s 99?? K rf .l i e- .' 'ef 2 s CELESHATEO V . i --' pare and powerful Tonic," corrl -ve sand alternat'rve of wonderinl efficacy in i3S9 of the STOMACH, LIVER AND iJOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver com 4ltint, Hea laehe, G-ueral Debility. Ner T0ans8, Depression off Spirits, Con:ipa tiorii Colic, Intermittent Fevers, -Cramp and Spasms, and all complaints of either "StfX, arisiig. from Bodily. Weakness whatber in'ieraoi in ihetyatem-or ptcdoc e l by special I cause. , fiiniij mai is nni wnoi3cri7i, geniaii -and res'.orative ',a it natar ente- m1 the composition f HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. Tni r"'8' I"pration .' ontaias no mineral r any kind,no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but, it jit earabtnalion of the extracts of rare fcaUanic herb and plant wrTh tt purest and milJest of a-Tdiffasive stimulants. ' It i well to. be forearmed agaiat disease and, so fat as the human ' system cart be protected by human mean again! m a I a -' e engendered by an unwholesome at JiosDhete, iinpa'e water and efber ex.teri.fcl 3ie, H 8ieur BUteri may be Tehee; n as a safegoard. " Is district infrfjied with'fcer ami Ague, i ha3 oseo fouid infallible a a preventive n J irresUtible as a remedy and thousand rrto resort IJ if under apnieheni ron of an Stuck, escape the coarge; and thousands wio neglect to avail themselves ol fls pro tective qualities in advance, are cured by very brief course of thia marveloo medi cine. " Fever and Ague patients, after be laj plsed willi qatnii'e far me-nt'i in rain, tmiltairlc uura!il with that d-inaerons ellr-'oldjara not unfreqnsitly restored to titivio V'HaiR. a few day by the use of Ilntetter-s Bitter. . The weak stomae! U rapidly invigorstfd and iha appetite restored by ibin a jre?aM Tnic, ni bca it work wooilers in ca-a-! of Dyspepsia and in les confirmed JV.ti.3 of IiJiition. " Acting as' a gent! aal piir.!e3 appneit, as we'il as upon toe liver, it alo invariay relieves the Ca'iitipa i ;'npefindflc by ineul'ar as unottae oigesuve aaa eecreuve or-i Peroi of feeble habit. !iab!i to Xerv.'.vs JLXith. Lrmtsmf Spin and Fit$ f Lnn f:tnr, fi -l prompt and permaenat relief Iron ttie-oitteM: " Th Tesumonyi on this Jolnl 'i-Eioet conclostse, an J from both axes. i ' - The a-no of Billoa Colie is tmmedi- atiiT asuaga uy a.-nngi uo-jc. oi i.ie : aiturittUm h1 by occafionallj tesoning to It, tbs return o; tne compiaim may oe pre- As a General Tonic, Hostettf Bitters prlcci efi?cts which must be xper'ened predated. i casesoT Consts'utior.al Wak- and DecrrpUude ati: inz Irom O'.d Age, it xsreises the e'eclric iiifltienee. the coof a'eeent st jjves of all tiiseaees it oper ate as a delightful iiiviorant. When tne ra ealorc and re-etabl 'ah then. - Las', but not Jeast, it is the The Only Sife Sumnlnit being manufactured frora faund and innocuou materials, andeti iire'T freefrvni the acid elements present note or less in all the ordinary looks and ttosjaehtce of th day. No lamiljsmedicine ba"b?en so uniyer ally, asid, u may be truly added, de.erv ' edly popoUr with tb inrellisent portion ol the ejm.uunity, a llotft ter' Bi'ters. -, rrepated by HOSTEITER & SMITU, ritiiborti. Y. Sold by all Drosiitf, Grocers aDd More keepers everywhere. ' :Dec9, isi. ly., ( READING HAIL ROAD. , W1STEU AKKASGK32EXT. -iTiKATTruik line ifrom the North- and ,Xt North-west for - Priilale!phia, New York, Reading, Potisville.Lebjinon,. Alien town, Eon, itc, fcC. . ,; . - , Trains teav Harrixburs for Philadelphia ew York, Headifl, Pottsvdie, td all in termdiate Siaiions, at 8 a. tr. ar.d 2 f. M f New Yoric Eiprefs leaves Harrisbnrg at . 00 K- MaTrir'Ui at New York at 10 J 5; the airae morning. . ,: . Frss from Ilarriibnrz": to New York r3 15-; to Pniladelphia S3;35 and 22.80. - i'agage checked through. : . - -Ketaruitis leave New York tl 6 A. M. 12 Tfaon, and 7 P.M. (Pittsbur.h Expref. arriving at Hartisbur? at 2 A. M.) Leave Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M. Sidepin cfcra irrthe New York Expf'era Trains, through to aod from " P'.tsburgh wi'.h-ur chana - - " "' ' ' PaS3ense"bT tne Ca'.tiwissi Rail Road lease Tasnaqua at 8. 50 A. M. and 2. 15 P. XI. for Philadelphia, New York, and all .War. Points.; : ; ' , " , Tra'msleave Pottsviiie at 9. .15 AM-and 3. 30 P. II. ' for Philadelphia, Harrisburg ' and New York. . , , , . ' An accommlitiort Passenea train ; leaves Trading a 60 A.M., and .return Irora Fhiladdphia 4. 30 P. M. Ail the the above itains ran daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday tra'a leavei Potisville at 7.30 A-Mian.l phiiaLds'Hihia at 3.t5 P.&L .. , Cotnmutation, Mileajra, Sea-on, and Ex eursio? Ticaet, at - reduced rates to and from all uoiuis.. V G. A. NICuLLS, - General Superinteudant. Novsrrib?r ;8, lBG3. r ; rTC3IIXG I.SfJRAS E C03irAX, . , Ojfizt over the Ifyomittg Manki .''CAPITAL AXD iUIirUS, 125,000. tT" Will insure aimM foss cr damage by F.ri oii property ic'tuwn or country, at reina:'e itm. fi. It HoUeaback, Jobri Re ?icaa S fTisel Walham, D L- Slioe tnikar Daniel G. Dr.stb toN, n r.: Sn.i:h I.. D.'La.