! if1' i r STAR OF TnE NORTH. IPAf. JR. XrlCOJjy, EDITOR. BISOSSBCSG, TfEDSESDAT, JIN. f 7, 1864. S. M. Prn-ENOiLL & Co., 37 Park Row, New York, are duly authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions and advertising for the Ftarofthe Forth, published it Bloomsburg, Colombia county. Penn'a. ., ' Mather & Co-, 335 Broadway, New York, are authorized ;o receive subscriptions and - advertising for lbs Star cf the North. TOR PRESIDENT I 1864, - GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Subject to tbe Decision of the Democratic . National Convention. ju UEpuuticaci. We hare always beliered that at least u portion of the Republican party-the hon est laboring men, were sincere in their opinions. If so, how can they longer ad here to the party in power. There were first eld line Whigs -believing in common with the Democratic party, that the States were all equal, and that each State was sov ereign, and had a perfect right under tbe Constitution to control hs own institutions. They believed in nationality and not in sec tionalism. They were opposed to the trea sonable doctrine of Abolitionism. But their leaders have drifted over to a full com xnnnion with the Abolition faction. Can too ro with themt They Lave deceived you. Tbey promised that . they did not States. They promised that their princi ples wonld lead to no disaster, that they would preserve peace, reduce our expendi tures, ceosure economy and honest, and bless the country. Take now the thieving, the taxes, the monstrous and increasing ' dibt and all the ruin that Is opon ns, and eae bow they have falsified every promise. ' They cannot claim that they could not bave prevented it. The power was in their bands, aud when they could have compro - -I u - ! j fu j uiiecu 11, iucj wuuiu uuu tuvjr noiti ue- termined to revolutionize and free the ne groes. Then comes colonization or amaJga ' rnatioo and equality ia addition to all the rain already upon us. Turn back and take 'a careful review of what they promised ' font years ago, and see where they are now Can any sensible man go with them far. her? GtNVRiL McClellah on the 7th of July s 1862, addressed a letter to tbe President, wherein he gives him the following good advice. If tbe President bad heeded it bow much better would be tbe condition ol -the country to day! It is not surprising that tbe General was superseded by Gen. Burnside, as be would not be made the tool . of the administration to doits unholy work He was not friendly to the Abolition pro gramme, hence bis decapitation. - The time has come when the Govern - zneni mast determine npon civil and mili tary policy covering the whole ground of our national trouble. The responsibility of - determining, declaring, and supporting such - civil and military policy, and ol directing the whole coarse of national affairs in re gard to tbe Rebellion, must now be assum ed and exercised by yon, or our cause will be lost. The Constitution gives you power enfficient even for the present terrible exi gency. This Rebellion has assumed the character ot war ; as such it should be re garded and it should be conducted up on tbe highest principles known to Chris tian civilization. It should cot bea war looking to the subjugation of people of any State in any event. It should cot be at all a war opon population, but against arraed forces and political organization.- Neither confiscation or property, political executions of persons, territorial organiza tions of States, or forcible abolition cf slavery, should be contemplated for a moment " bis late message the President says of bis negro pets-"So far as te5ted.it is difficult to cay that they are not as good soldiers as any." Of the grammatical smoothness of thto sentence we have, nothing to say, be cause it might perhaps be replied that it was none of our business; but we may be permitted to imagine what our white sol diers will think of it. It is a fronunciamento by ; the President, of negro equality, at a point where the white soldier, who is proud that his mother is a white woman, will be likely to feel his his pride most touched. Thx Democratic State Cosrvcmoir. The Democratic State Central Committee met at the Merchant's Hotel in Philadelphia, on Wednesday. There was a large attendance cf members, and it was resolved that the State Convention should be held ia Phila delphia, city on Thursday, the 24th day of liareh. Grsxksacxs are printed at the rate of five millions a day, with tbe signatures and cumbers all engraved, bo that no signing nor numbering is required by anybody. Tbey are simply packed op ia bundles, as they fall from the printing press, as so many shingles would be bound and sent off to market. - E;nxT res Him ! General Grant is repor political cfHca. When this war is over, I mean to roa for Major of Galena, (his place ol residence,) and, if elected, I intend to bave the sidawalk fixed between my boose asd the depot." Presejttatjoxi are getting common. The captain of a canal teat out West has jnst tisn presented with serviceof five years in the