The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 02, 1864, Image 2

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    I : . . . . v. "
S. SI. Pbttkngill & Co., 37 Park Row.
New York, are duly authorized to solicit and
receive subscriptions ar.d advertising lor the
War of the North, published at Bloomsbarg,
Columbia county, Penn'a.
Mathkr & Co., 335 Broadway, New York,
are authorized :o receive subscriptions and
I . ! - T f .1 f i i j 1' .i :
Buveiuiti mr idb oiiif cj me ioria. ,
Subject to the Decision of the Democratic
National Contention.
The War 'Democrat) Embraci Aboliticaism:
We hare often ex nosed tha identity of
doctrine between tha Black Republicans
and those who assume the unmeaning ap
pellation of War Democrats. These two
parties profess to be hostile to each other
in political opinion, while, in fact, they are
virtually in ctoie alliance upon all material
points., l no only oosiacie in tneir com
, plete affiliation that ever existed has at last
. been removed. The Hon. James Brooks,
in Congress, and the New York World, in
Us editorial columns, have almost simulta.
neooslj pronounced Abolitionism to be one
of the dogmas of the War Democracy. The
linn Jamoa Rrnnk and 'lh I7) ? am both
the acknowledged representatives oi the
. War Democracy , so far as an individual
.sod a public journal can represent a party
that is unreal, without distinctive principle,
i -t
lore. We may, therefore, hereafter look
upon a War Democrat as , an Abolitionist,
and, truth to tell, it is with a sensation of
relief that we find the shuffling time-server
and political hermaphrodite in his appro-
' nrialrt nlaee. . r
t i
, In various political campaigns, the De
mocracy have been induced to leasue
tberaielves with those renegades who, dtf
setting every principle of Democracy, have
ixDondeatlv appropriated its name dishon
ored with a prefix that cancels its virtue
and its meaning.
The alliartce has in every case been pre
judicial to Democratic interests. But this
last bold plav into the hands of our adver-
saries cannot fail to snap in twain the last
feeble link and none ever existed that was
net due to a similarity ol tames. The War
uemocrats nave paia aomage 10 me great
evil that has brought misfortune upon the
land, and prostrating themselves before the
Abolition idol, they have coniumated the
last act of their apostacy.
We can show no cause why the unholy
nuptial should not go on. Better that War
Democracy should be at ones and forever
merged into Abolitionism, to share its for
tune for better or for worse, than pollute
the pore Democracy by a questionable con
Dection. The Democracy have now no
choice but to throw off the incubus, and
follow the straightforward path traced by
the immutable principles of their party.
What Is Coin; cn at fort Soya!.
: r Tbe Administration, in its humane efforts
to elevate the character of the African and
civilize them with the white people, two
years ago benevolently sent from Massa
chusetts to Port Royal, South Carolina, at
ihe expense of the whole people of the.
United States, a few .hundred spinsters to
educate, civilize and refine the contraband!
at that place." The New Hampshire Patriot
of the 4th of October, gives the result of
this very, benevolent experiment ol Mr.
Lincoln in the following paragraph. ,
"Priva'.B advices from Port Royal say,
that many nf the female Abolitionists who
went to Port Royal to teach theli'tle niggers
how to read aad pray, have been obliged
within a few months in abandon their black
charges and open nurseries on their own
private account An officer informed qs
recently that no less than sixty four white
spinsters nau contriDsteu to me population
in and aboot Port Royal harbor. . The cli
mate seems to favor population even more
than the production of Sea Island cotton by
paid negro labor..
"lie information furnished ns by the
officers concerning the sixty-four little ma
lattoes, has bees cofirmed by the testimony
nf T?i3 f iSor'v Rillinoa f.I:i! " Pnlft'.l nf
the 1st South Carolina . regiment, who is
hre in consequeuces of ill-health. He said
it is a sad truth.
Diath of A DjsTisciHSHED Man Gen.
William Duncan died in Philadelphia re
cently, aged 92 years. , In Jackson's day be
occupied she post of surveyor of the port of
Philadelphia. During the war of 1812 be
was superintendent ol the United Mates
military stores, and stationed at the arsenal
in Philadelphia, and was also Brigadier Geu.
