The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 17, 1864, Image 1

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TV. a. JAGOST, Publisher,
Truth and Right God and our Country.
Two Pollas per Innun.
L ' 1 1 - X
: V
EtSLttmcnt of tne Finances of the Csnnty of
. Columbia .
JKOM fhe First diy of January, A. D.,
1863 lo the rrlay of January, A, D.,
18SI. , : - ' '
. .The AuditorVelected li settle and 'ad
just the public accounts of Colombia Co.,
, respecmili oeg. leave lo report that
they have examined tbe fame ; from' the
. 1st day of Jannary. A. D., 1863 to the first
rfsy of Janury A. 0 ,1864 and respectfully
Ay before, the honorable tlie Judge of the
.Court of Common Pleas,': the following
i Statement and report agreeably to the 22d
section of lhe,"Act of general Assembly
ot this Commonwealth passed the 4th day
of April, A. D., 1864
JAMES S. McINCH,Treasnrer of Col
nmbu county inaecoua; with said county:
I8G3. DRi
January. To taxes outstanding 3,56 32
do Cab balance in hands
. . ' Treasurer, a per Audi
tots Settlement ol 1862 $1085,87
February 3, to cash ot John Snyder,
- Ex-Sht-rilT, Jury fies.
Ala) 4. to cash .of L. Ye iter, land
returned. " ,
June, amount of County tax assess
33 00
2 80
ed for the year 1863. ?10 C53
do Caso, received oi military fund , 96
August 31, l,an ot J. eh weppen-
heieer, land redeemed.
Sept. 9, Cash of B. Swank and
Chrrington for old Bridge.
Dec. 7, Cash ot N. C. Kustubader,
land redeemed.
2ft Cash Jacob Eyerly Pro'y, fine,
do Cab received of sundry per
son for ase of Court room.
6 52
50 00
50 00
Cash of sundry persons, land re
dammed ' " ' ' :" 662
Cash ree'd on sundry taxes, 100
Bal. of borrowed moeey en nand, 687
lo araownt outstanding. . . 283
522,263 45
Atnonnl outstanding loi 1863, and
. previous years. 6,273 23
Jxotertions allo'd colptor 137 61 .
Commission allo'd collectors 520 8 1 678 42
Amount of Orders redeemed, . itlOo 0
Treas'er's commiion on 513,988,24
at 4 per cent. " " 559 52
' Balance in hands of Treasurer, 649 26
.22 265 45
,,'' JAMES S. McNINCH. Treasurer of Col
ombia county in account with tax on Dogs.
'Amonni oattanding uncollected
- for 1862, ; 1016 35
Amotinf assesfd for 1863. . 1385 00
-Ualtnce due Couaty Treasurer. 194 03
i i - " '
-. : ' ' 52595
, . CR.
Balance doe Traa-'arfr per Auditor's"
report of January 7, 1863, 17
Am't. oj(stan 'in2, ui.coiiecied 1 -ICS
Eronjraticn a!lowd Coil-c-or, 43
Co i!inno:K aHlowfd Collector, 39
Am't sheet darna'i order re-
"deem'ed, '" , 1,275
TreaKVr'.-coirjmi-sion on 31,275 79 51
-' ' , 2,595 35
Aoant paid Auditors and Cl.-rk. 40 50
Am'e paid C. G. Bartlej, auditing
Pro-h'y and Register's account. 12 50
' 553 00
Amount paid saH Simety, S100 00
Aroocal paid Assessors for spring
assessment. 427 22
Amoout paid sundry persons,- .118 00
Am't pai l Swank & Co., and
others, . . 2,387 61
paid sundry person. 179 66
Am'l paid sundry persons for Pro
thonotary and Rnis'er's affipe.
68 41
Amount paid the several Constable
'--during ib year. 93 11
. . . COURT CRiER. . ..
Am't paid M. Coffman, Conn Crier 44 35
Am't paid sundry person. 32 64
.... , ;. COUNTY BUILDINGS . .
Am't paid sundry person for re-,
pairs in and about Coart House
nd Jail. " 'M 67
Am't paid R. C Fruit, Clerk. 400 00
. Jo Wm. Lamon, Comrrsioner, 131 00
- do Chas: II. Hes, An 178 60
do- Rohr McHeary, do 126 00
" do T. J. Yanderslicc,' ' do 13 50
8t9 00
Am't paid J. G. Freeze, Attorney. 60
Amooot paid sun.lry persons. 207
Amoantpaid E. H. Linle. 93
'Am't paid at spring election. 335
do Jo General. 363
'' -: " ' 758 96
Am't paid suudrt -personi.' 40
; FUEL " .
