STAR OF THE NORTH CLOOSBUIiG, PA. WEDNESDAYMORNING. MAR. 16, 1864. A load or dry wood will be taken ai bis office on pobscription to tbe St a 5. ' . ; mm m Horse Bills neatlr Drinted at this office Give us a call We work cheap for cash, and try to give general satisfaction. . Our Members at Harrisburg, Jackson aud Ellis, hare our thank for Legislative fa- tors. " The township elections will bo held on DXt Friday in tbia couniy. O jr Democrat ic friends will see to it that ooJ men are taken op and elected. " ' Spring Approaching. We noticed a bine bird and also a robin in our garden a few mornings since. We fear they are a little early in their visit, and may possibly be "left oat ia the cold." Ma. Wa. Millard, of Locust, offers for rale h'm personal property on the 29th of March, consisting o( stock, grain, farming utensils, and household furniture. Mutun township on Monday last sent some IweUe men to Troy, to be credited on their quota in the coming draft. This twp., with many others in the county, will be Jtetnpl trom the draft. Rev. Geo. W. Scott will preach in the Baptist Church of thi place on Sabbath text at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and half past 6 in the erening. '- . On Tbnrsday, (to morrow;, Mrs Nancy A. PfitKTits will sell at public sale, ber en lire household and kitchen furni'.ure. Stows Coal must necessarily come down in price warm weather coming on. Those who have been paying at the rale ol S4 25 and SI. 50 a ton, will not be the least sorry. Wc notice Private Adims and Musician CaofSLKT are borne on furlough, from the 112th Ret., Capt. McCLURk'a Heavy Arlil ery, MatiOued st Fort Lincotn, near Wash ington. Peter Bittenbe.sdks will offer at public sale on the 28th insl., at his residence, in Greenwood twp., this coonty, a valuable lot oi personal property, attioi g which are fire head ol horses, cattle cheep and hogs Tur towiishipof Greenwood oTersa boun ty of S ?C0 :u cash to volunteers to fill the juota of that township. The Government i still paying S402 to veterans and $302 to rew Tecruits. On the 1st ot April the Gov ernment bounty ceases. - Jacob Etikly EfrQ., ho has been ill for several mouths, is improving slowly. We saw him taking a short ride a few days since tor his health. He looked pretty fee ble ; but there are 6trong hope of .his re gaining bis former good health. Those of our patrons who are in arrears on subscription to the Stab will oblige us by paying their indebteness to this establish ment between this and the 1st of April. We need and must have the money to meet cor debts. We have laid out of our money in some instances too long-it mutt be paid. C.R. Bcckalew, U. S. S , has our thanks for a copy of the speech of Hon. John L. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, a the State of the Union, delivered in the House . of Rep resentatives, February 24;h . ult. It is an able document, and ought to be read by every mao who enjoys the right of suffrage. This speech should receire an extensive eitCDlatioa. On Thursday afternoon last some ten or a dozen Government teams passed through this place enroute for Harrisburg. The train was accompanied y abont one hun dred head of horses, the mos(of which were marked condemned they being crippled rp in almost every manner. They were part of the Nine Month's Cavalry force which were doing tome kind of service in Lu zerne county. It seems that Pgr John and his man fri day, Christian F. Kaapp, have fixed op a ticket to be voted for, oo Friday next at this place. ' As a matter of course the most radi cal men are selected to compose tins ticket; tats, who cry out "war," "the last man," the last dollar," and support Old Abe in every measure, right or wrong. Dr. John is one of those men who are in favor ot elevating the nearo, and placing him on an equality with the white man ; or in other words, lowering the condition of the white raaa on a'level with the black. This man assumes to be a leader for a party ia this township, forms a ticket for that party to 70te, and expects all who do not usually vote any other but the Republican ticket, to carry out bis wishes at his bidding. Will you do it 1 We shall see. Serg't. GeoRue W. Mesas, of the "Iron Guards,?' haa been on a furlough, visiting his relatives and friends, in this place, for the last month or mere. George was among the unfortunate in the battle of the Raptdan, coming out minus of his left , arm, which was amputated at the shoulder joint. , He is a