The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 09, 1864, Image 1

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Qi JACOB?, Publisher.
Truth and ltight God and our Country.
Two Dollas per Innua.
' Ml
1 lit
1 hi tie- : 0;i!y three month in '.hi country.
Ko cfVp-'fP operation to gull the public,
Vol a ge."ine money making thing ! Read
Ihe 'Circu'ai" of instruction once only, and
yon will under bind it perfectly. A Lady
Lasjnst written to me Ibat she is making
a high as 'f WENT ' DOLLARS SOME
DAYSj giving instrucfu'"S- " if''9 a'
Thousand of Soldier are n. kirn money
rapidly at it. It n a thina that Jake-tetter
than anything ever offered Yon can
make money, with il ho Bid or abro.d or?
steam boats or railmad carj and in the
country or city. Vou will be pleased io
pursuing it, not only because i; will jielcjf
a a . ...
a Dnoome income, but also in cons
buenee of the general adaiiia'ion which i
elicits. Iiia -pretty much all profit. A
mere trifle i necesary to start with.
vThere is scarcely one person oat of
ihousand who ever pays any attention to
J - . r . i i - . - . -
k uveruseniBiiis til l 'lis K I'lti, ItiinKmg tUev
re humDugs. . Consequently those who do
end for instructions will have a broad
field to make money ;n. There is a cU
of persons in this world who woulJ think
ihat because they have ' been hunibnsgeJ
out of a dolhr or so, that everything that
is advertised i a humbug. Consequently
ie try no more. The person who suc
ceed is the one that keep on trying until
he hits something that pays him.
This art cost me on thousand dollars,
and I expect to make money ont of it and
ril who purchase the art of ma will do the
lime. 0:ie Dollar sent to wie will insure
he prompt return ofa card of instruction
in the art. The money tci'l it returned t
thoit not sotifei.
No. 1 Park Place, New York.
Oct. 21, 163 3m.
vey's Female Pill have never yet failed in
removing difTicr.l ies arising from obMMie
ion. or stoppage of natvre. or m restoring
the system to perfect health when pff-i-ing
from spinal afT-'Ctiorts, prolapsus, Utf ri,
trie whites, or other weakness of the uter
ine organs. The pill are perfectly harm
less on the constitution, and may be laken
ty he most i!elic:e female without caus
i'.y distress the same time ihey act like a
charm by strengftensn;?, invigorating and
restoring the sjtem to a haiihy condition
ml by brir:2iMg on the mo'uh'.y period
iih regularity, uo matter from whatcaos-
the obstruction maj arise. They should
however, HUT be taken during the first
rhree or iout mon:h of pregnancy, thoa h
safe at any o'her time, as miscarriage
would be the result.
Each box contains 0 pilis. Pric Si.
Dr. Harvey;s"Tre:itise on dise'iss of Fe
ma S, preiiiiit , inisrarriit", mirru.ic. :
' - 7 ' i
str.rry, Reproduction, and abides of Nh-
,ce, and emphatically Ihe' Pnvate ; Adviser, a pamphlet of 64 Pa?es
sent ftee to any address. Six centa re
quired to pay postags.
The Pills and book will be sent by mail
when deird, securely sealed 'and prepaid
by J. BRYAN, M. D. General Ag'i.
No- 7e Cedar street, New York.
EsSohl i by all the principal druggie-'a.
No. 25, 1363 ly.
in a'lases. Can be relied on! Never fill
to cure I . Do not nauseate! Are speedy
in action !
! - No ehanne of diet Tt noired ! t
- j ,
jjo not intenere wnn bh?ih's pur-uni. . .
Can be usd wilhont detection ! Upward
of 200 cure the past month one of them
ery severe cases. Over one hundred phy-
icians have ed them in their practice, ;
nod alt speak well of iheitefiicacy, and ap-
prove their composition, which is entirely
Tegetable, and harmles on the system.
Hundreds of certificates can be shown.
Bell's Specific Pill are the original and
- only genome . Specific Pill. They are
.adapted for male and femala.old or young,
!nd the only reliable remedy lor effecting
-a permament and speedy cure in all cases
-Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with
All its train of ei!s, such as Urethral and
Vaginal Discharges, the whites, nightly or
Involuntary Emissions, Incontinence, GeDi
lal Debility and Irritability Impotence
Weakness or loss of Power, nervous De
bility, all of which arise principally
rom Sexael Excesses or self-abuse, or
tome constitutional derangement, and n
apacilates the sufferer from fulfilling the
duties of married life. Io all sexual dis
ease, Gonorrhea, Gleet and Strictures, and
in Di-ea-es of the Bladder and Kidneys,
"ihey act as a chafm! Rebel is experi
enced by taking a single box. '.; ;
Sold by all the principal druggists. Price
SI. r- ' - "
They will be sent by mail, securely seal
ed, and confidentially, on receipt ot the
money, by J. BRYAN, M. D.
