The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 02, 1864, Image 4

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i JL JIjXIiiD.
A pura and powerful Tonic, correct!?
and alternative of wondertnl efficacy in
disease of the STOMACH. LIVER AND
'BOWELS. Cores Dyspepsia, Liver com
'plaint, Headache, General Debility, Ner-
"rion, Colic, Intermittent .Fevers, Cramps
and Spasms, and all complaints of either
Sex, larUing -from Bodily Weakness
whether Laherent ia the system or produc
ed by special causes
Nothin thai is not wholesome,, genial
aud restorative in its natur euie into
ihe composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM
,ACH BITTERS. This popular preparation
.contains no mineral of any kind,tio deadly
ooiamcai eiemsni; no nery excitant ; aut
il ii.a combination cf (he extracts of rare
"balsatiic herbs and plants with 'he purest
' nil m if 'tacf r , (Y n j'lHa 01 m nl-jnta
5 It is well to be forearmed against disease
and, so far as the . human system can be
'ro'.ected by human means against mata
! -es engendered by an unwholesome at
biosphere, impure water and other external
causes, Hoste.ter's Bitters may be relied
, on as a safeguard.
' Tr. districts infrtjled with Fever and Aeue.
it has been found infallible as a preventive
' and irresistible as a remedy and thousands
'who resort to it uDder apprehension of an
'attack escape the scourge; and thousand
who neglect to avail themselves of its pro
tective qualities in advance, are cured by
a very brief course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever aud Ague patients, after be
ing pl'ed with quinine for months in vain,
until fairly saturated with that dangerous
alk'loid, are not nnfreqaetaly restored to
beatifl NU'hin a few days by the use of
Hosteller's BUters.
The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated
and 123 appetite restored by this agreeable
"Tonic, and hence it works wonders in ca
sed of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed
forrn3 of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle
nd painless apperienf, as well as upon
the liver, it also invariably relieves the
" Constipation superinduced by "ineguiar
action oi the digestive and secretive or-
. gans. ; .
Persons cf feeble habit, liable to Nervous
Attacks. Lotcntss 0 Spirits and Fit t of Lan
guor, find prompt and permaetint reliel
" from the Bitter?. The Testimony on this
point is most conclusive, and from both
The agoDy of. Bilious Colic is immedi
' a'ely assuaged by a single dose of the
' stimulant and by occasionally reporting to
it, the return of the complaint may be pre
vented. .
As a General Tonic, Hosteller's Bitters
" prodoce cllects which most be experienced
or wi.ressed before they can be fully sp-
...Cn.J In aaa n( fi nttnnlinnal Wealr
cess, and Precialure Decay and Debility
and Decrepitude arris?' Ircm Old Age, it
exercises the e'actric influence. In the
convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigoiant. When the
powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to
re enforce and re-establish them.
Last, bat not east, it is the The Only
Safe Siimoleat, being manufactured from
sound and innocuous materials, and en-
Jife'j free from the acid elements present
more or less in all the ordinary tonics and
stomachics of the day.
No family mediciae basbeen so cniver-
.. . - t . .11.1 J.
any, atlu, U may us iruij auueu, ucstn-
ed!y popular with the intelligent portion of
thf1 community, as Ho-teMer' Bnters.
Prepared by H OSTEITE R & SMITH,
" Pittsburgh; P?.r '
keepers everywhere.
Dec. 9, 1863. ly.
GKJiAl I runs line iroia iqb iiui.u anu
Northwest for Philadelphia, New
York, Reading, Pottsville.Lebanon, Al n
town, Easton, &c, &c.
' Traios leave HarrUbnrg for Philadelphia
"New York, Reading, Pottsvtlle, aud all io
terraediass Sla.ions, at 81. M. and 2 p. M
' New York Express leaves Harrisbnrg at
. 00. si. arriving at New York at 10- J5j the
same morning. -
Fares Irom Harrisbnrg: to New York
Si 15; to Philadelphia S3,35 and S2;80.
Baggage checked through.
Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12
' TJooh. and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express,
arriving at Harrisbnrg at 2 A. M.) Leave
: Philadelphia, ai 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P.M.
Sleeping ctrs in the New York Expreis
Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh
wlthouc cbansv
- FasseBgsr? by jhe Caltawissa Rail Road
leave Tamaqua at 50 A. M and 2. 15 P.
' M. for Philadelphia,; New York, and all
Way Points, ' . . '
Trainsleave Pottsville at 9. 15 A. M.and
. C. S3 P. M. fox Philadelphia, Harrixburg
and New York. .
An accomodation Passenger train leaves
Reading at 6. 0 A. M- and returns from
Philadelphia at 4. SO P. M.
C7 Ail thethe above tiaina run daily,
Sundays excepted- . -
A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30
A. M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M.
Commutation, Mileags, Season, and Ex
corsiaii TickeU, at reduced rates to and
from all points. .
- r " G. A. NICuLLS,
r , General Soperiuieudant.
Kovember 18, 1863. . r
. OJJlce over the, Wyoming Banky
Cv" V." ill Insure againl loss or damage
by Fire oa property in town or country, at
reicnab!a lerros. '
DiliECTOUS, O. M- Ho!!enback,-JoUo
R-?ictard, Sar.iuel VVadham U-L Shoe,
-"akr. Daniel G. Dnesbach, R. C. Smith
il. 0. Lacce.G. P. Steele, V.. W. Ketcham,
CLaries Dotrusce, XV. S. Ross, George M.
