r 3 - i r n J 1 U . n. JACOB!, Publisber.; Truth and Right- God and onr Country Two DoIIas per Anama. Volume -is. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13. 1864. NUMBER 12. FT ; TT . V X 3 A TTK- : ; -' i .--J I -J "'-- 'T.--M : 1 .-A V' :' )) : ; i V i ; s . t i - i J J E2.&.S OF THIS ETOOTJHt. JCBLISHBD EVERT WEDXKSPAT ST WM. II. JACOBY,; CITitC C3 SlaiflSt., 3rd Sqnare below Blartet. TEUMS: Two Dollars per annum H paid within six months from the time of subscri bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid ! les period than six. months; no discon- tinaar.ce permitted until alia rrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. 1 he terms cf advertising will be at follows: Oae square, twelve lines three limes, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, . . . . . 25 One square, three months, 3 00 Una year. 8 00 !)oice paetrn. OX FXUEXDSIiiP. Jlow hard it is to find a friend, On whom we always can depend ; Sometime we :hink th"n Iriend is got, .'Till trial proves we have him not. Some, to serve ther selfish ends, .Declare and row they are your friend ; Bat soon as serving self is o'er, Behold ! ihey are your Iriend no more. Others will act a part more ba.-e, Always be friendly to your face Yoa turn your back-then they your name , Expose to scandal and to shame. Apparent friendship others show, To find uut all that you may know ; Your secrets thus are all pumped out, "And they are handed alt about. Those who of others tell yon much, My counsel is, beware of such ; raething to tell of all they know, As freely they will speak ol you. -A faithful friend I highly prize,' A treacheroas one 1 do despise All in suspense, I look around, Where can a real frieud be found ? Where'er disposed a friend to trust, Be always sore to prove him first ; And when he's tried:lhen trust him kind, "A faithful friend is hard to find. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1863. From thst Chicago Time,. A UEVil.iV. Everything indicates thai the campaign of 1863 ha reached its end, and that, for the ux four or five months, active opera lion will not be resumed upon a scale ol ny great magnitude. Meade has desisted from the pursui: of Lee and fallen back to the hither bank of the friendly Rappahan nock ; Grant, owing to the necessity of ac cumulatir.g supplies, aud the execrable character ol the mountain roads over which bis advance must necessarily be made, will not be likely to leave Chattanooga at pres ent. Langmreet, by the defeat of Bragg, has been compelled to raise the siege of Kuoxrille and abandon the project of recap turing East Tennessee; Dy which quiet prevail at all the prominent po,n:a along the line ot Federal operations. Oa the first day of Januarj of the year, the Federal army, under Gen Rosecrans, was burying its dead which had fallen the day previous at the tremendous battle of Murlreesboro', or, as generally termed, Stone River. That same night Bragg, un der cover' ot darkness, withdrew his dis heartened force., and took up a new line of occupation upon the outh side of Duck Hirer. , Thus, at the opening of 1861, the rebels held, west of the Mississippi, all the coun try south of the Arkansas River, and on the east of the Father.'of. Waters, nearly, or all. south of a line which commenced on the rtrer at Vicksburg, ran up the Yazoo Rirer to Yazoo City, then ran off irregularly to ltd northeast till it reached Bragg in Ten nessee, on Duck River. From this point it -continued eastward, including EastTennes ee, until it reached its terminias in the east somewhere not far from Frederick burg, on tha Potomac Rirer. The Sia-es held by the confederacy were about one balf of Arkansas, nearly all of Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi, all of Alabama, Georgia Florida, North and South Carolina, with trifling exceptions ; and the we6t part of Tennessea "and Virginia. The Federal forces held two hostile Southern States Missouri and Kentacky ; held half of Ar kansas, and had effected lodgments on the coasts of all the others. How much have we'eained dnriner ih present year? . Nothing in Virginia ; the remaining half of Tennessee j of Mississip pi abont one-third, or, practically, the coon lying west of the railroad that runs from Memphis to MobiJn ; and the navigation of tha Mississippi. Ja Arkansas, the" chief difference between the beginning and end of tha year is, dial then the rebels occupied the Arkansas Rirer, which is now occupied by os. .