The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 13, 1864, Image 4

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    4 V . fi
p'ire aal powerful Tonic, com ve
and a'lerrtative of wonderml efficacy in
disease ol iha STOMACH, LIVER AND
BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver com.
plaint, Headache,' General Debility. Ner
vousness. Dj,iresioti of Spirits, Constipa
tioi, Co ic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramp,
aid Sjasms. and all complaint' of either
Sex. arising: from Bodily Weakness
whether in'ierent in the system or prodoc-
1 by p-jeial cause.
and reatorati ve '. in in ntur enter into
Ibe composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM
ACH BITTERS. Tnia popular preparation
cmtaind 00 mineral of any kind, no deadly
botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but
it is a combination of the extracts of rare
baUJ-nic herbs-and plants with ihe purest
anl aitlJt of a t diffusive stimulants.
It is well to be forearmed agint disease
an J, sj tar as the human system can be
totxicied by human means against mala
xes engendered by an unwholesome at
Wophertr, impure water and other external
causa, H oste.ur'.s Bitters may be relief
Oil a safeguard. -
la district incited with Fever and Ague,
it has been found infallible a a preventive
aad jrresi-iiola as a remedy and thousands
wh resort l it under ap,i9henston of an
atlcW, escape Hie scourge; and thousands
who neglect to avail themselves of its pro.
leciive qualities ir. a.ivane e, are cured by
a very brief course of this marvelous medi.
cine. Feter and Ague patients, after be-in-'
pl ed with qainioe for montris in vain,
cntil Uwly saturated with that dangerous
a!ilai I, are no onfreqoer.ijy Restored to
b')4i.t wi'hin a few days by the se of
HJ-tetttti's Bitter.
The weak stomach is rap'uUy in vigoreted
and lh appetite restored by this ireeabte
Tjaic, st-td b?nce it works wonders in ca
of Dy?pe,i. and in less confirme'
far ns of Indigestion. Acting a9 a gentle
aril piinless appertent, a well as upon
tie liver it also iuvariably relievjes the
Cntipati n operindueed by ine'ular
ae"j;i ol the diges.ive 2nd secretive or
gain. Person of Itnbil. liable to Nervous
Jllack. Lunsisof Spin? and Filt of Lon
gitir, ti:i I prmnpt and permaeunt relie!
Ifrtil tha Bilteis. . The Tentimnny on this
point ts most conclusive, and from botlt
1 The anny oT Bilioa Colic is immeiii
atrflv assuaged by a l'inle dose of the
PtimnUnt and by occasionally resoning to
it, ih return of the complaint may be pre
A a Gonnral Tonic, Hnvetter's B'ntera
prluce eilicis shicli rriust be experienced
or witnessed before they can be full ap
praoiated. In ca--of Coiiftiiutional Weak,
ties, r.d PreatJ'.ure Decay and Debility
and Deerepitnde an'? itig Irom Old Age, it!Mes the electric i'tfluence. In the
C30.tecent stage of ali diseases it oper
ates 1 a delightful inviorant. When the
powers ol nature are relaxed, it operates to
la enforce and r-et jblh them.
" Li, boi not Jeast, it the The Only
S ife Stmul-n, beiii manufactured from
vaund and iniocuou materials, ' and en
tire'y frelrii ih acid elements present
Hi3r or le iri ail th ordinary ionics and
ttn nachic- o! tho day.
No Umily medii-ine habeen po oniver
aaMy, and, it my be truly a ided, deserv
edly popular with th imelliiient portion ol
the community, a Ho-tpMer' Bmef!.
Prepared by HOSTETTER at SMITH,
Pitisbursih, P..
Sold by all Druaists, Grocers and Store
keeper everywhere.
Dec. 9, 1863. ly.'
I RE AT Trunk line from the Nor:h and
North-west for Ptulatfelphia, New-
York, Reading. Poltsviile.Lebaiiou, Allen
town, Easton, &c, &c.
Trains leave Hairisburg for Philadelphia
New York, Reading, Pottsvtlie. and ail in
termediate Sta.ions, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. m
New York Express leaves Harriburg at
S. 00a. m. arriving at New Yorka't 10 15; Ihe
game murniug.
FareJ Irom . Harrisbnrg : to New York
S5 15 ; to Pniladelphia S3.35 and 82,80.
JJazgage checked th'ough.
Returning leave New York at 0 A. M. 12
Naon. and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Expre-s.
arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave
Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M.
Sleeping curs in the New York Exprets
Trains, through ,to and. from Pittsburgh
without change.
"Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road
leave Tamaqua at 8. 50 A. M and 2. 15 P.
M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all
Way Points.
Trainsleavc Pottsville at 9. 15 A. M. and
2. 30 P.M.. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg
and New York.
An accomodation Pasenger train leaves
Re-ding at 6. So A. M- und returns Irom
PniUdelphia at 4. 5s0 P. M.
- "Ailthethe above tialns run daily,
Sundays excepted.
A Sunday train leaves PotisuIe at 7.30
A.M. and Philadelphia al 3.i5 P. M.
Commutation, Mileage, Seaon, and Ex
cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and
Irom ail poiuts.
General Superinteudant.'
" November 16, 1863.
' OJfice over the Wyoming Bank, I
. Will insure again? Soss or damage
fey Fira on property in town or country, al
riasontile erms. - . '
DIRECTOR?. G. M Hoilenback, John
K-iiohard," Semite! Wadham, D E Snoe
in iker, Daniel i. Drtesbicn, R. C. Smith
R. D. L icne, G. P. Steele W. W." Ketcham
Ca'rle Djrrance, -W. S. Ross, George M-
1UrdG! M- HOrLENBACH. Pres't.
r.-C. SMITH, Secretary,
Y7. GvSTERLING, Treasurer.
Beaca IIaea,"Pa.
Zzzzz&ti23l 1SS3. ly.
