The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 02, 1864, Image 3

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. Horse Bills neatly printed at this office.
Give us a calL We work cheap for cash,
and try to give general satisfaction.
- Our - paper was put to press a. Hula ear
lier than Tor com tuoa this week. Ou Tues
day neon.
Thk Columbia Democrat, this week, com
mences iis eighteenth -volume.' under the
preaent proprietor, Col L. L. Tate.
There is still room on our subscription
book for a few more new nanus. The list
. ia imnrnvio?in siza han dsomelv. Our na
trona hare oar thanks for their continued
exertions iu our behalf. .
- Is publishing the quo'a in our paper for
this county, we find the township of Hem
Jock is not given. Is that township exempt,'
or has the pricier not been furnished with
the quota of that township ?
Judge Elweil held a special Court in
Schuylkill County ltt week, instead of at
"Sullivan county as we announced in oar
last, t Jcdce Merckr, of Bradford, held
Co on for Mr. Eiwell in Sulhvau county la-l
week.' ' - .
Job Woas. Any person wishing hand
bills priuted, with neatness and dispatch,
and upon reasonable terms, will do well by
giving the Star office a call. We are pre
pared and wiH engage la execute, any kind
of a job. this section ol country may de
mand. TuejTjat last, the 1st of March, was quite
winter-like. It snowed the greater part ot
the ily, the roads beiu frozen hard, and
the atmosphere co'd. Tlie mouth has come
in very much alter the faanion of an old
winter month, but may go out balmy aud
The War ikjws at present, a portion ol
which will be found m our columns, is not
a encouraging as we might have wish
ed it to be. Our armies, in Florida have
met with defeat, instead of victory, as some
of the more deceiving - press would have
their readers believe. - We may look for
bard fighting in all the department, of (he
array in a short time.
We leant that several veteran soldiers
hiv arrival Hnrrt at RrvBirb . fin fi:rlnn-h
- - f n
Among the number we notice the names of
Edward C Bahl, son of the Rev. 1. Bah!,
deceased-, and Wm. W. Sstder, who en
I if ed from this office, and is a son of Major
Inkn M Isntildr f Rwrwirtr Ttinr hif
re enlisted for a term ot three years longer.
Success to the boys, and may the? all live
to see peace cuce more restored in this
The time for volunteering to save the
Dralt, ha been extended up to the 1st ol
- - rt -.! ? - -
.April. - unit witt give uitrics mai uaie not
jet fi'led ihtir quota totdo so or prepare to
stacd the Draft." We think this is the proper
way to rait-e an army ; to get men of more
disposition aid will to do service; men
Vho will be of some service when once en
gaged. This thiug ot dra ling, or forcing
men into l-e army, we are riot in lavor ot ;
and think the very Ac! itself, as our judges
have declared it, ucconetitutional, anji.t
and onwte. -
Will our subscribers, whose subscriptions
bave not been paid, hand in to this otfice or
send by mail as early as possibly, lie
amount. The high price of paper com
pels us to look more closely to the small
amounts due the office. We bope each
one tit arrears will consider the trifle doe
from him as of some importance, in con
ducting a paper. "
Capt. IVimscr, late of the 178 h P. M ,
paid os a viit on Monday last. The Cap
tain, looks well, having entirely recovered
from the severe attack of paralysis, which
disabled him for a short lime, last summer,
.while we were with him on the Peninsula.
He was a good officer, and much respected
ami beloved br his men. - He is residing in
Danville pursuing his old avocation, as he
did previous to entering the array.
Death or smother Ios Gurd. On Sab
bath last, private Malcom Mason, wa.s in
terred in the Cemetery, at this place with
the honors of War. He was in his 24th
year of his age, and bad been in the service
i . t -. . In
nearly ime yeara, emu jjhio iu
the "Iron Guards" of this county. He died,
titer a ehor: illness, ia the Lincoln Hospital,
at Washington city, from which place he
was brought home to his parents, tor inter
ment. He is spoken of as having been a
I- - . oinarrine faarlff.l and trll SfttJier.
ll0 JtlisnUB . ..
ul ways ready iq perform duty, and never
shrinking responsibilities. Peace U his
- The Abolitionists told the people last
Fall before the election of Curtin, that tney
ehoetld vote their ticket if they wished to
gee no more drafting and a short war The
nr.u were grossly belied, for before the
fTT:i .ma nf t-.m Siata was counted a draft
UltiM WMi- "
was ordered and : made for Ihiet hundred
thousand mm, in spite of the fifteen tboos
ecd abolition loyal majority given for Shod
dy Csrtin. The Abolition caodidale was
f accesfal, and what has been the result ?
