The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 20, 1864, Image 1

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Tift D. JACOB!, Pnbllsher.
Truth and Right God and our Country.
Two DolUs per Annua.
Cfuct on Sain St., 3rd Square below Barkct.
, TERMS: -Two Dollars pr annum if paid
vrilhin ix months from the time of subscri-
ing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within the year. No subscription taken for
ft less period than six months.; no discon
-tinuance permitted until alia rrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The terms of advertising trill be as follows i
- One square, twelve lines three limes, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, . . . . . 25
One square, three months, . 3 00
voe year, . . . 8 ou
Choice Poetrn.
Oh, State prayer founded.! ( never hung
: " Soch choice opon a people's tongue,
Such power to bless or ban.
As that which makes thy whisper Fate,
Tor which en thee the centuries wait,
Aud destinies of roan.
Across the Alleghenian chain,
With groaning" from the homes of pain
V The cool blast wind its way :
Wild wailiogs from Potomac ' flood,
The crying of the children's blood
Is in thy ears to day.
And unto thee in Freedom's boor
Of sorest need, God gives power
To ruin or to save.
To wound or heal, to blight or ble.s
With fruitful field or wilJerness,
A free home or a grave ;
Nay mora: transcending time and place,
The question of the human race,
Is thine to solve anew : .
And trembling doubtful on thy breath,
A thrill of life or pang of death
Shalt reach the wide earth through.
Then let thy Virtne match thy crime,
Rise to the level of the time ;
-i. And, if son of thine
. Betray or tempt thee, Brutus like.
For Fatherland and Freedom strike,
, As Justice gives the sigr.
, ' ' ; "Wake sleepers from thy dream of ease,
The gr at occasion's forelock seize,
And let the North wind strong
And golden leaves of Autumn be
ll . : The coronal of victory,
V Atid thy triumphant song.
Gov. Curtin's Message.
- READ JANUABTlth, 1861.
The psst year has afforded us a new cause
- 'of thankfulness to the Almighty for the
moral and material blessings which he haj
bestowed "upon ts.
",The ba'iane in tbe Treasury, Nov. 30,
18M, was $2,172,344 10
Receipts duric the fiscal yeas ending
j.lNov.30, 1S63, . .2S9,451 65
tal In
Treasury for fiscal year en.l-
111 KSt ( iitn;r:
payments far the same period
are been
4,814,964 05
vnee In Treasury, Nov. 30, 1063, 2,147,331 70
I ia operations of the sinking funl during the
t tear have been shown' by my proclamation of
t ta of September last, as follows :
't oat of debt Commonwealth r-
i Sed. 954,720 40
t follows, vis : ...
j a loan Act,May 4, $180,000 00
t er cent 780,715 5Q .
nd one-half pr cent. 63,000 00 "
S 'notes einceled, r 95300
i tie creditor's certificates, 13 00
k it certificates paid, 27 90
. $954,720 40
1 t of pebtie debt of Pean'a, a s
t r.d on the 1st of Dec., 1352. 40,443,213 82
I amount redeemed at tbe State
t mry during the fiscal year,end-
ov.3fl, IS3r vis.
t r cent stoeks, .- $833,499 73
I a half pr ctstocks, 63,000 00
; lotes, 109 00
i 1c creditor's certiOeatss, 8 2S
4 ' - J95I.617 04
!bt Ee. 1st, 1S53,
39,4(.S.596 73
debt, tIsm 6 per
$400,630 00
I debt, vis., 5 per"
t oans, - . 35,709,9S6 45'
iebt, viz., 4J per
36,37S,816 45
t aded debt, vl
I ?otes La circulation 97,251 09
I .iSeatts mUtandtngl5,35ft 63
f -:iSeats unclaimed, 4,443 33
I tie ereititor's certifio'ts 733 32
I - "
$117,7S0 33
. ?" I , , - $36,498,596 78
i rj loan per Act of May 1561, 3,000,000 00
indebtedness, $39,436,596 78
1 the act of Slay 15, 1851, authorixing
t xailitarr loan of $300,000,00, a tax of
f-half mi;I was laid on real and personal
jertv, to famish a fond for redeeming
t same. I recommend that the commis
s ners of the einkiDg fund be directed to
iVess the proceeds of tbe tax in State loan,
x? that it talf be drawing Interest, to be in
oannsr invested, or that they should
apply Bach proceeds directly to the purchase
of certi-iatos cf the military loan, and eao
eel such certificates as shall be purchased.
