The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 10, 1864, Image 4

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    -.-, ... rf
A psra and powerful Tonic, corrective
-and alternative of wonderful efficacy in
disease of the STOMACH, LIVER AND
EOWELS. Cure Dyspepsia, Liver com
- plaint, Headache, General Debility, Ner
oasness, Depression of Spirits. Constipa
- f. i : t - . . rs -
-nuii, vouc, intermittent revers, cramps
and Spasms, and all complaints of either
Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness
whether inherent in the system or prodoc
ed by special causes.
Nothing that is nor. wholesome, genial
and restorative in its nature entcs into
the com position of H OSTEITE B'S STOM
ACH BITERS. This popular preparation
contains no m Inert I of any kind, no deadly-
botanical element; no fiery excitant ;-but
it is a combination of (he extracts of rare
balsamic herbs and plants with ihe purest
and mildest of aii diffusive stimulants.
,? It is well to be forearmed against disease
and. so far 4 tha human srstsm nnn h
Protected by human means against mala
es engendered by an unwholesome at
mosphere, impure water and other external
cause. Hostetter's Bitters may be relied
on as a safeguard.
Ir. districts infected with Fevtr end Ague,
il ha been fou nd infallible as a preventive
and irresistible as a remedy ami thousands
who resort to it under appiehension of an
, attack, escape the ?courge; and thousands
.who neglect to avail themselves of its pro
tective qualities in advance, are cured by
a Tery brief course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Ague patient, aT'.er be
ing pl:ed with qainioa for months in vain,
cntil fairly saturated wish - that dangerous
a!k'oiu, are not untreqaentiy restored to
heauo wi'bin a few days by tha use of
Hosteller's Bitters.
The weak stomach is rapidly invigoretd
and the appetite restored by this agreeable
Tonic, and hence it works wonders in ca
es cf Dyspep'i .-and in les3 confirmed
forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle
and painless appenent, as well as upon
the liver, it also invariably relieves the
Constipation, superinduced by irregular
action pf the digestives aud secretive or
gans. .
Perst CS of feeble habit, liable to Nervws
Attacks. Xcta less of Spirits and Fiti of Lan
guor, find prompt and permaeont relief
from the Bitters. The Testimony on this
point is most conclusive, and from both
The agony of Bilioas Colic is immedi
ately assuaged by a single dose of the
stimulant and by occasionally resorting to
it, the return of the complaint may be pre
vented. As a General Tonic, Hostettera Bitter
produce ejects which mud be experienced
or witnessed before they can be fully ap
preciated, fa eases of Constitutional Weak
ness, and Premature Decay and Debility
and Decrepitude arising frm Old Age, it
exercises the electric influence. In the
convalescent stages of all diseases it oper
ates as a delightful invigorant. When the
powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to
re enforce and re-establish them.
Last, bat not least, it is the The Only
Safe Stimulant, being manufactured from
sound and innocuous materials, and en
tirely free from the acid elements present
more or less in all the ordinary tonics and
stomachics of the day.
No family medieine has been so oniver
aally, and, it may be truly added, deserv
edly popular with the intelligent portion of
tb8 community, as Hotener's Bitters.
Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH,
Pittsburgh, P. .
bold by all Druggists, urocers ana store
keepers everywhere.
Dec. 9, 1861. ly.
GREAT Trank line from the North and
North-west for Philadelphia. New-
York, Reading, Pottsville.Lebanoa, Allen
town, Eastoa, &e., &c.
Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia
New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in
termediate Staiions, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. m
N York Exnres leaves H arrisbnr-f at
S. 00 a.. m. arriving at New York at 10. 15; the
same morning.
- Fares trom ,Harrisbnrg: to New' York
?5 15; to Philadelphia' 3,35 and 52,80.
Uaggage cnecEed tnroogn. ,
Returning leave New York at 6 A- M. 12
t in r m !:.. u . . -k p .,
arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A M.) Leave
Philadelphia ai 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M.
" - Sleeping can in the New York Exprers
Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh
without change. ;
- ' Passeugers by the Cattawissa Rail Road
leave Tamaqua at 8, 50 A. M and 2. 15 P.
M. for Philadelphia. New . York, and all
Way Points.
Trains leave Pottsville at 3. 15 A. M. and
2. 30 P. M. for -Philadelphia, Harrisburg
and New York. : .;.
An accomodation Passenger train leaves
Heading at 6. SO A. M. and retjrna from
Philadelphia at 4. 30 P. M.
CT Ail the the above Uains run daily,
Suudaya excepted.
A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30
A.M. aad Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M.
Comraataticn, Mileage, Season, and Ex
cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and
from all points.
General Saperinteudant.
November 16, 1863. . , .
- Ofice over (he JVycming Hank, '
.Str Will insure againt loss or damage
bf Firo on property in town or country, at
reasonatla lerm. ; - .
DIRECTORS, G. M Ho!Ienback,i John
Keichard, Samuel AVadhams, D L Shoe,
maker, Daniel G. Drieebach, R. C. Srniib
11. D. Lacce, G. P, Steele, W. W. Keteham,
Cbarle Do e, W. S. 1033, George il.
II-rJiT;. , , - .
G . M - II O L I.E N B i C II. Prts't.
D.L.SilOEMAKlii V.Prea't.
