The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 16, 1864, Image 4

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f .
para and . powerful Tonic, correct!
und alternative of wonderlol efficacy in
disease of the STOMACH, LIVER AND
BOWELS. Cure Dyspepsia, Liver com
plfcin', Headache, General Debility. Ner
vousnsss, Depression of Spirits, Consiipa
lion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramp
and Spasms, attd all complaints of either
Sex, - arising from Bodily Weakness
whether inherent in the system or produc
ed by special causes.
Noihin that is not wholesome, genial
and restorative in its nature ente's in in
the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM
ACH BITTERS. Tliis popular preparation
contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly
botanical elemen-; no fiery excitant ; but
it is a combination at live extracts of rate
bulsauic berbs and plants with .he purest
and mildest of a'i diffusive stimulaits.
Il is well to be forearmed against disease
4tud, so lar as the human system can be
Totected by means against mala
: es engendered by an unwholesome at
rfiopherff, impure water and other
rausa, Hoste tei's Biltets may be relied
on as a eafegcard.
Ic districts infected with Fever and Ague,
il has been found infallible as a preventive
qJ irresistible a remedy and thousands
who resort to it under api iehensioti of an
attack, escape the scourge; and thousands
who neglect to avail themselves ol its pro
tective qualHies in advance, are ured by
a very brief course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Agae patients, after be
inT plied with quinine' for moni'is in vain,
until fairly saturated with that dangerous
a!k"'oid, are ntt unfreqaraly restored to
he and wi'hin a lew. days by the use of
Hostettei's Bitters.
The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated
and the appetite restored by this agreeable
Tonic, 'and hence it works wonders in c.i
ge of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed)
f.-vrma of Indigestion. Actio as a senile .
. . . - - 11 .
the liver, it also invariably relieves the
Cunstipaion superinduced by inegular
action of the digestive aud secretive or
gans. .
Persona cf feeble habit, liable to Nervous
Jttaiks.. Lovtrtsiof Spitits a A Fits cf Lou-
from the Bitters. The Testimony on this
point. i most conclusive, aud from both
exes. . .
The agony of Bilious Colic is immeui
atolv'ed tv a single dose of the
tditnulanl and by occasionally reoning to j
it, the retain of the cj.rfplainl may be pre- j
vented. ' - . i
A3 a General Tonic, Hos'.eiter's liitters
or witnessed before thev can be foil v ap-
predated, in ca-esoi uoiipu.uuunai .
cess, nd Prenitore Defay and Debili'y
aud Decrepitude aririn; Irora Old Age, it
exercises the eleeSric influence. In the
-convaleceiit Mages of ali diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigorant. When V e
powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to
ra enforce and re them.
Lastr but not Jeast, it is the The Only
Saf Stiuinlent. beina manufactured from
eoond and innocuous materials, and en
tirely free from the acid eleraeuts present
more or less in ail the ordinary tonics and
stomachics ol the day. -
Is'o family roedicioe has been so univer
it mnv he trnlv added, deserv
edly popular with the intelligent portion of
the community, a Hote.'terJ. Biuerii.
Prepared by HOSTETTER Si SillTH,
Pittsbr.rsh, Y.
. Sold by ail Druji-ts, Grocers and biore
ieepers everywhere.
Dec. 9, 1861. ly.
"i RE AT Trunk line from the North and
North-west fcr Philadelphia, New
York, Reading, Pottsville.Lebanon, Allen
town, Easton,&c, &c.
Trains leave Hairisburg for Philadelphia
New York, Reading, Potisvtlle, and all in
termediate Sta.ione, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. m
New York Express leaves Harrisbnrg at
00 a. M. aumug at isew xorxai tu to, ine
same morning.
Fares IromUarrisbnrg: to New York
S5 15; to Philadelphia S3. 35 and 52,80.
Baggsga checked through.
Keturniug leave New York at 6 A. M- 12
Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pittsburih Express
atriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave
Philadelphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M.
Sleeping in the New York Exprets
Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh
without change- .
Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road
leave Tarnaqua at 8 50 A. JM. and 2. 15 P.
AI-for Philadelphia. New York, aud all
Way Points. -
Trains leave Pottsvilie at . ija.m. anu
7.. 3a P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg
and New Yoik. '
An accomodation Passenger Irm leaves
Heading at 6. SO A.M. and returns Irom
Philadelphia at 4. 30 P. M.
3" All ihethe above tiaios run daily,
Sundays excepted. v
"A Sunday train leaves Potlsville at 7.30
A- M. and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex
cursion Tickets, .at,-reduced rates to and
from all points. - -
- G. A. NICuLLS,
General Superinteudant. -
OJice over the Wyoming Bank,
I.--? vv ill insure againt ius ui umu5D
by Fira on property in town orcouutry, at
resotiaHe verms. ' ,
. ni HECTORS. (J. M Ho'ilenback. John
ReicharJ, Samuel Wadhams, D L Shoe,
" maker, Daniel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smith
H. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele,- VV. W. Kelcham,
Charles Dorrance, :V. S.'Ross, George M.
Harding. .
G. M. HOLI.ENBACil. Pre$'t.
n. C. SMITH, Screury, . .
V.G. STERLING, Treasurer- .
Beach Ilaveo, Pi
rcenber 2J, 1SS3. if.
ESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention off
--;lhe Public to his extensive assortment
ot Cabinet Furniture and C H A IRS,Q.
which he will warrant made of good
matei'ials and in a workmanlike man- V
ner. At his establishment can always be
found a good assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style bud fin
ish to that ot Philadelphia or N. York cities
and at aa tow prices. . He has on haud
price?, from S25 to SCO. Divans Luunses,
Walnut Hijd Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
Rockii'5 a"J eay cliairi, Piano stools, and
a variety of iipfiolc-lered work, with Dress
in? an parloi bureaus, sofa. card?"p
cenwe and 'pier tables, detiihu,
eheffenrers, whatnots and c o m t d e s , CfiT
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of bureaus, enclosed and common
wasnbtandsjrfress-iatlei', corner Clipboards
beilsteads.cane seat and common chairs is
the largest in this seition ut ill county.
lie will also keep a ood assortment ol
looking glasses with fancy silt and com
mon frames lie will uleo furnish uriii
mattrasses fitted to any sired bedstead, i are superior lor durability aud com
fort to any bed in use.
Bloomsbur" Nov. 4, 1S63.
ALd Cur Pcvple at Hone
Are now ofTereiJ an oppurtunity by which
they car. obtain a
Our 11 'uhhe ate
YEAR, and the bu er s tlio-.v ad the Pr.v
ileue of Examit.aiion btfore Payment is
A firt class Hu'i inj Time-Fiece of Sil
ver material, ovtr which is electro fine 1
plated 18 k. ijoid, most durably wrought,
makina the imnation so faultier that ii
cam ot be detected from Uie r-olid rr.a-erial
most experienced ji.des ; acids will, not
aflecl il. London made move merit. Im
proved Duplex it: Full Ruby Action, lias
sweep seconds, ai.d is not to be excelled
in general appearance. This is decide dly
one of the best artrcles ever offered for Ira
o'ers arid specul-t'ors. Er nmeers, emiranis
and persons taveilin, will find them supe
rior to any other ; alieratieri of climate will
not affect their accuracy. Price, packed
in ijood shape, and good running order only
S35, or case ol 6 for S200.
Best Quality Silver Ca'-es, over which
elec'ro-fi:.e phitetl IS k. gold, similar to
our Improved Duplex, and superior adju-t-ed with ''Stop." to be u-ed in
tiif;in2 horses, etc , has Four Indexes for
Wahit)2ton and Greewich" time, sweep
l . lr - i ....
seconi, a".j sii ine improvement. Alt in
all, taking i:s Beau:iful and Faul;Ies- ap
pearance and its Superior Movement into
consideration, we regard it as decidedly
the cheapest article of the kind in the mar
ket. Trice, in .ood. runtiiiij order 34,
or case of 6 for 5300.
ZaT We ask no pay in advance, but will
forward either of them to re'poi.stb'e par
ties, to ai:y pan of the loial Sia es, with
bill pajath to esressn:an when the iiood
are Ueiivered, giving rhe bu er the privil
ege if examiriation, and, if not satisfactory,
the? watch can le returned at our expense.
The express oompanies refuse rr.akir.'4
collections on soldier and other parties ia
the distotl States, consequently all such
enters must be accompanied by the ca?,i 1
to insure attention. We make a deduction I
of two dollars on either watch when the
payment is forwarded in aJrace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
93 and 93 Broad St., rppo-ite City Bank,
Providence, R. I.
Oct. 21.1863.
The Great
Sicce i s organization, has cieattd a new
era in the tu-tor of
W holesaluif I eas in this Country.
They have introduced their selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at r-ot over
TITO CLMS (.02 Cents) per pound
- above Cos',
Never deviating from me ONE FRICE
A noiher peculiarity of the Company is
that their Tea Ta-ier nol only devotes
his lime io the selection of their TEAS aa
to quality', value, and particular stIes for
par icular localities of country, but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their
enormous stock such TEAS as ar best
adapted to his particular wants, and not on
ly this, bufoints out to htin the best bur
gains. -
It is easy to see the incalculable; advan
tage a Tea Buyer has in th! establishment
over all others.
If he is a Judze of Tea or the Ma'rket,
if his time is valuable, he has all the bene
(its of a well organized system of doing
business, of an immense capital, of the
judgement of Professional Tea Taster,
and the knowledge of s'lperior salesmen.
This en able all Tea buyerno mailer
if they are thousands of miles fforn this
market to purchase on as good terms Iieie
as the New York Merchant.
Parties can order Teas will be served by
cs as well as though ihey came themselves
being sure to get origins packages, true
weighis and tare?; and the TEAS are war
rantted as represented.
We issue a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent to all who order
it ; comprising
Hyson, 'Voting Hyson, Impe
rial, Guiipodcri Twankay
nnd Skin.
JAPAN TEA of every description, col'
ored and uncolored.
This list has sicti kind of Tea divided into
FOUR Clashes, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINEST, that every one may un
dersatnJ from dsscriplion and the prices
annexed that the Company are determined
to undersell the whole Tea trade.
We guarnlee; to self ALL our Tea3 at not
over T WO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound
ibove cost, believitg thia to be attractive
to the many who havo heretofore been
paying Enormous Pbofits. " v
No. 51 i Veaey Streel, New" York.