-vy two more dratts, one rihton the back
3 other, bare been operating on the
rT j a larger exp enditure of live and
re ; and still the people cave no evi
Vhaiever that the rebellion is any
i clcte than it was before the ; elec
jca the hones?, masses have been
,- Can the Abolition Lords sec-:
iJins them oa any fuytber ia their
Up to the boor of going to press we are
unable to announce the election of a Speak
er ia the State Senate. -
A lot of condemned Government horses
was sold at auction in Sunbury on Friday
last. They were poor, broken-down horses.
Several of our citizens invested small sums.
Ben Butler says he wants no more chap
lains in the army. He says they are apt to
skulk behiurf cocsoliog the "rebel wid
ow 1
After all the deception and bad manage
ment practiced by the present party in pow
er, there are men who profess to be hone.t
in their political as Tell as religious views
that eontinne to sopport and uphold thai
party. It is astonishing to see it, when
people know they are supporting wicked
and bad rulers men who have employed the
better part of . their lives in devising and
maturing some plan by which the Union
might be destroyed I
. We notice several counties in this State
hare appointed Delegates to the Stale Con
vention with instructions to elect Delegates
to the National Convention who are in fa
vor of the nomination of Major-Gcneral
George B. McClellan for the Presidency.
The Delegates from this District will favor
the selection of McClkllan Delegates to
the National Convention. Col J. G. Freeze
has received the appointment as one of the
Representative Delegates from this District.
The other will come from Wyoming county.
The Senatorial Delegate has not yet been
named'. Some good man should be se
lected. Lieut Geo. W. Utt We had the pleas
ure, one day last week, ol taking by the
hand our young (riend, Lieut. Geo. W. Utt,
of Battery F, 112th Reg't., P. V., who er,-
lUted in the service over two years ago,
from Greenwood township, Columbia co.,
and who has been promoted to a Lieuten- '
ancy for more than sixteen months, for hia-
good qualities as a scholar, gentleman and
soldier. He is highly spoken of by his
comrades in the service, fie has with him,
in the same company, if we mistake not,
three brothers. Lieut. Utt is a promising
young man. Higher honors await bicn.
Our best wishes are with him, as well as
his cormades iu arms !
Columbia County. This county, "Cop
perhead:' as it is styled, by the Republican
press, is doing as much, it not more, than
any other county iu the State, towards fll
ing her quota in the coming draft. The
townships ol Bloom, Bor. Berwick, Hem
lock, Scott, Cetitre, Cattawissa, Montour,
Briarcreek, and other?, have already filled
their quotas, by raiding vo'un'eers. The
quota for this county is 438; out of this
number 126 have been raised, and sent to
the proper rendezvous. This is not the en
lire number enlisted by any means, but
simply those who have been sent forward
to do service. We notice that the time for
volunteering has been extended to the 1st
of April. There will in consequence be no
drait on the 10. h ol March.
The Democratic State Convention, will be
held on the 24th inst. Delegates to the Con
vention are being chosen by the different
conuties. This body will comprise some
of our very best men. It is of no little im
portance that good end sound men be select-
! ed a Delegates to the next National Con
vention. The very best Democrats, men
of back-bone and nerve, and none of your
policy men, should be selected to represent
the Democratic party in that Convention
The Staunch Democracy will have all this
difficulty to adjust. The Abolition party
are not competant to the task which is be
coming more and roorer evident.
Hon. David B. Montgomery, Stale Sena
tor from this Ditrict, has our renewed
thanks tor public documents. Senator D.
B Montcomert is making a faithful and
honest record for himself is the Senate, one
that I is constituents may feel proud of
Since the vacancy caused by the absenre
of Major While has been filled tj the elec
tion of Dr. St. Clair, in the Indiana and
Armstrong District, we may look for a
speedy organization of the Senate, in th
election of an Abolition Speaker Whoever
is elected, he will be obliged to Tote for
himself, unless there is not a full atten
dance, which will not be likely to happen.
There are doubts about the resignation of
White being genuine, in case it is not, the
election of St. Clair is illegal. Still there
is another question in tbe case, which U,
bad Mr. Penny, the old Speaker, a legal,
constitutional right, to order a new election
even were there no dispute as to the genu
inecet-s of the resignation ? We will see.
Time will make aright all things.
The Loyal Leaguers, and destroyers of
onr country, oi this place, are in favor of the
re-nominalion of the Old Rail Splitter, Mr.
