The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 06, 1864, Image 1

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    - : -- - ' ' : ? i H- " "T n tz : r : ! r- . t s :, . S7T " ! n ,::'; it f-'::tTTrn. .f' I 7h j 4 .....;. . - - . . . i
m-rmlTTi ah i 'ill fin la
Two Doilas per 4uiuia.
Truth and Right Cod and otr Country.
:;volumi: 1.5.
i. .. -
' We do no believe that eve in this age
of cheap publications any -' workl!Can be
more rra-onaMe thsri U "term ofthfe
ScienVirie Amerui- at $2V pWr-'afcimme
wim st per cent. uisrociDnorf c!ot Vot' 10
to lorni
a vearly volume of 1 832 "naees
qtfartni, with an immne number of origi-
tml enraiii2 of batamed mac hi nest h1u-
6ble Jnt'eutions, and - object of scientific
ihteren There tn not an industrial pursuit
wbich'doei net receive a hare of its at-
fention. .-It rootainn official tits oi ' patent
rlaim,'important"-iaii-Hc, practical, re-
ripe lor uomesiic purposes and has long
flood, both irt IhiscoBntrw and in Europe,
as the highest auihoniy in :tho m'ecrtaHic
art and ;nres. Tiiere ino publication '
more valuable u:ih'ef 'farmer, ''the4, miller, J
the enginer; in iron fouiidcr ifie m-ch'an
ic, or me manuiiirttifr. ve nave never
fpr.ed a nurrtber-without - learn i Mr-some
Ibins'WA never kiewr tetnre, an(f obtaining
valuable in'ormatiort for ihe beiefit 'of oor
reailers. The Publisher,- Messr.- ilunn '
X. Cn . nf 37 Pa rfc 'fifi Na
achieved No one .hculd- visit that citv
without ralliiU ihr'baUrral establish- i n8,"!e,T,Vw"D '
naw - hlcU is Imuwn -oUnvetuive allace, iu , decl.nins, said : .1 am
iiia. rnlleciKci Irnm .he entire world.- ! 'hanklul to the gentleroao who has placed
IrVJy of our ire. d. do i.ot know this work , me in nomination, for the honor he has con
and Pdtaie bur advice, they will mail 2 ,erred "P3" m' 1 eel m ?b,lhXy J"
n,Kbo,,,e nbribets Vimmed,a.elj,- or wranl eipenenee too sensibly to perrn.l
t.y applying trrtbe'Pti Wh-r.hey caa ob- , me rma,n "ndida'e., The genU emen
tain a specit?tl roftj gta'ialwhfrft wilhbe
".L ... w f . ' -!
sa'i 'toconfirjtt ih jruil ef our reeomaien
Old Th in B r com c : 2V ew,
"The unde'rsiVued would beg' leave to in
T'.rm.his ril friends, and." h rsi of .man-"
6lhcl,'n if ht tie has Utety reiofned from the
errw 1if en'airrv at'td nijHin te-
ppned MsO,!; U r. M A W 11 SH'
E O T A 1 t,O K i N i 5 A LOON,
iih'a.vtev;' ol nukm tip eniire new 2iir
men s, ax well a-mnling"oId onesi for all Mr. AlcCalmont, said that the reason nrg
fiiaTTklnd, and. any. .body. eUe. who iua ' ed by Ihe" gentleman," was not of suffioiear
favor Hi' irn '.with ' tf.Kir 'work Jn n,s tjne.' , J weight to jusiily his declination As a Sen-le:sU;TM-ernred
to do" work "NEAT,' Fash- atorat Harrisburg and a lawyer, tiis ability
lv so doiti2, ait't Mrirl afierition lo business
lo rnerii and rwceive a due h a re of patron
age! But remember, afl that thrse tiroes
require money,' or something to live upoir,
fie therefore hopes ;and trusts,' that when
he ha don hi parr, his rusinmer will
I6 their, bv fornisriini? the "r -ady1 John,7
r ready traded' Fortruly the 4i Laborer is
worth v of hiihire.' "'- ' - '
--BlonmsVinrs, Sept. 10 1G2. "" ;
A --FosrrimE von ai.i-
1 ' '"EITHER '"31 KX OR WOMEX !
; - '- :
I NO 3UG, Vui. a Vi ENTi RKLY. NF.W
thing..! Duly three mo.i'hs in i l i- eeuniry.
. No clap-trap operaiiori iti gull' the public,
tol a "PTinine moner m:it"'ng5rhin2 ! Read
tlie. Circa ar ol insiriio'irjn nnce onl. , and
ou will'rstaiid it prff.ljr. A Lady
ha just written to me that h : i making
DAYS! giving ii'sirucions in this . an.