Sepu 9, 1S33. Joios. :
i i of d'fiereiit style anf'Jptf
fompoand Fluid Extract Buchn, a posi--Aive
and Specific Remedy for disease
of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop-
stcal bwellinp.
This Medicine increases the power of
Digestion, aud excite the Absorbents into
healthy action, by which the Waierv or
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are reduced, as well a Pin
and lflarnmuion.
For Weaknesses arising Irom excesses,
Habits of Dissipation, Early . Indiscretion
of abue,altetided with the following sj aep
toms :
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, DirTiculty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis
ease, Wakefulne-s, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the
Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushina of
thi Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eiuptions
on the Face, Pallid Countenance.
These symptoms if allowed to go on,
which th-i medicine invariably removes
soon follows. 1M POTENCY, FATUITY.
EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the
Patient may exptie.
Who can say that they are not frequently
followed b those "Direful Diseases."
Mutt) are aware of the cnust. of their suf
fering, but none will confess the Records
of the Itisama Asylums.
Ai.d melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion bear ample winter to IDs Truth of the
as.-ertion. The Constitution once effected
with Organic Weakness requires the aid of
Medicine to Sirenaihen arid Invigorate tl.e
Bt'CHU invariably does. Atrial wtll con
vince lie most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Females
the Extract Buchu i uuequaled by any
other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Ke'tnlion,
Irregularity, Pamfulness, or Sopp-ession
of Customary Evacuations, Ulctrjled or
Scirrhous state of Hie Uterus, Lenehorrl.cea
or Whites, S e-ilily, and for all complaints
incident to the sex, whether atising from
indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in
the Decline or Change ol Lite.
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un
pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and
diiDiercns disease.
HELM FOLD'S Ex ract Buchu and Im
proved Rose Wash cures SECRET DIS
EASES, In all their Sia-es, At bnie E
pense, Little or no t-hucge in. Diet, No
Inconvenience, And no exposure.
It causes a frequent desire and sives
strength to Crinase, thereby removing ob
structions, preventing at.d curing strictures
of the Urethra, alia) ii. g Pain and Inflim
matioDjSO frequent in ihe class of diseases,
aud expelling all poisonous, diseased and
worn out ma ter. .
ihousatids upon Thousands who have
been the victims of Quacks, and who have
paid heavy Jees to te cured in a short
time, l ave found they were deceived, and
that the 1 poison" has, by ihe use of '-pow-erlcl
astringents," been dried up in the
sjstem, to break out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after Marriage.
Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for ail
atlection and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male of Female,
from whatever cause originating auJ on
matter of how long standing.
Diseases of these Organs requires the aid
of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Bachu is
the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have
the desired eflect in all diseases for which
it is recommended.' Evidence of the most
reliable and responsible character will ac
company Ihe medicine.
Price 81.00 a Bottle, or Six for S3 00.
Delivered to any address, securely packed
from observation. Describe sjmptoms in
ail communications. Cures guaranteed!
Advice gratis. Address le tier for informa
tion to
II. H. IIFLJIDOLP, fheir.i-t.
101 South I Ot ft si., bel Ciitsaiut, ILi.a.
HELMBOLD'S Medi-al Depot,
HELM BOLD S Drus & ChemM Warehouse,
5 19 I! road way, Niw York.
CBeware of counterfeits and unprinci
pled dealer-, who endeavor to dispo-w 'ol
their own" and -'other' articles oa the
reputation attained by 1
Helmbold's Geouine Preparations,
do do Ex ract Buchu,
Hehnbold'o Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla.
i!o do Improved Rose Wash.
CtSoId by all Druggists everywhere.
Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut
oul the Advertisement and send for it, and
avoid imposition and exposttra.
IWemher 9, 1863.-1 v
11 0 LI S3 AY SKS-:S2-:ITS !
3Ugic Time Ibsen ers.
Being a Hunting or Open Fuce or La
dy's or Gentleman's If'atch Combin
td. icith Patent Self-Winding Im
provement, a most Pleasing Novelty.
One of the prettiest, most nnneiiienl,
and decidedly the besi and cheapest lime
piece for general and reliable ue everolte
ted. It has within it and connected with its
machinery, its own tvinding attachment
rendering a key entirely nnnecessa y. The
cases of litis Watch are composed of two
rnetals, the outer one being fine .16 carat
gold. It has the improved ruby action le
ver movement, and warranted an accurate
timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per
case ol half dozen, 504. Sample Watches,
in neat morocco boxes, S35.
First Class Huuting Time-piece for aecu
r racy of rnovemert, beauty of material,
and, above all, cheapness in price, these
watches muet insure universal approba
tion. An imitation so faultless that it can
hardly be delected by the most experien
ced jndues. The material being ot two
metaU, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while the innei one is German Sil
ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting oi
heavy engraving, making it, not only in
appearance, but in durability, the best re
semblance of ScliJ Slerl.ii Silver in exig
ence. .
The salts of these Watches in the army
is a source ol enormous profit, retailing; as
they very readily, do, at 25 and upwards
Manv hundred dollars can be made in a
singl' pay day by any one of ordinary
business tact. .
hunting cases, beautifully engraved, while
enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good
running oider, by the half dozen, $66. Sold
only by by the case of six !