faithfal and diSieat soldier, always per forming hi? part with a will, and never la ging, especially when danger, was ap proaching. He is a young man, about twenty one years of . age, one of the first volunteers cf this place, disabled lot life, mzi in every respect entitled to a Govern ment bounty and a yearly pension, which ba will no doabt proecra. To give oardis-a.t-!"i is idler this assistance, is as litlls jj tin Goren:s:.eatcaa do for tisrj. . Splendid ' NEW iOOI! - - Just issued by CARIiETOiN Publisher, NEW YORK. . I. ; ' PECULIAR. Epes Sargent8 great Novel, concerning which there has been more talk and spec ulation, perhaps, than about any other book issued lor years. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author has become acquainted have been thrown into a plot and story so startling bold, ami yet so truth la 1, to tender and so gentle, that etery reader who begin it must bs faseinaled with its nil flags: in? interest. It is selling like wild-fire. Price SI. 50. II. . ' - KIMBALL'S WORKS. Embracing his'capital new novel, "Was he Successful," one of the best fictions of the season. Price SI 50. Was he Successful, Sait Leger. "Undercurrents, lu The Tropics, Studeut Life Abroad, in. RENAN'S LIFEOF JESUS A translation efM. Ernest Kenan's re markable work, just issued in Paris,where the excitement and sensation are so great concerning its subject and author, that al ready thousands ol copies of 'he cosily Freeh edition have been sold. It has been extravagantly censured ; but its most ' severe ciitics do uct deny the wonderful power, brilliancy, and ability displayed upon every paeof the book. Price Sl. 50. IV. DR. CUMMING'S WORKS. E'Tibracini his new work "The Great Consummation," which ia attracting so much attention in England. Price SI 00. The Great Tribulation. The Great Preparation. The Great Consummation. LIGHT ON SHADOWED PATHS. By T. S. Arthur. The popularity and interest about this delightful new work, by Mr. Arthur, are steadily -increasing. It is one of me pleasaotesl of recent publica tions, and will find its way into thousands add thousands of lamilies, where domes tic stories of a ure and unexceptionable influence are welcomed. Price SI. 25. VI. NOVELS BY AUTHOR "RUTLEDGE." Embracing the splendid rew novel "Frank Warrington," which is selling so I rapidly. Price 1.50. Rtitledae, Frank Warrington., The Sutherland?, Louie. .VII. VICTOR HUGO -A LIKE. One of the most charming and entanc ine volumes that bas ever issued from the French Press. French, dramatic, graphic, and lively, it abounds with the same de lightful inter: that made "Les Miserable'' so wonderfully attractive. No reader of thai marvellous romance can remain sat isfied without its companion, ''The S'ory ol Victor Hugo's Lite." One handsome 8vo.j cloth bound. Price Sl. 25. VIII. MRS. HOLMES NOVELS' Embracing her charming new novel "Marian - Gtey," which is so popular thro' ocl the country. Price 31.25. Marian Grey, Homestead, Lena Rivers, Dora Deane, Meadow Brook, Cousin Maude. IX. THE MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. A Secortd Series of a very interesting and curious book, by Walter Barrett, Clerk. Reminiscences, anecdoue, wits, humor, lively peisorral ketches, private and t ub tre gos-ip about tte old merchants of New Ycrk City a little bit ol eeryihiti2 arid not too moth of anything. The first vol ume find an immense sale last year, and the Second Seiies is now ready. One ele sant cloth bound volume. Price SI. 50. A Lona Look Ahead, Hnw Could He Help It, I've Been Thinkins, Like And Unlike, True to The Las!,, To Love and to be Loved, The Star and the Cloud, Time and Tide. XI. THE ART OF CONVERSATION. With directions for Sell Culture. A book of information, amusement, and in struction. Teaching the art of conversing with ease and propriety, and setting forth the literary knowledae requisite to appear to advantage in good society. Price 31.00 XII. TALES FROM THE OPERAS.' A fasciatina litile volume of Novelttes based upon the most celebrated and lami liar Operas giving the plot of each opera in the areeaLle lorm of an interesting and attractive story. Price S1.00. XIII. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. A Hand-Book for Ladies and Gentlemen with bints and anecdotes concerning nice points of last, good manners, and. the art ol making oneself agreeable. Reprinted from the London edition, which is the best and most eutenaining book on the subject ever published. l2mo , cloth bound. Price. 