Thousandf folJiers aVj aikin rhoney
rapidly at iu ; it i a lhig? that uke- letter
ihin. any'thins .ever " oilered, , You can
make roo'Mj ho me or. abroad -ou
wsiiti ooats-or-tailrnad' car, and in the
oumry dr'city; . Ypa "will be pleaed iti
pursuing it, not, only because it 'will jiur
a hand-ome income, but . also in. conse
buence of the general admiration which it
elicits." It is pretty much all profit; A
mere infle i necessary lb start ,wit?i.
There is--scarcely one -;peron 'otit ol
thovsaads who ever pays any atttiition to
advertisements of this; kirrd thinking- 'the
are bmpugiy,.Con.rque.frfly tiiojjfr wh de
end lor instructioriar will have a broad
SdV4,io ma"ke rnonsy rt.' There is a-i-Tast
tjysiQiii fdtJLIi-woiliL. who wonlJ.' think
hat b raose they have' bee humbusgeJ
o C 10 f 4 tf o 11 a r 6 r o ' t h a t e v e r t h i 1 1 gs t h a t
is ai:ertiSed ahombug. Coui-equentiy
ttie in no. tnori.'. The . person. whoV suc
ceeds is the one. that keep;on trying unti
he hits something that pays him. ,
i IhU atl oo- - thousar.d' -dollar,
and 1 expect to make money out of V. and
V(r who purchase the art iof rae will; 'do 3 he
eame'Orle Dollar sent to; me, will .insure
he prompt retoro of a card of indirections
is tae art! Thtmov.ey teVl It lo
Vuwtnot satiifed. . - ' '",' V"".. '.
'Vs, V No- I Park, Place," New York.
'6cC2l, 1863. 5m.. , ,
.'.- IMPORTANT fQ;'tApIEy.r.'rV. Har
jrey'a Famale Pdls have pever yet failed Id
removing difficulties arising from obetroc
libncr stoppage of riamrej or' in restoring
the sysiera to perfect bealih,, when eoflei
iiig from f pifial affections, prolapso?, Uleri,
lbs whites, or other weakness op the uter
inc. organs; fTte pjlfs- are perfectly "barm
less on the co'nsti'.ution, and may (be,uken
by the rnost delicate female withoot caos
inj digress the same time they act like a
chard by etrengihensrt,-invigorating and
restoring the sjstemjo a healthy condition
. and by bingiug - 00 -the monthly period
with regularity, do matter from what cani
" e'th?' obstruct too may anse. They 6hould
however, tfOT be taken daring, the .firai
4hree Or fobr cidntha of pegnancy4 thoogh
6afaEf any 'other lime as miscarriage
would .be th-e result.-, : ' ' ' ' "" ' ' """'"
Eacb,bcx..contains 6Q pills. Price SU
Dr;Harvej '$ Treatise on deases of Fe
males, oregiancy, miscarriage,' BarrenneiB
tueriTity? Hapfoii action,an d.abnses. of Na
t.nre, an4enipVaficaiIf the ladies Primal
'Iledi'ca'l Adf ise'r, 'a pamphlet, of " jpages
rffnt f:ea to, any iddes.' " Six ,censa re-
culred vo pay" fcdstagr. - ".. ' rfi": '
x;vfb"e Pills and book wiSi be "sent by' mail j
''Is-heri'deMred, securely sealed and prepaid j
by V." J. EIIYAN, M. D. General Ag'C j
' 'fv. , :'No. 7e CeJar strer New .Yerk. j
CSc' J by a'l tfee principal druggists.
.'Nor. 25, iSS3-ly. '- --ai-'-
0W f urn HOiaH.,,.
WM.:iisJAcuBy, :
pffict oo JHaipStfx 3rd Square beow, Market.-
.r TRMS; -Two Dollars pHrannom if paid
' within ix months from the lime of subncri-
- htna ; iwn Hollrs nH" fifi v cm if not baid
withinr (ht year.1 " No Bubccription'laken for
j a les period than six months; no'discon.
tinuar.ce permitted alia' rrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor. A
I . "2 hi terms of advertising icill be as follows:
J One square twelve lines, three times, SI 00
j Kvery subsequent -insertion, ;' . . . 25
One square, three months, 3 00
j 0o..jear, .. v .,, ,. . n . . 8.00
! - -t-- J
Procesdiflss" Democratic Stale Convention. .
The ; following - nominations ''were ' then
made for Chairman ol the State Central
Committee;,.. . - - .. ' ..
William' L. Hirst, William .Bigler, C. L. i
Mr. W allace declined and -Mr. B.Sler'i ;
'"T'" -"
ter fined for the responsible and arduous
duties of leader in the approaching cam
paisn, than 1 have the vanity to suppose
that t am." My ttt2hesfr ambition is to be an
ardent foot-sold ter in the coming contest, in
which I trust we eh II win the trophies ot a
vindicated Constitution and a restored Uni
on. I withdraw my name from the contest.
