The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 27, 1864, Image 1

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KB. JAC03T, ft&lishe v3 r :
Trctb and Rfght- tiod &ad out Country.
Two Dallas per Voncssi
.a rotiTttftx-roK ai.u
ciTiiEK jii:s oRirojiEx.i : ,;
ing. Q ilyfthfey wonitt jiif;coiiutry.
2o clap-trap operation .tu gull .the .'public,
"bet genuine mdheymaicirrg itiiog ! "Read
lhe Circn'ar f iitrocion Oiic tnl?; anil
yoo will tfn'dnhnd".it perfectly.' A T.ady
oaa nst written jo me trial h is making
'DAYS!, prvip irtBrruriions in this
Thoasands ol af .aktng money
'tnpUly rit. 1:U a Ih;fi"i tf.'at4!ae be'ter
than auvthinir Teer oilered ' You ; can
mm ia monry hd ii no me oraoroart on
feain boats of t'ailrWl car, -: -bi4 - -ia the
routed. Yba HI -1 .il
i;aiiuo ne mpomff, o aiso vm conse
baence cf the general admitafioti vhieli it
lici. "I: ia pretry moh- all -profit ; A
.There, is scarcely ,."ona nron ' ot of !
iononi who ver. pay .ar? jai'.ept.ion to
drertnemeuts'nf ihis Vind, ihirfking thv
mre hiimpi;g. ' Coh"et:eiil!y thof'e Who do
. eend for intr;?Mcns '. will ha a bicad
IfielJ to makmo3jr ;n. i There is a
t rprV m 1 n H u VKf :.irhb trntM
lisi becaue they hate been
liamb2e 1
cotjcJ a dollror so, that ereruhing tha
Ha atieriti i a. hurnbttg. Confequt'nt'iy
trj bo more. The person who Soc
reeih is the cne tt kepps on trj ii.g until
Jjie.hiis orething.that pay hi in. v
-This me oa t thousand dollars,
'b.rid 'I elrpts to make ranney cm of itand
t w'ho'pnrhase the art otrft will do !:e
Jsttce Oiie Dfiarsentio me will ni-j'nrc
e.pftrBpt, re'orn of a.Ca.r I of in ij net ion"
'in lie' in.' i7ie'iaoney tt 'rettiTtitft 'to
khost ho ia&fcj.-S -1
.v .Addres ?; .WALTER: T.-T1XSLFAV
x ; ; ITn. V Pit k PUce, w Yor k.
;'6ct.'2:, I?63-S.n, " " .
I s i'okta to Ladies r r. ii r-
ey' Female PdUhare nererJ:! failed 1n
V'moving J.Scd ie ariniog from obstrnc
ion. or toppas of rfavrh. Or . m. retor1
the sysfem t A- perfect health . when snff''!
ng Tro5 pifiai aoclione, pTOapnt Uteri,
fie whi'es, or o'her weilcossii of the uter
ine rBana... T''e pu! ire perfectly baVm
Jeaa on rms eenMi'nricn, and may be taken
by ihe most irrivcatak female without rans
Ing distres the am time ttiey act tike a
harm by strenj'hensnj," invicorating and
Vtrriti?r ths erierii I'o a be?il'tir corditinn
v - -' . s - .
by trir.uin? on the montlily psrin.l
rthi r.m.l.--,--im..i- i-ot4 ii-i.t ..oa.
.-I.. t V.. . ..J , . .
' s the obMri'ctiT'n n s) arte. They shotiM
i'dtswr, SOT be takendari:g the fk-X
three r: fonr morhs el presnaucy, iho:jah
afe at ny other tkne, as rxitscarhage
Vonld be the rernt. " , -
f '--Each boiVonains 63 pillfC. 1?r:ee Si. .
Dr. Harvey Tr1. tirt oa dsi5s of. Fe
H alet,, pte.2nancy miscarriage , Harrennee
-eteriliry; ftejirndticMnn, and atnses of jN
tBre, and err'phatrcaHy" the ladies' Private
'i' Advi-ftr, a pamphlet of fel pase
'ent free, to any , eddies. Six rente re
tired to pay' postage; .
The PiV And JwV. wiU b. sent Vy.'mai
wheii deiretttecur?Iy sealed, and prepajd
!"" J. BRYAN, M. D. General A'i.
U- . v -; N'o. 7f Celar treet, New Y'k;
' CSoid by all the principal druggists.' i
'.Nov. 25, 1863 ly. "'s' ' - .'
fa.ali c3se-.Can be relied en! Nsvertai
; to care" !r- Do- not hanseaie i Are-predy
ftn action! 'No'chase of diet Vrqnired!
Do not interfere .with basinets "ptuuits !
