The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 20, 1864, Image 4

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pare and powerful Ionic, corrvv
'T'jaJ alleraative of wendertul efficacy in
disease of the STOMACH, LIVER AND
BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver com
plaint, Headache, Ceueral Debility, -Ner-v-asn,
DtiMressien of Spirits, Constipa
CoHe, latermittent Fevers, Cramps
and Spasm, tod all complaint of. either
Sex.- arisitg from " Bodily Weakness
whether inheres! ia the system or px-oJnc-
I by spjeiai caase. -
Notain tha ia not. wholesome, genial
.and restorative in its natar ente i"t
tfco enji)osiion of HOSTETTER'S fcTOM
ACH Bi ITERS. Tliis popular preparation
ontia no miner! of any kind, no deadly
botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but
it is a combination of the extracts of rare
balsa aic barbs and plants with the purest
and railtUst of a'i diffusive stiniulatits.
It is 'well to be forearmed agaiasi disease
- an J, so Ur as the human system can-be
Td'.ectsJ by hutan means against rnata-
es eajaadereJ by an unwholesome at
isphera, impure water and other external'4 Bitters may hp relied
oa as a safa'nard. ; - ' - ' - m
c'djsific'9 iateited with Fecer and Agtte,
it ha been foi nd infallible as a preventive
and irresistible as a remedy and thousands
who resort to it under apprehension of an
attack escape the scourge ; -and thousands
who neglect to avail themselves of its pro
tective qsalhie ic advance, are ccred by
rery brief aoorse of -this marvelous medi
cine. Feter and Ague patients, after be
ia ' pl ed with qaitiiee for months in rain,
until Uuly saturated with that dangerous
alk-'la'd, arenol unfrequemly restored to
titua vM'hio a' f4 days by tha ase of
H ivtetter Bitters. . - ' '
The weak stomach is rapidly iavigoreted
and the appetite restored by this agreeable
.Tonic, and hence it works wouders in ca
S4" cf Dyspepsia and in les con6rmeil
forns of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle
an 1 pAiiiless-apperient, as well as upon
tae liter, U also invariably, relieves the
Civntipaiion superinduced by iriegnlar
a'biioa of th -digestive and" secretive or
gan. - - ' J '
- Perois of feeble habit, liable to Nervous
jClticki, Lowness of Spirits and Fit of Lan
guor, fiu'l prompt and permaetint reliel
fro o the Bitters. The Testimony on this
point is mast conclusive and from both
eexea.' - - ' ' ' . 1 .
The-agooy of Bilious Colic is immeJt-
ataly assuaged by -a single doe of the
iHimuUnt and by occasional! resorting to
it,-tha returu of the complaint may be pre
vented.' .
i A a General Tonic, Hostetter Bitters
priduee effects which-must be experienced
or witnessed before they can be . fully ap
preciated. In cases of Constitutional Weak
ness, and Premature Decay and Debility
and Decrepitude arijing from 0 Id Age, it
exarci-ies the electric iuAueuce.- In the
convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ates u.i delightful invTgoranU When the
powers of nature are- relaxed, it operates Jo
re enforce aod re-establish them! " ""
Last, but not least, it is the Tha Ouly
Safe Sumulent, being mannfactured from
sooad and innocuous materials, and en
tire'? free from the acid elements present
more or less in all the ordinary ionics and
alonachic of the day.
. No family medicine basben so oniver
lalty, and, it may be' truly added, deserv
dly popular with the intelligent portion of
the community, as Hotetter's Bitters.
Prepared by HOSTEITER & SMITH,
Pittsburgh, P. - '
Sold by all Druggists," Grocers and Store
keepers' 3 very where.
;VPc.9, 1863. ly.
" READING rail road.
GREAT Trunk line from the North and
Nnrth.west for Philadelphia, New-
York, Reading, Potisville.Lebanoa, Allen
Iqwh, Easton, &.C. &e. ' ' .
Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia
New York, Reading, Pottsviile, and all in
termediate Sia.ions, al 8 A. M. and 2 p. M
New York Express leaves- Harrisborg at
i. 00a. M. auiviug at New Yorkat JO 15; the
. tame morniog. "
Fare Irom Hanisbnrg: to New York
$i 15 ; to Philadelphia $3,35 and 2,80.--Baraga
checked throagh.
-' liaiaraing leave New York at 6 A- M. i2
Noorii aod 7 P. M. (Pillborgh Expre-s.
arriving at Harrisborg at 2 A. M.) Leave
Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and?. 30 P.M.
' Sleeping crs in the New York Exprers
Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh
without, change. v - .,- ,
Passenga" by the Caitawissa Kail Koad
leave Tarnaqna at 8- 50 A. M and 2. 15 P.
