The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 30, 1863, Image 3

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b:l,oo:tikub;s pa.
Wcdiicsday Jlornin, Sept. SO,
Another series of Democratic Meetings,
wtll be held throughout this county previ
ous to ihe election. Dae notice will be
fc'iTea bwh through the Democratic press ol
the county and by hand til! of the limes and
places cf holding these meetings.
A Lo'idcf Dri Wood will be taken at this
Office on subscription. Also, a few basheU
I cortt in the ear. .
Thb "Shoddy candidate1' passed this place
last evuning, (Tuesday) on hi slumping
lour to Lnterne county- A few of his po
litical faith went to the Depot to do him
. u w vita VI v IB l ooa w i v t wvi ui wi
'Shoddy" iih a kits I
Ths Prkmicm Li?t for the next Anneal
Cotomtia County Agricultural Fair is pub
lished in tsday! Star The information
this mutter' imparts . to any one who takes
an interest in the advancement of agricul
ture, is alone worth inore than the sobscrip
lion price ol a local
Wc have been compelled since we re
pomed ihe publication of the Star, to strike
off several non-paying subscribers, and we
"will be obliged to erase a few morn if they
tlo no! pay up sen. No man need calcu
late on receiving out. paper unless he pays
for it. This not pay in g the printer for three
or four years, with ns, is "played."
tKM0CRT3! bs up and doing; see that
pver voter perform. the duty of a good citi
treo i. e , goes to the polls and votes thn
iDemocralic Ticket. The Democratic par'y
alone can wrest our bleeding country from
nut the clctches of those wicked men who
are seeking to destroy it. Attend the ballot
box the only lace for civil redress upon
the creatnre who have teen making slaes
vt while men. Put out the present rulers !
Fox St Gilmorb have tn Eating and Drink
ing Saloon in Robison's Brick on Main St.,
1hi place,, where can be bad, Ale, Lager
Beer, Porter. Sarsaparil'a and Mead, iu the
Jrhiking Ii. e; and in the eating department
Ibeytave; Hjjji, Eg2 Tripe, Bolognas,
pickleJ and fre.h Oysters. Sic. These gen.
tlemee are experienced in the saloon busi
ness, i.nd understand catering to the wants
of the epicurean.' Gie them a call.
Col. Lrvi L. Tatk of the Cohtmlin Dem
tcro!, uddre-sed the Democracy ol Sullivan
county on Tuesday,. the 22d inst. It in said
his xecaark were principally Upon theCoti
stilution and the unconstitutional acts ot the
Admin irira: ion. When the Cd. gets start
ed Le can tell the administration party, in
pretty severe teiros, of their Usurpation and
lsgraieftil acts The meetings in Sullivan
are well attended, as is ihe case in cneT
ouuti;s this Fall.
LifcDlORDS. -Samnel Rimby and A. K.
5raith landlord.! at Jerseytown, Columbia
eountj-, have made ample preparation for
the Democratic Mas Meeting to be held
t that place on the 8ih day of October next.
Their Houses are. large, convenient, and in
every way eui' to.eccommotlaie a mnl
titode of peopi. They both know how to
ater for the wants ol the public. No perf-ou
reed ittay sar from this meciioi for iear
of the inability of tbee gentlemen to serve
Iheir .wiiibe Let thre be a spontaneous
lorn autof the people from far aad near.
Nriv Liqcors Mr. Daniel Robbins, of
Eloomsbtirg, has just received from the
eastern cities a large supply oi choice liqu
ors, such as Cbampagnaes,W ines,beM extra
ioeble Brown toot, Cherry Brandy, Whis
ley,Gin, Pale'Srandy, Apple Jack, &c . all
of wt ich he will seM cheap for cash His
liquors are sucii that he can recommend.
Coonlry laurflatds ould do well by giving
him,' or his liquors, a trial as they can suit
. themselves with his liquors just as wet! as
pcing; to the cittes, fer the same . money,
and lave freight.
MitmNG is :MorT Plbasant. E'ijth R.
lkeler, of Millville, Columbia co., addressed
. Wiodward Meeting in Ml- Pleasant twp ,
on Saturday tbe 19th inst. We are inform
ed that ihe meeting was well atiended by
tka Iliomfwra' nf Ml P!paa'n, and niTinln.
MW " ' ,1 " " . - J -
4ng townshipi. They raided a ppleodiJ
II P.-ta rnnn urhipli ihar (Inn i lha
IJV tVi J A-' V " vaavj mm. mm w
breeze the Stars and Stripes. : Mr. Ikeler is
aid to be an i xceHenl stump speaker. He
pleaned his aidience, which is something
every stomp speaker can't do Irani Derr,
Eiq-t of Jacksan twp , presided. ' ;
Chari-es G. Baklt, Superintendent of
Cora raon Schools of Columbia Connty, is
drafted. . Will he be exempt, as was Wm.