Can fee tSsed wuhoat .- diectipn ! Upward
tff 200 cures lbe:pat montli end fsf them
Tery severe paei. Oyer one hundred phy
eicians ka"r ued them inr teir iprarrMre,
and all speak well of theirpfficac) and ap
prove their composition, whicfi Js entirely
Yesetmb'e,.- and harmless on sh.e systeiu
- HuRrBd of certificate can jbe. shown
r Beli's gpecific Pi!l.'are ther original and
.enly. genum? Specific Pitt. Thev are
adapted for male and fema!,old or ronng,
and the "only" reliable remedy lor efTectibii
"a permamen' and speedy cure In all cases
Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, vt-ith
ml! its train of evil saeh as -Urethral and
Vaginal DiCiarge-,the while, iiigh'ly or
- Jrrvclutitary Emissions, Tneorjtinc nee, Geni
- la! .Debility and ; Irritability r Impotence
Vekne rjr losif- Power, nOivoiis De
tJlity, all pf7whlch' ariir prmcipally
from Sexoel v Eaeeffe or self-abuse o
. tome constitutional ileraogetnent,. and n
; She sufferer from ' lo I filling the j
' duties of married life. " In all sexoal dis
, 'ese,Uonorihea, Gleet and Sirict.nres, and
t in Diseases: of the Blsdder and Kidnejs,
Ihey art as a charm: ! lie lef- is.. experi
enced by taking a single bo;t. r , ; I U ibe prir.cipal druggistf Price
' - 'They will te sent by-mail, ffeore'y seal
ed, and Confidentially, on receipt ol the
J. BilYAN. M.-D.
"Ko.,76 Cedar street,' New Yofk,
Cortialtinz PhyMc'ans for Ihe treat me"nl, of
.' Stninal, Unnary, Sexoalj' and 'Nertons
Disease, .vtho will send, Tree to.aU, the
' " JoUnwinj V aluab!e..vvork,:f in seated en
. velie : "' . 4 ' '- . .
' tt LIS T1X EATiSK, on se It -ab use-, Pre m a
lare decayk impotenee and lo-s .of ppwer,
, se'pal ttl-eases, seminal weakness, nightly
'taiestons, ccnilal, dsbihty, .&Ct, &c, a
Karnnhlsi of 64 psges. containing -impor-nZ-
.i-j the. aEitJ: "and which
soatvi ue reau uy .?eij.u'"4' -"-i'?
means of c:3 in me s?r.ireti!8;e9 i$
st fanh. r I wa'..eiar3pe Tuea jo
, SAIS 0F. TO'S WEU :-
H m il. JACOBY,.
''Offfce'ch Sla'n St., 3rd'S?narc bcow Etfr'Ket
: TF.liMS: Two Dollars pr annum If paid
witjhin nix monihs'frdm the lime of subscri
bin2 : two dollars Writl fifty cents if not 'paid
'within Iht year. No Subscription taken for
k le period than six months; no discon Permitted unlil all arrearages are
: pawf, unless at trie option oi the ednor.
h Wfa fifatlvtrliiing will be s follows:
I nn imnrn i-ffvlp linPK three times SI 'fin
!'r . . nc
One sqnare, three months, ...... 3 00
0w fear. . .-. . ,v ... ... 00
!'-,' . .. ' '
For the Slnr oj the North
f Tfm. Aboni;on
y sweat
About ihe next election
Who shall be their nigsM.'pet ';
TheT hardly thiutc old Ar-e wi!l do
For he once so played ihe fool
That' this people are determined
...tie cannot be. their tool. . A
j He. has been a loot 'for Fewtmf,
And Tie's Veen a 'ool for Chae.
j But does not mnch like pernor) t .' u
" " " : '
There i F.-etnr-t wan e 'he honor
f)f eetting Sainb'6 frte,
And thinks of the Greenbacks
- That he is pettinc by the epree
?!?nton i the ?ecretfy
Keepin;; mat'ers risjht
To keep the thing ariu;
I surely,! fielijhL"
Now we have talked al6n' the ttiralf
t-'Tit We're Isli ore mat'ef eat,
Ami ii i? ol an honed man .
We wi'l tell you all about
It i liir'Ie George VlcCleUtft, , .
Who hi honest, iroe and brave,
And we trnst in his eTeciion . ,
" Vet oaT 'ceo. n try will besarei.
He was a friend to Lincoln
A sure and timely aiJ. . 1
When the rebels dVn'ed ToV Vai
. .When on a eavase raid..
f f yto scoffing Abblitioni te
- Ln rcorn at little Mac '
Who pared the old rail splitter's life
. And Jrove ih1? rebels bAcfc.:
Von can blow abont ierp5ont .
And about the dreadful news, -
If? - .. T.-J. :. it .. u.:
i " i" ;'i
! Yon wdulJ rather be excuej
Yea. nrge yonr fellow bre.hreo " " H" '
. To fight their brothers, l'oe,,
Then yon 'call thera copperheads for doing
What you're afraid to do.
Now stick to Untie Abe and then
AH matters right will be,
For lie has promised in' his honored word
... That Sambo i-hall be free : ..
And when rebellion icraheJ oat
It yon c!o not Ifoe your life '
Yon tan havo Partbo for your servant
A n" Dinar, for yonr wife. ,. ?
. TvMBLKtt.'
ABrT April 1, 1R64.
Free Debit: 1ft Csc-ress.
