The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 17, 1864, Image 3
STAR OF THE NORTH "WEDNESDAY MOUMNG, FEB. 17, 1864. National Ball. Oti Monday evening ceil a National Bali will be beU at the Public House of Johh Koosa, at New Col embiu. . : Host Geo. D. Jackson and John C. Ellis, ef tie House of Representatives bare our ibanka for bublic documents. . Horse Eills neatly printed at this office." Give os a call We work cheap for cash, and try to give general satisfaction. " Thc arrangements for starting a National Back, in this place, are nearly completed. , We understand the Institution is to be in operation on or about the first oi March " A. Cotulion Partt will be given at the bouse o! E. & A. P. Unangsi, at the Forks, in Fiahingcreek twp , on the 25lh inst. Silas Dodson bad quite a lively Cotillion Party at his boose, in this place, on Mon day eveniag. Nothing occurred during (he evening to mar the pleasures of thejocca aioa. Nw CocsTcBrKtr. A new counterfeit .five dollcr note on the Union Bank o( Phil adelphia was issued a few days ago. The nets is a photograph of ihe genuine, and calculated to. deceive. . Thk citizens of Bloom township in their meetings last week to lake steps towards avoiding ttie draft in this township, did not amount to ranch. li fizzed out Bat since, renewed effort has been made. Tat first National Bank of Bloomsbur Las selected for its oiScers, the following named gentlemen : President Chaelks R. Paxus; Cashier Mr. Tuscan of Northumberland j Direc tors Chas. R. Paxton, Wra. McKelvy, Win. Neal, George Hughes, J.-hn K. Groiz. Job Work Any person wishing hand bills printed, with neatness and dispatch, mud upon reasonable terms, will do well by -giving the Sraa office a call. We are pre pared and will engage to execute, any kind I a job ibis section of couctry may de mand. . Qcits a good deal of sickness is prevail ing in the cosctry. Go where you may, and you will hear of more or less ailment, and especially among the little children Fevers have been pretty prevalent this win- , ter through this section of country. Also trptheria, but not in its roost aggravated firta. - R A. Fcsda, Esq., has taken the Super intendent of the Lackawanna and Blooms-t-rg Railroad, and started ont on bis duties Monday las'. Mr. Ffxda is one of the tet moo in the State to manage a Roilroad. He was Soperictendent of the Catlaviissa "and Williamsport road for a number of f years, and ai present comes from the Elmi ra and William sport road. The Lackawan- as ana oicoinsDurg uai road company are fortunate in gettisg so competent a gentle man to take charge of their road ia place of 11 r. D. T Bound. Licct. A. C. Mknch, appointed Recruit-" iaz Ofiicer lor this county, informs as that be has enlisted thirty odd men, who ttai.d ready to receive a bounty and give credit to Eloum. We are told that the quota lor this township is lorty three. The number can be raised by paying a bounty of from 5200 to S3C0. , This would save a heap of trouble and expense hereafter. It is to the Interest of neauy every person to bare no draft go cfi in hi district. One of the amendments to the original .eenscription bill is. the throwing cf the two classes in one. The biil also provide for drafting all the nine mouths tat n. This may be all right, but we beg leave to differ with . the authorities, when Oiey make a lav to - iorce those men into the service so soon. Tbe nine months dralled men will have been but seven months at home before they will be called out again. This we deem cot exactly just and fair. . Towh Msrrtaa-On Monday . evening last Ibe citizen ot Bloom township met in Ibe Court House in this place to deliberate en the coming draft. After the meeting .became organized, by calling W. Wibt, - Esq., to (be Chair, and appointing David LowtxBcaaand Kodmas Dfitsiira, as Sec retaries, the object of the gathering was briefly stated, and a subscription commen ced at at tbe previoaa meetings, for the pur- pose of raising money sufficient to pay a tonnty of not less (ban $250 to each recruit 'who will enlist for the purpose of filling the ,qsrta for the township, and thus avoid the draft. Tbe meeting adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening.- ; In another column we publish, the prin- f:na! nflinli in ihft rnr.U'rintinn Q i I j r - r pased tbe House. There is do question t ot what it will become a law as it now stands or with, if any, very slight alteration. As it stands it reaches somewhat farther for nsen than did the original bi!L Tbe first bill seemed to want Gieeiibackt to 11 the contractors' and. shoddy meu'a pockets worse than it did soldiers. ' Now tbe Gov wants men ! The Leaguers are nan; qtriel as mice. Aflertha draft trou ble bss pased away, they may again stick cy their heads. Well venture to say not cna from this place will enlist. We mean cot ose genuine Leaguer, la good . stand ing ia ti.a society, will eajist. They belong 13 a d'.nsrent class of people than those who r o ta war and fight for the good old Union Constituiiori as oir forefathers made zZ'i :i lien to cs. ' JYIew Stock of Clothing. FALL 6 WINTER GOODS, JSJTBB' sWffiSffi. TNV1TES at'ention to bis. stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at bis Store, on MJUN street, blooms burg. two doors above the American House, where be has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a foil assortment of Men and Boy's nothing, including Hie mol fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol Box, Sack, Frock, Cum and Oil Clot!. Coals, and Pants, of all sr-rts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished hi? already larue stock of F'al! and Winter" Shawl; striped. fimTed arid plain Vests, shirt, cravats, slock-,, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender a J fat:cy article. N B He hns constantly on hand a lai-e and well selected assortment ol Cloths and Vesting, which he is prepared to make op to order, into a'iy kind ol clo hing on very short notice and in the bet of manner. All his olplfwng i mnda to wear and mo-t of it i ol home manufacture. AND Ot every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Cae of Jewelry not urpae1 in this place. Call and examine hin aeneral as sortment ol Cloihina, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &e. CAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsbur'g, Feb. 3d. THE DRAFT. P ARENTS making election of fonc, miiKl have new papers prepared, and presented previous to the draft. By orders juM revived, old electiotis will not ;!-. No other rlaps of persons need report be fore the draft. W. WIRT & CO , FIRST DOOR BELOW SLOAN'S STORE: Bloompburg January 13, 1864. iMd Things Br come I'ew, The undersigned would be leave to in form hit old friend., anil "ihe rest of man kind," that he hao lately returned from itie service of his country, and n2ir re opened hi- OLD EST A RMS H- S EDTAILORIKGSALOO N,K with a view of making up entire new gur menii", as well as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body el-e, who may favor bun with teir work in his luie. He t- prepared to do work NEAT, Fash lONABLEand SUBaTANTIAL, and hope by so doinsr, ar-d vtnet attention to buHiiens to meri' and receive a doe nhare of pairon aue. But remember, all, that iKrc times require money, or omethini; to livr upon, he ihtfrelore hopes and truft, that when he ha done hi part, hi, cnwioniers will do theirs by furnishing the "ra ty John," or ready trade. For truly the ,;Laborer worthv ol his hire." BERNARD Rli PERT. Bloonisruirs, Sept. 10 1862. Cheap Hat & Cap KTOISE BEUVEO. Another Arrival ol" rood. Now is J our Time to Dug. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. TIlflE undersianed having ont .; J. Grocery ol David Stroup, ha re noved his Hat and Cap Store up to Slronp' Old Stand, where iu addition to a superior as foriineot ol SPRING AND SUMMER Q HATS aND CAPS, Comiisniz every noit and quality, which will be f-old at ctiOr'irtlly low price II wiij continue ttie Grtccry and Notinn biiireis in all lornis as carried oi by Mr. S roup And solicit a continuance oi the old customers. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which r.e inviies trie at tention ol Shoemakers and the public. JOHN K. GIUTON. Bioornnburs:, Dc. 26? 163 SCUOLARSHII' -FOB SALE. Pitisbnrah Commercial CoLiege. Biniihhmtin Crittenden's " ' Philadelphia. ' Strat'oo, Bryant & Co., " These, are in amounts of S15 and S50 and are as so'ninch ca-h , by the Sin deni on entering eiiher of the above Col (j. Your g men deiring lo ot:ain a finished Collegiate Eiucation, will here find a good specnlatioo by aintlyi'V! the efhee ot the STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 4. 1863. Lack'a and iiioomsburg Railroad. ON AND AFTER JAN. 18. 1364. PAS SCNCEU TRAIN WILL RUN AS FOL LOWS MOVING SODTH. Freight If Passenger. Pastenger. 4.20 P. M. 5.55 8.25 8.35 9 15 9 55 Leave Seranton, Kingston, Bloomsbnrg " Rupert, . Danville, Arrive at ft'orth'd. MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. 8 00 A M. " Danville, Rupert, u Bloomsbnrg, . ' Kingston, 8.40 9.22 9 35 12.12 P.M. 1,30 Arrive at Seranton, Freisht & Passenger leaves Bloosnsbarg. 1015 A.M. Passergers taking the Mail Train Sonth connect with the Express train from Nor thumberland, arriving at Harrisburs a 2.30 A. M , Baltimore, 7,00 A. M. and at PhiFa-al7,00 A.M. the Mail Train from Nonh'd, leaves immediately after the Ex press train from Harrii-burg at and Gaiii more, allowing Pas.