Ear:e5s, last Fall, who stood precisely in
the tiarne ponliion? We will see. It was
made appear last-Fall in Burgess' case,
ihat Ihe cau? of edocation would suffer in
Columbia cGanty shou'd he enter the army,
whereupon, C r. Jnhn sayp, the Secretary of
IVar ira mdia'ely ordered hi name stricken
cF the Iit oi drafted men. Is the same
ru!a nol good this Fall? How is it Doctor,
jba Baited id Mr. Burgpss' case and onght
ia k30v? iomi thing about it? -
An Keitohi Dstted The editor of the
irxkl; Cazi tt, Jeremiah S. Sanders, has
bsaa drafted jinto he service of the United
. . . , . ia Airiv a mil tlr f anil chnnt TJ aHp!
Disk3 iu -1J ' . ..,
for it term of );bree years. We raiher ibink
ha Will rotgiJ, but pay his THRtBHcKTRtD
XoiXAt:a ccnjrriotatioa money. Tbe "draft"
iu U? t qnart r is not considered '-bully," as
js ii with i eisrtain New York, editor who
v. Hi drafted "and who says to Father Abe,
i!wir3 cotnitig, cue hundred and ninety seven
:-;jtis $lrcnzl' He's a perfect bag of wind,
tea a hiick Republican, and of courfe
wiil be exsmipt. witboat any difScolty.'. But
Jjriy v? Ill ba! obliged to pay cr eoldier. In
cereal, lad. Fall, we preferred soldiering,
tzi ' i-i JrrJ3 ca?9 we ibaold pay by all
VOT. We are authorized by the Chairman
of the Union Standing Comrniitee to say
that the statement in the last issue of the
Star, that he said he never would support
Andrew G Cur'in for re-election, is a u.
Dr. Pec Jvhn-s Rrpul licm
I ibi a fighting lie, Doctor 1 Before this
war broke out Quakers were opposed to
fighting, but since this rebellion commenc
ed we bjtlievs it is not contrary to thier dis
cipline or conscience to not only fight a
little but to, urge and encourage the doing
ol a good deal of it. But to the subject:
We are authorized to state that, if you or
the Chairmaif the - Union Standing Com
mittee desire proof for the statement made
in last week's Star, in relation to said Chair
man not being willin to support Curtin for
re election, it is ready for you 1. Your using
ol fish-woman's argument does not tack us
down from what we can prove.
Thk Soldicrs Kisht to Yotb Fmm the
manner in which our Abolition exchanges
rave about allowing the soldier the privi
lege of voting, one would think they were
deprived of that privilege! But they are
not A soldier can vote as well as a civil
ian, but according to the Constitution he
must have resided in the district within the
State, where he ofTbrs his poll, at least ten
days belo-e he cad exercis-e the privilege.
That was the trouble, against allowing the
soldiers in the field the stighl of sufTrase
las', fall. In a constitutional prohibition and
why should Judge Woowdard and the Dem
ocratic party be held responsible Eeiwick
Hon. Hkistsr Clvmer, of Berk, paid our
town a visit a few days since. Ha is doing
good service in the Democratic cause, which
is one step, should the Democraiic pairy be
successful, towards saving the country from
anarchy and ruin. He called to 'seethe
fellow. who is giving the "Copperheads" so
much trouble in this coqnty," at least so
says the Republican. It might be presumed
that Mr. Clymer had a desire to see the
man who could so last sir:k his own party
in this county, in so short a time, as not to
form a County Ticket this Fa l ; the man.
too, who pretends to carry the whMe Repub- J
lican party (C F. Nspp included) of this co ,
in his panta!oon pockets. After (he election
he can easily carry the party. Great men
notice the Doctor, come to see him. - Ja a
ew years more l.e'll do to exhibit through
the country to men, women and children,
as a distinguished person, who did as moeh
in proportion to hift ability, as that crazy
Abolitionist Wendell bring upon j
us this accursed rebellion which is destroy
ing the country.
Col. John G. Fkeze has tor sale, at the !
Recorder's Cffic, Bloomsbura. Fifty Copies !
of '-Sheppard's Constitutional Text-Book,
recommended by the best Judges and Law-'
yers of the country, lor th use of the pub
lic Different editions come at from 75 ct
to SI 25. .
He has bsen induced to send for them
because they have been so frequency in
quired afltr. They are the same editions j
h3 nres in his speeches. Call and buy one
m 0
Ifthe-e infemal fana'ics and Abolilion
it. ever get Ihe power into their hand ;
Xhcf will override the Constitution, t-ex the
Supreme Court at defiance, i-hange and
Tiake lawa to suit themselves, lay violent
hands on those who differ in opinion, or
dare question their fidelity, ami finally
bankrupt the coontry ani deluge il with
blood." Daniel Wkbtks.
