... 1 i1 STAROF THE NORTH, fFJ. U. JACOB Y, EDITOR. BLCOSSEUEG, W.EDXESBAT, DEC'R 23, 1638. S. M. PettemjiIl & Co.t 31 Park Row. New York, are duly authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions and advertising for the Star of Ike A orA,' published at Bloomsburg, Co'umbia county. Penn'a. . , Mathkr & Co 335 Broadway New York, ara authorized :o receive subscriptions aod advertising for the Star cf the Rorlk. TOR PBB81DEST IK 1864, GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Subject to the Decision of the Democratic National Convention. .' Tlifl Cjnscrlptioa Act. We notice that the Conscription Act has been taken up in Congress. It is the de- . r . - . . . sign oi cenam antes, 11 poesiote, 10 nave this Act, railing oat the national forces, al tered, or so amended as to bring into the service a few more soldiers." The Law, as : . . 1 i . i . . . i i8uu5, Boomni to nave sausnea me ado lition portion of Congress fast winter, or at least a majority of that body, when they declared the war would end before the first ot last May, and Horace Greeley stated that the appropriation about to be made by Con grass, for the issuing' of more Green Bucks, would only be sufficient lo defray the ex penses ami! thai time, and as a matter of course the war ihould and would then end. The first of May has past and gone, many more wives made- widows, and thonsands more children made orphans, and yet this cruel, wicked war has not ended. The'Iast amount ot paper currency, legal tenders, ordered to be Issued by Congress, has been made and lavished opon Contractors and Officers, and all to no real benefit so far as crashing out this rebellion is concerned. When will the - people learn wisdom, and ote this fanatical partyout of power, a party that is daily eating out the very vitals ol oar Government 1 War JjemocraU. ' When the Radicals praise a man for being a "War Democrat' says the Louis ville Journal, they do not mean a Democrat who is in favor of the war, bat a Democrat who is in favof of the radical aim and man agement of the war a Democrat, in short who supports" the radical ticket. They r . t f. n mean suco a uemocrai as cenjamir. r nai ler or Andrew Johnson, or Robert Dale Owen. -In a word, the phrase War Demo- j crat" in the mcu'.hs of the radicals, 13 mere-1 ly another form of expression (or abolition- 1 whatever power lo deceive it may have or.ee possessed. It - is fast becoming a name of opprobicm and weakness instead of a name of "power. The radicals have disgraced it, and they disgrace or tend to disgrace every thirg else they touch. Tee Old Fkimlix Almanac fob 1864, has been received from A. Winch, 505 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. It is a very in teresting as well as aseful Almanac ; con tiling as follows: a complete list of battles and matters of interest transpiring in the rebellion since first o I 1863 up to 15th cf Oct. 1S63; Riivenne Stamps, required by Acts of Congress of the United States ; Li rense Duties j A complete ' United States Army Register; Casualties among General officer of the Union Army, aa well as among the Rebel" Army ; The crops for the Loyal Slates for 1S62-3 ; Public Debt of the United States, and the Debt of the Rebel Stales, together with a large amount of oth er interesting matter. Copies mailed, post paid, on receipt of fifteen cents. IIovemint to Avoid thb Draft.- W notice that, old Lancaster is beginning to wake from her lethergy.and proposes to de vour the eleventh hour to her salvation from conscription. . The Cecity Commissioners navs caiieu a cuutcuiiuii at iuo cuitenf, iu Bs:mble on Satorday next, to consider the proposition lo offer a bounty out of the county treasury to all persons volunteering nnder the late, call of the ( President The citizens of tbu various townships are also moving in ibn matter, and meetings have been held in several of them for the ptrr po of facilitating, enlistments. In Sads bury township where large special boun tie'n were subscribed , some time ago the quota is about filled. On Saturday la't, twinty eight -colored volunteer?, nlisied thnin-rh the cfThrta of citizens cf that town ship, were forwarded to Lancaster and cred ited to the township's quota. This result chews what might have been accomplished all over the country, had the proper . exer tions been tr ade. It is late in the day to begin now, but we trust that Lancaster, and all other places osing the proper applian ce!, may succeed in averting a repetition of the coBscripiioo ia their midst Ex ,'. r0Losaio "the Witt -The . Albany Argus truly says that there is no other ex p'acanort of the peculiar tactics of the Ad reiaisifationj its removal of Generals, and i's wate!af management of our armies, than a delibsrate design to protract the war, and prevent the possibility of peace until after the re election of'L:ncolnV - Frejldenl Lincoln is avowedly the candi iJi'.s cf tie Sadicala, and was recently pre-e-s;a J s such by iVendell Peillips. He def ends for re election upon theV votes ol the Amy, .nd of the spurious Electoral C oKejes in the f-ece-Jed States. 