Penitentiary, ia consideration of the c!;stibu;3h?J ability witli which be plan et srsi a T "-r?,T l83 kied hisa ire t to Un Mitt President. . , We know that, many intelligent , people who bave looked closely and thoughtfully at the progress of usurpation, and watched with straining eyes and throbbing hearts the course of this administration, since their attention to retain power in their bands became obvions, entertain serious appre hension that there will not be another Presi. dential election. On this point their doubts are so stroung that tbey amount almost to conviction. Bat we were not aware until recently that Horace Greeley was one of the number; and we confess that we were somewhat startled when, in reading bis brief remarks, following Wendell Phillips's speech at the Cooper Institute, we mado the discovery that he was. In these re marks he made tbe astounding decleration, in substance, that it would be time to con sider the question of succession to .the Presi dency, after we bad ascertained whether we were to have another President. "He could not yet decide,'"' he said, "whether we should ever have another President, but he hoped we wonld. When that question was ds cidedit would he time,1 &c. Really, when Mr. Greely expresses a doubt on the sub ject, there is ground for apprehension, and we cannot blame those who, with far less information as to the designs cf those in power than he possesses, have come to the same conclusion, and begin to "despair of the Republic." The World, in reference to the speech of the philosopher of the Tribune, says : There is one point in that little speech of Mr. Greeley's w'hieh we cannot approach without pain. We refer to the misgivings be expressed as to whether we are to hate another presidential election. This may have be-in the erode suggestion of the mo ment, it may have been cant ; but even if it is the mature fruit of Mr. Greeley's reflec tions, it does no discredit to his understand ing. The form of a presidential election, of some sort, we shall no doubt have in the coming year ; bat there is real danger that tbat form may be so deceitful and invalid that the people will not respect it. The possibilities of evil are so many that we can allude to but one or two of them. Sup pose for example, that there should be a close vote between the two leading candi dates in the States which have maintained a steady loyalty, and an attempt should be made to control the result by electors (real or pretended) chosen in some of the sece ded States. The subject is so grave that we will en deavor to speak opon it without partisan bias. There is too much reason to fear that in tbe event we have supposed, the beaten party would not submit. If Nonh Carolina should choose electors under the auspices of her axUt'mg State government, and their votes would elect the Democratic candidate, would the Republicans submit to have them counted ? Would the Demo crats submit to have them rejected 1 If again, the electorial vote of Louisiana would control tha result, and electors should be chosen under tbe auspices of one of Mr. Lincoln's new governments, representing onetenth of tbe voters and wholly control led by him, would the Democrats consent to bave these votes counted 1 Would tbe Republicans consent to have them exclude ed There are various o'her ways in which the respect of the corr.try for what purport eJ to be a presidential election might be so shaken as to make it practically nugatory. In such an emergency we we may be sure of this that lawless and vaulting ambition would not be idle. But precisely what plots would be formed, what conspiracies batched, or whether the gordian knot would be cut by the sword, are thing not giran to moral foresight to descry. We have believ ed from the first, that the war is a simple and easy matter compared with the polit ical difficulties that will emerge with tbe success of our arms. Mr. Greely may well look forward with apprehension to the straining not unlikely to be put on the tim bers of the Constitution in the next Presi dential election. Abolition Preaehirj' Its Ultimate Remit The ultimate result of Abolition pulpit preaching, says the Patriot and Union, will be rank infidelity, running into a fanaticism as wild a that which characterized the God defying population of Paris, when the huge city poored its muhitudious swarms, to witness the crowning and worship of a common prostitute as the Goddess of Rea son. The wild Jaco bins of tha French metro polis had reached that pitch of madness by going through precisely the same prelimi nary process tbe false priests of the God of the Bible are now leading their flocks. Who will condemn us for calling these repudiators of the Gospel, these recrocifiars of Christ, false prophets ? Clothed in black garments and white nick-cloths, they cross the isles and ascend the pulpits dedicated to the worship of tbe true God, and after reading from the sacred volume, pervert its meaning, and, opening their mouths, send from stentorian lungs the breath of hell. You hear no more