" The New Orleans! Era says, in speaking
of the opening of the Courts in that city,
by the Washington admin'ntration, that
'Mr. Charles Leaomoat, a staunch loyalist,
has been appointed Recorder for the Sec
ond District "
That sounds and reads very much like
th? history of the revolution, when our
fathers were ta'king of the Whiiz who
were patriois, and the loyalists who were
tories. Is it possible we are so soon re
peating history ? Loyalists of 1776 aud
Loyalists of 1863 Let as think !
Twt first law passed by Congress to raise
revenue for the war, waa to levy a tax of
420. 000. COO on all the States ; but as no
Southern State will pay her quota, the
whole will fall upon tbe northern Ptates.
Penr.jlvania' fchare will be 82,000,000.
This tax is directly assessed upon real estate.
It ought to be assessed in September, and
why is il that the assessors are not at work?
Because it is deemed wise to postpone it
till after the election. Two millions to be
paid in cash by the real estate owners of
Pennsylvania will make them scratch their
heads, and it woaldot do to put them :o
scratching before the election. They might
scratch Cunia'a name Iroin the ticket ! -
.- ..- --
Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine for Oc
tober surpasses all previous numbers. The
improvement is marked, and we know of
no periodical of like character, that does
come op lo it in any particular. Its large,
double fashion plate is worth alone, to the
ladies, say nothing of the valuable pattern?
already cut out accompanying the work,
the price of cobscription S2 CO. Published
by Frank Leslie, 72 Dnane tt., New York.
ERS. Spee h of Alex Cummines, before ihe
Republican State Convention, Aug 5, IS63.
Mr.Commings is only one ot the many
formerly warm and influential friends of
Curtin, who now are deserting him in the
hour of trial when he most nsed their sup
port. So it is, Curtin has made a very un
popular Governor, even with his own party
Curaming i'a'a leading Repnblican !
Which is Right ! Hon. Geo. W. Wood
ward is a Supreme Judge payed by the
people for hi services. He does not take
the stump though a much abler speaker
than Ccrtin. He gives the time for which
he is paid to the State, in the performance
of his defies. Aodrew G. Curtin is also
paid by the State to perform the duties of
Governor. He takes the money but spends
the time lor which he is paid, in making
tiTUMP speeches roa HiasELF thus defraud
ing, the tax payers and receiving money for
service wbich he does r.ol perform. Which
cf the two i acting ia the best faith to the
tax f ayers of the Staiff. ' -
How the Abolitionists welcomed the Repub
lican Party.
.Wendell Phillips, the great Ajax of abo
litionism, and now well known as a drill
master and lecturer for those who style
themselves the Republican party, clearly
gave, in 1858, the character and the resuha
to be expected from the principles and pol
icy of that party. Ae said :
There is merit in the Republican party.
It is the "first sectional party" ever organ
ized in this country. It is the North "aray
ed against the" South. The first crack in
iceberg. You will yet hear it go with a
crash through the cenire."
Pktkrson's Maga2ink for Oober is on
our table. It is full of interesting matter,
as usual. Its Kngravitigs, Fashion Plates,
and Patterns, are not surpasseJ by any oth
er periodical. The price Is low only J2
perannom. tt is the best and cheapest
Magazine published. AdJress, Charls J.
Peterson, 306 Chestnut si, Phila.
1 LEMAN." Philadelphia Inquirer. June 18,
1863, Republican piper)
This is a good endorsement of the Dem
ocratic candidate lor Governor, coming at.
it does from one of the most influential
Republican journals of the State.
The American Agriculturist, for October
has been received. This is truly a Farm
ers' and Gardeners' journal, woth million
to them. It is the best agricultural worl.
published in the United Stales. It is larao
and voluminous ; and thoroughly practical.
Terms, One Dollar per annum, in advance
Orange Judd, Editor and Proprietor, 41 Park
Row, New Yotk City.
Lkt them Come Tbe Abolition organs
keen up an eternal chatter, like so many
Poll Parrots, about the soldiers vo'ing
We say let them all come, none of your
Connecticut and Maine games though, ol
sending home all Republicans. We want
Democrats and all to have fair play in thi
matter. If this is done we have no fears ol
the shoddy candidate'gelting all their vote.
Danville hdelliiencerl ,
He Rkpents. David A. Frey, editor of
the York Pennsylvania, a Republican jou r
nal, i-ays:
Thk Phi.VTEK, a niouthly newspaper, du
voied to the interests of the "Art preser
vative ot alt Arts," ha paid us a visit f ir
September, it is a useful Journal for the
Printers, and deserves a wide circulation.
Success to ihe Printer. John Gearov &
Co.. Publishers, 172 Wiliiam Street, New
York. Terms, one dollar a year.
L. T. Shabpless has just returned from
Philadelphia with a laige and well selected
stock of new goods for Fall and Wimer
Give him a call. He hells at reasonable
With your permission I ih to fay to ihe
readers of jour paper that I will send by
re'urn mail to all who wish it, (free a Fe
ceij e, with full directions for making and
uicig a simple Vegetable Balm, that will
efi-eioally remove, in 10 days, Pimples.