What a cn'rion and Suicidal doctrine is
thai which the radical majority In Congress
led by the Speaker, are ' endeavoring now
to force on the country It i neither mere
nor less .than the . enactment of a; role that
when a course has once beeh adopted by ;
an administration it must be persisted in '
though it lead to rnln. For they forbid any '
man ever to propose abandonment of that
course. They declare that .a member cf
Congress is a traitor two refuse to approve
the steadfast prosecution of a plan a long !:
asTTie President withes to prosecute it. Is '
it not j'ist possible that Such a doctrine
would forever prevent the possibility ot rec
... . .. . .1 '
Hiving an er-or f A; what point would a ?
'. . , , t. v,
n.t,on..Mop t It the doctrine 9t an ...tocra. ,
cy. !,.,s iheperlect.onol tyranny. A Conj
grees on s-jcij a principle muei w me cca-
t tire of a President, the mere machine to
cary' on t his views, and to pas all soch
measufes as he wishes. No time
can. te imagined, according 10 these men,
when the representative of the people in
Congress can rise in his place an j say,' Mf
is time to pause. 'J : For whenever he dates
to da so, he most be expelled. . This is the
plain principle now advocated by Mri Col-
,a, ar,j L5, poii,ical friends. They would
convert our countfy into i monarchy of the
most odious kind.;. ... i
Why will men clossj their eyfie to Ihe les
sons el history ?'' O.hernation have gone
through tLs same gate lo perdition. The
radical party would lead ns the same road
rvll lead us on it and don it,, unless we
pause and reluse to follow. ' ' -:
A clergyman who . passed throcgh the
city "a few days since, says the froy Whig,
haying arrived br railroad "in ihe evening
foaqd. to hjs Consternation," when he arrived,
at, his hs'.el ; and proposed to change ' his
linen, that he had accidentally exchanged
satchels with a black-eyed young lady who
fst behind htm in the car ! The first thing
he, brought to Ii. ht.was detightlal . little
n rght-gown trirnmed with VaJenciennes
lace, and ' exqolsitely" embroidered He
couldn't wear It, cf eoorsef-nor" the night-
i cap, nor arty t; .je. feminine Tutns, laat
came to light. vBal fmagiae the plight of
that yonng lady where she discovers ' thst
va th nnttonml tvrti r'Trl Mr1
one clean one, thre9, Mg:serm?a, and
bundle cf tract.
. '.-' " ; --'. 1
let all ilea Speak ds thry Tuint.,
t lawyers may not object 19 rhe prevalence
of a eftlrii of litigation, and medical nrac-
a - - - - v
tionera mav 'inelina 10 a residence In ar.
unhealfhy Region ; b'tit .pembers ol society
who persne other avocations will eneralfy
prefer a salnbrions climate and an existence
nnvexed by itie'ritabie. bills of con's. The
B!act Republicans thrive with 'civil strife.
Wat is their political capital, and they
make the mot of It. It gives them power,
political importance, the spoils ol office r-r.d
the means of accumulating wealth. The
itdvent of Peace woofd be the signal for
theirrretorn to insianificance. ...
Instead of wield.ipir e desnotic iphwer,
they would be compelled to abidx within j
th limits of conMtmnonal restraint.- In
'steari of exer?i.iii an absolute control over
the liberties of tho people, they would them
selves be arraigned before the tribunal of
'public 'opinion to answer for ihe evil they
have bronght nponr iheir' cintry. It is a
lerrftte fiow that strike the scept er of an
arned 'power rom the hands of the usur
per and leaves him weaponlaM to face the
victims of hi tyranny anil endure an inev
itable retribrilion.
. Ii i natural therefore thst the Black Ii.
'publicans should strive to prolo''p the war
to the extreme limit of the people's endor- j We have said three dollars must be paid for
a nee. tt is na'ural that they should reek j oxe and this i true, a may be shoWn in a
to stifle free discnst'.on and train the mas law words. In coneq8iicef the oie of
to lopk upon civil efrtfa . as a necessity; I paper money ail. articles that - the Govern
asaint which they have no teconrse. , Ftr ! m'ent purchases have risen immensely in
this they make it a crime to denonrrce the (value 'W mayakecne that has risen
war and treason 'to expose its inefficacr to least in illustration, oa;i, that is purchased
restore the U'lien.' Fr this they attempt ( largely for the ue of ihe army. The Treas
fhe expulsir of a legislator whd has the o.-y tables ahow the average prices as fol-
cnurage and ihe, honesty to express his
opinions in antagonism to their purpose.