-- ; Frcn this it will be seen that the gain ia territory on the part of th9 Federal gorern raeslis very smalL One half of Tennessee end the country immediately adjacent lo tha Mississippi Rirer from Vicksborg to Pert Iladioa ; ca the coast, bat little a lanilc3 in front of Charleston, and a foot hold at lis niouth of tha Rio Grande in Tex es. We practically command the State of j but fcs capture to ns Is as bar rsn &i was its possession to the rebels ; tbsrsfars, ia eanxraing cp, we do not regard Us trtjcsiioa as a material benefit to the Ctlczil rTers.Tient. . . T-3 k:3cf tsrritorf to lbs rebels, bcn I ;:".;;a rr.zit i"s:-incant oa ae- cseles r, &ni s mall ;3 (Arksnf as3) hi!f cf another portions of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississip pi. In consequence, if we estimate the net profit to the Federal cause by the amount ; of territory that we hare conquered during ; the past year, it will be found to be con temptibly email almost an unappreciable quantity ; one which, considered simply as !, much coanU cP" not com- pensate for one-tenth of the blood and money which hare been expended. As onr territorial gains hare been so small, it will be necessary, in order to know that we are really making progress, to find ether sources of affirmative assaience. Strategically, we hare made greater pro gress than in territory. At the beginning of the year the rebels held Vicksburg and Port Hudson, through which they were able to avail themselves of the enormous produc tions of Texas and Western Louisiana. At Duck River they guarded Chattanooga, the door which opened iato the very heart cf the Confederacy, and also secured to them selves the possession of East Tennessee, th e granary of the Confederacy. From Tex as they obtained immense supplies of cat. tie, aud from East Tennessee, hogs, grain and saltpetre without limit. In capturing Vicksburg and Port Hudson, we cut them off from the live stock of Tex as, and in getting East Tennessee; we de prived them of an inexhaustible source of cereals and a vital constituent in the manu facture of gunpowder. In these two posi tions they have sustained an irreparable loss. The plenty which reigned in the South during the years preceding this has dep.rted, and in its place comes the grim monarch famine. This is no mere rhetori cal imagery, but an actual fact, as every pa per which we see from the South, and eve ry refugee, will substantiate. From this it will be seen that while we have gained little in territory, we have been more fortunate in obtaining positions whose possessions to the South is of a vital impor tance. Simplified, the gains of the cam paign of 1893 are the capture and perma nent possession of two of the rebels main sources of supply their cattle-yard, granary and laboratory ; Texas and East Tennes see. In other respects, we hare inflicted slight damage npon the Confederacy, without having ourselves acquired a corresponding gain. The siege of Charleston has, as yet, done nothing more than close that port against vessels running the blockade ; but lor every dollar that we have cost the South at this point, we have expended a a thousand. Whether this process will pay is a question about which there may be an honest difference of opinion. At Wil mington, we have by a large and expen sive addition to our squadron, succeeded in stopping much of the contraband trade, while the same is in the caie at Browns ville, in Texas. The victories at Vicksburg and Chatta nooga, especially the Utter, give us other advantases, which, however, are rather pro spective than present. The next rebel line of defence, owing to the situation of streams and railroads in the South, mnst be formed with its left on Mobile, its tight covering Richmond, and its centre fronting Grant, at Atlanta. It is only by thus refor ming their lines that they will be able to preserve communication between the wings a .condition absolutely essential to the strength and integrity of this cordon-of de fence. Small bodies may for a while dis pute the possession or such points as Jack son, Meridian, and Dalton, while it is certain that guerillas will infest the country north of the new rebel line ; but all such operations are irregular and valueless be yond the temporary annoyance they may cause an advancing enemy, as they do not at all effect the vital issues which must be met and settled at Mobile, ' Atlanta aud Richmond. This new line upon which the rebel arm ies are thus forced is their last, and, by far, the most indefensible one which they hare at any time occupied. Its air lice length is much Eborter than any of the others, but its actual length, owing to the tortuosity of the railroads which connect it, is much greater. The condition of preserving their communi cation from wing to wing will be greatly enhanced in difficulty, from the fact that the Confederacy lacks for rolling