Am't pax
y fael for Court Hoosa
t -A
6S 72
Am'l paid for Stationery for Court &C.32 40
. , INSURANCE. - , :
"Ara't paid Lycoming Insurance
Company, . , . - - - .'619
' ' INQUEST?. -?
Amount paid Lewi Yetter,Eq., for
- inoaest on body of S. MaUon. 12 10
John Doak; Esq.; Jor inquest-
on body ef Thomas. St ookey, JO 62
J. B. Kntiile Esq., for iaqaest, ", ; , -
on bod or G. McDonald, 15 43
Adara Silf, Esq , for inquest ;
on body of Salt ChiUren. ' 14 S7
L.- W. VoIley, Esq., inqaest '
on bod?t.f an onknown woman, 13 S3
J.M; Charaberlin, Eq-inqaest
cn body bf Wm Milier. 1 1 12
- .
6 a
. 'r; " : :: . 77 99
'rr,U ! 'J irtir i? sirfal CO'ltS.1.2 5 97
flarri-ja, at'-
,:.t' ? on nr
5 1)0
' T
L i
- - -
Amount paid E. S Penitentiary,
protronota nr.
Am'l paid J. Eyerly, Proth'y. . 167 16
Am'i paid P John. Postmaster, 3
Am't paid sundry persons in Benton,' 8
do do Bloom. 73
do do Fishingereek, 115 00
do do Greenwood, 46 00
do do Orange, 30 00
272 24
Am't pai.t Daniel Lee, recording
Treasurer' Bonds, &c. 7 75
Am't paid P. John for Revenue
Stamps ' 15 25
I Am't paid J H. Furman, conveying
pri sorters to E. S Penitentiary,
and House of Refuse, and lunatic
Asylum at Harri-burg. 229
do Boarding prisoner &e. ""316
545 72
Amonnt paid sundry persons, at
foiiows .
do W. H. Jacoby (
'' do'-' . J. S. Sanders,
"do P.John,;
Briarcreek township, 45 50
Baiitou " do " 46 12
Canawissa .do'. ' , ' , 27
Centre do 106 00
Fish'nucreek - do . .. 24 0o
Franklin do 50 7o
(Jreenwood do 35 00
Hemlock do 6g 50
Jackson do 4 00
Locust do 156 50
Mi. Pleasant do 242 00
Montour do 44 75
M.rEin do 108 00
Madison do 40 92
Oiane do 52 50
Pine do 32 0
Roarin?crdek do t3 50
Scott - do 14 00
Sugarloaf do 62 25
1244 29
Am't paid at several Courts,
01 oo
paid Wm. SloanJ borowed
do Interest on same,
J. S. McNinch, Treasurer,
paid interest for county.
S. Kolenbader bor'd mony,
do interest on same,
J Shnrpless, brr'd money, 1250 00
Inre"ton same, and oo bal-
nnre ct rona wrtica . ne yes
G. Hushes, borrowed
65 67
32 83
Francis Evansbor'd money 500 00
Interest on same and on bal
ance of bond which he yet
bold. 46 25
Mrs Mary S. McNinsh, bor'd
mor?ey. 1000 00
in:erest on same. 32 83 I
5;330 91
Am't laxfs refunded to Thorn a
Hawei. -m ' 36
do do do Elias Hicks. 4 G9
Am't of road, school and poor re
funded to the diflerent twps. 143 38
148 43
Issued lor the year 1863. 15,468 20
Deduct arn'l Miep D:tnng criers
.is-ued for.same year.! 1244 29
Deduct taxes refunded to .. . ( ;
twp., &c. I"3 43
do Am'l of bor'd money- , ,
repaid, interest on same. 5330 91
' 6722 63
Actual expenditures for 1863. 8744 57
We, the undersigned Auditor of Colum
bia county, beins duly elected to adjust
and settle the account of the Treasurer
and Commissioners, do certify that' we
met at the office of the Commissioners in
Bloomburg. and carefully examined trie
accounts and vouchers of the same, from
the first day of Jan. A. D., 1863 to the first
day of January A. D., 1864, and find them
correct as set forth in the- foregoing state
ment, and that we find a .balance due Col
ombia county o SX . hundred and .forty
nine Dollars and twenty-six cents, S649
26 from James S. McNinch, Treasurer of
sat J County. " ' '
Given under ocr hand, thlssixth day oi
Jan. A. D. 1864.