Ko. 76 Cedar street New York,
Consnklng Piiyic'ans for the treatment of
Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous
Diseases, who will send, free to all, the
following valuable work, in, seated en
velope :
HELL S TREATISE oa seli-abu-er Prema
, tare dtcay, impotence and foss of power,
ee.Tual diseases, seminal weakaess, nightly
emission, genital . debility, &c , &c, a
ramphPst of 64 pages, containing impor
tant adrica to the aiUicted, and which
ebonU be read by every sufferer, as the
means of curs ia the Everest stages is
Office on Main St., 3rd Sqnarc below Market.
TERMS: Two Dollars pr annum if paid
within six months from the lime of subscri-
bins: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid j
within tht year. INo subscription taken tor
a Jess period than six months; no discon
tinuance permitted onlil alia rrearaces are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
"ike let m$ of adrerHtiiig uill be as fallows:
One square, twelve lines three times, 1 00
Every subsequent insertion, 25
One square, three months, ...... 3 TO
One yar ... 8 CO
t tj o i c c ) o c t r n .
BT Mite I.. A III MET.
Who gad abroad from door to door,
"Seeking for whom she may devour,"
With tome new tale her mind to store ?
The Slanderer !
Who prisons aJl the atmosphere
Makes enemies oi friends so dear,
If they will to her words adhere ?
The Slanderer !
Who breeds contempt and angry strife,
Between the hatband and ihe wifuj.
And separates rhi-ir pMh thro' Ufa',?
The Slanderer !
Who, Jos! to every virtue here.
WouM draz a? down to her low sphere,
And make us like herself appear ?
The Slanderer !
Who, like a serpent in onr path,
.Will wound tmseen, and onward pass,
And hide itself among the grass !
The Slanderer !
Who sees within some Maiden's breast,
Talent that she does not posse,
And tries to rob her of success 1
The Slanderer !
Whe, like the fatal "Upas tree,"
Drops poisonous tears o'er misery.
And says, you have a friend in ma !
The Slanderer !
But no ! O Lord, thoo art my" friend :
Thoa wil't sustain me to the end,
And may thy blesing e'er attend,
The Slanderer !
Am! when life's weary task is done,
And we shall meet around Gad's throne ;
Ah! who will hear the worde- wet! done?'
O ! Slanderer! !
And then, the tongue of slander stay,
lns ead of curiag, learn to pray
To God, for "Heaven-born Charity,"
O ! Slanderer ! ! !
Miss JeMaby rose at six one beantifnl
, - ,
Ar.aml mnrn nr and throwing ooen her
chambef winJow 8nuffj once or twice at
he fra?ra,,ce cora5ng up from the roi ia
. . Then she hunted a mo-
j ment for her spectacles upon the bureau,
t hnd putting them on, looked eagerly at
i in .. . i.
A verv
modest, pretty little bouse it wa, with ;
roses an'd syringas growing nnder . esch
window, and woodbines and Jeamine
rlimbing over the door ; but Miss Jeliaby
was not admiring its beauty just then. She ;
looked up at a front window, on the sec- .
ond floor, and gave a vicious snort. I
"As I expected ! She isn't op yet. nd j
here it is six o'clock ! And where is he, I .'
i. ?
wuiinci :
Ke ore she had time to answer the ones
,;onj as j. wa!l asked mentally the front
jor Df .ke co.ta2e opened, and Miss Jfella-
by shrinking behind her cur'ain, saw a ;
hanrtnme. snnbnmed man come out. and i
go down the garden walkwith a cigar in 1 "b.n wears a liferent iace irom tnai,
his mouth. It was very easy to see by the ; he said to himself, as he shook hands with
slight roll in his walk, that he was a sailor, them. They turned to the spinster, who
though for the matter of that, his bearing,' had bolstered herself op against the chim
hand'some face, and frank, hearty manner r.ey-piece and stood eyeing them with sour
would have told the tale, if he had never disdain.
stirred a step. With his hands in his pock- "Your neighbor, Miss Jeliaby," said Mr.
ets, he sauntered among the "roses, bending Fuiierton, adding in a low whinper to her,
down now and then as if to say .good morn- j as they sought about the room fcr eay
ing to the fairest, and always removiog the
cigar from his lips when he did so.
