz lo tight
thousand killed and wounded on our side, j
ai d a much severer loss on the part of the
Rebels. Thi, though, is not rtficial from
ihe !rot)l. We. have eccounts Irom liutler'a
army oti the Peninsula. They have had
some, sltglii t-tirmif-hirg -the enemy
pear or at City Point, on tnu Jaices li ver
It wa alio rpor'ed that Butlfr's force had
captured Petersburg. A few daja more
will deteiop the whole matter, whan uu
shall be aide to give our readers something
a litrle mora Th first acjourit,
invariable, are false or terribly eidggerated .
The telegraph htta long since ceased to be
a tmih teliing machine.
The Federal debt increased SlPO. 000
000 in the month ol March.
The bill taxing stock dealt ng is equal to
levying S5 010 000 per annum on the N ew
'Yoi-fc broker's board.
A criy mar. v a!ked tnto the presidential
niat.sion one dsy !-t 'Acek and claimed to
hae teen cittteil President in J85G. Tl:d
poor teliew wa t'f t n .taro that another
t-fizy man hud tetter claims to the po.:i
lion. ' "
I Tiiis Amc:ocv AciHCL,).Ti'RiT lor May
I l. ... i ... : i i i . , -. . ... .
' -A.c;
It-IicatitMi. devoid eclt..eiy lo the tor-
,,!er "-u tri:erer. i: 'rK iio w.uiin-
I'nce S-l no per annu'ii in
I i - i . i. .. !. .. o v
i. - - fii-.i... ..
"-ni:i juoo, ,.Ui,.,.,r, - . i ..o,
4. e'oi aru i, an wnu iti io ur,-
lonio iii liirniii.:' enera:!v.
j -
Oo th.
5:h iil , I y tt'tf Kev. Wi;
am J.
,n" '-'
O.i April !y th' Rev. TV M. R-ece
1 a il l.M'.roN I. Hhmwsi. ot Pi i I ad e I p !; i n , lo
M s. ;.imi!a d''i er ot Jacob Mw-l'ck.
H-q , ol l.ini rtci. '..
0 i ihe CSih n't , i Grenwoo. twp., Col.
co. by 'ram IVrr. fl-o,.. Mr. I'.d J. Sinks,
and ?.lrc. M.hy J. (, b;li ol Li
port- township, S il'iva.i county, IV.
01 thrt 2l ' of April Jf l.y Mlifltsom-
ery J !' , Mr I.irMAH) Ht., to Mt
v";'':,i C?LEi t "'1 ui t a p.,
t Col. co.
Iii-Salem iwp., T.r.zrrin'pmii!y, o.-, the
oi" March. Ifj J. al tle r-idenc of the
lo Moiher, lv Uev. H. Sheerer. Mr. P.
C Stuocv. and M;. fl Z Zl S-V D 4 T .( to r ra
erly ol MiUviile ) toith ol Stleni. Lo?. co.
d 1 1: i) .
At hi residence in Ulnomshurg, on the
8:h insi., Mr. Joi:.-; Uai'CLcit aged year
i;n.;.tl.i. a. id t'aj .
In 'Ferwrk, M v 4 h. Cnntr. A. yoonT.
ci o-i ol the l.i. j Dr. A. !$ nt.d Fr.inci-"
i V il-on . ae.l nv'i-i-ii ( rar. 'Iho fiir.eral
will tai.e ( lhi 1 1'iiJay) ulirrr.oou at
3 o'clock.
In Ceo're towr.s' ip.'Col co. , on Th'.tr lav
tvn.ri:rig l.i-r. Mr. Pniiir Fiik., in ibe
year of hi age.
In L.wrerce township.' Clearfield co..
Pa., on the lih of April, I8fi I. JosrM lawi.x
I , r. -
I AL'f.l t).J e!,TS. I I IIHMMn
' it i: VI Lit' 0 1WM ailttKUT,
CARr iULhT roKCir rrn vrKLKt.T.
lOKN',- new,
n 7o i iicrrKR,
l 2 KGGS.
1 'Jr. TAi"Li"W. m
7i I La uu p-r !:
7 i 1 r'M AT'iKS.
j HfJVK W 11 F.A'l .
j ? .- :v pr. t
. I I)R'i APPLl2 i.o J
w v '" u- " n "u
Ai the solicitation of many frier-'&. 1
woidd announro to iti voter ol Coiurri ia
County, thai I will be a candidal for
ASSE vl BLY, al the approaching general
elecioo, Mlbjecl to the teri-in f Co
luinbia t-outitv Democratic fottvpiiiinn.