THE ST ATX FI3T1XCI3." , , 'r
Altboagb oar finances are in a healthy
condition, it is necessary to invite the seri
o js atteatioa of the Lesialature to the coa
si deration of tbe mentis of maintaining them
tlDirnFaireu ia luiure
ftlcat, ani whenever tbe funds in the
i -li ' tlarespca issas his warrant to the
a .r.ts cr fcauks authorized to pay saea m
tr :3t C3 taba'f cf ths Commonwealth to
js,!'j"f tliroreaja to parties ' reccmag
CV3" i,:.;;r;:t, c? at ths cptioa of tb parties
(j r"y tba 1 an a ia ppecia. -
r,tL3-'cf llti April, 1SC2, it wa
p -jill t-:rc2Lft?r-t9 daa by tb Corsoon
t ? ty tha act cfliUh Jnns,
r..- -3:".;ral ta:.T;3 fh t boaU avail
VJiy th3 a:E ot 1- -Jane, u-w, 15 was pro
vided tbat the interest on tbe State bans
piv-.nlj al'f 1 ys la rail ia specie or its equiv-
r -ftt ?
tfresrary ft.c-cii be or less vaiae taan spe-
c tba d:fr-jrotiC3 ia value should bffascer
t i .jr. 1 .certLIal to tha Governor, who
11th April, 1862.) and who should refuse to
redeem their notes in specie, on demand, at
any time within; ten days upon or after the
time when such interest should become due,
shoald thereafter, when required by the
State Treasurer, by notice in writing, pay
info the State Treasury, its proportion to
the capital stock paid in each bank, their
ratable proportion of such premium for gold
or its equivalent, as should have been ac
tually paid by the State.
By the act of 30th of Jan nary, 18C3, it
was provided that the State Treasurer should
exchange with tbe banks an amount of cur
rency sufficient to pay the interest on the
State debt falling due on the first days of
February and August, 1S63, for the same
amount of ccin, and should give to the banks
specie cirtificates of exchange, not transfer
able, pledging the faith of the State to re
turn said coin in exchange for notes current
at the time, on or before the fir& Monday of
March, 1864, such certificates to bear inter
est at the rate of per cent, per annum.
Under the provisions of the act of 1862,
certain banks paid into the State Treasury
$140,768 30 as an equivalent for coin for
the payment of interest on the publio debt.
Uuder the act of 1S53, specie certificates
have been given to the banks, amounting in
the whole to 1.958,901 97, which, with the
accruing interest, will fall due on the first
Monday of March next.
As .the provisions of this act were of a
temporary character, the only act now in
force on the subject are those of 1S40 and
1862. ab ve mentioned, under which it will
be the duty of the State authorities to pay
the interest 00 the 1st of Febraary, 1864,
and thereafter,. in coin or its equivalent, and
look to the hanks that may be liable un ier
the act of 1862, for reimbursement of tbe
premium paid by the Commonwealth.
In the face of all difficulties this Common
wealth, actuated by a sen.imeat which does
its people honor, has hitherto paid its inter- I
es in coin or us equivalent.
Existing circumstances make it necessary
to consider now tbe fair extent ot her just
The experiences of the times have com
pelled the Government of the United States
to isue large amounts of Treasury notes
in circulatien, which are not redeemable in
cnin, and which form tbe great mass of our
circulating medium. '
It is our duty as a loyal State it is oar
interest as a State whose welfare, and even
safety, depend emphatically upon the main
tenance of the credit and the success of tbe
military operations of the General Govern
ment to do nothing to impair its credit or
embarrass its measures. On the contrary,
we owe it to ourselves and to our posterity
to give an active support to its efforts to
quelcb tbe monster rebellion which is still
raging, and thus restore peace to our dis
tracted country.
It ia our own Government, and we could
not, without great indecency, attempt to re
fuse its currency in payment of taxes and
other debts due to the Commonwealth.
In 1840 the case was very different. The
difficulties then arose from tbe sutjpension
of specie payments by our State banks.mere
local and private corporations, and the State
very properly, by the act of that year, in
tended to provide against loss to its creditors
by reason of such suspension. An exigency
like the present could not have then been
foreseen by the Legislature ; and it is to be
inferred, therefore-, that they could not have
intended to provide for it.
We derive our system of public loans from
Europe, and the true extent of our obliga
tion is to be ascertained by referring to the
knowa established practice of European
Governments prior to tbe dates when our
loans were effected. I mean, of coarse,
such of those Governments as were held to
have maintained their national credit.
It is believed to have, been tbe uniform
practice of such Governments to pay their
interest in paper currency, however depre
ciated, during a legalized suspension of spe
cie payments. An observable instance of
this is afforded by the course of the British
Government, . which, during twenty five
years, from 1797 to 1822, during which the
bank was prohibited by law from paying
out coin for any purpose, paid tbe interest
' on its public debts in bank notes, which du-
ring a great part 01 mat wlu were ub t
heavy discount, sometimes amounting to
thirty per cent or.thereabout. Their neces
sities then wore not greater than ours are
Among ourselves,' at the present time,
Massachusetts (whose debt ia believed to be
very small) pays the interest in coin. Ohio
and Indiana pay in currency. In New York
it is not known what will be done. Her Leg
islatnre, by concurrent resolution, ordered
th! interest to be paid in coin to foreign
stockholders, in April last.