I am also instructed by Governor Gigler
to sav. that he is not a candidate tor the no- i
1 sition of Cbairman ot 1 the ' State Central j
was well known "Air. Wallace then per-
emptonly declined the honor ol a nomina
trou. '
' A vote was taken a follows :
Win. L. Hirst. 29 I C L Ward St
Wm H AV'ttte, ' 44 W. H. Wallace, '
There being no choice a fcecond ballot
'vas ordered
Wm. L. Hirst, 23 j L. Ward, 54
Wiu..H:Wie,'. 42 William Bigler, 1
, The name f William H. Witle waa with
drawn.. -I ... V v
' , A third ballot wad ordered. ..The result
w as as lollows . vf ,,', ....... . ' ... .
C. L. tV ard, 85 I Wm. Bigler, 1
Wm. L HirM. 35
- Mr W ard was declared elected Chairman
of the State Central Committee. " - '
--On moiiou of Mr. Hirst, it was nade
unanimous' ' -
' It ra- moved to adjourn until half past
nine 1 hi morning. -.
'I r.e nioiion was disagreed to
Judge AlcCalmont moved to arijonra un
til niue o'clock this morning. It was dis
agreed to. Ayes, 26 : noes not couuied
Mr Monaahan moved that when the Con
vention ai'joum il be until quarter past
eiglit'iii ihe evening.' It was agreed to.
An invitation from the Pennsylvania Club
vas received and accepted
Convention then adjoirned until
quarter past eight in the event g.
Elector William Lo'aghlin.'..
JJeUlji$ Samuel G.. King, Dr George
Nebitier. ... :- . ;
Sla te ( 'omVf-Lewis C. Cassidny, Jo
seph Mega ry,, George A. Qailey.
" Elector Edward R. Helm bold..
Delates- VHftari-f M ? Riley i G. W. Ir
win. ''''.
State ComniVee Charles Ml Leisenring,
Dominick Master, FrederiekJ;. Brown.
"Elector El ward P. D-jnn. .
Deltgntes Wm. Cnnis, Simon Arnold. ,
. . State Committee R. J Hemphill, Charles
Buckwalier, Philip H, Lutz. ,
. Elector-Thos McColIoneh.
" Delegates-- Willi am W Barnelf, Isaac S.
Cassin. ,
SMt Committee Yeret Armbroster, A. R
t?chofjeld,'Richf.rd Simpson ', :
. TirTH 'district " .
Elector Ed w.T. Hes.
Delegates H. P. Ross, Charles W. Carri
gan. . t . - - .
Ftpte Committee Chas. Vanzant, H. W.
Dittmaa, J. D. Miles. . .. .
sixth district. -
Elector Philip S Gerhard.
"' DeTegafes J. D". Stiles, Perry M. Hnnter.
State Commit ee A. I- Rahe, Jamea F.
Kline, Jacob Danehower. '"''"
Elector G G.'LeipeK. . .
Delegates John , H, Brinton, John C.
Beatty. , . -
Slate Committee Dr. E. C. Evans, Dr
W. D.; Dowoing, George W. Weaver.
Elector Michael Seltzer , . ... . ,
y Delegates J. Glancey Jones, Wm. Ros
enthal. State ComtnitteeMichael P. Bojer, Jon
athan See, Geo' Smith, Jr.; .
. .. ".:. JflSTH DISTRICT. - -.-
; Elector Patrick M'Avoy.
v Delegates--George Sanderson, Henry A.
Wade. i ';'' !- . - - :
State Committee R. R.-'fahudy,'A. J.
Steinman, S H-Reynolds -
Elector Thomas H. Walker.1 ' .. 1
Delegates Francis W Hughe, Dr. C. B.
Glaninger. , " ' J '
: State Committee A. Wilhetm, F. P.
Dewees, Jamea lia.'.; '," ' '." ''""
Elector O. S.-Dimmick. ...
Delegates Philip Johnson, Carlton Bur
nett. - ' - ... '
- State Committee H. B. Beardley, A. G.
BroadSead, jr?, Samuel H- Neimann.
Elector A. "B-'Dannragr. f : - -
Defegaies Charles Dennison, A. J. Gar-
rewG'n'., 7 - T. f -"- -..- r
sttate Cornmittee E. V. StnrdeTanf,Pan
iel Rankin, John Blanding.
Elector Paul Leidy.
' Delegates John F. Means,
David Low-
eriberg. ; , '.- . ". .
. State Committee Harvy Sickler, Geo
D. Jackson, C. S. Russell. -
Elector Robert Swineford.
"Delegates Hamilfon Alricks,
Bower. '' :" ' ' ;
- State Committee Solomon Malick, ;E.
S. Doty, A. Patterson. ...
. ... FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. , . .. j
, Elector JohuAbl- . .
Deleaies Peter A. Keller. H. D Eenlf.
State Committee John F. Spangler, J. A
Blattenberger. '" - " '-''
4 . ' SIXTEENTH DISTRICT.. , . : . ,
Elector Henry i. Smith. - .
Delegates Henry J. Stable, B F. Myers.
Staie Commiiiee Wm. P. Schell, J. Mc
Dowell Sharpe, Levis Leichty.