."He coold'nt do no more if he was
speaking to a woman,", said the spinster,1
applying her eye to a hole left purposely
in the white curtain. ''The man is mad
about flowers, I do believe, and she is a
toach beyond him, if such a thing can be.
Ah, there she comes and dressed in blue
gingham, too. I wonder what her morning
gowns cost her through the year 1 And
her slippers oh, mercy, there they go
right through the wet well, there "4
.Words faild the worthy spinster. Mean
while the owner of the slippers an-J very
pretty little affairs they were bronzed
laced and rossetted with a spangle that
shone like a dew drop tri pped down the
walk co lightly that the gentleman did not
hear her step, and earning upon him as he
bent over a bed of voirets, gave him a push
that sent him opon his face among them.
To see her laugh lo see him blander np
aud chase her throcgb alleys to nee bim
kiss her when he prisoned her at las: in bis
strong armk and o see her pretend to box
his for it wa a sight for a loving heart to
watch bnt Mis., Jeliaby over opposite,
tainted away with honor. She rang her
bell violently, and a sqoare-faced, sour
looking woman who had lived with her for
years, raade her appearance.
"Susan!" " .
w Wellj" said the amiable Io2S:ic
Before Miss Jetlahy could speak, the
unconscious pair in the opposite garden
transgresseda gainst propriety again.
"Walking np a nd down in broad day
light, with his arm aronnd her waist just
look at her Susan ! Do you mean to stand
there and tell me that that men i only her
"Dear me, ma'am how can I tell. I
only know (hat lhey loooked alike, and
they have the satne name, Helen and
Philip Graham, I wa told."
Humph! It's my opinion that some
one oiicht to speak to Mr. FnMerton 1"
The minister ? What for ?"
"Are you such a lool, Susan, a not to
ee what it all means. They are no more
brother and sister than you and I are."
"Well, what are they then !''
"That remains to be told the wretches !
But Mr. Fullenon will set them' to rights, I
shall go and see him after breakfast. I
don't know what the poor man would do
without me."
"Have some peace, I suppose," muflered
Susan,' tinder her breath, she followed
Missjt!laby down to the parlor.
Breakfast being over, Miss Jeliaby sal
lied forth to the parsonage.
The clergymen was a quite peac lovirg
man, somewhat timid withnl, and the spin
ster always overpowered him with her ar
puments when she attempted to do so
She stayed nearly half an hour with him ;
at thp expiration of that time, people who
were oh the lookout saw her conveying he
unhappy j aron in the direction, and at
lat, through the very gate of Randall Cot
tage. A tidy looking old servant 'nMtted them,
; ushered them into a p!eaant nur-erj room, (
, ani said (-he would gn and ted her mistress j
i of their arrival Mr. Fnllt-r'oii rat on the j
! edge of his chair, very uneasy in irind, and j
wishing with all his heart that he was j
home anain. Miss Jeliaby strode up and
down the room like a dragon, eyeing eve
rything about her and making observations
in an under tone, w hich, however, he could
not help hearing
'Such extravagarce ! Loflk a? that car
pet no1 all roses and Miles, and strag
gling green Why can't they be
i contented with a drngg't as I am ?"
SI e look aneiher torn
"And n guitar! Spaniard, I don't do'tb' ? j
or I ahans j and Ihe rest follows as a mat
ter of conr-e. M. Fol:erton, I believe
thse people are heathens !"
"Hard'y, I think, or they never would
have come to church last Sunday."
"On you don't know that ; perhaps had i
some private end to gain by it," said Miss
The spinster's rnrop'onable suspicions
tickled Mr. Fuiierton beyond measure.
She saw him laughing, and grew indignant.
"Let these lauch that win. I say, Mr.
Fuiierton. I don't doubt you will feel
more like crying belore this business is
"Not I' said the minister with a rueful
"A crucifix, as I am a sinner," she mur
mured a moment aiterward "There Mr.
Fuiierton, what did I te',1 you ! hanaing on
the wall here, in broad daylight. Shall I
pull it dow n ?
"Are yon beside yonrself, Mias Jeliaby?"
said Mr Fuiierton, springing up and ar-
resting her hand jns in time,
1 he sound of voices and laughter in tH
garden prevented her giving him what she
called, "a peace of her mind " There was
a race up the broad path, that sobered into
a walk when the young coupfe reared the
windows, following iho old servant, who
bad been in the grounds to call them.