Upcj receipt of two dollars, a? guarantee
of good faith, we will send watches by ex
press to any part of the loyal Slates, col
lecting balance of bill on delivery. This
ensures buyers against fraud, giving them
their wa'chee bciore payment is required.
Send orders to ibe sole importer.
GAIUS WH EATON, No. 12 Jeweler's
Exchange, Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway
New Yoik
Dec 9, 1S63- 3m-
-.'-' AND '
Ccnc'l ComMon Merchant.
Bioomsturg, Columbia county Pa. -Particular
attention given lo Pateat right.
SaipU 2, 1863. amo-
The cheapest and best New York News
paper. Only one dollar per anutim. Eight
pages forty columns. A complete record
of events, Benjamin Vood; editor and pro
prietor. Published at No. 19 City Hall
Squaie, Daily Nuwit Building, Na.v York
unrivaled in its ability aud enterpried as a
public onrnai, and tn
is most efiieiemly conducted, so as tq form
a weekly record of events political, com
mercial, financial and literary, thtoghout
the World. In adJition to this it contains
all the Domesifc Intelligence of each wetk
and full reports ol ttvery n. a tier of public
As a political Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the side of tha Constitu
tion of the com iry as it was framed and
established h the Fathers ol the Republic,
aud will scan with --are and fidelity every
public act that may tend to the violation ot
tt.o letter and spirit of that iiietruujent ol
our liberties. It piefers the
to a ruinous and exhaustir.g system of War.
Insisting upon the irutn of the principle
embodied in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, that the just powers of the Govern
ment are derived from the co;ise:it of the
governed, it urge the preservation of the
lundaniental principles of liberty, inviolate,
as of more sacred mporlance than national
grandeur or consolidated power under des
potic rule without I tie pale of established
law. On alt que-tions of national impor
tance it is the inflexible champion ot the
rights of citizens, a;i guaranteed under ihe
instruments by which they hav edecided 10
be ijorerned. It therefore boldiy avows its
purpose ta sustain the Freedom of Speech
and ot tde Press, with the view to protect
the people fVn the encroaching d.'gmas ot
theorists who confempelale a modification
j of the democratic principles which to this
ume nave oeen sustaiueu against every el
lor; to overthrow ihe in. fu all mailers per
taining to Govt-mmtmt the purpose of this
newspaper is to protect the people from in
considerate 'and rash legislation, and to
hold our public seraMs to a strict account
ability for Ikeir conduct w hile car:ii.g u
the machinery ofp.jwer. To this nd ihe
most c.irt-ful attention will be given to all
Federal and Legislative iaws, and a firm
at.d in purtial cxamiiiatation t f every new
lolr.icul propo.-ition may be expected a
ihe only means of protecting ihe people
Irom an abridgement of their rints.
are giv;ii in t he most succinct yet complete
manner. They claim particular notice
for their fidelity at d truth, aud all tho-e
who de-ire to comprehend the exact finan
cial condition of the emietry should not
tail to exarnii.e the views which vni.I be
lounn in this department of the journal.
will be found especially inlerestin " and in
structive and being derived from some of
the ablest minds in Europe must be read
with the uimosi av.dity by if.o.-e who desire,
to camprehend that diblomacy of the Gov
errments of the Old World.
In all other respect THE WEEkLY
NEW S will be found to meet the public ce
mand. It is the especial object of the Pro..
piittor to render ii a vaiuaLle and enter
taining. FA M I LY N EWS PA PER,
pure in its moral ii rluence, ennobling in
its character, and satisfactory to thai large
class in the community who desire to see
the Public Press treat all public questions
with arguments a pressed in conrte-y and
candor, thought, a; ihe same time, with the
spirit Hue to Itie themes discussed.
By reerf nee t the terms of Trie New
Yoik Weekly New it will be noticed that
it is by li.r trie cheapest newspaper in the
world, and the Prrprietor feels ihat he may
ini:e iho-e who approve of its principle's
and co iduct to use their it Huence in adding
to i.s resent large cuculation.
Eight I,:es Forty Coiumns
For One Year . One Dollar
E.eyen Cupies to one Adti-p4 lor One
ingle copiea Three Cents
A first cla-8 Meiropolitari Jou rnal devoted
to Peace and Constitutional L'berty, and
cont lining all ttie ne ( s of the day, Politi
cal, TeleiMaiihica... Commercial and Local
i- the cheapest daily paper in the metropo
lis. TERMS:
One Copy, One Year Six Dollars.
One Copy Six Mouths Three Dollars,
Single Copit! - Tow Cents.
Address BENJAMIN WOOD. Editor
and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square,
New York.
IVurth i'eiifra! ESailuay.
T I M ii T A LB E.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
North and Wetf Uranch of the Susquehan
na, Elmira, and n l of Northern New York.
Ou and alter Monday, Aoril 20',h, 1&63,
the Passenger Tiains of the North Central
Railway will ariive and depart from Sun
bury, HarHsburc and Baltimore, as follows:
Mail Train leave Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at 10.10 a m.
Leaves Hairinburg, 1.J5 p.m.
Arrives at liu'timore, . 5.33 "
Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at 1107p.m!
Leaves Harrisb'rg. except Monday 2.00 a.m.
'Arrives al Baltimore daily except
Mouday, at 6.15 a.m.
Accotnruoddlion leaves Ilaribb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Dukimore daily
except Sundays, at 9.15 a m.
Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p in.
Exptess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrives at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 '
arrives at. Sunbury, 5.38 "
For further particulars apply at ihe office.
I. N. DUBARIiY, Supt.
Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863.
A Monthly Jojrual, devoted to the Prin
ciples ef 1776, Designed to unmasK
the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of
And to defend ihe doctrines of State Rights,
aud of Constitutional Liberty, ad held by
our Revolutionary Fathers.
Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co., sau street, New York.
PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For
warded by mail or express to all parts of
the United Stales at SI a year, in advance.
Any person seeding ten . subscriber will
receive an addi ional copy for one year.
Aug. 26, 1863. -
Stents Balmoral Lace Boot, will tb sold
very low. Also, Boys Shoes, at
PliOSECTUJ .86-1.
THIS Journal, which is now in the sixty
second year of its existence, is a thorough
iioinc, independent and fearless advocate
ol genuine practical democracy . It main
lama the equal right of all men to justice
ind freedom; it earnestly approves ihe war
it ir 1 1. a IT n i in. - i I h n lit si 11 a I h rt h a l. (t o I mi r
brave soldiers in the field; and it opposes
treason in all shapes, whether open, as at
the Sou h, or covertor sneaking, as at the
nor h. At the same time it is ihe enemy
of all undue exercise of power, or all kinds
of political jobbery and ccnupUon, and
insis-ts upon economy in expendi uie-.ari.l
a strict adherence to the cnutiiintiori. .
Throughout the war it lias advocated the
the most v. enrolls prosecution ot ii, but as
ihe war draws to a close political qut s.ions
take Ihe ascentlent. A more stupendous,
uifhcult and interesting problem wa" nev
er presented to any people, than mat of
the lestiiution of the revolting states to
Ifieir alleuiance. It will require all the
Hatesmaiiship and wisdom ot trie ua'ion
to biiug il to a falislactorv solution. On
that point the "Evening Post" will take
definite grounds, and enIeaor lo brin
atont a condition of universal fre
and real democracy. P'edued to i.(
ty, and looking only to , ihe imeresl ol ihe
whoLe country, it will use whatever eoerjjj
and influence in the defence of the great
piinciples of haman right and human ele
vation which lie at the foundation ol our
It aims chit fly, however, al being a good
newspaper. In its columns will b.-s found
a complete History of the war, all impor
tant political or Stale' Docun'enis cruiro.
Proceedings nl Lei-laiive bodies, Surr.
mariesof Kuropean Intelligence, and news
from ail parts ol the world, accurate report
of financial and commercial manors, wost
worthy Corre!-potidei ce, a id a carefully
selected Literary Miscellany, comprising
Poetry, Review" of now Works, wiiii lit.
eri.ry extracts, TaJes gossip and anecdotes
;he whole forrrini" an excellent variety
in which every reader wjli discover some
thing o his tas'e.
Tcims Daily Evening Post.
On copy 1 r. uehv'cd by Carrier, 11 CO
One cnp 1 ear sen I by mail, 10,00
One copy f rimnih,
Semi-IT'etkly Evening Post.
Published Every Tuesday and Fiiday.
Oie! copy one ear, j 00
Two copies one ear, 5 tJ()
Five one year, 12 0j
Ten copirs one j ar, 22 CO
A c; p o! li e weekly one year, or of t;.e
Sen.i-Vt eckly for six uiomfis, will be
io i.ny i' isnn who sends us a club ol ten
Semi Week h.
ll'eikfy Evening Pvst.
Is pnbli-tied every Wedne-day. When
addiesied with eacii frubscti'oer'tt name :
One copy cne year, " 2
Three copies one eat, 5
Five copies one jtar, 8
Ten copies one year, 15
And a. i ex.ra copy to the getter up of each
clnh of ten.
When a Club is sent lo one Jiddress.
In order to encou'ajie the lorniatiOii of
clubs in places where only sin-
ie copies
are now taken, we have decided la olfnr
the .'ollawin induce. iients:
4 copies one year to one addtes?,
7 do do do
16 do do do
20 du lo . do
An e.xtra copy of Ihe Week y
f 5 00
10 1.0
20 00
25 1;0
wi:l be
s rate.
sent Lr each Club of twenty at th
Cleigyrnen are supjdied by mail at ihe
following rates: Diil, tr 3 00 per aiinuin;
Semi weekly, 52 2j: Weekly, si 50.
Money oiiy be lorwarded by mail at our
far Specimen Copies will be sent free to
ail who desire it.
Othee of the Evening Post,
41 Nassaa St.. cor. of Liberty
November 25, le63.
N. Y.
cheavesl in die '.Vorld fur ladies. Ttiis
popular monthly Magazine w ii! be really
improved for 1864. It wdl contain one
Thousand Paj;erf of Reading! Fourteen
Splendid-Steel Plates! Twelve Colored
Berlin Work Pattern! Nuie Il.tndreJ
Wood Cuts! Twenty Four Page of Mu
sic ! All this will be iiveu for only 'Two
Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Maga
ziut s of t.'ie cla of ' Pe'ersoti." Its Thril
ling Tales and NoveleMes are ihe best pub
lished anywhere. All tl. most popular
-writers are employed to write
i nri'Tiii:i v
r. . nr. ... ; .. ioc i : i.