-orf.G. P. Steeh, V. W: Ketcham. Chsrl-s D'jrfauce, W. S.Ross, George M Jiardio;. - ' ' " - . ' G. f,I. II O L !.E N 3 AC II. Pres V-D-L.IIOEilAKtiU, I'.PresU. H.C. Si! ITII. Secretary, . ," Y. G. STilKLlNti, Treasflrer.'- - L II. CQNQVER, Arent, ' CABINET WARE ROOlt F ESPECTFaLtY irVUethe attention of -ihe Ptlbtic to hi extensive assortment ol Cabinet Fcrn'ttore Dtl Cil A"i RS,(?i which he will warrant made of foodyV? naierials acd in a workmanlike man-' ner. At bis egKIihment can uhvayn tf found a good itssprimenl of fashionable furnimre, whtch i equal in style and fin ish to that ol Philadelphia or.H. York cities and at as low.pricts. He has on hand m o( di2?rent style nd juices, from'SS5 toS60. Divans Lounes, Wain til and f.lahoanv. Parlor chairs, flocking and easy chairs. Piano stonls.aml a variety of upholstered woik, with Dress ing and parlot bureaus, sofa, carcf,, centre and pier tables, detashus, rT t:heS"eniers,wharnots and comode'.S ;iu an iinns oi lasnionahle wors. tits tock of bureaus, enclosed and common wsftutand,dress table f, ccrner cupboards, solas, ' , DINING AND "BRSAU FAftT TABLES,-bi-tsteadsfcane seat and common chairs is the largest in thia section of the coury--He will alsolieep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt aud com mon frames Ke wiH also furnish spring mii'rswM fitted ' to any sred bed?trad, which aTe superior for durability and com for! lo any bed in oe. . Bloomsbirrg, Nov. 4, 1863. SO I, Dim: SIN THE AU.TXY And Ourl'cufle at none Are now ofTered an opportunity by which tiey can obtain a , A GOOD JIXS DXRASJjE TRIE-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. Our Wutches are WARRANTED TO KEEP, TIME ONE YEAR, and the buyer es allowed the PriT ileue of Examination before Payment is required., IMPROVED DUFLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. . A Ert class HoHiin? Timerf iece of Sil ver material, over which is electro fine plated IS k. cold, most durably wrought, makine the imitation so laof less that ii cannot b dfjcwcl from tfew -rIt J rr.erial mot-t xpriervcd judaes ; ax-ids will not affect i:. London made movement Im I roved Duplet ir. Full , Ruby Aciior!, has sweep secwids, end is not to be exce V.e I in general apearance. , This is dt-cMediy one of the best arlrcies ever offrel for ir. tiers and speculators Erclneers, emigrants ad persons tavel'ins, will find them supe rior to any other ; alteraiien of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, packed in cood ahae and good running order only 535, or case of 6 for S200. .SILVER D0U1U.E TIME "LEVERS HUNTING Best Quality Silver Caes, over, which electro-lin p'atwd 19 k. ccld, smnlsr to onr Improved Durler, and soperior adjust ed movements with "Stop." to te rel in tifFtna horses, etc., , has . Fonr Indexes for Vahincton end .Gieewich lime, sweep second, ajjd pll the iniprovem"iis. All in all, taking i Beau'ifil and Fauhles ap pearance and its Superior Movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapen ariicla ol the kind in the mar ket, luce, n tood ruonin; order 531,) or case oi 6 lor Z700. ffW e ask no p?y in advance, lot will forward either of them to responsible pr tiertoary part, of the loval States,, with bill payable io exyrefsman when the'aoo are oeiiveredj giving rhe l-uyer th privil ec.e tf examination, and, if nft satisfactory, the watch can be returned it our expense. The express oompanies refase makir.e collections on soldier and other parties in the distoyal Slates, consequently all such orders most be accompanied by the ca.i of twololUrs on - ei:her watch when the payment is.forwarded ir. aovace: - Money may be teot by express at ca exr,ense. ' , .. THOS. CAFFERTV 4 CO., S3 and 95 Broad Si., oppose City Bank, Protidence, 11. I. Oct. 21 1863., TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK ; Sioce i's organization, has created a new era in the hiior of . . H'holesalinj Teas In this Conotry. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at rot over ' TITO CESTS (.02 Cents) per pound - above Cos'j Never deviating from the ONE PRICE - - - gfked. A nolher pecnliariiy of the Ccrnrany is that their Tea Tater not only devotes his lime to the select ion cf lher TEAS a to quality, value, and, particular tles for farucular localities of country, but he helps the TEA buyer to choose oct of their enormous etock such TEAS as are best adapted to his partienlar wants, and not on ly this, bal point out to him the best bar gains.; ; . . " . . ' y It is easy to see Ihe incalculable advan tage a Tea Buyer has in thi establishment over all others. , II he is a Judge of Tea, cr the Market, if his time i valuable, he has all the bene fitsofa well organized system of doin? business, cf an immense capital, of the judgement of a Profeaional Tea TaFter, and the knowledge of superior salesmen. ' This enables all Tea buyer -no matter if they are thousand of miles from ihi market to purchase on as ood terms here as the New York Merchants. . Parties can order Teas will be served by ns as well as though they came themselves bein sore to set original packages, irne weih's and tares; and the TEAS ; are trar rurtlled as represented. . : We isne a Price List of the Company's Teas, which will be seat to all who order it ; comprising'.