of the , Pennsylvania volunteers. He was
one Of Governor Snyder's special aids, and
commanded a brigade at Camp Dopont
when Philadelphia was threatened by the
approach of the British, before their defeat
Bnder Gen. Rosa, at Baltimore. He held
cCice uader the administration of President
Madison, wa frequently a member of the
Pennsylvania Legislators, and for fifty
ears was a deacon of the First Baalist
church in Philadelphia. - ';
( - m m m m '
ENIITri VrTmi.'3l attar tmm 1 V. a
Proves. Marshal's, Washington, to J
Heron Fos:er, of Pittsburg decides that re
enlisted. ve;erns cannot be credited to lo
cal qsosas, and cannot receive local boun
ties as credited to volunteers on the new
call. This vpiets tha calcalauoiii of many
who F3 enlisted with the expectation of re
tarning homa oo ferioogh to accreil", them
tzUes vr'u'i tha nsw voiiistsers of ;teir 10
fpsctivs districts. ' ' . . C'i"
v ; Aboni Sliootiss at ThiBss. -
Whenever one gets to talking with a Re
publican, about the policy or justice of this
war, one is always met, , as a last resort,
with the assertion "But they fired at onr
flag." Grant that this was wrong, we have
in. return an inquiry to make "Is it any
worse to fire at our flag, than it is to fire In
to our Constitution V The flsg U bat the
emblem of our Constitutional liberties ; the
Constitution is that substance, which, when
observed, secures as in the actual posse
tion and enjoyment of our . liberties. ,No
man is sworn to snpport the jlag ; all men,
who hold official position, are sworn to sup
port the Constitution and the very solemn
sanction of the oath in the one case, and its
absence in the oifier, ts'proof of the trans
cendent importance of the one as compared
with the other. The flag is an emblem;
the Constitution is substance. TheConMU
lution bodies forth the substance of our lib
erties, and as intended to surround them
with such impregnable safeguard that nn
hal!od ambition shall not dare to lay its
impious band upon them. The flag is but
a visible eigti that such a Constitution ex
ists, and is as much leas than the Consti
tution, as the shadow is less than the sub
stance which it reflects.
If, therefore, it be an offence to fire at the
flag, it ii a terrible crime to fire into the
Constitution ; and to this crime as such,. is
superadded the infamy of perjury. To tear
one sentence or word from that Constitution
is to aseault Liberty itself ; and to fire into
it, is to bo come the assassin of Liberty.
And now we take upon ourselves to say,
that, while the Rebels, at Sumter fired at
the flag, Mr. Lincoln, in his sphere, has
fired into the Constitution, and has literally
attempted its destruction. If the Rebels, for
firing at the flag, deserved to be devasted
by war; what punishment should be visited
upon tbe President for firing into the Con
stitution I
Calling Democrats Traitors Actionable.
We publish the following as a warning
to intemperate Republicans, and to show
Democrats that they have tbe law on their
side. We quote from the New Albany
(Indiana) Ledger.
At the recent terra of the Scott County
Circut Court, Clark ced Kiraberlin for
calling him a traitor. The facts are about
as follows : In the month of Augnat last,
Ferris, a Democrat, was endeavoring to get
op a subscription by the citizens to aid in
making up a company for the Union army.
Clark had subscribed fifty dollars, and be
and Ferris were solicit wg the p?r?ons who
came into town to pot down their names for
such amounts as they could spare. Among
others Ferris approached Kimberlin. a vio
lent Republican, who said he had do money
to spare. Some conversation was bad
about loyalty, when Ferris said the names"
on the subscription paper were a pretty
good test of loyally. At this Kiraberlin
became very angry, and jut at this time
Clark attempted to speak to him, but had
only said tbe words, "Uncle Dan," then
Kimberlin turned upon him in a very angry
manner and said : 'I want nothing to. do
with yon, yon are a disloyal man and a
traitor to your country !' Refusing to re
tract, Clark sued him for the slander, and
the suit resulted in a judgment for two
hundred and seventy dollars damages and
costs. The judgraeut was based opoo the
verdict of a jury composed of men of all
If we should recover an equal amount for
each time the term traitor has been applied
to us by the nigger worshipping fraternity
of ibis town, for sustaining the Constitution
and the Union unimpaired, the whole real
and personal properly would not begin to
liquidate our claims. As that is the only
arment our "loyal friend" of despotic
power hate, i: would be a pity to take it
from them. Let ibera enjoy fi in peace..
Thb Ladv's FarcM) For MihCH. The
March number of the Lady's Friend main
tains, we think, the high reputation of this
new periodical. It openes with a beautiful
steel engraving called "The Pit Bird."
Then we have a handsome double Fashion
Plate such as the public are not accustom
ed to expect in a two-dollar magazine and
a fine piece of music, called the "Chatta
kooca Grand Makch.' Among the letter
press we notice two more fine engravings,
illustrative of "The FaUe Arresf' and 'The
Transformed Village ;" and larger number
of engravings illustrative of Novelties aad
Among the stories are "Loss and G?in("
by Virginia F. Townssnd; "The FaUe
arrest," by Miss Donnelly.; filabel's Mis
sion ;" ''At Last," by Mary J. Allen ; "The
Transformed Village," ice. We a!o notice
two articles treating pro and con the idea
which some adventurous New York ladies
have started, of riding horseback en cavalier.
The editor in a sensible, well written ariicie
in her department, lakes "strong ground
against any such innovation. Published by
Deacon & Peterson, Philadelphia. Price
82. .