AtUtlyV. WIRT, Clerk.
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of
Columbia county, do certify that the fore
going is a correct statement of the accounts
of said county for the year A; D. 1863.
Witness our hands, Jan. 6k, 1864.
CHARLES H. HESS, J Comraisionerg
T. J. VANDERSLICE, ) Columbia Co.
JiteslR. C. FRUIT, Clerk. ' " . '
Blance due from Collectors, 6,273 23
Deduct for' exonerations arid com-
. 627 32
5,645 91
Due from J S McNinch, Treas'f.
Jory fees and fines in bands
Sheriff Furman,
649 26
20 00
6315 17
Deduct orders onredeem-:
,ed for. 1861, 14 24 .
do " do 1862 4 35
' do, do 1863 ' 154 60 ; 1
Deduct redemption money 662' 66
Bal. of bot'd, unpaid ; 2,750 00 3585 91
in favor of Coontv S2J29 23
Bal. due frora Collectors -"''1,168 04
Dednct for exonerations and com-
.- missions , . . ,-. : 116 80
Orders unredeemed for 1862 10 00
-do-- do - 1863 165 25 . f-
Bal. daa Treasurer ? : - 194 02 S369 28
Bal. in favor of said Tax $631
, Feb." 1st,'" 1864. Directed 'to "be filed
By the Court. :
'. Since paid to Traasafer elect. -..
; , Bloomsburs, Fb..6t.iS54. , .
Office on Main St., 3rd Sqnare below Slnrket.
TEUMS: Two Dollars p.r annum If paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing: two dollars and fifty cents ifnot paid
within the year. No subscription taken for
ig i a Ies period than six months; no discon
' permitted until alia rrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The terms of advertising will be as follows :
One square, twelve lines, three limes, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, ..... 23
One sqnare, three months, 3 00
One year, l. ...... . w ...... 8 00
C 1)0 ice J3oetrn.
Sot" For 'Ton.'
You tell me I must bear you upeatc J
What you would say I know ; '
It brought' the ose to this pala cheek,
From ki$ lips long ago !
- '.
"I love you !" you would tell ma this,
Mut then our converse end f
You have interpreted amiss . .
The feeling of a friend.
Love once on these poor lips of mine
Has set his sacred seal, '"' """"
A pledge that I will ne'er resign.
Though vainly pledged I feel I
Against my father's wish I loved,
Against my mother's will ;
False, as they prophised, he proved,
And yet 1 loved him still I
And so I was alone alone I
For years I had not heard
One accent fond, one'geutle tone,
Oue cheering, kindly word.
You came ! your roble nature brought,
And a;! unhoped-for balm
Of sjmpathy, and pityin? thought,
And counsels wise and calm.
Bat, ah too well I saw, at length r
I felt 'twould nd in this.
And yet my poor heart lacked the strength
To turn from that brief bliss.
I smiled the smi! was not for you ;
I sighed not yours the siffh;
One love for ma, my whole life through,
Sufficetb till I di.
Yet o'er the bi'ter bitter pat,
Yon flung a garland sweet;
I prized, it though it might not last .
Forgive the poor deceit.
Forgive me for the selfish fears,
That kept nie mate so1onJ
Let me wash oat with ih9e hot tears,
- The memory of the wrong.
Bat all your hope to win my love,
For ever, frieruf, resign ;
Onward for aye apart we move,
You your way, and I mine !
From the New Yoik Daily New."
Fcarfnl Scenes and Martllnz Discoveries.
The day when .the shades of departed
spirits were ntlowed to visit this moral
world, and to ease their troubles by un
folding a tale which harrowed 1 op the in
most soul to the listner, and "made each
particular hair lo stand on - end like quills
upon a fretlul porcnpioe,y we supposed
had passed away with oor Dutch r.rogeni"
tor,vso graphically described by that most
erudite and veritable of all historians, Died
rich Knickerbocher, Esq. If ibis belief
were true of the Island of Manhattan, where
now our goodly city stands, it is not so of
our over-the river neighbors in ibe "Jar
sies," for there, even now, the grave gives
up its sheeted dead, and "ghosts do squeak
and jibber,'' as they did in :he streets of
Rome the "night the great Julias fell.''