M. (or Philadelphia.- New York, and all
Way Points. ; - - . -
Trains lae Poltsvilie at 9. 15 A. M. and
, SO P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrifeborg
ni New York.- - -'- - -'
.An accamodatioa Passenger train leaves
Kead'mg at 6. SO A. M. and . return Irom
Philadelphia at . 0 P. M. '
All the the above tiains run daily,
E-jttdays exctfpied. - - ;
A Sunday train .eaves Pottsviile at TJO
A. &1. aad Philadelphia at 3.t5 P. M.
Cora mutation-, Mileaga, St;aion, and Ex
'cnrsioii Ticket, at reduced rates to and
bom. U point..- : g: a. k1CuLW-
.. . . '; , (Jenral Superinteudaht.
' November 1 6, 1883.
r: OTite cvtr the Wyoming Bank,
anriL Am sprits, 125,1m
' --: , . ., .-. ,
ViII insure againt los or damage
by Ftti oa property in town or country, at
reaonahla erras. t
DIRECTORS, G.M Holleoback, John
Jlrchar !, Samuel Wadhams, D L' Shoe
itiaW, Daaiel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smith
R. D. Lasoe, CP Steel; W. W-Ketchum
Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ro3; George M
I L. S UOE M AKEK; V. Pres't.
C. SMITH, heratary,
. G. SICKLING, Treasurer, -.
Baacit HIT63, Pa.
RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of
. the Public -to1 toi extensive assortment
ot'Cabinei Furniture" and CH A IKS,
which he will warrant made -of good
material and in workmanlike man
oer. Al ois establishment can always De
found a good (assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style and fin
ish to that oi Philadelphia or N. York cities
and at as low prices. He has on hand -
- ifefl OI different style and
f i- V
prices, from S25 tofrfiO. Divans Lounges,
Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy chair, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card,
centre and pier tables, dftashns,
cheffeniers, whatnots and coiruxle,
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of bureau, enclosed and common
wasnfctandaUees-tablee, corner cupboard,
so ta), . .
bedleads,cane seat and common chairs is
the largest in this section of the county -He
will also keep a good assortment ol
lookins glasses with fancy gilt and com
mon frames lie will also furnish pTiug
mattrase filled to any sired bedstead,
hich are BoperwM for durability and com
fort to any bedin
BloorrtfburgNov. 4, 1863.
And Our People at Home
Are now orlered an opportunity by which
they can obtain a
Our Wulche ore 1
YEAR, and the buyer as allowed the Priv
ilege of Examination before Payraeot'ts
A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil
ver material,' over which is electro fine
plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought,
making the imitation so fauhtesft that it
cannot be detected from the solid material
mofrt experienced jndges; acids will not
affect it. London made movement. Im
proved Duplex in Full Ruby Action, has
sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled
in general appearance. This is decidedly
one of the best artrclet ever offered for ira
ders and speculator". Erglneers, emigrants
and persons levelling, will find them supe
rior lo any other ; alteratien of climate will
not affect their accuracy. Price) packed
in good shnpe and good running order only
$35, or case of 6 for 200.
Best Quality Silver Caes, over which
electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar to
onr Improved Duplex, and superior adjust
ed movements with ''Stop," to be O'-ed in
tinting horses, etc., has Focr Indexes for
Washington and Greewich time, swep
second, and all the improvements. All in
all, taking its Beautiful and Faultiest ap
pearance and its Superior Movement into
consideration, we regard it as decidedly
the cheapest article ot the kind in the mar
ket. Price, in tood running order, 534,
or case of 6 for 5200.
BT"We ask no pay In advance, but will
forward either of them to responsible par
ties, toany part of the loval Slates, with
bill payable to exyre-s.xau when the good
are delivered, giving rhe buyer the privil
ege of examination, and, if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at our expense.
- The express companies refuse making
collections on soldier and other parlies in
the disloyal States, consequently all such
orders must be accompanied by the ca'.i
to insure attention. We make a deduction
of two dollars on either watch when the
payment is forwarded in advace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
- 93 and 95 Broad St., opposite City Bank,
Providence, R. I.
Oct. 21.1863.
he Great
Since i s organization, baa created a new
era in the bistor of
Jtlbolesalins Teas In this Country.
They "have introduced iheir selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CETSTS (.02 Cenis) per pound
above Cos',
Never deviating' from the ONE PRICE
A nother peculiarity of the Company is
-'that their lea Taster nol only devotes
his time lo the selection of their TEAS a
to quality, value, and particular tles for
particular localities of cootnry, but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose oot of their
enormous stock such TEAS as-are best
adapted to his particular wants, anil not on
ly this, but points out to him the best bar
gains. .
It is easy to see the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer baa in tins establishment
over all others.
: It be is a Judge of Tea, or the Market,
if his time is valuable, he has all the bene
fita of a welt .organized system of doing
business, of an immense capital, of the
judgement of a Professional Tea Tater,
and t.tve knowledge of super O ' salesmen.
This enables all Tea buyer no mailer
if they are thousands of miles from this
market to purchase on as good terms here
as the New York Merchants.
Parties can order Teaa will be served by
os as well as though they came themselves
being sore to get original packages, trne
weishis and tares; and the TEAS are war
runlted as represented.