If ihey cart bring the Opposition ta ;hat
shametal condition of apathy and silence
'that constitutes an utieT submisinn to de
po:ic wiH if ihey cjn. render pe'rtecotinn
available in pTerei.ting a ihorough discus
sion upon public affairs ; if iney can reduce
the bounds oraTnumert wiihin aepace that
chats out all reasoning, against the war it
self, it follows tnat the war will continue at
their pleasa re, even after it becomes pntent
'to evety mind that i' prolongation is a
ware of life and freaaure.' without one hope cent, for twenty yeairs, wootl require to re
of accociplts'hVig either subjagaiion' orte" j pay it nine Ynillion eight hundred thousand
If the dominant par'y believe! that this
war rishtenng and popular they Vou!d, not
inierfere wi'h the full dicnMon of ihe "ab
ject. They would rather invite argument
than seek tt stifle if. It i beeause they
fael that it purpose, i!s mode of eoniluet
and its probable reul' wUI not beer the
scrutiny of an onprejudiced vision," that
they impose a j enaliy upon the expression
rf opinhr. ftut the attempt to gag a' "rep
resentative of the people while in the.dis
charge cf fil official doty is an outrage that
even the Black Republican journals are
either ashamed or afraid o sanction. They
aYe aware that tha rhaase are inteilliient
enough to accept such an indignity a proof
ol h' untenable position cf those that offer
I it; But it is too late now to cancel the mor
i i I effects of Mr. Speaker Colfax's deliber'
f ate attempt lo browbeat the Opposition in
1 the legislative body over fetch he presides.
' We b'ehere and hope that the result will.
ivb fuller Ireedom of debate in Congress,
! and a more ihorough investigation on the
pari of the people cf every isne that pre
sents itself. Every citizen, unless he be de-
ficient in mental qualities, must have an
opinion, good, bad or indifferent; in regard
to the condition of public affairs
In lorming hi opiaidn ho is responsible
to lits conscience, and that only. His obli- J fPp!ace the twemy million bushel to re
gations demand only that he be Sincere j pace the twenty rttilliOconsumed by the
Althoogh he be the humblest in the . land, j nrmr. Three years of such consnmption
the hishest Is not pr-ivileed to interpose ( roji. Hp jVee hoodred and twentyionr
aothority between his heart and hi tongue, j million biislels of oat to be raised and solj
The people should contemplate every phase m'pay what ha ben partly oaten, partly
of their political comtitlon, whether exist j bc-neJ-and partly irampied under foot by
ing or prospective." The teeognition ol ( raVs',fy horse. .
v 1 1 inHananilHiit ia within iho fan's i ri. .u ... n t.i. .r: MT. .a.f
u u Hfc i h iuj .... .
, -,.v , ,k-
of possibility, and therelore it behooves the
(o ufce . in:o con.i,Urail00j
bu moy pccnt ,nil that oc,or.
ring, will affect, lor good or evil, iheir own J j,p0n hi. shoulders by .the' war finances of 0 g3,ernrn8nt Wriuld be at least S35o,POO,
welfare. It is their priviieee to reflect tipon j tfr ch ae. Ii i to be borae in mind that COO annually, the deM is already so great,
thp .subject, and lo determine as to ihe prob- ,he ,not.ey or capi'a! now borrowed ii The income of three percent, wa ll.Obd,
ability and the advisability of such a teri ; totally destfoyel, and not put to" any pro- ooo, showing that the aggresate income
mitiation of this war. And if the people j ductive employment. As for etample, trie j was about 30 obO.Cfjo, so that it will
should determine' now; or at some futbre gr; ra-,rC)ai borrowed 535,000,000 at seven j requite the entire iwme of the people to
ime that the recogntiion ol the. conteoera- !
cy is prefersble to the prolongation of hos
lifities, it is their right to say so and lo tni
siet that the war shall be euded lo that ef-
fect. '. ' V
- Jow, what the whole ' people hive the
fight to determine, the individual ctizen
has the right to euggen and to advise. A
man's op'thidn at this period of convulsion
41 lid misfortune belongs to his coumry and
should be expressed to assist in balancing
the general sentiment. If we give to cn
facVion the monopoly in the expression of
opinion, especially it that faction hold the
reins of power, we may be suffe that it will
be used to the advantage ol party purposes
and personal ambition. ; ' .. . '. ;
,Let us encourage rather thaft check the
propagation of ideas. Let ca be freemen
in? thocgfit, word and : deed, always, of
course, wiihin cosstiiilubnal boonds and
with cbservaoce of decorum. Th Ditily
News has always been 'frank in its expres
sion of opinion, : We advocate bose prin
ciples that we conscientiooely believe are
the strength and safety of the Republic ;
and we are convinced thet it is'wiJe?, bel
ter and ealef to recosotze the independence
of the Soothern Confederacy thao td- wage
.' "bjagalioa exminatlaa
r aw York JJetnt aw , "
' .The ;Bnfd(.'DS Ci Labor
.'. ' '
The debt of the FederalGovernrneht was
I -I... ... - . . m
eiumaieu of mo orcroiiif ui mo ,ucuij
- . . -
'"in his annual report, December, 1863
$r)'PS6,956,641 for the 1st Jnty, 1&64. The
amonnt officully reported April I,' 1864,
already exceeds that surh. There has been
an"increae of two hbndred "mfifions in two
rnontbs, February and March, or one hun-
Hred railliom pe'r month. The ratio rs likely
to be greater. for the lael few months of the
fica! year, and consequently the debt July
I will be a round two thOusahd millions, or
an increase of nine hundred millions during
the fiscal year 1864. This fs the Tninihum.
