STAR OF THE NORTH HL,OqqiSBUUG3 PA. "WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 28, 1863. i 1 , .. 11 - Ik la-days &ar will be foead the List of Premiums as awarded at the late Agricul tural Fair hehil at this place. , President Ijncolb'h Proclamation cal'ing lor "Three Hundred Thoosand More" is ' published in this weed's Star. Tux Columbia County Farmers are busily engaged this week husking oat their corn. The cora is good this Fall, and brings near ij one dollar per bushel in the field. Errata. Oar bands in priming off the out-side of the Star, during our absence, Jated it the 27IA instead of the 28th, and fai.ed , to change the number of the Volume, as the Star water & new volume this week Our subscribers, who ran, would do us a favor to send their subscriptions by men who are coraing lo town. We will send leceip a Eack for all moneys received. Our jrpeucea are heavy and money comes alow. George Wasser has opened a saloon in the of the white frame house of Dr. Hower, nearly opposite the Exchange JJ'ock, oo Main street Mr Wasser keeps band everything commonly found in Ood country saloons. Give him a call. Wanted, oh Scbscmptiom, at this Office, When, Corn; Rye. Oats. Buckwheat, and raiu of all kjnds. Also, earn in the ear, OoJ winter apples, potatoes, butter, lard, and produce of most all kinds. Maney D ever refused Da. Hiram C. Howta has lately been ma king some improvement and repairs on his property, situate on Main street, a few doors above the Court House, same side. He has put down a vury neat flag-stone pavement, resides repaired the step and entrance to the different departments of his building. Teachers' Examination is Scott Tow k hip. The Superintendent of Common School, Chasles G. Berkley , requests us to notice that an examination of Teachers by him will be held in Light Street on Monday the 2d day of November, If 63. M sail Pbo-:riptioji. We learn that Dr. John H. B. McClellan was removed from the position he held at the Chestnat Hill Hosp.ul, the duties of which he discharg- cause ,,,e Workingman and strengthen d for some time past wi b great ahili.y and ! oor artns' b wr""'n" ' a" 'Uch urg'"S DP entire satisfaction! This aet was the work j on lhem ,he eces'ny f .asiain.n? PP, ot Curlin friend in Philadelphia Ihe cause """J devi,ted '? the ca,1 of ,ne ctitwttcamekehtke brothe, of George B. i in and PPrd- These suggestions may McClellin I 8ee;n trifling atu of little importance, but , , I, i I we assure our triends, to vs, and, indeed to Since the election we have heard of sev- j the noble cause in which we are all in'.er eral imtances in which Democrats who i ested. it is of p-.ramouut consequence ! The went, into Republican stores lo trade were ! iosulied by iome parties The most out-j Eageooa case happened in Light Street If Mr. Creasy proposes to continue business j there, he had better reqnest the fools and ) lanancs who .ire about turn, So and some ! oiuer piace to toai ana iume, man at ins ... ---I . l r r -i -i- ' tort;. Demccrsis will learn pretty soon to sieal where tfcey are not insulted. W are credibly informed that a man by the name of William Schuyler, of Orange, turned n poor widow's son an "apprentice otit of employ, for daring to exercise a freeman's rig It at the ballot-box, thereby voting uccording to the dictates of bis own coniieece, and casting bis vote for (he Democratic candidate for Governor. This young man was a returned nine month vol--uutoer. Comment is unnecessary, as it is only pa.rt of the Republican doings towards enslaving and trampling upon the rights of the white man. IifFoaTANT Information. Col. . G. Freeze keeps constantly on haniL.and for sale, at the Reoordei's office iuiv?burg, ' The Constitution of the United States," and ol the " IState of Pennsylvania," in various styles, at prices to suit ; also, snndry other democratic books, documents, atid speeches: together with legal, note and cap paper, pens, ink and envelopes ot all sizes and etyles, as well as theological, poetical, his torical and miscellaneous books, cheap. The public schools of this place have tern f. ut in operation, to continue during the wi tter rt onlhs, and are under charge of the following teachers : A. D. Beckley, A. B. Wh te, Michael Whitmoyer. E. B Brow er, H. D. Fljr, W. H. Abbott, Chas. Moyer, Mii'S Tressj. Yannat'er, Miss Kate Chisi taao, MisiiC. G. Freeze, Ms Mattie C. Writ. Thy are principal! experienced teachers, .! Colombia Cocmtt's share of the war debt at pretent is $4,311,180; and the interest yea rly S258 670.30. Take a leek at this. jon la:rpayer?. Yon have scarcely began to jealize the fruitu of this wicked war. Thi pinching time will come by and by, when you. will not be so silly as to support a r jck ess plunderer, ot the people's money, likii Aiidre' G. Curtio, for one of the high est offces in the gift ol the people. Then they will bejin to learn wisdom. or Newspapehs. Daniel Web stei: ooce said : "Small is the sum that is retjQirsd la patror.ize a newspaper, and an ply rewarded ia-tts patron. I care no; bo humble and unpretending the paper be tales. It is ntxl to impossible to fill a sht'et with, printed matter without putting int) it Aocnls thing that is worth the sobscrip tio.i price.!. Everjr parent whose son is away from home at school should supply hi 31 with 4 newspaper. 