We rssne a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent to all who order
; comprising
Hyson, Xoiin? Hyson, fmife
rial, CUin poder. Twankay
H ! ; asid Skin.
, " -. SON PEKOE.
, JAPAN TEA of every description, colM
ored and uucolored. . .
. This list has each kind of Tt dlvi Jed into
FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINEST, that every one may on
deraind fcm d s;cript ioi and the prices
annexed that the Company are determined
to undersell the whole Tea trade.
We gnarulee to sell ALL oar Tcas at not
over TWO CENTS(, 02 Cents) per pound
above cost, believing this to be -attractive
to the many who havo heretofore been
paying Exoaaop Profits. -- . .-.-..
61 Vese'y Street, New York
Sapb 5, 1S63. 3tm.
' 7
Com pound Fluid Extract Bucho, a
live and Specifio Remedy for di
of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop
sical bwelhnge.
This Medicine Increases the power of
-Digestion, -aud excite the Absorbents into
healthy action, by which the Waterv or
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are -reduced, as well a a Pain
and IflammaMon. ..
For Weaknesses arising from exceste,
Habits f Dissipation, Early Indiscretion
of ab a ee, -attended With the following symp
toms : '
Indisposition to Exert ren, lrfM"ef f-ewer,
Loss -ef Memory, Difficulty of Breathi'tg,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dt
eare, Wakfulne8, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in the -Back, Universal Lassitude of the
Muscular S stem, Hot Hands, Flushing of
the Body, L'ryiress ol the bkin, .ruplions
on the frace, rail id Countenance.
These symptoms, rf allowed to go on
which this medicme invariably removes.
soon follows. iAlfUI EiNCY, FATUITY,
EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the
Patient may expire.
Who can say that they are not frequently
followed ty those "Uirelul Uiseaseo."
Many are aware of ihe cause of their suf
fering, but rio-e will confess the Records
of the lntame- Asylums
And melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion benr ample witness to thtj.Traih of the
a-ertion. The Constitution once effecied
with Organic Weaknefi requires the aid of
Medicine to Strengthen ar.d Invigorate the
BUCtlU invartably does. Atrial will con
vince the most skeptical
In many Affections peculiar lo Femafts
the Iwciract Uuchu t anequaleii Dy any
other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention,
Irregularity, raintnlness, or upp'ession
of Customary evacuations, Ulcerated or
Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrlxsa
or Whites, S ertlity, and for all complaints
incident ro the sex, whether arising from
indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in
the Decline or Change of Lite
Take no more Baisarr, Mercury, or urn
(feasant Medicines for unpleasant and
dancerons disease.
HELMEOLD'S Ex-ract Burho and Im
proved Rose Wash cures SECRET D1S
EASES. In all their Stages, Al I'ttle Ex
pense. Litiie or no change in Diet, No
Inconvenience, And no exposure.
It causes a frequent desire and gives
strength to Urinate, thereby removing oo
mictions, preventing ar.d curing strictures
of the Urethra, allay ing Pain and Inflam
mation, so frequent in the clas of diseases
and expelling all poisonous, diseased and
worn out matter
Thousands upon Thousands who have
been the victims of Quacks, and who have
naid heavv fees to be cured in a short
time, have found they were deceived, and
that the "poison" haw, by the use of "pow
erful astringent," been dried up in the
system, to break out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after Marriage.
Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male of Female,
from whatever cause originating and no
matter of how long standing.
Diseases of these Organs requires the aid
of a Diuretic. Helrobold'e Extract Bachn is
the Creat Diuretic, and is certain to have
the desired effect in all diseases for which
it is recommended. Evidence ofQe most
reliable and responsible characterwill ac
company the medicine.
Prici S1.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5.00.
Delivered to any address, securely packed
from observation. Describe symptoms in
all communications. Cures guaranteed !
Advice gratis. Address letter for in form a
lion to
II. D. HRLMDOLI), C hernia.
101 South 10th si., bel. Chestnut, Phila.
HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELM BOLD S Drug&Chem'l Warehouse,
549 Broadway, Aeto iork.
G7Beware of counterfeits and unprinci
nl-d dealers, who endeavor to dispose "ol
their own" and "other" articles oa the
reputation attaii ed ny
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,
do do Extract Buchu,
Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla
da do Improved Ro&e Wash.
sT?"Sold by all Drnggi.-ts everywhere
Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut
out the Advertisement and send for it, and
avoid imposition and exposure.
December 9, l863.-ly.
Magic Time Observers.
Being a Hunting or Open Face or La
dy't or Gentleman's Watch Combin
ed, with . Patent Set- Winding Im
provement, a most Pleasing Novelty.
One of the prettiest, most convenient,
and decidedly the best and cheapest time
piece for general and reliable use ever offe
red. It has within it and connected with its
machinery, its own winding attachment
rendering a key entirely unnecessa.y. Tfce
cases of this Watch are composed of two
metals, the outer one being fine .16 carat
gold. I: has the improved ruby action le
ver movement, and warranted an accurate
time piece. Price, superbly engraved, per
case of half dozan, 5201. Sample Watches,
in neat morocco boxes, $33.