, , . a
uimuiu ui ra
uua quantity of short Moru s. Four Ongi-
A. .it oitfpheus, Eiia Rodniau, r raiik Lee
Benedict, and the Author cf "the Sccj-J
Life." Ii also publishes
Fashions .iheul cf All Others.
Each number, in addition to ttie colored
plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses,
en2iaved on woim. Also, a pal'em, from
which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Drei-s,
can be cut out, without the aid of a mautua
maker. A LSO, several t ages of Household
and other Receip's. '
is the best Lady's Magazine in the
H'orld Try it for one Year Ttrms,
Alwayi in Advance.
One Copy, one year, S 2 00
'Three copies, for one year, 5 On
Five copies, lor one year, 7 09
EiiMil copies, one year, 10 CO
Frettiums for Getting up Clubs:
Three Five or eight copi-s make a club.
To every person getting up a club, al the
above rates, a copy of the Magazine for
1864 wdl be given gralis.
Address, po.-t paid,
30Q Chestnut St., Pnila.
November 1. 1m!3
r- r. -r-1 i r I I A-"r li C& '
LUMi nrt lh i nun .
flHE undersigned woulJ announce, that
he has on hand, at his Hal ayil Cap
emporium on Main street, P.loomsburg. an
assortment of diflereut kind of leather. snch
as fine calf skills, morocco, red ai.d black
and iinings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in this mar
ket. Call and examine them lor your-elves.
Bloomsbnrg. May 21 U62.
Pbysiciau and Surgeou,
HAVING located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he is pre
pared to attend to all business faithlully and
punctually that may be intrusted to his care,
on terms commensurate with the times.
13s He pays strict attention to Surgery
as well as Medicine.
November 25, 1863 -ly.
Skv-Iiisht Ambrolypist,
ROOMS in the Third Story of the Ex
change Block, (entrauce above the
Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, Pa.
Bloomiburg, Nov. 23, 1858 If.
n legetnt. Moral, and BeHned Mis
cellaneous Family Journed.
Ar d a welcome visitor to the home cir
cle. It contains ihe loreign and domestic
news of the day, aud presents the greatest
amount of . intelligence.
Is prilned on fine white paper, with new
and beautiful tvpe, and is a large weekly
paper of sixteen ociavo pases.
An unrivalled corps of contributors are
under regular engagements, and every de
partment is placed on the most linuhed
and perleei svstem that experience can de
vise. Each number will Le beautifully d
lustra'ed. . .
1 ERMS. S2 00 per annum. Invariably
in advance.
For sale al ail Periodical Depots in the
United S.ates.
Published every Saturday, comer of Tre
mom and Bromfield stieeH. Boston, Mav
sactiuseiis', by F. GLEASON.
Nov. 11, 1863.
THE nibstrit er would respedlolly ap
prise his friends and the public gener
ally, that he has e-labli.-hed ihe
in Jerseytown, Columbia county. Pa. The
above house lias la'rly Peen refitted and
undergone a thorouuh repairing by the pro
prietor. He is li.Ily prepared to emeriain
the.traveliin'Z cu-torn as well a tne local
with aetteial satistaclion, His TABLE and
BAh',are well ind wi;l t careful
ly superintended. And hisSTABLli is am
ply aud well stoi ktd, in charge ol c-i.-elnl
grooms, will always be properly attended.
C- He invites a stiare of Ihe public -u
torn, aud pledges his best efforts, to help
his guests feel al home.
Jerseytown. Jsn 8, 1862.
1? ?" 1 T f "TTT.-.
EIC.OO.liMil n
IHIS magr.ifii ent Hoiel, sic ate
in ii 0
- remral pon'mii of ihe town, and op
posite the Curt House, his been thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, at.d the Ptoprieit.r
u now prepart d lo accommodate traveler,
. " i '
itrumsici -, i.ina aim uoaiuers in trie iikm i
p!eri.atit and agreeable manner. H; uble
wiil be sU plied wuii the b"t the m.i'kei
jjilordsjarid his Bar w ith th". choicest liquor
Attentise ostlers will always be en har.d,
and his stabling is ihe ino1-! exter-sive in
this section ot country. Omnibuses wil ;
always be i i readiness to convey pa.-Sto i
ges io and Irotn the Railroad Depots. j
BlorrrnsV.nrg, July 4. I860.
V hocr.Ic iiti i:efatl. !
IlE -ubscriber would announce toihe'
citizeni. of Rioooi-bnr ' a;id viciniic i
that he is selling LIQUOttS in fare. and i
small quantities, and at d ifereul prices, at !
his Ne a Store, on Main street, -,-w
norhsue, t w o i com south of H ' A !
Iron srept, Rloomsburg. His If . '
stock of f oreign ami iKmioiir - ', t'-T".'" i, v ,
IB IS il 5? ) U 12 S 3 j
consis's ol Cognac and R .c-tieile. Uiackber- t
ry, Ginjer, Ra-pberry and Lavender. He
has a lare a-sortmeut of
OKI Rye gray with age, tine Oid bourbon, !
Old Fo.ks Whiskey, and any quantity of j
common. He also has i
Madeira. Lisbon, Claret, "Sherry and C.iin- ;
pagne Wines; and la-t but not lea-t. a'
qiiantiiy of uood double extr? RROWN .