Abraham Lincoln. They don't seem to fall
in with their much loved newspaperman
and fanatic, Horace Greeley, of the Tnbune
This over-wise and -shrewd man of the
Abolition party seems to bave no sym
pathy for Mr. Lincoln. He suggests the
nomination of several other gentlemen in
preference to Lincoln, intimating that the
present incumbent has done nothing txfat
ordinary which should entitle him to a re
no ruination. He. Liucoln, has done much
to dissolve the Union, traly. When he
took the Chair there were some Union men
in the Sooth ; at least so said his first mes
sage ; but how is it now 1 How has it been
ever since the issaiog of the emancipation
proclamation, and enforcing of the confisca
tion act i Did that large Union element in
the Soatb, so much talked of by tbe Aboli
tionists of the North, remain ! No ! not a
bitofiu Lincoln succeeded in driving it
all into the Southern Confederacy, and this
was surely something extraordinary, for pt
ery President could not have accomplished
so much ia eo short a time. We fear the
breach in this Union i a little too wide for
Ah Lincoln to brinsr toaether. ' It will be
a job lor the truly Union men of tbe country
to repair, and those men are to be f juad in
the Detnocrauie party. ; ; :
BY virtue of several writs of venditioni
exponas, to me directed, issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
county, will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court House, in Bloomsbor!, on
at 1 o'clock in the alleruoon, the following
real estate, to wit:
- The one u udivided one third part of all
that certain lot of land situate in Orange
township, Columbia co , bounded and de
scribed as lollows, to wit ; beginning at a
butternut in line of land laie Matthew Mc
Dowell, ihen:e by the same noith ten de
orees wes. thirteen and one halt perches
to an elm, north twenty nine degrees we.-t
twenty one and eight tenths to a white oak,
thence north M.ty nine degrees east eleven
and five tenths to a maple, north sixty two
arul one half degrees east and forty nine
t perches to a maple, South three degrees
easi eiijnieen percnes io a n-caory, norn
thirty five degrees east thirteen perches to
a pine slump, north seventy seven de
grees east four perches to a stake, thenc e
by land of Wm. White, south thirty tour
degrees west fifty four perches to a ttake,
South sixty four degrees west twenty per
ches to a stone, thence by lands late of
Matthew McDowell, south eighty eaven
degrees west twenty five perches to a but
ternut the place of beginning, containing
Eight Acres more or less, the most of
which is cleared land ; whereupon is
erected a fir?t clai
co.isisiing of Steam Engine, engine house,
Shafting, and iron gearing, with maga
zine, dry house, and other neewxsary
building", the aforesaid buildings and ma
chinery are new and in good running or
der there is also a good
with all the riving ready "tor use, and a
two story Framj Dwelling House aud Sia
be, wrih the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution at d to be
sold at the property of Emanuel Lazarus.
The one undivided one third part
certain loi of ground siiuate in Oranue
township, Columbia ronniy, bojtided nd
described a follows : Beginning -at a Km.
lemut in line ot land late Matthew Mc
Dowell, Ihence by the same North ten de
grees west thirteen and one half perches
to an Elm, north twenty nine decrees wp.t
twenty one and eiuht tenths to a white oak,
thence north xty nine decrees east Elev
en snd five tenths to a Maple, north thirty
two and one halt degrees east and lony
nine perches to a maple, somh three de
grees east eighteen perches to a hickory,
north thirty five degrees east thirteen per
ches to a p.mrt i-tump, north seventy sven
degrers east four petches to a siake. thence
by landd ot Wm. White, fouth thir'y four
degrees we-t fifty four perches to a slakrt,
south sixty five deiee west twenty perch
es to a stone, thence by lands late ot Mai
thew McDowell south eighty seven le
grees wesk twenty five perches to a But
lernut th place ot beginning, containing
Eiuht acres more or les, the most ot
twhich is cleared land; whereupon are
erected a first rlasa
consisting ot Steam Engine, Engine House,
Shafting, and Iron Gearing, with Maga
zine, dry house, arid olhef neceary build
ings, the aforesaid buildings and machin
ery a?e new and in good running order ;
there in also a good
with all the fixings ready for u?e, and a
two Story Frame Dwelling Iljuee aud sta
ble, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of J. S. Woods.
The one undivided one third part of all
that certain lot of land situate in Orange
township, Columbia county, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
butternut in line of land late MaPhew
McDowell, thence by the fame North ten
degrees wei thirteen and one half perches
to an elm, North twenty nine degree we-t
twenty one and eight tenths to a while oak,
thence north sixty n int degrees east eleven
and live tenths to a matde, north thirty two
and one half denies ea-tan J fortv nine
perches to a maple, south three dagree
east eighteen perches to a hickory, north
thirty five degiees east thirteen perch to
a pine s ump, north twenty seven degrees
east four perches to a slake, thence by
Unds of Wm White, sooth thirty tonr de
grees wet fifty four perchei lo a stake,
south sixiy five degrees west twent) perch
es to a stone, thence by lands late of Mat
thew McDowell south eighty seven de
grees west twenty five perches to a But
ternut tbe place. of beginning, containing
Eight Ai res more or less, the most oi
which is cleared land, whereon are erected
a First Cla-s
consisting of Steam Engine, engine house,
shafting nud Iron Gearing, with magazine,
dry bouse, and other nececary buildings;
the aforesaid buildings and machinery are
new and iii good running order, there is
also a good
with all the fixings ready for use, and a
Two Story Frame Dwelling House and sta
ble, wilh the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of William Fisher.