Fjlobekce, St. Joseph Co., Mich., )
February 1st 1864. J
. W. H. Jacoljy, DearSir Enclosed please
find Eleven Dollars, which is due yon for
tiie "Star of the North.' Send me the pa.
per till the 1st of April, when yoa may dis
continue it until yon hear from me. I in
tend moving farther West, and when I get
settled I will write to yon directing yoa
where to send the "Star. Yoa must ex
cuse me this time, and I will do better
hereafter. Yours, truly,
Tbe above letter i from a valued and
former citizen of Colombia county.. Suc
cess to him. He has our thanks for his
remittance. Ed. Stab.
-A ckrtaw 'Rev." Mr. Gilbert, a gunpow
der "War Cbrifta in," recently declared, th
the Connecticut Legislature, of which he is
a member, that 'for one, I am not afraid
to say, that I had rather lit down and die in
my tracks to day, than tee any lestoralfon of
the Union 01 Hwas " He is iast the rasn tr
yolanteer then, for that is jast what th war
is fir, 6cd always was lor that mattar." '
' The Federal troops under Gen. Gillmore
have met with a disaster in Florida. The
expedition sent recently to Jacksonville, af
ter capturing that place advanced . into the
interior of the State. Jacksonville is near
the northern boundry of Florida and stands
on the border of a bay forming the rrouth
of St John's River. This river flows north
and curves around to the east within a
short distance of Jacksonville. A railroad
runs west from Jackionsville to Tallahassee
which is almost two hundred miles distant.
The Federal expedition was sent along
this -railroad to capture Tallahassee, which
is the capital ol the State, with the inten
tion of establishing a new Governmeat
there.' For a few miles it kept along the
border of the river, but as that river gradu
ally curted to the soothwafd, the expedi
tion following the line of the railroad, reach
ed into the interior. The supply boats and
transports also sailed up the river to the
place where the railroad left it, about five
miles from Jacksonville, and there estab
lished a supply post.
The expedition under General Seymour
wa s about six thousand strong, principally
negroes. For two or threo days it advanc
ed without finding an enemy, and on the
20th inst., (last Saturday week) 'was near
Olustee, a siation on the railroad fifty miles
west of Jacksonville. Here the enemy sur
prised it, and after a fierce contest of three
hours the Federal troops withdrew leaving
all their dead and a great part of their
wounded in the enemy's hands. Five guns
were captured and a large number of pris-
oners. The toial loss will reach fifteen
hundred. Being defeated, the expedition
retreated as quickly as possible to Jackson
ville, the enemy pursuing. On reaching
the St. John's river the supply post near
Jacksonville was broken up and the Feder
al force withdrew into the town. A steam
transport which was aground was burned
to prevent her falling into the enemy's
hands. The Confederates at last accounts
were but five miles from Jacksonville.
The real extent of tbe disaster is not
known, the steamer bringing the intelli
gence having sailed too soon to procure any
details. Gen. Gillmore seized all the letters
of passengers to prevent the news leaking
out. He also placed Gen . Seymour under
arrest for his failure, though why he should
suffer we are at a loss to conceive. Three
hundred wounded have been taken to Hil
ton Head. This defeat has put an end to
all hopes of overrunning Florida.
The various movements made by the Fed
eral troops in different quarters, to aid Gen.
Sherman, are at an end. The Army of the
Potomac was ordered to move on Monday
last, and every thing was prepared for an
advance, but the authorises, no doubt com
ing to th9 conclo. sion that the Rapidan was
too remote, and the time too late, to have
any influence on Sherman, on Tuesday
countermanded the order.
In Tennessee, as we predicteJ, General
Grant did not make any attack upon the
formidable works which defended Dalton.
He held his advanced position in front of
Tunnel Hill during Thursday last, and that
night fell back to Taylor's Ridge of which
this hill forms a part. . His loss during the
advance was three hundred.
The cavalry expedition sent from Mem
phis under General Smith, went abont one
hundred and fifty miles south-east of that
place to West Point, on the Tombibee
river, in Mississipp'near the Alabama State
liiie. Them the Confederates met and de
feated them, forcing them back wiih con
siderable loss. General Smith, thus cm off
from joining Sherman, is now marching
back to Memphis.
General Longstreet, whoe march from
Knoxville has been announced, is reported
as having arrived at Atlanta on Thursday
last. He is about twenty-five milos south
of Dalton, and in position to aid Johnston
or oppose Sherman.
The Court of Inquiry on tbe conduct of
Generals McCook aud Crittenden, at the
battle qf Chickamaoga, it is reportsd, will
exonerate them from blame. '
The confederates have made a raid into
Mayfield, in Western Kentucky, h is re
ported that thpy intend holding the Arkan
sas bank of the Mississippi.
Gen. Grant has been commissioned Lieut.