They entered the rooom together, flush
ed wiih their frolic, bat looking happy and
pieaseo to meet me clergyman
chairs : "lt7s all a mistake, my goo,t crea-
mre there's nothing wrong here. I'll
have nothing to do with the matter. Say
nothing, and let this pass as a morning
"Say nothing, indeed ! Mr. Fnllerlon, I
am astonished at you !" was her reply, too
audibly mado, however, for Mr. Graham
heard it though he waa too courteous to
look surprised. '
'Pray take this easy chair, Mr. Fullff
ton," said Helen, who wondered inwardly
at the strange behavior of her guests.
"No, my child,'' said the clergyman
kindly.- "Sometime 1 hope to come again.
I can only express my tornjw at having
been persuaded against my better judgment
to enter these doors on snch an absurd er
rand and leave you.
"My dear sir, forgive me if I do not qcite
understand !" exclaimed the captain, while
Helen made op. her mind that both her vis
itors were mad.
"I will tell yon at an other time," said
Mr. Follerton, nervocsly. "I will only bay
in explanation of this intrusion, that it has
been caused by a most ridiculou mistake.
Miss Jeliaby ,: will yoa allow me to accom
pany yoo home !" .
Mies Jeliaby folded her arras, looked at
them all viciously, and thundered oat
she nad"?" whispered Helen to the
cleff yman; "What doea it all mean V
Mt means this, madam, this and nothing I
more, that Mr, Fnllerlon is to be ensnared J
by a pretty face, and frightened outofdoing
his duty, I am not !'
IIVq itiei-a av. e ti rT an n n fnrf 11 n 9 fo
piece of business ! Miss Jeliaby, I cannot J
allow you to commit such an act of foily,
or to insult thee young creatures. 1 com
mand you as your pastor, not to speak."
"I take no orders from a man who shrinks
from his duty,' said the spinster, lohily.
'My dear sir. (turning to the captain,) it
seems 1 cannot spare you this infliction, so
I may as we'll tell you what this good lady
means. She lives opposite you as you al
ready know'
c a , ,1 t o t -,,..
when you thought yourselves quite alone
remember that ! ' chimed iu the sharp voice
ol the spinster.
Do be quiet, my dear Miss Jeliaby. As
she says, ehe has often seen you '
'Kissing exploded from the ihin lips.'
'Miss Jeliaby, either you or I must be
silent. From these things she has drawn
her conclusions, and I am ashamed to say
that lor a brief space she peruadjrt me in
to believing them. I need not add that
from the instant you entered the room, my
suspicion vanished, and 1 wotild readily
stake my life, this moment, upon your per
fect integrity.'
But my dear sir,' said Captain Graham
smiling, 'of what doe that lady snspect us1'
'Tell them, Miss Jeliaby; I wi;i not
Tretty behavior, 1 am sure, to leave the
tcoisi part to me, Mr. Fuiierton. However,
no one shail say I shrunk back from uy
duty !'
'We are waiting to know what fnirus
crime we hare committed,' said Captiain
Graham, drawir;2 the bewildered Helen
cloe to his side. Miss Jeliaby gasped at
the caress : then it seemed to give her
lreh energy.
'Before my very eyes, sir
What do you mean ?'
'I suppose yon will kiss her next.'
'Well now you mention it 1 think 1
wilt. And he did ! iMlss Jeliaby nearly
fainted away with horror.
Mr. Fuiierton, how can yon stand there
so quietly, and watch this shameless con
duct? As for j ou, sir,' sie added, tnrni'ig
io the pood humored captain, 'you need
not think every one will tolerate your au
dacious' .
'Take breath, my dear miss Jcllab ."
It is infamous,", shouted the enrsged
spinster. 'Uruther and sister indeed you
are no more her brother than you are mine,
Capt Graham."
'I I never s?H I was !''
Mr. Fuiierton looked rather pczzled
Mi Jeilaby was triumphant.
Well, you are brazen abolit it it, I must
say. Thi town wi:l soon be loo hot to hold
you depend upon it."
"I never knew it was a crime not to be a
woman's brother," said the captain quietly.
'However, there is a relation between u?,
if it please you any bettor ?"
"What is ill"
"I am her cousin the ward of her father,
and I have always lived with har family in
Oh ! '
Then was a worU of meaning in that
simple ejaculation.
