it 4 si---o--- 3 IFiW. H. SACOBY, EDITOR. BLOOJISBl'Kli, WEDNESDAY, NftTS IS, 1SG1. ! M. PtTTBN.3iLL & Co., 37 Park Bow, Now York, are duty authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions and advertising for the Star of ihe Norlk, published at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Penn'a. Mathkr & Co., 335 Broadway, New York, arii auihorz?d :o receive subscriptions and advertising for tbt Star cf the North. ' ' FCR PRESIDENT IN 1864, . GEORGE II. M'CLELLAN, Subject to 1,'se Decision of the Democratic - 1 . Naiionai Convention , : The Con.jcription let. . The Supreme Cot rt of Pennsylvania hare at length) taken judicial action ou the ques tion of the constitutionality of the Conscrip - non Act. The opinion ol Chief Justice Lowrix, and the ablu and concurrent opin ioE. of Woodward and Thompson, hare been published, in full. 'We intend laying a por tioa of the unanswerable argument before on: readers in our next. But whatever the Federal authorities at the city of Washing ton may to think about it, or. what ever course ot action they may pursue in Tejjard to i, we have a decision of the high est recogniaed legal tribunal of Pennsylva nia shih tn nmnat men will nnl darn to ""i . j violate. Tie Stn.nje Logic or War Democrats. Thn lno! of tVr DamnpraH in ntferlv pant oar comprehension. These impracti cables hare at least given an illustration of the trcth of the old Italian proverb, "Cbi pritica-con -lapi impara a urlar;" "Who keeps company with a wolf will lean to bowl." Tteir continued association and affitation with the Abolition wolves, have taught them, their peculiar howl with a ven geance. They bug the delusion that they can declare in favor of a continuance of the war, and jet defeat the party whose only policy rests upon its continuance, and who, oat of that continuance, are developing dai ly the sinews with which to strengthen ibeir hands, and the military force that is to concentrate their power. The Pagan wc?ld might as well have attempted to over throw ChriMiantty, by .being in favor of sta ted preachings of the gospel and frequent rommunioii, as for these War Democrats 'o expect the, overthrow of Abolitionism by iha very means which Abolitionism nee to Mtengtheo and enlarge its power. The fell agencies of war have generated all the out rages with-which the North has been ac cursed. Nay. it has enabled their wretched , perpetraloia to pass indemnity bills, and to AvarrtaA I V, inJiAiirv at that oaarvtchdrd th jre are grievous wrocg9 wjlhom remedy. And yet these War Democrats in asking for a vigorous prosecution of this wretched war, an) simply asking lb enlargement of that power which heretofore has worked such fearfcl miichief. There is, there can be no place of si.fety for the Democracy, except upon a pisiform that advocates an immedi atu cessation of this cruel strife, so that the voice of reason may be heard, and the de lirium of passion have time to cool. In the midst of such a calm, we may learn what the demand of those in arms against us aro, and invite their co-operation in the name of s. common Christianity, in the name of a comraoa humanity, lo some plan r : I : .: . : i v u Jl ieCUMUiH4VlUII UI IK' UriMtULllUII, UJ WHICH th'S sections may unite upon a more stable W t III V 4I-U II1V VU- -lll'llf which we have differed so long may be har moniously adjusted ; and each section, by t vfna r( I riA rtPAitnilia amaIamaiI ' a t Y a iiiuo vi - ov f;icatucoi ucvciupcu IIS IUC nrT, may profit y the experience. There ii comethin tangible, something practical in such a piaiform as this. It has an object J . S.l . I ii ii on aiiTi m n i mo maanci b nrrrtatimi uwa exactly ibe means by which the object and the aim ian be accompli-hed. Reunion, tl. rough the policy of the fanatical Aboli tionist or" the War Democrat, is simply a contradiction in terms his a. non constat ia law.- H he present tearful conjecture can not be overcome by any such aid : "Non tali auxilio, neo defensoribus istis : tempnseget." - , , It, then, the Democracy of the country rouse itself to the great issue before it, and meet the crisis with an energy atd fearless rn's? wortsy of its ancient renown. ' Let it la down distinctly the proposition, that he who is col for us in.BUch principles is 8;sinst m- ; and It it excommunicate from tin councils and its conventions all men who, prelendiog to be Democrats, hold of fice under this Administration. They are, at be it, bat spies in the camp, and the soon i they ate disposed of the better wilt it be for the safety and integrity of our forcesi The La Crotse Democrat, always true, ear nest, and distinctive in its principles, has in its last week's issue a most admirable cutaloaor of the kinds of Democracy extant tfcronghoot the country : : "' Fust :' 'The Democrat- who openly or s!ot board lets his voice or his peti be yard loi the riaht ar.d against the wtoni;. Sitond.l The Democrat who says nothing stii does nothinz, bat waits quietly to see bi.k rnmiiig ooi ahead. ' Ikhd ; The Democrat who, for a few di!!ars In greenbacks, will accept some pilir oice at the hands of an Administra tion vrhi:b despises him, and which he de Fises ; and thus endeavors to earn his p-tce by, Tiliifying . and libeling the party ttat is more honored, by his absence than h'.B fresocce. - - i Lcurfk : The policy Democrat