STOUT; a;l of which he will -eil ai tne
lowest cslt pri'-es. The public are re.-pecl-luliy
fcoliciied to uive hi liquor a uil. ;
D. Wr. ROUU1NS, J7. !
Blocmsburg, May 1, 1 6d 1 . j
U a j t
j-r Hi il J a .
F.SPECFULLY oder- his
C'r;.H.i 1'"
f-.-ssional service- to ihe
ii. I '
ladies & oenilemen ol 1'looins-
bur2 and vicinity . He is prepared in attend
lo all the various operati on in Dentistry,
and is provided writ the late-t improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which wilt be in
serted on pivot or gold plate, io look as
well as natural.
Mineral olate and block teeth ninnufac-
. , ..
tured and all operations ou teeth caieiUity
- . . rior aricle of To
h rowder. til-
ways on 'land. All operations on Ihe tc tn
Residence and Otf.ce, a few doors above
the Court House, same side.
ClooiiiiLurg. Aug. 19 1S5S.
l u 1 1 a
u 1 1
(Jf lTIIO UT B I! USI11S G.)
JOR Boot, Shoes, Harness, Carriages,
and Military Leather Woik.
This t.e-.v ami exceiieitt article excel?
eveay thing ever telore in use, lor teauii
lying and soi ening lha Leather. Il makes
u polish like patent leather ; will not rub
otf with water, nor slain :he finest white
silk, am! makes leather perleedy
pioof. Twice a month ap; bed on bont.-
and shoe, and once a nmiuti lor harness
is sultii lent,
wa-h it off wit
If ihe leather becomes dm y
.-lean water andttie
will re-appear. Warranted as repre
Direct ions lor n-i Aaoly a iev .rcis
on a sponge, rub it slowly over tt.e leather,
and the ooli-h i- complie.
dr For sale by L. T. !!A11PLESS.
Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862.
KoIIock's Dandelion Ccffte.
THIS preparation, made Irom the best
Java Cofiee, is recommende d bv phviei-ns
as a superior NUi RITIOUS BCVKJ1AGE
for Gen-jral Debility, Dyspepsia, and all
bilious disorders. Thousands who have
been compelled to abandon the use of cof
fee will use this without injurious effects.
One can contains the sirengtti ot two
pounds of ordinary coifee. Price 25 cents.
The puresi aud besi BAKING POWDER
known, lor making iig!n, sweet and nutri
tious Bread and cske. Price 15 cents.
Munulaclund Ly
M. H. KOLLOCK. Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Chestuut Streets.
IZF'And sold ly alt Druggists and Grocers. J3
February 26, 1862. ly.
Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by
Charles R. Buckalewv
December 28, 1859.-U.
. ' A
I70RTY-EIGHT columns of reading mat--
ter per week lor Si 20 per year. The
otilv New York Paper mud up exclusive
ly lor cou'.iiry'circulatioii; and, the news
ol ihe week, with the canle, produce, and
other markets, carefully reported.
The Act' York Day-Bonk, for 1864.
White Men's Liberties State Rights Fed
eral Union.
The New York Day-Book is an indepen
dent. Democratic Journal, holding with lha
tairt Senator Donolas. lhnt '-itn. '.toua.a
i meut is made on the white basis, by white
1 f -J J . r
men, lor trie Deneat ot while men and
their posterity forever." Il is a large dou
ble eheet, -a ith friy eight columns of reaoS
in matier, aud in all respect w hetet
tor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
inlorma ion is not inferior to any as a po
lit cal or taimiy newspaper. In its politi
cal department, it grapples bolc'ly witii th
real quetio:i fiefore the American; people,
and present- the only philosophy of it
which can the sweeping march of
Abolitionism. Il is Demoi talie in the tro
serine of the term 'he defender of the peo
ple's right-, but it i.- ihe upholder ot no par
ly chicanery ortrckeiy. It is nol only for
peace, lot ii shows how, and how only,
permanent peace can be ohta'o ej, and lht4
ulor'ious white hin"s government of Wash
ington restored, viz: by the inter ro-jra,
nvenhfow, anl exlermiiiation of Abolition
irn from American soil.
The D iy lk; k now te only weekly
political paper inNew York city made or
cxi lu-iveiy for coiiuiry circulaiion. All the
oitiers are reha-fied Irom ihe column of
porne daily paper, which renders it almost
impossible lo give so complete and aetiftral
a summary of ihe news as in the oitier
ca.-e IVr-ons about sob.-cribuig should
take this irco cor.sideratiori. Demurrant,
al-o, must see to il that sound piper arii
circulated anmn-j ihe people, or atoli'ion
imii wi.f never :e pul down. f Ail (,
desire to refute the arguments of Abolition
1st", should read The Day Iiook.
1 l-.RMS: One copy, or e year, S2 P(j
Tiiee cope on var, i-5 00; Fivh cv,
cm- year, il oOj Ten copies, one year, and
or.e io ih-; up of ihe club, S14 ),
Tvvei.ty co, ies one year, and one io ih
-et er u,)(d ;l e Club, (24 00. Additional
j copies, each Si 2iV
J 'The name of it e post-oflice. countv, arni
fS-a e, sliould in all cases, fee plainly given
in eveiy letter.
laymeip.s always in advance, ard a'J
I ; a;ers w id be sopped ftku lL,e liin A
j eub- ription paid 'or expires,
j A''d.esS.
