The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 02, 1863, Image 1

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    ri iTnima ..... - . ,- n I,, , . t TilTl, - iirr'nnriTTWiT ' ' 1"n" i n mmm r - mt. i 1 m 1 n- it ' " Ir'iTi" n i irrTini"i r- " " mininiiirm. "- " mum V mir im i in i mrira H ltiriirr 1 1 -i n-nr""r " fnn I "" f" iri 1-11.711 n-iiifiii 1- t 1 ' 11 f "- Tin m - -
iiiKHIIIH H illlil LMgjtfW FljlWJUW ' i . . . .
ran i
'1. -
Two Dollas per Annum.
t. U. JACOSY, riiMisIier. m
Trntfo and Right God ffld our Country.
r r ti qta ir O'p J MM! 1!0jRTM
. , r .
7";a FomriTA'E for all.'
thin;;. - Only three months in this country!
v' No clap-trap operation 10 gull the public,
lbut h genuiaemoney making thing ! "Read
ibe Circular of instruction once only, and
you will understand It perfectly. . A Lady
; has -just written to me that hs it making
r DAYS! . giving instruction in this art.
Thojsands of jjoldiers are making money
. vapidly at it. It is a thin? that takes better
- than anything ever o tie red.' Yoa can
J male money irith it home or" abroad on
t9am boats or railroad, .cars, and in the
-coainry or citf.-' You will be pleaded , in
pen ning it, not only because U will ield
abjndome iicome, bot also in conse-
quence of the eneral admiration which it
eLicJs. It is ,pretiy much all profit. A
v'mre trifle is necessary to start with.
vTSere is scarce I j one person oat of
thousands who ever pays any attention to
y advertisement of this kind, thinking, they
are humbugs.' Consequently those who da
: semi for instructions will have - a broad
' field to make money ;n. There is a class
.. -of persons in this world who would think
thai because ttey have been humbugged
' out of a dollaror so, that everything that
" is advertised in a humbug. Consequently
V the ir) no mote. The person who sac
: ceeds is the ore that keeps on trying until
he bits somettiing that pays him.
Tbi arj cost me on thousand dollars
and I expect t3 make money ont of it and
r rll ho purchase the art of me will do the
tame.. One Dollar sent to me will insure
' the prompt return of a card of inirurlion
in tae art. The money. uVl 'be rettuved to
ikon not iati'JUi
No. 1. Park Place, New York,
ttetf 21, 18K1 3m.
1 'in nil cases. Can be relied on! Never fail
. lo cure I Do not nauseate ! Are speedy
-..ra notion ! N.j change of diet required !
Do not interfere with business pursuits !
Can be u fed 'without detection ! Upward
.of 200 cares the pa.-t month one of them
very severe cases. Over one hundred phy
iian have ?;sed them in their practice,
ani all speak well of tbeirefficacy, and ap
prove their composition, which is entirely
. veijetnble, and harmless on the system.
' He odred of Certificates can be shown.
Beli's Specific Pill are the original and
only genuine Specific Pill. They are
adapted tor njia!e and female, old or young, :
and the only reliable remedy for effecting
a permament and speedy core in all cases
Spermatorrbei, or Seminal Weakness, whh
11 its train of e'ils, sch as Urethral and
Vuginal Discharges, the whites, nightly or
involuntary Emissions, Incontintnce.Geni-
' ta'i" Debility" and Irritability Impotence
Weakness or loss nf Power, nervous De
bility, &cn aJI of which arite principally
from Sexuej Excesses or self-abuse, o"
tome constitutional derangement, 'and in
ci pacilates lbe sufferer from fulfilling the
-duties of mairied life. In all sexual dis-
' i see, Gonorthea, Gleet and Strictures, and
" io Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys,
(bey act as a charm! Relief is experi
enced by taking a single box.
Sold by all the principal druggists. Price
S:t. 1 ' .''
.. They will jse sent by mail, securely seal-
ad, and confidentially, on receipt - of the
n.ooy,by r J. BRYAN, M. D.
