STAR OF THE . NORTH -BLOOiNSIlUI&G, PA. ?kriNwniv MnRMiTfi nv.r. 5. iR63. p t i , . The late rains have caused quite a freshet in ihi Susquehanna.. There wifl be preaching in the Baptist : Church of thii place, next Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock, and 6 in the ereniug, by the Rer.G. W. S:oit. Christmas, Festival. The Ladies con nected with tte Lutheran Church, at Espy, Colombia' county, design giving a ''Christ mas Dinner srd Supper." at that place, on Friday the 25 h of December. The proceeds to bo applied for the beneSt of the Church. We beg leave to call the attention to Mr. Henry Zupphger's establishment; he is a skillful Watchmaker and Jeweller, and knoirn to be' perfectly reliable in his deal ings. Those of oar friends having anything to do in his line, will do well by giving him a call. His establishment is on Main St. VnTed, os Subscription, at thi Office, Wht at, Corii, Rye, Oais, Buckwheat, and grain of all kinds. Also, corn in the ear, good winter apples, potatoes, batter, lard, and produce of most all kinds. Money never refused. - Hos. Charxcs R. Bucialew, United States Senator, left lor Washington city, with his family, on Tuesday Iai. He will make that his f lace of residence during the session of Congress, wlich will CQntinue until some tima next spiing. ' . A KEwhaitd has taken hold of lbs ma chinu which regulates the weather, and is giving us regilar win er weather. The 1st of Due ember has come in cold, and we may not be surprised to see a fall of snow ir.oet any of these days. TfciAKK;mvQ Dat was pretty generally observed in our town; the Mores, offices, and places " of busir.ess save one, were all closed, i.nd that was Dr. Fee John' Friating Establishment. He had his hand. to work all day on that Abolition rag of his We hope no person will be so naughty as to inform oyi Abraham. Hire is a iemedy said to be excellent for the core of diptheria : A small quantity of sheep's suet, say a spoonful, chopped fine and boilud in a gill of milk, and drank on rotiring to bed. Oi course :he throat is to bis bound with flannel. ' Cookt commences on next Monday which willailordan opportunity for many who are owlig this office to s:ep in and pay the Fiinter. Considering the high prices of everything consumed in our I - ' - tl L II . - II . oasnesi, we wiii Deeompeuea to coneci mom closely than heretofore. The Lackawanna and BloomabLrg flail road Company changed the running of their Trains on Monday the 23d of November The Mail Train, going South, passes this piacs ai c-tj la me morning, anu returns al 6:29 in ti e evening. Our Phila. Mail is laici iuaii usual, liui aui'iu ucpc hikii uc o'clcck p. ml This si not as convenient an .hour as when in fl came at 4 o'clock. Wc find on examining our last file of the Star that, i is short three numbers viz: VoL 14 No. 25 : No 39, and No. 42; all the - r- t . IT, I .i ,parae voiuma. isome cue uan ujieu iiiem ia onr absence, and we pot it down as be infeanaclol a '-very small man." Who woald be gniity of stealing a Printers file papers! We will pay a fair price to any pernon wno- win lurnisu as wun ine mree cambers above mentioned. ' Barelt Possible. The "National Intelli gencer' ventures to express the opinion that 'something is necessary to fit an officer for high command besides a fervent zeal lor ' battle, and that even anti-slavery opinions of the most undoubted intensity are not al av) & (rna.iantea ot the highest militarr " 0 3- ' capacity J' ; This may ,be barely possible but the assertion is a bold one. Its "loyal ty" should 'be examined into by the Union League. ' . Capt R. B. Ric&etis, of Battery 1 F, 2d I .'11 . I . t - . i retina. Aniuery, arnveo ai mis piace, ou Wednesday evening last, from Gen. Meade s Army, on bis way to pay his parents a visit in Orangev iile, Colombia co., and to recruit his health. 'which seems to have been some what impaired through the bard service he bas rendered the Union cause. He is spo ken of as a capital officer, and we frequent ly bear of Capt. RicxBTr's Battery doing some nob! aad valuable work. This young Ariiilerist lias passed through quite a num- De::oi oaro lougni cauies, nwaji ai-quiiiug - himself and command in a manner to be ' praised. Success to Capt. Riceetts. The good people of-onr ancient and ven eriible tow a of Berwick, were not so patri otic as the citizens of ibis place, or they mi-rht has closed everv store door and pliico of business, on Old Abe's Thanks giving Day. In the days of that old sinner, Jsmes Buchanan, when yon could bay a poand of coffee for a "levy," the Ab's of this town were not so much disposed to cbjerve general thanksgiving days. It makes quite a difference with som people who wills '.hese things. ' Wtomins Inscrasce Co. In to day's pa pee will bi een the Card of the Wyoming Im orance Company.'wita a capital of 125 CO J, ready to icsure against losses or dam by firii on property in Town or Conn try, at reasonable rates. The company is composed of gentlemen of character, and means amply sufficient to warrant any per 633 in insuring in iheir Institution Their cSica is at Wilkesbarre, where the princi pal portion of the Directors aad Stockhold er reside; "Mr. L. H. Conove-, of Beach Uiiven, P., i Agen? for the Company. Il is 'active, anergetic aad hone.t, and is a safe a3J carefal Ageoi for ihe Co, He has in :t (.,::-'n a ccusiJerabU amount of prop- err in Columbia cuaaty, in tbi Iwiitoiioa; Fee John frequently drags our paper into notice us one of the "eympatising'' "rags" ot, this place. He lies when .he, speaks of our paper us sympathising with the rebels or He mast be either . a knave or a fool, and - we , are inclined to think the former suits his case the best; for it bas been said thai it took a smart man to be a fool. As for the Democrat, it is able to take care of .itself, having an old veteran and a soldier for its editor. There is one thing certain, the editor of this paper, as well as the editor of the Demotrat, has borne arms in the defence of his country, which Pee John has not done nor never will. We entered the army in the defence of the Con stiiation as it is, and the Union as it was, and not for the abolition of the negro, and this, Pee John dare not do. He is as mnch like Artkmas WattDas can be, in respect to entering the army ; that is, he is willing to sacrifice all his broiher3,cousins, and wife's relations, to go into the service and "krush this ere-onholy rebellyun," so long as he is not obliged to do any of the fighting him self. He wot Id not even put his name down on Capt. Clark's muster roll and en ter the service for State defence, as both of the Democratic editors of this place did, when the rebel General Lee first invaded Pennsylvania's soil. No. He was not the man to defend his own Slate. But after the rebels had been compelled to leave Penn sylvania, (though noL-tbrough fear ot such Generals as John,) driven out of Maryland, and their army nearly annihilated at Sharps burg and Aniietam, then and not till then, did he pretend to show his patriotism, by marshaling a squad of men together, and accompanying them to Harrisburg, only to trouble Akdrew Curtin to inform them that Le did not need their services ! A Challenge Between Rival Safes. It is rumored that the son and agent of Mr. Lilhe, the 6afe man, has offered the agent of S. C. Herring to put 81000 iu the safe recently purchased of Mr. Herring by the Second National Bank of Wilkes Earre, and a I ke some in a Lillie chilled sale be longing to Messrs. Brown & Wilson, at the First National Bank the Lillie agent to have fair play at the Herring, and the Her ring agent to have fair play at the Lillie, the .one first reaching the money to have both sums, or $2009. Quite a lively time may be expected when the Herring bones and Lillie leaves begin to rattle and Sutler in the full tide ot successful or unsuccessful experiment. ' Record of the limes. Change or Track. The Luzerne Union says the-third rail on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad will be laid over the entire length of the roaa in a week or two, so that cars loaded either at Northumber land or Scrauton can traverse the whole distance without transhipment. A train can then be loaded al any point on the road, and go direct to Philadelphia. The great increase of business and the demand of the coal trade rendered this change neces sary. If we may be permitted to judge by the returns of the late elections in Ohio and Pennsylvania, the best way to increase the population of a country is to go to war and have men killed off; some townships, dis tricts and Counties, cast more votes al the late elections for the Republican candidates than their whole male population, as ex hibited by the last census. The system of colonization, stuffing, etc., ws over done at the late elections, and the Republicans themselves stand appalled at the enormity of the swiud.e ! Hard on Seward Wendell Phillips, in a Lecture delivered at Boston, a few days ago, and denounced Secretary Seward as "the marplot of every policy, the unbeliev ing Judas, the only rock ahead of the Ship of State, the nucleus aroand which gathers even thing disloyal, everything timid, eve rything selfish, everything base, in the na tion." This would be denounced as ''trea son," if any Democrat had ottered iu But 1 loyal" Aboliaouibla ate free to say what they please. Important I kform aho n Col, J. G.Frteze keeps constantly on hand and for sale, at the Recorder's Office in Bloomsburg, "The Constitution of the United States," an J of the "State of Pennsylvania,'' in various styles, at prices to suit ; also, sundry other democratic books, documents, and r peeches; together with legal, note and cap paper, pens, ink and envelopes, of all sizes and styles, as well as theological, poetical, hist orical and miscellaneous books, cheap. EDITOR OF THE STAR, Dear Sir : With your permission I . wish to say to the readers of jour paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Re ceipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, thai will effectually remove, in JO days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and alt Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and bearutilul. I will also mail free to those iiaving BakL Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxurient Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, No. 831 Broadway, New York, August 26, 1863 3m. A GENTLEMAN, cared of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Premature decay and Youth fill error, actuated by a desire to ben efit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, free of charge, the Recipe and directions for making the simple Remedy used in bis case. Those wishing to profit by his experience and posses a valuable remedy will receive the same, by return mail, carelally sealed by addressing. . JOHN B. OGDEN, - . No 6a Nassau Street, New York. . August 26, 1S63. 