i . " . ' - ' - . - , , ' . ' j -,.;.. i " ' A""' 'lllli,r'MlJW'wi"'i"i"Mi"' mTT'iii il'.'..ii 'iji'II.'Ij iV'T " ;" " '' , ' ' -'V a" "imin'iiiiiniiiiiii.l"'' "I,', "j. y inn i i i' I truth and Riffht God and our Couutrj. Two Deltas per Annua VOLUME 15.- BLOOifSB URG. COIUMM COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY MAY 4. 1864. DUMBER 28 V X -a foutiiae roi: aixj EITHER SENIOR H 0:EA ! - . . KOHLMBUG. b air ENTIRELY NEW Ibw. Only (h,.e month, in thin country. re clap trap operation to gull the .public, c l . i ' t genome money matin? thing ! Read ibe Circuar of instruction once only, and yeowill iiiide'taiAr:it perfeciW. A Lady 1 . t J : '. 1 aajiist written to me thathe ia making high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME CAYS! giving instruction in this art. Thousand ..ot Soldiers are making money .rapidly at it. It i thing that "takes better ( liau anything ever offered. You . can x&ske money with it homo or abroad on steam boats or' railroad cars, 'arid Jij the stbuntry or cltv. You will be 'pleaded ' in persuing it, not oofy because i: will j ietd a handsome - income, but also in cones bounce of the general admiration which ii. elicits. 1 1 is pretty much 'all profit. A nere trifle is iieceiuary io start with. . . - : There is rcarcefy one person oat ol 1honsnds-who ever pays aiiy aaenlion to ftdvertisemeuts of this'tind, lliiokins tbe - ere humbugs. . Consequently thoe who do rnd for inMrue;ic . - will., have a bioad field to ma'k money ;.u. There is a cl tt peraoiis in this world who would think because thev have bten hufnbaseeJ ent ol a dollr or so, that everything thai ts advert isd i a humbu j. Ct.jsequeui!j ir jrj no'fhore. Tlie 'perajrj who sue rrrla is the one thai "keeps on tfy iifg until he hiii omettuir that pays htm. Thi art cbt rae on thousand dollars, aid I rxpct to make tnoney Oct of it and ril who purchase the art of me wiil do th 'iimftt bne'DoUar sent to we will inmr be prompt return of u cfd of itiirdetion 1 tne aiti "Jlie money tcil It rdmntd ii &Oit not iat&fiei. ... . . Addres- . ..WALTER 7..TINSLEY, Nn. I Park FUce, New York. ' : Oct. 81, 1863. 3m. t - , . IMPORTANT TO LADIES Tr. Har. vey's Ffms!e Pill"bavo never jet failed In .'removing difliccl ies arihing from obtruc- ' lion, cr topf a-8 of nature, or in restorlns the system to perfect health wheu uflji- ig from ppinal a fleet ion, pro'Upsoij,Xiri, .tne witiif'c, i'r other wisakiiefS of the uter . . i fn f organ. Tl.a pill are perfectly harm trss on the cnnti:nt1on, and may be taken by 'he mrt ifeiicaie finals without raus r dicire ibe same time ihey act like a 'sharra by , strenij'iiensh' iniofaiinj; and "ret"riP2 h eyem to a healthy condition and by bruising on the mobility . period wiih regnlari:y, no matter from what caus ae the t)Ltrurtion n a are. They should bowsver, HUT be takcu during the Cm ihree',a:'fo'Lr axmthaol preoancy, thoujjh ,'sfe at any ether time, as miscarriage iVould tie the result. - Each box contains 60 pill. Price Si. Dr. Harvey Treatise ou diseases of Fe Vsales, prenaQcy, miscarriage, is-rr(in;es .'sterility, Retrod uct ion, and abuses of Na Hole, and emphatically the ladies' Private t!dn-al Advirer, a pamphlet ol 64 pases sent free to any add res. Six cents re Vjuired to pay pontage. . The IMlsand book will be sent. by mail when Oeired, securely sealed. 4.nd prepaid Vy J. MIYAN. SI. D. General A 51. No. 76 Cedar ureet, New York. . CSTSoUf by all the principal druggists. No. 25, 13C3 ly. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILI Warra-.ed io a!lraei. Can be relied on! Never fai 40 cure : tb not nauseate! Are speedy No change of diet quired ! m aiiioti : ao caange 01 aiet stquireu : bo not interfere with businei-s pursuits ! fcao be Ured without detection ! Upward of 200enree the at moiitli one of them Very severe cases. Over one hundred phy- j sirians Wave ued thern in their practice, ; Vnd ali speak well of their efficacy, and ap prove their composition, which i entirely jregelable, and harmless on the system Hundreds of certificates can be showo. Bell's SpeciSc P.lh are the original and only .genome Spec'C-j Pill. . They are adapted for male and lemald,o!d or yoang, and the only reliable remedy lor effecting permiment and speedy cure in all cases 'Spermatorrhea, or Semi:ial Weakae, with all its train cf e- iU, such as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, the w hues, nightly or involuntary