who shifts, turns, roils, Vkiates, chauzes hands, and jamps high and wide for the top of whai eitr p'-irik may come up. If there is a ilnxt ioi Democracy to win the day, he J howl. aitd goes it s-trocg in tiller. deuunci Ktion ol nil opposition parties. ' If there is a ehanca to make a few dollars, by biecd- iSjr "till" soma fa-end of oeroisio. ha gisnilj slUs iuio tba c&aanel, and as h.9 ' FAR OP THE NORTH v ; " We are sometimes asked what would be the postive policy of the Democratic party if restored to power." "First they would restore the supremacy of our violated Constitution and -laws, and with this entire and absolute liberty of speech, of the press and of the ballot, and sacred privilege of the habeas corpus. ; They will free the loyal States from the presence of military encampments and of all officers and soldiers physically - able to take the field ; thus re-enforcing our armies at least one third. - ''They will abolish ' the system of arbi trary arrests for opinion's sake ; they will abolish provost marshals and tho en tire system of military government in the loyal States.' "They will offer the rebels fair and hon orable terms of peace, provided they will ground the wepons of their rebellion and come back to the Union offering them the Constitution of the tJnited States on the one hand, and a vigorous prosecution of the war on the other." ' ' Governor Parker, of New Jersey, who has been called a copperhead and southern sympathizer by the abolition press, is out in a stirring proclamation to the people of bis State, calling upon them to respond to the President's call for mora troops. He says : "I earnestly call vpon all citizens of this state to use every effort to raise these troops. The time for work is 6hort, but if the people of New Jersey, who have hitherto never faltered in the discharge of duty, will, uni tedly, and in the proper spirit, at once enter upon it, with the determination not to fail, they will succeed. Our armies shoold be largely reinforced. A crushing blow at the armed power of the rebellion, if followed by wise, just, and conciliatory counsels, will open the door to that peace which we so much desire, and which has thus far elu ded U3. The people, amid many discour aging circumstances, nobly reponded to my former call lor volunteers. Whatever may be the' result of this appeal, the evenl3 of the past few months have reflected addi tional honor on our beloved state. 1 have confidence that the people will again re spond, and fill with volunteers not only our quota of the new call, but also the small existing deficiency." Is this the language of a traitor to h'19 country? Or are the men who have so charged him and Governor Seymour and all Democrats, base and malignant liars. All Right The Leaguers, in Philadel phia, have bound themselves not to associ ate with Democrats. When one of its mem bers gives a party, the list of names 10 be invited has to be audited by the "head" of the family before the cards are sent forth. On a recent occasion, the daughter of a wealthy 'Leaguer," in Arch street, was about to have a party, and 'he list of young gentlemen invited had, of course, to be submitted to papa, fie returned it to his daughter with one name stricken off. "What is that for V asked the young laJy. "He is a Democrat," said the old man, "yoa most not. invite him". "But," re plied the young lady, "he i9 the only young man ol ability and really refined mam ers on the whole list." The dispuie which followed caused the party to be postponed, in this particular instance ; but that kind ol intolerance is generally practiced among the League party, in Philadelphia. It would serve the old fools right if their daughters should marry only with the shallow cox combs who are trying to make themselves the equals of negroes ; but it would be an awful punishment to the young women. Peterson's Magazine. We are in re ceipt of this popular Lady's Magazine, for December. It is a splendid number "Pe terson" will be greatly improved in 1864. It will contain nearly 1100 pages of double column reading matter ; 14 steel plates ; 12 colored steel fashion plates ; 12 colored pat terns in Berlin work, enobrwdery or crochet, and POO wood encravioss proportionately more than any other pe iodical gives. Its sto. ries and novolelsare by the best writers. In 1864, Four Original Copyright Novelets will be given, lis Fashions are always the Latest and Prettiest. Every neighborhood ought to make up a club. Its, price is tut Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of its class. It is the Magazine for the Times ! To clubs, it is cheaper still, viz: three copies for 85, five for 57,50, or eight for $10. -To every person gelling up a club, (at these rates.) the Publisher will send an extra copy gratis. Specimens sent (if written for) to those wishing to get op clubs. Address, post-paid, Charles J. Pctcbson, ' 306 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia. ' " - - r -. Mckder. OnThursday night last, George JC Smith, of the firm of George Smith & Co , operating the Spring Mountain colliery, Janesville, was called to the door of his resi dence, and us be stepped out was shot dead. The perpetrator, of the deed is unknown. Carbon Democrat. The total number, of votes polled ic. this State at the late election for Governor was 523,667.