- - , - -. . Hyson, Youn? JIyoti, Impe rial, Gutipodcr.-TiraBkay ' - and Skin. ' OOLONG, SOUCHONG. ORANGE & HY r . "' ,SdN PKEOK.; . v : , . JAPAN TE of every description, col ored ami ongolored. : This lift hs Ecft klml of Tr.h divided into FOUR Clse namelv: CARCH. hih i CAliGO FINEST, lal every oie ifjiv i.ii- I dera'rid frcm dsscription and . the prices artn.'xed that the Company are determined to tndereli the whole Tea trade."'. - Wecnarntee to nell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTSf,C2 Cent-) per pound above com, believing lb; to be "attractive to the many, who havo heretofore been payi;!? Enosmous Pkofits. - GREAT AM EtllCANTEA COMPANY' JMPORTEnS'ASD jobbers; ' Ito. 51 Vejej Sueci;N6w Yotkl CeU 9, 1SS3, Sxaos, v ' ' ; he Great I 1 1 1 m-mm-m " m m -.KSXafflBOliD'S-- ' GENUINE PREPARATIONS. lompound Tl'r.d Extract Bachti, a posi tive aod Specifio Remedy fJr disease Of tbft 'BlHddgr, Kidneys, :Gravel. and Drop- BH'Hi Dwelling. .,- -; , . - . j, Thi f.learine Jncreaes the fovctr of DiaeWtipn, and excite. ttie Ate-orbfiit? inlQ healthy aclioa,b' which the Wa.terv cr Calcareous depositions, and all Uinatnral Enlarafments are reduced, as well a- Pain and Iflammation. . ; iiiiXlnntyLu rXTR act "Ducii v For .'ea'krie?ses arising from excense9 Habits of 'Dissipation, Early Indiscretion of abuseattemted with the followmjpsyrop toms : Indisposition to 'Tvxertlbn, Loss of.'Power, Loss of Memory,' Difficulty of Breathicp, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis eae, Wakpfulrte', Dimri,ssj)f Vieton,Pain in the Back, ,'Ur.iversal LaSiodo of the Moscolar S stem, Hdt ;Hands, Floshina of the Body, Dryness of the bku, Eruptions on the 'Face, Pallid Countenance. ' These sympioins, if allowed To go on, which thi medicine invariably removes noon follows. 'I M POTENCY, FATUITY,' EPILEPTIC, FITS, "-in one of which the Patieni may empire. .' v ,','.. Whoan ay thatlhey are not frequently followed by those Dirtf ul Dieas." ' "INSANITY AND CONS-UMPTION." Many are aware of the caixt of their suf fering, but noire will confess the 'itrcord of. the liicame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consurnp lion bear ample tvimcss to ins 'Truth of the assertion, i he .Constitution once effected with Oigaric Weaknes requires the aid of Medicine to S!r?7'the!i ar.d Invigorate lire System, which HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BULHU invariably does. : Atrial wdl'con vince the most -skeptical. FEM A LES.-FES1 ALES ,TE MA LtJ S . In many Affection peculiar to Females the Extract Knchu i -onequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosin or Re'pntion, 1rre5ularitVi Painfulne, or Supp-ession of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous 'ae of the lierus, Letichorrhcea or Whites, S erility, and for all complainit incident lo the sex, wheiher ariuu; from indiscreiion Habit cr Dissipation, oin the Dectin-e or Change ol Lite. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, ot cn pleat-ant Medicines ier unpleasant and lacrerou diseKre-f. HELM POLO'S Ex'tact-Bocho and m proved Hose Wash cures SECRET Pl EASES. In alf their Stages, At l-nle E- pevse, Little ot ro rhang in Diet, No liiccnveuie.iice, And no exposure. It.caose a frequent det-ire and pives slrenfh to Urt-iate, thereby re;novin ob structions, preventing ar.d curing Urirtcre of the Ureihra, allaiig Pain and Inllnm m at ion, to frequent m the cla of lisese, and eX(l!ios all poisonous, diseased and went out foaMer. ihonsauds njvon Thousand who Have been the victim of Qnrk, and who have paid heavy ees to be cured hi a short lirr.e, have lormd they wero deceivev', and that the 'Ki!ioii" has, by th tis ol pow erftl a5lrwlt:enls,,' been dried up in the sy tern, to break ort in an aggravated fcim, and perhaps after iI:irrine lire Helmbo'd's Extrnct Cochu'for all aCectiotif ant disearsf the Urii.ary Or gar.s, a-hethev existing in Male of Femalf, from whtitever cacte onginaiitig ami no nia ter of how lona; s'andinn. Disrates of tlese Onz:w rfqnires the aid of s Diuretic. Helmbnld'a Extract Bochu is the Creat Dtureiic, and is certain :o have the o'esired effect in all disease fur which it "n recommended. Evidence of the. most re?iHt!e and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Trice SI. CO a Hattle, or Sir for S3. 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation., Demerit cymptoms i;t II communications. Core cuaiaii'eed ! Advice gratis. Address letter lot inlorma tion to ii. n. iiF.i.aiiJoi.n, riiemf.i. 104 Sooth 10;h t-i., tel. Chestnut, Phila. HELM HOLD'S Medical Depot, HELM BO LD S Druo&Chem'l Warehouse, 549 iroadwoy, New York. TIT Beware of coun'.erleiis and tinprinci? ! oealer., o e,, 4he,r ow" fri , . leavar to disposn "ol er" arnclei pa toe reputation aitan ed y Helmbold'a Genuine Preparations, do do Et'rsct Bicho, Helmbold's Gennine Extract Sarsaparilla. do do. Improved Rose Wash. FPSold by all Drugi-ts everywhere. Ak for HelmboliiV. -Take no other. Cut out the Adveriiemer.t and send for it, and avoid imposition p.ntl exposure. !) mhr 9, lsfi3.