The chances are that it will greatly exceed
that snm. The debt 'will then have pro
rested as folJowal
July 1, lf. ' $95,181 201
July 1, I8fi2 '--. fc08.926 493
July I, lf3 . "1.098 7F3.1SI
July 1, 1864 ; S.OOOjOOOOOO
" These finrea presents solemn facts and
matters of very grave reflection, when it i
co'inidered that (hrte dcllirg mat be ear.ieJ
by the hard-working man for every one of
those paper dollars tnat has been dissolved
in blood. Ttie money or the capital rhfct
the debt represents has been utiericwated
and destroyed,' and most be creSTed and
"piid over io a monsyd aristocracy by labor
. Oatfs ., Taper money cut.
- 35io3Cc - "Specie.
1862 47 tJ 49c " ,5250 000,000
1-S6S 76t.7HC 469, C'iO.000
1864 . "8" to Mc '649,0O0,Oti0
; These figures ere all fr6rn the Treasury
reports. Now ti will be observed that twenty
mull' n bushels of oats bought in 1861, coat
seven million dollars, wrtrch M loaned at
seven bet cent, for iweWiy years, would re-
1 qcireio repay it nine million eight hundred
I thousand dollars ol interest- and seven mil-
I tioa dollars, which if loaned at seven per
dollars ol interest ani seven million dollar
of principal ; togethe'r, sixteen million e ight
hundred thousand dollars
in specis. To
b uy ihe same quantity of ozts in 164, re
quires eighteen 'million dollars, which bor
rowed si five per cent fcr twenty years re
quires eighteen million . dollars of interest
in gold, and etghteefi' mijlicn dollars of
principal ; together, thirty-six million dsH
iuT ; or thus : j - : .
20,000 000 bushels oats becght for pci,
cost 1 16.800,000
20 ooo 000 bushels oxts bought fcr paper,
cost -.-'..; 36,0(10,000
Loss by rise of paper currency' $19,03, CC3
" Now it will re observed that if ihe who:e
year's expenses baJ been raised by taxes
and purchases made (or cash, the army oets
would have cost seven million dollars and
ho nore.' By borrowing in specie ihey co?t
sixteen millions eight hundred thousand
dollars, two and crte-tbird dollars for one ;
by borrowing in paper to pay in specie,
they cost five dollars for one ; or, thu
The farmer furnish twenty million bnh-
els this ear or eighteen millidn paper doU
,afP . When the debt is fundeJ.-the specie
; CBrrjn?y' restore j, . axj V tax" 1 Ji I
j - lo p8r ,he money borrowed .to boy the oats,
they must raise and sell one ' hflndred and
j hundred and eight million bosheU to
iiiii ii uir vqs nun nu iu. iiiD3 utu
. ,. . .
jrt ,his war, and by re fleeting on this pro-
,,,e (frfRer c fotra ierne nrjoa
of ie h(rden which i. ,d be thrown
per ceni. for long terms of years. Tnat t
capital was applied to the building Of
road which. brought into ose the product
of five hundred miles of country, adilmg at
least 550,0(10 000 per annnrrl to , the ex
changeBt!e' wealth ol the country; The
capital thns earned Us own interest and re
produced Itself. TThe Governmenf is iiot
ernplojtng n million of men to, do" nothing
but wasNe aad destroy, and evry dollar of
the cost is to be replaced by five hardly
earned. "'..'"
They are atso ip cdnsiderthat the 52, OOP,.
000,000 already o destroyed iOdrained of
the farmers and woiker by; edditors in
whose hand that sum is izsmpt jronx tox
at (tin t consequently a double tax mast Jail
tjpon all prppe.'iy ,that remain. What
waa the phief element in theLFanch Iivo
lation ?. It was that the property of church
and noble wafexempt- from taxation and
that the laboring prior were compelled to
support expensite Government heavy In
debt. The thing became' impossible, and
nobles, churchmen, Gove":nmea and dli,
were drowned in blood. The NewErg!aad
oligarey, which has fastened ;thj -reign of
blood, and debt upon tnVeeontry, had creat
ed this' privileged elass of moneyed : ansto
eiaU to be (rte cf tales common to .other
property hoiders, aad itijejtaT abraibed
nearly all the proparty of tha country, into
J that privileged-debt:-' Who is to pay '3 If
at, wr0DertT becomes nrivileed. labor alone
' .
most pay,
In that boor the conflict of labor
with capital wit! be fully inaugurated,
and rbe teal battie of freedom will have 'to
be fonght. : '
Trie Proper Wat to Bit a Colt Far
mers often put a bitting harness oa a cplt
the firet thing they do with them, buckling
trp the bitting as tight as ihey can draw it,
to rusks him c?rry his head high, and then
turn him out in a lot to run a' half day at a
time. Thi is one ot the worst jhinish
meiita that they could inflict on a colt, 'and
very injurious t a young horse that has
boen uaeJ to running in. pasture with his
head So'Ts-n.
