MIN lire; '‘atnneoty" proclama of the Mesoafto toe it openly confesses 'ion seer, and that it iore the Union, but to have ail atone soo i?, wa• the true bot ition iota have President has documents and after these :horitatioe form, a cruel blow , ject or the war, and Jeff Davis for his reletlion ;If-evident and 'peat that three- Ile—leaving the uestion—would as that written anti-slavery bible, and an antislavery Go A Union, like that bequeathed us by fathers, composed of slave and free Sta they oppose, and to show their abhorrer of the people of the South managing it own affairs in their own way, they h , wrecked the old Union, and now seek reduce the slave States to mere provin dependent on the General Governme while New England and other Abolit States remain lords of the ascendant, ing laws and Governors to the Stated tl under the ban of Federalism. Ta!ti to one of these men shout the I ion, and never did man boast of m love. Ask them if they would be will to see the war stopped and the old Un restored with slavery as before the commenced, and they will stutter and rod mar and do :heir beet to evade the ques Press them for an answer, and it will co is a negative. Indeed The New York 1 bur.e, more honest than its fellows, made open boast that it was not in farm a reconstruction o; the old Union with a very in it—for the negro it would sink Union and break np the Republic. 1 leaders are not fur the Union as our lath framed it, but are "unconditional" Un men, it they can have everything as 0 wish, bat not otherwise. And yet these their cant and affected love hare duped many holiest m het that they are sincere, erl political life is s living witni hypocrisy and want of truth ion never suited them, and ed the old Union. It was expar.sive for their narrow a were too selfish and too sect panded domain and diversii When attacked by a foreign Ink) t leaders never fought I when laws, demanded by th were to be paused they oppi passed these same men fr combinations to realer their though the:tathers of these to the year 1808, when the abolished supplied the Sol man chattel." from the coast their sons spent much of t acquired in stealing and run , underground railroad the very slaves stolen from • fat hers. How. How can men who act thee be Union men! The thing is impossible. They prate of their Unionism, it is true, and 'he arch fiend, it is said, can quote Scripture when it suits his purpose. If sincere, th ey would seek to right the wrongs they have u;tlicted on the country ; wouhi repeal all their ur constitutional laws, rescind all their mil, ry orders that conflict with the,Constitati , and annul all the slily and mischievt proclamations which President Lincoln, the advice and consent of his Abolition f visers, has issued, and which, acting firebrands, have the tendency to furl excite the peo2le and prolong the war. limbed. Bat he gi , even oi now, and recognizes the t'ou acy I Seeing the irripossibil ing the Co•ifiscation Act and tation, be declares that "it under the laws of war over retitation has no control wht Rebels," be said, "had risen government. Which ever ed, had a right to treat the o tittered province." Here, the sbai.donment, on the part of tration leader in the House, pretence of restoring the Uc of the fundamental doctrines can government. "Conga' were, indeed, known Dude CalearS. and are still comma governments. Poland is a c ince of Russia. Hungary s yoke of Austria, because het trodden out of her by the al ism ; but it has remained foi freedom" to introduce the trine here. The men who h loudly of devotion to free in have proclaimed the Declar penJence as the shibboleth creed, now shamelessly ire their feet, and openly boast portion of this country to tl "conquered provinces." All this would not be se abominable, if it were not el hypos 'diesel plea of "restori of preserving "the best gove lace of the earth." A few Stevens, who really drive and who are its real and rev openly and -.ill of " tamely go leaders, tor she coun ,en into me hen their wh ass of their de L. The old t