L'afCicf -x'l . IlOLLENBACll. Preset.
D. h. iillOE.MAKKP., T. Prts't.
Jl. C. SMITH, .Secretary, -V.".
G. STERLING,-Trpaupf.
L Jl. CONOVER, Agent,
EaacU llavsa, Pa.'
rsc3mt3t2J, is;i,.iy.
t ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of
'the Public to bis extensive am-ortment
of Cabinet Fprnitore and C H A IRS,f?
whjeh he will warrant made of good wja
materials and iii a workmanlike man M
ner. At his establishment can ahyays be
found a good assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style and fin
ish to that ol Philadelphia or N. York cities
and at as low prices. He has on hand
Yif 4 of diffreat style a,1l .'(
prices, from S25 to S60. - Divans Lounges,
Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy chair, Piano t-tools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card,
centre and nier tables. .letash.H; H
cheffenier8, whatnots and com'der.EiSi
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of buieaus, eoclosed and common
wasn&tandejdrees-tabie, corner eupboardsj
bedHteads,catie seat and common chair is
Ihe largest in this section of the county.
He will also keep a good assortment ol
looking glasses with fancy gilt and com
mon frames He will also furnish spring
mat'rasses fitted to any . s'zed 'bedstead,
V4 hich are superior for durability and com
for: to any bed ir ue. .
Bloomsburg Nov. 4, 1863.
And Ourrejple at Home
Are now offered, an opportunity by which
they cac r-btain a
Ottr Wulches are
YEAR, and the buyer ss a.'lowe the Priv
ilege of Examination before Payment is
A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil
ver material, over which is electro fine !
plated 18 k. sold, most durably wrought,
making the imitation so fauMess that it
cannot be detected from th old rr,a"erial
moPt experienced jndges ; a-ids will not
affect it. London made movement Im
proved Duplex ir. FulL Ruby Action, has
sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled
in general appearare. This is decidediy
one of the best arircles ever clltred for ira
ders and tiiecuU;ori. Ergines, miran!s
and persons levelling, will find them supe
rior to any other ; aheratien ofclimate will
noi affect their accuracy. Price, packed
in good shape and good running o:Jer only
S35, or case of 6 for 200.
Best Quality Silver Caes, over which
eieetro-fitj plaifd Is k. gold, MimUi to
onr Improved Du.lrtx.. and superior adjust
ed raovemt-ats with "Stop." 10 be ued in
timing horses, etc , has Four Indexes for
Wahinsion and Greewkb time, evpet
ii i-ii.L-- . , . .
seconii, aim ii me iiiprovenients. All in
all, taking i:s Beauuful and Faultless ap
pearance and its Superior Movement into
consideration, we regard it as decidedly
the cheapeat article ot the kind in the mar
ket. Price, in j.od running order. 34,
or case of 6 for 5200. . ' -
dTWe ask no pay in advance, but will
forward either of thern to responsible par
ties, toany part of the loval Sta-es, with
bill payable 10 exy re'sman when the goods
are delivered, giving rhe buyer the privil
ege of examination, ai.d, if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at our expense.
The express obmpanies refuse .making
collections on soldier and other parties in
the disloyal States, consequently all such
orders must be accompanied by the caii
to insure attention. We make a deduction
of two dollars on either watch when tne
payment is forwarded in aJvace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
93 and 95 Broad Si., opposite City Dunk,
Providence, R. I.
Oct. 21 1863.
sx j-?rmr- rg vy
Since i'.s organization, has created a new
era in the histor of .
Wholealiog-Teas in this Country.
They have inlrodoced their selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CLTS (.02 Cents) per pound
' above Cost,
. Never deviating from the ONE PRICE
A nother peculiarity of the Company i
that their Tea Tater not only devotes
his time to the selection of their TEAS a
to quality,-value, and pariit-ular styles for
particular localities of country, but he
helps the TEA buyer to ehcose out of their
enormous stock such TEAS as are Nst
j adapted to bis particular want.-,, and not on
ly mis, out points out to him the best bar
gains. It is easy to see the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer Las in th'.s establishment
over all others. '
If he is a Judge of Tea or the Market,
if his time i valuable, he has all the bene
fits of a well organized system of, doing
business,' of an immense capital, of the
judgement of a Professional Tea Taster,
and the knowledge of superior salesmen.
This enables all Tea buyer no matter
if they are thousands of miles from thi
market to purchase on as good terms here
as the New York Merchants.
Parties can order Teas will be served by
ns as well as'thoogh they came themselves
being sure to get original packages, ine
weights and tare; and he TEAS are itar
rantted as represented.
We isoe a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent lo all who order
I ; comprising
Hyson, ITouns Hyson, Impe
rial Guupoder, Twankay
- niitl Skin.
JAPAN TEA of every description, col
ored and uncolored. - -
This lit has cch kind of Tea divided into
FOUR 'Classes, namely: CARGO,; high
CARGO FINEST, that every one may on
dersatnd frcm description and te prices
annexed that the Company are determined
to undersell ihe whole Tka trade.
We gnarntee to sell ALL our Teas al not
over TWO CENTSf ,02 Cents) -per pound
above co"t, beHevir.g ihis to; be attractive
lo the many who ha vo heretofore been
paving Esobmocs Profits. ' .
No. 51 Vesey Street, New Ycrk.