stock and means of repairing its railroads. The revolt will b9 that commuaication at first will be exceedingly slow and difficult, and, in a lit tle while, from the complete wearing out of cars and trucks, impossible. " But while the rebels will lose many con ditions of great value, in being forced upon their sole remaining line of defence, they will gain onj immense advantage. Every foot that they yield enables them to concen trate npon the eborter inoer line of defence, while it correspondingly weakens us by lengthening onr comunication as wa ads ranee. Oor armies are now so far from their basis of supply that a very slight inter ruption would be fatal ; hence it is neces sary to guard absolutely against any such contingency by leaving a small army at every point as we leave it. This weakens enormously oar capacities for offence, and is one of the main reasons why the North is obliged to call for men incessantly, . in order to preserve its advances, and at tha same time render it movements .effec tive. ' The battles of the present war hare,1 in magnitude, exceeded those of any previous campaign. Among those which stand oat in bold relief aa first-class contests, are r Fredricksbarg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksfcurs, Cbickaraas la ad Jitioa to these, we a, and Chattanooga. fcava tad a myriad ' of smaller affairs, whose title is legion, and whose name can scarcely-be remembered save by one with an encyclobsedian memory. Among them may be mentioned : Arkansas Post, Prairie Grove, Jackson, Thomson's Hills, Port Hudson, Sabine Pass, Morris Island, Milliken's Bend, Little Rock," Hele na, Knoxrille, and a thousand skirmishes and contests that have occuned between Washington and Richmond. Of all these battles, and lesser affairs that hare occurred, we can regard but three as decisive : that at Champion Hills, before Vicksburg ; Gettysburg ; and the last battle of Chattanooga. Even this scant number may be reduced to one-third, for the battle of Gettysburg although grand in its propor tions,was not decisive in scarcely any sense of the word. It is of Ihe same character as Antietam, and fought for precisely the same purposes, viz : to check the rebels in a movement which had no particular stra tegic importance, and which amounted to supply a foarging party on a larger than common scale. In neither case was the enemy more than checked in both cases he drew off his army without demoraliza tion, and retired at his leisure, and in good order, and unmolested. , . Chickamauga was a greater content than Chattanooga, but was not decisive ; it effec ted no important results, and left the re spective armies not materially different from what they were before the engage ment. Champion Hills was decisive, for it deci ded the fate of Vicksburg, and gave ma terial advantages in the cutting off of Texas from the Confederacy. Chattanooga was also decisire, for it gare us East Tennessee, prft haa ihrnwn (Ka rohota Kart nnrtn iKair ' , ... . . ( c , v last line of defence. So far as the remain- ..... j,- -. nig uunuieu uauien auu PKirmitiues are con cerned, seven t -five of them need never have been fought ; and in every one of such cases, the blood shed, and the time and material used, have been a useless and wanton expenditure. It is a sad, bat never theless a truthful reflection, that three fourths of those gallant men who have given up their lives have done so not for their country, but through the crimi nal incompetency of official management. Notwithstanding that to day Virginia is one vast graveyard, and that rivers ot blood have deluged her soil, neither the North nor the South has gained since the war commenced . .. . n .l a sinsle advantage of importance. Both arimies, at the close of the campaign of 1863, stand very nearly where ihey did at the begiunkig in 1861. A beautiful country reduced to desolation ; a soil cloirgsd with graves, and full to repletion wi:h blood : and thousands of bereaved and mourning firesides in the North and South, are the only results obtained by these years of san guinary any desperate conflict. If ihe re sponsibilities for all the useless waste of blood attached itself more to one party than to the other, it is to the Federal authorities. The rebels, in the main, Lae stood upon the defensive ; when battles have been fought, they have generally been projected by us, and their failure is attributable to our inefficiency. When we march upon Rich mond, the rebels, as belligerents, have a perfect right to oppose our progr3Ps(and every time that such a movement fails the ones who are responsible for the failure and the life wasted are those who directed' the operation. The