Eaiisfctons, lucoiitinific?, Geni - ial . DeliiUty and Irritability Impotence Weakoe tit lose tif Power, pfcrvou De bility, ftc, all of which arise principalty from Seiuel Excesses or self-abusey or some constitutional derangement, and n capacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the 'duties of married life.' In all sexual dis eases, Goaorthea, Gleet and Strictures, and in Die sees of the Bladder and Kidnejs, they aei as a -charm ! . Rel'ef is experi- Scced bylaking a itngle bo. Sold by-alt the principal druggists. Price ' They will be sent by mail, securely seal- - ed, arid confidentially, on receipt ol the tooay. by. : BRYAN. M- D, " ' No. 76 Cedar street, New York. ' CoiUGUin? Physichiifor the treatment., of V Simiiial.Ur'usiry, Sexual, and Nervous Diwaias, who will send, frse to all, the foUowia; valuable work, in sealau ea- ilop : -"" 1- -"'i!' . - THK FIFTIETH THOUSANn-DR. ' iTCLL'S TREATISS 00 selt-ibu.e, Prema- 'ir .lsiv. im-'Gieneu and lo?s of power, ejiii.il dseitt; etHiiia: vesne, uw.-y 1 euHS-iati, ffPuiiaf uMii.j, ." - 1 '.t,nA be read by every eaoerer, r- .1 as tne 1 ineinsofcure ia the sarere.t siaee .Turn .?;irn IS ieCVU2l )9 I pota S3?A3S"OI5,.,5l!3EIIB H'OISTH- fuausnzD ivbijt iriD5KSDAT bt ITSf tf ' T rwtDir II 111 II JAbUUI : fRtt 0Q HaiQ $xJm SrW' bcdV Market , TEKMS;Two DoIiar9 pnr annum If paid : within sixWuihs from ibe time of subferi- bingr two,doUars end fifty cents if not paid j -.within, t'year... No subscription taken fori ! a. le Pe'"J than mo"Mi no discon. ! tinuar.ee permitted until ail arrearages are oiid. nness at the ootion of the editor. 'ihe lerifts of adetrlisng pill be as folleics: On? square, twelve lines, three times, 1 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, ...... 3 GO ,Pyft.year. . . . u:,....- . . . ... .8. QI I0 ice poetrn. . 1I1E LIFE THAT IS TO BE. r . . 1 - X CABOLinC A. BELL What is bst we may not see, In the life that is to be; , But with longing hearts and eyes Gaze we op to the clouded skies, 1 Thinking, reeling, knowing, we Cannot trace our dettiuy. t 1.. u L.ke a voysger a! sea, Steering ever steuddy . For a far-off land that lias Under zlorious, sunny skies,. ,. So through the mis and spray sail we For the life that is to be. What is best we may not kaow In our pilgrimaei below, Ever striving for the goal, ' Thcogh with weary faio'.ing soul, . Tilt with, spirit eyes we see AH the life ihat'i's to be .... . ANTI-SLAJERY GAINS, tree Soil and Slave Soil. I have collected a few tacts and figures, facts and figt which I present to your reader, that they may be enabled to understand the question of ' Southern Aigrissiom," so much talked of. ieftre the vaf. (I hope if they meet the eye of honest Republicans, they will give them their attention. Truth and justice will'ever prevail against falsehood Jind ia justice. . . - The war of 1776 which resulted in the independence of America, was begun not widt the purpose ol separating the colonies Irom the mother country, that did noi enter iiiio'tlie deign of tho patriots of that day. tttes veie Ml at the ouhet tivoluli6hit$ nor secess;nni.t, but fought .to maintain the rights of British freemen, they resisted op pression, and in doin so against obstinacy, conquered their itidepeudence and their freedom. - , Besides the thineen coloniss which re rolteJ there were other British possessions in Atnericii ; there were Nova Scotfa, New Brunswick, and Upper and Lower Canada. But these refused 10 join wi'h the. thirteen c.olonies, and to this dajr they are under Britib dominion. The war was carried on, and indepen dence finally acquired by Neve York, New Jersey, Pennsj lrania, Delaware. Maryland, Virginia,' North and Sooth Carolina Georgia, and the New England States, then but lour in number, viz , New Hampshire, Massa chusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. These cons'ituted the original thirteen States, acd all the other States now in the Union are indebted to them for their posi tion as States in the Union. The Territory acquired with tudepen der.ee from Great Britain, extended from New Brunswick and the Canadas on the Kor,Ilf lo lhe northern boundary of Florida .nit rnm iha Atlantifc Ocean on the East, to tho Mississippi River and i riiimiana Terrilorv on the West. T,ie 8fea of ln;3 dommn l9 upwards cf bai n00 .QUare railes ail East of the Mis- . . aisippi RiveK " Tha territory lying to the west of the Mis sissippi River, was at the