Blo-chfs, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities
o.' lb Skin, feaving the same soft, clear,
smooth and beautilui.
I w ill al!o mail free to itioe having Bild
Heads or Bare Faces simp'e direction? t nd
information that will enable them to start
a full erowth of Lxurient Hair, Whihkitr?
or a M?utiche, in less than 30 days. All
aplicaiiitus answered by return mail with
out charge RcspetMfollv yiir.,
No. 831 Broadway, New York,
. Ao?utt 26, -1863 3m.
A GENTLEMAN, cnreJ of Nervous De
bility, Incompetency, Premature decay i.nd
Youthful error, actuated by a dei-ire to ben
efit others, will be happy to furnish to al
who need ii, free of charge, the Recipe tin J
directions for making the simple Remedy
used in biscate. Those wishing to prifit
by hi experience and posses a valuable
remedy will rpceive the same, by return
mail, carelullv sealed by addring.
" JOHN B. 00 DEN,
No 60 Nasau Street, New York.
AugnM 26, 1863 Sm.
CARKFCLLT corrected weeklt.
RYE, 1 00
CORN, 90
OATS. 65
FLOUR pr.bbl. 7 50
LARD, per lb
HAMS, 12
In Jerseytown, on the 18th inst. Mr.
Thomas P. Cole, aged 62 years 3 weeks
and 4 days.
In Bloomsborg, on , the 16th of Sept.,
Fkanlt Harrisos Frt. son of Joseph and
Martha Fry, from fracture of skull in falling,
in the ninth year of hi age.
IVcyf Goods, IVcw fioodsi!
Jyst Received at Z T. Sharpies Cheap
Cash Store at the old Stand formerly
occupied by L. B. Iiupert,
Calicoes, Mu-Un, from 18 cts. np.
C3" CP SE 3 2? IT Si 3
Syrups from 50 to 80c's. per gallon.
Q:)ensware reasonably low. Boots, Shoes,
and Gums for men, women and children
at the lowest prices. Hoop Skirts and La
dies Balmorals in abundance.
New Mackerel, retail and by the pack
age. '
"Having bought for cash he intends lo
throw out suca inducement to lboe who
buy lor cash, as can not be surpassed. .
t5T Wanted, grain, seeds of all kinds,
Dried fruits, onions, rags Sic. &c, forivhich
the highest market price will be paid.
t-Give him a call and examine his
goods belore buying.
BIootnsbaTs, Sept. 30, 1863. - ; -:
General Election Proclama
tiosi. WHEREAS, by the Laws of this Com
monwealth, il is made the "duty ot
the Sheriff of every county to give notice
of the general elections, by publication in
one or more nowspapers of ihe county, at
least twenty day before the election," and
to enumerate therein the offices to be elec
ted and to deiiguate the place at which the
election is to be held. Therefore, I Josiah
H. Furman. High Sheriff of Columbia co.,
do ueiebv make known and proclaim to
the qualified Hectors of Columbia co , that
a General Election will be held on TUES
DAY; the I3!h itny J Oc!oer, 1863, being
ihe second Tuesday in baid rr.omh, at the
several districts within ihe county, to wit:
Bloom township, at the Court Houe, in
Benton township, at the public house of
J. J S iles, in the twoo of Bunion. -
Beaver township, at the Uoue of Frank
lin L Shuman.
Briarcrtek township, at thu School house
near Kvansville.
Bor Berwick, at the Town Iloue, in the
Caiawissa. township, at the public house
of William Shuman, in taiawissa.
Cenire 'ownsliip, at the house of Jeremi
ah Hers, deceased..
Oonyngham township, at the house ol R.
R. Wafeer.
Fishingcrek township, at the house of
Benjamin McIIenry.
Franklin township, at Clayton's School
Greenwood township, at the House of J
R. fatton.
Hfictock township, at t'.ie Buck Horn.
Jackaon towiisliip at the house ol Ezekie!
Lornst township, at the house of John L.
Hur.-t in Slab'on.
Mifllin township at the hou of J. Keller.
Madison twp., at tbe house ol Samuel
Monrt Pleasant twpv at the house now
occupied by Thoma Jones.
Montour aI ina ou9 of John Rich
ards, now occupied by William Holhngs
Main twp., at the house of. John M. Nus.
Roarinscrefk twp., at the house .'ormerly
occupied by G. W. Dri-bach.
Orange twp., at the house of Alexander
Unities', Orangeville.
Pine twp., at the house of Albeit Hun
ter. Sngarloaf twp., at the house of Alinas
- Scott twp., at the house of Enoch Howell,
It is further directed that the election of
ihe said several districts shall be opened
between th hours ofJS and lo o'ekek in
the. fre noon, and shall continue open wi fl
out interruption or adjourtuneui, until 7
o'clock in the evening, when the polls
shall be closed.
The officers to be elced al tbe time and
places aforesaid, ar 0:i Governor. One
Judge of the Supreme Court. One Senator.