C. SMITH, Secretary,
7. G. STERLING, Treasurer. ' :
L II. CONOVER, Arant, '
Keacli Ilarta, Pa. -
"O ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of
At'lho PnKtm ;
..... kxiiv, u Hi?, extensive 3S'primeni
ot Labmev Furniture ami CHA IRS,
I 111 CUI
wuu;u Ob win warrant made of good
materials and in a workmanlike man
ner. At his eslabliskment ran always be
found a good assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style and fin
ish to that ol Phila.le!hia or N. York cities
and at as low priets. He has on hand
ot d rierent style and
prices, from S25 to 560. Divans Lounge-,
Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card..''
centre and pier tables, detashus, "" jT
cheffeniera, whatnots and com odes ,3
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of bureaus, enclosed and common
wan6tands,drees-4able, corner cupbojrde,
soia, -
bedsieads,cane seat and common chairs is
the largest io this section ol th contiiy.
He will also keep a good assortment of
looking glasses with fancy gill and com
mon frames. He will also furnish spring
mattrasses fitted to any 6izad bedsiead,
which are superior for durability aud com
fort to any bed in use.
Bloomsburg. Nov. 4, 1863.
And Our People at Home
Are now offered an opportunity by which
they car. obtain a
Our H'uhhes ore
YEAR, and the buyer 55 allowed the Priv
ilege of Examination before Payment i.-
A fir.-t class Huniin;,' Time-Fiece of Sil
ver materidl, over which is . electro fine
plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought,
making the imitation so faultless thai it
cannot be df tflcteJ from the solid material
mot experieijcrtd judges; ncids will not
afTecfc it. Loudon made movement. Im
proved Duplex it: Full . Ruby Action, has
sweep seconds, 'and is 'not' to be e.xcelle.l
in general appearance. This is decidedly
one of the best articles ever offered for tra
ders and speculators. Er iiieeii, emigrants
and persons levelling, will find them supe
rior to any other : alteratien ofclimate will
not affect their accuracy. Price, packed
in good shape and goo t running order only
S3 5, or case of 6 for S200.
Best Quality Silver Ca-es, over which
electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar to
ocr Improved Duplex, and superior adjust
ed movements with "Stop." io be u-ed in
timina horses, etc., has Four Indexes for
Washington and Greewith time, sweep
second, and aii the improvements. All in
ail, taking i. 8 Beauiiful and Faultless ap
pearance and its Superior Movement into
consideration, we regard it as decidedly
the cheapest article oi the kind in tne mar
ket, irice. in jood running order, $34, (
or case of 6 for 5200.
G?We ask no pay in advance, but wili .
forward either of them to responsible par
ties, toany pan of the loval Sia'es with!
bill payable to esyressrrran hen the -ood
are delivered, giving rhe Luer the nnvil-
eae cf examination, and, if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at onr
The express oompanies refuse making j
collections on soldier a'id other parties :ti
the disloyal States, consequently all such J
oraers must be accompanied by the cas.i
to insure attention. We make a deduction
of fwo dollars on either watch when ttie
payment is forwarded in adrace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
93 and 95 Broad Si., oppo-iie Citj Battk,
Provideiice. 11. I.
Oct. 21.1863. v a
The Great
Since ils organization, has created a new
era in the histor of
: hole -ah ug l eas In this Cf.mtry.
They have introduced their selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CEXTS (.02 Cents) per pound
above Cost,
Never deviating from the ONE PRICE
-- asked.
nother peculiarity of the Company is
that their Tea Taster not only devotes
hi time to the selection of their TEAS a
to quality, value, and particular stles for
particular localities of country, but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their
enormous stock such TEAS as are best
adapted to his particular wants, and not on
ly this, but points out to him the beat bar
gains. It is eisy to see the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer has in this establishment
over all others. .
H he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market,
if his time is valuable, he has all the bene
fits of a well organized system of doing
busineBu, of an immense capital, of ihe
judgement of a Professional Tea Taster,
and the-knowledge of snperior salesmen.
. Th is enables all Tea buyer no matter
if they are thousands of miles from this
market to purchase on as good terms here
as the New York Merchants.
Parties can order Teas will be served by
us as well as though they came themselves
being sure to get originaJ packages, true
wean's anu tares; ana tne ittAS are war
ratified as represented.
" We issue a Trice List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent to all who order
it ; com prisins
Myson, IToung Hyson, Impe
rial, CUiiiiiodei. Tiyankay
and Skin.
JAPAN TEA of every description, col
ored and uncolored. '
this list has ech kind of Tea divided into
FOUR -Classes, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINEST, that every one may ou
dersatnd frctn description and the prices
annexed that the Company are determined
to ondersell the whole Tea trade.
We guarntee to sell ALL onr Teas at not
over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound
above cot, believing this to be attractive
to the many who bavo heretofore been
paying Esohmou.- Profits.
No. 51 Ves'jy Street, New York- , ;
fJomponnd Fluid Extract Buchn, a posi
tive aDd Specific Remedy for disease
of the Bladder, Kidnejs, Grave!, and Drop
sical Swellings,
This Medicine increases the power of
Digestion, 3nd excite the Absorbents into
u . I . i. .. . : i . - i . . ...
iitrdimj, anion, uy wnicn tne vvaterv or
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain
and Iflnrnmaiion.
For Weaknesses arising from excai e?,
Habits of Dissipation, Edrly Indiscreiion
of abuse, attended wi:h the following symp
toms :
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power.