At the present rate of premium on gold,
the sum necessary to pay on an amount, suf
ficient to di?eharge the annual interest on
the State debt would be more than $1,000,
000, and to meet this, additional taxation,
to that extent woold be unavoidable. Tbe
demands on the Treasury for other necessa
ry purposes must probably be such as to
renL it imprudent to throw any part of
this expenditure on the existing surplus.
To borrow money from year to year to pay
the interest on past loans would, of eourse,
be wholly inadmissible. To Uave the
act of 1862 in force, an attempt to throw
the payment of this large premium annual
ly on tbe banks, would be not only flagrant
ly unjust, but quite impracticable. I rec
ommeod the who'.e subject to tbe careful
consideration of the Legislature. Some leg
islation ought to be had on it before tha
close of tbe present month. In my opinion
the Commonwealth will have fulfilled her
obligations by providing for tbe payment of
berTnterest in tbe currency of the Govern
ment. If the Xegialatare should see fit to
continue to pay it in coin, it will be their
duty O levy forthwith the hoavy taxes ne
cessary for that purpose. I mast, in passing,
observe that the plan adopted by one of the
States of paying coin to foreign, and cur
rency to doraestio loan-holders, appears to
me to be wholly unwise, and founded on bo
legitimate principle. - ,
At the close of thi last session, nineteen
bills rfewing the charters of certain banks
for another period of five years were presen
ted tome. Of these I have (for reasons
which will be hereafter communicated),
withheld my signature from one and ap
proved the rsmainder. I have been led to
eijjn tbera by the considerations that the
banks of the Commonwealth pay a large
revenue (nearly $400,000, which the State
caa ill afford to lose, and that in the present
coadition of the country, it would be impol
iti-3 to drive so much capital est cf activa use,
or fores it inta new employments. ' )
If tba National Eaaking - ayeiata aSordj
tslc'ent inducements, capital will Tokmta-1
tUj t3 dirsc.lcn. ' It is proper to cb-'
serve that the charters of most of the banks
jn question expire at an early period, while,
in consequence of the invasion of tbe State
during the last summer, they could not have
been reasonably expected to give the neces
sary notice of renewed applications for re
charter. I recommnnd an extension of the time du
ring which the banks are now relieved from
penalties for not paying their obligations iu
The increased expenses of living invite at
tention to tne salaries of our publio officers
Th one of the Secretary of tbe Commonwealth,
Auditor-General and State Treasurer, and
of the clerks in their employment, are, in
my opinion, too low, especially as tbe exi
gencies of the times have greatly enhanced
the labors and responsibilities of all, and,
in the case of the heads of those departments
enforce a constant attendance at Ilarrisburg,
which was not formerly required.
Under the Act of 16rh April. 1862. and
its supplement passed 22d April, 1863, the
Adjutant-General, Quartermaster-General
and Commissary-General have been acting
as the Board of military Claims. They have
up to this time, approved claims to tbe
amount of $166,415 81, and others have
been already presented to tbe further amount
of $332,120 29, which have not yet been
acted on.
Under the Act of 22d April 1863 (P. L.,
529), the Court of Common Pleas appointed
three appraisers to ascertain the damage
done in the counties on the southern border
by the militia called into service in Septem
ber, 1862, by the Anderson Cavalry ia tbe
same month, and by the rebels in their raid
on the 10th and 11th October, 1862.
The appraisers have not yet completed the
performance of their duties. When their
report shall have been made to the Court of
Common Pleas and affirmed, in whole or in
part, by that Court, it will be tbe duty of
the Governor to claim the payment of the
amounts from the General Government, and
00 failure to secure tbe same, then to report
to the next Legislature, recommending such
action as he may deem just and proper
The expenses of the Transportation and
Telegraph Departments during tbe pastyear
have been as follows : -
Paid (oat of appropriation made by
Military Loan Act of 1862) $13,553 87
Unpaid (the appropriation being ex- !
hausted) 15,764 79
Outstanding liabilities, estimated at 5,000 00
34, 423 66
Thee expanses have been mainly incur
red in keeping up the necessary correspond
ence of the military departments and in the
transportation of sick and wounded and the
dead bodies of our volunteers, as will bo seen
by the report of the- Chief of Transportation)
herewith communicated. I recommend an
appropriation to meet tbe deficiency, aad
also to carry on the service of this depart
ment hereafter.
By the thirteenth section of the Act of the
15th May, 1S61, tbe sum of $20,000 was ap
propriated to be expended by the Governor
fur tbe compensation of such persons a he
might require to serve tbe Commonwealth in
the military organization of the State or the
General Government, and for the expenses
incident to tbe business in which they might
be employed.