' A horse rhonh be well eccnstomeJ to
the bit before yon pot on 'the bitting har
ness, and when you first bit him you should
only reign his head up to that point where
he naturally hold iu lei that be high or
low ; he will learn that he can not I0er
his head, and that raising it a little will
loosen the bit in hs mon!h. This will give
him the iJei of raising hia head to loosen
the bit, and then on can draw rhe bitting
a little tighter every time you put it cp, and
he Will r.rli raise bis hea l to loosen it. Py
this means yen will gradually get hia head
and neck in the position you wish him to
carry it, n' give hij a graeefnl carriage,
without hurting him, making, tim ogry
or causing hia rnoaih to get tore.
It you put the bitting on very tight the
Srst time ;he .cannot raise his tead
enough to loosen it, but witi bear on it all
the time, and piw, i weat and throw
himselt. Many horse have been killed by
falHng backward wjih ihe -bitting on j their
head being drawn op, strike the ground
with the Vhole weight of the body. Mors
es that hare their head drawn tip tiahtly
should not have the bitting on more than
fifieen'oT twen'y minutes at a time. Raity.
How Msachvstts il er "QroTis.
Aeccrding to the Boston papers, ihe State
of Massachusetts b.a's enl'mted fifteen hnn
dred Germans, who are now on their way
to thi s country, to help Ell the qcota of that
Sta?e . in the army. They also announce
that the negro colonists, who have jost re
tcrned from Hayti, have been enlisted for a
similar purpo-e. The same Sta'e, by the
way, hs levied upen all parts of the coon
try and ali races to fill the ra::ks cf its regi
ment. in the field. The World saye :
"For some reason or other, tl. strarrhs
Governor Andrew promised i! the Abo'i
lien policy was car-ieJ u'a't have never ap
peared, and Massachusetts has been ia the
market for mercenaries to fill up its quotas
when -heT States hve furnished their own
sons. Can it. be that I ha Old Cay State
wishes to shew the blesed rcsulia that are
to follow the sublime mingling of race by
drawing its recruits from as m:ny different
sources a there are nations? Fn other
words, is political and social eqsality to be
postponed until a trial is mtda of military
miscegenation V
m m
Tat Woms or a Nsnow. We do net
hesitate lo say that women give to every
nation a mera! temperament, which shows
itself in its politics. A hundred . times we
have seen eak men ahow ral public vir-
j t6e, because they had by their sides women
n ho snp ported them, not bv advice -ai to
particnlars, but by fortifying their feelings
! of duty, and by di recti" their ambi inn.
; sjore frPOuentlv. we must confess we hare
obs;,-ve. ihe domestic influence gradually
trenafcrming a mln, naturally genersna,
noble, and unselfish, ioto a coefdly, com
mooolace, place hunting, self-seeker,
thlnring Cf pulic btisiress only as a tneai.s
of making himself comfortable and this
simply by contact with a well-conducted
woman, with a faithlu! wife, an excellent
nmher, bu" Inra whre miii'I the rand
notio of public duty was entirely absotb
ed. .
IIappv PRoprrr ! Shon'd the war close
at once, it is admitted that the expense of
pay the goernrnent expenses annually,
ajVen wiih the present debt.- If the war
goes en a yer or two longer, what will it
cost ?
" A rich merchant name'd Hogg once re
qnested a pencn to bring hJm a load of
corn io a stated tirrie, which he failed to do,
and did not take it till next day after thai
which he had promi:d. Tha merchant,
as might be expeeted , refused it.
"Well," replied the vniaoeef, "yoa ere
the first hog I ever fcndw to refuse corn."
A Nittf hxrh English rector osed to thin k
it polite not to beln service before the ar
rival ol the sqoife. A liule while ego he
forget his manners, and began."- "When
thd wicked man" "Stop, sir," called
oa: the cleric; "he ain't come yet."
A lock of the Preside' hair, .clipped
fforh the spot where he scratched his Lead,
when he was writing' his Emancipation
Proclamation, might perhaps bung almost
a little foriuoS tl one ef oar Sanitary Fairs.
iPrenlkt. ' :
Now that the spitng' ii'.c'aie, Prentice
thinks it about time for the ftaion i army to
March, piont itself In the toaUteni eoil,'. and
eetsmance ik&Uxgi r': ' i " i 'u
7tft8 aad EJhck 1 Parallel.
The ItonisviHe 'Journal comments as fol
lows on Ferney' parallel between the white
manand the negro : '
' The -niggsirs 'have for. some time part
thought, that they are betieV than white
folks end they ifera to be making the white
radicals think so too. The regular Wash
ington correspondent of the Philadelphia
Pc, in one of his late letters, al'er runn
ing a parallel between the white man end
the nigger in regard to ijne of the bett char
BcteriMics cf 'noble manhood, and giving a
decided preference to the nigger, adds :
flnt let n try the regrq by another tst,
still running the parallel between him and
the white fcr.d he proceed to rnn the par-
allel very inueh to the wh'i'e man'e disaj'
Let .the radicals hava their way, and
the qwer-t'en will soon be not whether the
nigger shall be ad mi' ted to equal privi
legea wi'h the white, but whether the
whites fhs:'! be admitted toeqoal pririleges
with ttie niasers. We are threatened with
a Day U Martin aristocacy." ' '
,Wrby fs tt my Von, that when yon drep
yocr bread and butter, it is always on the
buttered side V . ' '
I don't xr;cw. It hadsn't orter hal it ?