1 well remember vth a marked difference there was b2tratjn thijse of my school mates who had rot access to newspapers. 0:her things boi.i tfqaal, the first were always superior to the last ta debaie, composition, and ia gtiierrl tnliil'igence. Wi are novr sending out bills to all sub pcribers whose accounts have run over a year. Oo going through our books, we find that there is a large amount doe us, in sums of SI 50 up toSlO, $15, and even $20, which we most collect, in order - lo meet our obligations. We hope therefore, that CTery one who knows himself indebted to us, will lose no time in sending or bringing us the amount, may it be ever so small. It is a small matter for each subscriber to pay a bill of a few dollars ; and we are satisfied that lew, if any, who really wish to pay. need keep us wailing for onr money. So .far, few, to whom we have sent bills, have paid any attention to it ; although we commenced sending ihem out two weeks ago. We have earned our money, and want it. Publishing a newspaper for glory, is a business we have grown tired ol long ago. A word to the wise, &c, is suffi cient. Therk was not a Republican in Colum bia county who had any idea of re-electing Anilmor CI Curlin at ihn li-n hfl remivAH ,he nominaliorK And not ti, the -.Govern- ment" at Washington city "took a hand in' the matter did the Republicans have the least faith in their nominee's chance for re-election. The knew full well that the honest, quiet and thinking masses of the people of Pennsylvania were opposed to this man Cortin. His many damning act were staring bim in the face, and threat ning defeat. But the ''powers that be" brought sufficient force into the State to se cure the election of this shoddy candidate And not till then did the Republicans dare wager one dollar upon his elec ion, or have the courage even to give him their hearty support. They had to depend on Abe Lin coin to re-elect their candidate. The Abo lition papers were scarce that gave to this shoddy candidate their undivided and uni ted support. They depended nol on what ihey might cay, for they bad nothing to priii t to his credit; hence, as we said before ihey depended upon the authorities at Washing ton for the re-election of their candidate. Wher. it was understood how the ihinwas to be managed, and that Curtin's elecion was sure, money was plenty in the hands of Republicans lor betting purposes. Every one can do Something. Every person who feels an interest in the success of our paper, can do something'towards aid ing us to place it on a more permanent foun dation. In the first place subscribe lor it yourself, and (hen go to work lo induce your neighbor to do likewise There is scarcely a Mechanic or Workingman in the land but that has a Iriend or two, that he could induce to take the Star of theNorth. Tnose of the various trades and professions, f who have friends at a distance, can aid the aggregate to a sura that would astonish rnost persons, nol acquainted with the business ot publishes a paper. Let it not be said brothers of toil, that you are nnwil- ling to sustain at lea-t one paper honeily and learleslr ilevoteJ to vonr interests. Let every man go to work at once, and our fond est hopes will be realized. The Cash Systfm. We have determin ed to do business upon the cash system. The losses which newspaper publishers have heretofore suffered by the promise to-pay-system, have been rulnons in the ex treme. The leading journals all over the country are adopting the only safe plan that can be pursued, and demand payment in advance from subscribers. They enter no name upon their subscription books, enless it is accompanied with the cash, and when ever the money runs out the paper is stop ped nntil another payment is forthcoming. An editor who has had long experience in the business, very foreibly remarks that it is amazing that any journal anywhere should be conducted on any other than the cash system. Credit is the inveterate scourse of American newspaper men, be ing utterly unknown to any other. Two thirds ot our newspaper men, who have been twenty years or more in the business, have eDOugh doe them from delinquent pa trons, lo make them comfortable (or the rest of their days ; yet ihey will never see ten per rent. ol it, while a good many of them will be bothered to raise the requisite dimes wherewith to celebrate the