they Dever sc too broad a souls, and th Ilona' for its e fled interests foe these At+ for the Unit)] le Constitution, ,used, and when ormed unlawful execution. At men, previous *lave trade was , nth with it of Africa, yet the money thus ming cal on the ofl•pring of the Africa by their peed. I Rem• Stevens, of Pa,. the Ad— er on the floor of the tiou!.e, a speech—we may say bte speech. Mr. Stevens led the it'es or restoring D I Washington, and declar t wish to see it re estat ••• :011 Ins step further zef ihern Confeder of so much of what he must have been con• scions was great wickedness. We had expected ere this, to have heard him break away from and condemn in thunder tones, the talrehoods and hypocrisies, and expoge the personal revenge, which takes the name to a separate union coliqu Cher as a cc en, is a disti the Adrnin not on ly of nion, but a* of a Repot !red provinct it the impel m in abso:i ►onquered pr.( lobnuits to t r life blood ye (lies of debp r •'the party Muscovite dt lave boasted fttitntions—vv ation of Int of their pa rnple it um of reducini condition the Conwitation than Senator Walton ever dreamed of : and for this the Massachusetts Senator introduced a resolution for the ex pulsion of Senator Davis, and thereupon predicted a speech, for vulgarity has scarce a parallel in the purlieus of Billingsgate in :he worst days of its blackguardism. In the skier days of the Republi,-, when the Uni• ted States Senate was composed of states men, such conduct would not have been tolerated for one moment ; but in the seats once filled by Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Wright, Benton, Forsythe and Cass, are Goa , feund the Wilsons, Chandlers, Steven sets, Wades, and others of the pot house order of politicians ; and that once noted body, deservedly ranked as the most 'el ated legislative body in the world, is now the mere wreck, if not worse, of its former self, and is last earning the contempt of the people for which its base truckling to the one man power. In withdrawing hie resolution, before pressing it to a vote, Wilson avowed that his charges -.were without foundation, and he should have made an apolOsy for !heir introduction. This, however, is not to be expected ; for one who could charge a brother Senator, more than his peer in tal ent and in education, anti so far above him in gentlemanly bearing as it is possible for one Senator to be above another, with be ing a `•babbling fool," is too far lost to common decency to do this act of justice. Hate on Fret Speech and People's !tights. Whatever may be saiii of Mr. lisLic's little weakness, in the matters pecuniary, and however one may disagree with his political principles, he has always throughout his whole life demanded some show of respect from his opponents by tLe bold, outspoken I manliness of spirit which he tias ever ex hibited. Indeed we may safely say that until the late unfortunate exposure of his bad faith in feting his political influence ; to release from prison one whom he or h;* friends had put in there, no one,of his bitter est political enemies ever thought ill of him. His conduct and his remarks yesterday in the Senate fully iustifiy the good opinion I which has thus far prevailed. It is a hap py thing to believe that there exists one man in that body, even if we do aot ex pect, who dares to speak up for those rights ! -alich have given us alt we have and made na ati that we are. Itideeil we have always wondered how Mr. HALI: . B impatience of oppression, and of shams, his apparent love of justice and liberty, could have so tong res.rained themselves in the presence of patriotic zeal of SUMNER and WJLSON. Slid, gratifying and reassuring to a email extent, as is Mr. HALE'S speech, neither he nor soy Democratic Senator who spoke went far enough, nor said what the occas'on seemed to us to have demanded. Nobrdy denied, what should have been denied, Mr. Witsos's assertion that a convention of he people would be a revolt. Nobody defen ded; what ought to have been defended, Mr. DAvrs' proposition that the people of the different States can rightfully met in ' convention, and outset those in authority from their places, ar.d place new officers !