Elector Thaddens Banks. 1 ;
Delegates R. Bruce Petriken. Daniel M
- Slate Committee James D. Rea Jas. F.
Campbell, Joseph W. Parker. , ' ,
Elector Hugh Montcomery. ;
, .Delegate Juo. H. Orvis, Stephen Pierce.
State Committee Miles White, Huston
Hepburn, S R. Peale
Elector John M.Trvtn. "'"
Delegates C- L." Lamberton, James
Kerr. -- , - ' . .
State Committee R. B. Brown, R
Lochran, J. D. Gill. ."-
; Elector Joseph M. Thompson.
..Delegates T, B. Seanjrht. John Latia.
State Committee H P. Laird, J. B.San
som, H. S. Roddy. ' '
Elector Erastas Brown.
Delegates William A. Galbraiih,
A Wal ace - . . . ,
- State Committee Benj . Whitman. T. J.
Boyer, A M. Bmilun . . . , .
--E!"ctor-James P. Barr. -
Delegate Wm. D. Patterson, Samnel P,
Stale Committee Francis R. Sellers, Jos.
R. Hunter, Andrew J.'- Baker.' "r : ' !
E'eclnr V rri. J Kodntz ' ' ' ' - ' '"
; f) legates J. A' McCoUoughyF H.-Hut-chit-ou
. i-. -. ; - ! . - - -;
Sate Commitiee E. S. Golden, James
Bradeu, Wm H ilape , .
: Elector W Mnnigomerv.'
Deleja es R. V. Jnes,'S B. VVilson. '
State Co'iimuiee William Swan, Charles
Carter, and D.S. Morris. '
The "Border Babes.
The New York World sayi. ."the letter
we published Irom Winchester, Va , yes
terday, will be read with .curious interest
thronahont the country, as it proves, what
has long bet-u suspected that guerrillas
fighting and conting from btb armies has
degenerated into organized brigandage. I t
is now well established that the late raid
upon the Baltimore and Ohio railroad was
committed by a gang of freebooters - nader '
command of one Major Harry Gilmore. The :
band has been outlawed by the rebel mili- J
tary authorities, and is composed indiscrimi- i
nately ot deserters from both armies Whea :
robbing Ur.ion families -ihey claim to be
guerrillas - and when they make a descent i
upon a rebel community they are ' "Jesse
Scouts," or raiders, Jand they rob both par
ties and claim the protection of both. -
In Virginia these rogus have, a splendid
country (lor their purpose) to operate in
Between Martins&urg -and Harper's Ferry
on the North and Woodstock and From
Royal on the South, and' from the Blue
R:dge on the East 10 the North mountains
on the West, they have lor their operations
an intricate net-work of roads, wntch they
scour at night with all the impunity of in
fallible familiarity aud impeneir b'e dis
guise. " ' . :
Gilmore the leader, is a man of good
family and has been well educated. ! A ro
mantic interest is sought to be attached to
his name, which the deeds of himself and
gang do' noi warrant." They are simply
thieves without courage or gallantry, and
boih the conie?Rding armies should unite to
rid the seat of war of these "border babes,'
as they call themselves. The "Dick Tur-
pins" and "Jack Shepperda" of English
criminal history will never be tolerated
Americans North or South."
A school-boy being asked by bis teacher
how he should flog him, replied : "1 i you
please sir, 1 should like lo have il . upon the
Italian system of penmanship the heavy
strokes upward and the down ones light!'
Some people were hit when a patrirotic
clergymen recently saidr ."Shoddy comes
from the devil, and those who supply Shod
dy to our gallant Soldiers go lo the devil.
Old Abe writes to some clergymen of the
West lhaf, "it is not ihe intention of the
government to run the churches." The
old joker evidently thinks that the churches
.are a sort ol fire machines.- ; . : :. .
... "You may talk as yoa; please of the Gol
den Age and the Iron age,1" said a shoddy
contractor,' "but give me the'Aga ofttsat!"'
Way are stars Ilka rowdies who keep late
hours? Ans. Because thay ecin-lil-la'.e in
the night. r ' ' : - - v ' "' ' "
'". The literary etyleof asking for a slice 6f
ham at dinner is. , "I'll thank , yon Ibr an
elegant extract from'bacoo." '
The right man in the right placaa hos
band at home ia the evening.
MrPeter Robinsoc was a bachelor, stont ' g(one fa,". opon the n(,aj.0f lwo gentlemen
rosy, and almost fcrty. Peter ha4 never pag8in? an( the whole four were in an "in
loved but once, and the adoration of his , B(aU mjxe(j m an inextricable mass. - Like
heart had been bestowed upon MN Lucy , al, other (,peclaior(i) Peter rushed to the res
Poppelton ; but, ahs ! Peter had failed to cue only to behold, between sorrow and
express his passion at the proper moment, joy the ja6, ?a!1p9 Df Counsellor Ketcham
or, in otner words, had not come to timo ; ) an j lhe genileman who was walking, with
and one day bis heart was lacerated by re- ( him anJ ,he perfect safely of the Milesian
ceiving an envelope 01 cams announcing
that ihe delightful Lucy was about to be-
come Mrs. Jemmerson Crooks.