Eepu 9t 1863. Sraos- - -
Compound Fluid Extract-Buchn, a pnsi
live aud Specific Remedy for direase
of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop
sical Swellings. :
This Medtrtne increases the power of
Digestion, and'excite the Absorbents into
healthy action, by which the Waterv or
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain
and Ifiammation.
iii;lmboli's. fxtract ntJciiiV
For Weaknesfes arising from excese j
Habits of Dissipation, 'Early Indiscre icn
of abuse, attended wish the following syinp
toms :
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power.
Lo of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Di-ea-e,
VVak-fulne-s, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in the Back, Universal Lassitud of -the
Muscular System, Hot .Hands, Flushing of
the Uody, Dryness of the Skin, "Eruptions
on the Face, Pallid Couotenance.
These sjmptoms .if allowed to go on,
which thi meilicine invariably remove
soon follows. IM POTENCY, FATUITY,
EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of wjiich the
Patient may expire.
Who can say that they are not frequently
followed by those ''Direful Diseases."
Mritiy are aw are of the cause of ihpir uf
f"ring, but none will rnnfexs the Record
of the In-anie Asylums.
And melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion bear ample witness to the Truth of th
RMkfition. The Constitution once eflried
with Oiganic Weakneti requires the aid of
Medicine to S'rena'hen and In vi-jora:e tiie
BUC11U invariably does. Atrial will con
vince the most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Females
the Extract Buchu i 'nnequald by any
nther rTedy. as in CbloroMior Re'r-ntinu,
Irregularity, Paiulnlness. or Supp'e!ion
cf Customary Eva.cuat)ons, Ulctrted or
Scirrhous siaie of me Uieru!, Lenchorr ho.i
or Whites, S e'ility, and fcr ali romplHii.'.s
incident to the sex, wtietfer ari-iig from,
indiscretion Hubiis or D'si-ipaticii, or in
the Decline or Change ot Lie. more BHlsanc, Merrory, or nn
;leaHnt Medicines lor unpleacant and
datierou!- iieii-e.
HELM bOLD'S Extract Buchu and I-n-proved
Roe WaKh cures SECRET DIS
EASES, In' all.ineir Siae.--, Al l:nte E
pente, Lmle or no change in Diet, No
Inconvenience, And no exposure.
It cauces a fiequeut dfire and gives
srrengih to Urinate, thereby reuiovin-i ob
structions, preventing ar.d coring .-trii-tures
of the Urethra, aliay it.g Pain anil Infl'n
maiion, so frqneni in the cbt-s of diseases,
and expelling all poisonous, disear-ed and
worn out ma'ter. ,
J ticussnd. upon rhou-'ands who have
been the vicii.n of Quacks, and who tijve
paid heavy Jpcs to be cured in a"hort
time, have fcund they were deceived ami
that tt e ':poisoti"' ha, by 1 tie use of "pow
erful astringents," been dried up in ir-e
pj f-tem, lo break out in an aggravated lorm,
and perhaps alter Mimie.
U.- Ilr-laibold's Buchu lor all
aflet tion- and diseases of -ite Urirarj Or
gans, wtiethr flxi-tttig in Aiaio of Female,
from whatever cause originating an t no
rna'-ipr of how hng etanditig.
Diseases of the.-n Orja'i-requires the aid
of a Diuretic. !lembo!d s Extract fi.icfio is
I j e Great Dime tc, aid is certain ;o linve
the ijes-ired effeft in ail dtse-es wtucn
it is recom meniled. Evidrice of ihe most
reliable and reso!!sibid c?fjractsr will at?
fotnpanv the me:iicne.
Price 1.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5. CO,
Delivered 10 any ad 'ret-s, securely packed
from observation. Dexvibt symptoms irt
all communications Cure g'i;n antee 1 !
Advice gratis. Address leiier for informa
tion to
II. It. fl KIOIIIOLU, rbemisi.
104 Soctri Hth si., hel Chsinut, Phiia.
HELMBOLD'S Medi-al Deot,
HELM BOLD S Dru- & Chem'l Warehouse,
549 Broudicay, New York.
I3Beware ol counterleus and unnri-ici-pled
dealers, who endenvor lo dispOfru "ol
their own" ai.d ''other" articles 0:1 the
reputation attained by
Heiinbold's Genuine Preparations,
do do Ex'raci Bur ho,
Helmbold's Genoine Extract Sar-aparil!a.
lo do Improved Rose W;n!i.
tF'S'dd by-all Druni-ts everyvvtinrrt
Ask for Helrnbolii's. Take no other. Cut
out the Advertisement and send lor it, and
avoid imposition en. I exposure.
December 91863. -ly.
DIagic Time tbseryers.
lieinga Hunting or ()pni Fttce or La
tly's or Gentleriayi's Watch Combin
fd. with Paltnt Self Wi wring Im
provement, a most Plen&ing Xovtlty.
One of the prettiest, mot -ou vetuent,
and decidedly ihe'bei-t ami cheapest nue
pi;ce for general and reliable ise evnrof7e
red. It has within it and connected with it
machinery, its own winding attachment
renderii'2 a kev entirely -unneeessa y. The
casesnf this Watch are compo-ed of two
metals, the outer one'being fine 16 carat
gold. I; has the improved ro; y nctin le
ver mpvemeot. and warranted an accural''
time piecn. Price, superMy ensrnved, pe,-;
cae d half dozen, Ss04. S-unp!e VTrftclietf,
in neat mowrcn hoxs, Sik-
First Ciaas ILniu.- g Tirne-i it-ces f jf accu
racy of nioverrrert. beauty ofniatt-nal,
and, above all. cheaone- in pr-ce, Ihei-e
waiches must insure universal approba
tion. An imitation so fauMess that it can
hardly be detected by the most experien
ced jndges. The material being ot two
metal-, the outer one first quality Sterling
Silver, while the inner one is GxriTMn Sil
ver, il cannot be recognized by cutting ot
heavy engraving, m-tkina it, not only in
appearance, but in 'dorabiliiy, the best re
semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist
ence. The sale of these Watches in the army
is a ource ol enormous profit, retailing as
they very readily do at 25 and upwards.
