UTAR OF TOE K OETD. -" 'r' i jr-r". ... XVSt-'lL JAC(i&Y, 'EDITOR. S. M. PctTEKoalCo'., 37 raTk Row; Tfew' York, ate duly authorized to solicit arid receive subcriptions-acd advertisin.tfor 1he Flat of lhe forth,- published at Bloomsburg, CoJumbia eounty; Penn'a, - Mathebv& Ca 335 Broad Way.'Xew York, i are authorized :o receire subscription and -dvettisiug' fer'i&eS'ar tj the North. " tflEORGP 'Bi MTLELLA'N, J Subject to ihe. Decision of the Democratic "National Convention. T - - W tic il slated that an attempt will soon be made urCongreaa tovpat' tiown rll-he StatsBankr, by heavy taxation n 'their Clival" ion, ct. lj iui uiirag mv w una amount of circulating medium -will ' be pot into the bands of "-.he government.'" Wrth the "pane and 'sword , the administration -calculates lo maintain its power against the -iU of the prod ucicg class of the country. . .THrt)uGL'RD, for this month, has been neee'iTad. ill is a-capital 'onmkt. There . nia no better Democratic 'Journal, in - every . reppect, pnbliahed in the United States. If -the Rebel and Abolitionists would all sub ascribe' for it, -and read if, the war would, in r ehort litne, j come to a -close. iPrice, 'tt 'cia. a cumber, or 51 -SO a-year, in advance. Goto has not gone.tip ! . Greenback have ifone down .!. Tbis-CRrt?r'pipca legal Tts .cia tra taa depredaied n value fj-ist . 13i ; cents-oa the dollar aince Chahk was author :ized to etp into the -market, and nil the tiovernment gold. Chais's legal tender ' notes fell to this amount ca th? dollar in ,-abo4it twenty days after he entered the mar kel, iPr?poster3ns, the idea of the "SecTe . tary being able. to control the money mar '.ket wiih the amount A has on baad ! Tbrkh)oncred akd thiutt-sbv Kf. Nation al or Government B&rks are now in exist t . . . - , - . - enee. Two hundred and . forty six have been supplied with botes from Mr. ''govern '-merVf to the . amount of twelve 'millions dollar. . Thus in a short time the whole ."moneyed power of the Whete country will he ia the grap of the jartr in power., . Tb war news is not wery interesting of 'late. The A'rrny-of the Potomac is faat in The mod. The forces on the Peninsula ere rgetting Teatfy Tot a forward movement Geo. Borntide is massing bis forces at Anna-polis. iVe may expect -some stirring ' srar ni "-bufor -lontr. Vnn ' haM had m rgood !on tVme to-prepare your minds for nbm werst. ' Tft' certain qoartera fears are -err Pertained of bar arms while in -other ail is ' u.pe suU ucooragement. ' - n-rnitfl Kcakcii The 'dcinlrti ei Abra , 9iam are getting terribly frightened 'at the .- tollowersorthe Pathfinder,' FremonL They ."try to throw the blame fifcn the "copper ieads." ' O, it is only a plot of the copper tAm " n thor - This ia mv h i ll in ? I ft It.iin ? their courage Top. Dut it will' not answer. Thoaaiids and tens of thousands of those -who voted for Lincoln can never do so again -but only those who are fattening pon the blood and treaiure of a ruined peopj mM that other class, who think not for them- 'selves, but fellow ;bts beck and bidding of - ethers-- ' '- : , -; Fbise; Ltaus. The April No-, of Frank Ltilie has been received, Uden with its i more iban nually 'heavy loaJ of Faehioa Plates and PaUetos ; tosether with a large variety of - reading . of, 'a . very ; interesting : trature ; especially adopted to th-e tastes of : the -Ladies. This wcrk' ia ilinstrated ti rough and tbrongb; and nolwiihstandttig - ibis, U furnishes its. readers with more read , iog matter than any other Magazine pnb , liihed. . lis pagea are large, printed upon beautiful type, aod upoa the wbol, gotten cp in first-rate order ; all.for S3.20 per an- ; BBra. - Tbe.ol8me commenced the 1st ol January, although ,they; are prepared to furnish all back Nambers, to those wishing so become patrons. - No cheaper Magazine can be subscribed icr, when f yon take alt . Its good qualities into consideration. Ad - -dress, Frabx Lit lie, 72 Duane St., N. Y. BxMOTAt OT THE SKAT OT GoVtRKMaNT. Th Bill providing for, .the removal of the tSute Capital from Harrisburg to Philadel chia. passed the Senate a few davs sioce .,' y a decided majority. . It il believed by many, that it will also pass the House aod then it will only require the . signature of xne uovernor to oecome a taw. wuuiu e sorry to seethe seat of. Governmetit re . " - a 1 1 r M moved, but it must be- confessed that, the r members of Assembly have some caue to be dusatisSed with Harrisburg. The ac eemmodations at the hotels are very ordi- ' cary, ai.d the charges very txlraoidinary The fact ij. the members and those having business at the' seat of Government, have teen imposed upoa, and landlords and eiheis have made fortunes ia two or three . ypcrs. M?re than this, there ia'a paper paliihd ia that town called the ItUgnph wkichdelighti in "making daily personal esaulis upon members. AH the f Demo cratic Senators nd members of th House , fesve beep' stigraaiized as "traitors", and corr-jrcais" b . that piifrops sheet, so tit thay feel reat!es to escaptf from . a town that givis countenance abd support to ti9 slandarer. , If the seat , of Goyern Tsenlis removed nrhich we . would be - very sorry to see the people of Harrisborg nsy lltsk the Ttlegrcph and those who tzv ttta ta the habit cf ucpciirg upon Ktatir far J C Howms .the war progressing I , This is the. question that 'interests every body.