-lr. - . holiday ri:i;s!;iT8 ! JLtgfc Time tbscrvers. Deinga Hunting or Open Face or La dy's or Gentleman's Watch Combin ed, ' with Patent Self-Windiup Jm provement. a most Pleasing Xovtlty. One of the . prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly ihe best anJ cheapest time piece for general and reliable nse everotTe reJ. I: has Avithin it and connected with its machinery, its" own "winding atiachme.nt rendering a key entirely unnecessa y. The cases of this Watch are compned of two metals," the outer one beiiis fine',16 esrai gold. It ha the improved ruby action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per case ot half dozen, Si04. Sampie Watches, in neat morocco boxes, ?35. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Huntiitg Time-pieces lor accu racy of movemei 1, beauiy of material, and, above all, Cheapness in price, these watche must insure universal approba tion. . . An imitation so faultiest that it can hardly be detected by the most experien ced judges. The material being of two metals, the cuter one first quality Sterling Silver, while ihe innei one is German Stl-s ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting 01 heavy enaraving, making it, . not only in appearanre, but in durability, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exig ence. The. sale of these Watche in the army is a source ol enormous profit, reiailitig.'fts they very readily do, at 525 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a sittulrt pay day 'by any one of ordinary business t;icf.x . CFAT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cn! dand, in good running order, by "the half dozen, 466. Sold only by by the case of ix ! T . Upoi receipt of two dafiars, as guarantee ol good faiih, we will send aW-he by ex press to any part of ihe loyal Slates', cnl-let-tiiig ba!ance'of bill 011 delivery. This ensure buyer against traod, giving them their wa'ches b loe payment is required. Sender ler to ihe sol imoor'.er. ' GAIL'S WH EATON, No. 12 Jeweler's F.tchane, Cor. Cartlani Si aud Broadway New York - - -. - Dec. 9, 13&3 3m. : - ED WR AD B. SNIDtR, Gene'l Comion Itlcrcliant. , A Boomsburg, Co'umbia county Pa. Particoiir attention giveai to Pateat fight. .Sept. li3. 3asa. " ' N. . WEEKLY. NEWS.. The cheapest and best New York Newe paper, Only one dollar per anaum. -Eiht pnge forty columns. A complete record of events, BerijafBiw- Wood, editor and p'O prtetor, fnblfshed at Pio. 19 UHy Hall Squaie, Ddy New Building, Nim .York City. THE ?JEW A'ORK WEEKtt KEWS is unrivaled in 'its ability and enterprise as a public Otirnai. and in is mot efficien'Iy condqeted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, -com-. merciHi, uiintirii ani nierary inro'jtionl the World... In addition to thi (1 contains all the DoWiesiic fr.tfflligenctj of each week and full reports ot every matter of -public interest. .;... As a pclhical Journal The Weekly New will be lo'und on the side of tha Constitu tion of tire 'country a it was framed and established hy the Fathers of thp Repbblic, and will scan wtth'Care and -fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of tho letter and spirit 'of that instrument of our liberties. It prefers the " J POLICY ;OF. PEACE : ; to a ruiirone nod exhatrsticg -sj-stem of War. Insisting--open the inith of the principle embodied in rh "Declaration of Indepen dence., that the just powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of the govemed. it urges the1 preservation of the "jnda mental pfpciples of libeny, inviolate, a of rncTe sacred ' rrponance than national grandeur or consohcatf d power under des potic rule without thf pale .of etjiblhed law. On all qac!ion, nf national impor tance it ?s the infi-xible chamoion ot'thn nahrs of cilikcns, an guaranteed under the 1 inMrumeH by which they hav edecided to be governed, ft therefore boldiy nvow rtn purpose ta sustain the Freedom of Speech and of the Pres, wuh the view lo protect i lie people from the encroaching dngma oj theorists who contempelate a mndiricatinn of the democratic principles which lo this timw have been scsiained against every ef lort to overthrow them: In all matters per lain iris lo Government ihe purpose of this newspaper is to protect lh pople from in correiderate and rash legiHat-ion, and to hold our public servaits "10 a strict account, ability for their conduct while catrying ca the machinery of power. To this end iha. most careful attention will be given rt nil Federal and Lejislanrc laws, and a firm and impartial examinatation of every new yoiiiical propoMlion may be expected a tne oniy means ot, pTOlecttny; Ihe people from an abrfdsement ot their riuht. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are gtv.