-enifers leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P- M. to reach poin.s on this road daring the next forenoon. ' New and elegant Sleeping cars accom pany the night trains each way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. D. T. :-OUXD, Sopt. J. C. Wrelis, Gen I Ticket A'gent Kingston, Feb. 3, 864. - S idling off at Iteduced PRICES! f T. SHARPLESS, wishes to dispose of JLl bis PRESENT STOCK of GOODS TO READY PAY CUSTOMERS at REDUCED RATES. - Give him a call and examine his prices. Bloomsbnrg, Jan."6, 1863. DAVID L0WE5BEUG, aL O T II I N GST OR E, Oa Miiu street, two dooriabovethe'Amer baa Hotel,. SUECIFF'S SALES, BY virtue of several writs of venditioni exponas, to me directed, isued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed to pnblic sale, at the Court House, in Bloomsbn r-f . on SATURDAY THE 51 H OF MARCH 1864, at 1 o'clock in the aiiernoon, the following ! re-U etjt.tle, to w n: '. . r.i i:..: l-.l ..,, ..( .At I fie uoe uriiii v tu ri mihh j oh th:it' certain lot of !.-).! situate tit Oranse 'towtiship. Cuiiitnbiii to , bounded and uV- ecrtbed'aS loltows,. to wi! ; bwiiiiis.i; at a t'liiiernttt in line tl luiil !u r AI , Mo Do well, thence ky h' s.-ici' muth ten de oree.s vves' ttirteen ami o-te ball perches to an elm, nor h lweni 'im dernei vt twenty on-' and eilu ten'hs tea w hi e oak ttienct north t-ixly nine daree east le-f it and fik'H tfiitbs to h niap'e. nonS !xn tuo anif one hall df:t C ets! and forty nme to n rle. South I ' re- ib'Ji-s eaH eiahtfieu p-'rehes to .i b ckory, !:;r:h t'lir'y five eV;!r.t t'lirtopt'. erf!i" o 2re-. east Irti.r p-r'rie lo a slnke, t;-.ein ofWm Whoe, Kouth tt"r:y -'.nr ttjEree west, titty Ivur percnes t' a st;s;n. South sixty four decree wait ;;v--!ttv ner- ('lies IO 3 'iiiJ. tn'iC- DV !!''.' Mati!ev Mi-Do .-!!, sou'b t-iuh'.j ',- of rV-'i.. J '.nf- lernti! th fUc of L ft; t fi ri i rs . eo'itr. Eijjbt Acrf nii'te or rbrt n;-! which t- clfrnd erecfed a fir-t i l i-s la id ; w iT;ip.ti. POWDER MILL, co. lfi-'insj; of Sit-ato Enii.e, hi .-min- oonse, Sualtin, and iron "faring it!t trtitaa-l zuie, dry honso. ami other r-few-satv buildings, ihe alores.ud buildings nt i j chii!r ate new and in coo.i runjji;'1 I der; tncr is aUo -o t 1 1VATE11 roU'KIl POWDEIl MILL, j witti all ibe tii":t re-nlj, tor use amt a two ciory Ftam Dwe'l House and S a ble, vyrth the aopurien.ioces. t Seized, taken in exeenl'nn ard to be sold as the property ol Emanuel Lazaius. A S O, The one undivided one tlurd part of aM 'h Jt 'certain lot ol round'e in Orange township, Columbia coon y, bo -mded i described s f.illiuvs :. Beitionin at a Knt. Iernt;i in line ol land late Matthew. Mc Dowell, thence by the same N 'ith ten te- rees west thirteen mid one hail perch.s to att Elm, north twenty inn; decree we?t i twenty one and e.Uht .enth to a wh.te oak, thence nor'h -ixt n ine de rees as; EI-" ei and five tenths to a Maple, north tbir two and one halt feree- eao ami Itiriy nine percoes io a maple, nouth thie. de greesi east eiibten i-erche to a .hickory, north ttiirty five deree east thirteen pr cbes to a pine stump, oorih sei-ni) riven dere-s eai four ptchei to a (Mke.thenee by lai.dsi ot Win White, soaih thirty lonr degrees wet li-ty f"ir perches io a siak-, five debtees we-t tvyer.iy ,. ercli- es to a -tone, thence by lands late ol Mai- hew MeDowell smiiIi eighty seven de iltee vesi menu five perche lo a Uut- 'ernut ih place ot beii.nin, cnniamiog t- . it .... Ii.ini acres omre r i-i'i- mi'si ui twho h is cieie tatui; . wnereuporj are ; erected lir-t lst POWDER MILL, coitsi-t uii ol Engine, Engine House, Shafiim. and Iron Gearinj, with Mutia zme, dry boie, at)d other itece-sary t udd ins, t!j- aforesaid buildings and machin ery are new and in good running order; there i also h oo I WAT EI? POWER FOWDCR 5! ILL, with ai! the fixings ready for ue, and a two Story Frame Dwelling Ho ise and sta ble, with tit. appurtenances Seized, taken in execution and io be sold as ihe property of J. S. Woods. ALSO, Th one undivided or third part of all rht certain lot of land situate in Orne l)wiiiip, UO'.tmnia cooniv, riiiini;mi ami described as hdirnvs, to wit: Beginning a! a bnttO'i-n' in loie of land lat- Matihew McDowell, thettce by the sa ce North ten d-ur-cs west ihirieeo unci oti hal perches to an elm. North evenly nine degr-. we-t twenty one and eijht lenliis to a wtire oak, tlftoe north sixty nine decrees east fleveti and fie tei.ttis to a manle, oorih ttuny two .on! one !i.ilf dc-:rees eat and forlv nine j.en nes to a ma;d, sonth ti ree !d.;re eiS' eighteen perc.ites ;o .i liictiory. tinrt'. thirty fi'e dpiee ea -1 '- i t'e-n pert t;.i- m a piiie s'notp. north iwe.ity v-rt tie.e enst lour p-'u-h-s to a stake, ene b U-.ds ol V Hi White, d' owi ' i ir- hv;r " jrees ueti fii'y ii ur perches '.. t .-;ake, south sixty de'r'-cs vst ifn'-. ,' ; e to a st;iie, ti'.rtice by f 1 li e a' .t' thew McDowell -ont" ei-'t'y s v-.u ' : rees west twenty five perches to a I'ui tf-rtiut li e plac ot beginning. ' con'nit.i EitstA. res more or les, tt.e ni.i- f.i which & cleared lam!, '.vhereot. arf ei ..-1 a First Cia-s POWDER MILL. r-onsistina cd Siairt E' -'i'.e, ei.ame bon-e sbbtii;s. arid I'oi. (ieat.t 2. with ma.' izin-. dr liou-e, and o ber pece-cry bmb! i--; ibe aforesaid, buddings mid iini. h inery ore ii an J in iood runr.ini onlr. 