Q 1 1 J m r . J U. 0. JACOBY, Publisher. Truth and Right God and our Country. Two Dollas per 4nunn. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 1864. NUMBER 25. 1 Y I VOLUME 15. I A '.FORT ITftE FOll A laLlk 'EITI1LU MEN OR .FOIIO ! .'NOHUMBUG, bui an. ENTIRELY NEW thing. 0:ity three months in this country. r. No clap-trap operation to gull the public, but genuinemoney mating thing ! Read lie Circa ar of Instruction once onl, and yoa will understand it perfectly. A Lady lias jnst written to tee that she U making -at high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME PAYS! giving . instructions in this an. Thousand of Soldiers ars making money rapidly at it. It is a thing that take better than anything ever offered. You can W make money with it homo or abroad on steam boats or railroad car?, and in the country or city. Yoj wiil be pleaded in pursuing it, not only because it will ieU a handsome income, bat also in conse- bounce cf the general admiration which i? elt'ciif. It is pretty much all profit. A were trifle is necessary to start with." There is scarcely one person oat of thousands who ever pays any attention to advertisement of this kind, t!ii.-;kic2 thev are humbugs. Consequently thn-e who do fend for ui-trucuons will have a broad field to make money ;.n. There. is a class ol persons in this world who would think bat be"aue they have been humbugged cot ol a dollar of so, that everything that is advertised is a humbug. Consequently the irj no mote. Ttie person who suc ceeds is the one that keeps on trying until be hits something that pays him. This a coet me or. thousand dollar?, and 1 expect to make money ont of it and t il who pJrehase the art of rue will do the j came. One Dollarsent to me will insure : - be prompt return of a card of instruction in tie art. The money tci'l It nJxrniJ to thou not tati'fiid. -Address WALTER T. TINSLEY, Kit. 1 Park Place, New York. Oct. 1, 1SG3. 3rn. 4 . IM rORTANT TO LADIES. Pr. Har vey' Female Pill have nevor jet failed in fmoving d i file blies arisirg from obstruct! lion, cr stoppage of nature, or in restoring I the system to perfect health when s ufl-M- j i-g from spinal affections, prolapsus, Ulri, ! the while, or other weakness of the uter- ' ine organs.' Ti e pill are perfectly harm- i less on the constitution, and may be taken j 6y the Riot .ielieaie female without caus ing disiress the name lime ihey act like a charm by mrenziheusiii inviiiora'ii: and rei-toring the system to. a heal'hy condition and by bunging on the monthly period ' B-iih rfn''. ri-c i;iman (mm what l"nt- . ? 1 . ,,l the obttrucnoa may arise. Tfjey should ; , u i . c. , Lowever, AGFba taken dcring the first u V u f n v. - u- three or four months of preguancy, though ( safe at any other tlriie, as ausearriage would te the result. Each box contains 60p:l. Price Si. Dr. Harvey's Treutice aa dresses of Fe males," pregnancy, miscarriage, n.trrenness sterility, Re rod uciion, and abuses of Na - lore, and en pha:ica:ly the ladies' Private Mediv-al Advirer, a pamphlet o 64 paues Mm Lee to any addres?. Six rents re quired to pay postage. The rills and book will be sent by mail when desired, securely sealed, andprepaid by . J. BRYAN, M. D. General Ag'i. No. 76 Cedar street, New York. rT Sold by all the principal druggists. Not. 25, 1S63 ly. - r .BELL'S SPECIHC PiLLS Warrated in a'l ases. Can be relied on! Neverfail lo cere I t)o net nauseate! Are speedy in action ! . No change of diet rt qaired ! Do not interfere with business pursLits ! Can be ased without detection ! Upward cf 200cnrei the past month one of tbern ery severe cases. Over one hundred phy sicians fcave ued ihem in their practice, and all speak well of theireScacy, ar.d ap prove their composition, which is entirely Tegeublej and harmless on the system Hundreds ol cerlificates can be shown. ' Deli's S.-iecific Pills are the original and oniy genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted for male and iemab,olJ or young, and the only reliable remedy lat eflectii?g -u permameut and reedy cure in all cases Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, wiih all its train of e'ils such as Urethra' and Tag"msl Discharges, the whites, nightly or Involuntary Etniskions, Incontinence, Getii lal Debility' and Irritability Impotence Weakness or loss of Power, nervous De bility, &C, all of which arise principally from Sexuel Excesses or felf-abuse or Voine coiistitutionI drtrangement, and in capacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual disease-, Gonorrhea, Gleet and Strictures, and 4 "irf Dieaes of ihe Bidder and Kidneys "they act sis a charm ! Relief 'is experi .iicd by takVt'g a single box, . . ? SoiJ by all the principal druggists. Price : They will be sent by mail, securely seal 4ed. and confidentially, on receipt of th 'money, by J. BRYAN, M. D. ' , No. 7o Cedar street, New York. Con'u!ting Physic'ans for the treatment of ". SeminaT, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervoo I Diseases, who will send, free to ali, the following 'valuable work, io sealed en- VTHE FIFTIETH , THOUSAND DR. BELL'S TREATlSiS o.