, , 4 Nj. 76 Cedar street, New York,
Convoking Ehysicans for the treatment of
Seminal, Ur'mary, Sexual, and Nervous
' Diseases,. who will send, free to all, the
following valuable work, in sealed en
velope :
HELL'S TRJSATISE'on self-abuse, Prema
ture decay, -impotence and los of power,
sexcal diseateSj seminal weakness, nightly
emissions, genital debility, &c , &cc, a
jamphlet of 64 pages, coutaining impor
tant advice to thec afflicted, and which
should be read by every sufferer, as the
means of ca e in the severest staaes is
plainly set forth. Two stamps required to
r- jay postace; 1 ' "
- Nov. 25, I8S3. ly.
jVhh your permission I wWh to say to the
l eaders of your : paper that I will send by
return mail lo all who wish it, (free) a Re
ueipe, with j'oll directions for making and
using a simjple Vegetable Balm, that will
: nffflctually remove, in 10 days, Pimples,
;B'otches, Tun, Freckles, and all Impurities
ol the Skin'-leaving the same soft, clear,
iiasooth and' beautiful. '
f will alsc mail free to those having Bald
Heads ot Bare Faces, simple directions and
.".Information that will enable them to start
fell growth of LnxTirient Hair, ;;-Whitkers,
or a Moosiicbe, in less than 30 days. All
pplicaiiom- answered by return mail with
cut chargei ' Respectfully yours, .
' THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
, ., No. 831 Broadway, New York,
August 2i, 1863 3m.
" A GENTLEMAN, cored of Nervous De
bflirr. Incompetency, Premature decay and ;
yoathfal error; actoatedbya desire to ben- 't
tZl others, will be happy to furnish to al
"who need is, free of charge, tha Pecipeand
;dif?c"!icn3 or making the sirapie Remedy
used ia his ease. Those wisaieig lo profit
by fci experience and possess a valaable
tfsneoy will receive the same, by return
rsai!, carelailv sealed by addressing,
r .. SO Nas?au Street, New York. -
CfHcc on Main St., Jrd iSqnare below Market,
TERMS : Two Dollars pr annum II paid
within six months from the lime of subscri
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within iht. year. No subscription taken for
a less period than six months; no discon
tinnance permitted until alia rrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
3ht terms of advertising will bt as follows :
One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, ..... 25
One square, three months, ...... 3 00
On year, ... 8 00"
Cljoice floetrn. 7
Clasped hundsin friendship,warrn with love,
Hours winged with holy peace and light,
With blessings fraught, on pinions while,
Proclaim the olive-bearing dove !
Again the bliss of rural scenes.
The melody of home-waked boors
Tel! that the sword no more devours
The laud -that cheerful toil serenes.
The town, an aspect new assumes
brisk times glad thru: and vigorous trade;
-With rails and harvests, lawn and shade.
The country, heaven delighted, blooms,
The herds the flocks, with snowy fleece
The neat and cultivated farms
And villages, embowered charms,
Tell of the Olive Branch of Peace !
The trance of gardens and the wealth
Of landscape, summit, vale, and field.
Orchard and mead, enchantment yield,
To manhood's noble strength and health.
Mind, talent, genius, science, art, 1
Worth, industry, improvement now
Adorn the nation's peaceful brow,
And store with springs its powerful heart !
Ocean ami shore alike rejoice
Again o'erpread with commerce bright;
. The Mississippi rolls in might
And is heard ot Niagara's voice !
Again among our hills and rocks,
The explorer scientific bends ;
No battle cry the welkin rends
No sound of war the distance shocks !
Wise, conscientious, just, humane
Truth, freedom, love, philanthropy,
God and redeemed humanity ,
Are all the themes that men retain.
From ships and cities, new and old,
The Stars and ctripes peac-esmilicg wave!
Yet battle fiIJ and paino:-grave
Let not the patriot's love grow cold.
Yet, like old Bunker Hill, apart.
Adorned with monumental crest.
From Gettysburg, AntietamV breast,
Come thrilling ol Columbia's heart !
The valiant freemen's memory
The brave who died their land to save, '
Live in the heart throbs of the brave
The glad hosannas of the free !
The loved young volunteer, who left
Hnme,children,wiie,weighed not the coot,
His limbs or hie for country lost,
Is cherished, with his ones bereft !
Peace sacred name for happiness
Peace, with her olivebearing dove ;
Love brotherly, benigning love.
The poet's page sublime and bless !
The angel-heart of gratitnde
Hymns peace right principles expand
Ours is outspread, a goodly land,
With sons of liberty endued !
Hail, Olive Branch ! such is thy meed
Soon may oar glorious country be
United and forever free !
For ibis our patient soldiers bleed.
God bless our arms ! from sea to sea,
Our land again in peace excel ;
Of human hope the citadel
The home and shrine of Liberty !
vey's Female Pills have never yet failed in
removing difficulties arising from obstruc
tion, or stoppage of nature, or in restoring
the system to perfect health when suffer
ing from spinal affections, prolapsus, Uteri,
the whiter, or other weakness of the uter
ine organs. The pills are perfectly harm
less on the constitution, and may be taken
by the most delicate female without caus
ing distress the same time they act like a
charm by strengihensng, invigorating and
restoring the system to a healthy condition
and by ' bringing on the monthly period
with regularity, do matter from what caus
es the obstruction may arise. They should
however, NOT be taken daring the first
three or four months of pregnancy, though
safe at any other time, as miscarriage
would be the result.
Each box contains 60 pills. Price 81.
Dr. Harvey's Treatise on diseases of Fe
males, pregnancy, miscarriage, Barrenness
sterility, Reproduction, aod abuses of Na
ture, and emphatically the ladies' Private
Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of 64 pages
sent free to any- address. - Six cents re-
quired to pay postage, , y ; .' .
The Pills and book will be sent by mail
when der-ired, securely sealed, and prepaid
by J. BRYAN, M. D. General Ag't.
Ho. 7 Cedar 6treet, New York.
fGTSoId by all the principal druggists.
' Not. 25, 1863 ly."
Bors Auaih. Mr. Secretary Chase, in
his speech at fedianapolis, said this great
Natioc must bs "bora again.' We are
afraid that it will prove a Negro baby.
; But what does be mean, in fact, bot that
the Nation must die. The old Government,
the old Constitution, that happy system
founded by Washington and Jefferson, and
abstained for so many years of prosperity
and honor, must die, peeish Jotever, to give
place id the hybred. moaster begotten by
Abolition oct of 'War,- and .having that for
its breath aod fa&alicUsa for its food iMla
Don Ramon Paez has recently published
in England a Book of Travels in South
America, whroh contains some exciting ad
ventures. Here is a sketch of . .
Crocodile Life and Death. -
While walking along the banka ot the
Portuguesa one may see these huge lizards
collected in groups of half a dozen or more
basking in the sunshine near the water,
with their jaws wide open till their ghastly
palatesare filled with flies or other creatures
alighting within them, t We tried in rain
shooting them with gins ; the reptiles were
so wary that the moment we took aim they
rushed into the water. Being at a loss how
to procure a subject for my pencil, I sought
the advice of an old man, an angler by pro
fession, who lived in oue of the huts near
the river. He agreed to let me have his
canoe, with his son to paddle it, and the re
quisite number of harpoons, providing I
could obtain the assistance of an Indian
boy from the neighborhood, who wtts a
capital marksman with the bo-v and ar
row. 'What!' I exclaimed io astonishment; 'do
we expect to kill one of these monsters
with so slight a thing as an arrow ?' lNo,
Ser.orito,' he exclaimed ; 'but you must
first know where to find him under water
before you can strike him with the har
poon ; the arrow of which I speak we use
in catching turtles.'
These arrows are constructed so as t. al
low the head affixed to the shaft some
what in the manner of a lance, to come off
the moment it strikes an object in the water
A slender cord, several feei in length, con
nects it with the shaft, which last is made
of a light, buoyant reed; around this the
cord is wound closely until it reaches the
point where the bead is, then fastened se
curely. The shaft being extremely light,
floats on the surface of the water the mo
ment it is set free from the bead of the ani
mal thus acting as a guide for its recovery.
The old angler then proceeded to explain
that the operation must be conducted first
by sending one of these arrows into the
body of the crocadiie to mark his position
under water ; and then if practicable, we
might plunge a harpoon into the only vul
nerable spot we could hope to reach, viz:
the nap of the neck, after which the animal
could be easily dragged on shore by means
of strong ropes attached to the harpoon.
Accordingly, I went in search of the In
dian boy, whom I found under a tree,
eeaied like a toad on his haunchei,- skin
ning a porcupine he had just killed. At
my approach he raised his head and fixed
on me bis unmeaning eyes. When spoken
to, bt only replied to all my question with
the monosyllables ri, no. After a little coax
ing, and the promise of some fish hooks,
he followed me to ibe canoe without otter
ing a word more.
We were not long in getting a chance to
test the skill of my new acquaintance. As
we approached the river banks alarge croc
odile hove in sight, floating down the stream
like a log ot wood. Our position was most
favorable to send an arrow ratteling through
his scales, and my young Nimrod loot no
time in improving the opportunity. Step
ping a few paces in advance, and bending
gracefully over the precipice, be let fly at
the reptile's bead bis slender, yellow reed,
por tlevacion, viz : shooting the arrow np in
to the air at an angle of forty-five degrees,
which causes it to descend with great force
upon the object, after describing an arc of a
circle in the manner of a bomb shell.
Although the distance was fully three
hundred paces, the arrow struck the mark
with the precision of a rifle ball. A violent
plunge of the huge reptile was the first inti
mation that the trial had been successful,
and the moment after 1 perceived the golden
reed, now attached to him, skimming swift
ly over the surface of the water. We hast
ened for the canoe and immediately gave
chae up stream, as the crocodile bad taken
that direction. We were rapidly gaining
upon him, when, alarmed at the sound of
the paddles, he sank in very deep water,
as we indicated by the reed. This circum
stance .rendered it impossible to employ our
harpoon. We tried ia vain to atart hire ;
he stuck to (he muddy bottom, whence
neither palls uor curses could move bim.
We hoped thai in time he would come to
the surface to breathe, and then wo might
strike bim with a harpoon ; bat ia this we
were equally disappointed.
After wailing for bim two hours, we gave
him op, along with the arrow bead sticking
ia his own body. I made various other at
tempts to secure a specimen, bat with no
better result, as the river was yet loo high
to sound ior them. .
While in this place I was told several in
cidents in relation lo the canning and in
stinct of these saarians, one of which ap
peared to be most remarkable in an animal
of the reptile tribe. The ferryman here pos
sessed a great many goats. One . day he
perseived that several of them had disap
peared, and, not being able to account for
it in any other way, he at once laid the
blame on . the bated crocodiles, although
these creatures seldom carry their attacks
beyond their own element. His suspicions
he discovered in the end, were well found
ed, having witnessed the destruction of one
of his goats in a very singular mi.nner. It
appeared that a crocodile had; in some
mysienoas" way discovered that grots de
light in jumping from place to placa, bat
more especially from rocks and .raounds.
Roekt however, beinj rather scarce ia tha
, country their treacherous enemy undertook
to gratify their taste for ibis innocent pas
I time, and at the same time cater to his
i own. Approaching the waters euge to
, within a few feet of the bank, he swelled
out bis back in such a manner as to give it
the appearance of a small islasd or prom
ontory. The stupid goats, perceiving this,
varied their gambols by jumping from their
i secure places on shore upon the seeming
island, which they however, never reach
ed, for the crocodile, tossing np his bead
at the right instant, received them into his
open jows, and swallowed them without
No person can venture - near the water
without danger from their attacks, being so
treacherous that they approach their itite ,
ed victim near enough to strike him with
their powerful tails tefore be is even aware
ol their proximity. The lubbeling sound of
a gourd being filled in the' water by some
imprudent person specially attracts them.
To obviate this daoger, a calabash bowl,
with a long wooden hande, is usually em
ployed for the purpose ; yet even this is not
anfreqoentty snatched them from the hands
of the water carrier.
If by accident a human being falls a prey
to this tyrant of the river, the reptile i then
called cebado, which appellation impels eve
rything that is bold, ferocious, and treacher
ous in animal of the species, as from that
time they not only waylay persons, but fol
low them in the canoes, in hopes ofnigain
securing this dainty morsel. There are,
however, men bold enough to meet the
enemy face to face in his own element.
The man who makes op bis mind lo this en
counter is well aware that this mnst be a
conflict to to the death for one of the antag
gooists. The ferryman related to as a feat of gal
lantry, worthy of a better cause, performed
by a Llanero with one of these monsters.
The man was on his way to San Jaime on
a pressing errand. Being in haste to. get
there the same day he would not wait lor
the canoe to be brought to him, but pre
pared to swim across, assisted by his horse.
He had already secured his saddle and
clothes upon his head, as is usual on simi
lar occasions, when the ferryman cried out
to him to beware of a caiman ce'tado, then
lurking near the pass, urging upon him, at
the same time, to wait for the canoe. Scor
ning the advice, the Llanero replied with
characteristic pride. 'Let him come ; I
was never afraid of man or beast.' Then
laying aside a part ot his ponderous equip
ment, he placed his two edged dagger bet
ween bis leeib and plunged fearlessly into
the river. V
He had not proceeded far when the mon
ster ro&e and made quickly towards him.
The ferryman crossed himself devoutly,
and muttered the wholy invocation of 'Jesus,
'Maria y Jose ' fearing for the life, and,
above all, for the toil of the imprudent trav
eler. In the meantime, the swimmer con
tinued gliding through the water towards
the approaching crocodile. Aware of the
impossibility of striking bis adversary a
mortal blow unless he should reach the
armpit, he awaited the moment until the
reptile should attack him to throw his sad
dle at him. This being accomplished so
successfoly that the crocodile, doubtless
imagining it to be some sort of good eating,
jumped partly out of the water to catch it.
Instantly Ihe Llanero plunged his dagger
up to the very hilt into the fatal spot. A
hoarse grunt and a tremendors splash show
ed that the blow was mortal, for the fero
cious monster sunk beneath the waves to
raise no more.
Proud of this achievement, and scorning
the lardy assistance of the ferryman, who
offered to pick him up in his canoe, he
waived his bloody dagger in the air, ex
claiming, ashe did so, 'Is there no other
about here ? and then turning, he swam
leasnrely back to take bis horse across.
The cannero who related this adventure then
added, 'So dslighted was 1 on that occaison
that I killed ray fattest hen to treat the man
to a good sancocho, for the caiman had de
voured all my goats.'
Thc RtscLTor Strict Edccatiom. Keep
your children off the street. By that we
mean, do no, let them make acquaintances
on the sidewalks. If they frequent ihe
public schools you most establish a sort of
verbal Juarantine at your own door and
examine the vouthful tongue once a day, to
see if it has cot a secretion of slang, about
it. Mrs Caraful'a littl son Manfred came
running into the paternal mansion the other
day shouting to the cook : "Now, then, old
girl, slap upthe dinner." "Why, Manfred,"
began the astonished mother, "where did
yoa (earn such language f , Who have yoa
been playing with T" "Me," said the hope
ful : "I generally play with Dick Turner,
cause he's a billy boy with a glass eye.
That's so." Tke fond mother was about
to expres some astonishment at the optical
misfortune of Dick, when the son continued
"Mother, I'm going to bay a plag ! Jem
Smith wears oneand I'm as big as he."
"A plug" gasped the mother. ''Yes, sir-ee!
a plug. I've got the spondalix salted down
in my box, sure ; it's bound to come." The
mother at this juncture ordeed the young
ster op stairs, and sent for a man servant to
interpret the slang.:
A stranger In a printing ofice asked the
oanzest apprentice (devil) what his rule
of punctuation was 1 ' set a p as long as f
can hold my breath, then Iput ia a com- j
ma, when I gape I insert i semi-colon ;
,nd when I want a chew of Ubaccu, I make i
m paragraph." i:'-'.
The New Battle-Call.
Under oor flag beat the long roll once more!
Call up the North as you called her before.
Up from the work-shop, the office, the
She responded before, she will answer you
now t '
In Freedom's warfare what freeman can lagf
Beat the old battle-call under the flag !
Call the young men, in the prime of their
Call them from mother, from sister, from
wife ;
Blessed if they live, and revered if they fall,
They who respond ta Liberty's call
Where the air thickens with the Paltroon's
Beat the old battle-call under the flag !
Hoist np the flag to its stout staff again,
Swearing that treason shall leave there no
stain ;
Some loyal hand with a vigorous grasp
Bear up its folds with unwavering clasp :
Where ocr tried soldiers their weary feet
Beat the old battle call beat for the flag !
On to the fields where our brothers have
Side by side, under the flag we'll press on,
Charging the foe in the place of the slain,
Fight till old glory shall triumph again !
Our country call us, what freeman can lag.