Alljthat certain Jot of ground situate in
Oiangeville, Columbia county, being in
front one hundred and two feet, more or
less, and in debth one hundred and seven
teen feet, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit : On the west by Main Street,
or. the north by lot Alexander Hoghes, on
the ea-t by the late Isaiah Conner, and on
the south by lot of Samuel Everitt, where
on ar ereced a large two Story 1
a large Frame Store and ware
house, and a uood Stable aud i Tilf 't f
wood house, w;b all the apC 'T
Seized, taken in expcution and to be
sold as the property of Emanuel Lazarus.
All the following described lots of land
situated in Centre township, Columbia Co ,
lot No. 1, knqwn as the Hutton lot, be
ginning at a stone in line to land ol Low
& Brothers; thence by the same south 7J,
west lour purches to a stone; thence norta
29J, west ten purches to a stne; ttteuce
by land of H. C. FreaS, north 7li degrees,
east four purches to a stoue; thence by
land la e of Andrew Hagenbuch, sou:h 29$
east ten purches lo beginning, containing
forty purches, whereon is erected a liroe
kiln, lot No. 2, known as tne Tcrby and
Deitterich Jot. the undivided half part of a
lot -of lirao-ftone land,' beginning at' a
stone in line to land of Low & Brother;
thence south 7i, wett four purches to a
stone; thence- by land of the laie Andrew
Hagenboch, No. 26j, west ten purches to
a stone; thence by land of H. C. Freaa. No.
7l, east four purches tr a stone; ihence
south 29, e i-st ten parches to ;the begin
ning, containing forty porchea, whereon
is erected a lime kiln and lime house, lot
No.. 3, lot-of lime-stone land, known as
the Henry G. Miller lot, bounded by land
of Heury C. Barton, oa the north by lo4
known as Kirk e ndall's quarry, on the eaM
by land of E. W." M. Low ou lh South,
and by land of Freas and Bowman on the
west, containing ubout thre-eights of an
acre; there is on the premises a frame
dwelling bouse one story and a half high,
lime kiln and lime bouse and a small frame
stable, lot No. four, being house and lot
bounded by lot of L. W. Woolley, on the
north by Freeze and Bowman, on the east
by the L. & B. Railroad, on the south by
the public highway from Centreville to
Berwick on the west, containing about
one eighth of an acre, whereon is erected
a frame dwelling house and a irame stable,
lot No. 5, "being a lot of land known an the
wharf 'ot, beginning at the berm-bauk of
the North Branch canal, at the corner of a
lot of John Shellhammei; thence up the
said canal on the bank thereof, No. 76J E.
eight purches to the comer of a lot of John
Hutton; thence along the same 80$ west
eeve.ii purches to land of L. W. Woolley;
thence along the same lioulh 7RJ west 8
purches to the corner of a 'wharf, lot of
John Shellhamer, along said lot south, 80$
eabi, seven purches to the corner on the
beim batik of t tie ctmal, the place of be
ginning, containing fifty-six square purch
es more or less. Lot No. six, known as
the stoue lot, bounded as fallows to wit:
Beginning iu the cetitre of the public toad
leading from lht canal lo the lime quarry;
thence by land of the heirs of Isaac Low,
deceased, No. 58, east 6 5-10 purches to
another lot of defendant; thence by the
same, No. 35 weft four purches to land
late of John Freas & Co; thence along the
said and a lot of the defendant south 58,
... L . . . ' . C . I. .
i wet d o iu puicues iu me venire ui me
public road atoresaic; thence along the
centre of the said public road south 35,
east four purches to the place of begin
ning, containing twenty-six square purches
strict measure. Lot No seven, alo one
other lot of ground bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a stone, thence
north 30, east above the road 2 8 10 porch
es to a stone; thence by land of Isaac Low,
deceased, norit) 47, west eight pinche to
a stone: thence south 30 weM along laud
. . . . n .
ol the said Isaac huw, deceased, one
purch to a stone or corner of land ol Levi
Kirkendall & Co.; thence by the same
aouih 36, eat 8 5 10 purches to the begin
ning, containing fifteen porches more or Lot No. 8, also one other lot of
land bounded and described as follows to
wit: Beginning at the east corner ol the
barn on the line of laud belonging to the
heirs of Isaac Low, deceased: thence 35
west 30i purches along land of Levi Kirk
endall 6l Co., io the land of the heirs ot
Isaac Low, deceased: thence by the same
south 78, 6 8-10 purches to other laud off
i deien.iaui; inence uy ice sam? soimi jo,
eaol 39 purches to land of the heirs of Isaac
Low, deceased; thence by the same north
58, east 6 7-10 purches to the place of be
git.ning, containing one acre and eighty
) three purches and seven tenths of a purcti.
i.r i ... .i n
Lot No. 9, also the undivided eighths of
the well and pump lot, eight feet square
with the well iu the centre thereof, situate
near the above last described lot ot one
acre, 83 7 10 purches, and used to accom
modate the house &c. All of the above
lots situate in ti e said township of centre,
Columbia county.