Loes of Memoiy, Diilicully of Breathing,
Weak NervesTrembling, Horror of Dis
ease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in. the Back, Universal Lassitude of ihe
Muscular System, Hot Hands, Fliishimz of
the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions
on the Face, Pallid Countenance.
These symptoms, if allowed to go on,
which this medicine invariably removes
soon follows. IM POTENCY. FATUITY
EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the
Patient may expire.
Who cun say that they are nr t frequently
followed by those "Direlul Diseases."
M tny are a are of the eaust of their taif
ferina, bm none will confess the Records
of the Insatne Asylums.
And melancholy Dea'hs by Consump
tion bear ample witness to the Truth ol the
as-ertion. The Constitution once eifet'led
with Organic Weakness requires the aid of
Medicine to Strnui hen and Invigorate the
BUCI1U invariably does. A trial will con
vince the most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Females
the Extract Buchu is unequaleil bj any
ot'ier remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention.
Irregularity, Painftilness, or Supp'ession
of Customary EvacuaDons, Ulcerated or
Scirrhous slate of the Uterus, Leuchorrl ooa
or Whites. S erility, and for all complaints
incident to the sex, whether arising fiom
indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in
the Decline or Change of Li'e.
Take no more Balaam, Meroory, or nn
t lea sunt Medicines lor unpleasaiit and
datiiiercus disease.
HELM hOLD'5 Ex'rsct Bncho and Im
proved Rose Wash rnrps SECBET DIS
EASES, In all their Slaves. Ai i;t:le y
pense, Little or no change in Diet, No
!iironveiiMiC, A'id tio exposure.
il cause a frequeiit desire and jives
strength to Un:iate, thereby ro;novi;i.; ob
structions, preventing ar.d curing st.-iitnre-of
the Urethra, allaying Pain an. I luil un
mation, so lre'juent in the cla of disea-es,
and expelling all po'isoi.ous, diseased and
worn out matter.
i hoiisnrids upon Thousands who have
been the victims of Quacks, and who have
paid heavy levs to t"e cured in a st:ori
time, have found they were deceivpj, and
that tt e "poison" ha, by the use of "pow
erful astringents," been dried up in tl e
system, to break out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after M uriage.
Use Helmbuld' Extract Buchn for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male of Female,
from whatever cause originating ana i;o
matter of how long standing.
Diseases cf these Organs requires the aid
cf a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu is
the Great Diuretic, and is certain .o have
the desired effect in all diseases for which
it is recommended. Evidence of the most
j relia&'e and responsible character will ac
company Ihe medicine,
Price SI. 00' a Boltlf, or Six for S5 00.
Delivered to any address, em-mely packed
from observation. Describe symptoms in
ail communications. Cures gtiaiameed !
Advice gratis. Address le.ter for iiifonna
lioti to
II. li. HFl.JJHOI.Ii, I liemtst.
104 Sontn loth -!., tel. Ctunut, ri.i'a.
IIEIHiOLD S Medi-a! Depot.'
HELM BOLD S Drug & Clu-m'! Warehouse
5 ID IJ roadway, JVtio York.
CP Be ware of conriterfei's and unpnoci
pled dealt-rs, who eodenvor i dispose ''ol
it.eir owrt" ai;d 'oilier" articles oa ihe
reputation attained by
Helmboid's Geouine Preparations,
ilo do Extract Buchu,
Helmbold'o Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla.
do do " Improved Kose Wus.i.
rS Sold by all Prussia every wlid.
Ask for Helm hold's. Take no other. Cut
out the Advertisement and send fof it aud
avoid imposition and exposure.
December 9, l863.-ly.
EIOIil2AV lKS-:3i:iXTS !
Being a Hunting or Open Face or La
dy's or Gentleman's Watch Combin
ed, icith Patent Self-Winding Jut
proveinnit. a most Pleasing Aovelfy.
One of the prettiest, most convenient,
and decidedly the best and cf.eape?itm.e
piece for general and reliable n.-n ever offe
red. I: has within it and connected with its
machinery, its own winding attachment
rendering a key entirely utineces-a y. The
cases of this Watch are composed of two
metals, the outer one tein fine 116 carat
gold. It has the improved ruby action le
ver movement, and warranted an accurate
time piece. Price, superbly engraved,, per
case ol half dozen, S'204. Sample Watches,
in neat morocco boxes, S35.
First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu
racy of movemert, beauty of material,
and, above all, cheapness in pric, these
watches must insure universal approba
tion. An imitation so faultless that it can
hardly be detected by the most experien
ced judges. The material being of tvvo
metals, the outer one first quality Srcriina
Silver, while the innei one is Gernun Sil
ver, it cannot be recognized by cuttiu oi
heavy engraving, making it, not inly in
appearance, but in durabiltiy, the best re
semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist
ence. The sale of these Watches in the army
is a source ol enortnous profit, retailing, as
they very readily do. at 525 and upv.-rds.
Many hundred dollars can be made in a
single pay day by any one of ordinary
business tact.
hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white
enamel dial 'and fancy cut hands, in good
running order, by the half dozen, 66. Sold
only by by the case of six I
Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee
of good faith, we will fend watches by ex
press to any part of the loyal States, col
lecting balance of bill on delivery. This
ensures buyers against fraud, giving them
their watches belore payment is required.
Send or lers to the sole importer.