-i sell abu?e, Prema ture decay, impotence and lois of power, " sexnal dUeases, seminal weakness, nightly ' emissions, genital ..debility, . &c ' nf (it racrps. coutaininz ; tmpor- . lfUJ iu iw w. 13 ; - . - - - .i n. .. en, dvice to the afHicted, and which tant . . .. .l k .. n ryorv .nfforpr ' 94 th SOJiJ Or r-u uj .'J - ir.rH cf cor in lbs earerest stage is am! !y 5?l forth. - iffO stamps reqxiuea iu 4 Vcr- 25, lSS3.-lr OF 5fEl HOOTE". PUBLISHED KVKRY VISSISTIT BT WM. II. JACOBY, Office on Main St., 5rd Square beow Slnrket. TERMS: Two Dollars prannnm if paid I "m,M 18 '" H""u" w-"-within t.ix months from the time of subscri- this is not a question ol restoring the Union bins : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid ! by war , but whether the Government shall within tht year. No subscription taken tor a less poriod than six months; no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. 7 he let ms cf advertising trill be $ follows: One square, twelve lines, three times, SI Of) Kverv subseouent insertion, 25 f" One square, three months, 3 00 Ono year, 8 CO l) o i r. c i o e t r n . For tht Star. TI3E IS FLCET1SG. Hark, the clock in striking one, After midnight greets the morn, Two is rest, you'll hear the blovr Coming fast but seeming slow. Bat your heatt is striking faster Than the himnier oa the bell, Minnie spe it are seeming nothing" 'Til old age your path befell.' Hark ! again 'lis striking two, Time is winging on with yoa, Minutes fly, yet unperceived, hours pass, wa can't retrieve. Now the heart is beating slower, Strength and nerves are growing weaker, And your life into oblivion Every day is growing deeper I Now the clock in striking three. Hours are rAin3 wifily by tis, Ere it 2itin will strike may we Feel our need of lime more deeply Slowly moving on to four, Minutes pat-sine jost three score, Ati ! ihe time is passing by us A the moments swil ly fly us. Kut to fiveour ear is called, In the twinkling of a thought All your fortune you would give If wasted time could e'er be bought. When to six yonr mind is bent, Do you feel your lime is wasting, Hours allotted you were lent Never to return again? Seven, Eight, and Nine are comin, Will yon ever live to hear them Ah ! your death fast approacrung, You'll be numbered with the dead. Ten Eleven, Twelve will end it, Time with yoo wi I be no mere, ; Then in joy or grief you il gaze . t r Upon the days lhal's gone before, J b Time, yes, lime's a precious treasard We should value at onr leisure And in life's springtime seek for knowledge if through life we wish a pleasant voyage. Tcmblek. AsBrsY, April 2, 1?C1. (i War is Disunion." The political remits of the present year are the most important in the annals cf the world Never before have interests of such magnitude been submitted to the rulers of a nation. They should be decided not by sel fish magnates, governed by ' ambition and regardless of the welfare of Ihe euhject not by the leaders now wielding the power of ihe nation, which for four years they have not ceased 10 abuse but by the voice of theveople freed from the yoke of tyran ry ; the people, deeply interested in all that concerns the national welfare, intelli gent to perceive, and, we trust, courageous f to withstand ihe insidious dangers which menace ihe liberties of ihe country, and threaten with servitude them and their pos- tenty. ,h;!e an appeal is possible iq an j tive and able OeniiuU journal ot tiie Auoii intelligent people, deeply and personally; tion persuasion : interested in the event their intelligent ! "but, above all, lei the Republican poii choice will decide; the patriot need not j ticians no; wonder, if in a choice bejweeu despair of the country, ll is only needed j Mr. Lincoln or Gen. M'Cie.lan, the German to" enlighten the patriotic masses. Let them j Republicans bhouid Mauu. uioot I rum the ence conceive the importance of the