1 Peace eien thrcuyh victory, and lbs remrn'of-the cctb to its allegiance, would lawnrt all seh calc'ala'ioas. Heaca the policj cf prcirac.Ir.2'ilJ . . ; , a ' Increase of the Army. The President has issued bis -proclamation calling for 300,000 volunteers to in crease the army so as to render it capable of operating efficiently against the rebels. We snppose that this large n unifier of tnen are actually needed,, or 'they woald not have been demanded. . But if needed if without the addition of that number the ar my will not be in condition lo act with ef fect against the rebel forces, or. perhaps to bold all the important positions of which it is now in possession it strikes us that very strong inducements sbonld be held out to tempt men into the service. It may be said that such inducements are offered; that large bounty will be paid, and that there ia a probability amounting almost to a certainty, that the soldier's pay will be increased from $13 to $16, or even a larger sum, per month. Very true. Bat is there no . drawback to this 1 Does not the present policy of the Administration in regard to our soldiers cap tured by the enemy more than neutralize all the inducements held out by high boun ty and increaed pay 1 There is an act of Congress, we believe, providing for the punishment of persons who may be convicted of discouraging en iistments. Is not the administration guilty of. that offence. ? What eould possibly be more discouraging to enlisting than the fact that our men taken prisoners by the enemy, can see no end to their captivity and their sufferings in rebel prisons, because of the policy adopted by the administration . in re gard to exchange ? Under that policy any of our brave soldiers, who are so unfortu nate as to fall prisoners into the enemy's hands, may lie in rebel prisons, and, starve and rot there, cntil such time as the Con federate administration may see proper to recognize the negro as the equal of the white man, and exchange a Lincoln darkey in uniform for a rebel soldier. . . . . As the time is uot likely soon to arrive when the Confederate administration will do this, and as Mr. Lincoln ha not, up to this time, shown the slightest disposition to change bis views, or recede Irom or modify the policy we have indicated, the conclu sion cannot be avoided that our toldiers now prisoners, and those who may hereaf ter be captured, must languish in captivity to the close of the war, unless, in the mean time, death : steps in to their relief, and while he kills their bodies, sets their spirits Iree. Is this a wise or humane policy towards our white soldiers who have borne the brunt of the war so far, and must bear it to the end? In our judgment i! is cruel, atro. c'tons injustice. Will men, with the proba bility of such a fate staring them in the face enlist as freely as they wonld under a wiser and juster policy of exchange, throngh which, il so unfortanate as ta be taken pris oners, they might confidently expect a speedy release 1, Certainly not. The bravest man he who will stand unmoved amid the storm of bat tle, and unflinchingly peril his life, will t shrink from the horrors of prison life, the j poisonons atmosphere of a crowded room, the filih and vermin that, under such cir cumstances are unavoidable, unwholesome water and starvation rations. . We trust that some influential and hu mane friends of the administration, who re ally, wieh to see the decimated ranks of the army filled by brave, intelligent white sol diers, will move in Ibis matter, and urge upon the administration the necessity of changing their policy. The Cost of Charleston and Richmond. We have always been of the opinion that an hundred weight of iron expended on a railroad was worth millions ol times the same weight of the same metal used up in forty pounders. We should like to have an inquiry started in the next Congress, to prove what weight of metal has been used against Charleston and the forts in the vicin. age. . We understand that the powder, ball and shell alone have cost some seven mil ion, while the expenses of the different 'expeditions have exceeded thirty. This is a precious little item as the cost of taking one city we be? pardon, we meant to say attempting to take one city. The? proba bilities are that the cost will be doubled, and then they will have to abandon it. And yet the poor, deluded, blind people, who are uitima'ely to pay all this debt, look on in a sort of stupor at the immense preparations and throw up their hats when they hear of the vigorous shellingof Charleston, al:hongb they will have to down with the dost -some day, to pay for it all. It is all dance now, the piper has not yet passed round the hat. And then, too, what has been, the cost of at tempting to take Richmond Several hun dreds of millions, enough, if expended, to build a half a dozen cities of the size, and almost as many lives lost as would populate the whole of tbem. And so the war runs on, and this monstrous debt runs on with it, eating up the resources of the country, mortgaging its