STAH OF THE NORTH criOoaisKuuCtPA.' WEDNESDAY MORNING, APR. tf, 1864. A load or' par wood will b taken at tbisotlice ou stbscriptiou to tUe Star, ;:v .... Thb Applicants lor Tavern Licenses at the May' .Term of Court will be published in our next paper. ; ..' .Tuerk is bol one pnnbuer in our County Jail ai p re-en l and that one is ayoong girl, arrested opbuihe charge uf thefl. - . Mr. Rabb, of Scott town, is about to open a S;ore, a few door above onr office, tor- .rnerlj occupied as an Express office, by Mr. Meach. : Hon. John C. Ell. ha our renewed and sincere thanks tor Legislative Kccordi and other docuraeutarv favors. - . Mr..Hcmry Kuuc will le found carrying oa the boot and shoe making business in one of the front room oi Mr Simou Shive's large budding on Main Street. '." Hon. II uk rt XV. Trct. M C, will please accept' our thanks for thai package seut m, of choice garden peed.". ' Thk Star of tiik Nohth can be had for $1,75 p. t aoflum in advance. . All communications sent us for publica tion mn!t be accompanied by the author's real uaui to insure an insertion. .Thekb will be preaching iti the Baptist Church on Sabbath next, at 10 o'clock in ttie mornina, and 7 o'clock in ihe eveuitig, by the Her. George XV. Scott. - ; Horsr Bills neatly printed at this office Give us a call. X7e work cheap tor cash, - - - --m - . Ma Akdrkw Solidkr, Bool and Shoe Maker, of this place has removed hi place o! boiines to the shop loimerly occupied i'j Mr. KTime on Main Street. Ma. Lixcolm inform the coun'ry that it i 'eaier to pay a smell amount than a -farse oi.e !"' W'uo ever thought ot that be- Treasiehi's sale ol seated and un-ea'ed lands will be advertised hi nexiweek Star There are qniie a large amount of taxes doe the raise which the lane's will be cold if not paid. - - ' E M. McNeiil, President of the.Lacka wanna & Bloomsburg Railroad, will pleas accept our thanks for a yearly 4 Free Pass" ou said road. Jcssk Colkmss, E-q. rro:honotry ot Columbia County removed tr.m Orana tille to this place on Tuesday lat. Mr Colkmak mkin2 a most capital officer; asiMed in his office by Hamkl kk. -q. Blanks We will inform oar readerr thai we keep on hand all kind of blank Iieeds, Bo iUt Petitions and Bonis lor Tavsrn Liceues, Justice1 and Corij.taMeV Mai ks ot every deacrip iou . Summons, E ecotjor.s, Notes of hand. School Order, &e.- .... The army news ii not of much iniere-i the past few days. A synops-i will be found in il is pa pet oi what as been done in the different departments the past week. Thi Army of the Potomac is imII commanded by that heroc and , sallant officer who-e i.ame is Mttnic McCl.llan, Grant, an' . Mkaic are ihe best General ever in com mand ol the Federal-arms. So far as taking liichtnond isconcered, McCiellan is h ad aud shoulders above all others. David LowkbkiiG. ot this place, was ap poinlfd Delegate Jo thd Chicago Democrat IC Convention, which- assembles on the 4th of July next. The iit of Dflegnes to that Convention, as appointed by oir late State 'Convention, will be loond on the 6rt pae of to-day's Star CouJohk F. Mtxs. of Bradford, is the other Delegate with Mr. LowKsBEttO. from this Congressional Dis trict. -Ther are both McClellan men. " A rrw wtrxs sine, we pave notice to ' tboe knowing themselves in arrears, on subscription and advertising, to come for ward and pay us, io order that we might be able to meet our debts on the firt-of April. The 1st has passed and gone, and sorry to .say, bat few have responded to our request There are several hundred on oor book owing os from one dollar op to t, which "if collected together would relieve as ot all our pecuniary difficulties so necessary in , publishing a newspaper- Sustain the Dern Votratic pros and yoa do your part in pre serving the principle and measares U.m! which our-country prospered more than a century in such a degree secoiid to no other .in the world. - -.