next 4th of July. By the way, unhappy brethren of the credit press, why not commemorate the next an niversary of National Independence by cut ting loose from the sharks who eat out your substance ? J'ist proclaim on that day that no man can have your paper thenceforth unless he shall have paid for it, and yon will have reason to bless the day and the deed evermore. Whenever :he press shall have purged itself of the credit system, it will be ready lo help overthrow mercantile credit a sy. tern which enables rogues and drones lo live uselessly and often fare sumptuously at (be cost ot honest, industrious people. Whenever pay down shall be the rule in buying goods, their average cost to consu mers will be reduced at least ten per cent. And why should those who pay bear a tax of ten per cent, on iheir earnings for the benefit of those who never pay ? Tell us why 1 Among the doctrines and roles laid down by Helper in bis notorious book, by which the abolitionists were to be guided were the following: to be found on page 76 of our edition ol (bat work "No co-operation with pro-slavery poli ticians no fellowship with then? in religion no affiliation with them in society no patronage to pro-slavery merchants no gnestship in slave wailing hotels no lees to pro-slavery lawyers no employment of pro slavery physicians no audience to pro slavery parsons." The abolitionists have, to a great extent, ' teen acting op to those rules. Ohio Sheep to bb Pastured in Illinois and Iowa. One of the' most singular re sults of the failure of the crop in Ohio, i the fact that over fifty thousand head of sheep have already been shipped from Harrison, Jefferson, and other counties, in the West, lo be pastured on the gre;it prairies of Illinois and Iowa. Two hun dred and fifty sheep can be placed in ore - i ,l r.:v. :. .ecs ' car, auu mo nci,iiv uu i icno is iiuiu Canton, Stark county, Ohio, to Chicago, Illi nois. PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION. Another Call for Three Hundred Thousand Volunteert A Draft to be made on the Ff 'h of January. By the president of the united states, A PROCLAMATION. Wherea, The term of service of part of the volunteer forces of the United States, will expire during the coming yr, and Whereas, Ir. addition lo the men raised by the present draft, it is deemed expe lieni to call out three hundred thousand volun tet-rs, to serve lor three years or the war not, however, exceeding three years : Now,therefore.I, Abraham Lincoln, Pres ident of the United States and commander-in-chief ol the army and navy thereof, and of the militia of the several Siaies when called into actual service, do issue (his my proclamation, calling upon the Govtrnors of the different S ates (o raise and have e i tisted into the United States service, for the various companies and regiments in the field Irom their re?pctive States, their quotas of three hundred thousand msn. I further proclaim that all ihe volunteers thus called out and duly enlisted shall re ceive advance pay, premium, and bounty, as lieieiofore communicated to the Govern ors of State by (he Wr Department, thro5 the Provost Marshal General's Oifice, by special letier. I further proclaim that all volunteers r ceived uiw'er this cifl, as well as all others not heretofore credited, shall b duly cred ited and deducted Irom the quotas establish ed for the next draft. I further pioclaim (hat, if any state shall fail to raise Ihe quota assigned to it by the War Department under this call, then a draft for (he deficiency in said quota shall be made in said slate, or on i'e districts of said state, for their due proportion of said qi ota, and the said dralt shall com mence on the fifth day of January. And I further proclaim that nothing in this proclamation shall interfere with exist ing orders, or with those which may b i i-oed tor the present dralt in the Staged where it i now in progress or where it ba noi yet ben commenced. The quota of the States and districts will be astigned by ihe War Dcparimni, (h'o' ih ProvoM rriarsnal general's office, due regard being had lor trie men hre'ofore furnished, whether by volunteering or draft ing ; recruiting will be conducted in accor dance with such inMrttciious as have bten or may be sued by thai department. In iuiig this proclamation, I address myself not only lo the aovemors of ihe st;v erl states, but also lo Itie good and Inyal people thereof, invoking them to lei.d il.eir .cheerful, williiim, effective aid to the mea sures thus adopted, with a view to rein farce our victorious armies now in the field and briny onr needtul military operations to a prosperous end. thus c'osiny loiever ihe foiifiiaiis of sedition and civil war. In w iinefS whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of ihe UnaeJ Ssates lo he affixed. Done al i he twty of Washington, this sev enteenth day of 0.,tot?r, in ths- year of our Lord one thousand eiaht hundred -and sivy three, arid ol Ihejiridepeiidence ot the United Slates ihe eyriity eishth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bv the Prt.iJent : 'WM. H.SKWARD. Secretary ofStae. M.iitnit:i). In BiitoinsOur, on the 20th nisi., by Kev. J R. Dimm. Mr Samckl Bono of Mephen foii Co , III., to Alts Phebc A. Clkcunek, of Mori'our Co., Pa. On Friday, Oct. 1 fith, at the parsonage in Oranseville, by Rev. Josiah Forrest, Mr Benjamin W. Hes, and Miss Mary Aman da Hess both of Columbia Co. DIED. In Austin, California, on the 14th ins'ant. Mr Gkorg" W. Kipekt, formerly of this place, aged 36 years. In BIcomsbHrg. on the 14th inst., ol dyp theria, Levi Howard, only son of Henry F and Lucinda Bodine, aged 1 year, 6 months and 27 days. One sweet flower has dropped and faded, One sweet infant's voice has fled. One fair brow the grave has shaded, One dear object now is dead. But we find relief in sadness, - For our child is happy now, It has knelt in soul felt gladness. Where the blessed angels bow. In Madison twp., on the 21st inst., Mr. Cornelius Van Horn, in the 74th year of h; aze. In Centre twp., in August last, Mr. Wal ter Trowbridge, aged about 70 years. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY corrected weekly. WHEAT, SI 25 RYE. 1 00 CORN, 90 OA IS, 65 BUCKWHEAT, 75 FLOUR pr. bbl. 7 50 CLOVERSEED.4 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES. DR'D APPLESl HAMS, 20 12 12 13 50 00 12 GIRIO.VS CHEAP UlLV STORE IS EMOTE 0. Another Arrival ol Good?. Now if Your Time to Buy. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. riHE undersigned hnving bonaht out the JL Grocery ot David Siroup, has retnoved his Hat and Cap Store up to Stroup'i Old Stand, where in addition lo a superior as sortment ol SPRING AND SUMMER H HATS AND CAPS, Comprising every soil and quality, which will be sold at unusually low prices. He will continue the. Grocery and Noiion business in all its forma as carried on by Mr. Siroup And solicits a continuance of the old customers. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invites the at tention ol Shoemakers and Ihe public. JOHN K GIRTON. Bloorcsburg. Aug. 26. 163. Attorney at Eair BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office on Main Street, Exchange Block. DAVID L0WEXBERG, CLOTHING STOIIE, Oa Main slreet,twodoorsabove tbe'Amer can Hotel.' A FORTUNE FOR WAA EITHER MEN OR WOMEN ! NO HUMBUG, but an ENTIRELY NEW thing. - Oaly three months in this country! No clap trap operation to gull the public, but a genuine money making thing ! Read the Circular of instruction once only, and vou will understand it perfectly. A Lady - . has jnst written lo me that she is making ! as hih as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME DAYS I giving instructions in this art. Thousands of Soldiers are making money rapidly at it. It i a thing that takes better than anything ever offered. You can make money with it ho me or abroad on "team boats or railroad car, and in the country or city. You will be pleased in pursuing it, not only because it will jield a handsome income, but also in conse quence of th general admiration which it elicits. It is pretty much all profit. A mere trifle is neces.ary to start with. There is scarcely one person obi of thousands who ever pays any attention to advertisements of this kind, thinking they are humbugs. Consequently those who do send for instructions will have a broad field to make money '.n. There is a class of persons in this world who would think thai because they have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that everything that is advertised is a humbug. Consequently I ri e try no more. The person who 6nc ceeds is the one that keeps on trying until he hits something that pays him. This art cost me on thousand dollars, and I expect to make money out of it and all who purchase the art of me will do the same. One Dollar sent to me will insure the prompt return of a card of instructions in the art. The money will be returned to those not satified. Address WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. Oct. 21, 1863 3m. A GENTLEMAN, cored of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Premature decay and Youthful error, actuated by a det-ire to ben efit others, will be happy lo furnish to al who need it, free of charge, J,he Jlecipe and directions for making the simple Remedy used in his case. Those wishing lo profit by his experience and posses a valuable remedy will receive the same, by return mail, caretullv sealpd by addressing. JOHN B OH DEN, No 60 NaSdU Street, New York. August 26, 1363 3m. somii:i:h irv the aimiy A ltd Our People at Home Are now offered an opportunity by which t'ipv car: obtain a A GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. Otir ll'otihe are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and the bu er ss allowed ihe Priv Wfiif of Examination before Payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTION?. A fir-t r!as Hunting Tirne-Fiece of Sil ver marial, " over which is electro fine plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrought, rnakins ihe imitation so faultless that it cannot br detected from the solid material innM xperienced jndijes acids will not affect it. London mad movement. Im proved Duplex ir. Full Rubv Action, has sweep seconds, and is not to b excelled in aeneral appearance. This is decidedly o:ie of the best artrcle ever offered for tra ders and speculators. Ergineeis, emigrants and persons tivelling, will find Ihem supe rior to any other ; aheraiien of climate wiil not affect iheir accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and goo 1 running order only $35, or case of 6 for S200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS. Best Quality Silver Ca-es, over which electro-fine plated IH k. gold, Mmilar lo our Improved Duplex ami superior adjust ed movements with "Slop." to be u-ed in liming horses, e;c., has Four Indexes for Washington and Greewich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. AH in all, taking i's Beautiful and Faultless ap pearance and its buperinr Movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article ot the kind in the mnr ket. Pries, in i.ood running order. S34, or case of 6 for 200. r"We ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of tl.em to responsible par ties, to any part ot the loval States, wi'h bill payable to exyressrran when the goods are delivered, giv ing rhe buyer th privil ege id examination, and, if not satisfactory, the watch can be reiurned at our expense. The express oompanies refuse makine collections on soldier aid other parties in the distoy al States, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by Ihe casd to insure attention. We make a deduction of two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advace. Money may be sent by express at o u expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO , 93 and 95 Broad St., opposite City Bank, Piovidence, R. I. Oct. 21.1863. JYcw Slock of Clothing. FALL 8c WINTER GOODS. INVITES at'ention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his S'ore, on MJUN STREET. BLOOMSBURG. two doors above the Jimtrican House, where he ha just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Iflcn mid Boy's Clothing, including Ihe most fahionab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol liox, Sack, Frock f Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests; shirts,, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders atid fancy ar;icle. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestings, which he i prepared to make op to order, into any kind ot clothing on very short notice end in the best of manner. All his clothing i made lo wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in thin place. Call, and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsbarg, Aug. 26, 1863. FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE ISravc Soldiers and Sailors MOLLOWAI'S rir.Es . AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friends Rod Relatives in the Army or Navy, should lake especi care,that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Oinimenl ; and where ihe brave Soldiers and S.iilors have neglected to provide thern-elves with them, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved lo be Ihe Soldiers, never-failinii-lriend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOI'S. Will be relieved and effectually cored by using there admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pol or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT Of AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings which so sadden us, usual ly arise from trouble or annoyances, ob structed perspiration, or eating and drink ing whatever is unwholesome, thus dis lurbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These organs must be relieved, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action In both liver and stomach, anil as a natural conse quence a rlear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATKiUE. Will soon disappear by the use of these invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly acquire additional slren;tn Never let ihe bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Hol loway's Pills should be recommended for Dysentary and Flux, many persons suppo sing that they would increase ihe relaxa tion. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will; correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and viaor to the whole organic system how ever deranged, while health and strength folio as a matter ol coure. IVothing will stop the relaxation of tie bowels so sure as lbi famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOU I H. Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling can witri cerainty be radically cured if the pills are taken n'mht and mor;iins and ihe Ointment be freely ued as sated iu the printed instructions. If treated in any oth er mannpr they dry op in one par 'obreak onl in another. Whereas this Ci'itmeni will remove the humors from the system and leave ihe Patieni a viyoroua ano heal thy man. It will require a '.title perserve ranee in bad cases to insure a lasting cure, FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, hORF.S OR BKUISKS. To which every Soldier and Si!or are li able, thee are no medicines so safe, sore and convenient as Hnlloway's IMls and Ointment. The poor wounded and almost d!t: sufferer miuht have hi wounds resed immediately, il tie would only pro v': fie him-elt with this matchless O.ntmer.t, which should be ihrut into the wound anil smeared all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from bi knapsack and rompre-sed wrb a handkercheif. Taking ni"ht and morning 6 or 8 pills, to cool the svsem arid prevent inflama'tnti. Everv Soldier s knap-aok and Seaman's Chest shDiild be provided wiih these valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None are genuine unless the words "H'.lloway, New York and Lon don are discemaMe a a U'a'er-matk in every le:if cf the book of directions around each pot or box : the same may be plninly seen bv hol.'ina ihe leif to the liirht. A handsorne reward will be iiiven to any one reru'erinj -r.rh information as may lead lo tne detection of any parly or parties coun terfeiting ihe'rnedicine or vending the same, kiiwinu Ihem lo be sporioii. S'dd ai Ihe Manufactory of Professor Holiouav, 80 Msiden Lane, New York, and by all raspectabln Drusijists and Dealers in jlledicme, throughout the civilized world in boxes at twenty five cenis, sixty Iwo cnts and one dollar each. W There is consi derable savig by la kins the larger sizes N B Directions for ihe guidance of pa tienis in every disorder are affixed to each box. April 9th 1862. 1 v. XiATTEE .NUtiNES, ino of the most severe Badle Scene and Incidents of the war no ready (size l8x 30 inches) highly colored, in fine card pa per, 4 for 25 cents, or 25 for SI, postpaid. Also, just published, he Otiicial Union Volunteer Directory (400 pages), giving the name of every Officer and private iu the Ui.ion Army , with their commands, &e, tojether with a large uiount of other val uable information, sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of 23 cts, To Agents and the traOe no better opportunity was ever offered. Address HENRY B. ANSON, Print Publish er, &r., 49 State St., Boston, Mass. CS" Papers copy ing, paid in ihe shove. 354-5. Miller's Store. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JIMIE subscriber has just returned from - the Cnies- with another large and select asorl rnent of FALL & WIXTUR GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia &nd New York, at the lowest flgue, and which he is determined iose!l on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsborg. His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, C3 ir cd s Dr 1 ai S3 a II ARD W ARK. QUEENSW A RE. CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, fee , &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; to which he invites ihe'public gener ally. The highest price will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for goods. STEPHEN H MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. $25: EMPL0ME.T! $75 AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to active Asents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erie Sewing Machine Compakt, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. BlootusLarg, Aug. 21, 1861. GREAT EXCITEMENT IT STILLWATER. LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED. 4 T the Store of Daniel McIIenrv, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersigned would respectfully in vite the citizens of Fi-hiug Creek and the surrounding country, lo his large and ex tensive stock olGoods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here lofore. His assortment consists of Cloths, Calicoe", Muslin, . Hats and Caps, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent ICcari37-3Iadc Clothing:. together with a good assortmenl of Ves Uni. His store is well filled with Goods ot every description. His are not surpassed by any Store in the coun try. His Hardware Department has not been neolected. SCYTHES, RAKES. II0ES, SII0TELS &C, are constantly kept on hand ; al-o, Spikes and Nail ; in short, everything us ually found in First-Class Stores. DANIEL Mc HENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1863. The Great TEA COMPANY, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK; Since i!s organization, has created a new era in the bisior of W holesalmg Tea In this Country. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling Ihem at not over TWO C'liVrS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cos', Never deviating from ihe ONE PRICE aked. 4 noth er peculiarity of the Company i j XBthat their lea la-ter nol only devotes his tirr e lo tne selection ol tner l tAS a to quality, value, and particular stales for par icnUr localities of country, but he helps the TEA buyer to choose oct of their i enormous stock such TEAS as are best adapted to hi- particular wants, an J not on ly this, but points out lo him the best .bar gains. It i easy to see the incalculab'a advan tage a Tea Buyer has in this establishment over all others. H he i a Judce of Tea ct the Market, tf his lime i valuable, he has all ihe bene fits of a well organized systam of doins business, of an inimense capital, of the judgement ol a Professional Tea Taster, and ihe knowledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea buyer no matter if ihey are thousands of miles from this market to ourcha-e on as good terms here as ihe New York Men-ban's. Parties can order Teas will be served by ns as well as ihouh ihey came themselves beinrr sure to et oriiiina) pckaaes, trne weih's and tares; and ihe TEAS are war r.itittt l as represented. We issre a Price List of the Company's Teas, which will be sent 10 ail who order il ; comprising 3:vmii, Vou ns: EIyoii, Impe rial (flimiiotlcr.'Twuiikay :iul SLiu. OOLONG, SOUCHONG. ORANGE & HY SON' PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every description, col ored and uncolored. This list has each kind of Tea divided into FOUR Clis-e. namely: CARGO, hiih CARGO FINEST, that everv one may tin- dera'nd frcm description and Ihe prices I annexe.! that ihe Company ar determined !lO nnd-r-ell the w hole Tea trade. We enarnlee to sell ALL our Tfas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound j above co-t, behevii.o this to be at racive to the many who havo heretofore been pain2 Enoh.mod Pkofit. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS A SI) JOBBER, No. 51 Vesey Street, New York. Sepi. 9, 1863. 3mos. XEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER & ! JIT PETER ENTS STORE'. In L'uht L'reet, Columbia county, nAS jost received from Philadelphia , and is now openina at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Eol, a splen- did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will te sold cheap for ! CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE ! ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Good choice! stales anil latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS. SIIAWS, HOSIERY SILKS READY-M de clothing, CASMM K.liS SATINETS, COTTON ADES. KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, GROCERIES, QUEENS.WARE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Dru2, Oil, Paints, kc., Boots and Shoes, Hits ami Caps. In short everything usually kept in a country store. Tim patrotise of old friends, and Ihe public public eneraily, is respectfully so-Ji'-i'ed. The highest market price paid for conn try produce. PETER ENT. LL-hf Street. May 7, lSfi3. D 3 IT T Ip T S. "ST . II. C. UOWCR, 8 13 II G H O IV I E i T I S T 1 ESP EC FULLY offers hi 'tV; a: pn'irpsiutiai ?ci t u rs iu iijr MJ. I 1 ladies & aenllemen of Bloonis- r . i . burg and vicinity. He is prepared (o attend to all the various operation in Den:iiryf and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended lo. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on ihe teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doora above ihe Court House, same side. Bioomsburg. Aug. 19 185S CLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOZNAS, of proper & desirablfonns,fosale at the cf5e ofthe "Star ofthe North.' ' nnfl nfM MALE or FEMALE Agent UUUjUUU to fet LLOYD'S new SreeJ Plate County colored Alap of the United States, Canadas, and New Biunswick. From recent surveys completed Aug. 10, 1862; cost 20,000 to engrave it and eur year's time. Superior lo any $10 Map ever made bf Coltou or M tchell, and sells at the low price of fifty cents, 370,000 names are eo graved on this map. - It is not only a Coun'v Map, bul It i also a COUNTY anrt RAILROAD MAP, of the United States and Ct.uadas combined in one, giving every RAILROAD STATION and distances between. Guarantee any womarr or man S3 to 89 per day, and will take back all Map that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for one dollar's worth to-try. Primed instructors how to canvass well furnished all our Agent. WANTED Wholesale Asm for oar Map in every State, California, Canada, England, France and Coba A fortune may be made with a few hundred doflar rapi lal. No competition. J T. LLOYD, No 146 Broadway, New York, The War Department uses onr Map o Virginia, Maryland, and Penns I vania, cost 100.000, on which is marked Amie-am Creek, Sharksburg, Maryland Heights, Williamsporl Ferry, RhorersvillA, NolandV Font, and all others on the Poiomae, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or money refunded. LLOYD S IOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky, Ohio, iuciana, and Illinois, ia ihe only authority for Gen. Buell and the War Department. Money relnnded to any one Otidmg an error in it. Price 0 ct". From the Tribune Aug. 2. "Lloyd's Msp of Virginia Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This map is very large ita cost is but Z5 cents, and il is the bett tc hick car, be purchased LLOYD'S Great Map of ihe MISSISSIPPI R1VEB. From. Actual Surveys by Capls. Bri and Wm. B.iwen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Missouri, show every man's plantation and owrer's name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico 1,30 miles every sand bar, island, town, land ing, and all places 20 miles back from the River colored in counties and S:ates. Price, Si in sheets. $2, pocket form, and S2 50 oil In.eri, with rollers. Ready, Sept. 20th 1862 Navy Department Washington,) September 17th, 1862 J. T. LLOYD Sir: Send me your M.p of the Mississippi River, with price per hun dred copies. Rad Admiral Charles H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squad ron is authorized to purchase as many a are required foi ne of that squadron. GIDEON WELLES. Sc. of Navr. October 8, 1862. IVcw Goods, A'pw Goods! I'Olt THtt Till. I, I . Just Rectivtd at L. T. Sharpless' Chtnp Cash Store at the old Stand formerly occupied by L. B. Rupert, DRY GOODS, Calicops, Muslin, from 18 c. up. Svrnos from 50 to 80 c"s. per gallon. Q'ieensware reasonably lioot, Shoes, and Gums for mer;, women and children at the lowest prices. Hoon Fkin and La dies BaimoraU in abundance. New Mackerel, retail and by the pack age. Having bonghi for cash he intends to throw out such inducements to those who buy for cash, as can not oe surpassed. tW Wanted, grain, seeds of all kind. Dried fruits, onions, rags &c. &-., for which lh highe-t market price will be paid. Give him a call and examine his goods before buying. L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsbnrg, Sept. 30, 1863. JVational Foundry. niooni-I)iirs;, CoItinibiaCo- fj'ne snbribr, proprietor of the above - named etiensite e-iablishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds o machinery, for COLLERI ES. BLAST FUR N AC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILL? THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared lo make S ove, all size and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing Ueually made in first-class Foundries His exiansive facilities and practical workm-n, wairanl tiim in receiving ihe largest contracts op tte most reasonable terms. HT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. fTS" This establishment i located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depoi. PETER BILLMEYER, B'oomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. $1-50 BEST PIAXOS. $150 GROVESTEEN & HALE, having re moved to tfieir new warerooms, i 1TC. 473 3?.0AD77'A"J, are now pre ared to offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 Octave ISosctTood Piano, containing all improvements known in ihia country or Europe, over-strung bass, French grand action, harp peJal, full iroa frame, lor S1SO CASH, YTarrauted for 5 Years Rich mouldins ca-e. 3175 TO 8200, all warran led made of the best sPionfl material, and lo stand better than any solJ for Stt'O or S500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invi'e the best Judge to enarnine and ty these new instrument", and we stand ready at all times lo 'est ihem w ith any other-manufactured i.i taieouo- , J' GROVESTEEN Sl IIILC. 47S ISroadvray, IVcvr York Juiie 4 h 1862. 3 n DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ' I ' H E partner-hip heretofore existing bttv iween C. W. Mi KeU j and J. S Ntnc'.i, in 'h manulacture of paper at Cat awi-sa M dis, r.trder the firm of C. W., M. Kel.y & C, is this day dissolved by m I'u il consent. The bnsio.s. of ihe late firm will be set tled by C. W. Kelvy, at Catawisa MiU C. W. McKELVY. TfJE underi2ned. having purchased ih inter si of J. S. McNi ich, in the U'e firm of C. W. McKelvy & Co, would inform bi friend thai he will continue trie maoufao inre ol paper, arid purchase Rg, as here tofore, and so'ici's continua'ion of th pa'rouage o liberally bestoweJ on ihe lal firm. t W. McKELVY. Cattawisa Mills, Oct 7. 1893 EDWRAD B. SNIDER. AND General Conimitsion ITIer chant. Bloomsburg, Cotumbia county Pa. Particular attention civen to Patett rigbt. Sept. 2, 1863. Jmoa.