3m. yer's ChenyTectoraL THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. OUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all. Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other ! Family Sewing Machine bas so many use ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell insr. Tuckine. Gathering. Goagtnsr. Braldir.s ) Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine bas so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of clo'h, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recett improvements itiake our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of spaed. It makes the interlocked Mitch, which is the beet flitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance how to one the letter A. Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a piece of cunning workmanship of tt.e must useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Case, made out ofthe choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest and chastest manner possible, other are adorned and embelished in the mod costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to juUge of its great capacity and beauty. . It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Blanch Office are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc, ofthe very best quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broa-lway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8J0 Chestnut Si N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. John Sharpless, Agent, iu Cattawissa. Nov. 11, 1863. AND SECOND HAND SS A F E 8, AT IVEW YORK S AFE DEPOT 71 William Street, New York. . A. G-KSO-O-g Size and Prices of Lillie' 8 Fire-Proof Safes. O UTSIO E: IJeiskL Width. Depth. . No. 1 24 20 20 No. 2 26 22 24 No. 3 30 ' 24 24 No. 4 32 28 24 No. 5 34 31 24 No. 6 40 31 24 - INSIDE: He i til. Width. Dtpth No 1 17 11 12 No. 2 . . . 19j . " 13i 12 No. 3 21 15 : 12 No. 4 22 , 18 1 No. 5 24 21 14 No. 6 31 21 15 price. price. Number 1 S&0 i0 I Nnmber 4 Sf 00 do 2 60 00 I do 5 100 00 do ' 3 70 00 I do 6 115 00 November 1 1, 1863. QOfl ((( MORE MEN WANTED, OUUjUUU TO Q ELL REBELLION! BEFOLUTlOyTFlIlGIl PRICES! NEW ARRIVAL OF IMfifi & YrIIVrEK GOODS. ATPETKU ENTS STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. HAS just received from the eastern cilie ami nrktar nn.ninff stt I F a ittif i.tanf! a splendid assortment of CS LT Da Si Cl L a 22 Tfc a which will be sold cheap for CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock conMis of Laities Dress Gjod, choicest style and lateft fashion. CALICOES, MUSLINS. .'GINGHAMS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C; Kcacy-JlaIe Clothing SATINETS, . CSSIMEKES. COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. G&'Ln.GDCZmiSlZLZm '33 QUEENSW ARE, CEDARW AtlE, HARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, BOOTS AiD SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In hort everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of his old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited. . The highest market price paid for coun try producer.. PETER EKT. Light Street, Nov. 11, 1863. COMMUNICATED. ' Pulmonary Consumption A Curable Disease ! A CARD. TO: CONMttlPTIVES. THE undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very sim ple remedy, alter having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his lellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire l, be will send a copy cf the prescription ned (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and Oting the same, which they will find a sure cute for Coneampiion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, &c." The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription i to benefit the afflicted, and spread the infor mation which he conceives to be invalua ble ; and he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing ibe prescription wilt please address - REV. EDWARD A. WILSON Williamsbursh, Kings county, N. Y. Sept, 23, 1863 4mos. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. " Office on Main Street, Exchange Block.' Coult Proclamation. HEREiS the Hpoorable William El- wen. President Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court a Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in thj 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Colombia, Sullivan and Wy oming, Ind the Hons. Stephen Baldy and John McRelnolds, Associate Judges, ot Co lumbia co.Jhave issued their ,irecept, bear ing date one thousand - eight hundred and sixty three, nd to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery; Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday, being the 7th day of Dec'ber next and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ol the said County of Columbia, that they be then and tltere in their proper persons at -10 o' clock iu the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembran reH to do those tnings which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognises, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ju rora arerquested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bloomsburg the 7th day of Nov'br, in the yeai of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence of the United State of America. (God save the Commonwealth.) JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff's Office. ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Nov. it 1863. J SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue of several writs of alias vendi' tioni exponas, to me directed, issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Colum bia County, Pi., will be exposed to public sale, at the Cosrt House in Bloomsburc, on MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OF DECEM BER 1863, at one o'clock in the alternooo, the following real estate, viz : ALL that certain lot of ground sitnate in Locust township, County of Columbia, bounded and described as follows to wit : On the South west by a public road, lead ing from Cattawissa to Potttvtlle; On the north wet by a lot of John Mensch ; On the north east and south east by lands of Jcub Yeager, containing sixty feet in breadth, and one huudred and sixty feet in depth, whereupon are erected a Two S'orv Frame DWELLING HOUSE. a frame Shoemaker Shop, a FRAME STABLE, and other out-buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken . in execution and to be boUl as the property of Hamilton Fisher. that certain lot of ground sitnate in Brian reek lownsnip, Columbia Couuty ; containing FIVE ACRES, more or le, bounded and described as fellows to wit : On the west by the main road, on the north by a bublic road, on the east and" south by lands of Reuben Miller, whereon are erected a good . FRAME DWELLING I1CUSE, and Stable, and a large TANNERY, all under roof and enclosed, with running water in the building, with the appurtenan ces. Seized, t aken in execution anc to be sold as the property of Henrr Trangh. JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Bloomsburg Nov. 1 1, '63. j GRAND JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1863. Benton Thomas Seigiried. Briarrreek Moses Davis. John H. Smith Fishiucreek Jamea Edgar, Geo. Mc Bride. Hemlock Mathias Appleman. Jackfcou John Mclleory, Thomas W. Young. Locum Henry Fisher, William Miller, Abraham Yeaer. MifBin John Snyder, Samuel Snyder. Mount Pleasaut Aaron Kesier, Jr., John Wannirk. Maine Solomon Shoman, John Har mony. Madison Perry Christian, PhineasWe! liver. Orange Aaron R. Patterson, Cornelius Bellis Su&arloaf Joseph O. Hess, Andrew Hess. Scott' John Shoman. TRAVERSE JCROItS FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1863. Bloom Augustus Mason, Stephen Knorr. Beaver Samuel Fisher, Eltas Miller, Wm. Schel!. Briarcreek Evan D. Adams lie Lion Peter Appleman John O. Dil dir.e Centre Daniel Bower, George Hess, Peter Miller, Aaron Kelchner. Caitawiasa Joseph Martz, Clinton Mar- gerum. Fishingcreek Daniel McIIenry, Benj1 McHenry. Greenwood Sylvester Alberison. John McMurtry. . Hemlock Amos Hartman. Jackson John Savage. Madison Robert Fruit, Woe. Caroahan, Lewis Schuyler. Maine John Nuss. Mfflm Lawrence Walters, Stephen Die terick. Mt Pleasant Wm. J. Ikeler, William Howell. Montour Levi Weaver. Orange David Herring, John Tettebone, Jesse Brumsteiler. pine Francis Hunter, Valentine Win torsteen, Henry Rirharl. Sugar loaf James HesK. Tiial List for December Term, IS63. 1 Philip Winter6teeti vsVal. Wintersteeu. 2 Henry Well vs George Kinley, Jr. 3 Jacob Ej er vs Abrabam Klase. 1 Abraham Klase vs Jacob Eyer. 5 David Lvi, el al vs Samuel L. Bettle. 6 Daniel F Seybert vs Joseph Gensil. 7 E. McMurtrte, el al vs Christian Wolf. S J. H. Brown, et al vs Leonard B. Rupert. i James Harding vs Elias Reese. It Lou'na GoweS vs Elizabeth Daliua. If Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby. 12 Jacob Bond va Tilraan Naale. 13 Geo. Hughes, etal vs J. V. Cr'uwell, et al 14 David Reinbold vs Michael Grover. 15 Fussel P. Stoker vs William Ikeler. 16 W. A. Kline vs Geo W. Hoffman, et al 17 Rtbecca Vanderslice v George Dodson. 18 N. I, CarnDbell vs Samuel Johnson. 19 Franklin Ionsrerberat r'a Adinin'rs vs. - Christian Wolf. 20 D. F. Seybert vs Reuben Nicelv. 21 B, F Reighvd& B-o vs Silas D. Edgar. 22 Daniel J. Cany vs Martz & Ent. 23 W. A. Kline G. W. Hoffman. 24 Joseph F. Loig vs Isaac D. Patton. 25 Enos L. AJarts va D. F. Seybert. et al. 26 Charles H. Hs vs Stephen. Wolf. 27 Joseph Hsrtrain ? Reuben Lins. 28 Rebecca Traniue vs William Transue. 29 Elias Reese uie vs Isaac Rotter. 30 Jacob Terwillger vs Thomas Meredith. 31 S. J. Faux oev8 B. F. Reighard el al. 32 Ricketts f Stewart vs Emanuel Johnson. 33 Jacob Bock, Kx'r. vs Jesse Buck. 34 D. H. Bogart 4 al v W Dennisoc el al. Bloomsburg, N)V. 18, 1863. j . - READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER '' AH RANG EM EN T. GREAT Trunk line from the-North and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, PolisviIle,Lebanon, Allen lown, Easton, &c, &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Potlsville, and all in termediate Stations, at 8 a. M.and 1.40 P. H. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 1.25 a. m. airiviug at New York at 8.25 the same morning. Fares Irom Harrisburg: to New York $5 00, to Philadelphia $3,25 and $2,70. Baagnge checked throogh. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P M. Sleeping cj-rs in the New York E.vprers Trains, through to and Irom Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila delphia and all intermedial Stations, and at 3.00 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsvilie at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and at 5.30 P. M. for Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine' Grove and with the Cattawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenuer train leaves Reading at 6 A. M.and returns Irom Phila delphia at 5 P. M. All the the above tiains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvilie at 7.30 A- M. and Philadelphia at 3.t5 P. M. Commutation, Mileaga, Season,' and Ex cursion Ticket-i, at reduced rates to aud from all poiuts. G. A. NICoLLS, General Superiniendant. Jane 4th i863. JVeto Stock of Clothing. FALL 8o WINTER GOODS. INVITES at'ention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on MJI1N STREET, JiLOOMSBURG, two doors above the JJmtrican House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men and Roy's Clothing:, includiug the most fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of liox, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already lare stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, fi anted and plain Vets, shirts, cravats, stock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy articles. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestings, which he is prepared to make op to order, into any kind ol clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. A N D Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Cate of Jewelry is not corpassed in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26. 1863. THE KEIF GROCERY STORE" MORE Just received at Erasmus New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Spice, Fish, Salt, Tobaco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions Sic . too numerous to mention. ri'" Butler, Eggs, Meat and produce gen erally taken in exchange for tsoods. A. B. ERASMUS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863 Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court for the County of Col umbia, E'itute of Solomon Swank, late of Be ver township, deed. yLL persons interested will take noiice, -that the undersigned appointed Auditor by ihe Orphans' Court of the county ol Col ombia, on exceptions filed to the account of Tilmon Ritienhouse, and Reuben Swank L administrator of Solomon Swank, dee'd. will meet ihe parties interested al the Ue corder's Office, in Bloomshrirg, on Thurs day, 26th of November, 1863, for the pur pose of his appointment when and where all parlies interested are requested to at tend if they think proper. WESLY WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 28 , 1863 4t S2. Auditor's Notice In the Orphan's Court for the County of Col vmlia, Estate of George Hartman, late of Denton township, die d. ALL persons interested will take notice, that the undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates and propor tions of Ihe balance or ass-ets in the hands of George M. Ilariman, Executor ol George Hartman, deceased, to and among the re spective creditors of the deceased, accord ing to the order established by law, will meet ihe parties interested at Robert F. Clark's office, in Bloomsburg on Tuesday the 24th of November, 1863, for the pur poses of his appointment, when and where all parties interesed are requested to pre sent their claims, or be debarred from coming in lor a share of such assets. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 28, 1863 4iS2. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. f pHE partnership heretofore existing be tween C. W. McKelvy and J. S. Mc Ntnch, in ihe manufacture of paper at Cafawissa Mills, coder the firm of C. W. McKelvy & Co., is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The busines of the late firm will be set tled by C. W. Kelvy, at VJattawissa Mills. - C. W. McKELVY. THE undersigned, having purchased the interest of J. SMcNinch, in the late firm of C. W. McKelvy & Co., would inform bis friends that he will continue the manufac ture of paper, and purchase Rags, as here tofore, and solicits a continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed on ihe late firm. C. W. McKELVY. Cattawissa Mills, Oct 7, 1893. COAL OIL. Atdesco Coal Oil for sale, 12 cts. per quart, by H JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloonaeburg, Feb. 26, 1892. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets For the IHillon ! A most valuable and wonderlul publi CMcatton. A work of 400 pases, and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM, an original and popular treatise on Man and Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The pracie of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numherous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." It is a volume that shunld be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a preventive ol secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of ihe most awful and destruc tive fecoorges ever visited mankind. One copy, seourelv enveloped, will be lorwar ded free ol postage to any part of the Uni ted States for 3D cents in P. O. stamps, 3 coties for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street. New York Sept. 9. 1863. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. 7b all whom this may concern, and it concmer every body. JOHNS 4- CROSSLY'S IMPROVED GUITA PERCHA. Ttie Cheapest and mot duble Roofln.g. in use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF It can be applied to New and Old Roofs ol All kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle Roof 8 without removing the Shingles. THE COST IS ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article bas been thorougly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on Buildings ol all kinds, snch as Factories, FoundriesChurch es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Building generally, Government Boildings,. &c, by ihe principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING m use; it is in every respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALLKINDS. Ihis the ONLY material manufactured in the United States which combines ihe very desirable properties of Elasticity and Dura bility, which are universally arknowleded to be possessed by GUTTA PERCHA and INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying it is triflnina with ordinary Roof can be covered and fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE. end when finished forms a perfectly Fre Proof surface, with an elat'c body, which cannot be injured Dy Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external action wha'ever. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals ot all Kinds when ex posed to the action of the Weattierand For Preservivg and Repairing Mttal Roofs of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully resit extreme of climates, for any length of time, when applied to meals, to which it adheres firmly, forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, eots much les and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from its elasticity is not injured by th con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con.-equent upon sudden changes cf the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can te read.Iy repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion ann leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Roof for many year. Ttiis. Cemeni is peculiarly adapted fr the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implement, .c , also for general manufacturers ue GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For pr-serving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, from i:s great elaMicity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ot Metals, and Mil! not crack in cold or run in it arm weather. These materials are adapted to all cli mates, and we are prepared to supply or der" Irom any part of the country, ai short nonce, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full primed directions tor application. AGENTS WANTED. We W'll make liberal and satifictory arrange ments with re-ynible patties who would l'ke to establish themselnes ma Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant prool of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to several thousand Roofs iu New York City and vi cinity. JOHN'S & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Jriolesale Warehouse 78 William St., Cornerol Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnished on application. October 16, 1861 ly. JUillcr's Store. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. FHE subscriber has jui-t returned from - the Cities with another large and select assortment of FALL. & WINTER GOODS, purchased al Philadelphia aiid New York, at the lowest figure, aud which he is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in His stock comprises Ladies9 Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latet fashions DRY GOODS, C U CP S3q HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE. CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WAIIE. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Lc , &c. In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. The highest price will be paid forcouH try produce, in exchange for goods. STEPHEN H MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. $25: EMPLOYMENT! AGENTS WANTED ! $75 We will pay from 525 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erik Scwing Machine Compaht, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. . Blooiusturg , Aug. 21, 1861. Actional Foundry. B!oombur?, Columbia Co., flhe subsribjr, proprietor of the above named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERI ES BLAST FFR NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH1MG MACHINES. &c , &c. He is also prepared to make S ove. all size and patterns, Plow-iron, and ever) tiling usually made in hrsi-vlass Foundries His extensive facilities and practical workman, wairsnt dim in receiving th largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. CF Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. . BT This eMablifhment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Diot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. 