Srtized, taken in execution and to be
kold as the property of RicharJ Torby.
All that certain lot of ground situate in
ihe village of Benton, Benton township,
Columbia Co., containing one-fourth acre
more or less, bounded and describ?d as
follows lo-v it: Ou the south by lot of H.
W Bang-, on ihe west by an alley, on ihe
north by lot ol Krickbaum, on ihe eat &y
the main s'rtet, whereon are erected a
good frame two story dwellirg house, an J
Irame stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and lo be
sold as the property ol James G Noble.
J0S1AH H. FURMAN, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Otfice, 1
Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1864. J
Administrator's IVotice.
Estate of Uenry M. iJitdine, deceased:
LETTERS of Administration on ihe es
tate ol Henry M Dildine, late of Mad
ison township, Columbia county .deceased,
have been granted by the Register of said
vounty, to Johr Dildine, who resides in
Limestone townhip, Montour county. All
persons having claims against the estate of
trie decedent are requested lo make them
known to the Administrator without delay,
and all person indebted to Ihe estate are
requested to make payment immediately
to the undersigned.
January 6, 18r4. iw. 5-2.
Administrators Iotice.
Estate of Henry Kitchen, deceased.
LETTERS of Administration on the Es
tate of Henry Kuchen, late of Green
wood township, Columbia county, ilec'd.
have been grantee by ihe Register of said
County to the undersigned who reside iu
he same townhi,. All persons having
claims against the Estate of the decedent
are requested o present them for settle
ment to the Administrators without delay,
all those indebted to the estate to make
payment forthwith.
Dec. 23, 18G3 6w.-S2 0O
THE undersigned being a regularly "li
censed Auctioneer," hereby ofTr his ser
vices as such, to all who may feel disposed
logivehima call. His great experience
inrbe bejiness, will enable him to render
satisfaction to his customers. At the same
time he cautions all Aciioneers. not licens
ed, from following said calling, as the fine
fixed by the U. S. ill surely be imposed,
aTid the law carried out 10 its full extent.
All peroons desiring to obtain my services,
will pleae inform me io that effect before
they advertise. J. 0. RICE, Auc'r.
Light Street, Nov. 16, 1663.
National Foundry.
Rloonitbtir?, Columbia Co.,
f pne snbsribjr, proprietor of the above
- named exletisive establishment, is now
prepared to receive orders for all kinds of
machinery, for COLLERIES, BLAST FUR
He is also prepared to make S.oves, all
sizes and patterns, l'low-irons, and every
thing usually made in tirst-class Foundries
HTs etaosive - facilities and practical
workman, wairaot dim in receiving the
largest contracts op the most reasonable
OT Grain of all kinds will be taken in
exchange for castings.
JST This establishment i located near
ihe Lackawanna Railroad Depoi.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863.
of proper &desirableforms,fo sale at the
pfOee ofthe'tar ofthe North." ' ,
5 8 5 B RO A D W A Y NEW YORK.
2I?,51Q3, '(DP THE 3,1
The Mot Complete upd -Magnificent
War Exhibition Extant.
Devoted lo raising Funds for a Na
tional Home,
100,000 TICKETS, AT Sl'EACH.
A DONATION of $3i.7 20 in Valuable' Prop
erty to the Ticket Holders.
JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent for the Pro
prietors, has the honor to announce a plan
tor creating a fund for the founding of a
National Institution, lo be a home for Iu
valid, disabled, dischured soldier.
The oriainal su mber of Tickets issuid
for this object was 100,000. one tfoird of
which have been alr.eady disposed of in
Boston, Masri. where the enterprise was
first projected.
Each of the One Dollar Ticket is good
for Four Admissions to the Mammoth
at 585 Broadway, New York City, or
wherever else exhibited.
One half of the profits of the entire sale
will be exclusively devoted and donated
to the above named patriotic object.
