ST It OF THE NORTH ..WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 25,.l&c3, A SxvEiT ' Morsel Ao arm vontract. ? ... Tba "lo a'isls". have ail got their mouths opeia, trying to get a taste. , Nsvir lake a paper over a year without paying the printer, or at least sending-a lock of your hair to lei htm know that you are about.' ! . Sec Dr Elans' Card in to-day's paper. He is a well in! jrmed, careful and success ful physician. , : i .. - B Stohncr advertised Oyster for sale, in today's StA,by tba can or otherwise. Give bis Oysters i. trial, you'll find theru of au excellent quality, Iresh and lucioua. He who vill not support the Constitution of the Untied States is an enemy of his country juit as mcch so as the Reb'el in arms against the Constitution. Who is going to lator us with a Turkey for out Chr stma. dinner 1 Surely, some oae should have a warm spot in his charity for ,h Primsrs. ThursdatV fto morrow) is the dav set - apart by President Lincoln for thanksgiving and prayer : - A DtFUTr provost marshal and clerk at Vouliac, Mich , have been arrested lot re ceiving Lrites to seccrs the acceptance - of jubislitu es offered bv drafted men. , A Man win arrested iu Washington, the other day, fur singing The light - of other cays. cianum suppoieu ne was siiiiu ut the Union mi it was. Tub Dutt on Coal Eastern cspitalists intend petitioning Congress at the ojeoing of the coruitjg session, to remove the duty an coal a 11 necessity. The present high prices ol th; native product has led to the luo'eutent. Cur. J. R. Dimm, will deliver a thanks giving sermon in the Meibodn-t Church of this place, on Thursday, to-morrow. Let dhere be a good turn-oat.- Mr. Dim is the laienieJ and able minister ol tne L.ulueraii ft - K ..... V. tt,;0 r. I i ' MiKixvt, ISeal & Co , have just receiv ed new acquisition to their alreadj' large and superior stock of merchandise, iu this place. Th-y will sell reasonably low as low as can be purchased, elsewhere. Give mem a call, cee ineir auveruaeuicui in anclhef coiumn. Oyster Sacooi. Fox & Gdmore hare latuly taken charge of the Restaurant in the Exchange (Biock, entrance on the Alley leading to -.the Exchange stables, where ;hry will .keep constantly on hand fresh uj iters, in the shell and XX Ale. They know how to keep a saiooo. Give them a call. ' Ioumj Dkd. On Friday mornina last, a fsruigner bj ,the name of William Miller, wat louud dead in a stable, in this place, having d'.ed, according to the finding ol the . . 7 1 1 - . J f . . - ll . . m. 'i -i n WW! " " J man of no "amilyj aged about 50 years, and having resided here but a short ime. A Mcsici.L Convkstijs, under the raan etii!roent ol Prot. W. W. Killip, of the Gen- n rniuir ft juit. t i viuhiu ittu. lie v. a.-. esto Normal 2 cacol, wm ve neu .in tne Court House, ar Bloomsburs, commencing An!Unr.itn A'nr 5ni h lhfi3: in continue v. .NftauMj, . " ww... j iourdays.. It is hoped their will be a good liocdauce. of all interested in the promo tion of musical knowledge. . VSTtD, o ScB-CBipnoN, sr thi Office, -Waeat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Buckwheat, - and gn.ia of all kinds. Also, corn in the ear, good winter apple, potatoes, butter, lard, and produce of most all kinds. Money iierer relued. iCosceRT A Concert will be gives on 'Thursday (to morrow) eveving, in the Court I - W A I ftt.n nr. India nf lllld plsce, consisting ot vocal ana instrumental music, tableaux, &c. The proceeds to be af piied for the. purpose of alleviating the CCIJUlllOlI Ul Uio piv.ft auu wuuiiuou e-w nt in lhe field eaciificing their lives in this un holy rebellion. .. ' , , i : ' Tticac are quite a number ol peron in- oeoiea to inis ouice, iu uum, o uto wtittsn concerning this matter, who haTe cot remiltod their arreaiagesor even given thoubjecl their attention. To those, we J would say, we will . be compelled to deal dLJerci:t'iT,'and in a very short time. There m nn nirfna in u nnltta ti u II with ftTHTIM Hfln. t . r . . i ( : . . ... v. A - . h. a . m m 9 ftftV Wft.tWW ... W ftVW..V ww., ' . - - - - pis. -The;,- would rather see the constable. Fasmcrd who butcher their own stock th it is the stock the have raised on their ' oi d farms and in that way seil it, must make a return under oa:h to the assistant assessor of all stock thts slaughtered and aold. Th7 do not need : a license unless lh!y sell 81,000 wonh ; but they most pay 20 cents psr head for all cattle over eighteen months old, 5 cents for all under eighteen months, 6 cents for each hog and 3 cents for each slleep. - . - Etxht raan who has paid three hundred dollars for exemption, will thank the De ra:)cracy for having forced this confession frt ia its f jars of ihe administration. Notb