1 r Jli'MSBUB-" ' '
f - n 1 nurnn ttr inn t -.
.-.S15IOife 8ISIVE, .
r ESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention of
-the Public to his extensive assortment
11I Cabinet Frmiture and C it A 1 R S.fft
which be will warrant made of good
material and in workmanlike man. '
ter. Al lii t al 1 1 U men t ran always be
lonnd a good assortment of fashionable
fnrniiure, which is equal in s.i y I e kud fin
ish to that ol Philadelphia 01 N York cities
and at as low pricf-.s. He has on hand
H.uf I j d style and
prices, from S25 toS60. Divans Lounaef,
Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
tlo"cki:g and eay chairs, Piano Htnoln,and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress-
i n tr and narloi bureaus, sofa. card.
centre aad nier table?, detashn.
cneueniers.wnainois ami corrodes. --. .
ind al! kind of fashionable work. His
Mock of buiraus, enclosed and common
wasHbtandsiress-tatles, corner pepboards,
bedteadf,cane seat and common chairs is
the largest in this section ol the county.
' He will also keep a good assortment ol
looking glasses with fancy gilt and com
mon frames. He will also furnish spring
'iiai'rasses fitted to any sized bedstead,
w hich are superior (or durability aad com
fort to any bed in use.
BloomsburjEr, Nov. 4, 1SG3.
soi,iiEi:sift this aiijiy
And Our Pcsplc at Home
Are now offered an opportunity by which
thv car; obtain a
Our IVbkhes are
YEAR, and the buy er ss allowed the Priv
ilege of Examination beiore Payment is
A fir I rlaCS TIiimIiikt Tima.Pi'aA e f Cll
ver material, over which is electro line!
plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought.
ittfll' inir iftA imtl'jitnn cn litlrlocd iKn It
wrouu hf I
.,n,ni"h- .t-to,.,,.t f,m ,i..i"'
v.uti"wi w u vivo iii'iii hip runu CI' C; I
a-.;J.,.i . ..: j
afTect it. London made movement. Irn-
proved Duplex ir. Full Ruby -Action, has
sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled
in general appearance. This is decidedly
one of the best artrcles ever offered for ira-
ders and spec.daiors. Ergineers, emigrants
and persons l.vellin. will find them sape-
rior .0 any other ; altera.ien ofc-limaw will
not affect their accuracy. Price, packed
in good shape and good running o-Jer only
S35, or c&se of 6 for S200. -
cHvr,, nnrrrP Tnif, unvTtvr.
- . ,. e ,
Best Quality Silver Caes, over which
electro-fine p.rl is k. geld, simiUr to
onr Improved Duplex and superior adjust-
ed movements with -Stop " in te u-ed in
limits horses, etc., has Fo.:r Indexes for
Washington and Greewich time, sweep
second, and Pit the improvement-. All in
all, taking its beau;ilul and Fauliles ap.
pearance und its Superwr Movement inio
consa.erai.on. we regard it as decidedly
the article ol the kind in r,e mar-
net. 1 " iood run;:ia3 order.. 534, j
or case of 6 for 5,00.
r l -,?.,nf fP' in,aJ"nc3' ' Wl"
forwad either cf thern to recponstb e par-
r .. . ,e .
,es, sonny part of .he loval S.a-es, w,:h
L fffili: rea"when'-tfSOods
are delivered, giving rhe buyer the privil-
ege nf examination, and, if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at our expense.
The express companies reluse n.nkir.g
collection on soldier and other parties in
ii.edi8io)l States, ccnseqt.emiy uA such
orders must be nccorrpan.ed by the oa.i ,
to .n.ure a.'eot.on. e ma.e a de.tnct.OM
pavuieiit i farvva nled in a.tface
Money may be sent by express at oa
93 and 95 Broad St., opposite Cit Biik,
Providence, R. I.
Oct. 21 18fi3.
The Great
Since i's organization, has created a new
era in the hisior oi
Wbolesaliiij 1 p?i Iu :hlr Country.
They have imrndece I ths'tr seicons of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CESTS ( 02 Cents) per potwd
above Cos',
Never tleviating from the ONE PRICE
A nother peculiarity of the Company i
that their Tea Taster nol only devotes
his time to the selection of their TEAS a
to quality, value, and particular stales for
particular localities of country, but he
helps the TEA buyer lo choose out of their
enormous stock Buch TEAS as are best
adapted to his particular wants, and not on
ly this, but points out to him the best bar
gains. It is easy to see Ihe incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer Las in this establishment
over all others.
If he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market,
tf his time is valuable, he has all the bene
fits of a well organized systatn of doing
business, of an immense capital, of the
judgement ol a Professional Tea Taier,
and the knowledge of super O' salesmen.
This enables all Tga buyer no matter
if they are thousands of miles from this
market to purchase on as good terms here
as the New York-Merchants.'
Parties can order Teas will be served by
os as well as though they came themselves
being sore lo get original packages, tme
weigh'satid tares; and the TEAS are icttr-
A. "A
runh'ed as represented.
We issue a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will btj 6enl to ali who order
i : comprising
Hyson, Yon ii I3y-on, Impe
rial Guiipodcr, TwanLay
and Skin.
JAPAN TEA of every description, col
oreil and uttcolored.
This list has Rcil kind oITea divided into
FOUR Clafses, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINES r.ttiat every one may un
deramd from description and the prices
annexed that ihe Compa:i are determined
to' undersell the whole Tr. trade.
We gnamtee to sell ALL our Teas 81 not
over TWO CENTSC02 Cents) per pound
above cost, bu lie vug this, to be attractive
to the many who havo heretofore been
payins Enosmods PsoriTs.
No. 51 Vesey Street, New. York. .'-
Sepu 9, 1S63 3 oi OS.
jbmpound Fluid Extract Bachu, posi
live aDd Specific Remedy for dieae
of.the Bladder, Kidiiej8,Gravel, and" Drop
sical Swellings.