First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu
racy of movemert, beauty of material,
and, above all, cheapness in price, these
watches must insure universal approba
tion . ' ' ' "
An imitation so fauMess that it can
hardly be detected by the most experien
ced jndges. The material being ot two
metals, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while ihe innei one is German Sil
rer, it cannot be recognized, by cutting ot
heavv engraving, making it, not only in
appearance, but in durability, the best re
semblance oi cona otentng oiiver in ii
The sale of these Watches in the army
is a source ol enormous profit, retailing: as
they very readily do, al 25 and upwards.
Many hundred dollars can be made in a
single pay day by any one of ordinary
business tact.
hunirns cases, beautifully engraved, white
enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good
running order, by. the half dozen S66. Sold
only by by the case of six ! . .
Uno'i.receiDt of two dollars, as guarantee
of aood faiirV. we will send watches by ex-
nr.a to tnv oart ol the loyal Sules. col
!.,-tmr h.-!arre of bill ou delivery. This
nrwura bnvers asainst fraud, giving them
their wa'ches beiore payment ia required.
St.nd nr.lprs to the sole importer.
f'UllS VH EATON. No. 12 Jeweler'
Exchange. Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway
New York .
Dec. 9, 1863- 3m. - "
Gciic1 Cbm'ion Iflcrclansit.
Bloomsburg, Columbia cooaty Pa. '
Particular attention given io Pateat nsat
Sept. 2, 1863. 3mo.
The cheapest and besf New York News-
paper. 'Only one dollar per annum. Kight
pages forty columns. A complete record
of events, Benjamin Wooo eiihor and pro
prietor.,. Published at.o. , 19 Cny Hall
Square, Daily News -Buifdii-g, Nfc York
City. ? ,r . . ; .
unrivaled in its ability aud enterprise as a
puDiic on mat, and in
-3-.VK.KV IVK.3 1!TNk'TT
is mod efficiency conducted, so as to farm
a weekly record of events political, 'com
mercial, financial ana literary, throghout
the World. Ju addition to IhiV it contains
all the Domestic Intelligent of each wetrk
and full reports of every matter -of 'public
interest. " :
As a pcUi-ioal Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the side of tha Constitu
tion of the -country as it was framed and
established hy the Fathers of the Republic,,
and will scan with 'Care and 'fidelity every
public act that may tend to the violation of
the letter and spirit of that instrument of
our liberties. It prefers the
to a ruiirous and xhaustir:g system of War.
Insistinr upon the truth t)f the principle
embedded in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, that the jnsi powers of the Govern-
ment are derived ;rm tl consent of the
governed, if, urge the preservation of the
furKiaiuenial principles off liberty, inviolate,
as of mere sacred .mportance than Baiional
gratroSMir or consolidate tl power uncler rfes
polic rule without the pale of esiabli.-hed
law. On all questions of national impor
tance it is the inflexible champion ot the
rights of citizens, as guaranteed under lrve
iiibtrumeiits by whit-h they havedecided to
be governed. It therefore baidiy vowa its
purpose ia sustain the Freedom of Speech
and of the Press, with the view- to protect
the people from the encroaching dogmas ol
theorists who coutempelate a modification
of the democratic principles which to this
time have been sustained against every ef
fort to overthrow ihem. fu all matters per
turning lo Government the purpose of this
newspaper is to protect the people from in
considerate and rash legislation, and to
hold our public servants to a strict account''
ability for their conduct while carrying ots
the machinery of power. To this end the
most careful attention will be given to all
Federal aud Legislative law, and a firm
and impartial exarainatation of every new
yoliiical proposition may be expected a
the only means of protecting the people
from an abrfdgement of their right.
are given in Ihe most succinct yet complete
manner. Jhey claim particular
iui uuciiiy biiu irum. anu an mo-e
. 1 . 1 : . t . . at..
who decire to comprehend ihe exact finan
cial condition of the couetry should uot
fail to examine.ihe views which will be
fouun in this department of the journal.
will be found especially interesting and in
structUe and being derived from ome of
the ablest minds in Europe must be read
with Ihe urmosj avidity -by those who desire
to camprehend that diblomacy of the Gov
errments of the Old World; '
In all other respects THE WEEkLY
NEWS will be found to meet the public le-
maiui. it is the especial object ot the Pro
prietor to reudttr it a valuable and enter
taining. -
pure in its moral influence, ennobling in
its character, and satisfactory to thai large
class in the community who desire to see
the Public Press treat all poblic questions
with argument axpreosed in courte-y and
candor, thought', a: the same time, with the
spirit due to the themes discussed.
By reference to the terms of Tna New
York Weekly News it will be noticed ihat
it is by tar the cheape-t newspaper iu the
world, and ihe Proprietor feels that he may
invite ihos who approve of it principles
and coiducl to use their influence in adding
to its yresent large Circulation.