General. Gen. Sherman is to bo a Major
General. -
The United States Minister at Japan de
nies that the Alabama is blockaded any
where. Marshal Kane of Baltimore is in Richmond.
Diseased Hohsks. It is said the govern
ment have at Washington about forty thous
and diseased horses that are dying oil daily
and that the men who are taking care of
them contract the disease from the horses,
and are alro dying rapidl) about fifteen a
day. A man who has been there, and
waited upon some of the sick men, reports
that something like a dozen colored men,
and an everage of about three white men,
die daily from the horse disease. A large
number of these horses have been bought
op by speculator?, taken to various parts of
the country and offered for sale. Buyers
should be careful. Several hotel keepers
bave resolved that they shall not be stabled
on their premises, as it endangers not only
their horses, but those of their patrons.
Patriot and Union.
Pardoned George SetWemyr, convicted
at tbe December term of the Clarion court
for shooting Abraham Rhodes, and senten
ced to the' western penitentiary, has been
pardoned by Governor Curtia.
General Butler has banished the corres
pondent of the New York World and Times
from his department, on pain of being set
to hard labor. Brute Butler don't like plain
statements ot facts and of short commings.
New CouftTutrcrTs. Look out for new
counterfeit two dollar ootes oo the Strouds
bnrg Sink ofthis State. Vignette locomo
tive and cars. ... .
-. Messrs. Jackson and Ellis, H. of R., will
please accept oar thanks for public documents.
Thb Official Quota or Colombia Co
The following is the full quota of the sever
al townships of this county, for the comin
draft, including the first and second class
enrollment :
Ivcps. , Class 1.
Bloom, 194
Montour, 51
ITishinapriiatr I (1(7
Class 2.
' Greenwood, 112
Jackson, 37
Pine, .47
Briarcreek, V 83
Berwick Bor. 65
Centra, 89
Scott, 152
Orange, 60
Ml. Pleasant, . 53
Sugarloaf, . 47
Benton, 68
Madison, 89
Caitawisna, 97
Franklin, 47
Mifflin, 81
Beaver, 109
Locus!, i6
Maine, 34
Roarirracreek, 24
Conyngtam, 216
Query. The first, and even the second,
year of the war volunteering was brisk
enough to furnish all the men neceasary,
and if one then asked a Wide-Awake or a i
Union Leaguer why he did not enlist, his
reply would almost invariably be: "I will
go as soon as I am needed." Everybody
is familiar with this fact. The reply of
some would be : "I am ready as soon as
the government calls lor my service." Oth
ers said : "If these copperheads won't go
when drafted, we will drive them in.7'
Such were then the "stern resolves" of
nearly all the "loyal ;" but, alas, how is it
now ? Draft upon dralt has been made ;
the "service" of these patriots has been
needed ; the government has ''called" for
ihem ; but still they are here, oflering large
bounties, threatening Indiscriminately to
tax the rich, the poor and the widow, to
save themselves from the draft, and coaxing
little boys to go as substitutes in their stead!
The query noi arisen, were these men
serious then, or can they be patriots now ?
In whatever light we view them, they are,
as their practice shows, great hypocrites
and lily-livered patriots.
Vallamuuelim Fir n Societies have been
organized in various sections of the country.
We notice several bave been recently or
ganized in Colombia county. Valandighara
is a martyr to treespeech and the cause of
human linerty and an exile without a cause.
If he was guilty of any crime why not pun
ish him according to law, but not according
to the higher law, or Abolition programme.
The truth is the delenders of this weak, im '
tecile and htiartless administration hate the
true defenders of the Constitution more
than they like the Union. Let the friends
of Vallandigham a Ford him a1! the aid and
comfort d uring his exile their means will
afford. A subscription is opened at this
office, and funds will be received by us and
forwarded, until a general movement is
made in his behalf, or he is restored to his
country and his family. Lackiwanni Begis
Important I nformahon Col. J G Frteze
keeps constantly on band and for sale, at j
tha Rpr.ordr' DfTim in ninnm.hnrn KTI,,. I
. ... ...ww....-' Ml , uo
Constitution of th United Slates," and of
the State of Pennsylvania," in various
styles, at prices to suit ; also, sundry other
democratic books, documents, and speeches
together with legal, note and cap paper,
pens, ink and envelopes, of a.'l sizes aod j
styles, as well as theological poetical, his
torical and miscellaneous books, cheap.
The Daily Age is a capital newspaper,
reliable and nseful. From and after Tues
day last, the publishers have increased the
terms of the paper, as follows: To mail
subscribers, Eight Dollars per annum ; Four
Dollars for six months; Two Dollars for three
months, and for any rborter period at the
... .. f T c ... . , .....
rate of 75 cents per month to be -paid in all
cases in advance. The Age is edited with
ability, and is Democratic to the core. No
better Daily published.