'here i- 'IvATKK ipWi:RIt)WDrJU 3IILL, with all the fixing 'ea ty lor Use, and a Two Story Frame Dwelling House and sta ble, wilh ibe appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Fisher. A I, SO, All-tha' certain Jot ol ground situate in Orangeville, Columbia county, beins in frontline honored and two feet, more or less, and in rfebth one hundred and -even-leen feel, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit : On Ihe wei by-Main Street, or. the north by lot Alexander Hnti'ies on the ea-t by the late Isaiah Conner, a:-d o-t Ihe sonth bv lot ol Samuel Even't, w here on are ereced a I irie iwo S!"ry UitlCK DWLLLIXG UOtSE a larje Frame Sfre ami , I $ house, and a good Stable Aj'tH wood iiou-e, wi;h all the p punenances. Seized, taken in execntion and to be sold as ihe propert of Era anuel Lazarus. AI-SO, . All the follow ing de-enbed lots of land sitUKied in Centre towusinp Columbia Co , lot No. 1, known, as the Hui;.i;i Io', te ifionit.U at a s one 10 lio- tol.ftd ol L'iw il Kroiners; ihe.r.ce by ie.-atie sonth 7i, west lour ptir-hes. IO a S O:.; tl-.ini e oof.'.l west tea jiUrch-s m .1 s.,i,; ih?nce by laini of H. t. Frea-, n-rth 7 li decrees, -asl Jour patches t' a lone; li.euce h land la e of Andrew Haaenboch, ou:u 2?i east ten purches to bcinniti';, containing I Jorty porcLe-, whereon is erecieti a lime kiln, lot to. 2, known a ne imur aou De.uterich M. the undivided half part oi a lot oi limc-stoue lard, begiuuina at a sione in lm to land oi Low &l Brother; thence south 7$, wert four purches to a rione; tnence-by land of the la'.e Aiidrew Hageubuch, N-i 26i, wet ten porches to a clone; thence by landoi H.C. Fieas. No. 71 j, easl lour purches to a stone; 1 fiance, souih 29$. east len parch t lUe beir. ning, containing lorty purches, whereon is erected a lime kiln and lima bouse, lot No. 3, lot of lime-sione land, known ns the Henry G. Miller lot, bounded by land of Henry C. Barton, oa th norttt by lot known as Kirkendall's quarry, on the east by land of E. W. M. Low on the Sou'h, and by land of Fra and Bowman on Ihe weM, containing about thr e-eighls of an acre; there is on tbe -premise a frame dwelling house one story and a balf high, lime loin at;d lime house and a smalt frame stable. Mot No. four, hein Loose an J In bouiidtvf by lot ol L W. VVoolley, on the b the L & B Raiimad, on the Mii:vi by ; .be pui.SK!, Highway lrom Cen.rev.i. to j Fimick on ifm west. cotH5iiniii about i otie etybth of ait acre, wnereon i ejected a. fraii.e dwelltns ho'iftv and a Itan.e s'abie, lot No. 5. being a lot ol In rid kno-vti a the whrfri 'ol, beinnioij at me Derm-bank of It. e North Branch canal, a: the comer ol a lot ol J"h Si.rlihamme i; tiience up the ai.l canal un tne bank ilir.reol N i E. ft-j ' piirt-he- to the corner of a lot of Jonn fill! Oil", ilieoce alo 'S li s;ifto Ht'i v.est sveii pnrciio to lutnl ol L V. WoMl'Sj lionet-' the ,-j'i!t' Ontr. 7iJ vt-st pit !:;-- to ; Mt fit rri r j J.iiiii c?ne!iiiicier, u'oiiu a M'hait, il o! i v. i I 1 lot suit II . 031 ri eoni-r or. it'- ' die i'!i-t-, ol b- j i . t t: J : ''ert? - i ev.'n ' ' . , I " j I " "; ' fC vm, tedes so I tt;t cm a j i r j ': -ve; ,t: l.i-f.- -'T lea. IX C. si I,- ' ih- -tone, boi. iitltf t.i.Uo Ts t o ',v i : 0:1 d fie ' ? ; ;i ":" '.' i. " ceutr-j r-i le.idi.r t; ir; .itHLtc by to the Vit-.A,: !: i- c,c:-l: ! . ' ' : :u.i:r ; lj!-d Ncj. irf. ea-, 6 y-lii ai.tti's-r i.e. 01 0 lltdao'; liteiii: t:u AO. 3j v.e.-i 'Ot.r pnrctif 10 i.mi U.e 01 Joint Fr"a & Co: UifTsc '!' u ; io Bkid and a I'M .1 he defr n ltili: -OMtli 5S. west 6 5 10 pri.etis 10 it,,' t,,tte ie 10 : p,.blitt read ab rf-.t d: ' lio"i.; .'ion tbo- cf-itr- o1 Hi" sai.j inbbc toiid -tt-i a o5, -;-: f:'nr porches t j ih plac" ot tf.., n.i.'i; c rii rt 1 t.f'vv sq'.' ir j't r :'it-s jitifi tutMMiii-. I.t.i No -even, J-o "tit? lo'. 'T cmr.nd l- u'i le .11 tisirtr'd a f'-tot.s: b io!nitii at a done, :hi-ee north 30 east Hit roul 2 8 10 pinch es to a Mio-e; t'-etice b landoi l-ac Low, decae.l, north 47, west ei'jht purchen to a, Riiinf thence sonth 30 west aK', land of the said lsaae Low, deceased, one purch to a stone or corner of land ol Levi Ktrkeiidall hi C .; the ce by the sfltne Biiuih 36, eiit 8 5 10 parcli-s to the b;ifi iitij. cootHintnj fi;t'-e!i porebes n:or tr ltss. Ln N'i. 8. also one o'.her lot of land boM.drd t d df-enbed as t'diows lo vii: BeMiiiinj; at c comer ot th bam on the line of lanJ belonuin io t ie hftr nt I ..41'. t.riC. (!tCtilS J(l: thence 35 , VVKSl 3,(J f,lirches alo, land of Lev, KU- end.ill ii Co., to ihe land of the bir- of j,hant snceess. sa..-L'i.-. . jec-a-.!; trietitre by ihei-amej JSetther its importance, nor its feasi soisiii 7, 6 8 10 purch'. to other land off biiity cn be called i n queAtiori. Lei the del-, tidat. t; thence by le same nonth 3s east 39 purch.t- to la j.t of tne hVir ol Isaac L'iw, decea-ed ttience by the same north 58, east 6 7-10 porehe lo ihrf place of be S'l.ning. conuitiiog one acre and eighty Lo, NiK 9, aUrt tt,e u,.div.ded eighth ol ; t(le ., pum;( to!j e;a,lt hi3ta , Ihw ... ,.. thereof. itj.Ort n.ri. jnn s.Jve:i leninH oi a ourco. 