necrology of the campaign is surpris ingly small in general officers, but volumi- nous with relation lo lesser officers and the rank and file. All our great baules have been desperately contested, and bloody be yond comparison with those of other years and other nations Probably not Ies than from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand men have, dpring the campaign just ended, been slain . outright, or died fr.ora wounds or desease a mo.t fearful aggregate of human life to be sacr ficed in one year, and is one whose proportions will appal the stoutest heart. Probably, there has never, in modetan limes, been a war in which men were used ap as rapidly as in this. Uus little over two years have elapsed since its beginning, and yet nearly twelve hundred thousand men have already been sent into the field by the North. Ot these there remain perhaps one-half, pos sibly two-thirds alive the remainder are on the thousand battle-fields whose width ex tends from the Atlantic to the Territories. When to this monstrous number are added those whom the South has lost, the aggre gate assumes dimensions so vast and repel ling that h umanity shudders and-recoils in the attempt to comprehend it. Female Smugglers. The Evening Post says: "The provost-marshal of Memphis, Tennessee, some days since, had in custo dy several ladies, some of apparent re spectability, suspected of having been en gaged in smuggling goods into the Confed eracy. Some strange developments were made. One bad on a belt of tbe finest lin en, adjusted to answer to r the purpose of a bnfetle. Her corset vras filled with pieces of gold coin, quilted in, to the, iimoant of one thousand and two hundred dollars. Another had her form well rounded out with padding made of the best dress silks, worth five dollars and upward per yard. Her hose fere foand to conceal a quantity ... of gentlemen's cravats, which were swath ed carefally about her legs. The third la dy's ample hoops were found to cover a nnmber of yards of broadcloth. Her bust w filled OOt by a musenm olf articles, consisting mainly of jewelry, siflc thread, needles and medicines. Tha fair imogfelers who detained formal. Josh Billings oa Dogs. Dogs are various in kind, and thanks tew an all wise Proridence, tha are various in number. They are the onla animal ov the brute perw ashun who have voluntary left a wilde stait ot natur, and cum in nnder the flag ov man. Tha are not vagabonea bi choise, and luv tew belong tu sumbody. This fact endears them tew os, i hev al ways rated the dog az about the seventh cusin tew the human specious. Tha kant talk, but tha kan lik yure hand ; this shows that their hearts iz in the plase where other folks' tungs iz ! Dogs in the lump are use ful, bat tha are not alwas profitable in '.be lump. The Nufoundliti dog is useful to saiv children from drowning, but you have got tew have a pond ol water, and children running around karsless, or elite the dog aim profitable. There aint rothins maid boarding a Nufoundlin dog. Rat Tarriers are naeful to ketch rats, but the rats aint proffittable alter yu hare ketched them. The shepard dog is useful tew dirve sheep, but if yu hav tew go and buy a flock ov sheep, and pay more than tha are wuth, jist to keep the dog bissy, the dog aint profita ble, not mutch. Lap dogs are very useful, but it yu don't hold them in yure lap all the time tha aiut profitable at all. Bull dogs are extremely useful, but yu hav tew keep a bull tew, or else you caivt make en nything on the dog. The Coach dog is one of ov the most uefulle?t ov dogs I kno or, but yu hav got tu hav a coach (and that aint alwas pleasant,) or yu kant realize from the dog. Thus we see, that while dogs are generally useful, thare are times when I tha aint generally profiiitable. I don't re ally Inv a Yallerdog, nor a mad dog, but ! with these tew unfortunate excehuns, it is i , , . . . , ' ureuiui naru worn lor me lew sa a hard j word again a dog; the wag ov their tails is what takes me. Enny mac who will abuse a dog will abuse a woman, and enny man that will abase a woman iz thirty-five or forty miles meaner than a pale yeller dog. These are mi centiments, and i hant change them, until i receive notice that the carnel has smoothed down th hump on his j back, and the sarpent ceases tew wiggle when be waaders. Somebody's Dead. There is black crape or. the door, soraebnoy's dead. Yes within I r .T" F OI i humanity and the ax-man. Death, is swin-r. ' a ing his weapon for another blow. There t the bell ia tolling ; somebody's dead ; slow rolls the found, and how they resound, ! reaching clear into the heart of tha thought-, ful ! The coffin maker is fixing a coffin ; ' somebody's dead. That beautiful polished i Box must soon moulder and rot ; the worms ! will crawl over it worms, the only witness of mortality dropping away, depar.ing from shape and substance. There gose the hearse ; somebodys dead. Ah that's the last ride and the passenger will not come back, the stay away is eternal. Somebody's dead all the time ; tiankind are dying ; the earth is our prodcer and consumer, and will tie no crape upon her door and wear no black in mourning for our loss. While we are dying she amies, and laughs, and dances forward in her perpet ual joy. At the Ladies' Fair recently helcf in Co lumbus, Ohio, a pretty Indian girl was ob served exerting her persuasive powers to their utmost intension trying to induce acer- , tain military gent, who rauks as Captain, to buy a bead basket, or some other ornament she had in her possession. As the gallant Captain had been gouged an unlimited nnmber of times during the evening, l:e didn't see it ; but, thinking to startle tLe maiden, said, jokingly, "Don't want to bay your trinkets ; but I'll give you five dollars for a kiis." The maiden reflected a no-! ment she was laboring in a noble caise. for the soldiers' good "surely in such a case there's no harm ;" so, in the twinkling ; of the eye, she said : "Done, sir!" and, as he expressed it, she gave him a whopper j right on the cheek. Military drew back, abashed. The crowd saw it and lxnyhA. There was but one way of escape he pull ed out his somewhat depleted wallet and forked over a V. He then rushed frantically up stairs and drowned his sorrow in a flow ing bowl of oyster soup. The maiden in the meantime, maintained her accustomed tranquility, and yet survives, a fitting mon ument to woman's patriotic spirit. The Crime or Silence. "The man vho stands by and says nothing when the pcil of his government is discussed cannot be misunderstood." Lincoln. "The government is now in peril, and we trust no one will be guilty of the crime of silence. Mr. Lincoln condemns it. Let ns all therefore cry aloud and spare not. The grand and glorious heritage of our fath ers, the product of their blood, their tears, and their sufferings, through seven long years of doubtful struggle, is now about to be lost. Tbe President of the United States has no desire to save it. He sets aside the Constitution. If your neighbor's hons? was on fire, you wonld ran and cry "fire, fire," nntil you had awakened the intinates. But our Constitution is on fire the sboli lionists are burning it up, and shouU we not cry aloud until the-people see tbe dan ger that threatens them ? Let no one lere after be found guilty of the crimi of silence." An Irishman lately fought a duel vith his most intimate friend because he jacise ly asserted that he was born without a ihirt j t o bis bac k. t j Russia and tbe Loyal Leaguers. The latest news Irom Warsaw announces an increase of the arbitrary rule of Russia. Thousands of men and women have been seized, stripped naked to their skin, and whipped. A writer says: "A new issue seems to have arisen to di vide the Democrats and the Republicans. The former are taking up the cause of Po land, as against the pro-Russian proclivities and demonstrations of the administration and its supporters. At the grand mass meeting at Cooper I nstitute, there were loud and vociferous cheers for Poland and the Poles, together with groans for the Rus sians. 1 hope it is not treasonable for me to confess that I was glad to hear both the cheers a'ld groans, not that I loved Russia less, but Poland more. I cannot make it right that for the sake of an expediency, which is doublfu.l and at best only tempo rary, we should so suddenly ignore all oifr old traditions, forget the memory of Kos ciusko, and take side of the powerful op pressor against the heroic oppressed. But we have been for a long time traveling in this direction, and I fear that we have yet further to go in the downward path before we find the depths of national ignominy. Tbe Administration press of course, sneers at the Democratic opinion expressed at the Cooper Institute, and slurs over polish af fairs with as few words as possible. They would not for the world tread on the ten dor toes of our distinguished Rnatian visitors' by whose presence we are so highly honor ed. What a pity the unfortunate Poles bad not been born black!" Never before in the history of this country has a considerable portion of the Americans sympathized with despotism and given their moral influence agairst a people strug gling for liberty. We have been the friends of Poland, Hungry, Ireland, Italy, and ol all the oppressed nationalities. Now .we are placed in the attitude, through