A Lotal Lcguer The Rev. James A.
Kibteof Hampdon county, Mass., was re
cently caught in the sleeping apartment of
a ynung girl by her father at the hour of
midnight. He was en duhalille. He was
armed with a dirk aud a loaded revolver,
which is thou explained by fhe Springfield
Republican : 'With regard lo the revolver
and dirk, be says that he belongs lo the Union
League evety member of which is obtiged lo
cairy such weapon."
David R Rakdmx, Esq., has been ap
pointed District Attorney for Lnzerne coun
ty, to fill the vacancy caused by the deaffi
of Hos. E. B. Chase.
31 A K II I E D .
In Sugarloaf on the 1 1th day of Feb. by J.
K. Fritz. Esq. Mr. John Kilk, of Sugarloaf
lo Sarcna Gibton of Greenwood, both ot
this County.
On Tuesday Evening Feb. 23rd, 1864, at
"the Residence of Lewis Smith, in Muncy,
by the Rev. Albra Wadleigb, Lieut. A. S.
Allrn, of Jerseitown, Col. co. to Miss Er
fie E. Smith, of Muncy, Lycoming County.
Pa. ' -
On the 11th of Feb. 1864, at St Paul's
Church, by the Rev. Kingston Loddard, D.
D., Dr. J Wilson Hewitt, of Bloomsbarg,
and Miss Fanmie F. Mills, of Phi la.
In Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C,
Feb. 23d, 1864, Malcom Mason, member
of the "Iron Guards," in the 24th year of
his age.
Of Typos Fever, on the 28th of Jan
Milton K aged 6 years, 9 months and 11
days; on the llth of FeV Emmor K., ased 9
years, 1 1 months and 4 days, and 00 the
15th of Feb. Ad Ellsworth, aged one
year, 5 months and 27 days, cbildreo of
James W. and Elizabeth Eves, ot Millville,
Col. co. Pa.,
Near this place, on the 23d inst., Mr.
Da kiel Zeiglcr, aged about 33 years. .
Iu Milton, on the llth inst., Lanah, wife
oi Charles Kkamm, aged aboat 40 years.
On the 22J, in Hemlock, Martha daugh
ter of Hiram and Martha . Appleman, aged
3 months, and ll days.
At Fooodryville, on the 19th inst., Chas.
Millkb, agad aboat 22 years.
RYE. 1
LARD, per lb.
CORN, new, 1
19 l FLOUR pr. bbl. 6
- )
Amlilor's Notice.
ALL person interested will take notice
that the undersigned appointed Auditor by
the Orphan' Court of Columbia County, to
make distribution of the balance in bands
of Lewi Yetier, Executor of the last will
and Te.-tiiment of Daniel Kisf.'er, late of
Catawissa township, deceased, amongst
the legatees, will meet the parlies interest
ed for that purpose, at his office in Blooms
burg, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday ihe
I6ih day of April next, when and where
they may attend iflhey think proper.
ROB'T F. CLARK, Auditor.
February 25, 1864. 4t.
Auditor's Notice,
TUP' undersigned Auditor, appointed by
the Orphan's Court of Columbia County, to
make distribution-amongst the lien credi
tors of Joseph R. Paxton, of the monies
raised by the 6ale of the real estate of
Joseph Pnxton dee'd., and paid into Court,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to
Ihe duties of his appointment, at hi office
in Bloomsburu, 011 Saturday, the 23d day
of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M , when
ar.d where all persons interested may at
tend if they think proper.
Feb. 25, i61 4t.
Just received at Erasmus Xew Slocrr.
Coffee, '
Together with a great variety of notions
&c, too numerous to mention.
Ps?Bu!ler, Egtfs, Meat and produce g"
e rally taken iu exchange for tiood.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 29, 1864
Cheap Hat & Cap
Another Arrival oi (iood.
No to in Yoxtr Time to Buy.
TllllE undersigned having bought out the
1 Grocery ot David Siroop, has re.noved
his Hat and Cap Store uti to Slroop's Old
Stand, where 111 addition to a superior as
sortment ot
Comprising e.ery coit and qnalit), which
will be sold at unusually low price.
He will continue 1 tie Grocery and Notion
bnsine in all ita forms a carried on by
Mr.Siroup And solicits a continuance of
the out customer.
I ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES,
ar.d LININGS to which lie iuvifs he at
tention ot Suomakers and the public.
BIoorKsburgDec. 26, 18G3.
Old Tilings KoCOllie AMY,
Tbe undersigned would ben leave to in-f,Py vefy readily do at
form his ni l friends- and ".he rst of manAi. hundred dollars
1- !. .1 1 I.I. II -L
opened r.isj OLD EST A B LI S II- f)
with a view ol tu-king
-'o -t' 1
iiienamg oid ones, for i;
L in!) iln onlir. iisid
ments, as well a
mankind, and any body el-e who il
favor turn itli ttieir work in his line.