-- The North American, an intensely : loyal "Sheet, that a fow day ago 'indicated a tti'B position 'to embrace miscegenation, -'pub- Itshea the following,- which we presume, -coming"frOma lo yal' source, to be - correct. It is made Bp to September I, 1863, and in eludes the battle of Chirkamauga : : Confederates. " "' KMed.WorfdeU Prisoners. Total IR61- 1,250 .-3955 ! 2772 i? 987 IlS62.'14a58 "47,304 15,876 -77,646 1B03 IXdZI l 4 1,4 11 14 1,642 To:arj28.147 S9.459 89,856 217,465 Confederates died of diaea and sick ness from commenceojeatof war to present lime, 130 0W. . , 5 , 'Federal , Killed. 4 724 20,879 r5.363 Wounded. "Prijionri . Total 1861 1 862 1S63 9,791 ' 68 973 53 981 9,144 46 534 33 281 2 3,7t'8 '136 386 '102 625 Total. 40, 966 1.32,745 89,009 'Federals died of - diveaie au4 during the same time, 290,000. . : Eecnpitulutioa. " , 262,700 'aicknek Federal lowes id batileat-'-fcc., - 282.720 290 000 . " , l: by eicknsM, &cn rFtt'deraV total (ass in three year, '552,720 Confederate ioues in tattle. "2 17.426 ' - ' ." .' by sickneaa, 130.000 -- Conederate total foM-in 'three year, ' " 347,155.347,465 Exceaa of Federal lost, 205,25 Thk Ladt'b'Fsixnd For jMat.- We would t call: particular attention to the beauty ot the steel engravings in . this number of the Lady's SFriend. ''The Loers," . engraved expressly for this number, is both in design and execution, oue of the mol beauliiul engravings that has ever appeared m a magazine. The Faabion 'Plate which, is of doubl eire, and handsomely ro!ored-is alco a charming specimen of i s kin'd- Of the other engravings, we need only ay that they are as nomerous, varied, anil interest ing as uaual. . r Among the reading matter we nee the following articles Deacon Denion'a Daoghirfr," cMra.-Jerry June's 'Fine Ori giual . JStory," ( Mabel's Mission,''. "The lovers," by Jean Ingelow, "Dick's 'Infat uation," "Norah Ghost," "Alter Ten Years," by Virginia F. Townsend, fcc. &c. Every one who does not take ;be Lady's Friend-regularly, should at least senJ on twenty cents, and have this (May.) number forwarded to them. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut St. Philadelphia. 82. 00 a year.' Atikmptko Suictct On Sufl'day the 3d insL a recruit at Carlisle Barracks, being tired of the cares and trodblrs of this world, thooght he would try his fortune in another, by a change of- base. He bails from .Villiamsport, Pa. and had on the day pre vious received his bouoty and sent it to his family residing in the above place. Before attempting to take life with bis own bands -he tried to induce one of the guard lo shoot him, which the latter of course refnrad to do. He then procured a large knife, with which be cut bis throat in two places, and would have accomplished bis purpose had not some of his companions came to the "rescue. He was taken io the hospital where his wounds were dressed by the post sur geon. At last accounts he was doing well, and oot of all danger. We wonOeY if be will try it again. We think past experience should teach him to be -Wiser in the future. American Volunteer. Shocking Accidxkt The Willismsport Bulletin of the Stn inf., says Alfred 11. Mann, of Havre da Grace, Md., came to this place some nine or ten days ago, and was attacked with erysipelas, at the Parker House, where he has been confined to his bed ontil yesterday morning, when, in a at of deUriom, leaped from -a "Window of the third story, striking upon rhe pave ment, where he was found about 5 o'clock in the morning. He was known to be in his room at 3 o'clock when .the man watch ing hint left him steeping and fell asleep himself. Nothing mote is known ol him ontil found lifeless on the pavement. - He was engaged with Mr. John Dubois,' in the lumber business, was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. His wife arrived here the night previous to the tad disaster. Excitemxst at HARBisBOiiQ. The joint resolution for the removal of the seat of government from Harrieburg to Philadel phia, passed the Senate on Tbore Jaj last 16 to 10. , It is thought it will pass the House. Philadelphia offers to appropriate one mil lion of dollars for the erection of buildings, &c. It is only one of the .many gigantic schemes of speculation that now pollute the country corrupting legislation, subsidising the judiciary, and