time c! the Amer ican Revolution under the dominion ol France and Spain ; it extends from the Brit ish possessions on the North, to tb,e Rio Grande tori tKe Soalh, and to; the Pacific Ocean on the West, and including. Oregon and California, contains aa area of over 2 000,000 of- square miles. Th United Slates at this moment claim dominion of all this vast tract ol country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, embracing an area (includ ing Florida purchased ia J8l8) of about 2,900,000 sqare miles. At the date of the Declation of Indepen dence, all this immense territory was slave territory, and every signer of the Declara tion of Independence the signer from Mas sachusetts equally with the signer from South Carolina waa either himself a alaye holder, or was the representative of slave holders. "., During the period Irom the close of the Revolution. to the ' jear 1799, slavery was abolished ia Pennsylvania, and the States to the East and North; of it. So at that lat ter daie, seven of the original States had become free States, and six remained slave Slates. O Prevfouj :e the yeaf 1803, the United States held no territory west of the Missis sippi River, and the territory east of that River, not organized into States, was the do main of several of the Ihineeo Slates as follows : The territories of Vermont .and M aine. which wei'e the demain of. New vt iA Xlassach alette, resoectfatlir. were - A A t-l-.tl ftflA g .- inoct in nm, ua aiaiuo b"- IO Missouri, in 1820. IVfllO, muiaua, - -.--0---. -ccssia. cud fan of Miaacaoia, fonaisg ft?; ' iliihin V 1V11. .! whal w," known Ibe territory,; 1 ln8 domsin of Virginia, aad was slave i lurrimrv Kentucky wan .likewise, the 'proper. of ! i-Teanea.ee, of Nonh Carolina ; i Mississippi and Alabama, of Georgia and South Carolina. .n 1783, Virginia ' of her without price, ceded tt .L . , . own tree will 1 ? m t'nitea states. J This immense domain, in area equal to . 260.000 square railes, was divided into five free States, as stated above, viz: Ohio, In- anu pan o i'linnesota; ;aoout one-tniru part of this latter Slate is of that Virginia territory. " ' The aggregate area of all the free States East of the Mississippi River is, 466.6S3 sq. miles. Of .which Pennsylva nia, ew York. New Jer sey, and the N. England Stales together, contain but - t Kis - 162,435'sq. miles . And the other States of Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, -Michigan, Wisconsin, and part 0! Minneoia all do nated by Virginia, contairi . together arj area of 260Ji7 sq. railes. Accregsting 10 46b,663 sq. mi'les.V All of whhW Wat ftirmtt.'y ttave Utrilary, butnowallfteeterriioty. It is thus seen'hbw Vtr'inia is entiiled to the once endearing appellation of mother of Slates ; it is alo eeti that Old Virsioia j has donated of her own territory and of her 1 own re will, an area greater in ezteul, by near 100 000 square mile, than tLe total I area of the States of New York, New Jr j ley, Peoneylvania aud'thesix New England States. Does the donation of this immense do main, the consenting that it shall be a free territory, exhibit a spirit ol aggression ou the part of :he slave power ? Let men who desire to be jn?t and who are searching after truth read this array of t fact, anj ponder well ovisr them. In 1803 the Louisiana territory was per- j chased from France this comprised Texss, j have Northern Governors and No'r'hern Leg end all the territory of the United States 1 UU.ori, sworn to. support the Couftituiion, west of the Mississippi River.with the ex- : to "say, in justification of, thie refusal . but of caption of the California purchase, and con- . n,e enactment of their so called 'personal tained about 1,500,000 square miles, all of ( liberty bills;' toilful mdhfUalion J Bills which was slave territary. i which ma-'e . it a penal-oflciice.oa. the part At the time of the purchase of Florida of aay of their ciiizens, to aid in maintain- prom Spain, in 1819. and in order to quiet the jealously of New England tpw&rds ;lhe John Drown raid a Southern a;gc3ton i Southern acqoisiiion, Texas was ceded to An lions.t men is always rjady to do jus Spain, as part of the consideration for Flor-' t'ce even to his enemies. Truth cauuot ida. So that while. we gained but 59,000 square mites wuh Florida, we gave away in Texas sod New Mexico territory over 300,000 square miles. In 1820, Missouri applied for admission into the Union as a State'. but