Eight Pages forty Columns
For One Year One Dollar
Eleven Copies 13 one Addres for One
ingle copies Three Cents
A first cla Metropolitan Journal devoted
to P eace and Constitutional Liberty, and
containing all the new of the day, Politi
cal, Telegraphical, Commercial and Local
s the cheapen daily paper in the" metropo
lis. TERM Si
One Copy, One Year Six Dollars.
One Copy Six Months . Three Dollars,
Single Copifs Tow Cents.
and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square,
New Yoik.
IN or Hi Central Kailway.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
North and West Branch of the Susquehan
na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York.
On and after Mondav, April 20th, If 63,
ihe Pasrenger Trains of ihe Norh Central
Railway will arrive and depart from Sun
bury, Harrisbnrc and Baltimore, as follows:
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at
Leaves Hairiburg,
Arrives at Baltimore.
10.10 a.m.
1.15 p.m.
S.35 "
Express Train leaves Sunbury Jatly
except Sundays, at 1107 p.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg, except Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrive at Baltimore daily except
Monday, at 6.15 a.m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily
except Sundays, at 9.15 a.m.
Leaves Harrisbnrg, " 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p.m.
Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
; Arrives at Harrisburu, , 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00 "
Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 "
For further particulars apply at the office.
I. N. DUBARRY, Supt.
Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863.
A Monthly Journal, devoted to th Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed to unmasK
the Usurpation, Desptism aud crimes of
And to defend the doctrines of Slate Rights,
and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by
our Revolntiunary Fathers.
Published by C- .CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co., san street, New York.
PRICE Single numbers 15 eenta. For
warded by mail or express to all parts of
the United Slates at SI a year, in advance.
Any person sending ten subscriber will
receive an addiiionatcopy for one year.
Aog.2, fgea, f r
Gents Balmoral Lace Boots, will ,be sold
very low. AUo, Boys Shoes, at -L.T.SHARPLESS-'
THIS Journal, which if, now in the sixty
second vear of its existerVce, is a thorough
going,, independent "and feartess advocatej
ol genuine? practical democracy. . Itjnain
tains the' equal fight 'of-ail me-n to-jnetice'
aud freedom; it earnestly approves the war
for the Unton; it holds up the, hai.ds of our
brave soldiers in the nUl; and it opposes
treason iivall shapes, whethrr open, ws-at
the Sou'h, or covertor sneaking as at the
nor h. At the same 'time it 'is the enemy
of all u-ndue-exercise of power, or alljtinds
of political jobbery and corruption, and
insists upon economy in e'xpendii-Bres,and
a strict adherence tb the contitut0u.
Tbronghout the wr it has advocated rtie
the inos'l V'gormis prosecution of it, but as
the wardrawsto axlo political questions
lake the ascendent. A more stupendous,
difficult and interesting prdblesfh was ne
r prese'uled to any people,, than that of
the restirtftion "of the revolting states to
their allegiance. It will require all the
tatesmanhip and wisdom ol lae na'ion
to bring it to a saltslactory soitilipn. Un
that point the "Evern
vost" win take
definite around8, and endea-or lo brini?
about a condition of universal freedom
and real democracy. Pledged to no par
ty, aud looking only io the interest of ihe
whole country, ii will use whatever caeTgj
bik! influence in the defence of the great
principles of human right and human ele
vation winch Jie at ttie foandaiiog of our
insHrtut'rons.- ' . '
it aims chtf fly, howeveT, atbeina good
newspaper. In its columns will ba found
a complete History of ihe war, all impor
tant political or State Documents eniire,
Proceedings ol Legislative bodies, Sunv
tnaries of European Intelligence, and new.
from all parts ol the world, accurate reports
of financial and commercial mailers, trust
worthy , Correspondence, and a carefully
selected Literary Miscellany, comprising
Poetry, Reviews of now Works, with lit
erary "extracts. Tales gossip and anecdotes
-Mhe whole forming an excellent variety
in wjhich every eader will discover some
thing o his tase.
Terms--Daily Evening Post.
One copy I yr. deliv'ed by Carrier, SI 1.00
One copy 1 j ear sent by mail, . t0,00
Oue copy 1 month, 1;00
Semi-IFetk'.y Evening Post.
Published Every Tuesday nl Friday.
One copy one year, 83 on
Two copies one year, 5 00
Five copies one year, 12 00
Ten copies one year, 22 00
A copy of the weekly one year, or of the
Semi-Weekly for six months, will be sent
to ny peson who teuas us a ctoo ol ten
Semi Weekly i . :
IVetkly Evening Post.
Is published every ' Wednesday. When
addressed with each subscriber's uame :
One copy one year, $2
Three copies one yeai, 5
rive ropici uiic ) j
Teu.coDies one vear, 15
And an extra copy to the getter up of each
cliib'of ten.
UVien a Club is sent to-one JJddress.