Win. H. JAC0BY.
R:oomburg, May II. 1804.
i:nt;i!UIatc tor ShcviiV.
AR11n' AMMFaM'r
Jl lrnvn5;-s. Hr-
t, ,M X lllin-
ulh iriz ! to
an noni'C - , w ,1. L u can't M ' R tor i.i:r :
ol SHEIilFF. a! the aipproachin:: Geneial
j a- sJt. . ..-'
L'c o i, sti'.j-ct t:
liiml ia coi.nty Demo
i . , 52.
I,,. ,t.cio ol :); Co-
mocratic ton vea'to.j.
i'asitlidii'c tor sthfi ill.
' A .til' . s !) . ot .V.ii.u. o a i :
1 v
a e a
iiuito nze t to !iiii-.( nC. 10 l?
' 3 ta
a',.- to-S 'ElilFF 'h a;(iiia.?ii.
in; (ii ier il K-ec o.i, olj vt. to f is .t--t--'
j-.'? tit too Columbia 'Mil itv Dj-itO't a i
'i Ci''i cit i 'ii. M iy I. I1-'; - -
c H A K L fc 5 G . D A f 'X A L u Y,
. liurcicv v.t Z.u
fMLL prat-rive-in !
jhf. uri.l L''trfs f
1 " l o i o. a t i ii y.
le ! 1 1 ti:.'ie
i i!ro-ied 10 hi- ivt s. ail twfeiff pr.j.i j:'
O F i- I C F.. Oo Mat,! Sirec', Utcliange
lli;i!di'i'. i ter M;l!er iote.
Af"l H, lr'L '
PAPER, o: vation t 'I' e-t..b iti-
M.cnt (. Main NT'-ft. below Market.
liloom-Lnri!. which hi i'l ell at rea-oii-at-!
toe- .. A . J TliOhNrON.
Bioi Hi-1 May .4, rfil
JTi.'a'e cf Ji..c H, GMon iJit.icujd tvp.,
Co'hti'.h Vo-nrjy. t:c'U. .
'OTICE is l.eieby given that letter of
Admits it. .iiion to. it.e estate of Jame
B. Gib!-o, of G.renwood town-f tp, Colntn-
. . j a "
i' comity, .tec e. tiave teen grM-n oj
' te Rei-terol raid county, to Atraiiarn
E aiding in Beu o lowi.-hi,.,
B(iVi colluiy a!oresai.i. All yeison having
rlami aaa.r f-l th estate. t the teroern
are r;qneMetl " to' pre-rit tf.em for settle
ment, and those indebted-10 the estate will
make kamadiaie iaymef . "-"' .
Benton twp.. April 13, IW4. 2. . ....
;r 11 1: g u s: e sr a i-sa -
' AGRr'FACLY 'to tfie provi.-inn of nn
A' l of A-einbly, eK-'h-d Act dirSTtintj
ilia of seilmii Unseit-,i . Lamf" f:.r
taxes, nnd'.niher pti'poie, paed th 1 3 ti
day-oL March, l8l?,and tU further so-.
plemeol. therein, p?ed the l3dl llav of
Man-h, IP 17, 2Sth March, 192 , and Pi b
March, 1847, the TteaMirer of the Couniy
of Columbia, hereby ;iveii nriite to all
person ennrerneo therein, that nnlei (h
County. -Road, Si-hool, Poor and Stile Tux
es Iue on tiie foliowina Irnci of Uoseuiod
L.ttds, fin;ate io ("oinn.bia couniv, Pie
(ill before the day of -sale; tw 'Whole or
rurh pjrt of tfacl at will pt) Hie laxe an
t-i.-! fh-aroeahle iherern will te sohl hi ihe.
COURT HOUSE, in nioouubnr:.', Com.iy id
CVIi.ii b;t, on (hp M3lfi day of June, Ifc6
em" the second Monday, and lo be con
tinued' by at'jouMiment, from day to day
(or arrearage uf taxes tine s-'nf -cour.t v .
end the com accrued on each tract respec
tively. VAtllta!VM:rsitie iV?it!tS-
KEJfl&a. TWP.
A cm.
3 00
IS '
r,i 1
4 27 j
1 I
4 '.'9
37 7
j 1 2 J
as 4
4 3't
t ri
Dot Ct.