having a sla very Constitution, aud though lorried out oi the Louiana territory, which by the treaty of purchase with France wa guar antied as slave territory the New England faction raised a violent opposition to its aJ mission, and the agi:ation was such, that the safely of the Union was then greatly endangered. The question was however for a lirno settled, by the admission ol Mis souri as a sjave State, but with a proviso, called ih Qlissouri compromise, by vtiich it waa agreed, that Irom that time, slavery should be prohibited (Missouri being ex cepted) north of latitude of 3d deg. 30 min.; and that no State should be admitted jviih slavery formed in territory north of that . line. Free Slates miht be admitted , from south, but no slave State from north of tha: line, it was at this, date, 1820, tnat the higher law doctrine was first broached then- ? . I - (Wi it was mat sectionalism originated. i nis , . . 1 compromise Jeneron denounced as "the death kueli of the Union." , , J above stated, formed a part of , . rt , a nurchisa. 'and harinf been Texas, as the Louisiana purchuse, land having been ceded 16 Spain, on the purchase of Florida, and being attached to Mexico, with the sue- j ces. of the Mexican Revolut.oa, became ons 1 me iyiexican o'aies ; aiierwaras, oy her own revolution she became in torn in r i - c-. . r . a . . dependent of Mexico, and wra re-annexed to the United States. '. .. .. . 1 . ' The Mexican war followed, and Califor nia was acquired and purchased from Mex ico, and was admitted into the Union. Now, what was the relative proportion of free and siave territory of the United, States at the date of Abraham Lincoln's election ? . The proportion of slave to free territory (I include tbe.eetire area, whether. States or territories) west of the Mississippi, was as follows : Entire area, about 2,000,009 . miles. bt this, a: the date of -Lincoln'seleciion, the area i.f free territory was . 1,335,251 s. railes. The area ol slave terri- f - lory was 8L64.8. milej. Total,; . . 1,016,715s. miles The area of 1 335,251 square miles of free territory, is divided into the following States or territories to be formed into Sutcs, viz : Iowa. Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Dacotabr Colorado, IdehW, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and California, twelve Stales, or 10 form at lesst twelve Srmtes, with at ieaal tvveuiy-four Uaited States Sen ators. ' 'V. . , t . . The area of 681,464 square miles of slave territory, is divided Into- Missouri, Arkan sas, Louisiana, Texas, (Indian Territory) Ne w.Mexico and Arizona, six States or to forta tlx with bet twelve Senators. To lam up, we hare a total area thoi-i. 804 OOO s. m 2,000 000 ,sj m Total, . .. . ,. 2,804,000 s. rn. . 1hi, xchxch at one lime was all itace erri fory, stood as follows, at the date of Liu cqlu's election : ' Free soil. East of Mis sissippi River 466.C63 s. miles. Free soil West MisaUsip- , : ' , pi River ' 1,335,2m s. miles. . Total free fait, Slave soil East of Mis- 1,831,911 s. miles 440,754 s. miles 631,464 similes I siikippi River, ... ... ' . Mave soil West ol Mn., Total slave soil 1, 122,2 la s. m. Excess -of free . soil . at the dateof Liucoln'a elec tion. 679 669. a. miles. And thoviing a gain of fret soil for the North since the Dedaratinn of Independence, aa fol lows : ; , ' Total, Dec, I860, araa of the U. S., which was . all slave soil July 4, 1776, Total area of slave soil December, 1860, 2,804,000 a. m 1.122,215 s. m. Total gaUi of ( free soil for the Nonh from the De claration of Independence to Lincoln's election, 1,681,786 a m. Do these figures show Southern aggres sion ? But, let us look a little further, the majorities in Congress, of Ireo Slate Repre sentatives was. In 181125 In 182234 In 183242 In 184248 In 185257. , ... . , ; A majority which more than doubled itself in 40 years.. Do these figures show tggrea- i sipns of the South ? Should hot these figures satisfy inquiring minds that the South had aol been aggres sive ? , But what have the North to say in justification of the retasal long befofe the war cf many of the Northern Slates to sur render fugitive slave as required by the Constitution of the Un'ued States ? What j in; this provision of the Constitution ! Was levtg be hidden. Jtfersonian Corioc tr Truk. The Lancaster Express ! publishes the following curious incident : i Christian ZiimTc;nia.n. residing near Fair, vide,. East