- The Brailfbtd Reporter and the Columlia County RepHfJican are pitching into Henrt ' W.TkACT, M. kind of'canine fashion : one snaps at bira and then the other soaps ai him; and so they continue lb keep ii up Bat in sDite of their snarlin" aud suappinz, be seems to be inside of the rinj: with the party in power at Washington. These two cijger organs would have their readers be lieve that he belonged with, the "Copper heads" or the Democratic party, bnt they neglect showing their followers that he voles with the administration party upon every radical measure. ... I sformatios Wahted. Mrs. Elizabeth Joaes" of VV-lliamsport,. i desirous of ob taining information relative to her son, Hen tj B. Jones, a young man aged about nine teen years. lie was formerly & br&keraan oa the P. & E. Railroadand has disappear ed onder such circumstances as to cause his mother to fear thai some violence, has teen done hire. He was last heard of at Kcpert. Any information concerning him .will be thankfully received by bis aged mo.ler, and the press will tlo ber a kind ness by passing this noiico around. y f. ih ,1 I 1 mew row. ."KJijA Q ROVE R 56 BAKER'S CrLIBBATKD ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the following State and County Fair of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work . INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium (or Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.t Premium for Family Machine. First Premium lor Man ufaciu ring Machine First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine , First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Firi Premium for Mi bine Work. ILLINOIS STATE E AIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes Fir-t Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR F rst Pre tn mm frr Machine for all purpose Frisi Premium for Machine Work, MICAIGAN STATE FAIR.. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine F:rM I'reaiiu.Ti for Family Macfiine Firs; Premium lor Mat-hut') Work PENN'A STATE FAIR . J F'nt Premium lor Man niacin ring Machine fnst rrnmium lor .iacntiie worx OREGON STATE FAIR. Firsn Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. first Premium lor Family Machine First Premium for Manal&cturing Mac! ine FirM Premium for Machine Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine. Fri Premium for Manufa;iuriii2 Mn-hine CHAMPLA1N VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. FirM Premium for Family Machine First Premium tor Manulacturins; Machine First Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L SOC. Diploma lor Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Woik. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P:emuiin for Famil) Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Man ufaclurin Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium tor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. Kirs: Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium lor Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. Firt Premium for Family Machine Fust premium lor Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. Firs; Premium for Family Machine Firt Preminm for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi st Premium lor Machine for all purposes Fir! Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR - - Fust Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Fufl Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work Jg3Tne above comprises all the Fairs ai which the-Grover & Baker Machine were exhibited this vear. Sales-rooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. Lisrof Catyes for May Term, 1864 1 Pilip Wintersteen vs Val Wintersieen. 2 Henry WelN v Georse Kinly. 3 David Levi for the ore J V L Dewitt b San.uel L 4 Elj'h Mt-Mortrie vs Christian Wolf. 5 Loma McGowen'vs Elizabeth Dal i us. 6 J .cob Harris vs Peter Jacoby. 7 Geore Huahes, el al vs J V. Criswell. X David Reinbold vs Michael Grover. 9 Rebecc Vanderslice vs Geo Dodson. 10 XV. L Psetiberu-er et a! vs C. XVrolt et a'. It Daniel F. Seybert vs Renhen Nicely. 12 B. F, Reighart & Bro. vs Silas D. Edga. 13 Rebecca Transue vs XVm. Transue. ,14 Jacob Terwilliger vs Thomas Aleredith. to D. H Bosart el al vs XV. Denniscn et al. 16 David Achenbuch John Wardin. 17 S)lv. J Faux (use) vs B. F. Reiahard. 18 John (iioer vs Richard B. Menaah. . 19 G Lonenberaer et at vs Joshua Kobbin ton a'ndVilliim Boyles. 20 Henry Gilmer vs Moore Creveling. 21 Com. for Hie use of Elijah Horn, et al vs Jacob Fisher. 22 Pine School Directors vsA.J Maminj et al. 23 John AUegar for nse of his wife Sarah A. vm Jrhn Y. Allear. 24 Enos L Adams vs Daniel F Seybert et a' 25 Samnel XVilliam vs C H Deiterich el al 26 B F Reighard vs Elizabeth Vansicle e al 27 Luke Roan use of Anna Reg'ma Roan vs Charles H Deiterich. 