-n in thmost succinct 3 el complete manner. They claim particular, notice fur iheir Cdcliiy and truth, and all ihoe who deir to comprehend ihe esaci finan cis! coiklition of the t- ttelry should cot tail to examine the views which wi', be tounti in ihi departinenr of the j-mrnal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting arid in siruciise aiidteifg derived ftom some of the !bles! minds in Europe mnst t e read with the ri'mosi avidity by those who desire to camprehend that dtbln'macy of the Uov- errmen's of the Old Wo-M. Im all other rrs;ecn THE WEF.kLY NEWS will be found to meet the public Ce maitd. It is Iheefrecial nbifi tf.- P, . prietor to render it a valuable and enter-1 taitiing. ... j FAMILY NEWSPATER, pure in its moral influence, ennobling n Its cttaracter, and satisfactory to that lare class in the community who desire 10 tee the Public Pres-i trt, pi) pnblic questions with s'guments expressed in crJtiite'-y and candor, thought, ar ihe same time, with the spirit ooe lo the themes di-cnssed By terer.-nce to the terms of Tne New York Weekly Newt it will be noticed ih:l it is by l.r the cheapest newspaper i-i tit world, and the Proprietor feels that he may invi e Hiose. wfio ap;ove o its principles and coid act to use ihetr infitience in adding lo i'.s yrefcent large circulation. "' NEW YORKWEELY NEWS, Eighl Po Forty Columns JSSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year On D0V.3T Eleven Copies to one Addres for One Year TEN DOLLARS. ingle, copies Three Cents THE JVEir YORK DAILY- XE1V3. A flrstclasa Metropolitan Journal devoted to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, nn.1 containing all the new of the day, Politi cal, Telegraphic!, Commercisl and Local is the cheapest daily paper in the metropo- tS : T E R MSI One Copy, One Year Six Dollar. One Copy Six Months Thr-e Dillars, Sicgte. Copies" ' Tow Oms. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Ed.io and Proprietpr, No. 10. City Ha!! Square, New Yotk. IVorth Ccnfral Railtvay. T S M E TAL E . .TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the Susqoehan. na. Elmira, aud all of Northern New York. On and after Moi.dav, Anril 20;h, 1563, the Passenger Trains of the Nordi Central Railway Mill arrive and depart from Son bury, Hrrisburc and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at . 10.10 am. Leaves Ilatrisburg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Scnbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg,except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Mopday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. xortuwjird: Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at 9.15 sm. Leave's Harrjsbiirg, 1.15 p m. Arrives at Sunbury, - . 4.05 p m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 Arrives at Harrisburj, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rgencep; Monday oO" Arrives at Sunbury, 5.33 " For further particulars apply at the office. I. N DUBARRY, Supi. Harrisbbrg', Aug 8, 18fi3. TIIE OLD CUAi:il. 4 Monthly Journal, tlevoted 10 th Prin ciples cf 1776, Designed to unmask the Usurpation, Dep!isrn and' crimes of this ' .... - . .. . ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. Ami to defend itt doctrines of Sla!e RiiZiits, and of Copsiittittonal Liberty, as held by our Revo!nLiotary Fathers.- Published by.C-'CftAUNCBY BURR & Co., sail street, New York. - PRICE Single number 15 cents. For warded by mail or espr rss to all parts of the Utiitct Sta'.es at 81 a ysar, 1:1 advance. Any person sending ten subscribej will receive an additioual copy for one year. " Aug. 26, 1863., : . . Geots Balmoral Iace Boots, will kbs , aold ..trery low- Alsp-Boy Shoe, nt ' " t j.rjAj;pLE5S.; TUB SISGEa SEWPa?,IACiTlB7.S.t OUTl Letter A Family Swin2 Machinejt Iasi cainihe a world-wide reputaiion It Is beyond donhl 'he bst and cr-eapesi'ahd most beantifiifof all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to thu public." No 'joiner Family Sewina Mm-hine ha so many Use (el appliancs (or Hemtfins, Bindicg, Fell-1 ithi, TurkinsiGdthei 'mg, Gnawing, Braidirg 'Einroidering, Cordina," and so lorth. No oiher Fam'dv "Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor B creai variety ot wo . 11s hi sew ell kinds fit cloh, and with all kinds of ilireau. uri-ai iki ircoi.i niijiniirinrnio .Tiake our Farrfi'v Sowing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at ull rates of speed. It makes the intstlocked sutch, which is the best st i toil known. Any on.e even of the mosi ordinary cpacity,ca'n see, -at a clance how to tise the letter A Family- Sewiiij: Machine. Our Family Sewing Machine are fi.