Two Representatives, One Proihoiioirry
9ie Register & Recorder. On Tra-urer.
One County Commi-Mutier. One Uuuni)
Auditor, and 0;ie County Coroner.
It is further directed that the meetings ol
the return Judges will be held at thu Conn
Hoti-e in Bloomsburg lo make out trie gen
eral election, whiidi will be on Friday the
Sixteenth day ol O tober.
The return Judges id" the Representative
District, composed of the Counties of
Wyoming, Sullivan, LolumDia ami aion
lour, shall meet at the Court House, in
Bloomeburu. in the county of Columbia, on
Tue-day, the Twentieth day of October
next to make out returns for members of
And in and by the said act, I am furiher
directed to give notice that every person,
exppDtin" in sticks of the ptjar-e, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or
trust under the tiovernrnetu ot tne unreu
Stales, or of thi Siate, or of any city or in
corporated district, whether a commission
ed officer or otherwi-ea subordinate olhcer
or ag-ni, who i- or snail be employed uo
der the legislative, or exer ntise, or judicary
deDarimenl of this Slate, or ol any incor
portted district, and also itiat every mem
of Corigrer, and of the select or common
council ol any city, commisonrs, of any
in corporaied district, is, by law, incapable
of ho'Jing or exercising ai ihe same time,
the oflice or appointment of Judge, inspec
tor or clerk of and election of this common
wealth, and that no inspector, Judge or any
otlicer of any such election sliall be eligible
lo any office than to be voted for.
(iiven under my hanJ an 1 eal, at my
cfTice in Blooiu.burg, this l7tti day of Sept.,
A. D. 1863.
Bloom-bnrg, Sept., 29, lb63. Sheriff.
Tcacliers' Exaciinalioiis.
THE Examination of Teachers for Col
cmtia will lnke place at the fol
lowing lime and place :
Centre at Fowlersvi e. September 2 1st ;
Caiawi-sa at Ca'awissa, ept. 22 ; Berwick
Bor. Sept. 23; Mifflin at M;filinwil!e, Sept.
28 ; Braver at Michael' School house, Sept.
29 ; Alain at Muinvil!. Sept. 30; Roaring
creek at Middle School home Oi-t. 1 ; Con
ngham at Cenireville, Oct. 2 ; Lncu-t at
NurneJia, Oct. 3 ; Franklin at Clayton's
School house. Oct. 6; Orang at Oranyeville,
Oct. 7 ; Fishingcreek at Pealer's School
housf, Oct. 8 ; Bsntou at Brtiiton, Oct. 9;
Sdaarloaf at Col's School house. O.'t. 10 ;
Scott at Light Street, Oct. Mad son nt
Jerseytown, Oct. 19 ; Hemlock at Buck
Horn, Oct. 20; Montour . at Die'erick's
School houe, O'M. 21 ; Mount Pleasant at
J.jne ' School hoose, Out. 22 Briaicreek
at Mar'z's S-;hool house, Oc:. 21; Green
wr,n,i at Rohriburi?. Oc 26; Jackson at
Derr's School house, Oct. 27 ; Pine
Warnersville. Oct. 30.
The exercise- at !! the above places
commence at 1C oVfock, A. M.
Teachers will please be punctual in
lendance. Directors are respectfully
quested to be present.
Bloomsburg. Sept. 12, 1863. Co Svpt.
Pulmonary Consumption A
Curable Disease !
THE undersigned having been restored
lo health in a few wee'ks, by a very siru-
. . cr A ,i , - . I
pie remeoy, aur navmg suncreu kici
years wish a severe lung affection, and that
Uread disease, Consumption is anxious to
rriake known to his fellow sufferers the
means of cure.
To all who desire t, he will send a copy
cf the prescription m-ed (free of charge),
with the directions for preparing and utng
the tame, which they will find a sure cute
for Consumption, Aeihtna, Bronchitis,
Couuhs. Colds, &c. The ordy object of the
advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread the infor
mation which he conceives lo be invalua
ble ; and be hopes every eofferer will try
his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parlies wishing tbe prescription will
please addres - :...
Williamsborgb, Kings county, N. Y.
Sept, 23, 1863. 4raos.
The Great
Since i:s organization, has created a new
era in the histor of
W holesaling Teas In this Coontry.
, They have introduced their selections of
1L.AS, ard are selling therrt at noi over
TWO CEIWTS (.02 Cents) per pound
above Cost,
Never deviating from the ONE PRICE
4 nother peculiarity of the Company is
'"that l he i r Tea Taster not only devotes
his time lo the selection of their TEAS a
to qnality, value, and particular Mles for
particular localities of country, but tie
helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their
enormous siock such TEAS as are best
adapted to hit particular wants, and not on
ly this, but points out to him the best bar
gains. It i- easy to sp the incalculable advan
tage a Tea Buyer has iu th's eslab!ihment
over all others.
II he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market,
if his time, is valuable, he has all ihe bene
fits of a well organized syttm of doing
bu-ines, of an immense capital, of ihe
judgement ol a Professional Tea Tasier,
ami ihe k nowlidae of superior salesmen.
This enables all Tea buyer no matter
if they are thousands of miles from this
market lo purcha-e on as good lenns here
as ihe New York Merchan's.
Parties can order Teas will be served by
os a well as though ihey came iheun-elves
being sure to ei original p-u-kaaea, true
wrinh'sand lares; and ihe TEAS are war
runtleil as represented.
We ipsue a Price List of the Company's
Teas, which will te sent to all who order
il ; comprising
Hyson, You n tr EIyoii, Impe
rial , u n p o (1 v v T w a n ka y
and Skin.
JAPAN TE of every description, col
ored and uneolored.
This list has each kind of Tea divided into
FOUR Clasps, namely: CAIUiO, high
CARGO FINEST, that every one may uri
deramd frcm description and the prices
annexed thai the Company are determined
to undersell ihe whole Tka trade.
We iinarniee lo sell ALL nurTEAS at not
over TWO CENTSC.02 Cents) ponml
jbnve co-t, believing this in be at racive
lo the many who havo heretofore been
paying Enormous Profits.
No. 5! Vesey Street, New York.
Sept. 9, 1863. 3mo.
Aorth Central Railway.
TWQ TRAINS DAILY to and from tbe
Norlh ai d West Branch of t! e Susquehan
na. Eimira, aod ail of Northern New York.
On and after Mor.dav, 20i, 1563,
the I'a--erigr Trains of the Norih Cenlral
Railway will arrive and depart from Sun
bury, Harrisburg and Bal'irnore, as follows:
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at 10.10 am.
Leaves Hai ri-burg, 1.15 p.rn
Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35
Express Train leaves Sunbury d-nly
except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m.
Leaves Harrib'r;j. except Monday 2.00
Arrives at Baltimore daily except
Monday, at 6.15 a.m.
Acconimodatiof leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a m.
Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily
except Sundays, at 9.15 a m.
Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives al Sunbury, 4 05 pm.
Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrives at ilarri-bur, 1.35 a.m
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday .3.00 " -Arrive?
at Sunbury, 5.38 "
For further partcolar- apply at the office.
Harr'.burrr, Aug 8, 1863.
JYational Foundry.
SIoomliiir?, Columbia Co .
'Ine snbribjr, proprietor of the tbnv
named extensive eiablishmen?, is now
prepared to receive order for ll kiniU o
machir.erv. for COI.LERI RS BLAST FI R
He is also prepared to make S ovos, all
size and pattern-, Plow-irons, and every
thing usually made in firsi-t-Uss Foundries
His enlaiiMve facililic? arid practical
workman, wairant him in receiving the
larseM contracts on tte roost reasonable
V" Grain of all kinds will be taken in
excharae tor castings.
t'B This e-iabii-hmenl is located near
the Lackawanna R-nlrod t)rpoi.
Rloomsbnrsr, Sept. 9. 163.
Secrets For Ihe -Tlillon !
A moM valuable and wonderful publj
canon. A work ol 400 paje. und
3v colored DR. HUNTER'S
VADEMECUM, an oriainal and popular
lrea'ie on Man and Wcman, their Phys
iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of
every kinl, with Nrfver Failing Remedies
for their speedy cure. Ihe practice of
Dr. HUNTER ha long been, and siiti is,
unbounded, but at thJ cart:el solicitation
numt erous persons, he ha been induced
to extend his medical usefulness ihrouh
the medium of hi "VADEMECUM." It
is a volume that should be in the hands ol
every family in the land, as a preventive ol
secret vices, or as a guide for ihe allevia
tion of one of the most awful and destruc
tive sconrae ever visiied mankind. 0e
copy, seourelv enveloped, will be forwar
ded free ol pota2e lo any part of the Uni
ted States lor 50 cents in P. O. siamp, 3
copies for SI. Addres,, post paid, DR.
HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New
Sept 9. 1863.
Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin
ciples of 1776, Designed to enmastt
the Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of
And lo defend ihe doctriues of Slate Rights,
and of Consiitutiorial-Liberty, as held by
our Revolntionary Fathers.
Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR &
Co., sau street, New York.
PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For
warded by mail or express to all parts of
the United Slates at SI a year, in advance.
Any person sending ten subscriber will
receive an additional copy for one year.
Aug. 26, 1863.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ticw Iotin ?slore.
ffHE undersigned respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally,
that he has jusl received from the Eastern
Cities, a large assortment of
Freh from the seal of Fashion, of all
sorts, sizes and quantises, which will be
sold cheap for cash or country produce.
A L S O,
r HATS a rjAIS
Together with a variety of no
tions and ihiims ioo troublesome to numer
ate, lo which he inviies th,u attention of pur
chasers. flT Call and examine our stock of gods.
R!imnrc, A no 2fi, I8fi3.
Anollier Arrival of Gootli.
Now is Your Time to Buy.
rpHE undersianed having bought out the
l Grocery ol David Stronp, lias re:noved
his Hat and Cap S'ore up to Stroup's Old
Stand, where in addition lo a superior as
sonmpnt of
Comprising every potl and quality, which
will be sold at ununal!y low price.
He will oiilinue itie Grocery and Notinn
business in all its forms as carried on by
Mr.Stroup And solicits a coutinuance of
the old customer.
ALNO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES,
and LININGS to which be inviie tie at
tention ot Shoemakers and the public.
Blooncsburir. Ang. 26 IS63.
S3 2
V 12 L A T It E A U ' S
'IMIIS celebrated article is warranted lo
bring oni a full set of Whiskers on the
smoothest face, or a fic.e growth of hair on
a Bald Head, in Ipsn than six weeks, and
will in no way stain or injure the skin.-
The French Cream is manufactured by Dr.
Pel ureauK ot Paris, and is the only reliable.
article of the kind, fj-e no other. War
ranted in every cae ONE BOX WILL DO
THE WORK. Price SI CO. Imported and
for salt W holesale and Retail by
Chemist and Druggist,
S3 1 Bioadw ay, New York.
P. S. A l ox of the Ongoent sent to any
address by return mail, on receipt of price,
and 15 cents for Poiage.
Autust 26, 1563 Im.
Jilillcrs Store.
'fHE subscriber ha just returned from
the Cilie with another large and select
assortment of
purchased al Philadelphia s.nd New Y'ork,
at the lowest figure, and which be is
determined oiell on as moderate terms as
can be procured elsewhere in BioomsLcrg.
Hi stock comprises
Ladies' Dress Goods,
of the choiresi sty les and latet fasliiorjs.
G? ur od ce a i 23
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &.c.
In short, every thing usually kepi in country
I stores; to which be iuvites the public gener
The highest price will be pai I for coun
try produce, in exrhanae for goods.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863.
JYcic Stack of Clothing.
j T N VI I ES atemion lotus nwk of cheap
I an.t laltionable Clothing at his Store, or
i two doors above the Amtrican House,
! where he has jn.t received from New York
and Philadelphia, a lull assortment ot
Men and Boy's Clolltii)?,
including Hie rr.o-l fatiionab!e, durable and
handsome, DRESS GOODS, connsting of
Ihx, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil CfoiL
Coals, and I'ants,
of all sorls, sizes, and colors. He also ha'
repleni-hed his already larae stock of Fail
and Winter Shawl-; striped, floored and
plairt Vels, thirls, cravats, stock-, collars,
handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy
N C He has constantly on hand a larae
and well selected assortment of Cloths and
Vesting, which he i prepared to make op
to order, into a iy kind ol clodiing on very
short notice and in the best ol manner.
All his clothing is made lo wear and most
of il is of home manufacture.
xyX ran to r?0
Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap
Hi Case of Jewelry i- not t-urpase i in ibis
place. Call and examine his general as.,
cortment of Clothing, Watches. Jewelry,
ki-. kc. LAV ID LOW EN BERG.
Bloomsburg, Aui. 26. lf63.
150 REST PIANOS. $1-50
GROVES I EEN &. HALE, having re
movel to their new warerooms,
1TC. 47 SS.CArVfjL'Sr,
are row pref ared to offer the public a mag
nificent new scale full
7 Octave Boscwood Piano,
containing all improvements known in this
country or Europe, over-strung bass,
French grand action, harp pedal, full iron
frame, for
Warranted for 5 Years.
Rich moulding case
$175 TO 200,
all warranted made of Ihe bert seasoned
material, and lo stand better than any sold
lor 3400 or 500 by the old methods of
manolacture. We invito the best Judges
to examine and try ihesenew instruments,
and we stand ready at all times to test them
wilb any others manufactured ia this coan-
478 Broadway, IVew York.
.'Jane 4th 1862. 3m.
The cheapest and best New York News
paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight
page forty columns. A complete record
of events, Bei jamin Wood, editor and pro
prieior, .published "at No. 19 City Hall -Square,
Daily New Building, Ne Yorfc
Cuy. '
unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a
j public journal, and in
is tno-l efficieu ly conducted, so as to form
a w eekly'record of events 'political, com
mercial, financial aril literary, ihrogtioul
the World. In adiiiii'Mi to this it contains
all Ihe Domestic iMelligenr e of each week
and full reports ol every u at'er of public
interest. .
Am Journal The Weekly News
will be found on the sMe of lha Coniitr
tion of the ccutt-y a il was franx-d arAf
established by the Fathers ol the Republic,
and wiil scan vr nh care a-id fidelity every
public act that may lend to ti e violation of
the le'ter and spirit of ihat iustrumeul of
our liberties. It prefer ihe
to a ruinous and exhausting system of War.
Insisting upon the irtitn of the principle;
embodied in the; Declaration of Indepen
dence, that the j-'st powers of the Govern
ment are derived from the consent of the
Governed, it urge the preservation of the
lundameri!al principle of liber'y, inviolate,
a- ol mure sacred -mponance than national
grandeur or consolidated power under des
potic rule withoui tbi pale of established
law. On all question of national impor
tance it :s the infi-ixible champion ot tho
ni:h!s of citizens, as guaranteed under tbe
instruments by whic h Ihey hav edecided lo
i.e goerneii. It therelore boldiy avows its
purpose ia susiain te' Freedom of Pper'cb.
and of the Pret-s. with thfe View to nrniai
li e people from the encroaching dogmas of
iheorists who confempelate a modification
of the democraiic principles which to this
time have been sustained against every ef-.
for: to overthrow them. In alt matters per'
I 1 n i r l ' in Zi.v mr . , r.. n r. t ,t. . i I . r . L -
ncw-pappr is to protect the people from in
. considerate ar.d rash legislation, and tu
noKi our pur-Jic servants lo a strut account
ability for their conduct while carrying ou
the machinery of power. Toihis end the .
mosi careful atteniio'i i!l be given to If
rc'iieral and Lejisaiive Uws, and a firm
atuf impartial examinat ation of every new
yolnical proposiiion may be expected a
the Only means c.f protecting ihe people
from an abridgement of their riaht.
are given in trie mosi succinct yet complete
manner. They tlim particular notice
for their fidelity and truth, and all ihoe'
who deir to comprehend the exact finan-"
cial condition of the couetrv should not
Nil lo examine ihe views which will
fouun in this department of the journal.
will be fourftf especially iniereiing and in-".
struet'iAe and being detived from some of
the ablest minds in Europe mo-t be read,
with the utmost avidity by those who desire
to camprehend thai dibfomacy of the Gov
ernments of ihe Oil Wo'ld.
In all other respects THE WEEkLY
h S will be found to meet the public de
mand. It is the efpecial object of the Pro
prietor to render it a valuable and enter-
pure in its moral influence, ennobling in
its character, and satisfactory to ihat large
cla!s in the community who desire lo see
the Public Pres- ireal all public questions
wi ih arguments axpressed in courtesy and
candor, thought, at ihe ame lime, with ther
spirit doe lo the ihemes discussed.
By reference to the terms of Tne New
York Weekly News il will be noticed that
it is by far the cheapest new-paper in the
world, and ihe Proprietor feels thai h may
invre ihose who approve of it principles'
and conduct to ue iheir influence in adding
to i s yreseM large circulation.
Eight P-ges . Forty Columns'
For One Year One Dollar
Eleven Copies to one Address for One
Sine! copies Three Cents
A first class Metropolitan J jurnal devoted
to Peace and Cousniu'ional Liberty, and
containing all ihe new of the day. Politi
cal, Telegraphic al, Commercial and Local
is the t heapel daily paper in the metropo-
One Copy, Ore Year Six Dollars.
One Co?v Six Months Three Dollars,
Siigle Copies Tow Cenis.
and Proprie-or, No. 19 City Hall Square;
New York.
TTeamng kail road.
GREAT Trunk line from the North and
North-west for Philadelphia, New
York, Rea lmg. Pottsvilleebanon, Allen
town, Earton, &c , &e.
Trains leave. H-misburg for Philadelphia
New York, Readinj;, Poiisville, and all in
termediate StB.ions, at 8 a. m. and 1.40 P. M.
New York Express leaves Harrisburg at
1.25 a. M. striving .t New York at 8.25 the
same mornin.
Fares Irom Harrisbur: to New York
?5 00, to Philadelphia S3;25 and S2,70. '
Rcaae checked ihronsjb.
Remrnin? leave New York at 6 A. M. 12
Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.)
Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P.
S!eping rtw in the New York Express
Trains, through to and Irotn Piisburgb
without change.
Passengers by the Catiawissa Rail Road
leave P.rt Clinton at 4.45 A. M. tor Phila
del hia an I all interme f iae Stations, and
at 3.00 P. AI. lor Philadelphia, New York,
and all Way Pomis.
Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and"
2.15 P. il. for Philadelphia and New York,
and al 5. 3D P. 7.1. for Auburn and Port
Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove
and with the Caitawissa Rail Road.
An accomodation Passenger train leaves
Reading ai 6 A. M. and returns from Phila
delphia at 5 P. M.
liT All ihethe above tiains rua daily;
Sundays excepted.
A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.3fj
A. M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex
cursion Ticket-, al reduced rates to and
from all points.
General Superiniendant;
June 4'h iF62
We will pay from S25 to S75 per month,
and all expenses, lo active Ageut, or give
a commission. Particulars sen! free. Ad
dress Ekic Sewing Machine Company, R
JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. '
Blooiiisborg, Aug. 21, 1861.
euls Balmoral Lce Boot, will b told
very low.- Alto. Boys Shoes at
L T.SHARfLl&5.,t