According to the original advertised
plan, a Ma- Meeting of the ticket hold
ers was held in Fun,eoil Hall, Boston, on
Nov., 4th, and an adjourned meeting at
ihe same place on Dou., 16ih. The fol
lowing named gentlemen were elected as
a Board of Trustees, to receive the funds
which may accrue Irom the novel enter
prise, atid to appropriate the same to this
object iu accordance w'nh the plans of the
originator ; Gen. John S. Tyler, Boston:
his Excellency Governor James Y. Smith,
of Rhode (-land; Hon. Geo Bris of New
York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin ol
Pennsylvania; Major (Jen N. P. Banks, cf
Mass., Major Gen. O. O. Howard of Main?:
his Excellency Gov. Richard Yates, of
To speedily accomplih this great ob
ject, every wise means will be used by
ihe piojector lo effect the immediate sal
of the tickets; and he calls npon 'he loyal
and humane lo asi$t earnettly in cairyiug,
this noble undertaking forward lo a triutn
phaut success.
Neither its importance! nor its feasi
bility, can be called- i n question. Let the
people but respond in a spirit worthy o
the project, and no obstacles eliall delay
its consummation.
Making the proposition in good failh,
and ready to devote his whole energies to
the great work, the projector firmly be
lieves the tide of popular lavor will flow
in thf desired direction, attd accomplish
the louudi'-g aud insure the creation of a
permanent National Institution, which
shall be an a-liiu for the retired sol tier,
w hose loss of health or limb i hi diplo
ma for heroic services performed in his
country's cause, and which shall go down
to ihe future generations a blessing to man
kind and an enduring monument lo the
liberality of the loyal people.
By comDiijing this enterprise with a
public place of amusement of such well
established high character and" merit, the
subsciiber to the fund, while giving his
money for the promotion of a great char
itable desist!, may receive a lull equiva
lent for the outlay in witnessing this
splendid series of.Pairitings.
CHASER. To effect the speediest possible sale of
these tickets, so that unnecessary expense
may be saved, aud the National Home
Fund proportionately increased, a further
inducement is offered as a oounty to pur
As soon as the tickets shall have been
sold, in addition to one half ihe profits, as
aforesaid, the following described prop
erty will be dona'ed to the ticket holders,
and placed in the hands ol their Trustees,
a distinct hoard having been chosen for
thai purpo-e, ai the mass meeting held
a above stated, and Ahich consist, of the
lollowir.g gentlemen who, on receipt ol
the property, will dispose of the same, by
lot, or otherwise, as tne ticket holders iu
mas meeting may direct there to be no
violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C
O- Rojie.-s, Hon. C. W, Slack. Gen. Bobt
Cowdm.Col. A.J Wright, John C. Hay
nes, Esq., of Boston, Johua Webster E-q..
of Maplevill, Mass , Isaac S. Morse E?q ,
of Cambridge, Mss.
To tvhiJi the 'Jickit-holders will be
One cenieel residence iu the City
ot Roxbury. Mas-, valued at SIO 000
Thrf I'iano fort-, val. at ?50 each 1.500
Five piano-forte, val. at 300 each
Five Gold Watches, at SI 00 each,
Fitly Gdd Watches at S50 each,
Two shares in Ihe Bo-ion and Wor
resier Railroad, a' $130 each.
Two shares in. the Boston and Maine
R R. valued at$130 each, 260
Two share in the Merchants' Batik,
Boston, at 5100 each, 200
Six thousand Gold Union Medals
valued at S3 each, 18,000
Two Sewing Machines, at $50 each, 100
Total, 834,720
Due notice will be gien of the next
mass meeting of the lickel holder which
will take place in New York City.
A National Home Ticket, costing one
dollar, consist of five coupons, lour of
which are admissions io the Mirror, good
at any lime, and th other a certificate of
an interest in the Enterprise, which the
purchaser relans.
The admision coupon may be ued sep
arately, or all at once, as suits the conve
nience of the purchaser.
All communications on the subject, and
all orders for tickets by mail, or evores,
should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM,
Asent, 535 Broadway. New York Cuy.
Persons taking an active interest in this
charitable nn-Jerukina, by getting np
clobs, will receive eleven tickets lor every
len do'lars sent.
Jan. 20, 1864
DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal,
Urinary and Sexual System new and re
liable trea'meut in Reports of ihe HOW
ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in
feealed letter envelopes, free of charge.
Address, Dr. J. SK1LL1N -HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, N,o. 2 South Ninth
S'reet Philadelphia, Pa.
Decs 16, 1863 ly.
ALL persons having claims of EXEMP
TION from the DRAFT, can have tneir
papers promptly and carelully drawn by
calling at the Otfice ot the undersigned, in
Bloomsburg, Columbia coonty, Penn'a.
Office, Second Door West of ice Court flonie.
.: January 6, J&64.