from these false priests the language of Christ tbey poor out no longer the "living waters" that flow only from the throne of the Most High but instead their sermons are a con tinuous roar of musketry and crash of steel, o that the church seems a -battle field, and instead of the soft, soothing words of Christ giving hope, and comfort and life, the ear is pained with the shrieks of the wounded, and appalled by the groans of tbe dying, aud the moans of the widows aud orphans. Under the preaching of these appostates from the faith, one feels as though he stood sole deep in human gore, for which they make God reasonable, and praise and glo nty Him for the blood which their own evil passions and counsel has caused to be shed. It is no longer the God and Christ cf the Sacred Volume tbey worship. They have deserted them as Solomn did, and sought after idols. Tbey have gone far back into (he ages of the past and chosen for their idol the most execrable deity of the Pagans It is Moloch, "horrid God besmeared with blood of human sacrifice i and pars ats7 tears," to whoa they tiowj bOW. What wonder that the Church is divided and the flock scattered, when the false shepherds have exchanged tbe crook for the knife, and instead of protecting, destroy those who were committed to their charge? They are no longer true - pastors and preachers, trying to save souls by in stilling righteous precepts and desires but human tigers howling for blood "wolves io sheeps clothing,'' "roaring lions seeking whom they may devour." In the language of Christ they are like the Pharisees of old, who professed Godliness, but had none a "generation of vipers," whited sepulchers," fair enough to look upon, but within tbe rotteness and odor of death. The result of this devilish play of the Abolition pulpit will be seen and felt, after "this cruel war ia over," in the looseness ot morals and the spread of infidelity throughout the whole land ; for although, during the present period of excitement when the boom of cannon and the rattle of small arms, the command to advance, the shock of battle, the cry of victory, or the horrors of retreat, are telegraphed over the wires every day men may listen to, and even applaud the wild blasphemy which cow forma tbe eloquence of pulpi t oratory ; yet, after a while, when reason resumes ber throne, when calmness succeeds pas sion, and the former days and doctrines are thought cf, men will either renonnce religion entirely as a farce, more fit to be enacted in a theatre than a church, or they will dethrone the false parsons and the false gods, and return again to the God ol their fathers the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jocob-and to His true Christ the true Mes siah, whose doctrine was not a doctrine of blood, but love, "peace and good will unto men Some will take the one course and some the other, but by far the greater number, disgusted with the attributes of the Abo lition God. will renounce all religion and become infi dels and atheists. To the Democracy of Northumberland Conaty. It is doubtless known ere this to all of our readers, tha; tbe Northumberland County Democrat office was destroyed on the night of the 18th inst. Our presses were torn down and broken, imposing stones upset, tables, canes and stands, tumbled around the room, the types scattered and mixed, a large American flag stolen and a general destruction consummated. Mr. Jesse M. Simson, the proprietor of the building, with his usual boldness and courage, went fearlessly up among the ri oters, who were armed with pistols and swords, and was struck and pulled over the banister in bis own house. His revolver, keys, pocket handkerchief, &c, were taken from him and stolen by tbe crowd,, after which he tore loose from them and ran down stairs. The lateness of theTioor, during the ab sence of onr employees, formed a fitting time for the committal of this outrageous, cowardly and most infamou crime against the peace of the Commonwealth and the liberties of the people of this county. Tbe freedom of speech aud the press are guar anteed by tbe Constitution of the United Slaves, and our own State Constitution ex pressly declares, that these great rights shall never be restrained. These Constitu tions and the laws of the laid constitute the government of this country, and there is none other save the government of mobs, incited by unmitigated scoundrels, the lovers of despotism and the assassins of liberty. To this latter class belong the in stigators to this dastardly outrage upon the rights and sentime nt of the large majority of the people of this county. Tbat this blow was aimed at the editor of our Eng lish paper,!now engaged in the performance of legislative duties, to which your suffrages elevated him, or that it was aimed at the qoiel editor of our German editicn is folly to assert. It was aimed at you, the people, to crush your press, to outrage your senti ments and to rob you of those rights which your God, your Constitutions, your laws and a proper administration of this govern ment would