1- 0 j near the above last described lot ol one ! acre, 81 7 to porches, and used to aecotn module the house &c. Allol the aoove i f iinate in il e sjid township ot centre, Columhia coutoy. Seized, taneii in execution and to be told as the properly ol IlicharJ Torby. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate in Ihe village of Benton, Benton township. Colombia Co., comai'.tit.g one-half acre more or less, bo in 'e d and described a ollows to w it: O.i ttie south by lt ol II. VV Bangs, on the west by an alley, on m north by an allev, on the as S the main are erected a good frame two slcry vtwtliii g house, a frame cabinet shop and a frame stable, witii the nppar te nance. Seized, taken in execution and to be uold as the 1 ro;ertv of G Nob e. JCSIAH H. FU11MAN, Sherid". Sheriff's OlTice, Blof'.-nshnrg. Feb. 3, 1SS4. j Ali5Siiistrn1os-5 TVolst'c. Lune-io t- t i-v : i.-. M i-t'-nr co'i-t A': o-i-o ' a';'j ii,- - a; :i-i - ''. r e t!-red- i-t r- ffij.t- - -i - i k t.ow't t ; A't'i!' i i ' ";'f wi ''' ' . -t un persons i.idi-f.t-'t ! - t-q-.f.'-,! 1 i Tiuke ,.Mi-n; i t'..: t.) the nn Jcr-iijiiC'i. JOHN DIIJMNE A:o.r. J.T. ;- f . 1Ki;4. fi . s d in ini !; rs ice. Estate if Henry Kilchet., dccnisl. ETI'ERoi A.i.'si-itstra'i"'. on the E 5 4 i ;! ol Plet-rC K ci.iMt. late oi (I'Cri fl to a is.hip, Columbia toi&tv do.:'.: Ol si'. t?een ;-rant bv b' ! Lt-t'-r ('i-i io the tif'ei-i-j rttl usm rt--n!e io !"-,.to. ' n-hip. All p-r-'nis ?":'!. It. .;s acai tsi th.1 E lait-u. ttie dci-cleni r.-fuiMVf-il to ncch! t'letii 'or seole . o ihe A'lminiK'.rators with 't.t oeiay. ) ;..i those itidet. ed to the cs;ate io mak; j pr:yn.ent Inntiwith. URIAH U. HARRAR, . , RICHARD KITCHEN, A Dec. 23, 1863 6w.-S2 00 irmr s ATTENTION! TO ALL Wllo.11 II MAY' COCi:iSN. THE undersisned bein a remdarly "li censed A cctiorieer," hereby offers his s-r vices as uch, i all who may leel dispose.' loiiivebima call. His ureal experience in ilie bufines, will eoabb him tr remitr sa!hciion to hi cus'omers. At the same .iioe he cautions all Aciioneer. tlOl ltcen ed, lrom following -aid callt'i" tlie fiu? fixed by the U. S. " i II uurely ba imposed and the lav? carried out to ii bill et;:ji: AM i ersoo- denring f' ot-tniri my sMvicee, ..ill ph-a-e inl'ortn me to that erfe.-t bcio-e : ev -.iveriise. J. l- RICE, Auc'r. Liyl t Street, Nov. f. 1863 National Foundry. BIonni!r.lur, Columbia o., 'Sne s,ib-nbjr, proprietor of the tbove named evt ensive establishment, i f-r,w i.ropared I : recive.rrl-r lor ..11 kinds nf rr.achii.-rv. frirCOI.LERIES. BLAST FI R N A ES STATIONARY ENCilN ES, HILL'S THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, Lc. He o alo prepared to make Sove-s, all size- and pattern, Plow-irons, Hnd every tiiina usiily made in tirt-clas Foundries H7s exiansive facilities and practical workman, wairant him in receiving ihe largest cordracis or the most reasonable terms." pg1 Grain of all kind will be taken in exchange for castiog. dr Thin establishmeni is located near he Lackawanna Riilroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sepi. 9, 1863. BLANKS! BLANKS! BLAAKSIl DEEDS, SUMMONS EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper & de8irableforms,fo sale at the nfiic of ttio uiur ofth Notts.' . lis' att oj ttenry uiiaine, ueceaseu: , t m uoinft. ..-. i i.E TIERS oi Ad-riris.;.,tion on the fi- ! -rly v.iii be ,tona:ed m the tmke hoioVr., , g-sjo received from the eastern ,.e -I Ih nry M, la e of Mad "") V-- ' lh" 1 riee-; j II Ji (j HOW 0 in at ,be 0;j iMouownsf ip. Columbia ro.y. deceased ' ''-'"'' bee" ", (!" a Miler.did aortment of . . . ! .1 .. ...,r-.mi :.! the io-.iss ineeitn? held i j. Iff ff."ffj. I I. i . t. 1 ' . . . . . .1 . . i I... .4 rx.r.r I tiave bee., urant- t ty th'i iwuipter o. .i . , i -- - - - . i rri'ri.ifn.-cr-i - .. I... ft! w ... ii.M'i. ir. n above stated, ;ii;d aIikIi cotisits ol tlie I 2&2e& dZIZE PERSIAN'S INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL DOME ENTERPRISE 58 5 BROADWAY NEW YORK. T H B 2I3JIC:& OP THE R2 2SLLI IT. ffie flfn9f Complete and Magnificent Jf'ar Exhibition V.xla it . '... . , f- - Home, 100,000 TICKETS AT St EACH.. A DONA TiOAr orS34.720 in VotnaNe Prop etly lo the Ticket Holders. JOSIAH PEKHA.V1, Agent for the Pro printers, bas tbt- tionor to announce a plari fr.r creqtiu'j a fund for the Iciindinu oi a aiiro,l Li-i i'oMoo, to be a borne for Iu- disabled, (fisclmroed soldier. . . - I -.4 I' ....... . i. r.l i li e ".ruHirti nlip'.Tf ui lieriu i-.-uci tn:tbi- nil was 100,000 one. tl.ird of :,ieh have bei. already iltsposed of in I5--I0"., lai. vvlHrt the etilerprise was first prci'Med. E o-.t'of the One. Dollar Ticket i- aood lor &--it Ad:o.Mons t o t -. Marnrn'tth MTU: .'.til OF TH -T. REBELLION, ':s '.: .. j.Jwaj, New York City, or v!:ctf ver tii exhibited. . it iit ol i'ie ,.rt fits of the erit'ue pale will ce xcht'i vely devoted Kiid donated to tt" at'.jyj nme-t (-.atriotic object. Ateor.MitLi to the oriirir'iil advertised plan, i Ma-s ,i eei ioij ol the ticket hold ers was l.cU tu I'anettil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4 h. and an atijoorried meelio at ttie -itne l tee on Doc, 15ih. The lol ..viiti !:a i" i jt'iiileineii were elec-d a h V,n of I'm -tee, io receive the - lundf. which may ac'ru- Irjm the novel enter orise. and f aptwoimate the same to this object in acc ort.ance wuli the plans of the oriiitoalur ; (Jen John S. T)ler, Hosion : his Excellency Governor Jumes Y. Smith, of Unt'.de Island; Hon. Geo Bri22S of New York ; hi Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin of Petiii.vlvania; Majo' Gen N. 1. Mass.. Msj'Ji Gju. O O. Ilowan. ol Maine: j hi- E.ce! Gov. Richard Yates, of ! Illinois. ' To speedily accomplish lhi real ob I ici, even wise me.Mit will be osed by the projector to erTct the immediate fale ; o! ,te ,,t teis; and he calls upon 'he loyal . l t asr.'iactlt; in "ltrvidlt j oti; linderakii,S forward to a trium" f (ffu, l"u iporil in a spirit worthy o nroi(ct. and no obstacles shall delay its consummation. Making the proposition in ;ood faith, I an, ,ea.u- to devote hi whole energies to .i .. ir it, a nm nr rirmtv tie- t ,i(SV the !lt!t, of popular lavor will flow J .(i MtttA direction, and accomplish .t .. ... ....... .ho ,.r.,,;nn nf a ' III' I'lUIHI, WH IIIVHIV i permanent National Institution, which ; , a IHylnm lor the retired soldier, hose loss of heaUh or limb is his cliplo- i". a ffir heroic, services nerformed in hi? country's cause, and which shall 20 down to lite future generations a blessing to man kind and an enduring monument to the liLerality of lha loyal people. 'd'v cow::-inirig this enterprise with a public pin- ol arnostitnerM ol such well e-t.ttli-l;ed high chiiracter ar.d merit, ihe Mtbsciiber to liie fauu. while givii g h'.s money ior the promotion of a great ciars iuble design, Ktay receive a lull equiva- 1 lent for the ouiiay in w itnessing thi cplen-.'.id series of Paintings ATTARACriVE COUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To etTecl Ihe speediest passible sale of these ticket.., so that unnecessary expense may be tAtiJ, and lite National Home Fond oroporsi'oiia'ely iocreaseo, a luUi.-er j iniiticsr.iar.l is offered as a oounty to pur , ch?.cr. j soon a 1 hi ti"Uets shall have been i uold, in addi:'fti to one hif tho profit-j. as Jotli-wir 2 .eiittrm!! wno. no receipt oi ;-. ! ..-,,-- - I!-- s.,o.e, t.y . . v. -'s iti I'CKi'l noi.iers i.i I A - r ' K-v;e tin ' !"v lfi .- it-re t' t'" i n l !avi io -twi ! jif'fji : iio k. i. II mi. C V , ( . en. Iloni Col. A J Wrt-jhl. John C Ilay , of l!o-ior, Joh ..' Wt br ier E-q., i n r- K-q. '' ."' I i . ' i-1' ' ' Oi .',.; 'h."..'. Si'li :-- .;JI.I f'o n-hi,h . .M i-s , --...,c f.-q , t)l DDNA IION PROPERTY the it k't'LolJcrs tciU be eJ.tlitt. ! One en'ce! r. i 'et i e mi te Cily i T';,t.HfV Mar--, tai-iei' at ' 10 000 ; Tfiree Poino lor1.-, ai .V'O e ic'i ; Five t'.P-lor!es. val. a ?TtiO each ! F-v t ; r , I I WalcheA, u- $l(-0 each, : fj i, J U t.-!es, at f3(i each, 0(1 l,5f 0 fiOO SCO i Two -h ti"i in Ihe 'lo on s.nd . or i Railroad, a- !30each. Two shar-u in the.B'.-ion a;nl Maine K R. valued at 5130 each, Two shares in the Merchant' Dank, Bo-iom. at 5100 each, 2C0 200 Siv. thousand Odd Union Medalj valued al 3 each, 18,000 Two Se wing Machine?, at $50 each, 100 Total, ?34,720 Duo notice will be given of the nex mnss meetin? of t e ticket holders which yill take place in New Yoik City. A Nitinnal Home Ticket, costing one dollar, consist of five coupoiin, tour ol which mo ;td-wissio'is to the Mirror, good at any time, and 'h other a certificate of an i;itertt in the Enterprise, which the pur!:'i?'r retans. The a-dmisk'H. coupon may be osed sep araiely, or all at once. a .suits the couve nieiiie of the purchaser. AH coinmunica-.ioio on the subject, and all orders .'cr tickets bv mail, or exoress, should be directed lo JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 5S5 Broadyvay. New York Cuj. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active inleref-t in this ehariiabie nn lertaktnii, by getting up cinbs, w ill receive eleven tickets lor every en vtt lr ent Jn 20. 18IU - UOUMKDS ASSOCIITIOX. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of ihe Nervous. Seminal, Urinary aod Sexual System new and re liable treatment in Reports oi the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in pealed letter envelopes, .free ol charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'reet Ph'dadeiiihia, Ta. Dec. 16, 1863 ly. NOTICE. ALL persona having claim of EXEMP TION from the DRAFT, can have their papers promptly and carefully drawn by calling at the Office ot ihe undersigned, in Bloomsbora, Columbia oonty, Penna. Olfict, Second Door West of thc Court Honse. MICHAEL F. EYERLY. Jwoarj 6, 1S64. . TUE SINGER SEWIG MACHINES, j -r-vnn r itpr A Famdv Sewins Machine ie - j - i iat itainins a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has ho many use ful appliances for Hemminr, Binding, Fell ins, Tuckins, Gaiherin.?, Guamg, Braiding Embroidering, Cordinjz, and so lorth. No other Family Sewing Machine has bo much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will tew all kinds of clo h, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recer.l improvement .nake our Family Sewing Machine tnoM reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes ihe intsrlocked stitch, which in the best stitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity,can see, at a stance how io ue the letter A Family Seini Machine. Our Family Sewins Machine are fini-hed iu chaste and exquisite style. Toe Foldina Ca?e of the Family Ma chine is a piece ot cunning workmanship of ir e most useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to be operand may be opened as a spacio-is and eub-tantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the ebnicpM woods, are finished in the sim plest a ttl chasiesi manner possible, others am adorned and embelihed in the inot cosily and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of its teat capacity and beauty. It is las becomins as popular for family sev. it)' a- our Manufacturing machines are tor inaniifaclnriKii purposes. Tbe Branch Oiltces are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THESINGEll MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway, ft. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE..810 Chestnut St N. S. Tinuley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. A. J. Evan-, Agent, in-Iiioomsburg. . Nov. li, 1P63. AND SEC OS D HAND 42 4 IT 27 .! O l JL' JLi Uj IKV YOREt SAFE DEPOT 71 William Street, Ntto York. Size and Trices of IAlUf's Fire-Proof O UTSID E: IleUzKl. Wullh. Depth. No. 1 24 20 20 No. 2 26 22 24 "No. 3 30 24 24 No. 4 32 23 24 No. 5 34 31 24 No. 6 40 31 24 INSIDE: Ileiuhl. Width. .Difth No 1 17 11 . 12 No. 2 I9i 12 12 No. 3 21 15 12 No. 4 22 18 1 No. 5 24 21 14 No. 6 31 21 15 PRicr. pnicB. Number 1 S50 00 I Number 4 85 00 ! do 2 60 Oa j do 5 103 00 j do 3 70 00 J do 6 115 00 November 1 I, 1S63. Qfin onn more :.ien wanted OUVJ,UU T0 ()UELL REBELLION! RE VOL UTION IN HIGH PRICES! XEAV Alt RIVAL OF li I. TV I.TKK GOODS. AT PKTER EXTS STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. cilies (ttaud I a-hich will bf -ol I cheap for j 0ASIj qj, CQUXTKY PRODUCE ! Hts rtock coti.-i.-is of Ladies Dress Good, choicest s;yier and lateot fd6fc.ic-5. CALK'OKS, MUSLIMS. CJiNttilAMS. FLANNELS. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. tC; i:cady-.1inilc Clothing:, SATIN EV, CUSSIUEIICS. COT TONAKKS, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. sJi. CO C23 UP 122. 2Z 02 S3 QUEENS WAKE, CEDAUWAilE, HARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, BC0TS AND SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In t-hort everything usually kept in a country stor. Th' patronage of his old friend, and thu public generally, is respectfully to IlciieJ. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 11, 1S j3. VtJLlllVI O KJVISJ O. OF FALL AND V. INTER CCGDS. fJHE subscriber has just returned from the Cities with another large and teiect assortment of FA I.J. & WIXTEK GOODS, pnrchasad at Philadelphia andNew York, at .3 lowest fiiiure, and which he is determined roseil on as moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in BloombLcrg. His stock comprise Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latent fashions. DRY GOODS, rc3. a cd IP a 23 HARDWARK. QUEENS WARE. C. KDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sic, &c. In short, usually kept in country ttoresjto which be iuvites the public gener ally. The highest price will be paid for coun trv produce, in exchance for good?. y r STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsbnrg, Jan. 6, 1864. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. OfTie on Main St.eet, First door below A J. Slcan'a Stora. THE SCIENTIFIC ASIEBIC.lIf We do nrf believe that eren in tbie ofcheap publications any worK can o more reasonaMe than tbe term - of tb Scientific American at $2 per annnm with 25 per cent, discount for cloba of 10 to form a yearly volume of 832 pagef quarto, with an immense number of origi nal enjiravioss of patanted machinest valu able inventions, and objects of scientifia interest. There is not an industrial pnrauto which does not receive a share of its at tention. It contains official lists of pat ant claims, important statistics, practical re cipes for domestic purposes and has leuj; stood, both in ibis country a-ol in Fuopet as the highest authorny in ihe mettiaruo arid and nences. There is no poblicatioi liore valuabte to the farmer, the miller, ihe engineer, the iron founder the median ic, or ihe manufacturer. Ws have never opeced a number without learning foms thins we never knew betoreand obtaining valuable inlormation for the benefit of our readers- The Publishers, Messrs. Mono & Go, of 37 Park How, New York, have deserved the surcess which lhy bav achieved. No one thculd visit that cily without calling at iheir palatial establish ment, which is a museum of inventive genius, collected from the entire werlJ If any of our friend do not know this work and will lake our advice, they will mail S3 and become subscribers immediate!), or by applying to the Publishers they can ob tain a specimen copy gratis, which will be 6ure to confirm lae truth ol ourjecommeqi dation." TEKIHSLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets For Ihe ITIillonl! A most valuable and wonderlul pnblrr CS. cation. A work of 400 pases, and 2i colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM, an original and popular treatise on Man and Wcman, their Pbye iology, Functions, and Sexual diorder of every kind, with Nevet-Failing Remediee for their ppeedy cure. Tbe practice of' Dr. HUNTER has long been, and BtillJ if unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numf eroui persons, he ha been induced to ex.end his medical i sefolness tbrougK the medium of hi "VADEMECUM." J is a volume that should be in the band of every family in ihe land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for ihe allevia tion of one of ihe most awlo I and detroc live scourge ever visited mankind On copy, peourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ot postage lo any part of the Uni ted States for 50 cents in P. O. ftamp,i conies for SI. Address, pot paid, DR, HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, N York Sept. 9. 1863. JUfeT PUBLISHED. i A SPLENDID STEEL PLATE MEZZOT- INT ENGRAVING OF Uajor-Ceneral George B. KeCIeU&o. On the Rattle Field of ANTJETAItf. Size cr Pictuhk 13$ BY 24 incus riMlE Original Painting wa made from life, to order of the Publisher, by th celebrated Artist, C. Schufele. Esq..(wbo is the only one the General a to). Il represent him on his celebrated borss Dat.iel Webeier, (preseuted to him by the ciiizens of Cincinnati,) taking io orMr vation r i the field, in the latter part ol the day, as the Rebels were falling back. Ia the fore around are seen the desolat-ons of he baule broken guns, shattered tree &c In the distance amongst tbe smoke and dun, are Ptafi officers, artillery, car airy and infantry. The whole picture i an admirable composition, and displays Ihm rari genitis of the Artist. FR1CE OF THE ENGRAVING. Single copy, io one address, $3 00 Two copies 44 5 00 Three, 44 6 00 Sent by mail post-paid. Persons acting as Agents and ordering one copy at three dollars, car. bave sob stquer.l ones at two dollars each. Travel ing Canvassers ordering largely, will t supplied on liberal term. Address JOHN DAINTY". Publishes. 17 Sonth Sixth St., Philadelphia. Jan. 13, 1864. ors' lYotice. Estate of Daniel Levan, late ef Roar inzcreek twp., Columbia CO., decI. IETTERS ol admiuisdraiion on the estate A of Daniel Levan, late of Roaringcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been "ranted by the Register of Columbia countv. to John Levan of Roaringcreek ip.t and William Goodman of Locust twp., in said county. All persons having claims asaiost the esial of the decedent are re quested to present them lo the administra tors for settlement without delay, and all those iudeMed io the estate lo make pay mpnt forthwith to 'he administrators. JOHN LEVAN. i WILLAIM GOODMAN I Adm'ri Roarintrcreek, Nov. II, 1863. 52. rVeir Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rinfiE undersigned respectfully inform his friends anJ the public generally, that he has just received lrom ibe Eastern Cilie-, a latae assortment oi Fall & Winter Ererh from the seat of Fashion, of all sort's, size and quantities, which will be sold cheap lor cash or country produce. -ALSO,- II ATS & CAPS COOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety ot no lions and thinas too troublesome to numer ate, to whicn he inviles the attention ot pur chasers. XjT Ut t9 alio prepared to make up detains to order, on reasonable terms. and up" to the latest fashions. aad examine our mock oi t..n. ANDREW J. EVANS, r.loomsbiirs, Dec. 2, IS63. OYSTER SALOON IN BLOOMSBURG. COL. CO. PJ1. mllE nndarsigned would annoanf to ihs 1 public that he has n;fid '" evn one door East of his BAKER & cON b LC T10NARY, on Main Street. Bloomsburg; and is prepared to accommodate both La dies and Gentlemen He prenye d ,n furnish OYSTERS, WHOLESALE & RE TAIL BY THE CAN OR OTHERWISE. TAIL, 1" ; ST0JIyEn November 25, 18C3. .- - . SPECIAL NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to tee Ute firm of Mdltr b Tjer, M"f hann in Bloarav bur2, are hereby nmifird, ihwt the Books , Notes and Arcoanle of said firrc are in lha Sore for coition, and mwl by the firM cl Octoter, withoot reen ia those concerned- jjllFR St FAEX "' Blooresborg, Acgut 26,