OUR Letter A Fam'dv' S-winz Machine is
fast eaining a woild-wide reputation. It
is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and
most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma
chines yet offered to the, public. No other
Family Sewing Machine has so many use
ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell
ing, Tuckinsi, Gathering, Guagtng, Bra'.ding
Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. Ncj
other Family Sewing Machine has so modi
capacity lor a great variety of work. It will
sew ail kinds of clo h, and with all kinds of
thread. Great and recei.1 improvements
.nake our Family Sewing Machine moM
reliable, and most durable, and most cer
tain in action at all ra'e of speed. It
makes the iutsrlocked stitch, which is the
best stitch ktiown. Any one, even of the
most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance
how to use the -letter A Family Sewing
Machine. Our Family Sowing Machines
are fini-hed in chaste arid exquisite sij le.
The Folding Ca.e of the Family Ma
chine i a piece of cunning workmanship
of it e most useful kind. Ii protects the ma
chine when not in use, and when abot;io
be operated may b opened as a spacious
anil subsiantial table to sustain the work.
While some of the Cae. made out of Ihe
choicest woods, are finished in the sim
plest aud chastest manner possible, other
are adorned aud embedded iu the mo.t
cotly and superb manner.
It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam
ily Machine in operation, so as lo judge of
its great capacity and beauty.
It is fast becoming as popular for family
sewing as our Manufacturing nachiues are
for manufacturing porposes.
Ttie Blanch Offices are well supplied with
silk tw ist, thread, needles oil, etc, of the
very bet quality.
Send for a Pamphlet.
458 Broadway. N. Y.
N. S. Tinaley, Agent, in Espy, Pa.
A. J. Evan, Agent, in Bloomsburg.
Nov. 11, 1863. r
71 It'itlian Street, Nfto Vork. ,'
Size and Trices of Litlie's Fire-Proof
Ileizht. Width. Depth.
No. 1 24 20 20
No. 2 26 22 24
No. 3 30 24 24
No. 4 32 28 24
No. 5 34 31 24
No. 6 40 31 24
7citW. Width. Dtplh.
No. 1 17 21 12
No. 2 19$ 131 12
No. 3 21 15 12
No. 4 22 18 1
No. 5 24 21 14
No. 6. 31 21 15
Number 1 S50 00 I Number 4 S5 00
do 2 60 00 I do 5 100 00
- do 3 70 00 do 6 115 00
November 1 I, 1S63.
Gacaiicrr Cedes. II Li 2
QOfb nnn more men wanted
fTAS j'ist received from the eastern cities
arul is now opening at the old stand
a splendid assortment of
f er tV ct3 Tf rr qH. T..
which will be sol I cheap for
His stock cou.-i-ts of Ladies Dress Goods,
clioiresi styles and latest fashion.
i:eady-.11;ule Clothing
In short everything usually kept in a
country store.
The patronage of his old friends, and
ihe public generally, is respectfully so
lici'ed. The bishesi market price paid for coun
try PETER E.T.
Light Street, Nov. 11, 1863.
JUillcr's Store.
'IMIE subscriber has just returned fiom
the Cities wilh another large aud select
assortment of
purchael at Fhiladelphia'and New York,
at ihe lowest figure, and which he is
determined iosell on as modera'e terms a
can be procured elsewhere iu liloomsborg.
His btock compri-es
Ladies' Dress Goods,
o' ti e choicest style and latest fashions
CSj iy CE 25 CS OT H Cs S3 a
Roots anJ Shoe, Hats and Caps, &c, fcc.
In short, everything usually kep' m country
mores; to which he iuviles the public gener
ally. - , i r
The highest price will be paid lor coun
iry produce, in for good
IJloomsburg, Jan. 6, 1S6L
: wTiyaataf;
Attorney at Law
OtTic ou Main Street, F.m door below
A. J. Sloan' " Dec 2a, 18t4
We do not believe that even in this sJ
of cheap publications any work can be
more ra-o'.a'de than lfe terms of the
Scientific American at S2 pr annum
with 25 per cent, discount lor clubs of 10
to form a ' yearly volume of 832 pages
quarto, with an immense number of origi
nal enaraviriizs of patanted machines! valu
able inventions, and objects of scientific
interest. There is not an industrial pursuit
which doe not receive a share of its at
tention. It contains oflicisl lial of patent
claims important statistics-, practical re
cipes lor oomestic pnrio-es and ha l""H
stood, both in ihts country and in Ei"Op-,
a th highest authority in lha mecbatue
arts and s-iences. There is no publication
wiore valuable to tlTe farmer, the miller,
the engineer, ihe iron founder the mechan
ic.orihe manufacturer. Wm have never
opened h number without learnins some.
thin we never ki.ew before, and obtaining
valuable information for the benefit of our
readers. Th Publisher", Messr. Munn
& Co, of 37 Park Row, New Vork, have
deserved the success which ihey have
achieved. No one hcnld visit that city
without calling at their palatial establish
ment, which is a museum ol inventive
senius collected Irom ihe entire world.
