STAR OF THE NORTH SJLOOJJSRCUG, FA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 10, 1S64. A Load of Good Wood will be taken at tfiU oGce ou aabbcripUoa lo the Star.. Ntw subscriptions to the Star are daily being received. Our irienus have our lhacka for ibeir efforts. . We rotice that our friend, Fiederick Nicely, titters his Tavern Stand for sale, sit uate in Berwick. This is a good location. DsmocrT3, organize for the coming cam paiga. Let every township, village and city have its men at work (or the success of Democratic principles. It is already time to comaietjce-ihe work. AgTtMC3 Ward eaj there are no daily papers published in his town, bat there is a ladies' tewing circle, which answers the tame purpose. We notice in the Berwick Gazelle that the real estate of the lamented Rev. Isaiah Bahl, was sold a.faw days since, for fifteen tandred and five dollars. Sheriff Furman advertises several writs, in addition to those published last week, in to-day's Star. Read them; the proper ty is valuable. A Coil Train, on the Lackawanna Rail road, run off the track, between this place nd Caiawissa, on Saturday morning last, rhich delajed the Harrisburg mail several liottr. No one was injured, we believe. A Loyal Leagues in town, who has a -good deal more money than brains, says "We've got the power and we are going to -do just as we damn please.''7 But, poor wretches, yon will be d d, wbe;har you .please or not. " ' Is to day's Star is advertised a tract at land for sale, belonging to the estate of the late Thomas Linger, deceased The trad is situated in Fishingcreek township. tliKAM E. Klivc, administrator. Fobkct wants to know when the peace tno will suspend their damnable rascali 17 Well, sir, we are getting ready to suspend that damnable rascality as fast as possible. We promise joo that it shall be done, as soon as jour guilty souls 'xill bo prepared lor it. Eras Bick, game chicken of Berwick, mni Fjae Baci of Elooniiburg, fought a prize bau'e oie d.iy last week, in which .the Berwick chicken" came off victorious, titer some dozen hard fought rounds. HtWLccs Totship, re are informed, has raised a pretty handsome sum of money to avoid the draft. Each township in the Coursiy, if she fesls so disposed, can do likewise This township, Bloom, is mak ing an eflbrt to fill its quota with volunteers, v paing a bounty to each recruit equal lo the commutation lee, at least. . Tur Wilkesbarre Tecoid announce? that Rr. Thomas P. Hunt has been arpnintsd Chaplain of the 2d Pennsylvania Artillery, Col A. A. Gibson, stationed at Fort Lin coln, near Washington. Mr. Hunt is a kind old man. He was Chaplain in the 178:5 Regiment, last summer, of which we were a member. Hon. Jons McRctkold3, one of (be Asso ciate Judges, bad sufficiently recovered from the injuries snstaioed by falling npon the ice and dislocating bib shoulder, as to be able to attend to the duties of his office t Court last week. The Judge looks as fresh, bale and hearty as be did when we first made bis acquaintance, several years ago. .. License was granted on Wednesday of last week to the following persons for keep ing public bouts, and selling spirituous, viLoas, malt and' brewed liquors: Hiram Sroethers of Berwick : Enoch Howell of Scott ; John Leggolt of Greenwood ; and i J II. Fry also of the latter place. Two of thesa were applications for the licensing of gENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS' OL uew stands. At our May term the oldimvVS- tands make application for a renewal of their licenses. The York Gazette. This influential Democratic paper has recently been enlar ged and clmhed in a dress of new type. Messrs. Small and Welsh deserve credit for the enterprise they have displayed in so greatly increasing the size and improving the appearance of their paper. We trust they may find the outlay oecessarily incur red remunerative. - . The Northumberland Co Democrat, that launch and straight-forward Democratic paper, which was mobbed by a party of soldiers not long tince, has made i:s ap- pearancs egain, in full size, and doubly Democratic. That paper will live and pros per, while iie cotemporaries will sink and d indie away in their corrupt and reckless course, sustaining principles a few fears -o they were procd to disclaim. Tee citizens of Bloom township held a meeting ia the Court House on Moudy evening last, for the purpose of takinj steps toward raising a bounty for volunteers, to . :1 tbe qncta c.1 this township, which is about forty-three men. The meeiing was well auended, and a pretty snug sura of money was raised by subscription with faw exceptions, from those subject to draft. ALer this was done, it was proposed lo sub divide tLe district, and Committees were appointed to visil those sulject to draft and aiceruia what amount ol zaoney could be raU?i. T3 o-jecl 13 10 clear the township frcra draft by p.tscuriug volunteers, uhich