Preai- conietl and leave the elcciiou to the Dem der.tial election, and all will be well. ocralic candidate. The crimes ol tlris Liu- Under a monarchy the only hope cf sav- ! Cta udmiui-tration towards the German irg the country from ruin would lie in arm- j volunteers must be brought home upon it ed rasistence to the ambitious officials who f by i utter desirucliou. We hope hat are abusing power for ihe furtherance of j every rnan ot the North, anJ every friend se'.Ssh aims, hurling ihem, by revolution, from ihe position ibev have disgraced. I s B-.it, ii? America, convince the honest mas ses, and arouse them to action, and their omnipotent voice overthrows with a breath the despotism which manacles a free peo ple What are the issues involved in the pend ing Presidential election 1 It is not a ques tion of this or thai man to fill the Presiden tial chair ; of ihis party or that to hold po sitions of trust ; but it is a question wheth er the country shall again be prosperous, or be overwhelmed in rain whether heca tombs shall continue to be sacrificed on the altar of strife, perishing in vain, or peace shall smile again upon the laud, and har mony reign occe more where discord now holds sway, his a quetion whether we shall maintain, the liberty achioved by the heroes of the Revolution, and embalmed by the sages of the Republic in lhat noble Constitution which . gave the country, two generations of peace and unexampled pros perity, or lose all constitutional freedom, and be subjected lo the' away of leaders wielding irresponsible power, based on co ercion and upheld by military force embod ied ia negro bayonets. Tfcete are some of the questions the people are to decide in the peading election; and that decision will not cerely aifect tba destiny of thU 1 country, or ihis age, but the destiny of the world, and the cause of advancement thro' out all time. The first issue that presents itself to the : .u- t A J coptinue vain effort, whose only result is, and will ever be, the fruitless waste of blood and treasure, with the sole effect of widen ing the breach it is intended to close. The issue is not whether Mr. Lincoln shall con- I qner the Sonth, and then rule the North by the Votes of bogus States, based on negro , bayonets he may paruallj occupy States enough during the present campaign to en able him to secure bis own election by their votes of man of straw and he may do thi under the plea of military necessity as a means of ''suppressing the rebellion," bnt the South will remain unconqcered, though . f .u TvT...,. . .. ... rr. ns irt-nif ni :nrin r irwi. i ih i . i o i qnestion is not of conquering the South. t- . i . t i- i i w i- r.very mind not blinded by prejudice or am- b.. . I, i , ition, mot see that by all the prohatnh- , li lies of military science, that is impossible. Tl, . . ., , , now is, whether by a return to cor-serva- tive principles peace shall be restored, or whe'her the best energies of the nation shall be sacrified in vain, its resources wasted, and the fresh young blood of its best ar.d bravet hearts be poured out like water, all to no purpose bat to fertilize the soil and crimson the streams of the South ern land. The Sontli cannot be restored to the TJni- on by force. Doualas never uttered a truth more pregnant wiih wi-dom than when he exclaimed in oracular tones, "war is -Jis- union ;" memorable words, uttered in one of those sunflashes of nre-cier-ce which lnr,,0,;,r, r ir,,. n' j- ' . ' i .. . . J r,r unnnmni msmni iruin, wr.icn fo.ureaWw.il receive as an axiom, ar.d reput tics will b'az .u on their banners a warning against the perils of strife. When all else associated with the name of Douglas is IostburieJ sm.d the rubbish of lime, he will be remembered away down in thecen- luries to come those aces of happiness ad piace as the sage who standing be side the alf thai was beginning to yawn in the midbt of ibis country, u'tered the memorable words of warning, and died with the noblei thoughts of his giant mind fresh upon hi lip, ihe crowning utterance of a royal intellect : ' W m Discmon." Yes, war is disunion. God never design ed Ilepttlics to be cemen ed with blood. Like all hiah and noble thins they partake cf ihe nature of Heaven descended truth, whose Iriumphs are all bloodless. These modern Uzzahs,who presumptuous!) strech forth the unhallowed arm of violence to support the ear of human progress, like him of old, wiil be 6mitten of Heaven, and leave their names a corse in the chronicles of Freedom, to