17 60
I 12
'13 20
4 40
8 bU
I 76
8 20
Sarali A. CafTran,
DajtC Davi,
F.liaa i!iller,
Georgn Noyer,
Cathwrioe Nov er,
- Mim S-Miciier,
Lewi Filger,
fnlrKnon 1 Bow er, Sr., ;
Renren Bli.-h,
Ci''i-'pher bender,
Wi lian C!-m,
Henry Deiltenck,
Joltn Doik,
WiltihiTi I-!rs,
Ja.iie Kvao-f
Oliver Ed-e, ""
Philip Fiea,
'i t-y (Jar teiihone,
an. u-i F. Headley,
Joi: . h'itii:,
S. L P er,
Ai gtto B Pesrce,
Jo!, i. M.t iVi',
J..i-.b Sule-,
ISitlliUel tl hill th,
John II Suit,
Jon Sh; (T-r,
t?: i.el J Ke.iier,
do dt
tl3 1I0
E,v ! "7 r Brat ham,
Jffr'l ?i 1011 ii, i!ea;n,
.N.iili u.iri i.fown,
IV'cr !: . :r'o er,
1,'ot.en J iriiao,
Ato'tew Porter,
'1 bionm U n-'ioo,
M-ifi -Ilii-t.'M.
L-wo V-.'ker,
W. iii am P. ...!,
Jt'.i-O'i !;e.ji4e V,
Oor. e llrUaf.
I hoffia ild zM-n-r,
R-tn; fi'-i-r,
Wdita'li h Iih.;ih,
A'l.O- f'f.ri" H'U,
2 "82 '
2 19 j
2 59
1 11
12 2S
.k I
"0 I
. . .
35 J
ID l
324 Sfi
36 92
4) 41
37 () ;
IS f-0 i
7.-S IJ I
f'J 37 !
II 2" I
SIS 72
15 4a
bo h't
37 fi:
r. 73
a !- 3
'i th. t J )
-57 '.;0 !
P-. 01 l.i t c A: Miarpless,
CENTIME. A I s:.''-,
Ri j o.. 1. Ad -I ap'.,
Mill el A -her. lot. tl,
A" "Iron'y,
Mry D"' er.
j) wi Ci. He.)e lict,
V tiiian, ! ritz,
F't-'n- & lb ffman,
Jaooh ! .
jit. m Hoflma n,
Daniel Jv-Mh'r,
(j"e:oe :irnun,
Mr" .. 1 tei l.-Tar,
tSiTOOl; l. t i ,
iVia P.eei-e
Ciiti-pi la'in 1 Myer,
:4h 1 pa.b-t,
jo-ej h !i.p,
J'r-nu.if. Fii'Ciier,
Li j .ii Kevio-ld- a: Cry
r-v.l A .
Gi-.V It; van.
At. .anno iieeer,
baO;el J Pelkr,
1 n-
Willi 01 I'.- de-r,
J.'ra. U Slod.rao,
v 1 1.1.11 r i-.-lieoMit-e,
j. ; i: R. 'd J .'jes,
I'hooia Lmon,
.Michael L-mcn,
Geor-i" Mack,
!. dt do
3i VJ
1 22
3 92 I
41 i
1 2? i
in !
52 i
0 j
3 Si)
5 69 1
9 T
1 ' 3'; j
S ' 3 '
4 47 :
24. j
iu .
i .
' 14
' 10
I t'0
j It'll
- 500
fk 7 '
" 71
14 90
R J MiMard,
W illiam Patterson's estate, 2 7
G.orje Pealer,
3 B Pa'k
Arr.o- Spad'P,
Abiaham Voting,
STne! Albert-on,
Mrk Coopei,
illiam Derlo'2,
Ja V.r .:".t: S .it tie,
,i,''rw Gray, H. IkeleT,
ieor-jf Reec, -EUt
Jnhr. Cl't'd.
N'ia.:iel fattpbed,
Sl--t,-f Pnr-el'.
i.t-1 t'l'Mi R ' !! 1,
At -li:ON
Oi I s. r En e M. ile,
J i- i-T- Le.-ter.
K 'J & Ne har-l,
IVioo & 1 .nnVagner,
David Le-.