aenje cf csr citizens Lsel very sanguine can ta ions. Tts Cojsrr.iti5es were to report ca Tct:Jay evening hst. We ere tol ad- :3 ITfZ.t JYcw Stock of '.Clothing FALL WINTER GOODS. US-was asawissfsa. INYI'IES atention to hi stock of cheap an.1 fashionable Clothing at bts Store, on MAIN STREET, liEOOMSBURG, two doors above the Jimt rican House, where he ha just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men ami Boy's Clothing, J includiu the mol fashionable, durable and iiaUilaOlue, UUfcS? town?, consist m m IJox, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil C'otl. Coats, and Pants of all scrts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawl; tipped, figu:ed and plain Vesis, shirts, cravats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy article. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well e!erled assortment of Cloths and Vesting, which he is prepared to make up to order, into aiy kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his idothingis made to wear and most of it is ot home manufacture. AND 01 every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case ot Jewelry is not surpaseil in mis place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &e. Ur. AVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3d. 1864. THE DRAFT. PARENTS making election of tons, musl have new papers prepared, and presented previons io the draft. By order just received, old elections will not do. No other class of persons need report be fore the draft. W. WIRT & CO , FIRST DOOR BELOW SLOAN S STORE: Bloomsburg January 13, 1864. Old Things Recoiiie tew, The undersigned would be; leave to in form his old friend, and ' h- re si -f man kind," thai he ha lately returned from the servUe o his ponntrvt and ajm re opened his OLD ESTABLISH- fe ED TAILORING S A LO O N, JJ, with a view of making up entire new gar men:, as well as mending oid ones, for all mankind, and any body el-e who may favor him with their work in hi line. He i- prepare. I to do xvoik EAT, Fa-h ION ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hope by so lining, ni.d sirict atiention lo business (o merit ant receive a due share of patron age. But remember, all, that these time require money, or something to live upon, he therefore hopes and trusts, that when he ha done hi part, Ins rus'omer will do their-, by fun.ishifijf the ''ready John," j or redv trade. For truly the ''Laborer i 1 worth v of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. BloornsVura, Sept 10 1G.. Cheap Hat & Cap A mil tier Arrira! of (ood. jVow . J 'our Time to liny. I NOW SKLL CHEATER THAN EVER. riHE undersigned haling bought out he (iroery ot Djvid Sirnnp, t:as re.noveJ tiis Ha? and Cap S or up to Strtmp'- ()! 1 j oiaud, wtifre iu audition ij u ri.perinr a-- houmf.: I nl SPRINS AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, Comj-riinu every ott and quality, which will he .-oli at oiiiisiially low price. H wrll continue the (Jrocery ami Notion busn e iu all i:s onns a carried on by Mr.S'roup And solicit a contiiiuance of the old cuion,ers. ALSO;-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES. and LININGS to which he irivn. tie at tentioii ol Shoemakers and the public. JOHN K. CHITON. Bloonc-burg, Dec. 26, 1863. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. Pi t-burh ComrnercialColIee. Bitiuhbiniiii " " Cri'tendeii'-i " l Pailadelphia Strat'on, Bryant & Co., " Tnese Scrips, are in amounts of 515 and S50 and are as o much cah, by the Stu dent on entering eiiher of the above Col lesje. Young men de.irin to ob'ain a finished Collegiate Education, will here find a oood speculation by aoplvi" a' 'he crhce ot the STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloombnrg, Nov. 4, 1863. Lack'a and Bloomsburg Railroad . rM AMH AITPR JAM 1H ISfii PAS MOVIBO SOUTH. Freight Sf Paisenier. Passenger. Leave Scranton, 4.20 P. M. ' Kingston, 5.55 Bloomsburg 8.25 " Rupert, 8.35 Danvitle, 9.15 " Arrive at North'd. 9 55 MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. 8 00 A. M. " Danville, 8 40 ' Rupert. 9.22 " Bloomsburg, 9.35 " Kinaston, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, 1,30 Fieishi & Passenger ieave9 Bloomsburg, 10.15 A. M. Paacergers taking the Mail Train South connect with the Express train from Nor thumberland, arriving at Harrisburs at 2.30 A. M , Baltimore. 