THii scLDiE irs xra E friend. ""AfcYTaYS READY; --''-; ' f - ' a ' IIOLLOWAY'S OINTJBNT. Long marches, eore and stiff joints, blis tered and inflameu feel, all these the sol dier mon endure, MOTHERS. REMEM BER THIS, whim your sons are grasping their rnoekets to meet danger, think what relief a single po of this ALL HEALING & COOLING Salve wii! give to (he one yon lore v.'hea far away from home and friends. It hardens and roakes tough the feet so lhat tbey can endur great fattgua. Ii soothes and relieves tbe inflamed end stiffened joints, leaving them supple, strong and vig orous, while for SABRE CUTS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS. It sland9 nnequalled, removing and pre venting every vestige of inflammation and gently drawing ihe edgestogether, it quick ly and ccmpleu ly beats the raosi frightful wounds. - WIVES AND SISTERS OF OUR VOLUN TEERS. Yoa can not put into the knapsacks of your husbands and brother?, a more valua ble or more Decenary gift than a supply of his . -, - ' EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. Th lonely sentry walking: his rounds at night, exposed o drenching rains and chid night air, is often seized with most Violent Paine Cough snd suffocsting hoarsened?, first eymtoms of quick consumption bu if supplied with Holloway' Pills and Oint ment, all danger is aver'ed, a lew Pill ta ken night and morning, and the Ointment briskly rubbed twice a day over the throat and c heat will remove tbe severest pains and stop the most distressing or Dangerous Cough. Therefore we say to the whole Army. i SOLDIERS ATTENTION ! I See to your own health, do not trust to tlie army scpplies although most valaable. These Pills and Ointment have been thor oughly tested, ihey are the only remedies sed in the European Camps and Barracks, for over forty jeara Dr, Holloway has sup plied all the Armies in Europe, anil during the Crimean Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava, fur the exclusive sale of these great remedies, many a time his spe cial agent there hassold over aton in weight of the ointment in a single day. These terrible and fatal enemies of the Soldier in Camp DIARRHEA. TYSEN TARY, SCUR VY, SORES and SCROFULOUS ERUP TIONS. ail disappear like a charm before thee PILLS & OlNTM ENTfand now while the Cry rioas throughout ih6 ladd, TO ARMS!. TO ARMS! ! Do not lei these brave men perish by dis ease place in iheir hands these precious remedies, that will enable them to resist the dangerous exptsures,ihe Fevers, the Chill andlhe wounds which they cannot avoid, and what Is mure cannot frequently get sue ror io the moaient of need, whereas if onr brave men have only 10 put their hands into their Knapsacks and find there a sure emedy for alt the casualuie of the battle ield. How m any thou-ands of live would tius be saved who would otherwise pe'ish before relief could be obtained. EFCAU HON ! None are gennine un less the words "Holloway, New York and London," are discernable as a watermark in every leaf of the book of direction, a round each pot or box, the sa-ne may be plainly seen by holding the leaf lo the light. A handsome revrard willbegivon to any one rendering; such inform'otion as may lead to he detection of any party dr parties conn terfuiung the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. J Sold at ihe Manufactory of Prof Hoi loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York and by all respectable uruggisw arm i-..s ... Medicine throughout the civilized world, in , pots, at 25c 62c and $1 each. CF" There is a considerable savingly taking the larger sizes. jf. B Dirtctione for the guidance of pa liet.ts, in every disorder are affixed to each box. ; - FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT HI5AD ClUARTEKS! lHcKEI'Vi:, IVEAL. & CO., TTAYEjast received and opened iheirstock -J- of Mercbadise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and hansom act giinrlmonl now offered in this TO N. Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to Pride and Quality, thev flatter ihsraselves that they can compete witb the cheapest, and all those wishing to biy cbeap,ean save money by giving us a call. Wre have all kinds of goods and wares ,o supply the wants of the people. A very jarge ana complete assortment ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merihoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom basines, de bages, poplins parametia cloths, mohair lustriiS, muslin de-laines, Persian cloths, Ginnhams, alicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, . Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, floancings, buods and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet iibbons. and brtids. kid. cotton, lisle bread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. AEili KIIVDS OF SMAWXS, croche, Bay State, Vraterville, black silk, cahhmere, einbrodered, &e. Also a very large large assortment of Cloths, eaimers, satinets, vesting, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. ; 32'3 SS SSR9B9 of all kinds und sizes for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of IATS and CAPS ol tbe latent fashion. We .ave also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar- ware, &c. very cheap -CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, raa, rugs, bas kets, ic. Muslins, flannels, ticking, dra pers, towel'mg, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite our friends and ihe public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elije where. We have bought our goods at ths LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not to undersold by anybody or the rest of man iihd. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. : Eloomshnrg, May 2. 1S62 LEATHER! LEATHER ! fipHE undersigned would announce, that ha has on hard, at his Hal aail Cap emporium, on Main etrpet, Bloom-sbora. an ai snftment r f different kind of leather, such : fine caif ckini, morocco, red ar.d black and, ail of which he will fell chep et lhn can be had' elesewhere in ihi mar ket. Ca!i and examine them for yourselves. JOHN K. GIRTON. D.'oamiburg, May 21, 1862. 1 1 's Cherry Pectoral, Price with Ilemmer and Feller, 035 00. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY PEtULlARY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and Ftl'ing with a Single Thread. It forms a neat, ever., and elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam is cut at frequent intervals, and aleo under all circumstances "to survive the wash-tub " A Patented device of ereat utility lo learners, prevents the possibility of the ma chine bf ing run :n the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dress. Another feature which deserves particu lar attention ifFTHE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG. Two thouaid Siitches, or two yards of woik, can be oone tn one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machi8es, so simple and accruate in their construction, super?ede the use of ihe shmtle; and with one thread proJuce all the practical results of the two thread machines; ar.d more, lor these fell without basting, and hem the finest ruosliu fcithout puckering. Although at about half the price of the other first class machines, they will arrom phsh double the sewing in a given lime "It is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine lhat the public hav long been wailing for." Boston Tran script. "II is indeed a wonderful production, and and for family use especially, no other will bear any comparison with it." Patladfl phia Evening Journal." 'A mechanical wonder.' 'Scientific Amr iccan. "Amonc the beet and most serriof-aMe Sewic.2 machines. Light and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction thai it eems almost imposible. for it to gM out of repair." Pittsburg Ctnouicle "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the higher priced machines." Pennsy I. vanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the committee, fills more nearly the require ment of a pcrtect family machine than any on exhibition." Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report of 1858. "Taking into consideration eimplicity. cheapness, durability, and doing all work, tbe committee were unanimous in favor ol the Wilcox &Gtbbs as a single Ihrerd ma chine." Pennsylvania Slate Agricuhnral Society's Report. "We must, in Justice, express our confi dence in Ihe merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewina Machine We consider that agrei desideratum ha been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubt, that iwo threads are not, as was suppose'!, necessary to a sood instrument.'" Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 21, 1860. "We have one of thee machines in use, and think more highly of it than of any of the number we have tried.' Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary lo Constan tinople has examined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchase,! oneof'.hem as the best adapted to the wants of bis family, and a- ihe leal liable to require repair. OLIVER CRANK. Bostoi., July 3, I860. The undersigned, during eighteen months has had in almost constant use, in his fm ly. Wilcox & Gibbs Sewina Machine, upon which ha been made the cl.ithe cf his large family from muslin lo pilot cloth including the clothing reqaired lor his sev eral boy; and in no case have the seams failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now id use in bis family ha required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap pointed, efficient snd durable. JACOB CHICKERING, Boston. CSend lor Circnlar.grj JAMLS W I M'OX, Slanulrtduier. No. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1861 ly- THE GREAT CAUSE OF II II ill A I .11 I S IC ITT . Just Published in a Sealed Enveloped. Price 6 tent : A LECTURE BY DR. CULVER tf WELl , ON THE CAUSE AND ZSLdt- CURE, of Spermatorrhea, Con sumption. Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness. Epilepsy ; Impared Nointis of the Body: Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the back; Indisposition and In capacity for study and Labor Dullness of Apprehension; Loss ot Memory; Aversion to Society: Love of Solitude; Timidity, Kptf - DiMirnst: Dizzines-; Headache; Affec tions of tlte Eyr-s: Pimples on the Face, Itivoluntarv Emissions, and sexnal incapa city ; the consequences ol Youthlul Indis cretion, &c, &c. E5This admirable Lectureclearly proves that ihe above enumerated, often ;se( af flicted, evils may be removed with his medicine and without dangeroo surgical operations, an5 should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any addres-, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipi of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing DR CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Ba-jvery.N.Y. Post Office box 4586. January 29, 1862-ly. . MARuTaGE.