Buijan'i t'atker S: Co.
l.e wi- i" -'t,
Jo'"' F'-hjf.
bami.el J ' ' il ,
.to ih . n iyer,
M.ry Mo-h "
1 l.ooia R j-tO:l,
t.iioel lie-e,
Mary Ro. ton,
Cnaiio'ie U i-ton,
J.-rot tJ .'roy,
John C H-'i!e.r,
J K-ob Lonue .berger,
J:rm Mit-na..'!, Millet,
Gei ri' N't"'2eer,
Rnsaott WH,
' Joshua 2 -?ntnerman, .
MAINE. - - . .
Bi! &: P.iVton.
Rrohft, -Ye iter 8i Schmtck
C. S Cox.
William Creay,
Jeremiah Ft'ioner,
Her rV G M-Her,
Henr'v M'!cr' Hetf,
C. F.'Ma'.n k Rote,
Philip Mdier,
Philip Wall,
J. P. Fineher, '
t eorge SCAU4 . . .
7 2
11 45
15 19
5 01 j
3 o9 j
. G 60 j
F i0
J 33
It '!
2 64
2 32
9 72
3 iS
i ?2
1 '.
25 1
f 5
.i :
4 ft
21 93
ll 41
2 2 93
22 93
22 UA
1 9S
1 9
4 83
2 55
27 60
4 f.O
13 M
7 4
3 32
1 95
6 90
80 92
- - 4
e 20
I 20
Jarob Mnwif, "
Wi'liarr (i n
Samuel Boone,
William. Becra,
Jicob Eer,
-Lorenzo ;riiTe. -
John R Sdar,
aVacob'D. Klu. ' '
Peler Apoleaaia.-
Thnoa BeudfitlJ, "
Aaro'r'Gro-fi, - - -
Sylver Heath,, .
Jamei Lcrkard,
Wi'liam Derlin. : ,
. Peter B;iuj.t,ner,
(feorsr Deweea.
iL'tiARLOAT. '
Czekial 'Co!e,
Go-s Est.,
AI- & Joahna'Hes),
- Danifl M. H'vry, Jr...
Abraham Young,
John 'Kile, .
'William S'epbens,
40 ,
: 220 .
; : B 1
" .'40
- ILl)
: hr
3-' (i
1 iV
It 1
S 0
- f 01
VO 74
12 1C
1 60
14 53
13 61
'2 39
15 79
4 50
16 31
4 SI
22 J
. 2 Si
t I'J
Treast rcr'.s gale of Real Esfitf.
to the provision of the
Act'oi A-s-mbiv, e nut fed an rn-t to reduce
't e"Siate rlebi. fie, p'ed th- 30 h Jar of
2 !!) April, 1811, the Treasnre'r-of ihe Conn y'of
4 65 Columbia hereby erves notice M ill pef.
6 23 1 eon concerimd therein, that rodent tb
7 4 ! (:;;"!. Road, S -hoc.l. Poor and Sia m TaX
1 01 '-iii-., tJiiC o't .h hdlo-'.iiig rest e"tate si u
;l '01 j a e n: sbe'Cioii iy rt Co e.nnb'a are 'XA
2 73 I t el "fa dfj it'st cf --!e, l!. vittoj- o' auch
j ;.uft ol ft!;-', -a wilf py it e cliarge and
J oJ 1 nit ftia'at le 'h-r-on. i 1 t old at
C.i j ihe'COURf MOUSE. HJoof&nrg. C'-un-13
43 1 ty id CoHimbi i, 0.1 the 13.n ttay oi Jcot,
7 77 led, l?-.i ihe fei-on-l Moi-day at-dtob
L-t...ui.tit d i a-'j .ui..ei;i iro n t!ay to ilaf
lor Hiretaiff- oi tai- r,i--,n. coi;'y and
t!ie rot accrual tin eaci re.ecti ve'y.
CwL'trs or "oruifd ywccrj;'
Ar-re. Year. Dot. Clat
4f 0 Colrn'bir. C L. '. Co , 1 . 9 (0
'". 7-1 M.i'.d.t, l
22 14
4 49
1 0
V0 J t.r, V ( ftswe f. 1
3J Mauh, rt ll & Cri-wtb",
i 4
John H-ib.
4 22
t o
10 Ii
19 15
11 II
Loahet.i rlo.e'- et., I
b 1.1 A !. C RKEiC.
Mary i-'.tCi-r,
Na.T.'l K H a t'ey,
?at:i.;ei F. I i--.j!i !-y.
A. ne..-..k a Torby.
ii. loti-v , L S Q Li.' 1
- r i! A'Nk LIN.