'Also, I have the honor to be "
'Her husband ! '
Mr. Fullertor. uttered a most unclerical
hurrah, and shook h.-.nds with the young
couple over and over again. .
Her buband !" faltered the old maid.
'I I never thought ci that !"
'Allow me to hope, madara. that you will
have your wits about you before you try to
create another scandal," said the captain
suavely. 'I have the honor to wi.h you a
very good mourning."
He held iho door open as he spoke she
could but take the hint, and rushed oDt of
the bouse, and into her own, in a state, ver
ging opon distraction. Staying to be laugh
ed at and sympathized with, was what she
could not endure the cottage was shut .up
next day, and she and Susan were far
Miss Jeliaby had found her match, and
the village has known peace since her de
parture lor the firt lime.
"Hell's Laid an Egg' ' It is reported
that when the first Greek fire shell exploded
in Charleston, a contraband who witriessed
it, clapped his hands and shouted : 'See
dar ! Hell's laid an eag !'" Exchange.
It was a bogus egg, though, The only
real, genuine egg that Hell ever laid, was
the at oliiioti party, and that hatched a civil
war such as never before disgraced the civ
ilized world." We hope if Hell has laid,
any more egs, theDevil will have to set
on them a thousand years before they will
hatch. Courier.
Gentle but Impbepsivs A young man,
rather verdant, and very sentimental, while
making himself interesting to a young lady,
the other evening by quoting from the po
ets, to the other choice extracts he added :
There's no place tike home.'
'Do yon really think sol' asked the
yonng lady. , -
'Oh yes,' was Ihe reply.
Then,' said pretty calico, 'why didn't
you stay there.' .
Got. Stone, of Iowa, in his late message,
says: "There is no longer any middle
ground where loyol men can stand!" But
ihnm is a middle snaee between iheerorjnd
and a cross beam, where thousands of yoa 1
ought to stand.
Miss Jeliaby heard her.
Cartarous Warfare.
Let the hirsute beware ! Let every man
licensed to wear shoul Jer-s!raps, and burn
ing with uncontrollable deire to distinguish
himself in the war against his Southern
brothers, lock well to the flowing honors of
his head, his chin, his cheeks, and his up-
lip. There is danger abroad and ahead ! J
redoubtable John Morgan, General in
the Confederate service, having escaped
from the penitentiary in Ohio, where he 1
was treated as if he were a felon, has made j
hit way lo Richmond. Though his short, i
stubby hair still bears witness to the out
rage inilicted upon him, he ha as we learn
by a dispatch from a perfectly trustworthy
ben received with the most cordial j
welcome by the confederate authorities and . integrity to the last. His office, it is stated
people of Richmond. The ladies see his by telepraph, has been entirely destroyed,
gallantry and bravery, and do not see his The Democrats in the Slates where these
personal disfigurement. All classes vie outrages occur, should Uke prompt and
with each other to do him honor and show elfictent action. The Democrats of Youngs
him respect ; and the authorities have lown, Ohio, we observe, hrld a meeting a'
placed him in command of a brigade of j once after the destruction of the Stnlir.el
veterans for immediate doty, number'ng office, ard paed the following resolution :
fully live thousand men. The brave Gen. j " Resolve I, That as Democrats we or
for brave fie most be considered in the e ; ut'.erly opposed to the mob spirit overruling
timation of every honorable enemy, has not j all law and order but a Fre?men, we wd!
however, forgotten or forgiven the fact, that j not'suhrnit to such outrages upon our rights
he was not treated like a soldier, but like a ; aod litenies, and unlet redress for the
thief, while he was in captivity in the North
and has rosolved we will not say rightly,
but not unnaturally to fulfill upon his en
emips the scriptural dictum which says,
"with what measure ye meie, it shall be
measured to yon again." For this purpose
he ha? appointed io every regiment in his
command a professional barber, whose duty
it is to accompany the brigaded to the field,
to operaie upon cuch oflicers of the Federal
army as ihe fate ol battle may throw into
hi hands as prisoners of war. Bat not to
render good for evd ; not to cive an exam
ple of generosity and magnanimity ; not
tor the trimming of their beards, the cur
Img of their mustache, the dain:y arrange
ment of their winkers, or the anointing and
brushing of their hair, are these minister- aga of great moral blindness ; when people
ir angeis for the most part negroes to could understand no other. Let all mobo
a'tend upon the fallen heroes. Morgan, j crats remember, therefore, that "an eye for
who, no doubt once loved to appear well j an eye an J a tooth for a tooth" is a ' higher
in the eyes of the ladtes and was proud of j !av," always justly fcu?per.ded over their
his hair is determined that ibe indignity
he suffered shall be endured by his antago
nists, ard that every prisoner above t!ie
rarik of a sergeant, whether he be Majnr
General. Brigadier, Colonel, Major, ('apt
or Firt or Second Lieutenant, shall be de
prived of Lis locks, be they "gory or "hya
cinthipe." The operation is no! to be per
formed with the scissors, bnt with the razor
until the head that nnce boasted these
noble adornments, Mack cr brown , chestiut,
gold, or'gray, shall be a bare as a tea cup.