warn others from the path where wisdom became madnets, philan thropy changed to ferocity, and energy and zeal only wrought out for their posesors a heritage of infamy. Ma. Lincoln seems to find friends no where; the radicals are after him ; so is Fremont ; so are the Democrats : so are the "Dutch ;" so is everybody, save those hold ing contracts, cr those expecting lo gel ihem. By terns, he has succeeded in dis gustit.g every par:y, every faction, every class, save ihoee interested directly in shod j jj. Among ail his opponents, however, . not,e are B0 relentless us the Germans. Al a fete meeting of the German American. National Club of New Yuck City tl was unanimously resolved : That we will not support Abraham Lin coln under any conditions whatever, it be should be renominated by any .arty ior a fecund term " Says the German Am'ricau, a representa- o German henor and "ory, will take a sol emn oalh not to rest until a complete change ia the administration is ejected." An exchange papea says : A man in a certain village, with whom we were ac quainted, having had sanded sugar sold to him, inserted in the weekly paper the fol lowing notice : ''I purchased of a grocer in this village a quantity of sugar from whieh I obtained one pound ol sand ; if the rascal who cheat ed me wi l send to my address teven pounds of good sugar, scripture measure ) I will be SHti-fied ; if not I ihall expose him." On Ihe following day nine seven pound packages of sugar were left al his residence from as many different dea'ers each up- posing himself to be the person intended. An ' Abofiiion sheet wants 10 know "where are the Peace men going, now?" If there is any truth in the words of the Son of Man, they are on their way to the king dom ol heaven," where they will ro longer be troubled Ly tee followers ol Abraham Lincoln." If things go or as they are now going,' the niggers will ooo get so vain and proud that they will scorn lo marry Abolitionist. So ays Prentice. llirce Years cf Abolition Cult. Three years has war and Abolitionism reigned supreme over the Republic, its laws, its ConMitution and its people vio. lating the first, trampling .the Constitution under foot, and tyrannizing over the peo ple. Hundreds of thousands of our citi zens have died on the field of battle or in the hospitals ol wounds or di sease contrac ted. Millions of parents have mourned sons lost, wives bereaved of their husbands and chddren of their lathers. Everywhere the voice of lamentation has gone up to the heavens, and the end is not yet. Three years ato the South was lo be "cleaned oct" with a single regiment, for all beyond Mason and Dixon's line were cowards as well as traitors. . A month Or two later, seventy five thousand men were j not "'' lo do ,,4e -ob 7t la were ' to "repossess ail the forts and places" held pli 'by those in rebellion against Ihe "best Gov- ; 3 - " eminent on earth. " Thet! came call af'.er ! call for more troops, until for more than , " J D "m e ! thirty months we have bad in the field a ! ' . larger arniy than was ever raised by any ! 6'"S!e coontry on earth, For rear three years these brave tnen have fought and tied and died, and now, at this present wrilii.g, the end sought to be accomplished is, to the eye ol man, further off than ever. Why is this? Are the Confederate troops braver, belter fed, bet'er clothed, more in ured to hardship than ovus ? No man will believe the,, first, for it is folly in the ex treme to suppose that one section of the same country, born of the same bloo J, and r i , . .i ; ...... u eu ..-.....", v lrvef lha,t The Federal troops i artJ bet!er cared for- f 0 Ut loo', a,,, coltl ! in " concerned, than those of the !outh, ! and thanks to our fair countrywomen, that I'which the Government shamelullv with- . ,k. nf ...n.ur, nrM ,w!J ,n thB ,,afe of Mn,ur' flor" ,s j more than made up by their exertions. ! Except in two things, the Federal troops l,avli'' advantage. The Confederate troops 1' l"n ,,:ir own f0" an'J ln oI ! u'e,r own f-omes, ana t.ieir teao.ng ot.icers re ener u.an ours. t ine couui, ms are selected tor miritary sliiii at the iortn, fcr political subserviency. The want of Federal sncce-s is attribu table to the fact that no united people, bat- itiug for what they deemed their rights, v; t C I I O .UIIiUCr;M fc'J Ol II-'. When the war broke out, Mr. Lincoln, in his Message, aured the people thai every Southern State, if we except South Caroli na, had a Union m?joritj. His alter action showed that if he believed