Many hundred dollars can be made in a
single pay day by any one of ordinary
business tact.
hunting cases, beaotilully engraved, white
enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in "good
running order, by the half dozen, $66. Sold
only by by the case of six !
TToori receiot ol two dollars, as guarantee
o! good faith, we will send watches by ex-
nress lo anv nart H the loai Nles, col
lecting balance of bill on delivery. This
ensure buyers against fraud, giving them
their watches bt-Tore payment . is. required.
Send criers to the sole im'porler.
BAIL'S WHEATON. No.' 12 Jeweler's
Exchange, Cor.-Cortland St. and Broadway
New York . - ,
D?c 9, 1S63' 3m.
Gene'I Com'sion PElcrcIistut.
Bioomsborgj'Columbia eouuty Pi. -Particular
attention given to Palest rights.
Sept. 2, J863. 3aoa.
The cheapest and best New York News
paper.,. Only one dollar j:er auunni. E'l:
page-i forty cultiums. . ' A-cornnleie rcco'd
of events, PieT.jriiitiii Wood, eui'or and -o-prietor,"
Published at No. 19 City lU'll
Square, Daily News Building, Ne v York
C'ty. :
nnrivaleJ in its ability and enterprise as a
puoiic ouT-'-jM. Ron in ;
is mot effi'weu-Iy conducted, so as to form
a weekly record of event political, com
mercial, financial atK literary, ihrogri'mt
ihe W'orlJ. aJJitinn tu this it couicinis
all the Domestic!igence of ench 'veek
and full reports cf every rr. at'er of poblie
interest. . "
As a political Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the side of Ilia Constitu
tion of the counry was Jrnne( ami
establi-hed hy the Fathers o! tt e li-.-put lie,
and will scan w ith care and fidulny every
public act that may tend 10 the violation of
the letter and spirit of ihal iiislriKiienl of
our liberties. It prefers the r
to a ruinous and exhausting system of Wir.
Iiisistin.upoti tlie irnth of the principle
embottiel in the Decirirauon of Indepen
dence, that the just powers of ihe Govern
ment are derived !rom the consent of the
governed, it nrj'.e the preservaiiou of the
lutidanienial principle of liherry, in vjnlate,
a- of more sacred mponance thnit iiaiicmur
grandeur or cotisolir'ati d power under les
potic rule witfiour ihe ale of esinblb-hed
law. 0i all qi.e-tions of na'ional impor
tance it !s ihe -nfl-siMe champion ot th-i
rights of citizens. h guaranteed under Uie !
Instruments by which they hav edecj.led to
te gnerned. It therefore culliy avows its
purpose ia sustain t Frertdorn of Speech
and (( the Pre3, nh th5 view to protect
tt:e people frrvn U:e eiicroHchiug d .g-r.sjs ot
theorists who coniHtnpelate' n niodifictimi
ol Jho Uemocrntic principlef wnith to thi
tin:e fsave been snsmined auinst everj r
lorf lo overthrow ihem. , In ttll naHrs-per
luiniui! to Government tfie purpose of this
new-Pfier s lu pro'ect ihe pM;! fr m in
considerate r.d r .sh iegildtion, in f to
hold our public serv'4'.is 10 a strict cuhi -fhiliry
lor their fondncl while carrying on
the machinery of power. To thi- end' the
most c.irelol atieuiio'i wiil be given t-j nil
Federal an. I Legiih!ive laws, and a firm
and impantal exmninat ation of every new
yoliiical proposition may be expected a
the only means of protecting ihe people
from an abridgement ol their nunts.
are givt-n m the n,o-t succinct yet complete
manner. They cLtm panicuiar notice
for their fidelity and troth, and all iho-e
who de-ire u comprehend ih exact fi:iai
cia! condition of the coueiry should rot
fdil lo exatnii e the views which will be
louKn in li is department of the journal.
wii! b loon-.. especially interesting and in
struc:i.e ai.d t'eji'g derived fr.m some; of
trie amest mm la in Europe must be re;id
wnh the utmost avidity by those who destre
tr carripreh-n l :ha! diplomacy ol the Gov
errnien s of the OiJ Wu-ld.
In sil Other respt-ts THE WEEkLY
NEWS in be fouiul id meet ihP public de
mand. Jt is i-e e,peciJ objei-i i the Pro..
prietor tc render it a valuable anj enter
pure in iis moral ii.dluerce, ennobling in
i's characer, ar..i suti-fnctorv to thai Ijrae
clss in tii' 'ornmuimy w tn desire 10 see
the Pub.'i.' Pres- tre ,1 ail putdic que-lioMs
with fcriMiwents apresed jri conrte-y ai d
i-iiui'or though', a: ti.e -ame with tue
spirn liue to ihe i-icused
By reer-r.ce t the terms of Tne New
York V cirlv News n wd! be ,tn red ihl
H i- by far lh cheapest', ew-p it(jr in ihe
world; and ihe Pr.'pr.eior .'e-i- ihn' he may
invre iho-e w (, ap;)-ovtj ol in pnntj.les
and co 'ilucl to use iher infjiiencp in addins
to its ) rsf -d hr;; cuenlaiion.