I have, according to law, settled annual
accounts of the expenditnre of this food in
tbe Auditor-General's office, to which the
Legislature is referred. The unexpected
balance is now $54,521 98. A further sum
should be appropriated in like manner. Out
of this fund I have paid the persons whom
I found it necessary to employ in the milita
ry department, and tbe expenses of . the
agency which I was compelled to establish
in Washington to attend to the interests and
welfare of oar volunteers The continuance
of this agency and the establishment of a
similar one in the West are of vital impor
tance to them. 1 recommend the passage
of an act authorizing the appointment of
agents at Washington and Nashville, and
defining their duties, which should include
the collection of all bounties, back pay, pen
sions, etc., doe to Pennslvania.
On this subject I refer the Legislature to
the report of Colonel R. Biddle Roberts, late
Agent of the Sia'e, at Washington, birwiih
communicated, and commend to your care
ful examination .
On the invasion of the Slate during tbe
last summer, the President made a call for
militia, and with his absent I subsequently
made a call for volan'eer militia for thede
leoce of the State. Under these calls men
were assembled and organized with prompt
ness, after the reality ol the emergency came
10 be understood by our people. Th9 Gen
eral Government clothed and subsisted this
lorce, and agreed to pay it, but as no ap
propriation for that purpose had been made
by Congres, the President and Secretary
of War, promised if the money should be
advanced from other quarters to recommend
its immediate repayment on the meeting of
Congress. It is anderstood that step have
been already taken to fulfill this pledge.
Several of the banks cheerfully and readily
and vanced ;he necessary funds to the amount
of $671,476 43, on my promise to recom
mend to the legislature an appropriation to
repay them in case Congres should fail to
make one. I accordingly. make that recom
mendation most emphatically. Should it
be necessary, I will bereafter, in a special
message, give the details and correspond
ence relatirg to this subject.
New York and New Jersey, under the
President's call, sent regiments to assist in
oar defense, for which our thanks are doe
to those states, our good neighbors.
After the battle of Gettysburg, . in which
loyal volunteers from eighteen Staies,incln
din Pennsylvania, were engagedit appear
ed to me proper that all those States shoald
unite in establishing a cemetry on the spot
in which their soldiers who had fallen in
that conflict should be honorably, interred,
I accordingly appointed David Wills, Esq.,
of Gettysburg, my agent, and through him
a site was purchased at a cost of 52,475 87
and tbe conveyances made to the Common
wealth. On communicating with the au
thorities of '.he -other States, the) all readily
agreed to become' parties to the arrange
met, and on the 18th of November last, the
Cemetry waf dedicated, with appropriate
ceremonies, in the presence of the President
of fie United State, the Governors of the
Slates concerned, and other high efficers,
State and national.
On the ISih day of Deo. on the invitation
of Mr. Wills, Commissioners representing
the States interested in the Cessetary met
;n HarrUharg, and agreed upoa a p laa for
its improvement and care in the future, and
the apportionment of the sum of money re
quired to the several States, which is here
with communicated. The expenses attend
ing the establishment of this cemetry, in
cluding the cost of the site and of removing
he boHies of the slain, have thus far amount
ed to $5,209 33, and an aproprialion will
be required to pay these expenses, and to
meet our portion of those attending its fu
ture maintenance. It will appear by the
proceedings ot the Commissioners that their
due proportions ol the expenses already in
curred are to be refunded by the States on
whose account they were made. It is just
to say that Mr. Wills has discharged his
delicate an d important duties with fidelity
and to ray entire satisfaction.
The act for tbe relief of families of volun
teers in service may require some revision.
It is alleged that in some parts of the State
the county authorities are backward in exe
cuting the law. If this he so, the members
from the different cosnties will be aware of 1
the fact, and will be most ready to make
such further enactments as may be proper.
I commend to the prompt aliention ol the
Legislation the subject of relief of poor or
phans ot our soldiers who have given, or
shall give, their lives to the country doriug
this crisis. In my opinion, their mainten
ance and education should be provided for
by the State. Failing other natural friends
of ability to provide for them, they should
be honorably received and fostered as chil
dren of the Commonwealth. The 30.000
beret ofcre given by the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, referred to in my last annual
message, is still unappropriated, and I rec
ommend that (his sum, with such other
means as the Legislature may think fit, be
applied to this end, in such manner as may
be ihoeght most expedient and effective -
In anticipation of the adoption of a more
perfect system, I recommend that provision
be made for securing the admission of such
children into existing educational establish
ments, to be there clothed, nurtured and in
structed at the public expense I make this
recommendation earnestly, feeling assured
that in doing so, 1 represent the wishes of
the patriotic, the benevolent, and the good
of the State.