sapping the fountain of humane libertyand therefore we . shall not be at all snrprisedif the wrong iscousumat ed. Cleat jidd RepaUkan. , o . - Pare o Bek r. A New York letter of Tuesday says : The beef speculators at the Boll's Head clapped on an extra ball cent pit pound this morning, which means from two lo three cents per pound higher to lb con sumer when he goes to boy his beefiteak at the retail butcher's. Some dealers were predicting that buyers would have to pay twenty-five cents per pound on the boor, or go without, before the first of May- Mml Dkmor8t's NetB York Illutl rated Kevs is oot for the mouth of April in Nati onal Colors, rich and racy. Its illustrations are capital ; hard to surpass. The ' present issne contains an interior view of the- main building, and granrf 1 uangsration scene at the Metropolitan SaaitaCy Fair. The fash ion and patterns contained in (bis Magazine are well worth the price of subscription 24.00 per year ia advance, or "Ten Cents icgt copies. Published at No. 473 Broad way. Near Tori. - :: ' ' . ; fln. Presldtnlliaeoja'i Sister . The New York World say we imost in jastice to the Tribune'for refusing credence lb. its story, thai Mr."i. Todd : White, a sis ter of Mra. Lincoln; whoiately went Sooth by way of Fortress sMonrea, abased her -pass and carried contraband goods in sever al largenruhks, so giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The facts are as the Tribune stated them are even worse ; and in apologizing to tjut 'journal foraa iooredulily which -its1 ha- biioal mendacity regarding political' oppo neat has created and fostered ia obf minds we have no other alternative than to restate the facts precisely as they are, painful as it is to any oyal American to join that fanati cal journal in any course, or to indorse its impeachment of the chief magistrate of the United'State for assisting openly in giving direct aid aod cosnforl to tba armed ene mies of tbe-Uuion. The facts, then, are these, and we make no comment opon them; 6f If ther do nor in themselves make the1 heart of every patriotic man and wo mau ahudJer within 'them, then the fanati cismol lhe time has dragged the North ' in to an' insensibility which nothing can-arouse Mrs. J. Todd - White, a sister of Mw, A. Lincoln, was a rebel spy aud sympathizer When she - passed, into the Confederacy a f-fw days ago, by, way of Fortress Monroe, she-carried, with'htr in' her trnnks all kinds of contrabaad'gecda together with medi cines, papers, letters, etc., which wilL be doubtless of the greatest assistance to those with whom she consorts. . When General Builer wished to open her trunks, as the regularions of transit there prescribe, this woman showed him an au tograph pass or 'order Irom President -Lin-colu . enjoining wpon the 'Federal ; dfRcers not to open any of her trunks, and not to subject the befirer of the pass, her package, parcles.'or trunks, to any inspection or an tidyancs. - Mrs. White said to General But ler, or. the officers in charge there, in sub stance as toI!o7 a. : "My trunks are filled with cootrabaod, but 1 defy '-yon To tdA'ch them. " "Here," ' (pushing it coder their noses.) ' Here is ihe.positlve'drder of your master."., . . Mrs. Whirs wns thus tlloW'e'd to pass -Without the 'inspection and annoyance so peremptorily forbidden by 'President .'Lin coln in an order written and signed by his own hand. And to day the coutents of his wife's sister's trunks are giving akl aud comfort to the enemy. ' to Echoo! Dirrctcn. , TlUs Common Schcol Laws of Pennsyl vania, require Sec CLVL "That the coun ty superintendent shall annually, on or "be fore the first Monday in 'June, forward to the Superintendent of Common School, the repdrt of the several school dilricts of their 'respective counties," and shall also themselves make an ettfanfeed report of the condition of the schools under their charge, suggesting such improvements in the school cystem as they . may deem useful, and giv ing such other information in regard to the practical operation of common schools, and the laws relating thereto, as may be deem ed of public 'interest." We -desire to act In strict accordance with this reqtriition, and 'respectfully 'request the directors of the several school districts, to aid u, by forwarding their respective re porta as tarty as the twentieth of May. Drreclors who are in need of Vank reports and certificates, shall be promptly supplied by notifying the County Superintendent. Chas. G. Bahklkt,' Coon'y SoperintentJenl. Bloomsburg, Col."c6!, Pa." We notice among the number of those country papers which have raised their subscription', the Danvilli Intelligencer, and Lycoming Gazette. They have raised their advanced price of subscription Irom $1,50 to S2,o0. This is what the Columbia Coun ty papers will ail be -compelled to do iu a very short lime if things coutiivue so high. We intend Ta'tfrrtg our subscription after the S7th inst., to St. 00 in advance, and $2 0 if col paid inside of six months.. .This we are compelled to do, as neatly every arti cle used in connection with oor .business, as well as living, is one hundred per cent. higher than it could be bought for two years . -1.1 B I ago. Ail wno wisq io avail tnemeetves oi the old price, SI 75 in advance, would do well to attend to the renewing of their sub- scrtpttor.s between tuts ana toe stun o; April, 1861, as after that date no subscrip tion to the Srxa will be taken for let than ttbo dollar in advance - 1 - : f CoMMCNICATtE. t see that Dr. John thinks a lit will trav el half way round the earth while tralh is pulling tta her boots " lliat may be true, in some cases, but in the story that is cut- tina the Doctor's - conscience, 1 think truth did not wait to gel ''on her boots,'1 but started bare-footed lor, in - my opinion, truth did certainly gel the first start this time. . Thomai, you had better dry up, and endeavor to conduct yourself more properly in the future.' 'ThoIias Dubs, Jr. . Bloomsbarg, April is, 1851. The Pcsif svlvamia Farmkr AMDGARbEkck for April has lately been received. .It is a good work, devoted exclusively to agricul ture and horticulture. Wm. S. Young, publisher Philadelphia. Terms, Jl. 00 a year. Somkthino New. Anti-bottsNeating as sociations are being formed in various parts of the country. The present price adds a great many involuntary members' to the association. It would be s gedd idea to establish one in Carlisle. . If is reported that a rebel plan to capture and carry off President ' Lincoln bss been dtsccvefed at Washington. Cmtojord Jour naL ... - No danger. The beat rbln-g" that can happen tor lbs rebels is lo leave Lincoln in Washington. -, . ; Ths Editof of ihtfColumbi Repiiblicdn has got just about as much of an idea of the politics of Bradford County ss a hog has about th'e valos of ptsrls.' Bradford Argus. . LATE WAK-NEWS.-- ) -r-r- r-; ?: The mysterious movements of Forrest in Tennessee have at leingth' assumed Mime shape. ' He' has -divided hrs forces into two columns; sending jone toward I'adncah, at ihe morJtb 'of thS Tennesree river near I Cairo, and'the other towafda . Memphis. 1 he first column, tt ' is reported, has cap tured Paducab, and, if so, the navigation ol the Ohio river, bbtess "there... are guuboata : near at hand, is materially affected. 'The o'.hercolomn en Tuesday morning last, at lacked Fort- Pillow, on the Mississippi, be low Columbus,, and' near' the Tennessee, liner The fort was garrisoned by six hun dred negroes, and two flags of truce were sent to it demanding a surrender. The surrender wa"reinsed twice.'when the fort waa attacked and .captured, and ''many of the' negroes killed. The soVrenderof Co I lira bus was also demanded, arid in the cor res'pondence the conledera'e commander writes: ' 'Should oo sferrehder, the ne groes now in arms will be returned to their masters ; should I be compelled to take the place by force noqukrters will bs shown negro troops whatever; white "troops will be treated as prisoners 6f war." "Fort' Pil low was captured with ix:guns, 'and a Mis sissippi eiearut;r alio we'd to '.'carry off the wounded, filty-eight in number There are' rumors of the surrender of Columbia ; Ihe women and children have ' been s'ertt out of the town. The Confederate left Fort Pillow and continued on towards Mem phis. They entirety dismantled the works. 'Later1 intelligence frdm Fadocah states that' the -Confederates left the town after p'.underinc it. The capture of; Fort Pillow is confirmed, and alo Forrest's march to wards Memphis. Before ' going be com pelled a in-clad" gunboat which tried to shell bm out, to leave. The intelligence from the Red River con vinces us that ihsrs was no battle at Caho River. 'II there was a battle the Federal troops were defeated, for now the y do not venture bey or. J Alexandria, and have bar ricaded the streets to prevent Confederate raids. The iron-clal bate been sent back to Fort de Rnssey. and there is every indi cation ol the abandonment of th? -expedition. "GeneTal"Stete is still p' rogress'mg on his march'in Afkarisaa. As no one here under stands hir'rouWor of ject, his-progress and skirmishes are ol very httle importance. There are1 no movements yet, indicating the evacuation of Browusrille by the Ted- eral troops. ' - 'Nothing from' the Rapidan. STILL LATER All the rennrts of Cnnfedarata snccss in Wes:erri Kenttlcl?y are confirmed. Fort Pillow has been evacuated by them, they carrying off nil the cannon and stores They have gone towards Memphis Padu- cali is still in danger, notwithstanding all teports to the contrary. (.The er.emy cave again demanded its surrender, and when Ihe latest despatch closed a battle was' an ticipated. We have every, reason to disbe lieve the stories of the murder of the no groes at Fort Pillow after they surrendered. Their commander held out and would hot surrender and they we're killed in fair bat tle. Our readers will notice that we have not yet received a line which indica;e"s that a 'surrender was made. It has all among been taken for granted b'y 'sensation de spatch writers. The 'negroes became de moralized and fled, and as at many battles and fights before, they were killed . From ihe Array'of the 'Potomac there is 'intelligence that the ra'ins of Friday hail 'converted the ground iato mud again and that the enemy have made numerous aids. At Manassas Junction about tweoty-fivn 'Federal soldiers were captured. TbeTe were raiding parlies hovering aboiit in all quarters There a're no signs yet'b'f the ad vance. General Grant does not seem to move very brWkly. Burnside is massing a great many negro troops with his expedi tion al Annapofis. An expedition from Fortress Monroe to Sraulifield in Virginia on lat Monday suc ceeded in capturing six Confederates and fifty negroes. The Federal loss Was oae prisoner and . five wounded. A French armed vessel has been allowed to go up the James River to procure the Emperor's tobacco. An arrival from New Orleans is announc ed, tut no news of importance- There is still great mystery about Cane River., The Confederates hae mhte a raid from Virginia into Eastern Kentucky through Pound Gap. The telegraph states that they were repuUed and have retreated. Long street may be looked lot in that direction before long. . ItETIEW OF THE MARKET, CARKfTULT CORRtCTED WKEXLT. WHEAT, 1 1 50 25 20 75 75 50 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARO. per lb. POTATOES, DR'I) ATPLESl HAMS, 30 III K, 17 12 CORN, new, 1 OA1S. 18 70 50 20 BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr.bbl 7 CLOVERSF.ED 5 50 MARRIED. In Fishingcreek township, Colnmbiaco., on the 7th day of April, A. D.. 1861. at the residence of the brida's fnther, by C. B. White, Esq., Mr. Jacob Klin a and M;s Sarah A, Laibauch, both of Fishingcreek, Columbia Countv. in Bloorrsburg, on ThursJay evening, the 14th ol April, 1864, at the residence ol the bride's father, by Rev. Be a ben E. Wil son, Mr. John D-Lake, of Scott township, Colombia county, and Miss Llzzik Stiff, of this place. On the 4th ir.st.. bv G. P. Dreisbach Esq , Mr. Wit.' W. II unkingcr, of Black Creek, Luz county, and Miss Polly Swam, of Union township, bcooylkill county, Pa; On the 7th inn. at EvausriKa, bV the Rev M. VV. Harris, Mr. Gsorus M. Lock a (id, and Miss Hester J. Thompson, both of Briar creek twp,, Col. Co , Pa. On the dih inst., by the same, Mr Ctrcs A. Marcet, of Wilkesbarre, to Miss Fran as J. Zehner. of Briarcreek twp., Col. Co. Pa. - In Locust township Columbia county, on Friday the, 8th day . of April, 1864, Mr Samuel Adams, aged 58 yfcirs, 6 months and 24 days. ' In Soesrloaf twp.. Columbia co.t on the first of April, 1861, Dr. J. F. Masset, aged about 76 years. ' At Brandy Station, -Ta., on the' 1st c April, J. W Vansicele, of Sogarloaf twp Col; co., Ps aed about IS years. In Oraogeville, on the 12ib of .March, Erastus. agedj year, 3 mo Gibs, and 12 days. On the18th, of March, Charles L., aged 3 months, and 13 days. On April 2d, CLkjuesttike, agsd 4 years, 2 months, and 35 dayi. Children of Thomas and Martha Ruckle. . In Beac'a Haven, on the 4th inat., Clara Gertbcde, youngest daughter of Joseph and Martha Hicks aged 6 years, 5 months and Il days. - 1 In Jeddo, tuf erne county, on tke if 1st ef March, Carrie Bill, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Mock, sjtd 7 years 1, month and IS dsyit. . TREASURER'S "SAIJS .r : or ; : 1 U N S E AT E D ! L AN D S. ; ."AGREEABLY to the provisions of in Act of Aeriibly eolidjl' an'Aqt directin? the mode' Of selling Unsettled Lands , for taxes, krid oiher purposespassed the 13th day 61 'March, 1815, and the further aup- plemeuia thereto, passed the 13th day of March, 1817, 25th Maich, 1821, and 9th' March. 1847, Ihe Treasurer of the County of Columbia, hereby gives, noiice to all persbns .concerned thernthat unlesH'the CbontyRoadSchool, Poor and State Tax es due on the'followih'i tracts of Unsealed Lands, "situaie in Colunibfa' county, 'are naid-before'the tlay of 'sale, the' whole - or Vuch parts ol tract as' will pay the tyres 'and corts char;eabltt'ihereon will be sold at the CODRTHOUSe: in Blooin-bur?, County of Columbia,: on the 13th day of June, 1864, being the second Monday, and to be con tinued. by adjournment, fiom day to day for arrearages of taxes due said county, and the cost a:crued on each tract respec lively. ' ,.,.'. ; " ' IVAKftATirPKSlIt OVVNCKS- BEAVER TWP. - ACRtS. Koo , 25 .300. :'iOo . 200 40 t 125 IS 100 180 28 v70 ; ' 10. 10 21 3'3 10 23 533 300 10T) 7 loo- 5 ' .46 '427. 14 16 14 3 Dot Crs '5arah A; CafTrar, : -!saac Dnvis, ... . Eiias Miller, George Noyer," 17 60 I 12 13 20 4 40 '.Catharine Noj er, ' ' ' " " 8 Mohs Schlicher, 1 . Lewis Filler, ' '8 BRIARCREEK. 80 76 20 Solomon Bower, Sr., Reuben Blixb, . r . Chri-topher Bender, William Ciem, Henry Deltterick, John loak, ' WViiiam Evans, James Evan-, ' Oliver Rte, Philip Fieiis, , Rhnney Gartrenhons'e,- Samuel b Headtey, John Kini,r S. L IV.ter, . Auuiit-tun'B Pearce, "JohnRtiinard, Jacob S"Ier, . - - Samuel 11 Smith, 'John H Suit, John Shiiffer,, Samuel J Beilh,' do do .do do. . , CONYNGHAM. Ebenezar Braoham, John Young, Joshua Beam, Nathaniel Brown, ' Peter Bughifer, Robert 'Jordan, Andrew Porttlr, Thomas Ruston, Mary-Rii'ton, Lewis Walker, William :Poitell, Johii'oq. Beabley, 'Geore'Bickham, Thomas Hiltzhime'r, Robert Hiltzheimer, William Shau.ioi), 2 S2 2 59 '4 65 5 25 . 7 24 1 04 1.04 2 73 88 !1 30 l 60 l13 49 7 77 2 59 19 2 59 ,19 1 14 12 28 -. "35 35 19 124 36 36 92 '4 0 l4 1 37 60 .18 80 78 11 V41 406 429 400 100 377 285 JI20 -J380 "80 37 II 28 35 72 85 45 55 60 62 73 37 60 62 73 216 55 216 55 403 386 384 lob 3M 38'4 384 250 Amos Wickersham, Paxion Kline & Sharpless, CENTRE. Enos AdamH, Benjamin AHebach, Samuel Achenbuch, Absolorn Bomboy, Mary Dresher, Dewitt & Benedict, William Fritz, Freas & Hoffman, Jacob Good, William Hoffmin, . Daniel Keiler, George Harrnan, Emanuel Lazarus, y Simon Lowry, Elias Keece. Cbrietiaana Moyer, CATAWISSA. Michael Brobr, Joseph Kaup, FRANKLIN. Jeremiah Finciinr, Elijih Reynolds il Co. 47 00 38 09 136 22 5 5 6 13 '6J 7 100 3 22 3 8 9 5 10 11 100 70 32 :36 32 36 64 92 44 20 20 52 20 40 65 32 36 32 3 3 80 5 69 1 44 40 fcO 343 433 431 112 1C1 140 coo S3 18 150 250 50 i 212 60 3 15 83 113 "12 27 T5 3 19 39 9 39 "o 03 4 47 '6 24 8 84 1 48 1 18 6 71 22 35 6 71 43 FISHINGCREEK. Pul Appre, Guy Bryan', Abraham Reeer Samuel J Pealer, di do William Bocka'ew-, Freas f- Hoffman, Nathan Fleckenstinr, j N & R. B Jones, Thoma Lemons, Michael Lctnoii-J, George Mack, Lot do do R J Millant, William Patterson's estate, Gaore Pealer, J B Parks. Amos Spade,. ' Abtaham Young,- 14 2 90 67 29 72 45 19 11 15 GREENWOOD. 38 Samuel Albertson, 28 Mark Conner, - 100 William Uerling, 59 James Dewitt's estate, 54 Andrew Gray, 40 Johnson H.-lkeler, 50 George Reece, 14 Ellis Eves, HEMLOCK. 12 John Childs, 50 Nathaniel Campbell, 20 Sylvester .rurs'ell, 12 Zebulon Robbins, JACKSON 400 Golder Elias & M. Heis, 16 Jamison Keeler, 700 Kile & Neyhtlrd, 100 Philip i Johu Wagner, ' : 13 David Lee, 31 Benajih Parker & Co. LOCUST. z Lewis Bush, 4d John Fisher, 31 Samuel John, 32 do do 30 William Sayersj J200 Mary Mvers J 100 Thomas RuMonJ 190 Dlmel Reei-e, 200 Mary Ruston, 201 Charlotte Ruston, 200 John Reynolds, MIFFLIN, fo Jacob Bomboy, 4 John C Hettle.r, 7 Jacob Longenbergef, 34- John Michael, 20" Pe.er Miller, . . 01 63 60 80 8 33 8 80 48 '64 31 72 68 22 SO 26 2 35 33 25 5 1 3 24 93 ll 44 22 81 22 93 22 93 2293 1 93 10 19 . 87 1 39 4 83 96 2 55 27 60 175 George Nunsesser, 6 RoSatitia Wall, 47 Jo3hua Zimmermanj , MAINE. - . - 4 Boyd & Paxton, .100 Brobst, Yetter & Scfcmiclt 300" C. S. Cox. " 4 William Cr&asy; ,35 : Jeremiah Fincher, Id Henry G. Miller, . v 5 - -Henry Millers Heirs; 100 C. F. Mann & Rote; 112 Philip Miller, 7 Philip Wall, io6 t. P. Fincher,- fotf fcs-orge J-sott, a fin 13 3 32 1 98 6 fO ; ,6 7 MADISON. 40 'Williamt Wis Est., 220 V 'Jacob Moser, ' .8 ' 'William Ginles, - - Mt. PLEASANT. 10 .Samuel Boon,! II, William Beers, ; 40 Jaeob Eyer, . . ; f4 Lorenzo Grimes. - - ORANfJTi. 'lO John B F.daT, ''10 Jacob D.Klin. t "pine. 50 Peter Applegate, '500 .Thomas Beiulfield, ' 100 1. Aaron Gro-s, 5 Sylve-ler Heath, lfe0 "James Lorkard, 116 VaHernhamp E-t., '100 William Derlin. '--roarinc creek. 50 Peter Baughner, 350 .' George Dawees, 100 Eckel & Rek, . 299 ' " Philip'Kulp ' 126 Isaac Lindvil!, SUGAR LOA F. - ' 25 Ezekial' Cole, 105 tJoiKsi.; " 89 Atx" "& Joshua Hess, 414 . Daniel Mclletiry, Jr.. 47 " Abral'-am Young, 4 JhWKila. 150 William Stephens, l't4 12 R9 19 ' . 60 , 2 08 " 8t - 90 "CO 24 ; "8 01 90 74 12 IC 1 60 , 14 52 '12 69 l13 51 , 2 29 15 79 4 50 6 2fi 2 63 1 37 16 33 4 83 22 3d 2 54 . 09 8 10 . Trcassrer's Sale ef.Rfiil Etait?.. ' SEATED' LAND. , AGREEABLY to 'the provisions, ol the Act ol Assembly,' entitled an act to retlure ihe State debt, '&c, pat-bi'd thf 30 h day of Aprr4,'t814, ihe Treasurer of the Coun-y of Columbia hereby evr notice lo all p-r-Mors eoi'cerned ihere'm, thai unless the Couii'y, Road,-Schoci, Poor and Sta'e Tax Sic, due on the foflo.ving real estate aim ate' in' the Counly ol Columbia, are 'paid beiore the day of sale,' the vihola or such parts of each as will pay the charges and cots chargeable thereon, will be sold al the COURT HOUSE, in Bloom.-bur, Coun ,ty of Columbia,' oa ihe 13ih day of Juie, 1364, bei'iic the second Alonrlay,' aiid. to b'" continued by ailjournment from day today for arrearages ol taxes due said coonly and the cof!3 act-toed cn each respectively. dwiiers or Reputed Owners. . BEAVER. Acres. 400 369 29 30 1 33 '60 150 168 Years. Dol. Cts. Colombia C. & I. Co., 1 T.M.Hubble, -1 John V. Criswellfc) 1 Mann, Baldy & CrisVre:(, BENTON. 9S GO 22 14 40 50 56 23 f0 12 28 53 John Hertiiiffer, ige Elizabeth Kline' est. BRIAN CREEK Mary Shatter, 1 Sam'l F Headley, - 1 Samuel F. Headley, I centrp:. A. Deitenck fcTorby, R. Torby, L. S Q. &c.''l FRANKLIN. Julia A Cromley, 1 . FISHINGCREEK. William Parks, 1 T. HanmanSc Mother, 7 HEMLOCK. Jeak wUhVestate, , MT. PLEASANT. Jacob Johnson, ' 1 Robert Nixon' estate 1 ORANGE. George Kline's estafe, 1 do do 1 do do 1 J. R. Morri, 1 PINE.., 3 10 19 i i 11 'i is . 71 1 08 '66 1 2 6 I f 5 35 114 55 177 60 7 2 6 1 1 '5 96 76 28 66 32 '34 21 Lot, Slves:er P. Heath, DANIEL Mt-H EN R Y, .Treasurer , reafrurers OfTi. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1864. Pl IIMC IVOTlCfc. , APPLICANTS FOR TA VERN LICENSES IVOTICE is hereby given that th follow ing peieous r. Colombia coutity, have filed their petitions in t'he'Court of Quarer Sis-ion's ot the sa,id coOnty, for Tavern and Store Licence in their respective towimhrp1 which said petitions will be presented to the raid Court, rat Monday the 2d day ol May 154, ot which a'H pprsons ii'.ieresieil will lake notice, and the Lir-ense's for the county of Columbia will be granted oo Wednesday, the 4ih day of May next, ai I o'clock p. m., of said day : APPLICANTS. TOWNSHIP. BIorri. oo do 'lo Eentnn. do Beaver. fj J6 Berwick. Centre. Cata-wista. do do Ccnjhgharo do William B. K'oons, Tavern. do John L-acock, Silas Dodson, Oliver A Jacob), John J Si!m, San:uel McHenry, Franklin L. Shuman, Charl-s F Mann, . Wm. L6ngenburger, J P. Sibbet, do do do CO do do do do do do kdo do rTo da do do d da do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do 66 do (I'd do do do do Store, do .John Grover, Samuel Kostenbacer, Jacob D Kistler, Richard Barr, Alex. W. fjve, Reuben Wasser, Wiilian. Stetiler. Peter Hoer, Bstijimin M!Ienry, Emandus Unangt-t, W. A. Kline, Joneph F. Long, Abijah I!. Roe, John Har'man, John L. II urst. Ludwig Thiel, Joshua Womer, Iaac Rhodes, Isaac Yeiter, John A. Shuman, John Kellr, Emanuel Conner, Thomas Jones, Samuel Rimby, Kiefer A. Smith, 1n I ; . 'd O Fishingcreek , do GreenwooJ. do do Hemlock. Loucct. do do .. do Maine. do MitTIir,.. Montonr. Mt. Pleasant. Madison. ' 0 ranee; do do Roanngtreek Suoil. di do do do Bloom. Conyugbdm. r Jacob Good, 25 Alexander Hugheej 18 J 85 12 76 94 5S Samuel Leibj, William Wnng', D. Marchbank, Daniel L. EverhSrt, John Reece, Robert S. Howell, L D. Mendeohall, A. W. Cramer, Amos Laches do Centra JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk Proihonotary's Office, Bloomsburg, April 13. 1864. J THE HISIORY bp . , HOSTETTER'S SldxMACH BlTTERS. The most remarkable medicine of the day. and the many cures that have -been performed with it irt cases of Liver Com plaint, Di.tpepsia, Nervous Debility, and other diseases arising from a disordered siomao or liver, places il at once among the most astdriishia-; discoveries that has taken pldce in the medical world. The diseases to which bitters are applicable are so universal that there iti bet few of oor friends who may not tact their virtues in their own families or circle of acquaintan ces and prove to their own satisfaction that there la at least one remedy among the many Sdvertised medicines deserting the pbblid fcomrtiehdation. , For sale by Drdggisis and dealers svsrj where. .. , . , r . ,m . April f?tb 1864. Irrf. 80 74 74 90 92 64 20 20 UEIilFF'S SALES. T Y virtne of'sevf ial, writ of YeaJHioni Exponas ainl LVvnri Facias, to me di recert, i-sad .oo ot tlie Court oi Corurann P(esk3 cf Columbia county, will be expos-d io1 public sale, at t'.e Co ml lloae, in BloonisbMrg,"pa., pn (. . aVupday April 30ih 1 gOl, at 2 o'clock, P. M , ol said day, ihe foitow- ih,g Ppperty, to wit : . ... Ttie "undivided 'i'hird purl of all that 'eer iain4raciof land, situate in Mnji'our trp f Columbia ronutv, coniainina TWO HUN DRED K I) SIXTY FOUR ACRES and one hutulred, and thirty - perrhes. strict measure, Loundecrand decfi'bed as follows to wit: Ailjoiniiiii laridi of Johii'R!chadi lands othe heiri ti P-?ier Aipleman, dee'd, land 61 .the heirs of Caleb Barton, cec'd, lan!s of BloombnrgR.'R. Iron fiompauy, Henry Giggerj.snd other-; whereon are erected a iw story - 'ZJF'K19- Dwelling House Pfyf! A iarse Bank Barn, wgon ' lL."