He is prepared to do work 'EAT, Fa
lONAbLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and lio
by bOdoinu,aud strict attention to busi:S
j lo meri, aHj receive a due share of pan-
.... . .. .
a-e. JjoI lememlier, all, triat Ifiese ti
require money, or someihi'ig to live ij'i,
he tlierelore hopes and trurt, that
he ha done hi part, his cusiomersill
do theirs, by furnishing the "rea.fy Ji"
or retidy trade. For truly the Labc i
worth v ot his hue."
Cloomsborg', Sept. 10 16G2.
JYcio Stock of Clot h ig
INVITES attention to his stock cheap
and fashionable Clothing at hiStore, oc
two doors above the Jlmtricu House,
where he his- just received fromNew York
and Philadelphia, a full aasortnt'it nf
32cn ami IJovS C lolling,
i 1 x ki , 1
ableJnrable and
S, casisung ot
including the most fafhionab
" ...... - - o
fi0Xf Hack, Frock, Gum aid Oil Cloth
. n
toa.s, and I ans,
of all forts, sizes, and colors. He also ha
-1 j- 1 .i. r rl'I
repieuisneu ma aireauy tarsfeiut ui 1
and inter Shawl-; striped floored an
plain Vest, shirts, cravats, tocks, collar
handkerchiefs, gloves, suspeidera and fane
N B He hag constantlyon hand a lar
and well selected assortmetl ol Cloths a
Veilings, which he is prepied to make
to order, into any kind of clothing on v
8hort notice and in the be.-t of manner
All his clothing is made lo wear and
of it is of home manufacture.
Ol every Description, Fine and CheJ
His Case of Jewelrv 1 not surnass-ed if
place. Call and examine his generf
ortment of Clothina, Watches, ie
&lc. &c. DAY I D . LOW EN BE
Bloomsborg, Feb. 3J, 1R64.
the draf:
f ARENTS making election
x must have new papers prepa
presented previous to the draft,
lust received, old elections will
No other class of persons need re
Tore the draft.
Bloomsburg, Jaoaarj 13, 1864.
kinj, uiai lit! nas la'.eiy reiurneu iroin irnsm,T;e pay tja-.
service of hi country, atid aaii re- Jj fjuJines 'aci
Lnck'a and BlooDSburg Raiiroad.
18, 1364, PAS
Freight If
4.20 P. M.
9 15
9 55
Leave Scranton,
' Kington,
" Danville.
Arrive at North'd
moving north.
Leave North'd. 8.00 A. M.
' Danville, 8 40
Rupert, 9.22
Bloorntiburg, 9.35
Kin-ston, 12.12 P.M.
Arrive at S-ranton, 1,30
Freight & Passenger leaves Blootnsbnrg,
10.15 A. M.
I'assergers taking the Mail Traiu Snulh
connect will) the Exp.ess train from Nor
thumbarland, arriving at Harrisburg at
2.30 A. M , Bahimore, 7,00 A. M. and at
Phil'a. at 7,00 A.M. The Mail Train from
North'd, leaves immediately after Ihe Ex
press train from Ilarrisbiirg at and Balti
more, allowing Pasenuers leaving Phila
delphia, at 10,40 P. M. to reach poiuts
on this road during the neil loretioon.
New ami elegant Sleeping cars accom
pany the night trains each way beiweei
Northumberland and Baltimore, aud Nor
thumberland and Philadelphia.
H. A. FUN DA, Sopt.
J. C. Well, Gen I Tuket A$enl
Kingston, Feb. 3, .864.
Volunteers and Conscript !
To Soldiers or any ojhe's wishing 10 in
cread their income, there is no better way
of doing f-o at this time, nan from the Hula
of our Watches. They are warranted at
Represented !
"Particularly valuabl for officers in the
Army and travelers." Frank Leslie's, Feb
roary 21.
"Prettiest, best arx'cKeapest timepie
ever offered." N. Ylljustrated News, Jan
uary 10.
'Vorj pretty anddnrable Watches for
the Army." N. V Army & Navy Joum.
Government Org' Aua, 20.
"Une of the ohiM and most relinb!j
housts in busine-'' Louiiville Ky.t Jour
nal. Jul 21.
Being a Huntin;or Open Face or Ldy'
orGen'.leml's Watch Combined,
with ltent Self-Winding
Implement, a most
Posing Novelty.
VF.NIEN; AND decidedly tbe be-i
and cheape.'lime-piece for general and
reliable u eef offered. It ha within
it connacietvV'ih its machinery, its own
winding aicnmeru, rendering a k en- I
tirely un-ccsary- The ra)i of tliis j
Watch ar';mponed of iwo mal, the t
outer oniif'g Cue 16 caral gold. It has
the impr ed ruby action lever movement,
and is granted an accurate lime-piece I
Free, 1." rot) engraved, per case of fix I
dozen, '04. Sample Watches, in i.e
moroct Boxes, $3 j.