Julia A Cfrntey.
l-i 111
Wi!li.;-r. Parley J
T. Har-nnu CL Mother,
J-a v it,V e 'e.
.1 OS
J oviti jiiii;i.o:t,
Ro"jei .'ui.ii' estate
Cfrr;e Klh.e' estat
do do .
t! j : o
J. R. Mnrr:-,
1 68
t 32
5 34
i 114
l.i I Slv-p--e p. H'!1!
DAX1K!. M. -HENRY. Trauir.
Treasurer's O
.1: ..
rdoomybitrg. Aj-rti 13, tfol.
JfJillcr's Store.
rf3 --r r. TV tt" TT"rTl
lor s?n;G a.d st'i.MLi: goois.
' rSIIE oth'cribeT b t-t returned fcm
i t!ie Ci'; n jili another Lirge and -elect
afor: me tit 1
' pm-tiased a Pit 1 1 adel i a -lid Nw York,
1 - 1 - - tin c; Ct 1 . e . 1. . I u f r i I .. A
1 I
ti.-r-i-ii;!. ! .oell 411: mn.'era e ;ern.
call t-e f'.rocnred e'f to ie III U.oo;DL.UH.
Jii- toc a co'i.pfi-ei
Jj( dies' D rets Goods,
. . r ,
O iie 4-.ii-o. e-fc? 'j lei ,fd tale-'
" D rt Y' GOODS, ?
-Vr r r r r ' -"I re CT. m.
II AUD W A HE. Qlf ' 10 N S W A 11 C.
j C I'. I A li .V,RK, II'OS.I.OW-IYARB,
1 liof". end Sb"e. H n ! Ca.a. fct'r , it4
I in h:Ti,eveM f ii o-uilv ke;.t to ronntry
( S'ore.; 10 which he mi tes the public ;cnr
The his'?' prlf" will be rai l for cess 1
try irrodoce, in exi-h "!. I- coot.
B!oo-obnr'j, Mav ll. 1SGI.
ft 31.1: ft
THF. nr.'-'-ire t .cld repec:fa!!y 4
y- i niJrC" Ot ' C
v Oiu ai she
vj-d f-o-rt tie
i'wij "l"-' rc-e
''-.' ea-iejn citie l r u.JJ'i; 1 r.
.T.d we.i "ifit-t a-o n.eiti 1.1
ot vi hu t. rl.r i- -i'-py't make j.n ami
1 r ..n t f 1 vhi' 1 e 1 1 t'ii';t f.pew.ifif.
I G.T -.'.d .re a 1 li! n:ienc-r i pot'lt tf
I i'.m;.1. ;'. V 8-J . 'I $ Irt-l'iulliif'S Ij ii'.
0 4'ltie i io this -.-it.oi. Ca-i ai d exa-niu
i t.-.'T
C 0- lor y O'iiei e .
r-VOT.-httrj. A j- t ! 2yi. i-ril
r.i PC TiT AinT
3Iarr!ncl Ladies ! :
THrLY blf.;!agi
I will -en.t,.f nf chu t", 17 any Lv'f
r h:t wi'! -i.d l.ttr name and a.hher., direc
1 oi how to p sift.i ;.e tx'reme pain of
CHILD-liHlTH aIo bow to h f.e.r'ect
! lie 1 'lit' and loii'y. f Chthlien ; aUo on
o.iier and I.MPuRPAN I SEt.RST, th
in. Iy sure and ti-fa remedies ever difcor
e;e I.
My o iact io miking he above ofTer It
' to itittro e every lady to tet my remedies
A' die "
Madame dulf.ntaux, m. d .
7o7 rt'rtdvay , Nw Yotk City.
Feb. 24. I64 3n
l STOHNER u oi I.I re, ecttollv nnoa
nee 10 tf.e c ittzena r.f Rim nisburg and
tr. hat he has iu ope- ed an
Crc-C'rcani Snloon,
over b'k Coo lectioi ary S;ore, 1 lorr abore
th" Po-t Colli , in Bloom-burg, where h.
will serve up Ice-Cream, ol the moat choice
Bavors, eveiy even i.g, djrin the iummC.
luonths, si the mo-t reasonable rate.
. rsr lrii and Faniilieaean be aceom,
mo luted with the article ppon short sours..
Give him a call. B STOHNKR, .
EiooavUrg, Apt. 17, 'eV ' . .rtoyf.