1.50. XIV. BUELAH. - Br Miss Aaznsta Evans. One of the very best American novels ever published Its sale increases day by day, and already 30,000 copies have been sold. Price $1.50. ' XV. ' VERDANT GREEN. The popular, rollicking, hnmorons story of College Life in Oxford University, Eng land, with nearly 200 comic illustrations. Reprinted from the London editiou. A book overflowing with wit, anecdote, and ludicrous adventure. Price 81.25. These books are sold by all first class booksellers, and will be carefully sent by mail," postage prepaid, or, receipt of price, by GEO. W. CARLETON, Publisher. No 413 Broadway, New York. March 9, 1864. j Auditor's Notice ALL persons interested will lake notice that the undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Columbia County, to make distribution of the balance in hands of Lewis Yetier, Executor of the last will and Testament of Daniel Kistler, late of Catawissa township, deceased, amongst the legatees, will meet the parties interest ed for that purpose, at his office in Blooms burg, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday the 16;hdty of April next, when and where they may attend ifthey think proper. ROB'T F. CLARK, Auditor. February 25, 1864. 4t. Auditor's IXoticc. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia County, to make ditribution amongst the lien credi tors of Joseph R. Paxton, of the monies raised by the sale of the real estate of Joseph Paxton dee'd., and paid into Court, hereby gives notice that he will ttttenl to Ihe duties of his appointment, at hi office in Bloomsbura, on Saturday, the 23d d;iy of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M , when ar.d where all parsons interested may at tend if thev think proper. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Feb. 25. 1X64 41. SMUKIXWs SALE. By virue of a writ of fisria facia, to me directed issued out of the Court of Common Pleas oi Columbia County, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, in Locust township, Columbia county, on Tnes.lay the 22d of March, 1864, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described properly, to wit: All that certain' tract or parcel of land sit uate in Locnst township, Columbia county, jontaiiiitig 140 acres more or less, 130 acre of which aje improved land, bounded and de-cribed as follows, to wit; on the wet by lands ot Israel Werey, on the north by lands ol Jacob Drumheller, on the east by lands of Nathan Gable and others, and on Ihe south by lands of Luc a Fahringer and oth ers, whereon are erecte-d a two story Stone Dwelling House, a lare Bank Barn, with all necessary outbuildings, with the appur tenances. ' Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph M- Ltby. Sheriffs Office, J H. FURMAN, Bloomsbura Mar. 2, '94. Sheriff.. JSalional Foundry. Il!ooimliir, Columbia Co., flhe subribjr, proprietor of the above -- named ext ensive etiblihinen. is now prepared to receive orler for !1 kinds of marhii.ery, for COLLEUI ES. BLAST FPR NACKS STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS TH RESH IMG MACHINES. &c, &e. He is also prejiared to make S'oves, all frizes aifd patlern, Plow-inmx, mid f very thing usually made in rirsi-class Foundries His eviatoive facilities and practical workman, wnirant turu largest contract on the in receiving ihe most reasonable lerm. CV Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange lor castings. FS- This e-tabli-hment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Deot. PETER BILLMEYEIt. Bloorasbnri, Sept. 9, 1863. TH iTse w "grocery" stohi:. MURE Just received at Erasmus Few Store. Moidsse, ' ! Sugar, i Teas, Coffee, Rice, Spice, Flstl, Salt, 0 Tobaco, Seaars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together witl a ureal varieiy of noiions &c, t"o numerous io mention. G5T Butter, EgU'1. Meat and produce gen erally taken iu exchar-ue for vood. A. B. ERASMUS. Bloom.-bnrg, Feb. 29. 