In order to eticou'aue the formation of
clubs in placed where only single copies
are now taken, we have decided to offer
the following inducements:
" 4 copies one jear to one address,
7 do do do
16. v do do do
20 ' do do - do
S5 00
10 00
20 00
25 00
whl be
An extra copy of Ihe Weekly
sent for each Club of iwentj at this rate.
Cleiaymen are supplied by mail at the
followiug rates: D tilv, 58 00 per annum;
Semi weekly, 52 25: Weekly. 31 50.
Motey may be forwarded by mail at out
CF" Specimen Copies will be sent free to
all who desire it.
Office of the Evening post,
41 Nassau St., cor. of Liberty, N. Y.
November 25,-1863. '
cheapest in ihe World for ladies. This
popular monthly Magazine will be greatly
improved for 1881. h will coniain one
Thousaud Paires of Reatling! Fourteen
Splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored
Berlin Work Patterns! Nine Huudrel
Wood Cuts ! Twenty. Four Pages of Mu
sic! All this will be given for only Two
Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Maga
ziiifcs of the e!as of "Peterson." Its Thril
ling Tales and Novel'es aw the best pub
lished anywhere. All the most popular
writers are employed to write originally j
for "Peierson.'' In 1864, ir. addition to its .
usual quantity of rhort stories. Four Origi
nal Copyright Novefets, will be iven, by
Ann S Stephens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee
Benedict, aid the Author of Mhe Second
Life." Ii also publishes
" Fashions Ahead of All Others.
Each number, in addition to the colored
plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses,
engraved on wood. Also, a pat'ern, from
which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dress,
can be cut out, without the aid of a rnautua
maker. A LSO, several ages of Household
and other Receipts.-
is the best Lady's Magazine in the
Jf'orld Try it for one YearTerms,
Always in Advance.
One Copy, one ear, S 2 00
Three copies, for oue year, 5 Oo
Five copies, for one year, 7 00
Eight copies, one year, 10 Co
Premiums for Getting up Clubs:
Three, Five or eight copies make a club.
To every person getting up a club, at the
above rates, a copy" of the Magazine for
1861 will be given gratis.
- Address, postpaid,
306 Chestnut St., Phila.
November 1ft. 1863
a It
riMtft undersigned would announce, inai t
-- he has on hand, at his Hat and Lap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsborg. an
assortment of different kind of leather,such
as fine calf skins, morocco, red ar.d black
and linings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in this mar
ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves.
Bloomsborg. May 21. 1862.
Physician and Surgeon,
HAVING located 'permanently on Main
Street, 'BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he is pre
pared lo attend to all business faithfully and
punctually lhal may be intrusted to his care,
on terms commensurate with the times.
He pays strict attention to Surgery
as well as Medicine. '
November 25, 1863 -lv.
Skv-Iaiclit Ambrot) pist,
ROOMS, in the Thifd Story, ot the Ex
change Block, '(entrance above the
Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, P - - ' ' '
liloomsburg, Nor. 23, 1859 ly.
.''"CIcaiNon s Ulcrary -
A n legant, Moral, and Refined NU
cellaneous Family Journal.
Ard a welcome visitor to the home cir
cle. It contains the foreign anil domestic
news of the day, and presents the greatest
amount of intelligencp.
this Mammoth weekly
Is pritned on fine white paper, with new
and beautiful tvpe, and is a large weekly
paper of sixteen octavo page.
An unrivalled corps of contribulors are
under regular engagements, aud every .le
pwrin.'enl is placed on the most i.ihed
and perfect system that experience can de
vise. Each Lumber will be oeautifully il
lustrated. TERMS. 85 00 per annum, invariably
in advance."
For rale at ail Periodical Depot in the
United 'Stales.
Published -every Saturday, corner of Tre
moiit and "Bromfield streets. tfpton, Mas
sachusetts, by F- GLEASON.
Nov. 11, 1863.
ytHE subscriber Vioold respsc-tlully ap
' prise his lriends and the public gener
ally, that he has e.-lablit-hed ihe
irt Jerseytown, Columbia county, Pa The
above house has lately been refitted aud
undergone a thorough repairing by the pro
prietor. He is fully prepared to enieriain
the iraveiliag custom as well as the local
with general satistaclion, Hi TABLE and
BAR, are well supplied and wiU be careful
ly superintended. And his STA BLE is am
ply and well stocked, iri charge of careful
grotwis, will always be properly attended.
CST He invites a share of the public ro s
lorn, and pledges his best efforts, to help
his guests feel at heme.
Jerseytown. Jan 8, 1862.
iVM.B K00NS Proprietor
rpHIS. magnificent Hotel, situate in the
- cenirai portion oi inr- iown, and op
posite the Court Houe, h-ir been ihornuhly
repaired and refurnished, and the l'roritMor
is now prepared to an ommodale travelers,
teamstfTs, jrovers and boarder In the most
pleasant and agreeable manner. His table
will be supplied wjth ihe best the market
afTnrds,and his Bar with the choicest liquors
Attentise ostlers will always be oh hard,
and his stabling is the most extensive in
ihis section of rountry. Omnibuses uil
i ... k- i
we i.. if.ucur.. ,u tipinrry paeoen
gers to aud from the Railroad Depots.