This Medu-ina increases the power of
Digegtion, and excite the Abiorbents into
healthy action, by which the Waterv cr
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargement are reduced, as well as Pain
hiuI Iflanimation.
nui..tinoLt s rxntACT nuciiir.
For Weaknes?ei unking Irom excese,
Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion
ol abuse,bttendt:d with the lollowing symp
toms :
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Di
eae, Wakef ulne-8, Dimness of Vision, Pa in
in the Back, Ui.iversal Lassitude of the
Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of
the liody, L'rynesn ol the Skin, Lruplioii
on the Face, Pallid Countenance.
Tliese sympioins if allowed 10 go on,
which this medicine tiivaiiatdv remove
soon follows, IM POTENCY, FATUITY,'
EPILEPTIC FITS, iu oi.e of which the
VPatient may expire.
Who can say thai they are,not frequently
! followed bv those "Direlul Diseases."
Many are aaie ol the catu of their sul
fering, but none will confess the Records
of the Insame Asylums.
And melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion bear ample witness to me irntli ol the.
a"eMion. The Constitution once effected
with Organic Weakne-t requires the aid of
Medicine to Strengthen ai.d In viiorae tte
HL'CHU invariably does. Atrial wtllcou
vince the most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar 10 Females
the Extract buchu 1 unequaled by any
other-remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention,
Irregularity, Painfulness, or Sniui'ssion
of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or
Scirrhous stale of tne Uterus, Leuchorrhoea
or Whites, S erilily, and lor all complaints
inc'deiit 10 the sex, whetner ari-m from
indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in
the Decline or Change ol Lite.
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un
pleasant Medicines lor unpleasant and
dangerous: Uiseae.
HELM FOLD'S Ex-mot Borho and I.n-
f7?e," iofe ' rur" ,
r,"ct,' 11 -i .Mm?
peiie, iiitie or no ciiauge in uiet, to
Inconvenience, And no exposure.
r 1 1
It caure a frequent desire and gives
strength to Urniate, thereby removing ob-
rif ,0" P'ee:itii.3 ar.d Mr..-inre
of the Urethra, a;.a .og Pain and Inilam-
rnat.on, so frequent in the cla of disease,,
a,,d 'Pe,l,nS a!1 poisoi-on., diseased and
woni out matter.
. Inousands upon Thousands wh.i have
bse' ,the v,ci;m v Qks a,,,J who h,ave
''. bavJ ies o be crrd .n a short
'', Lave found they were received, and
'pesor," a. by ,he tie of -po-
erhl1 astringents," been dried up in the
lem, to break oui m an aggravated lorm,
and perhaps after Marriage.
u. Helmbold's Extract Buchu lor all
aoriclicn3 and diseases of tna Urinaxv Or-
wt,eth.?r in Male of Fe.T.aie,
from w h:itever Cause originating and no
md,r f huw long s.andmg.
Disc ases of these Organ requires the aid
pf a piuretic lieimbotd Kxtrct B ichu i
,fe Great Di'iire-ic. and is ceMain :o hae
;he jehjrri etTct in all d.sea.-e f,.r which
j, is ,e, om.i.en.led. Kidr::i:a uf iLe
re;ittj;e ailJ re,,.o.isibIj cha.acter wili uo-
fon,.,anv ,he me'dic.i.e.
ZViM S1.00 a yVcZe, rWiror S3.00.
Delivered to any addres. secntclv packed
, w.- . . n'.;t
from Descriht symptoms in
,j, co;lirncr,iCBlioag. Cure, guata'.teed !-
. AJJ jeaerforinforma-
' (0
lon f n. riELMDl,n, ChfmM.
Wi Sonth ,0;h M j bei Chestnut, PI.i!a.
HKLM HOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELMBOLD S ltri,a & Cnem'l Warehonse,
59 jjroat,ca. JVCW y0,L
Beware of counterleits and un.
w .,ltT who ,.,.,, , t)l!.ro,0 "ot
f their on" aid 'mher" articles oa
reptttHttou altao ed y
Helmhoid's Genuine Preparations,
do Extract B-ichu,
HeUnbrld's Genuine Extract Sar-a pari!!.!,
do do Improved Rose Wash.
PSSnll by ali Droggi-ts everywhere
Ask for Helmbohi's. Take no other. Cut
out the Advenisemer.t and -end for it, anil
avoid imposition and exposure.
Dei-emSer 9. l8oVIV.
Piagic Time Cbscners.
Being a Hunting or (Jprn Face or La
dy 3 or Gentleman s It'ach Combin
id. with Patent Self-Winding Im.
prnvemtnl. a most Piensing Novelty. of the prettiest, mol convenient,
and decidedly tt e b-i and cheapest time
piece for ger.eral and reliable use everoCe
red. 1: has within it and connected with its
machinery, its own tvinding attachment
rendering a kv entirely uni.ece.-sa v. The
cases .f this Watch are cdmposed of two
metals, ihe ouier on being fine 16 carat
gold. I; has the improved ruby action le
er movement, and warranted an accurate
time-piece. Price, superbly engraved, per
case ot half dozen, Syl. Sample Watches,
in neat morocco boxes. S35.
First Class Hunting Time-pieces lor accu
racy of ruovemert, beauty of material,
and, above all, cheapness in pr e-?, mse
watches rauet insure universal approba
tion. An imitation so .faultless that it can
hardly be detected by ihe most experien
ced judges. The material being ot two
inetais, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while the innet one is German Sil
ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting ot
Heavy er.gruving, making it, iot only tr.
appearante, but in durability, the best re
semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist
ence. The sale of thess Watches in the army
i8 a source ol enormous profit, letailiug. as
they very readily do. at 523 and upwards.
Many hundred dollars can be made in a
single pay day by any one of ordinary
business tact.
hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white
enamel dial, and cut hands, in good
running order, by ihe hail dozen, 66. Sold
only by by the case of six !