GAIUS WHEATON, No. 12 Jeweler's
Exchange, Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway
New York -
Dec. 9, 1563--3m.
SUv-Iiht Aiibrot5'pit9
O OOMS in ibe Third Story ot tho Ex
change Block, (entrance above the
Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Colombia coun
ty, Pi.-' ' - .
Bloomiburg, Nov. 23, 1858 ip. -
n.y: weekly news.
The cheapest and best New York News
paper. Only orn dollar per anuum. Eight
paes forty column". A compleie record
ol events, Benjamin Wood, editor and n-o-prietor,
, Tobbf lied at No'. 19 City Hall
Squate, Daily News Building, Ne.v York
City. . ; .,'
unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a
public ournal. and in
is mot elficiently conducted, so as to form
a weekly record of events political, com
mercial, fitiar.cul and literary, throgtiout
!ne World. I i addition to t!ii- it contniris
ail the Domestic li;iliigi'nco of each
and full reports ot every n.atter of public
As a political Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the side of th Con-uitu-tion
of the coui.try as it v h framed and
established hy ihe F-lhers ot ihe Republic,
and will scan with care and fidelity every
public act that may tend to the violation of
ir e letter and spirit .of that instrument of
our liberties, fi prefer iha
to a ruinous and exhautir:a system of War.
In.-Utiii"- upon the trtuh of the principle'
embodied in ihe Declaration ol Iiu'eper,.
lence, that the just powers of tha Govern
nienl are derived from ihe consent of the
governed, it urges the preservation of ihe
lundamental principles of liberty, inviolate,
as of more sacred mporlance than national
grandeur or ronsolidaUd power under des
potic rnfe without the pals cf established
law. On all quesiions of national impor
tance it is the innVxibh chamoion ot tho
rights cf citizen, as L-naranieed mnU, i newspaper, i
insirurriecH by which (hey havedecided to ) a comiw-:e 'ory of the war, all impor
be aorerned. It therefore boldly avo-.vs its Iv"' pV,u'al ",r f!iU,.e, Documents entire,
purpose ta suHtain the Freedom of Speech I r0l't'e'l'"-rs Leislauve bodies, Sum
and ol the pres. with tUc view nr..,.. mi"le'"" Eufopc in Intelligence, and news
the people fro.ri the encroaching dogma ot
uieo.isis who contempelate a modification
f the democratic principle which ( tiiis
time h.ive bcci sc-ained against every ef
fort to overthrow th.n. fn all matters p..r
ta'min io Government tl-e purpose of this
newspaper isto pnnectth people from in
considerate ar.d msIi legislation, and to
hold our public erv.r.t. io a strict arcotim
ability for their conduct whil.i car.-yiii" on
the machinery of.u.wr. To this end" th
most cjreful stallion will be "ive-i i
Federal in. L-yiiive lw,and a firm
and impartial examination of every new
yol .n:;,! prcpo-iti-),, may be expected a
the only mcatu (,f protecting the peoole
trom an abr' f.m-nt ot ifiejr riht-.
are givenjn the ri,o.-t succinct vet compleie
in.y claim navicular
tor tr.eir iid.-liii
and tru'.h, an. I ail tlio-c
wno desire io comprehend th, xact finan-
ya. I 'lN.iinon oi the o-ueiry shoud
i. ti to e iioni.e :he
views whieh
lounn in mi, dfj anmenr of the i mrnal.
Vv li
will be found FspeeMlly iiiiere-:i;T a,1(
strnciiAe a-.d being derived from omn of
the ablest mi;HN in Europe imi-t be read
with ihe iiimo,! nvidiiv by those who desire
to campreheti l thai dib!o;nacy of the Gov
errmeuts of the Old WVld.
vi'iV" -'fier ,(,cs THE WEEkLY
NEW b will be found ,o meet ihe publm de
mand. It is the especial objret of t!ie Pro
prietor to render il a valuable and enter
pure in its moral influence, ennobling in
its character, and satisfactory to that fie
class in the community who desire to se
the Public Prev, tre:il all oublic questions
with arguroents avpresscd '-ourte-y and
candor, th'-u-ht, a; i:,rt ii,.,e,with t ,e
spirit due to tlie themes di-cussed.
By reler;'tue to the terms of Tne New
or.c VVt-ekly News il will bn notice.! i!iHt
it I.- hy lr t,,e c:.e i. e-t tie .v.nnier i i tt e
Wuiid .'K
ir.v i e t;r
tre i t
'pi.eiur iceis i!,;ti rn;n
-1 app-nve of it principle.
anu co 'jji'iio nse the r i id! i-i.ce in a Mil I
i .. . i j . , i . . .
3 '"''"I urge filCtiU'ion,
Flt Fouy Column..
For O.,.- Year ()., D(,i!,ir
Lieven Cooies t.- nnn (..- n ...
. V';" TEN DOLLARS, i eop.e r!lfe, cV(iU j
mi: m:iv tork daily seu.
A fi;s! ci.i-i Me.-opoii;in Jou rnal de vote I
to Peace and C Liberty, ::d ail th; oe v.s of tr.e day, Politi
cal, Tele-rn;-r.ic.l, Commercul and Local
is the cheapest daily paper in the metropo
lis. 'TKPJIS:
One Copy. One Six D "liars.
One Copv Six Months Tfir-e Doil.i;.,
Single Co, i.-s Tow Cen'.