7,00 A. M. and at ! Phil'a. at 7,00 A.M. the Mail Train from North'd, leaves immediaiely after the Ex press train Jom Harriaburg at and Bait i -more, allowing Paequers leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P." M. lo reach points on this road during the next lorenooa. New and eleganl Sleeping cars accom pany the night trains ech way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Nor thumberland and Philadelphia. D. T. l-OUND, Snpt. J. C. Well?, Gen' I Ticket Agent Kingston, Feb. 3, .864. '-' Selling off at Reduced PRICES! LT. SHARPLESS. wishes to dispose of his PRESENT STOCK of GOODS TO READY PAY CUSTOMERS at REDUCED RATES. - ; Give him a call and examine his prices, Bloomsbcrj, Jan. 6, 1863. DAVID LOWEXBEfiG, CLOTHING STORE, Oa Main elreet,twodorkabor8tLetAmer icn Ujiel.' SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue of sevetal writs of venditiori iifiinn is. to me tiiie.'ieii. iued out if the Court ti Co m-.Mi 11 a oi Ccloi-A-ia coiMit , i ill t:e tj-Ofed .') ) -cblic ale t the Comt Honi-e, in Bloomborsf . on SATURDAY THE TH OF MARCH 1864, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following real es'ate, io wilt " The one undivided one third part of alt that certbin lot of land situate in Orange township, Columbia ro , bounded nd de scribed a tnhows, to wit, bfrgmoiig at a bu-ternm in line ol Innd lae Ma'ihew M; Dcwell, thence by the saine nith ten drf "rue wes". tlmieen and one hail peroh-'s to an elm, north-twenty time de;r"e e.-i twenty one and ei;lit tenths to a whi e oak, thence north M.xly nine derfesca.-i eleven and five tenths to a maple, north mx'j to and one hall degn e est and forty nine perches to a maple, South three deyrtf-H east eighteen perches to a h;ckory( nor.h thirty five decrees east thirteen perches to a pite stump, north seventy seven de ree eat four percnes to a stake, thence by land of Wm. White, tnnth thirty lour degree west fifty four perches to a ttake, South -ixiy four degree wet twenty per ches' to a Mone, thence by land late of Matthew McDowell, south eih'y seven degree west twenty five perches to a but ternut the place of beginning, con'aininu Eiizht Acres more or lei, the mosl of which i cleared land ; whereupon is erected a firft r'a POWDER MILL, co.itiiig of Steam Engine, engine honse, Shading, and iron gearing, with maga zine, dry hoiie, and other necessary building, the aforesaid building" and ma chinery ae new and in good running or der ihere is h'io a ro I WATER P0H ER POHDER 3IILL, with 'all the fixing ready tor nue, and a two, story Fram ? Dwe'lmg House and Sta ble, writ) the appurtenances Seized, taken in exei-ulion ar.d jo be sold as the property ol Emanuel Lazarus. ALSO, The one undivided cue third part of all trut certain lot of around M'U.iie in Orange township, C'oli.mhi coniny, bo inded an I de.rrit ed a follows : Beginning at a Hijt. ti-rnut in lie of land iaie Matthew Mc Dowell, iheiice by t!ie .-ame North ten de grees el 'hirieen and one half perches lo an Elm, north twenty nine degree m et twenty ctie and eiht tenths to a white oak, thence north t-ixty nine dfirees eat Elev en snd five tenths to a Maple, nonh tnirty two ai.d one halt degrees eat and forty nine perches lo a maple, 60udi thiee de grees east eighteen I'erche to a hickory, norm thirty rive degrees eal thirteen per ches to a pine (-tump, nonh teveiiiy seven ilerers earl (our perches to a Miake. thence by Lit, its ol Win. White, onth thir'y lour tlegrees west fiMy lour perches to a stak, sonlti sixly five deiee wei twenty tieri-h-e to a fioiif, thence by lands late ot Mat thew Mt-Doweil south eighiy seven de grees wesi twenty five perche lo a But 'ernut ih place of besiir.nirg, contaifin-i Eilii acres or les, th- mnt ot twhirh ii cleaiei laud; whereupon are erected a 6rt POWDER MILL, cnn'ii it;;; ot Steam Engine, LVirie Hone, Shatfins- and lruii G-ii'"j; wiih Ma.a yine, dty h-n-e; and oth-T nce-i-ary tuiid !,. t ti aforesaid bu'iiliii- a d fna nin ery ate new and in jjood runnn g or 'vt ; Iter i &!.-( h uio t WATER POWER POWDER MILL, vi;n at! the fiyua- read for .i-e, a-id a iw Story Kru'iie Dwelling Ho .e and u Lie, Willi h apjiiT'eriHiice Sr-ied, IjUcii ttl execiiii'Mi nrjd to te s-old a the prope.ty of J. Worits. ALSO, The one ntrlivideil one third part of all thai certain lot ot land M'i;nt in Orange townsditp, Co!tiiiitia cnuiiiv. nunru'ed and d-i nbed an i' ilovr., to wit: Heimiinj at a bn!eriiiil in lne of land lat Mai-hew .McDvvell, ihencrt by ine Hlrle N 'rtti ten il"i;reet we.' thirieen and one half perches to u-i elm. North twenty nine degrees we-t twenty one and eight tenths to a white oak, thence north sixty itins degrees fast eleven and fie tei th to a maide, nor ii thiny two and one hall decrees eat and tony nine perches io a maple, south three daree es' eighteen perches to a nickory, north thirty five deuiee? east thirteen percha lo a pine uiump, north twenty seven decree east four perches lo a slake, thence by lands of Wm White, soa;h thirty lour de rees wet fifty four perches to a stake, so'iih si.x'y five tleres west twenty perch es lo a st. ne, theiicd by lands Ue ot Mat mew McDowell couth eighty seven de grees west twenty five perches to a Bui lernnt the place of oeginning, coiitaii.insr Eiuht Acres more or le.s, the most ol which is cteaied land, whereon are erected a First CI a- POWDER MILL, consisting of Steam Eti-jine, engine house, shading and Iron