Eight P..Lres
Foriv Columns
For One Yer One D-illar
Eleven Copies to one Address for One
iniile copies - 1 hree Cents
A first c!a Mctropolit in Journal devoted
to Pt-ace and Loiisini, i.mihI L'berlv. and
coiiiuittir.g all the neivs of i!ie day, Politi-
chI, Trle.'fa.diical Ci"n .-t ercril and Local
i- the cheape-t daily paper in the meiropo-
T E II 31 S :
One Cony, One Y-'v.r Sx Dollars
O e C oiv Six Months Thre Do!!;tr.
SinV Cof'iea Tow Cent.
and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square,
New York
IorfIi Cciifrnl Elailuay.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
North ai d West Branch of t' e Su-qnehsn-na,
Elinira. arid ad d N-r h-rrt .New York.
Ou and after M-v dav, Arrd 20 n; 163,
!) l a-fet-f Tuim o' ihe .Vr ti C"!:r!
Itodway ill and depart from Suu-
bury, HJrisbtirc d Pal im
re, as foliows:
Mail Train leaves Sm.bury dai'y
-exce;' Sundays, at 10 if) a m.
Leaves Ilain-burg. 1.J5 p.m.
Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 11
Express Train -leaves Suiibcry daily
except Sundays, a 1 1 07 p.m.
Leaves Harris'o'ri.', except Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrives at Baltimore daily except
Monday, at 6.15 a m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily
except Sundays, at . 9.15 a m.
Leaves Harrisbnrg, -, 1.15 pm.
Arrives at Sunhury, 4.05 p m.
Expicss Train Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrive at Harrisbur, 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 "
Arrives at Sunbury, 5.3S "
For furtner particulars apply at the office.
Harrisbnrg, Aug 8, 18S3.
V Monthly Journal, devoted to th"? Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed lo unmask
the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of
And to defend the doctrines ofSlate Rights,
and of Con-ntutionai Liberty, as held by
our Revolutionary Fathers.
Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co.. sau street, New Turk.'
PRICE Single nuruners 15 cents. For
warded by mail or to all part of
the United SialeB at SI a year, in advance.
Any person sending ten subscribers will
receive an additional copy for one jear.
Aug. 26, 1863.
ieots Balmoral Lsce Boots, will
be sold
very low.
Also, Boys Shoes., at
w 4 v'! A iff w - y
THIS Journal, hich is now in the sixty
second year of its existence, is a thorough
oint , independent and fearless advocate
ol genuine practical democracy. It fu a i 11 -tains
the equal right of all men to justice
and free lorn; it earnestly approves ihe war
for the Union; il hold op the hai.da'ot our
brave soldiers in the, field; and it opposes
treason in all h;tpe.s, whether open, as at
the iou h, or covert or sr eaking as at ihe
nor h. At the same ti'me it is (he enemy
of all undue exerci-e of power, or all kinds
of political jobbery and corruption, and
insi-ts u'oon economy in expendi'iires.arnl
a sifiel adherenc; to the cnuniuition.
Throughout I he war it has advocated Ihe
the most v gorons prosecution ol ii, but a,s
the w:ir draws to a close political questions
lake ihe ascpmlent. A more stupendous,
difficult and in'eresiina problem wa !ev
er presented to any people, than Itiai ol
the restitution ol the revolting states to
their ulIeiMance. It will reqi.-ire ali Ihe
natesniatt'ship and wisdom ol tne na'ton
t biirig i'. to a satis'nctorv solution. On
lhat po'nt the ''Evening Poet" wiil take
ih'fi'ine erciiitds, and endeaor lo brins
ahoul a condition of universal freedom
and real democracy. Pledged to no par
ly, an.! looking only lu 'he interest ot ihe
whole country, il will use whatever energy
and i'ifluei'ce in the defence ot the arent
principlef of human rihi and huniun ele
vaii'ii which lie at (he lounda ion ol our
inr-tdut ions
d airns chiefly, however, at being a good'
newspaper. In its column ill b found
a comple'e History of ihe war, all impor
tant political or StH'e Documents entire.
Proeee JiTms. ol Lei-laiive bodies, Sun.
111 rie of European Intelligence, and news
from all parlso! the world, accurate reports
( fif.a:cial and commercial matters, ini-t
worthy Correspondence, a id a carefully
g'lected Li ermy Ali.-cella'.y, compri-irig
Pnetv. Reviews of now Wrniks, with lit-
ernry extracts. Tale- sossip and anecdotes
ihe whole lorming an excellent varieiy
111 which evfry reader will discover some
thing o his las e '
Terms Daily Evening Post.
One copy I yr. oeiiv'ed by Carrier, Si 1.00
Oiie copy 1 year sent by mail, 10,00
One copy I month, 1,00
Srmi-W nk!y Evening Post.
Published Every Tuesday and Friday.
One copy one year, S3 00
Two copies one year, 5 t0
Five copies one year, 12 00
Ten copies one year, 22 00
A copy o' the weekly one year, rr of the
Semi-Weekly for six moHths,' will be sent
to :.nv person who sends us a club ol len
Semi Week I v.
Weekly Evening Post.
Is published fvery Wedne-day. When
ad.'res-ed with each subscriber's uame :
One co y cne year,. 52 00
Thrue copies one yeat, 5 00
Five copies one year, 8 CO
Ten copies one year, 15 00
And an ex'ra copy to the get'er up of each
clnh id len.
