STAR OP THE NORTH, IL JACOB V, EDITOR. jBL033IS3CR!?,iWED.ESDArt DEC'S 9, 1613. S M. PicTT'tKGiLL &. Co.. 37 Park Row. Nev? York; are duly authorized to solicit aod tec ive subscriptions ai.d advertising lor the Ftnt of the North, published at Bloomoburg, Columbia cour ty, Penn'a. " - Matkkh & Co.. 335 Broadway. New York, are authorized :o receive subscriptions and advancing fot the Star cj ih North. . TOR PRESIDENT IN 1864, GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Subject to the Decision of the Democratic .:' Na ioual Convention Jlrcaters Ahead. . , There are ominous signs that the fatal rrauh in our. financial affair, which all know is inevitable, sooner or later, is not far off. Wall Sireet is more than usually fevonsh and ai Congress is in session, the anxiety for Mr. Chase to open his plans for the future, knows no bounds. Every thing now obeys the nod and beck of the great Shiuplaster King at Washington He makes and unmakes rortnnes as he pleases Ha sets up one and pulls down another. He hat been holding forth inducements that the war would be of short duration, bat, year alter year, he i compelled to increase his estimates nd contests that he has been vturly mistaken. Even his owu friends begin to tremble. The correspondent of the Ciucinnati Go teitt, writing from Washington, has the fol lowing ominoas paragraph ; When the deluded followers of Abolition get so they can see "breakers ahead," we shall have t.dvanced one step towards petes. So long, as the heartless villains l. . u : i ! 1 wuu urge uu imo n ai see uoijr utiles, anu weil'h, and luxnry before them, no matter ho much d'r-ath, bloodshed, misery and j tlet-olation ara before other people, eo long will they cry oat lor slaughter and extermi- longer be or the interest of these men to .war upon the South, and how toon would ail their pretended lore forihe Uuiou van ish.. Why, it is not four years since that Horace Greeluy was proving that the South ws.s a positive curse and expense to the North, and that it would be a good thins to get rid or her, jet now she is so valuable Unit we must, bnakropt our people and ruin lion. The miry men now spending mill ioi; cTraonev in an expedition to Texas, wore the very ones who contended, with all their raigbt, against allowing her to come in the Union when she offered to do so vriihont money and without price. And, strange to say, Massachusetts, which was the head and from of the opposition to (hat measure, now furnishes the General and most of the loldiers to compel Texas to do that which, in 1847, she bo strenuously op posed. Yea, and she actually parsed a resolution to secede from the Union if I"ex ai. was aonered, and only failed to do so because the plack ol her Abolilieu bullies was not equal to their bragging-. Since the war broke out, however, she has made a a gocd speculation by it. The withdrawal 1 the soatbern members enabled her to piss a tariff tor the express benefit of New England manufacturers, which she did at once, withotitVaiiiag. Since then she has b?ea mauaiiclurtug army goads, aud mus kets, rifles, lie, &c. We all pay taxes to hr in everything we wear, and she is gel ling along ur.ely. Bat her prosperity is of the cobweb order. A breatl will sweep it away one of these days, when the grand shinplaster babble explodes. All instinc lively feel tlai this event cannot be far off, bat each one sails along, hoping that it will not strike him amidships. Wall street ia as nervous as t borglar in a bank, who starts at every st ond, aud is frightened at his own shadow. Prudent' men will shorten sail in theso times. Keep neat shore, and nake port us often as possible; but Wall sireet gamblers, like all other gamblers, will venture until the Iat ehinplaster is gone, and iiol see the breakers until it is Do late. ' "The grea'est folly of my life was the issuing of the emancipation proclama tion." .:. . , . ; . : Sneh weie the wordd of President Lincoln to Wendell Phillips last January, according 13 the testimony of the latter in a speech lie made al Masic Hall in new Haven. liafore the issuing of thai document, Prest. fleet Lincoln gave it as his opinion that it iould be of no more e fleet than the "Pope's bail against the comet and after he- had jjiven it to the world he regards it as 'the Ijreatest folly of his life," and did not scrapie to bo interta one of the roost inflaential leaders ci: the fanatical faction who had forced him into the objectionable measure. m t i? ri i . !:. : s ISS3. "II Satan had been commis-icned to ico3ri min&ind, he could have net better :fu!i!ed his mission than by turning Abo iiticn disaiiionist, and preaching the doc ;if!sthey j rsacb. They are desperate men I'rcn aii prnies 'h litre, the frail, and uSs blin gathered joseiher, and what are t'.2j going to do? Going to help freedom! Freedom for whom 1 Their every effort j c Tirdizai freedom; ami if only their e;I--r'-i prsrai'ed, we wca!J not havp a free ot ernment." , ,-..