- Curtin received ,296,469, Wood ward 254, 171, For Judge, Agnew, 267,257. Lowrie, 254,855.- Cortin's majority 15,325. Agnew's 12,402. Thirty foer counties gave Abortion , majorities and - thirty-two gave Detcocralio ones.., , , ; . , ? g ' txs bobbing down the stream, it-ia- ,,if' and ; but,4 or in certain contingencies, j'or had it been, or were the cae different he might like a man stand op for his faith." Such men back and fill, contradict them selves, blow hot and then cold first praise and then censure take a bold tand one day, and then turn like a .sacred cat the next. We don't like such men. There is. no dependence to be placed in them. -They will belray and sell their bt,st friends. Sel fish at heart, cowards by nature, eager only for the spoils, they live and die political "might have beens." The Star of. the North recognizes- only as Democrats henceforth ' such as belongs to the first class. It never hug, and never can have any affiliation with any other. ' ' m m m m What would we Da. JTcrms of Peace - There has not been a moment ; from the commencement of the .war troubles, that we could not lay our hand, upon the South ern pulse and tell its temper. Without now referring to the intervening ptages, we will speak ocly of 'its present condition ; thus speaking we do not hesitate to assert our entire conviction that the Southern Confed eracy would agree that the ques'.ion of un ion or separation would be left to the unbi ased vote of the fifteen Southern States re spectively ; and that in order to insure this unbiased expression ol opinion, such mode of ascertaining it should be adopted as a disinterested arbiter, mutually chosen, should indicate. The friends of the Union will have every advantage in such mode of adjustment, be cause neatly all the loss of life and disabili ty bas been on the part ot those who fcave ben driven to choose separation, under the conviction, by that mode alone could they escape the evils so distinctly menaced by the Republican party. Such a mode is cer tainly that most in accordance with ' the vital principle of all republican government, the consent of the governed j" it is more in accordance with a fraternal, generous ienti ment, and altogether more consonant with every ChiisiUn principle, and would stand in beaut ilul contrast with the mode now in progress, which, besides rendering us a stench in the nostrils of civilization, covers the land ith desolation and mourning, de moralizing the people, impoverishing the country, at tne same time that is imposing a mountain of debt. Lastly, though not least, it is a mode incomparably better cal culated to inspire Union feeling in the Sonth, at least to leave unobstructed that "natural gravitation of affinity," which John Qjincy Adams, with equal truth and felici ty of expression, declared to be the only force or influence which can harmoniously and beneficently bold the States together. We commend this matter to the conscleti' tious consideration, not only of Christians, but of all men who really have, or profess to have, any regard for the true principles of republican liberty, and who wish to avoid that fate, which, otherwise, would seem to bo inevitable, a settled despotism, the dark shadows of which already darken the land in all its length and breadth. N. Y. Daily News. A party of gentlemen visited some of our citizens last Friday night. But coming at an unreasonable hour, did not find them waiting to receive them. Baing on a col lecting tour, as it appears, they entered the coal office of Mr. Mordecai and made an assessment, the amount of which we have not learned. Calling upon Mr. Lewis, a merchant tailor, they took upwards of $125 worth of jewelry from his store. From the store of Mr. Lo'vensteio they obtained SI 8 ir. money and about S3T worth of goods. Visiting Schwab's tobacco store they made a raise of near $30 in money, a lot of se gars and tobacco and some pipes and other articles from the show case, including four fancy pipes that were worth S7 a piece Visaing the Saloon of James Campbell, they took what loose change they found in his drawer, amounting to S2 or $3, and undoubtedly helped themselves to some thing to cheer up the inner man, after which they decamped. Perhaps the strongest thing connected with their visits was, that they did not leave their cards as is usual in good society when parties are not found at home, they also omitted to leave receipts for what. they took, so that it might be cred ited to the proper person's accounts. Sup posed to be "professional gentlemen1' who have been visiting several towns down the river. Record efllie Times, Wilkesbarre. The Heavy Gust of Wind on last Friday afternoon blew dowu the brick front of the new Baptist Church, in this place, which is now in the course of erection. It also blew down both sides of the new German Catholic church near the residence of Sam uel Yorks. The walls bad just been finish ed to their full height readr to receive the rafters. Our friend Emanuel Peters, com inrr down Mill street with a covered wagon had the top thereof most unceremoniously lifted' off by the wind, and he himself barely escaped with his whole head, which was left bare of covering, his hat going in company with the wagon top. In the coun try, trees wero uprooted, cornshocks scat tered over