117eu rt Club is sent to one .i&lress.
In order 10 eneoti'aire th?? (ormaiioii of
clubs in places where only single copies
are now taken we have decided to offer
the 'oll.iwin inducements:
4 copie- one yetr 10 one address, !?5 00
7 do co do 10 00
16 do do do 20 00
20 do do do 25 00
An es'ra enpv ot the Weekly will be
sent fit each Club ol twenty at this rate.
CU'nu nien are supplied by mail at ihe
fi.l'oviiiiJ rae: D-ily, 0U per annum;
eri vfekh,&2 25: Weekly 51 50.
Mm:ty ruy be forwarded by mail at our
I"" Specimen Copieb will be sent free to
all wtio desire it.
Office of the Evening Post,
41 Nae-H.i St., cor. of Liberty, N. Y.
November 25, 1863.
cheaie-t in the World for ladies. This
p'.pular monthly Magazi-e will be sreatiy
improved fr 1M4. i; will contain one
Thousand Pa.' of Readma! Fourteen
S,.ndid S-el Plat-s! Twelve Colored
Work Pattern! Nine Hundred
! Woo
Cr.i! Twenty Four Page of Mu
i f
: All tnis win ue :;iven lor only I wo
Do!lr- - year, or a dollar ie than Maga
7.iiits ol tne cli- of ' Pe.e'son." ItsThnl
linu Ta'.e ai d Nrele-i,8 are ihe be! pnb
li'hed anywlicte Ail Ihe rnot popular
wn-er- a'e err j loed to write onginaliy
p,r '-pe rson In 1864, ii. addition 10 its
ti-ual quantity of hort stories FourOrui
nal Copriht Novelets, will be mion, by
Ami S otwptiens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee
Benedict, and the Author of l'ihe Second
Life." It also publishes
Fashions sihea i of All Others.
Eacti in".Oiter, in ad nion to tlie colored
plales, tives Boque'is, Cloaks and Dresses,
engraved on woou. .iso, a pi'ern, rroru
i .... i r
which a Dress, Maniii.'a, or v tnlu's Dress,
c an cut out, without the si f of a niantua
owik-r. ALSO, -veral agesof Household
an. I ..' er R. c- u!-
It is Ihf best Laly s Magazine tn the
JCorhl Try it for one Year Terms,
l wan in tidvance.
One Copy, one year, S 2 00
Tiir-'e copies, f'-r one year, 5 00
Five copies, for one year, 7 00
Eigh ropif?s, one year, 10 CO
Premiums for Getting vp Clubs:
Three, Fi ve or eight copies make a club.
To every person getting up a club, at the
aoe rates, a copy ot the Magazine for
1S64 will be givt-n gratis.
Address, post paid,
306 Chestnut St., Phila.
November IS. 1HH3
riillK under-iyned would announce, Ihal
he has on hand, at bis Hat and Cap
emporium on Main street, Bioomsburg. an
assortment of diflerenl kind of leather, such
a fine calfskins, morocco, red ar.d black
and linings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in ihis mar
ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves.
Bioomsburg. May 21 1862.
Fbjsiciau and Surgeon,
HAVING located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, lhat he is pre
pared lo a. tend to all bu-iness faithfully and
punctually lhat may be ihtrusied to his care,
on terms con mensura;e wiih the limes.
VsT He pays strict attention to Surgery
as well as Meilicine.
, Novemb-t 25, 1853 -ly.
Skv Lisht Ambrofypit,
ROOMS in the Third Story ot the Ex
change Block, (entrance above the
Book Store,) Bioomsburg, Columbia coun
ty. Pa. .
. j31comsbur, Not.23, 1859 j
GIc:tsou s Literary
Jl 'n legant. Moral, and Refined Mis
cellaneous Family Jovrnul.
Ar.d a welcome visitor to the home cir
cle.. It contains the foreign and domestic
news of the day, and presents the greatest
amount of intelligence.
Is primed on fine while paper, with new
and Deautifnl tvpe, and is a large weekly
paper of sixteen cctavo pases.
An unrivalled corps of contributors are
under regular engagements, and every de
j urtrnei.t is placed on the most friished
mid perfect system that experience can da
vise. Each number will be beauiilully il
lustrated. TERMS. $2 00 per annum. Invariably
in advance. .
For sale at all Periodical Depots in the
United States.
Published every Saturday, corner of Tre
moni and bromfield slteets. Io-ton, Mas
sacuusetts, by F. GLEASON.
Nov. Jl, 1863.
TWE n.bscrit er would respectfully ap
prise his friends and the public gener
ally, that he has established the
in Jerseytown, Columbia county, Pa. The
above house lias lately teen refitted and
undergone a thorough repairing by 1 he pro
prietor. He is fully prepared to eti'er ain
the (ravelling en-torn as well a the local
with seneial satisfaction, His TABLE and
BAli,are well supplied and will be carelul
ly superintended. And his STABLE is am
ply and well stocked, in charge of careful
rooms, will always be properly amended.
He invites a share of ihe public cus
tom, and pledjes his best efforts. In ht-lp
his guests feel at home.
Jerseytown, Jan 8, 1862.
B K00NS Proprielor
rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate m the j
I- central portion of the town, and en- 1
posite the Court House, his been ihoronefdy
repaireil and refuruished, and the Proprietor
1 now prepared 10 accommodate travelers,
teamsters, drovers and boarders in the mrsi
pleasant and agreeable manner His table
will be supplied with the best the marki i
affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors
Atlentise ostlers will always be on har. l, J
and his stabling is the most extensive in I
this section ol country. Omnibuses wil I
always be in readiness 10 convey pasen
gerstoatid trora the Kailroad Uepols.