The strc.nrest side ouzht tcf be op an 1 this
is the strongest bnttsr I have ever seen.'
Hush ep ; it's some cf your aunt's
churnict f"s
Did she churn ittuie gr?al lazy thinV
What, yoar aunt V
No. 'thrs here batter. To make the poor
old woman churn ii when it's strong eneegh
to churn itself '
'Huih, Zeb, I've eat a pr6at dtil wcrse
in the most aritocratic houses.' '
Well, people cf rank e'ngit ta eat
it.'- ' ' !
Cause it ranx t etter.' - . . t
You varmint, you! what reaVes yon
talk so smsrt ?' .
'Canae the butter has takes the skin cfl
try tongae.'
2eb, don't lie 1 can't throw away the
Ml tell yon what T would do with - it
keep it to draw blisters. Yea ou;ht to see
the flies kss! ever as soon as they teach
How SaM was Cai-ght An old lady who
ws making some jam was called upon by
a neighbor. , "Sam, yon rascal, ehe said,
"you'll be earing my jtm when I'm away.''
Sam protested he'd die first ; bot the whites
of his eyes rolled hnngrily inwards the
bubbling crimson. "See her. Sam," said
the bid lauy, laking ep i place of chalk.
"I'll chalk venr lips,' and ihen on my return
I'll know if you've eaten any." So fraying,
she passed her forefinger over the thick lip
ofherdarkey, holding the chalk in the
palm ef her hand, and not letting it touch
him. When she came back, she did not
need to ak arty questions, for Sim's lips
were chalked a quarter of an inch thick.
Hrasis ! A great many people have
shouted '-Hurrah !" "many a time and oft,'
but comparatively few know its derivation
and primary meaning.
It originated among the eastern nations,
where it was used a a war cry from the
belief that erery iinn who died in the bat
tle lor his country went to hesren. It Is
derired from the Slamnic worJ. ,;llur
rjS" which means "To Paradi."-
HtTTtfd Tiik.CrkTRC. The Mo.carine
( to wa) Conner is as trmhful as p.?irsd
when it sys i "The two parties hare well
defined and Ufirn's acahte idea which con
note their attions. The. Democracy favor
the suppression ol the. rebellion and the
rturn of erery State into Ihe Union. If
slaiery cn stand the rebellion, all right
Wi'h or without slarefy eithey way -ths
Union miit .be restored. Thus says the
Democratic party.''
The new two-cent pieces which fcn been
fecom Hi ended for the seciiori of Congres
resembies, as mich as" anything can, a
gold coin, and Is really beauiiful.' On " one
side there ia a wreatn. in the centre of i
which i starrpe'J, " cents," and amund
which afe i lb wcr-'s, "Ui iud S ato of
Amri-a." On the other siJ- therj is the
shield of liberty bearing the words, 'God)
our Trust."
OsLt O.vx'' One hour lost in the!
morning by yi"g in bed, will but back, and
may irustrate ail the business of the day.
One hole in the fence will cost ten times
as much as it takes to fit it at once.' '
One unruly animal will teach all others
in iis company bad tricks.
One bad habtt indulged or submitted lo,
wiil sirk your power of Belf-gsvernmtiL.l'as
quickly as one leak wiil sink a ship. '
A Troy paper has stsrted ' a ' fine "hoax
npon its travels, being the grave ahnoonce
ment that a young soman of that city is to
be raffed for at the Saaitary fair. The story
ia worked op with such skill that few sus
pect that the young Jade is one of the ere
atiena and eoatribaiioa of . Palmer, the
scalptor. i '.
A negro eempany tentoct frera Haines'
BlofT, aboct a week agr, on . a reconneiB
sanee, was attacked by guerrillas, ard-lhe
entircotn end waa eiiaer killed; -inii
ded er takea piiaotief.' " ' ' ' -' .
'In the rapids wbicu ran faster and faster
as the Niagara river approaches lh9 'place
where it sheets bver the rocks, ibe boa'.maa
is warned -of his danger by he incxeasing
swiftness of the current, ft he fives beed
in season, he may steer his boat safely to .
land, but it Vorf.etimes happetts,that he "al
lows himself to be carried bo far- towards
the precipice that no strei.-gth of arm- cah
avail him to escape, arid he is swept over
the falls. ' -. - v , . .
We of the .United 2'atVs, Cnitrfcially
speakins are in a. boal'whlch a re ii J 'cor
eni 5 hurrying towards a precipice. We
apeak not so much of the credit of the gov
ernment a of the state of our currency-
A. a measure ei value, our currency is per
forming the rarne part which it performed
twenty-five years ari; The cessation of
specie payments has brought into loll play
its quality rl elasticity, and its expant-ion
has 'changed the price" of everything. .The
necessaries'of lifo grov dearer in night.