eive you. It means that con stitutional principles and civil liberty against mobs and usurpation shall not be advocated in your midst. The perpetrators of this villainous act were strangers among us, knowing nothing of our paper, nothing of our town and nothing of the sentirrents of our people. They were incited to it by men in our midst, who make themselves the champions of loyalty and who call opon honorable men to vote and sustain their revolutionary and riotous policy. The re sponsibility rests upon them, and they can- I not and shall not escape it. They have given a practical illostration at)d confirma tion in our midst of tbe disregard which they have for law, for the security of prop erty'or for tbe peace and order of society. While we have stood as the delenders of civil liberty and constitutional government, while we have spoken boldly in defence of tbe people's interests against usurpation, Tiotings, despotism and plunder, they bave been constantly advocating, inciting and defending these repeated enormities of their own pary, for the destruction, in violation of all law, of tbe inalienable rights of free men. But the spirit of freedom which tbey seek to crash, will not yield before any das tardly outrage they may commit. We can not be wedded to the Harlot which seeks the destruction of liberty and the erection of a despotism, by these repeated confirm ations of her crime. It will only cause as to renew our energy against all men and parties, who in the name of loyaly, com mit outrages against the peace and free dom of tbe people, for which the penitenti ary or the services of the hanging should be their righteous doom. The Northumber land County Democrat, though mobbed by strangers, at the instiga:'tpn of partizan scoundrels, is not dead, it will soon again appear to defend the lime honored and con stitutional principles of the Democratic party, and if law among loyal leaguers ia a thing gone by, and if brute force and the reign ot mobs at the instigation of drunk ards is to be the order of the day, the Dem ocratic party are prepared for tbe insoe of elf-defence to tbe destruction of property for property or even life for life. We have ever been the advocates of law and order, but the Democratic party cannot be held responsible for anarchy if forced opon them. It wonld be justice to kssert, that there are those who differ with jis politically, who denounce these criminal efforts to inaugu rate a reigc of terror n. the land. Our difference with such mm is only nominal, and the wonder of the times is, that rfhey can vote to sustain these and the thousand other crimes agair.Bt their own liberty, se curity and prosperity.: To those who re joice at these damning deeds, we may say, tbat it will not injure us. It will greatly iucrease our circulation and patronage while property is secure, and if this fails, it will involve them in a common ruin. A reward of f 100 will be paid for infor mation which will lead to the detection and conviction of tbe perpetrators or insti gators of this villainous act. But whether detected or not, let the brand of eternal in famy be stamped npon these assassins of free government, who, after having been loud in their demands for free press and free speech, become now the practical ad vocates and abettors of their destruction. T. J. PURDY. For the Star. Mr. Editor: It is not often that I take the pen to correspond with newspapers, but it cannot be helped sometimes, and when a person observes how things and men have changed, and especially those who should stand more firm, meaning the preachers of the Gospel, we cannot help but feel sorry tha.t the world is progressing so fat in improvement. Sa that, with a few exceptions, when we goto church to hear ihe gospel preached, we hear nothing but niggerism and pelfishnesh, which in my opinion is not the gorpel. I read a com munication a short time ago that was writ ten by a wonld-be preacber, in which he say there are as great men in the world to day as any whose names now live on the pages. of history, and I think that ac cording to his opinion there are men who can do more man stop the efTo-Mon of blnod, for we read both in sacred and profane history of men who have called forth and raised the dead and brought ihem to life, as you can see in 2d Kings, 4th chapter, 33d and 35th ver&e; also, in the Acts of the Apostles, 20th chapter, 9tti, 10tb, 11th and 12 th verses; and the lame were made to walk. So also in the Acts. 3rd chapter, 2-1 and 9th verses. ' Now I do not think there are any such men ii our day, cnless he is an exception, inasmuch as i!i- jjreit men of those days were preachers the gopel. t. faul charze us to take heed, when he says, "for 1 know this that after my depart ing shall grevous wove enter in among you, not sparing the flock: a'ao ot your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them." 20th Act 29. h, 30th, and 33d verses, "1 have coveted no man's silver or gold, or apparel," for in hi communication he ther fetches up the discipline to build upon but dose not sav