It was a' terrible blow lo Peter, but he
staggered bp from it, and still loved the' ob
ject of his early passion at a' distance.
Mrs. Jemmerson Crooks revelled in the de
lights of motrimony, leading Fashion, her
husband, and Peter at a distance by the
noe, for five years, at the etd of which
time Mr. Jemmerson Crooks chose lo de
part for another sphere, leaving Mrs. Jem
merson alone to mourn hi departure.
Once more Peter's heart sprang up from
duM and ashes, and looked forward to the
time when the allotted periol of mourniig
ahould be over, and he-could pot forth "the
pent up agonies of five years; and ask com
pensation in the hand of the fair widow.
"One year," thought Petir, "is aurely
enotuh time. I will give her one
Month after month roiled away nntil the
tenth cime, and Peter was determined to
wai; no longer. .A sick'jsh misgiving of the
evils of delay drove him to precipitate the
asking. He sought the widow in her home,
and with all the ardor of a pent up love
ponred forth hia tale. The widow heard
him heard him calmly unto, ihe very last
word, and then with her delicately per
fumed handkerchief pressed to her blush
ing cheeks by the whituM of hand, told
Peter that he was, alas ! just one week to
late; that she had only the . week before
promised her hand to Dr. Stickleback, who
had so faithfully attended her dear Jemmer
son in his last hour ; and oh, why did her
dear Peter not speak before? "A
"'A second time was Peter' heart torn into
rrtinute fragments ; a second lime was he
sent out into ibe world to admire at a dis
tance. ! ' ' '
Time sped on. aid once more P.ter ( be
gan lo encourage hope. Perhaps Stickle
back might die ; be certainly had an apo
plectic look and, sure enough, Peter's
"perhaps" turned out a certainty, '" and Dr.
Theodosins Stickleback was within a short
p-riod of two years gathered to hi fathers,
and the fair widow Stickleback was once
more a mourner." Tester had. learned loo
bitterly the danger of delay tV sufler any
snch cause this time between himself and
success. He would not give the widow a nor let tan months nav. r.ot even
mx. but even at the third month he would
go to her with his tale of love deferred ; and
so he did We mui transcribe the widow's
own words when the question was pop-
Ped": ' ' '. ' ' :
i 'Oh! Mr. Robinson, who did yoa no
come before 1 Yoa know my esteem for
you you know that 1 -ronld hare set aside .
all other offers for you ; but oh ! how can I
tell you, that only last evening I promised
Captain Hawkins ! Toor, dear sweet Haw- ;
kins ! he's your intimate Iriend, I knew;
I've heard him speak so-highly of you ! Oh ! ,
why did you not speak before V j
And so Mrs." Theodosius Stickleback waa j
transformed into Mrs Capt. Jonathan Haw-
kins : and Peter was once more left to ad- I
mire ai a distance.
Still Peter waited aud hoped. Something
might turn up, he argued and then he would
not allow himsslf to be to late. And some- ;
thing did lurn op the something being
nothing more or less than the redoubtable'
captain, who turned up missing, having'
fallen overboard Irom the steamboat while
out on a target excursion with his company
and sunk like a, owing undoubtedly, ;
to the ponderous nature of his responsibili
ties. ' ; !'.,.',' I
The suddenness of this exit, as Peter ar i
gued, must certainly act with depressing i
effect upon ihe widow, and he thought he i
would not give her time again to recover'
and be admired ; stiil etiquette demanded
lhat a little do intervene. Accordingly!
when the tenth day after the melancholy'
bereavement, Peter knocked althe widow's '
door, bent, upon his errand to love, he rather
chuckled to himself that he was taking'
time by the forelock. The business on
u : w u i I
nuiiu no lame aijuioM iuiu,. ouu uuvs
more ihe widow was in a torrent of tears.
"Oh! Mr. Robinson," she exclaimed,
hiding her blushing face in her cambric,
.'why are yoa so unfortunate, and why ami
I ?- Yoa know my esteem for yoa but
yoa are too late ! Yoa know Counsellor
Ketcham ? my poor, dear, dead and gone
Hawkins' most intimate friend. - He was
with him yoa know, when he was called
away, and was the first to communicate to
me the awful intelligence. He was such a
comforter, and I have 'promised: to have
him this day two months!"
This lime Peter .j was crushed. He bad
no words to express his broken-hearted ness
but to rush from the house and
go on, as
before, admiring at a distance. . , .. , .