I invite the attention of the Legislature to
the condition of the loyal people of East
Tennessee, which is represented to be most
deplorable, and appeal with irresistable
force alike to your sympathies and your
sense of justice. Their whole country has
been laid waste by the contending armies
of the government and rebels. Foor times
have large armies passed over that district,
destroying or carrying off all that had been
gathered for the approaching winter, and
now the women and children are left in a
state of destitution.
The representations made by sundry gen
tlemen of the highest respectability, from
that Stat, are of tbe most heart-rendering
character. Starvation, actual and present,
now exists. Can we, in the midst of afflu
ent abundence, for a moment hesitate as to
what our action should be towar l the peo
ple whose only crime has been their loyalty
and devotion to the Government T Even a
portion of our chanty should reach the star
ving families of those io sympathy with the
rebellion, better it should than those devo
ted, self-sacrificing people who have fo un
hesitatingly adhered to the Governmeut be
left to suffer. Whenever pestilence and fam
ine distressed the people of any portion of
our country we have always been foremost
in relieving them, and the people of Penn
sylvania have extended their open handed
benevolence and broad charity to the starv
ing people of foreign countries. Shall it be
said that the appeals of these people for
bread fall upon the heart of Pennsylvanians
in vain, and that we who have so recently
given thanks for our abundance have no re
lief for them in their extremities ? 1 com
mend the subject through you to the people
of the State, as worthy the immediate at
tention and active exertions of the charita
ble and the liberal.
I ehould be glad the Legislature wonld
make a general rivision ol our revenue laws
with a view to their increased productive
ness. It ought to be observed that for a pe
riod of more than twenty years no material
change has been made in the Revenue Laws
of this Commonwealth. During ibat time
some interests have grown into new impor
tance, and should be made bear their just
proportion of the pnblic expense, since all
taxation should, as far as possible, press
equally upon tbe property andemployments
of our people.
Failing such a revision, I recommend to
the consideration of the Legislature the fol
lowing suggestions connected the subject:
1. There are several companies in the
State which in addition to large mining
privileges, have the control of the routes of
transportation, by which alone the products
of the mines of individuals is their respect
ive districts can reach market. These com
panies enjoy substantial monopolies, by
means of which they not only receive the
fair profits ot their own property, but are
enabled to make additional heavy gains at
the expense of individuals. In my opinion
such privileges ought never to have been
granted, but as they exist, it appears to be
just that (he class of companies which enjoy
them should pa)' therefor an additional spe
cific tax.
2. Very large sums are due to th Com
monwealth for unpatented lands. Forbear
ance, clemency liberality have been in
vain tried in tbe numerous attempts to pro
cure the pay roe at of at least' a part of this
debt from the larger portion ot those who
are indebted on that account. The continu
ance of this state ol affair is unjust to the
Commonwealth and 10 the vast majority of
her people who have honestly paid for their
lands. It has become unenburable. I re
commend that the Legislature provide that
the Surveyor.General shall file, of record in
the office of tbe Court of Common Pleas of
each county, a description of the lands sob
jecttotbe lien oi the Commonwealth for
purchase money, and a statement of the
amount ot principal and interest now due to
the commonwealth, together with the patent
fees on each tract and ten per cent, on the
amount so dee for the labor and cost ot mak
ing and filing such statement, and the ag
gregate amount thus stated, for each tract,
shall be held to be the amount now doe
thereon to the Commonwealth, which shall
bear interest at the rate of twelve per cent,
per annum till paid, and shall continue to be
the first lien on the land till paid, and shall
not be divested by judicial or other sale
what ver. I also recommend the adoption
of a suggestion contained in the Surveyor
GeoeraPs report, that a specific tax be laid
on all on patented lands. . . '
3 Bj existing laws muncipal corpora
tions are to deduct and pay into the Treasu
ry the tax on all loans consracted by them
It is believed that a large addition woul.l ac
nrne to the revenue by the extension of this
provision to all counties and to all corpora
tions, private or public.
I recomend that it be so extended.
4. A tax on the gress receipts of all rail
road and canal companies would, it is be
lieved, be productive and not oppressive
Upon satisfactory report, according to
law, made by Col. John A. Wristht, I have
drawn my warrants for the delivery to the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad company of
another million of the bonds deposited in
the State Treasury. Four millions of said
bonds have therefore been now delivered.
There can be no reasonable doubt of the
early completion of the work, and, when
completed, it is confidently expected that
the bonds held by ihe State, secured on the
road lor 33,500,000, will become good in
terest-paying securities.
I refer to the Auditor-General's and State
Treasurer's reports for the details of our fi
nancial affairs, and the reports of the Surveyor-General,
Adjutant General, Quartermaster-General,
Surgeon General, Agent at
Washington, Chief of Transportation and
Telegraph Department, and Superintendent
of Common Schools, in regard to their sever
al departments. .