lands, destroying the flower of its youth, demoralizing and emascula ting its people. Douglas Jertold ued to say, that ''the shirt of Nessus was a shirt not paid lor," and if this war debt does not prove a shirt of Nessus to us and our pos terity,' it will be because an indignant and crashed people will rise and thro of! the incubus, will not put it on to burn and scorch their vitals. The delusion of tbi people concerning the condition of the fin ances of this country is most marvellous, and that charlatan" Chase, by his tricks and impostures, seems still to deceive' tbem He points to the signs of prosperity tvery where, when he knows that they are en tirely delusive. The whitened crust gleam ing in the sunshine that covers the living fire inSolfaiara, is not more treacherous The slopes of Vesuvius never looked more resplendent in beauty than just before the mountain belched forth tor the first time its silvery shower that seated up" Herculaneum in lava for centuries, and buried Pompeii oat of sight in a shower ot hot ashes. ' According to the law of this State, as de fined by the Supreme Court, .no one need respond when drafted , and we hope none will. The conscription act is unconstitu tional and every good citizen should re fuse to obey it. Selinsgrove Times.-' The FresideDt's Jlcssase. With one or t wo exceptions, which will J strike our readers without particular refer ence to them, we so nearly concur in ' the following views of the President's messaj-e, which we find in the Journal of Commerce, that we adopt them as the expression of our own sentiments. Passing over those parts referring to foreign relations, the depart mental reports. &e., and coming at once to the important part, to which all eyes and thoughts will be directed, the Journal says': - ': : ' The President's plan for reconstruction or restoration seems to be less a plan of paci fication than a device to perpetuate the affect of the Abolition measures in the Southern Stales. The plan embodied in the proclamation which Mr. Lincoln pro poses to issue sounds very much like a ukase from the chambers of an autocrat, instead of the voice of an ordinary man, temporarily representing the constitutional government of the United States. , la our view the grand question is now, "Can we restore peace and union, without reference to slavery or the negro at all V If the proclamations and acts of the admin istration are law, they will stand as law till repealed. The past is past. But the President seems to think the great question how to perpetuate the laws and proclama tions relating to slavery ; and the question of peace and union he makes wholly sec ondary to that. The negro is ' the promi nent object of his care ; the legislation relat ing to the negro is that which alone he labors to make effective ; the negro is the condition on which he rests the possibility of peace.: This prominence, given to the negro ts a melancholy indication of the failure ot Mr Lincoln to see the future , as men of sagacity, trne statesmen here and elsewere see it. I If the slave is free, he is free ; and why then waste so many words in making the peace of our nation depend ent on his freedom 1 . A wise man would trust the proclama tions and the acts of Congress to the future action of the courts and the people, not thrust them forward now as the special con ditions of pacification. As we read the message, Mr. Lincoln means to say that there is no peace except on the condition of abolition. Wisdom would have looked for peace without any such condition, leav ing the laws to their owu effect. The serious question is whether this plan of the President is calculated to Bring about peace whether it is a proclamation that is likely to be well received by any con siderable portion of the people engaged in the insurrection, and to hasten the close of the war. It is plain that what Mr. Lincoln wants is peace and abolition. He does not take into consideration at all the question of peace without abolition. In this respect he lends himself entirely to the radical Abolitionists, and evidently expects to coo tinue the war until slavery is actually abol ished where his old proclamation has theo retically abolished it. The President's idea of closing the war is by a sort of individ ual and personal contract with each and every man, woman and child, to the eifect that if the person will sustain all the.policy of the Administration and all its acts and proclamations, he or she will be pardoned. The offer is. doubtless one which the Presi dent has the right to make. If the people will accept it, it is a very neat and pretty way of doing up the war. But it certa inly does not hold out very brilliant prospects of success as a pacificatory measure. Neither is the President's halting and hesitating method of defending his position and plan at all encouraging or inspiring. He does not seem to have faith in it, he introduces it with an argument in its lavor, which is of course an admission t,hal needs defence ; and this is a very bad feature in any pub lic measure of so great importance