164 Cheap Hat & Cap Auolhtr Arrival of -'ood. Now i Jor Time lo Hut. I NOW SF.LL CHEAPRR THAN EVER. ffHE undersigned hnving bought out the 1 Grocery ol David Siroup, ha re:novd his Hal and Cap S'ore up to Siroup' Oid S'hikI, where in addition lo a superior as sortment o . SPRING AND SUMMER Q HATS aND CAPS, Comprising every sort and quality, which will be sold at unusually low prices He will continue tne Grocery and Notion busine iu all its lor nib as carried on by Mr. Siroup Andsolicits a continuance of the old cnsiomerr ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which be invites the at tention ol Shoemakers and the public. JOHN K.GIRTON. Bioorcsburg, Dec. 26, 1863. JYeio Stock of Clothing EraSSEI mUFSL IP ' FALL &, WINTER GOODS. TNVH ES af.ention lo his stock of cheap -- and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on 'iO.V STREET Ji LOOMS DUJRG, two doors above the Jfmtriccni House., where he has jost received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Iflcn anil Boy's Clothing, inclodiug (he mo-t fahionab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Box, Hack, Frock, Gum and Oil 'Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, Siu:ed and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock", collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, euspenders and fancy articles. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well elected assortment of Cloths and Veslings, which he is prepared to make cp !o order, into any kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Of every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and examine bis' general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloorasbarg, Feb. 3d, 1864. Lack'a aud Oloocisburg Railroad. ON AND AFTER JAN. 18, ?364, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS F0L-' LOWS-. MOVING 60UTH. Freight h Pastenger. 4.20 P. M. 5.55 8,25 8.35 9,15 9 55 Passenger, Leave Scranton, " Kingston, Bloomeburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at North'd. MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. Danville, ' " Rupert, " - Bloomsburj;, " Kingston, 8.C0 A 8 40 9.22 9.35 12.12 P M. M. Arrive at Scranton, 1,30 Freight & Passenger leaves Elootnsburg, 10.15 A. M. Pas.ergers taking the Mail Traiu South connect wilh the Express irain from Nor thuinberlutid, ariiviug at Harrisburg at 2.30 A. xM , Ilaliirnore, 7,00 A. M. and at Phil'a. at 7,00 A.M. The Mail Train fmm North'd, leaves immediately after ihe Ex press tram Irom Harribnrg at and Balti more, allowing Pas-enyers leaving Ptiila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M. to reach points on this road dtiring the next lorenoon. New ami elegant Sleeping cars accom pany the night irains ech way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. H. A. FUN DA, Supt. J. C. Wells, Gen I Ticket Agent Kingston, Feb. 3, .864. Volunteers ami Conscripts I To Soldiers or anj otberswi-.hing to in crease their income, there is no betterway of doing -o at ihis lime, than Irom the sale of cur Wa'ches. They are warranted as" Represented ! "Particularly valuable for officers in the Army and travelers.''' -Frixuk Leslie's, Feb ruary 21. "Frettiest, ber-t and ch eapest timepiece ever orTered."--.iV. Y. Illustrated News, Jan uary 10. ' Verj pretly and durable Watches for the Armyv' N. Y. Army St Navy Journ. Government Oran Au2,20. "Uneofthe eldest and most reliable houses in business.'' Louisville Ky., Jour nal Jul 21. , MAGIC TI3IE OBSERVERS, Being a Huniins; ot Open Face or Lady'i or Gentlemen's Watch Combined, with P.itent Self-Winding Improvement, a most Pleasing Noveliy. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST, MOST CON VENIENT, AND decidedly ihe be.-t and cheapest tWie-piece for general and reliable ute as erer oflered. It has within it conn jced with its machinery, it own winding atiachir.ent, rendering a key en tirely unnecessary The cass of ttiis Watch are composed of two malals, the outer one bein;; d.e 1G carat gold. It has ihe improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate lime-piece Pr.ce, superb! engraved, per case of hal dozen, fc204. i:ample Watchee, iu TiCf moiocco Boxes, S35. " Silver Watches ! Firt Class Hunting Time-Pieces for ace: rac y of movement, beauty of ma terial, and above all, cheap ness in price, these u Miches mu-t insure universal appro bation. Ait imitation so faultless that ;l can hard ly b detected by the moM experience? judges. The material being of two metals the outer on fir-.l quality Sterling Silvei wh.l the inner one is German Silver, i cannot be recognized by cutting or heavj engraving, making it, not only in appear ance, but in durability, the best resenr blatice of Solid Sterling Silver in exist enc. l h sale of these Watches in the Army is a source of enormous profit, retailiua, as t't-y very readily do, at 25 and upwards, Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any oue of ordinary businecs tact. AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In