STAR OP TII.B ;K0RTIL" i y & S. jnrr - ra..COr, EDITOR. - "S. 7.1. Pkttehgili. & Co., 37 Park Row, iiew York, are duly authorized to solicit and .receive eobrcripiions and advertising for the Elaroftht North, published at Bloomsburg, 'Columbia county, Perm 'a. - Hither & Co., 335. Broadway, New York, are authorized to receive -subscriptions -and .advertising for the Star cf Ike North. . . ' ; FOB PRK61DCNT I If 1864, " . GEORGE R FCLEIUH, Subject to the Decision of the Democratic National Convention. i , , 1 1 1 , . , ; ' . Three Teari of IdsUUtrilleii.".' ' We copy the following article from the Albany Argus, which -suits ear views .pre cisely : "The administration of Mr 'Lincoln afteT -a three years trial of it merits, cornea be fore the country and asks for an extension of its power for-n other Presidential term . 'The head of the administration was -origi-mally elected to office by little over one ttiird of the elector of the "Union and in stead of seeking to govern tbe-counrry ee- cerding to the will of the majority, he ."nought e his -directors and political guides the smallest minority of "his minority. - At -no lime has be -commanded the -confidence of the people ;"ndif they , hare sustained iia, ft has been as soldiers sustain a weak arid cowardly general, became no alterna tive is left then, -except the worse one of .insubordination and anarchy. He was accidentally tiormaatefl - by sis o party ; and owing his position to haz ard, be Las reft 10 hazard the fortune of the pecple end the fate of rhe -republic fie nerer appreciated the condition ef the country, and when told fcefore his inaugu nation that cerlaia States wo a Id withdraw from Congreia,tre -chuckled over it, and eaid that thrt would secure the confirma tion of hi tioffiiriation by the Senate. -" His tonr lo Washington, proclamiag "no lody was hart," offering himself to be looked at, measuring lengths with bystand ' etsM his disguise and flight, bis coarse jokes, his mad J ting end his malice, gave the "character of the man. Before he took -the 'oath to support the Constitution, he pro claimed his fidelity to the Chicago plat form.' That was the measure of his states- Clanship .'.'. ' ' When he entered utpon the government, we bare his own testimony that a majnri-y of the people of - all the . Southern States with perhaps, ; the exception ol Sooth 1 Carolina were opposed to secession, and in ' favor cf the Union. Yet he commenced ' immediately system of administration " which has driven nine tenths of these "" people into the arms of the Confederates. He does not expect to re-organize these "Stales, evea after conquest, except on a -tais of a cor.s'.itaancy of one-tenth of the ' inhabitants. " ' We da not rare to disease the intrinsic 'raerits' of .the measure of" Confiscation, Emancipation and negro' elevation, which hate produced this result. We speak of " the elements of success which were placed in his hands, and of how be has misused . them. : ; ' . .' ' r ' ' ' No ceoole ever sustained a aovernroent , with such lavish means and such entiring devotTon as the States of the North have sostsioed him.: Hof has he responded ? Bj the creation of a high tariff system, for "protection to class interests and sections, 1 "ameuntiQ almost to prohibition, - and fatal ' to revenue. By paper-money system which oppresses labor in the beginning and defrauds it ia the end. By a National Bank system, uncalled for, thrice condemned, ' and suicidal in a country which yields an anneal gold crop of a 'hundred millions, and which has the highest interest in main ulring a specie currency throughout the world 4 He has created a public debt of J fesr thousand millions to cary on a war which might have been easily prosecuted, - as Napoleon did bis, from the resources, of the country, without a dollar of debt or of ' paper money. We do not speak of-his ig ' noring the rights oftheState,abrogatingthe trial by jury and the writ of habeas corpiund the freedom of the pres. These useless provocations' lo discontent were prompted by political malice, and will yet return lo plague the inventors. .. How has the war been conducted I Look at the list of armies sacrificed, of battles lost, of generals- displaced from the pettiest motires of rivalry and jealousy. Look at the haad of the War Department I Look aaain ar the head of the Navy ! What can be thought of a financial system, which borrows at ICLper cent, (gold interest,) -and ' cays at 150 per cent ; which speeds three ' minions a d$y and makes no provision of revenue to meet even the iaterest on its loans. ,Wbat is - tSe' frait of. our foreign - policy ? We have the sympathies of Russia " and Austria ; and the secret hate of all the mere libera! governments'of Europe. .