- Tits Printer, a verv useful and in!ere?t- i2 typ"rapuical jonrnal, jha made its v. sy i ao nor saiic'nm once more. It cer IaImJ? is &n insfL-periLJe work to the craft, rrfalfd in.fnod style, on wfci'e paper, wish dsn iyj"e. Price, one dollar in advance. IVwiish? rj Joho Greason tz Co.. 172 Was. St. lis York. Some cl the Features ofthe'TTar for the Union'. The emphatic language in which the Fathers ot the Republic deprecated the use or rorce in the case of disobedient or refrac tory Siaies has been completely lost on the fcelf-styled Constiiutional men of these days. i With a doggeri persistence that is proof i . . . ... ame againei reason and the tacts ot history, they insist that the war shall go on until the Federal authority is re established in every State ol the Old Union. Well, their policy has been tried . lor more than two years and a half, and we believe even they, or at least the candid portion of them, will admit that we are worse off than when :he trife began. We ask, then, if we have not during this period, been guilty of acts to ward the Sooth which wonld render any other Union than that maintained by the strong arm an impossibility? Have we not 6ought to carry oar point by sach means a Knssia is now employing in Poland, or as England has osed for centuries in Ireland? Has the war differed ia any respect from all other wars waged for- the consolidation of empires? , Has ours not been characteri zed by the same features bj towns and dwellings given to the flames; by the deso lation of extended -tract of country; by the prostration of commerce; by scenes of plun der and wanton destruction of private prop erty ; by outrages on the weaker sex that make the blood run cold to read or think of, in a word, is not the record of this war for the Union marked by just the same features that are to be found in the history of all wars waged for conquest and territorial domin ion ? Now, while these are facts which cannot be controverted, is any man, be he a War Democrat or Republican, so stolid as not to see that a Union thus cemented can only be held together by precisely the same agency ? Military subjugation means noth ing more nor less than military occupation What the sword has acquired must be held by the sword. The sequel is evident a standing army of half a million, with an outTay of at least two millions of dollars a day, the overthrow of constitutional govern ment, and the establishment of a centrali zed military despotism, the oppression of labor by excessive taxation, and the build ing op of a privileged money class whose very existence must depend upon the con tinuance .of despotic power in the hands of the Administration. Such will be the in evitable result' of this monstrous fallacy call ed the War for the Union. Now, let us look at the character of the men who direct and control the policy of the powers that be. Have they not hereto fore, in their party organization, sustained principles and given oiterence to semi menu utterly subversive of all law and or der ? Have they oot shown themselves to be disorganizes of the worst stamp? Have they not eet cp their own opinion as above and superior to the decisions of the supreme tribunal of the country aud called it the "higher law," fiom which they allow no appeal? Have they not again and again falsified their pledges to the people, and under the plea of military necessity-, made war apon every right made sacred to Amer ican freemen by the bloody trials and sacri fices of the Revolution ? Ail this they have done, and yet a large portion of the people, in complete abnegation of these facts, cling with tenacity to a policy that the great statesmen of the conntry have warned U3 again and again could only be productive of one result the permanent es'ablishmant ot a military despotism. ' We have never hesitated to express onr convictions ia regard to the ends aimed at by th8 party in power, and we now warn the Democratic leaders that a longer per sistence in their present support of the war policy will lend to the complete extinction of their party, and the absorption of all po litical power in the hands ol the Adminis tration. Do they not see that ev-ry Demo catic voter who volunteers, or is drafted into the army weakens oar strength, while it increases that of our enemy and the enemy of the country ? Have they not seen, in the 'recent State elections, how this system has been made to work how the Republi can voters were sent home from the .army, and the Democratic voters were retained, unless they pledged themselves to vole un der instructions, and the surveillance of their military superiors ? The Democratic Representatives in Coagress must insist oq a full investigation and exposure of this out rage upon citizen suffrage, and the party acting in co-operation with them, through their various organizations, must insist up on a suspension of hostilities with a view to reconstruction, or a settlement of the con troversy on such ground as ruay lead' to a reunion at some future time. One thing is certain, ths.t the integrity of the Republic can never be established by force. Mr. Seward is oar authority for that ; and an other matter is equally certain, that the pro longation of this fratricidal conflict must terminate in the destruction of the ouly thing that rendered the Union valuable Democratic Freedom. WiIl the Democracy be earned in" time ? American Auriccltoiust. The closing number of this year, this quarto, is freighted with neful matters for those engaged on the far-u, in the garden and household. There is a freshness ia the reading and a practical applicability to the purposes in tended that renders this publication of es pecial value. To show what care and atten iioaj8 bestowed, a recent article on fences required a journey of some two thousand miles. It is the determination of the editor o make the Agriccltnmt a reliable jonrnal in all it sets before the commnnity. It is published in both English and German lan guage. Oa'KGE Jcdd A M., Park Row New York. " Gt?n. John H. Morgan, the noted rebel guerrilla who led the raid into Ohio last Summer, escapell from the Colombo" Peni tentiary with fix of his Captains, oi the eight of the 37th, by cutting a hole in the floor ol the ceil into a sewer, and theo scal ing the outer wall. A felegram from Toron to says he arrived there on the 30th by railroad, would, to to IIa?ifax to take a steamer for Na&sau. JHeetinx of the National Union Committee. Cincinnati, Dec 4. The National Union Committee met, yeterday, at the Burnett House, Ex Governor William 8. Campbell ot Tennessee, acting'as Chairman pro tern. Hon. Arnos Kendall wa3 chosen permanent President, and William C. Hand, of New York, Treasurer. A public meeting of the Convention was held at 12 o'clock to day, when addresses were made by Hon. Gar rett Davis, of Kentucky, and others. The subject of the next Presidency was fully discussed, and the nomination of Gen eral McClellan was urged upon the Advi sory Committee ; which Committee, at a meeting held this evening, postponed the subject umil th 23d inst., at a meeting ol the Committee in Philadelphia. . Skreno Nov 30 18(55 . Mr., -;. Sir Three of the Subscri bers fo your paper do not take there papers out of this office, namely, Montgomery Cox Urniah Chamberlin, and Calvin Halfpenny. You would oblige very much by discon tinuing them as they are "in the way" Respectfully F. P. Masters Sereno, Col Pa To W. H. Jacoby Bloomsburg Pa It would appear that these papers have not been taken out of the office, not ' continued, and of course as they are Demo cratic papers, "they are in the way." One ol iheae subscribers informed us that he did not know the paper was sent, that he had been at the office several - times, quite re cently, and the Postmaster failed to hand him the papers, or even inform him such a paper was sent to his address, but allowed them to lay in the office for a month or two, and then sends them back to the editor, stating in a very unofficial manner, "they are not taken out of this office." Of coarse they are not, after failing to perform his du ty, as we are informed. The paper had been discontinued on account of the draft inviting the editor to Old Abe's Shoot ing Match, and of course all our subscri bers were not aware of our intention to again publish and'send them the paper.- These Abolition P. Ms. should be a little cautions, and not do anything that might look like taking the advantage of a Union soldier, even if he does edit an orthodox Democratic newspaper. Congress went in session on Monday last. As yet nothing has transpired of interest; we are not even able to announce the elec tion of a Speaker. The Abolition wng in caucus nominated Colfax, of Indiana, lor Speaker ; and the Democratic cauens ol the House after some consultation adjourned without making a nomination. The Mes sage if delivered in time will appear in dur next issue. .It will be short. The yftung lady (?) who so civilly (?) yelled ' Copperhead" after ns opon the street, the other evening, will j)lease ac cept, oar compliments. Fair eprig, lively female chimpanzee! May she live to grow a lofty as Cleopatra's Needle ; may f he become as great in cirenmference as Strom boli's base ; may sbe become as handsome as Stheno ; may she grow so old that Time can plough furrows apon her brow deep and wide and long enough to serve as rifle pits lor the Dirse, from which they can hurl forth their snakes and lighted torches ; may Lbreas fan her braw with ai icy hur ricane ; may Jeapiter comb her hai:- with forked lightning and bathe her tcmnles .fcwith a water-spout : may every Abolitionist in the land sue for her hand until they dis cover her Gorgon features, then let them fly hence in terror ; may she at last marry a little old, lean, blind, deaf, domb, lame, hunchtack mule-beef contractor! These are al! the best wishes for he' welfare that we can think of just now. We may think of some more by the next time she dares to hiss "Copperhead" at us upon the street. We shall try and discover her name also, and we shall give her the benefit CT a full, unabridged, regular etiquelteical acknowl edgment Lewisbui g Argu. Sad Accident. On yesterday afternoon Daniel M. Gearhart of Rush twp.. Northum berland co. while in the stable of the Dan ville Hotel, acridenlly fell and in his fall stumbled against one of the horses in the stalls. The horse kicked him in the head, striking him above the temple, producing concussion or compression of the brain. At the time of going to press, be remained in an insensible state, and great fears were entertained that his injuries might prove fatal. Danville lntellizenctr. Is it true that Lincoln is going, in his forthcoming messace, 'to recommend that the name of the White llnuit be changed to that of 3lack House, and that Congress ap propriate a snm to alter the color of that mansion ? If the Republican Congressmen would vote to do this, and also vote that no man should sit in his seat in the Hall of Congress without ablacker.ed face, after the manner of the negro minstrels, there would be a fitness of things, and a propriety in their acts which has not been displayed since they seized the government. Choice or Parents. In all case where exemption from draft is asked, on the ground that "two or more sons are liable to military doty," the choice must be made before Dec. 20th, and not postpond until the draft has been made. Last draft, owing to the law being new and imperfectly under stood, parents were allowed to exempt one where two were drafted. This cannot be allowed in the January draft, and those in terested cannot blame as if, through their own neglect, tbeir claims for exemption opon this ground are made too late to have any effect. Ikfaxticide. Last week a case of infan ticide occurred in our borough. The moth er of an illegitimate child, impelled by shame or more devilish motive threw her new born babe into a sink for the purpose of hiding all traces of her guilt, bm.ihe in fant by its cries caused a search to be made, when it was rescued. It lived a mo ment or two alter. A jury was enpannelled by Esquire Brandon, who gave a verdict in accordance with the facti presented Dan villi Inltliigencer LATE WAR NEWS. .From Chattanooga semi-official accounts ol General Hooker's repulse at Ringgold represent his loss at Eve hundred. The Federal army is row intrencbiag on the eastern slope of Mission Ridge, their p'ck ets being posted two miles in advance along the western bank of the Chickamauga. The Federal retreat from Ringgold, peven miles to the Chickamauga, was quite pre cipitate, and closely followed up, by the enemy, who now picket the eastern bauk of the stream. General Bragg'g beadquar ters are at Ringgold, and his army is massed in that neighborhood. General Grant ha9 not yet sent any report of the result of his battle to Washington, bnt the number of prisoners captured is said to be six thou sand four hundred and fifty, and the number of guns forty-six. The Federal loss in kilted and wounded is staled at forty-five hundred. Everything is quiet at Chatta nooga. . v . . From Knoxville we receive nothing de finite. General Longstreet does not appear yet to have raised the siege ; for if he had, we certainly should have intelligence of it from General Burnside. There is no com munication between Cumberland Gap and Knoxville yet. General Foster is idle on the Clinch river, twenty miles from the gap where he has but a handful of cavalry. He makes no attempt to advance any farther. A Federal force of three thousand is said to have left Chattanooga to aid Burn side, though the rorte taken is not very evi dent. The Confederates are represented to be in strong force at London, twenty three miles west of Knoxville, and at Kingston, ten miles northwest of Loudon. Cannona-, ding has been heard in that direction ; so that it would seem the expedition had marched over the Cumberland Mountains, and was in conflict with the enemy; no pro gress appears to have been made by the expedition beyond Loudon, the Confeder ates having there a strong line of defence, formed by the Tennessee river. We can find no reliable intelligence of Longstreet's retreat. The numerous rumors to that effect are evidently manufactured at Cincin nati. General Meade's army is at Brandy Sta tion, with an outpost of cavalry at Culpeper. On Friday afternoon a light division of the enemy crossed the Rapidan at a point above Raccoon Ford. General Maade will not be able to drive them across, his line not being advanced sufficiently to do it, ecd the Con federate left being already pasted on the north bank of the Rapidan. This crossing of the eoemy indicates nothing beyoud an adjustment of their position, however. There is no certainty yet as to Meade's successor, thongh it appears to be decided that he shall be re-noved. There is intelligence from north Carolina that on November 25th, aa expedition made from Newbern, in search of guerrillas, re suited in ihe capture of seventy-foar men who were brought into the town. Thirteen large steamers successfully ran the block ade at Wilmington in one night the 19ih of November. From Charleston there is news by a Southern medium as late as Thursday last The bombardment continued languidly and with no effect. A few shells had been thrown into the city. At night calcium lights on the Ironsides, (which is surround ed by rafts,) and in battery Gregg, are em ployed to illuminate the harbor and dis cover the enemy's woiking parties. The siege has been in progress one hundred and fify days. Soa'hem accounts from Texas state that General Banks' force at Brownsville is five thousand s'rong, and that he had made no capture of cotton. A Confederate raid has been made from Arkansas into the heart of the Cherokee nation. The Federal General B!unt, whose business it is to protect the Indian Territory has lately been moving in 6uch an Incom prehensible minner that even the enemy cannot find him. .The "loyal leagues" have become secret organizations, and in Connecticut notices were given to the initated by half a sheet ol fool's cap, with a hole, in the shfpe of a coffin, cot in the middle of the paper, which is stuck up for a poster. The coffin is good. But an equally appropriate emblem of the "loyal leaguers' would be the picture of a negro standing on the skull of a white man." Union Argus. . Cocrt is still in session as we go to press. We will give proceedings next week. Joooe EtWELLand Associates, Baldy and McReynolds, on the bench. There is a small tarn oat at this Court. MARRIED. At the parsonage, in Orangeville, on the ?6th ult., by the Rev. J. Forrester, Mr. John L. Parker, to Miss Elizabeth Rantz, both of Columbia county. On the 6th all., by Rev. P. W. Mellick, at the house of Mr. John White, of Light Street, Mr. William M. Mather, of Rohrs burg, to Miss Rebecca Ann White, of Light Street, Pa. On Sunday morning, 29th u!t., at the resi dence of the bride's father, in Bloomsburg by Rev D C. John, Mr. Wil'uam Davis, to Miss Fannie Bombot. O.i the 26th alt., by the Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. Edwin F. Smith,, of Mahony City, Schuylkill county, Pa., to Miss Hen rietta Hughes, of Cauwissa, Pa. DIED. In Bloomsburg on the 5th inst., Charles Kahler, aged 61 years, ll months and 8 days. At Plymouth, Pa., August 8tb, 1S63. Wilber Melick, aged 2 years and 3 mos. Also, on the 26ih - of November, Frank Dava. aed 3 months, both sons of N. W. and M. E. Flecker. In Hemlock township, on the 30th all., at the residence of her eon,Sylvester Pursel, Mrs Mart PorseX, wife of the late Daniel Purse! dee'd., aged 91 years and 28 days. In Bloomsburg, on the 25th ult, Alice Akn, danghter ot John and Sarah A. Brobst, aged 1 year and 5 months. In Danville, on the 22nd ult., Lizzie Hcnteh, infant daughter of Rev. G. W. and Kate V. Scott, aged 5 weeks. .: la Greenwood twp., Columbia county, on the 1st insCi Elizabeth Josehine, daugh ter of Andrew Jackson and Matilda Watts, aged 2 years, 6 months, and 14 days. Tnk. attention of our readers is respect fully invited to the advertisement of Messrs. S. M. Ward & Co , which will be found in another part of this paper. We are per sonally acquainted with the members of this firm, and can vouch for their respon sibility in all business arrangements which they may make, as we have a through knowledge of their mercantile integrity and their foil ability to meet all obligations. This notice cf course, is intended for such of our readers as have no acquaintance with this firm ; to all who know them, no recommendation will be necessary. Army ar, Nny Gazette IIOSTETTER'S BITTERS. Have received the warmest encomiums from th press and people throughout the Union as a vqluable tonic for the cure of Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Constipation, and general nervous debiliy, ii can not be ap proached. Kvery day new cases of its great effect are ceronicled through our principal public journals. There is nothing equal to the enjoy ment to that which the afflicted experience when using this valuable epe cific. Its mild tone, its sure and vigorous action upon a disordered stomach, and the cleansing of the entire human body should recommend it to all classes of our comu nity. tr See Advertisement, For sale by Druggists and dealers gen erally everywhere. Dec. 9. 1863. 1 mo THE SCIENTIFIC AMEKiCtN. We do not believe that even in this age nfchenff Dubl'matinnn anu wnrtr ran ho more reasonable than the terms of the Scientific American at S2 per annum, with 25 per cent, diseo int tor clubs of 10 to lorm a yearly volume of 832 pages quarto, with an immense number of origi nal engraving of patanted machines! valu able inventions, and objects of scientific interest. There is -not an industrial pursuit which does not receive a share of its at tention. It contains official lists of patent claims, important stati-iics, practical re cipes for domestic purposes-, aad has long stood, both in this country and in Europe, as the highest authority in the mechanic arts and rienres. There is no publication more valuable to the farmer, the miller, the engineer, the iron founder, the mechan ic, or the manufacturer. We have never opened a number without learning some thing we never ki.ew beforehand obtaining valuable information for the benefit nf our readers. The Publishers, Messr. Munn & Co., of 37 Park Row, New- York, have deserved the success which they have achieved. No one should vis'n that city without calliug at ihir. palatial establish ment, 'hich is a museum ot inventive genius, collected from the entire world. If any of our friend do not know this work and will take our aJvi?e, they will mail S2 and become frubwribera immediate!), nr by applying to the PubHeh-rs they can ob tain a specimen copy gratis, which will be sure to confirm tin truth of our recommen dation." PRESENTS ! PRESENTS ! 50,000 Agrciits Wanted ! RARE OPPORTUNITY. 75 COO JVatchen, Gold Pens 4- Pencils. VEST, GIMJiD & NECK CHAINS. CHATELAINE CHAINS & PINS, EN (J RAVED BRACELETS, ENGRAVED SPRING LOCKETS, Seal Siotie Rjn4, California Rings. Chased Rings, Masonic Rui2 and Pins, Gents Ci!it(ftiia Diamor.d Pins, California Dia mnnd Ear Drops. Beautiful Sets of Jew elry, New Stles Nnd and Bu'.tofts, etc WORTH S400.000, To be sold for One Doilar each, without re gar f to va'.'ie, and not to be paid for till you know what you are to ?et. In all transactions by mail we shall ch arge f nr doing the business 25 cento each wruch must be enclosel when the request is made to know what you can hav. After knowing wat you ran have, trieo it vvil' be at your oliou 10 feend SI, take the article or not. Fivn articles can be ordered for Si-eleven for S2 thirty for 5 tix!y fire for 4J0 and 011 hundred for 315 With the information of what yon can have wilt be sent a circular giving full in structions to Agents and a luif Catalogue of articles, and then it will be at your op lion to send and get the article or not. . AUu, for SI, 1 will send a fo!id Silver Shield or either Army Corp. Pm, with your name, regiment and company hand somely engraved upon it. Adirets S. M WARD & CO , Box 4876, New Yotk. 208 Broadway. Dec. 9, 1863. 3w. HOLIDAY PKESEiVrs ! Magic Time ObserTers. Being a Hunting or Open Face or Im.' dy'8 or Gentleman's Watch Combin ed, with Patent Self-Winding Im provement, a most Pleasing Novelty. One of the prettiest, mot convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest lime piece for general and reliable use ever offe red. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own binding attachment rendering a key entirely unnecessa.y. The cases of tbis Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate time piece. Price, superbly engrave!, per case ol half dozen, Si04. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, $35. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Hunting Time-pieces for accu racy of movemert, beauty of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approba tion. Au imitation so. faultiest (hat it can hardly be detected by the most experien ced judges. The material being oi two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the innei one is German Sil ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting ot heavy engraving, making it, not only ir. appearance, but in durabiliiy, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist mice. The sale of these Watches in the army is a source ol enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at 525 and upwards. Many hundred dollar can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact C-AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, while enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good running order, by Jhe half dozen, $66. Sold only by by the case of six ! Upon receipt of iwo dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will serwatches by ex press to any part of the loyal States, col lecting balance of bill on delivery. This ensures buyers agaiust fraud, 'giving them their watches belore payment is required. Send orders to the sole importer. GAIUS WH EATON, No. 12 Jeweler' Exchange, Cor. CortlanJ St. and Broadway New York Dec. 9, 1363- 3m. : HEL2C30LE'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Iompound Fluid" Kxtract Bnchn, a posi--Viv aud Specific Remedy for diseases of 1I1 Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. This Medicine increases ih power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbent into healthy action, by which the Waterv or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatoral Enlargements are reduced, as welt a Pain and Iflamm Alioit. IlhL31B(HiO' frXTirCT BUCIIIf. For "Weaknesses arising from excesses, Habits of DiKsipation, Erly Indiscretion of abuse,atlended with the following symp toms : Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis ease, Wakftfulne-s, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Bark", Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance. Thee iymp'oms if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows. I M POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Di-eases." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many'are aware of the cause of their suf fering, but none will confess the Records of the Insame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consump tion bear ample witness to the Troth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected with Oiganic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine toStrengihen arid Invigorate the System, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU in variably does. A trial will con vince ihe most skeptical. FE M A LE S ,-F E M A L E S FE M A LE S . In many Affections peculiar jo Females the Extract Buchu i unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiiifulness, or Supp-ession of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous slate of the Uterus, LeuchorrhtEa or Whites, S erility, and for alt complaints incident to the sex, whether ari-ing from indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. Take no more BalaT, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and dangerous disease. HELMBOLD'S Ex'racl Bnrha and Im proved Rose Wash, cures SECRET DIS EASES, In ail their Stages,. At I'ttle Ey pense, Little or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing ar.d curing stricture of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam mation, to freqn-ant in the class of disease, and expelling ail poisonous, diseased and worn oat ma.ter. IhousHiiJs upon Thousands whr have i been the victim- of Qnarks, and who have paid heavy fees to be :ured in a thort tinr,e, Lava found they were deceived, and that the "poison" ha, by the use of "pow erful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmbold's EAtrart Buchu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Or- gans, whether exiting in Male of Female, from whatever rause- originating and no matter of h'Jv long standing. Diseases of thee Organ requires the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract B ichu is the Creat Diore'ic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all disease for which il is recommended. Evidence of the most re!itie and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Price SI.CO a lioltlr, or Six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describ symptoms in all communications. Cures gnaianteeJ ! Advice gratis. Address letter loi informa tion to II. R. Ill I.IItDI,f, t heml-t. 104 South 10th st., bel Chesmut, Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, HELM BOLD S Drug&Chem'l Warehouse, 549 Broadtvay, New York. I3?Beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose "ot their own" ard 'other" articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Prepara'icrs, do do Extract Buchu, Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsapari'.ii. do do Improved Rose Wash. PP"Sn!d by all Drugi-ls everywhere. Afrk for Helmbold's. Tak? no other. Cut out the Ad vertisemer.t and rend for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. TERRIBLE MSILOSUKES! Secrets For Uic .Tlillon ! A rnott valuable rd wonderful publi Oa cation. A work ol 400 pages, and 3 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM,an original and popular treatise on M-wi and Wcman, their Phys iology, Fuuctioi.s, and Sexual disorders of every kinJ,with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The pracioe of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and s'ill is, unbounded, but at the can:e-l t-olicitation numberous persons, fie ha been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." "it is a volume that should be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a preventive ol secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of Ihe mod awful and destruc tive scourge9 ever visited mankind. Oiie copy, securely enveloped, wi'l be forwar ded free of postage 10 any part of the Uni ted States for 50 cents in P. O. stamps, 3 copies for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York 1 Sept 9. 1S63. Public Sale, OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. WILL be exposed 10 Public Sale, ou the premises, in New Media, Columbia County, on FRIDAY, HIE 2577 OF DEC. 1863, a certain Lot of Ground? containing Six Acres, more or less, on which are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, one Stnne BLACKSMITH SIIOI, And a name Weelwright shop, lnere is o:i me premi-es a good Wed of Water near the House. The Lot is enclosed with a good post and rail fence, aud the Land is in a high slate of cultivation. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when conditions of sale will be made known by -S"f WM. SNYDER, Dec. 9, 1863. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-Light Auibroiyiiifrf, OOOMS in the Third Story ol ihe Ex change Block, (entrance above the Bonk Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun- ty, I a. Bloomsburg. Nov. 23, 1859 AW) HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED 9T BITTERS. 