• there, or change the Vlr hole form of govern ment it they choose to do so. This is the principle which should have been main tained on that Moor by lhoie who wish to preserve a fragment of our liberties. It is a bad sign that these crmmon-places of out governmental establishment are not fre• quently and defiantly proclaimed, are per mitted to be questioner: and denied--nay worse, a Senator is to be punished for utter ing them. If any punishment was to be met ed out, it was certainly more due to those Senators who denied the sovereignty of the people, than to him who denied the sover eignty of the "President and his constitu tional advisers." As to the expediency of Mr. DAVIS' plan of calling a convention of the people of the States, we ate not saying a word—although we could wish for nothing better. But we do maintaic their most perfect right to do it wtienever they wish, either through the forms of the Constitution—or outside of the Corms of the Constitution, in the capacity of the sovereigns who made it. The people of each state, suo motts, without any inter ference of the State Legislatures , or Federal recommendation, or any other assistance, can create a convention, whose mandates it would be the duly of A. Lincoln and his satellites to obey, and if they did not, they it would be who would be in a slate of re• yout—not the people. Until we see this doctrine acknowledged or admitted by Con. gross, we cannot but feel uneasy and anx ious, because it is the denial of thin right of the people which is the ground work and excuse of every tyranny. We feel assured that if once there lawless men feel that we the people have relinquished, or will not assert the rights which once we held so leave* nothing undone to maker this maga tin* a Iron clan wort. The rico of this work is Irlt 04 in advance. Sand and get it. It is a No. magazine, The Aster ica derimitutisi l that MOM prac. acid and useful journal of the kind, has come to us for the month of February. It is decidedly the beat agricultural journal pabrished in the United Shoos. It is very cheap. $l.OO a yam, in advance. Every fanner ought to send for 14. Orange Judd, publisher 41 Park Row, New York. hooky & Bkknerte Bank Note Reporter for February is in eirculation This itt a, good, reliable detector, published monthly and semi-monthly, at prices as follows The monthly, $l.OO, and the semi.monthly,s2.oo, Publication office, 45 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Important Frew Washingan• New Di aft for 600000' Men—Official order fy the Preside*!. Ex CCM! iff MA WOW N W Nato!, Feb 1, 141 1. Ordered, that a draft for five hundred thonsar4 men to serve ktir three years, or during the war, be madtt int the 10th day of March next, for the Military service of the United States, crediting and deductmg those fro*, so many as may have been en listed or drafted toted,e service prior to the first day 01 March, and no heretofore cred ited. (Signed) Ang WPM Paosylvttnia Luis!alum ilittßlabvito, Jan. 30 186 " The Senate was called to order at 1 t o'clock. Mr. iolinmon pnskmented si petition, arcking to change the place at holding the election i in Fairfield township, lyeotning county, Mr. Reidy moved to adjourn until 'Wednesday attertmon at 4 o'clock. The (notion was agreed to, and the Sen ate adjourned. GEN. GRANF IN sr. LOUIS. Sr. Louis, Jan. ,30 —Die dinner to Major- General Grant, lam night, was a most brik ham affair. Generals Ensecrans Scholia Li, Osterhau-, McNeil, Bowen, Totten, Fisk, Grey, and a large number of colonels, and officers of every rank, were present, with some 250 eiviirri. General Grant declined to eaten(' his re marks beyond a mere return of thanks for the honor co , lfernM art him LATE WAR NEWS. The President has ordered another draft for fire hundred housand men, to be made on the tenth of ii rch, this is to include the three huairel tlourtand which were to have