UpO'j receipt of two dollars, as guarantee
of gootl faith, we will send watches by ex
press to any part ot the lojal States, col
lecting balance of bill on delivery. This
ensure buyers against fraud, giving them
their watches belo'e pajment is required.
Send or fers to the sole importer.
GAIUS WH EATON, No. 12 Jeweler's
F.charige. Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway
Nnv York .
. Dec. 9, l863'3m.
t'r 123.
Gcnc'l Com'sioxi Jlcrchant.
Bioomsburg, Columbia county Pa.
Particular attention given to Patent lights.
Sept. 2, 1863. 3tnos-
The cheapest nnd best New York New
paper. Utily one dollar per aiiunm. Eiohs
pages forty columns. A complete record
of events. Benjamin Wood, editor arut u-r.
prieior, Published at No. 19 Cttv Hall
Squate, Daily News Buildiog, Ne.v York
unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a
public oumnl. and in
is moM eflicieiiily Conducted, so as to form
a weekly record f events puiiiicnl, cont
niercial, financial ani literary, throgliout
tne World. In addition to this it contains
all the Domeunc Jntelligenre of each week
and full repoits'ol every n.auer of public
As a pclitical Journal The Weekly News
vyill he found on the side of ttia Couciitn
tion ol the com try a it was fratned and
established by the Fibers ol the Republic,
and will scun w iih care and fidehty eserj
public act that may lend to th v ioa;ion of
ihe letlernd spirit of that inclrument of
our liberties, li prefers the
to a ruinous and exhausting system nf War.
IiipiMiti upon the irntli ol the principle
embodied in the ' Declaration of Indepfa
deuce, thai the just powers of ihe Govern
ment are derived f rom iho ccnse.U of Ht
governed, ii urj'.e the preservation of the
limdaiiienial principle. of iiier:y, inviolate
a- of more s-aered mpotlance Hun iMi;orml
gramlenr or consolic'altd power under lies
potic rule without the pale of esubli-hed
law. On all que-iions of national impor
tance it is the Inflexible chamoion ot ih..
rigttts of citizens, as guaranteed under the
instruments by which they havedecided to
he governed, it tnerefore boldiy avows iin
purjiose iu sustain tne Freedom of Speech
and oi ihe Press, with the view to protect
ihe people from the encroaching dogmas ol
theorists who conlempelate a moditicatioii
of the democraiic principles which to" this
time have been sustained against every ef
fort to overthrow thern. In all matters pPf
tuining to Government the purpose of tins
newspaper isio protect the people from in
considerate nr.d rasli legtslanoi, ami to
hold our public to a strict jtccount
abiliiy for their conduct while carrying ou
the machinery of power. To this end' tm
most careful attention will be "iven to .Mi
Federal and Leiilaiive liwit, and a lirm
and impartial e.xaminautioii of every new
yolnical proposition may be expected a
the only means of protecting the people
from an abridgement of their rights.
are given in the most succinct yet complete
manner. They claim particular notice
for their fidelity and truth, and &II tho-e
who desire to comprehend ihe exact finan
cial condition of the couetry rdmuM not
fail to examir e ihfl views which will le
Joutm in this department of the journal.
will be found especially interesting and in
striicii. and being derived from a,ome of
tne bidest mmds in Lnrnpe must t e read
witli the inmost avidity bv those who dpire
ta carnprehend ihit diplomacy of the Gov- '
errmetns of the Old Wo-ld.
In other respects THE WEEkLY
NEW S witj be found to meei iiie public Ce- I
rnand. It is the e nccii.1 o' ip,M ,t ih-
prieior tc retider ii u vaiuutie atiJ euler
pure in its moral ir,flupnce, ennobling in
us character, and sati-iactor yt thrt fitye
class in ihe community w ho desire to see
l-.r. t , irs. a. I public ttue-t'.o.i- '
with argument axpressed in cour:ery ai.d !
candor, thought, a: the rame lime, -.villi trie i
spirit d-ie to the themes diecsed.' i
By refer.M.ce M the terms of Tne New
York Wt ek!y News it will be noticed that
il is by tar the cheapest new spaper in the
world, and the Proprietor feels that he may
inv ite those who approve of its principles
and co u! jel lo use their influence iu adding
to its yreaetit large circulation.
Eight P2e Forty Columns
For One Year One Dollar
Eleven Copies to cne Address for On
mgl copies Three Cents
A first cla-J Meiropolitan Joiirn ,1 tUvoted
to t eace ami Uontim;ii,a l.iertv. it' d
cniiiainii.g ail ihe neivs of the d..y, Ptiltti-
at, lelegraphic.l, Commercr! and Local1
is the cueape-l daily paner iti the metro:o- 1
One Copy, One Ye;.r Six Dollar?.
One Cotn- Six Mouths Thr-c Dotlars.
Single Copies . Tow Cm'.
and Pruprie.or, No. Ji City flail Square,
New York.
IVorlh Ccistrnl RaiUvay.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from thft
North at d West Branch cf ttie
tta. Elmira, and a! of Ncrhirfi New York.
On and after Mondav, Acril 20th, If G3,
ihe Passenger Trains of the North Central
Railway will arrive and depart from Sun
bury, Harrisburg und Raliimore, as follows:
Mail Train leaves Sutibury daily
except Sundays, at 10.10 a m.
Leaves Hat ris'jurg, ' 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 "
Express-Train leaves Sunbcry daily
except Sutttiajs, at
1 1 07 p.m.
.eae 11 arriso rg. except iunnuay i.VO a.m.
Arrives ai Rdhimore daily except
Monday, at 6.15 a.m.
Acconunodation leaves Ilarrtsb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Raltimore daily
except Sundays, at , 9.15 a m.
Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p rn.
Expiess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrives al Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Mouday,3.00 14
Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 "
For further particulars apply at the office.
Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863.