If any of our friend- do not know this work
and will take our advice, they will mail tl
atid become subscribers immediately, or
by applying to the Publisher ihey can ob
tain a specimen copy gratis, which will be
sure to confirm ihe truth of our recommen
For the Jlillon !
most valuable ami wondertul poblW
cation. A work of 400 nasep. and
3t colored engravings. DR. . HUNTER'S
VADEMECUM,an original "and popular
trea'ie mi Man and Woman, their Pbya
ioingy, Functions, and Sexual disorders of
every kind, wilh Never-Failing; Remedies
for ttieir speedy cure. The prac iee of
Dr. HUNTER has lon been, and still i,
unbounded, but al the earnest solicitation
numt etou peraoriK. he ha been . induced
to expend hia medical -usefulness through
the medium of hi ' VA D EM EC UM." It
is a volume that should be in the hands of
every family in the laud, as a preventive of
secret vices, or as a ;;uide for ihe allevia
tion cf one of the most awful and detruo
live scourge' ever vicited mankind. One
copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwaa
ded free ot postage to any part of ihe Uni
ted iMatPS lor 50 cents in P. O. stamp, '.J
conie for g. Address, post paid, DR
HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, Ne
SeH. 9. 1863.
juvr rn:M.MiEi.
Jlajur.Cenrral George B. McGirllao,
On the liat tie Field of
?izk of PicTUKK 19 Br 24 incns
ffl'HE Original Paiminw was made from
life, to order of the Publisher, by the
celebrated Artist, C Sehussele. Esq .(who
iis the only one the General da' to). It
represent him on his celebrated home
Daniel Websier, vpresented to hirn by the
citizens of Cincinnati,) taking an of sere
vation of ih field, in the latter part of th
day, as ihe Rebels were fallina back. I(
the fore ground are seen the desnlat'ons of
ihejbatile broken guns, shattered trees,
kc In the d'.-taiico. amongst the smoke
and duM, are stall officers, artill.ry, car
airy and infantry. The whole picture is
an admirabte cimpniiion, and diplaysh
rare genius of ihe Ariit.
Single copy, to one adJieis, $3 00
Two copies . ' 5 00
Three, " u 6 00
Sent by mail post-paid.
Persons acting as Aenti ami ovderinf
one copy at three dollars, can have ur
sequent ones at two dollars each. Travel
ing Canva-ers orderinz largely, will be
supplied on liberal term. Address
JOHN DA I NT V. Publishes,
'17 South Siiih S:., Puiiadelpbia.
Jan. 13, 1361.
AI::uuitr;i1or' Oolite.
Estate, of littnirl Lecan. late of Iloan
insrererk twp., Columbia co., deed.
LETTKRS ol a.ioiiiii'tiaiion on ihe estate
ol Daniel Levau, late of Roariucreek
township, Columbia county, deceased, have
been "lanie.l by the Rei-ter of Columbia
coun'v. to J-)hn Levari of Roarincreek tp.g
and William Goodman of Locust iwp , in
said county. All perrins having claim
against lha of the decedent arj re
quested to present Idem to ihe administra
tors for settlement without delay, and all
those inde' teil to the e-taje lo make pay
meut forthwith o the adrniiiitraiors.
intivt t I'Vi v i
Roarincre-k, Nov. 11, 1863 ?2.
iew C'lotliin. More.
fllHE undersigned respectfully informe
his friends and Ihe public generally,
(hat he ha- jusi received Irom the Eastera
Citie", a latjje as-ortmeni of
Fall $ Winter
Fresh from the seat of Fa-hion, of all
Mrts. sizes and quantities, which will bd
sold cheap lor cash or country produce.
Together with a variety of nr
turns ami ihin too troublesome to numer
ate, to whion he invites the attention of pur
He it uho prepared to make up
clottin:? to order, oti reasonable terms,
anil up to ihe latent fashions.
nrCatl and examine ov.r (.twit ol good
Iflonnisbnn, Dec. 2, 1863.
in jjloomshcih;, COL. CO'. t1.
f I'HE nndersianed would announce totbe
public that he has refitted his SA LOON
one door Eai of his BAKERY & CONFEC
TIONARY, on Main Street, BloomsbDru;
and is prepared lo accommodate both In
dies and tie n!eniNi. H i prepared io
Novembei 25, l63.
LL person- indebted lo the late firm of
Mdler ir Kyer, Mere hants iu Bloom
hur, are hereby iii-nlied, thai the Book,
Notes and Accounts, ol aid firm are in Ihe
S:ore tor coiled ion. and most be Milled
by the fiti ol Ociobr, withoai respect lo
tho-e concerned.
Bloomsburg, Auguv. 26, .