hea vy hunting taes, beautifully engraved, whiie enamel dial, and fancy rut hand, in good rnnnii g order, by the half dozen, S6 6 S ld only by the cafe of six ! Upon receii t of two dollar, as auarart lee of good faith, we will sen J watches b) exprei-s to any part of the loyal S:ats, collecting balance oi bill on delivery. This et'ure buyer against fraud, giving tham their watches before payment is required. Sol.lier in Ihe disloyal S'a-es mu--i remit Cash in, as tne express corr.pun- j les perernpiorily refuse making co.Ieo'.ions j in such Jan;eious localities. Remember, Cash in advance from within tha army ; Imps in rebel Stas ! We Guarantee the Kiife delivery of all Wp.tchps, whether thej ate sent Py rn.4il or express HUB!JRD BROS.SiIe Importer. 171 Broadway, cor. Cortlandt St. N. V. Fob. 24, 18ii4. PRESERVE Y0CR BEAUTY. Symmetry of Form, YOUR HEALTH AND MENTAL POW ERS, By using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific Remedy known as HELM GOLD'S EXTRACT BUCAU. Read the advertisement iu col umn, aud profit by it Diseases and Symloms Enumerated. Cut it out qid preserve it. You may not dow require, But may at snme Future Day. 'It gives heal b aud vigor to ihe frame, Anc bloom to the pallid cheek." , It Saves Long suffering aud Exposure. Cure Guaranteed. Ueware of CounlerfeUs Jan. 13, lb S I lmo. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Binghhmtiri " " Crittenden's " ' Philadelphia, Stratton, B yanl St Co., ' These Scrips, are iti'amoutits of S15 and S50 and are as so much cah, by the Stu dent on enteting enher of the above Col leges. Young men desiring to obtain a finished Collegiate Education, will here find a good speculation by applying at the office olthe ' STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloomsborg, Nov. 4. 1863. Selling off at Reduced FRI ES! IT. SHARPLESS. wishes to dispose of J his PRESENT STOCK of GOODS TO READY PAY CUSTOMERS at REDUCED RATES. Give him a call and examine his prices. Blnomsbnrc, Jan. 6, 1863. DAVID L0WENBERG, C LO THING STOKE, Oa Main striet,twodoorBabove the 'Amer ican Hotel.' .flyer's Cherry Pectoral PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! W! ILL be exposed to public sale at the house of Samuel Everitt, iu Orange. ville, Columbia count v. en FRIDAY THE 2bTH DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1864, at 10 nV tnnlc nf sail' ilnv. a ffrtaill Tract of Timber Land, j situate in Orange township, Columbia co., adjoining lands of Thomas Hutchison, John Achenbach, the heiis of John Lazarus, deceased, and other4, containing Four Elmirirt'ci & ixly-:ighf Acres, aiiI lOl i'erches, strict measure. The said tract is well tim bered and will be sold iu the whole or in lots to suit purchasers. And on Saturday the 26th day ot March, 1864, will be exposed to put lie sale on the premit-es at 10 o'clock of said day, a certain LiOi of Unround, fituate in Light Street, Scott township, Col umMa county, fronting on Main S'reet ol said towti, adjoining a lot of Dmel Melltck on the South, Maria L. McDowell oi the East, Jacob CIoeeii on the North; said lot cotnai tiinir io fron on Main Stieet of said town, SIXTY FIVE FEET, whereon are erecied a Frame Dwelling House, Siable and Shop. And on the sama day will be offered stt puMr.-saie two SUA RES OF THE NES COPECK BRIDGE STOCK Conditions will be made known on day r. F I Ml PETER ENT. Ex'r. 1I1EO. MoDOWEL LL, Liu hi Street, F-b. 24. 1864 fuulsc; sale OF VALUABLE .KEAL ESTATE. TN Pursuance of an order of the Orphan's - Court of Columbia county, on SATUR DAY THE till DAY OF MARCH next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Hiram R Kline Administrator of Thoma Lunger, late of Fishingcreek twp. in said county, deceased, will expose to sale, by Public Vendue, onjhe premises, a certain Messuage Si Tract of Land situate in Fishinacreek township, atore said, adjoining lauds of Abner Welsh, David R. Alhertson, Win, Evans, Harmon Labor, Hiram R Kui.e and James S Camp bell containing Ninety Four Acres a nil Eighty-seven I'erchc. Late t!ie Estate ol said deceased, situa'e intiie township of Fishinrek and county aforesaid. JF.SE COLEMAN, Clerk. Ijtoombur2, Feb. 10, 1H64. TERMS OF SALE. One fourth of the purchase money lo be paid on confirma tion with inWest from confirmation. Deftd etc, to be at thv expense of the purchaser. HIRAM R. KLINE, Admr. For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Gar dm. 1SG1. The I SO 3. G A It fE N E SI' S n OTi TSS is