as this. There is nothing statesmanlike in the plan or the paper defending it. It indicates a narrow view of the grand questions of gov ernment involved in the future pacification of the country, and a total failure to rise to the solemn importance ol the events crowd ing into the close of bis administration. Withoat perception of the real condition ot the country, and without ability to master the grand problem before him, we have here from Mr. Lincoln a proclamation which is, as compared with the vast throes of the nation which have seemed to produce it a very small and pony affair. Was it not enough to require an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and all laws made and acts done in pursu ance of it ? Why force the negro in the very nostrils of the Soathern man whose submission to law you seek ? Is it said the oath requires no more than that t Vi;a all doe respect to Mr. Lincoln it requires a great deal more.' It requires the support of a proclamation which one-half cf the people of the North do not support. It re quires the sopport of laws one half cf the people of the North repudiate as nnll and void, because unconstitutional. 'The doc trine is not yet forced on American that they must obey a law until it is. declared unconstitutional. On . the contrary, the American is compelled to judge and take responsibilities on . himself, which in no other country are imposed on the ci.izen; and if in obedience to a law; an American citizen injures a neighbor, and the law is declared unconstitutional, he is compelled to pay the damages. It is no defence to plead, "I obej ed law on the statute books." This proclamation requires the taking of an oath, as a condition ot pardon, which half the citizens of the Northern States would refuse to take. It is tree the President may proffer pardon on conditiocs. Bat the ques tion is whether his conditions are wise, practical, likely to do good. . We are very much alraid that the Administration knows no more bow to make peace than it has heretofore seemed to know about making war. We see no prospect of peace tr good to the country in the President's plait. Oc the contrary, we fear he has thrown away a goldea opportunity for the country, lor the sake of winning a support among Northern 'radicals for himself. There is one part of the proclamation which preseuts a curious subject for reflec tion that, ia which the President, talks about temporary arrangements for the slaves, to be made by State authority, when new State governments are organized. Here is a most singular muddle of State rights and executive "abolitionism. We must take more than a day to see our way through it. What has the pardoning power to do with the re-organization of State governments and the laws they may pass relatingv'to their domestic affairs? Does the President intend to retain a veto power over State legislatures ? It looks as if he means to do this, or at least to imply not only that persons who are pardoned must sustain bis pet ' schemes, but also legislatures that are organized musrpass such taws as be likes. How would this work if the next President should happen to be of different politics and different views about the negro 1 The genera.l scope of the President's plan may be said lo be of the extreme radical sort. He almost, but not quite, recognizes Mr. Sumner's State suicide theory. He ignores the present existence of State gov ernments, regards them as defunct, and anticipates a sort of territorial reorganiza tion. In this view he is neither sound nor consistent. Bat what are soundness and consistency worth in our day ? Oar Book' Table, ' Pctehson's Maoazinb for January has been received, It has entered upon the new year with a splendid number. The engravings in this surpass those in all for mer numbers'. "The Orphan's New Year's Eve'" is a magnificent plate as well as is the ''Merry Children " The fashion plates, in general, we tbink are marked with im provement second to no other periodical. Published by Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street( Phila., at $2 a year, inva riably in advance. - Frank Leslie's Lady't Magazine and (Ja zette of Fashion, is out in full bloom for the month of December. This number closes the present year, and it does it well, spar ing nothing to make it the choice of the La dies as a Fashion Magazine. It Ts larger and more voluminous than most periodicals, containing in connection with its superior Fashion Platm some most excellent read ing. Send and get it, yorj are sure to gel the worth of your money almost in a singU number. Published by Frank Leslie, 72 Duane Street, New York ; Terms, S3 00 per year. Arthur's Home Magazine, for January, it on our table. This Magazine is alway interesting and profitable, teeming with at tractions rare and elegant. No better invest ment can be made, than by subscribing (or Arthur's Magazine There is no two dollar monthly that surpasses it, and but few that even equal it.' Its corps ot contributors are superior to all o'hers. The very best talent ia employed. T. S. Arthur publisher, Phila. Terms S2 a year in advance. Mhk. Dcmorbst has sent us her Quarter ly Mirror of Fashion for the winter, ending in February. It is a work that no lady should be without, and in short we cannot conceive how they can. It contains all the latest fashions,' with full size patrons ac companying each number, which are more than worth ihe price of subscription. Send and get it. Single copies $25c or one dol lar a year, with a valuable premium. No. 473 Broadway New York. The history of the organization of the armies of the United States, and the history of the Army ol the Potomic from Bull Run to Antietam while under the command of General McClellik, is at last to be brought to light. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, introduced a resolution on Tuesday, which was adopted requiring Secretary Stanton to communicate to the House (he report of General McCi el lav. - It will doubtless prove to be the most im portant chapter of the history of ihe war, and of the present administration. Death or an Editor. J. K. Calhoun, Esq., editor of the Armstrong Democrat, and formerly a member ot the Legislature, died at his residence in Kiltanning, of typhoid fever, on the 5lh instant He was a man of amiable disposition and considerable intelligence, a sound lawyer at.d vigorous writer. . . The Portland (Maine) Argus thus heads its remarks upon the President's ingenious invention of a plain "how wot to do it :" "THE PRESIDENTS LAST PROCLAMA TION A CUKIOUS MUDDLE. THO PO POSES TO FORM STATES EXCLU SIVEI,Y OF PARDONED CRIMINALS.-" In Beacrt.Haven, on Wednesday last Dec, 16, h 1863,of Consumption, Mr. Fbakces A. Tate, wife of Lieot. Jesse C. Tate, of Bloomsburg, aged about 27 years. In Town "Hill, Luzerne county, on last Wednesday, Mr E. A. Wadsworth. Brother-in-law to Senator Buckalew, aged about 50 yearn. In Light Street, Colombia county, on Monday, December 14th, Mr. Jacob Keller, aged near 80 years. In Roaringcreek, Columbia county, on the 18th of November 1863, Matilda Ann, daughter of Charles and Mary Dyer, aged 3 years, 4 months and 27 days. In. Greenwood, on the 6ih u!t., Ann Craig, aged 80 years. In Benton, on the 30th of Sept., Mart Frances, daughter of Christian and Sarah Ann Laubacb, aged 5 years, 1 mo. and 10 days.- . . In Wyoming, Luzerne county, on the 24th of Oct., 1863 John F. Laobach, (for merly of Colombia connty,) aged 33 years, and 23 days. - In Norton, Summit county, Ohio, on the 30th of Nov. 1863, Abgkune, daaghter of Henry and Esther Koons, and. wife of J B Weaver, Esq , aged 35 years aod 13 days. , REYIEIY OF T1IE MARKET, ClRErUX.LT CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 33 RYE, ; I 00 CORN, new, 75 OATS, 65 BUCKWHEAT, 75 FLOUR pr. bbl. 7 56 CLOVERSEED 5 50 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES, DR'D APPLES1 HAMS, 28 20 12 14 50 50 12 LATE WAR NEWS. We are without news from either General Grant or General Meade, and are unable to give our readers any information ot General Longstreet's progress from . Blair's Cross Roads to Knoxville. The telegraph main tains a mysterious silence. General Averell's Cavalry are in the Shenandoeh Valley, and have appeared at Staunton. This is thirty-five miles east of Gordonsville. A local railroad connects them but forms no portion of the great read from Gordonsville to Lynchburg and thence to south-western Virginia. A report (which as the telegram that contains i states, needs confirmation) has been received here that Averell has destroyed this road for six miles east of Siaunton. If snch destruction has been made, it does not interfere with any of the Confederate communications. The Federal out posts of Ihe force at Harper's Ferry at are Winchester nearly fifty miles north of Staunton. The country between is overrun by guerillas. The Federal gunboat Daylight, one of the Wilmington blockading fleet, has been destroyed. A blockade runner had been chased ashore, and the Daylight ventured too near, when a shot from Fort Fisher, a Confederate battery on the shore, exploded her magazine, destroying the vessel and killing most of her officers and crew. An arrival from New Orleans givei us no definite information about the real slate of affairs in Texas. Military operations seem to be at a stand-still, and it looks very much as if the authorities there, having failed in several expeditions, are at a loss what to do next. General Franklio, with twenty thousand troops, is at New Iberia, in Loui siana, but a short distance from New Orleans. A small force is at Matagorda Bay, the centre of the coast of Texas, and another at Brownsville, on the Rio Grande. AH maintain a masterly inactivity. An official despatch from Halifax to Washington states that the Chesapeake has been gived np to the British authorities, and that the Federal c a ptcrs bad abandoned her. It will now be the subject of lengthy negotiations. The Chesapeake is at Hali fax, and a party of citizens who sympathiz ed with her captors rescued them from the authorities upon their arrival at that port. Every one is now at large. A confederate raid from South