Far! township, lost a valuable horse in a singular manner, on Tuesday of last week. He was plowing with.'hrpe horses i:i a field when the.whole team sud denly went dowu in a ''sink bole'' to the depth of nine feet. , With the assistance of the neighbors two of the hordes were isken cut of the miry tomb, but the third sank out of sight in the abys and .could not be recovered. No similar occurrence ever took "place in that section. Solcicrs' Par. It is interesting to ob- serve with what perliuacitt- iho Abolition- ists refuse to increase the pay of the sol diers. Mr. Dawson has again made an ef fort :n Cor.gre to have then paid m gold or its equivalent, bnt Thaddeos Stevens raised all tor's of poitits of order and de- f fea'ed the propoition. The Abolitionists are very load of the soldier about election time, but thsy are very much averte to do- k ' . nn justice A geutle mar. in Springfield. Mass., was riding oa horseback the other day near the .. . . u. ... railroad, when a freisht train came along, ... ... . . . the horse became frightened, turned sua denly, sprang into a carriage, (ia which a .. w-0Q hi bMi w,lQ. out harming an j body. 'Jim, this darcp, nnwholesoraa air has givea rae a horrid congh.' "Has it, Jack ? Welt, I'm no better 06, for it has given me, the asthma." "Sorry for it, Jim." -'Arid yet, come to think of it, Jack, perhaps your cough ia merely, sym path tttc the coaie qoetices of miasthma." 'Don't stand there loafing," said a Pro fessor at Franklin aad Marshall College to three students, standing whsre they shouldn't. "We're not loafing,'? said one of them; "there are only three of us, and it taea leaven to make a loaf." Farmers who make the most rapid 1 m- provement in bosbandry are likely to be ibeua wha read most on the subject oT their vocation. There is always hope , of man who loves reading, study and refleciicc The Legislature of Maine have defined the "Lord's day" to extend legally from midaight Saturday to raidaiitft S iaUy. li is said that the weather in January de stroyed the wheat in some parts ot Ken tacky to such an extent that the cropa will not viekl the seed wtich wa sovtra. t:- " t,in. . ,nn,. The laa far.curuoto.howthirwonUaaaae, ana Uie formeV to be cured. : ana tne ior g - ; Say tT little thin much iad do nof,, East. of Mississippi River West cf " u KEYES310RE. Br STELLA nr LACIAWANMA. Nevermore k-H,ow I weep to think it o'er,! Shall my darling's merry tone Coax lb,?, sadness from my own. Nevermore, Through the softly-shaded, door, Shall the music of her song .Break ia echoing thrills along, . ,, As in the sweet days days gone before, Nevermore. . . Yes I know, That. where, human flowrets erow, Laughing eyes, and old-brown b'air, Meet me,, greet me everywhere : And I know, That wherever I may g. There are sweetly Doming lips, And pink, dainty finger-tips : Rosas 'raong the thorns that grow. Yes I know." Bu rr.y otm, , These pink fingers, taper grown line the cheek by rose-light swept Mine the lip where rose-dew slept. All my own, Thoneh the soft form turned to stone, And beneath the church -yard mold, Laughing- eves, and hair of gold, Lying in the cold aloue. Yet my own. Tever: Ttiough I search the wide earth e'er, Never never, anywhere, Shall I find a thing so fair. Nevermore. On, this wild and weary shore, Shall my life go out to meet Such dear wilting .little feet ; 1 must think it o'er aud o'er. Nevermore. 1 Confidence Woman. Our Western exchanges contain lengthy accounts of a young married woman named Mrs. Van Vleet, who has been swindjing the people of Micbigaa and Illinois. The anuals of female crime and fraud during the past quarter ol a century scarcely pre sent a parallel case. Her, operations bava been distinguished by a boldness, a darh of romance, and, until recently, by an unvary ing success at o:ice surprising and evincing talent of a high order, worthy of a belter use. Sne i described asyoung in appear ance, not over thirty yearn of age, of hand some and peculiarly attractive manner. She droe with exqoisite taste, and niq.tes in good society with all thease aad sslf possession of a traveled woman of the world. She has resided from ehihjliooJ in Monroe county, and, unil her recent arrest, has moved in good circles, where her re peciability has been undoubted. Il ia said ihat she has realized untold sums from her ewiuJiiog operations during the past seven or eight years. During this period she has absented herself