been taken on the fifth of January last. As the draft in 0463 did not produce as many men, enbivitutee and all, a* were lost in the Western Department alone, during the time the names were being drawn, the community can judge how many this new call will tweet". The (rota of Phila delphia under this call, will be about four teen thousand live hundred men. The news from Chattanooga is important. The enemy have withdrawn their advanced positions from Ringgold to Dalton. They accomplished their retreat successfully, in the face of General GitiP4l l s entire army, withdrawing on last 1 burs4ay night, and losing bat thirty—two killed and wounded. At the last advice*, a small portion of Gen. Grant's force had advanced but a short die. lance beyond Ringgold. An expedition, about twenty-five hundred strong, was out on a recognoissance, and had gone to Tun nel Hill, six miles from Dalton, and five miles from Ringgold. The enemy, under General Claiborne, confronted them on the road to Dalton. An official report of Forrest's recent raid open Athens and Florence has been sentto Washington. The Federal loss was forty. The Confederate General ?slur gait is massing his forces at Decatur, in Georgia, from which place he can operate either East or West of Chattanooga. There is, as yet nothing definate from East Tennessee, Art order has been issued tt Washington relieving General Foster. On January 224,1 be Confederate* and Fed. era's were skirmishing across the Holston river, but six miles from Knoxville. There is a dispatch from Nashville, about a defeat of the enemy's cavalry at Fair Gar dens but it is so vague and wandering, that Although signed by Gen. Grant, (who by the Way lost tk:. Louis, and who does not usually *tile is the heroic style) we can - itittrottly giveit credence. It says that an intently division charged toit4 du sabre upon a cavalry division, and captured "two rifled goal" how thee. infantry don't es. "Ares, and cavalry dait't use tiled gent. the Corifedorate. in Virginia have with *sawn s lightly, in front of General Meade. leis gives the Federal army palomino') of tie Cedar Mountain beideAlld, though the enemy 1314 garrison the Mountain. the peak of whith is bona IA the battle ground. There is also a federal plain line again on the north bank al the lowet,Rapigan recent reconnoissance to Aldie,in the Shen andoah valley, discovered nothiiig. The guerrillas are beginning to infest the railroad again. On Friday night they attacked a wagon park neat Alexandria, espied:og several teams. pidly al - -ft is a tbinsribst vats* beti than auything ever make money with it ho steam boats or railroad cars, and in the country or city. You will be pleased in pursuing it, not only because it will field a handsome income, but also in conse. buence of the general admiration which it elicits. It is pretty much all pLifit. A mere trille:is necessary to start with. There is scarcely one person oat of thousands who ever pays any attention to advertisements of this kind, thinking they are humbugs. Consequently those who do ' *end f or n tract ion p.k fiel.l to %take money ;r of persons in this world that because they have out of a dollAr or so, a advertlezd. to a num V.O tr) 00 more. The ceedo to the one that keep. on tr)1: 4 uutil he hits tomethiug that pays him. This act cost OM ono thousand dollars, and I expect to make money out,of tt—and r.ll who purchase the art of me will do the same. One Dollar own( to me will insure the prompt return of a card of Instructions in toe alt. The money will to returned to those not satisfied. AJdres WALTER r. TINSLEY, No. I Park Place, New York. Oct. 21, 1863. Sin II44IPORp N T TO vey's Female Pills ha removing difftenFies tion, or stoppage of o the system to perfect ing from spinal affeetto the 'whites, or other Ito Me organs. The pats less on the consti:ution by the most delicate Sep ing distress—the same charm by strengiheitso restoring the s) gem t and by brttigil,g ort with reguldrvy, 40 m sate at any other I would be the result. males, oregnancy, mi . Ref.rodociton