While the old battle-call beats for the flag 1
Ire "Greenbacks" a Legal Tender ? '
This question, which has been occupy
ing the attention of our State Courts for some
time past, we are pleased to learn is soon
to be argued before the Supreme Court of
the United Slates, at Washington. We
have no hesitation in saying that the decis
ion of the Sapreme Court of the United
States as to whether "greenbacks" are a le
gel tender in payment of debts, will com
pletely explode the paper bubble of Secre
tary Chase, and put an effectual stop to the
extravagant speculations which are now
being carried on by political gamblers at
the expense of the national credit. The
enormous circulation of paper money is
jost now beginning to be seriously felt in
every branch of trade. It has inflated the
prices of the actual necessaries of life to an
alarming figure, and unless speedily check
ed mnst end in a revulsion which will
bring ruin and destruction to every branch
of industrial pursuit. Indeed, in a bhort
lime "greenbacks" will be of as little value
lo the holder as the continental money is
sued during the revolutionary war. The
depreciation of the continental money
arose solely from the fact that the States is
suing it, had no gold or silver to redeem it
when it became doe, and the consequence
was that the holders of continental money
were heavy sufferers by the foolish experi
ment to make paper promises to pay equiv
alent to gold and silver. After the declara
tion of peace and the recognition of the in
dependence of the United States, one hun
dred dollars in continental money would
scarcely purchase a breakfast. That will
soon be the case with, "greenbacks."
If Secretary Chase were called open to
redeem his promise to pay, he would not
be able to furnish one dollar in gold for ev
ery hundred he has issued in paper money.
In fact the only thing which has thus far
kept "greenbacks'7 in circulation has been
the law of Congress making them a legal
tender in payment of debts, and their re
demption in United States bonds upon
which the government promises to pay six
per cent, interest in gold. Even now they
are at a discount of over fifty per cent, and
it is easy to see that we are rapidly ap
proaching a financial crisis which will
soon establish the fact that no government,
or banking institution, can long sustain its
credit unless it is based upon a gold and
silver basis. A bank that is enable to re
deem it notes in gold and silver coin, is
justly regarded as insolvent, and is soon
compelled to close its doors. This doctrine
holds equally good with governments. It
may require a longer period of lime than
in ordinary banking operations, but in pro
portion to the time it may require to bring
about such a state of affairs, will be the
ruin and misery entailed upon the country.
At the time of the passage of ihe law by
Congress, it was predicted by some of the
ableBt men in that body that it would pro
duce precisely th results which we have
experienced. It is useless for the abolition
papers to cry out against speculators ; the
evil is in the paper bubble of Secretary
Chase, which has been swelled to such
proportions that an explosion may take
place at any moment. No government can
dispense with gold and silver coin without
sinking into hopeless and irredeemable
bankruptcy, and it has never been attempt
ed by any Secretary of the Treasury, until
the advent of the present imbecile and fa
natical abolitionists, who now, onfotunately
for the country, fills that office.
The only power delegated to the United
States by the Constitution on this subject, is
to be found in Article 1st, Section 7th: "To
coin money, regulate the value thereof, and
of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of the
weights and measures; to provide for the
punishment of counterfeiting the securities
and current coin of the United States." It
is very evident to every reflecting mind
that the framers of the Constitution never
intended that anything but gold and silver
coin should be osed as money by the Uni
ted States Government.
They aloce are recognized by the Con
stitutioa as forming the "current coin of the
United States," and as such, were designed
by tha fathers of the Republic as a circala
ting medinm. Id Sectiou 9 of Article 1, it
is expressly provided that do State shall
"make anything bot gold and silt er coin a
tender ic payment for debts," and it can
not be supposed that a Confutation which
only recognizes gold and silver coin ab a
tender in payment of debts on ihe part of
the several States, has conferred upon the
general government the right to make pa
per money a legal tender. The right "10
borrow money on credit of the United
States," is expressly granted, and is the on
ly provision In the Constitution by which a
depleted Treasury can be replenished. At
the time of the adoption of the Constitution,
the people of the several States had realiz
ed too fully the evils arising from the Con
tinental money to place any confidence in j
anything but a metalic currency. A Con
stitution which recognized any other could
not have been ratified by the people acd
the States. M. Madison tells us in the Fed
eralist'' that the claase in ihe Constitution
prohibiting the States from making any
thing but gold and silver coin a tender in
payment of debts, was inserted io prevent
a repitiiion of the evils which bad arisen
from the issue and circulation of paper
money during the revolutionary war.
To suppose that the Supreme Court of
the United States, which has uniformly
held gold and silver to be the currency of
the government, will recognize "green
backs" a legal tender in payment of debts,
is to suppose an absurdity. The Constitu
tion confers no power upon Congress be
yond that which is expressly delegated.
The law is clearly in violation of the Con
stitution, and will be declared so by the Su
preme Court of the United States. It is
vain to attempt to Dotster up a paper
currency. Our whole experience as a na
tion, from the revolutionary war up to ihe
present time, has proveti the otter fa mily
of attempting to elevate it to the dignity of
money. The evils which it has entailed
opon the people, have always been greater
than those which it was intended to remedy, j
During the Presidential term of Gen. Jack
son that distinguished hero and statesman
felt it lo be his doty to oppose the re char
ter of the U. S. Bank, opon the ground that
such an institution was not only unconsti
tutional, bot dangerous to the liberties of
the people. If a monied institution was
dangerous to the liberties of the people un
der an administratiou like that oi General
Jackson, which recognized the reserved
rights of the States and the liberty of ihe
citizen, how much more dangerous It it in
the hands of men who ignore the Constitu
tion, trample under foot the rights of the
States and violate the libertv of the citizen. !
and who br Congressional enactments hae
endeavored to place both the puree anti
sword in the hands of sn unscrupnlous
Executive. It is high time ihat we should
pause and reflect. The liberties of the
people are no longer sale. ToUaviUe Stand-
What is the People' Remedy.
We ark all Democrats to consider well
the alarming nature of the privilege of con
trol over the ballot-bpx now openly claimed
by the Black Republican party. The or
gans of the' Administration no longer seek
to disguise the intention to disfranchise a
portion of the citizens of the Republic-
The Tribune assumes the responsibility of
jodging what manner of men shall exercise
the elective franchise,, and directly aks les :' Two men, after drinking and carous
whether such or suoh citizens "ought to vote ing all night at a saloon, started in the
in a Border State in a crisis like the pres j morning to go home. It was a beautiful
eot " Alluding to the refusal of th De tany morning, and as they staggered along,
mocracy of Delaware to vote under con- j the following conversation afo :
straint, it mockingly asserts that "the coon Inebriate No. 1' How bright (hic) the
comes down," thus signifying that the Ad
ministration had gained its end, and had
contemplated such an exercise of arbitrary
power as would render futile the efforts of
the Opposition.
If this system of military interference
with elections is to be confirmed and ap
plied to the next Presidential election, the
coon has no alternative but to come down
or be brought down by the aim of tyranny,
antes indeed he show his teeth. We ac
knowledge the significance of the Tribune's
taunt. It is true that a power is armed
against the people with which it is in vain
to cope unless with equal weapons. Il is
true that there is no escape from injustice,
insolence and outrage, except in 'be mag-
..j , .. .
who hold the absolute scepter, and we have
already been rudely taught thai those attri
butes exist not iu our rulers. Moral resist
ance is of no avail against those who are
ruled by fanaticism and who rule with
sword and bayonet. The coon was at the
mercy of Captain Scott, and they are at the
mercy of the Administration. So far the
similitude is striking, and we congratulate
our colemporary upon its aptness in paral
leling. But may the trapper not err as to ihe na
ture of the game he tracks 1 May he not
have a lion in the toils, with strength lo
rend the meshes and courage to stand at
bay 1 It is a fearful hunt when ambition
ventures into the domain of Liberty and
strikes at such noble quarry as the most sa
cred rights of freemen. It would be more
generous and more prudent for the Radical
presB lo abstain a while from levity and sar
casm upon so grave a theme as the des
truction of the elective- franchise. The De
mocracy have "come down," but not in ihe
spirit of humility and fear. They trusted
to the legitimate weapons of political war
fare. They were tenacious of ibeir faith in
the influence of a long tried principle to re
deem the land from error. They were loth
to believe that It was possible for an en
lightened and free borne people to pass in
three years from Repoblicanism to bond
age. They' hesitated to accept the now
glaring and humiliating fact that military
dictation sways their rightful suffrages and
transforms the bs Hot-box into an engine of
despotism. All outrages short of this have
been endured, in the hop that the ballot
box could not be tampereJ with, , and that
it would ultimately work out their redemp
tion. They beheld the armed band drag
ging the citizen at midnizht from his home;
tbey were eonsciou that their most preci
ous judicial prerogative, the writ of habeas
corpus, had been virtually annulled they
permitted Conscription to realize its own
inpoience and absurdity, they submitted to
insult and snffered fanatics, demagogues,
and contractors to impugn their motives and
assail their patriotism. , They bore all this
in ihe hope that the ballot box still remain
ed to them, a eanttaafy that power dare not
assail and that bayonets could not perpe
trate. That hope has vanished, and there
remains no barrier between the people aod
There most be remedy for this nnaatn
ral political condition. It can not be that
a people not only educated to freedom, but
nurtured under the enobllng influennce of
enlightenment, will permit their last refoge
from oppression to be denied them. It
mutt not be thai the next Presidential elec
tion shall be controlled by the armies of the
administration. What is the remedy ?
Protestation is of no avail, the laws are held
at naught by Federal officials, the States
have apparently yielded their sovereignty,
and neglect to potect their citizens from
unlawful imprisonments, from exile, from
unconstitutional edicts and arbitrary vio
leuce. The situation invites the will of ly-
Jannv 10 "8eft ,ts Pmacy
in the contemplation of military events, the
people take no note of their own helpless
ness and debasement. The months roll on,
bringing as close opon an election which
more than any other has been held In this
country, should be decided by the fall, free
and unhindered expression of the popular
sentiment. There is no shade in altraism
of political opinion that should be debarred
i's privilege of expression at that election.
The right and' the wrong alike are entitled
to vote, and ihe more extreme their eoo
tfarie'y of opinion, the more essential is it
that there should be no monopoly of the
right of suffrage. Yet we have it proclaim'
ed in advance that such or such a man
"ought not to vote." If an Administration
organ dares thus early advance such a per
nicioos doctrine, it is certain that the Ad
ministration will dare to establish it at the
1 P0'1" Pon e'Ction day
If bayonets shall
i ce empioyea to eniorce mat uocinne, ana
If the shameful military dictation exercised
in Delaw8 and Maryland shall beaitempN
ed throughout the North at '.the Presdential
. leclioa. bere is but one remedy. Oof
j Revolutionary fathers taught as that there
j r -i . -
is but one remedy asainsl peristent and
reckless despotism. God grant that their
descendants may not be obliged in that par
ticular io follow their example. Aw York
Sew or (hic) Mootr ? During the deliv
ery of a recent temperance Isctore, M'j
Gough tells one of the funniest and most
characteristic stories we remembered ever
to have seen. It is more thoroughly maud
lin ar.d mellow than anything in the "Tood-
moon shines !'
No. 2 'Yoa don't call that (hic) moon,
do ye Thai's (hic) sun.'
No. 1 : Taint it's (hic) moon.f
No. 2' I tell ye it's sun !'
No. I 'Well, let's leave (hic) matters to
first man we meet.'
No. 2 '-Agreed.'
The two toddled along for a short distance
when they chanced to meet a man ia the
same condition with themselves. The in
dividual was immediately treated to the
following interrogation :
No. 1 "I shay (hic) old fellow ! We've
got inter little spute ; warn ye to 'elp us
out. My frien here says that's the eon,
pointing upwards to Old Sol who was blaz
ing fiercely down opon them.) and I aay
it's moon I'
The person addressed braced himself,
after considerable difficulty, against a lamp
post, and thSn commenced to scrutinize, as
well as he could," ihe burning orb over
headrepeating in a meditative tone ef
Voice : 'Sun moon sun (hic) .' After
a short observation, be exclaimed t 'Fact
is, gent'lmen, I'm a stranger in this part
(hic) of the country, and 1 can't tell whether
it's sun or (hic) moon.'
Thus the matter was undecided, and the
two inebriates, baffled and disheartened by
the unsatisfactory result of their search into
astronomical mysteries,reeled away.
Important I HfORMAHow. Col. J. G. Frttxe
keeps constantly on band and for sale, at
the Recorder's Office in Bloom-berg, "The
Constitution of the United Slates," and of
the "State of Pennsylvania," in various
styles, at prices to soil ; also, sundry other
democratic books, documents, and speeche
together with legal, note and cap paper,
pens, ink and envelopes, of all sizes and
styles, as well as theological, poetical, his
orical acd miscellaneous books, chesp.
Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Buckwheat, and
grain of all kinds. Also, corn ia lh ear,
good winter apples, potatoes, batter, Jard,
and produce of roost all kinds. Mooy
never refused.