In May last it was believed, from informa
tion received, that General Lee intended to
invade this State. Communications on the
subject were immediately sent to Washing
ton, urging that preparations for effective
defense should not be delayed. Accordingly
the War Department erected two new mili
tary departments, viz : The Department of
the Moaongabeli, including that portion of
the State lying west of tbe mountains, to be
commanded by Major General Brooks, and
the Department of .the Susquehanna, com
prising tbe remainder of tbe State, and to
be commanded by Major General Couch.
Early in June, Major-General Couch ar
rived at Ilarrisburg, and assumed command
of his department, which he has since exor
cised with the soldier-like promptness, ener
gy and discretion which were to be expected
from his knawu character.
Tbe rebels having actually entered the
State in some force, and the approach of
their whole army being imminent, the Pres
ident made a requisition for militia from this
and some of th neighboring States, and sev
eral regiments from New York and New
Jersey were promptly sent, and our own vol
unteer militia bega to assemble ; but soma
embarrassments arising, tbe President as
sented to a call by the Executive of tbe
State, which was accordingly made. Under
these calls 5166 of the men of Pennsylvania
were assembled in the Department of Gen
eral Brooks, and 31,422 in that of General
Couch. To give the details, or even a sum
mary of the operations which ensued would
be impracticable within the limits of a mes
sage. It is unnecessary to do so, as I have
recommended the adoption of measures for
preserving the history of our several regi
meets and ether organizations, and in that
history tbe events to which I have referred
will be recorded. It is due however, to the
men who came forward, that I should say
now that they make long and laborious
marches in parts of this and other States
which had been plundered by the rebels,
suffered great privations, and were frequent
ly in conflict with the enemy: and on all oc
casions acted in obedience to military disci
pline and orders, and . with courage and en
durance. Some of the militia called in 18C2 aud in
1863 were killed and others disabled. In
ail these cases, where there are no laws for
the relief of these men or their families, I
recommend the enactment of a law for that
The campaign on our soil was elosed by
the victory of Gettysburg, gained by the vet
eran Army of tbe PotSmac, under the com
mand of Mnjor-General Meade, the officers
and men of which displayed all their accus
tomed valor and endurance in the eonfliot,
and in the forced and rapid marches which
immediately preceded it.
Under Divine Providence, to tbem and to
the military genius and undsurpassed ener
gy of Gen. Meade, and the promptness and
self-sacrificing gallantry of Geo. Reynolds,
we are indebted for sucsess on that bloody
We are proud to claim Generals Meade
and Reynolds as sons of our own Pennsylva
nia. The first lives to enjoy the roost pre
cious of all rewards, the grateful apprecia
tion of bis countrymen. The latter fell in
the very front of the battle, and we can only
pay homage to his memory. Whatever hon
ors have been at any time devised to com
memorate the virtues of a patriot of a true,
fearless, loyal citizen and so'Jier. be has
abundantly deserved. His surviving com
panions in arms claim tbe right of them
selves erecting a monument to him on the
field on which he fell, and it would not be
well to interfere with their pious intention.
But I hose that the Legislature willl plaoe
upon the records of the State some appropri
ate testimony of the publio gratitude to him
and bis surviving commander.
I renew most earnestly the recommenda
tion made in my last annual mes;age of a
revision of the militia laws. They are at
present shamefully defective. Indeed, if by
a militia law is meant a law intended to
provide for so enrolling and organizing the
military force of the State that it may be
put into service when required, we may be
said to have no militia law. In each of tbe
last two years I have been obliged to call
out tbe militia, but in fact those who obeyed
the call were volunteers, and with some ex
ceptions, were wholly unorganized, sa that
almost in the face of the enemy, time had
to be consumed in distributing tbe men into
companies and regiments, in electing offi
cers, and in other preparations for effaotive
In the report of the Adjntant-General will
be found a list of the Pennsylvania regi
ments and a statement showing the several
armies and departments ia which they are
now serving. In this connection I suggest
the propriety of legislative authority being
given for tbe preparation of a history of each
of our regiments and other organizations, to
be preserved among our archives. The nec
essary documents are now accessible, and
as they may in time be lost or destroyed,
the making of such a record as I propose
should not be deferred. It is due alike . to
tbe living and the dead that this subject
should be promptly acted on.
I reccemmend that the proposed amend
ments to tha Constitution, giving to citizens
in the publio service out of the State the
right to vote, be pissed promptly and sub
mitted to a vote of the people at as early a
uy as possioie, so tnat eocn citizens may
exercise their right of suffrage at all future
elections. This would be only doing jus
tice to the brave men who are periling their
lives in our defense.
It is highly important that we should re
plenish the ranks of our regiments in the
field, and supply the places of those volun
teers whose terms will soon expire and who
may decline fnrther service. I am happy
to say that a large proportion of our regi
ments are re-enlisting. Efforts are making
by myself and by the people in various por
tion of the State, to procure a sufficient
number of volunteers, and with a promise
of success, provided a reasonable time be
allowed for the nurnose. Monnwhila ner
. 1 -- r -
sons professing to be officers and agents
f - ti. .
irom some otner scares are most improper
ly endeavoring to seduce our citizens into
their service by extravagant bounties and
proini-)B. .