or the palm of the barber's hand. Nor is
this all. Beard, moustache ar.d whiskers
are to share the same fa'e. This, no doubt
is very harba'ou w.irfar9 : but he who con
demns it should remember that those who
set a bad ex ample ate worse than those
who follow it ; and that the treatmert of
General Morgan in Onio was unfortunately
bad enough to palliate if it do not justify
the retaliation, which it is his. grirn hu
mor to indict.
This action on General Morgan's part will
not discourage volunteering in the North ;
for the privates of the army are not lo be
shaven ; rw if it ha- e the "ffect of moderat
ing the too fiery ardor of the muliita-Unons
Briiv'ier Gs.nera'.s and Colonels who are
prouder of the shoulder strnp- than of the
martial d tues of the calling lor which r.inp
tenths oflhem are unrlitted, it will do no'
damaze,but perhaps the reverse, to our
armies in the field.
And as Shakespeare declares that there
is a sou! of goodness in things evil ; so the
noble army of contractors and all the Lord
of Shoddy, may rejoice even at the hard
heartedness ol Morgan and his corps of
tonsors. Who knows but that the war De-
par'ment may not be thereby prompted to
invite contracts Irom this city, for the sup
ply of wijs and false mustaches for the
army ! Why not ? What a glorious chat-ce
for the Black Abolitionists and the shoddy
aristocracy ! And what a splendid oppor
tunity for defrauding the Government!
N. Y. Dai'y Xcvrs.
A Strong Ms. A "loyal" newspaper,
discussing Presidential prospects, says,
Mr. Lincoln is a strong man." Thereupon
the Chicago 2;me says, his most intimate
friends will make an affidavit to that effect,
and will .wear further thai he is the strong,
est in warm weaiher. There is nothing
that would so much detract from hi
strength as a plentiful useof soapsjds, frang
ipanni, civit and cologne. Sensitive and
refined journalists, who never call their op
ponents anything worse lhan traitors or
copperheads, may tske 'exception to out
statement, and perhaps justly, but Ben
Johnston said of his couplet in reply to Sam
Sylvester. "It may not rhyme, but is ruA.'
"If Secretary Chase is the strategist he is
reputed lobe, he will. encouragevWendell
Philips in watering the President.
Tbe Cincinnati"! Enquirer says that the
prize for the handsomest "Baby'' at the
Glass Blowers' exhibition last Saturday
was awarded to a uigger child. 'Things is
Some disloyal wag propounds the follow
WLen Lincoln Abolitionism uses op the
last man and the last dollar, the qoeery
arises wbat is to become of the bond-holer.
QT Subscribe for the Sta a.
Mclbing Democratic Xewspapen.
ne notice that seteral Democratic news-
papers have been recently mobbed by r,- ma le by the kht-ddy leaders particularly
turned soldiers. That these outrages have ( interested in the renomination of Mr. Lio-'
in all cases been instigated by the coward'y coin, to lorestall ihe action of the Abolition
Abolition sneaks who slay at home, admits National Convention by giving their lavor
of no doubt. Three papers have been ' i'e a popular indorsement in advance of
thus assaulted within a few dsys
Sunbury Democrat, in Pnnv!i
pat the
varus ; the
Mahoning Sentinel, in Yonngstown, Ohio,
and the Cowitituliim cud Ution, at Fairfield,
Iowa. The editor of the latter paper, Mr.
She ward, wi!lvbi remembered a the felliw
prisoner of that gallant and devated Demo
crat, D A. Mahony, of Duboqe, Iowa. He
was coufined for a long time in the Old
Capitol at Washington, and held fast to his
preent and security for the future be given
we will le compelled to resrt t) the best vieins
to rccure sef-piescrvation, aud enfurit our pro
tect inn "
This is the only way to meet the rile
scorndrels who incite these proceedings.