28 James L Dunn for use ol Henry Frick vs John P Brock et al. JESSE COLEMAN, Prothonotarv 'a Office, ) Prothy. Bloomsbunr, Mar. 23 1864. J w - at r M II? . i Cattail Issa Rail Road Company. Superintendents OrnrB, XVilliamsport, Pa. March 1st, 1864. The Public are respectfully notified thai after this date Passengers will be car rTed between New York and Williamapor by the "CaUawissa Line," via, Easion and Manch Chunk, as follows: New York. XV illiam sport. Leave 120 Noon, . Arrive 1 45 A M - No change of Cars. " 6.00 A M. . " 7.30 P M Chage Cars. XVilliamsport. New York. Leave 7 40 AM Arrive 10 15 P M Chatise Cara. " 9 15 P M ' 10 15 A M No change of Cars. Aso between Philadelphia and Will ism sport, via. Bethlehem and Mauch Chunk, as follows Phil'a. (North Penn Leave 7 00 A M Willisrnsporr. Leave 7 00 A M Q is P M . Depot,) Willia'spcrt. Arrive 7.30 P M Philadelphia. Arrive 8 35 P M " 9 20 A M GEO. XVEBB, Sup'U March 23, 1864 tc. BUSKS ! CLANKS ! BLANKS ! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, 4 EXECUTIONS, SUBFCEAS, of proper & des:rablefonas,fosaIe al the nace bfthe'tar of the North-" , NEW lOOlSl Ju$t issued by -CAKIaETOrV, Publisher, N E VV Y OR K. I. - PECULIAR. . Epes Sargents areat Novel, roncernins which there has been more talk and speculation,-"perhaps, thau. about any other book issued lor jears. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author has become acquainted have been thrown into a plot and story so startling bold, and vet so truthlu I, so tender and so gentle, that every reader who begins it must be fascinated with its unflasins interest.. It is selling like wild fire. Price $1.50. . II KIMBALL'S WORKS? Embracing his eapital new uovel, "Was he Successful, " one of the best fictions of the season. Price 81 50- XVas he Successful, Sail Leger. Undercurrents, In The Tropic, Student Life Abroad, 111 RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS A translation of M. Ernest. Kenan's re markable work, just issued in Paris. where the excitement and sensation are so great concerning its subj-vjl and author, that al ready thousands ol copies of ihe costly Freeh edition have been sold. It has been extravagantly censured; bnt its most severe ciitics do i.ot deny the wonderful power, brilliancy, and ability 'tisplayeJ upon every page of ihebook. Price $1. 50. iv DR CUMMING'S WORKS Embracing his new work ''The Great Consummation," which is attracting so mnch attention in England. Price 5fl 00. The Great Tribulation. . The Great Preparation.' The Great Consummation. V LIGHT ON SHADOWED PATHS By T. S. Arthur. The popularity and interest about this deliahtfol new work, by Mr. Arthur, are steadily increasing. It is one til the pleasantest ol recent publica tions, and will find its wi) into " thousand and thousands of families, where domes tic f-tories ot a iure and unexceptionable influence are welcomed. Price cl.25. VI NOVEI BY AUTHOR '"RUTLEDGE." Embracing the - splendid r ew novel "Frank XVarnngton," which is selling to rapidly. Price $1.50 Rnt'edae, Frank Warrington, The Sutherlands, Louie. VICTOR HUGO A LIFE One of the most charming and entane- ing volumes that has ever issued from the French Press. French, dramatic, graphic, Hi.d lively, it abounds ith - the same de- iigltlfol interest tha maite"Les Miserable" o vtcuderfnlly attractive. No reader ol thai marvellous romance can remain sat isfied wiihoui its companion, "The S'ory I Victor Hugo's Lile." One handsome ivo.. cloth bound. Price Si 25. viif MRS. HOLMES NOVELS' Embracing her charminsi new novel "Marian Giey," which is so popular thro' out the country. Price 1 25. Marian Grey, Homestead, Lena Rivers, Dora Deane, Meadow tfrook, Cousin Maude. IX THE MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. A Second Series ofa very interestinc and curious book, by Walter Barrett, Clerk. Reminiscences, anecdotis, "wits, humor, lively personal sketches, private and pub lie gossip about Ihe old merchants of New York City a little bit of everything arid not loo much of anything. The first vol utiia had an immense sale last year, and the Second Series is now ready. One ele gant cloth bound volume. Price SI. 50. A I.oiijj Look Ahead, How Could He Help It, I've Been Thinking, Liko And Unlike, -True to The Last, . To Love and to be Loved, The Star and the Cloud, Time and Tide. XI THE ART OF CONVERSATION. XVith direction for Sell Culture. A book of information, amusement, and in struction. Teaching the art ol conversing with ease and propriety, and setiii:; forth ihe literary knowledge requisite to appear to advantage in good society. Price 81.00 XII TALES FROM THE OPERAS. A faacinaiins little volume of Novelties based upon the most celebrated and fami liar Operas giving the plot of each opera in the agreeable form of an interesting and attractive story. Price $1.00. XIII THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. A Hand-Book lor Ladies and Gentlemen; with hints and concerning nice points of tasl, aood manner", and the art of makins oneself agreeable Reprinted from the London edition, whicji is the best and most enteitaining book on the subject ever published. l2mo , cloth bound. Price. 