from home frequently weeks at a time, reisrning as? mysterioudy as she disappeared While at home she lived in a style cf luxury end magnificence that has been the envy of her friends and acquaintances. During some of these pe riodic excursions, Mrs. Van Vleet played the literary role, and claimed lo be author ess of "Rurledge " Soon after the apper ance of RutleJge" she made her advent io the quiet Easiem city ot " -. .Here she sought out a prominent real estate agent, and confided with him the important infor mation that she was a woman of means, and des'ued to purchase a residence in the vicinity. The confiding pan of real estate was fltttereiJ by the prospect ol selling property to the authoress . of "Rut.edge.'V and in deference to her literary fame,,toyi tcd her to a home in bis family ..Her blaty, dishments secured her an introduction t3 financial men, and the was enabled to get a check for two thousand five hundred dol lars on a Boston bank cashed. It was al tered from twenty five dollars, to two thous and five b.uodred dollars. Tfi fraud was soon discovered, but not before the fair swindler had escaped.. She is said to have operated extensively in minor swindle in the Eist, many of which transactions will probably nevqr see the light. She has, at different times personated Mrs. .General Van Vleet, and it is stated that , n,ot long since she put on a brigadier'a nnjform aad went to Chicago, , where she U?e. audac ity to personaie Gen. Van Vleet himself. Sometimes she made her husband put on the uniform, and the pair traveled as Gen. Van Vleet and lady. The arrest ol this wo man at Dundee, .MjcbiSn.ua caused con siderable excitement and gossip ia the neighborhood where she is known, and all kinds of , storiea are afloat. One, is to the effect that she donned the unilorm of lieutenant, and by her dashing and brilliant appearance, won the affection of a young lady, married, and then cruelly deserted her. She has a young child about a year old, which gossip says she baa abducted in some of her wande.rings . Her husband is said .to be an' inoiTeisive man, and has been used as the tool of this artful and designing woman. She took ber arrest with tha ulsasst sangfroid, and said to a female acquaintance as sbe was about to leave with the officers for Chicago, that he had "escapeu irom ' """" -ape. than this." Her arrest .ndexpo are will probably close a career of.cnme lha bu Deen as romantic, aa soccessfaj Md remarkable, a anything ol the xia iiave icrer, beea called upoa w recoJ. An iTfal Cebckc to the CIrgy. Under the head ot "Dead Faith, and an Apostate Church," the Trite Pretfyteiian deals some terrible blows at 1 he head of the JL'ocdy infidel minister of the United Stales who have literally turned our churches in to dens of thieves. It ssys : . We fondly thaught that poised opnn tha trcth, animate f Ly the grace, and obliged by commands cf her gloriqus Heac", . the Church would have a bulwark against the rushing tide of evil. We thought she would be an oasis in the desert, where weary travelers might refresh themselves ; we thought she woald be aa island in the stor my sea, where shipwrecked .mariner might find safety and shelter. We did not expect to hear in her solemn Assemblies the voice of human anger, much less 0! satanie malice We believed that in the Lour ot civil commotion, when Sta es were sundered, a,nd armies met in the shock ol btuls, she wcu'd lift up holy bands with out wrath and doubting, and implore her mesierto drop from heaven the olive branch of peach ; that she would gather ber eons aud daughters about ber and say to thsm ''My children love one another," that she would lay one hand upon Eparaim and the other upon Manassah, and bless them both. We need not say bow sadly we have been disappointed.. In spite of ber boasted con version and fiJe!ity to principle, this once venerated body, atone bound, rbroke every bond of truth aud charity, in eFect renoun ced her allegiance to her great Head, and allied hersell. vvith fiis arch enemy. She has tornail aid from ber masters worlC, and through her highest courts, and through hundreds of her pulpits, is engaged in pro pagating political iddas and io sounding the dread tecsin of war. Her ancient schools of the propheU where linger the memo ries and repose the ashes of the illustrious deaJ have been perverted to the advocacy of a cruel war, and of a godlfes and inhu man Abcli:isnim Her roost widely cir