-ii bed in chaste and c'xqnisi:e-siyle. The Folding Ca-e of the. Family Ma chine is a piece of .cunning workmanship of lne most useful kind. It protect the ma Chine when not in use, ami -whci abiut . in be operated may be. opened as a spacious ond ?obiaiilial tablrt to frusiain the, work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choice" woods, art? fini-'hed in the sim plest a iid chastem manner possible, others are adori. il and embe!ihed in the ml cosily and enperb manner. I: i absolnie'y necessary in ie the Fam ily Machine in cperatiori so as to judge of its areat capacity, and beauiy. It is fat .becoming . popular for family sevt-ing as onr Manufacturiri inachit.es are for mannf.trturtttg purposes. Tlie Binnch OtfM-e afe wel supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc, of the very bet quality. Send for a Pamphle'. TH E SI NGE P. M A N UFA CTUR I NG CO., 4.18 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8I0 Chestnut St N. S. Tmgley, Agent, in Epy, Pa. " A. J. Evan, Agent, in Bloemsburg. Nov. II, 1863 AND 8 A F E S. AT IVEW YORK AFE DElOTJ 71. William Street, A tw iork. Size and Price nf WUSs rirPreof -O il T SS 1 P E: - ' Jffhkt. IViJk. ' Dtp!; No 1 - ci . . ro 20 No '2 r'6 22 24 No 3 20 ' 24 24 No 4 32 28 24 No 5 SJ 31 24 No 40 31 21 --INSIDE: Peittd. Vuh. DtpO. Ni 1 17 ;i . 12 No 2 H 135 l No 3 21 '' 15 12 I No 4 22 18 13 No 5 24 21 14 Nd 6 31 21 15 rstcr. picc. Number 1 t!o' 2 do 3 November sso rn r.o on Nnnber do do S5 liKI 115 ('0 00 00 1 I, lt?(?3. 2 300,000 MORE MEN WAN 1 KD lO QUELL REBELLION! R VOLUTION IS JJIGH PRICES! KEW AUKIVAL OF FALL 5c VIiTt:K GOODS. AT PETER EN'T'S STORE IN LIGHT STREET. COL CO. fTAS iust received from the ea;en rule and is how opening at the old s:ani a splendid assortment cf which will be soM cheap for jtJASII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I (Its nock cor.Fi-ts cf Ladies Dress Good, i r hoiresi stvles and latest fasnious. CALICOES. MUSLINS. CINGHAMS. . FLANNELS. HOSIERY SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. &C. Ilcaily-llade CloUiiii?:, satinets, cssivieres, COTTON A lES, Kentucky jeans THREAD, AzC. QUEENSWAKE, CEDARW AtlE. HARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUOS, BOOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAP, In short everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of his old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun try prodtice. l PETER ENT. Light Sirtet, Nov. 1 1, 18tj3. - 'Jilillcr's Store. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS TIilE subscriber ha just returned from the Cities with another large and teleel assort ment of FA LL & l'LTER(JO0D8, purchased at Philadelphia .nd New Ynrkj at the lowest figure, and which he is deiertnined in sell on a moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsborg His stock compri-es "Ladies9 Dress Goods, of tlie clf'cesf styles and latei fashions. DRY GO O D S, Q2 it o "a? rr S ce G3a t J A H D W A R K . QU K K N S W A II E. CEDAR .VJ.tRE. UOLLOW-W ARE. Don's and Sh'tes, HaS-a-nl Caps, &c . fcf. In ?ioi, every lUnz nnativ ken'i" conniry stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. - The hijjhes price will be paid lor conn try produce, In exrhsnse for good. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Jan. 6, 1864. Attorney at Law- BLOOMSBURG, PA. Oflle"! on Main Sue!, Kirn' drvor below A. JSIcAn' Store. " Sea if, USA C!frn?ss s B.ilcrnry r bhrril fifiil .'Refill Mi- ' crlftnr6i1 -Family 'Journal. A PAPER FOR THE MILLION, Ard a welcome visitor to ih home 'cir cle. Ij coitains ihe 1bregn a-id . domestic news of ihe Oay, and presents iti ?ie'est. amount of in!.ligercf. - ' THIS MAMMOTH V.'REKLY , rllr!pd nn fi-ie white psper 8nd t,P8nftfl), tvp,f am, a lar with 'new e. weekly- paper of sixteen octavo pnLH - An unrivalled corps of contributors are curler regular encasement, and every de part met't is placed on the miTsi fi ihed and perlect Kvstem that experience can de vise. Each "number will be beaotiiully il lustrated. ' TERMS. 52 00 per annum. Invariably in advance For sale at all Periodical Depot in the United S'ates. Published every Saturday, 'eon. pr of Tre fnnni mid BrnmBeld sttects. Boton, Mas- saciinsets hy F (iLEASON. Nov 11,1863. " ' ' ' MADIfcO. HOISE, (OF JERSEVITOiVN, PA) 7 HIE subscriher v onld tespsclinlly frp . riri hi lrtifids and ihe Dublic eeiier- ally, that he has established the - MADISON M 0USE, i.i Jerytown, Columbia county. Pa. The above house ha lately been tefitted and undergone a thorough repairing by ihe pro prietor. He is fully prepared to entertain, the travelling cu'ioin as well a thi lecal with ;neral satir-laction, Hi TAB LE or.d BAR, are well supplied and will he careful ly superintended.- And hts STA BLE is tn ply and well storked, in charae of careful orooms, will alweys be properly attended. tW He invites a share of ihe public cus tom, and pledses his best efforts, to help his guests Teel at bom. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jrseytown. iin ft, 1P62. EGKAITOE HOL'SL, Vbl.B K00SS VrrpTirtcr ItI.T03IMII7H P4 THIS ma'gni'Gc'eiit- Hotel, situate in tt renifal portion of the town, and op posite the Conn House, his beu ihoroorhiy repaired stud refurnished, and the Pio;(ietnr is now prepared to accommodate travelers, re-jmsters, drovers atul boardiprs in the mnsi pleasant a'nd agreeable manner H:s in'bl'e will be supplied wiih the best ib market a(Tnrds,and his Ha r with ihe chmcesi liquors Atleniise ostlers will always be on barsd, and his stablinti is the mo'l extensive in this senioi: ot ennutty. Omrdbuses wtl always be in readiness m convey pat-sen gers to and Jrom the Railroad Depot. . WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburo, July 4. 