dealing, with magazine, dry house, and other oece-cary buiMin a; the afore-aid buildings and machinery are new an 1 in good order, there is alo n ood WATER POWER POWDER 3IILL. wiih all the fixings ready lor ue, and a Two Story Frame Dwelling House and sta ble, wifb the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of William Fisher. A 2 SO, All that certain lot ot ground situate in Oraiigvilie, Columbia county, beins in front one hundred and two feet, more or less, and in deM'h one hundred and seven teen feet, bounded and described s fol lows, to wil : On the wet by Main Street, or. the oonh by loi Alexander Hughes, on ihe ea-t by the late Isaiah Conner, and on the south by lot of Samuel Everi'.t, where on are ereced a lare two Story BUUK DWELLING UOCSE a Iare Frame Store and ware house, and a good Stable and wood houe, w;h all the ap IMS purtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Emanuel Lazarus. ALSO, All the following described lots of land situated in Centre township Columbia Co , lot NV 1, known as the Hutton lo', be i a toons in line IO land ol Low &i Brothers; thence by the same sooth 7, west tour purches io a 3tone; thence norm 2Ui, west ten purches; thence by land of H. C. Freas, north 71$ dearee, east four porches lo a stone; thence bv land la.e of Andrew Hasenboch, ou:h 29$ east ten porches to beginning, containiim tony purches,' whereon is erected a lime kiln, lot No. 2, known as the Torbv and Deitterich lot. the undivided half psrt of a lot of lime-stone lai d, be.ginninir at a stone in line to land ol Low St Bioiher; thet.ce south 7i, weri four purches to a stone; thence by land of ihe la'e Andrew Hagenburh, No 26$. west leu porches to a stone; thence by laud ot H. C. Fieas. No. 71$, easi four purches to a stone; thence souih 29$, east ten purches to the begid ninr, containing forty purches, whereon is erected a limp kiln and lime house, lot No. 3, lot of lime-stone land, known as the Henry G. Miller lot, bounded by land of Henry C. Barton, oa the north by loi known as Kirkcndalra qu any, on ihe r-ist ' by land of E. W; 11. Low ou lh- Sou h, and by land of Fi" snd Rjwmsn on ihe west,' con. ainii g afcout hr e-eighs of an arre; there is on ,lhe j.remi-e a fiame il welling house on flory and a half high, lime kiln ai:d lime house ant a small frame stable, loi No. four, beiirg house and lot bounded by lot of t W. Wooliey, on the north by FresR ami Bowman, on the east by ihe L. & B. Railroad, on the south by the public highway from Ccn revilU io Berwick on Ihe west, contaimnj about one eiirtith ol an Rere, : wnereou i erected a Inm.e a celling hou-e and a tjan e .-table, loi No. 6, being a loi ol Lind known a-the whrfil o:, beiinnini at the term-hank ol ihe North 1 -'ranch canal, a: 'the corner of a lot of John Siielihanxnei; tiience op the said canal on the bank thereof N-- 76J E. eiht purchee to the corner ol a iot of John Hut on: thence nlotig the same 80 vni.-l seven purches to luiul ol L. W. Woollny; lhcni e along ihe same fouth 76J west purches to lite corner of a wharf, lot ol John Shellhamer, along said lot souih, 80$ east; seven purches to (he corner on the beim bank of the canal, the place ol be ginning, containing fifty-six square purch es more or less. Lot No. six, known as the stone lot, bounded a follows to wit: Beginning in the centre of the public toad leading from the canal to the lime quarry; thence by land of the heirs ol Isaac L.w, deceased, No. 58, east 6 5-10 purches to another lot of defendant; thence by liie same, No. 35 west four purches to land late ot John Freas & Co; thence alo'ia; the said and a lot of the defendant south 53, west 6 5 10 purches lo the centre of the public -road afureaid; thence alonii the centre ol ihe said public road south 35, eaM four purches to ihe pkioe of beiiin rung, containing twenly-i. ijuare purches strict measure. ,oi No seven, also one other lot of ground bounded otid described as follows: Beginning at a stone, ihence north 30, east above the road 2 8 10 porch es to a stn e; (hence by laud ot Isaac Low, tiecva'etl, north 47, wnst eiy;hi purches to a stone; thguce south 30 w-st along land ol ihe said leaac Low, deceased, one p' reh to a stone or corner of land ot Levi Kirbenda.l & C.; ihence by the same south 36, east 8 5-10 purches to the Lej;in liiit, coniainmj lilteeri porches more r r less. Lot No. 8, also one other lot of laud bounded and described as follows to wit; Beginning at lie east corner ol ihe barn on the line of land belonging to the heirs ol Isaac Low, deceased; thence 3j west 30$ purches alotis land of Levi Kirk etidall & Co., lo the Und of the heirs ol feaac Low, deeea-ed thence by the same south 78, 6 8-10 purche to other land of defendant; thence by the same south 35, east 39 purches lo land of the heirs of Isaac Low, deceased; tlieoee by the same nordi 58, east C 7-10 purches to the place of be