-ITS LOVE AM) hates, sorrows" and anger-, dope- and tears, regrets and joys; MANHOOD, Imw lost, bow restored; the nwiure.. treatment and radical cure of spermatorrhea or sem inal weakness : in vc luntary emissions, sex ual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consumption, ht mental and physical incapacity, resnliinsj frora SELF-ABUSE -are lully explained ; m a r n I a rj P. fillinE hv WM IYOUNG. M. D. This mot t-xtraordi nary Will ill L t'lliil - - - - J F -M. ' book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires lo hrnil the number of their offsprina to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache in cidental io youth, maturity and old age, is- fully explained; every particle ol knowl edge mat should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In faci, it disclo ses secrets thai every one should know ; still it is a book that musi be lock ri up, and tot lie about the house. It will be hent to any one on receipt of twenty five cents in specie or oo ase stamps. Aq, dres Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPKUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. CPAFFHCTED & UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your diease, be fore you place yourself undei the care of any of the notorious Quacks-native or for eign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Your.o's book, and read it carefully, ii will be the mean of saving you many a dollar, your health, and pos-iblv your life. DR YOUNG can be consulted on any of the disease described ir. his publication at his office No. 416 SPRUCE Streeuabove Fourth. Philadelphia. Office hours from 9 jo 3dai!y. Eebrcary2S, 1862 y, Ayer's Cathartic Pills. TO T!!?' rcoPLK ; OF THE UNITED STATES I IN Ihe month of December, 1858. ihe tin. dersined for Ihe first lime offered for saU to the public Dr. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in ibis short period ihey have given such universal sat isfaction to the many thousands of persons who have tried them lhat it is now an es tablished article. The amount of bodily and mental miser arising eimyly from a neglect Of small complaints is surprising, and ii is therefore ol the utmost importance irir a strict attention to the least and most hatfiing bodily ailment should be had ; for diseases ol the body rrius invariably affect the mind. The subscribers now only ask, a trial Of DR. J. BOVEE DODS' Imperial Wine Kit Irs ! !! fron sll who have not used them. We chal lenge the world lo produce their equal. These Bitters for the core of Weak Stom ach. General Debility, and for Purifyiig and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely un sujpased by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make ihe trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, beinu about one th'rd stronger than other wines; warmii and iiiviio'H!ii!g the whole svstetri from the head to the feet. As these Bitters ure tonic aud alternative in their character, so ihey strengthen atn.l invigorate the wnoie s..-- lem and yive a fine tone and t.e.iliiiy ;-'i n j to all its part. by equ,.Iizi tl.e eircil.;oi removing obstructions, and j.rtd';-i::4 n general warmth. They He !:- eceil--i. tor Di"ea: es anil Wenki-est ;-ei' ul' to 1 F.- j MALES, where ;i i- recji-ir.-".! to! ttrtn gthth and brace the y-ten. Lh -is ', j who is stit jet t to lrf.i;iitie. ant! f.iitiiie-. ; shonl-.t be without them a 'hey J'-re revivi fy i r. i in their action. riir. he nnrsn l fill not only (hire, but Prreait Dixfiisr -ml in l Ii c re-iecl are douMy valuable t (tie perO'i wl'O niiy u-e ttietn. For INCIIMEN I CONSUMPTluN. Wertk Lut!s. Imt'gesiioti, Dy'eiia, riis ewses ol the Nervous System, Paialysi. Piles, and for ell case requiring -a Tonie Dr. Dods Telebr ted Wine Bittsrs For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable For the aged and Infirm, ami for persons of a weak constitution, for Ministeis of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speak er for Book Keepers, Tailors, Seamstres e, Students, Artis's and all persons lead ing a sedentary lile, ihey will prove truly beneficial As a Beveraee, they are whole. ome, in nocent, and delicious to the la-te. I'he produce all tlte extiilaraiina etlect- ol Brdn dy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons ad.'ic ed to the use ofexcessive strong drink, and who with to refrain from it. They are pute and entirely free fiom the poi-on rontained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors ith whicti the country is floo 'ed. These Fitters not only CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should b? ued by all ho live in a country where the water is ba I, or where Chili and Fevers are j rev aleiit. Being entirely innocent and h irni-lei-s, ihey may se -;iveti freely to C'ui i'en and Ii.lanis vviitt in.punity. Pt.y ri.'ian-. Cicry n u, ai.t etn nice advccrtles, as an act of Immunity, stiohi i asist in -preadiug tttese valnat le IN TERS over 'he land, and thereby e--ei tad ly aid i.i banishinu Drunkenness and f)t eate. In all Affections of the head, sick Head iche or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be most Salutary and Efficacious. The many certificates which have been tendered u, and (he letters which wu are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bitters havo giv en a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and those who once u-e them will not fail to keep a supply. ;.'