51.50. XIV. BUELAH By Mis Augusta Evan. One of the very best American novels ever published Its sale increa.e day by day, and already 30,000 copies have been sold. Price $1.50. XV. " VERDANT GREEN. The popular, rollicking, humorous slory of College Life in Oxford University, Eng land, with nearly 200 comic illustrations. Reprinted from ihe London edition. A book overflowing with wit, anecdote, and ludicrous adventure. Price S1.25. These books are cold by atl first class booksellers, and will be carefully sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price, by GEO. XV. CARLETON, Publisher. No 413 Broadway, New, York. . March 9, 1864. Auditor's IYticct ALL person interested till mite notice that the undemaned.appoited Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Colutbia County, to make distribution of the blance in hands of Lewis Yetter, Executonf the last will and Testament-of Daniel Kistler, late of Catawissa township, decased, amongst the legatees, will meet the Parties interest ed for that porpose, al his frfice in Blooms burg, at 10 o'clock A. M., n Saturday the 16th day of April next, when and where they may attend if they thitk proper. ROB'T F. CARK, Auditor. February 15, 1864 17 Auditor's hNolivf THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court f Colnmbia County, to make distribution pmong-t the I'teu credi tors of Joseph R. Paxton, .of lh monies mieed by the bhI of the real estate of Joeph Paxton de.-.'d., arid 'paid into Court, hereby gives notice thaf he will attend to the duties of disappointment, nl his office in Bloomt-burg, on Saturday, the 23.1 day of April next, a? 10 o'clock A. M., when at.d where all persons interested may at tend if thev think proper. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. "Fh. 25. ISM 4t. Auditor s Notice. In Ihe matter cflhe Estate of Johnwn Linden, , iate of Biiurcrtek tp.t Columbia county, de'erf. THE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to distribute the balance in the hands of the Administrator of Johnson Linden, dee'ed, will attend to the duties of hi appoint ment at his Office, in , Berwick, on MON DAY, THE llth DAY OF APRIL, 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M , at which time and place all persons interested are notified to present their claims- or be debarred from coming in on said balance. MILTON M, TRAUGH, Berwick, March 7, 1864. $2. Auditor. THE NElf GROCERY STOiSE. MORE Just rcccit:il at ErusmusWew Store. Molasses, Sugars, ... Teas, Coflee, Rice, Spices, " Fitih, Salt, - , ..Tobaco, m Segar.s, Candies, . Razons, .t FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a ureal vrieiy of notions &c, loo numerous io mention. CVBuiter. Eggs. JMeat and produce gen erally taken in exchange for tools. A. B. ERASMUS. Bloomsburg. Feb. 29, 1864 Cheap lint Cap Another ArriTnl of dioods Now i Your Time to liny. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. TIHE undersigned having bought out the JL Grocery ot David Stroup, has re roved his Hal and Cap Store up to Slronp's Old Stand, where iu addition to a superior as sortment ot SPRINQ AND SUMMER HATS aND (JARS, Comprising every soil and quality, which will be sold at unusually low prices. He will continue the Grocery aud Notion business in all its forms as carried on by Mr. Stroup And solicits a continuance of the old customers. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, LININGS to which he invites the at tention ot Shoemakers and the public. JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloons'burg, Dec. 26, 1863. New Stock of Clothing. FALL 6o WINTER GOODS. I NVH ES at ention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing al his Store, or MJJ1X STREET, JiLOOMSJiUnG. two doors afwve the Jimtrican House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of ITIen and ISoy's. Clothing, including 'he nost fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock f Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors.. He also has replenished his already large stock ol Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, flgu;ed and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock", collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy article. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestings, which he is prepared lo make up to order, into any kind ol clothing on very short notice aud iu the best of manner. All his clothing is maJe lo wear and mosl of it is oi home manufacture. AND . ii? ri TZ9 Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap. Hi Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment ol Clothina,' XVatches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOWENBERi. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3d, 1864. For the Fruit, Flotter and Kitcheji Gar- 1864. The 1864. GARDENER'S MONTHLY. W. G. P. BRINCKLOE, Publisher. Office : 23 North Sixth Sl., Phil'a. TKKMS $ 1 50 A YEAR. Edited by T II O ITI A S n E E II A W. THE MOXTHLY CONTENTS ARE: Hints Flower Garden and Tleasure Ground j Fruit Garden j Vegetable Garden; Window Garden. Communications. Embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture Agri culture, and Roral Affairs. Editorial Giving the Editor's views on the important Agricultural improvements Scrapt and Queries New Fruits New Plants Domestic arid Foreign Intelligence Foreign Correspondence Horticultural Notices. ' With each Department handsomely il lustrated. . '-. fliHEs-E general features will be enter- tained asd the publisher pledges him self that no labor or exfense shall be spar ed to render the succeeding issues of the Magazine every way worthy of the favor wilh which his previous efforts have been amply rewarded. SeitJ lor a Specimen. February 24, 1861. Lack'a aud Bloomsburg Railroad. mm id ON AND AFTER JAN. 18, 1364, PAS SENGER TRAIN WILL RUN AS FOL-LfXVS- MOVING SOUTH. Freight If Pusetger. Pamenger. 4.20 P M 5 55 8,25 8 35 9.15 9 65 Leave Scrariion, Kingston, Bloomsburg " Rupert, Danville, Arrive at North'd Moving north. Leave North'd ' ' Dirnville, " Rupert. " Bloomsburg, " Kinaston, Arrive at Scranton, 8 00 8 40 9 22 9 35 12 12 A M P M 1,30 r retsht &i Va-senger leaves Blooms burg. 10 15 A M Pasergers taking the Mail Traiu South connect with the Express train from Nor thumberland, arriving Ha rrsbiirr at 2.30 A M . Baltimore, 7 00 A. M. ami at Phil', at 7,00 A.M. The Mail Train from North'd, leaves immediately after the Ex press train from Harrisbura at and Haiti moref allowing Passenuers leaving Phila delphia, at 10 40 P. M. to reach points on this road during the next lorenoon. New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pany the night trains ewch way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. H. A. FUNDA, Supt. J. C. Welts, Gen I Ticket Aicnt Kinaston, Feb 3. 864. . Volunteer ami Coixscripls ! To Soldier or any others wi-h'mg to in crease their income, there is no belterway of doios to at this time, than I nun ihe sale of our Wa'ches They are warranted as Represented ! "Particularly valuable for officers in the Army ami traveler." Frank Leslie's, Feb ruary 21 "Prettiest, best and cheapest lrepiefe ever orTered." N Y llluitrattd News, Jan uarv 10. 4 Very profv and durable XVatches foi the Army.:'-1-N Y Anny & Navy Joum. Government Oran, Aus,20. "One of ihe oldest and most reliable houses in business. "Loukville Ky , Jour mil Jnl 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVER?. Reins: a Hunting or Open Face for Lady's or Gentlemen's, Wa'ch Compared, with Patent Sell XX'inding Improvement, a most Pleasing Novell y ONE OF THE PRETTIEST, MOST CON VENIENT, AND decidedly the be.l and cheapest time-piece for general and relialle uj-e as eve offered. It has within it coiitucied with its maohiiurv, its own winding atfachment, rendering a key en tirely unnecessary The cases of this Waich are composed of two mtaN, the outer one be'ma fii.e 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate time-piece Price, superbly engraved, per case of hid dozen, S204. Sample Watches, iu t.ei morocco Boxes, 35. Silver VVnttihcs ! Firt Class Hunting Time-Pieces for acc racy of movement, beauty of ma terial, ami above all, cheap ness in price, these w-tches must insure universal appro bation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard ly be detected by ihe most experience' judges. The material being of two metals the outer on first quality Sterling Silvei while the inner one is German Silver, i cannot be recognized by cutting or heav enstravinz, making it, not only in appear ance, but in durability, the best reseri -blance of Solid Sterling Silvers in exi.