Bloomsburg, July 4, I860.
V IiocnIe ant! ICcfail.
rpHE subscriber would announce to the
J- citizens ol Bloomabnra and vicinitr
that he is selling LIQUORS in lar. audi
small quantities, and at different prices at,1
ins ew oiorc, on itiaiu sireei,
Iron street, Bloomsburg. His rl,?'
(ioca oi foreign ami womrsnc
. i ir . vr- - - mi'
consists of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber
ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He
has a large assortment of
Old Rye. gray with age, hue Old Bourbon,
Old Folks Whiskey, and a'ty quantity oi
common. Ke alo has
Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam-,
pagne Wines; and lat but not lea-t, a
q i a in i i y ol good double extr? BROWN
STOUT: all of which he will sell ai ih
lowest cash prices. The public are respect-
fully solicited to give his liquor a trial.
n w r?nuitvj j
Bloomsburg, May I, 1561.
S V 11 ii E O IV DEi TIST.
I ESP EC FULLY offers his
At'nrnLiifciniia! karv tr--. In I ha
ladies & geniletuenol Blooms
burg a id vicinity. He is prepared to attend
0 all t te various operations in Dentciryj
and is provided with ihe latent improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in
serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as
well as natural.
Mineral plaie and block teeth manufac
tured and all operations oq teeth carefully
attended to. j
A superior article of Tooth Powder, al-;
wavs on
Uand. Alloperatioiis on the teeth
Rrtsidence and Office, a few doors above
t the Court House, same side.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1853
ii 1 1 a
1'ei'i'lia Backing.
TOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages,
and Military Leather Work.
This new and excellent article excels
evea thing ever before in use, for beauti
fying and sofiening ihe Leather. It makes
a polish like patent leather ; will not rub
off with water, nor stain :he finest white
silk," and makes leather perfectly, water
proof. Twice a month applied on boots
and shoe, and once a month for harness
is sufficient. If the leather becomes dm y
wab it otT with clean water and the polish
will re appear. Warranted as represented.
Directions lor nso. Apply a few drops
on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather,
and the polish ia complete.
BT For sale by L. T. ARPLESS. -(3
Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862.
Kollock's J)anu liou Ccffet.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by ph vsicians
as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVEilAGE
for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all
bilious disorders. Thousands -who have
been compelled to abandon the use ol cof
lee will use ;his without injurion effects.
One can contains the strength ot two
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents.
The puresi and best BAKING POWDEC
known, for making light, sweet and nutri
tious Bread and cakes. .Price 15 cents.
Alanufatturtd by
Mi H. KOLLOCK. Chemist.
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
ZSTAnd sold by alt Drug guts and Grottrt.JFl
February 26, 1862. ly.
Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by
Charles K. Bucralew.
December 28, 1859.-iL
rjOT!T EIGHT columns of reading niai.4
- tr per w-ek for Tl 20 per year, Tha)
only New Yt.rk Paper made up exclusive!
'ly for roiuury circnlaunn; and, tf-e uewl
of rbe wi-ek, with the cattle, produce, audj
other market, can-fully reported.
The Afir York hay-Book, for 1864J
White Aleri's Liberries-State lii-bts FeJ
eral Union.
The N ew York Day-Book is wn indepn
dent, 'Democratic Journal, 'holding i;h lh4
laieenawr "Douglas, that "thnj govern
ment is tna J e on ihe white basis, by whi'et
men, for the beneirt of white men aod
their posterity forever." It is a latge do.
ble sheet, wfrhfnrly eight columns t-f read
wig matiw, and in all "respects w het-isr '
lor Harltt rews, Literary or Agricultural
inlortnaiiuu is not inferior to any ai a po
litical -or family newspaper. In its politi
cal tfepaT-wneiit, it grapples br.ldy with lb
real qireslion 'before the Anerrcan people,
and preseiHs the only phvlonophy of It
which can reisi the sweeping march of
AboKiinnism. It is Democratic in the true
sene of the term h defender1! the peo
ples righis. but it ithe upholder ol no par
ty chieariery orinckeiy. It is not only for
peace, but it shows how, and how only,
permanent peace can be obitiried, and this
alo'inus white man's government of Wash
ington restored, vic by the utlr route,
overtnrow, ai.u eaiermiuaiion ot Abolition
ism from American soil.
The Day Book is now the rmly weekly
political pap-er in New York city made u
ext ltiMv-eiy for country circulation. All the
others are reha-hed from the columns ol
some daily paper,- which lenders it almost
impossible to give so complete and general
a summary of the news a in the other
case.' Persons about subscribing ' should
take this into considera'iori. Democrats,
at-o, must see to n mat ouna pipet are
circulated arnonu ihe people, or abolition
ixm wiil neer ti-e pui down. Ci' AH who
desire to refute the arguments ol Aboliiiuo--ihonld
rfailT'.f! Day Cook.