Slver Watches !
Firt O Hunting Time-Pieces for aco
r" ot movement, beiuiy of ma
.erial, and above all, cheap
ness in price, these
ww'clies must insure
universal appro
bation. ; imitation so faiiltlessjhal it can hard-
yi detected by ihe mot experience
jues. The material being of iwo metals
lrooier on lust quality blerlina Silver
vile Ihe inner one is German Silver, i
anot be recognized by cutting or hc.ivi
ttravinu, making it, not only in appaV- '
ce, dui in uuraMlitv. ihe tit .p.r.
ance of Solid
sterling bdvers in exit-
The sale of these Watches in the Army j
a source oi enormous profit, rela lio a- 1
S25 and upwards
an Le made iti a
any one of ordinary
In he-"'
engraved, j
i... J
enamel ilial, and lancy cut han N,
;n 0l)j ,,,.,,,;.. titLit,r hv ,. ' .f ...,.i.'
t ibh. Jsolu on e Pr nf I
ii.. v.. . ... 1 1 .
j j ...w J 1 rA .
Upon receipt of two dollar, ai guaran
tee of good laiih, we wilf senJ watches by
express to any part of the loyal State.',
collecting balance ot bill on delivery. Thi
ensure, buyers a2ain.-t fraud, siviui; th?nt
their wa'cbe before payment in require I.
Sol 1ers in the disloyal Si.ves musi
lasli 11 ad v a nee
, as me ex ore ss
i'oii,.itti- i
ies peremptorily refne making collections I
! in nicl danerous localitieR
Remember, f
! rjapn
I Cash ti Jidvaiue from within Ihe - army
linesm rebel State- ! We Guarantee fie j
Prtirie.iery oi hi i ate ip wulie: ir i
i aie tii' by mail or extiress
III UBAKI) BROS . Sole Importer,
! it Broadway, cor. Cor:l..ndi st V V
Vb. 24, 1864.
I Symmetry ol Form,
rap. health and mental po.t-
Hjjsing that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and
Sifio Remedy known a
.ead the advertisement in another ool
U11, and prutii by it
Iscascs and Symtomn Enumerated,
I'm It I . .
it uui Mini ire.seive 11. 1 ou inav nut
Pw fequ'r, But may at some Future D.iv.
;..Ilgive ,,ea!:h Jd ,o , J
ll Anc U)JOm ,0 ,he ,1(J ct)eek
yvnc oiooin to the n
Saves Lon2 suffering and Epourt.
1 vuirs ;jar.inieeu.
Beware of Counterfeits J
Jan. 13, 1S64 tmo.
Pittsburgh Commercial College.
Cri;teiiden's '
Stral'ori, Bryant & Co..
These Scrip?, are in amounts of S15 and
S50 and are as so much ca-h, by the Sto-
ueni on entering either of the above Col
leges. Young men desiring to obtain a
finished Collegiate Education, will here
find a good speculation by applying al the
office of the STAR OF THE NORTH.
Bloomsbnrj, Nov. 4, 1863. '
Selling off'at Keduccd
f T. SHARPLESS. wishes lo dispose of
Give him a call and examine his pi ices,
Bloomsburs:, Jan. 6, 1863.
Oo Main treel,twodoorabovetbe'Amer
ican HoieL'
Ayefs Cherry PectoraL
yiniX be exposed to public sale at the
house of Samuel Eventi, iu Orange
vide, Columbia FRIDAY THF
TH DA Y OF MARCH, A. D. 1864, at ,0
o'clock of said day, a certain - -
Tract of Timber Lund,
Mjuate in Orag8 township, Columbia co..
adjo.nmn aild of Thoma8 Hutchison, John
Achenbach, ,he heiis of John Lazarus,
deceased, and other, contain'm
Four Hundred & sixty eight
Acres, and lOl PerrheS.
sine, measure. The saidiracl is well t.ra
tered and w.ll be sold iQ the whole or in
lots to suit purchasers.
ifitJndnnSK,Urday ,he 26,h davo March,
1864, will be exposed to pnbl.c s.le on
Ihe premises al 10 o'clock of id h... .
ILot of Ground;
Mtoate in Light Street, Scoi.jownship, Col-
umb-a county, frorniug on Main S-reet of
said town, adjoining a lot of D miel Mellick
oi, ihe South Maria L. McDowell o.. th
East, Jacob Clossen on ihe North; said lot
co.i-aii,iri2 in from on Main eei of said
, ' " r r'r' 1 hereon are
erecied a Frame Dwelling Hou.e, S able
an. I Shop.
A nd on ihe same day will be off-red n
put.l.c tMle, iwo SHARES OF THE NFS.