our Repub lican Administration, of spmpathizing with the Russian despot agaiitst one of the most gallant, but cruelly oppressed people on the globe a people united to us by the strongest lies of Revolutionary association, who cent their Kosciusko and Pulaski and others lo aid us in the dark days of 1776. and who under Washington, poured out their blood o'er our cabse. Gen. Grant in a Hor6e Trade. A few Congressmen ot. the train to-day entered into conversation about the merits of dif ferent Generals in our armies, in the course of which one "of them told the following story about Gen. Grant : "I knew Ulysses Grant when he was a little boy. We used to go lo school together near Georgetown, Brown county, Ohio. The boys used to plague him dreadfully about a horse trade he once made. When he was about twelve years old, his father sect him a few miles into the country to boy a horse from a man named Ralston. The old man told Ulysses to offer Ralston fifty dollars at first ; if be wouldn't take that to offer fifty five, aud to go as high as 6ixty dollars if no less would make the purchase. The empryolic Major General started off with these instructions fully impressed upon his mind. He called upon Mr. Rals ton, and told him he wished lo buy the horse. 'How much did your father tell yon to give for him !" was a very natural inquiry from the owner of the steed. "Why," said Ulysses, "he told me to offer you fifty dol'ars, and if that wouldn't do to give jou fifty-five dollars, and it you wouldn't take less than sixty dollars, to give you that." "Of course sixty dollars wa tha lowest figure, and on the payment of that sum, the animal became the property of the young Napoleon," As the ccld blasts of winter strike us, let us remember that ihey strike the contra bands as the chills of death, by reason of their having come from a warmer climate, and the cantiness of their covering. Sup plies are needed now as winter is setting in. Cleveland Leader. Yes, and "the cold blasts of winter strike hundreds and thousands of poor -xhiie peo ple, as the chills of death " In the garrets, and damp cellars of our large cities are hud dled together thousands of shivering, half famished men, women and children, some of them wives and " children of men who have sacrificed their lives in this "cruel war," but the Leader has no words of sym pathy or appeal in their behalf. They are unfortunately white The contrabands en gage the entire attention of these Abolition negro worshippers. They urge on the con flict of brother against brother, and shout hosannas as rank after rank of brave men are swept away in the tide of tattle, and all for the nesro. "Oh, Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name !" A jRomantic Fancy. On tbe shores of the Adriatic Sea, tbe wives of fisherman, whose husbands have gone far off upon the deep, are in the habit at even-tide of going dowa to the sea-shore and singing, as fe male voices only can, the first stanza of a beautiful hymn ; and after they had sung it, they listen till they bear borne by the wind across the desert sea the second stanza, sung by their gallant husbands as they are tossed by th gale upon tha waves, and both are happy. A modern tourist calls tbe Niagara River "the pirde of rivers." That pride certainly has a tremendous fall. 2 Ug ia Crinoline. The wide distended skirts of ladies'dresB- There can be no doubt that the preserva es of the present day have bnen the cause tion of the Union is an object dear to the) of many a sad, but also of many amnsing popular heart. It is something more than an scenes. An iucident of the latter class, opinion, it is an instinct. The prospect of which happened the other day in Mont- a division of our country into detached frag rose, is one of the most laughable we have ' ments, jealous of each other, and warring overheard (says a Montrof-e paper :) A j perhaps against one another, is a picture yonng lady, dressed in full, fashionable at- j which co American can contemplate with tire, including an ample crinoline-extend-1 feeling other than those of deep seated and ing dress, was in a friend's yard, looking at ' positive aversion. This popular instinct of the cows, perhaps, and during the time she ' Union has been the great power which tha .1 a ii ... . wan mere, a una smaii pomer was roaming j at will in the yard. Tbe pig impelled no doubt, by curiosity, commenced to make close inspection ol the young lady while ' she was inspecting some other animal; and having ventured rather near, was canght and caged within the compass of ihe crino line. Not liking so email a sty,' wide tho' the skirt wax, the pig soon made known to the owner of the