. j. hovva: pod's IMPERIAL WINK. BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician who has ued them suceeslul tr his practice for ihe lat t enty five y ear. The proprietor, before purchair. the ex clusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrated Imperial Win Bitters, had them tested by two disimj nich ed medical praclioneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although ihe medical men of the country as a general thing disapprove ot Pa'e it Medicines, yet we do not believe thai a re spectable Physician can be (ootid in the United Slates, acquainted with their medi cal propeilies who will i'ol hirti!v ap iove liR.J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINK BJTTERv In all newly setdet phires, herp iith is alas a Sare quantity ol decny : : -ber from which a pot-o.r hm.. tn. i create!, ttto.-e f-i't-r- : onltl be u-ed ev-ry morning before trekf.-!. DU J f).'KE IK)i'W LllPKItlAL WWW BITTKUS Are compO!el ol a p . re Hint n..'t i;ll-r !" Wine, corribtned vviin Bai:-eri, too'i Setl Conirey. V i I : Cnerry Tr- B.rk Spikenard Ctia morn tl-' Flower-, ani Gen tian. Ihey are maiii.lactnred lv Dr hd himsell. ' ho i an . experienced atnl suc cessful Physician, at-d In nee h'uld imp b-cla--eit ainoni; the quack no-trurn yvuii-ti flood the country, and axin-i wtiieli Medical Prolession are so jttlv prej' dtfed Thee truly valuable; Briers tiav-- been so thoroughly tested by all classes ol Ihe community lor almost every variety of di ease incident to the humar system, lhat Ihey are row deemed indispensable , a TONIC MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE 'Iiircline One Bottle ! It Coms but Lit le ! Purify ihe Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach ! Renovate the System ! and Proton" Life ! , . PRICC SI PER BOTTLE 6 BOTTLES 5; " Prepared and fold By CHARLEb W I DDI FIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. 78 William Street, Nw York. for sale Dy urnuai-is anu grocer Jreneralfy throu-jhon the country. August 28, 186i- -ly. Old "Thing! Become ""TVeiv, The undersigned would be f?a.vt: to in form hi old friends, and "the rest of man kind," trial he has lately returned Irjm ihe service of his country and aaam re opened his OLD ESTABLISH- ftk ED TAILO RING SA LOON.-Lf with a view of making up entire new gar ments, as we'I a mending old one, for all mankind, and any body el-e. who may favor him with their work in hi line. He j prepared to do work NEAT, Fa-h ION ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hope by so doing, and mi ict attention lo busine-s lo merit and receive a due share of patronage.- But remember, all that ''these times require money, or something lo liv upon, he therelore hopes and lrut, thai when he ha done hi part, his customer will do theirs, by furnishing the "ready John," or ready trade. . For truly the "Latorer is worthy ol his hire." BERNARD RUPIUIT., Bloom&bnrs, ePL 10 1862. RAYMOND'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. . ".THICK $10 Rf II. jllESSRS. ZUPP1NGEB & ROBBINS, of Bloomsburg, having purchased tlse ex clusive right of the above valuable Impro ved Cheaf Patent Sewing Machine, for the County of Columbia, will be happy n supply their friends yvith the article for the accommodation of themselves and families. The fulloyving are, some of the superior advantages ibis implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 tight stitches per to m nte. 2 Dmible thread Machine aie from the more com plicated character of their mech anism invariably managed and threaded with more or les difficult y ; not so w tih RAYMOND'S, a child can manage "u ir; two hours, atnl it is threaded easier tltaa a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features r f this Machine, i the smallness arte! the compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or stand, in operating order, and removed i:t less than half a minute. 5. It areally economiz?? the thread, and y et produces a seam, sullicienlly strong for any ivork lor which it is intended, a q'i-l-ihVution not known to all kinds of Sewirm M .).! it' es. f. ?,'o human hand is rap.iMe of prndti i t' V ., l renlar atul sy-ierriatic. ..-.( i ;i- ! r C if vVrfil doie tint Ihe s!.-.i':.--t Hilerial Will 1 t b--!ore I! " f e ;i f i 7 An. M .tc Ii ii ch t r.e is . ie.. :ir'Ui ' : r" are iin too.-r- p... .n.t M.i- R; iy i.i in; I i.-" da ii- i tn ;'l knots ol Wnrk i pr'iven. I llre are pe'tia expe l-.M'e niiiie c r-ijy iie,m ot wore tor the (in tin itottta such a vari ' liate n-e o( t;ie bm dy circle amt a: nch a moderate j m RaY.vIONDS PATENT. H. I'tie operator ran shape his ru - he pe.-es, yvaves, leaves ami flower e c .c.'ti t'e represented or imitated. 0. It is particularly adapter r. of siilcbii." slich as enlleit en II i t :n i r. bosoms, risibands, collar, etc., and t kinds ol ladies' seyving, inclndinj st!k-, lawns, delaines, calicoes, duster-, etc.. ex cepting for men'sheavy yvear, this Machine is rather too i i 2 b l o! construction. 