gir.ning, containing one acre and eigh:y three porches and seven-tenths of a purcli. Lot No. 9, alco the undivided eigb'.leJ of the well and pump lot, eiahl feet square with the well iu the ceicre thereof, situate near the above last described lot ot o le acre, 81 7 10 porches, an 1 used to accom moda:e the house &. All of the above lots situate iu the sid township of centre, Columbia county. Se zed, taken in execution and to be oid aeiue property of Ilic.harJ forby. A I SO, All that cer'aii: lit of ground situate in Ihe vil agj of Bftitoi), ivv'.iloti township, Crlnmhia Co., containing one-hull acre more or" lcs, bnan.'ed and desciibjd a loll ies to nit; On ihe -oulh ny lot ol H. W Bangs, on ihe e-i by an alley, on ih nr;i bv ari atiev, on 'he rat y ifie 'ja:n irp!. ier"ii are erccteo a g')"d frmie livn ii-ry 'vveltt' 2 hfne, a frmne Cabinet -hop ati.l a f i a. in 'lacie, wrJi appur le i.aiicH Seized, taken m execctton jhim i be old as Kie 1 ffll Ol J-lMif (i Nt'ble JOStAH 11 FUUMAN, Shenif. ShntiH - Otii e. B!otiistuuu. Kel. 3 lsfi4 Adimiii.slrnl ' .otitc. E&tutt of Itury M. iJitiline, deceased: LETlERStd Administration on Ihe e late o Henry M Dtldine, la e uf Mad icon town!t'io, Columbia coutitv. deceaed, have been granted by tne Iliister ot si'! county, to Julie Ddduie, Who reside in Limestone township, Montour county. All pero i- having claim against the estate of ttie deredent are reqlle'.ed to make them known to ihe Adunni-tfator without delay, and all person indeiied lo Ihe estate are requeued to make payment iiuru;diatel io lt;e uuder"igned. JOHN DILDINE, Admr. Jatiuary fir 18U4. 5w. $2. . (liuiniolral4i Notice. Estate uf Henry Kitchen, deceased. IETTERSof Admiiiistraiion on the E Jtate of Henr5 Kitchen, late of Green wood township, Columbia county, dee'd. have been -ranter by the Register of said County to the undersigned who reside in 'he same tonhip. All persons bavins; claims against the E-laie of the decedent are requested to present them for settle ment to the Administrators without delay, all ihose in febied to the estate to make payment forthwith. URIAH R. HARK AR, ) Al,,mr. RICHARD KITCHEN, Aa,mT Dec. 23, 1S636W.-S2 00 ATTENTION! T ALL VIH.J II MAY tONCEKN. THE nnd'Mtgned being a regularly 'Mi crised Auctioneer," hereby offers his ser vice- as .;ch, to all who may feeldi-posed to give bur. a call. His great experience in the business, will enable him to render satisfaction to his customers. At the same lime he cautious all Actioneers, no! Vicens ed, from following said calling a the fine fixed by the U. S7 uill surely be imposed, and the law carried out to its full extent. All persons desiring to obtain my servjres. will pleae inform me to that effect before iT.ey advertise. J. D. RICE, Auc'r. Light Street, Nov. 15, 1863. National Foundry. I2looiiis1inr, Columbia Co., flne sabsnbjr, proprietor of the above named extensive eMablUhtnen', is now prepared to receive rrders for all kind of machinery, forCOLLERlES. BLAST FUR NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He i also prepared to make- S.oves, alt size4 and patterns, Plou'-iron., and everj thing usually made io itrM-elass Foundries His extansive facilities Mad practical workman, warrant him in receiving the largesi conlracts on the mosl reasonable terms. CF Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for casting. CW Thi establi-hmeni i located near he Lackawauua Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 183. BLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS II DEEDS, SUMMONS, ' EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper &desirablef onns, fo sale at the ace of the 'tar oiih North." INVALID SbLDlER iWTIOXAL HOME ENTERPRISE, 585 BROADWAY NEW YORK. TUB M1S.R0K. C? THE RS BBLLItlT. The Most Complete and Magnificent ff'ar Exhibition Dxtant. to raisi g Hinds for a Na tional Home, 100,000 TICKETS, AT Si EACH. A DUSA'IWN rfZZi.TZO hi VvtuaNe Prop titylolhe 1'uket HJdus. JOSIAH PERHAM, Aaeni for the Tro lr) has the honor to announce a plan forcreatii.g a fund for ihe louuding of a National Institution, lo be a home for In valid, disabled, discharged soldier. The original somber of Tickets issued for this object was 100,000. one third of which l ave been already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was firM projected. Ech of the One Dollar Tickets is good for Four Ad missions to the Mammoth MIRROR OF THK REBELLION, at 585 Broadway, New York City, or wherever else exhibited. Oi l half of the profits of the entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to ihe above named patriotic object. Accosting to the original adverii-ed plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Fanetiil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4th, and an adjourned meeting at ihe same place on Dc., 16th. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elected as a Board of Trustee, io receive the funds which mav accrue .irom ihe novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to this object iu acroioance with the plans of the originator ; Gen John S. Tyler, Brston; his Excellency Governor James Y. Smnh, of Rhode I-land; Hon. Geo Rriggs of New York ; his Excell-ncy Gov. A. G. Lortm ot Pennsylvania; Mi-jo' Gon N. P. 'Junks, of M-.- , Maj'U Gen. O. O. Howard of Maine: hi? Gov. Richard Yaiea, of Illinois. To speedily accomplish this great ob ject, every wi.-e means will be used by the projector to elL-cl the immediate sale ot the tickets; and be cails upon the loyal and humane lo assist esroe-tly in carrying this noble undertaking forward loi trium phaut success. Neither its importance, nor its feasi bility, can be called i n question. Let ihe people but respond in a spirit worthy o the. project, and no obstacles shall delay its coi.-n in n.a;ion . Makniii the orouosnion in eood fiih. and ready lo devote his whole energies io the greal wo;k, the projector firmly be lieves the tid of popular lavor will flow in tne de-tred direction, and accomplish the toundi"g and'iusure the creation of a permanent National Institution, which shall be an as-ylom lor the retired soldier, whose Icios of health or limb is his diplo ma lor heroin service" pet formed in hi? country's caue, and which shall go down to ine f u'nre generations a blessing to man kind ai d ;'i enduring monument lo the iiba'iiily ol the loyal people. IU- i-oiniinir .! this en'erprWe with r puLilic place ol ainueetr.eril of such well estaMi-he.l high charac:er xr.d merit, the sub-c;i! er to the luud. while Jiiving his ruo'tev lor tne promotion of a great char-. itHi'le dein, may receive a lu'l equiva lent for the on'lay in witnes&iug thi ol-n i I -eri-s ol Pai uit gs. ATTAliACriVE fiOUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effect :ha -pcedie.-t possible Jale of these ticket, -o lhat u"nereary expense max b- -avet, and l'e National 11 :ne Fund nroporuonaiely increaseo, a fonder iii'Uiceuteni is olTxred a a oounty to pur cha-er. A oon as the tickets shall have been old, iu addiiion lo one half the profits, as Hloresail the following de-crihetl prop erty will be donated io the licket holders, and placed hi the hands ol iheir Trut-tees, a distinct boar-1 having been chosen lor that purpose, al the mass meetings held as above stated, and tfhich coii!-iis of the lollowii g gentlemen who, on receipt ol Ihe. propeMy, will dispose of Ihe same, by lot, or otherwise, as ine ticket holders in mas meeting may direel there to be no violation of iaw in such disposal : Hon. C O- Riie.-s. Hon. O. W, St.ick. Gen. Boot Cow.fin.CoI. A.J Wnghl, John C Hay nes. E-q., ol B;un, Johua Webster E-q.. of Maplevill", Mas- , Isaac S. Morse Esq , of Camt'ridge, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To wh'uh the 'fickit-holders uill be entitled O :e gen eel residence in the City ni R.obury Mas, valued al J10 000 Three Piuuo (on-, val. at 5500 each Five piano-fones, val. at f-3ttG each Fiveiold Watches, al SI 00 each, Filly Gidd Vaiehe, al i5l) each, Two -harea in Ihe Bosion and Wor- cesier Railroad, a 5130 each, Two shares ir: Ihe Bo-ton and Maine R R. valued at S130 each, Twophare in the Merchants' Bank, . Bosion. at S100 each, I.5PO l,5(i0 500 2,500 260 260 200 Six thousand Gold Union Medals xtalued at S3ach, 1,000 Two Sewing Machines, at $50 each, 100 Total, S34.720 Due notice will be gixen of Ihe next mass meeting of tne ticket holders which will take place iu New York City. A National Home Ticket, costing one dollar, consists of five coupons, lour ol which ire admissions lo the Mirror, good at any time, and h other certificate of an interest in the Enterprise, wbicn the purchaser retans. The admmon coupon may be used sep aralely, or all at once, as suits the conve nience of the purchaser. All ommnnica-.ions on the subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or exiues--, shoold be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 535 Broadway. Nww York City. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interest in this charitable undertaking, by getting op club, will receive eleven tickets lor every ten do'lars sent. Jjn. 20, 18fU uoivAKus Assonvnox. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary vnd Sexual Systems new and re irea'merii in Reports of ihe HOW aRD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in reale i '.ctier envelones, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'ree' Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16 1863 ly. " NOTICE. ALL persons having claims of EXEMP TION ironi lh- DRAFT, can have ttieir papers promptly and carelully drawn by calling al the Office ol the undersigned, in Bloomsburg, Columbia connty, Penn'a. Office, Second Deer West of the Court House. MICHAEL F. EYE REY. Jmuarj 6, 1864. THE SISGEil SEWLG MACHINES. OUR Letter A Sewing Machine it fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and mort beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many use ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gaihering, Guanine, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so forth . No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a area! variety of work. It will sexv all kiin's of do h, and with all kinds ol thread. Great and receut improvements .nuke our Family' Sewing Machine -most reliable and most durable, and mosl cer tain in action at a. I rates of speed. Il makes the interlocked siiieh, which is the best stitch know n. Any one. even of the mosl ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fi d-hed in Chaste and exquisite stj le. The Folding Ca?e of the Family Ma chine is a piece of cunning workmanship of li e most useful kind. It protects the ma chine w f.en not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spacious ami sub-iantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are fini-hed in ihe sim plest a id chas est manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the mosl costly and superb manner. Il is absolutely necessary to see ihe Fam ily Machine in operation, so as lo judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fa-! becoming as popular for famUy sewing as our Manufacturing machines are lor manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices ate well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc, of the very befl quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8J0 Chestnut Si. N. S. Tmgley. Agent, in Espy, Pa A. J Evan-, Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. II, 1863. AND SECOND HAND SAFE S, AT NEW YORS SAFE DEPOT 71 nilliatn Street, Ntw York. Size and Prices of Lill'us Fire-Proof O UTSI I) E: Height. Width. Depth. No. 1 24 20 20 Xn. 2 ' 26 22 24 No. 3 30 24 24 No. 4 32 28 24 No. 5 31 31 24 No. 6 40 31 24 I N S I D F-: Heibht. Width. Depth No. 1 17 11 12 No. 2 19$ 13$ 12 No 3 21 15 12 No. 4 22 18 1 No. 5 2 4 21 14 No. 6 31 21 15 PhlCE. PRICE. Number 1 S50 ( 0 f Number 4 S5 00 do 2 60 00 I . do 5 1C0 00 !o 3 70 00 do 6 115 00 November 1 1, 1863. 300,000 MORE MEN U' ANTED TO QUELL REBELLION"! RE VOL UTION IN HIGH PRICES! XEW AKH1VAL 0T FALL Ac W LATER fiOODS. AT PETER EXTS STORE IX LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. FTAS iut received from the e3tern ciiie and is noxv opening at the old stand a splendid asscirlmeni of which will be sol i cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock co.i-.ts of Ladies Dress Goods, choice! stxles and latest fashions. CALICOES. MUSLINS. U IN G II A MS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C; Hcariv-.Tln'Ic Clothing SATINETS, CSSIMERES. COTTONADES, KENTUCKY JKANS THREAD, &C. crPi- y ctn r? Tyi r r e QUEENS WARE, CEDAR W AtlE, II A RD WARE. MEDICINES, DRUGS, BOOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short everything- usually kept in a country store. The patronage of his old friendi, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited. The hisjhesi market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Liiiht Street, Nov. 11, 1863. JUillcr's Store. OF FALL AaD MTXTER GOODS. 'IHE subscriber has-just returned fiom the Cities with anoiher large and select assort me tit of FAMi 4& VIATi:i: CiOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at ihe lowest figure, and which he is determined oeell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsexvheie in BloomsLorg Hi stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, i of the choicest styles and latent fashions DRY GOODS, 1 1 A It D W ARE. Q U E E N S W A R E. CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE,' Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, kc, &c In short, everything u-ually kepi in counlry stores; to which be invites ihe public gener- The hiohesl price will be paid torcoub try produce, in eschan2e for . STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Jan. 6, 1864. Attorney at Jj&t BLOOMSBUKG, PA. OSl en Main Street, First door below k J.SIcan'. Store. Pc 13, 164 r THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICA!!. We do not believe that even in I hie i of cheap publications any. work Can b more reasonable tlian ll e terms of in Scientific American at 82 per annum xvhh '25 per cent, discount lor clubs of 10 to form a yearly volume of 832 pages quarto, with m immense number of origi nal engravings of patanted rrachlnest vala abk inventions, and objeo's of scientific intereM. There js not an industrial pursuit which doe not receive a share of its at tention. Il contains t tf'r iul Lot ol patent claims, imoortant sta'lsnrs, practical re cipes lor ooi.nestic purposes and ha lon stood, both in this country and in Europe, as the hihrsi authority in the mehtrnd arts and eiences, There m no publication more valuable to ihe larrtir, the