; The thriving village of South Orange, in
Essex. County, has been the latest scene of
ghostly operations, and if not true, it is a
hoax so well played and so elaborately got
up, as to stju'e the whole community from
its propriety and to make a talk, such as
that most respected individual, tbe oldest
inhabitant, never dreamed of during his
long and eventful career. We tell the tale
as it was told us, by one whose troth is not
to be doubted, for be believes, what he
says to be trne as the Gospel he bears each
succeeding Sunday, every word: of which
be holds that he who doubts is, or will be
d d. This belief is so strongly diffused
throughout the'whole section, that our re
porter found not a single doubter in that
whole region.
The location of the "murder willout"
scene is less than three miles from the vil
lage. The dwelling where the ghoMly visi
tor made the darkness visible is an old fash
ioned frame r house, on the road leading
down the Passaic Riverj surrounded by ce
dars almost as old and quite as somber as
the dwelling itself. .Tradition states that
the building was of aate-Revolationary qri.
gin, built before the colonies threw off their
yoke, and inhabited by subject as loyal to
King George as, if living, they would be lo
his successor, Abraham the First, and in
God's name, we hope, the last. Stained
and weather-beaten, 'its dark, onpainted
sides, for nearly all tbe paint which once
gave it a brickdust red, is gone, the grounds
which ; surround it saddly .neglected, but
few urchins ever dared in their atternoon
rambles after berries and bird seats to 'let
the declining 6aa catch them within- view
of this'now dismal horne'df iba odea well
to do old Revolutionary Tory.' ' '. ,' .
Many years after the. death, of the ,4'at.
proprietor, the old bouse and grounds pass,
ed into the possession of a Mrs. Walel,
whose. hnsbsnd, on his disease left- among
. his personal effects several slaves, with a
codicil in his will giving them not only free
dom, but entailing upoo the estate the bur
den of support during their natural lives.
At the time of the thrilling scene we are
about to relate, Mrs.. Watel and. all the
slaves, save only the youngest, had paid
the great debt of nature, and for a time the
old homestaid was left in all its ghostly
grandeur and decay to the mercy of the
winds and the marauding expeditions of
the neighborhood, guarded alone by the
faithful negress, who amid all its gloom,
still remained, for it was the only home
she had ever known Some two months
since, a Mr. Halroer, a sturdy Teuton, as
brave and phlegmatic as over, Teuton was,
with his wife, a descendant ot the same
hardy and fearless race, took the homestead
with tbe incumbrance of the old slave, and
commenced preparations to improve it.
But it seems he got more than he bargain
ed for.
Wearied with moving and fixing op his
new abode, the couple retired, but not to
sleep that blessing was denied them. The
witching hour of twelve brought no rest to
their heavy eyes ; when, just as the last vi
bration of the old Dutch clock announced
that the hour of midnight bad passed and
been buried with the centuries which pre
ceded it, a strange and unusual noise was
heard in the unfurnished room over head.
At times it appeared as if devils were hold
ing high carnival there; aeon a rush like
that of many waters would be heard, and
then a stillness as profound and as deep as
that which is supposed to follow the wreck
of rnatier and the crush of worlds after the
last note from Gabriel's trumpet proclaims
the end of time and man. Thus did it con
tinue until the first gleam of the morning
sun dispelled the noise and confusion which
reigned in the chamber above, ant! restored
the old Tory's homestead to its natural
Strange to say, the negress U d heard
naught ot this ; her f-Ieep had been like
that of the seven sleepers, as deep and as
profound as if fanned by summer zephyrs
while reclining upon a bed of poppies a
bed, be it known, that will brin sleep to
the brightest eyelid that ever looked love
or anger to mortal man.
Thu morning dawned fair and . mfd as
that which u.hers in a May morning". The
Tenton and his Teutonic wife, rose with
rueful countenances from their unblessed
slumber, yet determined to unravel thi
mystery to solve the night's problem and
the night's horrors, to their very depth. Af
ter in axious consultation they visiied the
chamber above a rude floor beneatn, run
ning the entire length of the dwelling,;Iiglit
ed by a single window, the glass of which
had long since been broken. Their search
was long and anxious, but no hiding place
for a nocturnal visitor could be found, and
the twain made one in kin and flesh by the
by menial sacrament, determined to be one
in a midnight watch for the cause of the
strange noises they had heard. Paising
along, the woman saw a dark stain near the
centre ot the room upon the floor a stain
wfticn seemed to have eaten into the dark
oak floor and by its deeper darkness to be
strangely visible from all parts of the room;
glowing, as it were, with a luster which
seemed but to make the darkness more j
visiDie. iLach had passed over tne same
spot, and repassed it moments before, when
they saw nothing but the dull oak, yet now
the dark, the blood spot, fahone bet as with
a livid luster.
The night was devoted to watch and
ward in tbe haunted chamber, and there,
at twenty minutes past eleven the German
and his brave wife took their stations, with
lighted candles so placed as to illuminate
all parts of the room the husband, as in
duty bound, for why shonkl husbands peril
their lives unnecessarily, nearest the stair
way, whence escape was easiest, while the
obedient wife took her's at tbe far 'end of
the room. Time seemed to move with
leaden wings, so slowly the minutes moved
on. Everv rnstlin? leaf, which the Winter's
. O T
frcs! had spared upon a grove of oaks I
which stood near by. brought that nnic-
counlable thrill to the heart? of the twain,
which supernatural terror alone can give.
At lentbg the whizz of the old Dutch clock
commenced,' and soon the measured strokes
from one to twelve announced that the fa
tal moment, and perhaps fatal hoar, had
come.' Scarce had' the clock ceased its
count of twelve, the very candles seeming
to emit a blue flame, when a rushing noise
for a moment was heard, and a vaporseera
ed to overipread the center of the room.
Soon it seemed to gather into form, and the
startled watchers saw it take the human
outline of a female dressed in the costume
of past ages, while a long hand, detached
from the drapery, pointed sorrowfully to the
dark stain, which seemed darker, and yet
more visible in the floor beneath. Thus
for a moment it stood unmoved, and as the
poor Teuton's face showed the more of
fear, the s erner seemed to grow the face of
the dark, unearthly figure which stood be
fore him. The pooTt wife, ber retreat cut
off for 6he ceold not reach the Btairs with
out passing the shadowy' figure between
her and escape remained crouched in her
corner, not daring to move. Thus for the
space perhaps. of a moment, but which
seemed an age, ; when, the, German almost
unconsciously burst forth with a shrieking
voice., . . , ". ., . ,.- . . . ,-, -
u ..VGot.ia Hiinmel., . vol , is . it , , Vot'e yoa
vontt" Instantly the female figure,, teem
j ed to dissolve a rash was heard, the catt-
dies resumed their wonted light the spec
ter had Vanii-hed. Sadder and wiser, the
couple as soon as their urengih, paralized
for the time, returned, slowly left the haunt
ed chamuor, casting wild glances behind,
and it was not until full an hour after their
own bed-chamber had recieved them, that
they, each gTaspIrig the oiherTs hand, dared
even in whispers to speak of the learlul
scene they had witnessed.
Daylight brought with it courage and self
confidence, and after a long consultation,
and bringing in a neighbor to aid in their
counsels, they determined again to explore
the haunted room. Tbe dark spot the
blood plain gloowed with a darker bright
than before. The old floor which covered
the spot was eoon removed, and the second
floor was seen, securely fastened to the
th ick joice, and going down into a cavity,
which formed the upper part of an old cor
ner cupboard below. The upper part of
this was removed, and there a skeleton
bead and body, the outline being for a mo
ment complete, was found. Upon the air
reaching it, and on the touch, the mass
crumbled into dust with age.
The ashes of the departed, and the scene
where this strange occurrence happened,
have been visited by hundreds, who can
attest the truth of the main facts of this o'er
ttue tale. That "murder most foul, as at
bestit is," had been committed, none in
the neighborhood doubt, but who the guilty
person, or who the ranrdered, few pretend
to guess. None now in life was tbe guilty
perpetrator, because the bones have lain
too long, and tbe mystery forms the sole
subject of conversation for the aged and the
young, the wise and the unwise in the
neighborhood where these scenes, stranger
than even fiction could make, and worthy
the pen of Monk Lewis or Mrs. Radclifla to
describe, transpired .