Y. W. G. P. BRINCKLOE, PtBusHica. Office : 23 North ixth St., Pail'a. TKItMS SI 50 A YEAR. IIited hy T II O II A S M i: E II A T4 THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE: Hiii'c- Movrer Garden and Pleasore Grouna ; Fruit Garden Vegetable Garden; Wiinlow G.tnleu. Cnbimuuications. Embracing the viws of the best writers o:i Horticulture Agri culture, Knd Rural AfTair. Ediiriitl Giving the E.litor's views on the important Agricultural improvements Scraps and Queries New Fruits New Plants Domestic anil Foreign Intelligence Foreign .Correspondence llorsicul iural Notices. With each Department handsomely il lustra'ed. flH EE general features will be enter- lained aod the publisher pledges him self that no labor or expense shall be spar ed to render the snccee ling issues of ite Masazine every way wor hyofthe favor with which his previous etTori have beeti aT;ply rewarded. Seud lor a Specimen. February 24, 1S61. IMPORTANT TO Married Ladies ! TRTLY A BLESSING! I will semi, free tf ah'irge, to any Lady who will send her name and a hirers, direc tions how to preiettt the e.vfeme pam of CHILD-BIRTH : a!n how to rve i;erlecl ly healthy and beautiful Children ; alo cn other new ar-d IMPORTANT SECRET, the ordy sure and safe remedies tver iliscor- eie?.l. My object ia makisi the above oiT-r is to induce every lady to lest my retucdiei. Address MADAME DULENTAUX, M. D, . . 767 oroadway, New York City. Feb. 24, 164. 3m. A i'trsl CluI'ami',i's tlagaziue for IV nil sviv.iniit. I8G1. The Pennsylvania 18G4. rAKXKK c GAKDIJEK, DEVOTED TO a iuc u rr i:t i c u lt ur e AND RURAL AFFAIRS, Edited and Pibiishkd bv IF I L L I A 31 S. Y 0 lT N G & C 0 ., 52 North Sixth Stree-, Philadelphia. Ttrm : One Dollar a year. The Smh Volume commeucers with Jan uary number. A ING obtained the serricos of emi nent and practical AsriculturiMs, Ilor'.i- mlturists. Stock Rreedrrsand lies keepers, we confidently ofler the current Volume as one of the best ever issued for originality, practical thoushi and reliable information. Feb. 24, 1864- . Administrators.' IVo(icc Estate of Benjamin Evans, late of Orange twp., Colu-mbia County de ceased, f . VOTiCE is hereby given that letrer of Administration on the Estate of Benja min Eans, late of Orange iwp., Colum bia Cooiity, tleceaed, have been eranted by the Register ol said county, to the on dersioned Administrators, residing in the township of Scott and County aforesaid. All persons havinct claims or demands against the estate ol the decedant, are re quested to make them known to the Ad ministrators, and those iadebted will maLe immediate payment to JOHN NEYHARD, ) Aim. ADAM ROA-I, Admr' f Scott twp., Feb 10, 1664 pd 2.00 T COIVSOIPTIVIiS. Consumptive sclferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchits, and all Throat aud Lung affec. ions, (free of charge) by sending tbeir address to REV. E. A. WILSON, WjHiarnsbargh, Kings Co.,'New Yo&, Jan.' 27, 1853 6w. si is ATfs INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL II03IE ENTERPRISE, 5 8 5 BROADWAY NEW YORK. THE The Most Complete and Magnificent IVar Exhibition F.xlant. DeTotcd lo raisi. Funds for a Na tional Dome, 100,000 TICKETS, AT SI EACH. A DONATION of $2120 in Vulua'le Prop erty to the Ticket Haiders. JOSIAH PERHAA1, Agent for the Pro prielors. has the honor to announce a plan for creating a fund for the toundin of a National Institution, lo be a home for Iu valid, disabled, discharged soldiers. The original surnber of Tickets issowd for this object was 100,000, ye third of which have been already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was firt projected. Each of the One Dollar Tickets is good for Four Admissions to the iM-immoth MIRROR OF THE REBELLION, at 583 Broadway, New York City, or wherever else exhibited. Ooe half of the profits of the entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to the above named patriotic object. According to the original adverti-ed plan, a Mais Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4th, and an adjourned meeting at ihe same place on Doc, 16ih. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elected as a Board of Trustees, to receive the funds which may accrue Irom the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to this object in accordance wiih the plans of the oriuinator ; (ien John S. T)ler, Erston: hi Excellency Governor Jarnen Y. Smith, of Rhode Ilaud; Hon. Geo. Br'i2s of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A. G. Curtin of Penns Ivania; Major Gen N. P. Banks, c( Mass., Major Gen. O. O. Howard of Maine; tiis Excellency Gov. Richard Yates, of Illinois. To speedily accomplish this great ob ject, every wie means will be used by the projector to effect the immediate sale of the ticket; and be calls upon the loyal and humane to assist earnestly in carrying this noble undertaking forward lo a trium pliant success. Neither its importance, nor its feasi bility, can be called l n question. Let the people but respond in a spirit worthy oj the project, and no obstacles shall delay its consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and reaily to devote his whole energies to the great work, the projector firmly be lieves ihe tide of popular lavor will flow in thp dired direction, and accomplish the loundir'2 and insure the creation of a permanent National Institution, which shall be an a)l'irn for the retired soldier, whose loss of health ur limb is his diplo ma for heroic services performed in his country's cause, and which shall a down to the future generations a blessing to man kind ar.d an enduring monument to the l.beraliiy of the loyal people. Bv this enterprise with a public place of amusement ol such well .f ahli-hed high character and merit, the subc:iVer to the fund, while giving his money for the promoiion of a great char itable deri:n, may receive a lull equivj. lent for the outlsy in wiue&eing this splendid series of Paintings. ATTARACTIVE BOUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effect the speediest possible sale of these tickets, so that unnecessary pxpense may b saved, and the National Home Fund proportionately increased, a further inducement is offered as a oounty to pur chaser. As soon as the tickets shall have been sold, in addition to one half the profits, a aforesaid, the following described prop erty will be donated lo the ticket holders, and placed to the hands of their Trustees, adiotiiict board having been chosen for that purpose, at the mass meetings held as above stated, and which consists of thp fotlowir g gentlemen who, on receipt ol the property, wjil dispose of the same, by lot, or otherwise, as me ticket holders in mas n eetina may direct there to be no violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C. O- Rojrers. Hon. C- W, Slack. Gen. Bobt. Cowdin, Col. A. J Wright, John C. Hay nes, Eq., of Boston, Johna Webster Esq., r.f Maptevillt, Mass , Uaac S. More Eq., of Camhridiie, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To uh'uh the 'Jickit-holders ui.'l be entitled. One cen'eel resilience in the City til Ro bury. Mass. val-ied at S10 000 Three Piano fort, val. at 500 each 1.500 Five piano-for'es, val. aS30G each Five field Watches, at 5100 each, Fitly (i .U Watches, at 550 each, 1.5U0 500 2,500 2C0 Two ihares in Ihe Boston and Wor cesier Railroad, a" &!30each. Two shares ir. the Bo-ton and Maine R R. valued at130 each, 260 Two shares in the Merchants' Bank, Boston, at StOO each, 200 Six thousand Gold Union Medals valned at S3 each, 13,000 Two Sewing Machines, atS50.each, 100 Total, S34J20 Due r.ntice will be gien of the next mass meeting cf ihe ticket holders which will take place in New York City. A National Home Ticket, costing one dullar, consists of five coupons, tour of which are admissions to the Mirror, good at any time, and "ha other a certificate of an interest in the Enterprise, which the purchaser retanB. The admision coupon may be used sep arately, or nil at once, as suits the conve nience of the purchaser. AH communications on tbe subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or exmes, should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 5S5 Broadwav, New York City. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interest in this charitable nndertakinsr, by getting op clubs, will roceive elevea tickets lor every ten dollars sent. Jan. 20, 1SG4 uoiyaTTds association. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable trea'aieni in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charse. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association; No. 2 South Ninth S'reet Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16 1S63 ly. NOTICE. ALL persons having claims of EXEMP TION from the DRAFT, can have tfteir papers promptly and carefully drawn by calling at the Otfice ot the undersigned, in Bloomsborg, Columbia coonty, Penn'a. Office, Second Door West of l&e Cocrt Home. MICHAEL F. EYERLY. January 6, 1864. TiiE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. f"UR Letter A Family Sewing Machine ia -Hast saining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Famiiy Sewins Machine has so many nse fnl appliances for Herrfining, Binding, Fell iri, Tuckins, Gaihering, Guanine, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so torth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a great finely rf work. It will sew all tins of cl-vh. and witS all kinds of thread. Grat and recent improvement make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at a'l ra'es of spepd. It makes the intsrlocked stitch, which is the best ftitch kr.own. Any one. even of the most ordinary capaoiiy,can see, at a glance how to use the teller A Farrilv Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewiua Machined are finished in chaste and.exqnisite style. The Folding Cae of the Family Ma chine is a piece of cunning woikmansbip of ti e must useful kind. It projects the ma chine w hen not in ne, nd when about to be operated may ba opened as a spaciou and Bubsiantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Ca?e, made out of the) choicest woods, are finished in-the Sim plest aitd chastest manner possible, others are adorned and emlelished in tbe most costly and superb manner. Ii is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation so as to judge of its great capacity and besuty. It is fat becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for rramifactunrig purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silktis', thread, needles, oil, etc, of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphle'. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO, 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8J0 Chestnut St. N. S. Tumley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. A. J. Evan. Agent, iu Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. AND SECOND HAND S A FES, AT SEW YORK SAFE DEPOT 71 Ifiltiam Street, Nao Fork. Size and Prices of LiMe's Fire-Proof Safes. O UTSID E: Heizht. Width. DeplL No. 1 24 20 20 No. 2 26 22 24 No.3 30 24 24 No. 4 32 23 24 N.i. 5 34 31 24 No. 6 40 31 24 INSIDE: lleichl. Width. Depth. No. 1 17 n 12 No. 2 19f 13 12 No. 3 21 15 12 No. 4 22 18 -1 No. 5 24 21 14 No. 6 31 21 ' 15 PRICE. PRICE. Number 1 HO (;0 j Nnmber 4 S85 00 do 2 60 00 j do 5 100 00 do 3 70 00 I do 6 115 00 November 1 I, 183. tncDaOacsir (23 si 110. 2 inn nnn more m en want f.d tJJJ,JxJJ to QUELL UEBELLIONI R VOL UTl ON IN HIGH PRICES! NEW ARRIVAL OF VXA & WINTER GOODS. AT PGTER EXTS STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. TTAS jost received from the eastern citiev A-- and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assortment of 2s ir cs Qa si rsnL 2. za csa which will be sol I cheap for CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE t His stock consists of Lvfies Dress GooJr, choicest stIes arid latest fashion. CALICOES. MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. HOSIERY. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. &C.; Kcacly-irlaric Clothing, SATINETS. CSSl MERES, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEAN'S, THREAD. &C, QUEENSW ARE, CEDAKWAtlE, HARDWARE. MEDICINES, DRUGS, COOTS AND SHOES, HATS and CAPS, lo short everything usually kept io country stor. The patronase of his old friends, anil the public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest rrytrket price paid for coo n trv PETER ENT. 'Liaht Street. Nov. 11, 1S63. Miller's Store. . opa 2.2r sail OF FALL AND 1VIXTEU GOODS. 'IIIE subscriber has just returned from trie Cities with another large and select assortment of FALL & WIXTEU GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New Ycrk, at the lowest figure, and which he is determined io sell on as modera'e terms as can be procured elsewhere in BloomsLarg. His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, oT the choicest styles and latest fashions. .DRY GOODS, C2 ir ce z? ce a 1 cs G3 a HARDWARE. QUEENSW ARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &0. In short, everything osually kepi in country stores; to which beiutiteatbe public gener ally. The hizhest price will be paid forcoua i trv produce, in exchanse for goods. ' STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloorasburg, Jan. 6, 1864. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. 0ffie on Main Street, Virst door below; . J. Sloau' Store, Dec 23, 18
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers