The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 16, 1863, Image 4

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    , W'V
A I'or taJ powerful Tonic, corrective
a;ja ane rn aiive or woortertol efficacy in
disease of th e STOMACH. LIVKR AMD
BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver cora-
liiun, neiu acas, uenerai JJeDiIHy, Ner
vausness, Depression of Spirits, Constipa
tion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Crampa
mna opasms, ana ail complaints ot either
Sex, arising .from Bodily Weakness
whether inherent in the system or prodoo
J oy special causes. -
Nothing than ia not wholesome, genial
ud restorative in its nature enters into
the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM
ACH BITTERS.' This popular preparation
contains no mineral cf any kind,uo deadly
botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but
ii is a com bintaiou of the extracts of rare
baltamio herbn and plants with ibe purest
and mildest of alt diffusive stimulants.
li is well to oe forearmed against disease
and, so far as the human system can be
pro ecled by himan means against mala
ian engendered by an unwholesome at
maphere, impnre water and other external
causes, Hosteller's Bitters may be relied
ao rairutuu. - - .
la districts id felted with Fever and Jgut, J
it has been Ion nd infallible as a preventive
and irresistible as a remedy and thousands
wLa resort to it under apprehension of an
attack, escape the scourge; and thousands
who neglect to avail themselves ol its pro
tective qualities ic advance, are cured by
a very brief course of this marvelous medi
cine. Fever and Ague patients, after be
ing pl ed with qainipe lor months in vain,
until fairly saturated with that dangerous
alkaloid, are not onfrequenlly restored to
beth wi'hin a few days by the nee of
Hosteller's Bikers.
The weak stomach is rapidly iovlgomed
and the appelate restored by this agreeable
Tonic and hence it works wonders in ca
ses of Dyspeps-ia and. in less confirmed
forms of Indigestion. Acting' as a gentle
and painless apperiect, as well a upon
tho liver, it alto invariably relieves the
Constipation ; superinduced by inegnlar
ac.ionoflbe digestives and secretive or
gan. :
- Persons of feeble habif. liable to Aiervnus
Jitlacks. Lovmiiss of Sjnrjts add Fiti of La
gtor, find prompt and permaennt relief
t.t m the Bitters. The Testimony on this
pcinl is mom conclusive, and from both
sate. - T v
The agony d Bilioas Colic is immedi
ately assuaged by a single dose of the
Stimulant aud by occasionally resorting to
it. the return of the complaint may be pre
vented. ; As a General Tonic; Hoatelter's Bitters
produce effects which must be experienced
-or witnessed before they can be folly ap
p -edited. In cses of Constitutional YYeak
nsss, and Premature Decay and Debility
a id Decrepitude art ing Irom Old Age, it
eicrcises ibe electric influence. In the
esnva'escent stages of all diseases it operates-
as a delightful invigorant. When turn
p jwers of nsture are, relaxed, it operates to
fi enforce and them.
Last, bui not least, it is t the The Only
Safe Siimutenv being manufactured from
sound and innocuous materials, and en
tirely free Irom the acid elements present
more or less in all the ordinary ionics and
stomachics ol the day. -
- No family medicine has been so oniver
n ! a m a tsilcv a I . I ari Juri'
cdly popular with the intelligent portion cf
the community,' as Hotta'ier'it Buter.
' Prepared by .HOSTElTER & SMITH,
PiUt-burgi. Pa. . .
Sold by i ll Druz'ists, Grocers and Store
keepers everywhere.
Dec. 9, 1861. ly.
lP REAT Trunk line from the North and
. JT" North-west for Philadelphia, New
York, Reading, Pottstille, Lebanon, Allen
town, as:on, &c, &c. '
Trains leave Harrisbarg for Philadelphia
Vew York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in
termediate Sla.ions, at 8 a.m. and 2 p. m.
New York ExDres leaves Harrisbir at
-. uui- ai. auiviug hi kw ioraat iu io; tne
lime morning. .
-15 15; to Philadelphia $3.35 and 82,80.
i . i i, i , i, u
liaiurain? leave New York at 6 A. M. 12
Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express,
arriving at Harrisborg at 2 A. M.) Leave
i'hiladeiphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P.M.
Sleeping ctr in the New York Exprers
Trains, through to aud from Pittsburgh
witnout enange. .: i' - ,
: Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road
4eave Tamaqua at 8 50 A. M and 2. 15 P.
M. for Philadelphia. New York, and all
Way Points. - , .
.Trainsleave Pottsville at 9. 15 A. M. and
2. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisborg
and New ; York?-
An accomodation Pirsenser train , leaves
Rending x 6. SO A. M. and returns from
Philadelphia at 4. SO P. M.
O" All the ths above tiains run daily,
Sundays excepieJ. . , ;
A Sunday train leaves Pollaville at 7.30
A- M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M- ,
. Corn mutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex
cursion TkkeU, at tedaced rates to and
from all points. . . , ' '
' General Sapertateudant.
Iioveraoer io, ie
OJTiCt ottr the ll'y'oming Bank
. i i
Will insure again! loss or damage
by Firs on property in town or country, at
rsiscuanle terms. '
Dl RECTO Kb, G. M Hollenback, John
HsicLarJ, Samuel VVadham., D L Shoe,
;.-.ker, Daniel G. Driebch, R. C. Smith,
D. Lacoe, G. P. Sieela. W. W. Ketcham,
CLiUjts'Dorrance," W. S.Ross, Georgv 2.1.
'a!'?!. IIOLI.ENRACII.' PrefU
D. KHOCMAKiiil, V. Pres't.
l, C. tl:!iTU, be.iiary, ' ' .
V. C. STEALING, Treasurer.
L II. CONOVEIl. Asant.
Lach IUvea, Pa.
r-izitzrz'i n:3,-iy,
ft A li:9TFULIY invites the attention of
Villti ob"C to his extensive assortment
ipnei Furniture and C H A
;b he Will warrant niila nt nnA
52terials and in a work man like man-M
cer. At his establishment can always be
found a good assorlment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style and fin-
isn to mar ol fhiladelphia or N. York cities
and at as low prices. He has on band
fl ot different atvla and
prices, from 825 to $60. Divans Lounges.
walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card
cenire and oier tables, detashm mlf
cheffeniers.whainots and comodes.ES,
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stock of bureaus, enclosed and common
sofas, '
bedsteads.cane seat and common chair- ;
the largest io this section oi the eounty.
He will also keen a zood assortment ni
looking glasses with fancy gilt and com-
mon frames. He will also furnish spriuz
mattrasses fitted to anv sized bBdsin,t
w hich are superior for durability and com
fort to any bed in nse.
Uloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863.
And Our People at Hoae
Are now off?red ao opportunity by which
iney can ootain a
Our Wutthes are
YEAR, and the buyer ss allowed the Priv
ilege of kxaminaiiOQ before Payment is
A first class Hunting Time-Piece of Sil
ver material, over which is electro fine
plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought,
making the .imitation so faultless that it
cannot be detected from the solid material
moM experienced jndges; acids will not
affect it. London made movement Im
proved Duplex ic Full Ruby Action, has
sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled
in general appearance. This is decidedly
one of the best artrclei ever offered for tra
ders and speculators. Engineers, emigrants
and persons tavelling, will find them supe
rior io any other ; alteration of climate will
not affect their accuracy. Price, packed
in sood shape and good ranning order only
535, or case of 6 for $200.
Best Quality Silver Caes, ever which
electro-fioe plated 18 k. gold, similar to
our Improved Duplex, and superior adjust
ed movements with "Stop," to be aed in
liming horses, e!c, has Focr Indexes for
Washington and Greewich lime, sweep
second, and U the improvements. All in
alt, taking its Beautiful and Faultiest ap
pearance and its Superior Movement into
consideration, we regard it as decidedly
the cheapest anicla ot the kind in the mar
ket. Price, in tood running order, 134,
or case of 6 for 1200."
GTWe ask no pay in advance, but will
forward either of them to responsible par
ties, to any part of the loal States, with
bill payable to ex y res s man when the goods
are delivered, giving rbe bnyer the privil
ege cf examination, and, if not satisfactory,
the watch can be returned at our expense.
The express oompanies refuse making
collections on soldier and other parties in
lie distoyal States, consequently all such
orders must be accompanied by the casli
to insure attention. VVe make a deduction
of two dollars on either watch when the
payment ia forwarded in advace.
Money may be sent by express at ou
83 and 95 Broad St., oppoite City Bank,
Providence, R. I.
Oct-2 1. 1863.
Sioce its organization, has created a new
era in the histor of
W holesaling Teas 1st this Cooniry.
They have introduced their selections of
TEAS, ard are selling them at not over
TWO CESTS (.02 Cents) per poond
above Cost,
Never deviating from the ONE PRICE
Another peculiarity of ibe Company is
that their Tea Taster not only devotes
his time to the selection of their TEAS a
to quality, value, and particular stales for
Danicolar localities of country , but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose ont of their
enormous stock such TEAS as are best
adapted to bis particular wants, and not on
ly this, but points ont to him the best bur
gains. It is easy to see the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Bayer has in this establishment
over all others.
It he is a Judge of Tea. or the Market,
if his time ir valuable, he has all the bene
fiis of a well ' organized system of doing
business, of an immense capital, of the
judgement ol a Professional Tea Taster,
and the knowledge of superior salesmen. --
This" enables all Tea buyer no mailer
if they are thousands of miles from this
market to purchase on as good terms here
as the New York Merchants.
Parties can order Teas will be served by
as as well as though they came themselves
being sore to get original packages, trne
weights and tares; and the TEAS are war
runtted as represented. .
We issue a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will be sent to all who order
it ; comprising . .
rjyson, IToiin?; EIyspn Impe
rial, G importer. Twankay
and Skin.
JAPAN TEA of every description, col
ored and nucolored.
This list has each kind of Tea divided into
FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, high
CARGO FINEST,-that every one may on
dersatnd from description and the prices
annexed that the Company are determined
to ondere!l the whole Tie trade.
We coaifitee io sell ALL our Teas at not
oerTWOCENTSf,02 Cents) per pound
ubovd eosif belisvifeg ibis to be attractive
to the many 'who havo heretofore been
patina Esosmous Profits. -GREAT
No. 51 Veaey Street, New York.
Sent. 2, 1SS3. 32195.
Price with Hemmer and Feller,
35 00.
r,.- i ...Ml
g, hciimjii(, uiu tiding uuiit
a Single Thread.
It forms a neat, even, and elastic senm,
which is warranted not to rip in wear, even
if the seam is cut at frequent intervals, and
aiso nnaer an circumstances "to survive the
wash-tub." . -
a ratented device of great utility to
learners, prevents the possibility of the ma
chine being run :n the wrong direction, or
tne Datance wheel wearing a lady's dress
Another featnre which deserves particu
lar attention isGFTHE WILCOX PATENT
Two thousand Stitches, or two yards of
woric, can oe cone in one minute without
dropping a stitch.
These Machiaes, so simple and accraate
in their construction, supercede the use of
theshottle; and with one thread produce
an me practical results ot the two thread
machine; ar.d more, for these fell without
basting, and hem the finest muslin without
Although at about half the price of the
other firet class machines, they will accom
plish double the sewing in a given tim
"It is emphatically the good, low priced
Family Sewing Machine thai the public
hav long been wailing for." Boston Tran
script. "It is indeed a wonderful production, and
and for family nse especially, no other will
bear any comparison with it.'' Pailadel
phia Evening Journal."
lA mechanical wonder.' -Scientific Amer-
''Among the best and most serviceable
Sewing machines. Light and elegantly
finished, and so simple in its construction
that it seems almost impossible for it to get
out of repair." Pittsburg Chionicle.
"Has combined with its own peculiar
merits all the really valuable improvements
of the higher priced machines." PennsyL
"This machine, in the opinion of the
committee, fills more nearly the require
ments of a perfect family machine than any
on exhibition' Franklin Institute Exhibi
tion Report ol 1858.
"Taking into consideration simplicity,
cheapness, durability, and doing all work,
Ibe committee were unanimous in favor of
the Wilcox & Gibbs as a single tbresd ma
chine." Pennsylvania State Agricultural
Society's Report.
" VVe must, in Justice, express our confi
dence in the merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs
Sewing Machine. We consider that a great
desideramm has been supplied by ii, in
proving, beyond coubt, thai two threads are
not, as was supposed, necessary to a good
instrument." Christian Advocate and Jour
nal, June 21, 1860.
"VVe have one of these machines in use,
and think more highly of it than of any of
the number we have tried.'? Richmond
The undersigned, Missionary to Constan
tinople, has examined more lhan twenty
different kinds oi Sewing Machines, and
after some six weeks' experience with
Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased
one of '.hem as the best adapted to the
wants of his family, and as the least liable
to require repair. OLIVER CRANE.
Boston, July 3, 1860.
The undersigned, during eighteen months
has had in almost constant ose, in hi fam
ly, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon
which has been made the clothes cf his
large family from moslin to pilot cloth
iucloding the clothing required (or bis sev
eral boys; and in no case have the seams
failed, although in hard service. The ma
chine now in use in bis family has required
no tepair, and is in all respects, well ap
pointed, efficient and durable.
CySend lor a Circnlar.j
JAMES WILCOX, alunalHciarcr.
No. 508 Broadway, New York,
Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel.
, August 28, 1861. ly.
II U HI Sl IV in I S 13 R IT
Just Published, inla Sealed Enveloped.
Price d tent :
CUKr-, of spermatorrhoea, Con
sumption, Mental and Physical Debility,
Nervousness, Epilepsy ; Impared Nutnns
of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness of the
Limbs aud the back; Indisposition and In
capacity for study and Labor: Dullness of
Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion
to Society: Love of Solitude; Timidity,
Self-Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affec
tions cf the Eyes; Pimples on ihe Face,
Involuntary Emissions, and sexual lucana
city; the consequences of Youthful Indis
cretion, &c., &c.
E5"This admirable Leclureclearly proves
that he above enumerated, often self-af
flicted, evils may be removed witbdits
medicine and without dangerous surgical
operations, and should be read by every
youth and every roan in the land.
Sent under seal," to any address, in a plaiu
sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents,
or two postage stamps, by addressing.
127 Bowery, N. Y.' Post Otfice box 4586.
Janoarv 29, 1862-Iy. -j
hates, sorrows and auger, hopes and
fears, regrets and joys; MANHOOD, how
lost, how restored ; the nature, treatment
and radical core of spermatorrhoea or sem
inal weakness ; in vc luntary emissions, sex
ual ' debilfty and impediments to marriage
generally ) nervousness, consumption, fits,
mental and physical incapacity, resulting
from SELF-ABUSE are fully explained
YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary
book should be in the bands cf every young
person contemplating marriage, und every
man or woman who desires to limit the
number of their offspring to their circum
stances. Every pain, disease and ache in
cidental io youth, maturity and eld age, is
fully explained; every particle cf knowl
edge that should be known is here given.
It is full of engravings. In fact, it disclo
ses secrets that every one should know ;
still it is a book that must be locked up,
and not be about the house. It will be
ent to any one on receipt of twenty five
cents in specie or oostage stamps. Ad
dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPRUCE
Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia.
no matter what may be your disea be
fore yon place yourself under the care of
any of the notorious Quac.t native or for
eign who adveitise in this or any other
paper, get a copy of "Dr. Young's book,
and read it carefully. It will be Ihe means
of saving you many a dollar; your health,
and possibly your life. ' ;
DR. YOUNG can ba consulted on any
of the diseases described ir. his publication
at bis office. No. 416 SPRUCE Street,aboe
Fourth. Philadelphia. :
Office hours from 9 to 3, daily. ,
- Eebrcary26, 1862 y, -
Ayeis Cathartic Pil!&
The cheapest and best New York News
paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight
pages forty columns. A complete record
of events, Bei.jamin Wood, editor and pro
prietor. Published at No'. 19 CSty Hall
Squaie, Daily News Building, Najv York
City. '
unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a
public journal, and in
is moft efficiently conducted, so as to form
weokiy recora or events political, com
mercial, financial and literarv. ihroannm
the World. In addition to this it contains
all the Domestic Intelligence of each week
and full reports of every rtalter of public
interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the side of tha Constitu
tion of the country as it was framed and
established hy ihe Fathers ol the Republic,
and will Bean with care and fidelnv
public act that may lend to (he violation of
ma leuerana spirit ot that instrument of
our liberties. It prefers the
to a ruinous and exhausting-system of War.
Insisting- npon the truth of the principle
embodied in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, that the just powers of the Govern
ment are derived from the consent of the
governed, it urges the preservation of the
fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate,
&S of more sacred ,ninnrianm rhun n.i,nn.i
grandeur or consolidated power under des
potic rule without the pale of established
Jaw. On all questions of national impor
tance it is ihe inflexible champion ol tho
rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the
instruments by which they hav edecjded to
be governed. . It therefor hoMitr avnu,.
purpose ia Bustain the Freedom of Speech
and of the Press, with tha VIAW In
ihe people from the encroaching dogmas ol
theorists who courempelate a raodiric-tion
of the democratic principles which to this
time have been sustained against every ef
fort to overthrow ihem. In all matters per
tainiog io Government the purpose of this
newspaper is to nrotectiha nnnl fmm
- r I f w -. j
considerate ar.d rash legislation, and to
nuiu uur puoiic servants to a strict account
ability for their conduct
the machinery of power. To this end the
muti careiui attention will be given to ail
Federal and Legislative wa. and a Rrm
and impartial examinatation of every new
yoliucal proposition may be expected a
the only means of protecting the people
..w... ... auiiuciueiii oi ineir ngnts.
are given in the most succinct yet complete
manner. Tbey claim particular notice
ror their fidelity and truth, and all ihoe
who decire to comorehend ih ai
cial condition of the couelry should riot
a., lu cjiamiuo ma views which will be
Jouno in i his department of ihe journal
will be found especially interesting and in
structiae and being derived from some of
the ablest minds in Eorope must be read
with Ihe utmost avidity by those who desire
to camprehend that dibloroacy of the Gov
ernments of the Old World.
'n,a" other respects THE WEEkLY
NEWS will be found to meet the public de
mand. It is the especial object of the Pro
prietor to render it a valuable and enter
pure in its moral influence, ennobling in
its character, and Hetisfactory to lhat large
class in the community who desire to see
the Public Press treat all public questions
with arguments axpresed in courtesy and
candor, thooohi. at the same time, with the
spirit due lo the ihemes diecuesed.
By reference to the terras of Tne New
York Wwekly News it will be noticed that
it is by far the cheapest newspaper in the
world, and the Proprietor feels ibal he may
invite thoxe who approve of its principles
aud co id uct to ue their influence in addin
to its yreseot large circulation.
Eight Pages forty Columns
For One Year One Dollar
Lleven Copies to one Address for One
ingle copies Three Cents
A first class Metropolitan Journal devoted
to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, and
containing all the newsol the day, Politi
cal, Telegraphical, Commercial and Local
is the cheapest daily paper in the metropo
lis. TERMS:
One Copy, One Year Six Dollars.
One Copy Six Months Tbre Dollars,
Siagle Copies ' Tow Cents.
Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor
and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square,
New York. . H '
North Central Itailiray.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
North ar.d West B ranch of the Susquehan
na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York.
On and after Mondav, April 20th, 1863,
the Paseenger Trains of the North Central
Railway will arrive and depart from Son
bury, Hrrisborg and Baltimore, as follows:
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at 10.10 a.m.
Leaves HairUburg, I.15 p.m.
, Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35
Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at 1107 p.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg,except Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrives at Baltimore daily except
Mouday, at 6.15 a.m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily
except Sundays, at . , 9.15 a.m.
Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p.m.
Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrives at Harrieburg, - 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 14
Arrives at Sunbury, - 5.38 "
. For fort her particulars apply at the office.
" I. N DUBARRY, Supt.
Harrisborg, Ang. 8, 1863.
A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed to unmask
the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of
4his -
And to defend the doctrines of State Rights,
and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by
our Revolntionary Fathers. '
Published by C- CHAUNC&Y BURR &
Co., sau street, New York.
. PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For
warded by maii or express to all. parts of
the United States at $1 a year, in advance.
Any person sending ' ten subscribers .will
receive an additional copy for one year.
r. An. 28, -1863.'; . .
ents Balmoral Lace Boots, will ba sold
very low. Also, Boys Shoes, at
THIS Journal, which is now in the sixty
secoed year of its existence, is a thorough
going,, independent and fearless advocate
ol genuine practical democracy. It main
tains the equal right of all men lo justice
and freedom; it earnestly approves the war
lor the Union; 11 holds up the hacds oi our
brave soldiers in the field and it opposes
treason in all chapes, whether open, as ai
the South, or covert or sneaking, as at ihe
nor h. At the same time it is the enemy
of all nndue exercise of power, or all kinds
of political jobbery and corruption, and
insists upon economy in expendiiures,and
a strict adherence to the constitution.
Throughout the war it has advocated the
the most v.gorous prosecution of it, but as
the war draws to a cloe political questions
lake the ascendent. A more stupendous,
difficult and interesting problem was nev
er presented tu any people, than thai of
the restitution of the revolting slates to
their allegiance. It will require all the
statesmanship and wisdom of tne na'ion
to "bring it to a satisfactory . solution. On
that point the ' Evening Post" will take
definite grounds, and endeavor to bring
about a condition of universal' freedom
and real democracy. Pedged to no par
ty, and looking only 10. the interest of ihe
whole country, it will use whatever euergy
and influence in the defence of the great
principles of human right and bugian ele
vation which lie at the foundation of our
institutions. r
Ii aims chiefly, however, albeit? a good
newspaper. In its columns will ba found
a complete History of the war. all imnor-
tant political or State Documents entire.
Proceedings ol Legislative bodies, Sum
maries of European Intelligence, and news
from ail parts of ihe world, accurate reoorts
of financial and commercial matters, trust-
wormy L,orrepondence, and a carefully
selected Literary Micellanv. comDri-in
Poetry, Reviews of now Works, with lit
erary extracts. Tales gossip and anecdotes
-the whole forming an excellent variety
in which every reader will discover some
thing io his taste.
Terms Dailu Evening Post.
One copy 1 yr. deliv'ed by Carrier, Si 1.00
Une copy 1 year sent by mail, 10,00
One copy 1 month, j 00
ibemi-ff etkly Evening Post.
Published Every Tuesday aud Friday.
One copy one year, $3 on
Two copies one year, 5 00
Five copies one year, 12 00
Ten copies one year, 22 00
A copy ol the weekly one year, or of the
Semi-Weekly for six month, will be seni
10 any person 'who sends us a club of ten
Semi Weekly.
ffeekly Evening Post.
Is published every Wednesday. When
addressed with each subscriber name :
One copy one year, 2 00
Three copies oue yeai, , 5 oO
rive copies one year, 8 00
Ten copies one year, 15 00
And an extra copy to the getter up of each
club of ten.
When a Club is sent to one JJddress.
In order to encourage the formation of
clubs in places where only single copies
are now taken, we have decided to offer
the following inducements:
' 4 copies oue year to one address, $5 00
7 do ao do 10 00
16 do do do 20 00
20 do do do 25 00
An extra copy of the Weekly will be
sent for each Club of twenl at this rate.
CKi2jmen are supplied by mail at the
foliowiug rates: Daily, ?8 00 per annum:
Semi weekly, 32 25: Weekly. SI 50.
Money may be forwarded by mail at our
CITSpecimen Copies will be sent free to
all who desire it.
Office of the Evening Post,
41 Nassad St., cor. of Liberty, N. Y.
November 25, 1863.
pETERSON S MAGAZINE, the best and
cheapest in the World for ladies. This
popular monthly Magazine will be greatly
improved for 1864. It will coniain one
Thousand Pases of Reading! Fourteen
Splendid Steel Plates I Twelve Colored
Berlin Work Patterns! Nine Hundred
Wood Cuts ! Twenty Four Pages of Mu
sic ! All this will be given for only Two
Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Maga
zines of the claof "Peterson." Its Thril
ling Tales and Noveleses are ibe best pub
lished anywhere. All the most popular
writers are employed to write originally
for "Peierson.'' In 1864, in addition 10 its
usual quantity of short stories. Fcur Origi
nal Copyright Novelets, will be Siven, by
Ann S Stephens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee
Benedict, and the Author of "the Second
Life." It also publishes
Fashions Ahead of All Others.
Each number, in addition to the colored
plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses,
engraved on wood. Also, a pal'ern, from
which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dres.,
can be cut out, without the aid of a mantua
maker. ALSO, several f ages of Household
and other Rfceipt.
is the best Lady's Magazine in the
Jf'orldTry it or one Year Terms,
Always in Advance.
One Copy, one year, S 2 00
Three copies, for one year, 5 0(j
Five copies, for one year, 7 00
Eighi copies, one year, 10 CO
Premiums for Getting vp Clubs:
Three, Five or eight copies make a club.
To every person getting up a club, at ihe
above rates, a copy of the Magazine for
1864 will be given gratis.
Address, post paid,
306 Chestnut St., Phila.
November 18, 1863.
fllHE undersigned would annouuee, that!
-- be has on hand, at his Hat and Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg, an
assortment of different kind of leather, such
as fine calf skins, morocco,' red and black
and linings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewbere in ibis mar
ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves.
Bloomsborg, May 21, 1862.
Physician and Surgeon,
HAVING located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he is pre
pared to attend to all business faithfully and
punctually that may be intrusted 10 his care,
on terms commensurate with ihe limes.
E He pays strict attention to Surgery
as well as Medicine.
-November 25, 1863. -fv.
Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by
Charles R. Backslew.
December 28, 1859-if,
Gleason s Literary
An Elegant, Moral, and Refined Mis
cellaneous Family Journal.
Ar.d a welcome visitor to the home cir
cle. It contains ihe foreign and domestic
news of the day, and presents the greatest
amount of intelligence.
Is prilned on fine white paper, with new
and oeantiful type, and is a large weekly
paper of sixteen octavo pages.
An unrivalled corps of contributors are
under regular engagements, and every de
partment is placed on the most finished
and perfect system lhat experience can de
vise. Each number will be beautifully il
lustrated. TERMS.- 82 00 per annum. Invariably
in advance.
For sale at all Periodical Depots in the
United Stales.
Published every Saturday, comer of Tre
moni and Bromfield slteets, Boston, Mas
sachusetts, by
Nov. 11, 1863.
TtHE subscriber would respectfully ap
prise his friend and the public gener
ally, that he has established the
in Jerseytown, Columbia county, Pa. The
above house has lately been refitted and
undergone a thorough repairing by the pro
prietor. He is fully prepared to entertain
the (ravelling custom as well as the local
with general satitdaction, His TABLE and
BAR, are well supplied and will be careful
ly superintended. And hts STABLE is am
ply and well stocked, in charge of careful
grooms, will always be properly attended.
CF" He invites a share of the publiccos
tom, and pledges bis best efforts, to help
bis guests feel at home.
Jer6eytown, Jan. 8, 1862.
HI D KCOKS-Proji-ieior
HLOOMMilliG pa-
'"PHIS magnificent Hotel, situate 111 the
- central portion of the toWn, and op
posite the Court House, has been thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, and the Proprfeior
is now prepared to accommodate travelers
teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most
pleasant and agreeable manner. His table
will be supplied with the best the market
afT(rds,and his Bar with the choicesi liquors
Atientise ostlers will always be on hand,
and his stabling is the most extensive in
this section of country. Omnibuses wil
always be in readiness to convey passen
gers to and from the Railroad Depots.
Bloomsbur?, July 4. 1860.
Whocsale ant! Kctail.
rpHE subscriber would announce to the
-- citizens ol Bloomsbura and vicinity
that he is selling LIQUOUS in large and
small quantities, and at different prices at
Vii-j Ma... C . H .. . "
ii m t c w ouue, uu i)uiii street,
north sill. Iwn Innri tnmh
I .... . D. . I y I L . r - W- 72
, . uut , , . ,
stock of Foreign and Domestic --ft
consists of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber
ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He
has a large assortment of
Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon,
Old Fo.ks Whiskey, and auy quantity of
common. He aUo has
Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam
pagne Wines; and last but not leat, a
quantity of good double extra BROWN
STOUT; all of which he will sell at the
lowest cash prices. The public are respect
fully solicited to give his liquor a trial.
D. W. ROB BINS, Ag't.
Bloomsborg, May 1, 1861.
1 kbr KCFULLY offers his
ladie & gentlemen of Bloom
burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend
to all the various operations in Dniisiry,
and is provided wnh the latest improved
FORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in
serted on pivot or gold plate, lo look as
well as natural.
Mineral plate and block teeth manufac
tured and all operations on leeth carefully
attended to.
A superior article of Tooth Powders, al
ways on hand. All operations on the teeth
Residence and Office, a few doors above
I the Court House, same side.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1858.
G 11 I t a
Percha Backinsr.
'P'OR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages,
- and Military Leather Work.
This new and excellent article excels
eveay thing ever before in use, for beauti
fying and softening ihe Leather. It makes
a polish like patent leather ; will not rub
off with water, nor stain :he finest white
silk, and makes leather perfectly water
proof. Twice a month applied on boots
and shoes, and once a month for harness
is sufficient. If the leather becomes dir. y
wash it off with clean water and the polish
will re-appear. Warranted'as represented.
Directions lor nse. Apply a few drops
on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather,
and the polish is complete.
CF For sale by L. T. &HARPLESS
Bloombura, May 14, 1862.
Kollock's Dandelion Coffee.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by ph vsicians
for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and ail
bilious disorders. ThoueandL who hjve
been compelled to abandon ihese of cof
fee will use this without injurioqsjefiecrt.
One can contains the strength dltw
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents.
The purest and best BAKING POWDER
known, for making light, 6weet axv1 jiutri
tious Breaxl and cakes. Price 15cw&.
Manufacturtd by
M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
EPMnJ sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Fj
February 26, 1862. lyN
AND ;.
Cene'l Coni'sion merchant.
Btoomsburg, Columbia county Pa.
Particular attention given to Pateat rights.
Sept. 2, 1863. 3caoi.
PORTY-EIGHT columns of reading mat-
ter per week for Si 20 per year. Tha
only New York Paper made up exclusive
ly for courny circulation; and, ihe news
of the week, with the cattle, produce, and
other market, carefully reported.
?he,?w Vork bo.V-Book, for 1884.
White Men's Liberties State Rights Fed
eral Union.
The New York Day-Book is an indepen
dent. Democratic Journal, holding with the
late Senator Douglas, thai "this govern
merit is mJe on the white basis, by whirs)
men, for the benefit of while men and
their posterity forever." It i8 . lar(,e doo.
ble sheet, with forty eight columns of read
ing matter, and in all respects whether
lor Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural
information is not inferior 10 any as a po
litical or family newspaper. In its politi
cal department, it grapples bolcly with th
real question before the American people,
and presents the only philosophy of it
which can resist the sweeping march of
Abolitionism. Ii is Democratic in the true
sense of the term the defender of the peo
ple's rights, but it is the nohnlderni nn n...
ly chicanery oriritkeiy. li is riot only for
peace, but it shows how, and how only,
permanent peace tan be obtair ed, and this
glorious while man's government of Wash
ington restored, viz: by the otter toat.
overthrow, and extermination of Abolition
ism from American soil.
The Day Book is now the only weekly
political paper in New York city made up
exclusively for country circulation. All the
others are reba-hed from Ihe columns ol
some daily paper, which renders it almost
impossible to give so complete and general
a summary of the news as in the other
case. Persons aboul subscribing sbouM
take ibis into consideration. Democrats
al-o, must see lo it (bat sound papers are
circulated mong ihe people, or abolition
ism will never D put down. CF All who
desire to refute ihe arguments of Abolition
ists, shonld read The Day Book.
TERMS: One copy, one year, f 2 Cfh
Tbree copies on year, 85 00; Five copies,'
one year, $7 50; Ten copies, one year, and
one to the getter np of the club, S14 00;
Twenty copies, one year, and oue to ihe
generupof the Club, 424 00. Additional
copies, each 31 20.
The name of the posi-office, conntr, and
Slate, should in all cases, be plainly given
in every letter.
Payments always in ad sore, acd a!)
papers will be stopped when the lime of
subscription paid for expires.
162 Nassau st., New York.
Special Orders. We desire this year
to place before a million ol norther read
ers ihe great doctrines '-The Day Book"
leaches on the question of the Raxies. Wt '
conridenliy believe if this Journal were
placed in ibe hand of o:ie half of the vo
ters of the northern Siatea between ibis time
and November, 1864, the Democrats cooltf
noi fad to curry the nexi presidential elec
tion. We therefore make the following
offers, not in tho lijjbf of prize, ar.d nol
even because it will be profitable, for e
can scarcely afford it but solely to secure
a wide dissemination of the viw vhicbi
we profoundly believe will save our coua
Clubs of Twenty. For a club of 20,
besides ihe extra paper now offered, w
will send a copy of Dr. Vo Evrie's great
work on "nearoes and negro slavery," the
third edition of which is just ready. Price
On Dollar
Clubs of Fifty. For a chb of Fifty
subscribers, at 410, we will send one extra
paper, and a complete set of our Ami Abo
lition Publications," the prices of which,
taken together, amount to $2 75.
C7iv& of One Hundred. In relation
to Clubs of oue hundred, we will say this:
Whoever will send us one hundred sub
scribers at one time, the club to be sent to
one addres. and begin and end at the tame)
time, will receive the papers at SI00.
V. E., H. & CO.
November 18, 1863.
'0 be published D-ily and Weekly irr
; hrenner & Co. -Th A-' i!l a.i.,.
: Trie r iv ri r I'nijuu nhi j 3 1 r'iA.d
ihe principles of the Demoratic party, and
will, therefore, necessarily favor the relo-
. .. r . I. II. : . . 1 r 1
iiiiuii ui me 11 1011 as 11 was. unu ue ena
as it wa.
ihe Constuuiioii of the Uniud States, and
that of this Commonwealth.
It will freely and fairly di.-coss ail legit
imate sut ject of newspaper comment, in
cluding, ol course, and pre-eminently at
this time, ail questions connected with ihe
existing unhappy condition of our country.
It will feariessly criticise Ihe publ.c acts
of public servants and defend the legal and
constitutional right of individual citizens
and ol sovereign States, against assaults
Irom any quarter.
It will seek 10 awaken the minds of tho
people 10 a proper sense of the actual con
dition ol the Republic to present lo them,
truthfully, the tearful perils in which we
stand as a nation to exhibit ihe magnitude
of the task lhat lies betore them, if they
would check our downward progress and
to inspire ihem with patriotic determina
tion to apply the remedy for onr national
ills. In belief, it wi;l in all things,aim to be
the faithful exponeut of Democratic prin-
cities, to render itself worthy to be an
organ oi the democratic party, under whose
auspices our country prospered so h'ng
and so well. The restoration of that par
tv the party of ihe Constitution and ibe
Union 10 power in the legislative and ex
ecutive governmental branches of Ihe State
and ol the Union, we believe to be neces
sary to avert anarchy, and iho utter ruin of
the Republic. To contribute lo lhat resto
ration will be our highest aim.
The news, literary, j commercial and oth
er departments, will receive doe attention.,
and will be so conducted as 10 make4The
Age" worthy of ihe support of the general
The many difficulties now surrounding
an enterprise of the magnitude of that in
which the undersigned are engaged, re
quire them to appeal to the public for
generous support, and to ask lor "ihe
Age" a liberal patronage and extended cir-
The preparatory arrrangements warrant
ed the issuing of the first cumber of lbs
Daily Age in the month of March I863,and
ihe Weekly was commenced soon after.
Daily, per annum, $6 00
do Six month, X 00
" Three months, 1 50
Copies delivered at the counter, aod 19
Agents and Carriers, 2 cents each.
Weekly, per annum,
do Six months,
" do Three months,
- Ten copiev 10 one address,
Twenty do - do
Thirlv. do do
17 50
32 CO
45 00
EP". Payment, required invariably, ixr ad
vaoce Addre, 5 -
'-'iA, J. GLOSS BEEN ER & CO.,
430 Chestnut Street, Phi! a,
- November IS, 1883,