10. Bui yve ail admit, lhat ihe advantai to health, and principally to tbe vision or eyesight, induced by ihe uce of Sewinu Alachines surpasses infinitely all oilier ad- ant ayes'. 31. Thi- Machine fastens the seam al- wav itsell. but if the operator wishe t Un last ued or open, there is a wav lor n too, thus y 011 can thus yon ran have it fastened or not. as you please, yvhich is, some line-, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cn cumstaiice. It the seam is lelt unia-tene ' yon can draw it oul in three second an t -ave the thread.- For sale by ihe rjnder-iined, at their re, spective residences, in Bloomsburg who will put the Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY Z' PPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBIilNS Bloomsburg, July ll,1860 LIFE PILLS & PHOEMX, BITTERS. riiHESE MEDICINES have now been be- he , ub'ie tor a period of 1 r ir: Years, and during that time have maintained a high ebaiacter in almost every pari of the Globe lot their extraordinary and imme diate power ot restoring perlect healtn io persons fiirTeri'iij under nearly every kind of disease lo which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in yvhich the VEUGTAULki l-IFE MfcWIClXKS Aie well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead ol th stale and acrid kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetite Heartburn, Headache, Restless ness. Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptom-of Dyspepsia, ill vanish, as a nal tnral cniis.-queiioe of its cure. tOSl lVENESS. by cleansing the whole length f the iiitestiues with a so'vetu pro-ce-s, ai d w iihout V iolence; all violent iur L'es leave ihe bowels costive within two FEVERS of all kinds, by reMorini; the blood t a reijulnr circulation, through the prt -( of respiration in such case-, an ! trie .ortjgh sol u'inn of all inta! ittat ,b struc i itt others. Tht iile Me.'icine- have been known tn cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and (JOUT in half that lime, by rcruovinv' local iotlamut'.on (rom the rnus cles and 1 1 t 11. en is ot the joints. DKOPSIES of a!! kind.s, by freeips and I reti i ! h l!' 2 t f e a io ievs and .h:iiv n:; ence dd J ' P i't'T . O i'aie. JIM t e j 1 1 irrpor e cer b-.-.i e u o ti :i-es rtf.' orj.iii-. aid r: o '.!: WFI.. A ! U t i ; i , : v 'i ii - ' .:: brwe-K- t r i i out it a' -i no y r ! e-e c ' ti. M lixVY U I.C ER, '!KS. b il e , itec: ; i 1 1- K MEDICINES ,v ;d INVETERTEA n 1 1: xv n ich I cseh to t'te blood, .in.' aM the h.l'l.i f- SCORHPTIC ERHP'IIONS an-t !' A D COMPLEXIONS, by their aberattve etU.-t upon 'he tlnn s that leed ihe ski:i, and i' inoibid:ate ot which occasions all eru :i e corriplatr.ts. saitow , doudy and other d i-ii'r-eable complex inns. The u.e ol ihee Pills for a very shop time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in th clearness of the skin. Common Coin arid Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by t wo ir. the yy orst caes. PILES The original proprietor of these Medicines, yvas cured of Piles, 35 year standing by the nse of $e Life Medicuirs alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For ihis scourge of he Western country these Medicines will be found a sale, speedy and eeiiai remedy. Other medicines leave the sy,. tem subject lo a return of the di-ease a cure bv these Medicine is permaue"! TRY THEM, he Satisfied and be Cnred. HLIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS (ieneral Pehi'ity . Los of , peti:e, and Diseases of Female the Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of thi description Kijms Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields io the mild yet powerful action ot these remarkable Medicines. Niaht Sweats Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kind?. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured.. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the itijnd icious use ol Mercury , will hnd thes Medicines a perfect cure, as Ihey never fail to eradicate from tbe system, all the effcisol Me-cury, infinitely sooner than the mosi powerful preparations of Sarsapa- rilla. Prepared aud sold bv W. B MOFFAT 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-1 y. COAL OIL.. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, 12 ctb. per quart, by , - -" - - r- . ' - - JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloomsbnrjfj Feb. 26, 1862. CABINET WiRE ROOM s. c. NIIIVE ty ESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention ol -'the Public to his extensive assort merit cf Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establisb n. en, can always be found a good assort ment of FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, which is equal in style tud finish io that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofa ol different style anti prices, from 525 to 560. Divans Loun--, Walnut aud Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and eay chair, Piano stools, and .i variety ol uphol-tered work, with Dreinir and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and (iter tables, tletashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and oomrnoti yvastjfctands, dress-iables, corner cupho rds sofa, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteadSj cane seat and common chairs is the l;irget in this section ol the conniy. He will also keep u good assortment ol lookin?