Bloomsbnrg, July 4
Eioenlc mid detail.
rpllE subscriber would announce to the
cilizens of Uloomsbiirg and vicinity.
that t isseiimg LIQUOUS in lari:e and
small quantities, and at deferent prices5 at
his New More, on Mam street,
north side, two doors soulh
n.i 0m !
Iron s-reet, Idoonisburg,
stock ol rorei'i w(?mestic x.s. .
a fc
consists of ('o.'iiac arid Rchelle. Blackbpr
ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He
hvB a large assortment of
Old Rye gray with aire, hue 0l lionrboi,
Old Ko'ks Whiskey, a:d u'iy qnaMdy of
comiiion. He alo has
Madeira, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry ami Cm
paur.e Wines; snd Jasi tut rot lea-i a
quKi.titv of cool double etr liUOWN
STOUT; all 'of which he will sell at he
lowest cah prices. The public ari? resptct
fnlly solicited to cive his jiquir a triil.
D. W. IK) 3 DINS, Agt.
RIoomsburg, 2.1ay I, 1 So 1 .
11. Eioxvi:ii,
w p r.M f,Lr I LL1 oners his !
pr.'f-s-ioual service to the
ladies & 2nllemeriol Blooms-
bnrg and vicinity. He. is prepared to alt-Mid
in all the various opemtions 111 I)en;i!ry,
and is provnled with the latest improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in
serted on pivot or gohJ plate, to look as
well as natural.
Mineral-plate and block teeth mann'ac.
tured and all operations on teeth careloily
attended to.
A superior article of Tooth Powder, al
ways on '.tand. All operations on the teeth
residence and Office, a few doors above
ihe Court House, same side.
Bioomsburg. Aug 19 185S.
5J 9
t .-,.. T!..l lnrr
jf nrr rirwi
j TOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages,
j A and Military Leather Work.
Tliis iew and excellent article excels
eveayihinu ever before in use, for beauii i
lying and sofeuing the Leather. It makes !
a poiisn itKe patent leatner ; win noi mu
off with water, nor stain :he finest white
silk, and makes leather perfectly water
proof. Twice a month applied on boot
and shoes, and once a month for ban ess
is sufficient. If the leather becomes d in y
wa-h it off with clean water and the poli-h
will re appear. Warranted as represented.
Direction lor u-e. Apply a few drops
on a sponge, rub it slowly over Ihe leather,
and the polih is complete.
tjir For sale by L. T. :HARPLEsS. vj
Bloomsbnrj;, May 14, 1862.
Koilock's Dandelion Coffee.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians
for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all
bilious disorders. Thousands who have
been compelled lo abandon the use of cot
lee will use ihis without injurions etfects.
One can contains the strength ol two
pounds of ordinary cofTee. Price 25 cents.
The purest and best BAKING POWDER
known, for making light, sweet and nutri
tious Bread and cake. Price 15 cents.
Manufacturtd by
M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
- Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
JSTAni told ly all Druggists and Grocers, jw
February 26, 1S62. ly.
Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied bj
Cbailes R. Buckalew.
December 28, 1859-rtL
I7ORTY-EIUHT columns of reading mt
- ter per week for tl 20 per year. Th
only Nt?w York Paper mad- op exclusive
ly frr country circulation; ud, the nert
of the week, with the cattle, proJucp, and
othpr market-. rarelnUy renoried.
7'lie Aetr York Jay-Book, for 1884.
Whi'e Men's Libertiee State Rights Fed
eral Union.
The New York Day-Book is mi indepen
dent. Democratic Journal holding wi'b ih
late Sena'or Douela", that ''this govern
ment is trade on the white basts, by whi'
men, for the benefit of white rnen mid
their posterity forever- It is a hrg dou
ble sheet, with frty eight columns of resd
inrz maiter: and in all respect- .whether
lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
informa'if'n is not inferior to any as a po
litical or larnily newspaper. In its pnbt's
cal department, it grapple bolc'iy with th
real question before the American people,
and presents ihe only philosophy of -if,
which can resist the sweeping rnan h of
Abolitionism. If is Democratic in the tr
sense of the term the defender 01 the peo
ple's right, but it i the upholder of no par
ly chicanery ortnekety. is not for
peace, but it shows how, arid bow only,
permanent peace can be ihiair el, and (hn
glo'ious while man's governrneut of Wuh
ing'on restored, viz : by the ut'er ro-j'f
overthrow, and extermination of Aboiitiotr
ism from American soil.
The Day P.ock is now tie nr.Iy weekry
political paper in New York cily made up
exclusively lor coutMry circulation. AH the
others are f-iha-hed from the colnrnti" ol
some ilaily paper, which renders it almost
i in possible to give so complete anl general
a summary of ihe news as in the o'hei
case Persons about si:b-cr'bing should
take this into cobideraiion. Democrat,
p.l-o, must see to it that sound pipers ar
circulated amonth people, or abo.'i.'inn
im w id never oe put down. TP All who
desire to refute ihe aryumet ik of Abolition
ists, should read'f'ie Day Book.
TERMS: One copy, one year, ?2
Three copies on e, 5 0;
KtVrt cpir
one year, 5 DV: leu co
a ..I
1 -
t j ,M' j-'.
one to the ne';pr hp ol the clut, 514 00;
Twentv copi"S, one yr, and one to 1 r
et'ern.iof He Club, 21 0d. Additional
copies, cai h S I 20.