one word about tbe command ments of God, but our Savior puts us on ooruard against och men in Matthew, 15th chapter, ild to 9th verses inclusive; and also in Luke, 16th chapter, 15th verse, and various otlier places The world in deed is progressing to hear him tell the story Is he so strenuous on the chapter in bis discipline on drees? Why does he not enlorce that and various other rnles just as important to the soul's best interest as the new chapter on Slavery! But tbat is very chariiaMf to be prating about Slave, when he don't own one and is therefore not accountable tor Slavery. But there are as great o-ct of charity here among us, bat they are of no importance to such men because they are loo near at home, and tbey cannot sound the trumpet po loudly as they can by haying objects farther rff, not withstanding it is forbidden so to do. a,d that we shall only answer for the deeds done in the body and not for what others do or may do. Tbey think not of tbe re buke that the Savior gave to Peter in John 21st and 22d ver-es. "What is that to thee follow thou ins." And in Hebrews. 12:h and 14:h verses, "to follow peace with all men," and I was always taught that all ment every one, not a part. But it such men will just look in the prophecy of Isaiah they will there find in the 56:h chap terand from the lOtti to I2:h verses inclu sive what kind of watchmen there are in the. world, and I think we bave a good many of then now. But that reminds me ot an anecdote I have read nbom Old Hick ory. One of that class of watchmen came to tbe old hero alter he was elected Presi deut and asked him if he could not give him some appointment, telling him that he had lett a good congregation and made public speeches to gel him elected. The Old Hero looked at him and said, "so you are a preacher? ' "Yes, sir," was the reply. "Well," said the Hero, "then you are a traitor to your master and I cannot trust you." I tbitik that is th case now a days. In the Epitle to the Romans, 1 6th. I7ih and 18th; 1 Timothy, Cih chapter. 3d, 4.h 5th verses, aid Gal. 1st, 8th and 9ih, you can read for j oor information some whole some truths. I saw in a communication, written by a Reverend, about tbe log in January bringing frosts iu May. Now 1 don't pretend that that is the case, but I am not as old as the writer toeretore I cannot say from observation that it has failed ten limes out of c ine as he says since the crea tion, but he is old. One passage more 1 wish to refer to and that was spoken by a veiy wise man, at least he was so styled by God himself in 1st Kings, 3d chapter and 12th verse. The passage I refer to is in Proverbs 26th and 7th. 1 wish to be shown where Christ ever meddled in such ihings, and commanded his disciples to do so. I do not think where He says, "be that would be my disciple let him deny himself, take op the cross and follow me." 1 do not think he men! that they should not meddle with ihings that be did not condemn. But if we read tha scriptures we find a descrip tion of certain teachers or preachers given, and we are also commanded to beware of them which you can sec in Philip., 3 chap., 2d verse, and also in 18lti, 19th, 20th ver ses. Peal mi, 1 19th Chapter, 1, 15, verses, and 139th chapt., 19th verse, and 2d Coriu. 11 chapt., and 13, 14, and 15th verses. I will now conclude by appealing to your numerous readers to not condemn me be fore they search tbe Scriptures for them selves, and if 1 bave misquoted any of the Scripture it was an error of the head and not of tbe heart, and I hope that it may do good as it goes forth. . Yours &c. A Returned Soldhr. General McCiellak and the Democrat ic pariy"say that the objects of the war should he tbe restoration of the unity of the nation, the preservation of the constitu tion and tbe supremacy of the laws of the coontfy. The President and bis satelites say it is and should be for destroying the political power of tbe South by the destruction of slavery. That is now the issue fairly be fore the country, and it is useless to disguise it. Coming Down .to Dots" Secretary Chase is a close calculator. He figures op the national debt for the next two years as accurately as the astronomers calculate the return of Donati's comet which is to back again opon a certain day, be hour and minute sometime about the year 2000. Our debt on the first of July, 1864, is lo be SI, 686,956,641 44, and on the 30th of June, 1865, it will amount to $2,231,935,190 37. Just two billion, two hundred and thirty-one million, nine hundred and thirty-five thou sand, one hundred and ninety dollars and thirty seven . cents ! Now, we can stand the billions and the millions, but the lack ing of "them" thirty-seven cents to them, forming a sort of a cracker to the whip, is what gives the sting to the Secretary's long lash of figures. But it shows what a glorious thing arithmetic is. What would have become of these thirty-seven cents if there bad been no arithmetic to cypher them out, stick them there, and let tbe nation know just how its affairs will stand upon the 30th of June, 