-We - have a monarchy in Mexico, and era pas- sire accessories to the overthrow of jiie Re . pailic there. France intends to occupy So nera, and threatens our southern border ' We Lavsg:,vea up to England a police right ef search over CJt own vessels in our own Alii t What have wo gained . in exehange for all this t An ar.ifieiaJ -and seeming pros-p-erhy tie result of inflation but it is -" ferchased by Jebt which already absorbs two-vlilris of ail the property . of the f p!e. '. '. ' i r:.i! we re-e'act such aa administration, " r-si give it four years tenser to try iu fearful c t - s rlrs r ' ts pen ' the ' 'people, open the t. . :;:y, tii cp;a jba cause cf constita- - Boos: or tbx Prophct Stsphm. This is th title of a new book just isooed by J. F. Freeks, 26'Ar.n Street, New York. Price 15 cants. - Muchpains hare been taken to Ret op' this interesting :li:tta work. It is written in niblicai style, historically truth- ?t0l and winv. with manv 'hnmoiani hi:a upon men and the times. The publisher has in 'Press Lincolmuna, St the Humors of Uncle Abe. Alo, Ko(t$ on Iht Conirfifu-Hon-of the Untied States, with expositions of the most eminent statesman and jorists, which will soon be completed. These pob- Htcations will be ratuibU as campaign doc uments, and should 'be -exicitstvely circolp- ted. . , - ' . - . . TltLATiva Valoc or Goto akd Pi. An exchange as: The mistakes are 'cu rious which are often made 'in "estimating the value of .paper and gold. 'We have heard the mistake made, and by those who claim to have -some business capacity, whose lite is spent in dealing with money in the way of 'buyin and selling, of count ing paper as il worth nothing, should gold go to 200 per cent, or 100 per cent, above paper. There is a very simple rnle by which the -raise of-paper may be estima ted, and this is', make 100 the numerator of the fraction, and the selling -price of gold the denominator , and paper -holds that pro .portion to gold as the unit. Thus, -if gold hi selling at 120 or 150, the gold -value of a dollar bill is 100-120 or 100-150, or 5 6 or 3 3 of 100 cents. -II it be 166, the same rule ia to be followed. 4fgold then be 120, 4 dollar in paper is worth 83 1-8 cents ; if at 450 the -dollar is worth 8 2-3 cents. Attxmttsd Sfickjb.- A woman by the name of Mrs. Bunker, who resides is Mar ket street, this borough, attempted to com mit suicide by cutting her throat with a 'ra zor, on Sunday morning last.. Her husband when employed at one ef the furnaces, had risen early and gone to the furnace, and upon returning, aome time after, found his wife yet in bed but enable to speak. She made some igns, calling his attention to her threat, and upon examination "he dis covered several galieiJiad been made, one ef which was directlyWcross the windpipe Medical vssistarrce was called in and -the wounds dressed, but fears are entertained for her recovery She can give no expla nation of the causes which induced her to commit the act. For some time past she has occasionally been subject . tQ low spiritedness, which is supposed to hare been the cause of the fearful deed. Danville Attierka. Taxc tbc Papers That this will be a year of great events needs no prophet to foretell. The campaign of the rebellion, the Presidential campaign, and last, bat not least, the European war will all excite pub lic attention, and concerning which all she'd keep posted Then in rea&rd to local mat ters, we shall have much to engage consid eration, and about which no well regelated family should be ignorant. By taking your home paper you will get the local as well as the general news, and thus two purposes will be served at one price ; whereas, if yon take a foreign paper it will be purely accidectal if you aee an item concerning your'ociity once in a whole year. Naw Wotx. We are in receipt of a handsome little work from the publisher Mr. J. F. Fisxs, No. 26 Ann Street, New York. -entitled Abraham v Arnrccs I. His Secret Life as revealed under the mes meric influence Mysteries of the White House. Price, in covers, 15 ceots. This is an interesting little publication,- giving a complete biography of Ojx Asr, together with an amusing account of ail his flat-boat ing and wood-sawing adventures in Illi nois, bow be received his early edncation and figured as a Captain in the Black Hawk War. His Cabinet and coun sel succeeded in getting him under the mes meric influence, when he made some very .important revelations to them relative te the coming campaign.. Send for it. AcciDtBToi tuk Catawissa Railroad A serions accident occurred on the. Catawissa Railroad, on Thursday night, of last week. When' the up train which is due here about eleven o'clock, was passing the switch above the depot at this place, the switch tender, thinking the train bad entirely passed over, changed the switch while the rear car was yet upon it, and the result was that '.he car was thrown entirety off the track, and rolled down the bank, turning over and over. A number of passengers were in the car at the lime, several of whom were seriously injured.' The Superinten dent of the road, Mr. Geo. Webb's injuries were the most dangerous, but from last ac counts he appears to be Improving. Don zitte American If Democrnt. Patmxwt or tui Miuns. Chief Pay master Brice, has divided Pennsylvania in to three districts, and appointed paymasters for each district, to pay the militia of 1862 The following counties compose the second district : , .... v Second District : Major D H. M' Harrisbnrz. The counties of Adams, Blair, Bradford, Lambria, Centre, Columbia, Cum berland, Dauphin. Franklin,' Fniton, Hnn- tingdon. Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lo zeroe, Lycoming, Mifflin, Monteor, Nor tbomberlaod, Perry, Snyder, Union, Wy oming and York. Fatal Accidmt. On Tuesday last an accident occurred in the Saw Factory of Mr, Andrews, located on Black Horse . alley, above Pine street, by which3 worthy young man by the name of William David son lost bis life . He was . engaged in his usual occupation working on a grind-stone of some five feet in dis meter, when it broke, a portion of which striking bim in the breast crushing it in, and otherwise injuring him, causing death in a few minutes. Wett Branch Democrat. OrrictAL notice has been given the dif fereot Marshall throughout the State to pre pare for the draft, ash will positively come off sooner or later. - Some of our corres pondents frra Washington pretend tn tell s that the draft will not be made until the 1st of June, while from other quarters they have it to come off irsznediately after, the LATE WAR NEWS. The farewarnidge received from the Rap idan admonish us to be on the watch for a movement. When it comes it will exceed in importance everyihins which -now at tracts public atteutiuo.. Very likely "before the next issue -of this journal . the -'armies oposing each other in Virginia will be in motion or perhsns in conflict. - Virginia is b this'time a " well-explored , battle (tround, and General 'Grant has 'the advantage in his campaign -of 'the experi ence of all who have tried to take Rictp raond. 'His object will be to get at that city,' it possible witboutti conflict, if frecessSry, with one. This General Lee will try to foil, either by a pitched battle, or, what is very probable, by aflank attack upon the 'Rapn- 1-dan army as soon as'Grant shall have sofS rcien'ly developed his plans. Washington, Ktcnmond anu Cedar Mountain are at the tbree angles' of a triangle Cedar Mountain is seventy -miles from - Washington and six ty five Irom -Richmond, by straight 'lines, whilst the two capitals are but ninety miles apart. Eastward Irom Cedar Mountain the Rapidan -flows, small forks washing both its ndrthern and southern base. . This at J re sent is the dividing line of the opposing orces in that quarter, the Federal headquar ters being at Culpepper, eighl miles north e! the mountain, the Confederate at Orange, ten miles soujb. General 'Grant is the at 'tacking party, and to do it has divided his army'Trito three portions. A larae bodr i on the Rapidan ; a smaller one at Fortress Monroe, and a still smaller one is now on its way under Burnside, to North Carolina. Grant's intention appears to be to employ Btirnside's -column in North Carolina mere ly as an army of observation, to bold in check the large force of Confederates sup posed to be there, and to keep them from going to Virginia to help Lee. The two columns with which he will operate will be the one at 'Fortress Monroe, and Meade's on the Rapidan. With these -it appears to be his intention to make a concerted move ment against Richmond. With Smith it is :p!m traveling op the Peninsula, but as his lorceis nearly ell negroes not very Telia bio soldiers fttey will scarcely be expec-.ed to act on the offensive. They of course will rry to get into Richmond, bnl the'&'real deeds will be expected of the Rapidan army, the other merely endeavoring to draw as many as possible of Lee's men south of Richmond. The Rspidsn arm will therefore be the one to move first. Everything depends upon its celerity, therefore all superfluous baggage, all sick men and sutler? are an ished from the camps. The men will be upon forced marches all the time, until they get into position te besiege Richmond, and then fighting will be expected. A sort of gigantic Sherman expedition seems to be afloat, the Federal fore t making as wide a circuit as possible aroifnd Lee's army and this wiH be of course done on the Freder rcibarg side the Madison Court Hoese roote being impracticable. This, s near as we can gather it from the meagre intelligence at hand, appears to be General Grant's plan. It is scarcely neces sary to say thnt it is a hazardous one which General Lee may render (stile, especially if be knows it, whrco is more than probable. He has two modes of counteracting it. One is to chase alter the Federal rear when it has started, and force it into a fight. The other is te begin the campaign himself We think that General Lee. having found out enough of Grant'a designs to warrant htm in acting, has chosen the latter. GfeanottesviUe is twenty-fire miles south east of Orange Court House. Strasbur is n the Shenandoah Valley, twenty miles west of Manassas unction, on the railroad supplying Gsn. Meade. Gen. Ewe!!, who command Jackson's corps, always the ad vance of Lee's army, is at htrasbnrg, where he has been recruiting during the winter- General Longstreet with the force which al ways follows on hvrell s footsteps has come from East Tennessee to Charlottesville, bat nvfarlher. 1 here are all kinds of rumors of Confederate advances it. the Shenandoah Valley, and as that is always an unfailing means of preventing a Federal . advance it is very probable that Lee has begun sacli a movement. It would require four or ne days for such a march. When Jackson marched against McCIellan, it was six days from the lime he first set out before he at tacked the Federal flank. There is very little means of judging the strength of the opposing forces in Virginia. The two armies must be almost balanced, as every ertort bas been made on both sides to bring troops into the field. Sources of news are so controlled now by the Admin istration that we will hear of the beginning of a movement and its results almost at the same time. Plymouth, in North Carolina, is at the head of Albemarle sound, and about fifty miles south ol the Virginia line the Con federate iron-clad and land attack down the Roanoke river is confirmed. Three gun boats are reported sunk, and fears are felt that the town will have to be evacuated. The Confederates are in very strong force. All the troops at ftew York City being taken away to reinforce Grant, the State mi litia have been called out to garrison the forts. ....... There is nothing new from the Red river. The new apportionment bill which was reported in the Senate makes Nortbumber land, Montour and Colombia counties one Representative district with two members, and Northumberland, Montour, Columbia and Sultftan counties a senstorial district. Northumberland Couily Democrat. The word, miscegenation, is derived from the Latin miscere. to mix, and genus, a race, and "is used to denote the abstract idea ol the mixture of two or more races. These is no late news from the Army of the Potomac. A heavy battle is in antici pation. The columns are no doubt by this time on the march. It is rumored that the army of the Potomac has taken II days rations preparatory for a march. Drowned. Two raftsmen named G. W. Frui t, of Oakland, Armstrong county, and a colored man named McKinty, of Clearfield drowned in the Susquehanna, near Lewis burs, on Wednesday of last week.- Their bodies have been recovered. JSorthumber land County Democrat. Is: A miners' fight in California, recently one of the party had two hundred and fifty oisfol shots fired at him, and escaped, with life and seventy-five wounds. The Portland Argx &ays drily, that the Administration seems to carry on, 'through its organsr qaite as active, a campaign aainit General - McClellan as it does 0 agaiost JerX Davis. ; J ' A Bill has passed both Houses of th Legislature and received the signature of tha Governor, to change the. location ol the Bank of Northumberland from North umber laud to Sunburr. Northumberland County Democrat. . . - The Ecgli&h papers sneer at and ridicule George Thompson, and speak of him as pl&yed-oat politician iu his owa country- Isaac W. Campbell, Esq This gentle-: man, who is the Janior Editor of the Forf Woyve (Indiana) DaityTimtt and Educat ed in the office of the' Columbia Democrat, wai last week, elected Trustee of that City, by 416 majority. Mr. 'Camptell, was raised in Cattawissa, Is a worthy young man and a sound Democrat. We congratu late him upon bis triumphant success, and f the more so, as Tort Wayne, 'only a lew years ago, was decidedly Republican.' Columbia Democrat. Borough ?EncnoN: The election for Borough officers passed off very quietly in thfs place, on Saturday, last. The Democ racy being in a hopeless minority, thought it best not te nominate a ticket, a -course df questionable propriety, . in our estima tion. !Hewever, we 'assented MO the ex pressed wishes of a' large majority of our political friends, and the following is the result : For Burgess 9onathatrCooper. Assistant Burgess 'John Davenport. Town Council H. C. Freas, William ;J. Xnorry.W. Paul Hughes, John Tenster macher, 'Ralph Eatnn. - Inspectors Richard rhompson, J.S San ders. . School Directors A. F. Creasy, Dr. E. 6. Rbtne. . Assessor D. C. McHehry. . , Assistant Assessors Dr. S. E. Walton, A bia Phillips. Borough Constable John McAnall, High Constable Ashel Dickenson Oversee rs'df the Poor E. B. Hull, John Roc a. Berwick Gazelle. jUARRl&D. In Mifllinville on the 17th of April. 