crinoline the unpleasant fact that he was within, by making deiper ate eflorts to get out. The young lady was in a 6ad fright at the commotion within her dress, which was not lessened by hearing the grunting which indicated what sort of a tenant she had got ; but, notwithstanding the shock to her nerves, she made anxious eflorts to get the pig out. His swineship, however, had got his snout fixed in the net work of the crinoline, and his ejectment was found to be no easy matter, a "lord of creation," who was attracted to the spot by tbe noise of the struggle, was so struck with the absurdity of tbe tcene, that his risible faculties fairly prevented him from rendering assistance. The struggle did not last much longer, however, for the pig, as sisted by the?:resisting strength of the lady, made his exit by carrying away one balf of the cage on his snout. The lady re trea'ed in as great a hurry as the pig in a 6tate that can better be imagined than des cribed. Crooked Enocuh. Speaking of the Rio Grand, a writer says : '"Imagine one of the crookedest thiogs in the world, then imag ine four more twice as crooked, and imag ine to jourelf a large river three limes as crooked as all these put together, and you have a faint idea of tbe crooked disposition of this crooked river. There is no driftwood in it, from the fact that it is so crooked that timber cannot find its way down far enough to lodge two sticks together ; but few snakes, because it is not straight enough to swim in ; and the fish are all in whirlpools in the bends, because they cannot find iheir way out. Birds frequently attempt to fly across the river, but light on the same side they start from being deceived by the crook. Indeed you may be deceived when you think you see across it ; and some of the b'hoys say it is so twisting there is but oue side lo it. In an effecting account of his courting with "Betsy Jane," Artemus Ward says : 'There was many sflecten, ties which made me hanker after Betsy Jane. Her fa ther's farm jined ourn ; tLeir cows and ourn j squctiched their thirst at the 6ame spring ; ; our old mares both star in their forreds: the mea?e!s broke out in both families at nearly the same time ; our parents (Betsy Jane's and mir;e) slept regularly every Sunday in tbe same meetin' house, and the nabors used to obsarve : "Haw thick the Wards and Peazles air !" It" was a sublime sight j tind they have never defined, except that in the spring of tbe year to see our several the negroes should all be free; but as we mothers (Betsy's and mine) with their ' know of no Union except that embraced in gojvns pined up so that they couldu'l siie j tDe tarns of the Constitution, as prepared ;em eflecshunitely bilin soap together and by tbe Convention over which George abot-aing the neighbors." Washington presided in 1788, ihere is no other Union to talk about. That Union How it Wpbes A widow in Western they alwaysjepudiated, and they have an New York, whose husband was killed in undoubted right to feel insulted when ac the war, had left her by him a note for j Cused of any intention to restore it ! Iodeed, about five thousand dollars secured by mort j 0 plain and so palpable is iheir opposition gage. At the same time she owed in Can- ! to the Union, that Mr. Lincoln has just is ada a debt of less 'than S4 000 Under the PUed a revolutionary pronuaciaraenio dec legal tender law she is obliged to take ; hring it at an end and fixing oue on Aw own greenbacks lor what is due her in New ! terms 1 York, while she is obliged to pay in specie ! Now, the people want the Union, not Mr. or its equivolent for the sura she owes in Lincoln's ghastly hodge-podge of contra Canada. The five thousand dojlars is not J band camps and white men's graves. Why of course, sufficient to pay this debt. The j should no: Democrats, then, make an effort widow don't clearly understand it, and has lost faith in "Old Abe's" proposition that its easier to pay a large debt than a larger one. Smoking Cap A patriotic old lady re- i cently sent three smoking caps as presents ' to officers in ihe Potomac army. Oje was i for General Meade, and the remaining two ! she desired to be presented to two generals, one of whom must be a teetoteller, and the other one who never indulged in profanity. General Williams, chief of General Mead's staff, took the Anti-Profanity Cap, and Gen. Hunt the Temperance Cap. Vert Satisfactorv. "Charles, do yon know what people are saying about us?" "No, dear; what is it?" "Why, that that you 'and and I are a going to be mar married !" "Fudge ! let them 6ay so. Wo know bet ter. We are not so foolish as that, are we !" Posm ! The wind it blew, the snow it flew, And raised particular thunder- With skirts and hoops, and chicken coops, And all such fcind of plqpder. , j irge a, ,ife .,Bat re,onicd the arti.tthat The Cat Market. There is a man wb o 1 board is to 6maU for ,hal Pn'Pe;" a regularly visits one of the river towns and countryman looked perplexed at tb nnex buy. up all the cats that b can find, taking S Pected discovery. "That's a bad job," said ' tc xr t, Tk , he : "but bok 'ere sir, yon can let his feet them to New York. Ihe country people ' - k , - j u. u .v .u v u. r ; bang down over tha edge ot the boarjj." are in doubt whether they 'are bought for ; " . - the furriers or the sausage makers. . 