this he was de termined to make it otherwise, for, ir. defi ance of his own pledges to the contrary, he commenced to war upon the rights of . , 1 , . , , r . the Sou-.hern people, which has made them a unit in their de;ermined resistance. In this unholy crusade against the lives and liberty cf the people, and of that Con stitution which, with its silken bond, held the Union in brotherly ties, the Aboi'nion isis have received "aid and comfort," with- oui which ihey could not have ben sue- r i t r i r, - ... ... i. lwlu'' ,ro,:i l'""eeu l,(niUM"' sincethe war has assomed its present Ab- 1 . L I . ll.ll.. i ' . - omion Bnape, nave cian:oreu lo-joiy io. n j'ic-ciiii-i nijpni si "vigorous prosecution, while feeing, or if . Betsy's bedside late at nite with consider they were not purblind they might see, : able licker concealed about my person. I that every day the contest is waged bul in ... IVOI.I..IUUIUU tu. iuuiv ... ficult. . lnese War Democrats have become, by the very ioice of their action, War Atoli- tioiiists, and with the zeal cf i.ew converts they urge on the contest, to the wreck of all thai, in the days when they were Dem ocrats in lac:, as we't as in name, they deemed wise pnd good in Government. It is to such aid as this given lhat the war commenced ; it is to ihe comforl their mad acts and that of the other abolitionists have nitaii thrf Crrifder,!i rnvernmeril that has I , . , - i .1 i - .i made it so popular with ail classes in the1 army tnat it has impoverished to meet the larger armies of the North, and lo hold its own in some of the bloodiest contests upon record. The country overwhelmed with debt ; voluntary enlistment failing, resort is had lo forced conscription. The North has fought for nearly three years, without a sin gle effort at peace. Is it net time lhat this state ot things should give way lo such a fair concession of just rights as might have saved the thirteen colonies lo England, and by refusing 10 do which, she lost them. A single pledge from Mr. Lincoln in the be ginning might have averted the wr. The compromise measures of the Peace Con gress might have saved hundreds of thous ands of lives, and thousands ol millions of treasure. Rut they were disregarded mad ness and folly and fanaticism ruled the hour, and amid the ihroes of civil w?r. the people are left uo rce in sackcloth ar.d in ar-hes the evil deeds of those who in their weakness they iniru-ird with power. "Mother,' said Jke Partington, 'did you know that the 'Iron Horse' has but one earl "One ear ! merciful gracious, child what do you mean ?' Why the engin-eer of conrte.' "Isaac exclaimed ihe old lady, 'take some of Dr. Bliis's magical eoap, wash your feel and go directly to bed.' Her knitting fell 10 the door, as she raised her hands, exclaiming " What a percashus raiud that boy has got-' : .. V;...; -.'. ' t- .i. .u. ... i i .i. .. v . i i -i uv ui c.-.wuou idn, which curl lie runs ; can exist upon our uiorie. as ine aioc , . , . r . . . i I the fema.e to perpe'ual widowhood, on the , of the blood coaula.es at 122 de io 11 8U'pori. 1 1 is 1 n is lee.iiig inai n , . , . . , .. . . . 1 . -i.i. r t .1 t'eath cf her husband. This is the case Fahrenlieit. he regards it as impossible inns 1 ar, euauieu ice jtunvni. .raiiou 01 jci- . I . 1. .. even where the preliminary cermony of be- an mal lilecin exist n an tt rosphere ab From lhejincvmali Enquirer. TUE TKESEST. "There's a cod time coming boys, Wait a Imle longer." That "good time" seems a long way off, And getting farther last, I a.'mobt think sometimes that all The good is in the past. Wconce had peaceful, happy homes, And folks said what they pleased We didn't go it to spasms then If any body sneezed. But now, if yon mind your business, And keep a quiet tongue. "You're surely plotting treason, And forthwith should be hong Or if you speak your sentiments Unless riey chance to be In unison with the glorious schema Of negro equality. Tis ten to one yop'll wake some morn, To find ycor.eK provider! With lodgings in Fort Lafayette For a period nndecided ; You wonder then what you have done, Yon ran not "see it." till You're gravely io!J, 'Yon'vedoneno wrong, Hut they're alraid you w.ill." And if yon ay to yonr neighbor In cheerful, friendly talk, Th.it "ytiu wih ihis war was over," Straightway he may walk, And (iiid some petty Mar-hal of The species called Provost Denounce jou as a ' Traitor" base, And then proceed lo show How you've discouraged enlistments, And strength 'ened ih rebel cau-e ; Have