The soldier are usually mere youths urged
on by falsehoods, or by getting them intoxi
cated, while the real, responsible movers of
the mobs are a set of miserable, sneaking,
content ptaMe, sanctimonious Loyal Leag
uers. Vv'iten ivj are made to understand
that if the law is no longer a protection to
i Democrats, it will no longer be a protection
lo them, they wil! very soon come to their
senses. This is a severe ru;e, btil it is one
that the Creator himself iisiitot?J in an
Lincoln to T2r Democrats.
We find lbs following paragraph in a
recent letter from the reguUr Washington
correspondent of the Newark (N.J ) A Jver
t,tr, a Republican paper:
' Speaking ol New Jersey remind ns
that some time since one of the D?mocra,;c
members of your delegation in Congress
called upon rhe President upon some busi
ness, and in conversation upon general
matters, remarked to Mr Lincoln, that he
was with the Administration upon two
points, he woulJ vote all the men and
rnor.ey wanted to put down the rebellion :
to which the President very c I y rsp ied :
'Give me men and money and I will whip
the rebellion and yon ton
Good tor Old Abe ! There never was a
more striking and pointed i'.lii-tritio i ol War
Democracy than Lincoln himed gi-es i
Here is a man who goes to him s xy he disa
grees with him a to the .ire policy he is
carrying ou', is utterly opposed to the prin
ciple r.e is a i m in 2 to es'.bnsn, an:t con- :
elude by telling him, "luit, no matter, I j
am agreed with you, Mr. President, upon j
two points ; I am in favor of giving yoa all J
the men and ibe mo'-ey you want to put j
down tho-e who are resiiiii'- the enforce-I
ment of thoe principles. Remember, 1
am distinctly opposed to the princip'e yon
are carrying nn, as much opposed io them
Ana, r., - n I.e. I. lit ll,AH I I 1 i I I- .1 - ! I
a Oil lljll M Illl.ll liiill i.ini I
whn will not submit to your carrying them i
, r ' ,
out ought lobe shot, hanged, confiisa ed,
c c ., . . ... .it,'1 This is a W ar Democrat. Is he
. , . . . , , i ,
r.oi :he't.mesr biped that ever lived! Io
. - . , I
wonaer Ull Ave pats turn on me oac anj
says, "good boy, give raj the men ar.d
money and I will whip the rebels, and
The Ccbrkxcv Pkessss Major Jack
Downing write lo the New York I)jy IJoc.k
an account of ihe presses which Chase has
for printing off his currency. Lincoln (the
Kernal) shows him through the apartment
'Says the Keruat, 'this here macheen
runs lo pay ofFGinerat Grant's troops ; thi
one inns to pay off Giner il Msade's troops ;
this one runs for ( Dinks j this one is
now busy lor IGinernl Bnrnside, and here
is one completely broken down it is Gen
eral Gi'more's rrucheen !''
"Wall," ses I,
have a macheeu
every army ? '
'Mr. Sekretary do yoa
for every Giueral and
"Yes," ite he,"aboat that."
"Wa:,': ee I, "what da you do about the j
"Oh, 1 ain't showed yon 'era yet. That's '
in another room."
It wa- nigh abo'nt ten times as big as the
first one, and there were hundreds of press
es' as last as they could.
" there," ses he, "ef these macheens
were to stop one day. it would set Wall
Street into a panic. Sometimes, when the
belts give out or the bolts break, or the coal
gits short or paper don't git in time, ihere
;s a good deal of troabil, but I've get it r
fixed now. that I keep 'em portv wi! sup
plied' '
"Ses I, "Mr. Sekretary who is yoar engi
neer V
' Wal," ses he, "he's a trustworthy man."
' But." ses I, "suppose he should bast
yer tiler. What wonld Wall street do
"Wal, I never thought of that, but I goss
lhfrt ain't nn dinn.r "
"Wal," ses I, "steam is mighty ortfcr-
' tin."
r.eEciiiinaticn at Lincoln .
Thra is evidently a reat effort mir
the assembling of that body.