lu t e, t vitt emphatiea3y Advi-er, a pa sent free to any add quired ;o pay post age. Nor. 25, 1863-iy. BELLS SPECIFI al all eases. C.in be very r.evete races. a permannent and s, ,e capacitates the sulfite duties of married lite. eases, Gonorrhea, Gte. in Diseases of the Kr they act as a charm enced by taking a sin : . m Sold by ail the p, $l. mail, vecurely seal , oil receipt hi the J. RUYAN, M . No. 7 Cedar street, New York, Consulting Physic fans for the treatment cat Serowe!, Urinary, iS4*ssual, and Nervous Diseitaev, who will send, free to all, the I.olkraring valuable work, in sealed en velope : THE FIFTIETH HELL'S TREATISE o lure decay, impotence sexual daisaases, sernir They will be sent b ed, and conWentiall money, by emissions, genital pamphlet of 64 page taut advice to the should be read by el mean. of care in du plaitily *et forth. Tw pagr postage. Not. 15 1 1863 i. Iy, .:CONtioumptiro ***term wit! receive a " 11 - 1 0 k, intaatOption for the cure etc ea t atteiption, Astbitta, Bronchits, t eed , Threat am' Lung alien:lens, (tree tic k) by eetidtrig their whites. to ILEV. E. A. WILcON, King. Co. ; New York, Jan 27, 1853-Bw. offered. Yon can w►e or a broad—oo ill have a brnai! . There is a class who would think been hurnbattee I at evert thi , t4 that bug. Cotitlequeutly person who sac• A DIES Har e never )rt tailed in rtNiog from obv,troc- tyre, or remoriop health when tkUff o .l.' 010, prolap , o.., Uteri, eakoet , e of tbe titer are perfectly harm and may be taken wale without eau*. time they act like a t cg s thvi2orallog and a health' conditifin he mow h 4 perio4 pregbaney though stAe, iii anticarridge Cr ptik Prreo load on! ~,;v0.,r1,4,; lett . etticao whicti to ettilre,.} whitee, ratj,htly or Incontincnee,Gem tabiltty Itnpokettce angetnent from fuitilitng the fu all sexuat I and Strictures, an rider and Kidney., Relief is expert le box. THOUSAND—DR. sell-abuse, Prerna and loss of power, al weakness, nightly ability, &c &c., a , containing impor. acted, and which e ssrere,st stages is o stamps Islluired to also been amended so as to make the nine month's men subjec: to the next draft. We are opposed to the whole conscription bill, and more especially the clause making us subject to the draft again so soon.t he Conscription Act stands to-day an uncon— stitutional act as decided by the Supreme Conn of PennsOvania, and their decision has never been reversed. RA JI.R 0 4 GRANTS— if i alkiNg ten lan. 30, The House Committee of Yobbo Lands have under consideration the subject of railroad grants to Alabama, Florida, lowa, Louisiana Minnesota, Mississippi, and Wisconsin. The law of l 8 M 3 provides that in case the roads enumerated shall nat be completed in ten years, the lands shall revert to the United States, The Committee have been instructed to enquire 'whether it would be jnst and expedient to extend the tune of the grants, several of theseetatia now being in rebellion. IMPORTANT keeps constantly on hand and for sale, at I the Recorder's Office in Bloomsburg, g' Constitution of the United States," aid of the 'State of Pennsylvania," in various styles, at prices to stilt ; also, sundry other democratic books, documents, and speeches together with legal, note* and cap paper, pens, ink and envelopes, of all sizes and styles, as well as theological, poetical, !)18— orical and miscellaneous books, cheap. Jona G. Flietze, Esq., has been appoint ed Representative Delegate, by the Demme racy of Columbia county, to the S ate Con vention, %Itch will meet in Philadelphia on the 24th of March next. As the Court ties of Montour and Sullivan have the Mem- 1 bets of Assernbly in this Representative 1 District, the Representative Delegates have been conceded heretofore, as they should tit this case, to the other Counties of the I District ; thus entitling Columbia and Wyo ming to the Delegwes. FORNEY says that 'Airs- Lincoln was dress , *.O with inch angelit taste at the last levee at the White Haute, that he was (lamb with admiration of her appearance. This is not the first instance on record where an ass's month was stopped looking st aft Ra ged. Vi !'e the his:cry of Balaarn in the Old Testament. FEsai - oft DAvts, of Kentucky, in a !we speech in the United States Senate, aeked Senator k\ ison. of MassAchuse t 4, wneiner, it the rebels in the Southern Sates were offer to come back under the Conslito t ito woutd agree to let them come.