-t ence. The sale of these XVatches in the Army is a source of enormous profit, reldiling, a they very readily tlo. at S25 and upward Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact. CiT AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In hea vy hunting ca-es, beautifully engraved wh'ne enamel dial, and fancy cut hand, in good running order, by the half dozen, Sfifi. S ild only by the cate of six ! Upon receipt of two dollar. a guaran tee of good !aiih, we will send watches by express to any part of the loyal States, collecting balance ot bill on delivery. This ensure1 buyers against fraud, giving ih?m their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in ihe disloyal States muM remit Cash in advance, as the express compan ies ppremp'orily refu-e making co'.lectionv in dangeious localities. Remember, Cash in advance from within the army lines in rebel States ! X'e Guarantee the safe delivery ol all Watches, whether the" are sent by mail or express. HUBBARD BROS.. Sole Import 171 Broadwav, cor. Cortlandt St. N. Y. Fb. 24, 1864. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. Pitlsbnrgh Commercial College. Binglibmitn " " Crittenden's " Philadelphia. Strap.on, Bryant & Co., ' These Scrips, are in amounts of ?15 and ?50 aud arc as fo much eah, by the Stu dent on enteringeiiher of the above Col leges. Young men ileiring to obtain a finished Collegiate Education, will here find a good speculation by applying a? the clhce ol the STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1S63. Auditor's IVoticc. Estate of John Evans, late of Iiloom ticp., Columbia co , deceased. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court ol Columbia county to make distribution of the fund in the hands of Benjamin F. Hartmari, Administrator ol the estate of John Evan, deceased, among the heirs of said decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his olfice. in Bloomsburg, on Salnrday the IS h clay of April, A. D., 1864, at 10 o'clock iti ihe forenoon, when and where von will attend if you think proper. WESLEY XV1RT, March 16, 1864 4t. Auditor. ATTENTION' XXI1U.11 II .HAY COtSCEKN. TO ALL THE undersigned being a regularly "li censed Auctioneer," hereby offers his ser vices as such, to all who may feel disposed to give him a call. His great experience in le business, will enable him to render satisfaction to his customers. Al the same time he Cautions all Actianeers, not licens ed, from following said calling, as the fine fixed by the U- S. ill sorely be imposed, and the law carried out to its foil extent. All persons desiring to obtain my services, will pleae inform me to that effect before they advertise. J. D. RICE, Auc'r. Light Street, Nov. IS, 1863. DAVID LOUENBERG, C LO THING S TOR E, (On Main streetjtwodoorfabovcthc'Aincr- 'icaa Hotel.' ; . PERIIAM'S INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL UOME ENTERPRISE 586 B ROADWAY NEW YOR K. 7 II K MIRROR OP SHE RZ- The Mont Complete and Magnificent fFar Exhibition Extant Devo d lo rafsi g Funds for a Na tional Home. 100,000 TICKETS, AT $1 EACH A UOSA 'I ICN o 34 720 in Valuable Prop, lily to the Ticket lloldeit. JOSIAH PERI1AM, Agent for the Pro prietnrs. has the honor to announce a plan for creating u fund lor the ioundmg ol a National Institution, lo be a homo lor Iu valid, disabled, discharged soldier. The original su ruber of Tickets issued for this object was 100,0(0 one third ol which have beeu already disposed of in Boston, Mass. w here the enterprise as first projected. Each ol the One Dolh.r Ticket is good for Four Admissions to the Mammoth MIRBOR OF THE REBELLION, at 585 Broadway, New York City, or wherever else exhibited. One half of the profits of ihe entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to the above named patriotic object. According to the original adverti-ed plan, a Mass Meeting ol the ticket hold er was held in Fanenil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4i ti, and an adjourned meeting at i,e same place ou Dec, 16th. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elected as a Board of Trustees, io receive Ihe (und which may accrue Irorn the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to this object in accordance with the plans of the originator ; Gen John S. Tyler, Boston: hts Excellency Governor James Y. Smith, of Rhode 1 -land; Hon.Oeo Briggs of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin of Pettnsy Ivania; Major (Jen N. P. Banks, c Mass., Major Gen. ()- O. Howard of Maine: his Excelleccy Gov. Richard Yates, of Illinois. To speedily accomplish this great ob ject, every wise means will be used by the projector to effect the immediate sale of the tickets; and he calls upon the loy al and humane to assist earnestly in carrying this noble undertaking forward to a trium phant success. Nsidier its importance, nor its feasi bildy, can be called i u question. Lei ihe people but respond in a spirit worthy oj the project, and no obstacles shll delay its consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and ready to devote his whole energies lo the area! work, the projector firmly be lieves the tide ol popular tavor will (low in the- desired direction, and accomplish the loundiog and insure the creation of a permanent National Institution, which .-hail be an asylum for the retired soldier. hose loss of health or limb i hi dtplo ma for heroic services performed in his country 's cause, and which shall go down to the future generations a blesingto man kind and an enduring monument to the liberality ot the loyal people. By comoinii.g this enterprise with a public place ol amusement ol such well established high character and merit, the siibsctiber to t lie fund, while tiing his inonry lor the promotion of a great char ita'ole design, may receive a lull equiva lent for the outlay in witnessing this splendid series of Paintings. ATTAR ACTIVE BOUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effect the speediest possible sale of these tickets, so that unnecessary expense may be saved, and the National Home Fund proportionately increased, a further inducement is offered as a oounly to pur chaser. A soon as the tickets shall have beefl old, in addition to one half the profits, as atoresaid the following described prop erty will be donated to Ihe ticket holders, and placed in the hands ol theii Trustees, a distinct board having been chosen fur that purpose, at ihe mass meetings held as above staled, and a hich consists of the lollowit g gentlemen who, on receipt ot the property, will dispose of the same, by lot, or otherwise, as me ticket holders in mas meeting may direct there to tie no violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C O- Rogers. Hon. C. XV, Slack. Gen. B.U. Cowdin.Cnl. A J Wr.ghi, John C Hay ues. Esq., ol Boston, Jchua XXVb-ner E-q.. of Mapleville, Mas- , Isaac S. Morse E-q , of Cambridge, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To tchuh the Tkkft-holders trill bt entitled. One gen'eel reside.nce in the City ot Robury. Mas-, val ie at 810 000 Three Piano forts, val. at S500 each 1 500 Five piano-fortes, val. at S306 ech 1,500 Five Gold XVatches, at SI00 each, 500 Filly Gold XVatche", at 50 each, 2,500 Two shares in Ihe Boston and XVor- cesier Railroad, a Sl30each, 260 Two shares in the Ronton and Maine R R. valued at $133 each, 260 Two shares in the Merchants' Batik, Boston, at 3100 each, 20C Six thousand Gold-Union MeCals valued at S3 each, 18,000 Two Sewing Machines, at S50 each, 100 Total, S34.720 Due notice will be g'nen of the next mass meeiins of the ticket holders which will take place in New York City. A National Home Ticket, costing one dollar, consist of five coupons, lour ot which are admissions to ihe Mirror, good al any time, and th" other certificate ot an interest in the Enterprise, which the purchaser retans. The udinistoM coupon may be n-ed sep arately, or nil al once, as suits the conve nience of the purchaser. AH commutiica'.ions on the subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or expre-, should be directed to JOSIAH TERIIAM, Agent, 5S5 Broadway. New York City. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interest in this charitable nuderoking, by getting o'p clubs, will receive eleven tickets lor every e:i do'Iars sent. J tft. 20, 164 National Foundry. I!looiii!.bur, Columbia Co., 'Ine subsribjr, proprietor of the above iiametlext fiisive establis hmeni, is now preparell to receive orders for all kinda of machinery, for COLLER1ES. BLAST FI R NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILL THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &.c. He is also prepared to make Stoves, al sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, wairaO him in receiving the largest contracts op the most reasonable terms. ty Grain of all kinJs will be taken in exchange for castin". (7 This establishment is located near f lie Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9. 