culated newspaper, that used 10 howl so frantically whenever an Episcopalian was appointed to a chaplaincy io the aimy or navy, is now the whining of ibe secular power that lords it over GoA's heritag and is rejected,, in disgust by Christians, and even oy 1 men, on the ground that it is no longer a teligious paper. Her oldest Quar terly Review now receives its iarpiratisn from disappointed military commanders, who failing of success in the field, have be come 'Mhe ccrc:nonicati.ii intelligence" of absured politics acd impracticable cam paign , , . , Her clergy in many instance vie with each other, not in fidelity to God, .and the souls of men, but in devotion to party aud in zeal, for the carnase of battle. . . , . Amid thia furmu babbie of, politics and war, ws look n vain for the Magna Charta of the auavriCiatioq, "Glory to God in the highe : On earth, peace, good v.ill lo rpen.. It is appalling to see the Church of God spue from her mouth the Gopel cf peace, and bawl her elf boaris in sti.nolat ing the ferocious pa sion of men, and ia cannonizing the red-handled fiend of the battlefield! Where is her former hatred of Abolitionism, now that she is causing her own children to pass through the fire to Moloch, and gloating over the propect of servile insurrection ? What shall we ay of lhe distinguished Mr. Vau Dyke's sermon on lhat subject, and who now lift up their hands and roll their eyes in pious horror at tne sin of slavery ? Shall we say as the world says of them, that they have either been practising a Gross deception all their lives,. or are., nqw baely yielding to unmanly fear, shall we adopt the humiliat ing charge s,o freely made, that.as a body, the clergy of this country hive bean less reiiab!ek more unwilling to sacrifice their position to principle, raore shuffling .and cowardly and blood thirsty, than any ether class in it ? Shall we repeal the sneer, that rather than give up their places andjiheir salaries they will preach and, pray under the dicta tion of a turbulaut faction in iheir churches; or the bitter taunt, of the soldier, who on be ing reproved by one pf them for sweating. replied, "I will not be rebuked by you, r! -. . I have exposed my life for three years in ibis war, and but for the preachers there would have, been no war !" -We desire to bring no railing accusations, neiiher to judge any man ; but by. the. fruits ye shall know them, and the fruits of all their labor j is that they, the Church, and religion itself, are. brought into contempt .among men. The Lord Jesus seems to have ..averted His face, and the spirit of Grace to have de parted from tfie scene of strife aad fanati cism,' and bound in the foil of the devil, and exposed to the -hooting, of the world, nothing is left 10 us but a "Dead Faith and aa Apostate Church." Sinsibh Mit5iv,JTer ? a;cia when you are not hungry ; it is suicidal . Never hire aervsnts who g ia pairs as sisters, cousins, or anything else. Never speak of your father aa "the old map.." ... .... Never reply to. the epithet of -a fool, drunkard, or a fellow.. . . Never speak contemptuously of womaa- kind. ........ Never abuse one who was onea yaor bosom Iriend, however biner now. r r , Never smile at the ex'pease of your re Jigion or your Bible Never stand at he corner of ft aireet. fever iasalt po?ety f .,1- Never tat betwa as .ii." hzzizitn Speak. .. The Administration journal, with bat few exceptions, have recently repudiated the doctrine of persecution for opinio&'e sske. It is now very generally concede tbst a citizen has the right not only to think for himself, but 10 speak for .himself, upon politics! subject. . This privilege becomes valuless when the slightest restriction il put upon it. .When hampered with ifi and, buts, when subject to provisos, whea givea the free rein in on. 3 dirtciion and curbed n another, it defeat? itsowa object and be camer rather the instrument of despotism than the sate guard of liberty. Better the constrained silence of .vassalage than en uitsraiico that disguises or distorts the sen timent of the heart. In proportion at the political danger is imminent and great,. right of p oliiical discussion should be fully, freely exercined ; otherwise the eontrol of our political destinies will be. monopolize! by that faction which pessaries the pbjti cal power to regulate the sphere of div puiaturi. , The moat zealoes and devoted organ ( the Chief Magistrate ot this Republie baa lately