the fields, fences lorn down, and various other pranks played by old Boreos, who seemed to be on a rampage just then. Danville Democrat, 13A inst. Evert Georgian in Debt. The total in debtedness of the State of Georgia ia i 14,146 410. This is forty-seven dollars of indebt edness for every white male inhabitant of the State. Including the whole whita pop ulation, male and female, every individual owes about twenty-four dollars. Secession is proving a costly operation. Toledo (0) Blade. So is every man in the North in debt . as much it not more, and their liabilities are increasing every day the war lasts. It is eating op the substance of the country, and putting a mortgage upon every man'n prop erty, that will take an age to pay off, and many a man will find his mortgage fore closed and his worldly effects sold under the Marshal's hammer, sooner than he im agines Abolition is also proving a costly operation. Fatal Accident. On last Friday night, a man by the name of Dunbar, from Troy, was killed at the water staron (near the canal bridge below town,) on - the Lack awanna Rail Road, having both his head and legs horribly mangled. He was em ployed as a brakeman on the road, and it is supposed fell off the platform, when the cars started after taking in water. He was not missed until the train reached Chulasky, and upon returning they found his mangled body as stated above. Danville DenuKral. The rebels sad the abolitionists are re joicing alike over the defeat of the democ racy ol the North. They neither onr want the Union restored. , Are They Loyal. The Governor having issued his proclama tion calling "on the good and loyal freemen of this Commonwealth to enlist in the ser vice of the United States,- under the proc lamation of the President," and the q uota of the State being only 38,268, we are'anxi ously wailing to see the number furnished without the unnecessary delay from the ranks of the 296,000 "loyal" rebel croshers who cast :heir votes lor Andrew G. C urtin on tfie 13'h of October, thereby pledging themselves to sustain all the war measures of Mr Lincoln. They a'e great war men; do they die or will they go. . Ar'emos Ward expresses their sentiments, "If wuss comes to wuss" they "will shed every dmp of blood their able bodied relations has got to prosekoot the war." Tunkhinnock Demo crat, ' - Mow to Raise 150 000 Men. We invite the attention of the President to the follow ing short but. sensible and patriotic para graph from the Louisville Journal. While his "loyal" friends in Pennsylvania are doing their bent to prevent voluntary enlist ments. Prentice comes in the rescue, and shows in four lines howone half of the num ber of the men required can be obtained. He says : - "We don't know that the President can raise 300,000iew volunteers, but he can place Buell and M'Clellan in the field and that would be worth half the num ber." , New Jkrset iwas the only Democratic Sute able to successfully resist the shame ful means resorted to by the War Depart ment, to overcome the popular will. The Legislature is two-thirds Democratic. New York city polled" 20,000 majority for the tight, knowing that the 30,000 or more im ported men, picked from the army and sent under orders, would capture the State. Massachusetts and Wisconsin have gone as usual. In Maryland and Missouri, the Provost Marshal? decided who shall run and who shall vote, and the "elections" were a complete farce. A Great Cuhiosrry On Saturday laM, a one of the mar-ons, at . the wet llarrisburg market house, was dressing one ol the s.ones of which the building is being constructed, upon chipping off a block, he found a Urge petrified rattlesnake in the inside. The snake is in a mo6t wonderful tttate of preser vation. The scales are perfect, -the back bone is clearly defined, and it is one of the most interesting specimens of petrefactiori probably ever discovered.. The gentle manly superintendent of the work, Mr. Chas. Swartz, has possession of the reptile at present. llarrisburg Uiiion. The administration, if it suspends many more of our brave Generals, will lose its suspenders, and make an unseemly exhi bition of itself. Pt entice. "It is not for want of means that the ad ministration of Mr. A. Lincoln will break down. Abolition. Paper. No, certainly not. He has had all the means he has called for fabulous sums of money, and men almost innumerable- means enough under wise direction, hsve conquered half the world. Iq William Sprgce, of Rhode Island, Uni ted States Senator from that Stale, has la'ely been married to the handsome and accom plished Miss Catharine Chase, daughter of the Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio. On Saturday afternoon last they arrived at the Continental, in Phila delphia, where they, and their staff, spent a few hours, occupying apartments lately taken up by A. Lincoln. We havebeen watching the progress of Ihe draft in this District to see how many of the Republicans that were drafted woulJ go to the war. And how many do you think have gonel Not one. Eiston Argus. So it is everywhere. Those who talked loudest for war tem't go. Some of the Abolition newspapers are trying to influence the President to make a change in his Cabinet and put oat the men who pretend to be .conservative. If they will wait a few months, we think the people will make the change themselves. They will put out the whole abolition tribe and give their places to good Union Demo crats. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, carefully corrected weekly. WHEAT, SI RYE, 1 CORN, new, " OATS, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr. bbl. 7 CLOVERSEED 5 33 00 75 65 75 50 50 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES, DR;D APPLESl HAMS, 25 16 12 14 50 50 12 MARRIED. At Benton, Oct. 29th, by Sam I R. Kline, Fsq.. Mr. Damel Yocko, of Jackson twp., to Miss Levina Cole, of Benton twp., all ol Columbia co. On the 4th inst., by Rev. Isaac Austin, Mr. Alvt Harvt, and Miss Sarah Boston, both of Columbia co. On the 10th inst., by Rev. Wm. J. Ever, Mr. John Erom, of Locust township, to Miss Hknkistta Bodike, ot Cattawissa twp. On the 2d inst., by Rev. Isaac Austin Mr. G. W. Robrets, of Union, Luz. co, to Miss Diantha Sctl:ff, of Culloch twp , Sullivan 1 county. At the residence of the bride's father, 3d inst., by Rev. Josiah Forrest, Mr. A. Un angst, to Miss Mary C. Kobbins, both of Columbia co. By the arae, on the 7th inst., at the par sonage in Orangeville, Mr. C. C. Stiles, of Lnz. co., to Miss Lucy H. Baker, of Colum bia co. DIED. In Centre township, Columbia county, on Saturday night last, Mr. Charles Goodman, aged about 30 years. In Benton twp., Col. co., recently, Mr. Phiseas SiTtRB, aged about 30 years. On Sunday Nov. 1st, in Valley township, Montour co.r Bekj. M'Mahan, aged 69 years, 4 mouths and H days. , LATE WAR NEWS. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Washington, Nov. 13th. From the front we hear that the enemy present a very strong front on the south bank of the Rap idan.and have commenced picket shoot ing. Yesterday a detachment of the 1st Vermont Cavalry was fired on while going out on picket near the river, and . all along between Summerville and Germania Fords our men. op picket find it necessary to keep under cover or else be made targets of. The water in the Rapidan is very low, and the river is fordable at many points. This makes the work of guarding it very ardu ous. There are but few parties of rebels now on the left bank of the Rapidati. A small party was driven across yesterday by an inferior force. When our men reached the bank both infantry and artillery were dis posed on the opposite side to resist what they thought wan a reconuoissance in force or a movement to crossj but no heavy guns opened on either side, and there war but little carbine firing. The enemy have also resnmed work with the spade. They are not satisfied with the defences thrown up last September, but are digging rifle-pits and thowing up earth works and constructing curtains .'or erery exposed point. Capt. L. C. Ar.dress, Co. H., I3th P. V., lies mortally wounded at the house of Air. Stringfellow, near Brandy Station. While the 3d Corps was moving to the front last Saturday, for a few minutes it wa under quite a heavy fire of shell. One shell struck Capt. Andress in ihe rijrht thigh, fracturing the bone to the hip joint. Correspondence New York Herald. Army of the Potomac, Nov. 13 War renton Junction is at present the depot from whence all army supplies are issued- Four hundred and fifty thousand rations were issued yesterday and day before. Here,too ar the quarters of the Sanitary and Chris Man Commissions and the Maine Camp Relief Association. A deserter from the 9th Alabama regi ment, in Ewell's corps, came into our pick et lines yesterday, who Mated that the men in his reaimrn: have laid down their arms since the fhl at Rappahannock Siation, and refused to serve lonaer in the rebel army. Tb?y were ordered to be placed under foard, but before the guard came succeeded in dispersing themselves through the country, and are seeking opportunities to come i mo the Union Jinas. He repre sents that a very despon-Jsnt feeUnz exists in the rebel army of Norti am Virginia and ' a general belief in the ranks ihat their cause is becoming more hopeless as time passes. A cortrnciion train ran off the track bo tween Bealton and Warrenon Junction this morning, demolishing one car, but doing no other damage No regular trains run beyond Warrenton Junction ye:; but a the track will be com pleted to the Rappahannock and the bridge constructed over it by Sunday nigtit, it is probable the road wi! be opened to Cul peper on Monday or Tuesday. Seiernl sutlers came up 10-day, and will go to the front to-morrow, whera their goods are greatly needed NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. The Lalc Affair on the Rappahannock. r From the Richmond Ehqniur, 1 Ifi About 150 ol our men, who were woun ded in the battle at Kelly's Ford on Satur day, reached this city yesterday. From their reports, and the information derived from other sources, we make up some ac count of the affair. Hoke's and Hayes" brig ade, of Early's Division, with two batteries i of arillery, were oa picket duty north of i the Rappahannock, at Kelly's Ford. The two brigades numbered only about 2 000 Ar.out twelve 0 clock the enemy made a sud.ten ant! unexpected attack in such force that their skirmishers alone seemed to out numbered our whole force, and so quietly had they approached that they seemed to our men to have risen out of the ground. They were evidently well informed ol our force and position, and had come