4 pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and alternative of wonderln! efficacy in oes,f,e of lhe STOMACH LIVER AND BOWELS Cures Dyspepsia. Liver com plaint, Hea-'ache, General Debility. Ner. ' vousness. Depression of Spirits, Constipa tion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Crampn and Spasms, and all complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the system or produc ed by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, enial and restorative in its nature entc' ino the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly bota lical element; no fiery excitant ; but "H is a combination of Ihe extracts of rare balsamic berbs and plants with the purel Slid mildest of all ditTu-ive stimulants. li is well to be forearmed agiiint disease and, so far as (be human system can be pro ected by human means against mala- . . ies engendered by an unwholesome at rfiosphere, impure water and other extern-l cause, Hostetter's Bitters may be rel'ed on as a safeguard. Ir. districts infected wi'h Fever and Ague, it has b-en found infallible as a preventive and irresistible a a remedy and thousands who resort to it under appiehension of an attack, escape the courge ; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its pro tective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever and Ague patients, after be ing pl ed with quinire for months in vain, until lairly saturated with llial dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to health wi'hin a few days by the use of Hosteller's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by lhi grehle Tonic an.t hence it works wonders in ca se of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of 1 ndiges'ion. Acting as a gentle arus panness apperieni, a well as upon l'e liver, it al.-o invariably relieves the Cotistipaiion superinduced by iriegular action ol the digestives and secretive or gans. Persons cf feebl- habit, liable to Nervous Attjtki. Loiaiets of Spirits and Fits of Lan guor, find prompt and permaennt relief rtrom the Bitieis. The Testimony on ihm point is most conclusive, and from both ees. The agony of Bilious Colic is immedi ately assuaged by a single dose of ihe stimulant and by orra-ionally re-ortingto it, ihe return of the complaint may be pre vented. As a General Tcmc, Hos'etter's Bitters prodnew enVct- -hich rnnt be experienced or witne-?'d before th cart be fnlly ap preciated In rvfes of Co'iftiiutiotial Weak ness, t:d Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepitude ati-ing Imm Old Age, it exerci-es the electric influence. In Ihe convalescent -tages rf all diseases ii oper ate? as a delightful in vigorarst. When the power of nature are related, it operate to re euforce and re-es' them. La.-t, but not least, it i the The Only Sife Stimu'ent, bei-ig r.nnnfaemred from found and innocuous mat-rials, and en tirel) free Iran ti e acid element present more or le-s in all the ordinary ionics and s'onachir; o! trie day. No family rntd'Ctne l a4 been so univer sally, and, it may be truly added, desert eJ!y pnpular whh th m'elligent portion ot in commit. iry, a- Hoa-eMer'- Bmers. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh. F. Sold by all DrusWts, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. Due. 9, 1S61. lv- WYOJilMi INGRAM E 103IPAM, (ffflce over the Wyoming Bank, '"CAPITAL AND MJR PLUS, 125,000. t"" Will insure againM loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable verms. DIRECTOR G. M Hollenback, John Reichard, Samuel Wadham, D L Shoe, maker, Daniel G. Drie-bch, R. C. Siniib, R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Sieele. W. W. Ketcham, Charles Darrauce, W. S. Ross, George M. Harding. G. M. nOLLENHACH. PresU I). L. SHOEMAKER, Prcs'l. R C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer. L H. CONOVER. Agent, Beach Haveu, Pa. December 2J, 1863 -ly. "KEADiNG"RAIL ROAD. WIYTCB Altl!AN(iL.lIi;T. . GREAT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottt.ville.I.ebanoo, Allen town, Easton, &c; &c. Trains leave llarn-burg for Philadelphia New York, Reading Pottsville, and all in termediate Sta.ions, at 8 a. m. and 2 p. N. New York Expre-s leaves Harrisborg ai a. 00a. m. airiving at New York al 10 15; the same morning. Fares from Harrisbnrg: to New Yoik S5 15; to Philadelphia $335 and S2.80. Baggage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. l2 Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pittpburh Express, arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. 41.) Leave Philadelphia ai 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P,.M. Sleeping cM4 iu the New Yotk Expreta Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. - Passengers by the CaUwisa Riil Road leave Tamaqua at 8 50 A. M and 2. 15 P M. lor Philadelphia. New York, and all Way Points. Trainsieave Poll-tville at 9. 15 A. M. and 2. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An accimo lation Papsenjer irain leaves Reading ai b. SO A. M. and returns from Philadelphia at 4. i0 P. M. SAllthethe above tiains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday irain leaves Pottsville al 7.30 A.M. and Philadelphia al 3.l5 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to aud Ifotn all points. G. A. NICULLS, . General Superinteudant. I November 16, 1863.