.4 Monthly J.iumal, devoted to the Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed to unmasK
the Usurpation, Desptistu and crimes of
And to defend the doctrines of State Rights,
attd of Constitutional Liberty, as held by
nnr Revolutionary Fathers.
Published by C; CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co, sau street, New York.
PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For
warded by rr.ail or expr-ss to all parts of
ihe United States nt SI a yar, i:i advance.
Any person sending ten - subscribe will
receive an additional copy for one
Aug. 26, 1863. ...
..... ' . t,
Genu Balmoral Lce Boon, will ,b,;60ld
vtv low. Also, Boys Shoes, nt
r 11 - .
THIS Journal, wtucti is now in the si.t)
second year ol its existence, is a thorough
going., independent and learless advocate
ol genuine practical democracy. It main
tains the equal right of all men tojostice
.in it freedom; it earnestly approves the war
for the Union; it holds up the hands ol our
I brave soldiers in the field; and it opposes
treason in all shape, w heiher open, as at
the Sou'h, or covert or sneaking, as at the
nor h. At the same time it is the enemy
of atl undue exercise of power, or ail kinds
of political jobbery and coricptton, and
insists upon economy in expenditures, an(
a strict adherence to the constitution.
Throughout the war it has iidvocuted iht
the most v gorous proseec-linn. ot it, but as
the War draws to a close political qut s'ions
lake the ascendent. A more stupendous,
difficult and interesting problem was nev
er pre-ented tu any people, than Uat ol
the restitution oi the revolting states to
iheir allegiance. It will require all the
nates-tnan-iiip and wisdom ol tne na'ion
to biitii; it to a Falislactorv folu'ion. ' On
that point the ''Evening Post" will take
definite grounds, and endemor to I ring
about a condition of universal freedom
and teal democrat y. Pi'edged to no par
tvi and looking only to he interest of tt;e
whole country, it will use whatever e.iergj
and in flue nee in the defence of the gret.t
principles of human right and htirnun ele
vation which lie ul the foundation ol our
iiist, unions.
It aims chiefly, however, at being a giod
newspaper. In its columns will bj found
a complete History of the" war, all impor
tant political or State Documents eiuire.
Proceedings ol LegUIaiive bodies, Surr.
niaries of European Intelligence, and news
from all parts ot ihe world, accurate reports
of financial and commercial matters, imst
worthy Correspondence, arid a carefully
selected Liierury Miscellany, comprising
Poetry, Review of now Works, with lit.
erary extracts. Tales gossip and anecdote;
ihe whole forming an excellent variety
in which every reader will discover bome
ihiug ii his tas'e.
Ttrm Daily Evening Post.
One copy ) yr. oelivVd b Carrier, SI I 00
One copy I ear sent by mail, 10,00
One copy i month, 1,C0
AVfiu- rtk:y Lcemnq Post.
Published Every Tuesday und Friday.
One copy one year, t'i 00
Tw o copies one car, 5 PO
Five copies one year, 12 00
Ten copies one year. 22 00
A copy of the weekly one year, or of l!:e
Semi-Weekly for six months, will be sent
;o any petr.ti who setio's us a club ol ten
Semi Weekly.
U'vtkhj Evening . Pe st
Ispubli-t.ed every Wedne-day. When
addressed wiih eacd subscriber's name :
One copy cne year, $2 fifi
Three copies one yeat, 5 P0
Five copies one year, "8 CO
Ten copies one year, 15 00
And a:t extra coov to the setter UP of each
clu of ten.
When a Club is srnt lo one Jlddtecs.
In order to enroii'age ttie forniaiion of
clu'.is in place where only single copies
are now Uke", we have decided to otlt-r
me foil iwing inducements:
4 copie one jcar to one adJres, 5 01
7 do no 10 CO
16 do do do 20 i-i
2o do do do 25 J
An extra copy tf the Week'y wrl be
sent for each Club of twenty a: tli.o rate.
Cietgymen are supplied by rr;ail at the
fallowing rate-: Duly, fit per annum:
S.r.i weekly, 62 2i: Weekly. SI 50.
Money rjay be lorwarded by mad at our
rSpecimpp. Copies will be ftee lo
all who desire it.
Olhoe of the F.veoing Post,
41 Nasa.i St.. cor. of Liberiy. N. Y.
Noven. tier 25, 1F.62.
Tiie .iagazim: ron tih: timcs:
! "P5ETERSON S MAGAZINE, the hei ar.d
i "cheapest in the Woihl fur ladies. Tins
! popular moiii'd) M-igtzee wit! te great:)
j unproved f.r 1864. Ii will eooiani one
; Thousand P.igs of iveading! Fourleeii
i S; lendnl Steel Pines! T.velve Colored
Pattern-! N.lte H'Jiid'e I
! U'uoii Cut-!
Twenty Four Paget uf Mu-
A I Alt 1. i tv i i I .fil'eii itr Tu'u
Dollar- si yer, or a dollar less than l.ig.t-ziut-s
of the claof " Pere'son." It-
ling Trtles acd Nive!."'es are ihe be-t pub-
li-iitr.l tmywlieie All :Iih most prputn:
wrrets aie en. j loved t'l write onginaily I
l"r "IV eraoit Li lsril. ii; a.niitioii -'lit!
usual quantity of short soris Konr On.'i
Hal Cop) ugh! Novelet, w ill be given .
A.... st :-,,-,!. e-s P.!!.-! l:n,!nif.i f-"t:.i.L- I
l!....e.!iel '.n. I lit. Aiil'.f.. r.i -'ii... S,,....l
Lne.: li also pi.b. ishes
T?tt tilinip l1ttsi I r f All flj.t-rm
' nr.vm
, A Uill.'MI-' .i.ll. fj .1(1 ..If'J.
Ertch number, in a;l;t it ton lo tne coloreil j
ates, rivt-s Siriitiets, Clouks atnl Dius-cs,
engrave.l on wnttu. .l-;i a pnern, Irntn
which a Dress, Mam,!!;,, 'or Child' Dres.
ran be cut out, without the ?id of a mai tua
maker ALSO, several i agesof Household
ar.J other i-cetj.ts.