rr.ilJer the engineer, ihe iron founder the rrtchan ic, or the manufacturer. We have never opened a number without learning some thing we never knexv beloieaud obtaining valuable in ormation for the benefit of oof readers. The Publisher, Messr. Mnnri & Co , of 37 Park Row, New York, have deserved the success which they bav achieved. No one should visit thai city without calling at iheir palatial establish meni, which is a museum ot inventive genius, collected from ihe entire world. It any of our Iriends do not know this work and will take our advice, they will mail 2 and become subscribers immediately, or by applying to the Publishers they can ob tain a specimen copy gratis, which will be sure to confirm the truth of our recommendation." TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets For the JVIillou ! most valuable and wondertul puoll cation. A work ol 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM,an original and popular trea'ise on Man arid Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for iheir speedy cure. The prac ice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numberous persons, he has been induced to extend hts medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." Il is a volume lhat should be iu the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for ihe allevia tion of one of ihe most awful and destruc tive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ol postage to any part of the Uni ted Stales for 50 cents in P. O. 6tamp,?J conies for 81. Address, pot paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Divistou Street. Nesr York Sept. 9. 1863. juvr rURLlSHED. A SPLENDID STEEL PLATE MEZZOT INT ENGRAVING OF HDjor-General Gecrse B. ScGlellan. On the Rattle Field of ANT I ET AM- SlZK OF PlCTCBg 19$ BV 24 IhCHIfe fMIE Original Painting was made from Ide, to nrder cf the Publisher, by the celebrated Artist, C. Schussele. Esq.,(wbo is the only one the General sa' to). Il represent him on his celebrated horns Daniel Webster, presented o him by the ciiiy.d;is of Cincinnati,) taking an crserr vatirn ci" he field, in the latter pari of tha day , as the Rebels were falling back. Is the fore ground are seen the deeolat'ons of the battie broken sues, shattered trees &c In the dirtancc, amongst the smoke and tluM, bis s!a3 officers, ar:iliry, cav airy and infarttry. The whole picture ia an adm;ribie cornposiiion, and dUpiajfe the rare genia of the AniM. PRICE OF THE ENGRAVING. Single copy, to one address, 3 00 Two copien 41 5 00 Three. ' 6 00 Sent bv mail post-raid. Persons acting as Ager.ts end ords rinsf. ( one copy a! three dollars, car. haxe sub sequent ones at two dollars each, iravei ittg Canvaers orderius largely, will ba supplied on liberal '"fn". A-ldress JOHN DAINTY", Publisher. 17 Sonth Sixth S:., Philadelphia. Jan. 13, 1S64. AIuiinitr:iior' IVoticc. Etite of Daniel Levan. late of Roar' inzcretk twp., Columbia CO., dee'd. JE ITERS of administiaiion on the estate of Dnmel Levan, late of Roaringcreek township, Columbia county.deceased, have been sratUed by the Ren'iMer of Columbia county, to John Levan of Roaringcreek tp., and William Goodman of Locust twp., in said county. All persons having claims against the esme of the decedentaare re quested to present them lo the administra tors for settlement without delay, and all those indebted to the estate to make pay meut forthwith to ihe administrators. JOHN LEVAN. ) . . WILLAIM GOODMAN ) A"' Roarinacieek, Nov. 11, 1863 52. Im'rt. eiv ClotSiin More. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rIHE undersigned respectfully informs A his friends and the public generally, that he has jus; received from the Eastern Cities, a larae assortment of Wall $ Winter CL O THEJVG. Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. A LS O, HATS & CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome to numer ate, io which he invites the attention of pur chasers. 37" He is also prepared to make up clothing to order, on reasonable terms. and vp to the latest fashions. OCall aud examine our stocic ci gnous. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, Dec. 2, 1363. OYSTER SALOON IN DLOOMSDURG, COL. CO. PA. flMIE undersigned would announce to the - public lhat he has rellt-ed his SALOON one door East of his BAKERY & CONFEC HONARY, on Main S:reet. Bloomsburg; aud is prepared lo accommodate both La dies and G-vlemen. He i prepared o furnish OYSTERS, WHOLESALE & RE TIL, BY THE CAN GR OTHERW ISE. Ii. STOIINER. November 25. 1863. SPECIAL NOTICE. VLL persons indereed to the late firm t Miller Eyer, Merchants in Blooms burg, are hereby non6ed, that the Boo, Notes and Accounts of said firm are inlhe Sore for collection, and mosl N Milled, by the firt of Oetober, without respect t those concerned. . MILLER &EYEK. . Bloorrsborg, Angui 28, 1863. T;:-1 ti to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers