SI A It OF THE NORTH fS2LOO.fl $12 17 St G, PA. WEfNESDAY MORNING. NOV. 4. 1863. Sc osw advertisements in to day's Str. Attention i directed to ihe new adver tisement of Simon Shive's Cabinet Rooms, I this place, in thin paper. Riad minutes of the Teacher' Institute, In another column of our paper, which was held On the Ztilh nit , at OrangailIe. m m m m m Thl Abolitionist h id a Curtin "iipper ner ved up for them at the "Fork Hotel,' this place, oi Tuesday e-rening, of last weak. It wi.a pot much of an affair. CflST!M'T9. The ohestnnt crop this Fall is nnusrally large, and great quantities off Ihese not are offered for sa'e in oor market. Ten cents per qoart is the mlin price. . Tur Columbia County Teachers' Jsaciititn will meet in Bloomsburg, om Saturday, the 14th day cf November, 163 at 10 o'clock, a. rn.. for the pnrpose of taking steps for the revival of the Association. A good turnout tf Teachers i epected. A Republican editor says, "the height of impudence i to alc a Copperhead if he believes slavery to be a sin " No. sir, the highest impudence is to ak 80 Abolitionist if he loves the Union and the Constitution- Tr. Republican editors are areatly alarm d lust the Democrary shall "embarrass" j the Administration. To read these papers ; .,l i . it.. a .: i viip piiiiiu .-ij y yifTvr ilia li III I II ISM lat I o II easily embarrassed as a vonng lady while entertaining her first bean. It must be a pity : . , , . , r 3 ! lo e;Tibnrras?s a thief while stealing yoar ; I treat ore. . OT . . Sirpnryr H. MiiLra ha jnst opened ont a few stock of Fall and Winter Goods. He j inviies hi? customers lo call and examine his jroo.1 for their own satisfaction. We hesitate nrt in recommending his selection of 0"ds lo the publ-ie. Pry-good can be had at 'lis store at a more reasonable figare than any other in the place. Mr. Lincoln and his proclamation for lhree hnndred Ihonsand more troop, of rooie wants l.oyaI Union men. Now, if the abolition party have been telling the ; Robert Eflwcli., son of Judge Elwell.aged troth, this does not mean democrats, for 2 Jear and 10 n,on,h' they are Copperheads, rebels and lories. In Locnst twp., Columbia co., on the 20th Whawonld think or putting rebels in lhe J of October, SaL Wrt.-aed about 62 Union army ? Twe' AhVfionisf .eern to be more dis-: eaiened than j-b:lant oer their victory for (jdvernor in this State. The Democrats aeein to e'ljoy the de'eat more easily. The -Aboliti"niits feel ami look mighty guilty. They told and circulated all manner of lie, misrepresented Judge Woodward, a:td prac- Heed fiatids to so gfa' an extent, to carry the election, that they are really ashamed of the iclory. Guilty party are they. - - m m m m Wc fluti on examining oor last file of the tb that, it is short three numbers, viz: Va,'. 14 No. 25 : No 39, and No. 42; ell the same volume Some one has iif-ed litem in onr absence, and we pot it down as be infe an act ot a "very small man." Who wo I'd be guilty of stealing a Printer's file paj-ers ? i We will pay a fair price to any pel son ho will furnish us wr h the thre tuxnSers abore men io ie I. So Ao'Idcnt We are reliably informed That a little daughter of Jackson Knorr ot Centre to'rt.hip, this county, was violently thrown from a wagon, on Wednesday last, which Iractured hert-kull in such a manner, that but slight hopes are entertained of her recovery; She is under the treatment of Ibe skillfil surgeon and accomplished phy .ician. Dr. H L Freas, of this place. Ber teirJi U'ttatli. Opb Ni:w Tblk We have lately added to oar already good assortment of furniture, in onr office, a new writing table, made by Mr. Joite Harman, of Orange ville, who car riea oi the Cabinet making business in all its brandies. He is a capital mechanic, and employs nothing bot skillful workmen to asidst him His work will compare favora bly with any done this side of onr large cit ies. He is prepared lo make op the most faihicnat le furnitore, at reasonable prices. - Too High Thi. necessary article for our comfort stone coal is selling at too high lignre. Although it may have advanced in price i.o more rap:d than other articles in oar market. All brought about through thg elect of this rebellion, instigated and carried an by the rebels of the South and the Abolitionists of the North. Coal, fit for cte, :js sidling at S4 per too in oar market. If; Niiw York it is bringing nine dollars and . fi t cents, and in Philadelphia nine dollars a too.. When navigation closes we may look for the price to go op stili higher. R.tT. T. M. Reisk, according to the Abo . Ii:ioc, organ op town, "gave the Copper heads and Traitors another blast on Sunday evening" of laet week, in the M. E. Church, at this place. This Rer. Reese seems to b bothered with Copperheads and Traitors quite considerably, as we scarcely hear him spok an : bat in connection wtth the ene irieiof our country. He was proad to say ttat be vi as an Abolilionisi'-thanked God fcritJ Ye have pretty good Repoblican . aothority in sayicg lhat an, ' Abolitionist is m bud an a Secef sionist," thai they walk hand in liand together, their purpose being to destroy the Urjion and the Constitution Sucfi rnea as Rer. Reese declare that this rabelliort shall not cease onti! every "negro in set freo. Is this what oor soldiers in the field are sacrificing their lives fot? Are we toseppolta negro war? We rather think il th awir .was boldly declared for the ab olition of slavery instead of a war for the Cnien itjwould have bat few supporters These Koverend gentlemen are the "last dsl'.ar" men, and the "last men" to do Any of the Eg'iUDg! They go for a vigorous pros ttbtntn ojihs war. Mf. Valland:gbam at the. recent election for Governor of Ohio, received a larger vole than any defeated candidate for Governor in the poli ical history of that State. The Nttional .police Gazette has been re ceived at this office, after an absence of jover a year. It looks natural, and reads with that fame familiarity as in the past. It is a good chronicler of police affairs, as well as general information of criminal and civil matters o! New York and other large cities. Subscription, S3 a year. Geo. VV. Malsell & Co , publishers, New York. SofptNDED. The Philadelphia Evening Journal has suspended for want of proper support. We regret this, as the Journal was an interesting paper. Fkakk Leslie's Lady's Migizine, for No vember, has been received. It is a hand some and interesting number. This Maga zine ranks head and shoulder above many other periodicals purporting to be ip. the firs; claes. The fashion plates in this work, alone, are well worth the price of subscriD- lion which is S3 ner annum The readimr is choice, interesting and instructive. Send and set it Publication office, 72 Duaue St , New York. We are now fending out bills to all sub scribes whose accounts have run over a year On goin? through our books, we find thai there is a large amount due us, in sums of $1 50 up toSlO, Sl5, and even S20, which we mast collect, in order to meet our obligations. We hope therefore, that every one who knows himself indebted to us, will lose no time in sending or bringing us the amount, may it be ever so small. It is a small matte for each subscriber to pay a bill of a few dollars ; and we are satisfied that lew, if any, who really wish to pay, need keep us walling for onr money. So far, few, to whom we have sent bills. have paid any attention to it ; although we , ,. . . " , commenced sending them out two weeks ... . , . uu. o trarneu our money, anu want it. Publishing a newspaper for glory, i a business we have gron tired ol long ago. A word to the wise, &c, is 6uffi cient. married. InCVawir-sa on the 22d ins:.t by Rv M. P. Crosthwaite. Mr Wm McNkal, to Miss Makt E. Lcdwiq, of Catawisa twp. DIED. In R!oombnrii. on Saturday. 30th ult.. j - " At the re-iience of hi son, in Freder icksburg, Wayne co . Ohio, on the lh ult, Mr Kobkrt McLov, btte of Washing- Monville, Montour co , aged 77 yenr. I:l ilootit fieasani, on Uie 27(n Danifi. Ziglkh, age ! about 50 year. ilt., In Madison, on the 2!si ijii., Mr Corns Lti's Yanhors, aged about 74 years At :be General Hospital, near Gettysburg. Sept. 25lhf I s63 . Clakkmcb son of Joseph Herman, aged 19 years, 1 mouth and 14 davs. In B!oombnr? on Friday, the 30lh of October 1863 Gfohgk Dallas Fav-reon of Cyrus and Clara Fry, aed 15 years, 7 months, and 27 days. GRAND JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERvl, 1863. Benton Thotia Sei-red Briariretk Pvis, John H. Smi'h Fishingcreek James Edgar, Geo. Mc Bride. Hemlork Mathis Aprlman. Jarkson John McHenry, Thomas W. Young. LoiMiit Hnrv Fiher, William Miller, Abraham Ye:pr Mifflin Jonn Snyder, Simuel Siydr. Mount Pleasant Aaron KMer, Jr., John Wannifk. Mame Solomon Shuman, John Har n o iy. Madison Perry Christian, Phineas WN liver. Orange Aaron R Patterson, Cornelius Belhs Snarloaf Jopph O. Hes, Andrew Hss. Scott- Jon n Shu man. TRAVERSE JEK0US FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1863 Bloom Augns'u Masorij Stephen Knorr. Beaver Samuel Fisher, Elias Miller, Wm. Schet:. ' Br'arcrek Evan D Adam Benton Peter Appleman John O. Dil dir.e. Centre Daniel Bower, George He-s, Pfier Miller, Aaron Kelrhner. Ca tawissa Joeeph Martz, Clinton Mar gerum. Fishingcreek Dauiel McHenry, Benj. McHenry. Greenwood Sylvester Albertson. John McMurtrv. Hemlock Amos Hartman. Jarkson John Savage. Madison Robert Fruit, Wrr. Carnahan, Lewis Schuyler. Maine John Nns. Mffl.n Lawrence Walters, Stephen Die terick. Ml Pleasan! Wm. J. Ikeler, William Howell. Montour Levi Weaver. Orange David Herring, John Pettebone, Jesse Brumstetler. Pine Francis Hunter Valentine Win lersteen, Henry Richart. Sugarloaf James Hes.. TDE NEW GROCERY STORE. MORE Just received at Erasmus1 New Store. Molast-e, Sugars, Teas, Coflee, Rice. Spices, - Fish, . Sal', Tobaco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Tocether with a great variety of notions &c , too nnmerous to mention. CF"Butter, Eggs, Meat and produce gen erally taken in exchange for yoods.- 7 A. B. ERASMUS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863 DAVID L0WE3BERG, . CLOTHING STORE, On Main street, t wodoorsabovethe 'Amer eaa HotsL' : A FORTUNE FOES ALL! EITHER MEN OR WOMEN ! NO HUMBUG, but an ENTIRELY NEW thing. Only three months in thin conntrj! No clap-trap operation to gull the public, j but a genuine money making thing ! Read j the Circular ol instruction once onl, and j you will understand it perfectly. A Lady ' has just written lo me that the is making a-high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME DAYS! giving instructions in this iirt. Thousands ol Soldier are making money rapidly at it. It is a thing that take better than any thins ever offered You ran make money with it ho me or abroad on Meam boats or railroad car, and in the country or city. You will be pleated in pursuing it, not only because i: will jiuld a hand-ome income, but also in conse quence cf the general admitation which it elicits. It is pretty 'much all profit. - A mere trifle is iifcesnary to start with. Thtre is fcarcely one person out of thousands who ever pays any attention to advertisements of this kind, thinking ihy are humbugs. Consequently those who do send lor instructions will have a broad field to make money ;.n. There is a rlss of persons in this world who would think that because they have been humbii2'ed out of a dollar or so, that everything - that is advertised i a humbug. Conpequei liy Ifie tr) no more. The person who suc ceeds is the one that keeps on trying until he hits something that pays him. This art cost me on ihoufand dMl.trs and I expect to make money out of it and pll who purchase the art of me will do the same. One Dollar sent to wie will insure the prompt return of a curd of instruction in lie art. The money xoVl be returned to those not sati'Jied. Address WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. Oct. 21, 1863 Sm. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervoun De bility, Incompetency, Premature decay aiul Youthful error, actuated by a de-iri to ben efit ntlitrs, will be happy to furnish to al who ned it, fre of charge, th Recipe and directions for making '.he cimple Remedy, used in bis case. "Those winning lo profit by his experience and pnnsn valuable remedy will receive the same, by return mail, carelullv sea'e.t by adi'rs-ing. JOHN B Of? PEN. N" 60 Nassau Strict, New York. Augnt 26, 1S63 3 n. CIRIO.N S CHEAP 1I I M ORE ISK.TIOVHl). Atioftirr Arrival ol" d!oo(l. Now is Tour Time lo liny. I NOW SF.LL CHEAPER THAN EVER. T H E undersigned having bouiht our ihe Grof-ery ot Dvid Sironn, has rcnnvnl Ins Hat and Cap Nore up to Mroup'- Oid .Suiul, where in addition o a superior as oriirieni of SPRING AND SUMMER i$ HATS AND (JAPS, Com.riiiig eiery mui and qjalit, which will be hold at ontisiially low price. He will continue itie Grocery and Notion buiiie- in all I'.r (orn as t-arneil on by Mr. Siroup Anil solicits a continuance of I'm old cii.-tomer. AL0;-A fine lot ol KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invites tie at teutioti ot Siiomakers and the public. JOHN K GIRTON. Blnorrsbnrr. Ang. 26. 1S63. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rHE nmlersigned resi-ectfnlly informs - fiis friends and the public genera'.lv, that he has juni received Irom the Eastern Cities", a lare assortment of SPRING JXD SUMMER CLOTHING Freeh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for casM or country pioduce. -A L S O,- f- H1T$&C.-11'S f BOOTS AM) SHOES Together with a variety of no tions and ihingsjoo troublesome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention cf pur chaer. fSTCall and examine our stork of jrnods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsbnrs, Ana. 26, 1863. Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Conrt for the County of Col umbia, Eitite of Solomon t-towk, late cf tfei ver township, deed. ALL persons interested will lake notice, lhat the undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of the county ol Col umbia, on exception filed to the account of Tilmon Riilenhonse, and Reuben Swank administrator of Solomon Swank, dee'd , will meet the partis interested at the Re corder's Office, in B!oom'b:.rg, on Thurs day, 26'h of November, 1863 for tha pur pose of his appointment when 'and where all parties inteiested are requested to at tend if they think proper. WESLY WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsborg, Oct. 28 , 1863 4t 52. Auriifor'at Notice. In the Orphan's Court for the County of CoU vm'ia, Estate o George Hartman, late of Benton tozenship, dtc'U. iLL persons interested will take notice, lhat the undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates and propor. nons of the balance or assets in the hands of George M Hartman, Executor of George Hartmarij deceased, to and among the re spective creditors of the deceased, aecord ina to the order established by law, will meet the partiet interested ai Robert F. Clark's office, in Bloombars on Tuesday the 24h of November, 1863, for Hie pur poses of his appointment, when and where all parties inieresed are requested to pre sent their claims, or be debarred from coming in lor a share of such assets. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Bioomsburg, Oct. 28, 1863 4tS2. ESTRAY. AME to the premises of the subscriber, in Benton township, Columbia County, c on Monday right October 19ih lost a r MttrL n i r L" T v llJ 7?CF left hind foot wmte, a roan upot on ihe forehead, a whi:e snipe between ihe nostrils, judged to be aooul nine years old. Ihe owner or owners are requested lo come liorward, prove property, pay charges and, take him away, or he will be disposed of according to law. JOHN W. KLINE. Benton Iwp., Oct. 23 1863. 3w, ... . ib'Lothisbb: CABINET WARE ROOM. T ESPECTFLltLY invites i he attention of --lhe Public H his extensive assortment ot Cabinet trrulure and CH A IRS, Si which he will warrant made of good materials ai.d id a workmanlike man v.tsr. At his tfsjablisnnient can always be icund a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in style bud fin ish to lhat of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low pnets. He has on hand I'lit fiftr0iit til la nnrl 7 VF prices, from S25 lo SCO. Dirans Lounges, Walnut and Mahoganr. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card.j1 centre and pier tables, detashn?, chefieniers. whatnots and comodes.Ctf23 and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of butcaus, enclosed and common WH.-hfetands,dresB-tables, corner cupboards, solat, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedtads,can seat and common chairs is the largest in this section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol lookinj? glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also furnish spring matrrasses fitted lo any sized bedstead, which are superior lor durability and com fort to any bed n use. Bloomsburg Nov. 4, 1863. COMMUNICATED I Pulmonary (Jon ssuiii'tioi. A Curable 5ifccac ! A CARD. TO COXMlMi'TIVES. THE undersigned having been retored to health in a few week, by a very sim ple remedy, alter having suffered several years wrh a severe Iuhj affection, and lhat .i.unri n . i i . .. ; a . I V I C ' I Hirra5r; WUIIPIIIII nun I- OIIAIUU."1 It , ... . . l ' . . ,r make known to his tellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire ?!, he will send a copy cf te prescription u-ed (free of charge), w'nh Ihe directions for preparing and u-ina the same, which they will find 8 sure cute tor i.oriMimption, Anhma, Bronchius Coouhs. Colds, &.c. Ttie ntjectof ihe ( advertiser in sending the rrescripnon is to benefit the ;tfHicted, and spread the infor mation which he conceives to be invalua ble; and he hopes every sufTisrer will try hi.) remedy, as u will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.: Parties wishing the prescription wi!1 please uddres REV. E DWARD A . W I LSOX Willianist'iirh, Kmgs county , N. Y. Sept, 23; 1863. 4mos. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secrc(x i'or Ilic ITIillon ! A niosi VHluatle and wonderlul publi- - ca anon. A worK ol 4t)ti p-t-js. un i 30co!ore, ergrHvi-ig. DR. HUNTERS VA DEM SCUM, an onii al and j)(.Hi!.ir irea'i-e on M in and Wctnari. I'teir Piiys- ioiogj , Fniiciions, and Sexual disorders ol j every ki:u, with Never-i li ,ii Remedie ! for Iheir speedy -ure. The prac i"' rf Dr. HUNTER ha lmz been, and P'ii! i-; unbounded, but at ih carret soiti itii'.ion ipimt'eroiis persons, tie ha been induced to extend ha medical usefulness through the medium of hi "VA DEM ECUM." I. is it volume ttiat should e in the hand of every family in ihe land, as a preventive ol secret vices, or a a snide for the allevia tion of one of ihe most awful and destruc tive .conr2e ever visited mankind One copy, seourelv enveloped, will be forwar tied free ot postage to any part of the Uni ted Sia;es toi 50 cents in P. O. stamp, 3 copies for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division S reet. New Yo-k Sept. 9. 1863. And CurPcapIe at Home Ar now otTered an opportunity by which they car; obtain a X GOOD AXD DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. Our ll'utchrs are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and ihe buyer 6s allowed ihe Priv ilege of Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. A firl cta-s Hunting Time-Piece of Sil ver material, over which is tdectio fine plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought, making the imitation so iauhlt-ss ihal it cannot b detected from the solid rr.a'erial most experienced jndges; acids will not afTect it. London made movement. Im proved Duplex in Full Ruby Aciiori, has sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best artrclej ever offered for tra ders and speculators. Ergineets, emigrants and persons tavelling, will find them supe rior to any other ; alteratien ofcbmaie will uoi affect iheir accuracy. Price, packed in good 6hape ami good running o;Jer only 535, or case of 6 for S200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS, Best Quality Silver Case?, over which electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar to uur Improved Duplex, and superior adjust ed movements with 'Stop." to be oed in timiua horses, e:c, has Four Indexes for Washington and Greewich time, sweep second, and ali Ihe improvement. All in all, taking i:s Beautiful and Faultless ap pearance and its Superior Movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapeM article ol the kind in ihe mar ket. Price, in ood tunning order. 34, or case of 6 for S200. PTWe ask no pay in advance, but will for ard either of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loval Stales, with bill payable to exyresa:nan when the good are delivered, giving rhe buyer ihe privil ege rd examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch can be returned at our expen-e. The express oompanies refuse making collection on soldier and other parties in the disloyal Stales, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the ca.i to insure attention. We make a deduction ol two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advace. Money may b5 sent by express at ou expense. THDS. CAFFERTY & CO., 93 and 95 Broid St., oppo-iie City Bank, Providence, R. I. Oct. 21.1863. E. H. LITTLE. BLOOJ1SBUUG, Pa. Office in Court AUey ; formerly occupied br Chailes R. BuckaJew. December, 1859.-if. IV- FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ' OF THE IJraYc Soldier! anil Sailors AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy, t-hould lake especi care,that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Oin'ment ; and where the brave Soldiers and S'ilors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldiers, never-lailm-lriend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cured by using thee e admirable medicine, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attnehed to each Pol or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT Or AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings which so sadden u. usual ly arise from trouble or annoyat ces. ob structed perspiration, or earing and drink nm whatever 1 unwholesome, thus dis turbing the I efclthful action cf the liver and stomach. These organs must b relieied, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to ihe printed instructioi s, will quickly produce a healthy action in both bver and stomach, am! as a natural conse quence a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the ue of these invaluable pills, and the toldier will quick ly acquire additional strenjtn. Never let ihe bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. Il may seem strange lhat Hol lo way 's Pills should be recommended, for Dyien1ary and Flux, many persons suppo sing that they would increase the relaxa- 1 1 o 1 1 . Jliisis a ereat misia Ke, lor inese , , , J I Pi U wi : correct the hvei and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors Irom Ihe system. This medicine will give tone and vuor to the whole organic sys'em how ever deranged, while heali'i and sirength (ollov as a matter ol course noiiimg win els so ture as stop the relaxation of tte bowe this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH. " Sore ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling can with certainty be radically cured if the pills irre l?ken night and morning anil the Oi"tment be freely used as sated in the. printed instructions. Iftreaied in any oth er manner they dry up in one par to break out in another. Wtierea this Ointment will remove the humors, from the system and leave the Patient a vigorous aim heal thy man. Ii wiil require a !i't': peiserve ranee in bsid c;ise to insure ;i las:inj core, FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABUE OR IHE BULLET, i-ORF.S Oil BRUISES. Towtich every Soldier and Snd.- r are li ab!e, there are no medicines so safe, gore aitil convenifnt a llo'.lowny's Pills aiul Oinimeiit. The poor vvoutnlod and almost Idvittg -iiflfrt-r miaht have li wound itre.s-eil lain.eitMteiv, tl t e woiii.i oniy pro !e Sim-ell wi;h Ihi matches j which should he thrust in'o the wonrid . and stne.ired all round it, then covered wiih j a piece of linen from hi knapsack and compressed with a fiandkercheif. Taking night and"morning 6 or 8 pil'-, to cool the j system ami prevent intlamation. i Lver-v Soldier s Knapsack and Seaman s Chesi sfoi;!!! be provided with lbese valua ble Remedies. A1,'T10N ! None ?rt genuine nnles the words "Hcdloway, New York and Lon don are discprnable as a Wa'er-maik in every leaf of the book of direction around each pot or box : (he same may be plninly seen by boi ling tho lenf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one r en 'prlii s such information as may lead lo the defection of any party fr psr i- conn (erfeiting thef medicines oi vending the same, knowing them to be sporion. Sold at the Manufaclorv of Profe-or Hobowav, 90 Maiden Lane, Nw York, arid bv all rdspeciable Drugsiis and Dealers in" Medicine, throughout tne civilized world in boxes : twenty five cents, sixty Iwo coots and one dollar each. fT$r There i consi derable savig by la king ttie larger sizes. B Directions for the guidance of pa t'pnts in every disorder are affixed to each box. April 9lh 1862. lv. mo of Incident the mo-t severe Ba'tie Scene and of the war now ready (size I8x 30 inches) per, 4 for Also, just Volunteer highly colored, n fine card j -a 25 cents, or 25 for Si, po!paid. published, Ihe OfHcial Uinou Directory (400 pages), giving the name ol everv Officer and private m ihe Union Army,wi'h their commands, together wi h a large amount of other val uable information, sent, postpaid, on re- t t OX . . i 7 n A . . I (Fid IfUila im better opporltinny v:. over nf rei . Address HENRY B. ANSDN, Print Publish er. kc, 4f) State S'., Boston, Mmss. Papers copying, paid in the shove. 354-5. miller's Store, OF F.UX AM) iviti:r gcops. 'IHE subscriber has just relumed frcm ihe Cilie with another Urge and eiei l assortment of FAI.Ij & WLTKK (JOOBS,, pnrchiised ai Philadelphia and New York, ai ihe lowest figue, and which he is determined io sell on as moderate terms as c&n be procured eUewhete in His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, ot the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. Q U K C X S W A R E . CEDAR 'A' ARC, UOLLOW-W AltE. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, fee, Sec. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. The highest price will be pad for coun try produce, in exchange for goods. STEPHEN I! MILLER. BJoomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. $25$ E3IPLGTMEXT ! AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from S25 to 75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or five a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erik Sewing Machine CoMPAftt, R JAMES, Get era! Agent, Milan, Ohio. Blooiualuftf, Aug. 21, 1861, G 11 EAT EX 1 T E Jl T iT STILLWATER. r.AKGE REINFORCEMENTS RE- CEIVKI). T the Store of Daniel McHenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The underpinned would respectfully in vite the citizens ol 'Pishing Creek and ihe Burrounding country, lo bis hire and ex tensive stock of Goods, jnsi received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all ol which he will sell cheaper lhai here lolore. Hie a-sortu;eil coui-i -Is of Cloths, Calicne, Muslin. llat and Cap, of the latest fashion, Bools and Shoes of ihe most approved make; also, a lot of excel lent Kcady-li.'Mle Clothing. loaether with a good asortmen I ol Ves ting. Hi store is well fi'led with Goods ot every description. His ccf ro rrh r?3 rt. m tt rm are not surpassed t y Hny Stce in the coun try. His Hardware Department has not been ne-lec'ed. SCYTHES, RAKES. HOES, SHOVELS &c, are constantly kept on hand ; 8l-o, Spikes and Nail ; in si.ort, everything us ually found in First-Chs Stores. DANIEL Mc HENRY. Stillwater. May 14. 163. The Great TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK; Since i s organizaiion, has cieted a new era in the hisior ot Wholesaling 'l ei In :hl Country. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at r-ot over TWO CKXTN ( 02 Cents) per pound above Cos', Never deviating from the ONE PRICE asked. noih er peculiarity of the Company i that their Tea Ta-ter not only devotes hi lime to the selection ofthcr TEAS a to quality, value, and particular stjles for par icuiar iwnnirs ii tnuunv, i-m re helps the TEA buyer to chcose oil of their enormous stock such 1 LAS as an best j aiipietl 1U III j'dllll' UIII9. HIIU O H I'll- I iy thif, but points oui fj him Ihe best Dar- : gains. Il i easy ti see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Bu)er has iu tti 6 tstabli-hment over all other. Il he is a Judge of Tea or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has all the brfiie fi;s of a well organized system of doing biisines, of an immense capital, of the judgement ol a Profe-?jonal Tea Taster, and the knowledge of Mjperior salesmen. This enables all Tea buyer no matter if they sre thousands of miles from thi market to purchase on as good terms here as ihe New York Merchants. Parties can order Teas will be served bj us as well as though they came themselves being sure to gel original packages, trne weigh's and lares; and ihe TEAS are r inttel a represented. We i-ue a f'nee List of the Company's Teas, which will le sent o all who order it ; comprising SIvsoij. Voims ISybn. Impe rial, iinptMlcr. Tivankay :md Skin. OOLONG. SOUCHONG. ORANGE & HY SON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every de-criplion, col ored and uucolored. 1 his list has each kind of Te divided into FOUR Clis-e. namely: CARGO, high CARGO FINEST, that every one may nn-der-atnd frcm description and the prices annexed that the Company are determined to undersell the whole Tea trade. We c ii a mieH to sell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound above co'i, be!ievi.-,g this to be at ractive to the many who havo heretofore been pa v in Enormoc Profits. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS JSU JOBBER, No. 5! Yesey S'.reel, Ne.v York. SJpt. 9. 1863. 3mo. NEW AlUilVAE OF S P R I f 4 G AND S U M M E R 4 O OB 8!- AT PETER ENTS STORE! In Light Ltreet, Columbia county, AS received from Philadelphia the oi l stam'. and is now opening at 1 laielv ociMijied by Mrt7. & Eot, a snlen- ! did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which wi'.l b sold cheap b r CASH Oil COUNKY PROHUCK ! His stoc k consists of Ladies Dress Good choii-ei stes aiul lier-l fastiion. CALICOES, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, IIAWS, HOSIERY. SILKS in-.ADY-M DE CLOTHING : viuvmii.- .-....w.s., COTTON A DES. KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, kC, GROCERIES, OUEENSWARE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines. Drn, Oil, Paints, kc, Boots and Shoe, H-it-and Cap. In short everything c?aal!y kppt in a conntry stow. The paironage of old friend, and lh public public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for conn try produce. PE1 ER LNT. Light Sireei. May 7, 1863. Z) 2 IT 5 IS T a T . ii. c. noxvi:n, wr rm t T- 1 T I iT I - 9 hM'hLri.1 oners nis s? - pri'iessionui ei v ices io ino t f ladie & r-enilemenol Blooms- burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Pantrstry, and is provided ut h the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETIj, which will be in erled on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. Mineral piate and block teeth mannfa'c tured and all operations on teeth carefully attetided to. A superior article of Tooth Powder, al- j ways on aand. All operations on tneitjcci warranted. Residence and JJiT.ce, a few (Jjrors above ihe Court House same side. Bloom sburgog- 19 1858. Attorney at JiUir BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office on Main Street, Exchange Block. HOA int MALE or FEMALE Aeeot4 UUU.UUU , pe LLOYD'S new Ste'ij Plate County colored Map of the United Stales,- Canada, and New Btunswick. From recent surveys completed Aug. 10, 1662; cost 20,000 to engrave it and ec year's limo. Superior to any S10 Map ever mad by Colu n or M 'chell, and selU at the low price of fifty cents, 370.000 i.Miiee are erf graved on this map. It is noi only a Coun'v Msp. bnl it i also a COUNTY ai.u RAILROAD MAP, of the United Siates and C-nafa combined m one, giving every RAILROAD STATION and distances between. Guarantee any woinan or man $3 to $6 per day, and will take bacK all Map thai cannot be sold anr refi.nd tne money. Send lor one c'ollar's worth to try. Primed instructions now to L'lntkt well furnished all our Agent. yvAiMIkU Wholesale Agents lor oor Map in every Stale, California, Canada, England, Frat.ce and Cuba A fortune may be made with a lew hundred dollar capi tal. No competition. J T. LLOYD, No 146 Broadway, New York.; The War Deperimem uses oor Map oj Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsy Ivania, coal 100. 000, on which is marked Amie'am Creek, Sharksburif, Maryland Heights Williamsporl Ferry, Rhorersville, Ndland' Ford, arid all others on the Pnom0c, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsy Ivar.ia. or money- refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky, (Ihio, JoCiana, and Illinois, is the only auihuri-y for Gen. Buell and the War Department. Money refunded to auy tine Ouding an error in it. Price 50 cts. Fram the Tribune Aug. 2. "Lloyd's Map of Virginia, Maryland, and Petins) Ivania. This map is very large its cosi is but i:5 ceuts, and it is the Lett xchitk car, be purchise I LLOYD'S Great Map of ihe MISSISSIPPI RIVER From. Actual Surveys by Capta. Ban and Wm. Bowen, Alisfcissippi River Pilots, of St. Lo;ii, Missouri, bhowi every man's plantation a"d owi pr'j name from 5t. Louis to the Gull of Mexico 1,350 miles every sand bar, island, town, land ing, and all place 20 miles back from the River colored in counties and S ales. Price, S I m sheets. S2, pockei form, acd 52 50, with rollers. Ready, Sept. 20lh 1862 Navy Department, Washington,) September I7ih, 1862. J J T. LLOYD Sir: S?nd me your Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hon dred copies. Rsad Admiral Cnarles H. Davi. commanding the Mississippi squad- ron is auuionze ! to pnrctiase as many at are required foi use of that sauadron. GIDEON WELLES, Sec. of Navy. October 8, 1S. IVew Goods, IVeit Goods! IOU TUB IIJiLIO. Just Received nt L. T. Sharpies Cheap Cash Store at the old Stand formerlg occupied by L. Ii. Rupert, DRY GOODS, Calicoes, Mus;,H, from 18 cts. up. C3- rr ce cs? a Q. c& 53 Syrups from 50 lo 8t) c's. per gallon. Q ieensware reaonably low. Boot, Shoes, arid Gum for m?n, women and children at the lo ve-t prices Hooa Skins and La die BaimoraU in abundance. New Mackerel, retail and by the pack a2. Having bought for cash he intends rj throw o'il such inducements ta those who buy lor cash, as can not oe surpassed. IW Wanted, grain, seeds of all kind", Dried fruits, onions, rags fco &'., for which iha highest markei price will t- paid. fTS Give him a call and examine hit jjrrJs before baying;. L. T. SHARPLESS. BioomFbnrg, Sept. 30, 1363. National Foundry. EJIooimbur-, CoIiiiiibLt'Co.. 'I'he snb-ribjr, proprietor of the tbove named extensile eiablihmeri!, is now prepared to receive orders for all kind o machir.ery , for COLLERI ES BLAST FUR N AC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS TH RUSH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make S oves, all size and pattern, Plovv-i'ons, and every thing usually ma le in riri-class Foundries Hi eianive facil.ties and practical workman, wairant Mm larje.-t contracts on the in receiving the most reasonable1 term. Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for casing. fcT Thi esitblishrhefit i located near ' ii I RjiirftiH r jnol PETER BILLMEYER. Bloom-burg, Sep:. 9, 1&63. $150 BEST PIA.V0S. $150 GROVES TEEN & HALE, having re moved to their nrfw warerooms, 1TC. :7$ 2?.0A7r.T, are row pre, ared to offer the public a mag ft i lii-s 1 1 1 new scale full 7 Octave ESoscirooci Piano; containing all improvements known in thia C'luntry or Pnrope, over-strung basj French grand action, harp pedal, full irort fri;i:C, (jr SIoO CASH, War rallied for 5 Years. Rich moulding ca-e. $175 TO $200, all warranted made of Ihe best seasoned material, and to ftait I belter than any aold (or S400 or 500n by ihe old methods of manufacture. We'invi-e the best Judge to ex-iuii'.e and try these new instruments; and yve stand ready at all times to testiheni j iih any others manufactured ia this coun- 'y' GRCTESTEEX k IIlLE. -178 KroaiUvay, Sew York - June 4 h 1S62. 3 a MSS0LCTI0N-OF PARTS ERSII IP. fMlE partnership heretofore existing be twee:i C. W. McKelwj ar.d J; S Mc Ninc'i, in th ma in: fact ere of paper at Mills, r.nder ihe firm of C. W. Mi K-l.y k Co., is this day dusolved by in v.u con -etit. The bnsine.s of the late firm will be et iled bv C. W. Keivy, at Caiiawissa Mill. J C. W. McKELVY. THE undersigned, tiaving purchased the interen ol J- S. McNinch, in the late firm nf C. VV. McKelvy & Co., would inform bie friend that he will continue the manufac ture of paper, and purchase Rag, as here lofcre, and solicit. continuation of the oaTOiiaiie so liberally bes'owed on ihe lata firm. C. W. McKELVY. Cattawisa MRds, Oct 7, 1893. EDWR-vD B. SNIDER, AND Oencrat Conitni-ion ITIer chaiit. Bloomsburg, Co'ombia coonty Pa. Paricular attention eiven to Pateat njht, Spt. 2, 1883. 3mc.