1865 1 Patriot and Union. LATE AVAR NEWS. The principal news we have this morning is from Louisiana and Texas. In Louisiana the Federal forces have abandoned the en lire Teche district, extending for a hundred miles west of Brasbear City. It h the sec tion over which Gen. Franklin marched, and in which Gen. Washbume was defeated Brashear city, a short distance from Nw Orleans, i to be tbe western limit of Feder al possession during the winter. At Port Hudson where Gen. Ulman with twenty five thousand negroes holds sway, tbe ene my are concentrating in large numbers. Their pickets approach close to the nero lines and annoy them excessively There will soon be some interesting intelligence from that quarter. Guerrilla operations along the Mississippi have entirely ceased, but notwithstanding that, there is very lit tle trade. The Tiibne says that but one steamer has pasted between St. Louis and New Orleans for three weeks, and it has been lying idle at the levee for want of a cargo for a return trip. It teem that guer rillas are not the only obstacles to trade A country impoverished by the deflations of war, never is celebrated for its commerce. Gen. Banks' proclamation, was issued by express order from tbe President. A simi lar one is to be issued in Arkansas. In Texas the camp at Brownsville con tinues juiet, and the troops have as yet done nothing. At Matagorda Bay, General Banks is concentrating a large forcn,' bul has made no advance against the enemy. Gen. Magruder has an army at the north end of the bay, and three or four 'cotton clad" gunboats on its wa'ers. The n?my are throwing op earthworks, and will se riously interfere with any Federal advance. There is nothing new from the army of the Potomac excepting anouueements of the arrival in camp of larse numbers of re cruits A report that some musketry lirin was heard in tbe enemy's ramp, which can only be explained as the shooting of men who attempted desertion, has also been sent ds. It most likely was the dis charce of the mnskets of a party just re lieved from guard duty ; or some acciden tal explosion. An officer of General Fosters, staff just arrived from Knoxville at Cincinnati, re ports that Longstreet has been largely reinforced. This is an additional confirma tion of what we already know. He also reports that the Confederates are advancing on Knoxville, pushing the Federal forces before them, and that Foster will hare to retreat to ihe entrenchments surrounding the town. Morgan, with five thousand men, is aln contemplating a raid on the communication with Chattanooga. These are but reports, however. General Grant has gone to Chattanooja. No demonstrations have yet been made by the enemy. The railroad to Knoxville from Chattanooga is to be rebnilt at once. Seven hundred recruits were added to the Federal army there on Saturday. . We have no farther news of the contem plated attack on Mobile. A stronz detach ment was to go from New Orleans to Mobile but the march there by land is giv en up a impossible. Transports will have to convey ihe troops. Governor Pierrepoct arid the Virginia Le2ilature are reported o bave protested against General Butler's despotic rule at Norfolk. Butler is now at Fortress Mon roe Seven new regiments of troops have been raised in Indiania. General SchofielJ is to go to Chattanooga General Rosecraos succeedes him at St. Louis. Senator Wilson offered a resolution to expel Senator Davis, of Kentucky, for re marks which tie (Wilson) declared to be seditious and treasonable. Mr. Davis re torted by calling Wilson a traitor, and also accused him of falsehood. Wilson has been called a liar a hundred timer; and more, but he pockets the insult with a do cility that proves him to be possessed of a good deal more discretion than pluck. A man may spit in Wilson's face, if he will only leave him the comfort of believing that the negro is his equal, without incur ring the least danger of resentment. Hano ver Citizen. A Young Ladt Murdered. Miss Emilt C. Blunt, a most beautiful and interesting young lady, 18 years of age, from Massacha setts, was murdered by a contraband negro, near Fortress Monroe, on the 2d inst. She was a teacher of young "contrabands," and was returning Lome from ber labors, when she was overtaken by a powerful South Carolina negro, who after violating her per son, brutally murdered ber by a blow opon the Lead. Gen. Butler is trying to get our authorities to treat tbe rebel prisoners as the abolition sits say Union prisoners are treated at Rich mond. This is what might be called the beast proposition. Can we do more than to freeze thera to death. Important Information Co. G Fr tze keeps constantly on hand and for sale, at the Recorder's Office in Bloomsburg, "The Constitution of the United Slates," and of the "State of Pennsylvania," in various styles, at prices to suit ; also, sundry other democratic books, documents, and rpeeches together with legal, note and cap paper, pens, ink and envelopes, of all sizes and styles, as well as theological, poetical, his orical and miscellaneous