Address BENJAMIN IVOOD, Editor
and Proprietor, No. li) City Hall Square,
New York. 1 '
IVorlSi ;cufral llailivny.
Tl M E T A LB E.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from-the
North aid West Branch of tie Susqaehin-
na, Elmira, ami nil of Northern New York,
On ai d after Mondav, 20d, 18ri3,
the Pusser.ger Trams of the North Ceniral
Railway will arrive and depart from Sun
bury, Hrrisburg end Baltimore as follows:
M"ail Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Snrulays, at 10.10 a.m.
Leaves HatrUburg, 1.J5 p.m.
Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 "
Express Traiti leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundajs, at 1 1 07 p.m.
Leave-. Harrisbrrg. except Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrives at Baltimore djily except
Monday, at 6.15 a.m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leives BaUimore daily
except Sur das, at 9.15 am.
Leaves Harri.-bnrgy 1.15 p m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 pm.
Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrive at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m.
Leave Ilarrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00
Arrive. at Sunbury, 5.38
For further particulars apply at the office.
I. N DU BARRY, Supt.
Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863.
4 Monthly Journal, devoted io tbi Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed to unmask
the Usurpation, Deptism and crimes of
this vy
And to defend the doctrines of State Rights,
and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by
onr Revolutionary Fathers.
Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co., sao street, New Fork.
PRICE Single numbers 15 centg. For
warded by mail or expr.'ss to all parts of
Jhe United Statesat ft a year, hi advance.
Any person sending ten subsciibejs will
receive, an additionaicopy for oue year.
Aug. 26, 1863. . ; .;
.enU Balmoral Lace Boots,' will basoU
very low. Also, BojVSboes. at
, THIS Journal, which is now in the sixty
second year of its existence, is a thorough
"oing,, independent and fearless advocate
of genuiiie practical democracy. It main
tains the eqU3l right of all men injustice
,md frpodom; it earnestly approves u,e war
for the Uuioi.y it holds up the hands of our
brave soldiers in tha field; and it opposes
trP4ou in ail thapc?, whether open, as at
the fcu'h, or covert or sneakinii. as at ihe
tior h. At th pane time it is the enemy
of all undue exercie,of power, or all kinds
of political jobbery and corrupt ion, m.r
insists Ufjon economy in expenditures. and
a strict adherence no the contiiution.
Tluonghoui thrt war it has advocated the
the most v.gorom prosecution of it, but as
the war draws to a close political questions
take the ascendent. A more stupendous,
difficult and interesting problem was nev
er presented to any people, than that of
the restitution of the revolting states to
their allegiance. Il will require all the
statesmanship and wisdom ol tne na'ion
to brins; it to a fatislactory solu'ion. On
(hat point the "Evening Post" will take
definite "rounds, and endeaor to Irinir
atout a condition of universal freedom
and real democracy. Pedaed to no par
ty, and looking only to the iu erest of the
whole country, it will use whatever e;jerjy
and. influence in the defence of the areat
principles of huma!i riht and human e!
vatiiu) which lio at tho foundaiion of our
It aims chiefly, however, at being a good
iH columns will bj found
from ull parts oi ihe world, accurate report
ol linai.cml and commercial matters, trust
worthy, aid a carefully
selected Literary Miscellany, comprising
Poetry. Reviews of now Works, wish liT
er,iry extracts. Tales gossip and anecdotes
the whole form ins an excellent variety
mi which ever reader will discover some
thing io hi t;.s e '
'Funis Daily Evening Pout.
One copy 1 yr. o-iiv'ed by Carrit-r, 51 1.00
O ie cop) 1 eir sent by mail, 0,0f)
One copy I month, j on
Srmi-Wttkly Evening Post.
Publi.-he l Every Tuesday aud Friday
O. e copv one, S3 0n
Two copie" one ejr, 5 CO
Five copies one year, 12 Ort
Ten I'oj.i:- ni e -'. 22 00
A copy ot li e weekly one year, or of ttie
Se-ni- wekly for six months, will be sent
'o perse ii who sends us a club of leu
Semi Weekly.
Wtikly Evening Pt &t.
Is nnbii-ned every Wedue-day. When
addressed with erio'i subscriber's name : .
One copy one Jear, 2 CO
Thr.e copies one jeat, 5 b0
Five copies one year, 8 00
Ten copies one year, 15 00
And an o.xira copy to the getter up of eacli
chib of ten.
When a Club is sent to one Address.
In oriUrr, to encou'agtf the formation of
clubs in jilaces where only single copies
are now taken, we have decided to offer
the following inducements:
4 copse- one year to one addres, S3 00
7 do oo Lj 10 00
16 do do do 20 00
20 do do do 25 00
An extra copy of the 'Weekly will be
sent for each Club of t .er;!j at this rate.
CletgymeM are supplied by mail at the
following ra'-r: P-iilv, H od per annum;
Sen.i-wcekiv, 52 20: Weekly 51 50.
j Money may be forwarded oy mad at our
CSiJei-iniPii Copies will be sent free to
ad wiio dc-We t.
1 1 i c e of the Kve'jtng i'i-t,
41 N.t-s.'j S... cor. of Liberty, N. Y.
Noveinbi-r 23, 1G3.