The name of the poss-offi-e cuntr, ni
Sia'e, should in ali cases, fee plainly given
in every le"er.
Pay men always in adfnc, a-d a':J
parers will be sopped the t : ft . id
sub-cripiicu paid lor expire.
A 'dress.
162 Nassau si.. New Yoik.
j Special Orders- We dexire this yenr
! to pl;u e (.ilr ri a rndiion o nurt!iern rerW
ers (he ret doctr.nes 1 he Uy ii .ok
leal-he on the question of the Races. XX m
coi:ri Jent'y helive it this J nunsl wr-r
i placed in ihe fiat:ds ol o se half of uie v
j ters of the northern S'ats between thi ti'.
I and November, lsfi4. the Dernocra could
! rot fad to crry trie lieu p'est Jeit'al ele
; tion. We ih re'ore mafce itu' ' frllowiri)(,
i olIer, nr t in the liht of frie, at;d n ?
; even becpo-e i' wiil t e p'f'fi'ahle fur wa
can scbitely arTord it but r-rdely 10 seco
a ide d.sserr: ina'ion of 't.e views whir b
pto'OL.ndlt tifbeve ml! save our ennt-
Clubs of Twenty Vvr n club r2ft,
beside th.ti es'ra paper row ifT-ret, wo
will s.'nd : co,y ot Dr Vm E ri-'- tret
work (-ti l,ce?rnes a"l peoro Uvery . i
t.'urJ - liii-in td which i-jus! rra.Jj. I'ii-i
, Oiie Dodar
Cubs tf rfltj.Por a thb or Vf
sul -crii crs. at I'd, we. will send one ''
p-iper, a't.l a -n:f'p!f-'e sei r:f otr A';'i A t'
; lin n PiiO'icain .s," 't'." (r c' oi which,
tiien iceiher. arnrMiMt $ J T.
Clubs of On; llniuhtJ. In relulioa
i 'o ("ltib d o"e hundrcil. c wid itn:
! tl't .U.'t L. 1. l 11. f. til. Till
j 11 iiur t r 1 -i.i r-i-,t.( . .
i m libeis at oii l;!!.e, ihe cbjh tn I
. Mie adilres. and lx?2i! an-i i
. il u -
r:.t o
1 .
! tnne, will rfcc:e th-j p;.,er at $:nn.
V. E., 11. fii CO.
j Novtmber 13, 1S63.
I UU.M i.tii1 v;a j iiii ahli
O be pr.b!'!.eJ Duly an I Weekly in
'he c'nv of Phi'adel.d.ia. bv A J (iio-s-
Crentier & Co. ' The Ae" a tvoc.iw
the principles of ihe re:r.ota'L' party. ;id
will, iheiet'oie, i.-cessar.iy Uvor the ie-1-i-ra'ion
of ihe Union s it was, ard defend
itie ronstitction of the United S fc!e; and
ihit o.' this Coriimotiwetllh.
It will freely and fairly di'cn ad legi
imate sul j -els of newspaper cornmer t, m
c'ndinj, of course, anj pre-eminently al
this time, all questions connected wiib lt;e
e.xisliitg iirdiappy condtMon of our couutrf.
Il will fear:e-siy i-riticise II e pufcl.r ads
of public servants and def'-nd Hie ienal and
' consiitutioiial right ot individual cilizena
and ol sovereign States, against es-aolt
from any qnar'er.
Il willteek to awaken the m:ud f lb e
people to a proper sense of the actual con
dition ol the Republic to present o item,
trulhff.liy, the fearful peril in which w
S'ar.d a- a nation to exhibit the tnanitu.te
of the task that Pea tehre ttiem. if tl ey
1 wtMild check cur downward proare-s and
lo inspire Ihem w nh patnoi ic oeterinifta
tion to apply the remedy lor our national
ills. lit toiiel, it wi l in all th.ngs,a"tm to b
the faithful exponent of Democratic prin
ciples, and to render itself worthy to be an
org in ol ihe democratic party. under whp'e
auspices our country prospered so long
and so well. Toe restoration of thst par-
I ty ihe parly of ihe Constitution an J d.e
! Union to power in ihe legislate and si-
ecntivp governmental brar.chee ol the S:at
and of the Union, we believe to be neces
sary lo avert anarchy, od the u'ler ruin of
the Republic. To contribute to that resto
ration will be onr highest aim.
The news. li-eay, commercial mi l o'h-
er departments, will receive due at ention,
and w ill be so conducted as to make. "Tha
Ane" worthy of the support ol the geoer I
The many diffirultte? now
an enterprise ol ihe magnitude o' that 14
which the undersigned are engsed, it
quire them to appeal to ihe public for ft
generous support, and to ask for 'Tl O
Ane" a literal patronage and extended ci
J ne preparatory arrrarizt-niMn nw'r
Daily Age in the month ot March 1863, and
the Weekly was commenced fcoju alter. :
Daily, per annum, f6 00
do MX niontn,
. .. - tin . .
" i nree inoiuns, i w
: til tha rnnntor. anil M
Asents and Carriers, z ceuta eacn.
Weekly, per annum,
do Six monihs,
do Three mor.ihs,
Ten copies to one address,
Twenty 'do do
Thirty, do do
jgT Payment required invan
vauce. Address,
43u Chestnut Sir
Norember 18, 1863.
1 r,