1864, at the residence of Henry Bellas, by Rev. W. E. Crebs, Mr. Jottv C. Hetlkr, and Miss Anna kkkdall, all of Columbia connty. At the M. ft. Parsonage, by Rev. R E Wilson, on the 24th inst., Mr. Charlcm Rty mond, and Miss Elizabeth Hasteb, both of Kingston. Tn 'the llthinst.. at the Parsonage in Oranceville, by Rev. W. Goodrich, Mr Emas P. Bcpder to Miss Rebecca Merxle, both of isbingcreek township. 0IEJ7. In East Bloomsburff. on the morninz of the 22d inst., Mr. Wiluam Karms, fcg& 53 years. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. CAREFULLY "CORRECTED WEEKLT. WHEAT, 1 RYE, 1 CORN, new, I OATS, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr. bM. 7 50 25 20 5 50 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES, DR'D AFPLESl HAMS, 30 17 12 18 70 50 CLOVERSEED 5 50 18 ICE-CREAM. HSTOHNER would respectfully annod " nee to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just opened an Icc-Oeam Saloon, over his Confectionary Store, 1 door above the Pott Office, in Bloomsburg, where he will serve up Jce-Cream, of the moat choice flavors, every evening) during the Summer months, at the mot reasonaole rate. ty Parties end Families can be accom modated with the article upon short nonce. , Give hi rrj ? i call. B STOHNER, Bloomsburg, Apr. 27, 64. Prop'r. OMNIBUS LINE. rilHE undersigned would re.pecunlly an- - noonce to the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he is running An OMNIBUS LINE between this place and the diflerent.Rail Road Depots, daily, (Sundays excepted) to con nect with the several Trains going South and West on the Catawissa& WiHiamsport ail Road, and with those going Norm and South on the Lack. & Bloomsoorg Road. His OMNIBUSES are in good condition, commodious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. O Persons wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charges, by leav ing timely nonce aw any of the Hotels. JACOB U GlKJOiN, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. JYcic Plothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fflHE undersigned respectfully informs -Sl tii frianrla ml thrt nnhlic npnorl v . ! that he has iust rtfjived from the Eastern ....... - i - (- r Cities, a large assortment of CLOTHING, . Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes Bnd quantities, which will be sold cheap lor casneor country proaoce. A L. 5 U, niTISATAPS BOOTS AND SIIOES-Cs, V. Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chaser". lit is also prepared to make up clothing to ordett on reasonable terms, and itn to the latest fashions. fdCatl aud examine our stock of goodsv ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. NEW GOODS! Another Arrival of Goods. AT Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 c2? CE H3L X33 Now is Tour Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER mHE tQlersigned having just returned I frdSn the Eastern cities, with a larze and full assortments of f(JR( in addition to a snperi- or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER 1 HATS AND CAPS, comprising, every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. II Stock ol GROCERIES are not sur passed in this rnarke', which he offers cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCO ES, and LININGS to which he invites the at tention of Shoemakers and the pnblic. Give bim a call At Slroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. " : ' i JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloorasburg, AptU 27t,Z2ti. TREASURER'S SiliG .' or UNSEATED LAISIDS. "-AGREEABLY to the provisions ol an ! Act of Assembly, entitled an Act directing the mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes, and other purposes, passed the 13 th day Of March, 1815, and the further sup plements thereto, passed the 13tb day of March, 1817, 25th March, L82J, and 9th March, '1817, the Treasurer of the C Shinty of Columbia, hereby gives notice to all persons concerned theren,' that unless the County, Road, School, Poor and State Tax es due on the following tract of "Unseated Lands, situate in Colombia county, are paid before the day of sale, the whole o.r such nartifof tract as will pay the taxes and costs chargeable thereon will be sold at the COURT HOUSE, in Bloomsburg, County of Columbia, on the 13th day bf June, 1864, being the second Monday, and to be con tinued by adjournment, from day'to day for arrearage of taxes due s4id county, and the cost accrued on each tract respec tively. WARRANTERS OR rYV JfEtrS 'BEAVER TVVP. A ORIS. 400 25 BOO , 100 200 40 125 'IB too 180 28 70 10 10 21 . 