* Ibe blustering bartor of lassachusette was a.len Se t;tr Inr,t,uttai.3 men have re-enlisted m Sedgwick's Sixth corps. This is the finest corps in the army, and numbered, hef , )re storming the FredericiAburg Hetghts,27,ooo men. It lost in that charge and ire the Woody engagement on the following day 5,00 t) m .n. Brooks, Smith, Davidson, Newton and Howe have ail held commands In this rorps MARRIED „,utiday, January 2lth to,st., by Mama! , V4lstlent.i,ce, ,Nlr. ions Mtittuct,e, t« Vi” FL A/► I.c.r.mktt, all of Hemlock twp., , co , Pa Ai 1-,a Paroonage in Orangevd!e, Janti,try 72.10, I hetl, u Rev. Joisiah Forrest. Mr, flAya.l,ks, to Miss Amarttoa butt) of t wiutraqa , Pa. At ate reooletice of the bride's father, in , «rr . he I9th lust lam9a :llaster, , REKCE Et . ff , of Berwick, . Hsi HkIXT, daughter of Reuben liTtlamt o:,l*.zator lay the 23ri of idittuar 1864 of scarlet lever, ANNA G., only child of it hit S.. Mary East, aged about 10 woo O the 25th ult. in Rnatineereek rvy;ti Col. CO., 14 Mr. ‘k ILLIAM Vo , cum, &Loot 54 yearg. Lack'a and Bloomsburg Railroad. oN AND A EfEt: JAV I , A SKNt;E R I'KAINS WILL RI N FOL 1,1"0.1", bitr./Nt; Freight S. Passenger. Passenger Leave Scranton, 4.20 P . • 4 5.55 li,oorn..barg 8,25 littvwft, 35 D,urittle, 9,15 Arne at North'!. 955 MOVING NORTH. Leave North' 3, 8.00 A M. " Danville, 8.40 '' Rupert, 9,22 " Bloomsburg, 9.35 " Kingston, 12.12 P. 1. Arrive At ..'.4.ranton, 1,30 Freight & Passenger leaves Bloomsburg, 10.15 A. M. Passergers taking the Mail Train South connect with the Express train from Nor thumberland, arriving at-Harrisburg at 2,30 A. M , Baltimore, 7,00 A. M. and at Phil'a. at 7,00 A. M. The Mail Train from North'd, leaves immediately after the Ex press train from Harrisburg at and Balti more, allowing Passengers leaving Phila delphia, at 10. 40 P. M. to rebel, points on this road - daring the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping care accalw pans the ght trains each way between N ni erittuabetistet) and Baltimorei, *ad Not thurnbollindeed Philadelphia. , ' I), T. iitAnta t g oo ,. .1.,, ClO's, Gen'i Twint *pot ~. Kingoon; — rib 3, 1864. DIED. exponas . to me directed, issued out.it the Court a Corr:mon Mess of Colosubirir county, will be exposed in public sale, as the Court House, in Blooinsbur2, an SATURDAY THE STH OF MARCH 11111414 at I o'clock in the afternoon, the following real estate, to wit: The one undivided one third part of that certain lot of land situate in Orange township, Columbia co , bounded and deo scribed as follows, to wit ; beginning at a britternut in line of land late Matthew Mis- Dowell, thence by the same north ten de. grees weir thirteen and one hall perches to 40 elm, north twenty nine degrees west twenty one and eight tenths to a whi m oa k, thence north sixty nine degrees east eleven and five tenths to a msple, north sixty two and one half degrees east and forty nine perches io a maple, South three degree. east etgliteen perches to a Welory north thirty five degrees east thirteen perches to a furze stump, north seventy 110Vell deb grees east four perches toe stake, thence by land of Wm. White, south thirty four degrees west fifty four perches to a stake, south sixty four degrees west twenty per ches to a smite, thence by lands late of Matthew McDowell, south eighty seven degrees west twenty five perches to t but ternut the place of beginning, containtag Eight Acres more or leas, the most of which is cleared land ; wfiereapon is erected a first etas POWDER MILL, sisting of Steam Engine, engine house s kiting, and iron gearing, with maga e, dry house, and other necessary` !dings. the aforesaid buildings and ma. nery are new and in good running or ; there is also a gaol WATER POWDER MILL, .h all the filings ready for use, and a story Frame Dwelling House and Sti. wrth the appurtenances. 