1863. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. OUR Leiter A Fam.U Sewing Machine ii fast vtaihiitg a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt ihe bst and et.eapesl nd most beautiful of all Family Sewing M chines vet olfered to the public. No Other Mar-li'm hart fo manV m i Inl aopiiances for Hemmum, Binding, toll I irtg, Tucking. Gathering, Gnaglne, Bra.dir. ! Embroidering. Cording, and so lojth. N" I other Familv Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a greal variety of work. It sew all kinds ol clt. h. an 1 with all. kinds thread. Great and jecej.t improvrweiit make onr Family Sewing -.Machine' loost reliable, ami mosi durable. t and most cer tain in action at nil rates of sveed.- It makes the it, isrlocked Milch, which is the best stitch known. Any '"e. even of the most onltt ary capaci'y ,can M?e. a', a gUn-e how to Use Ihe letter A Fair.iiv Sewi.iir Machine. Our Family Sewing Machine are fini-hed in chaste and exquisite slyle. The Folding Ca-e of the Family Ma chine i a piece ol tiiiinin: workmanship al tt.e must useful kind. It protects the nj.t chine hen not in use, atut when about to be operated may be opened as a spacions ami sub-tantial talb to si.stairi ihe work. XX'hile some ol the Caes. rnaJe out of ihe cNoicesi woods, are fini-hed in ihe sim plest a-td chastexi maimer possthle, others are. adorned and embelisheU in the most costly and superb manner. Ii is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast bec oming as popular for family sewiii" as our Manufacturing machines are lor manufacturing purposes. The Blanch Olfices aie well supplied with silk tw ist, thread, needles, oil, etc , of the very best quality. Send lor a Pamt'h'e'. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO , 45H Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE KI0 Chesinut Si. N. S. Ttnuley. Anent, in Espy , Pa. A. J. Evans, Aeul, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1PH3. .j - r-.i!?-7 AND SECOXD HAND piS A FES, AT NRW YORK SAVE DEPOT 71 UVfiam Street, Vw Fork. Size and Prices of LilUe's Firc-Proff So fen. O U T S I D R: IVidih. 20 22 . 24 28 31 31 licit ht. No 1 24 No 2 26 No 3 30 No 4 32 No 5 .31 No 6 40 I N S I D Depth. 20 24 24 24 24 21 K : Height. Width. ; i 13J 15 18 21 21 Number -do ; do ( Depth. 12 12 19 13 14 15 PRJCK. ' Sx5 00 100 On 115 oi; No No No No No No 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 21 22 4 31 rarer. S5u 00 I 60 00 I 70 00 j I I, IS3. Number do 1 2 do 3 November Oflffe Oflfl MORE MEN XV ANTED. OUU,UUU xo QUELL REBELLION! II VOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES! NEW ARRIVAL OF FAIiL A: UINTCU GOODS. AT PETER ENT'S STORK IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. fTAS just received from the eastern cilie and is. now opening al the old stand a splendid assortment of cs it cs Da si m cQ 3. a tia 9 which will be sold cheap for CASH OH COUNTRY PRODUCE.! His stock consi-ts of Ladies Dre Goods, choicest stales and laieet fashion. CALICOES. MU6LINS. ii INCH A MS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. Itealy-.lla!c Clothing SATINETS, C SSI ME RES, COTTON A IKS, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, QUEENSXVARE, CED'ARWAitE. HARD XV A RE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, rr qr, rv rv&r " . ,r. BOOTS AX1) SU0LS, HATS aiid CAPS, In short everything usu-i'.ly kepi in a country tnr. The patronage of his old friend, ami the public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER EKT. Liuhi Street, Nov. 11, bH3. Miller's Store. OF FALL AND HTNTEIl GOODS. 'JXJIE subscriber ha just returned from - ttie Cities w ith another large and select assortment of FA A: WlATIIi: GOOI)S purchased ai Philadelphia ind New York, at the lowest fume, ami which he i determined to sell ou as modera'e'terrrts a can be procured el-ewhere iu BloomsLdfg. Hi stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of Ihe choicest ty les and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, CZi C2 & CS IT Q & S3 a 11 A RD WAR K. Q U E E N S XV ARE, CEDAR 'AVtE. HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c , &c. In short, every ihina usnallv kepi in country store.-; to which he invites the public gener ally. The highest price will be paid forcotm try prodnce, iu exchann for good. STEPHEN 11. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Jan. 6, 1361. Attorney at I-aiT. BLOOSlSBURG, PA . -Office, on Main Snec, Fii-t door l idov A. J.S!caa' Stjte,. Dec 3, 1W4