sympathized wj:h disunion, And rrmcketl our country's laws, Then the loyal" IV-voM Mar.nal Oi "But'ernut-." afraid WiH make you swear to countenance This 'ALolitiou raid-" Or if you're "green" enou-h to think This is a country tree : Th,t you've a ri-ht lo vour prir.ciplef, J tMl send von -Sou.h ' to.ee. ' I fuj (f jon'd wri.e io jour hurbnd j By war's rough breeze-. Ur.u'd j B very sure to rneutim, fir-t : ; Th, ,,,1(y perrormed, on can writs l our items ol irme nws ; . ; imi-jt mcw i u rmnpng coogn, rt,:u ' . w, ! B:t not a word of politics, .)r ihe Admir? :siration ; For. "in the so!d:er's ignorance, Lies our ture salvation." And don't you tell him thai you lonj To see him 01.ee more ; Thai's er'cr.ri,iii d-eriion, Am! you must love ihe war ; Cr eie orne ki.ani-h omcer, Scenning o'er your ei-er, Will tell von to "quit writing so, Or, if ycu don't, you'd better." j j 'A cood time is in slore for os I hope that it will come : Bo, h jsp,m w , ' ... BejJ The Riack's millennium. Artf-vcs Wr.D, in a recent letter, thus gives his idea of re organization : ' In every ar.emp'ed tj reorganize my wile tat once. 1 -haIl never attempt in t again. I d bin to a public dinner, and had allMi'Arl mt-iuif i r Ka V . i i I in i I . : l . : heir health until my own became affected. '.in.nl- .in. - . . 1 . II , had somehow got perseihun ol a horse ! , -...j. . " - ) some cranky observashuns of Mrs. Wtrd's j-. . , .. ; in me morning, i snapi trie wnip putty ; ? lively, and in a very bad voice I said Betzy, j you need re-organizin' ! I have come to j j re-organize ! I dreamed that nite sumbody J Lad laid a horse whip over me sev'ril con- j serkooiive times ; and when I woke np I found a;, had. I hainl drunk much of any thin' since ; and if I ever have another re organizin' job on hand 1 sha 1 let it out. Hindoo Widows An incalculable and utterable amount of wretchedness is pro . .... r trothmerit only has taken place. Nol only l J I .. . L . I! I . . .. I. . I 1 i - I . I . is absolute and unbending widowhood im- , calculate the time tram the period when p?raiively commanded, boi she is requited . ,(ie p0ar regions of ihe eanh were a'.aiem to practice the most rigorius ausierities, (! ppraI,,re of 122 de?r?e down to the period and to mortify herself a it were unto death. ; when the mean temperature of ihe Briti-h "The widow shail i:ever exceed o:ie meal ; i.;e as 77 degree., the latter being the a day, nor sleep on a bed." She is required j London clay tertiary epoch of topical mol to observe a liid last every eleventh day,' usca. His computations give the lirne besides many other seasons ot abstinence. 1 between the two periods as 1,015,000,000 She is fur's id en to Usie animal food ot any yprs. kind , and even the one meal ol pulse, roots : and vegetables that is allowed Iter, must consist oi such articles as can be cooked to gether in one pet, lo make up a single diah. Who "Proclaimed War?" The New York limes, an accredited leading Repub- j lican paper, in its issue ot the 6.h ult., in ! an editorial taking issue wi h Thaddeus Stevens lor stating that the Rebel Slates are ! belligerents and -ihat ihey are no longer . in the Union," writes this down as a lacl . .1, . o., .;. . . -t.. 1 1 .1 1 "The confederacy wanted peace, and sent Commissioner to Washington to got it. e would not receive ihem, and prochi.n- iedtearl They accepte 1 war. Tht question A Cclcmbus corre-poadent of the Cleave - land Plain Dealer says tna result cf the OKir Dmncratie ilonvsniian was a signal triumon lor the McClellan element, and thai paper, in an editorial article, avers-that I, v..:..i r.rt,-..n ;.! . . .... r. oe overwnetraing ior ji uieiian. vo are r .u : ... - t.t - Kt. OI ILIO VaiiJD 1UtUIU.Ii iiU V Wi'SlUVi UWtt SJ I8 . nomioatioa and electioo "fixed lacu" Tories of '76 and Abolitionists of '64. "The Vallandigham peace men of lo-day are counterparts of ihe Tories of the Rev olution." Repubacm Pcper. The above furnishes a fit opportunity for saying something on ' the subject that we have long been di posed to investigate. It is this: The Vallandigham men the Demo cratswho are more than one-half of the N orth, stand precisely upon the platform, advocate the same doctrines thai Washing ton, Jefferson, Hancock, Adams and the American patriots adhered to in 1776 Th ey are ihe lineal descendants, the trne representatives, are, in fact, the true pat riots of our day, while their opponents are the lories of the times. We propose to de fend thet-e propositions by arguments that