33 10 23 533 300 100 7 100 5 46 64 ) 427 14 16 14 3, 441 406 429 , 400 100 377 285 J)ol: Cts Sarah A. Caffran, Isaac Davis, Elias Miller, George Noyer, Catharine Noyer, Moses Schlicher,' Lewis Filger, BRIARCREEK. "Solomon Bower, Sr., Reuben Blish, Christopher Bender, William Clem, v Henry Deitterick, John Doak, William EvstnV James Evens, Oliver Edge, Philip Freas, Rhoney Gardenhonse, Samuel F. Headley, John King, S. L Peter, Angtthtus B Pe3rcrB, John Rhinard, Jacob S'tler, Samuel H Sm&R, John H Suit, John Shnfrr. Samuel J Beae?, do do do do CONYNGHAM. Ebenezar Branham, John Young, Joshua Beam, Nathaniel Browry Peter Baoghner, Robert Jordan, Andrew Porter, Thomas Ruston, Mry Rtifton, Lewis Wallwr, William Pone ll, Johnon Beastey, Ceorge Bickham, Thomas Hiltzhimir, Robert Hiltzheimer, William Shannon, Atnos Wickersham, i7 "60 1 12 13 20 4 8 1 40 80 76 20 2 2 4 5 7 1 1 82 59 65 25 24 04 04 2 73 . 88 1 30 60 13 49 7 77 59 19 59 19 14 1 12 28 35 44 35 19 124 36 36 92 40 41 3? 60 18 80 78 11 CO 37 11 28 35 72 85 45 55 60 62 73 37 60 62 73 216 55 216 55 47 00 J 120 $380 403 386 a4 100 384 384 384 250 136 Paxto.i Kline & Sharpies?, 38 09 CENTRE. 22 5 5 6 13 fci 7 Enos Adams, Benjimin Alretnr.h Samsel Achenbnch, Absalom Bomboy, Mary Dresner, , Dewitt & Benedict, William Fritz, Freas & Hoffman, Jacob Good, William Hoflmttt, Daniel Keifer, tleorge Harman, Emanuel Lazarus, Simon Lowry, Elias Reece, Chrietianna Moyer, CATAWISSA. Michael Erobt, Joseph Kanp, FRANKLIN. Jeremiah Finc'uer, Elijah Reynolds & Co F1SHINGCREEK, Paul Apple, Guy Bryai, Abraham Reeer, Samuel J lValer, do do William Bockalew, Freas & HorTmen, Nathan Fleckenstine, J.N & R-B Jones, Thomas Lemons, Michael Lemons. 32 36 32 33 4 92 44 20 20 2 CO 40 c6 32 3S 32 80 9 100 3 22 3 8 9 5 10 11 -8 5 40 80 1 44 12 27 15 36 19 39 19 39 3 433 434 lt2 5 4 6 8 1 1 6 22 6 14 03 47 24 84 48 18 71 35 71 43 90 67 29 72 45 19 101 140 200 32 J8 150 250 50 4 212 60 3 15 85 113 S8 28 100 59 4 40 50 14 12 50 20 12 400 16 700 100 13 31 12 40 31 32 30 3200 J 100 J190 3200 3200 3200 70 4 7 34 20 Georjte Mack, Im do do R J Millard, William Patterson's estate, George Tealer, J B Parks. Amos Spade, Abraham Young, GREENWOOD. Samuel Albertson, Mark Cooper, William Derling, James Dewitt's estafe, Andrew Gray, Johnson H. lkeler, George Reece, Ellis Eves, HEMLOCK. John Childs, Nathaniel Campbell, SylveMer Pursell, Zebulon Robbins, JACKSON. Golder Elias & M. Heis, Jamin Keeler, Kile & Neyhard, Philip & John Wagner, David Lee, Benajah Parker & Co. LOCUST. Lewis Bosh, . John Fisher, Samuel John, do do William Sayers, Mary Myers Thomas Ronton, Daniel Reese, Mary Ruston, Charlotte Ronton, John Reynolds, MIFFLIN. Jacob Bomboy, John C. Hettler, Jacob Loneenberger, John Michael, Peer Miller, George Nungesser, Rosanna Wall, Joshua Zimmerman, MAINE. . Boyd & Paxton, Brobst, Yetter & Schmick C. S. Cox. 2 11 15 5 3 6 8 R 8 5 2 01 69 60 80 33 80 8 64 2 32 9 72 3 88 .3 22 20 2 33 5 1 3 1 6 4 4 4 24 11 22 20 35 25 05 22 93 22 93 22 93 175 6 47 4 100 300 4 35 10 5 100 112 7 100 600 27 60 ' 4 60 13 80 74 William Creasy, Jeremiah Finchsr, Henry G Miller, Henry Miller's Heirs, C. F. Mann & Rote, Philip Miller, Philip Wall, J. P.- Fincher, . George Scott, 3 1 6 90 30 92 .64 6 20 7 20 madison: Williamt'Eris' Est , Jacob Moser, ? William Gmles, . Mt. PLEASANT. Samuel Boone, , William Beers, , 'f .icob Eer, 'Lorenzo (Jrime. ORANGE. 'John B Edgar, JdCob'D .'Kline. 'FINE. 'Peter Applegat'e, Thomas Bend fie Id, Aaron Gros, Sylvester Heath, lJames Lockard, Vallersh'ampE-t., Willtam Derlin. 'ROARINfi CREEK. Peter Baughner, 'Gorge Dewees, vEckel & Rea, Philip Kulp. . 'Isaac Ltndvill,. SUGAR LOAF. Ezekial Cole, (os Est., Alx. & Joshua'Hess, Daniel McHenry, Jr., Abraham Young, 'John Kile, 'William Stephens, 40 220 -8 ItJ 11 40 4 10 10 50 500 100 5 80 116 100 SO 350 '100 299 15 205 89 414 47 4 150 1 14 12 59 '19 2 .1 T J0 08 80 90 leo '24 t 01 "90 74 12 1C 1 60 ,14 52 12 69 13 51 2 29 15 79 4 50 6 26 '"2 '66 1 37 16 33 4 83 '22 36 2 51 09 '8 10 Treasurer's Sale of Real Estate SEATED LAND. -AGREEABLY to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, entitled an act to reduce the State debt, &c, parsed the 30 b day of April, 1811, the Treasurer of the County of Columbia hereby gives notice to all per sons concerned therein, that unless the Coun'y, Road, School, Poor and T?iate Tax, ! &c, due on the loitowing real estate situ ate in the'Counry of 'Columbia, are paid belore the day of sale. the whole or such parts of each as will pay the charges and cots charjreable thereon, will be soU at the COURT HOUSE, in Bloomsburg, Coun ty of Columbia, on the 13th day of June, 1364, being the second Monday, and to be continued by adjournment'from day to day for arrearages ol taxes due eaid county and the costs accrued on each respectively. Owners or Reputed Owners. BEAVEIi. Acres. 