The 12th section of the act of 15th ol May
1861. prohibits anv volunteers from leaving
the State without the authority of the Gov.
ana l now reccommenu the passage of a law
imposing penalties by fine and imprison
ment on all individuals who shall endeavor
to procure or aid aud assist in procuring
any person in this State to enlist in the vol
unteer service of any other State. Many
of our counties and townships have filled
their quotas at a large expense, and in
others they are in course of doing the same
by ofiers of liberal bounties and provisions
for the families of volunteers, and it is not
riirht that these patriotic efforts shonld h
embarrassed by interference from beyond 1
our borders, especially as we cannot, in
these circumstances, offer bounties by the
State, without tbe injustice of compelling
tbe countie-i and townships which have al
ready contributed largely in that way, to
assist in paying, by taxation for the defi
eiency of others.
I feel it to be my doty to call your atten
tion to the pernicious practice of leaving
many bills to be hurried through at tbe
close of the session. During the last ten
days of the last session 390 bills were pre
sented for m signature, many of tbem of
the most important character. The whole
number of bills presented to me during the
session was 715. In consequence of this
habit, not only are bills passed without an
opportunity to either House for a proper
consideration of their provisions, but the
Executive is compelled either to sign them
without examination, or to bold them over,
perhaps to the public inconvenience. It
may often happen that a bill not approved
by reason of a single obnoxious cause,
might, if there ware time, be replaced, omit
ing the objectionable provision. In connec
tion with he subject of legislation, I must
refer to another mischief.
. General laws have passed to give relief
in certain cases which formerly required a
special act in each case. As for instance
the sale of lands by executors, administra
tors and trustees, the adoption of children,
tbe creation of mining, and manufacturing
co operations, and st frtb. These laws
were passed to insure each examination in
each case as would enable justice to be
done to tbe partfes and to the public, and
also to save the time and expense consumed
in private legislation. They have hitherto
effected neither purpose, but I do seriously
urge on the Legislature the consideration
that whosoever applies for a special act un
der such circumstances, must either fear
the result of aq impartial inquiry, or (if the
application be for a charter) must desire
j the omsssion or insertion of some provision
i contrary to what tbe Legislature has deter
! mined, after mature consideration, to be
! just and legitimate.
It would be unjust to emit referring
again to the loyal spirit of our people, which
has beenjevinced in every mode since this
war commenced. Not only have they sent
277,409 men for tLo general and special s?r
vice ot the Government, and supported
with cheerfulness the burdens of taxntion,
but our etore booses and depots have literal
ly overflowed w:th comforts and neccessa
ries, spontaneously contributed by them,
under the active rare of thousands of our
women (faithful unto death), for the sick
and wounded prisoners as well as for our
armies in the field. Their patriotic benevo
leuce seems to be in exnaustible. To every
new call the response comes more and more
liberal. When the intelligence wa9 receiv
ed of the barbarian starvation of our prison
ers in Richmoud, tbe garners of the whole
State were instantly thrown open, and be
fore any similar movement had been made
elsewhere, I was already employed on be
half of our people in effirts to secure the ad
mission through the Rebel lines of the abun
dant supplies provide! for the relief of ovt
suffering brethern. Those cfoor citizens
who havo fallen into the habit of disparag
ing our great Commonwealth and the un
surpassed efforts of her people should blush
when they look on this picture.
That this unnatural Rebellion may be
speedily and effectually crushed, we lie, all
under tbe obligation of the one paramount
duty, that of vigorously supporting our Gov
ernment in its measures to that end. To
the full extent of my official and individual
ability it shall be supported, and I rely
heartily en your co-operation. I am ready
for all proper measures to strengthen its
arms, to encourage its upholders, to stimu
late by public liberality to themselves and
their families, the men who give to it their
personal service; to every mode to invigor
ate its action. We are fighting the great
battle of God, of truth, of right, of liberty.
The Almighty has no attribute that can fa
vor our savage and degenerate enemies. No
people can submit to territorial dismember
ment without becoming contemptible in its
own eyes and in those of the world. But it
is not only against territorial dismember
ment that wt are struggling, but against
the destruction of tbe very groundwork of
our whole political system. The ultimate
question truly at issue is the possibility sf
tne permanent existence of a powerful re
public. That is tbe question to be now solv
edf and, by tbe blessing of God, we mean
that it shall not be our fault if it is not solv
ed favorably.