Condition will be made known on day
of bale by J
into. Mcdowell, Ex'r'-
Lis hi Street, Ffb. 24, 1864
I N Pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Cnnrl of Columbia COUI.IV. nr. StJTIlU.
DAY THE 5 DJ Y OF MA urn .
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Hiram It!
KlineAdmyiisiralor of Thorn, Linger '
lax of Fisl.:i.2cre-k twp., in said county
deceased, will expose 10 ral, by Public
Vendoe, on 11. e premises, a certain
JIcsMinxc fc Tract orLnnd
situate in Fir-h inbreak township, alore
sVuf, adjoining Unds of Abner Welsh
David R. Alberon, Wrn Eva-.s, Harmon
Labor, Hiram R Klir.e and Jarne S Camp,
bell containing
iiissi:i i nr drres nnu r.igh-ly-scvcn
Late the Estate of sa'nl deceased, Mtna'e
in the township ol Fishin!cr-k and mumy
aforesaid. JESE COLEMAN, Clerk.
Bioofrishor, Fb. 10, 164
TERMS OF SALE. One fourth of xtm
purchase nion-y 10 he pai l on confirma
tion with int-rcsi Ironi confirmation. De.U
&o, 10 be at fhft etp-.H- of ihe purchaser.
HIRAM R. U LI X E, Admr.
For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Car-V
ISOl. The I8C4.
W. G. P. BR1NCKLOE, Pcsi.rsHm.
Otaje : 23 North St.. Phil a.
liditi'd liv
T II O .11 A S .11 ij E II A V.
H.ri's Flower Gr'n an.1 p:i
(.round ; I- run Gardeu ; Vegetable Gar Jen;
Win. low Garden.
Communications. Embracing 'ft viw
of the be?i wri:r on Horncult ure, Ari
rul r.ff. and Rural
EdiK.rial Giiing itieKtiwV view n
the important Agricultural impntveni'iifs.
Scrap and Queries New Krnii- Nw
Plan's Dome-lie anil Foreijn Intelligence
Foreign Corrdspoi.dence HortK'ul lural
Wah each Derartmnt luadnmilv .1-
1 . .
iusi ra ej .
'SMIF.J-E general femur will be erilef.
idii.en a'-i me putnistier pieiie rum-
t',at 1,0 lt''Or or exien shall he spar-
1 e.i .0 ruii-er itie sUcceettniJ i,ne, .f i every way worthy nf the favor
winch I, is prtiou e(iri have been
a'i'ply rewards. Send lor a Specimen.
February 24, 1664.
Married Ladies !
I wii! send,7re of th.irge, to any Lady
who will send her name and address, diree.
v.m- u.jw yicKiiti ine extreme pam of
No bow to have oerlert
'' henllhtj nd beautiful Children ; aUo 0111
other .ew and IMPoRTANr SECRET it.
'"'' suie and sale ren.edisB ever discov-
My ol.j-cl in making ihe above ofT-r is
10 induce every lady to iet my remedie..
A 'dies.-
767 rtroadway, New Vork City.
Keb 24. 1164. 3m
First t l.ias.Frin--ir Uag tziue lor Pran.
, Vlv.-iiua.
1SG4, The Pcimsihama 1864.
AKHLU Jc akdeei:,
acjkicul ruin:. HORTICULTURE
AM) rural affairs,
IDITtn AND I'CBtlsHKD FT S. Y 0 I N G &C0.,
52 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Tt rvi 1 : One DUIar a ytar.
Ihe Sixth Volume commencess with Jan
uary itnniber.
I JAVl.N't; obtained i!e serviret of emi
n,,l and practical Agricnl:nri,t, Hor'i
'ul tirisl. Stock Breeders and Be keeper,
we confidently ofler ihe current Volume as
one of ihe ten ever issued for onainality,
pr.pncal ihouahl and leiiable inlormatioo .
Feb. 24, 1K64-
A(;IllIuisJllltoH, IVolicc-
Estate of Benjamin Evans, late of
uranae tupt, Columbia t ounty dt
w a 10 urrcuy given inai le if o
Allminislf-Jlmn r 1 t-w-
. ... iiiiwiivsh Vfl 1 lliO IjO 110 V H J fj
nun r.van?, late ol Orange iwp,
bia County, deceased, have been
by the Renister of said county, to 1
dersitied Administrators, residing
lowribhip of Scolt and County afore
AH persons bavin" claims or d'
again! the estate ot the decedant,
quested to make them known to t
ministrators, and those indebted wi
immediate payment to
Scoli twp , Feb 10, 1864 pd
TO corvsoiPTi
Coosnmptive sufferers
valuable precrption for the j
sumption, Asihma, Brouc
Throat and Lun afTec;ions.
by seudmg their jtddres.
ItfcV. h
Willi tuiKiirgii Kinf
Jao. 27, 16i3 w.