400 369 29 30 1 33 60 150 168 . , I i Year. Dol. Cts. Columbia C. & I. Co , 1 98 00 T. M. Hubble, 1 22 14 John V. Crtswell, .1 4 40 Mann, BalJy & Cisweii, 1 50 BENTON. John Herlinger, Elizabeth Kline' est BRIARCREEK. Mary Shaffer, Sam'l F- Headley, Samuel F. Headley, 1 1 1 1 1 56 4 23 3 M 10 12 19 15 CENTRE. A. Oeiterick & Torby, 1 28 R.Tcrrby, 'L.SQ. &c.' I U S3 FRANKLIN. Julia A Cromley,' 1 F1SHINGXREEK. William Parks. 1 T. Harman & Mother, 2 HEiLOCK. leakwi-h's e'ate, MT. PLEASANT. i 36 71 1 OS i 2 66 96 116 35 Jacob Johnson, Robert Nixon' rtate I 1 1 1 1 i 76 ORANGE. 114 George Kline's estate,, 55 do do 1?7 1o do 0 J. R. Morri, 628 S3 32 34 PINE. 1 Lot. SvKes-er P." Heath, 21 DANIEL Mc HENRY, Treasurer Treasurer's Office, Bloomsburg, April 13, 1864 PL'IITjIC iVOT1C. APPLICANTS FOR TA VERN LICENSES TVOTICE i hereby given that the follow frig persons in Colombia county, have filed theiT peiit'rons in the Cort of Quarter Sessions of the said county, for Tavern and Store License in their respective township which said petitions will be presented to the said Court, on Monday the 2d day ol May 1864, of which all persons interested will take notice, and the Licenses for the county of Columbia will be granted on Wednesday, the 4ih day of May next, at 2 o clock p. m., ol said day : APPLICAWTS. TOWNSHIPS. do do do Benton, do Beaver do do Berwick. Centre. Catawista. do ' do Conyngham do Ho do" . do William B. Knons, Tavern. do John Leacock, Silas Dodson, Oliver A Jacoby, John J Stiles, Samuel McHenry, Franklin L. Shuman, Charles F. Mann, Wm. Longenburgef, J P. Sibbet, John Grover, do do do do do do do do do Samuel Kostenbader, do Jacob D Kisiler, Richard Barr, Alex. W. Love, . Reuben Wasser, William Stettler. Peter Hower, John L Kline, ij : : do do do do do do do do do do do do do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Fishingcreek Deujjm in i'iv linn j, Emandus (Tnangst, W. A. Kline, Joseph F. Long, Abijah H. Roe, John Haiiman, John L. HorM, Ludwig Thlel, Joshua Womer, laac Rhodes, Isaac Yetter, John A. Shuman, John Kellf r, Emanuel Conner, Thomas Jones, Sarr.nel Rimby, Kiefer A. Smith, do O Greenwood. do do Hemlock. Louest. do do do Maine. do Mifflin. " Montour. Mt. Pleasant. Madion. do Orange, do do Roaringcreek Scott. do do do do Bloom. Conyngham. Centre. Samuel Everett, Jacob Good, 25 18 85 12 76 94 58 93 44 81 Alexander Hughes, Samuel Leiby, William l-nnsr, J D. Marchbank, Daniel L. Everhart, John Reece, Robert S. Howell, L. D. Mendenhall, A. W. Cramer, Store do do Amos Eaches JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk Prothonotary's Office, ) Bloomsburg, April 13. 1864. j THE HISIOKY or HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. 9S 10 19 87 39 83 96 55 The most remarkable medicine of the day, and the many cures that have been performed with it in cases of Liver Com plaint, DUpepsia, Nervous Debility, and other diseases arising from a disordered etomac or liver, places It at once amon the most aMonishi.i discoveries that has taken plaee ' the medical world. The diseases to which bitters are applicable are so universal mat there are Dct tew ot our friends who may rwn test their virtues in their own families or circle of acquaintan 32 98 ces and prove to their own satisfaction that there i at least one remedy among the many advertised medicines deserting the 74 public commendation. - For sale by Druggists and dealers eterj wbere. April lib, 1861. Jm. - SIIERirr'S T3AL.ES. T Y virtue of several writs' of Venditioni - Expona, and Levari FacJas, t'o'me di rected, isad out ol the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed to-public sale, at te Court House, in Bloomsburg. Pa., on Xatsfr ilny, April 30fh T8GI, at 2 6'clbck, P. M , of said day, the lojtow ing property, to wit : The' undivided third part of all that cer tain tract of land, situate in Montonr twp , Columbia county, containing TWO HIJN DRED AND S1XTY.FOUR ACRES and one hundred and . thirty fsrches. strict m to leasure, bounded and desctited as follows wit : ' Adjominsr lands of John Richards, lands of the heirs of Peter Appleman, dee'd, landaof the heirs of Csleb Barton, cfee'd, lands of Bloomsburg K. H. Iron Company, Henry 'Gigger, and others; whereon are erected a stOfy. Dwelling House A lar;e Bank Barn, Vagon houe, corn crib, work'shop, and other odt buildings; about one hundred and seven' five acres of which are cleard land. , ' ALSO, The 'undivided one third part of a eertaiii lot of ground, situate in Montour townbip Columbia county, adjoining land of John 'Richards, a lot of the widow Lewis, the ,main Road : leading from Danville to Bloomsbore, and the first described tract, containing Fourteen arid one fourth perch es of land, all of which is improved. - Seized, taken'in execution and to be sold as the property of Leonard B. Rupert. . ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate in Ligl "Street, Scott township, Colombia county, Doouaeu as tottows, to wu: un me west by Main Stieet, or the north by an Alley, on the-east by(ah Alley, and on the south by lot of Jacob Bomboy, containing one fourth of an Acre,' whereon are erected a latde'two story frame DWELLING HOUSE with a Store Room attached, ahc two frame Siablcs, with the appurtenances. " Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of lohn Wardin. ALSO, All thoe two DWELLING HOUSES of two storiss, fcc, being thirty two fet in Front and twenty eight fe"et D"ep, situate on the road leading from the Columbia Coal and Iron Company'i coal bed, near to said coal bed, in the said coun'j of Colum bia Seized, taken in exe u'ion and to bi sold as the property'o'f J V. Criwell, own er, and Christian Sh'uman, contractor, with notice to Thomas Lawton, Alex. Witchey, et al., terre tenants, , JOSIAH H. FUR MAN, Sheriff. .. Bloomsburg, April 13, t"64. JYcw Stockvf Clothing Spring and Sit miner ootls. INVITES afentton to his stoclr'of cheap 1 and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on JO.V STREET, liLV) QMS BURG, two doors above the American House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men aiiil Roy's Clothing-, including the mot fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, 'consisting of fhx. Sack, frock-, Gum and Oil Goth Coats, and Pants, of all satIs, sizes, and-colors. He also ha replenished his already large stock ol i-aii and Winter Shawls; striped, fi2o:fd nd plain Vests, shins, cravats, slock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy ar.icle. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestinas. which he i prepared to make op to order, into any kind of clo'hiog on very short notice and in the bt ot manner. AH his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. and r Of every Description, Fine and Cheap His Case of Jewelry is hot surpassed in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clctnina. Watches, Jewelry, &c. Slc, DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1864. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Etta'e cf Jatnet li. GJon, vf Grrevod tirp , Columbia County, dte'd. TVOTICE is hereby given tha! letters of Administration on the estate of James B. Gibo:!, of Greenwood township, Colum bia county, dec'edp have been granted by the RegUter of said county, to Abraham Yoonz, Eq.t residing in Benton township, and county aforesaid. All person having claims asaihst the estate of the decedent are reqoested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. ABRAHAM YOUNG, Admr. Benton twp., April 13, 164. 92, ' JITTFSTIONI TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COSCERffi THE undert?ned bein? a ffgolarly "li censed Auctioneer," hereby offers his ser vices as such, to all who may feel di-posed ' it it- . toaivehima can. tits great experience in the bcsines. wiii enaoie mm ic- renar satisfaction to his customers. At the same lime he cautions all Aclioneers. not licens ed, from following said calhnz. as the finer fixed by the U. c. surety oo imposeu, and the law carried out to it? full extent. All persons desiring to obtain my services. will please inform me to that etlect oetore they advertise. J. D. RICE, Auc'r. . fi e a r a r Ctgnt street, ioT. ie, iooj. "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsapar illa," "Nervous Antidotes," &c, &c, and after you are satisfied with the resnir, then try one box ot ucu UK. Biictf APi 9 ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and be re stored to health and vigor in less than thrr ty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt ana salutary in their effects on the broken down and shat tered constitution. Old and young cart take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, f Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. P. S. A box Kent lo any addres 4n receipt of price which w One Dollar pott March 16, 1864 3m. USE NO OTHEK bUCHANT SPECIF IC PILLS are the only Rsliable Reme dy for all Diseases of the Seminal, urina ry and Nervous Systems. Try one box, and be cured. OM5 IHJLCAri a dua.- One box will perfsd a cure, or money re funded Sent by mail on receipt oi pnc. JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. March 16, 1864 3m. ' BLINKS ! BLANKS I BLANK 11 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUl IONS, SUBPQJNAS, t of proper f desirablefonns,fo-sale -of5ceofHie "Stat ofthe North." : ll i t;.-.- -1 i.t -T - - - - j 4