102 isas.-au tt., New io:k.
Special Orders. We desire this yeiif
io pince t.elor a. in liion ot riori.ieni read
ers il. h gieat doirmes '-'Ttie Day Bnok"
teai-i:s on li e que-iion ol th Races. Ws
r.nti.ienily !e.tiee it luis J nini. l wii
placed in ihe fiacd ol o:ie lialf of '.he vo
ters of the northern States between ihi lim!
a.d N 'Veni! er, JsG4, liie Democra s co.d
not fad io e-urv tlve next presidential eie:
tion. We tiiere'ore make the follnwin
oiler-, not in the lulu ot one-, ai.l not
c ten i.t-cauf-e i will tie proii'..irile, lor wb
c-a;i scarcely afford il bwi'scjiely io sicur
a wi nie disseminai ti of "he v la ws Vi h ich
we piu.oi. nit) tiei.eve wili save our coun
try. Clubi rf Tueaty. For a club rf'Z
besides i.e cXia paper now oifered, wa
'.v ii! send a copy of Dr Vtii Erie's urrnl
work Oil "iie;;rie- and nej O slavey," if-H
tti'rd e.liiioii ol w hich i- josl ready. I'tic-a
tne Dollar
Ci'ubt tf Ff!y. For a ch-b of Fifty
s'jt sCllt-eiS, tit t 10, we Wid eld one e'l
and a eonipieie set of our Ami Ai'o-
li;nn Tn 0' ieaticn.s ,' the prices oi Winch,
taken tiiether.;it lo ?2 7;.
Clubs of Om Hundred. In rtlulion
to Clubs ol oi.e hun. lied, we wid say tin-:
Whoever will send us o:.e nundred ut
scribtrs at one lni.e, ihe c lub tn be sent to
one addres-. an I t'e'jni atid end t t' e same
tune, wtil tdceike tiu paiiers a' ?!ttO.
V. E., 11. ii CO.
November 18, 1 8 i 3 .
1 0
() be published Daily anJ Weekly in
Uie city ol Ptr.l-iel(ihia. b A J Gross-
brenner Si Co. ' Ttie Ae'' wt I advocate
I ii e 6i the De.iioratie party, wild
w id, itierei'iue, t.t c esaniy lavor the te-to-ra'ion
ol the Uni'ui as it was and defend
if.e 'i ii-li olioii of the United S;tes, and
ih-il ol luis C'o'iiii.oiiwelt:i.
I: w lil Ireelv and fairly di.-cuss a:l legih
isnaie put ject- ol new spaper COUiIuel t, lli-
. v. . . . . ,
C uuori, ot ci;uis-. anU pre-eininen;iv al
; ,,m ai
cue-iinas connected with ihe
ijW eon.'i n-n ol our country.
i exi-ln: IWti
Il wti! f.'ar e.s.!y cn n ie t tt e pubi c acn
of pnt be servants and defend the legal arid
C'.iisuiu.iona! rinl of ii.div idual Citizens
ind id sovereign
Mates, against a-.-ajlts
Ironi any
I II wiil seek to awaken ihe minds of the
! people 'a proper sense of the actual con
' dition ol ttie Reput!ic ;o pre.-ent to them,
I trcttiUiliy , the le.irful perils mwhicliwe.
j stand a-a nation toext ibitihe magnitude
ol the task that lies te!, theiik. il they
j would clieck our dowriward progress s;,J
! to ii. s ji i ! e them with pairunic determina
liou io apply the remedy lor our niiona
; ihs. In belief, it i l in all things, aim lo be
! I'.e faiiitful exponent of Democratic prin
; c-ip'.es. a. id io render iiself worthy to be an
j organ ot the democratic party, under whost
auspices our country prospered so bnig
unit so we.i. i ne restoration oi mat par-
tv trie parlv of the Cous'ituiiou and die
n i -h 1 '",0" lo Plvver i'1 tbe legislative and e
1 ecuiive aovcriimeiital branches of the Siatfl
i'- . . . i. .
a in! ot Uie uil't.H, we i.e:iet- io ue iirire
sary to avert anarchy , arid the utter ruin of
the Republic. To contribute to ihat resto
ration will be our highest aim.
The news, liie'ary, commercial and oili
er departments, will receive due at ention,
and w ill be so conducted as to make "Tin
Age" worthy of ihe support of the geuei I
The many difficulties now surround;;
an enterprise ot the magnitude o! that
which the undersigned are engaoed, it
quire them to appeal to ihe public for u
generous support, and io ask for '"TLB
Age" a liberal patronage and extended ci
The preparatory arrangements warrant
ed the issuing of the first number of tba
Daily Ace in the month of March 1863,ail
the Weekly was commenced soon alter.
TERJis :
Daily, per annum, . 6 00
do Six month, 2 00
" Three months, 1 50
Copies delivered at the counter, and
Agents and Carriers, 2 cents each.
"VeekIv, per annum, S2 00
do ' Six mooths, 1 00
do Three months, 80
Ten copies to one address. 17 50 .
Twenty do do
Thirty, do do
32 CO
45 00
CF Payment required invariably. in ad
vance. Address,
430 Chestnut Street, Phtla.
November 18, 1803. .