Romor has it that the oldTcry, who first
built and occupied the house, married for
her beauty a young lady, surpassing fair
and richly endowed in mental gifts, yet
poor in this world's goods. It was a mar
riage forced upon her by her father,. deeply
in the Tory's debt, while her heart was giv
en to a young sailor then on a distant voy
age. Ad intercepted letter gave cause of
jealousy proof upon proof accumulated,
and a trap was laid lor the sailor on his re
turn, and he was murdered; the ehadowy
phantom, that of the wife, who pined in
sorrovaiKl in captivity, tor srie was Ke.a
to be deranged, end never left her living
prison until death claimed her as its own
and a stop to her mflering. If this wild
tale, believed by many to be mere myth,
got up to account for the strange scenes
which really took place, be true, then it is
hnnl hrniru is at rest, and that the Teu-
ton and his brave wife, will long live with
out hearing any more supernatural noises
or seeing any more blood spots on their
Tbe 07 and the Xan.
A celebrated arti't, in one of hi? rambles ,
met with the most beautiful child he had
ever seen.
"I will paimth? portrait of this child,"
he said, "and keep it for my own, for I may
never look upon its like again. He painted '
it ; and when trouble came, and evil pas
sions moved his spirit to rebel, he gazed
upon the likeness of the boy, and then
passion fled, and holy thoughts entraced
his soul. He said : "If I can find a being
that will answer for a perfect contrast to
this child, one in whom is consentrateJ
every thing vile and ugly of which I can
conceive, I will paint his portrait also." j
Years passed away, and he ?aw no person 1
sufficiently hideous to anwerhis design. At
length, white travelling in a distant land, he j
went within a prison' wall, and there he,
saw, stretched uyoa the floor of stone, the j
object which his fancy had portrayed. A
man whose soul was stained with blood,
with glaring eyes and haggard face, and
vritli H.pmnnisc rife, mrsinrt himself, his i
fellow-beings, and blaspheming God, lay
chained within that rauetable abode, and
waiting for the moment of his execu
tion. The artist transferred his likeness to the
canvas, and blaced it opposite to the child's.
How 6trkinaly 1 how complete the contrast.
The aneel boy !the man fiend !
What must have been the feelings of the
artist when, upon inquiry, he ascertained
that both the portraits be had made were of
the same individual being the beautiful,
the innocent child, had grown into tho hid
eous, the sinful man 1
A Darkey who blacks boots at the Na
tional Hotel, in Washington, has the fol
lowing motto conspicuously displayed over
his stand : 1 '
' No North; no South,
No East, no West, -NO
A strong minded young lady in town was
heard complaining that Lincoln does not
call out any female regiments. She says
she'd like nothing better than being in
A Chicago paper having said Abolilion
its were in league with hell, Trentice sug
gests that they are within less than a league
ot it. . . , .
What kind of tables should ' our soldiers
be famished with ? Vege-tabfes.
-, Oh ! Why. is a sailor's sword like a girl
discarded by a beau 1 , Because it is a cut-
1ms. ., - .tit - f '', : .
"Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith ihan Norman blood,"
Years ago at a grand old cathedral over
ooking the Rhine, there appeared a mys
terious organist. The great composer who
bad played the organ so long had suddenly
died, and everybody from the king to the
peasant, was wondering who could be
found to fill his place, when one bright
Sabbath morn, as the sexton entered the
church, he saw a stranger silting at the
capo-shrouded organ. He was a tall, grace
ful man, with a pale, but strikingly hand
tome face, great black melancholy eyes,
and bair like the raven's wing for gloss and
color, sweeping in dark waves overiis
shoulders. He did not seem to notice the
sexton, but went on playing, and such
music as he drew from the instrument no
words of mine can describe. The astonish
ed listner declared the organ seemed to
have become human that it wailed and
and sighed and clamored, as if
through us pipes. When the music at
length ceased, the sexton hastened to tbe
stranger, and said :
Pray, who are you, 6ir ?
Don't ask my name, he replied. I have
heard that you are in want ot au organist
and have come here on trial.
You'll be sure to get the place, exclaimed
the sexton. Why, yoa surpass him that's
dead and gone, sir.
No, no, yon overrate me, responded the
stranger with a sad smile ; and then as if
half disinclined to converse, he turned from
Old Hans and began to play agaia. Aud
now tbe music charged frora a sorrowful
strain to a grand old pean, and tho mystre
rious organist '
' Looking forward full of grace,
Played till from a happy place
God's glory smote him on the face."
and his countenauce seemed not unlike that
of St. Micheal, as portrayed by Gaido.