, It was months before Peter even offered
to encourage hope, and even then it flick
ered. Ooe day be was walking ia despon
dent mood through one of the ave
nues, when he heard a sadden stout, and
started.; From a half finished balding just
In front of him he saw, as he 'raised .his
eyes, a stout Milesian making gyrations in
the air, 7r6m: a height ol three stories,' in
com nan r with ' a 'c6bin2 stone weishin"
somewhat less than half a too-the two
having slipped together frorn a scaflolding
that heiirfit. He saw both Milesian and
anJ ,he 6(one
" . .
- . " - - - 1
of lime. Without an instant's delay more
than fo satisfy himself that life was extinct,
he hailed a passing hack and then sped 10
the mansion of the widowed Mrs. Counsel
lor Ketcham. In words -of the most deli
cate and endearing nature, Peter communi
cated his intelligence to the widow, and
waited the result ; and then, belwren her
sobs and tears, he claimed her tiand for the
nqxt set.
t;Oh ! Mr. Robinson,". sobbed the widow;
"how can you afk me snrh a thing ? How
could i know that yon would be the firt to
bring me the awful news of my dear Ketch
am' decease ? You know Low I estepm
and respect you, but but I am already
er.gaeed !"
Engaged !" shrieked Peter, "to who ?"
"I promised," lespondd the widow, be
tween her sobs' ''I premised a month ago,
if anything happened. 1 would marry Ciil.
Snapper '." "
"You did V shouted Peter, the whole as
pectof his face changing in an instant from
that of a fiend to a look of unbridled jry I
"You did, and who are you engaged to af- :
ter ihai ?'
"No one," sighed the widow.
"Will yon swear this to me 1" said Peter. .
C'l o Ir a j r
"And will you marry me afier Suapper is
gone?" . . i I
I will," said the widow. ' j
"Do you swear it ?"a-ked Peter, fiercely. '
"I swear it," said the widow earnestly.
"Then you are mine, charming Lucy !
for the stone that ushered the Counsellor
into the next world also took the Colonel
! saw it with my own eyes."
. The next moment ihe idow was in Pe
ter's arms, and they , were married in less
than a month.
Much attention has been lately awakened
in Rome by a portrait of onr Savior which
is fully described as authentic. It is copied
Irom a cameo, which bears the following
inscription: .'Executed by order of the
Empeior Tiberius, and given by the Sultan
of Turkey to Pope Innocent VIII , in ran
som of his brother Zozim,then a captive in
tne hands of ihChristians." The portrait
has bee" coPied b M
Van Clet, a sculp
tor of Paris, and from its presumed genu
ine likeness, and the circumstances estab
lishing the authenticity of the cameo, has
created great interest in the religious and
artistic world.
Induns i Harhiburg A delegation of
twenty S oux Indians from Minnesota,
arrived in Harrisburg on Friday last and
quartered in the court house wh'ere ihey
were visited by a large number of citizens.
They were fine specimens of the primeval
sons of the forest. The appearance of sev
eral ol them on lh streets created qui e a
sensation, especially amor.g the juvenileSj
who followed wherever they went. The
delegation left for Washington, lo have a
"talk" wi.h their "great father," the Presi
dent, in relation to their affairs, and to re-
i ceive money uue tnem under a late
Those Pkrons, says an exchange, who
have reached the age of forty-five years
since the la?t draft, should if they desire to
be.exempt from military service, go before
a magistrate and make oath to the fact, and
have their names stricken .irom the enrol.
nient lists. This course would save incon- i
vemence to themselves and the dralt
Death of a Hotel Keeper. We omitted
to state in our last that Mr. Samuel' Warn
bold, formany years proprietorof the Ameri.
can Hotel, in this borough, died on Friday,
the 18th of erysipelas. Mr Vambold was
a kind-hearted, worthy man, and a good
citizen. Luzerne Unfon.
' Be Vaccinatrd. The prevalence of small
pox all over the country admonish all wbo
have not been vaccinated to have it done
without delay. We learn of several cases
in our midst, therefore this precautionary
measure should nol be neglected. Demo
cratic Standard.
Two Deacons were disputing about the
proposed site of a new graveyard when the
first remarked, "I'll never be buried in that
ground as long as I live." ' What an op
stinate man !'' said the Becond : "I will il
my Tile is spared." '' .
"Six feet In his boots!" exclaimed Mrs
Partington.- "What will ihe importance of
this world come too, T wonder? Why they
might as well tell me that he had fix heads
in his hat?'' - -
Ir your husband chews, thank God lha,
he doesn't smoke . If he chews and smokes
thank God that he dosen't take snuff. If he
does all three, thank God that he'll not live
long. ' ; ' 1 '
t ' T 1 - - ''. '
"A machine has been invsnled which is to
b driven by the force of circamiltnces.