; m the uest i.auy s Magazine in the
, , . ....
World 7'ry it for one Year Ttrma,
Jllway at Advance.
Oi.e Copy, one y ear, S 2 00
Three copies, for one year, 5 Ou
Five copies, lor one year, 7 CO
Eight copies, one year, 1(1 CO
Premivms for Getting up Clubs:
Three, Five or eight co; iss make a club.
To every "person getting up a club, at the
a'mve rates, a copy of ihe Magaziue lor
lH6i will be iiiven gratis.
Address, posi paij,
306 Chestnut St., Phila.
Nnemhcr IS. iSfiJ . j
lTeathri latheTT: I
3H E undersized would announce, that
- he ha on hand, at his Hal aud Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg an
assoitmetil of ditlerenl kind of leaiher.snch
as fine calf skins, morocco, (red ai d black
and iinitigs, ad ot which he willseil cheap
er than can be ha:', elesewhere in this m..r
ket. Call and examine them lor oin-e!es.
Bioomsbnrg. May 2i. 162.
rbyician act! Ssirgeo:?,
JTAVING located fiermanenily on Main
i& Street, CLOOMSUURG, Pa., would in
form ihe public generally, that he is pre
pared lo uitend to al! bu-niess latthfully and
putuinaliy lital may be intrusted to his care,
ou terms commensurate vc it h ihe limes.
UtT He paws strict atteuliou to Surgery
as well us Medicine.
November 25, lfc63 ly.
Skv-fiicht Ambrotypi&t,
ROOMS hi the Third Story ot me Ex-chang-e
Block, (entrance above the
Book Store,) Bioomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, Pa. '
Bloomsburg, Nov.23, 1859 ly.
fIcam s I.i(cr:uy
fl 71 levant Moral atn! Ilefinnl Mis
trt'auroiis I'ninVt J.iurml.
Aid a w elrome v isifr ;.) ,! home cir
cle. It l ontai'is t he loreign and domestic
news of the day, ami presents gicaiel
amount of intelligence,
Is prifned on fine white paper, with new
and beautiful type, anil is a large weekly,
pappr of sixteen ceta vy page's.
An unrivalled corps of contributors are
tinder regular engagement, and every de-
I iirtu enl is placed 011 tiie most hr iheil
and peilect svstetTt '.hat experience can devise.-
Each number will Le beautifully il
lustrated. TERMS. $2 CO per annTjm. Invariably
in advance.
For sale at all Periodical Depots in the
United S'ales.
Published every Saturday, corner nf Tre
nton! and B'Oiiitield btiects. Bo-ton. Mas
sachusetts, by F. GLEASON.
Nov. 11, i-63.
THE subset d er v cuid tesf ei lluily sp
prise his Iriettil- und the public getter
ally, that he has e-Mhltiied ttio
in Jerseylown, Co'u n.t ia county. Pa. The
atove house has lately teen lefitled and
undergone a thorough repairing by Hie p;o
prirtor. lie is fi lly prepare f to entertain
tiie travelling custom :s well as ih local
with general cfclislaction, His TABLE and
liARjtiie well supplied am.5 wid e cart-fully-
supeiiuteiided. A ud tits STA BLE is ani
ply and well stocked, iu'cltarge of careful
grooms, will always be properly attended.
Car He ittvnes a share ol the publiccu
tom, and pledges his best 'efforts, to help
his guests feel at heme.
Jerseylown. Jan R, ISG2.
.lG-lTGrHi H0L3L3
BH.OO)hi:l'RG IM
r PHIS et.t Hotel, sima.e . it.e
L central portion of the low,., ,n, op.
posite the Court House, h is beer, ihoronM.
repaired and teiomished, and the Proprietor
is now prepared to accommodate travelers
leumuls, drovers and hoarders i the 2
nlMOALnrf D.r.nhl. n,u,,r 1 1:.
1 - . t i-i.'ir
will be supplied with the test the market
atTord,'and his Bar with ihe choicest litpiors
... .. .1 ..ii
't "te
AtiPtilise ostlers will always Le cn h-.irwl
and his stabling i lite most extensive in '
this section of country. Omnihuses wil '
aiways be in readitiesw 10 convey passen
gers to and from llie Railr;ol f)epr.i.
Bloom-burg, July t. ISG0.
1 iCjt3Cj Ks 4 TTrTYrnE? r 1
----- - .
X UUt.-tlt' ailll Lel.Ul.
rrH E subsi riher w ould announce to the
vr -
A. ciltens oi llon ir1-im rj
ud vicir.iiv
in .1 t... .. irir rt'io :
iui mi 'ciMif ; n t v i o in targe
small quantities, and at diflcrent puces,
lii N'liiv Siiire. tin M . uT f f r
north side, imi door- sontn ol
iron s reel, i,ioO'n.rn:rg. II. s r..'
block ol Foreign ami Diiir.rstic .j'-f- J
Jsg i-JwiiiiltO
roitis's til Ctijttac and jiochelle. Blackber
ry, G.pger, Kaspl-?rry itfd Lavender. He i
Iijs a Irttge Hot! ftieii t ol
Old Ry.;, gr-y wi:ii ag.
line Bdi;tho.
Old Fo ks Whiskey,
and a'.y quantity c i
cc t:t iiion. t. c i-o h
Madeira. Libmi. Ciarl, Sherry nl Cam
pagne Wines; ami jwt h'.;l not !ea-t. a
qnat.t'ry o! good double ex'ri BROWN
SIOUT; :!! of which he will etl at the.
lowest cash prices. The public arc re-pct-Icily
solicited to give hi lirpior a tri-d.
I). W. RfdBINS, Ag't.