We have, during the past year, made
mighty strides toward such a solution, and
to all human appearance we approach its
completion. But whatever reverses may
happen, whatever blood and treasore may
still be required, whatever sacrifices may
be necessary, there will remain the inexora
ble determinatien of our people to fight out
this thing to the end, to preserve and per
pstoate this Union. They bare sworn that
not one star shall be rent from the constella
tion, nor its clustered brightness be dimmed
by treason and savagery, and thoy will keep
their oath. A. G. Ccrtiit.
An Essay on the 3In!c.
Mr. Josh. Billings, a iacetions contributor
to the "Daily Pokeevsian' is responsible
for the following "Esay on the Mule,"
which is amusing and instructive, and be
trays an intimate knowledge of the idiosyn
crasies of (he asinine creation :
The mule is half hose and half jackass,
and then comes to a full stop, nature discov
ering her mistake. Tha weigh more accor
ding to their .heft than any other k teeter,,
except a crowbar ; ihey can't hear enny
quicker nor further lhan the hoss, yet tbeif
ears are big enough for snow shoes : Yu
can trust (hem with enny one whose lite
isn't worth more than the the mole's. The
only way to- keep them into a paster is to
turn then, into a medder jinen, and let them
jump out. Tha are ready for cse jast as
soon as tha will do to abuse. Tha haint got
enn more frens than a Chatham street Jew
and will live on huckleberry brush, with an
occasional chase after Kan ad a thissels.
They are a modern invenahun ; i don't
think (he bible deludes to them at all. Tha
sell for more money than any other domestic
animals. Yu kant tell their age by lookin
into their mouth, enny more tbau you could
a Mexican connon's. Tha never had no
disease that a clnb woct heel. If thaHsver
die tha must come to life agin, for 1 never
heerd nobody eay "ded maie."
Tha are, like some men, very korropt at
hart ; ive known tbem to be good for six
months jeit to git a chance, to kick sumbody.
I never owned one, nor never mean to, on
lees there is a United States Isw passed re
quiring it. Theonly reason why tha'er
pashunt is because tha are ashamed of
(hemselfes- I have seen edicated moles in
a sirkus tha could kick and bite tremenjis.
I wonld not say wot 1 am forced to say
agin the mule, if his birth wa'nt an octrage
and he aint tu blame for it. Enny man
who is willing to drive a mule ought lo be
exempt by law from ronning for the legis
latur. Tha are the strongest kreeture on
arth, and the heviest according to their
size ; i heard tell ov one who fell from tbe
towpath on the kanawl and sank, bat as
soon as he touched the bottom, he kept r'ne
on towin the bote to the next station, breath
en thru is ears, which was out of the wa
ter about 2 fee: and 6tinches. I didn't see
this, but a auctioneer told me ov it, and I
never knew a auctioneer to lie, unless be
could, make something out ov ii.
Plain questions for Bomi Consumption.
Have you ever known a Democrat to just
ify a violation of the Constitution ?
Have you ever known a Stamp Act en
acted under a Democratic Administration 1
Have you ever known a Conscription Lar
to be passed by a Democratic Administra
tion ?
Have you ever known a Democratic Ad
ministration to form a new State in violation
of the plain provisions of tbe Constitution 1
Have you ever known a time, except the
present, when a citizen conld be incarcer
ated in a dungeoa without authority of
law ?
Have you ever known a Democratic Ad
ministration to compel the people of a
State or the District of Columbia to sell
their property whether willing or not ? ;
HaveTyou ever known any Administration
except Abraham's to create a national debt
of S3 000,000 000 in the short period of
three years ? '
Have yon ever known a time under a
Democratic Administration when a day's
labor would purchase only two pounds of
coffee ?
Have you ever known citizens to be sent
into banishment and exile ander Democrat
ic rule ?
Have you ever known a time under Dem
ocratic rule when the greatest crimes and
outrages have been committed by our rulers
under a plea of "military necessity" or
reasons ol state V
Have yon, before this, known a lime
when the military was made superior to the
civil power ?
Have yon ever known a Democratic Ad
ministration to tax the people of the whole
country 10 buy the nejroes of the Border
States ?
Have yon ever known a Democratic Ad
ministration to ignore the rights of States ?
Have you ever known an Administration
in opposition to th Democracy to leave the
affairs of the country in as flourishing a
condition as it found tbem 1
A Short Prater. The Rev. Mr. Shide,
Chaplain of the House of Representatives,
in the Iowa Legislature, on the opening of
the recent session, prayed thus :
"Bless 'Thoo the young and growing
State of Iowa, her Senators and Represen
tatives, the Governor and State officers.
Give us a spnnd currency, pnre water, and
undefined "religion for Christ's sake.
An eight day dock whose machinery is
made from soup bones is among the novel
ties of the Cincinnati fair.
An engineer on the Racine and Mississip
pi railroad was smothered by plnnginj bia
locomotive into a snow bank. -
Therb sre now three' bandre vesel
and twelve hundred men employed in th
Baltimore oyster trade. -