The First. Enrepean Iron-Clad unuer Fire, i "
.. . . . 1
Since ihe French armor-plated batteries
took part in the lombatdment of .Kinburn, i
no opportunity has offered to br'mg'any of
the European iron clads to trial by battle.- - j
But the floating batteries used at' Kinburn I
woniu scarcely re raniteu among iron ciau
6hips now ; and the first real trial of an ar
mored ship in Europe took place daring an
engagement between the Danish cupola
ship Roll Krake and the Prussian land bat-
leries at Egernsnnd, on the 17th of Febru-j
ary. The Rolf Krake was built at Glasgow J
in Scotland ; she is covered with four and a I
half inch Iron plates, is ef twelve hundred j
ions burthen, draws sixteen feet of water, j
and has two terreis or cupolas, carrying four j
sixty-eight pounder guns. Apertures at the J
top of the towers admit light and air ; me
chanical arrangements allow of the bhip
being lowered until her deck is only a few
inches above the surface. An officer who
was on board during the action writes : '
"We passed Holnaes without replying to
the fire of ihe battery stationed there, and
took up the position which had been desig
nated. Here we anchored," with our broad
side towards two fixed batteries aud one
moveable field battery, which opened upon
us a murderous fire with round shot, coni
cal thell and shrapnel. A tongue of laud
prevented -our seeing the bridge we had
been ordered to destroy. The enemy fired
very well. His fixed batteries were mask
ed, atid it is therefore impossible to say
ilow moclietlamage we did him ; bet I sent
a col1'ple of shells at a rifled gun that rained
conical shot upon us Irom the heights,' and
when 6heering ofT bombarded a mill and a
bouse. We returned to Sonderborg, afier
being engaged an honr and a half. ' The
Roll Krake stood the trial well
"She was hailed sixty six times,' each
phot being ol itself sufficientto sink a wood-
en ship. The towers were hit several
limes ; sixteen shots went through the fun-
nel, one ihrongh the steam pipe, two thro'
the foremast. - one tbroogh the mainmast
two throngh the mizen, and from sixty to
seventy through the bulwarks, small boats,
sairs and rigging- The deck is torn up in
many places, the tackle much cut, ihe three
boat riddled ; every vulnerable point was
hit, and I thould like to have seen any part
of the deck where a man could have been
stationed without certainty of death. We
calculate that abcut five thousand pounds
of iron weie expended upon us, and you
may suppose that we contributed our share.
"The noise was deafening, produced as
much by our own fire as the missiles of ihe
enemy, whose shells flew about in all di
rections. One, which burst d rectly over
the lower in which I . was stationed, sent in
a rhower of pieces, which set fire jo two
mattresses, damaged my frontispiece, graz
ed my leg, smashed ray felescope and pen
e rated a coat lying by my side in half a
dozen places. I am ftill deaf of one ear
from the din otherwise not much hrt.
, One man in each tower was aUo slightly
1 wounded, and, curious enough, each in the
led cheek "
1 . The Prussians do not appear to have used
such heavy gnns as our monitors have had
to face. The Danieh monitor came well
out of '.he enaagement, but it is doubtful if
she could have withstood the withering fire
of ihe rebels al Charleston longer or better
than the ill-fated little Keokuk.
Gktttsecrg Battle-Field David
Esq., of Gettysburg, the General
Agent of Philadelphia, lor the Soldiers' Na
tional Cemetery, give the following inter
es'ing facts relatit e to the battle-field : All
the bodies ol our Union soldiers have been
disinterred, and carefully buried in their ap
propriate places in the new National Cem
etery. The lotal number thus removed and
interred is three thousand five hundred and
twelve. About one thousand of litem are
unknown, and one-fourth of ihe whole
number belong to New York. Quite an
amount of money was found on them, both
in coin and paper, in sums ranging from
the fraction of a dollar up to fifty dollars.
Al! this money and these relics have been
taken care of by the committee.
A traveller stoppir.g at a hotel exclaimed
one morning to a waiter. "What are you
about you bl ick rascal ? yon have roused
me twice from ray sleep by telling me
breakfast is ready and now you are attempt
ing to ctrip "ofl the bed clothe-. Whit do
you mean
replied Pompey, "It
you isu't going 10 get up, I roust have the
sheet anyhow 'cause dey'j waiting, for de
table doff,"
An Abolition sheet want to know where
are the Peace men going now." Wel.l, if
there is any truth in the words of the Son of
Man, they are on their way to the "kingdom
of heaven," where they will no longer be
by the followers of Old Abe
Is it nol a disloyal practice for a man to
allow himself to be elected Justice of the
Peace? Couldn't some of our " loyal" Abo
litionists of Hanover inform the public of the
Lincoln administration on this subject ?
The Constitutional Union, published in
Washingion, says ; The government can't
make "cents without making Copperheads.'
And il can't make Copperheads without
having "sense" either.
A singular law exists in Utah Territory",
granting to criminals under capital sentence,
a iiiuiiD ui uoaiu,. iiisi m"i wo
a -Vi ni nrt -.r' ' 1 1 V a n. n . 1st V, a
hanged, to be shoV, or to be beheaded.