- g!asrs yvith fancy iit and common frames lie will ai-n furnish -pritii: mar rashes fitted to any sizes! beii-tead, which are superior lor durability and comtor: to at:y bed ir. i-c b i nnri . bur.', .iattnarv 13, 1H58. FIiiir aiI Vcvtl Iclivcrt'l ! tUi.Ai'EU THAN THE CHEAPEST ! 1 'UK timb-r-iiMied lias made arrmse tits mat will enable hi in 10 deliver Fi.-x.r and Fee . FOR CASH, about ten per i-: . c ;t; ei 'han any Itouy else in town. Hi . " a r - h s i :, 1 i y v - : -7 25; Corn and Oats Chop g 55 ; IUi- Ciinii SI 65; Bran 51 i'); Ci l ! r tnl.y Iter a sfjr- of tl'e public MOSKS C O F KM AN i'r-2. June 14, iRGf). I " " " ) SoMli: MING i-O!! THE TIMES! ! ANEl'ESSllY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD AM.JlUCAN CKiMLN'I GLUE Th Mi ongcfct filue in tUv lYorlcl Fur L itiet-liiia Wood. Leather, Class, Ivory, China Maible. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone. Coral, kc, &c, &c. Thectily article of the kind evjr produced yyhich will withstand Water. EXTRACTS : 'Every housekeeper should have a sup ply ol John- &. Crosiey's American Cement (ilue.-' Aftfl York Timet. Mt is so ci.iiwenieiii ;o have in the house" Sew Yotk Express. It is always re..dv this commends it to eveiybodv." X. Y. Independent. ' We have tried it, and find il as useful in our house as water." IFilkes' Spirit of he 'limes l'rlct- 05 renin por Hull lo. V'-ry l.ibenii Hediiciion lo holesle Dealers I I KM CT?"Forsa!e by all Druggists and Store keepers generally throughout the country. JJHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, 78 William Sireet, Comer of Libeity St., NEW YORK. Jt ly 10 186 I ly. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA) rflll E subscrtt er yi ould respectfully ap pri.-e his friends and the public gener ally, that he has established the MADISON J HOUSE, in Jersey-town, Columbia county. Pa. The above house has lately been refitted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain the travelling custom as well as the local with general satisfaction, His TABLE and BAR,are yvell supplied and yvill tie careful ly superintended. And his STABLE is am ply and yvell stocked, in charge of careful iiroom. yvill always be properly attended. C" He invite a .share of the pub'ic cus tout, and pledges his best efforts, to help his quests feel at home. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jersey town, Jan S, 1862. ? C K00XS Froprieior. 3:e.omin1i iu;. pa. rpllIS xv.w jv, i hei,t Ho'el, situate in the ce:i:ral porticn ol tht town, and op-po-ite "l e Coi.ri House, haF been thoroughly repaired arid refurnished, and the Proprietor is no prepared to aceenmodate travelers, team-it r, tlrovers and boarders in th" moS( pleas-Hit and agreeable manner His table yvili be -u;p!ied with the bet the market aff(-rd.a mi his B..r yvith 'he choicest Iuhhin A'tei.nse !'t;-r- lit ava be oil tiand .1,- ... i : ... : .... . .... . ' a i.i " is -lau 'i i- toe uir-i exiensi Ve in ! i h - seen'.!, nl conntry On. n if. uses wil always . i., re:,,;i--- to convey pa-sen ; uefs to ;.. 1 tr'rr the Railroad Depot. WM. 3. KOONS. I BlM-...h.ir2. July 1. ffi0. ' A CAUD to yonn- Ladies and (Jentle I men ! char-. I ne subscriber will sei.d free of lo ail ail who de-tre it. the Recipe I nio' - tor making a simple Vere ..:n. th.t will, in Irom two to etiiht ieinoe Pttnpies, Blotches. Tan, e , S-llo t,e- Rod a I impurities ti n ot the Ssm, leaving the ail ' ' 1 s ' ; ' i'.tV-. F.-ecs -...I r tiifri a- N.i'iire i' ii 'ed it should " be -oil, r'-Ht. Mimn h an I I -eaunful. Thoso d'sin-.g R-ci.e. yvith full instructions 1 direction ..".I advice, will pleae call on o:li rtti rn pns'a e J THOS F CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist. 831 Broadway New York 'fV2 2" or a idre: : l WLoenIe and ESctail. r I 'HE subscriber iuld announce to the L citizens ol Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at hi rsew rMore, on Alain street, -5- iiorttisi.te. t wo ioors soutl ot r 1 a Iron sireet, Blootusburg. H'.s jry f stock ol Foreign ami Domestic tlr-. jif 1 dm consis's ot Cognac and Rocttelle. Blackber ry , Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye aray wiih age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aiy quantity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam paune Wines; and last but not least, a quantity ol cood double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROBBINS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. eTii. little. BLOOM SIUJRG, Pa. Office in Court Alley ; formerly occupied by Charles R. Buckalew. December 28, 1859. tf. ' OARL!N(i AND Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all biliou .disorders of ihe human system They regulate and invigorate the liv'er and kidneys: Ihey give lone to the digestive orsians; they reaulate Ihe secretions, ex cretions and exhalations, equalize the cir cilation, and purify Ihe blood. Thus, al bilious complaints some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costivenens or Looseness are entirely controlled and cured by ihese remedies. DARLING'S LIVE It REGULATOR Removes the morbid and bilious deposits from the stomach and boyvels, regulates the liver and kidneys, removing every obstruc tion, rpftorles a natural and healthy action in the vita