150 BESTTIAN'OS. $150 GROVESTEEN & HALE, having re moved to their new warerooins, 1T0. 478 are now prepared m offer the public a mag nificent new 6cale full 7 Octave Rosewood Piano, containing all improvements known in this country or Europe, over-strung bsr, French srand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for $1 SO CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding cases, - $175 TO 200, all warranted made of the best seasoned matt-rial, and to stand better than any sold for $400 or 8500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invite the best Judges to examine and try these new instruments, and we stand ready at all times to test them w ith any others manufactured iu this coun- ry GR0TESTEEN & MALE, 478 Drondway, IV'ew Yorkt June 4th 1862. 3m. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT HEAD UUARTERS! FOR FALL AND WINTER. -McKELVY, iVEAL & CO., II AVE jusl received and opened a stock of Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, & handsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN. Having paid great attention to the selection ol their entite stock as to Price and Quality, they flatter themselves that they can com pete with ihe cheapest, and all those wish ing to Day cheap, can save money by giv ing us a call. We have all kinds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very large and complete assortment of " LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de Bages, poplins paramett cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laiues, Persian rloths, Ginghams, alicoes, ius. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS,; Sleeves, Collars Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing, bands and trimmings, laces and ed-iings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, velvet libbons, aud braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. ALL KINDS OF SHAWLS, oroche, Bav State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also-a very large assortment ot Cloths, casimers, sal' itiets, vesting, tweeds, jeans,coating velvet, bearer cloths, &c. & S2Z33 of all kinds and sizes for men, women and thildren. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, QueensrtAe, Cdr-ware, &c. Very cheap CAKPETS.CARPE T-BAGS,FLOOR, table anil carnage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas ket, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dra peis, toweling, drillings. & abundance. We invite oor friends and the public gen erally to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bonsht our goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will oot be undersold by anvbrHv or the rest of man kind McKELVY, NEAL & CO. B!oomhor2, NovJ 25, 1863 Administrator' IVotice. Estate of Daniel Lev an, late of Roar ingcreik ttvp., Columbia co., dee'd. 1 ETTERS of administration on the estate ol Daniel Levari, late of Roarinzcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been a tailed by the Rsgiter of Columbia county, to John Levan of Roaringcreek tp , and William Goodman of Locust twp , in said county. All perrons Iiaving claims against the estate of the decedent im re qjesied to preenl them to the administra tors fcr settlement without delay, and all those indebted 10 the estate to make pay ment forthwith to the administrators. JOHN LEVAN. ) . . , WILLAIM GOODMAN Adm " Roaringcreek, Nov. 11, 1863. 82. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. PiUsburgh Commercial College. Binghhmtin 41 " Crittenden's " ' Pbidelphia, StraPon, Bryant & Co., ' Tfiese Scrips, are in amounts of $13 and S50 and are as so much cash, by the Stu dent cn entering eiiher ofthe above Col leges. Young men de.iring to obtain a finished Collegiate Education, will here find a good speculation by applying at the citice ol the STAR OF THE NORTH. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863. ATTENTION! TO LL WHOM IT MAY COJiCEltff. THE nndersisned being a regularly "li censed Auctioneer," hereby offers his ser vices as such, to all who may feel disposed togii:hima call H i great experience in the besTne-s, will enable him to render satisfaction to his customers. At the same lime he cautions all Actioneers, not licens ed, from followins said calling- as ihe fine fixd by the U- S. til surely be imposed, and the law carried out to its full extent. All person desiring to obtain my services, will pleae inform me to that effect before they advernse. J. U. RICE, Auc'r. Lisht S'ret, Nor. . 1863. OYSTER SALOON IN BLOOMSBURG, COL. CO. PA. rilHE undesigned uoold announce totba - public that he has refined his SALOON one door East ol bis BAKERY & CON FEC TIONARY, on Main Street. Bloomsborg; and is prepared to accommodate both La dies and fJ- jtlemen. Hi i prepared to furnish OYSTERS, WHOLESALE & RE TAIL, BY THE CAN OR OTHERWISE. B. STOHNER, November 25 13. Ayeis Sarsaparilia.