How the Blacks Fight.;
The Americans ol Airican descent, who
were engaged in ihe ( late Florida diaaster,
did not it seems come op to Abolition- exi
pec'ation. The correspondent of the New"
York Times giving an acconnt of onr . defeat 1
uuum uen eey nionr, speanes inns uisparag-
At ihe commencement of the fihtihe
Eighth United States colored ' troops were'
supporting Hamilton's battery, but when
their assistance became really indispensable,
by some strange order they'filed 10 the right
in the rear of the batiery, for he purpose of
joining tbeir right on the left of-ibe Sen,
enth Connecticut At that particular "lime
ihe movement w?s decidedly an error, -for
by carrying it out it left H am iiionV baiter v
unsupported. In an attempt, to enfilade
the enemy on bis right, Hamilton j moved
lorward four pieces ; but before he got .into
position, the rebel on that portion of their
ine had concentrated all. -their- fire .upon
him and the Eighth U- who had again,
come up to his support. In twenty min
utes' Hamilton lost 44 men, killed and 40
horses. The Eighth also suffered severely
This mysterios filing to the rear of our
"loyal black allies," is further riniicd . by.
Lieutenant Eddy, of the Third Rhode Island
Battery. He says : ....... ,,. , . ,
It was a misfortune to have for, supports
a negro regiment, who, by running, caused
us to lose our pieces.: The fight lasted three
hours, when, finding his. small army eo
much cut up, the .General ordered a, re
treat. . . t
The Democracy and the Soldiers'-
Every Democratic editor ir. ihe land feels
the lorce ard troth of the following, irorn
the Harrisbnrg Uutcn : " 'I ' ' '' ' ' ''
The Abolition faction, with a conning and
hatred beyond all precedent,' are busily at
work inflaming the minds of the soldiers
with the idea that their Democratic fellow
citizens at home are their natural enemies!
TlM disorder and bloodshed shoold result
Irom such teachings, is an inevitable conse
quence.. The trouble is That ' these 'calam
ities lalfThiefly upon the heads of the mis
guided and deceived so'dier. or :u;Km .the
Democratic citizens. The bad men - who
cause this ill feeling between ihe army and
civilians, take very good care to keep them
selves scrupulously oul .of barm's - way.
They rejoice in .stirring up bloody fends,
but they have an und e share .of that.-self-saving
discretion, which is said ro be "the
better pari of valor." . . -.; ,- -.
If Democratic journal were allowed am
ple and free circulation in the army, the ill
judged prejudices which are excited by
Abolition bene vnlencs, would be destroyed.
As it is, the soldiers are getting daily a
lieiter insight into the fiendish character of
the fanatics who are striving to provoke
them to ill will towards 4t ieir brothers and
fathers and friend at home. In lime they
wili turn ibeir just wrath upon the men who
hae deceived them, and the atory ol Ac
re .n will receive a Iresh illustration. -
Fa yins fur the Sisht.
They've got down in Counland County
an old farmer, no'ed for his greedines and
his keen lookout for a spot wherein to turn
a penny honestly, or (he isn't very particu
larly) the reverse. A while ag he succeed
ed t y accident in raiting a very large hog.
I. was sooi noia id abroad and the peaple
in that vicinity began to call on the olJ man
to see the monstosiiy. A gentleman from
our town was stopping awhile in the village
hearing ol the porker, desired to see the
sight, and having obtained directions a to
the ' local, ' started lor the spot. Arrived
there he met the old gentleman and inquired
about the animal. Wall ; yes," the old
fel'ow said "he'd got such a critter : mi'ty
big 'uu, but he guessed he'd have to charge
him about a shillin' for looktn' at him."
The stranger looked at the eld man for a
mmute or so ; pulled out ihe desired coin
handed it to him, and started to go of.
"Hold on," says the other, ' don't yoo want
to see the ho ?' No,'' said the stranger ;
1 kite Hen as big a hog a I want to ee " and
off he xceid.
The Rebstl Dead at Getttsburo. From
evidences developed to the workmen and
others engaged in removing the dead bodiea
on the battle-field, ihey are r.ow folly con
vir.ced thai not le;.s than seven thousand
rebel ls: their live in ibis conflict, the
bodies of whom are still ihere. In one
space of three acres were found three hun
dred and twenty. five Confederates slain. ;
and elsewhere, in a single trench, two bUD.
dred and fitly more.- A considerable' por
tion of the battle-ground is likely to be
p.oughed up in the epring and summer, by
f lirme" owning it, preparatory to planting
corn and othea grain. As a matter of coarse.
the Conlederate graves must be obliterated,
and the trenches which now indicate their
burial places. There is a strong desire with
'be people, in respect lo humanity, to have
thee bodies, though of the enemy, respect-
tolly and decently put away, in some en
closure where they may not be distarbedr-
The Fever. We are happy to say that
the fever which created so much alarm in
our community a week or. two ago, has al
most, if not entirely disappeared. We bare
not heard of a new case during the pas'
week. Lvieine Union. '' , '
Mr. Greely doesn't say "Gad Has Abra
l r . - .
Turn l.inrn In now
It's another , kind o
an expression.