books, cheap. Thb United States Supreme Court. The Judges of the Supreme Court may be classified politically as follows: Taney, Nelson, and Catron Democrats, Grier, Wayne, and Clifford conservative, and Swayne, Davis, Miller and Field Abolition ists. A newspaper correspondent says that "Washington is as full of contracters as a dog is of fleas." That's what the matter. But if these contractors could only be got rid of as easily as fleas can be smoked out of a dog, there might be grounds to hope. "review of the market, carefully corrected weekly. WHEAT, SI 50 RYE, 1 20 CORN, new, 1 to OATS, 75 BUCKWHEAT, 75 FLOUR pr. bbl. 6 50 CLOVEIiSEED A 50 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES, DR'D APPLESl HAMS, 30 20 12 12 60 50 12 M A K It I E D In Centre twp., on the 5th inst , by Rev D. S Truckenmillet, Wm F Bower, and Miss Ei.enah Litler, both of Centre. On Thursday, the 1 4th inst, by the Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. Noah PetHbohk. of Kingston, Luzerne county, and Miss Jam Kinard ot Orause twp.. Columbia county On Monday, tbe 18th int., by ihe same, at Liodson's Hotel, Uloomshora. Mr. l.tman MiLitor, to Miss Cynthia E. Thomas, both of Dnviile, Pa. By Allen Mann Esq.. on the 16 inst., Air. camo el bsTDER, of alcCauley, to Mis Rebecca Farver, of Jackson township, Col. co. At this place, on tbe 14'h inst., by Rev. T. H. Cullen, Rev. C. C. Parker, of Phila delphia, and Mita Clara E. Barton of this place. I) I E I) . In Bloomsburg, on Sunday last, 17ih of January, 1864. Niles Art, rged 4 mo-nbs and two days. On Monday, Emma E., ageJ 2 years and 11 months. And on Wednesday Ccrtlan'd A., aged 5 years and 3 months, ot Scarlet Fever and Dyptheria, children of S. Au6tin and Ru:h A Ritter. In Soarlo-if twp., Col co , on the 2Hlh of last December, Mrs. Mart A. Shultz. wife of Phi'ip Shultz, aged 18 years, II months and 17 days. TM COKSOIFTIVKS. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Con sumption, As lima, Bronchits, and all Throat and Lung affec:ions, (free of charge) by 6endmg their address to REV. E A. WILOV, Williamsbnrh. Kings Co., New York. Jan. 27, 1853 6w. BELL'S SPECIFIC TILLS Warra-.ed in all rases. Can be relied on! Never fail to cure ! Do not nauseate 1 Areupeedy in action ! No change of diet required ! Do not interfere with bnsiness pursuits ! Can be oed without detection 1 Upward of 200 cures the past month one of them very severe cases. Over one hundred phy sicians ve ti-ed them in their practice and all speak well of theirefficacy, and ap prove their composition, which is entirely vegetable, and harmless on the system. Hundreds of certificates can be shown. Bell's Specific IMI are the original and only genuine Specific. Pill. They are adapted for male and female. old or you'ig, and the only reliable remedy for efTectirg a permament and st-eedy cure in all cases Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of e ils such as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, the whites, nightly or Involuntary Emissions, Incontinence, Geni tal Debiliiy and Irritability Impotence Weakness or loss f Power, nervous De bility, &c, all of which arise principally from .Sexuel Excesses or self-abuse, o some constitutional derangement, and in capacitates ihe sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual dis ease, Gonorrhea, Gieet and Strictures, an.l in Di.-eases of the Bl?dder and Kidney, they act as a charm ! Rel;ef is experi enced by taking a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price" SI They will be sent by mail, securely seal ed, and confidentially, on receipt of th money, by J. BRYAN, M. I). No. 76 Cedar street, New York, Consulting Phy sic'ans for ihe trea'ment of Seminal, Urinary , Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will end, free to all, the lollowing valuable work, in sealed en velope : THE FIFTIETH THOUSAND DR. BELL'S TREATISE on sell abue, Prema ture decay, impotence and loss of power, sexual di-eases, ceminal weakness, nightly emissions, genital debility, &c , &cc, a pamphlet of 64 pages, containing impor tant advice 10 the afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. Nov. 25, 1863. ly, PRESERVE TOUR BEAUT? Symmetry or Form, YOUPi. HEALTH AND MENTAL POW- . ERS, By U6ing that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific Remedy known a HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCAU. Read ihe advertisement in another col umn, and profit by it Diseases and Symtoms Enumerated. Cut it out and preserve it. You may not now require, But may at some Future Day. "It gives health and vigor (o the frame, Anc bloom to the pallid cheek." It Saves Long-suffering and Exposure. Cures Guaranteed. Beware of Counterfeits I Jan. 13, 1864 imo. WA N TE D A young woman to do house-work, to whom good waes will be paid. Apply to the editcr of this payer. Bloomsburg, Jan. 27, 1864. t'oiirt Proclamation. IVHKREAS 1,e Honorable William EI we!l. Pre-ider.t Judge ol the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Session ot the Pbc and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of ihe courniesol Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and ihe Hons. Stephen Baldy aud John McReynolds, Associate Judges, ot Co lumbia co., have issued their precept, bear ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixif lour, ano n m tirofiiH ir.tit.t-. Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Dfliverv. Quarter Ses inn nt iha P... Com. Pleas arid Orphans' Conn, in Blooms! ourg, in ine county ol Columbia, on Ihe first Monday, bein- the 1m day of February next and to continue one week. Notice is herebv civen. 10 th Justices of the Peace and Constables 0 the said County of Columbia, thai thev he th.n and there in their proper persons at 10 o'- ciock in tne lorenoon 01 sanl day, with their records, inquisition and other remembran res lo do those in in 2s which to their offices appertain to be done. And those tHsl are bound bv recognizes, to nrnspcntP orr.ii,. the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail 01 saio county 01 Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute then as shall be just. Jn rors are requested to be punctual in ibeir attendance, agreeably 10 tiieir notice, dated ai Dioomsourg me ih day ol January, in tbe year of our Lord one ihonsard nioKt h,., tr,i and sixty-fourth and in the eiehty-ninth year 01 me muepwnaenee 01 the United Slates of America. (Liod save the Commonwealth.) jwsiaij H. rihllAK, Sheriff's Office, ) Sbr:iJ. BIoomsbur, Jan. 13, 1863. t Administrator's IVotice. Estate 0 Henry M. Jifdine, deceasrdt T ETTERS of Adm tnistraiion on ihe e late ol Henry M DiUine, la-e of Mad ison Invrn-tiin Cr have been granr?cf by trie Rainier of sai l county, lo John Dddine, who reside- ir limestone lownsnip, Montour county. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the Administrator without d?ly( and all person indebted to the etai ar reqnesied to make payment immediately lo 1 he onder-igne'1. JOHN DILDINE, Admr. January 6. 18r4. Sw. S2. cdiiiiiiiiratoi'M roticc. Estate of Henry Kitchen , deceased. I 'ETTERS of Administration on Ihe Es--"late of Henry Kitchen, late of Green wood township, Columbia county, dee'd. have been cranter by ihe Register of said Coon'y to the undersigned who rpsi-Je ir he same tonhip. All persons having claims a2ainst the E-taie ot the decedent are requested 10 present them for ul8 ment to Ihe Administrator wiihocl delay, all ihose indebted to the estate lo make payment forthwith. URIAH R. HARRAR, ) , RICHARD KITCHEN, J Adrmr ' Dec 23, 1863 6-.V.-52 0O SCUOLACSSir FOR SALE. Pi:tburh Commercial College. Binahhmiin " Crittenden's " " Philadelphia, Strat'on, B-yant & Co., Thse Scrips, are in amounts of 215 ar(i S50 and are a- co much rh, bv the Stu dent on nitnn:? either of the above Col lrte. Young men desiring lo ob'ain a finished Collegiate Elocmon. will here find a good speculation by :plyi'V at iht olhce ol the STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloonitbn'g, Nov. 4 1663. the drjuFtT r A RENTS making flection of sons, must have new papers prepared, and presented previous 10 the draft By orders just received, old lcion will cat Jj. No other hss of persons need report be fore the draft. W. WIRT tc TO FIRST DOOR BELOW SLOAN SSI'OREt Bloomsburg, January 13, 1S64. ALL person bavins claim of EXEMP TION from the DRAFT, can have Uieir paper prompily and rarefnlly drawn by calling at the Office ot the nndersined, in Bloomsbur, Columbia county, Penn'a. Officr, Second Door Wt&t of the Court floats MICHAEL F. EYEKLY. January 6. 1864 Selling off at Reduced PRICES LT. SHARPLESS wishes to di-pnse of hi PRESENT STOCK of GOODS TO READY PAY CUSTOMERS at REDUCED RATES Give him a call and examine his piieee, Bloomsburg, Jin. 6, IS63 THE M1W GROCERY STOUE. MORE Just received at Erasvius Aew Store. Molase, Sugar. Tes. Cofive, Rice, Spices, Fish, Salt, Tobaco, Segars, Candies, Rarens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerous 10 mention. nTBntter, Eggs, Meat and produce jjer. erally taken in exchange for noods. A. B. ERASMUS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1S63 Old Things ISecome Aew, The undersigned would be leave to in form his old friends, and "ihe rest of man kind," that he has lately returned from tbe service ol his country, and aain re opened his OLD ESTABLISH- EDTA ILO RING SA LOON, with a view of making op entire new gar ments, as well as mending old one, for all mankind, and any body el-e. who may favor him with their work in his line. He is prepared to do work NEAT, Fash 10XABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doiiis, and strict attention to business to merit and receive a due share of patron age. Bat remember, all, that tne-e times require money, or something 10 live opon, be therefore hopes and trust, that when he has done his part, his customers will do theirs, by furnishing the "ready John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 1862. E. H. LITTLE. BLOO.T1SBUUG, Pa. Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by Charles R. Bockalew. December 2S, 155 .-tf. 44