-J hen'-e. corn crib, work shop, aud other out buildni's; about one hmidrt-d and seveltty five acre cf vvnic.h are cleard laod. . - . ' . ALSO,. . ,., . -; .. The cnd'tvirled one third part of a certain lot of "round, situate in Montour township Cr.lua:Ma cour.ly, a'fjoinin lanJs of John Richards a lot of the widow.' LewiB," tt; main Road leading- Ircm Danville to Bloomi-Ours and the first described .tract, ccntainirig Fourteen and one fourth porch es of land, all of which i? improred. " Seized, taken In execution and to. be sol J as th prCiieity of Leonard B. Rupeft." ', - ALSO, it A certain lot of "rouod situate . in 'fJel.t Street, ' Srott t'owu-hip. Colnrntiia eouniv. bounoeu as ictiown, ia wn : Uti tr.e wel by Main Sneet, or t e north by "an Alley, on, trie ea.-lby an A (ley, and on the sout1) by, lot" of Jacob Bombay, loniaiuiiig one fourih of an Acre, v;h-rton are rrcted lai-e two story frame DWELLING HDoSli wiili a S'ore Koom attached, anc lo lame ' Stables, wish ihe appurtenances,. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of lobn Wardiu. , . A LSO, . All ihoe two'I)V'ELLlNG HOUSES of i o stori-is, &., bemn thirty two fet in Froi.t and twenty ei-ht feet Deep, sitni( on the road leadtrit irom the Columbia Coal and'irnn Company's foil bed, near to :id cotil brd,in the Said county ot Colom bia Seized, taken in pxecution and to b i -old as j he property of J V. CrivvelI, own er, e:;iI Ct.r'tKtiaii Shuman, cynlrac'o, with notice to Thomas Luwion, Alex. iVitchey, et al , terr.e tenants. , " .' JCSIAH II. FUR MAN, Sheriff. . . Bloomsbtirg, April 13, lb6l. - - i - Jrcic Stock of- Clot king IBISSIII'XII'-n 2P ' Sprth and Sntiit:cr.Good. N Vl l'ES at ention to his stock of cheap an.1 fasbftonable,Clothin- at hii SiOre, oc MJiJX A TltEETy 11 L O OMSBURO, two doors above' the Ji'mttican IJoute, where he ha-'juH received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment ot irScn and Xloy'a Clothing includiu the Tiol fa? hiniiabie, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consist ing'of lioztb'ack, Frock, Gum 'arid' Oil Cloth Coals, and Pants, of all sr'ris, izes, anJ'colors. He also ha teplmii-hed his already larue stock of Fall and Winter Shawl; striped, 'filiated and plain Vests shirts craVts, stocks collars-, handkerchiefs glove-", suspenders and fancy ar'icle. N B lie has constantly on hand a laree and well -elected asi-orimerit of Cloths arid Vef:ii'iSt wliicti he i .ri.sreJ to make op to order, into ay kind ot clothing on very short tiotice .aitu .in the bei of mannyr. . All his clothing is made to wear and most of it i oi home ni-nu(aciure. AND Ol every D'eWript'on, Fine and Cheap. Hi-Ca-e of Jewelry inot t-urpas-ed in this place. Call, an I examine his general as orifrC!il ol Clothina, Watches, Jewelry, &c. LAV I U l,UtVt.ii.htj. . P.!r.om-bnrg, Apr l 20. IP64. A I) 1 1 X 1 ST U A T 0 R'S NOTICE. E$ta'e t-JJamet li. G-J-svn. cf G'teuwaod irp., Columbia Ccuri'.v, dee'd. JJOTICE i- hert-ty iirrn thai letters of Aiimin'.mt.'oi. on ihe -Mate of Jamss B. Gib-on, cl Gree::wcod lawnihip, Colum bia county, dee'ed, hAve betn granted ly ihe Reui-ter cf aid cciuriy, to Abiahim Yoti'nz, E-q.t re-iding i. oemon towrr-hij, and county aforeavl. All persons having claims anainU the estate of thv decedent are fiqnested to pre-ent them for settle men:, .ml th05 indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. .ABRAHAM YOUNG, Adrar. Ber.ton twp.. Apul 13, JP61. S2. Auditor s IVoticc; THE nndersipned Auditor, app'om'.ed by the Orphan' Court of Columbia County, t" make di-iribiition Rrronct the Ji?n credi tor oT Joseph R. pax'on, of the i-ioni-M r-iif-ed by the sale of the f?l est; of Joseph Paxton decM., and paid' iuto Court, hereby give? notice that he will attend tb the duties of his appointment, Rt his offic in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the 23d day of April next, at 10 o'clock A.M., when ar.d where all perens interested may at tend if ihey think proper. ROBERT F. CLARK, Aoisr. F-b. 25, 186441. O WALLOW two or three bosnheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitiers,'' "Sarsapar illa," "Nervous Antidotes," Sic, Sic, and after you ar fH'.'efied with the resul:, tneri try one box of OLD DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and be re stored to health and vigor in less than thir ty days. They are purely vegetable pleaant to take, prompt and salutary in iheir eflects on the broken down and shat tered constitution. Old and ybunj can take them with advantage. I .t parted and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. P. S. A box tent to any address o! receipt of pricewhich is One Dollar pott fite. March 16. 18643m. USE NO OTHER BUCHAN'S SPECIF. IC PI LIS are (he only Rsiiable Reme dy for ail Diseases of the Seminal, Urina ry and Nervous Systems. 7ry one box; and be cured. O'.NE DOLLAR A BOX. One box will perfci a cuis. or money re- frjtr.dad bSnt by mail on receipt o; once. JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. March 16. 1864 3rrf.' BLANKS I BLANKS ! BLAIV&S.II DEEDS, STMMONS, EXZCU1 IONS, SUBTOZNAb, of proper & desirableforms,fosals) st the otfee oftbe"Stsf ofthe NtfriU." - '