I Lost in the harmonies which swelled
! around him, he sat with his far seeing gaze
' fixed on the distant aky a glimpse of which
he caoght through ar. open window, when
there wa a star about the church door, and
a royal party came sweeping in. Among
them mi"ht be seen a vounz erirl with a
wreath of golden hair, eye like wild oher
ries. This was the Princess Elizabeth : all
eyes tnrr.ed to her as she sealed i;er.e!f in
the velvet cushioned pew apprspria''?! to
j -uun. ivsuu.,n uw 1.10 .uuc
ed her ears than she started as if a gLost
. ad crossed her path, the blocm faded
from cheek, her lips quivered and h-r whole
t frame grew tremulous. At last her eyes
met those of the organic, in a long yarning
look.and then the melody lost its joyous notes
and once more wailed and sighed and
By my faith, whispered the king ts his
daughter, this organist has a master hard
Hark ye, he shall play at your weJJicg !
The pale lips of the princess parted, but
she could not epeak she was dumb with
grief. Like one in a painful dream she
saw the pale man at the organ, and heard
the melody which filled the edifice. Aye,
full well she knew who he was and why
the instrument seemed breathing out the
agony of a tortured heart.
When the service was over and the royal
party bad left the cathedral, he stole away
as mysteriously as he had come. He was
not seen again by the ?xton till the ves
pei hour and commenced his task. While
he played a veiled figure glided in and
knelt near a 6hrine. There she knelt till
the worshippers dispersed, when the sex
ton touched her on tbe shoulder and
said :
Madam every-boJy ha? gone out but you
and me and I wish to close tbe door.
I am not ready to go yet ; was the reply,
leave me leave me.
The sexton drew back to a shady niche
and watched and listened. The mysterious
organist still kept his post, but his head
was bowed upoo the instrument, and he
could not see the lone devotee. At length
j the rose form the isle and moving lo the
i organ 101:, pauseu oeswe ma rausiciau.
Bertran 1 6he mcrrcured.
Quick as thought the organist raised his
head. There with the light of a lamp sua
pended to the arch above, falling upon her
stood the princess who had graced the roy
al pew that day. The court dress of velvet,
with its soft ermine trimmings the necklace
the bracelet, had been exchanged for a
gay robe and a long thick veil ; which was
now pushed back from the girlish face.
Oh, Elizabeth, Elizabeth ! ejaculated the
organist, and he sank at her feet, aud gazed
wistfully into her troubled eyes.
Why are yoa here, Bertran? asked the
1 came here to bid you farewell, and ar I
Oared r.ot venture into the palace, I gain
ed access to the cathedral, by bribing the
bell ringer and having taken tha vacant
seat of the dead organist, let the music
breathe out tbe adieu 1 could not trust my
lips to utter.
A low moan was the only answer, and he
continued :
You are to be married to-morrow 1
Yea, sobbed the girl. Oh Bertran' what a
trial it will be to stand at yooder alter and
take upon me the vows which will doom
me to a living death 1
Think of me rejoined the organist; your
royal father has requested me to play at the
wedding, and I have promised to be there.
If I were your equal, 1 could be your bride
groom instead of the organist ; but t. poor
musician must give yon op. L
' It is like reading soul and body asunder
to part with )ou, said the girl. To night 1
. must tell you this tell you how fondly I
i love you, bat in a tew hours it will be" a
'sin. Go, go and may God bless you. .
j She waved bint from ber, as if she would
j banish him while he had power to do so ;
j and he, how was it with him 1 He rose to
' leave her, then came back, held her to his
j heart in one long embrace, and . with' a
half smothered farewell left her.
The next morning dawned in cloudless
splendor, and at an early hour the cathedral
was thrown open, and the sexttvn began 10
prepare for the brilliant wedding. Flam
colored flowers waved by the wayside
flame-colored leaves came rushing down
from the trees, and lay in light heaps
upon the ground ; and the ripe wheat
waved like a golden sea, and berries drop
ped in red and purple clutters along tha
At !ength the palace gates were opened,
and the royal party appeared escorting the
princess Elizabeth to the cathedral, where
her marriage was to be solemnized. 'It was
a brave pageant ; far brighter than the un
twined foliage were the tufts of plumes
which floated from stately heads and the
festal robes that streamed down over tha
housings of superb steeds. Bat the princess
mounted on a snow white palfry, and clat
in enow white velvet, looking pale and sad;
and when on nearing tbe chourcn, she
heard a gash of organic music, which
though jubilant in sound, struck on ber
ear like a funeral knell, and she trembled,
and would have fallen to the earth bad not
a page supported her.
h fow moments afterwards she entered
the cathedral. There with bis retina, stood
the bridegroom, whom she had never be
fore seen. But her glance roved from him
to the organ loft, where she expected to
see the mysterious organist. He was gone,
and she was obliged to return the gracefot
bow c-f the king to whom she had been be
trothed from motives of policy. Mechani
cally she knelt at his side on tha altar .of
stone ; mechanically she listened to the ser
vice and made tbe responses. Then ber
hosband drew her to him in a convulsive
embrace, and whispered :
Elizabeth; my wife, my queen, look up I
Tren.bling in every limb she obeyed.