Certain prominent gentlemen, members
of the Union Lincoln Association of New
York, of which Simeon Draper is Prefcideat
and S. J Giassey, Secretary, have issued a
ma-if-sto to th fai'hful, se'ting forth the
particular claims and qualifications of the
man of their choice, and calling for popular
action in his behalf. Ibey fa'sely declare
that Abraham Lincoln js "an abl defender
of the great idea upon which our govern
ment was founded" that "he has beea
tried snd not found wanting" that aliho'
in the midt of a war of almost unparallel
ed magnitude, "we move on as in times of
tbe nost vMime peace," and then proposes ,
that, on the 22d of February, 1864, "alt
citirens of the United Sta es, without re
sard to party, who are ia favor of the re
election of Abraham Lincoln, shall meet at
appropriate places wiihin their towns,
counties or Slates, .'or the purpose of giv
ing public expression of their sentiments -opon
this most important question."
"Sublime peace!" exclaims the New
York U'oiU, "oublime impHdn.ce rather."
And so it is for it is nothing !ea than an
attempt on ihe part of a band ot New York
speculators, who derive profit from the ad
ministration of Lincoln, renominate their
man be overawing the regular nominating
medium of the party. And who is this
Abraham Lincoln, ihi tavorite of theirs,
whom they wish to force upon the nation
by mere clamor, for a second term? Elect
ed Prei.lent in.lS60 under false pretenses,
he has since' shown hit insincerity by vio
lating etery deciara ion a il every pledge
rie maoe previous to and for eihtee
months his election. He has proved
himsetf.tobe vain, shsllow-minded, utterly
di-qualifi-J n every respect, mora! and
mental, f jr the position he holds, but withal
ambitious, Phillips called him a "mud
turtle, :' and Peecher pronounced him an
' imbeci'e." Thee 'erms may be too se
vere but every intelligent who i not
a party biot cr pecuniarily interested in
his adininiitratior, will agree that a mors
incompetent ad unworthy man for the po
sition would be hard to find. It is the in
terest of the country that i-j this time of
great peril a sta esman, of whatever parly,
and not an igorant and "smutiy joker"
shnu'd till the Presidential chair. The very
' life of the nation," (to ue Forney's fa
vori;e expression.) depends upon this.
Four years more of Lincoln rule and the "
grand fabric rrared by our fathers, the
Great Republic built upon the Constitution
which they framed i h so much wisdom
and care will eit no longer, and the "bar
mony' end "sublime peace," of which th
New York demagogues and speculators
pr!e, will be ihe harmony" and 4'peace"
of ospo;isni the "order" that reigns at
Waraw ; or if not thee-e, worse diintre
gation and anarchy.
Bnt there is hope that the mercenary
crew who are "moving heaven and earth"
for the re nomination cf Lincoln may yet
be foiled a; all events, the signs of tbe
times in iicaie thai it will not be accom
plished with ur.animity, or withont oppo
sition. There is a growing appreciation in
the public mind of the dishonesty and in
competency of the man, and an awakening
wise of the perils io which the country
would be exposed by his continuance in
otHcff another term. The Germans in the
. . ... ....
Knit 811,1 If . Pl UTO nn.r r hnch a In'lia
. . ' . ,
movement; and in all sections we find
. .
leading men and legions of the masses cf
, , ,
'"e party either lukewarm er in opposition,
... , , , . . ,
We do ar.t kno-v th2l the election of a
sta'esman and representative man of the
party would avert all the calamities which
ihrea'en us under a renewed lease of power
to Lincoln "in fac, we do cot think it
would but it might save us from some ;
and, at all events, if the form ol government
mui be changed, and a limited monarchy
cr abo!ote despotism is to take the place
our republican system, it would somewhat
assuage the poblicerief io know lhat a giant
and not a dwarf, a man of intellect and not
a "mod tcitle," held the reins of power.
We hive faith in the ability of the people
to elect a Democratic President, which
alone, in our j idgment. cai save the Re
public, restore ihe Union and es'ablish
peace ; but, failing ia that, we deire to see
cur opponents elect a full grown man not
merely the semblance for.e, an evergrowo
inlant, who has to be "watered" and '"cat
tivaied" and "propped'' and trained by
such men as GarrUcn and Phillips and
Porkt pick ng is unusually brisk in Ner
York Boston Post.
Yes, unusnlly ; and no pockets suffer so
severely as Uncle smuePs.
An Abolition editor in Illinois Says that
the whole negro question is in a not shell.
If he him self isn't a nut shell, be might
well be, for he is a mazgnt.
Insanity is alarmingly prevalent in tb
army, induced by exposure. Twenty-fiva
insane soldiers were sent to Cincinnati a.
few days since.
Joe Lane, formerly United states 'Senator
from Oregon, and candidate lor Vice Presi
dent in 1860, is in the cattle trade in Biilisbt