jn;f was more clear, and precise than, the decision cf the Piorost Marshal Fry last sammer that "the payment of three hun dred dollars did noT'exempt from a snbse fji ent drail," as when substitutes are fnr-Rt-ed. This decessioa has been main tained tilt now, and is only sbandoned be cac;e tha t-heddyites hope to make capital ct t of the surrender of the clattn. - "JuiGt Bttr of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, has decided that greenbacks are t.ot 11 legaf tender. The government will take the tongue out of that Bell . if it snakes aajr cacrs such ioands. Lincoln pt- W hats been giving our subscription list a pretty thorough pruning since our re assuming the publication of the Sta r or thc North, and find it works well to oor inter est. We will make a few more erasure?, in a short time, if the subscriptions are not paid. There is no use buying, printing, and mailing a paper to a subscriber who does not pay-the editor for -the labor and ex pense. ' ".r - . Base Dirkctos. The fallowing T?rtle men were elected as Directors of the Bank of Danville, for the ensuing" year, on last Tuesday : , , . E. H. Baldy, Dr. Win. H.'MagiP, Thomas Woods, Geo. B. Brown,. Peter Baldy, nr.', G M.'Shoop, J. C. Rhodes, Samuel Wolf. P" F M . n nr rijinvilla 1 V Hrrlll BTlrl ft ft ft,.. I- . a M j J . -i,ai.w , v. " ( wav..., m - Wm G. Hurley ol Bloomsburg ; John Sharp less, of Caitawissa ; Geo. J.. Piper of Mihon. Capt. Youko's Company of Danville has been ordered to Philadelphia. It is sup posed that they will be stationed for the remainder of their term in the coal regions of Carbon and Schuylkill counties to keep down the spirit of outlawry which has broken ou.- Danville Democrat. A Northern farmer who has two of his oi.s drafted, may have to mortgage his whole farm to rait-e 5600 to save them from death. And if it is any comfort to him, he may reflect that his S600 is u-ed to buy two negroes of a Maryland master. . Thk New York Erpreu reports that ex tensive frauJs, amounting to near $111,000 have been committed by a high . official in the New York Custom House, by meaus of false eutries and other cheats. A Confederate surgeon who was beastly drunk when our lorces captured Little Rock, Arkansas, tound himself among the Yan kees when he got sober, and remarked that it beat Rtp Van Winkle that a man couldn't go to-'sleep in the Confederate Slates with out waking up in the United Stales . Ooh Lota ltt. This sentence, from the National luleliigencer. may be adopted by every Democrat : "We profess no political loyalty save that inspired by love for the Union, the Constitution, and by respect lor the Laws. Who profess more, have none.'' New playing cards are spoken of, the pictures on which are to be taken from the forms and lacts of men who have distin guished themselves in the war. The shod dy contractors will sit for the 4-'knaves." -i .A Republican army officer, indignant at the manner in which the war has been managed, recently remarked : "If this war had oeen under the coutrol of the Demo crats, the rebels would have been driven into the gulf of Mexico, lona ago." The Secretary of War has decided against the claims of nine months volunteers to iia'ional bounties ; but the heirs ol a nine month' man who dies or is killed in the Ihe service are entitled ?o the United Stales bounty ol S100" beside the pay due to the soldier a', the date of his decease. The w idovvs and mothers of nine months soldiers are also entiiUd to a pension under act of Coiigress, approved July 14. 1862. Important I (.formation. Col. J G. Frttze keeps constantly on hand and for sale, at the Recorder's Office in Bloomsburg, 'The Constitution of th United Slates," ani of the Stale of Pennsylvania,' iu various style, at prices to ; also, sund'y other democratic book, documents, aud t peeche?; together with legal, note and cap paper, peiii, ink and envelopes, of all sizes and style, as well as theological, poetical, his oriea1 anil miscellaneous books, cheap. We find on examining our last file of the Star that, it i short three numbers, viz: Vol. 14 No. 25 : No 39, and No. 42; all the same volume Some one has lifted them in our, and we put it dowu as be in an act ol a "very small man." Who would be guilty of stealing a Printer's file papers? We will pay a fair price to any person who will furnish us with the three numbers above mentioned. "The, Constitution and 1 the Union ! I "place ihem together. f they stand, they "must stand together ; if they fall, they 'must fall together " Daniel Wkbstxr. Columbia County Republican please copy G R AND JURORS FOR DECEMBER TF.R1, 1863. Benton Thomas Seigined. Brian-reek Moses Davis, John II. Smith Fishinjicreek James Edgar, Geo., Mo Bride. Hemlock Malhias Appleman. Jacksou John McHenry, Thomas W. Young. Locust Henry Fisher, W'illiam Miller, Abraham Yeager. Mifflin John Snyder, Samnel Snyder. Mount Pieasaul Aaron Kester, Jr., John Wannick.- Maine Solomon Shaman, John Har mony. Madison Perry Christian, Phineas Wei liver. ' Orange Aaron R. Patterson, Cornelius Bellas ' Suarloaf Joseph O. Hess, Andrew Hess Scott Jonn Shuman. TRAVERSE JURORS - FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1863. Bloom Augustus Mason, Stephen Knorr. Beaver Samuel Fisher, Elias Miller, Wm. Schell. Briarcreek Evan D. Adams. Benton Peter Appleman John O. Dil dine. ,:.- Centre Daniel Bower, George Hess, Peter Miller, Aaroc Kelchaer. Cailawissa Joseph Martz, Clinton Mar gerom. '. Fishirigcreek Daniel McHenry, Benj. McHenry. Greenwood Sylvester Albertson. John McMurtrv. ' Hemlock Amos II art raan. Jackson John Savage. Madion Robert Fruit, Wrr. Caroahao, Lewis Schuyler. ; . . , Meine John Nuss. Mfflin Lawrence Walters, Stephen Die 'crick' ' '' v ' Mr Pleasant Wm. J. Ikeler,' William Howell. . - - ; , -;- M&ntonr Levi Weaver. Orange David Herring, John Peltebone, Jesse lirumteiSer. , .- - Pine Franch Hunter, Valentine Win. torsieert, Henry Richart. Sujarioaf James Hess, SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. . Binghhmtin " " Crittenden's "Philadelphia, Stration, Bryant & Co., " These Scrips, are in amounts of $15 and 50 and are as so much cash, by the Stu dent on entering etiher of the above Col- lt.ll BO Villi I! CT Hlft. dt-xifinff to obtain a I finished Collegiate. Education, will here Jfind a good speculation by applying at ihe 1 Ti ., taii ni? tup MORTHI. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863. , , - AIiiiiilrators' Notice Estate of Daniel Levan, late of Hoar" ingereck twp., Columbia co., dee'd. LETTERS ol administration on the estate of Daniel Levan, lale of Roaririgcrek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the ReUierof Columbia county, to John Ltvau of Koaringcreek ip , and William Goodman of Locust twp , in said county. All persons having claim against the estate of the decedent are re quested to present them to die administra tors for settlement without delay, and all (hose indebted to the estaie to make pay ment forthwith to th administrators. .' JOHN LEVAN. ) Allm( ' .WILL AIM GOODMAN A m T" Roarir.gcieek, Nov. 11, 1863.S2. ' " rinuc SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN pursuance of an orier ol the Orphan?' Court ol Columbia Cowny. on SATUR DAY, THE 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1861, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Pater Em, Administrator of Alem Marr, late of Scott township, in said Muti y. deo'd. will expose to sale by public vendue, on the piemise, a certain - ". - Tract of Land, Situate in Scott township, ir said county, beginning at the north corner of Caleb Bar ton's Farm, being on the norh HjSuft, line of purpart No. 1, and lying f!? East of Caleb Barton and Elias Xrum, and adjoining John Robi- zu& son on th South, arul Harmon Kline and Jacob Keller on the east, and containing Fifty-Seven Jlcrcs, and Twenty perr hes, strict measure, late the estaie of said dfi-eased, situate in the lown.ship ol ScH and conny Mlorrsaid. JACOB EYhRLY. Cl'k O C. TERMS, One fourth of lh purchase money to be. paid on confirmation of sale, and balance iu one year irom confmrfauou, with interest from confirmation, by the Court. PETER EN T, Adm'r. November II, 1863 bw. p:Si-3 SECOND HAND .v- O A V JUj i3, FOS 02IJSftAjP 1EV.YKK ni DEPOT, 71 If'Wiain Street, Xtio York. S. A. G-ftESG-G-g - Size and Prices cf JAlUe Fire-Proof O UTS1D E: - lleiiht. Width. Depth. No. 1- 24 20 20 No. 2 26 22 24 No. 3 30 24 24 No. 4 32 28 24 No. 5 34 31 - 24 No. 6 40 3 24 INSIDE: JJeitht. 17 lJ 2t 22 24 31 PRICE. S50 10 J 60 00 I 70 00 I Wulfh. : i 13i' 15 18 21 21 Number 4 do 5 do 6 Depth 12 12 12 1 14 15 THICK. $f5 00 100 00 115 00 No 1 No. 2 No 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Number 1 do 2 do 3 November 1 t, 1SC3. OOfl llJHi MORE MEN WANTED. "uuvUU io qelL REBELLION! REVOLUTION IS HIGH PRICES! SEW ARRIVAL OF VWA c W 1 1 T Iu II GOODS AT PETER ENtVsTORE INt LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. ITAS just received from the eastern cities and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assortment of - : ; which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods, choicest stles and latest fashions. CALICOES, " . MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY. SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS,' &0.; i:cady-JJsilc Clolhin?, SATINETS, CSSI MERES, COTTON A I) ES. KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, tC. QUEENS WARE, CEDAR W A tiE, UARD WARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, BOOTS ASD SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short everything usually kept in a conn try store. The patronage of his old friend., and the public generally, is respectldly so licited. The highest market price paid for coon try produce. PETER EKT. Light Street. Nov. 11, 1863. ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of the soboriber, in Benton township, Columbia County, on Monday night October ltr inst. a left hind foot white, a rosm spot on the forehead, a white stripe between the nostrils, judged to be abont nine years old. The owner or owners' are requested, to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take him away, or he will be disposed of according to law. JOHN W.-KLINE. Benton twp., Oct. 28, 1863. 3 w. DAVID L0 WENBERG, C L O TH I N G S T O E E, Oa Main street,two dootsabove iho' Amer ican Hotel., , ; SUEUIFF'S SAI.ES. Y virtue of several writs of alias vend iioni exponas, to me directed, issued out ol the Court of Common Pleas of Colum bia County, Pa., will be ejrposed to public sale, at the Court House in Bloomsbura, on MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OF. DEC EM BEU; 1863, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following real estate, viz: ALL that certain lot of ground situate in Locust township, County 'of Columbia, bounded and described a follows to wit : On the South west by a public road, lead ing from Cattawisea to Poitf vilie ; On the norm wet-l by a lor ol John Mensch ; On the north east and south ' east ty lands of Jacob Yesger, containing sixty feet in breadth, and one huudrd and sixty feet in depth, whereupon are erected a STrg Two Story Frame ' ' 7-1m DWELLING HOUSE, VHif a frame Shoemaker Shoo, a FRAME STABLE, and other out-buildings with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold as the property ol Hamilton Fisher. that certain lot of ground situate in Brian-reek township, Columbia County; contaiuins FIVE A CBSES, more or less, - bounded and described as follow to wit : On the west by the main road, on the north by a bublic road, on the east and south by lands of Reuben Miller, whernori are erected a food FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. and Stable, and a large TANNERY, all under roof nr.d enclosed, with running water in lhe building, with lhe appurtenan ces. Sized,t aken in execution ant to be sold as the property of Henry Traugh. JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff. SheriO's Otfce, ) Bloomsburg Nov. 1 1, '6i. j ftlcaoii s Ulernrv C OMPJ1JY1 OJY. An Elegant, Morale and Refined Mis cellaneous Family Journal. A PAPER FOR THE MILLION, At d a welcome visitor to the home cir cle. It contain ihe toreign and domestic ni-ws of the day, and presents the gteatest amount of intelligence. THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY Is pruned on fine white paper, with new ai.d Deautifnl type, and is a large weekly paper o sixteen octavo fiages. An unrivalled corps of contributors are under regnlar engagements, and every de paltnient is placed on tfie most finihed and perleci svstem that experience cm de vise. Each number will be beautifully il lustrated. . TERMS. S2 00 per annum. Invariably in advance For sale at all Periodical Depots in the Umtd biale. Published every Siturday, comer of Tre monl and Biomfield slieet-. Boston, Mas sactuset:s, by F GLEASON. Njv. ll, 1863. THE SIXUCR SEWIXG MACIILNCS. OUR Letter A Famdy Sewing Machine is last gaining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and mo-t beautiful of ail Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Fanii'y Sewing Machine has so many usf Irl appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guaiug, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It w ill sew all kinds of cl h, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent improvements .nake our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and must durable, and most cer tain iu action at all rates of epeed. It make lhe intsrlocked stitch, which i.i the best stiich krown. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance how to ue the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fiui-hed in chaste and exqni-i:e st le. The Folding Ca-e of the Family Ma c'lioe i. a piece ot cunning Workmanship oftt.e most useful kind. It protect the ma chine when not in use, and when about io be operated may be opened as a paciou- and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Case, made out of the choiced woods, are finished in the sim plest a. id chas eai manner possible, other- are adorned and embeli-hed iu the ravot co-tly and superb manner It is absolutely necessary to se9 the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of iu great rapacity and beauty. It is fa-! becoming as popular for family sewing a our Manufacturing machines are lor manufacturing purposes. The Branch OfFce are well supplied with silk twist, thread, ueedln1, oil, etc., of the very bel quality. Send for a Parrmhle. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., a nroa.iway. i. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 810 Chestnut M. N. S. Tingley, Agent, iu Epy, Pa. John Sharpless, Agent, in Cattawissa. Nov. ll, 1863. SPECIAL NOTICE. 4 LL peron indebted to the late firm of Miller ty Eyer, Merchants in Bloom burg, are hereby notified, that the Books, Notes and Accounts ot said firm are in Ihe S'ore for colIeciqn, and must be settled by the first of October, without respect to those concerned. MILLER & EYER. Bfoomsburg, Augusi 26, 1863. Court ion. W 'HEKEAS the Honorable William El- wen, President Judge of Ihe Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and W)omr ig, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy and the 24th ol November, 1863, for the pur John McRevnolds, Associate Judges, ot Co- pose ol hi appointment, when and nere ? ... ii . - . - . . . . . 1 - ,Lifti.l In nfftik Iiimhia co.. have issued their .uecept, bear ioj date one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Courl, in Blooms burg, in thecouoty of Columbia, on the first Monday, being the 7ih day ol Dec'ber next and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace aud Constables ot the said County of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon of said day, wilh their records, inquisitions and other reraembran res to do those tnings which to their office appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute against the prisoners that are ot may be in the Jail of said county ot Colombia, to be then and there to prosecute iheu as shall be just. Ju rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bloomsburg the 7ih day of Nov'br, in i the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eitftv-lhrefi Bud in the eiffhtv-eiabia e" of the Independence of the Uuiled States of America, (uod save the wronioiiiiu.j JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriffs Office, Sh:n. Bloomsburg, No?.-It 1863. J READING RAIL ROAD. , SCaiMER AIiUASGliUEiT. GREATTrunk line from the' North arid North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton,&c., Sec. Trains leave Harrisbnrg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in termediate Stations, at 8 A. M.and 1.40 p. M. New York Expre-s leaves Harrit-burg at 1.25 a. m. striving at New York at 8.25 the t same mcrn'mg. ' Fares Irom Harrisburg: to new l ork 5 00, to Philadelphia $3,25 and 82,70. Baas checked through. Reiurnina leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pins burgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. aud 3.15 P M. Sleeping ct rs in the New York E.vprers Trains, through to and Irom Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Catlawina Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. lor Phila delphia ami all intermediate Stations, aud at 3.00 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and a; 3.30 P. M. for Aubnm aud Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Callawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Pa-senger train leaves Reading ai 6 A. M.and returns from Phila delphia at 5 P. M. t- All the the above Mains ruti daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Potisville at 7.30 A M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Tit-keU, at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICuLLS, General Soperintendant. June 4th i863. New Stock of Clothing. FALL &T WINTER GOODS. 1 NV1TES afention to his stock of cheap and lashionable Clothing at his Store, on jI.y.V STREET. HLOOMSDURG, two doors above the American House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of HI en mid ISoy's Clothing, including the mo-t fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol lioxt Sack, Frock, Cum and Oil Cloth Coals, and Punts, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawl-; striped, figu;ed and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock", collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy ar'.icles. N B He has constantly on hand a large snd well selected asortment of Cloths and Vestings, which he i prepared to make up to order, into any kind ol clodiing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not rurpaoseJ in this place. Call and examine his general as--ortrnent of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c &c. DAVID LOWENBERvi. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26. 1863. IHE NE1V GROCERY STORE MORE Just received at Erasmus' New Store. Molafse, Sugars, Teas, Coflee, Rice, bpice, Fteh, Salt, Tobaco, Segars, -Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions j &c . too numerous to mention. j C" Butter. Eggn. Meat and produce gen- ( erally taken in exchange lor voott. j A. 8. ERASMUS. r.loomsbnrg, Nov. 4. 1863 j Auditor's Aolice. rl fi.r th Crt'intu ftf Col vwbta, KtoletJ Solomon tieinK, laie q; net- ' . . i i . r t er towtiahip, dee'd. yul. persons ir;tereste'l will latce notice, Jtihai the nn.-prs:'ried aonomied Auditor j by the Orphans' Court of the county ol Col- file.) in lhe account ; of Tilm'on nlenhouse, and Reuben Swahk j AAmiuu.r...ttT nf Solomon Swank, dee'd. will meet thn jarti interesied at the Re corder" Olfice, in Bloomsbnrg, on Thurs day, 26ih of November, 1863, for the pur pose of his appointment when and where ail parties interested are requested to at tend il they think proper. WESLY WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 28 , 1S63 4t 62. Auditor's XYoticc ; In the Orphan's Court fur the Cvvnty of Col- vml ia, Es'nte of George Jlartmin, late of ; Bciilon township, dtc d. i LL persons intmeied will take notice, that the undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court o( Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates ami propor. lions of the balance or assets in the hands i of George M Hartmun. Executor ol George J Hartman, deceased, to and among the re- j spective creditors of the deceased, accord- j in 2 ;o the order f slablished by law, will ( meet the Dartiee interested at Robert F Clark'" office, in Bloomsburg on Tuesday all parties interesed are requested to pre sent their claim, or be debarred ftom coming in lor a share of such assets. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 28, 1863412. DISSOLUTION OF 1'ARTN E US H II. flHE partnership heretofore existing be tween C. W. Mck'elvj and J. S- Mc Ntnch, in the manulacture of paper a" Caltawissa Mills, under the firm ol C. W. McKelty tk Co., is this day disboived by mutual consent. The busines of the late firm will be set tled by C. W.fcelvy, at Cattawissa Mills. C. W. McKELVY. THE nndersigned, having purchased the interest of J. S. McNioch, in the late firm of C. W. McKeivy & Co., would inform bis friends that he will continue the manufac ture of paper, and purchase Rag, as here tofore, and solicits continuation of the patronage so liberally bestowed on the late firm. C. W. McKELVY. Caltawis-a Mills, Oct 7, 1893. CUAL UlL, Ardesco Coal Oil lot sale, 12 cts. per quart, by JOHN K.G1RTON. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. U5UR1BLE- DISCLOSURES! Secrets For Use IJliUoia ! A, most valuable and wonderlul publi cation. A woric ot quo page, ana 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER b VADEMECUM,an original and popular treatise on Man and Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders ol every kind, with :ever-r ailing uemeuieo for their speedy cure, lhe practice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and etil! is, unbounded, but at tlm earnest solicitation numterous persons, he ha been induced to extend his meilical usefulness through the medium of his "VADEMECUM." It is a volume that should be iu Ihe hands of every family in the land, as a preventive ol secret vices, or as a guide for lhe allevia tion of one of the moM awful and destruc tive scourge ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ol postage to any part of the Uni ted States lor 50 cents in P. O. stamps, 3 copies for $1. Address, pot paid, DR. HUNTER, No 3 Division Street, New York Sept. 9. 1863. Important to House Owners. Important to lnilders. Important to Rail Read Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whomthis may concern, and it concnier every body. JOHNS 4- CKCSSLT'S IMPROVED GUITA PERCH A. "9 The Cheapest atd mot duble Roofiu a- in It IO flHCi AINU Vil f.ll riUUf J It can be applied to New and Old Roofs of 1 ah l;.wI ctor, r floi n,i . IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF All kinds, steep or flat, and io Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingle. THE COST IS ONLY AfcOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been lhorougly tested io New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on Buildings ot alt kinds, such as Factories, FoundriesChurch es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Building generally, Government Buildings. Li:, by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to he th CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use ; it is in every respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7A ii the ONLY material manufactured in the United States which combines the very desirable properties of Elutlicily and Dura bility, which are univer-ally arknowleil-ed to be possessed by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. No Heal is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying it is triflning with ordinary Roof can be covered aud fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, end when finished foims a perfectly Fi-e Proof suifuce with an elat;c body, which cannot be injured 0y Heal, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external action wha'evM. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals ot all Kinds when ex posed to the action of the Weather and For Preserviug and Repairing Mtlal Roofs of (Ul Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully resist extreme changes of climates, for any length of lime, when applied to me?als,to which it adheres firmly, lorming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, cots much le-s. snd will LAS T 1HI.EE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom its elaticiiy is not injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Iaky Tin and other Metal Rool can te readily repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from furttier cor rosion ana leaking, thereby ensuring a per lecily water light Roof for many year. Tnis Cement is peculiarly adapted far the i preservation of Iron hailmgs, Stoves, Gau ges, Sales, Agricultural Implement, iVc, al-o lor general manufacturers ue GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roois or every description, from i: great elasticity, is not injured by the con iracl on aud expansion ol Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in xarm weather. These material are adapted to ali cli mates, and we are prepared to supply or t A v-, . I n r v r rl tt f La .rilt n I I I ." "";Ti.." p."nf.,i 7 "n al short I no'ice, lor GUTTA r MIC HA UOUKIMi in I roll, ready prepared for use, and GUPTA i PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions lor application. AGENTS WANTED. We tcji mkeli!e nl and mtt factory arrange Mf?n. with te-pomii'le p-nties iM- would oke to elablnh thtmxtlnes in a Lucrative and Perma nent busine-. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant' proof of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to set ral thousand Roofs in New York City and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, j If'holesaU Warehouse 78 Ifllfiam St., j Corner ol Liberty Strett. NEW YORK. Full desciiptive Circnlars and Prices will I be famished on application. Oc-ober 16, 1861 ly. Jtlillcr's Store. OF FALL AXD UIXTLIl GOODS. fpllE subscriber ha just returned Item ihe Cities with another large and select assortment of PALL & TT A' 15 tlttem. purchased at Philadelphia itid New York, t at the lowest figure, ana wmcn ne i determined iosell on a moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsbarg. His slock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of lhe choicest styles and latet fashions. DRY GOODS, (2? a CD CD IP il QJ 3fc HARD W A K E. QUEENS W ARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c.,&c.j In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to which hetuviiesthe public gener allv. The highest price will be paid for coon ttv produce, in exnunst? iur i.i". ' STEPHEN H MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. WPl ftY!HKT 675 Av:r,r"t,:VL-. . V $25: and ,11 .Sp.l..., 10 Ml... W ' f " to active Agents, I Avnt. Milan. Ohio. Blooiueturg, Aug. 21, 1861. JYaliondl Foundry. rXhe nb?ribr, proprietor of the above narned est ensive eiablihmen, is aoyr prepared to receive orders' for all kind of machiT.erv.forCOI.LERIES BLAST FCR NACES STATIONARY EN'JIN ES, MlLLi THRESHIMG MACHINES ficc. He is also prepared to make S oves, all sizes and patterns, 'Plow-irons, mid ever) thing usually made in Hrsi-class Foundries His etansive (a-ilities sod prcllcal workman, wairant tiim in receiving ihe large! contracts oh the trios, reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds v. ill be taken in exchange lor casting. This e-tablii-hment i located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYEU. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9. 1863. G00,000 MALE or FEMALE Agents to sell LLOYD'S n-w Steel Plate County colore-1 M p of the United Stales, Canada, and New Biun-wtck. From recent stirvej completed Aug. 10j 1862 COnl t. 10,000 to engrave it aud eue jear's tnn. Superior io any 810 Map ever made by Cohon or M irtiell. at.