craans. It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much belter than Pills, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diurtic ; excellent ir cases; of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in the side and l ouel-, blind, protruding and bleeding piles, ami general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, wri'es, August 18, 1860: "I have been afflicted w ith piles, accom panied with bleeding, the last three years ; I used DARLING'S LIVLIS i:eulator And now consider mysell entirely cured.' Hon. Jonn A. Cros-i writes, ''Brooklyn March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 1 took a severe cold, which induced a violent lever I took tyvo doses ol DA LING'S LIVER REGULATOR. t br.ike up my cold and fever at once. Pievious to this a tack, 1 had been iroubl yvith dyspepsia several months; I have led no! hin of it since." Otis Siudley, Esq.. 128 East 28tfi Street, N. Y-, writes "August 13, 18b0 I ha.l a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three yertrs, w ith constant pain in the small cf my back. I had used most all kinds of medi cines, but found no permanent relief until I U'e DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, and lAt'c Hitler. I passe clotted blond by the urethra. I am now entirely cured, and lake pleasure in recommending these remedies." Mrs. C.Tebow, 11 Cristopher Street, h Y., writtes : "Feb 20, i860. 1 have been subject to attacks ol Asthma the last twenty years. I have never louinl anything equal to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief, fi is a thor ough Liver and biliou remedy." Mrs Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "reh. 2, 1860 In May last I had a severe at tack of Piles, which confined me lo ihe house. ( took one bonle of Darling's Iile Hitler, and yvas entirely cured. I have had no i attack since.'' ! D. Wesinrvelt, E-q., of South 5ih, near j Mh Mreei, Widiamshors, L. I., wrnes "August 5, IfefoO Having been Ironbled j with difficulty in the Liver, and subject lo bilious attacks, I yvas advi-ed by a Iriend 1 j . lo try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so. anJ found it to operate sdmirably, r a m ovmn I Ii a i i o rim .i mi 1 K livitr In i 11101 uii it, 1 1 1 v uuu ni' iirio. 1 110 iivvi s i activity. I have also tied i a a FAMILY UICDIflXE. When our children are out of sorts, we sive them a letv drops and it sets them all riiihl. I find it meets the rneral wants of the stomach and bowels when diordjred.,r Reader, if yon need either or botn of the most excellent Remedies, inquire for thern at the stores; if you do noi rind them take no other, bu t inctoe One Dollar in a 1 letter, aud on receipt of the money, the j Remedy or Remedies yvill be sent accord- 1 ing to your directions, by mail or express, i post paid. Address, j DA.VL S. DAKLIXG, j 102 Nas-au St.. New York. ' Put up in 50 cent and 51 Bottles each. j November fi, 186l.-6m. j .lYrnimi fou ti7eti3ils A NKCESSI TV IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD' I AJlLKitW i EJIK.T CJLIC The Mroiigest Glue in the World. ! The Cheapest Glue in the World. j The Most Durable Glue in ihe World. j The Oi ly Reliable Glue in the World. The Best Glue in the World. ' AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE ! Is :he the only article of the kind ever produced which Vt ILL IVITIISTAXD WATER. 11 W ILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, boots &e. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save Ihe pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw ayvay that broken ivery Fan, it is easily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saacers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can lie pnt on as strong as ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that brok 11 Pitcher did no cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Aimbaster Vase is broken and yoa can't match it, mend it. it yvill nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE. CORAL. LAVA AND IN FACT EVERYTHING BUT METALS. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where " it is mended. OQ S2 Q. IT Si CS Q 23 a "Every Housekeeper should have a sup ply of John & Cro-Iey's Cement Glue." iYeu? lori Tunes. "Ii is so convenient lo have in the house " AYir York Exvi ess. 'It is always ready ; this cnmmenioisd to every body." Independent. "We have tried it, and find it as n-efu in oar house as yvater." Wilkes' Spirit ojthe Time. CONOMY IS WALTH. 10,00 per year saved in every family by One Bonle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer.tsper Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reduction to Whole sale Bayers. TERMS CASH. CFor Sale by all Druggists , and Sto e keepers senerally throuuhoul the conntry. JOIIIVS & CISOSLEY. (Sol Manufacturers.) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty treet. NEWYORX. Lack'a aud Bloomsburg Railroad. 3 e ! P ' i h a n v 4 jj i-TiriWseg.y ihN ANU AFTEB NOV. 25, 1861 PAS SENGER TRAINs WILL RUN AS FOL LP VY S MOVING SOOTH. Freight & Passmte Paitenger. 