Why did those dark eyes thrill her so?
Why did the smile bring a glow upon Ler
cheek ? Ah ! though the king wore the
purple, end many a jeweled order glittered
on hia tress:, Le teemed tbe came humble
person who had teen employed to teach
oran music, and had Uughl her the lore
c' love.
Elizabeth, mrrranred ths monarch, Ber
tran llo:!rran, the mysterious organist, and
King Oscar are one ! Forgive my etra'a
grm. J wished to marry yon, but 1 would
not drag to tha altar an unwilling brice.
Your father was in ih 5 secret.
While tears of joy ran down from . her
blue eyes, the new made queen returned
Ler husband's fond kin, and for or.ce, two
hearts were cude happy by a royal mar
riage. The Swiss Democrats.
It has been for many generations the
shame ot Switzerland that its citizens, re
puoncans at home ; professed friends of
civil aiid religious liberty aud of political
independence, and who, in many wars and
many a stubborn battle, have fought most
gloriously to preserve fur their country its, and for themselves their lib
erties, should, witb enameiess alacrity, for
the miserable stipend cf frora five to fiitean
dollars per month, place themselves at the
service of the despois oi Europe, to enforce
upon writhing subjects, by pike and bayoa
et, the moat odious tyranny.
We have among ourselves a class of
politicaus more odious than those mercen
ary Swi-s republicans, more odious in the
shameful abondopment ot principle of
which they are guilty, in the atrocity of
meanness cf service they zealously render,
in the character of the pay they hope to
receive. Those politicians call themselves
"War Democrats;" distinguished only in
name from the Radical BUck Republicans
and Abolitionists. By the .plainly written
and indestructible principles of the Dem
ocratic party in the United Slates, of which
they call theraselvei member, they must
believe injtbe sovereigutyof the States yet,
wore than Swir-a mercenaries, who, when
the liberty and independence ol Switzerland
were in danger, woald promptly leave tor sereice aud ily to the rescue, we sea
the War Democrats deliberately approving
and supporting meuarni which they know
are ii.tei.dedto destroy, and must result iu
the destruction cl the liberty of the people
and the sovereignty of their Stat. , They
have stood b, and seen without resistance
or protest, even with approval and aiJ,
wuhe altar withe bound around tho stalwart
limbs of our "Empire State" by tbe treach
erous dehlahs ol Abolitionism ; and they
now stand ready, as soon as the "seventh"
shall bi well applied, thcmeelves to give
the cowardly and traitorous signal: "The
Paiiisttnes be upon thee, Sampoa !" God
grain thai yaur Jell aul traitorous purpose ;
may fail of its accomplishment ! God '
gram taat our "Empite State" may break
the withes that bind her as "thread of tow'
is broken "wbtn it oucheth the fire," and
that she may yet long live to assert her owo
severeignty, and cover with i;s regie tba
liberties of hfcr children ! -
Aud what isyocr pay ; War Democrats,,
stipulated by your al.ies for this lalsiiy to
principles and treason of State 1 Where
are your eloven hundred pieces of silver?"
One ot you xe know has received his twelve
hundred. Some of you will doubtless re
ceive your pay, as he, in cash ; some in
othce, some in gra;ified vanity, some ia
gratified pite, some in present security,
ome in fat contracts, some in plunder col
lected irora Southern battle fields and pil
laged towns ; some hope for large pay ia
tbe wholesale confit-cation of Soutnern
property and distribution of Southern lands,
at the close of the war. But to assure those
rewards and win some little respect and
confidence from your allies, who now usa
aud despise you, yoa incst join the Aboli
tionists in name as you have in fact. Rid
Democracy of. your preseuce. We shall
never cesse to protest against your assump
tion of tht came oi Democrat, to which;
you have now co ti.le. .