1S60. IaIOTJOAS J ilOUCBs! aocalc aiaci llclail. riH E subM-riber would aunouuee tolhe - citixens ot BloombnV and vicinity. that he tsseUmo L!l OW in lare and ., , i ,j srmtjl qnnnti'ies. ami at dirjerent crtres at , . 1 c . 1 c ' his New Store, nit lani street. v . ; not ffpte, I wn door- south of VaJAJT j. 1 im . ... k:Z-'4i lrn sreet Woomsbtng. H.s w hFj stock of Tareigti alitt DfirneKtic tr. ifi e --s - rts' no ron's ott-o mac and Jict:e!Je. b!ackbr,T- ry, yinuer, Raspberry and - Lavender. He iia a larse a-sortirienl if Old Rye gray wit' age, tine Old Boatbon, 1 Old ri' ks :.ikey, and ariy qnat.tity ol common. I'e al-o ha PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon". Claret. Sherry and Cam- paijne Wine; and last but not la-l. a quantity oi good' double ctr? BROWN SIOUT"; all of which he wilt fell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respet. fcliy solicited to ive his I'upior a iril. D. W. BOBBINS, Agt. Bloomsborg, May 1, 18rJi. D21T5IS.S,?. '"11 iiotTiin, 1 S V R K O IV I C H : T S T . - I KS P EC F C LEY n fie rs I. is . Mr . 1 .-jrjj prni-ssionai servires nu:e : tit" la.ti- X- rrilUnif r.Al Itlrtrttns. i bur? a id vicinity. H is prepared to ait-nd i to all t ie vsrions operations in Den;t'rj ) ' 'rid 1 rvided ividi tLe lates-t improved PORCELAIN TEETH, whirl, will be in 1 serted on pivot or gold plale, to lrok as 1 well rs nrfrai. j Mineral phi'e and block teelli manfsr. . tnred ar.d all operations on teeth carefully j attended to. ( A superior article of Tooth Powders, ol- ; ways on and. Alloperations 011 the teeth : warranted. ' ' Residence and OfEce few doors above j t the Conn House, same side. B'oonisbnrr, Aug. 10 1S5S i'dcha i?nciwii-r (WITHOUT BUUSIIISG.) IjOR Boots. Shoes,. Harness, Carriages, unci Military Leather Work. Tl.i.s new and excellent article excels eveaything ever before in use, for beauti fy'mg end sol ening the Leather, it make a polish like patent leather ; will not rnb off with water, nor statu :he finest whe silk, and make leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient.- Ifihe leather becomes dir. V wash i; off with e'ean water aud the polish will re apt-ear. Warranted as represented. Direct ions lor iisu. Apply a few drops on a sponje, rnb it slow ly over the leather, at:d the poh-h is complete. - rvjcn 37 cefis pfr bottle CF For sale by k. T. tHARPLEiS. jJ Bloomsbnrg, May 14,1852. Kollock's Dandelion CcflYet THIS i;reparatior, ma-le from the lvt Java Cllee. i recommended by physician as a su,ter.or NL'i RITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility. Dypep-ia, and all bilious disorders. Thon-ands whs have been compelled to abaodoi the use of cof fee; w ill use ;fiis without injurions efTects. One can contain Ihe strength nl two pounds ol ordinary coffee. Prire 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEY AH, The p-rost and best BAKING POWDER known, for makina lihi, sweet and nutri tious Bteatl aad kes. price 15 cents , Mir.iifizlurtd by M. H. KOLLOCK Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestun; Stfeefs. , i'hiladelpMa, "T 1 1 .1 J t ! It . ! . 9 at Ann toiu oy an irugjis ana uftKcrs.F3 February 26, 1862 ly. , . - " E. IL LITTLE. XSLOO.IlHUitO, Pa. OSce in- Court Alley ;. formerly occBpi9 fcv J' -.Chrles iiBu3Jilw. 'I'' December 2 S,l 8 W.-tL G u 1 1 a TftR'cnntrFsT rAi'r.n rcBisixip. t70RTT-EtGHT . olumnsof reading tnu- ter prr week lor tl 20 or' year. Th oi.lr Kew Ynrk Paper trAtle up'e'xrlosii Iv t r conn-ry cirrtilaturr; snd. i nrw ol tl' week, with the caide. produce, autl oihr miirket-, rarelntly ienrted, Tfir'-Xtir Toth UnyJJtok. fpr 1354. Whi e Men's Lit er'te Sta'e Kiibts Fed eral Union. . , T'ie New York Day-BoV is an indp deiit. Democratic JonmaL lihldinji with tb'a l ite Sena'or -Dduslas, thai "this govern merit is ma le on the wtiit bis, by whir njen, for the beneff of while men and their posterity forever.'-' It is a'Ure iJo. ble e'heet, With forty eiaht colomiis ol ref ina matter-and in all respects-wbeter lor Markets, news, Literary or A 5 rir oil oral informadnn is riot iiffennr to any as a po litical or lamiiy rewspapet. ,'lu i'n poifj. cal department, it i:'pp(es boldly with tha real question before, the American pepplq, and presents the only phi!oophv Ot it which can reit the s-scepj- g march of Abolit'.onisrn. 