5 25 A. M Leave Scranton, Kiiiision, Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at North'd 10.30 A.M. 6 30 A-nve 12.15. P.M 8,40 9,15 10,00 MOVING NORTH Leave North'd. " Danville, 4 30 p. M. 5.10 5.45 ft 00 Leave 1.45 P. M. 9 no p 1 ai 11 Rupert, Kingston , Arrive at Scranton, , ......u-iv A rassenaer Train also l fi.. at 8.30 A. M. for Scranton, to connect with tram for New York. Retornrna leaves Scranton on arrival of Tram from New York at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road connects with ihe Delayvare, Lacka wanna and Western Railiosd at Scranton, for New York and intermedial points east. A Rupert it connects with Ihe Catawissa Railroad for points both east and west. Al Northumberland il connect with the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and Northern Central R. R. for points west and south. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wells. Gtn'l Ticket Ag't. November 27, 1861. SPECIAL KOTIl'E. TO CONSUMPTIVES The Advertiser, having been restored lo healili in a very few weeks by a very sim ple rerr;ec"y alter having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, aud ihat dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known lo his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre-cription used, (Iree d charge.) with ihe directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The oniy otjeel of ihe advertiser in seml iri the Prescription is 10 benefit the affl.'c ted, and spiead information which be con ceives lobe invaluable, and he hopes every sij (Te rer will try his remedy, a it wd! cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, W illiambure, Rtns co., W. Y. October 30, 1861, im. VYO.niiG HOUSE, HANIH. I l.AYcOC.K, I'lttllMtlLToK. WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENNT! fflHE Proprietor especln!ly informs his mL friends and the public generally that he has taken charge of 1 be Wyoming House, in the villase ol Wyoming, rear the Railroad Depot of that place, an I has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy, and not only calculated to add 10 he conve nience ami comfort ol the traveling commu nity, bu' also 10 iho.e who would sect a pleaanl summer resort with lamilips. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can aliord ; and his PaR will be furnished with the pures: liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con veipence ol hi" tnests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank -mong the first hotels in the St i'e. The Protrie;or hopes that from hi expe rience in the business, and by r.nremttting attention on his part, combined wish a judi cious selection of the most careful and obli inz servant, he niaj be en'itied to the fa vorable consideration of ihr public, arid re ceive a liberal share r.f their patr-maae. fPf Please give hirn a call, and juda for ourselves April 2. 1859. KoIIock's Dandelion Ccflfee. THIS preparation, made from ihe best Java Coffee, is recommended by ph vici'-in as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dy -pep-ia, ami ad bilious disorders. Thousands who hav-ti been compelled to abandon the use of cof fee yvill ue this without irjorions e!b-eis. One can contains the strength of two pounds ot ordinary coffee. Price 5 cents. KOLLOl'K'S LEVA IN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making lih', syveei and nutri tious Bread and r.fce. Price 15 cents. Miwifiitf'irtii ly M. 11. KOL'LOCK Chemtsr. Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, And oWlv DrugoiU aJ Giotri.jn February So 162 ly. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, SIy-Ijilit Ambroiypitt, OOOMS in the Third Story ol the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859 ly. Gull :i Fcrclin Hnckin gl WITHOUT BRVSI1ISG.) TOR Bnot, Shoes, Haruess; Carriages, and Military Leather Work. This r.eyv and excellent article excel eveaything ever before in Use, for beauti fying and sofening the Leather. Il, makes a polih like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor staiu the finest white silk, aod makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boots and shoe, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty wash it off with dean water and the polish will re appear. Warranted as represented. Direct ions lor u-e. Apply a few drops on a sportHe, rub it slowly over the leather, and the nolih is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PER P0TTLE JS" For sale by L. T. bHARPLESS. v Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. 71 1:1 c. lcmorct's QUARTERLY MIRROR of FASHION'S, GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rpIIE Summer Number will contain four large and splendid Fashion Piates.jthree Full Sized Patterns, comprising the' new French Waist, and elegant sleeve, and a Misses Sack, together with nearly 100 en gravings ot ali the novelties for Summer bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. Children's Dresseti, etc , Valuable information to Mil liners, dress makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest an i best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 47j Broadway, and sold eyerywhere al 25 cents, or sem bv mail pesi tree, on receipt of the amount, Yearly Si with the follow ing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled lo the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, Iron, the designs ic ihe Book, or from ihe show room, or they may be order ed and sent by mail any lime during the year, by paving Ihe postage. trSplendid inducements lo Canvassers. Tbe summer number will be ready oti 01 about the It of May. April 30ib, 1652.