Those who live on fixed incomes, those who
receive svlars, ihose Who- cannot
increae the compsrisation for the services
they render, - thoso who rely for subsidence
Oii the interest cf a rr.c-Jerate som invested
in any.; manner, Wake up on a' fiie rnora
ing and -find tlierisclves soddenly pocr
The evil increases fro"! lsy to day, and w
see no reme-ly hVeiy io be applieJ. Wheth
er the mischief is beyond the reach ot a
remeJy we r?i'.l not nn lerske- to say.j ,.bnt
this we must ssy, that the current i rapid,
ahsti its srif'.nets ard lorce ara'j-increasinir,
and the boat i.i which we sit is drawing
nearrr and nearer to the precipice, aod that,
unles rom-'htng etTecnal be done, it Wdt
gi down with ihe waters ta which it is now
floating. -
Tea mania of spcenlation and the inOs
tion of our paper reacting oa eaca
other, wi'h the full Iicer.e which ati ex
emption frora the neceiity l paying spe
cie gives then, explain the preent state of
?h money rnatket. ." Thj issneof Govera
mert paper no doubt ha been kept within
moderate bounds, but the jiberty, - whici
the Gorernmeot ha cUiined, of r.ct paying
its r.otes in coin, has ben imitated by the
banks ali over thz conouy, and there never
)t was a su"pension cf specie payment
wi'.hoat an intiaiioa cf the currency, a fic
titious lise of prices, specnlstiori stiraula
led to rraJness, epeetslvr. suddenly be
coming rich or ruined, and the mora indes
mocs and regular pnrl of ihe commonity
impoverishel. The c'.J State banks are
pouring foonh their issues with no respon
sibility for the parrrotof their no'es, the
new banks, created und-r the law of Con
gress and called national bnk, are imitat
ing their example, stocks rise, tho amble-ra
of the mocey market bett backwards asd
foratia the shuttieeock cf speculatiea',
triking il higher into the air with e very new
blow, ihe i.ecesssne of life grow deafer,
the stanboa! increase their fire, th very
omnibus owners nearly double theirs,, and
he who paid fifteen ec.ts a ponnd for su
gar ten days sir,ce, pays twenty-five ctcts
a pound to-day. ,
When will tht s?p arid where? It will
not probably s'op till il i checked by, ai
panic and a crat by the ruin of many, a
general lo ol confidsnce and a sullen and
S'icomy lethargy pervading ali, branches of
eo'mmetce That is ihe ordinary expeiienei
in srch cae? that is thfl natuQ result of
ali the experiment made of building credit
on any oilier basi lhati the old-fashioned
one of prompt snd due payment. .. . .
Cot is there no remedy, it will be asked,
no way cf preventing the eil Irom reach
ing a greater hetgli', bringing back the cur
rency lo a more wholeacse alala, ar.d curs
ing ibis madress of speculation, without i
convulsion?. Oa' readers know what onr
opinions of this rr.attcr h2e elwtya beeoj
and w have s?e;i no reason to change them.
Ihe ea;h?r the mistaken step cl a currency
wjfK( i tsi is r?tr.!cej, the less violent
will be the coneorcnces - to be appre
hended. We know that some ecnte think
ersare ol rpitiicn that there are other meth
ods which will effect a gentler cure. Ivng
down speculation eai!y from its laie alti
lode, instesJ ct dashing it in piece. If
there are, we should be most "happy to see
i . . r.a-
them tried, lae present stata Ol lainga
should not be showed to last. -
Anoints CA?r. roa Ma. Sffs;a CevriX
ANPTtix nrfcBuc!, The New York Ex
preti a tepirt of art address deliv
ered m Tuesday evening by Wendell Phil
Hps Garni en, wr-ich shoots Jar ahsad, botri
of Metsrs. Long and Harris, in the way of
"treason." Where is Mr. Jjeaker Colfat
now ? ' ' - '
i , .t:i
The Kroxviile Convention, we see hf.
telegram; has ac'joufned rjV.e die wiiheat
accomplishing any resch. They were Bii2
lied, ii ia said," of ' iazi'
jM'ilj .19 deter-
m'.ii. for themselves the gravo sjaestieaa
affeeiing the wellare of tha feople ol Eak" j ' ' ; ' '
The nomber of dea hs from erinolste Art
three years in London, it is stated," eial
the logs cf life by the Saatiag fire.
, i i- m a Sl'SJS Si pwms .r. .
? MAKiie ladies sho'd raake apeiot
o'f frequenting nepera wheye tbey vo
sore to fcave ietturO.' . .. '. ; ...:.
. : " once," said a fiiand, 'asr a regimant'
of Teni.eBs'ee n"'Cers on parade, and wfteia
Liey came to the .''right dress," . wiib U
whites ol ibelr eyet all lw.w, ! Ioci
ft like o dealk marl
4 -