I. rERSON'S MAfJAZIN E, the bel at:d
che;i.est in Hie World for ladies. This
popular moiiililv M ig.izice wii be greatly
iinproveit I- r Ibbl. It will contain one
Ttiousaud Page., of Reading! I'ourtceii
(Splendid St'-el Pcitcs! twelve Co!(rcd
Boili'i Work Patterns! Ni'.te Hniu're I
' Wood Cuts! Twenty Four Pags of Mu-
6,! ' A ! I ' i '. v wit! -. rivn finli' l'ii.-k
' " r , W - fc I t II IVI Vlll i l U
j DolUri. ii year, or a tiollur le-s ;lian Mag;i
j ziiit-R o iie cl i- - of '' Pe!erso;i." I;s TlinU
j li.:g Tale and Novele'tes are tfiebe-: p'.li
! lishfoi i.nywliere. All the most popular
j writers are eoijiloved to write orniiiaHy
inr re crso'i. i i ico4, it: aUuiiio i to i s
usual epiantity of short stories. Four
rial Copyright Novelet", will le given, ty
Ann S S'tfphens, E,ia Rodman, Frank Lee
Benedici, and the Author of '.'the Second
Life."' It publishes
Fashions .ihe a t of All Others.
Each t.u.-hber, in addition io the colored
p! ites, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses.
engr.tved on woou. Alo. a pi'.iern. from
j which a Ores-, Mantilla, or Child's Dre,
! (';U1 f'rt cut our, without ihe i"id of a muntu i
niaiier. ALU, several f agee of Household
aiul oil er R 'c ijits.
is the best Lady's Magazine in the
World Try it for one Year Terms,
Always in Advance.
One Copy, one year, S 2 00
Three coji.'.-s. for one year, 5 00
Five, lor one year, 7 00
Etgtn copies, one y.r. 10 CO
Premiums for Getting up Clubs:
Three Five or eigtit copies make a club.
To every fierori getting Up a club, at ihe
above rules, a c.jy of the Magazine for
1S64 will be given gratis.
Address, po-t paid,
306 Chestnut St., P;t!a.
November is. Ifi3
' f 'II E mi Jer-igned wni J annoii'ice, that
he ha on hand, at his Hat aud Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloornsburg, an
assortment of dilferent kind of leather.such
as fine calfskins, morocco, red ar.d black
and linings, all of which Lie will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in this mar
ket. Call aud examine them for yourselves.
Bloomsburg, May 21, 1862.
Fbysiciaa aud Surgeon,
JjfAVlNG located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBUBG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he i pre
pared to attend to all business faithfully and
punctually lhat may be iutrpsted to his care,
on terms commensurate with the times.
Cs" He pays strict atleotion to Surgery
as well as Medicine.
November 25, 1863.-1V.
Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by
Chatles R. Bockalew. , '
December 28, 1850,-iL
dentocs n LUcrary
An Elegant, Mural, and Refined Mis
cellaneous Family Jovmal. .
Ar.d a w elcome visitor to the home cir
cle. It contains the foreign and domestic
news of the day, and presents the greatest
amount of intelligence.
Is f ritned on fina white paper, with nw
atid beautiful type, and i a large weekly
paper of sixteen cctavo pages.
An unrivalled corps of ' contributors are
under regular engagements,- and every de
partment is placed on the most fisuhed
nod perfect sytem that experience c:n de
vise. Each number will be beautifully il
lustra'.ed. TERMS. 52 00 per annum. Invariably
in advance.
For fale at all Periodical Depots in the
United States.
Published every Saturday, corner of Tre
moot and Bromfield streets, IJoston, Mas
sachusetts, by F. GLEASON.
Nov. 11, 1663.
FJjy HE subscriber oold respectfully ap
prise his friends and the public gener
ally, that he has established the
in Jerseytown, Columbia county. Pa. Th
above house has lately been refittpd and
undergone a thorough repairing by the pro
prietor. He is fully prepared Io entertain
the travelling cu-'om as well a the locl
with L'enetal saiislaction, His TABLE and
IAU,are well supplied and will tie careful
ly superintended. And his STABLE is am
ply mid well stocked, in charge of careful
grooms, will always be properly attended.
He invites a share cf the public cus
tom, and pledges his best efforts, to help
his guests feel at home.
Jerseytown, Jan 8, 1862.
1VJ1. B KGlA'S rrop5iptcr
rpillS miignificent Hoiel, siinate m ir.s
- cerural portion of tiie town, and on.
posite the Conn House, hi? been thorou-My
repaired and refurnished, and the Pro'.rfe'or
: . ..: i i .
i uuw pieprtieii io ai-rommfuia-e travelers
team-ter, drovers and boarder- in ihe m-st
nleaanl and a-reeble ii:. ...k...
will be sunphe.l w.ih the Lesl ihe m.irki
ammis. ano n:s i;ir wiin tne i fioicest iijut rs
Attentive o'tlers will always be on har.d
and his piablinu is the most extensive in
t ti i a i ti3 fA ft i- ,. f)m.,:i... , . . "i
always be in readi,'.-ss io convey na.e!i
gers to and from the Railroad Deoof.
Bloomsbnrg, July 4. I860.
h; New Store, on Matu street, r
north side, two doors fniih of
Iron s'reel, Bloon,sl.n rg. Hi I? :
stock of Foreign and Domestic il
consists of Co.nac and R. cneile. Biackb-r-ry,
Oinger, Ra-pberry am) Lavender. He
hs a bire a--ortinent of
Da ;
Old Rye gray wit
age, tine Old Bourboi. !