Bloorr.sburr, May 1, IStil.
s v n c: o i i: , tist.
ri: ni . i i ' .t
I r.JIT.ll' Oilers Ills
(lHiii;,i. pi.'t-.sionai -er vices ,, iie
ladies & gentlemen ol li!im
burg and vicmi?) . 1 1 is prepared to httend
to ali ihe various iperatitns in Den:i-.:ry,
od is provided with tfie late-t improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, w i.ich w ilt be in
serted o,i pivoi or gold piate, lo look as
well as natural.
Mineral pl.-. e and block teeth manufac
tured nr.d all operations on teeth c.trelolly
at'eiuled to.
A sitveiior article of To? h Powtier
! waysr-:i Mi
i, ...i
Ailoperjtion on the teeth
' W i. 1 1 .1 tl t e O
' R"iiei:ee and Ornce, a few doors above
' t.te uaurt iiouse. same si. nr.
lilooiiisburg. A t'g l'J
i G M I t a t'fl'flia SSacLtlt.
-jmq-; Boo... Shoes, Harness, Carriages
j. , i.i; i ......... v,,,l-
Th;. nevv DIu) .,,1 article excels
... ..... .... ... ...... ,
evea thing ever before in use, lor beaun
(. : t . r . .:. .. ,i .. I .. i. .. I . , ., I . I
t ? c? n t?
.... , . ... . - i e in 'ti I. exponeni 01 icitincrai it oitn
a i.r.lish ltKe patent le ' ; wnl not rub t . . . 1 . ir , .'
,r . . ' . . i t l-1. 1'. to tender itself worthy th he an
off with Water, nor the finest win'e , ' , , .
., . i i.. ri. ; organ ol the oeir.ocraiic party. under whose
stik, and makes leather perfectly vva-er- " . t ,
-y. i i i w . I ices our country prospered so !p r
prooi. Twice a ninmh applied on boots. ,. .' ....
, . , .. f j! ainl so wen. J f.e restoration ol that par-
and shoe, and once a month for harness t . . .
,. ,. ., . .. . . . i t v '..he party cf i!. Loiistuuiirn anu he
is sofni'ient. II ti e leather becomes dir. y . 1 3 . , ,
wash it oil with clean water and the polish I 1 K ' ai d ex
w.ll re api ear. W.t.-r iu ed as leprcented. v.M,,me,;iai bra. chcs of the State
iiii"' .ii. -... i c .. . 1 1 u i;'tr i.crt:i;t.i. ti iiiir--
l),rectio..s lor n Ar.nlv n few .iron-
- - it i .
on a sponge, rut) it slowly over ihe leather,
at.d ihe nnlish j complete.
tlT For sale by L. T. bHARPLESS. j&
Bioomsbnrg, May 14, 1562.
Kollock's D.iiitIeIiou Ccfltc.
THIS preparation, made Iro n the best
Java Cotiee. is recommended by ph yeioi-tns
for Getierl Debil.ty, D -pepi i, ami ail
tiiltoui disorder-, i lionsands win) have
been compelled lo aha tdou the use ot col
lee will use this without injurious eilVcls.
One can contains the slrengtri ot two
pounds ol ordinary coffee
Price 25 cents.
The purest and best BAKING POWDER
known, for making light, swtet and nutri
tious Dread and c.'.kes. price 15 cents.
Jllin'iructnrt i ly
M 11. KOLI.OCK Chemist.
Corner of Broad ami Chettnut Streets.
&At)'1 aohlbyall l)rugi,ts and Gioters.jv
February 6, 1862 ly.
Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by
Charles R. Bockalew.
December 28, 1859if. -
pORTY-EHJftr .idi.?i.n0r ie
t-r per wrfk Inr 1 iu .
r-dirs mat
ear. Tha
oniv r,e v Y. ili in j.I- i-t-
ly l r cm, ry ci.c.da'ton; s.ttd. te nws
of the week, with the cat-ie, p.oYuce. and
oil er mxrket-. carefully ie;.tfied.
Tie Aew Votk Ih,u-jtk,for 18151.
Whre Men Literties-'-Sute Ri-his-. Fed
eral Union.
The New York Day. Book is an indepen
dent, Democratic Journal, holding w i;b lha
late Senator Douslis, that "this govern
nient is ma le on the white basi, i?y vii.ite
men, far the benefit cf white men ahj
their posterity forever.'-' U in a Urge dotj. '
ble sheet, with f'rty eight columns of rend
ing maoer, ami in all respects whether
lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
infr-.i iuaii-n i not inferior to any an a po
lili.'slor fiimiiy newspaper. n its politi
cal grapples br.hiy with iho
tesl quention before ttie Au ericm people,
anil preset. t the only philosophy of it '
which can re.i-t Ihe sweeping march of
Abolitionism, ft is Democratic in (he true
sense of trie letrn the defender of the peo
ple's riglits. but it i- the upholder ol no par
ly chicanery ortrnkeiy. It is not only for
peace., but ii shows how j nod how only,
permanent peace c an be obtaii eJ. and thu .
"lo-ions white man's government of Wash
ington restored, viz : by the utier roue,
overthrow, ai d extermination of Abfalitioti
isro Irorn American oil.
The Day Uook is now the only weekly
joli'n al paper in New York city made up
exclusive-i) for cr uu'rj circulation. Ali the
nK.eis ate rha-hed from the c.-lnmns of
sorrie daily paper, winch renders 11 almost
irnpossit!e to give so complete and general
a summary of ttie news as in the oiher
case. Persons atom subscribing should
t-iKe this in'o considetation. Dernocrati,
ai-o, must see to it that sound pipers are
circi'luted among the people, or at-o'iiinn
ism wi I never oe put down. A.'l who
ile-ire tntefute the ar-uinents of Abolition-
is, shonJJ rean ile Day Book.
i Ui.e copy,
ore year, 52 CO:
Three conies on er. 5 00: Five rnnim
fnyear, S7 50; Ten copies, ortee-r, and
one to ihe pener 1.;, ol ihe ci.ib, Sl4 COj
Iwerdy copies, one r and .Mte to iho
.et er up of ,l.e Club, s2i GO. Additional
"t,"' ' n
L 1 Le ''"" p f10"1-0' fr.ur
S'a"' "l,0U," V' l"l'"S
I ia t,Vr' e'"'T' .