down to surround and capture us. With this intent, their first effort was to cut us off from the river. As they were forcing their way toward the river, the enemy closed around them, a-id a hand to hand fi j;ht ensned, in which numbers nn both sides were killed. About six hundred of our men succeeded in reach inj the river and escaping. Many are said to have been drowned in the eroding Our whole loss in this unfortunate affair in. killed, wounded an missing, could noi have been more than 1 500 H tyes' brigade only numbered S00 men at the battle of Gettysburg, and it is not likely, its strength has been much increased since. Hoke's brigade, it is not likely, numbered more than 1.C00 or 1,200. Ot the two brigades 600 escaped. Col. Godwin, formerly one of the Provost Marshals of Richmond, wa in com mand ol Hoke's brigade, and is said to have been wounded. From Genera! Grab's Army. From the tame Paper. The armies still confront each other in Tennessee, and the struggle may be renew ed there at any moment. The lull there can be only temporary, for the indications are too clear to doubt that the enemy is de termined and preparing lor battle. Tiie correspondent of the Atlanta Intelligencer writes from Missionary Ridge : 'Our extreme right now occupies Loudon, the enemy having evacuated their fortifi cations on our approach, which now gives os the command of the Tennessee river at that point, and brings onr forces within twenty-three miles of Knoxville, under cover of the enemy's own works. It is ex pected that there will be important move ments in this direction at some future day, as our near proximity to Burnside's army must naturally suggest. "Our troops are panting for a move, having become tired ot bivouac life, especi ally on these dreary heights and swampy valleys. The health of our men, consider ing their late exposure to cold rains, is very good. The most of the men now in our army have become well seasoned and har dened to camp life and duties. A number however, are suffering from cold, &c, but no serious complaints. Three thousand fine heavy English blankets have been dis tributed among Breckinridge's Division, which were greatly needed ; and il the Government and people will continue to provide for our soldiers they will gradually be more comfortable. Our bands play nighl and morning, and our boys are cheerful and in good spirits." Brandy Station and Kelly's Ford Iil-Oraen-rd Ground. From ihe same Paper Nov. 10. The unexpected misadventure on the banks of Ihe Rappahannock occupies public atten tion in a most disagreeable manner, but the scanty intelligence received from that quar ter is still insufficient to understand or esti mate it fully. It is said that the cavalry had been ordered lothe rear for the purpose of recruiting their horses, and hence the enemy was enabled to attack without ordi nary warning or preparation. It is also re ported that Hayes' brigade did not number t more than five or six hundred men, and that the loss in prisoners was, therefore, very much below what has been supposed However thee thing may be, let us hope that an event so serious and mortifying may have the good effect of putting a con clusion to the series of similar accidents which have rendered the neighborhood of Brandy Station and Kelly's FoTd an ill omened ground. What else may come of it will be so speedily known that specula lion would be imprudent. Natoraliy it might be supposed that the success should tempt Meade to immediate battle on an extensive scale. But he is cautious. He is unwilling to tread the path of his prede cessors. Ihe "capture of two brigades" may be sufficient to give him a new lease of that life which the next general action, undertaken by order from Washington, will probably terminate. A Visit to Gen. Lce'i Army. A correspondent of the Raleigh (North Carolina) Progress, on a visit to General Lee's army, writes: "I rode over yester day to Gen. Lee's headquarters, which con sisted of a cluster of cloth tents pitched in a grove of oaks, surrounding an old meeting house. 1 found Gen. Lee sitting by a lou fire at he mouth of hi& tent, with one of his aids, enjoy ins a social conversation over a late Yankee newspaper. Upon my ap proach, the old hero, without any formality roue and gave me a cordial welcome to his headquarter. (I had his acquaintance be fore hi.) Gen'l Lee is in blooming healih and spoke hopefully of our cause, and con fidently of oar final triumph in this bloody struggle for Southern independence. He remarked, "ft is with us independence or nothing." " I have traveled over many miles of this Culpeper, and the adjoining counties, once blooming as a garden, but now, a far as the eye can reach, is one wide wate and desolation. The Yankee have, destroyed nearly everything. The palace and the ne gro quarters are torn from their foundations to furnish material for their winter quarters; the fences are all burned; the luxuriant fields no longer wave with cultivated crops; not a enw, or a horse, or a four-footed beast of any kind, is left to disturb the melan choly 6ilence. Even the birds seem to have taken their flight to climes further South." JITTFNT1UN ! ALL WIlO.11 II' MAY CONCFK. TO THE undersigned being a regularly "Ii -censed Auctioneer," hereby offers his eer vices as such, to all who may feel disposed to give him a call. His sreat experience in the fjcsine, will enable him to render satisfaction to his customers. Al the same lime he cautions all A'tioneers, not licens ed, from following said calling, as the fine fixed by the U. S. 'Till surely be impose! , and the law carried out to its full extent. All persons det-iring 10 obtain my service, will plea-e ioform ma to that effect before they advertise. J. D. RICE, Auc'r. Liit S re', Nov. IS, 1853. Trial List for December Term, IS83. 1 Philip Wintersieeu vsVal. Winierteen. 2 Henry Well vs George Kmley, Jr. 3 Jacob Eyer vu Abraham Klase. 4 Abraham Kl.ise vs Jacob Eyer. 5 David Lvi. ei al vs Sirnnel L. Bettle. 6 Daniel F Seybert vs Joseph Gen-il. 7 E.-McMorrie, et al v Christian Wolf. 8 J. H. Brown, et al vs Leonard B. Rupert. 9 James Hording vs Elia Reese. 10 Lou'wa Goweri vs Elizabeth'Dalius . 1 1 Jacob Harris vs IVier Jaeoby. 12 Jacob Bond vs Tilman Nasle. 13 Geo. Hurtle, et al vs J. V. Criwell, et al 14 David UeinbolJ vs ivln-hael Grover. 15 Rossel P. Stoker vs William Ikeler. 16 W. A. Kline v Geo W Hoffman, et al 17 Rebec ca Vanderlice vsGeorse Dod-on. 18 N. L. Campbell vs Samuel Johnson. 19 Franklin l-nngerberg r's Adtuin'fs vs. Christian Wolf. 20 D. F. Seybert v Reuben Nicelj. 21 B. F. Reijihard & B-o vs SUa-V). Edgir. 22 Daniel J. Carey vs Manz & Ent. 23 W. A. Kline vs G.-W. Hoffman 24 Joseph F. Lona vs Isaac D. Pa'.ion. 25 Enoi. L. AJams vs D. F. Seybert, et al. 26 Charles H. Hess vs Siephen Wolf. 27 J iseph Hartman vs Reuben Lins. 28 Rebecca Tranue vs Willi im Tfansue. 29 Elias Reese ue vs Iarr Ruter. 30 Jacob Ter wiilger vs Trmma Meredith. 31 S. J. Faux ose v 15. F. Reiahard et al 32 Ricketts & Stewart vs Emanuel Johnson. 33 Jacob Buck, Ext. v Jesm Buck. 3 4 I). H. Bogart et al vs W Deuui-on el al. Bloomstur, Nov. 19. !Sfi3. THE MAGAZIM: FOR THE TIMES! TJETERSON S MAGAZINE, the best and cheapest in the World for ladies. Tni popular monthly Magazine will be greatly improve.) for 1864. It will eoo'ain one Thousand 1'asre of Reading! Fourteen Splendid S:eel Plates! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Pattern! Nine Hundrel Wood Cuts! Twenty Four l'a;es uf Mu sic! All thi will be civeri for only Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Maga zines of the cla- of "Peierson." ft Tiiril lins Tales and Nove!'t?s ra the bet pub-li-hed anywhere. All the most popular wri;er are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1S61, in addition lo its usual quantity of short stories. Four Origi nal Copyriaht Novelets, will be siven, by Ann S iSiephens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee Benedict, and the Author of "the Second Life." It also publishes Fashion Jihea l of All Others. Each number, in addition trt the colorpd plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood. Also, a ptern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dress, can be cut out, without the pid of a tnantua maker. A LSO, several i ages of HouseholJ and other Receipts. It is the best Lady's Magazine in the Jf'orld Try it for one Year Terms, Always i't Advance. One Copy, one year, S 2 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Five copies, for one year, qq Eight copies, one year, 10 CO Premiums for Getting up Clubs: Three, Five or eight copies make a club. To every person setting up a club, at ihe above raies, a copy ot the Magazine for 1864 will be given gratis. Addres. post-paid, CHARLES J. TETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Phila. November 18, 1S63. LEATHER ! LEATHER ! ft M E undersigned would announce, that -- he has on hand, at his Hat and Cap emporium on Main 6treet, BIoomburg. an assortment of different kind of leaiher,such as fine calf skins, morocco, red ar.d black and linings, all of which he will sell cheap er than can be had elesewhere in this mar ket. Call and examine them for youielves. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, May 21, 1862. ED WR AD B, SNIDER, AND Gciic'l ComNion . 31 c reliant. Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa. Particular attention Given to Patent rights Sapl. 2, 1&63. 3mo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. WHITE MES MUST RULE AMERICA. THE CHEATEST PAVER PUBLISHED. 1 PORTY-EIRHT columns of readina mat- ter per week for Si 20 per y ear. The only NeW york paper made up exclusive ly for country circulation; and, the news of the week, with the catile. produce, and other market, carefully reported. The New York Day-Hook, for 1834. Whre Men's Liberties State Rights Fed eral Union. The New York Day-Bnok is an indepen dent, Democratic Jojrnal, holding with the late Senator Douglas, that "this govern ment is made on the white basis, by white men, for the benefit of while men and their posterity forever." Ii i a lare dou ble sheet, with f-rty eight columns of read ing matter, and in all respects whether for Markets, news, Literary or Agricultural information is noi inferior lo any as a po litical or family newspaper. In its politi cal department, it grapples boldly with the real question before the American people, . and presents the only philosophy of it which can resist the sweeping march of Abolitionism. It is Democratic in the true sense of the tprm the defender of the peo pla'n rights, but it is the upholder of no par ty chicanery ortrukery. is not only for peace, but 11 shows how, and how only, ' permanent peace can be obtained, and this glo-ious white man's government of Wash ington restored, viz: by the utter route, overthrow, and extermination of Abolition ism from American soil. The Day Cook is now ihe only weekly political paper in New York city made uo exclusively lor country circulation. All the others are rha-hed from the columns of some daily paper, which renders it almost impossible to give so complete and general a summary of the news as in the other case Persons about subscribing should take this into consideration. Democrats, al-o, must see to it that soond papers are circulate! amonj the people, or abnl'Hion ism will never oe put down. (W All who desire In refute the ar-jumenm of Abolition ists, shonld read The Day Book. TERMS: One copy, one year. 92 P0 Three copies on yea', $5 00; Five copie, one year, S7 50: Ten copies, one year, and one lo the geiter dp of the club, S14 00; Twenty copies, one year, and one lo the getierupof the Club, f 24 00. Additional copies, each Si 2i. The nam of the poM-office, count-, and Sta'e, shoold in all rae, be plainly given in every letter. Payments always in adance, and all papers will be stopped when the time of subscription paid for expires. Address, VAN EVRIE, HOhTON & CO., 162 Nassau M., New York. Special Orders. We desire this year to place before a million of northern read ers the great doctrines "The Day B.-ok" teaches on the question of the Races. We confidently believe if this Journal were placed in the hands of one half of the vo ters of the northern Sates between thi time and November, 1864, the Democrats could not fad to carry lle next presidential elec tion. We therefore make the fallowing offers, not in the light of prizes, and not even because i' wilt be profitable, for we can scarcely afford it but solely to secure a wide dissemination of the views which we profoundly believe will save our coun try. Clubs of Twenty. For a club of 20, besides the extra paper now offered, we will send a copy of Dr. Van Evrie'ii great work on "negroes and negro lavery," the third edition of which isjusl ready. Price One Dollar. Clubs of Fifty. For a club of Fifty subscribers, at 10, we will send one extra paper, and a complete set of our Ami Abo lition Publications," ihe price of which, takeji together, amount to 2 75. Clubs of One Hundred. In relation to Club of o'te hundred, we will say this: Whoever will send u oie hundred sub scribers at one time, the club to be aenl to one address, and bein and end at the tame time, will receive thj papers at $100. V. E., II . & CO. November IS, 1863. PROSPECTUS OF "THE A(LV A NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. ri'O be published Daily and Weekly ia the city of Philadelphia. b A J Glss brenner fc Co. ''The Age" will advocate ihe principles f the Dernoratic parly, and will, therefore, r.ecessaniy favor the resto ration of the Union as it wa, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that ol this Commonwealth. It will freely and fairly di-cuss all legit imate subject of newspaper comment, in cluding, ol course, and pre-eminently at this time, all questions connected with the exi-ling unhappy condi ion of our country. It will feariecsly criticise the public acts of public servants and defend the legal and constitutional right of individual citizens nd ol sovereign States, aaiust assaults lrom any quaner. It will seek 10 awaken the mind of the people to a proper sense of ihe actual con dition of the Republic to present to them, truthfully, the fearful peril in which we stand as a nation to exhibit the magnitude of the taj-k that lie before them, if they would check our downward progress and to inspire them with patriotic determioa- . lion to apply the remedy for onr national ill. In belief, it wi'l in all things, aim to be th faithful exponent of Democratie prin ciples, a.ul o render itself worthy to be an organ of the democratic party, under whose auspices our country prospered so long; and so well. Tne restoration of that par ty the party of the Constitution and the Union to power in the legislative and ex ecutive governmental branches of the State and ol ihe Union, we believe to be neces sary lo avert anarchy, and the u'ter ruin of the Republic. To contribute to that resto-" ration will be our highest aim. The news, literary, commercial and oth er departments, will receive due attention, and will be so conducted a lo make "The Age" worthy of the support ol the generals reader. The many difficulties now surrounding an enterprise of the magnitude of that in which the undersigned are engaged, re quire them to appeal to the public for generous support, and to ask for "The Ae" a liberal patronage and extended cir culation. The preparatory arrranseraents warrant ed the sniug of the frnt number of the Daily Aee in the month of March 1863,and the Weekly was commenced soon alter. terms : Daily, per annum, 56 00 do Six month, 2 00 " Three months, 1 50 Copies delivered at the counter, and lo Agents and Carriers, 2 cer.tB each. Weekly, per annum, f2 00 do Six months, 1 00 do Three months, 80 , i Ten copies lo one address, 17 50 Twenty do do 32 CO Thirty, do do 45 00 CF" Payment required invariably in ad vance. .Addre, A. J. GLOSSBRENER & CO., 430 Chestnut Street, Phaia. November IS, 18b3. , '