Old Fo ks Wii!.
coiiimon. f!e al
"V, fid ariy
o h is
quur.tity ri
Madeiras. Lisb-m, Ol .t' t,Stier:y and C;m
pagrc Wines; ; and la-t lul tiol lea-t. a
c;n -y of ::( o 1 dot. ble extr? I'.RO'.VN
SfOUi"; all of which fie will seilat ihe
Liwel ca-'i prices. The public are respect
fully ollciled to give hi liquor a tri-d.
I). W. ROBBINS, Ag't.
Bloomsburg, May I, 1SU1.
D E IT 5? IS T "I .
S V II G 2 a ?; 2 11 X T 1ST.
MtxiTcvri t v .
5? S' tl-LLL of'ers hts,
UaYrrf .-P"f ! !,efVVT;t0,,ie ;
ladies & gentlenienof Bloom
berg and vicinity. He is prepared :o sttend
to all the various operation l:l Denli-'ry,
r,r:d is provided w ph the l.ite-t improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which will b- in
srt.-d on pivot or gold plate, Io look as
well ;is natural.
Mineral pia'e and b.ock teeth manufac -
tared and ail operations on teeth carefully
aklIlui?.! IO. '
A sr.perior article of Tooth Powder, al-
ways on Alloperations on the teetn
jvpsmem-e anu vu.rr, a lew uuurs auove
1 the Court luiuse, 6ame
I HioombnrT. A t. 19 IS 5
d ii 1 1 a XVrciia Slacking.
ii it no ut r ii us ii is g.j
TOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriage,
-- and Miliary Leather Work.
Tins new nnd excellent article excels
eveav thing ever before in use, for beauti
tying and -of eriing the Leather. It make
u polish like patent leather ; will not rub
( ff with water, nor stain :!ie finest white
silk, amt makes lovhrr per!ecily water
proof. Twice a month applied on boots
and shoes, and once a month for harness
is siifti.-i.irit l("ltf t u -j ! h o .- hficnmoe ilir v
.f, i. ntr tri.n ,-!.., o,,.i t"' .t.-i.
w ill re-ap. ear. Warran-ed as represented.
Directions lor n-,. Anolv a few drons
on a spone, rub it slowly over the leather,
and the ordi-n is complete.
C-T For sale hy L. T. MIAIIPLESS.
Blor-msburg. Mac 14, 186,'.
Kollork's Dandelion Coffee.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by phvicians
as a superior NU l RITIOUS BEVERAGE
for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and al!
bilious disorders. Thousands who have
been compelled to abandon the use of cof
fee will use this without injurions effects.
One can contains the strength ck two
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 5 cents.
The purest and besl BARING POWDER
known, for making light, sweet and nutri
tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents.
Alanufactureti ini
M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
CsfAnd sold by alt Druggists and Grocers. n
February 26, 1862. ly.
22a "LET!
Ociic'i Ci:i'ion ITIcrchant.
Bloomsburg, Colombia county Pa.
Particnlar attention given io Rates t rights.
Sept. 2, 1863. Jmoe.
1 ' f , Z. . i ICISJI ll.cni'H.iriii oir5lTlBeilllllllill
11 HOCsalf nilll l.eiail. i and November, 1SC4, the Democrats Could
flMIE subscriber would announce to the ! 001 fad io c.irr la next presi ledml elec-i-
citizen-" ol Bloo.nsbn rg and vicinity, j lion. We ihre.'ore matte the following
that fie i-selling LIQTOliS in large and 1 oilers, not in the Tghl of prize, and not
sriiiili quantities, and at different prices at i veu becaose i- wid be nrcfitable, for w
I70HTY-EIGH T cohimoa of reading mat
ter per week for 21 20 per year. The
only New York Paper made up exclusive
ly for country y"reolation; and. te news
of tbe week, witS the catile", produce, and
other market, Carefully reported.
The Aew York Day-Iiock, for 1861.
White Men's Lit er:ie--State RMhd Fed
eral Union. "
The New York Day-Book tP an indpotv
deut, Democratic Journal, holdtna wit b ika
late Senator Douglas, that "this govern
mem is maJe on the white basis, by whit
men, for the benefit of white mtm 5TTul
their poblcrity foievcr.'-' It is a large doU.
ble sheet, with firty eight columns of react
ing matter, and in 'all respects whether
for Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
information is not inferior to any as a po
litical or family newspaper. In its politi
cal grapples bclcdy with th
real question before the American people,
and presents the only philosophy of it
which can resist ihe sweeping march :f
Abolitionism. It is Democratic in ihe iru
sense oTthe term the defenderof the peo
ple's rights, but it is ihe upholder of no par
ty chicanery orirtckeiy. It is not only for
peace, but it shows how, and how only,
permanent peace can be obtained, and ihi
glo'ions while man's government of Wash
iti'on restored, viz: ty the ntter rout,
overthrow, and extermination of Abolition
ism from American sod.
The Day Bock i now 'ho only weekly
political paper in New York city made
exclusively for ccuntry circulation. All the
others are rha-hed from the colnmns ol
some daily paper, which renders it a'mb-t
impoeoitle io give so complete and general
a summary of the news as in the other
ca-e Person about subscribing should
take this into consideration. Democrat,
td-o. rnusl see to it iht sound pipers arn
circulated among the penph, or abolition
ism will never put down. All who
deire tefute ti e arg i;in":s otf Abolition
ists, should read The Dy U;:uk.
TERMS: One copy, one yeai. 82 ft
Three copie on ?, 55 00; tive copie,
on year, ?7 50: Ten copi-, one jear, ad
one to ihe aerer up of i!,e club, 511 OfJ;
Twenty copies, one year, and one to th
get eru.iol the Cub, 21 00. Additional
ccpies. each 5 1 20.
! 1 "e '1" ?,.
1 S,a '' "t0,d ,n a"
in e ve v lelter.
The nam e of tl.e pot -offl cr u'itr, and
iuiu in ail ca-es, be plainly given
J i
I ' ari,p',1"! ahraJ" adranrp, ard H
i ia;eis will be -topp-d wJ.en the time of
I -"P'U:1 ra'd lor expires
162 Nd'saa st., New York.
' SPecial Orders. We desire this ytitr
IO i"at'8 a million ot nortl.ern read-
ers the grejt dncirmes ' The Day Book"
I fearf'e on ,! e qne-tioa ot thp Races. We
coi.niienny neiieve it inn J mrnal were
p'acetl in the hands of o:ie half of ihe vr-
f r fi I (h.. ' . 1 1 r I 'i . n S!l.f,.j I. ... ... A n .1 1. at
can scarcely a fiord it I ni solely to wruw
a wid lsHm:na';of. of f;e
v i ws v tl
i we pro'outuily be! eve wii! save our roou
) try.
I Clubs of Twenty. Fur a elub cf 20.
I beside tl e extra paper now oifereJ,
; will st'nd a copy of Dr. V,u Evrie's reat
! work on "negroes and negro slavery," 1 1
J third edition of hiuh i-jus, ready. Price
Urie uo lar
Clubs if Fifty. For a club of Fifty
-ut.-cn; ers. at r;iu, we will send one ex'r
pi-er, and a complete ei of our Auti Abo
le i.i Bubiicatioiis," the cl which,
tatiP'i igM),er. amoiini l-i 52 75.
Clubs of One Hunched. In rtlatioH
to Clnbs c-f oue Hundred, we will say tm
Whoever wi i s-nd u oie hundred -n t
scrioers at one titr.e, the clnb to be eid R
one address, and begin aud end at the snni
time, will receive the papers si 5100.
v. e., ii. & ca
November IS, IS63.
T b" P'-'I'-bed D.dly and Weekly In
3 the city of Plidadelphia. bi A J Gio5-
brenner & Co. ''The Age'' will advocate
ilie p.-incip!es of ihe Demoratic prty. and
w i I, thereiore, necessarny favor the reto
ra urn of the Uni-jn as ii wa. and defena
it.e Ci nsti;utii);i of the United States, anJ
lint ot ibis Co nmoi: we vlt ti .
. , U1; frt.ely and fairly discos all leg'tf
' ima-e .-ut jects of nw.-paper comment, ir
i clm!m . ..t mm, and ,H-pminpnili- a
this time, all questions connected wiib the
' pvii;t,i Hi han-u rnr. ,li:i.ti r.f nnr nnnirr.
, ' h w,7, fear:e-iy criticise the publ.r acts
0f public servant and defend the legal ar.d
c-nsntiitio'ial right of indt v idual citizens
. HnJ o overe n States, a-ainsl as-anlT
j frcrn any quarter.
j It wiilfceek io awaken the minds of the
I people to a proper san-e of the actual cori
t dition of the Republic to present to then
truihfullv, the fearful peri! in which wf
! stand a a nation to exhit i: the magnitude
i of the task that lies teicre idem, ii it e
would check our dowuv, R'd progress and
to inspire them with ;'-ii': etermina
tion to apply the remedy fcr o: . national
ilis. In belief, it wiil in all ihuj-j-im to be
li e faithful exponent of Democratic prin
ci;les, and lo renJer it?elf worthy to be aft
oigan ol the democratic party, under whose
au ices onr country prospereJ so lon
and so well. The restoration of that par
! ty the partv of the Constitution and ihe
t Union to power in the legL-laiive and es
I ecu,'v,? goverrimental brar ches of Ihe State
I a"d theLnion, we believe to be necee-
sary to avert anarchy, and the utter ruin of
ihe Republic. To contribute to lhat resto
ration will be our highest aim.
The news, literary, commercial and oth
er departments, will receive due attention)
and will be so conducted as (o make "Tha
Age'' worthy of the support of the geoer i
The many difficulties now curroundtCtJ
an enterprise of the .magnitude of lhat ii.
which the undersigned are engaged, I6
qniri them to appeal to the public for &
(generous support, and to ask for "Th9
Age7 a liberal patronage and extended ci
The preparatory arrangements warrant
ed the issuing of the first number of trf
Daily Age in the month of March 1863,ari
ihe Weekly was comraeuced soon after.
Daily, per annum, 66 00
do Six month, 2 00
4 Three month, 1 50
Copies delivered -at the counter, and l
Agents and Carriers, 2 cents each.
Weekly, per annum, $2 00
do Six months, 1 00 i
do Three mouths, 80
Ten copies to one address, 17 50
Twenty do do 32 CO
Thirty, dt do 45 00 -
Eif.Paymem required invariablyjn ad
vance. Address,
' - -A. J. OLOSSBRENER & CO., '
43 Chesiuot Street, Phile.5
Novembet lb, 18&S,