cannot be gaiusayed. The Whig party of 1773 believed that the only ira?, the only legitimate basis of the government, was in the consent of the gov erned. This is the Democratic doctrine ol to-day. The Tory doctrine'ol 1776 was that sjovernment did not rel upon the consent of the people governed, bnt they relied in stead upon the bayonet and sworj to hold them in snbjection. The Tories of to-day believe in the same thing. The patriot Whig of 1776 favored rto other Union. This is the Union the Democrats are for tn-daf. The Tories of 1776 were not fjr a voluntary Union, but for a coerced one, and so are the Tories of 1864, alias the Administration par'y. The British Tories of 1776 claimed that the King had the rirjht to suspend the writ ol habeas corpus ; proclaim martial law over the whole country ; rret and throw into prison, or transport into a distant Ui:d any body he saw fn, without any legal power bo; his own wiil. I he Abolition Tories ol !64, in America, deletid the President in the same exercises of the same usurpa'ion. The American patriots of 1776 protested againt-t ihem ; so do the American Demo crats of 18G4. The Dr. ti-h Tories of 1776 sustained the King in endeavoring to iicitp a demonstration among ihe slaves. The Abolition Toriei ot to day are in favor of the same measure. The patriots o! 1776 pro tested againsr it in the Declaration of Inde pendence. They denounced it as high crime ajains; mankind ; so dn the Demo crats of 1861. The lories of 1776 called '.hem-elves ihe 'Kind's friends, exe'usive loyalists.' The Tories of to-day flaunt un uVr t(. same designation, 'loyalists, and tell us the President can do no wrong, and lhat we must not eppose any of his enor mities. They are 'loyal' to the monarch, but Ira tors -o li berty. This is the roaitim ol the AboiitiuniMs oi to-day. The British Tory believed that the King coul I set aside the Constitution underthe 'war power.' So does the American Abolitionist. We miht follow the analogy much further.bnt it is use less. British Toryism in 776, and Ameri can Toryism in 1664, are identically the same. Had the latter lived in 1776. thev would have liken sides with the Briiih Ti", while the Democrats would have i 9 j been with Washington and Hancock. The , Bf.irh Torje mgr9 a de isR1 I are the Abolitionists. In view of the cur i prising analogy between the parties, we ! suge-t to" our Democratic friends of the press whether it would not be well to call ; the Abol.tionsts ihe Tories of 154. They r i i aid tne Tone. the Democrats are the 'patrio;s.' Tiiey are the disciples of Kinu George III, and his unscrupulous ainiier, Lord North, while the Democrats are the disciples ol Washington. Acs or the Earth. The Rev. Trof IIaU2htO', in a paper recently rea l before the Dublin Geological Society, gave the re sult of some computation, baed on ihe earth's rate of tooling, to dftermine the limits of the time during which animal life men rees that 13 ; ,iial tern 1 e a r. He there ors atternp: Which was the property ? was a question, very neatly settled the other day by Daniel Drew, the great steamboat proprietor o! Gotham. Danisl although a man of im mense we-tlth, is an old-fashioned Meth odit, and drese very plainly at all limes, and sometimes rather shabbily. Being on one of his own sieamers. not long since, he was acco:ed by a passenger, who took him for one of the crew, with the ii.ierrog atory : ' Do yon belong to this boat?" ' No," said Daniel, quietly, "ihe boat be- I Ion-" to me 1 . t . Disloyal DoesRjUer ha. issued an or- j crov;nc- ,ha: everv feanh do- ..... ,m . .. r- T. j The proera 'dog cheap" is oboleta in j lee f reeaback iin.s. It is expensive to 1 kill even doss. Bnt wherelore Boiler' j wrath against the da gs 1 Are .hey di.Ioyal 1 j Do they refuse to take tne oath of al!eg.,ce! nr whvi. ha down on the fourth ..Lt - .k.. r.u nn,!.r uog r op.iui e- ,.r V,m H- hA he.uer bad the devil or t Blivs the hydrophobia after him Monkey in Church. There was once an eminent clergyman by the name of Cassaubon, who kept in his family a tame monkey, of which be waa very fo'nd. This animal, which was allow ed its liberty, liked to follow the minister when be went ont, but on the Sabbath wee nsnally thui up til! his owner was out of sight, on his way to church. Bat one Sab bath morning, when the clergyman, taking his sermon under his arm, went out, the monkey followed him Unobserved, and watching the opportunity while his master was speaking to a gentleman on the steps,' ran up at the back