-l sells at Ihe low pric o! fifty cen'i-, 37O.C0O i.tnits ate en graved on this map. I t.ot oolv a (.oun'V JMp, ont it is also a COUNTY and RAILROAD MAP, of the United S ates and Cv.tHs combined in one, giving every RAILROAD STATION and ''i.-taiire-i between. u'iimoc '" per iUy a"J Wl',ake b"k a!l MPMhat cannot be sold anrf refund the money. Guarantee any woman or man S3 to $4 money, Send for one Uilar' wor;h to try. Printed instruction how to canvass wall furnished all our Agent. WAN TED Wholesale Agents for our Map iii every Sia:e, California, Canada, England, France aod Cuba A fornne may te niale with a lew hundred dollar cspi tal-.- No competition. J T.LLOYD, No 146 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses our Map o Virginia, Maryland, and Penrt Ivania, con 100. 00U3 on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sharttsburg, Maryland Heights, WilliatnspoM Ferry, Rhorersville, Noland's Ford, and all others on ihe Poiomac, and everv other place in Maryland, Virginia, and Penn Ivaria. or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky. Onio, lodana, and Illinois, is the only authori y for Gen. Buell and the War Depaitmeni. Money relunded to any one (hiding an error iu it. Price 50 cts. From the Tribune Aug. 2. "LIod's Map of Virginia, Maryland, and Peno Ivania. This map is very large its cost is but 25 cents, and it is the beat which can be purchase I LLOYD'S Great Map orihe MISSISSIPPI RIVER F'mrr. Actual Surveys by Capts. Ban and Win. Biwen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Luu'm, Missouri, showr every man's plantation and nwi er's name from St. Louis io the (lull of Mexico 1,350 mile- every nand bar. island, town, land ing, and all places 20 miles bark from the River colored in counties and S:ates.. Price, 1 in sheet. 82, pockt form, and S2 SO on lir.en, with rollers. ReaJ,Sepl. 20th 1862 Navy Department, Washington,) September l7ih, 1862. 3. T. LLOYD Sir: Send me your Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hun dred copies. Read Admiral Ctiarle H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squad ron is authorized to purchase a many as are required toi ue of that squadron. GIDEON WELLES, Sec. of Navy. October 8, 1S62. $130 BEST PIANOS. 8150 GROVESTEEN &. HALE, having re moved to their new warerooms, 1T0. 473 BKCSVrAT, are now prepared to offer the public a m.j nificenl new scale full 7 clave Itoscwoocl S'iauo, containing ali improvewienis known ininia coun'rv or Europe, oer-siruog ba, Freni h grand action, harp pedal, full iroo Ir.n.e, lor Varraukd for 5 Years Rich moulding cae. 175 TO $200, all warraii ted made ol the best seasoned ma'erial. and io stand better lha'i any sold for 5400 or 6500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invite ihe best Judges to examine and t'v these ne v iu-irurnent, and we stand ready at ail times to lest them with an) others manufactured in luis coun- f GI10VKSTEKX & IIILC, 47 S ISroncltvny, IV ew Vork. Juue 4 ti lbl2. 3,n FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT EX2Ai QAIITEUS! FOR FALL AND WINTER. .TSeUr.IYVY, XKAJs & CO., Z f AVE just received and opened a slock of Merchandi-e for sale, which rompri--es the LARGEST, Cheapest, k. Landsorn et assortment now ofiered in this TO AN. Having paid great at'eouou io the t-lecliort of iheir entiie stocc as la lriccaud Quality, they flatter themselves that they can com pete witti the cheapest, and all those wish i-ig to ouy, van sae money by giv ing u a call. We have a'l kinds of goods and wares io supply the wants ot the people. A very iar 'e and complete assortment ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Mertnoes. wool plaids, alpacas, j bombaxines, de b iges, poplins pararneua cloths, mohair Ingres, muslin ue nines, Persian rlo hs, G'mgliams. altcoes, kc. WHITE GOODS OF A LL KINDS, Sieves, Collar- Spencer-, handkerchiefs, flou'iciiigs, tiatid and trimmings, Lee and edgings" bonnet rihbons, in large variety, velvet libboos, and brai ls, kid, cotton, lisle t'iread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. ALL KIXDS OF JitSAWLS, o.oche. Bay Sue. Waterv ille, black silk, cas'nmeie. embrodered. &c. Also a very large assortment ot Cloths, caimers, sat inets, ve'tings,! weeds, jeans,coatin vetve' beaver cloths, of all kinds and sixes for men, women and children. We have a, large assortment of H TS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, WueeiifrMMF, Mt.i-uto fwe. Verv cheap - j d CAKPET6,UARPET-BAGS,FLOOR. uble and carnage oilcloth-, mats, rugs.bas kets.&c. Muslins, flannels, ticking-, dra- ' P'. lowelings drillings. tc.,in abundance. vv our Iriends and thepubl.c gen- " , m';t-sT f- ASH l-RICBS aDd will not A.4..hftA r vi v McKELVY, NEAL&CO. kind Bloomsburg, N. 25, 1863.