'seized, taken in mention and to be d as the property of Emanuel Lazaitus. ALSO, he one illicit vided one third pall of all that tarn lot of ground situate in Orange rushy, Columbia county, bounded and scribed as follows : Beginning at a But• nut in line of land late Matthew Mc well, thence by the same North ten dos , es west thirteen and one half perches an Elm, north twenty nine degrees west )nty one and eight moths toe white oak, ince north sixty nine degrees east Ekors and five tenths to a Maple, north thirty and one bad degrees east and lolly ,a perches to a maple, south three de !es eiirtt eighteen perches to a hickory, dl b icy five degrees (lasi thirteen 7er ss a pine stump, north seventy seven ,re-s east tour perches to a stake thence lands of Wm. White, .Itith thirty lour trees west filly tour perches to a stake, tth sixty five deg,rees west t werity persitts to a stone, thence by lands late of Mats , Mi•Doweil snulh eighty seven Be es west twenty five perches to a But nut till place of be2mning, containing :„.it acres more or less. the most of in-ft is cleared land; vi hereupon are oed a first ('hies.. Cer tow d es POWDER MILL , of steam Ennaine, Engine House, It ef,g, and Iron Gehring, with Mans , dry nou-e, and other necemkary build , iii" 3 afore -:,icy sudilitiga and 'machin ate new and in good running order ; re 14 ako a gJe %%ATER POWDER MILL, h all the fixing ready for alie, awl * Story Frame Dvvelnng tiouae and cal Wits the appurtenance takeu in execution 31n , 1 to be t as the property of J. Woo%IL ALSO, he cyr;for ont - fiyideil one third part of all that certain int of land anuate in Orange town.htp, t'n'arribra courtly. bouncted arid det-ertbed atii follows, to wit: Beginning at a bnnerout ut hoe of land late Matthew: m c ri,tsi d v e lf thence by trot Paine North tea det , rees tirteen and noe haft percher, to an t-, " to we' , y a! tie dt , greels weir* and et =tit tenths to a white oak, r t sixty nine degrees east eleven f tenths to a mar le, north thirty two tore half ilegreea east an.l lorty nine eked :o a maple, sough three dagreee it ettiNeeti perches to a hickory, nortb rte' rive ire t:teer east troceert perchas to tine s urn rtorlo twee y -sear degree* i f four perctle* to a -take, thence by ,d 4 . t tV m south thirty tour da tes sve*t fitly lour perches to a atake, rth P ' ‘.X l V five degrees wets: twenty perch to a po,,ine. theoce by lands 'live of Mat !slcDowell t-notts eighty seven de twen:s pet:Oft-6i to a But um the place fit begion.ol!, rootairsior Ai res more or fens, the most of tiels is cleared lard. whereon are erected (lags POWDER MILL, Mistin g of Steam Engine, engine- bonze, tttrr,t, art t. lion Griailog, with magazine, bou-e, and (=her riece,-eiry buildings, aforesaid buildings and mathinery are and it, good running order, there i* o a goo , l WATER POWDER MILL. th alt the tixingt‘ ready tor use, and - o Story Frame Dwelling House and Mil • , woh the appurtenances. 'sized. taken icy e x eention and to be sold the property Fiaher. ALSO, tII that certain lot of ground situate in ngeville, Colombia county, being in nt one hundred and two feet, mare or s, and in (lentil one hundred and seven n feet, bounded and described as toll* •s, to wit : On the west by Main Street, the north by lot Alexander Hughes, on east by the late Isaiah Conner, and ori south by lot of Samuel Everitt, where are erecled a large two Stoll UK DWELLING HOUSE urge Frame Store and ware use. and a good Stable and ,od house, arizb all the up. rte fiances. tzed, taken in *seem ion and to be d as the property of Em linnet LaZataill. JOSIAH H. FUR MAN, SberHr. Sher Office, Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1864. HENRY ROSEMOC, Sky-Ligibt 411kmbirolypiat, 114 0014 S in the Third Story of the Ex. IL'a charge Mott, (entrance above the Rook !kere,) Rfeerstehorg, Colombia COMP. I Pa. Skomahurg, N0v.23,1860 lyt. Ji3w%l