TERMS:- One copy, one year, 12 00;
Three copies on tear, $5 00$ Five copies,
one year, $7 50: Ten ropie-, one )ear, and
oue to the getter up of the club, S14 00;
Twenty copies, one yer, and one to iho
et eru;of the Clob, f21 00. Additional
copies, each 51 20.
Th name of the po-.i-office, countv, ami
Sta e, should in all caes, be plainly given
hi every leltfr.
Payments always in adance, acd all
papers will be slopped wheurbe lime ol
subscription paid tor expires.
- Address. . -
162 Nassau el., Ne jr. York., -
Fneeial Ordrrs. IIie dtsirr thlst urn
r ... . J
, i0 plate bjlore a million ol northern read-
ers the 2ieat doctrines The Day Book"
teache- on the question ol the Races. ' Wa
confidently helieve if this Journal were -placed
in the hands Of ope half .of the vo
ters of ihe northern S-ates between this lime,
and November, i 66 4. the Democrats cont'd,
not fad lo carry the uexi presidential elec
tion. We therefore make the following
offer; not iu Ihe I is lit of . prizes, ar.d-nwt
even because it will be profitable, for. we
t-a-ii M-mcely afford" itbut t-clely lo secure
a wide dissemination of :hs views which
we profoundly believe' wilt save oui coun
try. . - Clubs of Twenty. For a tlub of 20,
besides the extra paper .now offered, we
will send a copy bf Dr. Vao Erie's jreal
work ou "negroes and negrd lavery,,' the
! third htlirion of which is just ready. Price
i One DolUr
J Clubs vf Fifty. For a tli b of Fifty
j subscribers, al c-l'J, we will tend one extra
j paper, and a complete set of our Ami Abo-
(iiirin Publications," the ptices ol which,
taken together, amount to ?2 75.
i Clubs of One Iltindrtd.In relation
to Clubs of one hundred, we will ay thi
VhoVer will send us or.e hundred nb-
scribers at one tin.e, the club to b sent to
j ' addres-. and bem and end ai the
j time, will receive tha papers at SI 00.
V. E., II. & CO.
November 18, 1863.
j ri'O b published Daily
! the city ot Philadelphia
Daily and Weekly iu
b A J Gloss-
I bretiner $Z Co.
The Ase" will advocate
i ihe priuctp'eA'ol the Deaioratic party, and
will, iherelore, necessarny lavor ihe reto
ratton of the Union as it wa, and defend,
the rorii-tiiution of the United Siales, aud
that ol this Common weiltli.
Ii wi;l freely and fairly di.-cnss all legit
imate subjects of newspaper commer t, in
cluding, il course, and pre-eminemly at
this nine, all iiueriioin c!inectel with the
existing nr.happy cooili'ion of onr country.
It wili fearlesly criticise ihe piitl.c acts
of public rvants an d defend l tie legal and
? coiim itul ion al riht of individual citizens
! :nd ol sovereign States, againet assaults
Irom a'iv nnartef.
It will seek io" awaken the, minds nf the
peopht lo a pioper sene of the actual con
dition of the Republic to present to them,
trufhfullyi the fearful peril in which we
gtand as a nation to exhibit ihe magnitude
of the task lhal lies telore them, it they
would check our downward prcgres aud
lo inspire ihem with patriotic determina
tion to apply the remedy for our national
ills. In beiief, it will in all ihings.aim to be
the faithful exponent of Democratic prin
ciples, and to render itself worthy to be an
organ ol the democratic parly, under whose
auspices our country prospered so long
and so well. The re-trration of that par
tv the party of ihe Constitution and the
Uuioo io power in the legislative and ex
ecutive governmental branches of the Stale
and of the Union, we believe to be neces
sary to averi anarchy, and the utter ruin of
the Republic. To contribute to that resto
ration will be our highest aim.
The news. jieary, commercial and oth
er departmenis, will receive due attention,
and will be so conducted as to make"! no
Age" worthy of the support ol the genenl
reader. -
. The many diflirulties now sur'oondicg
an enterprise of the magnitude ot lhal ia.
which the ondersigr.ed are engaged, it
quire them to appeal to the public for ta
generous support, and to ask for "Tie
Age" a liberal patronage and extended cifr
eolation. The preparatory arrranjements warrant
ed the issuing of ihe first number of IbO
Daily Age in the month of March 1 8 63, an .1
the Weekly was commenced soon after.
Daily, per annum, $6 00
do Six month, 2 00
Three months, 1 50
Copies delivered at the coemer, and t
Afleou and Garners, z cents eacn.
Weekly, per annum,
do Six months,'
do Three mor.ths,
. Ten eopiea to one address,
Twenty .do o- ,r
Ttiiri do do
2 00
I fff
17 50
32 CO,,.,
45 &
Inpayment required invariably ia ad
'Tanee. Address, ...-
430 CheMout Sueal, J'hilav
November 18, 18M.