insisted, in emphatic terms, upoa the widest latitude in the exercise of the fight of political discussion. It asserted that what one honestly believes, "he bat not only the. right, but it is bis duty to say it. It is the duty, of every, bonest legislater, when great public concerts are at stake, la declare his honest coaviciions. It ia none the lets but all the more, bis duty to do this, if these convictions are opposed to this dominant sentiment.; It is tho weakest side that has the strongest need of argument for il is their only power.!',. As the legis lator is but the agent of the people and their representative, whatever right of free speect isjiis, is theirs. They do.ncl aurreoder u hirn their volition, but simply select bieo. as tne exponent of their will and the gusr dian'of their welfare, in, legislative bodies. Tfce people have therefore the saactioo,. if that were needed, of their, chief (magistral,, as expressed by his principal crgtn, to speak their bonest convictions, to whatever political tbory they, may incline. How. ever repuuant the stntirnen'c of one in dividual may te to another's inclinations and setise of duly or .expediency, .it is bps prerogative lo express ihem.tffith .impenitjf and to ipport iliera wi.h enca reasoaiuic as Lis intellect, mayv be capable, of. A! though he choulJ faior the dexcli ion of the Republic and the fertctioa of an Empire ic its siead, he is within bis constiiuiional riht in advecating such a change ; always u:.Jjriooy that he advocate no recourse to unco.ust.tuticnal measures to rea'ze hi will.,. And if his argument should have eccb weight with Lis feliow-citizent .at te create a majority constitutionally sufficient to consumste that political mifortuae, how., ever great the moral crime, however preji- LciVl to the general welfare, tbers would be no treason either in the purpose or le accomplishment, if the cons'itstional foj trulary were strictly followed. Error el opinion may be safely tolerated, to IflDJ as reason is leil to combat it." We have referred to this extreme ease, which happily i not even a contingency, to illustrate the uuboundeJ license of politi cal opinic'n that our lorra of government accords to every citizen. We challenge refaction. But if the citiz cae contera plate the overthrow, by legitimate means, ot our republican ; u'.ions, be certainly can contemplate any political change withia the limits . of . con kuuoiial action, that hi co.ifcier.ee or his reason may sug gest at promissory cf beneiical resalta. Tneraiore if be honestly believes that the recogna'.ion of .tto Sscthern Confederacy as aa ir.depci.ieQl nat:ca be preferable la a war of ubjugaticn, or eves . preferable 10 civil otrifn, or even if he honest!) believes that, under any circumstances, a separation of the secliops.be preferable to their union, it is his privilege tc so express himself; and. to support bis theory with calm aad courteous disputation. The giddy whirl of events during the pas, three years hai.natnrally disturbed lbs pop olar appreciation -cf the attribatet of oar political system. The masses ia the begin-, ning were fascinated with the inspiring idea tba( (he Union of the Sitter; appealed to their valor. and patriotism-. .They leaped at the. elitttring .Lait, and yielded to the current without giving a thought to whither, it .swept them on. It wat not sq easy toj stem the lid ss.ta.plcegs icto it. Th dominant party artfully erealed ibe impres sion that it was treasonable te oppose, the) war., Certain political contingencies were marked as forbidden to popular cooaideray tion. This-shackling of thought was lh only way to secure the peoples sntMnisiioa to the gradual transition from a promised war for the Union to iis present phase ef ft war for extfjroioation, Abolition and cea tralization. We hope that we have demon - st rated, that opposition to.the war is a prlTi lege none may gainsay Some timid naterep are still possed with vague tear of penalty attaching 10 tne expression ef peace seutir TS-n;. They are not worthy tobefreeme it they permit their I;p4 to be sealed by treacherous doubts of their rights. While the people are silent, of eecrse dispenses, will be lood-tongned-. Whea the peepts dare to speak, despet'ura will be dumb. . Neuf ftri Iteily Noes. T " . ! 1.- There are. two kinds ot copperuoaus raw the McClellan copperheads aad Cae fvi jjoont copperheads. Tbslfttter kacrra I by bavios vool on Ueif . t- HI-