ot the pulpit, and j imp ed upon the sounding board. Here ha gravely seated himself, looking round in a knowing manner on the congregation, who were greately am mused at so strange spectacle. The service proceedee as usual, while the monkey, who evidently much en joyed ihe sight of so many people, occa B.onally peeped over the sounding board, to observe the movements of Lis maierj who Wiis unconscious of his presence. When the sermon commenced, ma.iy little form were convulsed with longhter, which conduct so shoe k ed the good pastor, that he thought it his duty to administer a re proof, which he did wiih considerable ac tion of hi hand and arms. The monkey, who had now become familiar with the scene, imitated every motion, till at lat a scarcely supj.reed smile (appeared upoa ihe countenance of most of the audiance. This occcrred. 100, in one of the most folemn passages in the discourse ; and so horrible did the ievity appear to ihe good 'nini'tar, that he launched forth into violent rebuke, evrry word being enlorcaJ by great energy ol action. AH this time the little .linw overhead mimicked every moment ith ardor and exactness. The acdidce, witnessing the apparront c.tnipeti'ion be tween the good man and hismoi.key, could no longer retain the leat appearance of composure, and burt into roars of laughter, in the midst of which oce of the corgrega :ton kindly relieved the horror ol the pastor at the irreverence and impiety of hi (lock, by pointing out the cause of the merriment. Casting his eyes upward, the minister cocld j'jpt discern the anitnil sia-'Jing on ihe end of the sooiidiii-boarJ, and gesturing with all bis miht, when he lound it diffictiil to control himself, though highly exasperated at the occurrence. He gave diiectioos 19 have the monky removed, and eat dawn to compose himself, and allow his congfega tion te recover their equanimity while the order was being ooeyeJ. ''Dame the CcRsliluiion."--ia Abolition Watchword. ' 'Damn the Con:itu:iou." This profane expression has been Ircquently uitered by diii'inished Abortion Unionists." It ia but the te'chi ig Li.'.i ol the treasoii in (he hearts of those who affiliate with Garrisoa and Wendell Philips. Gernt Smith, the noted nero philanthropist, adopts it. miih, it will be remembered, was the DO ted Abolition candidate for the Presidency in 1852. In 1856 he supported Fremont, and Lincoln ia ltGO. He was "elected to and se'red part of a tnr. in Congress. H is a zealous partizan of the present admin isiration. He resides in Peterborough, Madison county, New York. In an address recemly issued 10 his ''neighbors," Mr. Smiih says : "Dnuvithe Cottuliin '' siid one in the hearing ol mysell and several others. I had always disl.ked profanity ami 1 had al ways honored the Constitution, weicorninj every pin of it. Nevertheless this txchmf lion teas music in mj ears. Why was it ? It a as because of ti e connection and fpirit in Jchich it bnrst from the speaker. He was arguing with rapid and tervid eloquence thai the government should ply every pos sible means k-r ihe peediet crushing of the rebellion when a listening Ccnc;rra live threw in the qoaiiScatinu i "Rat a!! ac cording to the Ccns'.t'utioH ?"' No wonder thai the Speaker could not brook this interruption Ab wonJcr thai an oiih. should leap forth to atte-r '.'.! itdigna tion of hi piirictic soul It was not contempt for the Constitution, but dipleasure at the thrusting of it in hi wy. which prompted the prophanity. Hdd it been the Bihle il st'J. tht was ihns "it per inently cited, an oalh tn'ghl still A ?ie lie the cmrqiete. It is 11 periect accord that a license te ,:Damn the Constitution'1 should be used to jii-tify a like license to "Jvnn the Bibla" j'so. Something or a iltL ieilow ct a "donation" parly in Pooghkeep-i, recently stowed away in hi "physical cistern" somewhere the following items at a supper '.able : Kijht large bi;u:. Seven cups of coflea. F r'y good sized pieces of cake. E'even pieces ol cheese. Sixteen pickle. Three cups of lea. Eight piece of pie. When the plate was passed abound for contributions our here placed thereon nr c.sT ! t t Idaho, the naw gold dicing of which we bear such growling accounts of late, i being sorsly afllicteJ wiih baaditlas and robbers, a-.d the inhabitants, as did iBe Cali fornia!., ay organizing vii'ance commit lees to protect ihem-eUes. '.Ve nance bf j " ' ' hung e,ht or ten ot a gan5 of ei.htytaree and were in search of ihe rest- It seems. . .. W "jakiog samroarf work ia &U I matter.