7 T7 ". Z-.i. .-.k . It is unhealthy to fall m love with anotn- , er man's wife. In Arkansas, this kind of Soaaow grow less and less every tuna lning usually "terminates in death" thefim they ara told, jaat like the age of a woman. ! year. SITING TUB LM05. itepuDlican party has wielded lo carry out their principles of negro equality. Assam mg that they were trying lo restore the Un ion, it lollowed as a logical consequence that they had the right to remove whatever obsticles there were in the way of its res toration. Thi has afforded them tbe ex cuse, to the popular mind, ior all their as saults upon the Constitution, and all their outrageous attacks upon the American re lation of races. Now there is no getting over or around this instinct of Union. It must be satisfied, and it ought to be, for how can these States live so happily as un der a well regulated Federal Union-, such as that formed by Washington and his com patriots of 1788 ? Persons often wonder why the people acquiesce in and seem to support all nnconstutional and tyrannical acts of Lincoln's Administration. The easy answer to all this is, "the Union ! the Un ion V That is associated, in the popular mind, as such an unmixed good, that any thing and everything seems of less value. The Republicans have a most powerful le ver to work with, and they know it. Let a man say "Peace, aid they tell yon that that means disunion, and so it does, al lowing that a party with their principle is to remain in power. The North, as repre sented by Abolitionists, and the South can no more live together than oil and water can unite. What then ? Shall we give cp the Union? Nay. How then can we get First, we must deny in Mo that Mr. Lin cola or his party has ever made the first ef fort to save it. The very last effort made to preserve the Union was made by the Peace Convention in Washington, in Feb ruary, 1861, before Mr. Lincoln's accession to office. Since then, all that has been done has tended to destroy it, and to make its destruction more certain and more sure. Is there a Republican in the land who does not know that the Union is to-day further off than when Mr. Lincoln sent bis first fleet to Charleston, and set in motion the awful train of consequences that have fol lowed 1 But beyond all this, the men in power never wished to preserve the Union. We say this deliberately. They never wibhed to preserve it, and they do not, and are not, trying to restore it, and would not res ore it if they could. This position we must also take boldly, for upon this hang all the law and the prophets. We do no injustice to the Republicans when we say this, for almost any intelligent Republican will allow it. Indeed, they never profess ed to be in favor of the Union. They abused . na ridiculed it for years They derisively ! declared Democrats ''Union-savers," and compared them to old women ''sitting op ! the Union, nursing it." It is fair to say that they had no particular objection to a certain kind of a Union exactly what to Mate the Union 1 Yes, ave the Union, even yet. Nobody has tried to do it for the past three years. The Union, the great and glorious work of Washington and MaJ-i-on, has actually been abandoned. Let a man. thereiore, be selected for a candidate for President, who repre-ents the Union un dcrtht Cons'.tiution the White Government formed by Washington not war or anti war simply, for when the government is again administered as it has been for sev enty years, that moment there will be no war for there vill Le no c i use for war. Let ns, therefore, cease to support any longer a Disunion Party and found a Union Party, a Democratic Union Party. Let as no longer bo the allies ol Discnionists and Abolition ists, now in open revolt against the Union of Washington, bat rather let ns rally to the standard ot our fathers, and sweep the ene mies of the Union as the whirlwind sweep the leaves of ihe forest. A countrymen once brought a piece of board to an artist, with the request that he) ! phoald paint npon it St. Christopher as