Western Virginia to Kentucky, resulted in the cap ture of forty-six federal prisoners, and two hundred and filly horses. Seven hundred thousand dollars worth of property and six hundred and fifty small arms were destroy ed. Ten Federal soldiers were killed ; the Confederate loss was two wounded. It is reported that the recent storm has washed (he obstructions out of Charleston harbor. Military and naval officers here about, however, who are conversant with the obstructions, scarcely believe this story. t. Th f!nn filrnf hata anntanwl in fnrr ft - at Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown on the Virginia Peninsula. The recent explo sion of the fort at - Yorktown, destroyed nearly every honsp in the place. A schooner bound from Matamoras to Ne York was captured by Confederate passengers a few days since in the Gait. Captare of Rebel Prisoners. The Railioad Be'vcten Staunton and Gordons- ville Destroyed by Gen. Ave'cll. Harper's Ferry, Dec. 19 A detachment of the twenty-second Pennsylvania cavalry has to-day brought in Col. Carter, of the Frst Virginia Cavalry, and six others cap lured yesterday a: Upperville, Fauquier county. Messengers from General Sullivan's cav alry beyond VV inchester report than Gener al Averell and his cavalry were in Staunton . . .. . . yesterday, and tore op the railroad lor six miles between that place Gordonsville. This is very important, if true. It lacks confirmation, however. Central Bnrnslde. Leavittsvjlle, Pa., Dec. 19. General Ruruside and stafl left Cleveland lor New York this morning, via the Atlantic and Great Western Bailroad. T. W, Kennard tendered them the use of his private car for their conveyance. A rOKTfIJE roil ALL! EITHER 91EX OR WOMEN'! NO HUMBUG, but an ENTIRELY NEW thing. Oiily three months in this country No clap-trap operation to gull the public, but a genuine money-making thing ! Read Ihe Circular of instruction once only, and you will understand it perfectly. A Lady has jnst written to me that rtie is making as high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME DAYS! giving instructions in this art. Thousands ot Soldiers are making money rapidly at it. It is a thing that take' belter than auythinz ever orlered. You can make money with it home or abroad on steam boats or railroad cars, and in the country or city. You will be pleased in pursuing it, not only because it will yield a handsome income, but also in conee buence of the general admiration which it elicits. It is pretty much all profit. A mere trifle is necessary to start with. There is scarcely one person oat of thousands whoever pays any attention to advertisements of this kind, thinking they are humbugs. Consequently those who do send for instructions will have a broad field lo make money ;.n. There is a class of persons in this world who would think that because they have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that everything that is advertised is a humbug. Consequently Ihe try no more. The . person who suc ceeds is the one that keeps on trying until he hits something that pays him. This art cost me one thousand dollars, and I expect to make money out of it and ell who purchase the art of me will do the same. One Dollar sent to me will . insure the prompt return of a card of instructions in the art. The money teVl be returned to those not satisfied Address WALTER T. TIN$LEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. Oct. 21, 1863. 3m. - IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Pr. Har vey's Female Pills have never yet failed In removing difficulties arising from obstruc tion, or stoppage of nature, or tn restoring the system to perfect health when suffer ing from f-pinal affections, prolapo, Uteri, the whites, or other weakness of the uter ine organs. The pills are perfectly farm less on the conti'.ution, and may be taken by the most delicate female without caus ing distress the same time they act like a charm by strengihensng, invigorating and restoring the system to a healthy condition and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what caus es the obstruction may arit-e. They should however, HOT be taken during the first three or four months of pregoancy, thoog h safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. , Each box contains 60 pills. .Trice Si. Dr. Harvey's Treatise on diseases of Fe males, pregnancy, miscarriage, Barrenness sterility, Reproduction, and abuses of "Na ture, and emphatically the ladies' Private Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of 64 pages sent free to any address. Six cents re quired to pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when desired, securely sealed, and prepaid by : J. BRYAN. M. D. General Aa't. No. 76 Cedar 6trePt, New York vsrSold by all the principal .druggists. Nov. 25, 1863 ly. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS Warra'ed in all rases. Can be relied on! Never fail, to cure ! Do nol nauseate! Are speedy in action ! No change of diet rt quired ! Do not interfere with business pursuits Can be used without detection ! Upwar I of 200 cures the pat month one of them very severe cases. Over one hundred phy sicians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and ap prove their composition, which is entirely vegetable, and harmless on the system. Hundreds of certificates can be shown. Bell's Specific Pill? are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted for male and female,o'd or young, .and the only reliable remedy for effecting a permament and speedy core in all cas-e Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of e-ils snch as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, the whiles, nightly or Involuntary Emissions, Incontintnce,Geni tal Debility and Irritability Irnpo'ence Weakness or loss of Power, nervous De bility, &cn all of which arise principally from Sexuel Excesses or self-abuse, or some constitutional derangement, and in capacitates the snfferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual dis eases, Gonorrhea, Gleet and Strictures, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Relief is experi enced by taking a single box. Sold by ail the principal druggists. Price 4(1 They will be sent by mail, securely seal ed, and confidentially, on receipt ot ihe money, by J. BRYA, M. D. No. 7i Cedar street New York, Consulting Physicians for the treatment of Seminal, Urinary , Sexnal, and Nervout. Diseates, who will send, free to all, the following valuable work, in sealed en velope : THE FIFTIETH THOUSAND-DR. BELL'S TREATISE on selt abuse, Prema ture decay, impotence and los of power, sexual diseases seminal weakness, nightly emissions, genital debility, &c , &.C., a pamphlet ol 64 paes, containing impor tant adrire to ihe afflicted, anJ'l.ich should bP read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. Nov. 25, 186. ly. AdiiiiiiiMi'atoi's ftotice Estate of Henry Kitchen, deceased T ETTERS of Administration on th E r-Jtate of Ilenrf Kitchen, late of Greei wood township, Columbia county, dee'd. have been frranter by the Register of said County to the-underbigned who reside in he same township. All persons having claims against the E-tate of the decedent are requested to present them for settle ment to the Administrators without delay, all those indebted lo the estate to make payment fonhwith. URIAH R. HARRAR, ) RICHARD KITCHEN, Aatmr ' Dec. 23, 1863 6w.-S2 00 JEST 11 A IT COW. tIAME to the premises of the subscriber, An Conyngham township, Columbia co., on or about the 10 of December, 1863, A RED COW, with short horns, and white across her rump. The owner is notified lo come forward, prove property, pay charges, and lake her away ; otherwise she will be disposed of according to the directions of the law. JOHN R. JONES Conyngham, Dec. 23, 1363 3w. : NOTICE. ALL persons subject to the Draft of the 5lh of January, 1864, and having claims of exemption on the following grounds : Alineage, Non residence, Unsuitableness of ae, or Manifest permanent Disability, can have their papers propeily drwn by ratling at Ihe office of the undersigned, in Bloomsburg. Office next door below A. J. Sloan's Siore. W. WIRT & CO. CP The Provost M irshal has given no tice that persons having claims on the grounds above mentioned must present them on or before the ?0ih of December, inst., otherwise they will be debarred. Bloomsburg, Dec. 16, 1863. JEstray Sheep. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in Conyngham twp., Columbia county' on or about the 10th of November, 1863, . THREE HEAD OF SHEEP ; The owner or owners are re quested to come forward, prove property, pay t he charges, and take them away, otherwise the y will be sold, accord ing to law. JOHN R. JONES, Conynsham, Dec. 23, 1863. 3w. SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of Miller Ir Eyer, Merchants in Blooms burg, are hereby notified, that the Books, Notes and Accounts of said firm are in the Store for collection, and most be settled by the first of October, without respect to those concerned. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, August 26, 1863, Public Sale - OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. S7ILL be exposed to Public Sale, at . tiie lae residence of Henry Kitetien, deceased, in Greenwood township, Colum bia county,, on SATURDAY THE 91 II OF JAN. IR64, at 10 nVlnrk tn ihe forenoon, -ot said day, the following valuable petsonable proper, ty, io wit .- THREE HORSES ; 0:e vearlinsr coll. three Mileh hiiffer.-Two calves, One breeding,' ow Four shoats, Eleven head of e ' One Threshing Machine, One Windmill, One Two horse Wagon, O ie Truck Wigon, One open bugy, One Sluigh, Ode slpd, Two cultivators, Two harrows, Two Plo-vs, Two single sets of Light Harness, besides a lot of other har ness commonly used for (earning and far ming; Also, a lot of GRAIN by the bushel, such as WHEAT, CORN AND OATS; ALSO, Potatoes by the bushel, Hay by the Ton, and corn fodder by the sheaf: LSO GRAIN IN THE GROUND, ALSO, Household and Kr'chen . Furniture, consisting of beds, bedding, Bureau Chairs, Table, Cooking and Parlor Stoves and Pipe, io?ether wiih a lot of other ar ticles too todious to mention.. URIAH R. HARROR, ) , . RICHARD KITCHEN, J Admrs. Dec: 23, 1863. Old Things lU'coiiic iew, The undersigned would be leave lo in form his ol J friends, and "the rest of man- i. : .. j ! . t. . i. i i i . mnu, mai iib ua lairjy reiurnsa "Om tfiS servire of his country, and nn re- opned his OLD ESTABLISH- EDTAILORINGSA LOON. v. ith a view of making up encire new gar. mems, as well a mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body ele,j who may favor him with their work in his line. He i prepared to do work EAT, Fah I ON ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doin?, and strict attention to business to merit and receive a due share of patron aue. But remember, all, that these times require money, or something to Jive upon, he theretore hopes and trusts, that wheri tie ha itone hi pari, his customers will do their, bv furnishing the "rearfy John," or learty trade. For truly the "Laborer is worth tf his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Dlnomsbnrz, Sept. 10 1862. TIIE SCIENTIFIC A3IKRICIN. We do nol believe thai even in this a nfcaeap publications any work can be more reaonaMe. than ihe terras of the Scientific American at $2 per annum, with 25 per cent, discount for clobs of 10 to form a yearly volume of 832 paa-s qiarto, w i;h an immense numb-r of ori, nal en2rairi2s of patanted machiest valu able inventions, and objects of scientific interest. There is not an industrial pursuit which doe not receive a share of i;s at tention. It contains official lists of pa'ent c!aim, important staiHtic, practical re cipes for tlomeeiic purposes and has Ian stood, bo:h in this country and in Enrobe, a the highest authority in the mechanic arts and siences. There i no pnblira:iri n ore valuab'e to the farmer, the miller, tl e engineer, ih irno founder the mecHfcn ic, or the manufacturer. We have ner opered a nu-;:ter without teaming som lliiiig w r-ever k iew before, anil oMain'n vali. able info-mation fir the benefit of our reatf'Ms. Th Publisher. Messr. Mup.n L Co , of 37 Park Row, New York, have deervpd the success which ihey have achieved No one fhci.'id that city w.thout calling at ia-?ir palatial establish ment, -hiph is a museum ot incentive genius, ccllecied Irom ihe entire worlJ. It any of our friends do not know this work and will taitti our advice, thev will mail2 and become snb ribers immediately, or by app!yi.:ir to the Pub!i-hr they can ob tain a speoirren copy grt'is. which will be sure to confirm 'ha iruii of our reco:nmen-dniio-!.7' TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secret- For Ihe .llillon ! mod valcatle and wonderful publi cation. A work ot -TOO piees. and 3i colored e: graving. DR. HUNTER'S YADEMECUM,an original and popular irea'ise o Mn and Wcrnan, tieir Pbys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorder of every kinJ. with Nerer-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The pracice of Dr. HUNTER has lon been, and still is, nnbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numr-etous persons, he h been induced to ex'end Ins rne.iioel usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." It is a volume that should t-e in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a gu.de for the allevia tiou of one of ihe moft awful and dernc live sconrge ever veiled mankind. 0 e ropy, securely enveloped, wi'l be forwar ded free ot potHze to any part cf the Uni ted Sia;es tor 53 cents i: P. O. stamps, J3 co ies for SI. Address, post paid, DK. HUNTER, No 3 Division Street. New 9. 1S63. IIOSTLTrEU'S BITTERS. Have received the warrassi encomiums fr vn the press an ! people throughout the U.iioo as a valuable tonic for the cure of DyspepMa, Flatulence, Constipation, and general nervous debiliy, ii can not be ap proached. Every day new ca?es f its great effect are ceronicled through our principal public journals. There is nothing equal in :he enjoy ment to that which the alflicted experience when using this valuable spe cific, lis mild tone, its sure and vigorou action upon a disordered stoma h, and the cleansing of the entire human body should recommend it to all classes of our coma- nity. ty See Advertisement. For sale by Druggists and dealers gen erally everywhere. Dec. 9. 1863. 1 mo. Auditor's IVolice. In the viatter of the Administration account of Benjamin Bomboy and Isaac Wagner, Administrator $ of Isaac Wagner, late of Hemlock twp , Columbia county, dee'd. rpO the heirs of said Isaac Wagner, A dee'd : Take notice, that the under signed Auditor, appointed by ihe Orpha is Court of Colombia county, at the Decern ber term thereof, A- D. 1863, to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the Administrators, among the heirs of said dee'd., will attend to the duties of hi appointment at hi office, in BloornsSorg, on Saturday the 23d dy of January, A. 5. 1864, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where yon will attend it yon think proper. W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomburg, Dec. 15, 1863 S2. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.