'It is Demncnfic in iha irn (-eei.se of the term' he ender of the ree- pl-'s rights, but it i-ihe upholder ol no par- ty ct.iCMi.ery or tj:-keiy. i is not only for peace, bin it show how, aud how only, permanent pt-ace cfeu be obtained, ar.d thp tTo'iuis -white'rasir Government of Wash ington restored, viz: by the nier tons, overthrow, ai d extermination of A bolitioB. isrn fmm American soil. . The D.ty Book i now tire orrly v-sekfy poli'ial paper in Kew York city made vfi excfu-'tveiy fnr coniiiry circulation. Allth otfrers are relta-tsett irom the clcoms 01 sone daity -piper, v.lu-ti renders it !,Trt impossible to give so complete and general a summary ol the news as inthevtiher ca-e Perrns about scbsr bing thfnH take this inb consideration. -Democrats, , a-l-o, mus' Eee lo it that sound" -pipers at- eircitlt'e.l among he people, or abrdit'tonV ism wi'l never Pe pul down. V? All whft (Ipkir to refute ihe aracmetirs ol Aboliliorj ist, should resdT'-e Day Book. TERMS: "One enpy, 01 e . yeat. 12 f0; Thro f-rtnieo om tear. ?5 Kive. snnu. one yer, $7 50; Ten copies, one year, and one 10 tlie. jeiter r.p of the club, 14 00; Twetdy , copies, me year, and one to in peter on of the Cub, $24 09. Addiional coi'ies. each Si 20 The name of ts posi-offire. cuntr, n4 Sa'e, s'iOnld ia all cases, be plainly givra in every fetter. l'nynieh'.s al"-j" "n adarsce, ard a!J j-s.vis will b sirvp;ei when the tim of subt r piimi paid (Or expires. 7nM.es.. VAN EVRIE, HOItTON'&CO, lt-2 Nassau st., New York. St' Special Orders- Wc desire this ytat 10 ptuce tetore a inillimi n! northern Ted em the reat doctrines ' The Day Book' t?:tchc on ti e qne-tio'i ol the'Races. W coi.nden'dy betteve .it this J xirnal were plared in the hacd ot o-e half of the vo terii ol ihe onitherti S ales between ihi timM and November, IPCt.lhe IVtupcra s could r".t fait 10 crTV tHe nen presidential elee- j tton. V.e ttierelore make t!ie loiiowtn oPrSj tut in th Vil:' of prizes, sr.u not I een be.ae V uid be pfohtahie, 1 a , . . 11, 1 ran scarcely a (To id it hot srlely 1 ! .. . 1 . ,- ( . a ide tli-f.mir.afoi td :he visv i i . 1 . .. .11 , we profuuM'.ty teliee uill sae f - )fitah!e. for we to secr.re taws w hirh tir f 'un irv. Chita rf Twenty For a rlub f20 besides the ejtra paper now offeree, w will senti a cojiy of Dr V" ('nV' a'eal work on "new roe ?nd tieoro siivery," ihe third it Hn t w Lich i-j'isl ready. Piice One Dollar Clubs f FpFor n r1.6 crFiftg sul 'crit-ers, at mo, we will send one extra paper, and a t-oinpteie set cf r.ur Ami A ' it-n Pnb'tr-at'mtis," the ( r. res ol which, tiken tnue't-er aii.'-nr.t t ?? 75. - Clubs of One Hunnrtd. h relation to Clubs of oe hundred, we wi" this Whoever will inl us o-e hundred sob fcr'tbers at one time, the club 10 be. sent 1 one address, and en, an j t-i'd at te sam ttrje, will receive th3 papers at ipo. v. e.. 1:. & co. Novell. IP, 1J?3. !T11E JlAGAZIMi iOit THE TI5IE31 PETERSON'S MaGaZIN E, the best and cheapest 111 the '.Vn.'.d far Udie"s. J hig popular tuntithiy M-r-f-re wiil be greatly improved for lf64. It will rofam one Ttimisatid l'acres of ReiC.liiiiil Foof.cen Splendid Steel Plifsl Trlve Colored Bailin Woik Paiimtfl Nine Humlrel Wood Cuts! Twemy Fours Hae ol Mu sic! AH this will be eiven for cly Two Dollar a year, or a doitar less than Maga fine of the cl-t of ' P-tetson' llsl'hriU ' Ima Tales and Ntve-'rs w :f.e best pub L-IieJ anywbeie. All the most popular wn:fin!e ep!ned lo write ofgiiiaily for 'Pe-erfon iu I Kti4, it: addition to it n-iiRt q'jahttty of short stirie. Four Orii. ttal Co;nti;:ht Novelets, wiil be Siven, by Ai.i S S-'phens, Ella Rodman, Frar.k Le l?e.iedici, and Ihe Aufio? ol '-the Second Life.'' Il also publishes Fashion Jllien-t of All Othert. Each number, in addition ;o His colored plates, ;ivcs Itanne.s, Cloks ami Drenes, engraved on wooti. Also, a pi'srn, front which a Dress, Manttlia, or Child's Dress, can be eul out, without the sid of a mantna maker. ALSO, several agesof Household end oilier Rc-it. Ihis the best Lady's Magctine in tht ff'ortd Try it jor one i ear Jcrms, .11 way i ii .idvance. O-ie Copy, r" ?er, ? 2 00 Three cpp"-Si fr one yexf, 5 Ou Five copies, for one year, 7 00 Eight copies, o'-e year, 10 f.0 Premiums for Gtttinsr "p Clubs: 1 hiee, Five or eitit coj ie make a club; To evety person getiir.g up a club, at ihe above ra'es, a copy ol ihe Magazine tof 1864 will be given gra:i. Address, po-i paid. CHARLES J. PF.TERSON, 3i:6 Chestnut St., Phila. ' J,'rfTlssf p. ' ' LtAThK.! LATntK i lHE tin ter!;ied would atmonuce, it at Cap lie has on bard, at h's Ha - fid emporium on Main s'rtct, Biomsbura, an assortment rf f'eren; kind ol leather.siicti A . r t tt.i .1. as une call skips, moroc-o, 1 iei am uai kj aud tininjis, all of w hich he will sell cheap r tLa'i ran he had e!e?ethere in this mar ket. Call and examine ihem ,'rr vomeives. JOHN K. G1RTON. Bloombnrg. May 21 !Sft2. DIl. J. U KVA:S, FbyMcian and Snrfcon, II AVING Icraed permaneatly on Main Sueet, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., wcnld in form the pnblir. generally, thai he 1 pre-, pared 10 a lend to all bo-mes laithfolly d pnncinaliy that may te intrusted to hs card, on ter;rjt co iimniiri e vith the time. trile pays strict attention to Surgery as well a Medicn. ' ' Norembef 23, 1KS3 -1V. ' ' " . HENRY ROSENSTOCK, 1 SL? Liffht AiiibrotypUt ROOMS ui-ioe Third Story 01 the Ex cJraPpe H:ockt (r.trnea above tk f Book Stprp,-Biuomabor-r, Columbia. C9a I i. Pa. Bloceitarg, Nor.lls W U