1 m 6,Vy ' "T'
papers will be Mopped when ihe nu. U
t . .. 1, ,.:,i ... .
V A N E V R ! E, H 0 1.TO & CO.,
162 Nassau si., New Yoik.
Special Orders. W'e desire this ytct
1 to place te.'ore a in.ltjnn r.t northern read
j ers (he great dnivrmes ' The Day Book''
i teaches on the qne-iior. of the rkaces. We
I rot ti.!e::'.iy eheve i t,is Jjtnrial wera
P-aceii in tne riai;w oi one i atl ot ine vo
j --.-.'i 8H P kTlrtCDII this U'lin
torj ni iKr-ritt?tfcff. 1 1 x l.aiu-uiiii 1 1. t w,
; and Nniemler, 1FC4, the Democrats conii
I ,:o; fad :o carry the next pr?i.;ental elei;-
! lion.' A therefore msUe the fallow in;;
i o-ier-, in i in in ngtn o: pit res,
tit.d not
jt even becitse r wid te p
r.!e, Uf w
civ So srrura
I '8tl scim t-:y
:rJ it Suit -C
law ice disse :
I we j tctouiidiy
..ita-'at! cf "'ie viowii w hictk
tthese w ili tave cur c uu-
j Cluls rf Twenty. Per a rh.b r22,
i's il.e extra p-iper now olf-'rcu, v
w ni send a copj- cl lie V..o Kane's yreal
.. .v. . ii...... ... i !....,.... i; . i.
third ed'nnn of which is juM rea-ty. Price
(.)ne fmtiar.
Clubs if F'ftff. For a th-b cf Fifty
s ubsc.'her, t.t u, we wii! send one extra
paper, and :i coirtfilete sei (,f our .A-.ti At'O
j tton PubVa'i -.11. ," the rc-s oi which,
tiiten lt'getiier. amoui.t to frl 75.
Clubs of One Hundred. In relation
to Clubs ol o' e huiiilred, wewiil jy thi-:
Vt:Oevex Witl semi us o-
e nuii'Meii su i
scrtoers at one it4i.e, i:e i .:i
. . ... t
: It t.i b eui to
one admire-, and t-eiin, an l end ai tf.e same
time, will receiie Iuj papers a S'.t'O.
V. E., H. ; CO.
November IS, 18b3.
'f0 be published D.uly s
tne city ot P.'nlao'el, th;.
and Weekly in
bv A J Gloss-
I renter C Co. 'Ihe Age' wj'l advocate
ihe p-mcip'es ot ine DeTiOratic prtj". and
w i'd, tt.efcto.e. i ei es.-ariiy lavor lie le-lc
ra'nni of ti e I'niu'i a- il and defei.d
li e t'on-tj utio i ol lite United S.les, and
th-tl ol litis C OiltlliOnWenlth.
It will l.-eely und Lirly di-enss a l legit
imate Si.l ject- ol new-paper i-or. ir.ei t, iri
Ciuiii.ig, ol ci-ui-rt. and pre-eniii.eiidy at
tt:i- time, all cii esi i'ln- t ' I i'l the
evisling ni i.appy co:, .i'l. ii of mi r t ou tnr y .
Ii wiil f-arssly t ri iiise :f.e pnt-l.c acts
' flf .U1t.,c serv..n.s a ,d defei.d the ieg-l and
cci'ilii.r',irtl right ( ! individual citizen
und .I sovKrein Stales, a, assaults
I lu rn a t) cnr;er.
j II will scejc io tiwsken ihe m:i;ds of tho
people to a pftper sen-e ol the actual con-
diiion of the Rej-.utdic- to presei.t n tf'ern,
irt! It I u!i) , ihe je.nfi.l peril- in which we
stand as a naiiot. u. cxi itoi lite magnilude
1 ol ihe ta-k that Iip-" I ehre ihein. il trey
' I t.i n:l f ii c w -v u t A nr. o r ,. . I
.. w ..... ... .. ,,. . . m
to ii.sjiite them wnh pii'in.iic Ccteimina
lion to ap'ply ihe remedy lor cur fiattcna)
ills. ! t eiiel, it w i I in mII things, aim to be
; r - r i . r
" ",c " "r i'
sary to avert anarchy, and the utier ruin ti
the Republic. To vciitriM re to mat resto
rati. .it wiil be our highest aim.
Ttie rir-ws. ii'e'ii') , cotnmercial and oth
er departments, wiii receive dtie ett'.i'.C,
and will be -o conducted a- to make Thf
Age,; wotli.'V of the supcri of tfte genei;l
1 fig many dirTir.ultles now soT'onMrrfj
an enierpri-e ol iie inagriiMtde o thai is.
which tie undersigned are engaged, ic
(pure them lo appeal io the public fen .
g-ierous supper?, tvl to ask for 4T'LG
Age:' a liberal and ex'ritded Hf
The preparatory arrangements wariarX
! etl sstin g ot me nr.-i ncmier in
Uji.v Age in ihe month ol ..larch ISO&QJ.
the Yv'eekly was cotonienced soon after. '
Daily, pr annuui, $6 CO
do Six month, 2 00
41 Three ii.onth, 1 50
Copies delivered al she counter, and tt
Agents a;..! C-nieis, 2 cents each.
Weekly, per acnum, 52 00
do ISix uionihs, 1 OA
do Three mor.ihs, 80
Te;t copisa to one aJJrecs, 17 50
Twei.ty do do 32 CO
Thirty, do do 45 00
CiT Payment required invariably in ed
vaace. A dres, .
430 Chestnut Street, Pki.
NoTeinber IS, 1861.